Page created by Jeremy Saunders

 WELCOME                                                                                                                                                 3

 APPLICATION TIMELINE                                                                                                                                    3

 POSTGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY COURSES                                                                                                                         4

 ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY                                                                                                                                    5

 APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                            5

 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION                                                                                                                                6

 ADDITIONAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                                     7

 SELECTION CRITERIA                                                                                                                                      8

 IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                                                                                                                   9

 CONTACTS                                                                                                                                                9

 FAQS                                                                                                                                             10-11

IMPORTANT: The Master of Professional Psychology at Flinders University is currently seeking
accreditation from APAC. It is possible that accreditation will not be received in time for a 2021
intake and, in turn, that the Master of Professional Psychology will not be offered in 2021. Given
this uncertainty, we encourage applicants to plan for the possibility that Flinders University
cannot offer the Master of Professional Psychology in 2021. In the event that Flinders University
is unable to offer a Master of Professional Psychology in 2021, applicants will be notified as soon
as possible.

This guide provides information about the current eligibility criteria and application process for entry to The Master of Professional Psychology in 2021
only. Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this guide is accurate at the time of publication: September 2020. Flinders University reserves
the right to alter any information contained herein without prior notice.

Welcome to the 2021 Master of Professional Psychology Application Guide. Reading this guide is the first step on the way to
applying for the Master of Professional Psychology course at Flinders University.

This guide will help applicants determine their eligibility to apply and to understand the application process and required supporting
documentation. Reading and understanding this guide forms part of the application process.

It is important that 2021 applicants to the Master of Professional Psychology understand that Flinders University is currently
seeking accreditation from APAC for the Master of Professional Psychology course. It is a possibility that accreditation will not be
received in time for a 2021 intake. If APAC accreditation is not received in time for a 2021 intake, then the Master of Professional
Psychology will not be offered in 2021 at Flinders University. In the event that Flinders University is unable to offer a Master of
Professional Psychology in 2021, applicants will be notified as soon as possible. Given this uncertainty, we encourage applicants
to plan for the possibility that Flinders University will not offer the 2021 intake to the Master of Professional Psychology.

If, after reading this guide, applicants have any questions relating to the application process, they are asked to email for assistance.

We thank applicants for considering the Master of Professional Psychology at Flinders University.

All prospective students are expected to act professionally toward the university, its staff, students and other applicants. Flinders University
reserves the right to consider any aspect of an applicant’s behaviour in the assessment of their suitability for admission.

2020 FOR 2021 ENTRY
  Monday 31 August                        Applications for Master of Professional Psychology open 9am (ACST)

  Wednesday 30 September                  Applications for the Master of Professional Psychology close 11.59pm (ACST)

  Wednesday 30 September                  Final date for submission of Academic Transcripts

  Friday 30 October                       Final date for submission of Referee reports

  October/November                        Applications assessed and applicants notified if short-listed for interview

  Thurs 26 – Fri 27 November              Short-listed applicants are interviewed

  Mid December                            First round offers are made

  Late December                           Second round offers made (if required)

  Late February 2020                      New student information session (attendance is compulsory)

The program provides a fifth-year qualification in Psychology that is structured to meet the accreditation standards of the
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). After completion of the degree, students are required to undertake a
one-year internship via the Psychology Board of Australia before they are eligible to apply for general registration as a
psychologist. While this course enables graduates to apply for general registration as a psychologist following the one-year
internship, graduates are not eligible to apply for endorsement in an area of specialisation such as clinical psychology.

The Master of Psychology (Clinical) program of study meets the requirements for general registration as a psychologist with
the Psychology Board of Australia. Completing approved post-degree supervision allows endorsement to practice as a
clinical psychologist as set out by the Psychology Board of Australia.

The PhD (Clinical Psychology) is designed to provide students with the opportunity to pursue doctoral level research in
specialised areas of clinical psychology and to complete coursework topics and field placements to meet eligibility for general
registration as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia. Completing approved post-degree supervision allows
endorsement to practice as a clinical psychologist as set out by the Psychology Board of Australia. The overall aim is to
produce scientist-practitioner clinical psychologists who are able to make a substantial contribution to knowledge in clinical
psychology through completion of their PhD and to assume leadership roles in the professional, research and academic
spheres of activity.

The application guide for the Master of Psychology (Clinical) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) for 2021
entry can be found on our website

More information on the study pathways that lead to registration as a psychologist can be found at

            *APAC accredited 4th year qualification as confirmed via

Please note that admission to Postgraduate Psychology courses is extremely competitive and places are limited.
Successful applicants to the Master of Professional Psychology will be expected to have a strong academic record (e.g. an
average score of 85% or above within an APAC accredited 4th year qualification, PhD) and experience relevant to psychology
practice to be short-listed for interview.

Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and Humanitarian Visa holders are classified as domestic applicants.
New Zealand citizens are also classified as domestic applicants.

Applicants are required to meet domestic eligibility criteria at the time of application. Applicants who do not meet the domestic
citizenship classification above are considered international applicants and are not eligible to apply as domestic applicants.
Note: New Zealand permanent residents are classified as international students.

Applications are submitted directly to Flinders University through the online application system.

If you have never studied at or made an application to Flinders University, you can register and submit your application
using the Online Application System. You will receive two emails once your application is completed: confirmation of
application submission and a second email with your student ID. Note: it may take overnight for your student ID to be created.

If you are a current Flinders student or you have been made an offer for a course at Flinders University within the last
12 months you can submit your application via the Student System. You can apply by selecting the ‘My Applications’ tab at
the top of the page and searching for the Master of Professional Psychology.

If you have been made an offer for a course at Flinders University more than 12 months ago you will need to reactivate
your FAN first. With an active FAN you will then be able to submit your application via the Student System advised above

ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPTS                                                     OVERSEAS QUALIFICATION
Applicants from institutions other than Flinders University that         ASSESSMENT AND ENGLISH
have completed their APAC accredited fourth-year degree
(e.g., Honours year, Graduate Diploma in Psychology                      LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS
(Advanced)) at the time of applying, must provide their
                                                                         Applicants who are graduates with psychology degrees from
transcripts showing results in all subjects, including failures.
                                                                         non-Australian universities must have their qualifications
Applicants must upload a certified copy or original official
                                                                         assessed by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for
academic transcript for all qualifications relevant to their
                                                                         equivalence to an Australian programme of study prior to
application by the deadline. Please include a grading key
                                                                         submitting their application. Information about the process for
(usually found on the back of the official transcript). Applicants
                                                                         obtaining this assessment can be found on the APS website.
that do not provide transcripts by the deadline will NOT be
                                                                         If you did not complete both secondary and tertiary education
                                                                         in Australia or in a country where English is considered the
Applicants due to complete their APAC accredited fourth-year
                                                                         first or native language, you will need to demonstrate English
degree in 2020, are also required to submit an academic
                                                                         language skills at IELTS (International English Level Testing
transcript as above by the deadline, showing their completed
                                                                         System) academic level 7 and achieve the required minimum
studies so far: and must provide, as part of the online
                                                                         score of 7 in each component of the IELTS academic module.
application, contact details of a person at their home
                                                                         This is a requirement by the Psychology Board of Australia.
institution who will be able to provide their final marks.
Applicants shortlisted for interview will be contacted directly to
provide an additional copy of their academic transcript
showing the completion of their final year.

If your official academic transcript is available via the My
eQuals platform you can provide the URL link to allow access
to the digital document as part of the online application. If you
have set a PIN via my eQuals (this is optional) you will also
need to supply this. If you wish to set an expiry date for access
to the digital document please ensure the date selected is
after 28 February 2021 as the University may need to access
the document up to this time. For further information about
providing official academic transcripts via My eQuals see:

If any of the academic transcripts are in a language other than
English, applicants must submit copies of both the original
documents and full translations. Transcript translations must
show results for all subjects undertaken. All translations must
be certified by an independent accredited translator. It is an
applicant’s responsibility to comply with any requests to
provide further documentation, either in the original language
or translated into English.

FOURTH YEAR MARKS                                                      REASONS FOR APPLYING
Applicants are required to provide their marks from their
                                                                       Applicants must detail their reasons for applying, including
APAC accredited fourth year degree. They must be due to
                                                                       areas of interest within psychology practice.
complete their fourth year by the end of 2020.

Applicants who have completed or are due to complete an
Honours year are required to provide their Honours                     PUBLICATION DETAILS
percentage mark if known. If an applicant’s specific Honours
percentage mark is not able to be determined and only a                Applicants are required to provide the Digital Object Identifier
category grade is provided, then we will assign the lowest             (DOI) number and title for any publications they may have
grade in the Flinders grade range as their base score. For             produced.
example, if your second-class honours grade is only specified
as 2A by your home university, we will assign 75 as your
grade as the Flinders equivalent 2A grade range is 75-84.
                                                                       REFEREE REPORTS
Applicants who have completed or are due to complete an
alternative APAC accredited 4th year degree (e.g., Graduate            Two confidential referees’ reports are required, at least one of
Diploma in Psychology (Advanced)) must provide a transcript            which should be from an academic referee. The other may be
showing all completed grades and their GPA. We will convert            from a person who has observed you and your work in a non-
applicants’ GPA to a Flinders-equivalent GPA and then to a             academic context. The reports must be submitted online via
percentage mark to use as a base score for interview                   the Reference Request System. The Reference Request
shortlisting.                                                          System allows applicants for Australian postgraduate
                                                                       programs in Psychology to apply for a reference from
                                                                       academic and/or professional referees. There is a $25.00 fee
THESIS OR RESEARCH PROJECT                                             payable for use of the Reference Request System. For further
                                                                       details see Your referees
DETAILS                                                                must submit their reports to the Reference Request System
                                                                       by 30 October 2020.
Applicants are required to provide details of any independent
research projects (e.g., Honours thesis, Graduate Diploma
research project) completed or currently being undertaken
within their APAC accredited 4th year, including title, abstract
and length.

Applicants are required to provide details of any clinically
relevant paid employment relevant to the area of psychology.
Please do not attach a curriculum vitae but supply the
information at the appropriate points in the online application.

Applicants are required to provide details of any other
experience relevant to psychological practice (e.g. voluntary
work, research assistant work, clinically relevant experience).
Applicants must indicate the period of time they undertook the
experience for and estimate the number of hours per week
undertaken. Please do not attach a curriculum vitae but supply
the information at the appropriate points in the online

Applicants are required to have satisfactorily completed
an APAC-accredited undergraduate 4-year sequence in
Psychology (e.g. Honours year, Graduate Diploma in                 The interview is a very important part of the selection process
Psychology (Advanced)). The degree should normally                 as it enables the selection committee to assess the applicant’s
include an independent research project (Item 2.5                  interest in and motivation for the course, to question the
Accreditation Standards for Psychology Programs – Jan              applicant about their relevant employment or clinical
2019). Relevant psychology related experience (e.g. a              background, and to judge the applicant’s capacity to
background of professional employment/voluntary work               satisfactorily complete the course. An opportunity is also
in an allied health profession) is an important criterion in       provided for the applicant to ask any questions about the
the selection process.                                             course so that applicants can make a fully informed decision
Applicants will be short-listed for interview based on             should they be offered a place in the course. The selection
below:                                                             and interviewing panel members are drawn from Psychology
                                                                   staff from the College of Education, Psychology and Social
•      Academic Record                                             Work, with the addition of a psychologist from the community.
•      Relevant psychological practice experience and
                                                                   Interviews will be held in late November. It is the responsibility
•      Referee reports                                             of applicants to be available to attend an interview during this
Applicants are given a percentage score from their                 period. Telephone/Zoom interviews will be available for rural,
APAC accredited 4th year degree results; this score                overseas and interstate applicants. South Australian
reflects their overall base score. Points are then added           applicants are expected to attend in person. If you are in any
to the base score, taking into consideration the below:            doubt, please contact prior to
                                                                   finalising your arrangements.
•   Applicants who have completed* a PhD or have a
    first-named publication will receive a full score for          It is important that we can contact you during the application
    this section. Other publications will be considered            process. If you expect to be away from your usual address at
    and may result in bonus points being applied.                  these times, please indicate dates and contact details in your
•   2nd and 3rd year Psychology topics sequence are
    calculated using the Flinders equivalent GPA.
•   Volunteer and paid work experience relevant to                      Offers to the course will be based on interview
    psychological practice.                                                performance and the overall application.

•   Referee reports are assessed to determine
    applicant’s suitability to the program. An
    unfavourable report can result in an unsuccessful
    application even if an applicant has an otherwise
    high score.

*Applicants that have submitted their PhD, but have not
yet been completed, will not receive a full score for this

Successful applicants will be required to undertake a national police check and a criminal history screening which includes
child-related employment screening, vulnerable person-related employment screening, aged care sector employment
screening and a disability services sector screening. This is consistent with the Psychology Board of Australia’s requirement
that the criminal history check contains no offences that would result in a person being declared unfit to practice. This will be
initiated by Flinders University once offers are confirmed.

The Screening Checks are conducted through the DCSI screening unit and further details are available at: https://screening. Further information regarding National Police check is available at:

Note: Successful applicants will be provided with advice about how to obtain these clearances once offers have been made.

The Psychology Board of Australia also requires that students are registered as provisional psychologists with the Board on
entry into the program

Students will also need to comply with SA Health’s Immunisation and Blood-Borne Viruses Policy. This is a SA Health Policy
Directive requirement for students prior to undertaking clinical placements.

The detailed written procedure required for provisional registration, criminal and relevant history screening and proof of immunisation
status will be provided to students who are offered a place in either program. Please note that students are responsible for any costs
associated with the above requirements


I am having issues with the student account activation    If you are experiencing difficulties with the account activation
process, who do I contact to get technical assistance?    process you can contact our helpdesk on 08 8201 2345.

I have logged on to the Flinders Student System and my    The application portal will only show the final outcome of the
application is showing as ‘unassessed’, what does this    application and until this is known it will continue to show as
mean?                                                     ‘unassessed’.

I wasn’t successful in my application, am I able to get   Flinders University is not normally able to provide individuals
more information on the outcome?                          with detailed information or feedback about their application
                                                          including overall ranking, interview performance, interview
                                                          score etc.

                                                          Correspondence is via email, it is the applicant’s
                                                          responsibility to ensure they provide a current email
How will I be contacted about my application?             address, regularly check their inbox (including the junk and
                                                          clutter folders) and respond to any emails they receive.
                                                          Applicants will be able to check and update their contact
                                                          email address in the Flinders University Student System by
                                                          visiting the My Details tab and selecting a preferred email

Is application documentation audited?                     Flinders may audit documentation or request further
                                                          information regarding any aspect of your application.

                                                          Applicants due to complete their APAC accredited 4th year
What if I don’t know my mark for my APAC accredited       degree (e.g., Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced))
4th year degree (e.g., Honours, Graduate Diploma in       in 2020 must provide, as part of their application, contact
Psychology (Advanced))?                                   details of a person at their home institution who will be able
                                                          to provide their final marks.

                                                          If you are an existing Flinders student, you don’t need to
                                                          provide a transcript. All external applicants must upload a
                                                          certified copy or original official academic transcript by
Do I need to provide an official transcript?              Wednesday 30 September 2020. Non-Flinders applicants
                                                          that are due to complete their APAC accredited 4th year
                                                          degree (e.g., Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced))
                                                          in 2020 must also provide an up to date transcript at the
                                                          time of application, applicants shortlisted for interview will be
                                                          contacted directly to provide an additional copy of their
                                                          academic transcript showing the completion of their final
                                                          year once available.

                                                          Yes, you will need to provide your URL link on the online
Can I submit my official academic transcript via My       application. If you have set a PIN you will also need to
eQuals?                                                   supply this, ensuring that the expiry date is after 28 Feb
                                                          2021. Further information can be found at

                                                          Applicants that have applied for the Master of Professional
                                                          Psychology can also submit an application for Clinical
                                                          Psychology if they meet the entry requirements. Further
Can I also apply for Clinical Psychology at Flinders?     information as well as the application guide can be found

                                                          Deferment of an offer is not permitted. Applicants unable to
Can I defer my place to the next year?                    commence the course in the current admission cycle are
                                                          required to reapply.

Are late offers made if places are available?             Occasionally offers are issued in January-February should
                                                          any applicants decline first/second round offers.

Can I study the course externally?                        All courses are delivered internally, and it is therefore not
                                                          possible to undertake the degree on an external basis.

                                                          The Master of Professional Psychology applicants who have
                                                          indicated on their application that they wish to undertake the
Can I study the course part time?                         programme on a part time basis are reminded that they
                                                          must be available for placements on 2.5 days per week.
                                                          Part time means at least half time.

                                                          The offer is conditional on the applicant successfully passing
                                                          criminal and relevant history screenings, gaining provisional
Are there any conditions attached to the offer?           registration through the Psychology Board of Australia and
                                                          complying with SA Health’s Immunisation and Blood-Borne
                                                          Viruses Policy.

I completed my APAC accredited 4th year degree (e.g.,     Applicants must have successfully completed a four-year, or
Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced)) over 10        three-year plus a fourth year, APAC-accredited sequence in
years ago, am I still eligible to apply?                  psychology within the last 10 years to apply for the Master of
                                                          Professional Psychology.

When will I be notified whether the Master of             In the event that Flinders University is unable to offer a
Professional Psychology will be going ahead at Flinders   Master of Professional Psychology in 2021, applicants will
University in 2021?                                       be notified as soon as possible. We anticipate knowing
                                                          whether accreditation has been received in early November.


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