Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
Servant of God,   that you are
Sr. Thea Bowman   dust, and to
                  dust you shall    Basilica of
                  return.          Santa Sabina
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
 Daily Morning Prayer for the 6th Week in Ordinary Time
 St. Valentine, The Dominican
 Special Intention for the Week
 Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word
 Lenten Season
 The Basilica of Santa Sabina
 Black History Month; Catholics on the Road to Sainthood
 Mark Your Calendar – Class of 2022 CSL Virtual Orientation
 Prayer Intention Requests
 Contact Us
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
 Sunday, February 14        Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  Mark 1:40-45               World Marriage Day

 Monday, February 15        President’s Day
  Genesis 4:3-9

 Tuesday, February 16       Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
  Genesis 6:5-8

 Wednesday, February 17     Ash Wednesday
  2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2

 Thursday, February 18
  Deuteronomy 30:15-20a
                                                             A great prophet
 Friday, February 19                                          has arisen
  Isaiah 58:5-7                                               in our midst,
 Saturday, February 20                                      God has visited
  Isaiah 58:13                                                 his people.
                                                                      -Luke 7:16
This Week’s Hebdomadarian:   Xavier Smith ‘22
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
 Valentine’s day, February 14th, commemorates the well known and
  celebrated Roman martyr of the third century who helped Christian
  couples wed in secret, but…
 there is also a Dominican St. Valentine;
  Valentine Berrio-Ochoa who was born on February 14, 1827. Can you
  guess why he was given this name?
 He was a Spaniard who became a Dominican Missionary and bishop
  who preached in the Philippines and then Vietnam where he was
  martyred, on November 1, 1861.
 Like St. Valentine of Rome, he was also beheaded.
 In Liturgy, the color red is associated with the blood of martyrs and that
  is why Valentines greetings are red.
 St. Valentine Berrio-Ochoa was conferred the status of “blessed” by Pope
  St. Pius X in 1906 and canonized a saint in 1988 by Pope St. John Paul II.                    O God,
                                                                                  you willed the lands of Vietnam
 His remains are interred at the Basilica de Purisima Concepcion in                to be moistened by the blood
  Elorrio, Spain – his birth place.                                             of the blessed bishops Ignatius and
                                                                                  Dominic, and their companions;
 His feast day is celebrated on November 1, but he is also celebrated with    through the pleadings of these great
  the Vietnamese Martyrs including the Dominican St. Ignatius Delgado            martyrs let it continue to blossom
  and their martyr companions on November 24.                                         with the Christian religion.
                                                                                       Through Christ our Lord.
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman

                                      Almighty and eternal God,
                             you have so exalted the unbreakable bond
                                   of marriage that it has become
                                  a sacramental sign of your Son’s
                                union with the Church as his spouse.
                                Look with favor upon all those whom
                                 you have united in marriage as they
                                 ask for your help and the protection
                                           of the Virgin Mary.
                             They pray that in good times and bad they
                                   will grow in love for each other;
                               that they will resolve to be of one heart
                                         in the bond of peace.
                             Lord, in their struggles let them rejoice that
                                      you are near to help them;
                                  in their joys let them see that you
                                    are the source and completion
Sunday, February 14, 2021                 of every happiness.
                             We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
                            Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers USCCB, © 2008
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
Remember that you are dust,
     and to dust you shall return.
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
The Lord said to Moses:
Speak to the whole Israelite community and tell them:
Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.
                                   -Leviticus 19:1-2
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
The Basilica of Santa Sabina
 Since 1220, the Basilica of Santa Sabina on the Aventine
  Hill has served as the mother church and international
  headquarters of the Order of Preachers. It’s Christian
  origins date to the fifth century.
 St. Sabina was a Roman matron who converted to
  Christianity and was martyred in the 2nd century. Her
  home was located where the basilica stands and her
  earthly remains are enshrined under the main altar. Her
  feast day is celebrated on August 29.
 St. Dominic, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Hyacinth, and Pope
  St. Pius V are among the Dominicans who have lived,
  prayed, and studied in the convent and studium of Santa
 The Garden of Oranges (Giardino degli Aricini), located
  adjacent to the basilica, is associated with a famous
  legend about St. Dominic and even our Houston
  Dominican Sisters. That’s a story for another time.
 Santa Sabina is the stational church of Rome for Ash
  Wednesday. Each year the Holy Father processes from
  the Benedictine Basilica of San Anselmo, to the Basilica
  of Santa Sabina and there celebrates liturgy and receives
  ashes on his head as is customary for clergy.
 This year, due to COVID19 precautions, Rome has issued
  guidelines that ashes be distribute to the faithful in this
  same manner, sprinkled on top of the head.
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA was a self-proclaimed, “old folks’
child.” Bowman was the only child born to middle-aged
parents, Dr. Theon Bowman, a physician, and Mary Esther
Bowman, a teacher. At birth, she was given the name Bertha
Elizabeth Bowman. She was born in 1937 and reared in
Canton, Mississippi. As a child, she converted to Catholicism
through the inspiration of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual
Adoration and the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy
Trinity who were her teachers and pastors at Holy Child
Jesus Church and School in Canton. During her short lifetime,
many people considered her a religious sister undeniably
close to God and who lovingly invited others to encounter
the presence of God in their lives. She is acclaimed as a “holy
woman” in the hearts of those who knew and loved her and
continue to seek her intercession for guidance and healing.
For more information on Sr. Thea Bowman's cause, check out
the website for her cause.
Source: USCCB
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return - Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman
                            May we pray for you?
Prayer intention requests are remembered weekly in the Sacred Heart Chapel
               by members of the Dominican Preaching Team.
       We welcome your prayer intention requests at the link below:
                           My Prayer Intention
We welcome your call, office visit, or e- mail to learn more about our services and ministries

       Patrick W. Spedale                                Claudia C. Somerville
       Director                                          Associate Director

       Office 220                                        Office 222
       Ext. 119                                          Ext. 117                    
       713-579-7525                                      713-579-7523
                                                         Si! Hablamos Español

The Office for Campus Ministry at St. Pius X High School
La Oficina de Coordinacion de Pastoral de la Secundaria San Pio X
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