Regulatory Status of Counselling-related Professions: A Pan-Canadian Tour with a Stopover in Ontario - A Presentation for the National Capital ...

Page created by Justin Salazar
Regulatory Status of Counselling-related Professions: A Pan-Canadian Tour with a Stopover in Ontario - A Presentation for the National Capital ...
Regulatory Status of
  Counselling-related Professions:
A Pan-Canadian Tour with a Stopover
             in Ontario
A Presentation for the National Capital Region
  Chapter of the Canadian Counselling and
        Psychotherapy Association
               November 2012
Regulatory Status of Counselling-related Professions: A Pan-Canadian Tour with a Stopover in Ontario - A Presentation for the National Capital ...
Regulation Timeline
  QUEBEC                     BRITISH COLUMBIA
  Title Protection                                                                       PEI
                             Preparations, consultations, competency profile             Legislation being pursued
  “Guidance                  development (1995 – present)
  Counsellor”                                                                            (2009)
  Legislation (1963)
                                                                    ALBERTA                                                            NOVA             QUEBEC
                                                                    Health Act          MANITOBA                                       SCOTIA           Psycho-
                                             PEI                    Amended –           Health Act amended                             Regulation       therapy
                                             Consultations          no regulation       – no regulation of                             proclaimed       Act
                                             (2007)                 of counselling      counselling (2009)                             (2011)           (2012)

1963          1973        1995        2004                   2007      2008           2009
                                                                                                                                         2010 2011              2012
                                                             NOVA SCOTIA                 QUEBEC
                                                             Legislation (2008)          Reserved Title and Practice Protection
                                                                                         Legislation: psychotherapy/reserved                   QUEBEC
   QUEBEC              QUEBEC
                                                                                         activities/mental health evaluations (2009)           Creation of 4
   Public Safety       Shared competency profile
                                                              ONTARIO                                                                          Colleges:
   Ethics              (colleges, universities –
                                                              Regulation (Bill 171)                                                            for related
   Legislation         for entry to practice and
                                                              Transitional Council                                                             registered
   (1973)              professional practice (2004)
                                                              in place (2009)                                                                  professions

                                                                                     NEW                                                  NEW BRUNSWICK
                   NEW BRUNSWICK                                                     BRUNSWICK                                            Bill in preparation
                   Legislation discussions                                           Legislation                                          for regulation
                   begin (1994)                                                      discussions                                          created (2010)
Stopping over in Ontario
The Ontario Context
• Ontario is working towards title protection and reserved activities for
  Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) and Registered Mental Health
  Therapists (RMHTs)
• The Transitional Council of the College of Registered
  Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists is the
  governing body of a new health regulatory college
• The Regulatory College (College of Registered Psychotherapists
  and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario) is not yet in
• Professional Misconduct Regulations have been finalized and
  approved by the Government of Ontario – October 24, 2012
• Quality Assurance and Registration Regulations are currently in
  draft form and have been submitted to the Government of Ontario
  for consideration.
The Ontario Context
• The Entry-to-Practice Competency Profiles for RMHTs and RPs
  were approved by Council in May, 2012.
    – List of competencies required of individuals entering practice for the first time,
      focused on safe, effective and ethical practise across a variety of settings.
• The draft Registration Regulation sets out registration requirements
  for five categories of membership, including time-limited
  ‘grandparenting’ provisions for both RP and RMHT categories.
• The Education Framework for reviewing and recognizing education
  and training programs that prepare students with the entry-to-
  practice competencies identified in the draft Registration Regulation
  is under development.
    – List of recognized programs planned to streamline registration process -
      applicants who successfully complete a recognized program will be “fast-
      tracked”. Applicants who have successfully completed a non-reviewed program
      will be considered for registration through a more detailed review of their
      program, including transcripts, course descriptions, etc.
The Ontario Context – Definitions

• Registered Psychotherapist
      –   Main focus of practice is psychotherapy;
      –   provide one-to-one, couple and/or group therapy;
      –   therapy often extends for long periods (months or years);
      –   often self-employed (in private practice);
      –   intensive training/ education in psychotherapy.

• Registered Mental Health Therapist
      – Psychotherapy is part of what they do or may be interwoven throughout;
      – provide a range of services; possibly, including forms of counselling that would
        not be considered psychotherapy;
      – generally provide therapeutic interventions of shorter duration;
      – mainly work in agencies/ other supervised settings;
      – educated/ trained in another human services discipline (addiction counselling,
        child & youth services, justice services, etc.).
The Ontario Context
• Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) component:
     – criteria and process for assessing applicants for temporary, alternative route to
       registration for established Ontario practitioners (for both Registered
       Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists). Also known as
     – Available for two years following proclamation of regulation.
     – Involves multiple components which are rated on a scale.
     – Some components are exemptible others are not.
     – Currency is an important requirement for Ontario practitioners who wish to be
     – To be eligible to apply for grandparenting, a practitioner must have practised the
       profession, within the three years prior to proclamation:
         • for 500 hours in Ontario; and
          • for an additional 250 hours in any jurisdiction.
•   Information for future applicants can be found at
What’s happening right now?
• Two task groups of the Transitional Council are completing:
   – Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) portfolio structures that will gather information
     from applicants for grandparenting
   – Education Framework research to be used by education/ training programs
     applying for recognition by the transitional Council/ College.
• The Government of Ontario is reviewing
   –   draft Registration Regulations
   –   draft Quality Assurance Regulations
• Consultants have been contracted to assist with tasks associated
  with the Educational Framework and the Grandparenting process.
• Examinations:
   – A jurisprudence learning module has been created and is being finalized (online
   – A professional practice examination has been created (online platform) for the
     RP category
   – A professional practice examination for the RMHT category is pending
     government feedback on the draft registration regulations
What happens next?
• The Government of Ontario approves, requests amendments, or
  rejects the draft Regulations for Registration and Quality Assurance
• Once the Government approves the remaining draft regulations and
  any remaining programs or processes of the regulatory process are
  in place, the Psychotherapy Act 2007 may be proclaimed.
• Pre-registration will occur prior to the proclamation of the
  Psychotherapy Act (perhaps as early as 2013)
• Once the Psychotherapy Act 2007 is proclaimed, the College of
  Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health
  Therapists of Ontario comes into existence and:
    – Registration begins (perhaps as soon as 2013)
    – The grandfathering period begins
    – Applicants begin to submit their applications
I’m a CCC: Do I need to register?

• If your work falls within the Scope of Practice of Psychotherapy, as
  defined in the Psychotherapy Act, 2007, and you are not already
  registered with another health regulatory college whose members
  are authorized to practise psychotherapy, you should consider
  becoming a member of the new College.

• Scope of Practice
      The practice of psychotherapy is the assessment and treatment of cognitive,
      emotional or behavioural disturbances by psychotherapeutic means, delivered
      through a therapeutic relationship based primarily on verbal or non-verbal
      communication. (Psychotherapy Act, 2007, section 3)
I’m a CCC: Do I need to register?

• If your work involves the Controlled/Authorized Act of Psychotherapy
  (also defined in the Act), you must be registered, or risk practising in
  breach of the legislation. Deciding whether you need to be
  registered will depend on the nature of your work and whether it
  involves the controlled/ authorized act of psychotherapy – not on
  your current title or the sector in which you work.

• Authorized Act
         In the course of engaging in the practice of psychotherapy, a member is
         authorized, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations imposed on his or her
         certificate of registration, to treat, by means of psychotherapy technique
         delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of
         thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory that may
         seriously impair the individual’s judgement, insight, behaviour, communication or
         social functioning. (Psychotherapy Act, 2007, section 4)
And now…

Why Belong to CCPA
the Regulatory College?
Why Belong to CCPA AND
the Regulatory College?
A Focus on the Public -
• To protect the public from potential harm

A Focus on You -
• To protect you- the practitioner - from potential harm
    –   To advocate for the profession
    –   To provide ongoing professional learning opportunities
    –   To provide cost-effective liability insurance
    –   To conduct profession-related research and development
Why Belong to CCPA AND
the Regulatory College?
  Regulatory College membership
       Association membership
               best practice
  You protect yourself as a professional and
        protect the people you serve
Important Coordinates and Contacts
• Email
• Website
• Telephone
  Transitional Council of the College of Registered Psychotherapists
  and Registered Mental Health Therapists
       416 862-4801 | 888 661-4801
Important Coordinates and Contacts
• Email
• Website
• Telephone
  Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
      613-237-1099 | 877-765-5565
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