Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'

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Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
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Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says
Restaurant Beatrice is redefining ‘best’
By Rich Lopez, page 12
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
1825 Market Center Blvd., Suite 240, Dallas TX 75207 | 214-754-8710 |
                                           April 7, 2023 | Volume 39 | Issue 48
                                        PUBLISHER Leo Cusimano,

                            MANAGING EDITOR               Tammye Nash,
                         SENIOR STAFF WRITER              David Taffet,
                                STAFF WRITER              Rich Lopez,
                               PROOF READER               Philip Burton
                              CONTRIBUTORS                Chris Azzopardi, Sean Baugh, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block, Joey Casiano,
                                                          Jesus Chairez, Lawrence Ferber, Januari Fox, Hardy Haberman,
                                                          Scott Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Jonathon McCellan, Cassie Nova,
                                                          Dr. Josh, Josh Robbins, Gilberto Rodriguez, James Russell, Howard Lewis
                                                          Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Leslie McMurray, Gregg Shapiro, Casey Williams

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                  Associated Press - Associate Member
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                                                                                                                                                04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   3
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
Bites from our blog                                                                                           which includes gold pumps to go with its blonde
                                                                                                              wig and gold-sequined dress, the Build-A-Bear
                                                                                                              website notes.
                                                                                                                                                                                      located at 9109 John W. Carpenter Freeway (at
                                                                                                                                                                                      Regal Row) in Dallas, according to a paper sign
                                                                                                                                                                                      posted on the business’ glass doors.
 WHAT’S THE TEA:                                                                                 To top it all off, there is a RuPaul’s Drag Race                        The sign, a photo of which was provided
                                                                                                              logo on its paw.                                                        to Dallas Voice, reads: “No Transgender’s [sic]
Texas Senate approves                                   a $4,000 fine or both.
                                                                                                                 “Category is: Teddy bear realness.”                                  allowed in building or on property.” Added in
                                                           A “sexually oriented” performance, as defined
anti-drag SB 12                                         by SB 12, is one that includes someone who is
                                                                                                                                                   —Tammye Nash                       small type in the lower right corner is “Per Johnny
                                 The Texas Senate                                                                                                                                     March 23, 2023”.
                                                        naked or in drag and “[appealing] to the prurient
                              on Tuesday, April                                                                                                                                          According to an employee who answered the
                                                        interest in sex.”                                     Bliss Adult Arcade bans                                                 phone at Bliss, the ban on trans customers was
                              4, voted 12-10 to
                                                           Sen. Bryan Hughes, a Mineola Republican,           transgender patrons
                              approve a measure                                                                                                                                       put in place after the manager, who he identified
                                                        successfully introduced an amendment during
                              limiting which drag                                                                                                                                     as Curt, “was attacked by a group of them.”
                                                        debate that expands SB 12 to cover any sexually
                              shows children can                                                                                                                                         The employee said that a group of about four
                                                        explicit performance, not just drag.
                              attend. SB 12 is,                                                                                                                                       transgender individuals “attacked somebody
                                                                                          —Tammye Nash                                                                                                                                                            A
                              according to reports                                                                                                                                    else, and when Curt went to break it up, they
                              by Texas Tribune,                                                                                                                                       attacked him. He even got bit.”
                                                        Category is …                                                                                                                                                                                             f
                              a “scaled-back                                                                                                                                             The employee on the phone also indicated
                              version” of other bills   Build-A-Bear realness                                                                                                         that a group of transgender individuals also got
                              introduced in the                                          In a move certain                                                                            into “a big fight” in the Bliss parking lot. But he
                              Texas Legislature this                                  to cause right-wing                                                                             did not indicate whether these were the same
Sen. Bryan Hughes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 b
                              session that would                                      heads around the                                                                                individuals who allegedly attacked the manager,
have defined anyone dressed in drag as being                                          country to explode,                                                                             or if the fight in the parking lot was a separate
“sexually explicit.”                                                                  Build-A-Bear has                                                                                incident.
    SB 12, the kinder, gentler homophobia, just                                       launched a new bear                                                                                While the sign on the door indicates that
bans kids from any “lewd” drag performance                                            with the world’s most                                                                           no transgender customers are allowed in the
and prohibits any public library that hosts a drag                                    famous drag queen,                                                                              business, the employee said that there “are a few
queen story hour from receiving any public funds.                                     RuPaul (described                                                                               of them” allowed in, based on prior approval by
                                                                                                                 Transgender patrons are no longer welcome                                                                                                        p
    While SB 12 is “not an outright ban” on drag                                      by NewsNation-                                                                                  Bliss management.
                                                                                                              at Bliss Adult Arcade & Theater Swingers Club,                                                                                                      s
performances and would not automatically clas-                                        Now as an “Emmy                                                                                                                      —Tammye Nash
sify every drag show as lewd, the Tribune notes,                                      Award-winning en-
it would assess a $10,000 fine on any business                                        tertainment mogul.”)                                                                                                                                                        u
hosting a “sexually oriented” drag show in front of
children. Drag performers performing “lewd” drag
                                                          The newest bear available to build is “ready for
                                                        any Eleganza Extravaganza,” and you can buy it
                                                                                                                   Adoptable / BENSON                                                                                                                             i
in front of children could be charged with a Class      on its own or as part of the “glamazon gift set”                                                                                                                                                          c
A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail,                                                                                                                                    sophisticated, but tasty treats can get him to break character pretty
                                                                                                                                                                                      quickly. He likes to go for walks and does splendidly on a leash.
                                                                                                                                                                                      He’s made a few doggie friends at the shelter, so he might make
                                                                                                                                                                                      a good second pet. Come down to the Dallas Animal Care Center               p
                                                                                                                                                                                      and meet him.                                                               l
                                                                                                                                                                                      Adult dogs and cats are normally a $75 adoption fee from the SPCA
                                                                                                                                                                                      of Texas. Puppies and kittens under the age of six months are $150.         a
                                                                                                                                                                                      Adoption fees vary for small mammals, equestrian and livestock.             t
                                                                                                                                                                                      Fee includes spay/neuter surgery, age-appropriate vaccinations,             i
                                                                                                                                                                                      a heartworm test for dogs six months and older and a FIV/FeLV               o
                                                                                                                                                                                      test for cats four months and older, initial flea/tick preventative         g
                                                                                                                                                                                      and heartworm preventative, a microchip, 30 days of Insurance               n
                                                                                                                                                                                      provided by MetLife, a free 14-day wellness exam with VCA Animal            c
                                                                                                                                                                                      Hospitals, a rabies tag and a free leash. The Dallas Animal Care            s
                                                                                                                                                                                      Center is open to the public seven days a week from noon-6 p.m.
                                                                                                               Meet Benson, a very dapper and proper gentleman keen to find           Appointments are required for foster animals and animal housed in           h
                                                                                                               a home with a great family. Benson is a terrier/American pit bull
                                                                                                                                                                                      the Russell E. Dealey Animal Rescue Center. Please browse available         d
                                                                                                               mix with a golden coat and a white underside. He is 5 years old and    animals at and visit to                 p
                                                                                                               weighs 62 pounds, so he’s kind of a big guy. Benson tries to be very
                                                                                                                                                                                      inquire about a dog or to inquire about a cat.            f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FE WE N
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4        █    04.07.23
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
Are you ready to adopt?
                                                                             WOOF! DR. JOSH TALKS TO THE ANIMALS

                                        elcome                                 clothing, hair
                                        to my                                  ties, plastics,
                                       April Woof                              cardboards and
                                      column!                                  more.
                                     First of all,                                When choos-
                                    congratu-                                  ing a pet, we
                                   lations to all                              must think about
                                  of the Dallas                                the species
                                 Voice’s 2023                                  and the breed.
                                 Readers Voice                                 It is extremely
    Awards winners. I am very proud of Isla                                    important that
    Vet for winning “Best Veterinarian” for                                    we research the
    four years in a row, thanks to my amaz-                                    unique traits
    ing team and wonderful clients and                                         among different
    followers. You guys made that happen,            pets and breeds. For example, if we
    and at Isla Vet we are humbled to have           have very busy lifestyles, it is best to
    been chosen for such an honor. Thank             avoid breeds that need to be constantly
    you all again.                                   stimulated and active. Some pets shed
       I recently had a request to discuss a         more than others or need more regular
    very important topic that I think many           grooming appointments.
    of us animal lovers have thought about              If we might not have enough time to
    at least once or twice in our lives: How         train a dog, it is best that we avoid cer-
    do we know if we are ready to and ca-            tain breeds that need intensive training.
    pable of adopting an animal and adding              If we already have a pet that does not       As you can see, deciding whether to         I hope this column will be helpful to
    such an important family member to               like other dogs or cats, we have to take     adopt a pet is a big decision. After all,   you in deciding if you are ready for that
h                                                                                                 this is a commitment for life, as both      next big step. Thank you for taking the
    our lifestyles?                                  that into consideration.
       It all starts with truly knowing and             In short, please thoroughly research      dogs and cats can live for many years. I    time to read my column, and I am look-
    understanding the real reason for our            the species and breed you are inter-         truly believe pets should never be given    ing forward to our next topic in May.
    interest in adding a fur member to our           ested in and don’t make any decisions        as a gift to someone else, but rather       Abrazos, gente linda.
    family. Based on that, we should then            solely based on how adorable a kitten        pet ownership should be discussed to           Dr. Josh owns Isla Veterinary Bou-
    consider if having a pet is actually             or puppy or other potential pet might        make sure that everyone is committed        tique Hospital at 14380 Marsh Lane,
    possible for us. If the reason is superfi-       be.                                          to the well-being of the potential new      Ste. 110 in Addison. Call him at 972-
    cial or related to a temporary situation,           Be sure to find out whether family        family member.                              738-1111 or visit
    please understand that you are most              members are allergic to any pets. If we
    likely not ready to add a pet to your            have children, remember that some
    family.                                          pets are better with kids than others.
       Once you have made the decision to            If we have elderly family members
    adopt a pet, there are different factors         remember that a dog that is not well
    to consider when it comes to select-             trained can be dangerous to some
    ing a pet. The first reason is related to        elderly people. And if we have immu-
    our spare time and schedule. Are we              nocompromised family members, take
    going to be able to devote time to our           that into consideration, too.
    new family member, or do we need to                 It is vital to remember that adding
    consider a pet that may not require a            a pet to the family is a financial com-
    significant time commitment?                     mitment that involves more than just
       Certain pets need to bond with us             providing food and water. Pets need
    humans more than others, especially              vaccines, preventive care, toys and
    dogs. If we do not devote the appro-             medical care — and more. Pet health
    priate time to them, not only can they           insurance plans are additional financial
    feel alone, but they can also become             investments that while vital, can prove
    destructive out of boredom and/or                challenging to some families and need
    anxiety.                                         to be taken into consideration when
       Just like human kids, many of our             deciding whether we are ready to adopt
    pets need to stay busy or mentally               a pet or not.
    stimulated to be as healthy and happy               When our pet is very mature or has
    as possible. We also need to remember            recently passed away, it can be very
    they require time to be trained, and, in         challenging to determine when may be
    moments of sickness, they require time           the best time to get another fur baby
    for medical care through your veteri-            because everyone grieves differently.
    narian.                                          Would having a new fur baby before
       In addition to having available time          a current one passes away help in
    for the potential new family member,             coping with that death, or do we need
    we also have to consider whether we              to wait until after losing a loved one
    have enough space and if our home                before adopting a new pet? There is
    is ready to receive a fur baby. This             no right or wrong decision, as long as
    includes making sure we are pet-proof-           we have analyzed all the pros and cons
    ing our homes to avoid exposure to any           and avoid making a decision based on
    potential dangers, including access to           emotions alone.
    toxic plants/chemicals, electric cords              Whatever that decision may be,
    or dangerous situations. Some pets               please know that no baby will ever be a
    like to chew on things such as shoes,            substitute. Every pet is different.

                                                                                                                                                          04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   5
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'

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6   █   04.07.23
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'

Can’t happen, won’t happen … did happen!
A grand jury upholds
the rule of law

        here is a long history in this coun-
        try of folks saying one thing and
        doing another. From the man who
wrote “All men are created equal” own-
ing 600 people to professed Christians
seething with intolerance, betrayal of
humanity has been the id battling Amer-
ica’s superego for 247 years.
   The latest example is Donald Trump.
Using what conservative columnist
George Will once called feral cunning,
Trump has played our lowest impulses           ing to hold him accountable
like a virtuoso.                               sets a dangerous precedent.
   Fortunately, American history also             Manhattan DA Alvin
includes freedom struggles and course          Bragg persuaded a grand
corrections. On March 30, Trump, whose         jury to indict Trump on 34
privilege and brazenness long permit-          felony counts, demonstrat-
ted him to flout the law without conse-        ing what most Americans
quence, finally experienced what many          believe: that presidents
people feared would never happen: a            and former presidents are
criminal indictment.                           not above the law. Trump
   It surprised no one when the GOP,           pleaded not guilty and will
which has long portrayed itself as the         have an opportunity to de-
law and order party, circled the wag-          fend himself in court.                       head above Twitter” is frequent muting         Really? Not even a little!
ons around the former president. De-              Former Attorney General Bill Barr said    and blocking to reduce noise from right-       The man who demanded the death
termined to hold onto power, regardless        it would be a bad idea for Trump to tes-     wing trolls.                                penalty for the Central Park Five — and
of election results, they have embraced        tify at his own trial. As journalist Brian     Prior to Trump’s April 4 arraignment,     refused to apologize after their exonera-
Richard Nixon’s statement to David             Krassenstein wrote, “Trump’s own attor-      New York Mayor Eric Adams warned            tion — deserves no glamour, only come-
Frost: “When the president does it, that       ney general thinks he ‘lacks all self con-   protesters, “Behave yourselves.” Georgia    uppance.
means it is not illegal.”                      trol,’ yet Republicans want him to con-      Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene         Not that he will go quietly. His lawyer
   Republicans think their contradictions      trol the nuclear codes.”                     appeared briefly outside the courthouse.    in the Stormy Daniels case, Joe Tacopina,
don’t matter. They invoke freedom in              MAGA minions are forever trying to        Earlier she saw fit to compare Trump to     tried to grab a document from Ari Mel-
opposing an assault weapons ban even           impose their alternate reality. For ex-      such arrestees as Nelson Mandela and        ber during an interview on MSNBC. The
as they push bans on abortion, vaccines,       ample, those exploiting the Nashville        Jesus Christ.                               consigliere in The Godfather had greater
literature, history and drag queen read-       school shooter’s reported gender iden-         There are signs that Trump’s hold on      decorum. Tacopina and his client de-
ing time. Thus they ignore real threats in     tity to engage in group blame ignore         his supporters is weakening, despite his    serve each other.
favor of culture war incitements.              what the Human Rights Campaign not-          dramatics and the media circus of news         But the rest of us do not deserve either
   Another ploy is the quaint assertion        ed: “that transgender and non-binary         helicopters following his motorcade, a      of them. If the Republican Party wins
that it is unseemly to bring a former          people are much more likely to be vic-       scene that recalled O.J. Simpson’s car      the next election after doubling down in
president to justice. Any concern about        tims of violence, rather than the perpe-     chase with police in 1994. But voter sup-   defense of a compulsive liar, grifter and
unseemliness should also extend to             trator of it.”                               pression and election denial remain in      wannabe dictator, the rule of law will be
Trump’s unseemly behavior as presi-               Republicans, intent on dividing the       the Republican playbook.                    gone.
dent.                                          country to gain power, respond to trag-        One rather desperate tactic on Trump’s       Let us rise to our best to defeat the
   Respect is a two-way street, and he         edy by seeking scapegoats rather than        behalf is the claim that his indictment     fascists, for we may not get another
did much to disrespect the office of pres-     solutions.                                   boosts his gangsta cred. Benny Johnson      chance. 				                                █

ident. We do not have kings; the presi-           Trumpists are flooding the zone, es-      of Turning Point USA said after the in-        Richard J. Rosendall is a writer and activ-
dent is a public servant, and when he so       pecially on social media, with projecting    dictment, “Democrats just turned Don-       ist at Copyright © 2023
egregiously serves himself instead, fail-      and gaslighting. One tactic to “keep your    ald Trump into Tupac.”                      by Richard J. Rosendall. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                                                      04.07.23   █   dallasvoice    7
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
Abounding Prosperity founder has died

Kirk Myers-Hill will be                       weekend of events                                                  was located across       Abounding Prosperity and Dallas South-
remembered as creator of                      draws thousands                                                    the street from AP       ern Pride gave voice and power to people
                                              of people from out                                                 Inc.’s original head-    who had been overlooked and ignored.
South Dallas AIDS agency
                                              of town and anoth-                                                 quarters. HIV test-         “Dallas County is a lesser place for
and Dallas Southern Pride                     er 10,000 or so lo-                                                ing was part of the      his leaving but so much better because
                                              cal participants for                                               original menu of         he was with us. May he rest in power,”
DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer            parties,     ballroom                                              services offered by      Daniel added.                        events, workshops                                                  the start-up agency.        The reaction from those leading the
                                              and a huge picnic.                                                    Myers-Hill said       fight against HIV across the region was
                     eople gathered out-         This year’s Dallas                                              at the time that of-     swift.
                     side      Abounding      Southern Pride is                                                  ten when someone            AIDS Walk South Dallas founder
                     Prosperity headquar-     scheduled for June-                                                tested       positive,   Auntjuan Wiley and AIDS Services Dal-
                     ters on Martin Luther    teenth weekend.                                                    he’d walk across         las CEO Traswell Livingston both stood
                     King Jr. Boulevard          “A lot of people                                                the street with them     vigil on the sidewalk outside AP head-
                     Tuesday      morning,    looked up to Kirk,”                                                to introduce them        quarters and expressed their shock at the
                     April 4, as news of      said James Gipson                                                  to the doctor and        news.
                     the death of the agen-   of the Afiya Center.                                               make sure they got          “Kirk was a good friend, and this loss
cy’s founder, Kirk Myers-Hill, spread.        “He was Dad. He                                                    immediate care.          is personal,” said DeeJay Johannessen,
As crowds filled the sidewalk in front of     took a lot of people                                                  As AP, Inc. grew,     CEO of HELP Center for LGBT Health
the building, grieving family and staff       under his wing.”                                                   it moved its head-       and Wellness in Arlington. ”But my
remained inside the office, asking for           An area pastor who came by AP Inc.        quarters a few blocks away to the cor-         thoughts are with the Black community
privacy “so we may process and mourn          to pay his respects called Myers-Hill        ner of MLK Jr. Boulevard and 175. After        and those he served. What a tremendous
the loss of our beloved leader.”              a great friend and brother. He said his      Prism Health moved its South Dallas            loss this is. He was a powerhouse.”
   Myers-Hill, who often worked nights        contribution to the community was tre-       clinic to Dolphin Road, Myers-Hill rent-          Former Legacy Cares Executive Direc-
and early mornings in his office, was         mendous.                                     ed additional space nearby to open AP,         tor Melissa Grove said she was stunned
found unresponsive at his desk as staff          “We get credit for what Kirk did,” the    Inc.’s own clinic.                             and saddened by the news, and Re-
arrived on Tuesday morning, April 4.          pastor said.                                    Myers-Hill fought for funding as the        source Center CEO Cece Cox called My-
   “I am just devastated,” longtime com-         Another person said Myers-Hill’s          number of HIV cases continued to grow          ers-Hill a mentor.
munity leader Betty Neal said when she        work “humanized HIV” and de-stigma-          among the Black community. In Texas,              “It leaves a giant loss and heartache,”
heard the news.                               tized the virus in the local community.      Blacks make up 11 percent of the popu-         Cox said. “He contributed so many
   Her comment was typical of the reac-       “His efforts brought change to South         lation, but represent 38 percent of peo-       things in terms of services and programs
tion by members of the Black communi-         Dallas,” she said.                           ple living with HIV.                           at Abounding Prosperity.”
ty, government officials and leaders of          Buster Snapp Craft, who first met            As part of its statement to the press,         She called Dallas Southern Pride a
other HIV organizations around DFW.           Myers-Hill more than 25 years ago at         AP, Inc. staff announced its offices will      significant institution and, in terms of
   Myers-Hill founded Abounding Pros-         St. Luke Community United Methodist          be closed until further notice.                numbers of participants and impact on
perity in 2005 in response to the grow-       Church, said news of his friend’s death                                                     the community, compared it to Black Tie
ing number of cases of HIV in the Black       left him in “complete shock.”                Reaction                                       Dinner and DIFFA.
community. As noted in a press release           “Over the years,” Snapp Craft said in a                                                     “The events he created for the Black
written by his staff shortly after his        social media post, “I watched Kirk grow         As news of Myers-Hill’s death spread,       community built friendships and creat-
death, he “was a tireless advocate for the    in various capacities, confront some real-   reaction came in from political leaders.       ed organizations,” Cox said, noting that
health and wellness of the Black family,      ly challenging circumstances that would         Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Omar Nar-              at a time when public resources weren’t
particularly Black LGBTQ+ community           test his faith and eventually evolve into    vaez called Myers-Hill “a pillar in Dal-       going to the Black community in a pro-
members in Dallas.”                           this larger-than-life public persona and     las,” adding that “his legacy will live        portional way, Myers-Hill got those
   But his efforts reached far beyond that    leader. At his core, my brother Kirk was     forever through his work and advocacy          funds redirected.
community. He coordinated vaccina-            a leader. Yes, he could be very strong-      through Abounding Prosperity. The im-             He was “an important voice for the
tion and information efforts to bring the     willed but most visionaries are, and Kirk    pact he made was felt across Dallas, and       Black community for HIV prevention
mpox epidemic under control through-          was a visionary extraordinaire.”             I am extremely saddened to have lost a         and treatment,” Cox said.                   █

out North Texas in 2022 and was recog-                                                     dear friend.”                                     Community vigil and balloon release
nized for his work in that area during        His mission                                     “I am saddened by the loss of Kirk My-      is set for 6-8 p.m. Saturday, April 8, at
a regional Zoom conference with the                                                        ers-Hill,” Dallas County Commission-           Trigg-Myers Prosperity Park, 2215 Warren
White House.                                   From the beginning, Myers-Hill’s goal       er Dr. Theresa M. Daniel said. “He was         Ave., to celebrate the life and legacy of Kirk
   He also created Dallas Southern Pride      was to get those with HIV into treat-        a force in the LGBTQ community, the            Myers-Hill. The family asks that in lieu of
and developed it into one of the largest      ment.                                        African-American community and the             flowers, donations be directed to Abounding
Black Pride celebrations in the U.S. The       Prism Health’s South Dallas clinic          HIV-positive community. His work with          Prosperity, Inc.

8     █   04.07.23
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
High end vs. economy

The Mercedes EQE and the
Chevy Bolt EUC: Opposite
bands on the EV spectrum
CASEY WILLIAMS | Auto Reviewer

           e should all know by now
           that the future belongs to
           electric vehicles. Go shop for
one, though, and you’ll realize the fu-
ture may not be affordable for everyone.
Those bitches are expensive! But there
are affordable options.
  Hailing from opposite bands on
the EV spectrum are the 2023 Mer-
cedes-Benz EQE 350 and the 2023 Chev-
role Bolt EUV, and one of these could be
your dreamy new EV.                                Chevy Bolt EUC, left and Mercedes Benz EQE350, right
                                                    els.                                              torque through the all-wheel-drive sys-          It’s a handsome devil.
2023 Mercedes-Benz EQE350                              Inside, expansive wood panels the              tem. It runs 0-60 mph in just 5.6 seconds.       Inside, designers graced the Bolt with
                                                    dash while flatscreen gauges and large              Charging is accomplished in 9.5 hours       a sweeping new dash harboring a wid-
   Mercedes rolls into the future with              touchscreen integrate technology. It              on a 220v home charger or 10-80 percent       er touchscreen, flybridge center console
saturating luxury and tech wrapped in a             takes a hot minute to master, but it’s easy       in just 30 minutes on a DC fast charger.      and twin-panel sunroof. Heated/venti-
slippery new design.                                to access navigation, Apple/Android               Range is about 240 miles.                     lated front seats, heated rear seats, Bose
   Gone are the traditional chrome grille           connectivity and drenching Bermester                With battery weight low in the chassis,     audio and automatic climate control add
and the star on hood, both replaced by              3D audio.                                         drivers can toss the heavy sedan with         comforts.
a sweeping aerodynamic shape. Viewed                   Ethereal lighting encircles the dash,          abandon. It slips through city traffic with      Tap into navigation, wireless Ap-
head-on, it’s an amorphous blob with                doors and seats at night. Adaptive cruise,        bursts of torque, but wafts down the in-      ple/Android connectivity and wireless
a big star hung on a black background               automatic emergency braking, lane keep            terstate with that iron sponge feeling        phone charging. All imaginable safety
embedded with smaller stars. But from               assist, rear cross path detection and lane        of Mercedes past. Four-wheel steering         devices are present.
the side, it channels the CLS four-door             change assist augment safety.                     turns rear wheels opposite 10 degrees            The car is rated 247 miles all-electric
coupe profile for clean airflow.                       Harbored within the sleek skin are             to provide compact car maneuvering or         range. Ample 200 horsepower and 266
   Check details like 20-inch wheels and            lithium ion batteries and twin motors to          turn in the same direction to provide sta-    lb.-ft. of torque enable a rapid 0-60 mph
digital headlamps with millions of pix-             send 288 horsepower and 391 lb.-ft. of            bility at speed.                              sprint in under 7 seconds. All-wheel-
                                                                                                        The EQE350 costs $74,900 or a few           drive is not available, but the car is whis-
 Check out the EV options at EarthX                                                                   grand more with 4MATIC.                       per quiet with instant power. Just tap
                                                                                                                                                    and zoom.
    EarthX Earth Day Expo 2023, billed as “the world’s largest green gathering,” comes to Fair
 Park in Dallas April 21-23.                                                                          2023 Chevy Bolt EUV                              Optional Super Cruise allows hands-
    Admission to the Expo is free, but those planning to attend are encouraged to register                                                          off driving on approved highways, but
 so they can take advantage of the innovative experience planner that lets guests tailor their           How about similar performance and          sensors on the steering column ensure
 schedules and select from a range of events and experiences that align with their personal           technology to the EQE for nearly $50k         you’re paying attention. It’s fantastic for
 interests.                                                                                           less? Unlike the Mercedes, the 2023           long treks and felt natural after a few
    One of the experiences available is the Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Showcase and
                                                                                                      Chevy Bolt EUV can drive itself.              miles.
    The showcase and Ride & Drive will feature all aspects of EVs, BEV, PHEV and FCEV mod-               It’s billed as a crossover, but the EUV       Recharging is not fast, taking 75 min-
 els and styles and will include electric cars and trucks, EV charging solutions and e-mobility       is just a tall car with step-in height and    utes for 80 percent recharge on a DC fast
 options to demonstrate the importance of electric vehicles to the environment.                       flip-down rear seats for luggage, bicy-       charger or 7.5 hours on a 240v home
    Visitors can expect to see battery electric vehicles (BEVs) that rely on electricity and are      cles and gear. Recent updates include         charger.
 rechargeable via a plug-in outlet; plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) that are powered by
                                                                                                      a facelifted nose that brings a sleeker          Prices start at just $26,500 for the Bolt
 gasoline and electricity with batteries charge via an outlet and use gas to extend the range
 when the electric battery is due for a recharge; and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) that are        vibe with tight creases. Narrow squinty       or $27,800 for the EUV.
 similar to plug-in hybrid electrics, using gasoline and electricity, relying on the electric motor   running lamps over stealthy triangular           Storm forward! 		                      █

 when driving and gas when increasing load or speed.                                                  inserts for LED headlamps plus a float-          Send comments to Casey at AutoCasey@
    For more information, visit                                                           ing rear roof tie styling to other Chevy; follow him on YouTube @
                                                                               — From Staff Reports
                                                                                                      crossovers.                                   AutoCasey.

                                                                                                                                                                 04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   9
Reformed Owner/chef Michelle Carpenter says Restaurant Beatrice is redefining 'best'
Getting                                                                                                          e



 DRIVE                                                                                                           o
The key to going EV starts with                                                                                  a
installing the right charger                                                                                     2
CASEY WILLIAMS | Auto Reviewer                                                                                   i                                                                                                g

       robably from now until the end                                                                            s
       of your natural life, you’ll be                                                                           g
       hearing about and driving elec-                                                                           n
tric vehicles. Obviously, they’re not for                                                                        l
everybody yet. Sure, they drive like                                                                             g
jet-powered dreams, silent and swift.                                                                            m
But keeping them charged presents the                                                                            E
greatest challenge.                                                                                              t
   Take it from me: I drive them regular-                                                                        r
ly, and charging at home on a 110-volt                                                                           u
outlet or trying to find public chargers
for a faster replenishment is neither                                                                            m

                                                      Luis Valdes Castillo, FNP-C,
                                              has joined Dr. Marc Tribble at MD Progressive Care, located in
                                            the heart of the Oak Lawn community. Luis has over 12 years of
                                            medical experience. His areas of clinical interest include primary
                                              care, Diabetes treatment, HIV Treatment & Prevention (PrEP),
                                             STD treatment, and LGBT care.He is a member of the American
                                             Association of Nurse Practitioners and the American Academy
                                                of HIV Medicine. He accepts all major medical insurance
                                                           plans and speaks English & Spanish.

                                                214-521-0100                                  appointment

10   █   04.07.23
easy nor convenient.                          to walk me through all of the challenges      extra-durable cable
  So if you want an electric vehicle, plan    to upgrade service in my particular ga-       to run under my
on installing a home charger.                 rage. After a thorough assessment, my         garage door. Run-
                                              house was upgraded from 100 amp to            ning wires and a
Upgraded electrical service                   200 amp service, kicking out the old fuse     plug from the elec-
                                              box for a new, higher capacity breaker        trical panel plus
  The usual quote is it will cost less than   box. Of course, that also required the        purchasing and in-
$1,000 to install an EV charger, especial-    electrician to bring the outside meter box    stalling the charger
ly if subsidized by an automaker as part      and aerial weather head up to code.           came to $2,000.
of the purchase or lease price. That may        Just the 200 amp upgrade was $3,680.           (If I lived in a
be true if you live in a newer home with                                                    newer home, that
a 240v garage outlet (unlikely) or have       Getting charged up                            would have been
200 amp service that can handle the load                                                    almost all of the ex-
of a charger. But when I inquired about          That was the hard part, but not all of     pense.)
having a charger installed, I had neither     it. My next decision was what charger            That’s a grand
in my 1955 ranch-style house’s two-car        to buy and where to install it. I wanted      total of $5,680 and
garage.                                       to be able to use it for cars stored in the   six hours of work
  No doubt, electricians are actively         garage or, as is usually the case with my     (without      house-
seeking EV charger installations. It’s        test cars, in the driveway. Mine would be     hold power) — a
good business once they determine the         installed on the garage side wall near the    long way from the
nuances of installation. Go to almost any     door.                                         “under $1,000” and
local electrician’s website and “EV Char-        I went on the local utility provider’s     quick hook-up I’ve often seen promised.      Just click out of its holder, plug into the
ger Installation” will be at the front. Al-   website, which had a page of suggest-            Overall, though, I’m very pleased with    car’s charge port and wait for lights to
most everybody will eventually have an        ed chargers, specifications and pricing.      the quality of work and level of knowl-      change color to confirm connection. A
EV charger installed, so reputable long-      Most are under $700.                          edge from my electrician. He knew ex-        few hours later, the car is ready to go.
time electricians (and I assume some dis-        With the help of my electrician, I chose   actly what was required and helped me          Easy as that.
reputable ones, too) are quickly getting      a universal charger from ChargePoint          make all of the right decisions for my         Storm forward! 		                      █

up to speed.                                  (also one of the main public charger op-      70-year-old house.                             Send comments to Casey at AutoCasey@
  A local homebuilder I trust recom-          erators). Since I will be charging in the        Most importantly, the charger works; follow him on YouTube @
mended my electrician, and he was able        driveway, it is weather resistant with an     brilliantly and couldn’t be easier to use:   AutoCasey..

                                                                                                                                                     04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   11
High laurels,
                                      big work
                                      ON THE TABLE

                                      Executive Chef Terance Jenkins, Pastry Chef Bryan Mendoza, and Executive Chef Owner
                                      Michelle Carpenter. (Photo by Kate Voskova)

                                      Restaurant Beatrice basks in its
                                                                                     Dallas Voice: Congratulations! How was
                                      James Beard nomination, but
                                                                                       you and your team’s reaction to the
                                      there’s always work to do to                     big news? Michelle Carpenter: Thank
                                      reform the restaurant industry                   you! The original nomination was a
                                                                                       shocker because the Beard Foundation
                                                                                       doesn’t give nominees notice. We’re a
                                      RICH LOPEZ | Staff writer                        small business, and I’ve been working in
                                                         the industry for 35 years. I am acquainted
                                                                                       with working studiously to build custom-
                                                 n late March, the news hit that       ers one-by-one. That’s really the only
                                                 lesbian-owned      Restaurant         kind of success I’ve ever known.
                                                 Beatrice was up for a James         What’s this feeling like then? Being a
                                                 Beard Foundation Award,              finalist is a new feeling. We can’t label it
                                                 and owner/Chef Michelle              yet — some kind of mix of gratitude and
                                                 Carpenter and her team are           shock. Whatever feeling we have prob-
                                                 up for Best New Restaurant.          ably won’t sink in — settle — until after
                                                    The Oak Cliff-based eatery        they announce the winner in June. For
                                      will learn on June 5 in Chicago if they         the first semi-finalist notice, our vendors
                                      take the gold.                                  heard the news, and they texted us. We
                                                                                      didn’t know until other people told us.
                                        Once the news broke, Carpenter —
                                      who also owns Zen Sushi — is busi-             This time, we just checked the news.
                                      er than before, and, “For that, we are         When you received the news, what
                                      grateful,” she said. But she did take the       happened first? Like anyone else, it was
                                      time to talk with Dallas Voice about the        a great feeling of validation and recog-
                                      nomination and what it means to op-             nition. Working to change the industry
                                                                                      is reform work. Reform work is met with
                                      erate a restaurant that recognizes more
                                                                                      resistance, every day, all the time. We
                                      than just the menu.
                                                                                      haven’t really had time to celebrate.

12   █   04.07.23
We’re busy with guests and restaurant            industry have to be so wasteful, sexist,
      operations.                                      homophobic or racist? Of course not.
    How do you describe Restaurant Be-               You and your team certainly represent
      atrice? Contemporary Louisiana. I am             a unique perspective. Every incoming
      half-Cajun, and my co-executive chef,            generation redefines what it means to
      Terance Jenkins, is Creole. We offer             be human. It is due to the legacy of
      two concepts in one location — casual            civil rights advocates of yore — which
      boils on the patio and a more formal fine        includes the work of LGBTQ activists —
      dining interior — And this represents the        and it is due to the young protestors that
      two different facets of how great Louisi-        carved the narrowest of corridors that a
      ana food is.                                     face like mine and a face like Terance’s
    What led you to open this restau-                  could be recognized at the regional and
     rant? Restaurant Beatrice was the other           national level.
     part of my identity that I had not shared       Terance and I were groomed in kitchens
     to my supporters. Opening Restaurant              that were abusive and hot-tempered, and
     Beatrice made me feel I was able to               all of that was normalized. Faces like my
     finally pay tribute to my father’s Cajun          own have been in the industry for ages.
     side. Zen Sushi honored my Japanese               But marginalized folks in the service
     heritage. My dad was a Cajun airman               industry are generally invisible.
     who married a Japanese woman from               This recognition of chefs for their own
     Tokyo. I was born in Tokyo and spent the          biographies and personal integrity is still
     first five years of life in Japan.                developing in mainstream culture. This is
    Restaurant Beatrice is emblematic of my            a kind of a lifetime recognition I did not
      life in Louisiana and pays tribute to my         anticipate. I’m grateful I am the benefi-
      Mamaw, Beatrice Carpenter.                       ciary of this kind of reckoning that has
    What do you feel Restaurant Beatrice               spread into the culinary world.
     has that stood out to the James Beard           I do not have faith that, had Restaurant
     Foundation? JBF recognized us for un-              Beatrice opened five years earlier, we
     dergoing B-Corp certification and trying           would have been recognized for any of
     to live our values. The toughest lesson            our operational differences. We certainly
     that I had to learn — I am still learning          have made our mistakes, but Restau-
     — as a chef was that making good food              rant Beatrice operates with this larger
     isn’t enough. Dining is about the overall          responsibility in mind. We have endless
     experience.                                        unlearning to do.
                                                              What do you like about owning
                                                              and operating a restaurant here
                                                              in Dallas and particularly in Oak
                                                              Cliff? Oak Cliff is my ’hood. I can’t
                                                              imagine living anywhere else. I
                                                              never feel like I don’t belong. As
                                                              a restaurant owner in the Bishop
                                                              Arts, I have always been proud
                                                              of the fact that not only are the
                                                              retailers and restaurants indepen-
                                                              dent, but so many of the opera-
                                                              tors are BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+.
                                                              Black, brown, queer, trans,
                                                              straight, white, working class
    Duck and Andouille Gumbo, Photo by Kate Voskova           and upper crust folks — almost
                                                              anyone can feel comfortable in
    There was a worldwide reckoning that             Oak Cliff. Most neighborhoods are not so
      happened during the pandemic. Today,           inclusive.
      younger generations are questioning         I am able to make a direct impact in the
      if the means justify the ends. What is         very neighborhood that I live in and work
      the point of making the very best food         in. Over 70 percent of my staff are locals.
      on earth if the restaurants are being          It’s our neighborhood.
      wasteful of the earth’s resources or
                                                  I don’t happen to be located here. I don’t
      exploitative of marginalized groups? If
                                                     just work here. I’m investing in the better-
      women are being abused in the kitch-
                                                     ment and empowerment of Oak Cliff, a
      ens and BIPOC are being underpaid
                                                     part of the city that has been and contin-
      compared to their white counterparts?
                                                     ues to be under-resourced. Restaurant
      If queer folks are being fired for being
                                                     Beatrice is a product of Oak Cliff so this
      queer? If line cooks and chefs are throw-
                                                     success is OC’s success, too.
      ing away meat and vegetable scraps that
      can easily be repurposed?
                                                       Restaurant Beatrice is located at 1111
    Then what is the meaning of being the
      “best?” Do paradigms of the culinary
                                                       N. Beckley Ave.

                                                                                                      04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   13
Life on the road

‘Anastasia’ cast member is all
                                                  Anastasia plays as part of the ATTPAC
about living his best theater life              Broadway at the Center series through
                                                Saturday, April 8, at the Winspear.
RICH LOPEZ | Staff writer                         Written by Terrence McNally, with                            music and lyrics by Stephen Flaherty
                                                and Lynn Ahrens, the show centers on
                     hese are exciting          the true story of a young woman who
                     days for dancer and        investigates her past, leading her to an
                     actor Louis Brogna.        aristocratic family.
                     He and the rest of           Brogna found that family is a big
                     the cast of Anastasi-      theme with this show, whether it be cho-
                     aland in Dallas this       sen or natural. That goes for offstage,
                     week for another           too.
                     stop on Brogna’s na-         “I think that’s why I love this show.
tional tour debut. And this ensemble cast       There’s this happenstance where she
member is soaking it all in.                    runs across Vlad and Demetri who be-
   “It’s going so great. I have lots of pro-    come her chosen family, much like a
fessional experience, but nothing on this       queer chosen family,” he said. “That
scale,” Brogna said by phone from Ama-          helps her discover who she is.”
rillo during Anastasia’s run there. “It’s all     And with his castmates, Brogna said,
very unique, but I love this show.”
                                                                           LIFE, Page 20   Louis Brogna

14        █   04.07.23
04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   15
30 years of love
                                      and progress
                                      IN PERSPECTIVE

                                      Looking back on where                                                       to have
                                      we’ve been, ahead to                                                        someday,
                                      where we’re headed                                                          thought
                                                                   y spouse                                       would
                                                                   Helen and                                      have
                                                                   I recently                                     to    give
                                                                   celebrated                                     up     that
                                                                   our 30th                                       dream
                                                                   anniversa-                                     when she
                                                                   ry. While                                      started
                                                                   that’s not                                     dating a
                                      a record-breaking number, we’ve nev-                                        woman.
                                      ertheless experienced many changes                                          For     my
                                      in both our relationship and in society     part, I was a few years younger, and the
                                      during our three decades together.          idea of kids wasn’t on my radar screen
                                        At a time when the LGBTQ commu-           as I focused on the transition from grad-
                                      nity is being attacked on all sides, this   uate school to gainful employment.
                                      personal milestone also reminded me           Two things shifted my perspective.
                                      that despite the many challenges for        The first was when my brother-in-law
                                      LGBTQ folks right now, progress can         and his wife became parents, and I got
                                      happen and queer joy is real.               an up-close look at what early parent-
                                        In 1993, when we started dating,          hood could be.
                                      LGBTQ parents were far less visible than      The second was 9/11. I had been
                                      today. Helen, who had always wanted         working on the top floor of the World

18   █   04.07.23
Financial Center, right next to the World     declare that same-sex couples had the
     Trade Center, until two business days         right to marry. Initially, only in-state cou-
     before that date when I took a new posi-      ples could do so, however, and we lived
     tion in the company’s New Jersey office.      elsewhere.
     Instead of being on the commuter train           Then, while I was staying home with
     under WTC at 8:46 a.m. when the first         our son, Helen got a job in Massachu-
     plane hit, I was driving into a suburban      setts. Her new company no longer of-
     parking lot.                                  fered health insurance for unmarried
        I realized suddenly just how short our     partners, so we had to marry for me to
     time in this life could be, and I knew I      be covered. We therefore planned for
     didn’t want to miss the opportunity to        and had our wedding in the span of two
     be a parent.                                  weeks — and we still like to joke about
        I suspected Helen and I would be a         our “shotgun wedding” after 13 years
     good parenting team. We agreed on the         together.
     core values and skills we wanted to teach        By total coincidence, the day we chose
     our child, but we each brought different      was Nov. 18, three years to the day af-
     things to the table.                          ter the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial
        I grew up on the East Coast; she on the    Court decision that made it legal. Now,
     West. She’s an engineer; I’m a literature     we always have a small celebration in
     and history geek. I’m an athlete who’s        November, too (because it’s an excuse
     been competitive in several sports; she       for more cake), but our April anniversa-
     prefers to get her exercise gardening or      ry is our real one.
     building things. (We’re both always up           Today, too, LGBTQ families and indi-
     for a good hike in the woods, though.)        viduals across the LGBTQ spectrum are
        We figured we could expose our child       far more visible in real life, in the media
     to a variety of activities and experiences,   and in children’s books and television. I
     and he would find his own path among          envy today’s families that have such re-
     (or beyond) them. (Spoiler: He has.)          sources, though I know they have new
        When Helen and I began our journey         challenges as well.
     to parenthood via reciprocal in vitro fer-       Helen and I have been together half
     tilization (my egg, her womb), no state       our lives, through six interstate moves
     had yet enacted marriage equality. We         and several career changes for each of
     knew we would need to take steps to se-       us. We’ve supported each other through
e    cure my legal parentage (something still      the deaths of all four of our parents. We
     recommended even today for nongesta-          met as graduate students and now have
     tional or nongenetic parents in married       a son in college.
     same-sex couples, unfortunately). A law-         If there’s a secret to having a relation-
     yer helped us become only the second          ship last this long, I’m not sure what it is.
     RIVF couple to get a pre-birth parentage      I think we started with a good founda-
     order in the state. The first had gotten      tion of both common interests and com-
e    theirs just a month before. We were hap-      plementary differences. We delight in
t    py to be part of a burgeoning trend.          each other’s company but also do things
        We were hardly pioneers, though. Out       separately. Yes, we argue sometimes,
e    LGBTQ parents had been known since            but after this many years, we know that
     the time of World War II, mostly in the       storms will blow over. And I think we’ve
a    context of cases that denied them child       never forgotten that ineffable something
     custody after divorce from different-sex      that drew us to each other in the first
y    spouses. The 1970s saw more two-mom           place.
e    couples and single women and even                Although LGBTQ rights are under re-
n    some queer dads starting their families       newed attack right now, I’m heartened
-    together. And three years before we start-    by thinking back on all the change we’ve
     ed dating, a Newsweek article contained       seen and know is possible. And thinking
 .   what seems like the first documented in-      of the love we have, I know why I want
w    stance of the term “gayby boom.”              to keep fighting. 			                      █

 t      By sheer coincidence, our time as par-        Dana Rudolph is the founder and publish-
 -   ents has paralleled a spike in rights and     er of Mombian (, a GLAAD
     visibility for queer couples and families.    Media Award-winning blog and resource di-
n    The year our son was born, Massachu-          rectory, plus a searchable database of 1200+
d    setts became the first state in the U.S. to   LGBTQ family books.

                                                                                                   04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   19
LIFE, From Page 14
he’s found his own new family.
   “Oh yeah, they are [family], and we’ve
built these incredible connections. I
know I’ll be seeing these people proba-
bly for the rest of my life,” he said.
   The story doesn’t lend itself to really
any gay storylines, and Brogna says only
a couple of characters are queer-coded —
like his second act feature as the club’s
head waiter and bouncer. Still, Brogna
said, he does find a heart in the show that
speaks to his own gay identity.
   “The show is a great story for young
women. It tells them they can be what-
ever they want and to reach for their
dreams,” he said. That also resonates
with young gay children.
   When he has some downtime, Brogna
said he likes to take to the streets of
whatever city the show is performing in. The cast of Anastasia (Photo by Evan Zimmerman)
He describes it as a privilege of touring.  last April and went onstage last May, so       myself in this time.”                       he said. “I know other shows have more
   “I love exploring a city as much as I he’s got a year under his belt. But he also          Until then, Brogna is going to werk      queer representation or drag queens, but
have time to,” he said. “I would never knows what’s ahead.                                 the magic of theater as much as he can to   it’s still amazing to know the represen-
have this opportunity if I wasn’t on the      “I know all good things come to an           bring a positive message and representa-    tation is onstage without queer trauma
road with this show.”                       end, and I’ll be hustling and pounding         tion to the stage.                          — just our stories or characters for ev-
   Brogna talks about his Anastasia time the pavement once this is over,” he said.            “I hope that I’m able to bring some      eryone to see.”			                    █

with enthusiasm. He joined the company “But I know I’ve learned a lot more about           joy or freedom or hope to audiences,”          For tickets, visit

20   █   04.07.23


    04.07.23   █   dallasvoice   21
22   █   04.07.23
PLAN YOUR WEEK - The Gay Agenda... Our LGBTQ community calendar!

                                                                                                          n April 13-15: Lyle Lovett                               n April 15-16: Dallas Festival of the Arts
                                                                                                          The country crooner will always be in our hearts         Formerly known as Turtle Creek Spring Arts Festival
                                                                                                          when he covered Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your           includes an outdoor art gallery featuring 125 local
                                                                                                          Man.” He performs three nights here in Dallas at the     and regional painters, photographers, sculptors,
                                                                                                          Majestic Theatre.                               metalwork, glass artists, jewelers and more from
                                                                                                                                                                   10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
                                                                                                          n April 14: Arts District Changing                       on Sunday at Reverchon Park, 3505 Maple Ave.
                                                                                                          Perspectives Block Party                       
                                                                                                          A free cultural festival features Close-Act Theatre’s
                                                                                                          Birdmen, a trio of large, illuminated birdlike animals   n April 16: David Sedaris
                                                                                                          that extend 23 feet high and 19 feet long with a         Arts and Letters Live presents David Sedaris
                                                                                                          wingspan of 13 feet that will come to life on the        at 7:30 p.m. McFarlin Auditorium, 6405 Boaz St.
                                                                                                          streets of the Dallas Arts District coming from the
                                                                                                          Netherlands, Close-Act Theatre is renowned for              Have an event coming up? Email your
                                                                                                          interactive street theatre. Food trucks, artisans        information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash
                                                                                                          and a community muralist.                                at or Senior Staff Writer
                                                                                                                                                                   David Taffet at by
                                                                                                          n April 15: 25th Anniversary                             Monday at 5 p.m. for that week’s issue.
                                                                                                          LGBT Law Section                                            Look for extended listings online at
                                                                                                          25th anniversary celebration of the LGBT Law   
   Scarborough Renaissance Festival, located at 3511 FM 66 in Waxahachie opens
   Saturday, April 8, at 10 a.m. The festival runs Saturdays and Sunday through May 28,
                                                                                                          Section of the State Bar of Texas at the
   and closes Memorial Day Monday, May 29. Go early, go often to get in on all the fun.
                                                                                                          Arts District Mansion, 2101 Ross Ave.
                                                                                                                                                                   Easter returns to Turtle Creek Park, Sunday,
                                                                                                          n April 15: Wigchella Gaybingo                           April 9, with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra
n Red for community events                            n April 9: Easter Sunday                            Gaybingo at 6 p.m. Play for a chance to win cash         Brass Quintet performing, photos with the
n Blue for arts and entertainment                                                                         and prizes. Station 4, 3911 Cedar Springs Road.          Easter Bunny, the Pooch Parade and more
n Purple for sports                                   n April 9: Easter in the Park                       Tickets at
n Green for nightlife                                 Dallas Symphony Orchestra brass quintet concert,
n Orange for civic events and holidays                Pooch Parade, photos with the Easter bunny and      n April 15: Legacy’s Neon Jungle
                                                      more from 1-4 p.m. in Turtle Creek Park.            Crozier Hall, 2218 Bryan St., Suite 105
n Weekly: Frontrunners                                                                                    from 7-10 p.m.
Running club for the LGBTQ community and allies       n Through April 9: ‘Disaster the Musical’
of DFW. Meet at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesdays and           For a good time, head to Grapevine for this campy   n April 15: Drag brunch
8:30 a.m. on Saturdays at the corner of Hall Street   offering. Disaster is imminent for high profile     Monthly drag brunch featuring Layla Larue
and Turtle Creek Boulevard in Turtle Creek Park for   celebs on a cruise ship in 1979, but thankfully     at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Ebb & Flow,
a one-hour walk/run on the Katy Trail.                the soundtrack of retro hits helps it all go down   7300 Lone Star Drive C 125, Plano.
                                                      smoothly. Runway Theatre.        18+ only.
APRIL                                                 n April 11: Coalition for Aging LGBT                n April 15: HRC Spring Luncheon
n April 7: Good Friday                                LGBT Life and Financial Planninng: Protecting and   HRC DFW Spring Luncheon – Equality
                                                      Respecting Relationships from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at     Matters features a panel that includes
n April 7-30: ‘Into the Woods’                        Arts District Mansion, 2101 Ross Ave. Reserve a     state Rep. Julie Johnson, Tari Hanneman,
Community fave Joel Ferrell directs this fairy tale   free spot at CFA.LGBT.              director of the health and aging program
mashup musical by Steven Sondheim for the                                                                 at HRC and Leslie McMurray, transgender
Dallas Theater Center. Performances held at the       n April 11: ‘The Musical Theatre Game Show’         education and advocacy associate
Wyly Theatre.                Texas Pride Realty Group’s Mikey Abrams shifts      for Resource Center. Warwick
                                                      gears into game show host to test your show tune    Melrose Hotel, 3015 Oak
n April 8-May 29: Scarborough                         knowledge with interactive games and trivia.        Lawn Ave. from 10:30
Renaissance Festival                                  7:30 p.m. at Pocket Sandwich Theatre, 1104 Elm      a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Open Saturdays and Sundays and Memorial               St., Carrollton. Free.      Tickets at
Day Monday from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. 2511 FM 66,                                                      
Waxahachie.                            n April 12: Carrollton Pride Meetup
                                                      Meetup from 7-8 p.m. at Nico’s Cocina,
n April 6-8: ‘Anastasia’                              3065 N. Josie Lane, Carrollton.
Broadway at the Center presents the musical
Anastasia. Winspear Opera House,                      n April 12: Same-sex spouse grief group
2403 Flora St.                            Grief support group for people who have lost a
                                                      same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom
n April 8: Dallas Spring Arts Festival                on the second Wednesday of the month from
Bruce Wood Dance participates in a free event at      6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard
Klyde Warren Park from 1-5 p.m.                       DeKnock at

                                                                                                                                                                                04.07.23     █   dallasvoice         23
Jenny Block

Driving Miss Jeanne:
Highway Meditations

   A couple of weeks ago I drove my
grandmother, Jeanne, from Michigan
to Florida. She’s actually my wife’s
step-grandmother. But Jeanne says that’s
just a technicality, that “step” business
and the “relative by marriage” business.
I am her granddaughter.
   Even without knowing anything else,
it’s hard not to love someone who says
things like that.
   Then there’s the fact that she’s lived
the most marvelous life: Was married
to the love of her life for almost 50 years
before he passed. Traveled the world.
Attended balls. Had a successful career
at a time when that was not possible for
many women. Had a beautiful family
and loads of friends. Filled retirement
days with tennis games and long walks
in the sun.
   She’s smart and sharp witted and just,
well, fun to be with.                           for a couple of hours leaving Atlanta          worked together to get things running       ney for a number of reasons, and there
   Jeanne has been going to Florida for         when my navigating skills were more            smoothly again.                             was no one else to do it for many of those
the winter months for years, first with         necessary than my driving skills. We ate          The whole experience got me to think-    same reasons.
her husband and then alone once he              at Cracker Barrel (Yes. I know. Not my         ing about karma. When Jeanne needed           It makes me sad to think about it.
passed. For a while now, family mem-            choice obviously). And we stopped at           help, she had no trouble getting it, even     We reap what we sow.
bers have given her a lift. It just makes       every Buc-ee’s we could find. It was her       from a brand new, step-granddaughter          And, so, I will continue to tend to my
sense that she not make that trek alone.        first Buc-ee’s experience. She LOVED it.       by marriage who was immediately pro-        gardens. I hope you’ll do the same.
This year, though, the usual suspects           And I loved that she loved it.                 moted to granddaughter. Why? Because
weren’t available.                                 We talked and laughed and listened to       Jeanne is kind and thoughtful and gen-
   I had always joked that I would be           Coffee House radio and my Taylor Swift         erous. She loves without hesitation, and
happy to do it if she could handle my
slow driving and Dateline podcasts. So
                                                   I got road rage in traffic, and she —
                                                                                               she considers others before herself.
                                                                                                  The world could learn a lot from my
                                                                                                                                            this week’s solution
when she called to make the request, I          sweetly and incredibly unsuccessfully          grandmother. Sure, she’s quirky and set
didn’t hesitate to say yes.                     — tried to calm my nerves. We shared a         in her ways (which, by the way, is exact-
   It was fun and hard and eye-open-            king-sized bed at the Hampton Inn and          ly how I plan to be when I’m pushing
ing — and I couldn’t be happier that I          the baked fish at a diner. She lost her ear-   90). But she has also created a legacy of
agreed to the adventure. Jeanne took the        ring back, and I discovered we left the        kindness and acceptance. It can’t be easy
first shift, which I think she will forever     car door open all night in Valdosta, Ga.       losing the love of your life or being the
tease me about. “I’m so glad you called            It was fun and relatively easy, all         step-parent/step-grandparent, or, heck,
and asked me to drive you to Florida,”          things considered, barring the traffic and     just getting old in a world that hasn’t
she said, ribbing me after I had drifted        the last 20 minutes of the drive when I        been tended to properly for a long time.
off to sleep in the car.                        had to pee so badly I felt like I was at a        And yet she manages to do it with
   The truth was, I was exhausted. I            concert where I hadn’t wanted to miss          enough grace that people are ready to
hadn’t slept for two nights in a row, anx-      one song.                                      jump in whenever needed.
ious about the trip. Would I be comfort-           When we arrived, we encountered                Someone in my own family asked me
able driving her car? What would we             all sorts of dilemmas, as one does after       to transport them over a number of state
talk about? What would we listen to?            not being in one’s condo for three years       lines a number of months ago. I reluc-
How will I manage 20 hours of driving?          — a water heater that dies, a fridge that      tantly agreed and then heeded my wife’s
What if? What if? What if?                      had to be replaced, a few cracked tiles, a     and sister’s and daughter’s urgings to       █     browse                    █      submit
   I needn’t having worried — about             bulge in the ceiling.                          decline because it would be unsafe phys-
                                                                                                                                            For a more complete Community   To submit an item for inclusion in
anything.                                          I stayed for five days, and my wife         ically and emotionally. It would have               Calendar online, visit    the Community Calendar, visit
   After that, I did all of the driving, save   joined me for a couple of those. We all        been the absolute opposite of this jour- 

24     █   04.07.23
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