He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted

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He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
He voted

Sen. Royce West’s votes on drag
restrictions show LGBTQ Texans
can’t take the support of even
long-time allies for granted
By David Taffet, page 8
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
In This Issue                                     April 14, 2023
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Volume 39 | Issue 49

           1825 Market Center Blvd., Suite 240, Dallas TX 75207 | 214-754-8710 | dallasvoice.com
                                           April 14, 2023 | Volume 39 | Issue 50                                                                   08 | ‘Reliable’ Senate ally voted for an anti-drag bill
                                        PUBLISHER Leo Cusimano, leo@dallasvoice.com                                                                10 | Dallas may regulate short-term rentals
                                                                                                                                                   18 | Honoring Rosa Lopez
                            MANAGING EDITOR               Tammye Nash, nash@dallasvoice.com                                                                                                                                                          10
                         SENIOR STAFF WRITER              David Taffet, taffet@dallasvoice.com
                                STAFF WRITER              Rich Lopez, rich@dallasvoice.com                                                      ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
                               PROOF READER               Philip Burton                                                                            09 | Happy anniversary to the legendary Bass Hall
                              CONTRIBUTORS                Chris Azzopardi, Sean Baugh, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block, Joey Casiano,                    12 | Timeless punk diva Debora Iyall
                                                          Jesus Chairez, Lawrence Ferber, Januari Fox, Hardy Haberman,
                                                          Scott Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Jonathon McCellan, Cassie Nova,                    20 | BOOKS: ‘Blue Hunger’ and ‘Gray Love’
                                                          Dr. Josh, Josh Robbins, Gilberto Rodriguez, James Russell, Howard Lewis
                                                          Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Leslie McMurray, Gregg Shapiro, Casey Williams

                 ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Chad Mantooth, mantooth@dallasvoice.com                                                                                                                                                                        12
          CONTENT MARKETING SPECIALIST Mathew Dominguez, mathew@dallasvoice.com                                                                 ON THE COVER
              NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE National Advertising Representative                                                                                                   BITES FROM OUR BLOG.............4
                                                          Todd Evans, Rivendell Media Inc. | 908-232-2021
                                                                                                                                                                            PLAN YOUR WEEK....................27
                                    ART DIRECTOR Kevin Thomas, thomas@dallasvoice.com
                                     MULTIMEDIA Jimmy Bartlett, Website Management                                                                                          CASSIE NOVA............................28
                                                          Israel Luna, DVtv Video Producer                                                                                  SCENE......................................30
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                                         DVtv Hosts Regina Lyn, Larry The Fairy, Corry Williams                                                                                                                                                       18

                       CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Linda Depriter, distribution@dallasvoice.com                                                         ON THE COVER: Royce West at the Texas Senate (Associated Press)

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                  Associated Press - Associate Member

                    Certified LGBT Business Enterprise

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He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
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                                                               Queer Capitol March set for                       The address is 1800 Congress Avenue.                p
                                                                                                                     Participants will then march down the Capitol
                                                               Saturday in Austin                                Mall to the north side of the Capitol Building
                                                                   Transgender Education Network of Texas,                                                           s
                                                                                                                 “where we will rally among community in oppo-       r
                                                               Equality Texas, Gordy Carmona and Sofia Sep-
                                                                                                                 sition to the more than 140 anti-LGBTQ+ bills       t
                                                               ulveda are calling on LGBTQ Texans and their
                                                                                                                 moving through the Legislature.”                    h
                                                               allies to converge in Austin on Saturday, April
                                                                                                                     Organizers encourage those planning to          a
                                                               15, for the Queer Capitol March.
                                                                                                                 participate to sign up to be captains and help      I
                                                                   “The attacks on LGBTQ+ Texans at the
                                                                                                                 recruit at least 20 others to participate.
                                                               Legislature are escalating, so we have to meet
                                                               that escalation with action,” organizers wrote                                   — Tammye Nash        m
                                                               in a post on social media.                                                                            c
                                                                                                                 AP Inc. board appoints                              S
                                                                   The march starts at noon, and participants
                                                               are asked to assemble for the march at the cor-   Tamara Stephney as acting CEO                       w
                                                               ner of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and     Following the April 4 death of founder and        c
                                                               Congress Avenue (near the Bullock Museum).        CEO Kirk Myers-Hill, the board of directors of
                                                                                                                 Abounding Prosperity Inc. has voted unani-

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4    dallasvoice.com   █   04.14.23
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
mously to ap-     worked alongside Mr. Kirk Myers-Hill for the
                                   point Tamara      past 12 years,” Stephney said in a written
                                   Stephney as       statement, adding, “The best way to honor his
                                   the agency’s      memory is to continue the work and carry his
                                   acting CEO.       legacy forward. I will continue that work, the
                                      The board      work to fulfill the mission of Abounding Pros-
                                   voted on the      perity, Inc. and the vision of Mr. Kirk Myers Hill.”
                                   appointment in                                     — Tammye Nash
                                   an emergency
                                   meeting held
                                   on the evening    Apply to be a
                                   of Myers-Hill’s   Dallas Pride beneficiary
                                   death, and           LGBTQ community organizations are invited
 Tamara Stephney
                                   “the appoint-     to apply to become Dallas Pride beneficiaries.
ment went into immediate effect as part of              To qualify, an organization must use the ma-
the agency’s succession plan,” according to a        jority of its funds for direct programs, services
press release.                                       or activities that provide significant support to
   Board Chair Michelle Myers said in a written      the North Texas LGBTQ community and have
statement, “Ms. Stephney has played a vital          non-profit status. Dallas Pride then selects up to
role in helping Mr. Myers-Hill grow the agency       six organizations to receive proceeds from that
to what it is today. We, the board of directors,     year’s Pride weekend.
have no doubt that she is well suited to further        If your organization would like to be consid-
advance the mission of Abounding Prosperity,         ered for a 2023 Beneficiary, visit the Beneficiary
Inc., and the legacy of Mr. Myers-Hill.”             Request for Proposal webpage at DallasPride.
   The press release announcing her appoint-         org.
ment described Stephney as “a long-standing,            Applications must be submitted by April 28,
committed and visible part” of the organization.     2023. No applications will be accepted after
She has been with AP, Inc. for 12 years and          that date. Organizations that have been select-
worked “side-by-side with Kirk Myers-Hill [as]       ed will be contacted on or after May 12, 2023.
chief operating officer for the past six years.”     Pride weekend is June 3-4.
   “I am truly honored and privileged to have                                             — David Taffet


                  g                                             pion of

        u t t i n                                       ss cham

      P                                                                 6

                                               A tirele nts of District
                                              the res

   Successfully lead & passed the
      1st ever Comprehensive
Environmental & Climate Action Plan

     Lead to fully fund street
  maintenance budget in decades

      Voted four years in a row
   to lower the property tax rate.

    Helped pass an ordinance to
 commemorate June as Pride Month
in Dallas annually and fly the official
City of Dallas Pride Flag at City Hall.

     Advocated & added fully
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          benefits, including
     gender-affirming surgeries
    for transgender employees.
                                                                                            2020 Texan of the Year
 Earned a 100% score all six years                                                             — Dallas Voice
  serving on council for the HRC’s
     Municipal Equality Index.

   Reduced the tax rate six years
    in a row for property owners

      RECOGNITIONS                                                                EARLY VOTING:
                                            ENDORSED BY
 “LGBTQ North Texans of the Year”
                                                                            April 24 - May 1
        — Dallas Voice 2020                                                        ELECTION DAY
                                                                                       May 6
 “Best Dallas City Council Member”                                      If you would like more information
        — Dallas Observer 2018
                                                                        on where and when to vote, go to
        Dallas Pride Parade                                            dallascountyvotes.org
        Grand Marshall 2017                                             Omarfordallas.com
                                                                            Pol. Adv. Pd. by Omar Narvaez Campaign.

                                                                                                                      04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   5
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted

Stand up for drag
Attacks on the drag
community are attacks
on everyone’s freedom

     ’ ve never accidentally run into a
     drag queen. No drag queen has ever
     come for me, seeking to steal my
rights or my autonomy. I have never
been sexually assaulted by or threat-
ened by or beaten up by or frightened
by a drag queen.
   Conservative bigots, on the other
hand, are in my face day in and day
out. Republicans are after my rights,         as often as I’d like. And I
my autonomy and my very existence.            can only count a few drag
Straight white men and “religious”            performers in my group
leaders have sexually assaulted, threat-      of friends. So, why should Scarlet Envy helped Cornett launch a new drag-friendly company policy
ened and frightened me and every              I care about drag being                    unique. That’s why our employees have You Go Down (I’m Goin’ Down Too)”
woman I know in one way or another.           banned?                                    the freedom to dress however they feel at the ceremony with RuPaul’s Drag
   So why is it drag needs to be oblit-          Because it’s not drag that’s being comfortable, including in drag. All we Race alumni Manila Luzon, Jan Sport,
erated or, at the very least, controlled?     banned; it’s freedom. Period.              ask is that you keep it fierce and keep it Kennedy Davenport and Olivia Lux.
   The answer is simple. It doesn’t. It’s        It’s freedom of expression. Freedom office-appropriate. That way, when you That’s another great example of no lon-
yet another distraction, another way to       to live and love however you choose. show up to work, you show up ready ger just speaking our truth, but of yell-
trick the masses into believing that the      Freedom to dress how you like, wor- to werk.”                                              ing it until they have to listen.
good guys are the bad guys and vice           ship (or not) how you like, entertain        “We have to do whatever the fuck                 It ruffled feathers. So, it worked.
versa.                                        yourself and others as you like, eat how we can to shift that narrative,” Deaver              It’s getting scary. And we only have
   It’s as genius as it is despicable. And    you like, care for yourself as you like.   said. “Businesses need to be using their two choices — curl up in a ball and
it’s working. The thing is, banning drag         It’s about freedom, and freedom is a voice. We have the power to shift these hide, which is tempting to be sure, or
is just the tip of an enormous iceberg.       much more delicate structure than you beliefs. We have to do more than do- start yelling however you can.
   First, they came for the drag queens.      might think. Once the chipping away nate during Pride month. We have to                       You can yell by changing your cor-
   And I did not speak out                    begins, the collapse is not far behind.    speak up. We should be celebrating our porate policy. You can yell by inviting
Because I was not a drag queen.                  We have to go to drag shows. We differences.”                                           those who need a platform to join you
   Then they came for the transgender men     have to give money to drag organiza-         To mark the addition to their hand- on yours. You can yell by voting, by
and women and children.                       tions. We have to vote in EVERY elec- book, RuPaul’s Drag Race alum Scarlet protesting, by donating, by educating
   And I did not speak out                    tion against the conservative hate.        Envy — along with Jenna Jive, Kali — by doing anything but keeping your
Because I was not a transgender man or           We have to do all of those things, and Dupree and Uma Jewels — all came to- mouth shut.
woman or child.                               then we have to do more. We have to gether to give two Cornett employees,                     I hope they never come for you. If
   Then they came for the young women.        weave freedom into everything we do. Whit Hiler and Coleman Larkin, drag they do, I’ll be here to speak for you.
And I did not speak out                       We have to make expressing ourselves makeovers, transforming them into And I hope you’ll be there to do the
Because I was not a young woman.              a protected right.                         Witty Comments and Sweet Evening same for me.
   Then they came for me.                        I was recently inspired by the work Sleeze respectively.                                   They seek to divide us. Freedom is
   And there was no one left                  my friend Jamon Deaver is doing on           Neither man had ever done drag. ours as long as we never stop standing
To speak out for me.                          this front with the PR firm where he Neither identifies as LGBTQ. Both together. 			                                              █

   It’s a take on the poem, “First they       works, Cornett. They have initiated a stand as staunch allies of the communi-                 Jenny Block, author of the Lambda Lit-
came” by Martin Niemöller. I think           campaign called “Work is a Drag” and ty and of personal freedom.                           erary Award-winning book Open: Love,
about it a lot. If we don’t stand togeth-     added this to their employee hand-           Kelsea Ballerini recently used her Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage, is
er, for one another, we will be obliterat-    book:                                      voice — in this case literally — to am- a freelance writer and a regular contribu-
ed — one by one, group by group — by             “How you choose to identify and plify the voices of drag performers. The tor to Dallas Voice. Read her Girl On Girls
those who hate.                               express yourself is something we cele- night she co-hosted the Country Mu- column on the first Friday of every month
   I don’t do drag. I don’t get to see drag   brate — it’s what makes our workplace sic Awards, she performed her hit “If in Dallas Voice.

6    dallasvoice.com   █   04.14.23
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
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                                                                                      04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   7
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
Holding them accountable

After long-time ally Royce                   a key priority of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and        But if SB 12 is signed into law, they
                                             the anti-drag group Protect Texas Kids.        could be next.
West votes for anti-drag bills,              Of all the ways to protect children in Sen-       This year’s biggest hit Broadway hit,
advocates warn LGBTQ voters                  ate District 23 this is not one of them.”      Some Like It Hot is sure to send out a
not to take anything for granted                Since the bill West voted for would         touring company next year. In this sto-        Sen. Royce West
                                             impose $10,000 fines on drag perform-          ry — based on the 1959 classic movie of
                                             ers and West has represented Oak Lawn          the same name starring Marilyn Monroe,
DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer           since 1993, the senator was voting to          Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon — the two
taffet@dallasvoice.com                       impose a fine on businesses in his own         male leads hide from the mob by dress-
                                             district.                                      ing as women.
                      he Texas Senate re-       In Senate Bill 12, drag is referred to as      It’s drag. And while the film is general-
                      cently passed two      a “sexually oriented performance” and          ly ranked as one of the greatest comedies
                      anti-drag bills that   restricts those performances on public         ever made, that doesn’t make the musi-
                      have now been sent     property, on the premises of a commer-         cal version legal in Texas.
                      to the House where     cial enterprise or in the presence of a           The other bill West voted for before
                      they must pass be-     child. The bill authorizes a civil penal-      changing his mind — SB 1601 — would
                      fore the bills could   ty — presumably a fine — and creates a         prohibit Drag Queen Story Time. More           Dallas County Democratic Party Chair
                      become law. Sen.       criminal offense. Someone who performs         specifically, it would prohibit libraries      Kristy Noble
Royce West, a Dallas Democrat, original-     in drag and is charged under this law          that “host certain events” from receiving
ly voted for both bills, but then changed    would have a criminal record.                  state or other public funding.
his vote on one of them. He was the only        While supporters of the bill claim its         “Public funding” was amended to “a
Democrat to vote for either bill.            purpose is to protect the children, the bill   political subdivision” to prevent Dallas
  Dallas Voice contacted West’s office       is worded in such a way that drag per-         from funding its own library system if it
for comment regarding his votes, but         formances would be prohibited on pub-          presented one of those “certain events.”
he had not responded as of deadline.         lic property, in a private business OR in         Another amendment inserted the
Should he or his office respond later,       front of a minor anywhere.                     phrase “and appeals to the prurient in-
those comments will be posted online at         The Rose Room at the Winspear per-          terest in sex.” Of course, that was defined
DallasVoice.com.                             formances that sold out during the pan-        by some of the most prurient minds in
  West’s votes on the two measures sur-      demic took place on public property            the Texas Senate in three categories: “ap-     Stonewall Democrats of Texas President
prised his LGBTQ constituents who have       and thus would have been banned had            peals to a minor’s interest in sex, nudity     Jeff Strater
always considered him a reliable ally.       SB 12 been in effect then. And in its cur-     or excretion; is patently offensive to pre-
And the senator heard about it directly      rent state, a number of Broadway shows         vailing standards in the adult commu-
from some of them.                           that come through the Winspear and the         nity as a whole with respect to what is
  During a recent meeting of the Funky       Music Hall at Fair Park would also be          suitable for minors, and is utterly with-
East Dallas Democrats — known as the         banned.                                        out redeeming social value for minors.”
FEDDS — FEDDS member Kendall                    Tootsie opens at the Winspear Opera            Obviously, those who are trying to
Scudder picked up his phone and called       House next week, and under SB 12, the          prevent libraries from presenting Drag
West as the rest of the group listened in.   lead actor could be charged for perform-       Queen Story Time have never been to a
Scudder is also vice chair of the Texas      ing in drag on public property as well         drag queen story time. Appeal to a mi-
Democratic Party.                            as in front of minors. And when Cassie         nor’s interest in excretion? They’re in
  “He doesn’t understand the histor-         Nova performs in JR.’s or any Cedar            princess costumes reading children’s
ical significance of drag to the LGBT        Springs bar, she would be engaging in          books to an enthralled audience. What          Texas Democratic Party Vice Chair
civil rights movement,” Scudder said of      criminal activity for performing “on the       children’s books are about sex, nudity         Kendall Scudder
West. “Drag queens were the first ones to    premises of a commercial enterprise.”          and excretion?                                 LGBTQ voters to always contact their
throw punches when the police attacked,      And since dressing up as a princess and           And without social value? One hun-          representatives about issues they care
so they’re sacred to us.”                    reading to children would be illegal,          dred children sitting quietly for an hour      about — even if your representatives
  Scudder, who was raised by lesbian         drag queen story hour events could send        listening to stories being read is one of      have always been allies. Never assume
moms, said West’s vote was “incredibly       performers to jail.                            the best ways to interest children in read-    an ally is going to support the communi-
frustrating,” adding that he is disap-          Based on the current wording of the         ing. And interesting children in reading       ty on the next issue.
pointed in the senator’s vote.               bill, only the person performing dressed       is the most important job of a library.           Let them know where you stand, she
  Jeff Strater, president, Texas Stonewall   as the opposite gender would be in legal          Sen. West voted for the bill on first       said.
Democrats and a Texas Senate District 23     jeopardy. So the rest of the cast of Tootsie   reading, but, after the amendments, he            Strater agreed: “It caught us by sur-
Democratic committeeman, this week           would be safe. So would be Broadway            decided to vote “nay” along with all oth-      prise that a Democrat supported this bill.
said he is “disturbed that Sen. West was     Dallas, which booked the show. And so          er Democrats on third and final reading.       Now we have learned that more than
the lone Democrat to follow the right-       would be the staff of the Winspear and            Kristy Noble, who chairs the Dallas         ever we need to contact legislators both
wing Republican’s playbook to attack         ATTPAC who presented the performance           Democratic Party, expressed frustra-           Democrat and Republican on our legisla-
LGBTQ+ Texans. This anti-drag bill was       that would be equated to pornography.          tion with West’s vote and encouraged           tive issues.” 			                      █

8    dallasvoice.com     █   04.14.23
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
Happy anniversary to a legend

Bass Hall VP looks back at its
                                                                                              former Dallas Summer Musicals before          to get caught
25 years of impact on                                                                         switching over to a private events com-       up chasing a
Fort Worth                                                                                    pany.                                         rabbit down a
                                                                                                “My job is very demanding and defi-         hole,” he said.
RICH LOPEZ | Staff writer                                                                     nitely not an eight-to-five/40 hours a        “The ex-
rich@dallasvoice.com                                                                          week thing,” Wise said. “[Tony] gets it,      citing
                                                                                                  and that makes a huge difference. He      thing
                                  hether                                                                                                    coming
                                 you     are
                                in formal                                                           loves Broadway,
                               wear or in                                                     so he’ll go scout shows with
                              jeans,     the                                                  me. I love that we can chat about
                             classic archi-                                                   our perspectives after the show.
                            tecture     and    Jason Wise                                     He still gets to be part of the industry
                           luxe interior of    Fort Worth President and CEO Dione             through me.”
Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth            Kennedy said in a press release. “Wheth-          With that kind of support at home and
make every visit feel special. From            er you’re new to the area or have been         a team that mixes well creatively, Wise       out
Broadway shows to contemporary con-            with us since the very beginning, I invite     can perpetuate an optimistic outlook for      of
certs, the venue offers an array of perfor-    you to join us as we commemorate this          his own sake and for Bass. Having open        the pandemic
mances on its mainstage, and this year         great milestone not just for the Hall, but     discussions with colleagues can spark         is that it allowed
marks its 25th anniversary of doing so.        for Fort Worth.”                               new ideas even when everyone is on the        a lot of us to look
   Home to Cowtown’s major companies             Helping Bass Hall and PAFW contin-           same page.                                    at things with a
— including the Fort Worth Symphony            ue to make a big impression for 15 of             “That’s the part I love. We all meet ev-   fresh perspective.
Orchestra, the Fort Worth Opera, the Cl-       those 25 years is Jason Wise, vice pres-       ery two weeks and everyone has a seat         We took everything
iburn concerts and international piano         ident of programming and engagement            at that table,” he said. “Some of our best    we did in 2019 and threw it out the door.
competition and the Texas Ballet Theater       management. He’s the guy who shapes            ideas can come from other departments,           “We decided to operate on a clean
— the hall celebrates its landmark year        the Broadway season at Bass Hall and           and that dynamic always helps us get to       slate.”
by bringing the arts to downtown Fort          books all the concerts happening there         our end goals with a buy-in for every-           Wise said that allowed him to throw
Worth.                                         other than the resident companies’             one.”                                         the playbooks away and expand his
   On May 1, 1998, the Nancy Lee and           events. Wise’s position oversees many             When he began as the marketing di-         own horizons. “We may not know what
Perry R. Bass Performance Hall opened,         departments that help to perpetuate            rector, Wise said, PAFW viewed itself         will happen in a year, but that’s the ex-
built entirely with private funds. The         Bass Hall’s reputation as an arts leader       as a small nonprofit without a full un-       citing part. We keep ourselves open to
2,042-seat hall was designed in clas-          in Fort Worth and North Texas.                 derstanding of its breadth of resources.      new ideas and what opportunities exist
sic European opera house form, with              “The job goes from the time we book          When he compares the programming              for us.”
its 80-foot diameter Great Dome atop           a show until the show leaves, and any-         that Bass does now to its programming            The 25th anniversary season launched
the Founders Concert Theater and two           thing in between is under my umbrella          back then, the successes are far different    in last fall, and noted highlights of the
48-foot-tall angels at the building’s          duties,” Wise said by phone. “But really,      and far bigger.                               season so far have included A Tribute
Grand Facade which are now among               I have 25 other coworkers who are the             Now, Wise helps facilitate Bass’ lead-     to Peace – North Texas Welcomes Kyiv
Fort Worth’s iconic signature landmarks.       stars.”                                        ership in the area arts scene.                City Ballet, a collaborative presentation
   Performing Arts Fort Worth, the               Wise’s team includes the program-               “It’s been nice to evolve as a city and    with Texas Ballet Theater, and a senso-
nonprofit owner and operator of Bass           ming and marketing teams, patron ser-          community. We continue to test the wa-        ry-friendly performance of Disney’s The
Performance Hall, celebrates 25 years          vices (or box office), the VIP presenter       ters and not program the exact same           Lion King, a first for Bass.
of Bass Hall with public outreach this         club, events and rentals and house pro-        thing over and over,” he said. “On a per-        The season concludes with Sunday’s
month. Last week, the first of two com-        duction.                                       sonal level, I’m proud and happy to see       open house.
munity events was held with a Resident           “It’s crazy to think I started just as the   how we continue to grow.”                        “We couldn’t do what we do with-
Company Showcase giving visitors a             director of marketing,” he said, adding           As with every arts organization, the       out our patrons, and we hope people
sample of what the hometown has to of-         that his rise to VP is indicative of the       pandemic delivered a hard hit to Bass’        who have never come by — this is their
fer. On Sunday, PAFW will host a Com-          Bass/PAFW environment, a place where           operations. But it also gave the team a       chance. We always want to remind that
munity Open House where guests can             team members have the opportunity to           new perspective: What would the future        all our welcome here, and we hope peo-
get a behind-the-scenes look at the Hall       grow and expand.                               of the Bass look like? Not having a spe-      ple new and returning will come cele-
— including on stage.                            Having a supportive husband who              cific answer to that was almost the an-       brate and have fun with us.”               █

   “For 25 years, Bass Performance Hall        knows exactly what Wise has to deal            swer.                                            Community Open House, 1-5 p.m. at
has been a theater, a classroom and a pil-     with doesn’t hurt. He has been married            “The challenge was determining what        Bass Hall. Free but ticket reservation is re-
lar of our community,” Performing Arts         since 2014 to Tony, who worked at the          the next thing is, but we didn’t want         quired. BassHall.com/25.

                                                                                                                                                         04.14.23   █   dallasvoice    9
He voted HOW? Sen. Royce West's votes on drag restrictions show LGBTQ Texans can't take the support of even long-time allies for granted
Dallas planning
                                      to regulate
                                      short-term rentals
                                      CITY AGENDA

                                      Party houses are rare and the
                                      STR market generates revenue
                                      and millions in business

                                      DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer

                                                     small fashion shoot and
                                                       little cooking shows
                                                         have been filmed at
                                                           a short-term rental
                                                             house in Oak Lawn
                                                              owned by Jamie
                                                               Schield, a for-
                                                                mer executive      Lisa Sievers
                                      director of Resource Center. He said
                                      some of his regular customers are buy-          Sievers said she has as many renters
                                      ers who’ve come to Dallas to attend a        who live in the neighborhood as she
                                      market and want a safe place to park a       does renters who come from out-of-
                                      small U-Haul.                                town, so she knows she’s doing some-
                                         Prospective UT Southwestern medi-         thing right.
                                      cal students often rent Schield’s house         She’s had neighbors stay who were
                                      to get a taste of what life’s like in the    doing an extensive kitchen remodel at
                                      neighborhood. And during opera sea-          their own home. Others have rented
                                      son, singers and those auditioning for       from her for out-of-town guests they
                                      the Dallas Opera stay at his quaint rent-    had no room for. And some of her out-
                                      al.                                          of-town guests have been people mov-
                                         “You don’t want an opera singer stay-     ing to Dallas and who wanted to try out
                                      ing in the hotel room next to yours, do      the neighborhood before buying.
                                      you?” Schield asked.                            During the height of the pandem-
                                         Probably not, but the city of Dallas is   ic, people rented private houses to get
                                      debating what to do about AirBnBs and        away and have limited interaction with
                                      other short-term rental — STR — plat-        others rather than staying at a hotel.
                                      forms. Some want them banned within             Unlike the “party house on a residen-
                                      the city. Councilman Chad West favors        tial street” reputation AirBnB has gotten
                                      regulating them in some way rather           thanks to a few bad actors, Schield said
                                      than banning them.                           he’s always sweeping the street and
                                         Lisa Sievers, a Dallas Short-term         cleaning the yard at his property. And
                                      Rental Association board member and          one clean yard encourages others to get
                                      STR property owner, also favors regula-      out and clean their yards.
                                      tions. She rents a pool cabana and a ga-        Schield said his biggest problem is
                                      rage apartment on the property where         chasing down city garbage collectors,
                                      she lives.                                   because his is the only private house on
                                         Sievers said people rent from her         his block.
                                      because they’re looking for something           “We all want to get rid of the bad ac-
                                      quiet. And her renters don’t cause ex-       tors,” Sievers agreed.
                                      tra traffic, because she has plenty of          But if some of the rules proposed by
                                      off-street parking on her large property     the city are adopted, 95 percent of the
                                      near White Rock Lake.                        short-term rentals will be shut down in

10   dallasvoice.com   █   04.14.23
the city. Or will they?                     ated with their address. And short-term
  Fort Worth tried to enact a short-        rentals have no negative effect on prop-
term rental ban, Schield said. But go to    erty values. Between 2016 and 2020, the
the AirBnB website, and you’ll have no      average STR appreciated in value by 40
problem renting a room or a house in        percent.
that city.                                     One argument against short-term
  Enforcement of a ban is complicated       rentals is the effect on housing stock
and expensive, Sievers said.                and homelessness. But less than half of 1
  Speaking about who belongs to her         percent of housing units is tied up in the
organization, Sievers said, it’s very di-   short-term rental market in Dallas.
verse, including older women and teach-        The proposed Dallas ordinance to reg-
                                            ulate short-term rentals would require
                                            owners/hosts to register with the city
                                            annually and pay a $248 registration fee,
                                            have a HOT (hotel occupancy tax) regis-
                                            tration number, acknowledge occupancy
                                            limits, parking requirements and noise
                                            limitations and agree to a revocation
                                            process. If not operated by the property
                                            owner, the operator would have to pro-
                                            vide permission to host from the owner.
                                               The new law would require an inspec-
                                            tion, and if violations exist, the operator
                                            would be required to pay a $144 re-in-
                                            spection fee.
                                               Here, Sievers cautioned, is where the
                                            city may be jumping into something it
Jamie Schield                               can’t possibly monitor: Inspecting each
                                            of the city’s more than 2,500 short-term
ers. The highest concentration of short-    rentals will require between 14 and 28
term rental units in Dallas is in Council   new code officers plus staff. With train-
District 14 followed by District 2 — in     ing and without disrupting the short-
other words in and around Oak Lawn.         term rental market, she wasn’t sure how
   But STRs can be found throughout         the city could succeed.
South Dallas to far North Dallas.              Other requirements in the new ordi-
   Schield said his property has turned     nance would require minimum two-
him into an employer. He hired a student    night stays and occupancy limits of three
to do the yard work and help maintain       people per bedroom and would limit the
and clean the house. That person now        number of vehicles to the number of off-
works for several other short-term rental   street spaces available. Noise restrictions
property owners and is turning his job      and registration numbers would have to
into his own business.                      be included in the listing ad. A contact
   In addition, Schield said he employs     person would have to be identified who
an accountant and an attorney in the        could be called seven days a week, 24
community, supporting other profes-         hours a day and be available to get to the
sionals’ practices.                         property within an hour.
   And both Schield and Sievers said           Three citations would get an owner’s
they collect and pay local hotel occupan-   registration revoked.
cy taxes.                                      No two short-term rentals within 2,000
   According to a report by the company     of each other would be approved. That’s
Tourism Economics, 19.6 million Texas       the requirement Schield and Sievers
visitors stayed in short-term rentals in    objected to most. No property within
2022. STRs accounted for $14.3 billion in   almost half a mile would cut the num-
Texas in 2022 and supported 83,552 jobs.    ber of short-term rentals by quite a bit,
State and local governments collected       especially in the most densely populated
$1.2 billion in taxes.                      areas of the city.
   In Dallas, an estimated 2,564 owners        But all this talk of regulations may be-
rent property. That generates $2.6 mil-     come moot: While legislators talk about
lion in taxes and $340 million in local     local control, the trend has been to strip
spending.                                   cities of control. A bill pending in the
   More than 90 percent of short-term       Legislature would prevent cities from
rentals have no 911 or 311 calls associ-    regulating short-term rentals.           █

                                                                                          04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   11
Timeless punk diva
An interview with Debora Iyall                                                                                          Unquestionably, it was lead singer
                                                                                                                     Debora Iyall’s distinctive vocals, which
as Romeo Void’s 1980 live                                                                                            alternated between impassioned and in-
recording is finally released                                                                                        different (remember later singles “Never
                                                                                                                     Say Never” and “A Girl in Trouble”?),
GREGG SHAPIRO | Q Music                                                                                              that set Romeo Void apart from other
GreggShapiro@aol.com                                                                                                 bands of the era. Debora was gracious
                                                                                                                     enough to make time to answer a few

         ecorded in 1980, Romeo Void’s                                                                               questions before the release of the new
         Live From Mabuhay Gardens, No-                                                                              album.
         vember 14, 1980 (Liberation Hall)
is finally seeing the light of day in 2023                                                                           Gregg Shapiro: Debora, I’d like to begin
— on April 22, to be precise — as a Re-                                                                                by asking you to confirm the story be-
cord Store Day release. The previously                                                                                 hind the band’s name Romeo Void. Is it
unreleased 11-track live set, on opaque                                                                                true that it’s related to the shortage of
                                                                                                                       eligible straight men in San Francisco
blue galaxy vinyl, features songs such
                                                                                                                       in the late 1970s/early 1980s? Debora
as “Nothing For Me,” “Confrontation,”
                                                                                                                       Iyall: Yes. Actually, it was kind of inspired
“White Sweater” and “Talk Dirty To                                                                                     by the cover of a local magazine — I think
Me,” that would later make their way                                                                                   it was just called “San Francisco Maga-
to the San Francisco-based band’s ex-                                                                                  zine,” and the headline was “Why Straight
ceptional 415 Records debut It’s A Con-                                                                                Women Can’t Get Laid in San Francisco.”
                                             Debora Lyall (Photo courtesy Tony Smith)                                                                 DIVA, Page 14

                                                                                        Luis Valdes Castillo, FNP-C,
                                                                          has joined Dr. Marc Tribble at MD Progressive Care, located in
                                                                        the heart of the Oak Lawn community. Luis has over 12 years of
                                                                        medical experience. His areas of clinical interest include primary
                                                                          care, Diabetes treatment, HIV Treatment & Prevention (PrEP),
                                                                         STD treatment, and LGBT care.He is a member of the American
                                                                         Association of Nurse Practitioners and the American Academy
                                                                            of HIV Medicine. He accepts all major medical insurance
                                                                                       plans and speaks English & Spanish.

                                                                        MDProgressiveCare.com                                   Book
                                                                            214-521-0100                                     appointment

12   dallasvoice.com   █   04.14.23
04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   13
DIVA, From Page 12
A couple of band members and I were sitting                                                                                                 keeping? Terry Hammer was the sound
  around our kitchen table, and I had made                                                                                                  person at the Mabuhay Gardens, which
  lists of words to try to put together so we                                                                                               is where almost all the bands in San
  can come up with the name of the band.                                                                                                    Francisco were playing that were playing
  We didn’t want anything that had a “the”                                                                                                  around that time. … Everybody played
  in it. I wanted something kind of poetic.                                                                                                 this one little club. He recorded tons
Did you have an awareness that Romeo                                                                                                        of bands. At some point, it might have
  Void was getting airplay outside of San                                                                                                   been in the ’90s, Terry approached and
  Francisco? Not until we went on tour.                                                                                                     said, “I’ve got these great recordings
  But we went on tour pretty quickly once                                                                                                   of Romeo Void, would you like to hear
  we put out a record. We were on 415 Re-                                                                                                   them? I’ll dub you some copies.” So, I
  cords, an independent label. … We went                                                                                                    had heard them a long time ago. … It’s
  to tons of college radio stations. That was                                                                                               this formative picture of Romeo Void
  where you met the greatest folks. Com-                                                                                                    finding our sound a little bit. What strikes
  mercial radio was harder.                                                                                                                 me when I hear it is how lucky was I to
                                                                                                                                            have these musicians indulge me as a
I remember hoping for a Debora Iyall
                                                                                                                                            singer and writer, let me create with them
   sighting when Romeo Void was in Bos-
                                                                                                                                            and make these new things happen from
   ton recording the Never Say Never EP
                                                                                                                                            nothing, from a jam. Because I had no
   at Ric Ocasek’s Syncro Sound studio.
                                                                                                                                            musical training.
   What was that experience like for you?
   It was a great town to be recording in,                                                                                                What does it mean to you to have these
   because when you weren’t needed, there                                                                                                  eleven songs available to Romeo Void
   were things to do right in the neighbor-                                                                                                fans? I think it’s really cool that Terry
   hood. That was awesome. Plus the people                                                                                                 Hammer kept the tapes all these years.
   around the studio were really friendly.        Romeo Void (Photo courtesy Stefano Paolillo)                                             That he was able to find an outlet like
                                                                                                                                           Liberation Hall. A lot of good things
Sometimes some of The Cars would come               Cars a couple of different times.            that pre-dates the release of It’s A      had to happen that weren’t on us. I just
  by. They were like, “Oh, we’re going next       The new, forthcoming Record Store              Condition. Did you know the recording     agreed to it when they put it together and
  door for sushi, if anybody wants to join          Day LP Live From Mabuhay Gardens,            existed, was it in your possession, or    I’m lucky for that, too.
  us.” I think I ate sushi with a couple of The     November 14, 1980 is a live recording        did someone else have it for safe-
                                                                                                                                          I’ve had a couple other lifetimes since
                                                                                                                                             Romeo Void, doing other things. It’s been
                                                                                                                                             a lot of long years. To have our fans, who
                                                                                                                                             really understood Romeo Void, how it
                                                                                                                                             worked in their lives, to be behind that.
                                                                                                                                             Terry was obviously one of those people
                                                                                                                                             and Liberation Hall has to be those peo-
                                                                                                                                             ple, they put so much effort into making
                                                                                                                                             this happen.
                                                                                                                                          After Romeo Void, you’ve worked for
                                                                                                                                            many years as a teacher. Have you
                                                                                                                                            encountered students who are familiar
                                                                                                                                            with your work in Romeo Void, and if
                                                                                                                                            so, how did they react to you being
                                                                                                                                            their instructor? I would have to say not
                                                                                                                                            too much. But parents of students will tell
                                                                                                                                            them, “You need to ask her if this is her!”
                                                                                                                                            Or they’ll come to back-to-school night
                                                                                                                                            to tell me, “I listened to all your records.”
                                                                                                                                            Or even some grandparents, because
                                                                                                                                            some of the students’ grandparents are
                                                                                                                                            the ones that listened to my music.
                                                                                                                                          Were you and the other members of
                                                                                                                                           Romeo Void aware of an LGBTQ
                                                                                                                                           following for the band, and if so, what
                                                                                                                                           did that fanbase mean to you? Oh,
                                                                                                                                           always! And they were some of our best
                                                                                                                                           friends. Our sound man Louie, who did
                                                                                                                                           the first recordings of us in the studio,
                                                                                                                                           was my roommate. Different people that
                                                                                                                                           we would connect with when we went to
                                                                                                                                           New York, who were gay, that we knew
                                                                                                                                           back in San Francisco. When we went
                                                                                                                                           to New York, they came to our shows.
                                                                                                                                           You just embrace and love who you’re

14   dallasvoice.com      █     04.14.23
EARLY VOTING                                                                                   ELECTION DAY
APRIL 24-MAY 2                                                                                    MAY 5th

                                     Resident of District 14 for 30 years
                                   Committed Public Service for 14 years
                        Dallas Plan Commission for 8 years representing District 14
     Represented District 14 on the Landmark Commission preserving Dallas’s Historic Neighborhoods
                                Greater Dallas Planning Council for 14 years
                          Volunteer of the Year from Dallas Housing Crisis Center
                        Oak Lawn Committee Outstanding Volunteer Award winner

               Endorsed by                                                        For more information,   If you would like more information on
                                                                                       please visit           where and when to vote, go to
                                                                                 ridleyfordallas.com       www.dallascountyvotes.org

                              Pol. Adv. Pd. by Paul Ridley Campaign. Norma Minnis, Treasurer

                                                                                                                     04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   15
Honoring Rosa Lopez

City adds sign toppers in Los                                                                                                             radio station KNON 89.3 FM for many
Alto neighborhood to recognize                                                                                                            years. Lopez was a frequent guest on
the late Latina lesbian activist                                                                                                          radio show, discussing issues and con-
                                                                                                                                          cerns facing Latina lesbians. With the
                                                                                                                                          Lesbianas Latinas de Dallas, she often
JESÚS CHAÍREZ                                                                                                                             worked together with the producer of
Courtesy of News Is Out | newsisout.com                                                                                                   the radio show and owner of Arte Facto,
                                                                                                                                          a gay Latino alternative art space in Old
                          ALLAS, TEXAS                                                                                                    East Dallas, to have cultural events of
                          — Dallas’ gay                                                                                                   poetry readings and Latina lesbian folk
                          Deputy Mayor                                                                                                    singers, like prominent Puerto Rican
                          Pro Tem Omar                                                                                                    folk singer Lourdes Perez.
                          Narvaez,      who                                                                                                  The Lesbianas Latinas disbanded af-
                          represents Dis-                                                                                                 ter a couple of years, but Lopez contin-
                          trict 6 on the city                                                                                             ued volunteering her time in communi-
                          council, unveiled                                                                                               ty endeavors.
ceremonial street sign toppers Friday,                                                                                                       In her final years, Lopez became a
May 31, honoring Rosa Lopez, the les-                                                                                                     member of a new LGBTQ Latino group
bian Latina community activist who lost                                                                                                   called LULAC 4871 — The Dallas Rain-
her battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma on                                                                                                     bow Council. The group that helped
Feb. 21, 2017.                                  Rosa Lopez (Dallas Voice file photo), above.                                              promote LULAC’s overall national and
  Narvaez initiated the process of hon-         Street sign topper honoring Rosa Lopez                                                    statewide missions but with emphasis
oring Lopez with the street sign toppers        (Photo courtesy of Juan Contreras via                                                     on the LGBTQ Latino community.
                                                Jesus Chairez), right.
in her West Dallas neighborhood of Los                                                                                                       Lopez also participated frequently in
Altos, then the community stepped up            open an ice cream shop called Suenos                                                      LGBTQ Latino(a) history seminars, be-
to help, said Mary Velez, board presi-          Sabrosos (Sweet Dreams) in the Bishop                                                     cause she believed strongly in preserv-
dent, of Vecinos Unidos, a non-profit           Arts District neighborhood where she                                                      ing LGBTQ Latino(a) history. LULAC
Lopez established to bring affordable           lived. After spending her day at Veci-                                                    4871 — The Dallas Rainbow Council
housing to Dallas’s lower income West           nos Unidos, Lopez would head to her                                                       created a scholarship in Lopez’s honor
Dallas neighborhoods. It was, Velez said,       ice cream shop where she spent the eve-                                                   to help students further their education.
really a big effort by the entire communi-      nings and weekends doing what she al-                                                     After she passed, her hometown com-
ty to get the sign toppers approved, with       ways dreamed of as a kid — owning her                                                     munity in Moline, Ill., also endowed a
many neighbors signing petitions, writ-         own ice cream shop.                                                                       scholarship in her honor.
ing letters and speaking at city council           People visited Sueños Sabrosas to                                                         According to Narvaez, this is the first
meetings.                                       not only enjoy some ice cream but stay         Contreras said, to witness the unveil-     time the city of Dallas has honored a fe-
  Narvaez called Lopez a pillar of the          awhile to talk about politics. And if a        ing of the street sign topper honoring     male, Latina and LGBTQ woman with
Los Altos neighborhood in West Dallas           visitor came in feeling down, Lopez was        Lopez, a trailblazing woman who shat-      honorary street sign toppers.
who brought much needed affordable              there to offer comfort and words of ad-        tered many glass ceilings. Her presence       West Dallas, the Dallas LGBTQ
housing to a community when no one              vice.                                          is greatly missed, he added, but her       community and the city overall lost
else was even considering such an ef-              Juan C. Conteras, a young gay Latino        memory lives on in the hearts of those     a one-of-a-kind leader with Rosa Lo-
fort. The West Dallas that Lopez fought         activist and a co-founding member of           she touched.                               pez’s death. But her memory lives on
for was a low-income Mexican, Mexi-             Texas Latino Pride, attended the March           Lopez also established Dallas’ first     for all to see and cherish every day
can-American and Black neighborhood             31 ceremony. In a social media post af-        organization for Latina lesbians: Lesbi-   through the street signs toppers in
that included a lead smelter plant and          terwards he recalled how, as a young           anas Latinas de Dallas. On Nov. 9, 1996,   West Dallas. 			                            █

two concrete batch plants. The lead             teenager, he would frequently visit Lo-        Lopez and the rest of Lesbianas Latinas       Jesús Chaírez is an activist, freelance
smelter plant allegedly poisoned many           pez at her ice cream parlor where they         de Dallas became Dallas’ first LGBTQ       writer and regular Dallas Voice contributor
children with excessive levels of lead          would engage in lively conversations           Latino group to hold a major commu-        based in México City. News is Out is a pio-
over the years. But now it and the con-         and how Lopez helped him through               nity dance at a prominent Dallas hotel     neering national collaborative of the leading
crete plants are gone thanks to the com-        his coming out process. Contreras also         when they hosted “La Noche de Gala —       local queer news publishers. The collabo-
munity activists who banded together            recalled how he would exchange tacos           Formal Dance” at the Harvey Hotel.         rative includes six of the leading local and
to demand they be closed.                       from his family’s restaurant, located            Lesbianas Latinas de Dallas had an       queer-owned LGBTQ+ publishers across
  While Lopez dedicated herself to the          around the corner from the ice cream           open door to Dallas’s gay bilingual        the nation. Join the News Is Out newslet-
affordable housing cause that took up           shop, for some delicious ice cream.            Latino radio show, Sin Fronteras, that     ter here, https://newsisout.com/sign-up-for-
much of her time she also found time to            It was an extraordinary privilege,          aired Sunday evenings on community         our-newsletter/?utm_source=DV.

18   dallasvoice.com    █    04.14.23
04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   19
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                                                                                                   ‘Blue Hunger’ offers an                        brother, her only sibling died.
                                                                                                                                                     She was brushing her teeth when it
                                                                                                   excitingly dangerous romance                   happened. Now, weeks later, she was
                                                                                                   abroad while ‘Gray Love’                       in his favorite city, a teacher of Italian
                                                                                                   explores the pitfalls and                      languages in a Chinese culture, alone,
                                                                                                   possibilities of dating after 60                  Then she met Xu.
                                                                                                                                                     It happened at the nightclub called
                                                                                                   TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER | Bookworm Sez            Poxx, and she later wondered, with a
                                                                                                   BookwormSez@Yahoo.com                          thrill, if Xu had been stalking her. Xu
                                                                                                                                                  claimed that she was a student in the
                                                                                                   Blue Hunger by Viola Di Grado,                 Italian class, but though she was usual-
                                                                                                   translated by Jamie Richards.                  ly good with faces, she didn’t remem-
                                                                                                   c.2023, Bloomsbury; $27; 216 pages.            ber the slender, “glorious” woman with
                                                                                                                               You can’t stop     milk-white skin and luminous eyes.
                                                                                                                            thinking about           She did remember the first place she
                                                                                                                            it. It’s been roll-   and Xu had sex. It was a hotel, but Xu
                                                                                                                            ing around in         liked it outside, too — in public, on
                                                                                                                            your mind since       sidewalks, in abandoned buildings
                                                                                                                            it      happened,     and in crowded nightclubs. They took
                                                                                                                            and you can’t         yellow pills together, slept together in
                                                                                                                            stop. You replay      Xu’s squalid apartment; she told Xu she
                                                                                                                            it over and over      loved her but never got a reply except
                                                                                                                            — how it start-       that Xu starting biting.
                                                                                                                            ed, how it pro-          Xu had used her teeth all along, but
                                                                                                   gressed, why it ended. You wonder if           she started biting harder.
                                                                                                   it’ll happen again.                               Soon, she was bleeding, bruising
                                                                                                      And in the new novel Blue Hunger by         from Xu’s bites, and seeing people in
                                                                                                   Viola Di Grado, you wonder if you truly        the shadows. And she began to under-
                                                                                                   want it to.                                    stand that Ruben wouldn’t have liked
                                                                                                      Shanghai was not her first choice to        Xu at all.
                                                                                                   live. Sometimes, she wasn’t really even           You know what you want. You’re
                                                                                                   sure why she came there, except that it        someone with determination. And you
                                                                                                   was Ruben’s dream.                             may want this book, but there are a few
                                                                                                      For months and months, he spoke of          things you’ll need to know first.
                                                                                                   Shanghai, showed her maps, talked of a            Reading Blue Hunger is like watching
                                                                                                   life as a chef living in a high-rise apart-    a Stanley Kubrick movie. It’s surreal,
                                                                                                   ment, taught her a little bit of the lan-      kind of gauzy and loaded with mean-
                                                                                                   guage.                                         ings that are somewhat fuzzy until
                                                                                                      She never fully understood why Ru-          you’ve read a paragraph several times.
                                                                                                   ben loved China, and she never thought         And even then, you’re not quite sure
                                                                                                   to ask before her other half, her twin
                                                                                                                                                                          COLORS, Page 22

20   dallasvoice.com   █    04.14.23

    An Experienced

                   Make Your Voice Heard!
                                                      Lifelong resident of District 2
       EARLY VOTING                             ★
                                                ★     Small business owner
       April 24 - May 2                         ★     Former Park Board Member
                                                ★     Proven advocate for residents
       ELECTION DAY                             Jessemoreno.com
           May 6                                  If you would like more information on
                                                      where and when to vote, go to
Endorsed                                               www.dallascountyvotes.org

                     Paid for by the Jesse Moreno campaign

                                                                              04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   21
COLORS, From Page 20
about it.                                                            ing for the restau-   ing someone around to do it with would      a while, you’re someone’s “sweetie.”
   Author Viola Di Grado writes of sharp,                            rant, and, once       be nice. You have company, but you are         According to a study quoted in Gray
unfinished mourning with a grief-dis-                                you found it, you     “without intimacy.” Or you don’t want       Love, about 25 percent of American
tracting obsession layered thickly on top,                           learned that you      a full-time someone, but it’s scary to      adults live alone. If you’re one of them
of control and submission. And, while                                needed reserva-       think about “falling off a ladder alone.”   and open to a relationship, you need
the chapters are each brief, they feel too                           tions. Practically       So you go online because, well, peo-     this book.
long but not long enough.                                            before the eve-       ple don’t meet like they used to. That’s       Just know that this is not a how-to
   There are so many questions left dan-                             ning started, you     when you learn that dating sites are        manual. Editors Nan Bauer-Maglin and
gling within the plot of this story, so                              sensed that your      generally rife with people who lie about    Daniel E. Hood don’t offer advice in
many small bits unsaid, but also too                                 food could be as      their ages, who seem clingy or who          their introduction, and most of their sto-
much information of the mundane sort.                                cold as your date.    want things you can’t give, “the Uncer-     rytellers didn’t Ann-Landers their way
You’ll feel somewhat voyeuristic with          As in Gray Love, edited by Nan Bau-         tain, the Angry... the Unattractive.” And   into this book.
this book in your hands, until you no-       er-Maglin and Daniel E. Hood, looking         — let’s be honest — the jerks.                 Instead, you’ll read tales of dating
tice that the sex scenes here are humidly    for love wasn’t like this when you were          Unlike real life circa 1973 or 1993,     and mating gone happily right and
uber-fiery but not very detailed.            younger. You thought you’d be happy           there’s nobody to vouch for singles on-     very, very wrong, told in ways that will
   Overall, then, Blue Hunger is different   alone.                                        line.                                       make you laugh, sigh and know that
but compelling, short enough to read           After the divorce, the funeral, the last       You wonder, “What would I wear?”         you’re not alone in your late-life search
twice, quickly. It’s lush, dreamlike, and    break-up, you didn’t think a little you-      You learn about scams the hard way,         for love.
once started, you won’t be able to stop      time was a bad idea. And it wasn’t. But       while tales of love at way-up-there-ages       The mixture here is diverse and wide:
thinking about it.                           love — someone to go to the movies            are inspirational. Experimenting with       If one tale makes you want to swear off
                                             with or dine with or snuggle with —           same sex, different sex, different race     dating forever, the next one offers Hap-
Gray Love: Stories About Dating and          seems more and more appealing now.            isn’t off the table, but nobody’s asked —   pily Ever After.
New Relationships After 60, edited           Today, though, as the 42 essays in this       or you did, and it was wonderful and           Be aware that a few of the tales inside
by Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel E.            book confirm and as you’ve learned,           why didn’t you do that before?              Gray Love flirt with the explicit, and oth-
Hood. c.2023, Rutgers University             that’s easier said than done.                    Love is love.                            ers might ruffle a feather or two. Still,
Press; $24.95; 303 pages.                      You want a partner, someone your               You date the wrong people; you date      it could be great to share it with a mil-
  It was supposed to be a nice night out.    age, but you fear becoming a caretaker.       the right people, you’re exhausted and      lennial or older GenZ-er. If you see this
But you drove around and around look-        You like doing your own thing, but hav-       disappointed. And sometimes, even for       book on a bookshelf, take it out. █

22   dallasvoice.com   █    04.14.23
04.14.23   █   dallasvoice   23
                                      ON THE TRANS FRONT

                                      White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

                                      Trans athletes saw 2 victories                   changes any law at this time, but both
                                      last week, but will it last?                     represent powerful pushbacks against
                                                                                       a wave of hostile legislation in many
                                      LISA KEEN | Keen News Service                    states.
                                      lisakeen@mac.com                                    The Supreme Court vote announced
                                                                                       on April 6 temporarily stops a recent-
                                                          ransgender athletes          ly-passed ban on competition by trans
                                                          saw two significant          athletes in West Virginia schools. The
                                                          victories last week:         law is a variation on numerous similar
                                                          one from the con-            laws being enacted around the coun-
                                                          servative U.S. Su-           try. The West Virginia law requires that
                                                          preme Court and              public secondary schools and universi-
                                                          the other from the           ties bar any student identified as male at
                                                          LGBTQ-friendly               birth from participating in a sport desig-
                                      White House of President Joe Biden.              nated for female students.
                                      The events triggered a flood of national            The Supreme Court voted 7-2 in West
                                      media attention and found lesbian ten-           Virginia v. BPJ to reject the state’s re-
                                      nis legend Martina Navratilova on the            quest that the Supreme Court vacate a
                                      side of those wishing to bar transgender         federal appeals court injunction in Feb-
                                      females from participating in female             ruary that prevented the anti-transgen-
                                      sporting events.                                 der law from taking effect. The injunc-
                                        Neither of the two developments                tion is set to remain in place until the

24   dallasvoice.com   █   04.14.23
appeals court rules on the constitution-           Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel
ality of the law.                               Alito, the Supreme Court’s most consis-
                                                tently anti-LGBTQ members, submitted
                                                a dissent to the majority’s denial of West
                                                Virginia’s request. They said the court is
                                                “likely” to take up the issue “in the near
                                                future.” Specifically, they said, the issue
                                                will be whether Title IX of the Educa-
                                                tion Amendments of 1972 or the 14th
                                                Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause
                                                prohibit a state law “restricting partici-
                                                pation in women’s or girls’ sports based
                                                on genes or physiological or anatomical
                                                   The dissent also hinted that the ma-
                                                jority’s vote may have been based on a
                                                procedural matter: that West Virginia
                                                took 18 months before seeking to vacate
                                                the lower court injunctions.
                                                   The West Virginia law was due to go
                                                into effect in July 2021, but the ACLU
                                                and Lambda Legal filed litigation, BPJ v.
                                                West Virginia, to challenge the constitu-
                                                tionality of the law and prevent it from
                                                taking effect. (Subsequent to filing the
                                                lawsuit, the plaintiff in the challenge
                                                has been identified as now 12-year-old
                                                Becky Pepper-Jackson.)

                                                Biden crafts a
                                                moderate proposal
                                                   The Biden administration’s proposed
                                                rule change, from the U.S. Department
                                                of Education, cannot take effect until
   The Alliance Defending Freedom               after a 30-day period during which the
joined the state of West Virginia in its        public can comment on the proposal
request to vacate the Fourth Circuit U.S.       and the Biden administration can take
Court of Appeal’s injunction. Twen-             those comments into consideration.
ty-one states joined a brief supporting            The 115-page proposed rule change
West Virginia’s request, including Flor-        would amend one section of Title IX
ida, Georgia, Texas and Virginia. And a         of the Education Amendments act, the
group of 67 female athletes, coaches, and       federal law which prohibits discrimina-
parents, including lesbian tennis legend        tion “on the basis of sex” in schools that
Martina Navratilova, submitted a brief          receive federal funding. The section
in support of the West Virginia law.            (106.41b) says schools can have separate
   “At every level, we are aware that less      teams for males and females for con-
skilled, less determined males beat high-       tact sports. The Biden administration
er level female athletes because of innate      proposal seeks to add that, if a school
physical difference in the sexes,” said         refuses to allow a transgender student
the group’s brief. “…When women and             play on a team that matches their gen-
girls are asked to compete against male         der identity, the refusal must be based
athletes, they are asked to ignore biolog-      on a need to “minimize harms” and “be
ical reality, the reality that defines female   substantially related to the achievement
physical bodies.”                               of an important educational objective.”
   Navratilova has long been public                “This clarification regarding Title IX’s
about her opposition to trans women
competing in women’s sports.                                       PROGRESS?, Next Page

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