Page created by Tommy Warren
                                    2020–2021 SCHOOL YEAR

      THE 2020–2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Letter from the Editors:

In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic
shut down schools across the country,
we at the Foreign Policy Association
wanted to support teachers as they                                      MODERN

transformed the way students learned.
FPA pivoted its outreach to provide
classrooms with interactive articles
that engaged students in foreign affairs
and current events. This collected
edition gathers the first five issues
of the Foreign Policy Association’s
Great Decisions High School, originally
published during the 2020-2021
school year. Together, they represent
a snapshot of some of the foreign                                       ARTIFICIAL

policy issues that made the biggest
waves during an especially historic
and tumultuous year, a time when it
became dramatically clear that these
global issues are more crucial than ever.
We hope that through these articles,
and through our Great Decisions TV
series. a new generation of leaders will
be inspired to face the world’s most

                                                                        COVID -19
pressing concerns head-on. This year,
we look forward to bringing you and

your classrooms more content, and we

look forward to partnering with you.

Eliza Edel McClelland

Executive Editor: Eliza Edel McClelland
Managing Editors: Elliott Rebhun,
  Josh Gregory
Writers: Josh Gregory, Michael Burgan, Sandy

  Ong, Isobel Whitcomb, Melissa McDaniel
Design: Kathleen Petelinsek, The Design Lab

Photo Editors: Cynthia Carris Alonso,
  Erin Paxinos
Fact Checkers: Melissa Wohlgemuth, Tonya Ryals
Cover Photo: Shutterstock
Special thanks to: Noel V. Lateef, MacDara
  King, Cole Kitchen, Tonya Leigh, Aja Melville,
  Brandon Ramirez, William Dratch, Elliott Rebhun
1918 • FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION                            HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                             N OV E M B E R 2 0 2 0

                                                   As the ice in the Arctic
                                                   melts, it’s harder for polar
                                                   bears to hunt for seals.

                        The planet is getting hotter.
                      The polar ice caps are melting.
                           Ocean levels are rising.
      Floods and wildfires are more frequent and often more intense.
                Plant and animal species are disappearing.
                            People are suffering.

                          BY JOSH GREGORY
Students at a climate
                                                                                                 change protest in San
                                                                                                 Francisco in 2019

                                                                                                                                             Fabrice Florin/Fickr
            ould your hometown be          the most recent ice age 12,000 years    to climate change. And we won’t
            uninhabitable in 50 or         ago, Earth’s climate has slowly been    have to wait 50 years to see
            100 years? Scientists fear     growing warmer.                         climate change’s impact: Most sci-
    that entire cities that once stood          But since the Industrial Revo-     entists believe that climate change
    safely on dry ground could be          lution, the average temperature has     is already increasing the intensity
    permanently submerged in the           risen much faster, by a little more     and frequency of catastrophic
    decades ahead. Intense heat waves      than 2°F, with two-thirds of that       weather events like hurricanes
    and massive wildfires are also         increase since 1975. The two warm-      and wildfires.
    deadly threats, as we’ve seen in       est years ever were 2016 and 2019,           Scientists also say that the
    states such as Oregon, Washington,     and September 2020 was the hottest      longer we wait, the harder it gets
    and California in recent years.        on record.                              to ensure humanity’s future. Young
        The culprit is climate change ,         A couple of degrees might not      people around the globe have heard
    which is a slow change in global       sound like a big deal, but it is: A     the message and are taking action.
    or regional climate patterns, such     drop of just 1 or 2 degrees sent the         Elizabeth Maruma Mrema,
    as temperature and precipitation,      planet into the last ice age, and a     the Tanzanian leader of the United
    over a long period of time. (You’ve    couple of degrees of warming could      Nations Convention on Biological
    probably also heard the term           be enough to make Earth largely         Diversity, summed it up for The New
    global warming, which refers to        uninhabitable for humans.               York Times: “We still need this planet
    just one aspect of climate change:          The primary cause of the           to live on,” she said, “and we still
    the increase in Earth’s average        rising temperatures? People. Many       need this planet for our children.”
    temperature over time.)                of the things we do every day—
        For millions of years, Earth’s     from eating and driving to texting     *Weather and climate: Weather is what’s outside when
    climate* has cycled between warmer     and working in factories—                you open the door; climate describes the weather
                                                                                    conditions that are expected in a particular region at
    and cooler periods. Since the end of   contribute directly or indirectly        a particular time of year.

4   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • C L I M AT E C H A N G E
2 Much of the sun’s            3 Greenhouse gases trap some
                                   energy is reflected back          of that reflected energy in
                                   toward space by clouds,           the atmosphere, warming
                                   oceans, snow, and land.           the planet further.When too                                  trees for timber and to make room
                                                                     much energy is trapped, the
                                                                     result is global warming.                                    for homes, farms, and mines—also
                                                                                                                                  contributes to climate change.
                                                                  ENHOUSE GASES
                                                              G RE                                                                Trees and other plants naturally
                                                                                                                                  absorb carbon dioxide. Fewer trees
                                                                                                                                  means less carbon dioxide gets
                                                                                                                                  absorbed, with more making its
                                                                                                                                  way into the atmosphere.
                                                                                                                                      Of particular concern is defor-
    1 E
       nergy from the sun heats
      Earth and makes it habitable.                                                                                               estation in South America’s

                                                                                                   Siberian Art/Shutterstock
                                                                                                                                  Amazon rainforest—an area so
                                                                                                                                  vast it’s known as “Earth’s lungs.”
 THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT                                                                                                            At the current rate of deforestation,
                                                                                                                                  more than a quarter of the Ama-
Why are they called greenhouse gases? Because they work like greenhouses:                                                         zon’s trees could be gone by 2030.
Greenhouse gases let sunlight through while trapping heat in the atmosphere.
                                                                                                                                  YOUR BURGER . . .
GREENHOUSE GASES                                                                                                                  Fossil fuels and deforestation aren’t
What’s causing Earth’s climate                                                                                                    the only climate change culprits.
to get warmer? The answer is                                                                                                      In fact, high on the list is . . . your
invisible greenhouse gases, such                                                                                                  hamburger. After carbon dioxide,
as carbon dioxide, methane, and                                                                                                   the most common greenhouse gas
nitrous oxide, which make up                                                                                                      is methane, which is primarily a
some of the atmosphere.                                                                                                           byproduct of raising livestock. To
    We actually need a certain                                                                                                    put it bluntly, the methane comes
amount of these greenhouse gases.
They act like the glass panes of a                                                                                                Livestock produces
                                                                                                   Dudarev Mikhail/Shutterstock

greenhouse, trapping heat from the                                                                                                15% of the world’s
sun and making Earth warm enough
to support life.                                                                                                                  greenhouse gas
    But the amount of greenhouse                                                                                                  emissions.
gases in the atmosphere, especially
carbon dioxide, has increased                                                       THE DEBATE
significantly in the last 250 years­­.
Most of the increase is a result of                                SHOULD THERE BE LESS RED
humans burning fossil fuels like                                   MEAT IN SCHOOL LUNCHES?
coal, oil, and natural gas, which are                  YES                                                                         NO
used to heat and cool homes and                           educing demand for red meat
                                                         R                                                                            illions of students love
schools, in electricity generation                       would help cut greenhouse                                                   having burgers for lunch.
and manufacturing, and to power                          gas emissions from cattle.                                                  Red meat is a good source
cars, planes, and internet data                         A quarter-pound burger                                                       of nutrients like vitamin B12
centers. (They’re called fossil                         requires 65 square feet of land                                               and iron.
fuels because they come from the                        for grazing and feed crops.                                                 Modern cattle operations
remains of fossilized plants and                         Eating red meat increases a                                                are much more efficient and
animals, such as dinosaurs, that                          person’s risk of cancer, heart                                             environmentally friendly than
died millions of years ago.)                              disease, and diabetes.                                                     they used to be.

                                                                                                                                               NOVEMBER 2020                5
from cow burps and farts!                  In California’s                            8,500-mile coastline.
         Earth is now home to 1.4 billion      Death Valley in                                 The second major way
    cattle, all frequently eating—and                                                     melting polar ice harms the Earth
    constantly digesting. The U.N. says
                                               August, it hit                             is that the ice stores greenhouse
    these animals produce 15% of the           130°F, which may                           gases. As it melts, carbon dioxide
    world’s greenhouse gas emissions.          be the highest                             trapped inside is released, adding
         What’s the carbon footprint of        temperature                                to the greenhouse gases in
    your quarter-pound burger? Accord-                                                    the atmosphere.
    ing to a 2012 study in the scientific      ever recorded.
    journal Animals, it’s about 4 pounds       more frequent flooding that destroys       WILD WEATHER
    of greenhouse gases.                       homes, farms, and factories. Climate       Heat waves, hurricanes, floods,
                                               change could eventually create             droughts, and wildfires have
    MELTING ICE CAPS                           millions of “climate refugees       ”      all increased in frequency and
    One of the most serious effects of         who have been forced to leave their        strength in recent years. Summer
    climate change is the gradual melt-        homelands.                                 2019 saw record temperatures
    ing of the polar ice caps                      The world’s most vulnerable            around the world and in August
    in the Arctic and Antarctica.              coastal city is Miami, Florida,            2020, it was 130°F in California’s
        The melting ice harms Earth in         according to Resources for the             Death Valley, which may be the
    two major ways. First, it causes ocean     Future (RFF), a non-partisan               highest temperature ever recorded
    levels to rise. From Houston and           research institute in Washington,          on Earth.
    New York to the South Asian nation         D.C. Indeed, RFF says that 300,000              An intense summer heat wave
    of Bangladesh and the Marshall             homes, 30 schools, and four                in 2020, combined with an equally
    Islands in the Pacific, many places        hospitals will be at risk in the next      intense drought, left the forests on
    are feeling the effects    , including     20 years in Florida, which has an          America’s West Coast primed to

                                                                                                                                 John Locher/AP Images

    September 11, 2020: Desiree Pierce at what’s left of her home in Talent, Oregon, after massive West Coast wildfires in
    California, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. “I just needed to see it,” she said, “to get some closure.”

6   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • C L I M AT E C H A N G E
                                                                                               comes from coal, down from 31%
                                        North Pole
                                                      OCEAN        EUROPE                      in 2017.
                                                                                                    Alternative energy sources
                                      SEA ICE                                                  such as wind, solar, hydropower,
                                                                                               and nuclear don’t produce
                                                                                               greenhouse gases. They’re playing
                                                                                               a growing role in the U.S. and
                                                                                               world economies, accounting for
   PAC I F I C                                                      AT L A N T I C
                                                                                               20% of U.S. energy consumption
   OCEAN                    CANADA                                   OCEAN
                                                                                               in 2018.
                                                                                                    Advances in technology
                             NORTH                                                             and government incentives are
                            AMERICA                                        Sea ice in
                                                                           September 2017      encouraging that growth. Some
                                                                           Sea ice average     governments offer tax breaks
                                                                           each September
                                                                           from 1989 to 2010   for using green energy. Electric-
                                                                                               and hybrid-car buyers often get
Shrinking sea ice in the Arctic causes ocean levels to rise, releases carbon                   tax breaks and can use high-
dioxide stored in the ice, and threatens polar bears and other wildlife.                       occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes.
                                                                                               Governments have also raised
erupt in flames. In California, by                   in spring and forms later in the          taxes on fossil fuels, including gas
mid-September, an area the size of                   fall due to warmer temperatures,          at the pump (see Debate below),
Connecticut had burned.                              changes in bear habitats and food         to make them more expensive and
    Higher global temperatures                       sources are endangering their             discourage their use.
heat not only the air but also                       existence.                                     In 2015, representatives of
the oceans. Hurricanes get their                                                               many of the world’s nations
power from the evaporation of hot,                   WHAT’S BEING DONE                         met in Paris to sign a landmark
moist ocean air, so warmer oceans                    Most responses to climate                 agreement to combat climate
may mean more frequent storms.                       change       involve decreasing the       change and move toward a
And since warmer air can hold                        use of fossil fuels, especially coal      sustainable, low-carbon future.
more moisture, storms may dump                       and oil, and increasing the use of        The goal is to limit the global rise
significantly more rain, which can                   alternative energy sources. There’s       in temperature in this century to
result in more severe and more                       already been real progress. For           between 1.5°C and 2°C. The U.S.
frequent flooding.                                   example, about 20% of the pow-            is one of 189 nations that have
                                                     er generated in the U.S. in 2020          signed the Paris Agreement.
Climate change is also a threat to                                                   THE DEBATE
countless species whose habitats
and food sources are shrinking.                                  SHOULD WE RAISE GAS TAXES?
Close to 7,000 of the more than                         YES                                    NO
120,000 species currently tracked                        If driving were more expensive,      • People will still need to drive,
by the International Union for                            people would drive less.               even if gas costs more.
Conservation of Nature are                                Higher gas taxes would              • It would be a hardship for
critically endangered.                                     encourage the purchase of             people who already struggle
     The most poignant symbol                              fuel-efficient vehicles.              to pay to fill up their tanks.
of species threatened by climate                           Higher gas taxes would             • Climate-change costs should be
change may be the Arctic’s polar                            encourage carpooling.                 borne by fossil-fuel companies.
bears. As sea ice recedes earlier

                                                                                                           NOVEMBER 2020              7
Global CO2 Emissions                                        WHAT YOU CAN DO                        • Buy a car that gets good mile-
        by Country                                              Doing something about climate            age. If you can afford it, buy an
                                                                change doesn’t need to be left to        electric or hybrid car.
                                                                governments, corporations, or even     • Calculate your carbon foot-
                                                                adults. Here are some simple ways        print (how much carbon dioxide
             Rest of
           the World                      China                 you can help on a daily basis:           is released into the atmosphere
              30%                                               •	Turn off lights and unplug            from your daily activities) and
                                                                  devices when you aren’t using          try to reduce it.
                                                                  them.                                • Write or call your elected
             n 4 5%                                             • Eat less red meat and waste            officials to let them know what
         Japa       a                      USA
                ssi                        15%
                                                                  less food. Americans throw out         you think.
                   India European
                    7%    Union
                                                                  25% of their groceries, and food     • Vote, when you are old enough!
                            9%                                    decomposing in landfills emits         With few exceptions, you can’t
     Source: FPA; T.A. Boden, G. Marland, R.J. Andres (2017).     methane (just like cows!).             vote until you’re 18, but in many
     National CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning,
     Cement Manufacture, and Gas Flaring: 1751–2014,            • Bike, walk, take public                states you can register at 16 or 17,
     Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak
     Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy         transit, or carpool instead            and you’ll be all set when 18 rolls
     Data is from 2014, the latest available.                     of driving alone.                      around.

        In Congress, a resolution
    known as the Green New Deal
    was introduced in 2019. It calls
    on the federal government to
    dramatically reduce greenhouse
    gas emissions as part of a “10-year
    national mobilization.”
        There are, however, questions
    about the economic impact of the

                                                                                                                                                Dave Granlund/Politicalcartoons.com
    Green New Deal and efforts to
    combat climate change in general.
    Millions of jobs in the U.S. are
    connected to traditional energy
    sources—both their extraction
    (e.g., oil and gas drilling and
    coal mining) and their use (e.g.,
    powering cars, homes, schools,                                                        THE DEBATE
    and factories).
        Concern is especially high in                                   SHOULD THERE BE A NATIONWIDE
    the top states for the production                                       BAN ON PLASTIC BAGS?
    of coal (Wyoming, West Virginia,                             YES                                   NO
    and Pennsylvania) and oil (Texas,                                lastic bags are made using oil
                                                                    P                                     lastic bags are more sanitary
    North Dakota, and New Mexico).                                  and are difficult to recycle.        than paper or cloth bags.
    Green New Deal proponents say                                  Americans use a billion plastic      Many people feel single-use
    it will create millions of jobs in                              bags a year, with only 1%             plastic bags offer protection
    green technologies and rebuilding                               recycled.                            against COVID-19.
    the nation’s infrastructure—such                                Plastic can take decades, even       Plastic bags are inexpensive,
    as roads, public transit, and                                    centuries, to break down.             even when used only once.
    buildings—to run on green energy.

8   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • C L I M AT E C H A N G E
Greta Thunberg at a climate protest                                                                                                                    Jerome Foster II
outside the White House in 2019                                                                                                                        at a 2019 climate march
                                                                                                                                                       in Washington, D.C.

                                                                                                                                                       Graeme Sloan/SIPA/AP Images
                                                                                                                           Streetsblog Denver/Flickr
“I want you to act as if the house is                                                     Felix Finkbeiner
on fire,“ says 17-year-old Swedish                                                        In 2007, when he was in fourth
climate activist Greta Thunberg,                                                          grade in Munich, Germany, Felix                                                            threatened. Goldberg is continuing
“because it is.”                                                                          Finkbeiner learned about climate                                                           her work with NASA as a
    Thunberg’s 15-day Atlantic                                                            change and deforestation. He                                                               freshman at Stanford University
voyage to address the U.N.                                                                tried to help by planting a tree at                                                        in California. She’s also helping
Climate Action Summit in                                                                  his school and encouraging other                                                           develop a program that lets K–12
New York in 2019 helped make                                                              students to do the same. He                                                                classes use satellite imagery to
her the world’s most famous                                                               then took his effort online with                                                           study climate change.
young climate activist, but she                                                           plant-for-the-planet.org, which
has plenty of company. Here are                                                           has encouraged the planting of                                                             Jerome Foster II
three examples:                                                                           12 billion trees around the world.                                                         While he was a high school
                                                                                                                                                                                     student in Washington, D.C.,
                 Liza Goldberg at                                                         Liza Goldberg                                                                              Jerome Foster II founded The
                 NASA’s Goddard                                                           As a middle-school student in                                                              Climate Reporter, an online
                 Space Flight Center                                                      Maryland, Liza Goldberg did                                                                magazine focused on the youth
                 in Maryland in 2017                                                      a science fair project on the                                                              climate and environmental
                                                                                          effects of climate change on                                                               movement, and led weekly protests
                                                                                          red-maple saplings that caught                                                             as the local youth organizer for
                                                                                          the attention of a judge from                                                              Global Climate Strike. He also
                                        Tony L. Sandys/The Washington Post/Getty Images

                                                                                          the National Aeronautics and                                                               founded and serves as executive
                                                                                          Space Administration (NASA).                                                               director of One Million of Us,
                                                                                          She then began interning on a                                                              a nonprofit that’s trying to get
                                                                                          NASA research project that                                                                 1 million young people to vote in
                                                                                          uses satellites to monitor the                                                             2020 and works for several causes,
                                                                                          health of mangrove forests and                                                             including climate change. Foster
                                                                                          helped create a system that alerts                                                         is now a freshman at Columbia
                                                                                          scientists when specific forests are                                                       University in New York.

                                                                                                                                                                                                NOVEMBER 2020             9

                                                                                                                              Mike Luckovich
     1.	Which does the man in the cartoon see as a bigger threat: climate change or the coronavirus? Do you
         think most people would agree with him? Do you agree? Why or why not?
     2.	Do immediate threats like the global pandemic overshadow the need to address other critical issues like
         climate change? Is it possible to address both short- and long-term issues at the same time?
     3.	With so many people staying at or close to home because of the pandemic, there was a sudden decrease in
         greenhouse emissions. Do you think that offers any lessons for the fight against climate change?

     1.	If you could make just one change in how we live or in government policy to address climate change, what
         would it be? Why did you choose this particular change?
     2.	Do you think addressing climate change should be society’s top priority right now? If yes, why? If not, which
         issue or issues seem more important to you, and why?
     3. YOUR STORY: Has climate change impacted your life in any way? If yes, how so?

                       KEY WORDS & TERMS                                                GREAT DECISIONS
                                                                                          CLIMATE CHANGE
             alternative energy               greenhouse gases                   Executive Editor: Eliza Edel McClelland
                                                                                    Managing Editor: Elliott Rebhun
              carbon footprint                Green New Deal                             Writer: Josh Gregory
                    climate                        ice age                      Design: Kathleen Petelinsek, The Design Lab
                deforestation                 Paris Agreement                         Photo Editor: Erin Paxinos
                                                                                  Fact Checker: Melissa Wohlgemuth
                  fossil fuels                  polar ice caps                       Copy Editor: Melissa McDaniel
               global warming                     weather                        Cover Photo: avstraliavasin/Istockphoto

10   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • C L I M AT E C H A N G E
1918 • FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION                                                  HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 1

                                                                                          A six-year-old boy in
                                                                                          Bangladesh works in a
                                                                                          recycling facility, where he
                                                                                          is paid about two dollars
                                                                                          for 8 to 10 hours of labor.

  Millions around the world are forced to work dangerous
  jobs for little or no pay. Many of them are children. And
   it might be happening closer to home than you expect.
                               BY MICHAEL BURGAN

                    To harvest cocoa, workers
                    must split open the fruit of

                                                                                                                                              Benjamin Lowy/Getty Images Reportage
                    the cacao tree and scoop
                    out the valuable seeds
                    inside. In countries such as
                    Ivory Coast, pictured here,
                    this difficult labor is often
                    performed by children.

                                hen you unwrap a            money for their families. But other      stores, where your family might pur-
                                candy bar, you’d            young people are forced to work on       chase them without ever knowing
                                probably rather think       the farms for little or no pay. They     how they were made.
                   about how good it will taste than        fall prey to human traffickers—
                   wonder who picked the cocoa beans        people who seek to make money            A GLOBAL ISSUE
                   used to make the chocolate. But you      off the forced labor of others. In       Forced child labor is just one part
                   might be surprised to find out that in   the cocoa industry, some traffickers     of a much larger issue. Human
                   African nations such as Ghana and        convince parents to let their chil-      trafficking and what is called
                   the Ivory Coast, where cocoa is a        dren go to work at a young age. The      modern enslavement occur in rich
                   major crop, farmworkers are often        parents often don’t realize that their   and poor countries alike. The word
                   teens under the age of 16. In some       children will face long work hours       “trafficking” usually means that
                   cases, kids as young as five have        and potential injuries, with no time     something is being moved from one
                   been found working on the farms.         to pursue an education. In other         place to another. But human traffick-
                       Many of these children live          cases, traffickers simply kidnap         ers often find victims in their own
                   in impoverished areas, and some          children and sell them to the farms.     towns, and relatives might even take
                   willingly take the jobs to provide            In 2020, as many as 1.6 million     advantage of family members         .
                                                            children were involved in produc-        It can happen to anyone, anywhere,
                                                            ing the world’s cocoa supply. And        from any walk of life.
                                                            that’s just one industry. Around the          Human trafficking includes
                                                            world, more than 4 million children      several categories. One set of defi-
                                                            are currently being forced to take on    nitions for this crime comes from
                                                            dangerous jobs, such as working in       the Trafficking Victims Protection
                                                            mines or factories. The goods they       Act, which became a U.S. law in
                   Some chocolate products are certified    help make include clothing, toys,        2000. Trafficking can involve using

                   to meet “fair trade” standards. These    foods, furniture, and leather prod-      “force, fraud, or coercion” to recruit
                   standards aim to encourage better        ucts. Like chocolate, some of those      an adult or minor for labor. Under
                   conditions and pay for workers.          goods end up on the shelves of U.S.      U.S. law, any situation involving a

12                 G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • M O D E R N E N S L AV E M E N T
Exploitation Types Among Identified Victims
          of Trafficking, 2005–2016 (by percentage)                                                                                                    Neighbors passing by a home
                          FORCED LABOR                                                                                                            where domestic servitude takes
                          SEXUAL EXPLOITATION                                                                                                     place might never think anything
   80%                    BOTH
                          OTHER*                                                                                                                  strange is going on inside. After
   60%                                                                                                                                            all, many families with money pay
                                                                                                                                                  full-time housekeepers or nan-
   40%                                                                                                                                            nies to live with them. But under
                                                                                                                                                  domestic servitude, workers are
   20%                                                                                                                                            virtual prisoners in the homes.
                                                                                                                                                       As a teenager growing up in
       2005        2006        2007       2008        2009        2010       2011        2012       2013        2014       2015        2016
                                                                                                                                                  Brazil, all Natalicia Tracy wanted
   OTE: “Other” includes forced marriage, military service, low-level criminal activity, and trafficking for blood, organs or other body parts   was to get a good education. When
                                                                                Source: IOM Human Trafficking Global database, 2017.
                                                                                                                                                  a family she nannied for offered to
In recent years, forced labor has overtaken sex trafficking as the most common                                                                    take her with them to live in the Unit-
form of modern enslavement.                                                                                                                       ed States, she jumped at the chance.
                                                                                                                                                  There, she thought, she would have
minor in paid sexual activity is also                                      PRISONERS                                                              better opportunities than in Brazil.
considered trafficking. Additionally,                                      IN THE HOME                                                            Instead, Natalicia found herself a
because minors cannot legally con-                                         Some 21 million adults around the                                      victim of domestic servitude.
sent to sex, it is considered rape.                                        world perform forced labor. Most                                            Natalicia’s employers said
    Some people assume human                                               of those workers are employed in                                       she would be like a member of
trafficking is always about forcing                                        four major job sectors: domestic                                       the family. Instead, they slowly
someone to have sex for money,                                             work, construction, manufactur-                                        curtailed her freedoms and cut off
but trafficking can occur in almost                                        ing, and agriculture. Almost 25%                                       her contact with the outside world.
any industry. For example, the                                             of the workers are in the first                                        She couldn’t receive mail or make
U.S. has seen a number of legal                                            category—they work in people’s                                         phone calls, and on many days the
cases involving nail salons, where                                         homes as maids, nannies, or other                                      family forced her to work up to 15
immigrant workers—mostly                                                   household help, often for wealthy                                      hours straight. She cooked the fam-
from Asia—are forced to work                                               families. This is called domestic                                      ily’s meals, but they would some-
long hours and to pay debts they                                           servitude.                                                             times eat all the food and leave
supposedly owe their employers.
Worldwide, other forms of forced                                                                                             THE DEBATE
labor are much more common than
sexual trafficking.                                                                               WOULD YOU PAY A HIGHER
    Modern slavery is not defined                                                                PRICE FOR PRODUCTS MADE
by law, but it usually includes                                                                 USING FAIR LABOR PRACTICES?
total control over the working and                                              YES                                                               NO
living conditions of those who                                                  • Goods created by skilled,                                      • Many peoples’ budgets are
are enslaved. The victims are not                                                 well-compensated workers are                                       already too tight.
necessarily considered someone                                                    often of higher quality.                                        • Consumers should not have
else’s property, as enslaved people                                             • Supporting companies with fair                                    to research every product
once were in the United States and                                                 labor practices will encourage                                    they buy.
other countries. But people held                                                  other companies to follow suit.                                 • In a capitalist economy,
under modern slavery can’t leave                                                • Inexpensive goods should not                                      companies should be allowed
their jobs or travel freely, and their                                             come at the expense of others’                                    to compete by keeping their
employers control all aspects of                                                   freedom.                                                          prices low.
their lives.

                                                                                                                                                                F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 1      13
nothing for her. For all her work,      Brazil and did not force her to go                                       The subtle signs of abuse often
     Natalicia was paid just $25 per         with them. She found work with                                           go unnoticed in cases of domestic
     week, and she slept on the concrete     another family who treated her                                           servitude. As a result, it continues
     floor of the family’s porch. She put    well. They bought her a winter                                           to be a major problem around
     cardboard on the floor and slept on     coat, which she had never had                                            the world.
     a futon, but the porch was not suit-    before. They also encouraged
     ed for winter weather in Boston,        her studies. Years later, Natalicia                                      ENSLAVED AT SEA
     where the family lived. “For many       earned a PhD at Boston University.                                       Adults and children alike are often
     months each year, the floor was             At age 21, Erwiana Sulistyan-                                        trafficked into agricultural and
     frigid,” Natalicia later recalled.      ingsih left her native Indonesia                                         manufacturing jobs, including in
         Natalicia felt trapped. Her work    to work as a maid for a family                                           the commercial fishing industry.
     visa only allowed her to work for       in Hong Kong. She thought it                                             Many of the worst abuses take
     her traffickers, and she didn’t speak   would be a great opportunity to                                          place aboard fishing vessels in
     English. She also felt she could        earn money and save up to pay                                            Southeast Asia or at the plants
     not challenge the authority of the      for college. Instead, her employer                                       where seafood is processed before
     educated people she worked for.         beat her and refused to let her see                                      being shipped around the world.
     If she did question her situation,      a doctor for the resulting injuries.                                     As with chocolate, some of the fish
     the family berated her. “People         After months of this treatment,                                          caught using forced labor ends up
     don’t understand that you can’t         the family abandoned her at the                                          in U.S. grocery stores.
     just walk out,” she said. “There are    airport with nothing but a few                                                Like many traffickers, those
     constraints—economic, emotional,        dollars and a ticket home. Erwi-                                         in the fishing industry often
     social—that keep women like me          ana pursued legal action, drawing                                        lure or kidnap desperate and
     in place.”                              worldwide attention to her story                                         impoverished people by promising
         Natalicia was luckier than          and ensuring that her abuser would                                       them jobs with good wages. In
     many victims of domestic servi-         be punished with prison time.                                            exchange for these jobs, victims
     tude. Her traffickers returned to           Other victims are less lucky.                                        agree to pay a fee. Once at work,
                                                                                                                      this fee turns into a debt, and the
                                                                                                                      workers’ wages are withheld as
                                                                                                                      payment. Employers also charge
                                                                                                                      the workers for such things as
                                                                                                                      food and housing, so the debt
                                                                                                                      grows. Workers are stuck in their
                                                                                                                      jobs, unable to pay off what they
                                                                                                                      owe and start making money for
                                                                                                                      themselves. This situation is called
                                                                                                                      bonded labor or debt bondage.
                                                                                                                           People enslaved on fishing boats
                                                                                                                      often face horrifying circumstances.
                                                                                                                      Victims remain at sea for months
                                                                                    PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images

                                                                                                                      or even years at a time, and they
                                                                                                                      are at the mercy of the captains that
                                                                                                                      control the boats. They might work
                                                                                                                      up to 20 hours a day, seven days
                                                                                                                      a week, without receiving enough
     While working as a maid in Hong Kong, Erwiana Sulistyaningsih (center) was                                       food and water. Some workers have
     imprisoned and abused by her employers for several months before she was                                         even been killed by their captors,
     able to escape.                                                                                                  their bodies tossed overboard.

14   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • M O D E R N E N S L AV E M E N T
A 2017 study
                                                                                                            found that almost
                                                                                                            20% of homeless
                                                                                                            teens in the U.S.
                                                                                                            and Canada were
                                                                                                            victims of sex
                                                                                                                 Sex trafficking takes place in
                                                                                                            wealthy countries, too. Between
                                                                                                            2015 and 2019, the annual number
                                                                                                            of sex trafficking cases reported to
                                                                                                            the National Human Trafficking
                                                                                                            Hotline almost doubled, reaching

                                                                                   cindygoff/Getty Images
                                                                                                            more than 8,000 cases. Thousands
                                                                                                            more people are likely victims
                                                                                                            of sex trafficking. Large events
Being forced into sex work is a traumatic experience that can inflict lifelong                              such as the Super Bowl are
mental scars upon victims. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental                             often settings for sex trafficking.
health, talk to a trusted adult or seek help from an organization.                                          Traffickers collect victims in the
                                                                                                            cities that host these events or
FORCED TO SELL                            sometimes sexually assault or beat                                bring them there. At these events,
THEIR BODIES                              the victims under their control to                                they find plenty of people who are
People have long paid others for          maintain dominance. At times,                                     willing to pay for sex. Traffickers
sex. In some cases, people choose         just the threat of that kind of abuse                             in the U.S. often target runaways
to perform sex acts in exchange           paralyzes the victims, keeping them                               or homeless people. Many of them
for money, becoming prostitutes.          too afraid to go to the police     or                             are victims of sexual or physical
But not all sex workers are willing       try to run away.                                                  abuse before turning to the streets.
participants. Around the world,
almost 5 million people are forced                                   THE DEBATE
to engage in sex work, including
prostitution and appearing in                 SHOULD FORCED SEX WORKERS BE SEEN
pornographic films. Because these                AS CRIMINALS UNDER THE LAW?
people are not consenting to have           YES                                                             NO
sex, this is a form of rape.                • Breaking the law is never OK,                                • Traffickers and paying
     Most victims of sex trafficking           and prostitution is illegal in                                  customers should be the ones
are teenage girls. Traffickers                 most of the world.                                              held accountable for these
promise money or other benefits,            • All sex workers could claim to                                  crimes.
and many victims don’t learn that              be victims of trafficking if they                            • A criminal record could make it
they will be forced to have sex until         are arrested.                                                    harder for victims to move on
it is too late. Once they are forced        • Arresting people prevents                                       with their lives.
into prostitution, victims often have         them from continuing to                                       • Governments should focus
little control over their lives. They         perform sex work, whether it                                     more on the economic
may never be allowed to leave their           is forced or not.                                                conditions that make many
homes. If they are, a handler called                                                                           women potential victims.
a pimp goes with them. Pimps

                                                                                                                         F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 1    15
of forced labor. The action plan
                                                                                                                      said the U.S. government would
                                                                                                                      work to prevent trafficking from
                                                                                                                      occurring, support survivors, and
                                                                                                                      prosecute traffickers.
                                                                                                                          Governments aren’t the only
                                                                                                                      ones fighting back. Countless
                                                                                                                      independent organizations have
                                                                                                                      formed to combat trafficking, each
                                                                                                                      with its own perspective about the
                                                                                                                      right way to address the situation.

                                                                                        The Women’s Fund Miami-Dade
                                                                                                                      Many of these groups are led
                                                                                                                      by former trafficking victims,
                                                                                                                      who know just how widespread
                                                                                                                      trafficking is and how serious its
                                                                                                                      consequences can be. Activist
     During the 2020 Super Bowl in Miami awareness campaigns aimed to combat                                          Jennelle Gordon, a former victim
     the predicted spike in human trafficking that typically accompanies celebrations                                 of sex trafficking, says that abusers
     surrounding the big game.                                                                                        are “hiding in plain sight . . .
                                                                                                                      kids are being targeted and even
     Others have mental health issues           to Combat Human Trafficking.                                          groomed by pimps, at schools,
     or face extreme poverty. This              The plan noted that people in                                         online, in their favorite parent-
     leaves them highly vulnerable              the U.S. who are particularly at                                      approved games, by their peers, on
     to traffickers’ promises of a              risk of becoming victims include                                      social media and the list goes on.”
     better life.                               runaway children, undocumented
                                                immigrants, Indigenous                                                The global
     FIGHTING BACK                              Americans, and LGBTQ                                                  human trafficking
     There is a lot of debate over the          people. And Federal Bureau of
                                                                                                                      industry generates
     best ways to fight trafficking             Investigation (FBI) statistics show
     and modern enslavement. Some               that unlike most of the world, the                                    profits of about
     people believe that the key lies           U.S. has a bigger problem with                                        $150 billion
     in encouraging governments to              sex trafficking than other forms                                      per year.
     enact stronger labor regulations.
     In many countries, including the                                       THE DEBATE
     U.S., there are already laws meant
     to keep employers from treating                   SHOULD KIDS UNDER 16 BE ALLOWED
     employees unfairly       . But                        TO HOLD JOBS IN THE U.S.?
     companies can get around these                YES                                                                NO
     rules by operating in countries               • Many younger teens are                                          • It would be hard to keep
     with less strict labor laws. For                  responsible enough to work.                                       employers from exploiting
     example, a U.S. technology                    • A job can be a valuable                                            such young workers.
     company might work with a                        learning experience.                                            • Kids should be allowed to
     Chinese factory to produce phones             • The working age is already                                         focus on learning and having
     using workers who earn less than                 lower in some parts of the                                         fun, not working.
     the American minimum wage.                      world.                                                           • Families might force kids to
         In 2019, the U.S. government                                                                                    work to earn more money.
     issued a National Action Plan

16   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • M O D E R N E N S L AV E M E N T
Battling human trafficking and
modern enslavement is not just
something for governments to tack-
le. Anyone can get involved, either Anuradha Koirala                                                   and modern slavery crimes.The
by educating themselves or taking                                                                      proposed law would also let victims
concrete action. Here some of the                                                                      sue traffickers or others who knew
things you can do to help.                                                                             trafficking was taking place.Writing in
• Purchase goods made with fair                                                                        support of the bill, which has not yet
  labor practices. You can learn                                                                       become law, Ho said, “The protection

                                                                               Dinesh Gole/AP Images
  which goods might have been                                                                          of victims and the prosecution of
  made using forced or child labor                                                                     those who seek to enslave and exploit
  by checking a list the U.S. Labor                                                                    the vulnerable is at its foundation
  Department keeps.                                                                                    an integral part of the ‘rule of law’ in
• Be careful when interacting                                                                          Hong Kong.”
  with people online. Traffick-       Anuradha Koirala
  ers might pose as recruiters for    In Nepal, thousands of women and                                 Bhanuja Sharan Lal
  modeling or acting jobs, or try to  girls are trafficked every year across                           Though parts of India’s economy are
  convince victims to send photos     the border into neighboring India                                booming, millions of the country’s
  or meet in person.                  and forced into sex work. Anuradha                               people still live in poverty. Those
• Learn some of the signs that        Koirala decided to do something                                  conditions make the nation ripe
  might indicate someone is a traf-   about it. In 1993, she founded the                               for human trafficking, and bonded
  ficking victim. These can include   nonprofit organization Maiti Nepal,                              labor in particular. As the head of
  such things as untreated injuries   which works with law enforcement                                 Manav Sansadhan Evam Mahila Vikas
  or illnesses, signs of emotional    to monitor the Nepal-India border                                Sansthan (MSEMVS), Bhanuja Sharan
  abuse, or a lack of freedom of      for trafficking, provides resources                              Lal is trying to do something about
  movement.                           and education for former victims,                                trafficking in his homeland. MSEMVS
• Call the 24-hour National           and works to spread awareness of                                 is a nonprofit group that has helped
  HumanTrafficking Hotline at         trafficking. Sometimes called Nepal’s                            end modern slavery in more than
  1-888-373-7888 or tell a trusted    Mother Teresa, Koirala has won                                   100 villages since 1996. It has also
  adult if you think someone may      worldwide recognition for helping                                worked with survivors to educate
  be a victim of domestic servitude   to rescue more than 12,000 victims                               people about slavery and to call on
  or other forms of trafficking.      of trafficking and catch more than                               local police to crack down on it.
• Volunteer for local anti-           700 traffickers.                                                 Today, Lal and his organization focus
  trafficking organizations or                                                                         on ending forced child labor and
  bigger groups such as Amnesty       Patricia Ho                                                      helping its survivors. MSEMVS runs
  International.                      Lawyer Patricia Ho has worked                                    schools for the young victims so they
• Hold a fundraiser for groups        for several years to address human                               can catch up in the education they
  fighting trafficking.               trafficking and modern slavery in                                missed while working.
• Write or call your elected          her home city of Hong Kong. She
  officials to let them know what     became interested in the topic                                     Patricia Ho
  you think.                          when she represented a victim of
• Vote, when you are old enough!      human trafficking who claimed the
  With few exceptions, you can’t      government of Hong Kong was not
  vote until you’re 18, but in many   taking strong enough legal steps to
  states you can register at 16 or    stop it. In 2017, Ho helped write
  17, and you’ll be all set when 18   a bill to make human trafficking
                                                                                                       Courtesy Patricia Ho

  rolls around.
                                                       F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 1

                                                                                                                                         Norman Jung/Cartoon Stock

     1.	Why do you think Jimmy says that homework is a form of child labor? Is it possible for people with
         different backgrounds to have different perspectives on what counts as forced labor?
     2.	In what situations, if any, should young children be allowed to hold jobs? How young is too young to work?
     3.	What makes regular, everyday work different from forced labor? Is there a clear line that can be crossed?
         Who should determine where that line is?

     1.	Should governments make it more of a priority to fight human trafficking? Which kinds of regulations
         would be the best way to fight forced labor and modern enslavement?
     2.	What would make you change your mind about buying something if you knew it was made using forced
         labor? What if it was something you really wanted, such as a new phone?
     3.  YOUR STORY: Have you ever been treated unfairly at a job? Were you able to resolve the issue?
         What made the situation different from forced labor or modern slavery?
                                                                                 GREAT DECISIONS MODERN ENSLAVEMENT
                         KEY WORDS & TERMS                                              Executive Editor: Eliza Edel McClelland
                                                                                           Managing Editor: Josh Gregory
                bonded labor                        groomed                              Sensitivity Adviser: Lynette Arthur
                                                                                                Writer: Michael Burgan
                  coercion                       human traffickers                     Design: Kathleen Petelinsek, The Design Lab
                debt bondage                        prosecute                            Photo Editor: Cynthia Carris Alonso
                                                                                              Fact Checker: Tonya Ryals
              domestic servitude                   prostitutes                              Copy Editor: Melissa McDaniel
                                                                              Cover Photo: Syed Mahamudur Rahman/NurPhoto/Getty Images
                  fair trade                           visa                   Special thanks to: William Dratch, MacDara King, Cole Kitchen,
                                                                                       Tonya Leigh, Brandon Ramirez, Elliott Rebhun

18   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • M O D E R N E N S L AV E M E N T
1918 • FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION                         HIGH SCHOOL
                                                               MARCH 2021

 Teaching Computers to Think Like Humans



            AI and other smart technologies are becoming
              more common every day. Will they change
                our lives for the better or the worse?
                                           BY SANDY ONG

                                                                                                                         Credit Wang Lei/China News Service/Visual China Group/Getty Images
               During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, AI programs
               were created to help doctors analyze scans and more quickly
               diagnose whether patients were affected by COVID-19.

                   hen you think of          promptly find you an answer. In            With AI’s role in our lives
                   artificial intelligence   short, AI is nearly everywhere you    continuing to expand, humankind
                   (AI), you might           look these days. The technology       must figure out how to reap
     conjure up images of a fantastical      that enables these applications has   the technology’s benefits while
     future involving cyborgs, space         been advancing rapidly in recent      learning how to manage the risks
     travel, and flying cars. But far        years, and some experts claim         it brings.
     from being science fiction, AI is       we are now in the midst of a new
     already part of our everyday lives.     industrial revolution. Similar        THINKING
         Netflix uses AI to help you         to how coal and steam power           LIKE HUMANS
     pick out a new movie, and Spotify       transformed the lives of those in     What exactly is artificial intel-
     uses it to suggest new songs for        the 18th century, and electricity     ligence, and how does it work?
     your playlists. It’s what enables       brought about immense changes         Broadly speaking, the term is
     Facebook to tag your friends in         in the 19th century, AI, robots,      used to describe computer sys-
     the photos you upload, and how          and other smart technologies will     tems that can absorb information,
     Google Maps figures out the fastest     revolutionize the way people work,    process it, and respond in ways
     route to your destination. It’s how     live, and play.                       similar to humans. For example,
     Siri can listen to your questions and        AI holds the immense poten-      you have probably played video
                                             tial to change our lives for the      games where you compete against
     Humankind must                          better—from helping individuals       computer-controlled opponents.
     figure out how to                       work more efficiently to tackling     These opponents pay attention to
     reap the benefits                       climate change and other big          your actions and react differently
                                             issues. However, it also has some     depending on the situation. This is
     of AI while                             potential drawbacks. For example,     the result of programmers creating
     learning how                            many worry that AI will perpetu-      detailed instructions for the game
     to manage the                           ate discrimination and bias, while    to follow. But what if a computer
     risks it brings.                        others fear for their privacy.        could learn and improve instead of

20   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • A RT I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E
Autonomous vehicles rely on external sensors to detect the location
   and movement of potential obstacles. AI programs use this information                                                construct models so they can esti-
   to decide whether the vehicle needs to speed up, slow down, or turn.                                                 mate how much sea levels will rise
                                                                                                                        or which places will be most vul-
                                                                                                                        nerable to hurricanes, heat waves,
                                                                                                                        and other extreme weather events.
                                                                                                                        Machine learning algorithms can

                                                                               Credit Sundry Photography/Shutterstock
                                                                                                                        help make these predictions more
                                                                                                                            Additionally, AI is helping
                                                                                                                        expand our range of transport
                                                                                                                        options. Already, companies
                                                                                                                        such as Waymo and Tesla are
                                                                                                                        experimenting with autonomous
                                         Some modern cars are already
                                                                                                                        vehicles, which rely on sensors,

                                                                               Credit Scharfsinn/Shutterstock
                                         equipped with self-driving
                                                                                                                        radar, machine learning, and
                                         features that take over navigation,
                                                                                                                        other sophisticated technology to
                                         acceleration, and other tasks from
                                                                                                                        detect their surroundings. Cars
                                         human drivers.
                                                                                                                        that drive themselves offer many
                                                                                                                        potential benefits: they free up
just obeying a set of rules?             which products different people                                                people’s time, cut down on traffic
     In recent years, researchers        will want to buy.                                                              by figuring out the clearest routes,
and inventors have focused heavily                                                                                      provide greater fuel efficiency, and
on an area of AI called machine          GREAT POTENTIAL                                                                possibly even make driving safer.
learning. First, programmers             One useful application of AI has                                               Autonomous trucks could one day
create algorithms designed to            been to help climate change sci-                                               be particularly useful. Long-haul
identify patterns in data. Then          entists make better predictions of                                             trucking is an exhausting and dan-
they start feeding data into the         the future. Scientists gather large                                            gerous occupation—in 2018, near-
algorithms      . The more data          amounts of data from the atmo-                                                 ly 5,000 people in the U.S. died in
the program analyzes, the more           sphere, oceans, land, and even                                                 accidents involving commercial
it learns and the better it gets at      ice. They use this information to                                              trucks. More than 90% of the
completing a task. For example,
the speech-recognition technology                                    THE DEBATE
that powers Siri, Alexa, and other
AI helpers was built using machine              SHOULD FULLY AUTONOMOUS CARS
learning. At first, these systems                  BE ALLOWED ON THE ROAD?
struggled to understand people             YES                                                                          NO
who had accents or used unfamiliar         • They can travel at consistent                                             • Self-driving cars are potential-
words. But as they have spent years          speeds and distances from one                                                 ly vulnerable to hackers and
listening to millions of people talk,        another, making driving more                                                  cyberattacks.
they have improved greatly.                  eco-friendly.                                                              • Taxi drivers, long-haul truckers,
     AI systems can be fed many            • They could reduce accidents                                                  and others may lose their jobs.
different types of information,              caused by human error, fatigue,                                            • AI might struggle to make
                                                                                                                                                               Credit Digital Genetics/Shutterstock

including numbers, text, or imag-            and drunk driving.                                                            decisions such as whether to
es. This enables AIs to carry out          • Commuters will be                                                            hit a pedestrian or avoid them
many different functions—from                 free to do other                                                             by swerving into a concrete
identifying the faces of people               things while traveling.                                                      barrier instead.
in video footage to figuring out

                                                                                                                                          MARCH 2021                                                  21
cases were caused by human error.           calculating its most likely struc-                                                               “. . . black and
     By contrast, self-driving trucks            ture can take a very long time. AI                                                               brown people are
     will be able to operate around the          helps accelerate that process. This
                                                                                                                                                  more likely to
     clock without getting fatigued like         proved especially useful during the
     people do.                                  Covid-19 outbreak, when time was                                                                 be inaccurately
          Another useful application of          of the essence. Google’s AI system                                                               identified, and
     AI is in the medical field. Analyz-         DeepMind helped predict the pro-                                                                 thus unfairly
     ing chest X-rays for pneumonia,             tein structure of the SARS-Cov-2                                                                 targeted.”
     mammograms for breast tumors,               virus within a few short months.
     or CT scans for brain bleeds is a           With that knowledge, scientists                                                                  USE WITH CAUTION
     tedious and time-consuming task.            could then rapidly develop vac-                                                                  AI has led to some extremely
     Instead, machines can be trained            cines.                                                                                           positive developments. But as
     to do a first pass of such scans                AI is also being used to help                                                                with many other technologies,
     and flag cases for doctors to take          fight crime and make cities safer.                                                               its misuse can pose serious risks.
     a closer look at, saving precious           Law enforcement agencies apply                                                                   One major concern is how AI can
     time when it comes to diagnosing            machine learning algorithms                                                                      encourage discrimination and
     disease.                                    to the images they obtain from                                                                   racial bias. There have been calls
          AI can also help researchers           surveillance cameras, using the                                                                  to ban facial recognition tools
     discover new treatments more                technology to search for similar                                                                 because studies have shown they
     quickly. For a drug to be effective,        faces in databases of mugshots,                                                                  perform badly when it comes to
     it has to bind to the bacteria or           social media pictures, and other                                                                 identifying women and people
     virus that has infected someone.            images. Recently, the FBI relied                                                                 from ethnic and racial minorities,
     Think of it as two puzzle piec-             on facial-recognition technology                                                                 as compared to how well they can
     es fitting together—to ensure a             to identify rioters who stormed the                                                              classify white, male faces. “This
     good fit, scientists have to first          U.S. Capitol in January. And pop                                                                 means that black and brown peo-
     understand the shape of the target          star Taylor Swift is said to have                                                                ple are more likely to be inaccu-
     protein. But a protein can assume           used facial recognition to identify                                                              rately identified, and thus unfairly
     countless different shapes, and             stalkers at concerts.                                                                            targeted,” says Michal Strahile-
                                                                                                                                                  vitz, a professor of marketing at
                                                                                                                                                  St. Mary’s College of California.
                                                                                                                                                  “This may not be intentional, but
                                                                                                                                                  it ends up having a racial bias that
                                                                                                                                                  is dangerous and unethical.” Bias
                                                                                                                                                  has also been identified in systems
                                                                                                                                                  that use AI to screen applicants for
                                                                                                                                                  jobs or bank loans. The reason this
                                                                                                                                                  happens is because such AI-pow-
                                                                                           Credit Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images

                                                                                                                                                  ered systems are fed data that
                                                                                                                                                  isn’t diverse enough, and so they
                                                                                                                                                  tend to “pick” only certain types
                                                                                                                                                  of candidates—the ones they are
                                                                                                                                                  familiar with.
                                                                                                                                                       Others voice concern that AI
                                                                                                                                                  violates basic privacy rights      .
                                                                                                                                                  Closed-circuit television cameras
     After the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, law enforcement used AI-driven                                                          are everywhere these days. But
     facial recognition programs to identify suspects in photos and videos of the event.                                                          in public spaces such as super-

22   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • A RT I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E
U.S. elections and Britain’s Brexit
                                                                                                           AI can also be used to generate
                                                                                                      deepfakes. These are photos or
                                                                                                      videos that have been artificially
                                                                                                      doctored to superimpose the face
                                                                                                      of one person onto another, or to
                                                                                                      alter their speech. They are some-
                                                                                                      times so realistic that it’s hard
                                                                                                      for people to distinguish if they
                                                                                                      are real or not, even when paying
                                                                                                      close attention. Paired with fake

                                                                                   Credit AP Images
                                                                                                      news, deepfakes create nearly
                                                                                                      limitless opportunities to spread
                                                                                                      misinformation. For example, peo-
To create a convincing deepfake, AIs must analyze hours of footage and map every                      ple have used deepfake technology
point of a person’s face.                                                                             to place the faces of celebrities in
                                                                                                      pornographic videos. Such activity
markets and airports, people can’t        the 2016 U.S. elections.                                    could be used to ruin the reputa-
explicitly consent to having their            The elections also thrust fake                          tion of almost anyone.
every step monitored.                     news into the spotlight. AI algo-                                The use of AI also raises many
    There has also been outcry            rithms can be designed to create                            ethical issues. For example, what
over social media companies               fake news—content that is believ-                           if it falls into the wrong hands and
violating their users’ privacy. One       able but simply untrue. Analysts                            is used for dangerous purposes like
way these platforms make money            believe that Russian hackers used                           creating heat-seeking missiles?
is by allowing third-party compa-         hundreds of thousands of AI-con-                            And as machines become more
nies to post ads on their sites. For      trolled Twitter accounts, called                            intelligent, how should they be
example, you have probably seen           bots, to spread propaganda and                              treated? Can a robot or an auton-
promotions for clothes, shoes, and        disinformation during the 2016                              omous vehicle be held to blame
other products when using social
media. These ads are usually                                         THE DEBATE
targeted at specific users after the
platforms use AI to analyze their              SHOULD TECH COMPANIES BE ALLOWED
posts and tweets, likes and shares,             TO COLLECT AND SHARE YOUR DATA?
professional and educational histo-         YES                                                       NO
ry, demographic information, and            • It’s what helps them earn prof-                        • People own their data
other details. Some social media               its so they can provide their                             and should have a say
platforms have harvested this per-            services to users for free.                                in how it’s used.
sonal information—without users’            • Companies can use the data                             • Companies are often
                                                                                                                                             Credit Alexey Boldin/Shutterstock

consent—to sell to other compa-                to better understand custom-                              unclear about which
nies. Facebook, for example, was               ers’ needs and wants, and offer                           kinds of data they
fined $5 billion in 2019 for mis-             products accordingly.                                      are collecting or how
handling its users’ personal data.          • If customers don’t want to                                they are using it.
The social media giant sold data               share data, they shouldn’t                             • Leaked information,
to a British consulting firm called           use a company’s products or                                such as bank details,
Cambridge Analytica, which then               services.                                                  can have serious repercussions.
used it to influence voters during

                                                                                                                       MARCH 2021            23
Accountability Act, which requires
                                                                                                                                   companies to assess their machine
                                                                                                                                   learning systems for security and
                                                                                                                                   privacy risks. In addition, firms
                                                                                                                                   need to regularly examine their
                                                                                                                                   algorithms and take corrective
                                                                                                                                   actions if discrimination is detect-
                                                                                                                                   ed. Some cities have gone one
                                                                                                                                   step further. In May 2019, San
                                                                                                                                   Francisco became the first city in
                                                                                                                                   the world to ban facial recogni-

                                                                                      Credit Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
                                                                                                                                   tion. Several other California cities
                                                                                                                                   soon followed suit.
                                                                                                                                       Private companies, too, are
                                                                                                                                   doing their part to develop AI in a
                                                                                                                                   responsible manner. For example,
                                                                                                                                   Google unveiled a tool in 2019
                                                                                                                                   that helps news organizations tag
     Any time you go online, you exchange data with servers around the world. The                                                  stories with potentially mislead-
     data stored on these servers can be used to train AIs in all kinds of ways.                                                   ing information. It also partnered
                                                                                                                                   with fact-checking networks and
     if it causes an accident—as a            introduce laws       to control how                                                  changed its AI to stop promoting
     self-driving Uber car did in March       AI systems are developed and put                                                     fake news and hoax videos on
     2018 when it struck and killed a         to use. For instance, the Europe-                                                    YouTube.
     pedestrian? Or should the people         an Union passed a law in 2018                                                            To develop AI systems with
     who programmed them take the             stating that tech giants must be                                                     fewer biases, computer program-
     rap? And is it possible that we are      able to explain how the machines                                                     mers are now looking to use more
     creating AI and robots that will         they design make decisions.                                                          diverse datasets in machine learn-
     one day outthink human beings?           And in 2019, the U.S. govern-                                                        ing. They are also more mindful of
     As renowned physicist Stephen            ment introduced the Algorithmic                                                      how the systems are trained. For
     Hawking pessimistically predicted
     about AI: “It would take off on its                                  THE DEBATE
     own and re-design itself at an ever
     increasing rate. The development                SHOULD AI-POWERED ROBOTS BE
     of full artificial intelligence could       ALLOWED TO REPLACE HUMAN WORKERS?
     spell the end of the human race.”           YES                                                                               NO
     Could this really happen? All these         • Computers don’t get tired                                                      • Face-to-face human
     are questions that society must                and can work more efficiently                                                     interaction is an important
     collectively consider as we move               than humans.                                                                      part of customer service, med-
                                                                                                                                                                           Credit Martin Stiavnicky/Shutterstock

     forward into a future with increas-         • Robots can do repetitive                                                          ical treatment, and many other
     ingly powerful AI technology.                  or dangerous tasks, freeing                                                       jobs.
                                                   up people to do more mean-                                                      • Many people will
     KEEPING AI                                    ingful work.                                                                       lose their jobs.
     IN CHECK                                    • Robots are cheaper than                                                        • AIs cannot handle
     To ensure we don’t end up in a                 humans in the long run, helping                                                   situations they haven’t
     dystopian future, policymakers                 companies reduce costs.                                                          been trained for.
     around the world are starting to

24   G R E AT D E C I S I O N S • A RT I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E
example, some companies use
a software platform called Gap-                    TEEN
Jumpers to “blindly audition”
potential job candidates based on
their skill sets, instead of using                             Jerry Di                                                                                          Tarr’s program can analyze a video
personal data such as where they                                                                                                                                 and detect if it contains faces that
grew up or studied.                                                                                                                                              have been swapped or voices that
                                                                                                                                                                 have been dubbed. It’s up to 10
WHAT YOU CAN DO                                                                                                                                                  times quicker than other state-of-
Tackling fake news, privacy                                                                                                                                      the art detection systems, and more

                                                                           Credit Susie Kockerscheidt/Yorkregion.com
issues, and other AI-related                                                                                                                                     accurate. For
challenges isn’t just limited to                                                                                                                                 his work, the 17-year-old won this
the realm of governments and big                                                                                                                                 year’s BT Young Scientist & Technol-
tech firms. You can play a role                                                                                                                                  ogy Exhibition.
too, by taking these simple steps:
• Don’t believe everything                                                                                                                                       Sophie Zhu
  you read on social media or                                                                                                                                    In 2019, 16-year-old Sophie Zhu
  messaging apps. Instead, get                                                                                                                                   launched a project to find out how
  your information directly from     Jerry Di                                                                                                                    AI might one day reshape our world.
  trustworthy news outlets.          When 15-year-old Jerry Di was                                                                                               The California teenager emailed 130
• Think twice before reposting       diagnosed with Tourette syndrome                                                                                            of the world’s leading AI experts,
  or retweeting. Verify that the     a few years ago, he was disap-                                                                                              academics, and journalists, asking
  information you’re about           pointed to find that treatment                                                                                              questions such as: “Do you believe
  to share is real by double-        options were limited, expensive,                                                                                            that androids and human-level AI,
  checking it with reliable news     or “downright ineffective.” To                                                                                              once available, will be weaponized?”
  sources.                           make matters worse, no one was                                                                                              and “What is the most likely reason
• Learn to spot deepfakes.           looking to improve treatment for                                                                                            why they could harm humanity or
  Telltale signs include unnatural   the neurological disorder, which                                                                                            threaten the survival of the human
  eye movements or facial            causes repetitive, uncontrollable                                                                                           race?” Zhu, now a freshman at
  expressions, awkward posture,      movements called tics. In response,                                                                                         Duke University in North Carolina,
  abnormal skin tone, blurred        Di decided to do something about                                                                                            collated and analyzed the replies she
  edges, and inconsistent audio.     the problem himself. The teen from                                                                                          gathered, and wrote an illuminating
• Review your privacy settings       Ontario, Canada, founded a biotech                                                                                          research paper on the topic.
  on social media.                   startup called Unitic. The aim: to
• Be careful about giving newly      use machine learning to diagnose
  downloaded apps access to          Tourette patients and come up
  your contacts, photos, location,   with treatment plans tailored spe-
  and other personal information.    cifically for them.
• Write or call your elected
  officials to let them know what    Gregory Tarr
  you think.                         As a young boy growing up in Ire-
                                                                                                                       Credit Chris Bellew/Fennell Photography

• Vote, when you are old             land, Gregory Tarr taught himself
  enough! With few exceptions,       how to code using online tutorials.
  you can’t vote until you’re 18,    He soon became interested in AI,
  but in many states you can         and after more than five years of
  register at 16 or 17, and you’ll   research, he created a comput-                                                                                              Gregory Tarr
  be all set when 18 rolls around.   er program to detect deepfakes.

                                                                                                                                                                                 MARCH 2021              25
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