Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice

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Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
voter supression
Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor
Texas House Committee on Elections
by David Taffet, Page 10
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
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4   █   05.14.21
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
In This Issue                                            May 14, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                Volume 38 | Issue 2

           1825 Market Center Blvd., Ste. 240, Dallas, Texas 75207 | 214-754-8710 |                     NEWS
                                                                                                                         Legalizing voter intimidation | 10
                                        PUBLISHER Leo Cusimano,                                      Moe Vela branches out with Unicorn Hunters | 12
                                                                                                                         Lutherans elect first transgender bishop | 16
                             MANAGING EDITOR              Tammye Nash,                                                                                                                                 12
                          SENIOR STAFF WRITER             David Taffet,
                                PROOF READER              Philip Burton                                                 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
                               CONTRIBUTORS               Chris Azzopardi, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block, Joey Casiano,       DRIVE: The 2021 Genesis G80 | 18
                                                          Jesus Chairez, Lawrence Ferber, Hardy Haberman, Scott          ON THE PAGE: D. Hale Rambo’s debut novel | 19
                                                          Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Cassie Nova, Josh Robbins,
                                                          Howard Lewis Russell, James Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer,
                                                          Leslie McMurray, Mathew Shaw, Casey Williams

                      ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Chad Mantooth,
                    MARKETPLACE MANAGER Stephen Mobley,                                                                                                                                              16
                   NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE National Advertising Representative                                          ON THE COVER
                                                          Todd Evans, Rivendell Media Inc. 908-232-2021                                          THE T..........................................6
                                    ART DIRECTOR Kevin Thomas,
                                                                                                                                                 PLAN YOUR WEEK....................23
                                     MULTIMEDIA Stephen Mobley, Social Media Director
                                                          Israel Luna, DVtv Video Producer, Host                                                 CASSIE NOVA...........................24
                                                          Brad Pritchett DVtv Host | Regina Lyn DVtv Host                                        SCENE.......................................26
                        CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Linda Depriter,                                                                                                                                    19
                                                                                                                        Cover design by Kevin Thomas
                                        FOUNDERS Robert Moore | Don Ritz                                                Photo by Eric Gay, Associated Press
                   Associated Press - Associate Member

                                                                                                                                                                                    WIG      OUT
       National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
                     Certified LGBT Business Enterprise
         Founding Member - North Texas LGBT Chamber
    Founding Member - National LGBT Media Association

                                                                                                                                                                                    this summer with
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                                                                                                                                                                                                    05.14.21   █   dallasvoice    5
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
                                                                                                          Highlights from the Dallas Voice Website

       AGAINST COVID-19!

                                             Want to
                                          in a vacc te
                                                           Council approves                                   Hidden Door re-opening
                                                           PegasusAblon project                               June 16
       STI testing & treatment at our
                                                   ine        The Dallas City Council voted Wednesday,           Hidden Door Dallas has announced via
       location on the Baylor campus
        PrEP Services provided with
                                             study?        May 12, to give a thumbs up to plans for
                                                           building two high-rise residential buildings in
                                                           the heart of the gayborhood. The plan, which
                                                                                                              social media that the bar is set to re-open
                                                                                                              Wednesday, June 16, on the birthday of the
                                                                                                              late Tony Bobrow, who owned the club from
         specialty pharmacy on-site                        would include green space and expanded             the late 1980s until his death in February
                                                           parking, was introduced last November by           2018. The Hidden Door is now owned by
          Financial & medication                           PegasusAblon and Caven Enterprises.                The Anthony Bobrow Trust which is overseen
            assistance available                              While Mike Ablon will be purchasing the         by Harvey Meissner and a second trustee.
                                                           property on both sides of Throckmorton Street      Beginning in 2019, the Bobrow Trust began
         Prep & HIV Clinical Trials                        in the 3900 and 4000 blocks of Cedar Springs       making regular grants to LGBTQ and HIV/
                                                           Road from Caven Enterprises, the developer         AIDS organizations.
                  available               CONTAC
             Gender affirmation                  T US AT   will leave intact the existing buildings facing       Meissner is president and general manager

                                                           Cedar Springs — the buildings that currently       of the Hidden Door, and after Texas bars were

                                                           house Sue Ellen’s, JR.’s Bar & Grill, S4, the      shut down by order of the governor and, in
              hormone therapy                              Rose Room and TMC in the 3900 block, and           Dallas County, County Judge Clay Jenkins,
          Anal Cancer screenings           @ntidc.o        that house Roy G’s and Skivvies in the 4000        Meissner has chosen to keep the bar closed

      We accept most insurance plans!
                                                     rg    block. Caven will then lease the existing build-
                                                           ings from Ablon and continue operating the
                                                                                                              until Jenkins and county health department
                                                                                                              officials said it was really safe to re-open.
                                                           bars housed there.                                 Meissner and the bar’s management have tak-
                                                              Plans call for the two new buildings and        en advantage of the down time over the last
      MAKE YOUR IN-OFFICE OR                               a pocket park to be built on the back of the       12-plus months to remodel the bar’s interior
    TELEHEALTH APPOINTMENT AT                              lots in those block — one behind S4 and one        and patio.
                                                           behind Roy G’s. The one behind S4 will be                                            — Tammye Nash

              214.823.2533                                 built first.
                                                                                           — Tammye Nash
    3409 Worth St. Suite 710 Dallas, TX                                                                       Broadway at the Bass returns
                                                                                                                 Performing Arts Fort Worth, the nonprofit
              214.890.1616                                 Sue Ellen’s re-opening June 4
                                                              Sue Ellen’s, the oldest lesbian bar in the
                                                                                                              owner and operator of Bass Performance Hall,
     9301 North Central Expy. Suite 310                                                                       announced this week that Broadway shows
                                                           U.S., will reopen on June 4. The bar has
                                                                                                              are returning to the Bass stage. The 2021-22
                 Dallas, TX                                been closed throughout the pandemic.
                                                                                                              Broadway at the Bass Season will feature six
                                                              Sue Ellen’s has been doing karaoke at
                                                                                                              shows, many of which were scheduled to be
                                                           the Rose Room on Tuesday and Wednes-
                                                                                                              here in 2020 when the season was canceled
                                                           day evenings. No word yet on whether that
                                                                                                              due to COVID-19.
       or                                        is moving back or when weekend bands
                                                           will begin performing there again. As the
                                                                                                                 Current 2020-21 Broadway at the Bass
                                                                                                              season ticket holders have until June 21 to
                                                           day approaches, we’ll keep you up on
                                                                                                              renew and keep their seats. New season
                                                           what’s planned for the opening.
                                                                                                              tickets will go on sale July 15. Sign up now for
                                                              We’re just excited Sue Ellen’s is reopen-
                                                                                                              the wait list.
                                                                                                                 The 2021-22 season kicks off in October
                                                                                           — David Taffet
                                                                                                              with Come From Away, Oct, 19-24. Then Cats

6   █   05.14.21
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
returns to the Bass Hall stage Nov. 16-21 with    will have priority access to Lion King tickets.         The proclamation recalls the raid at the                         has gone from open homophobia to tolerance
an all-new production, to set the mood for the    And Performing Arts Fort Worth is currently in      Stonewall Inn that marked the beginning of                           to acceptance of LGBTQ individuals and fam-
holiday season. The new year begins with Dear     conversations with other local arts organizations   the modern LGBTQ rights era and notes that                           ilies. Our next journey is representation on city
Evan Hansen, Jan. 4-9, followed by a special      to plan reduced capacity, socially-distanced        the LGBTQ community “from youth to senior                            boards, commissions, and the City Council. The
add-on of the smash hit Hamilton Jan. 18-Feb.     performances in Bass Hall over the summer in        citizens, have the right to feel safe, not be                        diversity of our city is our strength. The diversity
6. After a break of a few months, the season      preparation for the new season starting in the      discriminated against and not live with the threat                   of our city is our future.”
picks back up with Oklahoma!, June 21-26,         fall. Watch for more details as they become         of harassment and persecution.” It further states                        The first city Pride event has already been
followed Jesus Christ Superstar July 12-17. The   available.                                          the “Carrollton City leadership and staff have                       planned. It will be held at Horizon UU Church,
season concludes with Mean Girls, July 26-21.                                      — Tammye Nash      committed to make the city an LGBTQ friendly,                        1641 W. Hebron Parkway, Carrollton, on June 5.
    Broadway at the Bass this week also                                                               welcoming, and inclusive community for ALL.”                         A food truck and 18 booths have already been
announced that Disney’s The Lion King is                                                                  Carrollton businessman and resident Bob                          confirmed.
                                                  Carrollton proclaims Pride                                                                                                                                     — David Taffet
returning to Bass Hall for the 2022-23 season.                                                        McCranie said, “Over the last 18+ years, the city
                                                    The Carrollton City Council issued a procla-
Season ticket holders for the 2021-22 season
                                                  mation at its meeting Tuesday, May 11, marking
who renew their seats for the 2022-23 season
                                                  June 5 as Carrollton Pride Day.
                                                                                                        ADOPTABLE: KIRA
                                                                                                                                                                           space on the couch. She’s looking for a “fospice” home, which
                                                                                                                                                                           means that she’ll be your permanent foster pet while the SPCA
                                                                                                                                                                           of Texas provides her medical care for life. Kira is in the early
                                                                                                                                                                           stages of chronic renal insufficiency and will need to remain on a
                                                                                                                                                                           special diet for life. She’s still a happy, playful dog who deserves a
                                                                                                                                                                           mellow, laidback home where she can be comfortable and cared
                                                                                                                                                                           for. Kira would love a home with a fenced-in yard, a couple of
                                                                                                                                                                           very big water bowls to keep her hydrated, teens and adults who
                                                                                                                                                                           will help monitor her strict diet and humans who are very big
                                                                                                                                                                           fans of naps, cuddles and having no personal space whatsoever.
                                                                                                                                                                           Kira also hopes her new family will spoil her rotten with lots of
                                                                                                                                                                           stuffed toys. If you are willing to open your heart and your home
                                                                                                                                                                           to Kira, please email

                                                                                                                                                                           Adoptions will be available by appointment. Adopters will
                                                                                                                                                                           need to submit an adoption inquiry form in order to begin the
                                                                                                                                                                           adoption process and schedule an appointment to complete
                                                                                                                                                                           the adoption. Please browse our available animals at
                                                                                                        Meet Kira, a 7-and-a-half-year-old English mastiff mix who loves   FindAPet and visit to inquire about a dog or
                                                                                                        carrying her teddy bear around and taking up way too much to inquire about a cat.

                                                                                                                                                                                                05.14.21          █    dallasvoice                  7
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
Karens gone wild

What can we learn watching                                                       screaming,
videos of these privileged                                                       off to the
                                                                                 police sta-
meltdowns?                                                                       tion where
                                                                                 they can

           uring my long “work-from-                                             assert their
           home” isolation forced by                                             sovereign       to wear a metaphorical mask much of            sucks!
           COVID-19, I have found myself                                         rights from     my adult life. I know many of my friends         Not seeing my friends sucks!
wasting time on YouTube a lot. One of                                            inside a jail   feel that way as well.                           Not going out to concerts, the theater
my most recent obsessions is the hun-                                            cell.              We wear the mask of heteronormativ-         and movies sucks!
dreds of “Karen Meltdown” videos post-                                              What I       ity daily, so as to not make the straight        Not being able to travel sucks!
ed there.                                                                        find com-       folk feel uncomfortable. It is a small sac-      Working from home all the time, sucks!
  Compiling the videos of indignant                                              pelling         rifice we have made for years in the in-         But you know what sucks more? See-
women and, in a few cases, men going                                             about           terest of maintaining some kind of safety      ing people taking their frustrations out
ballistic after being told they can’t do this   these viral videos is the overwhelming           for ourselves and to avoid unwanted at-        on others who are just doing their job,
thing or that thing has become a cottage        anger expressed by these “Karens” and            tention. I still am uncomfortable holding      trying to get by and keep others safe.
industry. A vast majority of these videos       “Kens.” They throw uncontrolled tan-             my partner’s hand in public unless we          Seeing Karens and Kens blasting their
are of “Karens” trying to enter stores          trums, fueled by blind anger and often           are in a LGBTQ-friendly neighborhood.          rage at civil servants who are just trying
without wearing masks. Predictably,             peppered with racist slurs.                         I can only imagine how people would         to keep our cities safe and preserve the
they throw a tantrum and, in some cases,           Why are they so angry?                        react if I unleashed all my pent-up frustra-   peace — that REALLY sucks.
physically attack store workers and/or             Most of these people are white, cis-          tion in an uncontrolled tantrum. I guess I       If all those Karens and Kens took that
the merchandise in the store itself.            gender folks who are exploding over the          am too vain to let that happen. It would be    wasted energy and used it to convince
  In one video, after being told she            minor inconvenience of having to wear a          far too unattractive, and, quite frankly, my   their friends to wear masks and get vac-
would not be served if she wasn’t wear-         mask to protect their fellow citizens from       mother raised me better than that.             cinated, this whole mess would be over
ing a mask, a woman began knocking              a potentially deadly disease. So why the            I learned as a child that sometimes         much faster. I want to see those viral vid-
products off shelves and finally throwing       big kerfuffle?                                   the world does not cater to your every         eos start showing up — videos of Karens
store fixtures at the helpless employees.          I can only surmise they have led lives        whim. Things are often unfair, and whin-       pleading with their friends and family to
  She, like many of these people, was ar-       of such privilege that they have never           ing about it and pounding your fists on        get vaccinated so we can all get back to
rested and then tried to explain to the ar-     been told “No.” And the act of wearing           the ground won’t change things.                some kind of normalcy sooner.
resting officers why she should be let go,      a mask, which is a little thing to most             I also learned that I could take all that     Might not be as good at becoming a vi-
claiming of the workers she threatened          of us, becomes amplified in their minds          frustration and use it to fuel something       ral video as seeing an adult behaving like
and attacked that she “pays their salary”       into something much greater. They are            much more productive. Writing has been         a spoiled child, but it would damn sure
and “they work for me.”                         being forced to be a considerate person,         that outlet for me.                            be better for the world. 		              █

  In a few of the videos, the man or wom-       and that is a step too far for an over-priv-        So, consider this my very own Karen           Hardy Haberman is a longtime local LGBT
an even pulls the “sovereign citizen”           ileged white person.                             meltdown:                                      activist and a board member of the Woodhull
ploy, refusing to obey any laws at all. In         I guess I find that amazingly petty,             The COVID19 pandemic sucks!                 Freedom Alliance. His blog is at Dungeon-
the end, they are all hauled, kicking and       since as a queer man I have been forced             Wearing masks and social distancing

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8     █    05.14.21
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
05.14.21   █   dallasvoice   9
Battling voter supression - Gonzalez asks U.S. AG to monitor Texas House Committee on Elections - Dallas Voice
Legalizing voter

A bill being rammed through
the legislature has a number of
provisions that are intended to
suppress the vote of LBTQ and
other minority voters

DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer

                   tate Rep. Jessica Gon-
                   zalez has been working
                   overtime this session
                   fighting off not only
                   anti-transgender bills,
                   but, as vice chair of the
                   Committee on Elections,
                   fighting off voter sup-
                   pression bills, too.
  Along with three other committee
members, including Rep. Michelle Beck-
ley, D-Carrollton, Gonzalez has written
to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Gar-
land, asking him to have the civil rights
division of the Department of Justice
“monitor the proceedings of the House
Elections Committee and the Texas
House for the remainder of the session”
after committee Chair Briscoe Cain,
R-Deer Park, on April 29 forced a vote on
one such bill, Senate Bill 7, without ad-      A group opposing new voter legislation gather outside the House Chamber at the Texas Capitol in Austin on May 6. (Eric Gay/Associated Press)
vanced notice and without allowing time
for public input.                              the polling place. They’d be allowed to             A highly successful example in Dallas          more difficult. New and onerous re-
  In addition to what Gonzalez called          roam freely around polling places to in-         County was making the American Air-               quirements for people who drive elder-
a return to Jim Crow laws when she             timidate voters.                                 lines Center a mega-voting location. The          ly or disabled voters to the polls would
appeared on ABC’s national news this             It’s unclear what would happen if a            arena is located in an area with a high           be created, including having to provide
week, she questioned the way the bill          voter complained about the poll watcher          concentration of Democratic voters and            proof of ailment or disability. The driver
was rammed through committee without           interfering with the right to cast a secret      is located within Oak Lawn’s heavily              could be penalized for failure to produce
comments from the public and without           ballot. The election judge in the polling        LGBTQ 75219 zip code. Another mega                paperwork indicating the passenger’s
discussion of language used in the bill.       place could intervene. But many voters,          center was opened at Potters House with           disability and need to have a poll worker
Democrats on the committee received            presumably elderly, minority, disabled,          a concentration of Black voters.                  bring a voting machine to the car.
the language in the bill about 10 minutes      LGBTQ and other groups targeted by                  In the Senate version of the bill, a for-        During the pandemic, curbside voting
before Cain called for a vote on it.           this partisan legislation, could be intim-       mula would be used to distribute voting           vastly expanded, and those who pre-
  SB 7 had already passed the upper            idated and simply leave.                         machines and polling places based on              ferred not to enter a voting location were
house of the Legislature. Gonzalez and           A second provision would prohibit              previous election turnout. That would             given the opportunity to vote from their
other Democrats on the elections com-          “county governments from establishing            oversaturate white neighborhoods with             cars. The process was slow, but there
mittee objected in writing to four provi-      methods and locations for voting that            polling locations and penalize poorer             were no reports of voter fraud as a result.
sions of the bill that became House Bill 6.    have proven to boost participation in            areas that historically have had lower              Finally, elections officials would be
  SB 7 would allow partisan poll watch-        working-class communities and com-               turnout.                                          prevented from sending mail ballot ap-
ers to have unfettered access to voters in     munities of color,” according to the letter.        Third, curbside voting would become            plications to voters eligible to vote by

10    █    05.14.21
mail. The penalty would be state jail          ranking number one in uninsured people
time.                                          during a health crisis, which keeps the
   Gonzalez charges that these chang-          state’s health insurance rates skyrocket-
es to the House version of the bill were       ing.
presented just minutes before the chair           But those issues, she said, have been
called for a vote on the legislation. “Un-     ignored. Instead, she’s had to deal with
fortunately, this disregard for decorum        HB 6/SB 7, which are all about punish-
and formal rules is all too common in the      ing Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo,
House Elections Committee,” Gonzalez           who tried to make it as easy as possible
wrote in her letter to the attorney general.   for voters in Houston and elsewhere in
   On ABC News, Gonzalez character-            her county to vote. Each step of the way,
ized the bill as “unnecessary legislation      Beckley said, Hidalgo checked with the
that is bad for Texas,” and said there was     Texas Secretary of State to make sure
nothing in the bill that makes it easier or    anything she did to expand access to vot-
safer to vote.                                 ing was legal.
   She hasn’t received a response from            Hidalgo allowed 24-hour voting to
the Justice Department yet but is work-        make it easier for shift-workers to get to
ing her Washington connections — Gon-          the polls — doctors, police, firefighters
zalez worked in the Obama White House          and, especially in the case of Houston,
— to get some federal oversight. Because       chemical and petroleum workers. As did
these voter restrictions are happening         Dallas County, she made drive-through
in other states as well, she believes the      voting more available during the pan-
justice department has an interest in this     demic.
legislation.                                      Beckley said nothing in the bill makes
   Beckley, who also signed the letter to      it easier to register to vote: “No online
the U.S. attorney general, said she was        registration,” she said. “All registration
frustrated this session with the amount        is done in pen and ink. And when they
of time she spent defending trans kids         can’t read it, it gets thrown out.”
and preventing voter suppression. As a            And yet, she said, after 22,000 hours of
result, she said, there was no time left for   investigation into voter fraud in the last
fixing the power grid, doing anything          election, there hasn’t been a conviction in
about the pandemic or talking about the        Texas. “Instead, they’re going with the
number of kids lost to the education sys-      Trump Big Lie,” Beckley said. “We’ll see
tem since the shutdown.                        where the dust settles.”
   And don’t get her started on Texas                                    VOTER, Page 14

State Rep. Rafael Anchia

                                                                                             05.14.21   █   dallasvoice   11
Moe Vela’s very, very, very public life

After years in a business and
public service, Vela is branching
out with ‘Unicorn Hunters’

JAMES RUSSELL | Contributing Writer

                              oe       Vela
                              could die
                              happy to-
                              day, know-
                              ing all he’s
                              done with
                              his life. But
                              judging by
a recent interview, the longtime political
operative, entrepreneur and one-time ac-
tor is not slowing down. His family in-
stilled that go-getter attitude in the gay
fourth generation Texan.
   The Velas are a pioneering South Tex-
as family, first setting down roots in the
state in 1863. The Vela family includes a
former federal district judge and a for-
mer Cameron County judge. Moe Vela’s
cousin is retiring Congressman Filemon        he asked, wondering why she wasn’t            strategy and outreach. Biden has also        ple. That leaves millions out.”
Vela Jr.                                      seeking the union endorsement. Rich-          nominated former two-time Congres-              Moe said the idea for Unicorn Hunters
   Vela family members were encouraged        ards smiled: “I kept my opponents from        sional candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, also      came about after he left Biden’s office.
to operate and to carry themselves hum-       getting the endorsement.”                     a lesbian and also a Texan, to be under      He was practicing law and unfulfilled;
bly and not arrogantly, Moe Vela said.          What she was saying, he explained,          secretary of the Air Force.                  he wanted more. He asked himself,
“We’re not special. You gotta get your        was that “Sometimes you don’t need the           “They’re great examples of why I          “How do I leverage and parlay my glob-
butt to work,” he explained. “We were         endorsement but just to block opponents       didn’t go in,” Moe said of the two Texas     al network to help others and make a
never forced to be a lawyer or a teach-       from getting it.”                             women.                                       living?”
er, but we were encouraged to be active.        It was one of many lessons Moe                 Now Moe is working on a project that         He also wanted to come out of the
Our generation picked up the mantle,          learned during his stint in public service,   was on his bucket list: He’s the produc-     closet — as an entrepreneur, that is.
and we’re encouraging the next genera-        which included working for former State       er of and a panelist on Unicorn Hunters,        The show isn’t his first dance with the
tion to do the same.”                         Rep. Rene Oliveira and Congresswoman          which premiered May 10. The show is          entertainment industry. At 22 years old,
   Moe has also had a storied career in       Eddie Bernice Johnson when she was a          like Shark Tank, where budding entrepre-     as a freshly-minted University of Texas at
public service himself. His mentor was        state senator. He also served as director     neurs pitch their ideas to funders. But in   Austin graduate, Moe had his sights on
the late Gov. Ann Richards, whom he           of administration for then-Vice President     this show, the audience is involved, too.    Broadway. “All I had were four bags and
called “Ms. Ann.”                             Joe Biden as well as senior advisor on           “It was a longtime dream to do this       one page of sheet music,” he recalled.
   When Richards was running for gov-         Hispanic Affairs for Vice President Al        show,” he said. And the LGBTQ commu-            He acknowledged the cliché. “I don’t
ernor, Moe recalled, she was in a packed      Gore                                          nity was at the front of his mind when he    know too many gay men who don’t
Democratic primary and faced tough              That makes Moe the first openly gay         conceived of it. “We’re part of the disen-   come out of their mamma’s womb with-
competition. At the state union conven-       person and the first Hispanic-American        franchised. We’ve been left out,” he said,   out wanting a career in show business,”
tion, her team was on the floor, working      to serve twice in the White House in a        while access to capital has been reserved    he said laughing.
the crowd. Vela, who was just getting his     senior role.                                  for white men over 50.                          “I’ve had an amazing life. I’ve swam
start in politics, was tasked with guard-       While he was tempted to make anoth-            To him, “That’s just bullshit. This is    under the moonlight naked. I could die
ing the campaign headquarters.                er go around at the White House when          2021.”                                       happy,” he said. But he’s glad he hasn’t
   “I was sitting alone thinking, ‘Wow,       Biden was elected president, Moe chose           “As LGBTQ people we’re not going          yet. “Here we are months later and I’m
I’m guarding the headquarters,’” he           to decline. “I already did my public ser-     to have true equality until we address       fulfilling another goal,” he said of Uni-
said. Then the door opens. It’s Richards.     vice,” he said. “The next generation of       economic parity,” Moe continued. “We         corn Hunters.
She sat next to him.                          gays and Latinos need to go.”                 won’t have economic equality until we           Growing up, Moe said he couldn’t live
   “Moe Jr.,” she said, “how are you do-        Some have, including Emmy Ruiz, a           all have access to wealth. Having been       his true self as a creative, entrepreneurial
ing?”                                         lesbian and a Texas native who is now         lobbied and a lobbyist, the folks who        gay man. “But 60 years later, my dreams
   “Shouldn’t you be at the convention?”      the White House director of political         have access to money have access to peo-     have come true,” he said. 		              █

12    █    05.14.21
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                                                                         05.14.21   █   dallasvoice   13
VOTER, From Page 11
                                                                     And then, Beckley said, the voter
                                                                  suppression law will go to court.
                                                                     For now, the bill continues to be
                                                                  amended and will go to a conference
                                                                     Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, point-
                                                                  ed out wording in the bill used the term
                                                                  “purity of the ballot box.” When Anchia
                                                                  asked Cain if he knew that term came
                                                                  from the Jim Crow past, Cain said he
                                                                  didn’t know that, claiming that he took
                                                                  the wording from the Texas Constitution.
                                                                     That wording was eventually re-
                                                                  moved from the bill. And word-
                                                                  ing about the poll watchers has also
                                                                  changed since Anchia shined a light on
                                                                  the Jim Crow connections in the bill.
                                                                     But the wording of a final bill will
                                                                  be determined by the conference com-
                                                                  mittee that will create one bill from the
                                                                  House and Senate versions.
                                                                     Conference committee is a mostly se-
                                                                  cretive process in the Texas Legislature.
                                                                  Gonzalez doesn’t know if she’ll even be
                                                                  part of that process, even though she’s
                                                                  vice chair of the committee that would
                                                                  have to pass the bill back to the floor of
State Reps. Michelle Beckley, left, and Jessica Gonzalez, right
                                                                  the Legislature for a final vote.       █

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14       █    05.14.21
Trans history
                                                            writing, Rohrer, 41, who
                                                            uses the pronouns they
                                                            and them, is also recog-
                                                                                          “It’s an honor to be called to serve
                                                                                        the Sierra Pacific Synod,” Rohrer said
                                                                                        to Religion News Service in a written
                                                                                                                                     dacy process” designed to sidestep the
                                                                                                                                     national ELCA’s policy on LGBTQ min-
                                                                                                                                     isters at the time, Rohrer’s ordination
                                                                                        statement. “During this time when some       was officially accepted in 2010.
Lutherans elect Megan Rohrer                                                            imagine trans people at their worst, Lu-        While gay bishops have served in
as first transgender bishop                                                             therans have once again declared that        mainline Protestant denominations since
                                                                                        transgender people are beautiful chil-       Bishop Gene Robinson was named a
PAUL O’DONNELL | Religion News Services                                                 dren of God. Thank you to everyone           bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of New
                                                                                        who has been praying for me and my           Hampshire in 2003, transgender priests
                     he     Rev.   Megan                                                family as I accept this call.”               and ministers are only slowly finding
                     Rohrer was elected                                                   Raised in South Dakota, Rohrer has         acceptance. In 2007, Drew Phoenix was
                     bishop of the Evan-                                                recounted being expelled from the youth      permitted to remain as pastor of a Bal-
                     gelical     Lutheran                                               group at the church they attended in         timore United Methodist parish after
                     Church in America’s                                                Sioux Falls when they came out as a          coming out as transgender; the UMC
                     Sierra Pacific synod                                               lesbian and told a California public ra-     appointed its first transgender deacon
                     on Saturday, May 8,                                                dio station that in college at the Luther-   in 2017. The Episcopal Church approved
                     becoming the first                                                 an Augustana University, “The people         transgender priests in 2012.
transgender person to serve as bishop in                                                who were in my religion classes with me         The Sierra Pacific Synod encompass-
the denomination or in any of the U.S.’                                                 would sing hymns when I walked by, to        es 180 congregations in northern Cali-
major Christian faiths.                                                                 try to get rid of my gay demons. And I       fornia and northern Nevada, with more
                                            The Rev. Megan Rohrer
   Rohrer, pastor of Grace Lutheran                                                     would just sing harmony. I didn’t know       than 36,000 individual members and
Church in San Francisco and community       nized for their work with the homeless.     what to do.”                                 about 13,000 worshippers attending on
chaplain coordinator for the San Fran-      They have also attained minor celebri-        A campus pastor at Augustana, how-         Sundays. Bishops are elected to six-year
cisco Police Department, was the first      ty status stemming from appearances         ever, encouraged Rohrer to consider          terms in the ELCA.		                     █

transgender person to be ordained in the    on the television series Queer Eye and      ministry, and in 2002 they moved to             This content is written and produced by
ELCA in 2006 and the first to serve as a    in profiles in Time magazine and Cos-       San Francisco to attend Pacific Lutheran     Religion News Service and distributed by
pastor when called to Grace Lutheran in     mopolitan, where they recounted their       Theological Seminary and later trans-        The Associated Press. RNS and AP partner
2014.                                       struggles as a young LGBTQ Christian        ferred to the LGBTQ-friendly Pacific         on some religion news content. RNS is solely
   Well known for advocating for LGBTQ      and as a person coming to terms phys-       School of Religion in Berkeley. Ordained     responsible for this story. Emily McFarlan
rights in street activism, preaching and    ically and spiritually with their gender.   in 2006 under an “extraordinary candi-       Miller contributed to this report.

16    █    05.14.21
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                                                                                                                   05.14.21 █ dallasvoice    17

 2021 Genesis G80
 5 passengers, AWD Sedan
 Powertrain: 3.5-L TTV6, 8-spd trans
 Output: 375 hp/391 lb.-ft.
 Suspension: f/r: Elect Ind/Ind
 Wheels f/r: 20-inch/20-inch alloy
 Brakes f/r: disc/disc
 Must-have features: Style, Tech
 0-60 mph: 5.7s
 Fuel economy: 18/26-MPG city/hwy
 Assembly: Ulsan, Korea
 Base price/As-tested: $47,700/68,150

The 2021 Genesis G80 wears its
Britishness like a Bentley

CASEY WILLIAMS | Auto Reviewer

            f I showed you this car and                                                                                                 drive to enhance traction in all condi-
            told you we had the all-new,                                                                                                tions. Stomp the carpet to see 0-60 mph
            just released mid-size Bentley,                                                                                             in a scant 5.7 seconds. Press gently to see
            you might believe me … for a                                                                                                18/26-MPG city/highway.
            few seconds. The Genesis G80                                                                                                   On the road, the car’s feel is between a
            is clearly not a Bentley, but                                                                                               Jaguar and Lexus and sometimes a Mer-
            there is a certain Britishness                                                                                              cedes. It’s serene and smooth like a Lex-
            to its design and refinement. It                                                                                            us with the slight chassis float and sharp
radiates an aura of expensive. That initial                                                                                             steering of a Jaguar. It’s all enhanced by
impression continues when you move                                                                                                      an electronically controlled suspension
inside and enjoy a drive. That’s what we                                                                                                and ability to configure the drive modes
did with the 2021 Genesis G80 Prestige.                                                                                                 for Comfort, Smart, Eco, Sport and Cus-
   Bentley would probably prescribe a                                                                                                   tom — very cool, and the gauge design
larger grille, but the giant assemblage of                                                                                              has unique graphics and colors for each
mesh on the G80 tells lesser cars to move                                                                                               mode. As in the G90, steering seems
away when you’re stretching down the           panoramic sunroof.                             Comprehensive crash avoidance sys-        to drift a bit, but the car is otherwise a
left lane or fist-bumping the valet. Quad         Tri-zone automatic climate control and   tems include forward collision alert with    dream to drive.
LED headlamps in thin apertures paint          21-speaker Lexicon audio add comforts,      auto brake, lane keep assist, rear cross        Is the Genesis G80 a Bentley? Of course
on its face, but sides are dressed with        as do heated and ventilated front seats,    path detection, and blind spot warning.      not, even with Prestige trim. But you
20-inch alloys, dual strakes of fender ac-     heated rear seats and a heated steering     Adaptive cruise, rear seat monitor, and      wouldn’t exactly be roughing it if step-
cents, strong shoulder lines and fastback      wheel. Toss your phone on the wireless      around-view cameras add convenience.         ping in from a Flying Spur. Best of all,
roof that ends in a concave rear valance.      charging pad and gaze hood-long to the      Hyundai’s safe exit assist system em-        it’s considerably more affordable: The
Thin tail lamps leave an elegant impres-       head-up display. Given power door clo-      ploys the blind spot sensors for alerting    G80’s base price starts under $48,000,
sion. It all looks beautiful parked next to    sures and a power trunklid, you’ll barely   passengers to traffic as they step out.      coming to $68,150 comfortably optioned.
the curb.                                      flex a muscle.                                 Step back in. As in a Bentley, the pow-   Competitors include the Lexus ES, Mer-
   As Genesis’ middle limo, the G80               But you may want to when you see the     ertrain is smooth and powerful, just         cedes-Benz E-Class, BMW 5-Series, Ca-
is chicly aristocratic where one’s butt        knurled aluminum knobs for gear selec-      with fewer cylinders. Our car’s 3.5-li-      dillac CT5 and Jaguar XF.
parks. Prestige editions confer delights       tor and infotainment. Two rollers control   ter twin-turbo V6 whooshes away with            Storm Forward!                        █

like thick Nappa leather seats, real           volume and tuning. It works beautifully     375 horsepower and 391 lb.-ft. of torque.       Send comments to Casey at AutoCasey@
sculpted planes of matte wood across the       too, proving infotainment controls can      It gets to the road through an 8-speed; follow him on YouTube @AutoCa-
dash and console, sueded headliner and         be art pieces and function intuitively.     automatic transmission and all-wheel-        sey.

18     █   05.14.21
Tools of an author

D. Hale Rambo’s debut novel                  real and imagined — into leading roles.
puts diversity front and center                 The author and Dungeon Master sat
                                             down recently to answer a few ques-
                        . Hale Rambo         tions about how the characters of her
                        describes    her-    first book, Tools of a Thief, came to life and
                        self as a “nerdy,    why, as a straight woman, she chose to
                        book-loving          make her main protagonists lesbian.
                        Black woman”                                      — Tammye Nash
                        who grew up
                        loving to read,      Dallas Voice: How long have you been
but never seeing someone like her as the       involved in the world of Dungeons and
main character in any of the books she         Dragons? D. Rambo Hale: I’ve been a
read. Now as an adult, she is combining        player for about eight years and a Dun-
                                               geon Master for about five — so, not as
her love of books, her love of story-tell-
                                               long as some but longer than others.
ing and her love of the world of Dun-
geons and Dragons to create stories that     From what I gather, being Dungeon
bring the diversity of the world — both                                  TOOLS, Next Page

                                                                                              05.14.21   █   dallasvoice   19
TOOLS, From Previous Page
  Master basically means setting up a             is because the players I know are either        wouldn’t make those choices. It’s
  storyline and then guiding the other            LGBTQ or allies already. Because I have         disheartening to come into a space
  characters through that story. So it’s          also heard stories of some very misog-          like DnD, where almost everything
  very similar to being an author. Do you         ynistic and homophobic/transphobic              you do is made up, and be blocked
  think that is an accurate statement?            players, too. Do you, as a non-LGBTQ            from enjoying a game the way you
  And if so, which came first for you —           person, find the DnD community to be            want because it doesn’t conform to
  dungeon master or author? I’ve always           more open and accepting of LGBTQ                someone else’s standard.
  been an author, or to put it another way,       people than society in general? I do find     So it’s by no means a perfect communi-
  I’ve always told stories. I was involved        the community open, but I and my friends        ty, but the more people who join and
  in theater until my sophomore year in           have a few occurrences of misogynistic          learn to play, the better it’ll become,
  college, and I wanted to be a playwright.       and homophobic run-ins while gaming,            I hope.
  I turned towards more digital work when         unfortunately. Most of the friends I play
                                                                                                How do you take a character from
  I left college, though, and dropped those       with are women, LGBTQ or allies as well.
                                                                                                  the DnD and turn them into the
  dreams. It wasn’t until I got into DnD and      We’ve met a lot of accepting and diverse
                                                                                                  protagonist in your books? What
  then other RPGs [role-playing games] that       people within the DnD community at
                                                                                                  opportunities do you have to ex-
  I felt like I reconnected with all the things   game stores and in DnD-specific groups.
                                                                                                  pand and improve those charac-
  I used to love about writing, theater and       But conventions that have open play al-
                                                                                                  ters in books that you don’t have
  generally making things up.                     ways have at least one person gatekeep-
                                                                                                  in the game? A lot of writers (or
Being a DM, with homebrew world, is kind          ing the game [telling others they are play-                                                    It’s a reference I get internally that I don’t
                                                                                                  DMs) may laugh, but I use alignment,
  of like being an author in the fact that you    ing the game wrong], and I’ve seen friends                                                         have to think too hard on that ignites me.
                                                                                                  ideals, bonds, and flaws, specifically 5E
  have a general story, and you know how          who have been disheartened by that. I’ve                                                           To me, it’s much the same as how some
                                                                                                  — 5E is the proper way to say that the
  you want to guide the characters. But, like     seen Dungeon Masters who have done                                                                 people use the Hogwarts’ Houses.
                                                                                                  products I’ve made are DnD-compatible
  being a Dungeon Master, none of your            this [gatekeeping] by not acknowledging
                                                                                                  without actually saying the words “DnD” or     For example, “Okay, Zizy is chaotic good,
  players or characters listen to you, and        a player’s intentions with their charac-
                                                                                                  including any suggestion that it is licensed     and (flaw) she’ll turn tail if she feels she
  they often spend too much time mucking          ter’s sexuality or how they roleplay social
                                                                                                  work from Wizards of the Coast, the DnD          can’t handle what’s going on. How does
  about with a locked door.                       encounters. Or [sometimes] other players
                                                                                                  owners. It’s based on their open gaming          that impact Laysa/herself?” And then, of
                                                  at the table belittle choices made by my
As an outsider/onlooker, it seems to me                                                           license that is used when making DnD-re-         course, I put in additional nuances: Why
                                                  friends and me in a way that suggests that
  that the DnD community in general is                                                            lated content and products as a snapshot         is she scared? What is she running from
                                                  if we actually “understood” the game, we
  much more accepting, but perhaps that                                                           of a character that I then build on.

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20      █     05.14.21
really? What does she want more than              chaotic scrapes — much like many DnD
  anything and how far is she from getting          parties when trying to reach their goal.
  it?                                             Tell me about your other work, too.
Because the characters aren’t reacting to           What’s coming up next? “Into the
  PCs [player characters, or characters             Woods” is a short story I published along-
  in the game who are played by a real              side a [5th Edition] one-shot adventure
  person, as opposed to a non-PC, which             with the same title on DriveThruRPG
  is a character made up by and controlled          and my website. I have a handful of [5th
  by the DnD and roles of the dice], who are        Edition] one-shot modules I’ve published
  lovably unpredictable, I can explore their        there, including one, based on Jane
  needs deeper. I can showcase more of              Austen’s Pride and Prejudice called “The
  their quirks, relationships and what they         Death of Netherfield Park.”
  want. Essentially they get to steal the         “A Series of Decisions on Kairas” is the
  spotlight now in a book.                          name of the series that Tools of a Thief
You can only expand a character so much
  in a game before you’re making the game
  all about your story, and [the game should
  be] everyone’s story — yours, Player 1,
  Player 2, even Player 3 who can only
  show up every other session because of
  real life.
Your protagonist, Zizy, is a lesbian. Why
  did you choose a lesbian protagonist,
  and what research did you do to make
  that character authentic? Zizy is a blend
  of some of my closest friends who are
  lesbian, bi and queer. Her relationship with
  Laysa mirrors relationships I’ve seen first-
  hand with friends and family. I talked to
  them about the characters. I asked them
  to alpha read [reading really rough drafts]
  and beta read and give me feedback. If
  there was anything I wrote that felt wrong
  or didn’t seem plausible, I wanted them to
  let me know.
When I wrote the characters, it seemed
 like a natural choice that they would be
 lesbians. It is a choice — one that I hope
 allows people to connect and imagine
                                                    starts. I thought I was being clever with
 themselves. It’s important to me that
                                                    that name. Tools of a Thief is my debut
 people can connect with main characters
                                                    novel. A fast follow-up will be Compo-
 on that level.
                                                    nents of a Caster, which will continue the
Tools of a Thief comes out May 25. Give             story from Laysa’s point of view. She’s
  me a brief description of the book, and           been searching for her own sort of power
  tell me why you think it will appeal to           for a while now, and she may have finally
  LGBTQ readers, and why it will appeal             found a way in. I’m looking forward to
  to DnD folks in general. Tools of a Thief         exploring what it means to feel valuable
  is about a gnome trying to change her life        and needed.
  failing, and getting back up again with the
                                                  Components of a Caster will be released in
  help of those she’s met along the way. It’s
                                                    December 2021.
  a character-centric story about finding joy
  and how sometimes you have to change            What else do you want to tell me about
  yourself if you want to keep it. It is Book 1    that I have not asked about? Creating
  in the series.                                   characters who look like me or share my
                                                   worldview is important, because I grew
Zizy, Laysa and their relationship will appeal
                                                   up reading and watching characters who
  to LGBTQ readers as a fun fresh run
                                                   looked and acted nothing like me — a
  as they learn to trust, get to know and
                                                   nerdy, book-loving black woman. They
  brave danger for each other. The world
                                                   had grand adventures, while people like
  is diverse, the deities are non-binary, and
                                                   me and my friends were stereotypical
  the series overall will have a variety of
                                                   side characters. It took a few dozen years
  relationships and people that mirror the
                                                   to even contemplate that I could change
  real world.
                                                   that by creating my own content. So,
DnD people will love it for the adventures         there is literally a post-it on my monitor as
  within the overall adventure. The char-          a reminder that I can include all different
  acters explore new places, encounter             types of people and should. And that’s
  creatures unknown to them and get into           what really matters.

                                                                                                   05.14.21   █   dallasvoice   21

                                                                                                                                                     WATCH THIS
                                                                                                                                                         Gay man
                                                                                                                                                      Brandon Woodruff
                                                                                                                                                      was convicted
                                                                                                                                                      in March 2009
                                                                                                                                     in Hunt County of murdering
                                                                                                                                     his parents in October 2005.
                                                                                                                                     Woodruff has always insisted he
                                                                                                                                     is innocent. Many people believe
                                                                                                                                     the jury convicted because he is
                                                                                                                                     gay, and supporters have been
                                                                                                                                     rallying to his cause, including
                                                                                                                                     Scott Poggensee, who wrote
                                                                                                                                     and directed the documentary
                                                                                                                                     Texas Justice: Brandon Woodruff,
                                                                                                                                     screening Friday, May 14, at 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                     at the Texan Theater, 2712 Lee St.
                                                                                                                                     in Greenville. Tickets are $7.50; get
                                                                                                                                     information and purchase tickets at
                                                                                PARTY FOR GOOD: Marsha Dimes               
                                                                                hosts a virtual party benefitting the                                EAT THIS
                                                                                LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance DFW                                          Monica Greene’s
                                                                                Chapter and Dallas Hopes Charities                                    name has been
                                                                                                                                                      nearly synonymous
                                                                                on Wednesday, May 19, at 7 p.m. at                                    with fine Tex-Mex
                                                                                                                      food in Dallas for
                                                                                                                                     years, and the menu at Monica’s
                                                                                                                                     Mex-Tex Cantina, 1326 Botham
                                                                                                                                     Jean Blvd., certainly keeps that
                                                                                                                                     reputation intact. Head over to
                                                                                                                                     check out her signature Mexican
                                                                                                                                     Lasagna, or maybe the Greene
                                                                                                                                     Pasta. But whatever you order, you
                                               PLAN YOUR WEEK                                                                        can bet it will be delicious.

Have an event coming up? Email your          America of Greater Dallas is an              • May 19: Unity                                            DRIVE THIS
information to Managing Editor Tammye        online event with music and info on          A virtual party benefiting the LGBTQ+                          Want to drive
                                                                                                                                                      luxury without
Nash at or Senior       how important mental well-being is           Real Estate Alliance DFW Chapter and
                                                                                                                                                      emptying your
Staff Writer David Taffet at taffet@         including information for the LGBTQ          Dallas Hope Charities with Marsha                           wallet? The Genesis by Monday at 5 p.m.          community. Free, but a $25 Donation          Dimes streamed live at 7 p.m. on                            G80 Prestige
for that week’s issue.                       includes a t-shirt. Tickets at Eventbrite.   YouTube and at            package gives you that chance.
                                                                                          unity.                                     Our auto reviewer, Casey Williams,
The Plan Your Week calendar is color-        • Through May 16: Shirin Neshat:                                                        gives you the low-down on the car
coded: Red for community events; blue        I Will Greet the Sun Again                   • Through May 19: Texas Gypsies            that gives you a taste of a Bentley
for arts and entertainment; purple for       Thirty-year retrospective of artist Shirin   Sammons Center for the Arts presents       at a far lower cost. See the full
sports; green for nightlife and orange for   Neshat’s work runs through May 16            a virtual concert featuring Steve Curry    review on Page 18.
civic events and holidays.                   at The Modern, 3200 Darnell St., Fort        on guitar and vocals, Tony Baker, Brian
                                             Worth.                        Sandridge, Joe Perez, Andrew Griffith                      LISTEN TO
• May 14: Texas Justice:                                                                  and Travis Udall. Concerts begin at                            Opera fans have
Brandon Woodruff                             • Through May 17:                            7:30 p.m. and are presented as 48-hour                      been famished for
Documentary about a Texas man                Cufflink Art group show                      rentals on Vimeo. $10. Members free.                        content for the last
wrongly convicted of murdering his           Group show in a variety of mediums                                        year, and Dallas
parents simply because he is gay at          includes meticulous graphite drawings                                                   Opera has done its part with its
6 p.m. at Texan Theater, 2712 Lee St.,       by Marshall Harris, subliminal               • May 21: Federal Club                     TDO Network, offering a mixture of
Greenville. $7.50.                           compositions through oil on canvas           Transforming from ally to advocate.        programming from a diverse group
                                             by Linda Shobe, personal storytelling        A discussion of how an in-group can        of creators in the industry working
• May 15-June 19: Rusty Scruby               via collage by Dwight Owsley,                advance the interests of an oppressed      to engage the community in ways
                                                                                                                                     that go beyond the typical live
Gay artist Rusty Scruby has a solo           intimate close-up portraits from the         or marginalized out-group. To be a
                                                                                                                                     performance experience. Now they
exhibit called Comfort at Cris Worley        perspective of Nathan Madrid, dark           part of the discussion of how allies       are moving that content to a new
Fine Arts, 1845 E. Levee St., Suite 110.     yet mischievous concrete sculptures by       can become strategic players, visit        digital platform, TheDallasOpera.
Open house on May 15 from noon-4             Ross Bonfanti, and digitally abstract                        TV. Check out the TheDallasOpera.
p.m.                         maps manipulated by Scott Anderson.                                                     TV to start a seven-day free trial or
                                             Cufflink Art, Dickson-Jenkins Lofts and          Look for extended listings online at   just go ahead and subscribe out
• May 16: Crawfish for a Cause               Plaza, 120 St. Louis Ave., Suite 149,                          right.
Crawfish for a Cause: Mental Health          Fort Worth.
Matters sponsored by Mental Health

                                                                                                                                                 05.14.21    █   dallasvoice   23
Cassie Nova

The haunting of a drag queen                                                                                                                       like a person, casually walking. I saw it from
                                                                                                                                                   the window, but when I opened the back
    Hey everybody, I hope you are doing won-                                                                                                       door, there was nothing there. I even let the
derfully. I am going to go ahead and tell ya,                                                                                                      dogs outside to see if they saw or sensed
this is going to be a weird one. I am going to                                                                                                     anything, but they just peed and came back
sound nuts, but I have this weird feeling that                                                                                                     inside. That was about 10 years ago.
my house is slightly haunted and that I am                                                                                                            Since then, I have seen floating orbs and
seeing apparitions or ghosts or something a                                                                                                        other figures moving around back there. I’ve
lot lately.                                                                                                                                        only actually gotten scared twice: Both times
    I know…. Loony tunes.                                                                                                                          was because I could see a face on the thing
    It is nothing major. I hear noises in the                                                                                                      and honestly thought there was someone in
walls, which I am sure are squirrels or                                                                                                            my yard.
something, so no big deal. I doubt the devil                                                                                                          I know what you are all thinking: “Queen,
is knocking on my walls trying to freak me                                                                                                         you read too much Stephen King!” Yes, that
out. If he is, well … C’mon Devil! Do better,                                                                                                      is true. I love spooky fiction, and I immerse
you puss.                                                                                                                                          myself in spooky shit. That is why I don’t
    Seriously though, the thing that freaks                                                                                                        take my own sightings too seriously; I have
me out the most is something that has                                                                                                              an overactive imagination
happened three times since we have lived                                                                                                              I know that, but what if … ?
in this house. We have lived here for a little                                                                                                        Last night, at the show in the Rose Room,
more than 15 years but, on three separate                                                                                                          I was standing on stage, and I swear I saw
occasions my dogs have started to bark,                                                                                                            a figure standing right behind someone.
ferociously, at some random spot in the air. It                                                                                                    I’m sure it was just the lighting in the room
is so weird.                                                                                                                                       or something in my eye, but I saw a face. It
    The first time it happened was years ago                                                                                                       was startling enough to me that I ran, and
while my husband was a tow truck driver. He                                                                                                        grabbed one of the other girls in the show to
would have to jump up and leave at all hours                                                                                                       see if she could see it, and she couldn’t.
of the day and night. On this particular night,                                                                                                       I know I sound cuckoo.
he got a call at about 3 a.m., jumped out of                                                                                                          To be totally honest, I don’t think I even
bed and took off. I woke up with him and                                                                                                           believe in ghosts. I don’t believe in much,
was wide awake, so I decided to get up and                                                                                                         really. But I also am not so bold as to think I
go in the living room to watch some TV until                                                                                                       know everything. What happens when you
he got home, or at least until I felt sleepy                                                                                                       die? Who knows, but I want to believe our
again.                                                                                                                                             energy lives on in some form or another.
    So, I am in my recliner with two dogs on                                                                                                          Spooky shit happens. And if it is all in
my lap and two dogs on the floor, when                                                                                                             my mind, then what the fuck are my dogs
Dax, our Pomeranian, starts to growl. It was                                                                                                       barking at? Toldja this was gonna be a weird
a low growl that I had never heard before.                                                                                                         one. Let me know what you think is going on
Then Baby, our Chow, started to growl as                                                                                                           at Casa Nova.
well. She had been lying on the floor near                                                                                                            Remember to always love more, bitch less
the kitchen and stood up with all of her hair                                                                                                      and be fabulous! XOXO, Cassie Nova
sticking up, ears back and teeth showing.
They were both staring at a point in the air
between us, somewhere in the middle of the
                                                                                                                                                    this week’s solution
living room.
    Then our other two dogs, Lucy and Evee,
joined in. All four of them made a circle         Photo by Frida Monet
around whatever it was that they saw there
                                                  bark at the space between the bedroom           in the attic area over the kitchen and found
in the middle of the living room.
                                                  door and the bathroom. It was sometime be-      nothing. I could still hear them barking. They
    For three solid minutes they barked and
                                                  fore 9 a.m., and I was asleep. Toby started,    were focused! They usually follow me wher-
growled, and I could not get them to calm
                                                  then Sunny and Lucy joined in. The exact        ever I go, but they didn’t follow me upstairs.
down. I couldn’t see or hear anything. I
                                                  same thing — crazy barking for two to three     And that is very weird. By the time I got back
thought it was possibly something in the
                                                  solid minutes, and I couldn’t get them to       downstairs, they had stopped barking and
attic, except they weren’t looking at the
                                                  calm down. Then boom — it’s over, and they      had come looking for me.
ceiling; they were looking at something
                                                  all go right back to bed.                          I don’t know what the hell they are seeing
about waist high. I was freaking out. Then
                                                      Bitch, not me! I was up and pacing,         or feeling that gets them going crazy. Maybe
it stopped; they all just lost interest at the
                                                  looking around for whatever got them so         they see spirits in my house; maybe they
same time, turned around and lay down.
                                                  riled up.                                       hear a freaking mouse in the walls, But it
    I got up, turned on all of the lights and
                                                      It happened again last week in the living   freaks me out every time.
walked around the entire house, trying to fig-
                                                  room, while I was watching Top Chef. All           I have also seen something in the back
ure out what the fuck they were barking at. I
                                                  five of my current critters started barking     yard. It’s always at night and always when
found nothing. I called Jamie and told him to
                                                  at something in the kitchen. This time I        I’ve been thinking of spooky shit, so I am
hurry up and get his ass home.
                                                  didn’t freak out; I went into sleuth mode. I    sure I am just manifesting stuff in my mind,
    It happened again about five years later,
in another place in the house with different
                                                  was going to find out what normal, non-evil     but I’ve seen something a few times. Okay,        █     browse                    █      submit
                                                  thing was making them act this way. They        like five times.
dogs. Well, Lucy was still with us then, but it                                                                                                     For a more complete Community   To submit an item for inclusion in
                                                  were all staring at the space over the trash       The first time I was positive someone was
started with our smallest dog, Toby, getting                                                                                                               Calendar online, visit    the Community Calendar, visit
                                                  can. I immediately ran upstairs and looked      walking through my yard. I saw what looked
out from under the covers to growl and then                                                                                                     

24      █    05.14.21
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