Page created by Melissa Grant
      Issue no. 31 | 27th Dec 2020 to 2nd Jan 2021

The Hindu

The Indian Express

                                          AT A GLANCE
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                                          & IN DEPTH.
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                                        Polity and Social Issues


                                        International Relations


                                        Science and Tech


                  CURRENT AFFAIRS WEEKLY

    News @ a glance
POLITY ............................................................................. 3   1) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ..............10
1) Jal Jeevan Mission .................................................. 3               2) United Nations Security Council ....................10
2) GAVI Alliance ........................................................... 3           DEFENCE ......................................................................12
3) Inner Line Permit .................................................. 4                1) Helicopter Deal .....................................................12
ENVIRONMENT............................................................ 5                2) Akash Missile .........................................................12
1) New species of Sun rose found in the                                                  SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ...............................13
  eastern ghats ............................................................ 5           1) Nanomicelles .........................................................13
2) Assessing Tiger-Human Interactions                                                    2) Digital Ocean..........................................................13
  through Radio-Telemetry ................................... 5                          3) Bird Flu ....................................................................14
3) Two new species of ginger found from                                                  4) Covishield ...............................................................15
  northeast .................................................................... 5       ART & CULTURE ........................................................16
4) Indian Skimmer sighted at creek on                                                    1) Khelo India Youth games ..................................16
  Kakinada coast......................................................... 6              PIB ANALYSIS .............................................................17
ECONOMY ....................................................................... 7        1) Adopt a Heritage: Apni Dharohar, Apni
1) Inflation Targeting ................................................ 7                  Pehchaan Project ..................................................17
2) Ethanol interest subvention scheme ............. 7                                    2) RoDTEP scheme ...................................................17
3) Digital Payments Index ....................................... 8
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS.............................10

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        News in Depth
AIR NEWS .....................................................................19        INDIAN EXPRESS EXPLAINED .............................26
1) AFSPA .......................................................................19      1) Who was freedom fighter Udham Singh? ..26
2) Blue Flag Certification .......................................19                    2) Where is the giant Antarctic iceberg A68a
THE HINDU EDITORIALS .......................................21                            heading and why is it a cause for concern?26
1) Towards an effective vaccination                                                     3) Why are more than half of India’s kids,
  distribution policy................................................21                   women anaemic? ..................................................28
2) Dealing with India’s two-front challenge -                                           4) India and the world in 2021: A year to
  China+Pakistan......................................................21                  engage and assert .................................................29
3) Resilient supply chains as a pandemic                                                RSTV BIG PICTURE ...................................................31
  lesson.........................................................................23     1) Dealing with Single Use Plastic ......................31
4) Separating the wheat from the Agri policy                                            2) Technology and Urban Transformation.....31

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  News @ a glance
1) Jal Jeevan Mission                              and Communication (IEC) as a key
About Jal Jeevan Mission                           component of the mission.
▪ Launched in 2019, the chief objective of the   ▪ JJM looks to create a Jan Andolan (People's
  Mission is to provide Functional                 Movement) for water, thereby making it
  Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to               everyone’s priority.
  every rural household by 2024 and              ▪ The fund sharing pattern is 90:10 for
  thereby ensuring potable water supply in         Himalayan and North-Eastern States; 50:50
  adequate quantity i.e. @ 55 lpcd (Litres per     for other States and 100% for UTs.
  capita per day) of prescribed quality on a     Why in News?
  long-term and regular basis.                   ▪ Since its launch in August 2019, the
                                                   Centre’s ambitious flagship scheme Jal
                                                   Jeevan Mission, which in partnership with
                                                   the States seeks to ensure that every rural
                                                   household of the country gets assured
                                                   drinking water supply by 2024, has
                                                   achieved 32.3% coverage (6.15 crore
                                                   households) of tap connections in rural
                                                 ▪ Almost 1 lakh new connections are getting
                                                   added on a daily basis.
                                                 2) GAVI Alliance
                                                 About GAVI Alliance
                                                 ▪ Created in 2010, the GAVI Alliance (Global
                                                   Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) is
                                                   a global health partnership of public and
                                                   private sector organizations dedicated
                                                   towards creating equal access to new and
                                                   underused vaccines for children living
                                                   in the world’s poorest countries.
                                                 ▪ GAVI’s strategy supports its mission to save
                                                   children’s lives and protect people’s health
                                                   by increasing access to immunisation in
                                                   poor countries.
▪ This Mission is under the Department of        ▪ Its partners provide funding for vaccines
  Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry          and intellectual resources for care
  of Jal Shakti.                                   advancement.       They     contribute    to
▪ The programme also implements source             strengthening the capacity of the health
  sustainability measures as mandatory             system to deliver immunisation and other
  elements, such as recharge and reuse             health services in a sustainable manner.
  through greywater management, water            Why in News?
  conservation and rainwater harvesting.         ▪ Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has
▪ The Jal Jeevan Mission is based on a             been nominated by the Global Alliance for
  community approach to water and will             Vaccines and Immunisation as a member of
  include extensive Information, Education         the GAVI Board.

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▪ Dr. Vardhan will be representing the South      ▪ Under the Bengal Eastern Frontier
  East Area Regional Office (SEARO)/                Regulation Act, 1873, the British framed
  Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO)            regulations restricting the entry and
  constituency on the GAVI Board. The seat is       regulating the stay of outsiders in
  currently held by Myint Htwe of Myanmar.          designated areas.
  Dr. Vardhan will be representing India from     ▪ This was to protect the Crown’s own
  January 1, 2021 till December 31, 2023.           commercial interests by preventing “British
3) Inner Line Permit                                subjects” (Indians) from trading within
What is it?                                         these regions.
▪ The Inner Line Permit (ILP) is an official      ▪ In 1950, the Indian government replaced
   travel document that allows Indian citizens      “British subjects” with “Citizen of India”.
   to stay in an area under the ILP system.         This was to address local concerns about
▪ The document is currently required by             protecting the interests of the indigenous
   visitors to Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,          people from outsiders belonging to other
   Nagaland and Mizoram.                            Indian states.
▪ The ILP is issued by the concerned state        Why in News?
   government. The permits issued are             ▪ Union home minister Amit Shah recently
   mostly of different kinds, provided              said the implementation of Inner Line
   separately for tourists, tenants and for         Permit (ILP) was the biggest gift given by
   other purposes.                                  the Centre to Manipur since its creation as a
▪ The main objective of the ILP system is to        state.
   prevent settlement of other Indian             ▪ ILP was a long-standing demand of the
   nationals in the notified states in order to     indigenous people of Manipur.
   protect the indigenous population. It          ▪ In December last year, the Central
   also offers protection for the locals with       government included Manipur within the
   regards to lands, jobs and other facilities.     ambit of ILP system.
History of ILP                                    For doubts and queries email us at:

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1) New species of Sun rose found                  ▪ The Sundarbans, the world’s largest
                                                    mangrove forest, a UNESCO World
  in the eastern ghats                              Heritage Site and a Ramsar site, is home
Portulaca Laljii
                                                    to a uniquely adapted tiger population that
                                                    occupies      mangrove      forests,    with
                                                    individuals swimming across creeks to
                                                    maintain territories and hunt their prey.
                                                  ▪ In the last survey, the tiger population in
                                                    the     Sundarbans     was      around    96
                                                  ▪ The Sundarbans is a unique but challenging
                                                    landscape for tiger conservation given that
                                                    large portions of it are subject to
                                                    inundation under seawater with tidal
                                                    fluctuations, and many portions of the
                                                    habitat are quite inaccessible.
                                                  ▪ About 1.5 million people live in proximity
                                                    to these forests and are dependent on
                                                    natural resources. Local people engaged in
▪ It is a new flower species found in               traditional fishing and wild honey
  Prakasam of Andhra Pradesh.                       collection are often at risk of attacks from
▪ This new species flowers from June to             tigers.
  February because of its succulent (thick        ▪ More humans have lost their lives to tigers
  and water storing) tuberous roots which           in the forests of Sundarbans than any other
  makes plants survive on rocky crevices.           area of the tiger’s range. While such tragic
▪ It is said to have rich horticultural value.      events sometimes occur in and around
▪ It is named after Lal Singh Ji, an eminent        settlements when tigers ‘stray’ into those
  Botanist of Botanical Survey of India.            areas, the majority occur within the
2)       Assessing    Tiger-Human                   mangrove forests, which local people
     Interactions through Radio-                    access for resource extraction.
     Telemetry                                    3) Two new species of ginger
Why in the news?                                    found from northeast
▪ The West Bengal Forest Department and           Why in the news?
   WWF-India funded by ICICI foundation           ▪ Two species of ginger have been found in
   have started this project to radio-coller        Arunachal Pradesh by Malabar Botanical
   Sundarban Tigers to study Human-Tiger            Garden and Institute of Plant Sciences
   Interaction.                                     researchers.
How will radio-collaring a tiger help?            Hedychium mechukanum
▪ The radio-collared tiger will provide crucial
   information on
1. Tiger behaviour,
2. Their habitat use within the Sundarban
   Biosphere Reserve
3. The extent of negative human-tiger
   interaction around human settlements.
4. The data obtained will influence the
   development of effective management            ▪ It is a close relative of white ginger lily
   plans and strategies to reduce negative          which is mentioned in Mahabharata.
   human-tiger interactions in the landscape.
About Sundarbans

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▪ It was found in Mechuka valley of               ▪ Indian Skimmers are water bird species
  Arunachal Pradesh, at an altitude of 1,400        which fly low over the water bodies with
  m.                                                beak open. They are found along large
▪ This plant grows in open areas of                 rivers like the Chambal river, near the
  evergreen forests. Flowering is from mid-         sand-bars.
  June to September and fruiting from             ▪ Indian skimmers are mainly found along
  September to November.                            large rivers in India, Bangladesh,
▪ The species gives out large white flowers         Pakistan, and Nepal.
  having pleasant fragrance.                      ▪ Its population is declining due to
▪ According to IUCN, it has DATA DEFICIENT          degradation of wetlands and rivers. Sand
  status.                                           Mining and construction of dams devoids
▪ Road widening in its habitat is the greatest      them suitable places for nesting.
  threat to this species.                         ▪ In mid-2020, IUCN degraded its status from
Amomum arunachalense                                vulnerable to ENDANGERED.
                                                  Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary
                                                  ▪ It has the largest surviving patch of
                                                    Mangrove forests in Andhra Pradesh with
                                                    more than 65 Mangrove tree species.
                                                  ▪ Home for the rare, endangered Smooth
                                                    Indian Otter, Fishing Cat, Estuarine
                                                  ▪ The Sanctuary in the estuary of River
                                                    Godavari       supports    rich    mangrove
                                                    vegetation with species like Rhizophora,
▪ It is distinguished from its relative species     Avicennia, Sonneratia, Aegiceros.
  mainly by a white rhizome with a pale           Why in the news?
  brown centre.                                   ▪ There is a request by environmentalists to
▪ It was found in Rajiv Gandhi University,          declare Kumbhabhishekam mudflat of
  Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.                      Kakinada coast as a part of Coringa Wildlife
▪ Deforestation and extraction of shoots for        Sanctuary as Indian Skimmer birds in large
  medicinal purposes are major threats to           numbers have been sighted in this region.
  this species.                                   ▪ This mudflat is present at just 3.2 kms
4) Indian Skimmer sighted at                        away from the Coringa Sanctuary and
                                                    supports migratory birds in large numbers.
  creek on Kakinada coast                         ▪ Since it is present very near to the deep sea
About Indian Skimmers                               port there is greater threat to this region if
                                                    not recognised and protected.
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1) Inflation Targeting                           ▪ The Union Cabinet has approved the
What is it?                                         expansion of interest subvention scheme to
▪ The RBI’s explicit mandate is to conduct          also include grain-based distilleries
  monetary policy. The primary objective of         besides molasses-based distilleries for the
  monetary policy is to maintain price              production of ethanol.
  stability while keeping in mind the            ▪ The government would bear interest
  objective of growth. Price stability is a         subvention for five years including one
  necessary precondition to sustainable             year moratorium against the loan availed
  growth.                                           by project proponents from banks @ 6%
▪ In 2016, the Reserve Bank of India Act,           per annum or 50% of the rate of interest
  1934, was amended to provide a statutory          charged by banks whichever is lower.
  basis for the implementation of a flexible     ▪ The scheme would be available to only
  inflation-targeting framework, where the          those distilleries which will supply at least
  Centre and the RBI would review and agree         75% of ethanol produced from the added
  upon a specific inflation target every five       distillation capacity to oil companies.
  years.                                         ▪ The blending percentage of ethanol with
▪ Under this, 4% was set as the Consumer            petrol is expected to go up from 1.53% in
  Price Index (CPI) inflation target for the        2013-14 to 8.5% in 2020-21. The National
  period from August 5, 2016, to March 31,          Biofuel Policy 2018 envisages an
  2021, with the upper tolerance limit of           indicative target of 20% blending of
  6% and the lower tolerance limit of 2%.           ethanol in petrol and 5% blending of
▪ In a bid to keep inflation under specified        biodiesel in diesel by 2030.
  level, the government in 2016 had decided      Significance
  to set up the Monetary Policy Committee        ▪ The government has procured 173 crore
  headed by the RBI Governor entrusted with         litres of ethanol in 2019-20. India needs
  the task of fixing the benchmark policy rate      1000 crore litres of ethanol to achieve the
  (repo rate).                                      20% blending target by 2030. For that we
▪ The six-member panel, which had its first         need to enhance production capacity and
  meeting in October 2016, was given the            availability of raw material. It cannot be
  mandate to maintain annual inflation at 4         achieved through sugarcane only. So, the
  per cent until March 31, 2021, with an            government has approved use of cereals for
  upper tolerance of 6 per cent and lower           ethanol production.
  tolerance of 2 per cent.                       ▪ The decision would encourage ethanol
Why in News?                                        production from grains like barley, maize,
▪ A RBI working paper has recommended               corn and rice. The scheme would boost
  that maintaining 4 per cent inflation is          production and distillation capacity to
  appropriate for India as targeting a lower        1,000 crore litres and help in meeting the
  rate could impart deflationary bias to the        goal of 20% ethanol blending with petrol
  monetary policy.                                  by 2030.
▪ The paper, authored by RBI Deputy              ▪ The proposed intervention would enhance
  Governor Michael Debabrata Patra and              production of ethanol from various
  another official Harendra Kumar Behera,           feedstocks. It would promote ethanol as a
  has found a steady decline in trend               fuel which is indigenous, non-polluting
  inflation to 4.1-4.3 per cent since 2014.         and virtually inexhaustible.
▪ The inflation target has to be reviewed by     ▪ It would improve the environment and
  end-March 2021.                                   the eco-system and result in savings on
                                                    the Oil Import Bill. It will also ensure
2) Ethanol interest subvention                      timely payment of dues to farmers.
  scheme                                         Related Information
What’s in the news?

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▪ Biofuel are liquid or gaseous fuels              2. Payment infrastructure—demand-side
  produced from biomass that are generally            factors (10%).
  high in sugar (such as sugarcane, sugar          3. Payment        infrastructure—supply-side
  beet, sweet sorghum), starch (such as corn          factors (15%).
  and cassava) or oils (such as soybeans,          4. Payment performance (45%).
  rapeseed, coconut, sunflowers, and palms).       5. Consumer centricity (5%).
  The two most commonly used biofuels are          ▪ These factors include multiple sub-
  ethanol and biodiesel.                              parameters that would help the regulator
▪ Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana: It                    conduct its study into the digital payment
  provides Viability Gap Funding (VGF) to             ecosystem.
  Second         Generation        bio-ethanol     Parameters
  manufacturing projects to increase               ▪ Payment enablers comprise multiple
  availability of ethanol for ethanol blending        channels through which digital payments
  programme.                                          can be accessed. This includes the internet,
▪ Categories of Biofuels:                             mobile,     Aadhaar,      bank     accounts,
▪ First generation Biofuels are mainly                merchants, and participants. The sub-
  produced from food crop feedstock, such             parameters for payment infrastructure
  as oil, sugar and starch crops, thus                include credit cards, debit cards, prepaid
  competing for agricultural areas used for           payment instruments, point of sale
  food production.                                    terminals, automated teller machines, quick
▪ Second generation Biofuels differ in                response codes, among others.
  feedstock which, in this case, comes from        ▪ Under payment performance, which
  nonfood plants such as agricultural crops,          carries the highest weight in the index, the
  residues       and      wood       (so-called       regulator would measure factors such as
  lignocellulosic biomass).                           the volume and value of digital payments,
▪ Third generation Biofuels are produced              unique users, paper clearing, currency in
  from micro-organisms like algae. Its                circulation and cash withdrawals. For
  production is supposed to be low cost and           customer centricity, the RBI would
  high-yielding – giving up to nearly 30 times        consider      customer     education    and
  the energy per unit area as can be realized         awareness, frauds, complaints, declines and
  from      current,    conventional     ‘first-      system downtime.
  generation’ biofuel feedstocks.                  Highlights of the Index
▪ Fourth      generation       Biofuels     use    ▪ At a base of 100 for March 2018, the RBI
  genetically modified (GM) algae to                  has measured that the index rose to
  enhance biofuel production. Key to the              153.47 and 207.84 in March 2019 and
  process is the capture and sequestration of         2020, respectively. Going forward, the
  CO2, a process that renders fourth-                 index shall be published on RBI’s website
  generation biofuels a carbon negative               on a semi-annual basis from March 2021
  source of fuel.                                     with a lag of four months.
3) Digital Payments Index                          ▪ Digital payments in India have seen a rapid
What’s in the news?                                   rise in adoption and development in the
▪ The Reserve Bank of India released a                last four years. The decision to outlaw old
   Digital Payments Index to measure the              Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes in November
   growth in cashless transactions in India.          2016 forced customers to switch to digital
   It aims to reflect accurately the penetration      payments.
   and deepening of various digital payment        ▪ The Unified Payment Interface (UPI) was
   modes.                                             also launched in the same year and it soon
▪ The index comprises five broad                      became one of the most popular payment
   parameters with varying weights to                 platforms.
   measure the penetration of digital              ▪ In December, UPI reported 223 crores
   payments.                                          transactions worth Rs 4.16 lakh crores
▪ The five key parameters include:                    compared with 221 crores transactions
1. Payment enablers (25%).                            worth Rs 3.9 lakh crores in November.

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1)      China-Pakistan           Economic           natural gas to China by circumventing the
                                                    Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea.
     Corridor                                    ▪ The CPEC project is also strategically
What is the CPEC project?
                                                    important for China. Currently, eighty
▪ China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
                                                    percent of China’s oil has to pass through
  refers to a clutch of major infrastructure
                                                    the Strait of Malacca, a narrow stretch of
  works currently under way in Pakistan,
                                                    water between the Indonesian island of
  intended to link Kashgar in China’s
                                                    Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. In the
  Xinjiang province to Gwadar deep sea
                                                    event of a conflict, the Malacca Strait could
  port close to Pakistan’s border with Iran.
                                                    easily be blocked by a rival nation, cutting
▪ Several other road, rail and power projects
                                                    off China from crucial energy resources.
  are associated with the corridor, and the
                                                    CPEC allows China to circumvent the Strait
  project seeks to expand and upgrade
                                                    of Malacca and reduce its dependency on
  infrastructure across the length and
                                                    the strait.
  breadth of Pakistan, and to widen and
                                                 India’s position on CPEC
  deepen economic ties with China.
                                                 ▪ India has been opposing the project as it
▪ CPEC is part of the larger Belt and Road
                                                    passes through Gilgit-Baltistan in
  Initiative (BRI).
                                                    Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), which
▪ CPEC was launched in 2015 when Chinese
                                                    New Delhi considers its own territory.
  President Xi Jinping visited Pakistan and it
                                                 ▪ India claims that the CPEC project
  now envisages investment of over USD 60
                                                    encroaches on sovereignty and territorial
  billion in different projects of development
                                                    integrity of the country.
  in Pakistan.
                                                 Why in News?
                                                 ▪ Following reports in the Pakistani press
                                                    last week that China is seeking additional
                                                    guarantees       from     Pakistan     before
                                                    sanctioning a loan for a key project under
                                                    CPEC, the Chinese Foreign Ministry denied
                                                    the reports as baseless.
                                                 2)     United        Nations        Security
                                                 About UNSC
                                                 ▪ The United Nations Security Council
                                                   (UNSC) was established in 1946 as one of
                                                   the six principal organs of the UN. It is
                                                   generally viewed as the apex of the UN
                                                 ▪ It is responsible for the maintenance of
                                                   international peace and security.
Significance                                     ▪ Its powers include the establishment of
▪ The goal of CPEC is both to transform            peacekeeping         operations,         the
   Pakistan’s economy—by modernizing its           establishment of international sanctions,
   road, rail, air, and energy transportation      and the authorization of military action
   systems—and to connect the deep-sea             through Security Council resolutions.
   Pakistani ports of Gwadar and Karachi to      ▪ It is the only UN body with the authority to
   China’s Xinjiang province and beyond by         issue binding resolutions to member
   overland routes.                                states.
▪ This would reduce the time and cost of         Membership
   transporting goods and energy such as         ▪ UNSC consists of 15 Members.

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▪ The council has five permanent members           the concurring votes of the permanent
   (P-5) United States, Russia, China, United      members.
   Kingdom and France.                           ▪ However, any member, whether permanent
▪ These permanent members can veto any             or non-permanent, must abstain from
   substantive Security Council resolutions,       voting in any decision concerning the
   including those on the admission of new         peaceful settlement of a dispute to which it
   member states.                                  is a party.
▪ The Security Council also has 10 non-          Why in News?
   permanent members, elected on a               ▪ India officially began its two-year term as a
   regional basis as follows:                      non-permanent member of the United
1. five for African and Asian States;              Nations Security Council along with
2. one for Eastern European States;                Norway, Mexico, Ireland and Kenya.
3. two for the Latin American and Caribbean      ▪ On 17 June, 2020, India was elected to the
   States; and                                     UN Security Council with 184 of the total
4. Two for Western European and other              192 votes.
   States.                                       ▪ A member country needs a two-third
▪ Each year the 193-member UN General              majority of votes in the General Assembly
   Assembly (UNGA) elects five non-                to become a non-permanent member. This
   permanent members for a two-year term.          is the eighth time India has been elected as
▪ The body's presidency rotates monthly            a non-permanent member.
   among its members.                            ▪ India will be the UNSC President in August
Vote and Majority Required                         2021 and will preside over the Council
▪ Each member of the Security Council shall        again for a month in 2022. The presidency
   have one vote.                                  of the Council is held by each of the
▪ Decisions of the Security Council on             members in turn for one month, following
   procedural matters shall be made by an          the English alphabetical order of the
   affirmative vote of nine members.               member states' names.
▪ Decisions of the Security Council on all       For doubts and queries email us at:
   other matters shall be made by an     
   affirmative vote of nine members including

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1) Helicopter Deal                                ▪ The indigenously developed (over 96
About Ka-226T                                       percent indigenisation) and manufactured
▪ The Kamov 226T is a light weight, twin-           Akash has a range of 25 km and can
  engine multi-role chopper that offers             simultaneously engage multiple targets
  services for both military and civilian           in all weather conditions.
  purposes.                                       ▪ It has a large operational envelope from a
▪ The military version is capable of working        low altitude of 30 metres to a maximum of
  in extreme and difficult weather                  up to 20 km.
  conditions such as hot climate, marine          ▪ The Akash missile having a multi target,
  areas and high mountains.                         multi directional, all weather air-
Why in News?                                        defence        system       consisting    of
▪ As the deal for Ka-226T utility helicopters       surveillance and tracking radars, could
  with Russia was not concluded even after          take off at a speed of around 2.5 Mach and
  five years it was announced, Indian Army is       reach a high altitude of 18 kms and as low
  set to approach the Defence Ministry for a        as 30 meters.
  waiver to take the deal forward.                ▪ Mach is used as a unit of measurement in
About the deal                                      stating the speed of a moving object in
▪ In 2015, India and Russia had concluded an        relation to the speed of sound. For example,
  Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) for at         if an aircraft is travelling at Mach 1, it is
  least 200 Ka-226T twin engine utility             travelling at exactly the speed of sound.
  helicopters estimated to cost over $1 billion   Why in News?
  with 60 helicopters to be directly imported     ▪ As part of efforts to boost defence exports,
  and the remaining 140 manufactured                the Union Cabinet has approved the export
  locally. They are to replace the ageing and       of the Akash short-range Surface to Air
  obsolete Cheetah and Chetak fleet of the          Missile (SAM) system.
  Army and the Air Force.                         About the defence exports
▪ About 75% of the Army’s fleet of Cheetah        ▪ To achieve the target of $5 bn defence
  and Chetak helicopters is over 30 years           exports and improve strategic relations
  old. Some of them are about 50 years old.         with friendly foreign countries, the
▪ The operational capability has already been       government intended to focus on exporting
  impacted due to deficiencies and non-             high value defence platforms.
  availability of replacement.                    ▪ So far, Indian defence exports included
                                                    parts and components but the export of big
2) Akash Missile                                    platforms was minimal.
Akash Missile System
                                                  For doubts and queries email us at:
▪ AKASH is a Surface to Air Missile with a
  range of 25 Kms. The missile was inducted
  in 2014 in IAF and in 2015 in Indian Army.

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                   SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
1) Nanomicelles                                     Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) is being
Why in News?                                        implemented under the National Health
▪ A multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional         Mission (NHM). It aims at awareness
  team has created a nanomicelle that can be        generation     for    cancer     prevention,
  used to deliver a drug named docetaxel,           screening, early detection and referral to an
  which is commonly used to treat various           appropriate institution for treatment.
  cancers including breast, colon and lung        ▪ 'Tertiary Care for Cancer’ scheme was
  cancer.                                           launched with the primary purpose to set
What are nanomicelles?                              up individual units in every state. As per
▪ Similar to nanoshells and nanovesicles,           the plan state cancer institutes (SCI) and
  nanomicelles are extremely small                  tertiary care cancer centres (TCCC) in
  structures and have been noted as an              different parts of the country are to be set
  emerging platform in targeted therapy.            up.
  Nanomicelles are globe-like structures with     ▪ National Tobacco Control Programme is
  a hydrophilic outer shell and a hydrophobic       launched to create awareness about the
  interior. This dual property makes them a         dangerous effects of tobacco consumption,
  perfect carrier for delivering drug               reduce the demand and supply of tobacco
  molecules.                                        products.
▪ Once       injected    intravenously    these   2) Digital Ocean
  nanomicelles can easily escape the              Why in News?
  circulation and enter the solid tumours         ▪ Union Minister for Science and Technology
  where the blood vessels are found to be           has launched the ‘Digital Ocean’ platform of
  leaky. These leaky blood vessels are absent       Indian National Centre for Oceanic
  in the healthy organs.                            Information Services (INCOIS) as a one
▪ The ideal goal for cancer therapy is              stop-solution for all data related needs of a
  destroying the cancer cells without               wide range of users, including research
  harming healthy cells of the body, and            institutions, operational agencies, strategic
  chemotherapeutics approved for treatment          users, academic community, maritime
  of cancer are highly toxic. The currently         industry, and the public.
  used docetaxel is a highly hydrophobic          About the initiative
  drug, and is dissolved in a chemical            ▪ Digital Ocean ( is
  mixture. This aggravates its toxic effects on     expected to bring a sea-change in how the
  liver, blood cells, and lungs.                    oceanographic data is served for a better
Cancer                                              understanding of oceans surrounding us.
▪ Cancer is a term used for diseases in which     ▪ It will play a central role in sustainable
  abnormal cells divide without control             management of our oceans and expanding
  and are able to invade other tissues.             our ‘Blue Economy’ initiatives.
  Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the   ▪ It will facilitate an online interactive web-
  body through the blood and lymph systems.         based environment for data integration,
  All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic      3D and 4D data visualization, data
  unit of life.                                     analysis to assess the evolution of
▪ The body is made up of many types of cells.       oceanographic features obtained from
  These cells grow and divide in a controlled       multiple sources like on site monitoring
  way to produce more cells as they are             devices, remote sensing and model data.
  needed to keep the body healthy. When           ▪ INCOIS provides ocean information and
  cells become old or damaged, they die and         advisory services to various stakeholders in
  are replaced with new cells.                      the country, including Potential Fishing
Cancer Initiatives by the Government                Zone (PFZ) advisories, Ocean State
▪ National Programme for Prevention and             Forecast (OSF), high wave alerts,
  Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular       tsunami early warnings, storm surge

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   and oil-spill advisories, among others.,      ▪ Two key projects planned in the Mission
   using state-of-the-art technologies and          are:
   tools to get real time information on         1. A desalination plant powered by tidal
   oceanographic and marine meteorological          energy.
   data.                                         2. A submersible vehicle that can explore
Significance of this Initiative                     depths of at least 6,000 metres.
▪ India will transform into a digitally          Blue Economy
   empowered society and knowledge               ▪ India has a long coastline of 7,517 km– with
   economy.                                         an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.02
▪ Will provide data to research institutions,       mn.
   academic communities, policy makers and       ▪ Marine services sector could serve as the
   the public etc.                                  backbone of its blue economy and help
▪ Sustainable management of the oceans and          India a 5 Trillion Dollar Economy
   Blue Economy initiatives.                     ▪ Indian Ocean is a major conduit of trade
▪ Capacity building on Ocean Data                   with as much as 80% of global oil trade
   Management for Indian Ocean Rim                  happening through it.
   countries.                                    ▪ The objective of the Blue Economy is to
▪ Atmanirbhar Bharat.                               promote       smart,    sustainable     and
Additional Information                              inclusive growth and employment
Indian National Centre for Ocean                    opportunities within the Indian Ocean
   Information Services                             region’s maritime economic activities.
▪ It was established as an autonomous body       ▪ The Blue Economy is determined to
   in 1999 under the Ministry of Earth              initiate appropriate programs for: the
   Sciences (MoES) and is a unit of the Earth       sustainable harnessing of ocean resources;
   System Science Organization (ESSO).              research and development; developing
▪ It is mandated to provide the best possible       relevant sectors of oceanography; stock
   ocean information and advisory services          assessment       of    marine     resources;
   to society, industry, government                 introducing marine aquaculture, deep
   agencies and the scientific community            sea/long line fishing and biotechnology;
   through sustained ocean observations and         and human resource development; among
   constant improvement through systematic          others.
   and focused research.                         ▪ The idea encompasses Renewable Energy,
▪ It has adopted and developed various state-       Fisheries, Maritime Transport, Tourism,
   of-the-art technologies and tools that           Mitigating Climate Change (oceans as a
   includes Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ)            carbon sink), Waste Management
   advisories, Ocean State Forecast (OSF)-          (reducing burden on oceans).
   Spill advisories, etc.                        3) Bird Flu
▪ Provides round-the-clock monitoring            About Bird Flu
   and warning services for the coastal          ▪ Bird flu, also called avian influenza, is a
   population on tsunamis, storm surges, high      viral infection that spreads from bird to
   waves, etc. through the in-house Indian         bird. These viruses occur naturally among
   Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC).           wild aquatic birds worldwide and can
▪ It has been serving as the National Argo         infect domestic poultry and other bird and
   Data Centre and Regional Argo Data Centre       animal species.
   of the International Argo Programme.          ▪ Currently, a particularly deadly strain of
Other initiatives related to Ocean                 bird flu -- H5N1 -- continues to spread
   exploration                                     among poultry in Egypt and in certain parts
Deep Ocean Mission- started in 2018                of Asia. The H5N1 virus can cause severe
▪ Aim- To explore the deep ocean for deep-         flu with a high mortality rate.
   sea mining, ocean climate change              ▪ Avian influenza viruses do not normally
   advisory services, underwater vehicles          infect humans. However, there have been
   and      underwater      robotics  related      instances of certain highly pathogenic

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  strains causing severe respiratory               approval of licences of specified
  disease in humans.                               categories of drugs such as blood and
▪ In most cases, the people infected had been      blood products, IV fluids, vaccines, and
  in close contact with infected poultry or        sera in India.
  with objects contaminated by their faeces.     ▪ Drugs Controller General of India comes
  When people do become infected, the              under the Ministry of Health & Family
  mortality rate is about 60%.                     Welfare.
Why in News?                                     ▪ DCGI      also   sets     standards      for
▪ Prohibitory orders were imposed and a            manufacturing, sales, import, and
  one-km radius area was declared a “zero          distribution of drugs in India.
  mobility zone” in Rajasthan’s Jhalawar as      ▪ DCGI lays down the standard and quality
  50 crows were found dead because of avian        of manufacturing, selling, import and
  influenza.                                       distribution of drugs in India.
▪ H5N1 infection in humans can cause severe      ▪ Other Functions
  disease and has a high mortality rate.         ▪ Acting as appellate authority in case of
▪ If the H5N1 virus were to change and             any dispute regarding the quality of drugs.
  become easily transmissible from person to     ▪ Preparation and maintenance of national
  person while retaining its capacity to cause     reference standards.
  severe disease, the consequences for public    ▪ To bring about the uniformity in the
  health could be very serious.                    enforcement of the Drugs and Cosmetics
▪ In most cases, avian influenza in humans         Act.
  develops into a serious disease that should    ▪ Training of Drug Analysts deputed by State
  be treated promptly in the hospital and          Drug Control Laboratories and other
  may require intensive care, where                Institutions
  available.                                     ▪ Analysis of Cosmetics received as survey
▪ The antiviral medicine oseltamivir can           samples from CDSCO.
  reduce the severity of illness and prevent     Why in News:
  death, and should be used in all cases.        ▪ Covishield, the vaccine candidate from
4) Covishield                                      Pune-based Serum Institute of India, was
About DCGI                                         approved by a Subject Expert Committee
▪ Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) is      (SEC) of the Drug Controller General of
  the head of department of the Central            India.
  Drugs Standard Control Organization of the     For doubts and queries email us at:
  Government of India responsible for    

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                                ART & CULTURE
1) Khelo India Youth games                       ▪ Indian martial art and fighting style that
About Khelo India programme                        originated in Kerala.
▪ The Khelo India programme has been             ▪ Considered to be among the oldest martial
  introduced to revive the sports culture in       arts still in existence, with its origin dating
  India at the grass-root level by building a      back to at least the 3rd century BC.
  strong framework for all sports played in      ▪ Kalaripayattu includes strikes, kicks,
  our country and establish India as a great       grappling, preset forms, weaponry and
  sporting nation.                                 healing      methods.      Practitioners     of
▪ Under this programme, talented players           Kalaripayattu also possess intricate
  identified in priority sports disciplines at     knowledge of pressure points on the
  various levels by the High-Powered               human body and healing techniques that
  Committee will be provided annual                incorporate the knowledge of Ayurveda
  financial assistance of INR 5 lakh per           and Yoga.
  annum for 8 years.                             ▪ Unlike other parts of India, warriors in
▪ It is under the Minister of Youth Affairs &      Kerala belonged to all castes.
  Sports.                                        ▪ Women also underwent training in
About Khelo India Youth Games                      Kalaripayattu, and still do so to this day.
▪ Introduced by the Ministry of Sports and       Thang-Ta
  Youth affairs, Khelo India Youth Games is a    ▪ Indian martial art from Manipur.
  part of the Khelo India programme.             ▪ It is dedicated to fighting skill and worship.
Why in News?                                     Mallakhamba
▪ The Sports Ministry has approved the           ▪ Mallakhamb is a traditional sport in which
  inclusion of four indigenous sports,             a gymnast performs aerial yoga or
  including Gatka, Kalaripayattu, Thang-Ta         gymnastic postures and wrestling grips in
  and Mallakhamba, in the Khelo India              concert with a vertical stationary or
  Youth Games 2021.                                hanging wooden pole, cane, or rope.
Gatka                                            ▪ Madhya Pradesh (state sport) and
▪ Gatka is the name of an Indian martial art       Maharashtra have been the hotspots of
  associated with the Sikhs of the Punjab          this sport.
  who practice an early variant of the martial   ▪ The name Mallakhamb derives from the
  art.                                             terms malla, meaning wrestler, and khamb,
▪ It is a style of stick-fighting, with wooden     which means a pole.
  sticks.                                        Need for martial arts in India
▪ It is believed to have originated when sixth   ▪ Increases confidence and improves
  Sikh guru Hargobind adopted ‘Kirpan’ for         physical and mental health
  self defense during Mughal era and tenth       ▪ Safety of women
  Guru Gobind Singh made it compulsory for       ▪ Can use Indian martial arts to enhance
  everyone to use the weapons for self             India’s Soft Power, the same way China
  defence.                                         promotes Kung-Fu.
Kalaripayattu                                    For doubts and queries email us at:

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                                    PIB ANALYSIS
1)     Adopt a Heritage: Apni                       ▪ Develop and promote sustainable tourism
                                                      infrastructure     and     ensure      proper
     Dharohar, Apni  Pehchaan                         Operations and Maintenance therein.
     Project                                        ▪ Develop employment opportunities and
About:                                                support livelihoods of local communities at
▪ Launched in 2017, it is an initiative of the        the heritage, natural and tourist sites.
  Ministry of Tourism in close collaboration        Why in News?
  with      the   Ministry        of    Culture,    ▪ The Minister of State for Tourism and
  Archeological Survey of India (ASI),                Culture took a review meeting of the
  State/ UT Governments and the Private/              “Adopt a Heritage: Apni Dharohar, Apni
  Public sector companies/ Trusts/ NGOs/              Pehchaan” project.
  Individuals.                                      2) RoDTEP scheme
▪ This is to make the facilities tourist-friendly
                                                    Merchandise export from India scheme
  and increase the site’s tourism potential by
                                                    ▪ Merchandise Exports from India Scheme
  enhancing the tourist experience in a
                                                      (MEIS) was introduced under Foreign
  planned and phased manner.
                                                      Trade Policy of India (FTP 2015-20), as a
▪ It aims at ensuring quality & inclusive
                                                      part of Exports from India Scheme.
  provision of amenities and facilities across
                                                    ▪ The scheme provides incentive in the
  heritage, natural, & tourist sites through
                                                      form of duty credit scrip to the exporter
  active participation of private and public
                                                      to compensate for his loss on payment of
  sector organizations and individuals. These
                                                      duties. The scrips can be transferred or
  organizations would be known as
                                                      used for payment of a number of duties
  “Monument Mitras” for their collaboration
                                                      including the basic customs duty.
                                                    What is the issue?
Monument Mitra                                      ▪ In 2019, a World Trade Organization
▪ Successful bidders selected for adopting            (WTO) dispute resolution panel ruled
  heritage,     natural, tourist sites    /           that MEIS was not in compliance with the
  monuments by the Oversight and Vision               global trade norms.
  Committee shall be called as Monument             ▪ Additionally,     many      exporters   had
  Mitras.                                             persistently complained that the MEIS
▪ A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)                 scheme doesn’t offset all the taxes.
  will be signed between Monument Mitra,            RoDTEP scheme
  Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture,         ▪ To address these issues, the government
  Archaeological Survey of India and any              introduced the Remission of Duties and
  other concerned stakeholder as applicable           Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP)
  for the site.                                       scheme with a view to give a boost to the
                                                      country’s outbound shipments.
The objectives of the project are :
                                                    ▪ The government announced that whatever
▪ Developing basic tourism infrastructure in
                                                      taxes, or duties or local levies imposed by
  and around heritage sites, monuments,
                                                      the Centre, State or local governments that
  natural sites and tourist sites.
                                                      are not getting refunded through any other
▪ Develop facilities and amenities to improve
                                                      scheme, will be done through RoDTEP in a
  the tourist experience at heritage sites,
                                                      way that is compliant with the WTO
  monuments, natural sites and tourist sites.
▪ Promote cultural and heritage value of the
                                                    ▪ It is proposed to digitally refund to
  country and develop avenues to create
                                                      exporters, duties and taxes levied at the
  awareness               about            the
                                                      Centre, State and local levels.
  heritage/natural/tourist sites in the
                                                    ▪ The RoDTEP scheme will replace the
                                                      current Merchandise Export from India
                                                      Scheme (MEIS) in a phased manner.

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Comparison between MEIS and RoDTEP               ▪ By adopting the RoDTEP scheme, Indian
                                                   exporters will be able to meet the
Aspect         MEIS          RoDTEP
                                                   international standards for exports as
                                                   affordable testing and certification will be
Schema of Additional    Refund       of            made available to exporters within the
   Incentiv Incentive      Indirect                country instead of relying on international
   e        on Exports     taxes     on            organizations.
            of goods       Inputs used           ▪ Also under it, tax assessment is set to
            apart from     in       the            become fully automatic for exporters.
            other          manufactur              Businesses will get access to their refunds
            refunds        e         of            for GST via an automatic refund-route.
            and            exported              ▪ This would increase the economy for the
            drawbacks      product                 country and working capital for the
            available      which      is           enterprise.
            on             not being             Why in News?
            undertaki      currently             ▪ Government has decided to extend the
            ng the said    reimbursed              benefit of the scheme for RoDTEP to all
            exports.       by       any            export goods to boost exports.
                           other                 ▪ The scheme will refund to exporters the
                           existing                embedded Central, State and local taxes
                           schemes.                that were so far not being given rebate or
                                                   refunded. The refund will be credited in the
WTO            Non-        Compliant               exporter's ledger account with Customs
  complia        Compliant   with WTO              and used to pay Basic Customs duty on
  nce            with WTO    trade                 imported goods. The credits can also be
                 trade       norms                 transferred to other importers.
                 norms                           For doubts and queries email us at

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    News in Depth
                                       AIR NEWS
1) AFSPA                                            Forces (Special Powers) Act has been in
About AFSPA                                         force in Nagaland for several decades.
▪ Passed in 1958 for the North-East and in       2) Blue Flag Certification
  1990 for Jammu & Kashmir, the Armed            What is it?
  Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) gives        ▪ The Blue Flag certification is given to
  armed forces special powers to control           environmental- friendly, clean beaches,
  “disturbed areas”, which are designated          marinas which are equipped with
  by the government when it is of the opinion      amenities of international standards for
  that a region is in such a disturbed or          tourists.
  dangerous condition that the use of armed      ▪ There are 33 environment and tourism-
  forces in aid of civil power is necessary.       related conditions for Blue Flag
▪ An area can be disturbed due to differences      Certification. Few of them include, having
  or disputes between members of different         proper waste disposal systems, availability
  religious, racial, language or regional          of clean water for tourists, disabled friendly
  groups or castes or communities.                 etc.
▪ The Central Government, or the                 ▪ The Blue Flag Programme for beaches and
  Governor of the State or administrator           marinas is run by FEE (the Foundation for
  of the Union Territory can declare the           Environmental          Education)      –     a
  whole or part of the State or Union              Copenhagen based international, non
  Territory as a disturbed area.                   governmental, non-profit organisation.
▪ Under its provisions, the armed forces have    ▪ Indian beaches are being developed by the
  been empowered to open fire, enter and           Society      for      Integrated      Coastal
  search without warrant, and arrest any           Management (SICOM) according to the
  person who has committed a cognisable            Blue Flag certification standards.
  offence, all while having immunity from        Why in News?
  being prosecuted.                              ▪ Union Environment Minister Prakash
▪ The law has been repealed where                  Javadekar       virtually     hoisted      the
  insurgencies have subsided, and when             international blue flags in eight beaches
  governments have gained confidence in            across the country.
  managing the region using the police force.    ▪ These beaches are Kappad (Kerala),
▪ Critics both in India and abroad have            Shivrajpur (Gujarat), Ghoghla (Diu),
  criticised government agencies for acting        Kasarkod and Padubidri (Karnataka),
  with impunity under AFSPA. Manipuri              Rushikonda (Andhra Pradesh), Golden
  activist Irom Sharmila had been on a 16-         (Odisha) and Radhanagar (Andaman &
  year hunger strike in protest against            Nicobar Islands).
  AFSPA. The Jeevan Reddy Committee              ▪ India secured the International Blue Flag
  formed in 2004 has recommended a                 Certification for these beaches on 6 October
  complete repeal of the law.                      2020.
Why in News?                                     ▪ The Environment Minister further
▪ The entire state of Nagaland has been            informed that hundred more such beaches
  declared a “disturbed area” under the            will be made Blue Flag in the coming 3-4
  AFSPA for six more months. The Armed             years and highlighted that cleaning beaches
                                                   needs to be made a “Jan Andolan"

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  (People's Movement) not only for its             conferred with a couple of Blue Flag
  aesthetic value and tourism prospects but        beaches.
  more importantly towards reducing the          For doubts and queries email us at
  menace of marine litter and making coastal
  environment sustainable.
▪ Japan, South Korea and the UAE are the
  only other Asian nations who have been

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                       THE HINDU EDITORIALS
                                                    levels of exposure and they also act as
1)       Towards      an    effective               active disease vectors since they interact
                                                    with large numbers of people.
     vaccination distribution policy              DRAWBACKS IN THE PRIORITY RATIONALE
GS    2 - Government policies and
                                                  ▪ The priority given to older people may not
  interventions for development in
                                                    actually minimise the total social and
  various sectors
                                                    economic cost inflicted by the virus in the
                                                    long run. As elderly are less mobile, have a
▪ India plans to vaccinate 300 million people       lower level of social interaction, and are
  against COVID-19 over the next 6-7
                                                    hence less likely to spread the virus.
  months. The government plans to give
                                                  WHAT SHOULD BE DONE?
  priority to healthcare workers and other
                                                  ▪ Instead, younger people who interact with
  frontline workers, followed by everyone
                                                    a larger number of people are both more
  who is above 50 years of age. This means
                                                    likely to be infected and subsequently
  roughly 20% of the population will be
                                                    infect others should receive more attention,
  vaccinated by July or August 2021.
                                                    for instance, the Dharavi slum — should
                                                    receive far more attention than they are
▪ Since all the vaccines that are currently in
                                                    likely to get under the current strategy.
  the spotlight require two doses, the
                                                  GOVERNMENT                     PROCUREMENT
  government will have to acquire 600
  million doses. Fortunately, Pune’s Serum
                                                  ▪ It seems to depend entirely on domestic
  Institute of India is the world’s largest
  producer of vaccines. There are reports
                                                  ▪ It also plans to rely entirely on public
  that the government has already struck a
                                                    resources      for    distribution    without
  deal with it to acquire 500 million doses of
                                                    involving private hospitals.
  the AstraZeneca vaccine.
                                                  ▪ Also, the government plans to bear the
▪ Principle underlying the triage scheme
                                                    entire cost of vaccination.
  adopted by the government for setting up
                                                  WHAT ELSE NEEDS TO BE DONE?
  the priorities for vaccine distribution needs
                                                  ▪ In order to help the poor who cannot afford
                                                    the vaccine, the government should
▪ Inclusion of private players in the
                                                    continue to procure all available
  vaccination process is another contentious
                                                    domestically produced vaccines and supply
                                                    them through its own distribution channel.
                                                  ▪ Government has to ensure that there is no
                                                    reduction in the availability of the vaccine
▪ Provide protection to those vaccinated.
                                                    for the poor.
▪ Minimise or at least slow down the speed
                                                  ▪ Allowing private players in the process
  and spread of the viral transmission.
                                                    may lead to an increase in supply and
                                                    hence less waiting time for the less affluent
▪ The government’s strategy of giving
                                                    since some of the richer individuals in the
  priority to front-line workers and elderly
                                                    target group will opt out of the government
  people is in line with the practice being
                                                    distribution system and prefer to get
  followed in the U.K. and the U.S. drive.
                                                    vaccinated at some private outlet.
▪ The rationale for this is to protect those
                                                  ▪ India with a huge market for vaccines,
  who are most likely to be infected in the
                                                    needs to exploit the bargaining power and
  future as well as those who are most
                                                    grab the cost effective deal. This will ensure
  vulnerable to the health consequences of
                                                    crucial health facilities accessible to all its
  the infection.
▪ The priority given to healthcare
  professionals satisfies both the conditions     2) Dealing with India’s two-front
  i.e. these are individuals who have high          challenge - China+Pakistan

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GS 2 - International Relations                      ▪ A two front conflict presents the Indian
CONTEXT                                               military with two dilemmas — of resources
▪ A      politically-guided     doctrine      and     and strategy.
   comprehensive military capability are            ▪ It is estimated that about 60 combat
   needed to deal with the China-Pakistan             squadrons are needed to deal with a
   threat.                                            serious two front threat. This is double the
OPINIONS TILL RECENT                                  number of squadrons currently with the
▪ INDIAN MILITARY- India’s military was               Indian Air Force (IAF).
   firmly of the view that a collusive China-       ▪ Regarding the strategy to be deployed
   Pakistan military threat was a real                against Pakistan- if defensive, it may
   possibility, and we must develop                   encourage Pakistan to continue with its
   capabilities to counter this challenge.            actions in J&K; being offensive could draw
▪ POLITICAL             AND          STRATEGIC        limited resources into a wider conflict.
   COMMUNITY- Political class in general and        WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE?
   the mainstay of the country’s strategic          ▪ It is certain that the threat cannot be
   community felt that a two front threat was         ignored. Therefore there is a need to
   being overhyped by the military to press           develop both the doctrine and the
   for additional resources and funds. Also           capability to deal with this contingency.
   historically, China has never intervened         ▪ Developing a doctrine will require close
   militarily in any India-Pakistan conflict.         interaction with the political leadership,
▪ As a result, Indian strategic thinking was          while capability building requires a serious
   overwhelmingly focused on Pakistan and             debate.
   the security considerations emanating from       ▪ Currently, too much focus is being given on
   there.                                             major platforms such as aircraft, ships, and
RECENT INTRUSIONS CHANGE THINGS                       tanks, and not enough on future
▪ The Chinese intrusions in Ladakh in May,            technologies such as robotics, artificial
   the violence that resulted from clashes            intelligence, cyber, electronic warfare, etc.
   between the Indian Army and the People’s           Hence, India needs to work towards
   Liberation Army, and the deadlock in               upgrading its existing technologies.
   negotiations have now made the Chinese           ▪ The right balance will have to be struck
   military threat more apparent and real.            based on a detailed assessment of China
▪ This comes at a time when the situation             and Pakistan’s warfighting strategies.
   along the Line of Control (LoC) with             ROLE THAT DIPLOMACY CAN PLAY
   Pakistan has been steadily deteriorating. As     ▪ Diplomacy has a crucial role to play in
   a result the worrisome two front situation         meeting the two front challenges.
   has arisen for India.                            ▪ New Delhi needs to improve the relations
CHINA-PAKISTAN MILITARY LINKS                         with its neighbours, thus avoiding being
▪ The Sino-Pakistan relationship is nothing           caught in an unfriendly neighbourhood.
   new, but it has far serious implications         ▪ The government’s current engagement of
   today than perhaps ever before.                    the key powers in West Asia, including Iran,
▪ Over the years, the ties between the two            should be further strengthened in order to
   countries have strengthened and there is a         ensure energy security, increase maritime
   great deal of alignment in their strategic         cooperation and enhance goodwill in the
   thinking.                                          extended neighbourhood.
▪ Military cooperation is growing with China        ▪ India’s needs to strengthen its maritime
   accounting for 73% of the total arms               strategy, as it can help to ease the Sino-
   imports of Pakistan between 2015-2019.             Pakistan pressure in the continental
▪ Hence, there is a need for India to be ready        sphere.
   for a two front threat. In preparing for this,   OUTREACH TO KASHMIR
   the Indian military needs to realistically       ▪ The stark military reality of a two front
   analyse how this threat could manifest             challenge must serve as a wakeup call for
   itself and the type of capabilities that           the political leadership in New Delhi, and
   should be built up to counter it.                  encourage it to look for ways to ease the
DILEMMAS FOR INDIA                                    pressure from either front.

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▪ Easing pressure on the western front               September 2019 resulted in a drop of 5.7
  requires political will more than anything         million barrels of oil per day. This resulted
  else.                                              in a steep plunge in Saudi Arabia’s stock
▪ From a Longview perspective, political             market and a sharp spike in global oil
  outreach to Kashmir aimed at pacifying the         prices.
  aggrieved citizens is the possible step         ▪ China: China has long practiced “supply
  towards this end.                                  chain politics”. In 2010, when Japan
▪ This could also lead to a potential                detained a Chinese fishing trawler captain
  rapprochement with Pakistan, which can             near the disputed Senkaku Islands, in
  be persuaded to put an end to terrorist            response to this action, the Chinese
  infiltration into Kashmir.                         government cut off exports of rare earths
▪ China, a rising and aggressive, superpower         to Japan.
  next door, is the bigger strategic threat for   ▪ USA: Tensions with China led the United
  India, with Pakistan being a second order          States government to impose restrictions
  accessory to Beijing’s ‘contain India              on export of microchips to China’s biggest
  Strategy’. New Delhi would, therefore, do          semiconductor manufacturer.
  well to do what it can politically to reduce    WHAT IS SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCE?
  the effect of a collusive Sino-Pakistan         ▪ In the context of international trade, supply
  containment strategy aimed at India.               chain resilience is an approach that helps a
3) Resilient supply chains as a                      country to ensure that it has diversified its
                                                     supply risk across a clutch of supplying
  pandemic lesson                                    nations instead of being dependent on just
GS- 3 Effects of liberalization on the
                                                     one or a few.
  economy, changes in industrial policy
                                                  ▪ Significance- In the times of unanticipated
  and their effects on industrial growth
                                                     events, whether natural, such as volcanic
                                                     eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes or even a
▪ The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has                  pandemic; or manmade, such as an armed
  highlighted the importance of creating
                                                     conflict in a region — that disrupt supplies
  resilient supply chains that can withstand
                                                     from a particular country or even
  disruptions and ensure reliability for the
                                                     intentional halts to trade, could adversely
  global economy.
                                                     impact economic activity in the destination
▪ Disruptions in supply chains can be natural        country.
  or man-made.
                                                  INITIATIVE AGAINST OVER DEPENDENCE
NATURAL DISRUPTIONS                               ON CHINA
▪ Japan: The Great Tōhoku Earthquake of           Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI)
  2011, followed by the Tsunami, led to a
                                                  ▪ Geopolitics and geoeconomics can never be
  nuclear disaster (Fukushima Daiichi). It led
                                                     truly separated. Also with the increasing
  to a sharp drop in Japanese automobile
                                                     trend of weaponization of trade and
  exports to the United States.
                                                     technology, supply chains disruption is a
▪ Global: When the novel coronavirus
                                                     persistent threat. It is in this context that
  pandemic broke out, it had an immediate
                                                     India, Japan and Australia initiated SCRI
  effect on supply chains emanating from
                                                     in September this year.
                                                  ▪ SCRI may be strengthened by the future
▪ In India, several companies felt the
                                                     involvement of France, United Kingdom.
  disruption in the automotive, electronics
                                                  ▪ The objectives of SCRI are-
  and white goods sectors.
                                                  1. To attract foreign direct investment to turn
▪ Though India excels in the pharmaceuticals
                                                     the Indo-Pacific into an “economic
  sector, the overreliance on Active
  Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) from
                                                  2. To build a mutually complementary
  China still creates vulnerabilities in the
                                                     relationship among partner countries.
  value chain.
                                                  3. To work out a plan to build on the
                                                     existential supply chain network.
▪ Saudi Arabia: Terrorist drone attacks on
                                                  “China plus one” strategy
  Aramco’s oil refineries in Saudi Arabia in

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