COTT TO TROT - Community News ...

Page created by Maurice Bauer
COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
Thursday, December 10, 2020                                                        

                                                                     TO TROT
                                                                     High-rise plans set for prime Cottesloe
                                                                      beachfront ... and now a skate park?

                     Page 16

   Woman burns
   in toxic attack
 POLICE have charged a           Police arrested him at                                       BOLD plans for oceanside high-rise
 man over an alleged           the scene and the woman                                        apartments could transform Cottesloe
 attack on his partner that    was taken to hospital with                                     Beach.
 left her with chemical        chemical burns.                                                   Developer Gary Dempsey has released
 burns.                          A woman was also                                             designs for the nine-storey Marine
    The 30-year-old Scarbo-    charged this week with                                         Parade set of luxury apartments after
 rough man is accused of       assaulting an eight-year-                                      opting for a more expensive but fast-
 throwing a corrosive          old girl in her care.                                          tracked approvals process via the State
 liquid at the 28-year-old       Police were called to the                                    Development Assessment Unit.
 victim while at their home    Osborne Park home by                                              The plans come on the back of Town of
 on Sunday evening.            neighbours, where they                                         Cottesloe staff suggesting a foreshore
    According to police, he    found the girl had alleged-                                    site earmarked for a playground area be
 also threatened to kill her   ly been hit in the face.                                       considered for the suburb’s long-awaited
 and poured petrol from                                                                       skate park.
 the front door to her         If you are experiencing family or
 car when she tried to         domestic violence call the national                                                     FULL STORY P3
 run away.                     counselling service on 1800 737 732

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COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
December 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                       NEWS                 3

High-rise bid on coast                                                                                                                                               Let’s get
                                                                                                                                                                  COTTESLOE Council has
                                                                                                                                                                  been told to set aside a prime
Kim Macdonald                  cafe if approved.               was more expensive and            Gold Coast and Bondi,” Mr        rior, car lift and penthouse    foreshore spot to end a three-
                                  Developer Gary Dempsey       required extra documenta-         Hammond said.                    pool on its relatively narrow   year quest for land for a
THE fight to transform Cot-    believes he has strong com-     tion, it was a better system        “This will set the bench-      18m-wide block.                 skate park.
tesloe beachfront — once       munity support for the new      because it led to speedy          mark for towering concrete         There are separate plans         The proposal for a skate
described by the Premier as    project but has opted to        determinations.                   and glass structures on          for a $165m 10-storey devel-    park in the suburb has
a Roman ruin — has kicked      bypass the usual planning          Local campaigner John          Marine Parade that will          opment at the Ocean Beach       caused backlash from some
off again with new plans for   route by going to the State     Hammond this week said ar-        devastate the old-fashioned      Hotel site.                     residents but has not
a high-rise apartment com-     Development Assessment          eas such as Cottesloe, Fre-       community suburb.”                 Mark McGowan earlier          deterred Town staff.
plex 100m from the water.      Unit, which was set up in re-   mantle and other suburbs            But Mr Dempsey believed        this year stepped into the         An officers’ note in an
  The $57 million nine-        sponse to COVID-19 to help      with a unique coastal heri-       only a vocal minority were       debate about coastal pro-       agenda briefing report this
storey apartment block on      fast-track approvals for pro-   tage were “sacrosanct”.           opposed to coastal high-rise     jects, likening the Cottesloe   week said council should
Marine Parade, between         jects worth more than $30m.        “WA’s beaches are the best     and Mr Hammond was using         beachfront to a “Roman ru-      consider leaving out a design
Beaches Cafe and the Cottes-      He said while the alterna-   in the world because they         “scaremongering tactics”.        in” and saying the suburb       for the Napier Street play-
loe General Store, would       tive system, which reduces      aren’t afflicted by overdevel-      The proposed building          should take inspiration from    ground — at the northern
include 16 apartments and a    the council’s involvement,      opment like St Kilda, the         will have a mosaic-tiled exte-   Rockingham’s high-rise.         end of the Cottesloe Beach
                                                                                                                                                                  car park — in a planned
                                                                                                                                                                  revamp of the foreshore.
                                                                                                                                                                     Having a skate park on the
                                                                                                                                                                  iconic beach could end con-
                                                                                                                                                                  troversial plans to put it on
                                                                                                                                                                  Grant Marine Park about
                                                                                                                                                                  1km north, which prompted
                                                                                                                                                                  an opposing petition of 514
                                                                                                                                                                  signatures and bizarre alle-
                                                                                                                                                                  gations that skateboarding
                                                                                                                                                                  was a “low socioeconomic
                                                                                                                                                                     The note said the move
                                                                                                                                                                  “would then allow council
                                                                                                                                                                  the opportunity to explore
                                                                                                                                                                  other recreational uses,
                                                                                                                                                                  such as, but not limited to, a
                                                                                                                                                                  skate facility (currently
                                                                                                                                                                  under review) to be incorpo-
                                                                                                                                                                  rated into the same space”.
                                                                                                                                                                     A Town spokeswoman
                                                                                                                                                                  said it was added to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                  the Cottesloe Beach site was

        Festive                                                                                                                                                   not discounted, but the
                                                                                                                                                                  council had not made any
                                                                                                                                                                  commitment to a skate park
                                                                                                                                                                  and it was still assessing its
        season in a                                                                                                                                               feasibility.
                                                                                                                                                                     Cottesloe Residents and
                                                                                                                                                                  Ratepayers        Association

        new light                                                                                                                                                 member John Hammond
                                                                                                                                                                  said he personally did not
                                                                                                                                                                  have a problem with the pro-
        SOLO singers Oriana Morris-John-                                                                                                                          posal, provided the area
        son and Mia Matthiessen are bring-                                                                                                                        retained green space and
        ing glamour and a lightened mood to                                                                                                                       trees.
        Claremont for the Le Parc Lumiere                                                                                                                            The Town has hired a con-
        festival.                                                                                                                                                 sultant to review the plan for
          Claremont Park will be illuminat-                                                                                                                       a skate park and is set to
        ed with 13 temporary light sculp-                                                                                                                         report back to council in
        tures over three nights as part of the                                                                                                                    February. A previously sug-
        inaugural event, which melds the                                                                                                                          gested site on the Fremantle
        Town of Claremont’s annual ART-                                                                                                                           railway line was rejected
        TRA Light Festival and Christmas                                                                                                                          because of land lease diff-
        carols.                                                                                                                                                   iculty, while another at John
          The free festival kicks off tomor-                                                                                                                      Black Dune Park had fragile
        row night with food stalls and roving                                                                                                                     ecology and was too close to
        entertainers, special performances                                                                                                                        homes.
        at 8pm on Friday and Saturday, and                                                                                                                           An 85 per cent complete
        carols from 6.30pm on Sunday.                                                                                                                             version of the foreshore
                                                                                                                                                                  revamp plan and the poten-
                                                                                                                                                                  tial to reserve a site for the
                                                                                                                                                                  skate park will be discussed
  Singers Oriana Morris-Johnson and Mia Matthiessen will perform at Le Parc Lumiere in Claremont. Picture: Andrew Ritchie                                         at Tuesday’s council meet-

COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
4            NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                December 10, 2020

                                                                                                         Childcare for Scarbs
             NEWS ...................................................................... P1-15
             AFFAIRS OF THE ART ............................................. P16
             RESIDENTIAL ...................................................... P17-32
             BOOKS ...................................................................... P33
             OUT & ABOUT.......................................................... P34
                                                                                                   Nadia Budihardjo
             FILM .......................................................................... P36

             PETS .......................................................................... P37   A THREE-storey $2.5 mil-
             FASHION & BEAUTY ........................................ P38-39                      lion childcare centre has
             CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE ....................................... P40                      been approved for Scarbo-
             HOME & GARDEN .............................................. P41-42                      The Metro Inner-North
             TRADES DIRECTORY ........................................ P43-46                      Joint Development Assess-
             EMPLOYMENT & CLASSIFIEDS ............................ P47                             ment Panel unanimously
                                                                                                   approved Taylor Burrell
             SPORT ...................................................................... P47
                                                                                                   Barnett’s application for a
                                                                                                   Nido childcare centre at 117-
                                                                                                   119 Scarborough Beach
             Editorial Director:               Amanda Keenan
                                                                                                   Road on Friday.                   Artist render of the proposed childcare centre on Scarborough Beach Road.
             Editor:                                 Laura Pond
                                                                                                      The centre can accommo-
             Design:                                Carly Pilton
                                                                                                   date 112 children and 20 staff      “There were objections         submitted amended plans in       sion in support.
             Features Editor:         Arylene Westlake-Jennings                                    members from 6.30am to            from local residents within      October after all 30 submis-       Deputy presiding member
             Digital Editor:                   Alison Middleton                                    6.30pm weekdays.                  the proximity of the pro-        sions in the initial public      Lee O’Donohue said the
             General inquiries:                      9237 1000                                        Cr David Boothman said         posed development, how-          feedback     period     were     application was a clever use
             Email:                                             the development was exactly       ever this is a special control   against the development.         of the area and would pave
             Reporters:                                                                            what was needed on Scarbo-        area,” he said.                    The new plans received 18      the way for future develop-
             Jon Bassett                              9237 1504                                    rough Beach Road.                   Taylor Burrell Barnett         objections and one submis-       ments.
             (Cottesloe, Mosman Park, Claremont,
             Peppermint Grove)
             Victoria Rifici                          9237 1486
             (Subiaco, Nedlands, Cambridge)
             Nadia Budihardjo                         9237 1564
             David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie

             Advertising Manager:
             Brendan Jupp                          0417 021 102
             Advertising Executives:
             Doreen Wray                          0413 444 057
             Ilsa Yates                           0412 099 588
             Natalie Bevilacqua                    0415 102 022
             Contact Centre/Trades:
             Jay Han                                  9237 1470
             Distribution                          1800 811 855                                                                                                          WIN a Plants for Friends prize pack! Pack includes: Potted
                                                                                                                                                                            Lush Umbrella Plant, Bottle of Bubbles/Trio of Juices,
             Published by: Community Newspaper Group                                                                                                                    Botanical gift card and wrapping, Free Perth metro delivery
             50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.
             Printed by Colourpress
             54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
December 10, 2020                                                                                                                                              NEWS                 5

Mayor warns of price of                                                                                                                                  recovered
                                                                                                                                                        HIGH end bikes worth thou-

changes to “democracy”
                                                                                                                                                        sands of dollars are being
                                                                                                                                                        returned to their owners
                                                                                                                                                        after police swooped on an
                                                                                                                                                        alleged thief.
                                                                                                                                                           Police seized four bikes
                                                                                                                                                        from a vacant property on
Victoria Rifici                   $40,000 for the initial stages      “I think it is self-evident                                                       Ewen Street in Woodlands
                                  and possibly significantly       that when you take away                                                              on December 2 after follow-
SUBIACO Mayor Penny Tay-          more if council pushes for a     people’s right to vote for a                                                         ing a man wanted for ques-
lor has warned a petition         plebiscite outside of the nor-   representative and have one                                                          tioning over an unrelated
asking ratepayers to relin-       mal WAEC local govern-           installed instead, that the                                                          burglary.
quish their right to elect the    ment elections timeframe,”       power of the voice of the                                                               The 41-year-old, of no
head of council is an expen-      she said.                        majority is diminished”.                                                             fixed address, was arrested
sive move that could cost in        A post to the Facebook            Most mayors and pres-                                                             for stealing two bikes on
excess of $40,000 and dimin-      group Subiaco Residents          idents across WA are elected                                                         November 20 and another
ish the “voice of the majori-     and Ratepayers, run in part      for two-year terms by coun-                                                          two on November 29.
ty”.                              by Mr Mummery, said the          cillors, but in Perth most                                                              All four were stolen from
   Former Subiaco council-                                         mayors are elected by a pub-                                                         near Innaloo shopping cen-
                                                                                                                                                        tre and using bolt cutters.
lor Malcolm Mummery sub-
mitted a petition to council
                                        Most people                lic vote for four-year terms.
                                                                      The Shire of Peppermint                                                              One of the bikes was
last month signed by 271                realise truly              Grove is the only western                                                            worth $1500 and another was
                                                                                                                                                        valued at $1400.
electors calling for the City’s
mayor be elected by council-
                                  representative                   suburbs council to have
                                                                   councillors elect the mayor.                                                            The next day, officers
lors instead of constituents.     democracy is the                    WALGA president Tracey                                                            searched the home of a 32-
                                                                                                                                                        year-old Gwelup man where
   The City now has to adver-
tise the proposal for six
                                  best model.                      Roberts said the organisa-
                                                                   tion supported the current                                                           they allegedly seized six
weeks.                            Penny Taylor                     provisions for election of                                                           bikes believed stolen be-
   The petition said it was       petition was “just the           mayors and presidents “that                                                          tween October and Novem-
difficult for electors to know    options available to the City    allows for either election                                                           ber.
whether a mayoral candi-          under the law for the elec-      from within the council or                                                              He will face court on
date had the “experience          tion of future mayors”.          direct by electors in a com-                                                         December 31 charged with
and judgment” to garner re-          Ms Taylor also questioned     munity”.                                                                             possession of unlawfully
spectful cooperation and col-     whether it was a good idea to       “The processes currently                                                          obtained property and drug
legiality from its elected        “take democracy and the          in place provide flexibility                                                         possession.
members, and councillors          right to vote for a mayor out    for councils and their com-                                                             Police also charged the
had “good reason” to nomi-        of the hands of the people”.     munities to choose a method                                                          Woodlands man with break-
nate and vote for a mayor.           “We have seen other coun-     that best suits them. There is                                                       ing into a Ewen Street child-
   Ms Taylor said it was “dis-    cils in Rockingham and Stir-     opportunity for the process                                                          care centre on November 27
appointing” the petitioners       ling go the other way in         to change over time if                                                               about 9pm, where he alleg-
did not say it would cost         recent years as most people      required,” she said.                                                                 edly stole pot plants and stat-
“tens of thousands of dol-        realise that truly represen-        A report will be presented                                                        ues from the outdoor play
lars at a minimum”.               tative democracy is the best     to council after the consulta-                                                       area. He will appear in court
   “This would cost up to         model,” she said.                tion period ends.                 Subiaco Mayor Penny Taylor. Picture: Simon Santi   on December 17.

COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
6         NEWS                                                                                                                                                              December 10, 2020

Changes win approval                                                                                                                                                 Carpark
                                                                                                                                                                  THE City of Stirling will
                                                                                                                                                                  continue to manage 100 pub-
                                                                                                                                                                  lic parking bays at a Scarbo-
                                                                                                                                                                  rough carpark.
                                                                                                                                                                     Stirling Council agreed to
                                                                                                                                                                  enter a deed of agreement
                                                                                                                                                                  over use of the Reserve
                                                                                                                                                                  Street carpark last week.
                                                                                                                                                                     The site was listed for sale
                                                                                                                                                                  in January and Edge Hold-
                                                                                                                                                                  ings is due to sign a contract
                                                                                                                                                                  of sale by December 25.
                                                                                                                                                                     “The intent of the deed
                                                                                                                                                                  and of the condition of sale
                                                                                                                                                                  is that 100 bays would be pro-
                                                                                                                                                                  vided in perpetuity,” City’s
                                                                                                                                                                  Michael Littleton said.
                                                                                                                                                                     The site is zoned for eight
                                                                                                                                                                  to 12 storey development.

                                                                                                                                                                  THE City of Stirling will
  An artist’s impression of the development at 21 and 23                                                                                                          consider renaming Stephen-
  Louise Street in Nedlands. Picture: Hillam Architects                                                                                                           son Avenue to represent its
                                                                                                                                                                  Aboriginal history.
                                                                                                                                                                    Mayor Mark Irwin pro-
Victoria Rifici                   Bennett, approved the devel-   to the current transitional      Jackson, who represented           “With the changes pro-       posed to rename Stephenson
                                  opment at 21 and 23 Louise     zoning of the land”.             homeowners at 22 Louise         posed, the apartments no        Avenue after a Wadjuk
A THREE-STOREY $7.3 mil-          Street on November 26, after      The development is for the    Street, wrote to members        longer have large south fac-    Noongar Elder or a Noongar
lion apartment block was          previously deferring it so     construction of 13 apart-        arguing the development’s       ing terraces on the ground      word reflecting the signifi-
approved by State planners        Hillam could reconsider the    ments or townhouses.             height, bulk, density and ap-   level and have fewer open-      cance of the main road.
after   developer      Hillam     design’s building bulk, set-      Element, on behalf of the     pearance was “alien” to the     ings to the south to maintain     Stirling Council approved
Architects made improve-          backs, pedestrian access and   applicant, increased north-      surrounding streetscape.        visual privacy between the      a report to be presented to a
ments to a plan initially halt-   visual privacy.                ern setbacks, reduced the          But a report by Element       apartments and the grouped      future meeting.
ed in September.                    Planners      agreed   the   plot ratio, moved outdoor        said the development bal-       dwellings,” it said.              Phase one of the Stephen-
   Metro Inner-North Joint        changes “improved the over-    living areas within the          anced “internal amenity            The building will abut a     son Avenue project, extend-
Development Assessment            all proposal” and presented    dwellings to the north and       and external appearance”        recently approved $17.6 mil-    ing from Scarborough Beach
Panel members, excluding          a “well-considered, quality    increased open space.            and set a high standard for     lion six-storey apartment       Road to Cedric Street and the
Nedlands Councillor Fergus        development that responds         Town planner Andrew           future developments.            block at 17-19 Louise Street.   freeway, started in August.

COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
December 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                   NEWS                 7

                                                                                                                                                                 Socks in
                                                                                                                                                                 CF fight
     Reno                                                                                                                                                    CYSTIC Fibrosis WA pres-
                                                                                                                                                             ident Caz Boyd is urging peo-
                                                                                                                                                             ple to get behind the
                                                                                                                                                             charity’s Christmas cam-

                                                                                                                                                                The Nedlands-based orga-
                                                                                                                                                             nisation is selling pairs of
                                                                                                                                                             red socks as part of its Sock
                                                                                                                                                             it 2 CF appeal, which will go
                                                                                                                                                             towards helping people liv-
                                                                                                                                                             ing with cystic fibrosis.
                                                                                                                                                                When 53-year-old Ms Boyd

     the                                                                                                                                                     was born, the life expectan-
                                                                                                                                                             cy for children with the
                                                                                                                                                             genetic disorder was 12 to 16
                                                                                                                                                                A stroke at 16 paralysed
                                                                                                                                                             her but she eventually

                                                                                                                                                             learned to walk again before
                                                                                                                                                             suffering years of lung
                                                                                                                                                             bleeds, infections and lung
                                                                                                                                                                Ms Boyd received a lung
                                                                                                                                                             transplant 27 years ago after
                                                                                                                                                             being told the life expectan-
                                                                                                                                                             cy post-transplant was seven
                                                                                                                                                             years. Children diagnosed
Subiaco Hotel owners Lawson Douglas and Dave Allan. Picture: Ian Munro                                                                                       now are expected to live into
                                                                                                                                                             their 60s but there is still no
Victoria Rifici                 Monday, but they also noted      ful heritage pub redevelop-       Christ Church Grammar                                     cure and management is
                                a “groundswell of interest”      ments      and    restoration     School, wanted to create a                                complex.
SUBIACO Hotel owners            among younger customers.         projects, purchased the           venue where the locals feel                                  Ms Boyd described cystic
Dave Allan and Lawson Dou-        “They’ve either heard          hotel in late 2019 before         at home within an “unpre-                                 fibrosis as a “behind the
glas are paying homage to       about the refit or the stories   embarking on a 12-month re-       tentious” setting.                                        scenes condition”.
old school bars with their      of the good old days,” he        vitalisation project.               Mr Douglas said the toilets                                “Although people with CF
dramatic overhaul of the        said.                              They partnered with a           were now downstairs “of                                   look like other children or
historic corner pub, attract-     “Whatever it is, the grape-    Melbourne-based architec-         course” with two mezzanine                                adults, that’s only possible
ing a “younger crew” in the     vine is working strong and       tural firm and created a “rei-    decks that can be booked for                              due to a gruelling daily treat-
process.                        these younger crew are keen      magined” Subiaco Hotel,           functions.                                                ment schedule,” she said.
  Mr Douglas said they were     to be part of the Subiaco        which now features heritage         He labelled their first day                                “We are here to support
expecting old customers to      Hotel’s rebirth by the looks     elements mixed with con-          of trade “great” and said                                 these people and their fam-
“swing by for a look” during    of things.”                      temporary design.                 locals were already finding                               ilies.”
their reopening of the hotel,     The pair, who are behind         The now 37-year-old busi-       their own spot at Subiaco       The interior of the          Socks are available to buy
which quietly launched on       some of WA’s most success-       ness partners, who met at         Hotel’s front bar.              revamped Subiaco Hotel.   at

COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
8         NEWS                                                                                                                                                         December 10, 2020

Laura Pond
             Hospice hope for freedom                              decommissioned ambulance
                                   Perth Children’s                so they could take their chil-
WESTERN Australia’s first          Hospital Foundation             dren camping and fishing on
facility for terminally ill                                        the beach.
children would give freedom        is raising money for               Sadly, she said Loccy’s
to the Scott family.               the proposed                    future was “grim” and she
   Danni Scott, whose 15-          Swanbourne hospice              and her husband “cry about
year-old son Loccy requires        this Christmas.                 it every day”.
24-hour care, believed if the      Donate at                          “There’s no day you don’t
facility was realised it would                                     think about it,” she said.
help them and husband Matt                       “(It) is very minimal what
immensely.                         childrenshospice.               we can do with him now,
   She said without it there                                       because of his physical com-
was “literally nowhere else                                        plexity. He’s not tolerating a
to go” .                          Loccy via touch cueing,          lot anymore. We just want to
   “(At the hospital) if          which is based on Auslan         keep him comfortable.”
there’s not a bed available,      and Makaton signing.                She said she did not know
we have to turn around and           Mrs Scott said the hospice    how else to encourage peo-
go back because we’ve got         would enable them to meet        ple to support the project
nowhere else to go,” she          other families in similar sit-   other than to “beg”.
said.                             uations, noting they were           “I’ve always said to people,
   “There’s nowhere else          not the only ones with “a sad    I just hope this never hap-
that can support us because       story”.                          pens to you,” she said.
we need these beds. We can’t         “Sometimes you can nut           “Because it’s the worst
lift up Loccy and put him on      out a lot with other families    feeling in the world where
just any bed.”                    and giving advice, taking        you feel as if nobody wants
   Loccy has a rare neurode-      advice,” she said. “It’ll be     to help you.”
generative disorder, which        just so we can go somewhere
means he has no control           else and do something else
over his body, is deaf and        and enjoy life again.”
blind, and cannot swallow.           After struggling with the
   Mr and Mrs Scott have          “guilt” of worrying they
been full-time carers for         were not doing enough, Mrs
their children for nearly 20      Scott said the couple decided
years; Loccy’s older twins        to focus on providing their
Kayla and Tara both died          children with the best life
from the same condition, at       possible.
the ages of 11 and four.             “What can they achieve
   Mrs Scott said the rarity of   from a 24/7 therapy?” she
her children’s condition          asked. “Probably not a lot.
meant it was only diagnosed          “So let’s go for quality of
as a genetic disorder last        life. Let’s go to have some
year.                             fun.”
   They communicate with             This included buying a                                                Loccy Scott with his mother Danni. Picture: Stephen Heath

COTT TO TROT - Community News ...
December 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                         NEWS                     9

A swimming success                                                                                                                  Slow build to Rokeby
                                                                                                                                    speed limit reduction
                                                                                                                                    A SPEED limit reduction on      ity is an issue that has been
                                                                                                                                    Subiaco’s Rokeby Road has       raised with me time and
                                                                                                                                    been a long time coming,        time again,” she said.
                                                                                                                                    according to Mayor Penny          “So I have no doubt the
                                                                                                                                    Taylor.                         30km/h speed limit is going
                                                                                                                                      The limit is being reduced    to be welcomed by locals,
                                                                                                                                    between Roberts and Bagot       business owners and visi-
                                                                                                                                    roads from 40km/h to            tors alike.”
                                                                                                                                    30km/h to improve pedestri-       Patrick Ryan, co-owner of
                                                                                                                                    an and cyclist safety.          Rokeby Road restaurant Dil-
                                                                                                                                      The area is home to Subia-    ly Dally, said he supported
                                                                                                                                    co’s shopping and dining        the speed limit reduction.
                                                                                                                                    precinct, with a number of        “The town centre is not
                                                                                                                                    alfresco restaurants and        just about movement of
                                                                                                                                    cafes.                          cars; it’s also about people
                                                                                                                                      Ms Taylor said the change,    coming together to socialise,
                                                                                                                                    which will come into effect     support local, do business
                                                                                                                                    in February, was years in the   and more, and I hope this
                                                                                                                                    making.                         change will help it become a
                                                                                                                                      “Increasing      pedestrian   more attractive and accessi-
                                                                                                                                    and cyclist safety and amen-    ble destination,” he said.

                                                                                                                                      Town charges ahead with
                                                                                                                                      electric bike hire proposal
                                                                                                                                      ELECTRIC bike hire has          Councillors          went
                                                                                                                                      been given the nod to         behind closed doors to
                                                                                                                                      switch on in Cottesloe.       discuss conditions in the
Genevieve Montgomerie has donated her painting 'And here they come' . Picture: Jason Mazur                                             The council last month      agreement, including a
                                                                                                                                      gave support for company      termination clause allow-
Jon Bassett                    tioned for the swim’s charity    Ceinwen Roberts said Mont-        lightly offshore, it is restful     BYKKO to conduct a two-       ing the Town to shut
                               partner, Telethon.               gomerie’s depiction of WA’s       and inspiring, two elements         year trial in the Town.       down the operation with-
DONATED art will add to           “For me, this painting is a   iconic beaches evoked the         Genevieve captures in her             The bikes will be avail-    in the 24 months if
the charity efforts of next    celebration of feeling the       delights of being an open         work,” she said.                    able at three stations,       required.
year’s Port to Pub swim from   sand between your toes in        water swimmer.                       The painting will be auc-        which are not yet known,        They agreed BYKKO
North Fremantle to Rottnest    the shallows at Thomson             “A huge part of open           tioned at the briefing for          and riders will be pre-       would be responsible for
Island.                        Bay after you’ve swum the        water swimming is finding         Port to Pub entrants on             vented from discarding        all the trial’s cost and any
  Mosman Park artist Gene-     gruelling distance between       delight in nature – arriving      March 11, with proceeds to          them by a system of credit    public liability would
vieve Montgomerie has          Leighton Beach and Rott-         at the beach in the early         Telethon.                           card based deposits for       include the Town as a list-
donated her painting ‘And      nest Island,” she said.          light, when the water is still       Register for the March 25        the machines.                 ed proponent.
here they come’ to be auc-        Port to Pub co-founder        and the wind is blowing           event at

COTT TO TROT - Community News ...


12           NEWS                                                                                                                                                             December 10, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                    ter Plan, and must now be
                                                                                                                                 Plan dumped                        laughing all the way to the
                                                                                                                                 HOW is it that after only four     bank with the millions of
                                                                                                                                 years the Scarborough Mas-         dollars windfall they will
                                                                                                                                 ter Plan and design guide-         make by the decision of De-
                                                                                                                                 lines, which include height        velopmentWA to ignore the
                                                                                                                                 controls for the Scarbo-           guidelines.
                                                                                                                                 rough redevelopment area,          Robyn Murphy, Sunsets Not
                                                                                                                                 has been consigned to the          Skyscrapers
                                                                                                                                 rubbish bin?
                                                                                                                                    It is disturbing to the Scar-
                                                                                                                                 borough community, resi-           Dove dusted
                                                                                                                                 dents and beach users that a       THE article “Fond farewell
                                                                                                                                 recent document entitled           to Little Dove” (Western
                                                                                                                                 ‘current and planned devel-        Suburbs Weekly, December
                                                                                                                                 opment’ reveals that 11 of 15      3) states Duyfken is a WA-
                                                                                                                                 sites at Scarborough Beach         built replica of the first
                                                                                                                                 have apartment and mixed           European ship to make it to
                                                                                                                                 use buildings proposed to be       WA in 1606.
                                                                                                                                 over the height limits in the         Historically the 1606 Duyf-
                                                                                                                                 plan.                              ken has no connection to
                                                                                                                                    We also note Develop-           WA. This ship never visited
                                                                                                                                 mentWA has replaced the            WA – only the northwest
                                                                                                                                 term “height limit” with           coast of Cape York Peninsu-
                                                                                                                                 “base height”, sending a           la in Queensland.
                                                                                                                                 clear message to developers           On the other hand, WA’s
                                                                                                                                 that it is acceptable to exceed    claim to fame is in 1616 when
                                                                                                                                 the maximum heights in the         Dirk Hartog in his ship Een-
An artist’s impression of Nicheliving's 130 Waratah development in Dalkeith.                                                     master plan.                       dracht landed on our west-
                                                                                                                                    The community, beach            ern shores at Shark Bay.

Decision overturned
                                                                                                                                 users and local residents             Unlike Jansz aboard the
                                                                                                                                 were prepared to live with a       Duyfken, Hartog left proof of
                                                                                                                                 12-storey height maximum,          his landing by way of the
                                                                                                                                 which in itself would be a big     famous pewter plate.
                                                                                                                                 change for Scarborough                Hartog was the first Euro-
                                                                                                                                 Beach.                             pean to have left a physical
Laura Pond                       houses at 130 and 132 Wara-    noise and odour impacts.         with the local planning            At no point has the com-        record of landing on Austra-
                                 tah Avenue.                      Judge Parry’s ruling said      scheme       objectives  and    munity been asked if it            lian soil.
A LUXURY Dalkeith devel-           Deputy president David       the surrounding streetscape      would have an “acceptable       wants eight buildings rang-           This was 154 years before
opment is going ahead after      Parry delivered his ruling     was “varied and eclectic,        impact” on neighbouring         ing from 10 to 37 storeys in       Cook stumbled onto the east
the State Administrative         last week, granting develop-   and the immediate locality is    homes.                          precincts designated for a         coast.
Tribunal          overturned     ment approval subject to       undergoing transition in            The planned two-storey       maximum of 8 to 12 storeys.        Sid Breeden, City Beach
Nedlands Council’s deci-         conditions         including   built form and character in      homes, which are for sale          Property developers who         Editor’s note: Thank you for
sion.                            increasing    setbacks    to   consequence of the up-cod-       from $1.45 million, form part   bought land in the Scarbo-         the correction, the article
  Nicheliving appealed to        neighbouring      properties   ing of the area”.                of the company’s buy-up of      rough redevelopment area           should have said Duyfken
the tribunal over the coun-      and removing the bin stor-       He found the proposed de-      several Waratah Avenue          knew the height controls           was the first European ship
cil’s refusal in August of its   age area because it would      velopment was compatible         sites for its High End Niche-   and other guidelines includ-       to make it to Australia,
application for nine town-       have caused “unacceptable”     with the setting, consistent     living offering.                ed in the Scarborough Mas-         not WA.


14         NEWS                                                                                                                                                              December 10, 2020

                                                                                                        SAVE THE DATE
Children                                                                                                  Here’s the lowdown on what’s happening in your neighbourhood

always                                                                                                  ‘Twas the Night Before
                                                                                                        Wembley Downs resident

the top                                                                                                 Jane Sherwood is
                                                                                                        directing Harbour
                                                                                                        Theatre’s festive play

priority                                                                                                ‘Twas the Night Before
                                                                                                        The fun and feel-good
                                                                                                        production is being
Angela Pownall                                                                                          performed at the Mosman
                                                                                                        Park theatre on December
TELETHON Kids Institute                                                                                 11, 12 and 13.
researcher Asha Bowen has                                                                               Tickets from
been awarded one of                                                                                     au or call 9255 3336.
Australia’s most
prestigious science awards.                                                                             Christmas concert
  The mother of two, from                                                                               With One Voice Choir
Wembley, has won the                                                                                    Perth presents a free
Australian Museum Eureka                                                                                Christmas concert on
Prize for Emerging Leader                                                                               December 12.
in Science for her                                                                                      The concert is at
pioneering work in skin                                                                                 Leederville Town Hall
health research.                                                                                        from 2pm to 4pm and
  The 44-year-old Perth                                                                                 includes an Auslan          UWA Christmas concert.
Children’s Hospital                                                                                     interpreter, plus free
infectious disease specialist                                                                           afternoon tea after the     2.30pm to 3.30pm outside       The free December 18
and head of skin health at                                                                              carols. Register for        the surf club’s lower          event will also feature
Wesfarmers Centre of                                                                                    COVID-safe planning and     grassed area.                  Ashley Smith, Shaun
Vaccines and Infectious                                                                                 catering purposes to        Starfish Nippers is a          Lee-Chen and the Irwin
Diseases is passionate                                                                                  withonevoice@creativity     lifesaving skills program      Street Collective and will
about reducing the              Researcher Asha Bowen has just won a Eureka Prize.                       designed for children and      raise money for Lifeline
sky-high rate of skin sores                                                                                                         young adults with a            WA.
among Aboriginal children,      Prevent) trial involves visits   and take action will lead to           Starfish Nippers            disability aged six and        They will join staff and
a condition she says is not     three times a year at            a 50 per cent reduction in             Scarboro Surf Life Saving   older. Call 0422 563 800 for   students from UWA’s
taken seriously enough.         schools in nine remote           skin infections in those               Club and Rocky Bay are      more information or            Conservatorium of Music
  The Eureka Prize was          communities and assesses         communities.                           teaming up for Starfish     email starfishnippers@         and community choirs on
awarded to Associate            the impact of different ways        Prof Bowen splits her               Nippers’ meet and greet               the Riley Oval stage to
Professor Bowen in              of picking up, treating and      work “between the bush,                day at Scarborough                                         perform Christmas
recognition of her current      preventing skin sores and        bench and and bedside”.                Beach.                      UWA Christmas carols           classics.
work to diagnose, treat and     scabies.                            “It’s a pretty awesome              Volunteers and future and   SINGER Sara Macliver           The concert starts at 7pm
prevent skin infections in        Prof Bowen hopes that          career,” she said. “I do love          returning nippers can       will lend her voice to the     and registration is
remote Aboriginal               strategies such as training      it; there’s a sense of great           register or find out more   University of WA’s charity     essential at the UWA
communities in WA’s north.      parents, health workers and      satisfaction but there’s still         on December 13 from         Christmas concert.             Concerts website.
  The SToP (See, Treat,         teachers to recognise them       more to be done.”

December 10, 2020                                                                                                                          NEWS   15

Georgie walks the
talk for fundraiser
Tom Shanahan                   whole life changed, all of our   the Stride4Stroke campaign
                               lives changed,” she said.        last month, which encour-
COTTESLOE’s          Georgie      “It has been difficult to     aged physical activity to
Middlemas walked 100km to      watch someone I love so          help reduce a person’s
raise money for stroke sup-    dearly having to learn how       stroke risk while raising
port services in honour of     to do things like dress them-    funds for preventative and
her mum.                       selves and walk again.           recovery    services.   She
  The     20-year-old    was      “Before Mum’s stroke, I       raised more than $2700.
inspired to push herself to    didn’t really know the             “The word stroke was nev-
the limit by her mother        impact a stroke could have       er used in our family before
Jayne, who suffered a hem-     on a person’s life.”             my mother had one, but now
orrhagic stroke in June.          Ms Middlemas joined hun-      we are hoping to walk for
  “Within one second, her      dreds of West Australians in     this campaign every year.”      Georgie Middlemas with her mother Jayne.

                          MACNAUGHTON                                                      Affairs of the art
                                                                                                                                    SINGING DOUBLE

                                                                                                                                    After the way 2020 has turned out, I can think of no better
                                                                                                                                    Christmas than this one to have a double dose of
                                                                                                                                    spectacular in Perth. The Christmas Family Stage
                                                                                                                                    Spectacular concert at Crown Theatre Perth on December
                                                                                                                                    22 to 24 will be a holiday extravaganza of singers, dancers,
                                                                                                                                    a choir, nativity scene and the jolly man in the red suit. Feel

                                                                    for the                                                         the festive joy with performances by John O’Hara, Annie
                                                                                                                                    Aitkin, Allyce Martins and The Voice finalist Jordan

                                                                                                                                    OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL EVENING

                                                                                                                                    Black Swan State Theatre Company of WA theatre lovers
                                                                                                                                    reunited for the first time since March for the opening night
                                                                                                                                    hootenanny of director Richard Carroll’s production of
                                                                                                                                    Oklahoma! on December 2. Carroll has taken an
                                                                                                                                    inspirational approach to the Rodgers and Hammerstein
                                                                                                                                    musical in both casting (cowman Curly is played by the
                                                                                                                                    ever-charming Emily Havea) and staging. The performance
                                                                                                                                    is presented in the round with the audience positioned
                                                                                                                                    intimately on the Heath Ledger Theatre stage, immersed in
                                                                                                                                    the drama among this community of outsiders. With lively
                                                                                                                                    musicianship, humour and palpable heartfelt emotion, the
                                                                                                                                    show is a wild horseback ride absolutely worth taking.
                                                                                                                                    Those sitting side saddle on Wednesday night included
                                                                                                                                    Black Swan chair Nicola Forrest, Kate Walsh and Ben Elton.

                                                                                                                                    THE BOY NEXT DOOR
                                                                                                                                    Platinum Entertainment has built on its hugely successful
                                                                                                                                    season of We Will Rock You with their casting
                                                                                                                                    announcement of WAAPA graduate Ethan Jones (pictured)
                                                                                                                                    as Peter Allen in The Boy From Oz, opening at Crown
                                                                                                                                    Theatre Perth on January 23. The Menora resident will be
                                                                                                                                    following in the dancing footsteps of Todd McKenney and
                                                                                                                                    fellow WAAPA alumni Hugh Jackman, who have both
                                                                                                                                    starred in this beloved Australian musical. Jones, a
                                                                                                                                    roller-skating vegan with a passion for puppetry and the
                                                                                                                                    theatre, said the role of Peter Allen was the opportunity of
                                                                                                                                    a lifetime. “I’ve dreamed about playing Peter Allen for years
                                                                                                                                    and am absolutely thrilled and a little daunted,” he said.
Lucy Durack. Picture: Nik Babic                                                                                                     Jones will be shaking his maracas onstage alongside music
                                                                                                                                    theatre performers Lucy Williamson as Judy Garland,
CHRISTMAS is absolutely             Presented by WASO,               “To be able to bring your      work.                           Elethea Sartorelli as Liza Minnelli, Casey Edwards as Marion
the most wonderful time of        Lotterywest Christmas            family to something like            “I guess it’s a year where   Woolnough and Peter Cumins as Greg Connell.
the year for City Beach-          Spectacular is a                 that, for free, is an            you have to look for the
raised music theatre              reconceived COVID-safe           incredible gift, and you         silver linings, of which
darling Lucy Durack, who          event at RAC Arena with          can’t get classier than          there really are a lot and
starts her festive                performances at 2pm and          WASO carols.”                    we’ve been able to spend a
celebrations each year by         7pm on December 12,                It is a welcome end to         lot of quality time with our
putting up her Christmas          featuring the orchestra led      2020 that saw Shrek the          kids,” she said “Frontline
tree on her birthday,             by conductor Jen Winley,         Musical — in which Durack        workers are the heroes of
November 17.                      the WASO Chorus and              was playing Princess Fiona       2020 but the next round of
   “I’ll often wish my            special guests Amy               — closed in March due to         heroes of 2020 have to be
birthday was earlier so we        Manford, Samantha Clarke         pandemic restrictions and        children and pets.”
could start earlier; I was        and Santa.                       despite it being a shock,           Although her son Teddy
like this even before we had        “Christmas carols and          Durack said it was nothing       is “not quite audience-
kids but especially now,”         singing with WASO is a           compared to what other           friendly yet”, the rest of
Durack said while                 pretty miraculous way to         people around the world          Durack’s family, including
quarantining in Sorrento          get to celebrate Christmas       were going through.              her Subiaco-based parents,
with choreographer                for me,” Durack said.              She kept busy filming          will be heading along to the
husband Christopher                 “I love any opportunity to     online series Love in            Lotterywest Christmas
Horsey and their two              sing with WASO and this is       Lockdown with Eddie              Spectacular.
children, Polly, five, and        a pretty massive event. I’ll     Perfect, did a stint on             “It’s very exciting to be
Theodore, one.                    sing a couple of songs but       Neighbours and pulled on         here for the concert and
   The family travelled to        mostly be there to host the      the cactus costume for The       then as an added bonus to
WA, after already                 whole event. There will be       Masked Singer where she          stay and have Christmas
decorating their Melbourne        some classic songs like          had to go into self-isolation    with my family,” she said.
home for their housesitter,       Baby, It’s Cold Outside, All I   with her two children               The Lotterywest
ahead of Durack hosting           Want For Christmas Is You        following a COVID-19             Christmas Spectacular is
WASO’s annual free                and Rudolph the Red-Nosed        outbreak on set, while           on Saturday, with free
end-of-year concert.              Reindeer.                        Horsey was in Sydney for         tickets at


A charmed life
A full-size
tennis court,
pool and
proximity to
the river and
beach make life
in this Peppy
Grove home
truly blissful

18        RESIDENTIAL                                                                                                                                           December 10, 2020

       Ritz blitzes the field at national awards
     Natalie Hordov                    Quay landmark won the             but a national award is the        the high quality throughout in   two-storey home set down a
                                       National High-rise Apartment      supreme triumph,” he said.         the complex and large-scale      laneway in Mt Lawley.
     AFTER claiming the top award      award, with Probuild crowned        “West Australians can feel       project is astonishing.”           Firm Construction was
     at the Master Builders WA         Master Builder of the Year.       pride and confidence in the          Other local winners included   awarded the National Lifestyle
     Excellence in Construction          Master Builders WA              State’s building industry, which   Gemmill Homes, which won the     Housing for Seniors award for
     Awards for its Ritz-Carlton       executive director John Gelavis   has produced some of the best      National Display home title      the Juniper Aged Care facility
     development, construction         said West Australian builders     workmanship across Australia.      (under $200,000) for the         in Karrinyup and Adrian Zorzi
     company Probuild has gone on      proved their quality by winning     “Probuild are deserving          Mossvale, while the National     took out the medium density
     to earn the highest accolade at   a total of six awards.            winners of the national Master     Contract Home prize ($350,000    award in the category for more
     the national awards.                “Winning a State building       Builder of the Year title for      to $500,000) went to AMG Home    than five dwellings for Overton
       The $500 million Elizabeth      award is a great achievement      their work on the Ritz-Carlton;    Builders for a compact           Terraces in Cottesloe.



December 10, 2020                                                                                                                             RESIDENTIAL                       21

      A tree change in the city
                             IF you are seeking a tree      park any time you wish for     with timber flooring, high      relax and watch the sun set   built-in robes.
      4      3       3       change, there is no need to    some exercise or to simply     ceilings and a study nook.      through the trees.              One has an ensuite and
8/54 Meagher Drive,          move down south.               enjoy the beauty of nature.      The sleek kitchen               The master bedroom also     opens to a second balcony.
Floreat                        This penthouse                  The home is on the top      features Smeg appliances,       opens to the balcony and        The other is near the
Mid $1 millions              apartment in the Perry         floor of the boutique          Caesarstone benchtops,          has a walk-in robe, and       home’s third bathroom.
Agency: Acton Dalkeith       Lakes Estate has gorgeous      complex of eight homes         glass splashbacks, soft-close   ensuite with freestanding       Other features include
Contact: David and Martine   leafy views over the reserve   with direct lift access.       drawers and a scullery.         bath, rainfall shower and     airconditioning, a security
Eyers on 0419 889 130        and you can wake up to the        It has a spacious,            Doors in the living area      double vanity unit.           system, solar system,
                             sounds of the birds in the     light-filled open-plan         open to a sheltered balcony       There are two more          underground parking for
                             trees and head out to the      living/dining/kitchen area     where you can entertain or      bedrooms, both with           three cars and a storeroom.

22          COVER STORY                                                                                                                                                December 10, 2020

                 All inclusive

                                 bedroom cabinetry.             house,” they said.             has Corian benchtops, an       louvres for seasonal            fifth bedroom is ideal for
     5      3       2               “The inspiration for the      “You can read and relax      appliance nook, double         comfort and its outlook         guests or an au pair.
5 McNeil Street,                 refurbishment was so the       in the comfort of the study    pull-out pantry, island        includes the pool, tennis          Other features include
Peppermint Grove                 floors, walls and fittings     or one of the two lounge       bench with breakfast bar       court and acres of sky.         white plantation shutters,
From $5.2 million                moved seamlessly from the      rooms, and from the            and quality appliances.           The family’s bedrooms        ducted reverse-cycle
Agency: Ray White                inside to the outside,” the    alfresco area you can glide      The kitchen area and         are upstairs along with an      airconditioning, ducted
Cottesloe-Mosman Park            owner said.                    into the pool.”                family room, with fireplace    office with custom-built        vacuuming, a security
Contact: Deborah Brady on           “Milano Stone installed       The ground-floor layout      and built-in cabinetry, both   two-person desk.                system and double garage
0405 570 903                     all the flooring and           incudes a formal lounge        have access to the outdoors       The spacious master has      with remote-controlled
                                 floor-to-ceiling tiling in     room with an open fireplace    zones.                         a his-and-her walk-through      access and shopper’s entry.
BOASTING a full-size             Spanish limestone in the       and a dining room with           The owner said the           robe to the ensuite with           The home is on a huge
tennis court, large pool and     bathrooms and also repaved     french doors to the outdoor    kitchen was her favourite      walk-in double shower,          1525sqm block and a short
close to private schools, the    the alfresco and pool area.”   spaces.                        place and was the hub of       double vanity unit and          stroll from the foreshore
river and beach, it is easy to      The owner said the end        Bi-fold doors between the    the home and the gateway       separate toilet, and doors to   reserve and Presbyterian
see why the owner found          result was a light, bright     rooms can be opened or         to the outdoor area.           a juliet balcony.               Ladies College.
this two-storey home             home with clean lines and      closed, creating one large       “From the kitchen you           Three more bedrooms             The owner said they have
appealing.                       colours, an “amazing family    space or two separate          can see the tennis court,      have built-in robes and the     enjoyed walking in the
  They bought it six years       home with an area for          rooms.                         swimming pool and into the     main bathroom has a             area’s beautiful streets,
ago and gave it a thorough       everyone”.                       There is also a              dining area,” they said.       rainhead shower and             being close to the river and
renovation, updating the            “There are great            kitchen/meals area and           Outside, the L-shaped        laundry chute.                  walking to restaurants in
kitchen, bathrooms and           separation areas in this       family room. The kitchen       alfresco area has Vergola         Downstairs, a potential      Cottesloe in the evenings.

December 10, 2020                                                                                RESIDENTIAL   23

The height of joy
      5       3      2
91 Mountjoy Road,
Auction: December 13
at 10am
Agency: Ray White
Contact: Thomas Jefferson
Wedge on 0416 657 300 or
Vivien Yap on 0433 258 818

THERE is so much about
this two-storey home that
will impress.
   While it was built in 1994
it has been extensively
renovated and the interior
has a Hamptons feel with
soaring ceilings, light
timber flooring and white
shutters throughout.
   And it has a huge amount
of space, perfect for family
   The ground floor includes
a sunken formal lounge
room with fireplace and           The main sleeping
formal dining area.             accommodation is upstairs,
   There is also an             with another living area
open-plan living/dining/        that could be a peaceful
kitchen area and separate       retreat from the bustle of
family room that all look       family life.
out to the backyard.              There are three minor
   The living zone has a        bedrooms with built-in
fireplace and steps up to the   robes; a bathroom with
kitchen/dining area and the     bath, shower and separate
fabulously large kitchen        toilet; and the master suite   established garden with
has plenty of storage and a     with walk-in robe and          water feature, gazebo and
scullery.                       ensuite, also with bath,       lawn.
   A study and guest            shower and separate toilet.      The home is on a 943sqm
bedroom with semi-ensuite         Outside, an alfresco area    block close to Mason
access to a bathroom are        runs the width of the home     Gardens, Melvilsta Park,
also on the ground floor.       and overlooks the              shops and cafes.





28          COUNTRY & COASTAL                                                                                                    December 10, 2020

                              Live the Goode life
                                water views.
      3      2        2           Doors open to a balcony
107 La Perouse Road,            where you can entertain or
Goode Beach                     just enjoy a morning coffee
$1.25 million-$1.35 million     or evening wine while
Agency: Mason Realty            gazing at the ocean.
Contact: Rob Mason on             The chic kitchen has
0411 615 806 or Kevin           black granite benchtops,
Marshall on 0408 969 380        white cabinetry, a
                                stainless-steel Ilve range,
WHEN you live among such        ample bench space,
fabulous surroundings, you      breakfast bar and walk-in
want to be able to enjoy        pantry.
them as much as possible,         There is also a study in
and this split-level home on    this wing, and the master
4260sqm provides many           bedroom with walk-in robe
opportunities to take in the    and large, luxurious
sweeping bush and ocean         ensuite with spa bath,
views.                          shower, double vanity unit,
   It was designed by Hugh      heated floors and views.
Wilson, of Denmark                Other features include a
Building Design, built by       Bose sound system, double
Albany’s Greg Leeder            glazing, ducted vacuuming
Homes, and features plenty      and double garage.
of windows, decks and             And the home is only
balconies offering scenic       700m from Goode Beach.
   The home has two wings,
separated by a tiled lobby.
   One would be ideal as the
children’s zone or guest
wing, with a living room,
two bedrooms with built-in
robes, and access to a deck,
and bathroom with bath,
shower and separate toilet.
   On the other side of the
lobby is the main open-plan
living/dining/kitchen area
with cathedral ceilings,
jarrah flooring, feature
stone-clad fireplace and
abundant windows
showcasing the stunning

Views of the green              from the beach and              servery window to one of         alfresco area.
     3       2       2          overlooking Dunsborough         the home’s alfresco areas.          The two other bedrooms
18 Somerset Road,               Lakes golf course.                A theatre room with            have built-in robes.
Dunsborough                       It was built in 2018 and      vaulted ceilings and built-in       Outside, the landscaped
From $679,000                   has an open-plan living/        bar/cabinetry provides           backyard includes a second
Agency: JMW Real Estate         dining/kitchen area with        more living space.               alfresco area that would be
Contact: Joe Jordanoff on       attractive flooring, a timber     The home has three             a lovely place to relax while
0498 935 086                    ceiling fan, fireplace and      bedrooms, all with TV            the kids play.
                                fairway views.                  points, and two bathrooms,          The home’s double
ENJOY a seachange and a           The stylish kitchen has       including the master with        garage is high and has been
spot of golf in one with this   stone benchtops, an island      walk-in robe, ensuite with       extended, providing plenty
Dunsborough home on a           bench with breakfast bar,       bath and stone tiling, and       of space for parking or
639sqm block, a short drive     large walk-in pantry and        doors to a deck and an           storage.





December 10, 2020                                                                                                                             BOOKS AND FILM                                33

                                                                                                                                                                               Huey Brown
                                                                                                                                                                               has written a
                                                                                                                                                                               book about a

            Bacon the
                                                                                                                                                                               pig. Picture:

            best of it
  Tanya MacNaughton                                              things came out of an
                                                                 ordinary situation”.
  HUEY Brown’s daughter                                             The result was book The
  Aurelia was eight years old                                    Tale of Bacon Lightning,
  when she misread the shop                                      for ages four to 12 years,
  Beacon Lighting as Bacon                                       about an ordinary pig who
  Lightning while they were                                      is bullied and overcomes
  driving down Stirling                                          life’s difficulties by creating
  Highway on the way to                                          a superhero with a secret
  soccer, sending them into                                      identity.
  fits of laughter.                                                 With the story in hand,
     “As soon as Aurelia said                                    Brown teamed up with
  the name, I thought there                                      former Disney illustrator
  are a lot of superhero                                         Jason Trevenen to bring his
  characters that have                                           characters to life.
  something to do with           becomes his sidekick.              “We worked on numerous
  lightning and then               A few pages of notes were     character designs of what I
  imagined how I would work      written and tucked away in      had envisioned whilst
  Bacon into that name,”         their kitchen top drawer,       writing the book,” Brown
  Brown, of Dalkeith, said.      where they stayed for two       said. “He came up with the
     “I quickly said back to     years — until the pandemic      brilliant idea of getting my
  her ‘That sounds like a        ground everything to a halt     three kids (Aurelia now 10,
  superhero pig’. We both        in March.                       Hudson, eight and
  laughed and I said to her        Brown, who manages            Amberley, six) to draw a
  ‘Let’s see if we can write a   Rambla in South Perth,          picture of their favourite
  book about it’.”               Empire in Burswood,             character in the book.
     Later that day they         Northbridge’s Coconut              “It’s been a long project
  brainstormed the concept       Grove and the Ice Cream         but the kids are all
  with family friend Micko,      Factory, had a lot more         delighted with the result.”
  adding Bacon Lightning’s       time on his hands and           The Tale of Bacon
  friend Szechuan to the         returned to the project “so I   Lightning,,
  story, a rubber chicken who    could make sure some good       $23.86.

                                                                                                   Lucy Rutherford                                                 adamant Bobby is the killer,
                                                                                                                                     THE                           Chris is torn between his

                                                                                                   WHEN a teenage girl is                                          loyalty to his friends and
                                                                                                   found dead in Midland             XROSSING                      belief in doing what is
                                                                                                   outside the house of
                                                                                                   reclusive Aboriginal man
                                                                                                                                     (U15)                         right.
                                                                                                                                                                      It is exciting to see Perth

                                                                                                   Bobby (Kelton Pell from           DIRECTOR: Steven J.           on the big screen, with
                                                                                                   ABC’s The Heights), three         Mihaljevich                   recognisable locations such
                                                                                                   boys suspect him to be the        STARRING: Kelton Pell,        as John Forrest National
                                                                                                   culprit, defacing his fence       Luke J. Morgan, Steven J.     Park and Northbridge
                                                                                                   with graffiti.                                                  TAFE not depicted like a

    in the
                                                                                                     One of the trio, Chris          ᗂᗂᗂ1⁄2                        tourist advertisement but
                                                                                                   (Luke J. Morgan), is                                            as they really are.
                                                                                                   studying film at TAFE,            SHOWING:                         The way class is
                                                                                                   wanting to get away from          Revelation Perth              interacted with is also true

    spotlight                                                                                      the small-time drug gang he       International Film Festival   to life, with Chris’ crush
                                                                                                   and his friends are mixed         until December 20             from TAFE Abbey (Georgia
                                                                                                   up with.                                                        Ayers) mentioning how she
                                                                                                     However, Shane (Jacob         vandalism and goes to           lives in Cottesloe and went
                                                                                                   O’Neill) is desperate to join   apologise, eventually           to MLC — a direct contrast
                                                                                                   them, frustrated that his       getting to know Bobby           to his and his friend’s
                                                                                                   brother and leader of the       better and realising he is      upbringing.
                                                                                                   gang, Phoenix (Steven J.        the perfect subject for his        The Xrossing is dark and
                                                                                                   Mihaljevich), keeps him at      TAFE documentary                often distressing, but is a
                                                                                                   arm’s length.                   assignment.                     fantastic collaboration from
Kelton Pell as Bobby in The Xrossing.                                                                Chris feels bad for the         But with Shane still          a group of local talents.

34          OUT & ABOUT                                                                                                                                     December 10, 2020

                                                                                                             Ashliegh Thompson and
                         Royia Tukhi, Nilofar Khirzad and Jess Woolley                                       Stormy Courtney

                       Audrey Allen and Ashton      Edward Maradona and                              Sophie Bidesi and Georgie Bidesi
                       Cameron                      Sofia Curran

                                                                                                                Femme &
                                                                                                       Nilofar Khirzad promised the hottest                     Willing
                                                                                                       party of the year, and the launch of her
                                                                                                       European-inspired      women’s      label
                                                                                                       Femme didn’t disappoint. It was a party
             Aymeric                                                                       Melissa     for the ages, with the hedonistic bash
             Futol      Caitlin Parry and Jenna     Luke Meakins and                       Graham      spilling out onto a Ferrari-lined street.
                        Cuthbertson                 Kimberley Fernandez                                Words Krystal Sanders
                                                                                                       Pictures John Koh

                                                          True pearler
                                                           of a party
                                                               Lindsay and Libby
                                                                Youd welcomed Perth’s
                                                                high society to their
                                                                 Allure South Sea
                                                                 Pearls Subiaco show-
                                                                 room for a dazzling                               Vanessa & Grant Mortimer        Lindsay and Libby Youd
                                                                 Christmas celebra-
                                                                 tion. Despite the store
                                                                 dripping in diamonds
                                                              and rare sea finds, the
                                                            night had a relaxed feel as
                                                             loyal customers chatted
                                                             between sips of free-flow-
                                                             ing bubbly. Rhonda Wyl-
                                                            lie and Kelly McAlpine
                                                          were spotted admiring the
                                                         highly coveted Argyle pink
                                                        Words Lily Hoffmann
                                                        Pictures Matt Jelonek                                      Jill Hoad, Greg Mills and Pauline Fermanis


                                   Tamara and
                                   Russell Gibbs          Kelly and Greg McAlpine                                  Claretta and Claude Giorgi      Peter King and Bronte
Denise Satterley                                                                                                                                   Howson


36         FILM                                                        December 10, 2020

 Oakes Fegley as Peter and Robert De Niro as Grandpa. Picture: Ben Rothstein

      No winners in War
 Lucy Rutherford                                              perfectly respectable

 WHEN Grandpa Ed (Robert
                                  THE WAR                     boyfriend.
                                                                With a set up clearly
 De Niro) is convinced by his     WITH                        going for something along
 daughter Sally (Uma
 Thurman) to move in with
                                  GRANDPA (PG)                the lines of Home Alone,
                                                              the pranks are
 her family, grandson Peter       DIRECTOR: Tim Hill          disappointingly tame,
 (Oakes Fegley) is forced to                                  before the film clunkily
                                  STARRING: Robert De
 give up his bedroom and                                      attempts to insert an
                                  Niro, Uma Thurman,
 take up residence in the                                     anti-war message.
                                  Oakes Fegley
 attic.                                                         Children may be amused
    Upset by this new                                         by the occasions where
 situation, Peter declares        NOW SHOWING                 bodily injury occurs or De
 war on his grandpa and the                                   Niro loses his pants (twice)
 two begin a battle of pranks                                 and the film fits in with the
 that soon gets out of             Dad Arthur (Rob Riggle)    festive season thanks to
 control.                       is the harangued husband      youngest sister Jennifer’s
    The War with Grandpa        clinging on to his            (Poppy Gagnon) obsession
 feels like it was made about   masculinity while             with the holiday.
 a decade or two ago, with      Thurman’s mum                   But The War with
 much of the comedy based       inexplicably refuses to let   Grandpa is a movie which
 on tired and regressive        her teenage daughter Mia      even a cast of big names
 stereotypes.                   (Laura Marano) see her        can’t save.

 Uma Thurman and Rob Riggle as Peter's parents Sally and Arthur with Laura Marano and
 Poppy Gagnon as his sisters Mia and Jennifer. Picture: Ben Rothstein

December 10, 2020                                                                                   PETS        37

                                                                                          WE’VE spent
                                                                                   more time with our pets
                                                                                 this year than ever before.
                                                                               They’ve been with us through
                                                                                 worry, boredom and a few
                                                                               little triumphs along the way.
                                                                               Give them a Merry Christmas
                                                                                    with a little something
1. Benny pet teepee, $29.95,       6. Cactus cat scratcher pole,                     SARA FITZPATRICK                      $20, Kmart.
2. Loving Pets Bella cat bowl in   7. Holiday Tails reindeer plush
pink skeleton, $7.50, Bunnings     dog toy, $20, City Farmers.
Warehouse.                         8. Printed bone soft toy in
3. Anipal Billie the Bilby dog     Black Metallic Cross Print,
collar and Clancy the Black        $6.95, Mog & Bone.
Cockatoo collar, from $36,         9. Kazoo Merry Christmas sign                   fish ornament, $4.85,
4. Pet floating boat, $19,
Kmart.                             10. Bark-A-Boo Merry
5. Meow and Me Merry Little        Little Christmas
Christmas stocking five-pack,      gingerman silicon-body
$15,              toy, $13,

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