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Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		       April 2021 | 1

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      HOME &
      GARDEN  APRIL 2021

HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
2 | April 2021                                                Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

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HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                                          April 2021 | 3

                                                                   Home & Garden Show
                                                                                                             to feature nearly 70 regional vendors
                                                                   By Democrat Staff              checks and a donation will      succulent planters for your      kangaroo, lemurs, alliga-
                                                                                                  be presented to an area         home that last all season.       tors, or an African Spurred
                                                                      SEDALIA — Just in           nonprofit, as selected by the   Southern Sown will be            Tortoise.Democrat, Plains-
                                                                   time for spring home           overall Get Fit winner.11       covering container selec-        man, Star-Advertiser and
                                                                   improvement season,            a.m.: The Missouri Depart-      tion, plant compatibility,       Warrensburg Star-Journal
                                                                   the Sedalia Democrat           ment of Conservation will       soil to use, design tips, and    readers are encouraged
8 garden tools for beginners                                       is hosting its inaugural
                                                                   Home & Garden Show on
                                                                                                  be on hand with Missouri
                                                                                                  furs and visitors can meet
                                                                                                                                  watering requirements.
                                                                                                                                  Those who stop by the
                                                                                                                                                                   to bring their copy of
                                                                                                                                                                   this special section to the
   The right tool for the job is essential to working safely       April 10.Nearly 70 region-     Pettis County’s new conser-     presentation can take home       event and use the notes
and efficiently. This is as true in the workplace as it is in      al vendors will be in the      vation agent.Noon: Visitors     a small succulent while          pages when meeting with
the garden.                                                        Mathewson Exhibition           can talk with the Sedalia       supplies last.3 p.m.: The        vendors about their home
   Novice gardeners may not know where to begin in re-             Center ready to talk with      Police Department and           Sedalia Fire Department          improvement projects.The
gards to which tools they need. The following are eight items      area residents about their     meet the department’s sup-      will be presenting fire pre-     Home & Garden Show will
that can serve as a solid foundation for beginning gardeners.      home and garden needs.         port dog, Kya.1 p.m.: The       vention tips and offering        be hosted from 9 a.m. to 6
   1. Gloves: Your hands will be working hard, so it pays to       Vendors include plants, real   Civil Air Patrol will have      fire extinguisher training.      p.m. Saturday, April 10 in
protect them from calluses, blisters, splinters, insects, and      estate, insurance, windows,    a flight simulator and will     Door prizes will also be         the Mathewson Exhibition
dirt. Look for water-resistant gloves that are also breathable.    solar applications, home       show off their recent model     given out at the top of each     Center on the Missouri
   2. Hand pruners: Hand pruners are essential for cutting         security, doors, decking,      plane projects.2 p.m.:          hour.Thorni Ridge Exotics        State Fairgrounds. It is free
branches, cleaning up shrubs, dead-heading flowers, and            fencing, creations, mowers,    Southern Sown Farms will        will have a selfie station all   and open to the public. For
various other tasks. Choose ergonomic, no-slip handles that        roofing, landscaping, and      offer a demonstration on        day and for only $5, visitors    more information, call the
will make work easier. Rust-resistant, nonstick blades also        many others. Many of the       how to pot sun, shade and       can get a photo with a           Democrat at 660-826-1000.
are handy.                                                         vendors will be offering
   3. Wheelbarrow: A wheelbarrow can transport gear to             specials only available
garden beds or tote dirt, leaves, rocks, and other materials       at the Home & Garden
around the landscape. A good wheelbarrow is strong but             Show.“I am beyond excited
light enough to maneuver when full.                                to bring back this Home &
   4. Loppers: Long-handled loppers will fit the bill for thick    Garden Show,” Democrat
branches. The long handles provide leverage to cut through         Advertising Manager Julie
branches an inch or more in diameter.                              White said. “In addition to
   5. Hand trowel: A hand trowel is a handy tool that lets         a wide array of vendors for
you dig holes or unearth weeds. While shopping for a trowel,       any kind of home project
consider getting a hand-held garden fork, which can aerate         you want or need to do,
soil and cut through roots.                                        there will be live interac-
   6. Hose/watering can: Keeping gardens hydrated is part          tive presentations for the
of ensuring their health. That makes a hose and a watering         entire family throughout
can two invaluable tools to have around. Invest in a light-        the entire day. You are not
weight, expandable hose if storage space is at a premium. An       going to want to miss these
adjustable nozzle will enable you to customize the water flow      vendors that are coming
as needed. A watering can is an easy way to tote water to          from all over the region,
hard-to-reach pots and containers.                                 from Springfield to Colum-
   7. Garden kneeler: Gardeners often bend and kneel               bia to Kansas City and of
while working in the soil. That puts pressure on the back and      course Sedalia.”In addition
knees. A comfortable garden kneeler with memory foam or            to the vendor booths, there
one made from shock-absorbing material can reduce aches            will be live presentations
and pains.                                                         and demonstrations almost
   8. Garden hoe: Garden hoes till soil, remove weeds and          every hour:10 a.m.: The
perform many other tasks. A garden hoe can be used along           top five teams in the Get
with a full-sized shovel, trowel and garden rake.                  Fit Challenge hosted by

   This list is just the tip of the garden tool iceberg. Visit a   the Sedalia Democrat and
garden center and speak with a professional about other            Warrensburg Star-Journal
tools that can be added to the mix.                                will receive their prize
HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
4 | April 2021                                                                                                      Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

     Homeowners can improve their
residence with the right knowledge, tools
By Dustin Steinhoff                                                                    varying installation processes       projects, hit a speedbump in      electrical, mechanical and
dustins@warrensburgstarjournal.com                                                     of different types of floor-         the process and start to lose     structural tasks.
                                                                                       ing as an example of when a          steam. He said even profession-      “Pretty much anything that
   WARRENSBURG — Na-                                                                   lack of research can hinder a        als run into problems complet-    the city would require you to
thaniel Enneking, co-owner                                                             DIY project.                         ing home improvement jobs.        have an inspection for and
and operator of Enneking                                                                   Enneking said click lock            Enneking said it is often      be done by a licensed pro-
Construction, says that with                                                           flooring has a tongue and            helpful to have an experienced    fessional, homeowners really
the proper amount of research                                                          groove that needs to be in-          individual who the homeown-       shouldn’t do,” Enneking said.
and equipment, quite a few                                                             stalled at an angle.                 er knows and trusts on-hand       “You need to have a pretty
DIY projects can be completed                                                              “One of the most common          to give advice when prob-         good understanding of all that.
by just about anybody.                                                                 problems I see is when people        lems occur.                       Otherwise, you could really
   Enneking said there are                                                             try to install it just laying flat      He added that homeowners       complicate things.”
a number of simple home                                                                and that’ll break the tongue         should be confident in their         He said dangers could arise
improvement projects that                PHOTO BY DUSTIN STEINHOFF | STAR-JOURNAL
                                                                                       and the groove and it won’t          abilities to complete a project   when tasks such as these are
beginners can tackle on their                   Nathaniel Enneking                     stay together,” Enneking said.       before attempting to complete     attempted by homeowners.
own. He suggested that DIY                                                             “Missing one step ruins the          one themselves.                      Enneking said the City
projects such as painting, trim-          “There’s a lot of information                entire floor.”                          Enneking said homeowners       of Warrensburg is a helpful
ming, laminate flooring and            out there,” Enneking said.                          When a DIY project isn’t go-     should also have basic tools on   resource for homeowners
landscaping are usually easy              He said good places to get                   ing how a homeowner planned,         hand for easy repairs such as     wondering about what projects
enough projects for beginners.         information on home improve-                    Enneking advises them to do          pliers, screwdrivers, wrenches,   they should or shouldn’t do.
   Enneking said these projects        ment projects are through the                   more research or reach out to        a hammer and a drill.                Enneking owns Enneking
require basic tools to complete.       internet, books, videos and                     a professional for advice or to         “You can do a lot with just    Construction alongside his
For example, landscaping               speaking with hardware store                    have them take a look.               those tools,” Enneking said.      father, where they work to
requires tools such as a shovel        employees or contractors.                           “Even if you pay someone an         While there are numerous       complete a wide variety of jobs
and rake while flooring re-               Enneking said not gath-                      hourly minimum to come take          DIY projects easy enough for      such as excavation, land-
quires a hammer and pry bar.           ering enough information is                     a look at it and give you advice,    beginners to do with the prop-    scaping, house renovations,
   He added that these proj-           the most common mistake                         it’s well worth your time to         er instructions and materials,    commercial remodeling and
ects are fairly inexpensive for        he sees when people attempt                     not have to start from scratch       there are projects that home-     anything construction-related.
homeowners to complete on              home improvement projects on                    and redo the entire project,”        owners may want to leave to          For more information about
their own.                             their own.                                      Enneking said.                       professionals in their respec-    Enneking Construction, con-
   Enneking said those want-              Even when a project seems                        Enneking said homeowners         tive fields.                      tact Enneking at 816-729-1972
ing to start a DIY project             easy, Enneking recommends                       starting their first DIY proj-          Enneking advises that home-    or ennekingconstruction@
for the first time should do           researching it thoroughly as                    ects should expect problems          owners without the proper         gmail.com.
their research before starting         a simple mistake can cause a                    to arise now and then. He said       training and knowledge avoid         Dustin Steinhoff can be
anything.                              lot of problems. He cited the                   he has seen homeowners start         projects involving plumbing,      reached at 660-747-8123.

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HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                                April 2021 | 5

Exterior lighting can add ambiance to a property
   The value of the right light-     lighting, making it the second        during the day.
ing in a home is undeniable.         most desired outdoor feature             • Focus on trees. Many
Lighting can instantly transform     (patios topped that list).            homeowners already have exte-
a room and create the ambiance          Exterior lighting can have a       rior lighting lining their walk-
homeowners are looking to            dramatic effect on landscaping,       ways and patios, but focusing
establish. Though it might be        and estimates from the online         on trees can create an entirely
mostly seen as a way to create       financial resource Kiplinger.com      different look. Though it’s
mood inside a home, lighting         suggest such lighting is inexpen-     possible to install exterior tree
also can do much for lawns           sive, with installation averaging     lighting on your own, landscap-
and gardens.                         roughly $67 per fixture.              ing professionals with lighting
   Backyards have come a long           When installing exterior           experience know which fixtures
way over the last several de-        lighting around their landscapes,     will pair most effectively with
cades. Once reserved as play         homeowners can keep various           the trees around your property      Exterior lighting can add significant appeal to a property without
areas for children and stomping      tips in mind to create a relaxing,    and how to arrange them for         breaking the bank.
grounds for the family dog,          awe-inspiring mood on their           maximum effect.
backyards have become oa-            properties at night.                     • Opt for warm light. Warm       around a property, people typi-     exterior lighting timers make it
ses for homeowners and their            • Consider uplights. Uplights      white light creates an inviting     cally prefer warmer light. That’s   easier than ever to control the
families. Outdoor living areas       are installed in the ground and       feel around the property. The       because warm light tends to be      lights outside a home. Many
are wildly popular, and no such      direct light up at a tree, focusing   exterior lighting experts at Utah   easier on the eyes and directs      such timers even adjust for
area is complete without exterior    on its trunk or canopy. This cre-     Lights acknowledge that choice      attention to the features of the    the changing seasons and the
lighting. In fact, a recent report   ates a dramatic effect that makes     of lighting is up to homeowners     landscape, which is many home-      shifting hours of daylight. That
from the National Association of     it possible to enjoy majestic         but also note that, in situations   owners’ goal when installing        means homeowners shouldn’t
Home Builders found that 85%         trees at night just like you might    with lower levels of ambient        exterior lighting in their yards.   have to tinker with the timer
of home buyers want exterior         when spending time in the yard        light, such as in exterior lights      • Utilize a timer. Modern        once it’s set.

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HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
6 | April 2021                                                                                        Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

    Sod versus seed                                                                                Sod gives instant gratification,
                                                                                                   seed needs patience
By Faith Bemiss                  “We work with both,”            “The cons to most of      something with a garden        Department on Natural          business, who is Cameron
fbemiss@sedaliademocrat.com   Lowe said. “And the            your sod work is it’s going   hose. Sod requires more        Resources,” he continued.      Venters, has taken great
                              biggest difference between     to work out for you a         attention right up front.”     “If you have an irrigation     lengths to learn what type
   SEDALIA — With             sod and seed is basically      lot better if you have an        When planting seed,         system you have to have        of seed works best in our
warm weather just around      six weeks.                     irrigation system,” he not-   he noted one will still        a back-flow on it and          particular area,” Lowe
the corner, many people          “Sod is an immediate        ed. “If you don’t have an     have to “grab the garden       that is something you’ll       explained. “(When) he
are already planning on       gratification,” he contin-     irrigation system, in my      hose” and water the lawn.      have to have tested yearly.    makes a seed mixture, it
beautifying their lawns.      ued. “As far as the care       personal opinion, you’re      But once it’s established      And that’s a require-          might be fescue, it might
The question most often       and maintenance, the care      wasting your money.”          it will go dormant when        ment by law …”                 be a little bit of rye, and it
asked is which is better,     and maintenance are go-            Sod needs to be evenly    it gets hot and dry or in         He added they do            may have a little blue-
sod or seed, and Venters      ing to be the same. Seed-      watered to stay alive and     the wintertime. He noted       have seeded yards that         grass in it and it may have
Bros Lawn Pros LLC, of        ing just takes a little bit    stay green. An irrigation     sod is tougher to care for     have an irrigation system      some other decorative
Sedalia, offers informa-      longer. It’s usually done in   system allows this, but       and “considerably more         installed, but if one has a    grasses in it.”
tion on both.                 the fall (because) you get     it is costly and has to be    expensive.”                    back-flow it will still need      Lowe added installing
   Venters, owned by          better results with it.”       regulated.                       “It’s probably three to     to be tested yearly.           sod all “boils down to
Cameron Venters,                 He added many people            “Especially this time     five times more expensive         Lowe suggested not          how deep your pocket-
provides both sod and a       have sod installed be-         of year, you’re not going     to sod than to seed,” he       buying grass seed from         book is.” A quarter-acre
custom mixed grass seed.      cause they have built a        to have the ability to take   said. “There’s a cost factor   box stores because it usu-     of sod, with an irrigation
Venters Office Manager        new house or built a new       a garden hose and keep        with an irrigation system.     ally doesn’t grow as well.     system, costs between
Charles Lowe spoke to the     addition and they want         enough water on it to            “An irrigation sys-         He said Venters custom         $15,000 to $20,000 while
Democrat about the pros       the yard “nice and green”      make it effective,” Lowe      tem will require a yearly      mixes its grass seed.          planting seed would cost
and cons of both options.     immediately.                   said. “You’re going to miss   back-flow report to the           “The owner of the           a third of that price.

HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                       April 2021 | 7

    “At the end of six
weeks, my seeded yard
will be anything your
sodded yard will be,” he
said. “But there are times
when somebody cuts a
tree down or did some
different landscaping and
instead of having a big
bare spot in their yard,
it’s pretty handy to go
back and put brand new
sod in there.
    “Sod will cut down on
a lot of erosion upfront
too,” he continued. “So,
if you have a hillside
or something like that
it may be better to put
sod on that.”
    For more informa-
tion, call Venters Bros
Lawn Pros LLC, 21458
U.S. Highway 50, at
    Faith Bemiss can be                                                                                                                     PHOTO COURTESY OF METRO CREATIVE
reached at 660-530-0289       Many people wonder if they should beautify their yards with sod or grass seed. Both have the same effect although sod produces instant
or on Twitter @flbemiss.      gratification while patience is needed for the seed to grow.

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HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
8 | April 2021                                                                                                  Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

By Sara Lawson                                                                                          “First thing is you got         Larson and Cutler          effect on the garden.
saral@warrensburgstarjournal.                                                                       to know is where you’re          recommend reading the            “I love terra cotta pots
com                                                                                                 putting it,” Larson said.        packets of seed or infor-     and the way they develop
                                                                                                    “What’s your location? Is        mation cards on plants to     a patina over time, but soil
   WARRENSBURG —                                                                                    it sunny? Is it on the north     make sure the plants are      in terra cotta pots can dry
Container gardening has                                                                             side of your house or is it      in containers big enough      out quickly,” Cutler said.
many forms and func-                                                                                on the south side where          for growth.                   “In contrast, glazed pots
tions, but it doesn’t look                                                                          it’s really hot. You got to         “Whatever plants you       tend to hold in moisture
the same for everyone.                                                                              think it out.”                   choose, read the labels       much better.”
   From planting to prun-                                                                               Based on the location,       because the labels tell you      Containers don’t have to
ing to packing up for the                                                                           the next step is selecting       a lot about what that plant   be traditional flower pots.
season, container gardens                                                                           plants that can tolerate         needs,” Larson said. “You        “Almost anything can
are versatile and adaptable                                                                         those conditions, then           know if it needs the sun      be a container for growing
to the needs of the garden-                                                                         decide on the container.         or the shade or how much      plants as long as there is
er and what is growing.                                                                                 “One popular theme           water and how long it         proper drainage for the
   Liz Larson is an                                                                                 for creating an interest-        blooms. Some plants are       soil,” Cutler said.
emeritus master gardener                                                                            ing container garden is          gonna last all summer and        Larson makes use of old
who earned the designa-                                                                             ‘thrill, fill, spill,’” Cutler   some plants are just gonna    cow feed troughs and a
tion in 1993.                                                                                       said. “Choose a plant that       be for the spring.”           hypertufa concrete trough
   “Gardening in a Pot:                                                                             is your centerpiece, fill in        Larson said the size       in her garden.
I wrote a paper on that                                                                             with other complementa-          of the container needs           “My raised bed, that I
in the ‘90s,” Larson said.                                                                          ry plants that are shorter       to be big enough for the      really like the most, is on
“That was one of my re-                                                                             than your ‘thriller,’ and        plants to grow, taking into   four legs and it’s a galva-
                                 A cactus container garden, crafted and cared for by
quirements, so that’s what                                                                          select even shorter plants       account the needs of the      nized (tub),” Larson said.
                                 Master Gardener Emeritus Liz Larson, sits on display.
I wrote on and that’s what                                                                          with a spreading growth          plant above and below            Container gardens
I called the paper. Today,       plants in vessels rather       garden, marigolds, pan-             habit to spill over the sides    the soil.                     allow for isolating special-
I do a lot more kinds of         than directly into the         sies, vegetables and a fairy        of the container. Con-              “You want to take into     ized soil types.
pots. I’m 80 years old, so I     ground,” Cutler said.          garden. Cutler said she             trasting leaf textures and       consideration the size and       “If it’s for vegetables, I
like a raised bed.”                 Larson said she has         has two large planters with         colors is another key way        shape of the container        would definitely choose
   Sarah Cutler has              containers on legs and         ferns at her entryway and           to add interest. Of course,      compared to the height        organic soil and for a pot,
been a master gardener           larger pots in addition to     multiple pots on her deck.          you need to select plants        and spread of the plants,”    they have actual soil that
since 2018.                      her regular garden.               Larson said contain-             that need similar growing        Cutler said.                  is made for containers
   “Container gardening             Larson’s container          er gardening starts with            conditions, such as light           The material of the        and vegetables and it’s
simply involves growing          garden includes a cactus       location.                           as water.”                       container can also have an    organic,” Larson said. “To

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HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                        April 2021 | 9

                                                      me, that’s done the very best.    soil, particularly plants that
                                                      If you’re raising cactus, you     are in full sun,” Cutler said.
                                                      choose a whole different kind        Containers can also be
                                                      of soil, you choose cactus soil   stored at the end of the sea-
                                                      which is more sand and it         son or, like a cactus garden,
                                                      drains faster.”                   brought inside during the
                                                         Larson said fertilizer is      colder months.
                                                      important, particularly for          Larson said she got into
                                                      flowers. Watering with fertil-    gardening because her moth-
                                                      izer about every two weeks is     er and both grandmothers
                                                      recommended.                      gardened.
                                                         “The water in pots is dif-        “I was around it, so I
                                                      ferent too because they can       learned plant names and
                                                      dry out very easily,” Larson      things,” Larson said. “I think
                                                      said. “Sometimes in the sum-      the very first year I was
                                                      mer, you might need to water      married we had a garden
                                                      twice a day because it gets       and we had tomatoes. I’ve
                                                      too dry so fast. It depends       always gardened. I’ve moved
                                                      on the pot and what (the          several times, different
                                                      plant) is.”                       houses, so I’ve had different
                                                         Larson said plants like        gardens. The one garden that
                                                      romaine lettuce can’t really      I thought ‘OK, I’m gonna do
                                                      stand the heat, but her cactus    this really right’ and so I took
                                                      garden barely requires water-     the master gardener course. I
                                                      ing between when it rains.        read every book in the library
                                                         “I would say one of the        I could get my hand on.”           A favorite container grows a favorite vegetable,
A miniature garden scene was created by Liz           most important tasks is mon-         Sara Lawson can be              romaine lettuce, for Master Gardener Emeritus
Larson in a hypertufa pot to create a fairy garden.   itoring the moisture of the       reached at 660-747-8123.           Liz Larson.

  See us at the Home &
  Garden Show!

HOME & GARDEN - Sedalia Democrat - 0
10 | April 2021                                                                                      Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

Techniques to revitalize a lawn after a long winter
   Pristine, snow-covered landscapes          where there has been snow. To alleviate      formed over the winter. Over-
can be wonders to behold. While that          snow mold, rake the lawn to loosen           seeding can help to fill in the
blanket of white is idyllic, a lawn’s deli-   matted grass and facilitate the dry-         lawn. Make sure that frosts
cate blades may be paying a hefty price       ing-out process.                             are largely a thing of the
beneath the cold, heavy piles of snow.           • De-thatch the lawn. Heavy snow          past and soil temperature is
   Snow plows push salt and sand up           can compress the grass and cause some        around 50 F to 60 F before
on the grass while subterranean ani-          of it to die off. De-thatching helps to      seeding. Water daily until
mals like mice and moles dig burrows          remove dead grass blades and sepa-           grass fills in.
beneath piles of snow as they try to find     rate any matting. This enables water,            • Apply nutrients. Fer-
food and stay warm. Such conditions           nutrients and air to reach the lawn’s        tilizer and compost can
are not favorable for thriving land-          roots more effectively. Thinning out old     restore nutrients to the
scapes. When the spring thaw arrives,         organic matter also helps encourage          lawn that may have been
lawns may be in dire need of some TLC.        new growth.                                  used up over winter. A soil
The following techniques can mitigate            • Aerate the soil. Coupled with de-       test at a nearby horticultur-
winter-related lawn damage.                   thatching, aeration involves loosening       al center can tell you which
   • Clear out debris. Remove any scat-       the soil or poking holes to allow nutri-     nutrients are needed, accord-
tered leaves, branches and other debris       ents to move freely to the roots.            ing to the Chemistry Cachet, a
that has been strewn across the property         • Kill weeds before they spread.          guide to using chemistry secrets for
due to storms or snow-laden trees. This       Weeds may be the first to start grow-        healthy living, beauty, cleaning, and
will give you a clean canvas to work on.      ing when the weather begins to warm.         gardening.
   • Dry out snow mold. The Fam-              Address them promptly by manually                Lawns can be restored to their
ily Handyman says snow mold is a              pulling them or applying an herbicide.       pre-winter glory after some sweat equity      Remove any debris from the lawn after
cold-season fungus that causes gray-col-         • Overseed the lawn. Chances are          and about five to six weeks of consistent     snow thaws to see what you’re working
ored circles or patches on the lawn           there are some bare spots that have          sunshine and warm weather.                    with.

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Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                                           April 2021 | 11

  Home painting tips to consider
By Ryan Sheehan                  have problems with bond-          While the products they           first time.                      saturate the paint roller       the color. Palmer
ryans@sedaliademocrat.com        ing, Palmer said, which is        sell to everyday people               “Obviously, you want to      before using it, Palmer said,   listed other factors
                                 the process of paint sticking     are harmless, Palmer said,        have everything prepared,”       as it works better when wet,    for certain types
   When it comes to              to the surface. If a surface      “whenever you work in a           Palmer said.                     such as preventing splatter.    of paints, such as durability,
painting a home, there           may have a bonding issue,         small room, breathing in              When using a paint roller,      According to Palmer, the     odors, or a self-cleaning
are a number of steps to         Palmer noted they sell small      paint all day is not necessari-   Palmer advised painting in       store also has contact infor-   surface. In the store, Palmer
consider. But someone may        quart-size paint cans their       ly the best for you, regardless   straight lines. He advised       mation for several profes-      said employees try to get
be unfamiliar with those         customers can test with.          how safe they say it is.”         against painting with a roller   sional painters, who already    accurate measurements of
steps if they have never             Palmer said a custom-             Palmer encourages peo-        at an angle, going back and      have the proper tools.          the space being painted so
painted before. According to     er may use a color they           ple wanting to paint to have      forth over paint, or making         When painting, Palmer        the customer doesn’t run out
Andrew Palmer, store super-      thought would have looked         patience. A lot of people         “Ms and Ws (shapes) on           said a painter should use       of paint while working.
visor of the Sedalia branch      differently. “But that doesn’t    who are new to painting           the wall.” In the store, he      clothes they would use for          Another factor is the
of Sherwin-Williams Paint        happen as frequently as           try to “rush it,” Palmer said,    sometimes may show a new         yard work. If they do get       weather, something people
Store, there are a number of     most people would like to         which may lead to drips           customer how to use their        paint on their clothes and      who are new to painting
factors in painting that he      think,” Palmer said. “Be-         getting on their ceiling          tools properly.                  want to wash it off, Palm-      may not factor in weather,
and his co-workers will talk     cause typically, we like to do    or floor. If a customer is            Palmer explained he may      er recommends cleaning          according to Palmer. While
over with their customers.       samples of stuff before we        worried about getting drips       recommend to customers           the clothes right away and      weather, such as rain, can
   One factor, Palmer            let people, you know, spend       on another surface, Palmer        against buying the cheapest      “really good” with water and    impact outdoor painting,
explained, is the surface a      a lot of money painting           recommends putting down           paint roller in the store be-    then putting the clothes in     the weather may also be a
customer is painting on, as      their house.”                     a layer of plastic.               cause it may not be “efficient   the washer.                     factor for indoor painting
certain surfaces are not ideal       Palmer recommends                 Palmer recommends             enough for what they're             When choosing a paint,       depending on the variables.
for painting, such as exterior   painters work in a space          “to go with the basics” for       trying to achieve.” People       Palmer explained there is           Ryan Sheehan can be
vinyl. Some surfaces may         with “adequate ventilation.”      people painting for the           should also remember to          more to consider than just      reached at 660-530-0144.

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12 | April 2021                                                                                           Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

Prevent injuries with ladder safety
   The moderate temperatures of       load rating of a ladder. When         feeling dizzy, tired or impaired,     ing or descending, being delib-     working on ladders to further
spring and summer make these          calculating, include the weight of    as such feelings can cause            erate where hands and feet are      reduce the risk of balanced-relat-
great times of the year to tackle     the person or persons who will        accidents. Be sure to place a         placed. Avoid distractions while    ed accidents.
jobs around the house. When           use the ladder and any tools and      ladder where the climb will not
cleaning or remodeling goals          equipment he or she may carry         be impeded by electrical wires,
involve reaching heights, ladders     on the ladder during a job.           obstacles or even wind and other
are often put to use.                        Keep it steady                 weather conditions. The Nation-
   The American Ladder Insti-            The Occupational Safety and        al Safety Council recommends
tute reminds do-it-yourselfers        Health Administration advises         wearing slip-resistant shoes
and professionals that ladders are    against shifting or moving a lad-     with clean soles for maximum
tools, and it is the responsibility   der while a person or equipment       traction. Always grip the rungs
of people to follow safety precau-    is on the ladder. Use the ladder      and climb the ladder while facing
tions when using ladders just as      only on a stable and level surface,   it, all the while maintaining three
they would any other tool.            unless it has been secured to pre-    points of contact with the ladder
  Choose the right size               vent displacement. The proper         (two hands and one foot or two
   The right ladder makes a job       angle for setting up a ladder can     feet and one hand). Hang tools
safer, as it prevents the user from   help keep it steady. The base of      from a tool belt while climb-
having to stand on the top rung       the ladder should be at one-quar-     ing or have them handed up to
or step, which can throw off          ter of the working length of the      you after you’ve safely reached
DIYers’ balance. Ladders come         ladder from the wall or other         your height.
in various sizes and types, from      vertical surface, says OSHA.                     Be smart
step to straight to combination.            Climb carefully                    Do not overreach while on a        Ladders are an important tool around the house. Safety is key
Do not exceed the maximum               Never use a ladder if you are       ladder. Go slowly when ascend-        when climbing to new heights.

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Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                         April 2021 | 13

   Tending to a lawn and       or pimples, and such         to symptoms such as          EPA advises drenching        local fire department if      any other external part of
garden can be a great          substances also may con-     nausea, vomiting, abdom-     the skin with water for      you think you need a          the body, and eye damage
way to spend time in the       tribute to allergic reac-    inal cramps, or diarrhea.    at least 15 minutes. All     respirator prior to helping   can occur within minutes
great outdoors. It’s also an   tions marked by redness,     If the nervous system        contaminated clothing        the victim. If the victim     of exposure.
enjoyable way to improve       swelling or blistering.      is affected by pesticide     should be removed and        is wearing tight clothing,       • Substance on the
a home’s curb appeal.          Stinging and swelling in     exposure, people may         then skin and hair should    loosen that clothing. Give    skin: Drench the skin
   Though many home-           the mucous membranes         experience excessive         be thoroughly cleaned        artificial respiration to     with water for at least 15
owners prefer a wholly         of the eyes, nose, mouth,    fatigue, sleepiness, head-   with soap and water.         a victim whose skin is        minutes and then wash
organic approach to            and throat also may occur    ache, muscle twitching,         • Inhaled poison: The     blue or if the victim has     skin and hair thoroughly.
lawn care and gardening,       after being exposed to       and numbness.                response to an inhaled       stopped breathing.            Discard contaminated
sometimes pests and            pesticides.                      If pesticide poisoning   poison will depend on           • Substance in the eye:    clothing or thoroughly
other problems force              Pesticides also can       is suspected, it’s imper-    where the person is at       If a poison has entered       wash it separate from
people to apply pesticides     cause internal injuries      ative that someone, be       the time of exposure. If     the eye, wash the eye         other laundry.
around their proper-           to a person’s organs,        it the person who was        outside, move the per-       quickly and gently with          • Swallowed pesti-
ties. The application          potentially leading to       poisoned, the parent of a    son away from any area       cool running water for        cide: If a pesticide has
of pesticides can make         significant issues. The      child who may have been      recently treated with        15 minutes or more. Use       been swallowed and the
homeowners, and anyone         EPA notes that the lungs,    exposed or a medical         pesticide. If inside, move   only water and do not use     victim is still conscious,
who spends time on their       stomach and nervous          professional treating the    the person to fresh air      eye drops, chemicals or       he or she should drink a
properties, including          system all can be affect-    affected person, identify    immediately (doors and       drugs. It’s imperative that   small amount of water to
children, vulnerable to        ed when pesticides are       the type of poisoning        windows should ultimate-     people act quickly if a       dilute the pesticide. Only
pesticide poisoning.           swallowed, inhaled or ab-    that has occurred. That’s    ly be opened to reduce       substance has gotten into     induce vomiting on the
   According to the En-        sorbed through the skin.     because the EPA notes        the risk of others being     the eye, as membranes in      advice of a poison control
vironmental Protection         People experiencing lung     that the appropriate         exposed). Contact the        the eyes act faster than in   center or physician.
Agency, people exposed         injuries after exposure to   treatment will depend on
to pesticides may exhibit      pesticides may experience    the kind of poisoning that
a host of symptoms. Ex-        shortness of breath, heavy   has occurred.
ternal irritants that come     salivation (drooling) or         • Chemical burn on
into contact with the skin     rapid breathing. Injuries    skin: If treating a chemi-
can cause redness, itching     to the stomach may lead      cal burn on the skin, the

Pesticide exposure can be very dangerous. It’s imperative that people who plan
to apply pesticides in their lawns and gardens learn how to respond if they or
someone on their property is exposed to pesticides.                                                                                                                      607403s
14 | April 2021                                                                                  Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

How to add shade to a deck or patio
   Homeowners eagerly        in the shade clocked in at   not be as hot as asphalt     about investing in shade     on specific areas of out-       leaves in fall and only
await the arrival of the     just under 80 F. When air    and concrete, it still can   solutions. Sun-blocking      door entertaining spaces.       be effective during the
warm weather so they can     temperatures are around      get steamy underfoot.        ideas like awnings, shade        • Shade sail: Similar to    warm weather.
cast off the remnants of     90 F, unshaded concrete         Homeowners who want       trees and large umbrellas    an awning but a bit less           • Patio umbrellas:
cabin fever and bask in      and asphalt can be 125 F     to be able to enjoy their    can help people enjoy        structurally rigid, shade       Many umbrellas start at
the sunshine. However,       and 140 F, respectively.     outdoor spaces in an array   their yards all day long.    sails are large pieces of       around $25. Umbrellas
as summer nears its dog      While wood decking may       of temperatures can think       • Canopy: A patio         triangular fabric installed     can be paired with patio
days, the same sun home-                                                               canopy is typically a        over areas of a patio, pool     tables, while stationary
owners once coveted can                                                                freestanding unit that can   or landscape, according         cantilever umbrellas sit
contribute to uncomfort-                                                               be installed over a patio    to The Family Handy-            out of the way on their
able conditions in out-                                                                or a deck. Some people       man. Shade sails are            own heavy-duty stands.
door entertaining spaces.                                                              prefer to bolt it down so    light and airy and can be       A cantilever umbrella
   Meteorologists at                                                                   it will not be knocked       customized.                     tends to provide more
WHAS11 in Kentucky                                                                     over in windy conditions.        • Trees: A natural          shade than patio table
took to their neighbor-                                                                The fabric on the canopy     way to increase shade in        umbrellas.
hoods in July 2020 to test                                                             can be removed during        a yard is to plant more            • Curtains: Homeown-
just how hot surfaces can                                                              the offseason, helping to    shade trees. If sun glare is    ers can block sunlight
get in the sun during peak                                                             improve its longevity.       an issue all year long, and     outdoors the way they do
daytime temperatures.                                                                     • Awning: Awnings         it’s not just the heat of the   inside, offers MSN. Hang
Concrete sitting in the                                                                may be stationary or         sun that is troublesome,        curtains from the sides
sun almost all day reached                                                             retractable. Many are        think about planting ev-        of canopies or between
a temperature of 134.7 F,    Shade is in high demand when the sun is hot. Options      installed directly onto a    ergreen trees. Deciduous        posts on a deck to provide
while the same concrete      abound for making outdoor areas more comfortable.         home and can cast shade      cousins will drop their         shade and cozy spaces.

                                                                             BEFORE                                             AFTER

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Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                                                                           April 2021 | 15

 Decor ideas                                                       to give homes a fresh look this spring
                                                                      Spring is a season of reju-                          stepped back in time. A simple,                                features that make it hard for
                                                                   venation, and that spirit of                            mural-style floral wallpaper on                                clutter to take over a room.
                                                                   renewal can take hold in-                               the walls surrounding a table                                  Create more open space in
                                                                   side a home.                                            in a breakfast nook can bring                                  entertaining areas by mounting
                                                                      Warm weather and longer                              nature inside.                                                 the television and getting rid of
                                                                   hours of daylight make spring                              • Pastel colors: Nothing                                    a bulky entertainment center.
                                                                   a perfect time to imagine a                             embodies the spring quite like                                 Create even more space by
                                                                   home’s interior design in a                             pastel colors. If colorful, bright                             replacing rarely used end tables
                                                                   new light. The following are                            flowers dot the garden in the                                  with a storage ottoman where
                                                                   a handful of decor ideas that                           backyard, homeowners can                                       books and magazines can be
                                                                   may inspire homeowners to                               bring those uplifting pastels in-                              stored to give a room a fresh,
                                                                   give their homes an entirely                            side by painting an accent wall                                clean look.
                                                                   new look this spring.                                   or even adding some brightly                                      • Accent features: Some-
                                                                      • Wallpaper: Wallpaper fell                          colored accent furniture to                                    times the smallest changes to
                                                                   out of favor years ago, but new                         rooms that could use a lift.                                   an interior space make the
                                                                   styles that aren’t so heavily pat-                         • Declutter: Clutter is often                               biggest impression. Replace
                                                                   terned can make for wonderful                           conquered during spring clean-                                 dated accents like vases and
                                                                   additions to any room. Large-                           ing sessions, but homeown-                                     table lamps with newer items
                                                                   scale prints can give a room a                          ers who want to create more                                    that reflect the latest styles and
                                                                   whole new feel without giving                           free-flowing interior spaces                                   trends. Such adjustments won’t
Spring is a great time to reconsider home interiors. This spring   homeowners or their guests                              can downsize their furniture                                   break the bank, and they can
homeowners can embrace various strategies, both big and            the impression that they have                           and/or look for multipurpose                                   give rooms a whole new feel.
small, to give their homes a whole new feel.

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16 | April 2021                                                                                      Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

The average timelines for popular renovation projects
   Home renovation projects are                                                                             ported projects taking as long as    than that.
significant undertakings. Work-                                                                             four months, though the average         • Siding installation: Ho-
ing with skilled and experienced                                                                            time reported was roughly six        meAdvisor users report that new
contractors can ensure projects                                                                             weeks. Projects that require         siding projects take roughly two
go smoothly and are complet-                                                                                major overhauls like rearrang-       weeks from start to finish. That
ed promptly. Timing is a big                                                                                ing the plumbing and moving          estimate is the same regardless
consideration for homeowners                                                                                walls will likely take longer than   of which materials homeowners
as they begin renovating their                                                                              more cosmetic projects that are      are replacing and installing.
homes, and the home improve-                                                                                limited to replacing cabinets and       • Replacement windows:
ment experts at HomeAdvisor                                                                                 countertops.                         Homeowners who want to
note that the following are some                                                                               • Bathroom remodel: More          replace all the windows in their
general timelines for popular                                                                               than 1,000 homeowners sur-           home can expect such a project
renovation projects.                                                                                        veyed by HomeAdvisor reported        to take roughly three weeks.
   • Home addition: Short                                                                                   that bathroom remodels took          HomeAdvisor notes that such
of a full-scale demolition and                                                                              about 4.5 weeks from start to        a timeline need not concern
rebuild, home additions are the                                                                             finish. Small-scale remodels that    homeowners worried that they
most time-consuming projects                                                                                focus on painting the walls a        will be forced to brave the ele-
homeowners can undertake.                                                                                   fresh color and replacing exist-     ments during the length of the
HomeAdvisor notes that its sur-      Certain variables, including the     a big factor to consider when     ing tiles can be completed in less   project. Much of a contractors’
vey of customers who recently        scale of the project and the local   estimating the time it takes to   than two weeks. But like with        time during a window replace-
completed home addition proj-        permits process, can extend          complete various home im-         kitchen remodels, bathroom           ment project will be spent on
ects reported that the average       the time it takes to complete a      provement projects, and kitchen   remodels that involve replacing      upfront measuring and then
time from start to finish was        home addition.                       remodels are no exception.        plumbing fixtures and removing       ensuring a tight fit once the win-
between three and four months.          • Kitchen remodel: Scale is       Some HomeAdvisor users re-        walls figure to take much longer     dows have been installed.

                                                                                                                  COME SEE US
                                                                                                                  AT THE HOME
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                                               “I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13
Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                                     April 2021 | 17

Renovation trends that figure to be popular in the year ahead
   Home renovation trends        that various experts suspect    components in the fight          while making rooms appear
are ever-changing. Renova-       could emerge in 2021.           against climate change.          bigger, helping people feel
tions that might have been          • Eco-friendly living:           • Large windows: Large       less cramped. That’s an
de rigueur 20 years ago may      Climate change, and how         windows can provide              especially beneficial char-
seem dated now. Recogniz-        to combat it, was a hot         stunning views of the            acteristic when spending
ing the potentially popular      button issue during the         outdoors and allow ample         more time indoors at home.
trends of tomorrow is a          2020 presidential election      natural light into a home. It       • Minimalism: The
great way for homeowners         in the United States. So it     may not be a coincidence         anticipated popularity of
to give their homes a fresh      should come as no sur-          if large windows prove           minimalism in 2021 may
new look and put them-           prise that urdesignmag.         to be a hot trend in 2021.       also be connected to the
selves in position to capital-   com, a web magazine that        The COVID-19 pandemic            pandemic. As professionals
ize on popular trends when       showcases creative trends       that dominated much of           were forced to work from
they put their homes on the      in design, architecture, art,   2020 forced many people          home and many families
market. That’s especially so     technology, and fashion,        to spend considerably            spent more time together
after 2020, a year when mil-     predicts that eco-friendly      more time at home. Darker        inside their homes then
lions of people spent more       living solutions figure to be   homes without much natu-         ever before, they may have
time at home than ever           hot commodities in 2021.        ral light can adversely affect   recognized a need to cut      Renovations that can help homeowners transform
before. All that time work-      Eco-friendly appliances,        mood, especially when peo-       back on clutter, including    rooms into multi-functional spaces figure to be hot
ing from home and relaxing       furniture and designs can       ple are spending more time       extra furniture. A mini-      commodities in the years ahead.
at home gave millions of         help to conserve energy         at home. HGTV predicts           malist approach is both
homeowners ideas about           and reduce waste, which         that homeowners will seek        simple and clean, which       a lot of their homes in 2020,   more time at home showed
what they like about their       environmentalists and gov-      ways to bring more natural       can make homes feel less      as rooms were transformed       homeowners that it may
homes and what they hope         ernment agencies like the       light into their homes in        claustrophobic.               into multi-functional           not make sense to dedicate
to change. The following         Environmental Protection        2021, and large windows             • Multi-functional         spaces seemingly overnight.     entire rooms of a home to a
are some renovation trends       Agency note are two critical    naturally brighten homes         spaces: Homeowners asked      HGTV notes that spending        single purpose.

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18 | April 2021                                                  Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal

                                                      Common causes of house fires
                                                         According to the Con-
                                                      sumer Products Safety
                                                      Commission, roughly
                                                                                    overheated pan or pot
                                                                                    to cause a fire. Stay in
                                                                                    the kitchen at all times
                                                                                                                 Between 2010 and 2014,
                                                                                                                 American fire depart-
                                                                                                                 ments responded to an es-
                                                      25,000 home fires causing     when cooking.                timated 15,970 home fires
                                                      more than 300 deaths             • Heaters: Have fur-      involving clothes dryers
                                                      occur in the United States    naces and other heating      or washing machines
                                                      each year. Homeowners         appliances regularly         each year. Mechanical or
                                                      can keep themselves and       inspected. Keep porta-       electrical failure or mal-
                                                      their families safe by        ble heaters away from        function was involved in
                                                      being aware of the dan-       anything that can burn,      the vast majority of home
 Providing high quality concrete to                   gers around a home that
                                                      can contribute to house
                                                                                    including curtains and
                                                                                    furniture. Do not leave
                                                                                                                 fires involving washing
                                                                                                                 machines. Failure to clean
  Missouri for more than 60 years.                    fires and the preventive
                                                      measures that can reduce
                                                                                    portable heaters running
                                                                                    while you are sleeping or
                                                                                                                 dryers also can cause fires
                                                                                                                 to ignite.

     Whether your job is a large                      the risk for such fires.
                                                      According to the National
                                                                                    out of the home.
                                                                                       • Smoking: Smoking
                                                                                                                    • Candles: Candles can
                                                                                                                 add ambiance to a room
                                                      Fire Protection Associ-       inside a home can lead       and are commonly used
   construction project or a small                    ation, the following are      to fires. Some people        in decorations, but they
                                                      the most common factors       forget to extinguish the     also can be a fire hazard.
 home improvement, we can supply                      that can lead to fires
                                                      around the house.
                                                                                    smoke or embers may fall,
                                                                                    while butts may smolder
                                                                                                                 Candles easily can be
                                                                                                                 knocked over by chil-
 the right mix of concrete products                      • Cooking accidents:
                                                      It can take mere seconds
                                                                                    for hours before causing
                                                                                    flames to form.
                                                                                                                 dren, pets and others. Do
                                                                                                                 not leave candles lit and
      to fit your unique needs.                       for grease splatters or an       • Washers and dryers:     unattended.

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Sedalia Democrat & Warrensburg Star-Journal		                                                                                                                       April 2021 | 19

                                           Safety first                                                with DIY electrical work
                                             Home improvement projects can help             some DIY electrical work should familiarize          significant hurdle to any DIY project.
                                          homeowners transform their homes. Such            themselves with their home electrical systems           • Turn the power off. It’s essential that the
                                          projects are costly, but many homeowners          prior to beginning any work. The ESFI notes          power to the circuit that will be worked on be
                                          save money by doing some, if not all, of the      that knowledge of their home electrical              turned off prior to starting any work. This can
                                          work themselves.                                  systems can help homeowners more safely              be accomplished by switching off the circuit
                                             The Electrical Safety Foundation Inter-        navigate them and make maintenance easier.           breaker in the main service panel. Similarly,
                                          national, a nonprofit organization dedicated         • Honestly assess your skills. An honest          when working on appliances or lamps, make
                                          to promoting electrical safety, recommends        assessment of skills is absolutely necessary         sure the products are unplugged prior to
                                          that homeowners leave electrical work to the      prior to working on an electrical system.            working on them.
                                          professionals. Licensed electricians are well-    According to the National Safety Council,               • Do not touch plumbing or gas pipes
                                          trained, whereas homeowners may not be            injuries relating to electrical incidents typi-      when doing electrical work. The experts at
                                          skilled enough to avoid accidents or injuries,    cally fall into one of four categories: electrical   the Indiana Electric Cooperative note that
                                          which can prove fatal when working with           shock, electrocution, falls, and burns. Each         the risk for electrocution is significant when
                                          electricity.                                      of these injuries is significant. For example,       water comes in contact with electricity. It’s
                                             Homeowners who take the do-it-yourself         electric shock, which occurs when electrical         imperative that homeowners do not touch
                                          route with electrical work should consider        current passes over or through a person’s            plumbing and gas pipes when performing
Homeowners are best served                these safety tips, courtesy of the ESFI, before   body, involves burns, abnormal heart rhythm          a DIY electrical project. Professionals know
by leaving electrical work to the         beginning a home electrical project.              and unconsciousness. Given the potential for         how to work around such pipes while mini-
professionals. However, those who            • Learn your home electrical system.           serious injury, the ESFI urges homeowners to         mizing their risk for electric shock or worse,
insist on doing such work themselves      Home electrical systems may include power         make an honest assessment of their skills be-        and homeowners must familiarize themselves
should do their homework and get          lines, electric meters, service panels, sub-      fore they begin working on their home’s elec-        with the techniques professionals rely on to
to know their systems and safety          panels, wiring, and more. These systems are       trical systems. Little or no experience working      stay safe if they intend to begin DIY electri-
protocols prior to beginning a project.   complex, and homeowners who intend to do          with electrical systems should be considered a       cal projects.

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