Page created by Nathan Marsh
ISSN 1862-0698   www.enocean.com



                                   Horizons       Wireless control for LED lighting
                                              On the way to the Internet of Things


                                                                                                                  Image source: Christian Gahl
               EnOcean radio receiver for the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM enables wireless building automation applications
                 Communicates with a large variety of freely programmable WAGO I/O controllers with interfaces
                               to BACnet, KNX IP, MODBUS TCP, DALI, SMI, KNX and more …


Dear Reader,

Did you know that the EnOcean Alliance has       requires products and technologies working
the largest installed base of ultra-low power    together. This interoperability concept has
wireless devices in commercial buildings         been an essential element of the EnOcean
worldwide? I think that this is truly impres-    Alliance from the very beginning. It’s a logi-
sive and just one example of our communi-        cal step that the EnOcean ecosystem contin-
ty’s remarkable success.                         ues to follow this partnership approach and
                                                 brings the innovation of energy harvesting to
Today, the EnOcean Alliance is represented       other alliances in emerging markets.
by over 400 member companies in 42 coun-
tries worldwide, from product manufacturers      The interest in energy harvesting from other
and distributors to building professionals       alliances is significant: energy harvesting is
and research institutions. Together, they        seen as key technology for the IoT, enabling
built up the largest energy harvesting wire-     maintenance-free sensors, which provide
less interoperable product range. With ISO/      the needed data to an intelligent system. It
IEC 14543-3-1X, the Alliance created the         makes sense too, when analyst forecasts
world’s only standard for energy harvesting      predict 25 billion connected devices and up
wireless communication.                          to 10 trillion connected sensors. These stag-
                                                 gering numbers of batteries cannot be pro-
The strong community of the EnOcean eco-         duced, nor should they be disposed of.
system has truly proven that the approach of
open partnerships and interoperable prod-        On the alliances’ playing field, the EnOcean
ucts results in business success and market      Alliance is the only energy harvesting wire-
leadership.                                      less organization. It can use this unique mar-
                                                 ket position not for competition but for col-
And there is still plenty of room to grow even   laboration with other alliances, to provide
more. In order to further strengthen the com-    growth for the harvesting technology and the
munity and to create new business opportu-       harvesting business of its members.
nities for its members, we plan to invest
additional resources in the EnOcean Alliance     Yours,
and its demand creation program.

In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT)
gave birth to several new alliances as com-      Dr. Wald Siskens
panies recognized that a connected world         CEO of EnOcean
04        perpetuum E 2015 2      Content

Numbers of the EnOcean world
Technology: Innovation
3D impulse for new switch ideas                                                  07   Wireless control
IQfy: Much more than a mattress change                                           08
                                                                                      brightens the effect
New: The EnOcean Blog                                                            08
Hideki: Enviromental monitoring                                                  09   of LED lighting

Main topic: Unlimited Horizons
EnOcean: Wireless control brightens the effect of LED lighting                   10
EnOcean Alliance and AllSeen Alliance: Partners for the Internet of Everything   12
SAUTER: Affordable individual solutions for premium commercial property          14
Eltako: Five-star luxury hotel cuts energy by 80 percent                         16
Thermokon: climaView – smart solution for monitoring energy and climate          18
HORA: Top performance perfected                                                  20
Rohm: LED controls let plants grow                                               22
EnOcean energy harvesting, KNX and data security                                 24
BSC Computer: Zooming in on the smart home                                       26

EnOcean Alliance
Interoperability – foundation for successful products

Micropelt: Easy retrofits                                                        30   Five-star luxury
Thermokon: Data center under climate control                                     32
                                                                                      hotel cuts energy
Control Network Solutions: Wireless control for high-end London property         34
Uchida: Cutting considerable amount of CO2                                       36   by 80 percent
Helvar/Rayos: Next generation lighting control system                            38
Kieback&Peter: Academic secondary school sets an example in energy efficiency    40
Reliable Controls: Wireless savings at attractive design                         41

Sinobel: A comprehensive smart home solution                                     42
Hoppe: Open, tilted, closed?                                                     43
SAUTER: New room controller for more comfort and energy efficiency               44
Bruck: Mission smart home                                                        45
Putian Telecommunications: A perfectly connected building system                 46
myGEKKO: The intelligent connection between the car and the house                47
JÄGER DIREKT: OPUS® Kubus – timeless elegance                                    48
Echoflex Solutions: Smart sensor for all spaces                                  49

News & Services
The EnOcean boutique                                                             50
Thermokon Americas wins ‘Best Wireless Product of the Year’ award                50
Digital Concepts: EnOcean and the Internet of Things                             51

EnOcean Products
868 MHz, 902 MHz und 928 MHz                                                     52

Events: Shining green at the world’s trade shows                                 58
Masthead                                                                         58
Overview of EnOcean Alliance Members                                             59

       EnOcean Alliance and
       AllSeen Alliance
                          Partners for
                          the Internet of


     Top performance
06        perpetuum E 2015 2     ENOCEAN. World

Numbers of the EnOcean world
EnOcean technology frees wireless devices from batteries – a core foundation of the Internet of
Things. Some figures why fewer batteries are desirable.

                                                          ➔ Depending on the battery technology in use, a user needs to dispose

                                                                         200 1,600
                                                               between                      and

                                                                         batteries over 20 years in a residential home with only 50 nodes.

                                                     ➔ It takes    6 10 times
                                                          more energy to reclaim metals from some recycled
                                                          batteries than it does to produce it through other
                                                          means, including mining.

                                ➔ A large system comprising     10,000
                                     wireless units, each powered by 2 batteries with a lifetime
                                     of 2 years, could require the facility manager to change

                                     approximately               batteries each day.

➔ Up to    10,000,000,000,000
     wireless sensors are expected to deliver the needed data for the Internet of Things.
     These would require 1,000,000 tons of lithium – the combined worldwide lithium

     production of             years. Based on a 10 year average battery life time,

                                                                                             maintenance workers would be requested to

                                                                                             change batteries,

                                                                                                               of them per year.

➔ Visit the   battery-less EnOcean world                           on the Web: www.enocean.com | www.enocean-alliance.org
TECHNOLOGY. Innovation             07

3D impulse
for new switch ideas
With the combination of the ECO 200 kinetic energy generator
and the PTM 330 wireless module, EnOcean offers its OEM
customers an entire system for batteryless switch solutions. In
addition, developers can now request comprehensive 3D data
including all details of this self-powered pairing – and thus can
print prototypes of new switch designs very easily and fast.
By Armin Anders, Vice President Product Development, EnOcean GmbH

EnOcean already enabled numerous
innovative switches for buildings, health
care, transportation or industry based on the
                                                                                                                          With a CAD program and
ECO 200 and PTM 330. This includes                                                                                        3D data, new designs for
handheld transmitters, door contacts, key                                                                               batteryless switches can be
                                                                                                                        realized using a 3D printer.
card switches, emergency call buttons, bus
stop buttons or test switches for automotive
production. Despite the variety of different
applications, all switches have one thing
in common: They are all based on the
ECO 200/PTM 330 pairing and generate
energy for sending wireless signals by the
motion of pressing them with a finger.
Therefore, they don’t need wires and bat-
                                                   Data in all dimensions
Push for different designs                         The provided 3D data describes in details         There are unlimited versions of new switch
This energy harvesting principle is suitable for   the inner interface of the converter and the      forms. They can be used in buildings, con-
many more switch solutions – it just needs         module, including tolerances. Thus, product       sumer applications, health care, Industry 4.0
creative ideas. To give its OEM partners fresh     developers don’t need to deal with con-           or in completely different fields. With
impetus for product designs, EnOcean now           structing the sensor’s interior but can focus     ECO 200 and PTM 330, together with the
provides 3D data including comprehensive           entirely on the exterior design and its sur-      3D data, developers have all necessary
documentation on the ECO 200 electro-              face.                                             design components readily available – all
mechanical energy converter and the                                                                  that’s missing now are new ideas.
PTM 330 wireless module. This clearly              Based on 3D IGS data and using a CAD con-
explains how the EnOcean components ECO            struction program, they can design new            www.enocean.com
(kinetic energy generator) and PTM (wireless       housings easier, faster and at lower cost
module), both available on the market, can         while just directly printing related prototypes
be used to create a new end product.               of different switches in a 3D printer.
08        perpetuum E 2015 2      TECHNOLOGY. Innovation

Much                       more than a
                          mattress change
                                                                             IQmat, a mattress specifically designed for
                                                                             dementia patients by the companies IQfy
                                                                             and Lück, includes an integrated pressure
                                                                             sensor. It senses changes in the weight load.
                                                                             The sensor technology notices when a
                                                                             patient leaves the bed and sends an alarm
                                                                             signal. By Andreas Thometzek, Managing Partner, IQfy GmbH

In the health care sector, no one can dis-      powered wireless technology, it uses kinetic    The occupancy signal of IQmat can also be
pense with technical assistance today. It       energy and thus does not require battery        integrated into a home automation system
does not only make the staff’s work much        replacement or maintenance. Nursing             and therefore control the lighting or heating
easier, but also provides for greater safety    homes that have mattress in use without         depending on the room status, for example.
and comfort.                                    this sensor can retrofit it at any time.
                                                                                                From practice for real life
Less workload due to pressure                   Security with comfort                           For the development of IQmat, IQfy has fol-
sensor                                          Whenever a patient leaves the bed, the sen-     lowed the operation in nursing homes for
IQmat is such a technical assistance, a mat-    sor sends a wireless signal to both the nurse   several weeks, studying the nurses’ work
tress with integrated sensor technology. The    call system and the DECT telephone. As a        processes and consulting the management
mattress is a high quality RHOMBO-              result, the nursing staff knows immediately     on the special needs of patients and staff.
MEDICAL® product, in which the sensor is        when to check on the patient.
neither visible nor palpable. Thanks to self-                                                   www.iqfy.de/en 

             EnOcean Blog
We launched the completely new EnOcean Blog. Here, several authors would like to keep you informed about the diverse EnOcean world
and show you which topics are of current importance to us as well as the possibilities of energy harvesting wireless technology today and
in the future. We warmly invite you to join the discussion and share your feedback, your questions and your ideas in the EnOcean Blog’s

TECHNOLOGY. Innovation          09

                                                Hideki has specialized in the production of environmental
                                                monitoring sensors for more than 15 years. Hideki’s business
                                                encompasses the globe, from Asia to Europe and North America
                                                as well as other markets and also provides OEM/ODM solu-
                                                tions and services. Based on EnOcean energy harvesting wire-
                                                less technology, Hideki is launching a series of wireless
                                                sensors for outdoor environmental monitoring.
                                                By Marketing Department, Hideki Electronics Co., Ltd.

Hideki designed an anemometer, a UV             batteries, no limits”. The anemometer auto-        sensors. Therefore it can collect UVA and
meter and a rain gauge for outdoor environ-     matically transmits the wind speed, wind           UVB data at the same time. Thanks to
mental monitoring. An additional soil           direction and other information to the con-        EnOcean energy harvesting technology, the
humidity sensor will be complementing the       trol system or a weather station via the           Hideki UV meter is solar-powered and works
portfolio soon. Integrating high precision      EnOcean protocol. The wind cup anemom-             without batteries.
sensors, Hideki devices ensure the collec-      eter design is one of the best international
tion of very accurate data from different       industry standards, which the American             Rain gauge
fields. This comes with highly reliable soft-   Observatory invented.                              The Hideki rain gauge is a tipping bucket-
ware, which was continuously improved                                                              type sensor, which measures rainfall and
over the past decade.                           UV sensor                                          sends the collected data to the control sys-
                                                The ultraviolet radiation impacts the risks        tem via EnOcean radio. With a battery
Anemometer                                      and benefits of sun exposure on human              backup, the sensor can function outdoor for
Powered by solar energy and combined with       health. This cannot be visualized. Hideki’s        approximately five years.
the low power consumption of EnOcean            new generation of UV sensor uses GaN-
wireless technology, the monitoring port-       based technology, which is more accurate
folio enables operation with “no wires, no      than the previous generation of Si-based           www.hidekielectronics.com
10        perpetuum E 2015  2     UNLIMITED HORIZONS. Leading Article

Wireless control brightens the

             effect LED lighting                                of

Lighting technology has seen a huge innovation with the emer-
gence of LEDs and OLEDs. New, sophisticated control solutions
can further increase the convenience and energy savings realized
with these solutions. Energy harvesting wireless solutions uniquely
combine these benefits with easy installation while eliminating
maintenance effort. EnOcean LED lighting solutions therefore
unlock the full potential of this growth market.
By Matthias Kassner, Product Marketing Director, EnOcean GmbH

Main topic

Unlimited Horizons

Lighting control is becoming a focus for
building designers and owners as it is an
integrated part of legal regulations. With
Title 24, California set new standards for
building directives. It requires, for example,
that lights in unoccupied classrooms, hotels
and meeting rooms automatically switch off.
Such systems are required to save at least
15% of energy by adjusting the light level
dynamically to the amount of available day-
light or room occupancy.

In Germany, the Energy Saving Regulation
2014 (EnEV 2014) makes the automation
of building services mandatory for a build-
ing’s energy performance evaluation. The
same applies to recognized green building
certificates, such as LEED or BREEAM,
where intelligent control contributes to valu-
able rating points.

Wireless flexibility
In addressing these new regulations at a fast
return on investment (ROI), building design-
ers need to consider which networking tech-
nology and control functionalities to use.
Wireless technologies clearly have an advan-
tage, particularly in retrofit projects, as they   Battery-less wireless technology offers all components for an intelligent LED control in an integrated
are more flexible and cheaper to install and       system – from controllers, sensors and switches to a remote commissioning PC tool.

to expand than wired systems.

Batteryless advantage
The most established wireless standard in          white label LED control system of self-pow-          Access over the air
building automation is the EnOcean energy          ered sensors and switches, LED fixture con-          More advanced settings, such as thresholds,
harvesting wireless standard (ISO/IEC              trollers, and a commissioning tool.                  dimming levels, ramp speeds, or timers can
14543-3-1X). Optimized for ultra-low power                                                              be changed wirelessly via a Windows-based
communication, it allows the use of battery-       Due to the wireless operation, the sensors           laptop computer equipped with a remote
less, self-powered sensors and switches,           and switches can be optimally positioned in          commissioning tool. An installer can locate
which don’t require future maintenance.            a room, even on glass walls or furniture             wireless devices throughout the facility,
                                                   without reconstruction. The controller               logically connect the controller to switches
Based on standardized application profiles,        receives wireless telegrams from all linked          and sensors, and configure settings in the
EnOcean energy harvesting wireless devices         self-powered wireless switches and sensors,          controller over the air. He can also link the
from different vendors can seamlessly com-         and adjusts its outputs accordingly.                 LED controller via a central unit to super­
municate with each other. This approach of                                                              visory building automation systems.
open connectivity and interoperability             Such a system can cover a wireless daylight
enables a complete solution of integrated          harvesting application, for example, which           More and more buildings are retrofitted with
wireless LED controls.                             automatically adapts the light level to the          LEDs. Adding a sophisticated wireless con-
                                                   amount of available natural light in a room,         trol to these efficient lighting technologies,
Complete control solution                          measured by a light level sensor. In a typical       results in maximized energy savings and
Lighting companies have the flexibility to         commercial building, it is possible to save          comfort.
either develop their own EnOcean-based             between 20% and 30% of energy with such
products or integrate a ready-to-use OEM           an automated control system.                         www.enocean.com
12        perpetuum E 2015 2       UNLIMITED HORIZONS. Interview

Partners                                             for the
Internet of
Early this year, the EnOcean Alliance became a member of the
AllSeen Alliance to join forces for an Internet of Everything
(IoE). This connects the established EnOcean ecosystem to the
open source AllSeen Alliance community. We spoke with Philip
DesAutels, Senior Director of AllSeen Alliance, and Graham
Martin, Chairman of EnOcean Alliance, about the future scope
of collaboration.

The AllSeen Alliance sees great traction         Which approach does AllSeen follow to
and interest on its path forming the             realize an IoE – in other words, the key dif-
Internet of Everything. What is the fascina-     ferentiator, which will make the world
tion about an IoE?                               adopt the AllSeen standard for the IoE?

Philip DesAutels: The Internet of Everything     Philip DesAutels: The AllSeen Alliance is
will transform the way consumers, busi-          hosted in a neutral forum under The Linux
nesses, industries use technology. Since         Foundation as a Collaborative Project. The
intelligence is everywhere, people will          Linux Foundation provides the essential col-
increasingly be surrounded by information        laborative and organizational framework so
that senses and anticipates their needs.         that the AllSeen Alliance can focus on IoE
When the Internet of Everything is fully real-   innovation and the AllJoyn open source
ized, no one will wonder how it works – it       project.
just does. New products, services, compa-
nies, markets and industries will be born.       The AllSeen Alliance community was built to
The Internet of Everything promises to sig-      be an open source project from the ground
nificantly change the way we live, work,         up. Rather than having an organization that
learn, play, and relate to the world and each    spends a lot of time debating specs and writ-
other.                                           ing hundreds of pages of docs, the AllSeen
                                                 Alliance members instead focus on what
                                                 contributions of code they want to make to
                                                 advance the protocol. Companies who have
                                                 ideas for new service frameworks or new

interfaces simply propose those and the out-       What role does wireless building automa-
put of our Alliance is actual implementation       tion play in an IoE?
(not just specs). This enables us to run at a
faster speed to the ever evolving IoE.             Graham Martin: Building automation is a
                                                   role model for the IoE. In building automa-
What are the major challenges?                     tion systems, it is very common that differ-
                                                   ent standards communicate with each other
Philip DesAutels: Interoperability is among        to offer the most suitable solution. Here, a
all the “things” that make up the Internet of      deep connection of standards and interoper-
Everything ecosystem. Right now, the indus-        able devices from different vendors already
try is facing a major challenge to achieving       enable intelligent, self-learning automated
interoperability: duplication of effort and        systems. That’s why smart buildings can be
technology. The issues impeding interopera-        seen as integral part of the IoE.
bility are largely due to proprietary business
models. There have been attempts at better         Why is it so important to connect different
interoperability among devices in homes, but       standards?
the execution has been limited because only
the individual vendor’s devices communicate        Graham Martin: For the IoE framework it is
with each other. That may be fine for vendors’     inevitable that technology standards work
smart phones, tablets and TVs, but how do          together. Obviously, no single standard alone
you bring in other things such as refrigerators,   can cover all the thousands of different appli-
coffee pots or home security systems? The          cations we see today and in the future. A bat-
AllSeen Alliance is the first real, large-scale    tery-less sensor offers the needed flexibility to
attempt for companies to develop a truly           collect data but it cannot communicate via
interoperable solution via the open source         energy-hungry protocols like WiFi. However,
software model.                                    it doesn’t need to. It can transmit telegrams
                                                   using the ultra-low power EnOcean standard
The EnOcean Alliance is an AllSeen                 and gets access to IPv6, for example, via
Alliance member for some months now.               gateways.
What is the partnership about?
                                                   Philip DesAutels: As an industry, we need to
Graham Martin: The cooperation of AllSeen          drive more interoperability and less fragmen-
Alliance and EnOcean Alliance aims to con-         tation. The technology industry today – from
nect the EnOcean standard with the open            the consumer electronics market to the
AllJoyn framework. This framework brings           enterprise – needs a shared framework that
together all needed communication stan-            allows devices and systems to connect with
dards and levels in an IoE: energy harvesting      each other regardless of manufacturer or OS.
wireless sensors to collect the needed data,       An open source software framework like
control units to process the information, a        AllJoyn promises to do just this. Once real-
supervisory system for intelligent networking      ized, consumers and businesses alike will
and the app for a user-friendly handling. The      have a simple, seamless experience in con-
fundamental technologies for an Internet of        necting and interacting with devices, sys-
Everything already exist today. It’s the col-      tems and services regardless of brand or
laboration of all involved players, technolo-      manufacturer.
gies and standards under the umbrella of the
AllSeen Alliance to realize a seamless com-        https://allseenalliance.org
munication.                                        www.enocean-alliance.org
14         perpetuum E 2015 2      UNLIMITED HORIZONS. References

The SAUTER ecoUnit 1
   room operating units
 communicate with the
  SAUTER ecos5 room

    automation stations
    wirelessly using the
     EnOcean protocol.

                                                                   individual solutions
                    for         premium
                                       commercial property
       Even in the fashionable                   Just a few steps away from Zurich’s            From cable to wireless
                                                 renowned Bahnhofstrasse, one of the most       The building has heat generation with inte-
  Zurich banking district, cost
                                                 expensive streets in the world, stands the     grated control and a chiller for cooling. A
efficiency counts. When mod-                     prestigious “Thalhof” commercial property.     system supplies conditioned air to the office
                                                 Comprising several buildings, the property     floors. To activate the air-conditioning tech-
       ern technology remains
                                                 provides shop and office space to a large      nology, the existing cabinets were upgraded
        affordable and can still                 number of companies. In carrying out com-      with the latest components from the
                                                 prehensive modernization work on the prop-     SAUTER BACnet EY-modulo 5 family of
    smoothly replace the tried-
                                                 erty, SAUTER has recently brought the          systems.
     and-tested, even the most                   building technology up to the latest stan-
                                                 dards.                                         The individual rooms and open-plan areas
        demanding tenants are
                                                                                                are conditioned by means of radiators and
                    impressed.                   The goal was to install modern technology      chilled ceilings. The temperature, humidity
                           By Werner Schraner,   that would meet the requirements of the        and occupancy values are recorded and
     Regional Manager Zurich, SAUTER Schweiz,    next two decades. The solution also had to     controlled by the SAUTER ecos5 room auto-
            Sauter Building Control Schweiz AG   fulfill specific needs and enable demand-led   mation station, which is integrated via
                                                 room conditioning in the individual areas.     BACnet/IP.
                                                 The SAUTER EY-modulo 5 family of systems
                                                 with its components based on BACnet/IP         At the tenant’s request, the existing individ-
                                                 proved to be ideal.                            ual rooms on one floor were converted into

                                          The use of EnOcean wireless
                                          technology provides demand-led,
                                          individual controlling in the
                                          open-plan offices, regardless
                                          of the current room division.

open-plan offices. Because the interior walls    Automatic notification and                        requirement profiles. Using modern compo-
were removed, many of the previous instal-       remote access                                     nents from SAUTER EYmodulo 5 systems
lation areas for sensors were no longer avail-   All the HVAC installations and intelligent        and established communication standards,
able. The use of EnOcean wireless technol-       unitary controls – 675 hardware data points       such as BACnet/IP or EnOcean, ensures that
ogy provides needs-driven, individual            in total – are combined with SAUTER modu-         operation is reliable and resource-efficient in
controlling.                                     Web Vision to create a central system on the      the long term.
                                                 BACnet web server. This web-based visuali-
The ecoUnit 1 room operating units com-          zation software enables the building man-         www.sauter-controls.com
municate with the ecos5 BACnet room              agement systems to be monitored and con-
automation stations wirelessly using the         trolled remotely without connecting to a
EnOcean protocol. Bi-directional communi-        system. Any alarms that occur are forwarded
cation ensures that the room automation          reliably via e-mail. Remote access to the
station always knows the current values in       system is via GSM modem, and the inte-
the room and can compare them with the           grated firewall provides maximum security.
desired setpoints. All automation stations –
both for energy generation and usage in the      The modernization work was carried out
room – are part of the SAUTER EY-modulo 5        over a period of five months while the build-
family of systems and all communicate via        ing was still being operated. Today, the own-
BACnet/IP.                                       ers and tenants can rely on a flexible system
                                                 at all levels that can be dovetailed to various
16     perpetuum E 2015  2     UNLIMITED HORIZONS. References

                                              Five-star luxury hotel
   Every morning and evening,
          guests of the Mandarin

 Oriental Hotel in Macau enjoy
  a spectacular color and light
      show over the bay of this
 southern Chinese metropolis.
 The lights and curtains in the
stylish rooms are controlled by
                                              by 80 percent
    an automation system from
                                              With its unique waterfront location and luxu-    The best of everything
 Eltako. Self-powered wireless
                                              rious furnishings, the five-star Mandarin        For guests of the Mandarin Oriental, the per-
       technology brings energy               Oriental Hotel provides visitors to Macau        fect stay also includes cutting-edge technol-
                                              with a very special experience during their      ogy that meets the highest standards of
     efficiency and comfort into
                                              stay. The room design reflects the city’s fas-   pleasant atmosphere and the sustainable
                perfect harmony.              cinating ambiance, with its famous shop-         use of resources. The same applies to build-
                                              ping district, vibrant night life and modern     ing automation. When it came to moderniz-
     By Bettina Goss, Export Sales Manager,   lifestyle, and offers an exciting mix of style   ing its light and curtain control system, the
                              Eltako GmbH     and comfort.                                     hotel therefore wanted a solution that would
                                                                                               fit perfectly with the design and atmospheric

                                                  Comfort by pressing a button                           and create a pleasant lighting atmosphere in
                                                  1,900 switches and 3,400 actuators in the              the room, while simultaneously providing
                                                  Eltako 14 series were deployed in a total of           privacy. At sundown, all curtains open as
                                                  213 rooms and suites, including the                    though by magic when someone enters the
                                                  Presidential Suite. The switches work with-            room and provide a view of the magnificent
                                                  out cables or batteries, thanks to the                 sea of lights over the bay of Macau.
                                                  EnOcean technology. The energy needed for
                                                  the wireless signal is generated simply by             Not only do these settings create an agree-
                                                  pressing a button. As a result, the switches           able ambiance, they also maintain the room
                                                  could be placed flexibly in the desired loca-          temperature at a constant, comfortable and
                                                  tions and on all surfaces. They are also               energy-efficient level. The lights furthermore
                                                  maintenance-free and operate reliably with-            automatically generate cozy lighting scenes
                                                  out interruption, eliminating the possibility          to welcome the guest. All lights turn off
                                                  of outages. In addition, the hotel staff does          when the room is not being used, thereby
                                                  not need to disturb the guests by changing             saving additional energy.
                                                  batteries. Guests will find the switch’s func-
                                                  tion engraved on its surface.                          Guests can operate the curtains and the
                                                                                                         lights individually with separate bedside
                                                  Perfect communication                                  switches or turn the lamps on and off in all
                                                  The actuators receive the information from             rooms, including the bathroom (FSR14).
                                                  the wireless switches and control the lights           They can also use the same switches to dim
                                                  and shades in the room without delay. The              the lights as needed (FUD14).
                                                  INCOM signal is tapped in the distribution
                                                  panel and converted to scenes for controlling          Successful effects
                                                  the lights and curtains. Conventional                  The hotel operators were thrilled with the
                                                  switches are linked in the wireless installa-          results delivered by the new automation sys-
                                                  tion with the FTS14 remote sensing system.             tem. The lighting scenes fully support the
                                                                                                         guests’ sense of well-being and allow them
                                                  By using self-powered wireless technology,             to conveniently control all functions in the
                                                  TELCS was able to reduce the amount of                 room without getting out of bed. The Eltako
                                                  cabling required in the rooms and thus min-            solution even surpassed the expected energy
                                                  imize construction noise and dirt. Time was            savings by using 80% less power than the
room lighting while simultaneously making         also a major advantage of the system. The              previous system.
efficient use of energy.                          entire implementation in all rooms took just
                                                  four months.                                           The project’s success is persuasive: TELCS
Flexibility and experience                                                                               will soon install Eltako wireless technology
Another challenge was to find a technology        Optimum level of automation                            in another Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong
that could be seamlessly integrated into the      The modern automation system now opens                 Kong.
existing INCOM system. Moreover, the mod-         and closes the curtains automatically,
ernization work was not to negatively affect      depending on the time of day and as soon as
guest comfort in any way.                         a guest enters or leaves the room. During the          www.eltako.com
                                                  day, the light-weight curtains remain closed           www.telcs-design.com
The Mandarin Oriental chose a solution from
Eltako, which was able to meet all of the
five-star hotel’s requirements, thanks to self-
powered wireless technology and a modern
product design. TELCS Ltd, Theuer
Eurolighting Consultancy, planned and
supervised the project. The local Eltako part-
ner won over the customer with its many
years of project experience, extensive spe-
cialized knowledge and flexibility in meeting
the requirements.                                      FAM14                   FSR14-4x                   FUD14                      FT55-al
                                                    Wireless antenna    4-channel impulse switch          Universal                  Wireless
                                                        module         with integrated relay function   dimmer switch               pushbutton
18         perpetuum E 2015 2    UNLIMITED HORIZONS. Solutions

When talking about increasing of energy
efficiency in buildings and improving indoor
climate, systematic data processing is of para-
mount importance. climaView displays all
relevant measuring values – from temperature
and brightness to CO2 – through one system.

Siegfried Gaida, Managing Director of Thermokon GmbH/Austria, and
Frank Neudecker, CTO of Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH, explained the
details in conversation.

climaView       –
       smart solution for monitoring
energy and climate
                                               a compact display and analysis of the differ-      very important to create a convenient indoor
                                               ent components and building technology             climate, focusing on the well-being and
                                               data on a PC. This data was previously             health of people. For example, a workplace
                                               detected via our EasySens transmitters and         with 800 lux meets the common require-
                                               receivers.                                         ments, but in fact people require an
                                                                                                  increased level of brightness to feel well and
                                               Frank Neudecker: To comprehensively                work efficiently.
                                               monitor the indoor climate, the advantages
                                               of this kind of compact data processing sys-       What are the main features of climaView?
                                               tem are not to be sneezed at. Especially in
                                               big buildings people very often complain           Frank Neudecker: climaView works holisti-
                                               about the climate being “too warm, too cold,       cally. It provides several data in one single
Mr. Gaida, Mr. Neudecker what is the           too dry”. climaview provides objective data        system, makes contexts recognizable and
approach of climaView?                         and summarizes it clearly. This forms the          leads to convincing results. For example
                                               basis for sound monitoring of energy effi-         climaView shows whether a drop in tem-
Siegfried Gaida: By means of our wireless      ciency according to DIN 50001.                     perature in a room has a technical cause or
EasySens sensors we took several measure-                                                         if a window was opened.
ments in schools. Instead of various indi-     Siegfried Gaida: Nontheless, climaView is
vidual values, we were eager to offer a com-   much more than an instrument for monitor-          During development, we focused on the best
fortable overall summary to our customers.     ing energy efficiency. People spend almost         possible simplicity and effectiveness: As the
As a web based solution, climaView enables     90% of their life in buildings. Therefore, it is   climaView wireless solution can be installed

within a very short time. Thanks to the wire-   climaView does not only enable valuable            air is bad, and it’s no fun to try on clothes if
less connection, an optimum location of the     information for the analysis of single build-      the changing rooms are too hot.
sensors is no problem at all – even on glass    ings but also allows a direct comparison of
surfaces or in the middle of the room, where    different properties. Bigger companies might       Have you thought about extending the
more reliable data of the indoor room tem-      thus identify the reasons why location A is        climaView range of features?
perature can be received than at the entrance   more energy-efficient than location B.
door.                                                                                              Siegfried Gaida: Indeed, we are already
                                                Siegfried Gaida: We do not want to limit           working on adding new features. Topics
Moreover, it is possible to carry out remote    climaView to this target group. People are         such as fine dust and noise are important
commissioning via airConfig – our software      more conscious of their health. They would         subjects for the future and make it difficult
adapted for our EasySens product line.          like to know what kind of environment they         to open windows in large cities with high
Various parameters of every device can be       live in and how to increase their well-being.      traffic volumes. for such applications, we are
comfortably configured on the PC and wire-      Therefore, climaView might also be an inter-       discussing, internally as well as with poten-
lessly transmitted to the receiver, including   esting solution for owner-occupied houses          tial users, the development of new sensors
transmitting the same configuration to sev-     and flats.                                         that would be worthwhile additions to the
eral receivers, which saves time and reduces                                                       climaview concept. for example, one of our
possible sources of error.                      Are there any initial plans for a real-life test   clients came up with the idea of launching
                                                of climaView?                                      a project that would deal with noise protec-
Who is the target group for climaView?                                                             tion.
                                                Siegfried Gaida: Absolutely, for example, an
Frank Neudecker: climaView is an ideal          Austrian textile chain plans to investigate
solution for energy consultants, building       howf the climatic conditions in their shops        www.thermokon.com
operators and planners as well as real          influence the buying patterns of their clients.
property owners and facility managers.          No one wants to stay in a place where the
20        perpetuum E 2015 2       UNLIMITED HORIZONS. Solutions

                   Top performance
                                                 In offering the wireless SmartDrive MX radiator thermostat,
                                                 HORA is setting new standards in heat regulation functionality
                                                 and design. Clear lines and a large display make the unit attrac-
                                                 tive for any home environment. Its plug & play capability allows
                                                 it to be started up at the press of a button. It is the only ther-
                                                 mostat on the market that supplies information on the inlet
                                                 temperature and the exact valve lift position, thereby building
                                                 an intelligent bridge to efficient system regulation.
                                                 By Ulrike Krüger, Key Account Manager, HORA Holter Regelarmaturen GmbH & Co. KG

The SmartDrive MX draws the eye right from       automatically adjust to the new, desired         Transmitting the precise lift values, com-
the first glance with an attractive, stream-     temperature.                                     bined with the inlet and outlet temperature,
lined housing of a modern design, which                                                           are fundamental items of information for
adds visual appeal to any classic radiator.      Quiet as a mouse                                 meaningful energy monitoring.
The thermostat’s design is thus reason           The SmartDrive MX appeals to more senses
enough to switch to an energy-efficient heat-    than just the eye. Actuating the valve pro-      The SmartDrive MX communicates over
ing control system. It can replace conven-       duces a steady, low noise that does not          EnOcean’s reliable, energy-efficient wireless
tional controllers in just a few steps, thanks   exceed 30 decibels. This volume is no louder     technology. By pressing a button on the
to its wireless operation. The large display     than a whisper and much quieter than the         device a second time, the installer sends the
also makes it easy to read the set target tem-   usual sounds that occur in a home, such as       training telegram containing the EnOcean
perature, which can be increased and             the rumbling of a refrigerator (50 decibels).    equipment profile to a home server or gate-
decreased at any time either with a smart        It therefore does not disturb the peace in       way a single time. The server or gateway
phone app or manually by following the cus-      sensitive areas of the home, such as the         immediately detects the SmartDrive MX and
tomary steps for a classic valve. If multiple    children’s and adults’ bedrooms.                 begins to exchange data in both directions.
radiators are installed in a room, all drives                                                     This simple training process is always the
                                                            In addition to the visual, haptic     same, regardless of the number of radiators.
                                                            and acoustic features, the ther-      As a result, intelligent heat regulators can be
                                                            mostat will also win over users       installed by plug & play even in large build-
                                                            and installers with its impressive    ings.
                                                            inner qualities. Indeed, the
                                                            device is a true powerhouse           Installers can also add other self-powered
                                                            inside an attractive package.         devices to the network, such as window con-
                                                                                                  tacts, using EnOcean wireless technology.
                                                            Two steps is all it takes             However, the room temperature sensor is
                                                            At the press of a button, the         already integrated into the SmartDrive MX,
                                                            SmartDrive MX adapts to any           so that there is no need for an additional
                                                            commercial valve and precisely        external sensor or a room control unit in
                                                            detects the particular lift travel.   each room.

HORA has built a reliable network of part-      out the year. Thus, the heating valves can be
ners around the SmartDrive MX, allowing         set to a maximum lift in order to optimize the
planners and installers to choose from a        hydraulic efficiency.
wide range of gateways and highly intelli-
gent home servers that are the right fit for    With this function, the only one of its kind on
their particular project.                       the market, the SmartDrive MX supplies
                                                important data for an efficient heating strat-    control the radiators according to the preset
Smart effects                                   egy and thereby generates far higher energy       target value.
The inlet temperature sensor integrated into    efficiency effects than does a classic indi-
the SmartDrive MX adds even more benefits.      vidual room controller.                           Energy harvesting outlook
An optimum inlet temperature adjustment                                                           The SmartDrive MX still uses commercial
can be calculated on the basis of the room      Smart access                                      lithium batteries, which give it an extraordi-
temperature, the exact lift detection and the   Intelligent networking also allows users to       narily long operating time of approximately
system inlet temperature.                       access data and time profiles for the heat        four years. Three weeks before the power
                                                regulator with an app that runs on a smart        runs low, the app lets the user know that it’s
Today’s systems in Central Europe are           phone or laptop. Preset programs can be           time to change the batteries. HORA plans to
controlled by outdoor temperature (-10 °C /     activated, for example a program for reduc-       present an energy harvesting version already
-12 °C). In Germany, these conditions are       ing the room temperature when no one is           next year. With this development, it will no
only valid 6% of the year. The combination      home. Thanks to the EnOcean wireless tech-        longer be necessary to change the batteries,
of inlet and room temperature sensing as        nology, this functionality can also be imple-     making the device even more convenient
well as the feedback signal of the heating      mented with a self-powered central switch         when it comes to saving energy intelligently.
valve’s exact position enable a demand-         located near the front door. When the home’s
based inlet temperature adjustment through-     occupant presses the switch, the actuators        www.hora.de/en
22   perpetuum E 2015 2   UNLIMITED HORIZONS. References

                                       LED controls let
                           plants                                                            grow

                             EnOcean transmitter module (TCM 410J) imple-
                                                                                Rohm’s EnOcean-based solution
                             mented inside the LED strips. Microcomputer with
                             dimming control signal output function by Lapis
                                                                                was integrated into the wireless
                             Semiconductor (lower right).                       control system of Ushio Lighting’s
                                                                                LED strips, which were applied in
                                                                                vegetable factories solely operating
                                                                                with artificial light. About 10,000
                                                                                LED strips were already put into
                                                                                operation in the factory.

                                                                                By Koji Taniuchi, Group General Manager Research and
                                                                                Development Headquarters, Rohm Semiconductors

                                                                             This system’s benefits at a glance

                                                                             1. Easy dimming and timing with wireless

                                                                             2. Reduction of an initial construction costs by
                                                                                easy and reduced wiring

                                                                             3. PC-based changes to layout or control
                                                                                patterns independent of the luminaires

                                                                             4. Integrated repeater functionality of the
                                                                                luminaires for the wireless communication
                                                                                (currently applying for a patent)

Nihon Yamamura Glass Co.,
Ltd. vegetable factory in Hyogo

In recent years, vegetable factories have got-   technology provided by Rohm. The result is        concentration of CO2, for example, for added
ten lots of attention due to their stable crop   a wireless control system for LED vegetable       value to the whole vegetable grow system.
yield and the possibility of avoiding agro-      grow lights, which is already available on        Currently, the wireless control system for
chemicals. Until now, in most vegetable fac-     the market.                                       LED grow lights is being further developed
tories, the control of dimming functions or                                                        for other frequencies covering countries like
the scheduled on/off switching of the LED        Control in real time                              China, the US and Europe.
strips was either not supported or is realized   In vegetable factories, over 10,000 LED
by line-powered applications.                    strips need to be controlled simultaneously       www.rohm.com
                                                 and in real time. There are many standards        www.ushiolighting.co.jp/en
Limits of wires                                  for wireless communication such as Wi-Fi or
There are many different plants, which do        Zigbee. However, this time EnOcean tech-
not all grow under the same light conditions.    nology was applied as it is the most
However, the flexible adaption of the avail-     advanced standard when it comes to simul-
able line-powered control systems would          taneous real time communication.
have been too complicated due to the need
for many cables. Furthermore, the precise        For the future, there are plans to add battery-
setting and control of the lights, depending     less EnOcean sensors to this system for
on the vegetables’ growth stage, costs lots of   measuring temperature, light intensity or
time and money.

Demand for wireless solution
Therefore, the market strongly demanded a
                                                                                                   A controller (PC) sends out a dimming signal to
wireless system to control dimming and tim-
                                                                                                   the EnOcean module (TCM 410J) inside every
ing functions of LED lights. Ushio Lighting                                                        LED strip from Ushio Lighting. Responding to the
responded to this market demand by com-                                                            received information, the Lapis Semiconductor
                                                                                                   Microcomputer passes the dimming signal on to
bining their know-how in LED radiation, the
                                                                                                   the LED power supply and executes the dimming.
implementation of LED components and                                                               The software provided for this system allows set-
optical planning with EnOcean wireless                                                             ting up a schedule to automatically control the
                                                                                                   LED dimming.
24        perpetuum E 2015 2       UNLIMITED HORIZONS. Trends

EnOcean Energy Harvesting,
   KNX and data security
                         The smart home, and thus the building systems engineering of the future, would
                         be inconceivable without wireless technology that offers secure data transmis-
                         sion. Suitable KNX/EnOcean gateways can help by allowing installers to seam-
                         lessly integrate data-secure and simultaneously self-powered wireless sensors
                         into a KNX system. The result is an integrated system composed of powerful
                         building systems with secure wireless communication.
                         By Armin Anders, Vice President Business Development, EnOcean GmbH

The KNX bus standard controls heating,            Data security –                                  Self-powered wireless technology also
lighting, blinds, ventilation and security sys-   high requirements                                makes data more secure with “enhanced
tems across disciplines and according to          Unwanted data collection and system              security.” This approach adds rolling code
demand. A future-oriented control concept         manipulation are challenges that need to be      and AES 128 encryption to the established
also requires a large number of sensors that      taken seriously, especially in the critical      radio protocol. A 24-bit rolling code (RC),
detect building states and measured values.       smart home mass market.                          which is incremented with each telegram, is
“Energy harvesting” is therefore an ideal                                                          used as a basis for calculating a 32-bit
addition to building systems engineering.         Therefore, both transmission security and        cipher-based message authentication code
The wireless sensors are thus completely          data security play a key role in wireless com-   (CMAC). The CMAC uses the 128-bit AES
maintenance-free and their placement is           munication. A radio frequency that has high      encryption algorithm. The sender encrypts
flexible. At the same time, the wireless com-     channel availability guarantees transmission     the data packets by enciphering the data
munication is encrypted. As a result, they        security. The EnOcean wireless technology        with a 128-bit AES algorithm.
meet even today’s secure data transmission        uses license-free frequency bands sub
requirements in smart homes.                      1 GHz for this purpose. Multiple telegram        Energy harvesting and data
                                                  transmissions establish redundancy, either       security – accustomed haptics
                                                  by sending telegrams multiple times as a         and range of an EnOcean
                                                  precaution (with unidirectional transmis-        wireless switch
                                                  sion) or by using energy-efficient “Smart        A high data rate is important for secure data
                                                  Acknowledge” processes, depending on suc-        transmission, since more data has to be
                         The kinetic ECO 200      cess. A one-time identification number of        transmitted than with a protocol that pro-
                         energy generator         the wireless transmitter (32-bit ID), which      vides only transmission security. Since
                         enables wireless
                         switches with secure     cannot be changed or copied, also prevents       EnOcean’s 124 kbit/s wireless technology
                         data communication.      duplicates.                                      also significantly optimizes the telegram
                                                                                                   overhead, the EnOcean switch telegram only
                                                                                                   needs 1.2 ms for transmission, including
                                                                                                   encryption and rolling code (CMAC).

The energy demand of the transmitting elec-
tronics is a minimal 120 µJ. The actuation
energy at the converter is thus typically
approximately 1.25 mJ. When the button is
operated, the actuating force rises to approx-
imately 8 N over a distance of around 2 mm,
typical for the haptics of building switches.
The actuating haptics of an EnOcean wire-
less switch, including data encryption and                                     Wireless data                            Wired bus system
                                                                                                                         (twisted pair)
full transmitter range, is thus within the cus-
tomary range of an established light switch.

The efficiency of an electrodynamic energy        Gateway – the link between the                 Along with security, downward compatibility
converter cannot be increased very much           KNX bus and data-secure energy                 is also important. Both the new EnOcean
within this energy range. Nor can the             harvesting wireless systems                    wireless transmitters and the new wireless
mechanical idiosyncrasy of the “switch” sys-      A wide range of switches, sensors and actu-    receivers are designed to optionally send
tem be significantly changed. Telegrams that      ators that support encrypted EnOcean wire-     and receive the previous transmission-
are longer than 1.2 ms, such as those used        less technology have been available since      secure radio telegrams as well as the new
in EnOcean wireless technology, inevitably        early 2015. Corresponding wall switches,       telegrams with additional data security. A
result in higher forces or longer actuating       remote controls, window contacts and actu-     KNX gateway that decodes encrypted tele-
paths. A wireless telegram that has, for          ators can be purchased wholesale. In addi-     grams can also continue to process standard
example, a much lower data rate, would            tion, several providers plan to expand their   telegrams.
have to overcome physical limits for an           KNX EnOcean gateways with encrypted
energy harvesting switch.                         wireless communication.                        www.enocean.com
26     perpetuum E 2015 2   UNLIMITED HORIZONS. Solutions

                                 Zooming in
                            on the smart home

Is it the fun factor what customers are looking for in a smart home? That’s all in the past. Smart
home systems have long since had to offer functions that do a lot more than just entertain.
Security and heath are high on the list of customer benefits. The solutions have to be reliable,
easy to use and competitively priced. Secure data transmission is also a matter of course. BSC
Computer has now integrated EnOcean wireless technology into an IP camera. The first real
smart home camera forms the ideal basis for offering all desired properties of a networked
home in a single package. By Jörg Hofmann, Managing Director, BSC Computer GmbH

                                        In its basic version, a smart home system        The camera acts as a universal
                                        needs to have only a few components: a           interface
                                        smart phone, multiple window/door con-           BSC has therefore integrated the encrypt-
                                          tacts, a camera with an integrated motion      able, EnOcean energy harvesting wireless
                                           sensor and a suitable app. These compo-       technology into an IP camera. The network-
                                           nents alone give the user on-demand con-      enabled camera allows the residents to
                                           trol over the home even when he/she is        monitor their home when they are out of the
                                           out of the house.                             house. At the same time, the camera han-
                                                                                         dles communication between the existing
                                           Up to now, a gateway has established          Internet connection and the sensors and
                                            the smart connection between the             actuators, which use the extremely energy-
                                             phone app and the sensors. But not          efficient EnOcean wireless technology.
                                              every new smart home customer
                                              wants to install a separate box in the     The user gains access to all these functions
                                               house, due to the costs involved.         directly through the smart home camera –

                                                The smart home camera connects all basis components of an intelligent control – without a
                                                separate box.

without having to install any additional
hardware. The integrated solution therefore
                                                     More room comfort with
establishes a direct link between EnOcean
and the Internet of Things.
                                                  double the energy efficiency.
                                                              SAUTER ecos504
In doing so, it meets all customer require-
ments for a smart home solution:

Easy startup
All components communicate by radio and
are trained in the application using a QR
code and the smart phone app.

The self-powered EnOcean switches and
sensors can be placed anywhere in the
house. Once installed, they require no main-

Users can run all functions from the individ-
ual components or a smart phone. Instead of
installing a gateway, they only have to con-
nect the camera and the existing Internet.

Attractive price
First-time smart home users receive all basic
functions in a single package. The commu-
nication system integrated into the camera
                                                  The new room controller from SAUTER for demand-based
eliminates the need for an additional gate-
                                                  room control across all equipment systems.
way, which saves money.

                                                  Seamless integration
Data security
                                                  • Combines sunshading, lighting                    Double the
The encrypted data is transmitted from the                                                            energy
                                                    and room climate regulation
EnOcean wireless system to the app over the                                                          efficiency
                                                  • BACnet/IP B-BC profile
Internet connection along the entire commu-       • KNX connector to the electrical equipment system
nication path.                                    • EnOcean ecoUnit 1 wireless room operating
                                                    units, integration of window contacts,
Flexibility                                         switches and other devices
If needed, the user can add more sensors
and actuators, such as a water detector, to
                                                  Maximum flexibility thanks to modular system
the system at any time. A smart home server
                                                  • ecoLink I/O modules for connecting field devices
can also be installed if the user would like to
                                                  • Compact design for use in standard small distribution boards
build a more complex system with a wider
                                                  • Freely programmable
range of functions, such as access authori-       • Historical data, schedules, calendars and COV
zation or the ability to evaluate consumption     • Room functions as per VDI 3813
data.                                             • Supports up to eight flexible room segments or rooms

                                                  For more information, visit: www.sauter-controls.com

                                                  Facility Management
28        perpetuum E 2015 2     ENOCEAN ALLIANCE. Technology

                                                                Interoperability, as defined, will result in flu-
                                                                ent communication between EnOcean-
                                                                based devices made by different manufac-
                                                                turers over a certain distance and thus

        – foundation for                                        enable implementation of distributed func-
                                                                tionality – provided that the existing system
                                                                specifications are consistently applied at all

         successful products                                    levels.

                                                                In technical wording, interoperability
                                                                requires products to be made in compliance
                                                                with existing specifications and to perform in
                                                                a repeatable manner at all layers:

                                                                ➔ Physical layer: compliance of
                                                                    the air interface with the
                                                                    EnOcean standard ISO/IEC
                                                                    14543-3-1X and a defined
It is one of the EnOcean Alliance’s missions to                     minimum transmission range
secure the interoperability of devices based on                 ➔ Communication layer:
EnOcean technology – enabling cross-vendor                          scheduling and logical
                                                                    compliance with
building management systems at a safe invest-
                                                                    communication flows
ment. The foundation for this key property of
                                                                ➔ Application layer: correct
a device is laid during its design-phase. The
                                                                    coding/decoding of
certification specifications of the EnOcean                         communication content,
                                                                    compliance with defined
Alliance provide guidance and assistance to
                                                                    schedules and conformal
the product development team to secure a                            processing of transmitted
product’s characteristics.
                                                                ➔ In addition for self-powered
By Norbert Metzner, Chairman Technical Working Group, EnOcean       devices: the ability to collect
Alliance, and Head of R&D, Viessmann Hausautomation GmbH, and       energy from the ambient
Thomas Rieder, CEO, ViCOS GmbH                                      environment over a certain
                                                                    timeframe to secure proper
                                                                    operation of the device over a
                                                                    defined period beyond this

EnOcean certification program                      sufficient transmission range supporting               level, self-powered devices will be supple-
System planers, system integrators and cus-        interoperability.                                      mented by a validation of the energy con-
tomers demand reliable devices and proce-                                                                 cept. Only by this, the performance of a
dures, which facilitate the implementation         These days, the TWG defines the specifica-             device over a defined period of time can be
of versatile solutions with an increasing offer    tion for the certification of the air interface,       adequately ensured with energy collected
of use cases of EnOcean technology. The            based on the EnOcean standards ISO/IEC                 from the ambient surroundings.
EnOcean Certification Program – linked with        14543-3-1X with the aim of releasing it by
a corresponding marking on devices – is            the end of 2015. In combination with the               Handbook as guideline
THE tool for the EnOcean Alliance to secure        “Radio Performance Certification Specifi-              The “EnOcean Certification Handbook”
interoperability of EnOcean-based devices          cation” this will ensure that radio imple-             (available early 2016) will be a kind of a
without major additional effort. The EnOcean       mentations of different manufacturers will             bracket for the entire process and will
Alliance’s Technical Working Group (TWG)           communicate reliably with each other.                  secure a smooth execution of the certifica-
develops all components of the Certification                                                              tion process. On the one hand, it will sup-
Program till the end of the year 2015. The         Reference data for                                     port the unification and by this traceability
objective is a self-declaration of the device      communication profiles                                 of the certification’s documentation. On the
manufacturer, similar to the European CE           A parallel effort of the TWG is the develop-           other hand, it will be a guideline for the
declaration. In addition, a supplementary          ment of the specification for the certification        product development process.
verification by an independent and accred-         of the “Communication Profiles”. This com-
ited test laboratory is part of the program.       prehensive specification will provide proce-           Long-lasting high quality
                                                   dures and reference data to verify the imple-          The certification specifications existing so
Step by step towards the goal                      mentation of the communication protocol                far can already be applied today. The TWG
An EnOcean self-certification requires sev-        chosen – EEP or Generic Profiles. It will be           revises and updates these specifications
eral steps to be performed by the manufac-         based on the system specifications avail-              continuously and thus incorporates the
turer of the device, which can be done with-       able by the EnOcean Alliance – the EEP                 latest insights resulting from development
out significant additional effort as part of the   specification (current version 2.6.3), the             activities of members of the EnOcean
already required product development verifi-       specification of Generic Profiles and Remote           Alliance and latest requirements by the
cation (see graphic). Applied already during       Commissioning. By means of defined data                markets. Thus, the EnOcean Alliance sub-
the design-phase of a product, the certifica-      containers, the test result will be docu-              stantiates and progresses step by step its
tion specifications will support the achieve-      mented and reproducibility of test cases will          promise of interoperability and secures the
ment of the design goals. Supporting a             be achieved.                                           high level of quality of EnOcean-based
device’s development process, the test cases                                                              products.
relevant to the certification will be defined at   Reliable end-to-end
each step of the process and device-related        performance                                            The Technical Working Group welcomes all
documents will be compiled. Especially, all        The proof of performance according to the              members of the EnOcean Alliance to con-
information relevant to interoperability is to     specification of a particular device remains           tribute their expertise to the definition and
be reflected in the public device documenta-       the responsibility of the manufacturer. The            completion of the certification process.
tion; that way, this will become an integral       result of this proof is a mandatory compo-
part of the certification. The correct and con-    nent of the EnOcean Certification to deliver
sistent use of the test specifications ensures     a reliable end-to-end performance of func-             www.enocean-alliance.org
that all devices will undergo an identical test    tionality to operators and customers. At this
process, and the test coverage as well as the
test results will be comparable and repro-
ducible independently of the individual                EnOcean Self-Certification Process
device manufacturer.

Verification of the air interface                      Certification
A first major step towards the EnOcean                      • Test Cases               • Test Procedure             • „EnOcean Self-         • Quality Marking
                                                                                                                      Certification            „EnOcean-
Certification was achieved by the release of                • Device Documen-          • Test Coverage
                                                                                                                      Documentation“           Certified“
                                                              tation (public)          • Test Results
the “Radio Performance” specification in
August 2013. This specification is applied
already by quality-focused device manufac-
                                                                                EnOcean Device Manufacturer                            EnOcean Alliance
turers. By this, non-sensitive radio receivers
and low-range transmitters are things of the
past; and those manufacturers ensure a
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