German Contributions to the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction - 14 -18 March 2015 Sendai, Japan
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German Contributions to the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 14 –18 March 2015 Sendai, Japan Editor: German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV)
German Contributions to the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the organizations which pre- pared the individual sections. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Federal Government or the German Committee for Disaster Reduction. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publica- tion do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the German Federal Government or the German Committee for Disaster Reduction concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authori- ties, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers of boundaries. Imprint Contributions to the World Conference on Disaster Reduction 14 –18 March 2015, Sendai, Japan Produced by: German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV);; with the financial support of the Federal Foreign Office Editorial: Axel Rottländer, DKKV Secretariat Sebastian Pisi, DKKV Secretariat Rupert Eggers, DKKV Secretariat Authors: see list of authors Graphic Design: kippconcept gmbh, Bonn, Photo credits: Title: Welthungerhilfe; p. 6, T. Köhler; p. 7, T. Trutschel; p. 8, C. van den Broek; p. 13, BBK/R. Doderer, BBK/W. Geier, BBK/M. Hüter; p. 15, ESCAP/D. Henley; p. 17, OPI/HPN; p. 18, Welthungerhilfe; p. 19, Lohnes/ Welthungerhilfe; p. 23, DLR, DLR/Satellite data: RapidEye AG Infoterra GmbH, DLR/Satellite data: European Space Imaging/DigitalGlobe, DLR/Satellite data: CNES, European Space Imaging/Satellite data: European Space Imaging; p. 25, DRK/T. Klose; p. 27, GFMC; p. 28, GFZ; p. 31, GFZ; p. 32, GFZ; p. 36, T. Petrow Printing: Druckerei Plump, Rheinbreitbach 2
German Contributions to the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 14 –18 March 2015 Sendai, Japan 3
Content Federal Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Foreword 6 Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dr. Gerd Müller 7 Chairman of the German Committee for Disaster Reduction Gerold Reichenbach Words of Welcome 8 Introduction 9 Partners 10 Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance A comprehensive competence in german disaster risk management 12 Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management / GIZ Achieving Disaster Resilience – Advancements in Development Partner Policy and Practice 14 Strengthening Resilience in the Tourism Sector 15 Good Practice Review – Disaster Risk Reduction 17 Welthungerhilfe The Welthungerhilfe Approach to Strengthening Resilience 18 Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology A comprehensive approach to better understand disaster impacts and main loss drivers in near-real time 20 4
German Aerospace Center Earth Observation Contributions to Disaster Management 22 German Red Cross Improved preparedness for response: Meeting the challenge of increasing extreme weather events and climate change risks 24 Global Fire Monitoring Center The Global Wildland Fire Network: A Policy and Outreach Programme of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) 26 German Research Centre for Geosciences GITEWS – the German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System 28 Rapid exposure and vulnerability mapping for natural hazards 30 35 Years International Training Courses on “Seismology and Seismic Hazard Assessment” 34 DKKV & European Partners Flooding in Europe – new risks and strategies to build resilience: Side Event by DKKV in cooperation with European partners 36 DKKV & University of Potsdam Analysis of the flood in June 2013: Summary of recommendations for future flood risk management in Germany 40 Authors 42 5
Federal Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Foreword During the last 20 years the number of natural The Principles of Preparedness agreed in Berlin disasters around the world has doubled; in the first in 2013 contain guidelines on forward-looking ten years of the 21st century alone, the economic humanitarian assistance which supports people damage is estimated to have been 891 billion US on the ground before any disaster has occurred. dollars. The poorest of the poor are especially hard Furthermore, our package of measures on the hit by extreme weather events. They lose their pos- humanitarian impact of climate change also serves sessions, their livelihoods and, in the worst case, to process the findings of climate research so that their lives. Most of them have few possibilities to they can be used by humanitarian actors. prepare for disasters and are completely at the mercy of the elements. However, in highly devel- Good disaster risk prevention is the most effective oped industrialised nations, too, extreme weather form of help. The better disaster risk prevention events can cause devastating damage. The flood is implemented, the less likely a country is to be disaster in New Orleans or the aftermath of the reliant on outside help if disaster strikes. The third tsunami in Japan made that abundantly clear. UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction will adopt a new framework which will succeed Through risk analysis, early warning systems the Hyogo Framework for Action, which is due and effective disaster risk prevention, states can to end this year. The Conference will give us an actively prepare for the impact of extreme weather opportunity to use the experience we have gained events. That was the aim of the Hyogo Framework during the last ten years to develop new methods for Action, adopted in 2005, which contained clear and approaches. Our main goal will continue to priorities as to how disaster risk prevention can be be to strengthen disaster risk prevention, estab- improved at local, national and international level. lish early warning systems on the ground and to Germany, too, has been guided in its actions by the improve disaster management at local, regional Framework for Action during the last ten years. and national level. In order to implement the Framework for Action, the Federal Foreign Office has helped partners in disaster-prone states to improve preventative measures at local level. With our Preparedness Initiative, we have helped bring about a paradigm Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier shift in international humanitarian assistance. The Federal Foreign Minister 6
Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dr. Gerd Müller Whilst more and more people around the world for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). are threatened by natural hazards, poor people The GIDRM makes German expertise and know- in particular lack the means to protect them- how specifically available to affected countries. selves effectively against extreme natural events. According to the United Nations, almost 90 per The World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction cent of all fatalities as a result of such events occur in Sendai can make a crucial contribution towards in countries with high levels of poverty. Disasters global disaster risk management. In 2015, a water- often trigger a chain of subsequent problems, such shed year in many respects, the international com- as poverty, malnutrition, homelessness, epidemics, munity needs to step up its efforts to protect more migration and even armed conflict. The develop- people from extreme natural events. Germany is ment progress that our partner countries have strongly involved in the process of negotiations for achieved is in danger. However, in industrialised the revision and renewal of the Hyogo Framework countries, too, disasters can have major impacts – for Action. We support an ambitious Framework particularly on the economy – as floods in Ger- that will strengthen capacities and ownership in many have shown us. our partner countries in the field of preventive action, and will get particularly vulnerable groups German development cooperation is addressing of people actively involved in efforts to combat this challenge. We are involved in efforts aimed at climate change. improving prevention and establishing a global system of disaster risk management, in order to The examples described in this brochure demon- reduce people’s vulnerability in the face of natural strate the wide range of activities in which events. Scientific prognoses for the next 15 years Germany is engaged. However, they are also a assume that about 325 million people will be at reminder that we must not cease in our efforts if acute risk of falling victim to a natural disaster or we want to be able to provide people with effec- an extreme weather event unless we are able to tive protection against the risks of tomorrow. make progress on reducing poverty and on disas- ter risk management. That is why, as part of its development cooperation, Germany is involved in the efforts of bilateral and multilateral alliances to implement an up-to-date integrated disaster risk management approach. Since 2014, this work has also been carried out Dr. Gerd Müller through the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Man- Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation agement (GIDRM) founded by the Federal Ministry and Development 7
Chairman of the German Committee for Disaster Reduction Gerold Reichenbach Words of Welcome During the first World Conference on Disaster and demographic changes are becoming serious Reduction in Yokohama 1994, the UN-member challenges for communities and states. Therefore, states and other states agreed to combine their it is important that experts from all over the world efforts on Disaster Risk Reduction within the discuss with state representatives and civil society so called Yokohama Strategy. Furthermore, the how to address future challenges and incorpo- conference represented the mid-term review rate these in the new framework. Moreover, the of the International Decade for Natural Disaster results of these discussions have to be turned into Reduction. More than 10 years after the first World concrete action on local, national, regional and Conference 168 States agreed during the second international level. World Conference 2005 in Kobe, Japan upon the “Hyogo Framework for Action”. The ultimate goal It remains pivotal for effective disaster risk reduc- of the Hyogo Framework for Action was to “Build tion, that disaster risk reduction remains a cross the Resilience of Nations and Communities” and cutting issue which takes a broad approach. The all efforts have been focused to increase resilience concept of national platforms has proven to be and reduce risk. In order to achieve this goal, the effective when it comes to organize collaboration framework defined five priorities of action, along and coordination of stakeholders involved in dis- with Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities, which aster risk reduction. This compilation of different have been implemented in the last 10 years. approaches to reduce and manage disaster risks is a reflection of the broad expertise of the DKKV. It The Yokohama strategy already outlined the describes how members of the DKKV are address- importance of social aspects when dealing with ing certain aspects of DRR not only on the national Disaster Risk Reduction. The Hyogo Framework but also on the international level. for Action highlighted in one if its priorities the need to reduce the underlying risk factors. This We are looking forward to develop new technol- required short-, mid-, and long-term approaches ogies, approaches, tools and strategies in order to and the collaboration across sectors, scientific increase resilience and managing risk. Therefore, disciplines and last but not least across boarders we hope that our perspectives will contribute and continents. Additionally the collaboration of to the success of the third World Conference on all stakeholders in the field of DRR remains one Disaster Risk Reduction. of the most important factors to reduce disaster risks. We are now at a stage, where a lot has been achieved, however tremendous efforts need to be undertaken to cope with new challenges. The preconditions for successful disaster risk reduction are known, however natural disasters remain a global threat, not only for less developed Gerold Reichenbach states but also for wealthy societies. Additionally, German Committee for Disaster Reduction new hazards are appearing, increased urbanization Chairman 8
Introduction Since publishing the HFA in 2005, many countries ter management are an important contribution to and organizations have implemented disaster DRR. The importance of rapid exposure and vulner- risk reduction strategies. In 2005, 168 countries ability mapping, but also the appropriate training agreed on taking action to reduce their disaster risk to overcome natural hazards are emphasized. through comprehensive, integrated and multidis- Furthermore this publication stresses the expert ciplinary approaches. In 2013, almost 90% of the contributions to the Working session presented by countries report the integration of disaster risk the DKKV in cooperation with European partners. reduction (DRR) in some form. Germany hereby The Side Event focuses on recent flood events in takes a pro-active role in implementing disaster Europe and respective lessons learned. Evidence risk reduction policies and methods. Demonstrat- from different European countries is reviewed and ing the importance of prevention, research and recommendations for improved flood risk assess- transfer of knowledge, triggering political debates ment and management are illustrated. At the end, or further insurance possibilities are just a few but the session examines which conclusions can be outstanding examples of the current debate and drawn for other countries presenting the results in demand further input. posters at the exhibition booths. Technical experts of the relevant ministries, gov- The German organizations will also be presenting ernmental and non-governmental organizations their contributions in the following sessions. and scientific institutions in Germany were invited to provide their input for more resilient commu- Projects are being presented to the public in the nities and states. A coherent presentation of the Open Forum: German contribution to disaster risk reduction for 3 Posters and publications the WCDRR has been the result. The German Com- 3 An exhibition booth, held jointly by all DKKV mittee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) – the National partners Platform for Disaster Reduction within ISDR – 3 A Side Event on flood events in Europe and the therefore presents a compilation of the most recent respective lessons learned – Flooding in Europe scientific approaches and practical solutions. – new risks and strategies to build resilience On the following pages of this publication, which The contributions of German institutions and was produced thanks to the financial support of organizations include: the Federal Foreign Office, the reader will find 3 Flooding in Europe – new risks and strategies more detailed information on how multiple Ger- 3 Expert Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early Warn- man organizations aim to achieve further Disaster ing Systems and Services (MHEWS) Resilience. The need for more comprehensive 3 Strengthening the resilience of the tourism approaches to further understand the impacts of sector disasters in near-real time are necessary, whereby 3 Achieving disaster resilience, advancements in the detection and observation potentials for disas- development partner policy and practice 9
Partners Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Response Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Global Initiative Disaster Risk Management Welthungerhilfe Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology German Aerospace Center German Red Cross Global Fire Monitoring Center 10
GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience University of Potsdam Enhance – Partnership for Risk Reduction Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Grantham Research Institute University of Stuttgart European Environment Agency Federal Foreign Office Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 11
BBK Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance A comprehensive competence in german disaster risk management The protection of one’s population from serious of fire, first-aid and how to prepare for an emer- danger to human welfare – or Civil Protection – is gency, thus gaining knowledge which will have a key component of the national security architec- a lasting and positive effect on their lives. Part of ture of Germany. In 2002, the Federal Government the campaign are teacher-workshops and events and the federal states (better known as “Laender”) with children. The aim is to allay children’s fears of agreed a “New strategy for the protection of emergencies and disasters and strengthen their the population in Germany” which emphasizes resilience. Addressing specific age-groups is rather emergency preparedness and disaster prevention. unusual in the EU, so to promote this innovative It underlines the joint responsibility of the Federal approach the BBK started to establish an EU-wide Government and the “Laender” in situations which platform for this website working with its counter- threaten serious damage to the welfare of the parts in Austria and Romania. nation. In 2010 BBK and BMI joined forces with the Asso- The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster ciation of Augsburg relief organizations and the Assistance (BBK) was established in 2004 as an Augsburg Puppet Theatre, a marionette theater agency of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI). based in Augsburg, to produce a special show with In accordance with the Federal Civil Protection and puppets on strings for children aged three to six - Disaster Assistance Act (ZSKG) BBK has, among “Rettet die Retter” (Save the Rescue Team – Adven- others, the statutory obligation for: tures in the Emergency World). The Augsburg 3 Development of national risk analysis Puppet Theatre has been widely popular with par- 3 Warning and informing the population ents and children alike since it started producing 3 Education, further education and training TV shows in the 1950s. Initially adapting fairy tales, 3 Support of municipalities to prepare for they soon started creating their own scripts, many emergencies of which have become modern classics with their 3 Technical and scientific research characters featuring in popular culture. The aim of the project is to encourage children and younger The BBK is a point of contact for stakeholders in people to volunteer. The 1.7 million volunteers civil protection and disaster assistance due to form the backbone of civil protection in Germany, its range of user-oriented services and its sci- they are mainly retained fire fighters, volunteers ence-based expertise. in first aid charities or with the Federal Agency for Technical Relief. Due to demographic changes Through its work, the BBK contributes to the and changes in the social fabric less people decide implementation of the Hyogo Framework for to volunteer nowadays. The earlier people start Action. For instance, the BBK is committed to rais- engaging in voluntarism, the more likely they are ing public awareness through various channels, to keep their commitment up throughout life. e.g. at professional and trade fairs, through pub- lications, its web-site and – brand-new – a twitter Demographic changes are not the only topic of channel. A particular emphasis is put on reach- global concern which is addressed by BBK. Some ing children and young people: In 2011 the BBK degree of climate change has become inevita- launched an educational website for children aged ble, hence we need to start preparing. This will seven to twelve. The websites www.max-und- reduce the impact of future costs and damages. conveys knowledge on how In 2008 the German Strategy for Adaptation to to deal with hazards and raises awareness for the Climate Change, was established as framework importance of voluntary work in civil protection. for a medium-term national adaptation process. Children and young people learn how to behave In 2011 an Adaptation Action Plan followed with (and of course avoid it in the first place) in case objectives and options for more actions. It includes 12
BBK specific government activities for the coming nese provinces in risk analysis methodology and years and links to other national strategic pro- supported their emergency planning processes cesses. Civil Protection features as a cross-cutting and the preparation and conduct of emergency issue focusing mainly on extreme weather events. exercises. The analyses provided the basis for Preparing for and responding to these events is the restructuring and improvement of regional part of the current day-to-day role of emergency emergency plans. In December 2012 the project services. More frequent severe weather will create was completed with a strategic level exercise in new challenges for everyone involved in disaster Chongqing. and crisis management including providers of critical infrastructure. The cross-cutting nature of civil protection requires cooperation and net- working of all stakeholders. Already in 2007 the Strategic Governmental Agencies Alliance had been founded by BBK, the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the German Weather Service (DWD) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR). They closely cooperate with joint preparation of workshops and seminars, exchange information on a regular basis and jointly conducted research. Their main focus is a strategic and operational view Puppets on strings in action: performance of of extreme weather events. “Save the Rescue Team” in Augsburg Germany faces a range of risks beyond severe weather and therefore a national risk analysis has been implemented since 2010 in accordance with the ZSKG. It is key to the advancement of the Ger- man System of National Security and part of the “New strategy for the protection of the population in Germany”. BBK developed a risk assessment method for civil protection which has been made available to the Laender. Its implementation is currently piloted by several Laender. The findings of the national risk analysis serve as basis for infor- mation and decision making for a risk-based and needs-driven planning of prevention and prepar- Risk management training in Chongqing edness activities. The Federal Government uses the risk analysis also to capture hazards of national importance. The outcome, the “Joint Hazard Estimation of the Federals States and the Federal Government”, compiles hazards which exceed day- to-day events and identifies risk hotspots, required additional capabilities and means to reduce vul- nerability. BBK also engages in a regular exchange on risk management methods and results with its European neighbors and partner countries across the world. For instance, from 2009 to 2012 BBK took part in the Sino-German Disaster Risk Prepared by: Management Project. The primary objective was Julia Poppitz, Claudia Eiselt, to improve the Chinese risk management system. The two protagonists of the BBKs children’s website Susanne Krings, Susanne German BBK-experts trained colleagues in two Chi- Lenz, Janine Rohwer 13
GIZ Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management / GIZ Achieving Disaster Resilience – Advancements in Development Partner Policy and Practice Background The adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action The proposed Side Event, to be jointly organized (HFA) formalized a long-term shift in global disaster by the Asian Development Bank and the Global risk management (DRM) thinking, placing far Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM) greater emphasis on the need to integrate disaster coordinated by GIZ, will discuss how the DRM-re- risk considerations into sustainable development lated policies and practice of selected development policies, planning, and programming at all levels. partners have evolved over the life of the HFA. This shift in thinking has influenced the support provided by development partners, as reflected in Objective their policies and assistance covering both disaster risk reduction and post-disaster response over the The event will improve knowledge and understand- past decade. ing of shifts in DRM policies and practice adopted by development partners, lessons learned, chal- The scope of stand-alone disaster risk reduction lenges encountered, and directions going forward interventions has widened to place increasing to ensure that development assistance takes emphasis on non-structural and policy-related account of disaster risk and contributes to strength- support, as well as more traditional structural ened disaster resilience. interventions. Development investments across a wide range of sectors, such as water resource man- The event will enhance the understanding and agement and integrated urban development, are capability of development partners to contribute increasingly embedding disaster and climate risk towards the successful implementation of the consideration as an integral part of project design post-2015 framework. By highlighting outcomes of in hazard-prone areas. So too, development assis- good practice, the event will also encourage wider tance for post-disaster reconstruction is utilizing commitment to the implementation of the new the opportunities presented by disaster events to framework. build back better, strengthening resilience to future hazard events. The event will showcase good practices relating to DRM policies of development partners and their Thematic Approach investments both in standalone DRM initiatives and in other development projects that embed disaster Germany has recently introduced a Global Initiative risk considerations. Examples will include policies on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM), which is and practice for strengthening disaster resilience in coordinated by GIZ. The initiative brings together the water sector. a wide range of stakeholders from developing, emergent and industrialized nations working in public administrations, academia, civil society and the private sector, and provides a forum for new and innovative ways of collaboration in disaster risk management. By leveraging each other’s compar- Prepared by: ative advantages the GIDRM aims at contributing Stephan Huppertz, to the implementation and up-scaling of effective Global Initiative on Disaster solutions in three priority areas: disaster response Risk Management / GIZ preparedness and civil protection, resilient critical infrastructure and economic cycles, and early warn- In cooperation with ADB ing systems. 14
GIZ Strengthening Resilience in the Tourism Sector Background A single disaster event has the potential to cause widespread damage and economic disruption, affecting private and public investments in tourism destinations, and the country’s image and repu- tation, while posing a threat to the lives of tourist, workers and surrounding communities. The United Nations Global Assessment Report (GAR) in 2013 has identified tourism as one of the fastest growing but also most severely exposed sectors due to the location of many destinations in hazard prone areas such as on cliff tops, and along Given its picturesque view, many hotels and resorts are rivers and coastlines. In many countries tourism built along beautiful – but vulnerable – coastlines and has contributed significantly to the development are highly exposed to natural hazards. and plays an essential role in local, national and global economies. Direct and indirect losses from disasters have major impacts on communities Contributions at the WCDRR relying on tourism as their primary source of Side Event: Hotel Resilient Initiative income and on the national economy. This can be explained by the fact that tourism is an interactive The German Government has recently introduced relationship among tourists, public and private the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Manage- businesses, host governments and communi- ment (GIDRM), which is coordinated by GIZ. The ties. Due to the growing importance of tourism initiative brings together a wide range of stake- worldwide, any disruption to tourism arrivals can holders from developing, emergent and industri- seriously undermine business competitive-ness alized nations working in public administrations, and sustainable development, thus affecting a academia, civil society and the private sector, and country’s image and making it less attractive to provides a forum for new and innovative ways of foreign investors and visitors. collaboration in disaster risk management. By lev- eraging each other’s comparative advantages the However, there is a growing recognition of the GIDRM aims at contributing to the implementation importance and value of disaster risk manage- and up-scaling of effective solutions in three prior- ment in the tourism sector that needs a more ity areas: disaster response preparedness and civil systematic approach to ensure long-term competi- protection, critical infrastructure and risk-sensitive tiveness and sustain-ability. This includes the need economic cycles, and early warning systems. for a comprehensive framework to address exist- ing disaster risks, to prevent the creation of future To promote improved climate and disaster risk risks and to strengthen the resilience of the sector. management and to strengthen resilience in Poorly planned and managed tourism develop- hotels and throughout destinations, the GIDRM ment can easily exacerbate at-risk conditions. Thus is cooperating with the United Nations Office for risk-sensitive investment planning is crucial to Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the Pacific avert economic losses and protect lives. Asia Travel Association (PATA) to build on the rec- 15
GIZ Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management / GIZ ommendations of the GAR to implement effective Planned contributions disaster risk management through certification programs and voluntary rating systems. Working Keynote: with a wide range of public and private stakehold- Mr. Thomas Silberhorn, the Parliamentary State ers, the Hotel Resilient Initiative aims to develop Secretary to the Federal Ministry for Economic standards and tools for hotels and resorts that Cooperation and Development in Germany can be used to demonstrate disaster resilience to customers and clients, promoting resilience, whilst Panel Participants: creating standardized approaches and market Dr. Dirk Glaesser, UNWTO value. Carolyn Thompson, Australian Emergency Management Institute (AEMI) The Side Event provides reference for private Mr. Jorge Angulo, Director of Disaster Risk sector involvement in disaster risk reduction, Management, Ministry of Tourism Cuba and public-private partner-ships that can go Ms. Filomena Nelson, Deputy CEO, Ministry of beyond preparedness to risk reduction and risk Natural Resources and Head of NEMO, Samoa prevention. The Hotel Resilient Initiative presents Mr. Masato Takamatsu, JTM its research findings and framework for developing Ms. Jayne MacDougall, Director of Risk risk management standards, tools and instruments Management and Loss Prevention, Le Meridien to strengthening resilience in the tourism sector. Hotels (on behalf of the Hotel Resilient Initiative) Planned contributions include panelists from PATA, UNISDR, government representatives from partner Outlook countries and representatives from the private tourism sector, as well as technical partners (e.g. The Hotel Resilient Initiative plans to address small, TÜV Rheinland –t.b.c). medium and larger hotels, while recognizing their different requirements and capacities, to develop Working Session Tourism standards, tools and checklist and to pilot these in up to three selected destinations in the Asia-Pacific Together with UNISDR, PATA, Japan Tourism Mar- region. keting (JTM) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the GIDRM is also part of the Co-organiz- ing Committee of the Working Session on Tourism. The Session will focus on mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into tourism development and con- necting the tourism sector with national disaster risk and emergency management structures. The aim of the Working Session is to discuss oppor- tunities and challenges for the tourism sector to collaborate with the sectors responsible for dis- asters to mitigate risks, and to plan, respond and recover from disaster events; to explore existing activities in the tourism sector to build their resil- ience and reduce their risk towards hazards; and to enhance the understanding of the tourism sectors’ critical systems, functions, skills and capacities that can be utilized for strengthening national and community resilience. Prepared by: Hanna Maier, Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management / GIZ 16
GIZ Good Practice Review – Disaster Risk Reduction Background Published in March 2004, the Humanitarian Practice ODI/HPN in cooperation with GIZ has organized Network (HPN) Publication “Disaster risk reduction: the side event: Launch of executive summary and mitigation and preparedness in development and introduction of 2nd edition of Good Practice Review emergency programming (Good Practice Review 9 – Disaster Risk Reduction and host a multi-speaker 9)”, written by John Twigg, quickly established itself panel including a representative of the Japan CSO as a core resource on DRR for field agencies, training Coalition (JCC) to discuss the relevance of the book. courses and universities. With its wide range of coverage and operational focus, it filled a major Wendy Fenton (HPN) – Chair gap that other guidance and text books had not Nicolas Lamade (GIZ) – Discussant addressed. It was also timely. It helped to support Bruno Haghebaert (Global Network) – Discussant the rapidly growing interest in DRR that led to, and Mihir Bhatt (All India Disaster Mitigation Institute / was further stimulated by, the World Conference on AIDMI) – Discussant Disaster Reduction in January 2005 and the publica- Representative from the tion of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015. Japan CSO Coalition (JCC) – Discussant GPR cover 2004(2) 9/3/04 10:36 am Page 1 GPR 9 has been one of HPN’s most enduringly popular publications. The original print run of Number 9 development and emergency programming Disaster risk reduction Mitigation and preparedness in March 2004 4,000 copiesHumanitarian has long since been distributed free of Practice Network HPN Good Practice Humanitarian Practice Network charge, The mostly Humanitarian Practice Networkto HPN (HPN) members. is an independent forum whereElectronic field workers, man- copies, agers and policymakers in the humanitarian sector share information, analysis and experience. also available as open-access documents, continue Review Managed by Humanitarian Policy Group HPN’s aim is to improve the performance of humanitarian action by contributing to individual and to be downloaded in large numbers. Copies are institutional learning. HPN’s activities include: also held in institutional libraries – GPR 9 is a widely • A series of specialist publications: Good Practice Reviews, Network Papers and Humanitarian used textbook on a number of courses in DRR and Exchange magazine. • A resource website at Disaster risk reduction • Occasional seminars and workshops to bring together practitioners, policymakers and analysts. disaster management. The work is regularly cited in Mitigation and preparedness HPN’s members and audience comprise individuals and organisations engaged in humanitari- other publications, both academic and operational. an action. They are in 80 countries worldwide, working in northern and southern NGOs, the UN and other multilateral agencies, governments and donors, academic institutions and consul- in development and tancies. HPN’s publications are written by a similarly wide range of contributors. emergency programming HPN’s institutional location is the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) at the Overseas Development In 2013 a revision of the GPR 9 was initiated by a Institute (ODI), an independent think tank on humanitarian and development policy. HPN’s publications are researched and written by a wide range of individuals and organisations, and are Commissioned and published by the Humanitarian Practice Network at ODI John Twigg team of experts under guidance of John Twigg. published by HPN in order to encourage and facilitate knowledge-sharing within the sector. The views and opinions expressed in HPN’s publications do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Humanitarian Policy Group or the Overseas Development Institute. Research assistant(s) with specialist knowledge of Funding support is provided by institutional donors (AusAID, CIDA, DANIDA, DFID, Development About HPN particular aspects of DRR helped to gather data, Cooperation Ireland, MFA Netherlands, SIDA, USAID), non-governmental organisations (British Red Cross, CAFOD, Concern, MSF, Oxfam, Save the Children (UK), World Vision) and UN agencies The Humanitarian Practice Network at the Overseas Development Institute is an independent forum where field workers, (WFP). literature and case study material, focusing on areas managers and policymakers in the humanitarian sector share information, analysis and experience. The views and where there Humanitarian has been the most development in the Practice Network (HPN) Overseas Development Institute opinions expressed in HPN’s publications do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Humanitarian Policy Group or the past decade or where only limited evidence was 111 Westminster Bridge Road Overseas Development Institute. London, SE1 7JD Britain’s leading independent United Kingdom think-tank on international development available at theTel:time the 1st edition was written (e.g. John Twigg and humanitarian issues Overseas Development Institute +44 (0)20 7922 0331/74 111 Westminster Bridge Road vulnerability and capacity assessment, urban risk Fax: +44 (0)20 7922 0399 Email: London SE1 7JD United Kingdom Website: Tel. +44 (0) 20 7922 0300 management, long-term recovery, monitoring and © Overseas Development Institute, London, 2004. Fax. +44 (0) 20 7922 0399 HPN e-mail: evaluation). The revision of GPR 9 is funded by BMZ, HPN website: DFAT and DFID. Prepared by: Nicolas Lamade and Franziskus Bayer, GIZ in Cooperation with ODI/HPN 17
WHH Welthungerhilfe The Welthungerhilfe Approach to Strengthening Resilience Welthungerhilfe, one of the biggest German NGO Since 2005, strengthening resilience has become for Humanitarian Aid and Development Coop- the main guiding principle for planning and eration, believes in a world without hunger and implementing actions at the interface of humani- poverty and in the fundamental right of people to tarian aid and development cooperation meeting a self-determined life in dignity and justice. Since the challenge to achieve sustainable impacts. For its foundation in 1962, Welthungerhilfe supports strengthening resilience, it is essential to build vulnerable people in about 40 countries in Africa, bridges between different stakeholders and sec- Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. tors and create links to different levels of govern- mental institutions and civil society actors aligning As a multi-mandate organization Welthungerhilfe, external interventions with (sub)national strate- based on the concept of Linking Relief, Rehabil- gies. Addressing the challenge of planning actions itation and Development, connects immediate focused on strengthening resilience, it is essential humanitarian aid, medium-term transitional that the composition of all elements creates local actions and long-term development cooperation. capacities and responsibilities securing that the initiated processes will continue in the long run For achieving Sustainable Food and Nutrition without external assistance. Security it is essential to take into consideration any kind of risk: political, socio-economic and The resilience concept claims to offer a new and geographical risks as well as risks related to natural different way of thinking about both humanitarian weather events and climate change. Based on aid and development cooperation suggesting to the experience in development cooperation for approach the challenges and risks we face in the decades, achieving sustainable impacts requires a context of fragility, protracted crises and violent capacity building which allows local stakeholders conflicts as well as during periods of recovery and to take place in the driver seat. There will be no in countries that are particularly exposed to natu- strong and resilient community without commu- ral hazards and the effects of climate change. Wel- nity based responsibility. thungerhilfe understands strengthening resilience as a process that aims to enhance the combined coping (or absorptive), adaptive and transform- 18
WHH ative capacities of households, communities and nations, whilst assuring that the well-being and living standards of groups of people and individu- als impacted directly and indirectly by an actions are not compromised. In 2001, Welthungerhilfe started first Disaster Risk Management actions in Nicaragua after Hurricane Mitch, and expanded the concept five years later when it commissioned the study “Disaster Risk Reduction as a principal in Rural Development”. From a civil society perspective, an inter Understanding Climate Change as a significant risk vention designed to strengthen resilience for achieving positive impacts of humanitarian aid must be based on the following principles: and development cooperation, in 2011 Welthun- 3 Rights based: Actions to strengthen resilience gerhilfe put in practice its Climate Proofing tool. consistent with legal obligations to respect, Welthungerhilfe and its local partner organizations protect, and fulfil universal human rights. This understand DRR as a cross cutting issue. requires actions across rights holders and duty bearers to address structural inequalities, exclu- Currently, Welthungerhilfe participates in the sions and injustices that marginalize certain “Resilience Learning Initiative” created by the Ger- groups and reinforce differential vulnerability – man Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation for example ensuring that people can partici- and Development, based on the operation “Ensur- pate in political decision making processes and ing food security of rural population by Climate have access to the necessary natural, economic Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction” in and social resources. the north-east of Haiti, in order to operationalize 3 Equity: Strengthening resilience, associated the resilience concept and methods for measuring with notions of justice and inclusion, for all resilience. In Burkina Faso, Welthungerhilfe par- people regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, ticipates in the DFID program “Building Resilience geography, disability or other social-economic and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disas- status. ters (BRACED)” focusing its action on improving 3 People-centered: Project logic based on local household food security and income, identifying wisdom, realities, real experiences, needs, con- and disseminating best practices in processes to cerns, and solutions of at-risk populations; strengthen resilience. 3 Environmental integrity: Social-economic development in balance with the carrying Taking disaster risk reduction seriously, human- capacities of the natural environment, in order itarian aid not only focuses on “affected people” to maintain biodiversity and sustain healthy but also on “endangered people”. Apart from the ecosystems for people’s well-being and secu- long term reduction of underlying risk factors rity. in the context of development cooperation, the humanitarian aid community faces the challenge Identifying options for actions to strengthen of forecast based actions. Preparedness for effec- resilience in determined circumstances tive response in the context of climate change and requires first the answers to four key scoping climate phenomena requires mechanisms and questions: procedures which allow acting before a foreseen 3 Resilience of what kind of system? (livelihood extreme weather event occurs. Humanitarian aid system, socio-political system, ecosystem) actors should be able to manage robust weather 3 Resilience to what kind of shock/stress/ data and, based on established thresholds, initiate Prepared by: hazard? (existing and prognosticated) actions in an early stage. Currently, Welthunger- Robert Grassmann 3 Resilience for whom and where? (layers, actors, hilfe participates in the German Foreign Office Senior Advisor Resilience people) “Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation” Sector Strategy, 3 Resilience over what timeframe? (short, involving local partners in the pilot countries Knowledge & Learning Unit medium and/or long term perspective) Bangladesh, Mozambique and Peru. Welthungerhilfe 19
CEDIM Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology A comprehensive approach to better understand disaster impacts and main loss drivers in near-real time Background studies conducted post-disaster events” ( The Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM) is an interdiscipli- CEDIM adopts this comprehensive understanding nary research center in the field of disaster of disasters while incorporating a real-time com- management founded 2002 by the Helmholtz ponent to the impact assessment, complementing Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre IRDR activities. The core of CEDIM’s new style of for Geoscience and the Karlsruhe Institute of analysis is to examine disasters in an inter- and Technology (KIT). The main goal of CEDIM is to transdisciplinary way with a focus on the complex advance our scientific understanding of hazards, interactions between (1) natural hazards, (2) tech- risk, and disasters and to develop appropriate nical installations, facilities and infrastructures, and disaster risk management strategies. For this, (3) societal structures, institutions, and capacities. CEDIM employs interdisciplinary competence and synergies between its affiliated institutions. Objectives The scientific disciplines participating in CEDIM include meteorology, hydrology, geophysics/ To examine disasters forensically and to identify seismology, earthquake engineering, civil main risk and loss drivers at an early stage, CEDIM engineering, remote sensing, geoinformatics, uses its broad interdisciplinary expertise and economics and social sciences. CEDIM is a contri- in-house tools for conducting rapid assessments bution to bridging the gap between science combined with historical disaster databases. In and application in disaster management, which several research projects, novel tools for rapid focuses on user-oriented and scientifically analyses are developed and already existing meth- founded strategies for strengthening disaster ods and tools for rapid damage assessments are risk reduction. Knowledge transfer, stakeholder tested and further developed. dialogues and cooperation with key partners such as the German Committee for Disaster Since October 2011, the CEDIM Forensic Disaster Reduction DKKV, the Willis Research Network, Analysis Group published comprehensive reports and the Earthquake and Megacities Initiative EMI with rapid analyses and loss estimations for five underpin CEDIM’s integration into the Disaster disasters: the Van earthquake in Turkey 2011, the Risk Reduction Community. USA drought in summer 2012, Hurricane Sandy in the Caribbean and the USA 2012, the floods in Thematic Approach / Methodology Germany in June 2013, and Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines in 2013. The reports, together with Given the high potential of the information flux additional short reports about other small scale that emerges during the first days after a disaster disasters, are published on the CEDIM’s webpage via Information- and Communication Technolo-, and additional summaries are pro- gies, CEDIM in 2011 started a new and compre- vided on the recently established Helmholtz Earth hensive approach to scrutinize disasters and to System Knowledge Platform examine their main loss drivers immediately after the onset: The near-real-time Forensic Disaster To exploit the full potential of the rapid approach Analysis. The notion “Forensic Disaster Investiga- in near-real time, CEDIM researchers as a second tion” has been coined by the Integrated Research step examine disasters through in-depth-studies on Disaster Risk (IRDR) research program. Forensic to identify key factors for the disaster impact. Investigations of Disasters aim “to uncover the root Given the death toll and rate of displaced persons causes of disasters through in-depth investiga- after Typhoon Haiyan, for example, researchers tions that go beyond the typical reports and case are currently investigating the impact of disaster 20
CEDIM response information and the factors increasing Outlook the vulnerability of people to be displaced. For the floods in Germany in 2013, CEDIM contributed The long-term aim of CEDIM’s comprehensive significantly to the study on advancements and approach is to infer recommendations for Disaster shortcomings in flood risk management within the Risk Reduction activities. The extension of CEDIM’s BMBF Project “Flood in June 2013”. Parallel to such near-real-time focus to follow-up studies as well as activities, particular information needs of several the orientation towards user needs are first steps stakeholders (relief organizations, insurance indus- in this direction. try) are identified in stakeholder dialogues to be considered in further research and future reports. Prepared by: Center for Disaster Figure: CEDIM’s estimates of displaced and homeless people from NDRRMC, PDRRMC, news and estimated sources via Management and CATDAT (estimates are rounded to 1000s, statistics are kept as exact values) on day 6 after Typhoon Haiyan made landfall on Risk Reduction the Philippines. Source: CEDIM Forensic Disaster Analysis Group (FDA): Super Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda – Report No. 2, Technology CEDIM Focus on Philippines – 13.11.2013, 18:00 GMT. 21
DLR German Aerospace Center Earth Observation Contributions to Disaster Management Background: 3 During the response phase, immediately after a disaster strikes, satellites can promptly Natural hazards such as floods, forest fires, vol- acquire images of the affected region. Through canoes, hurricanes and earthquakes as well as rapid mapping activities the satellite data are technical accidents and conflicts pose a threat to being analyzed and information like flood thousands of people and the economy each year. extent, burnt area and earthquake damages are To prevent hazards from turning into disasters or extracted. at least to mitigate their negative impacts, infor- 3 During the recovery phase the progress of the mation regarding the event itself as well as the reconstruction activities can be monitored and exposed people and infrastructure are essential for documented using remotely sensed data. decision makers. Earth observation significantly supports the management of natural disasters by Contributions of the providing relevant geo-information. German Aerospace Center (DLR) Thematic Approach using DLR is very much engaged in research and Earth Observation Data development of methods and products based on satellite data for disaster management. Since Earth observation provides valuable information more than 10 years DLR has been operating its for the different phases of disaster management: Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI). 3 For the disaster preparedness and mitigation The ZKI is one of the leading organizations in this earth observation data can contribute to an topic worldwide. It provides a 24/7 service for the improved risk assessment by providing spatial fast provision, processing and analysis of satellite information about the elements at risk in the imagery after natural disasters, for humanitarian hazard areas. relief activities and civil security issues worldwide. 3 For early warning systems earth observation As the development of new products and the can provide for some hazard types a continu- improvement of existing ones are largely user ous monitoring from space. driven, DLR closely works to together with differ- Risk Analysis Mitigation/ Preparedness Early Warning Recovery Response Monitoring Prepared by: Rapid Mapping Günter Strunz, Christiane Lechtenbörger and Stella von Sassen, DLR Disaster Management Cycle (grey circle) and Earth Observation contributions related to it 22
DLR ent stakeholders such as national and international relief organizations. It also offers training and consulting for field practitioners, situation center staff and decision makers. Moreover, DLR is also member of the International Charter ”Space and Major Disasters“. The Charter makes space data rapidly available in case of natu- ral or man-made disasters. DLR is contributing data from the earth observation missions TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X and RapidEye to the Charter and also takes over further operational tasks in the Charter. Situation map of the Al-Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan Damage Assessment Map of Cebu Island (Philippines) after Typhoon Haiyan destroyed villages in November 2013 Tsunami Risk Map of Denpasar, Indonesia Inundated areas after the 2013 tsunami hit Japan Monitoring of reconstruction: A school in Banda Aceh before (top), 4 days after (middle) and 6 months after (bottom) the 2004 tsunami 23
DRK German Red Cross Improved preparedness for response: Meeting the challenge of increasing extreme weather events and climate change risks Addressing climate change and its humanitarian itate such early action following early warnings, implications is a central task of the German Red except when an imminent disaster is virtually Cross (GRC) taking into account the Red Cross certain. This is a well-known bottleneck in enabling and Red Crescent Movement´s core mandate to early action for preparedness to response ahead support the most vulnerable. of disasters. Funding often only becomes available after a disaster has already occurred or it is given Background for long-term projects based just on average level of risk, not taking into account temporarily increas- The number of people in need of humanitarian ing risks. assistance has been steadily increasing over the past 10 years and the impact of climate change Thematic approach and methodologies is partly responsible for this increase. Current and future risks of extreme weathers because In 2012 the GRC designed a project together of climate change in combination with often with the Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre unplanned urbanization, limited food security, (RCCC), the Togolese Red Cross and Uganda Red poor management of natural resources, popula- Cross to pilot a new mechanism called “fore- tion growth and extreme poverty represent major cast-based financing” that will plug this humanitar- challenges, particularly for people living in devel- ian gap between early warnings and early action. oping and high-risk countries. These 6 years of pilot projects in Uganda and Togo are funded by the German Federal Ministry for Eco- At the same time there are many systems for early nomic Cooperation and Development. Red Cross warning of the temporarily increased likelihood disaster managers will select activities based on of disasters available, such as forecasts of storm the level of warning that are encoded in Standard tracks or weekly rainfall. Looking at rainfall Operating Procedures (SOPs) that marry packages upstream in a river basin, storm forecasts and of ad hoc risk reduction and preparedness meas- seasonal forecasts for El Nino and La Nina, the ures with specific alerts and assign responsibilities. humanitarian system can get such early warnings The costs of each action are calculated and will be days, weeks, months and even longer in advance. funded with money coming from a preparedness These scientific information and early warnings fund established at the Red Cross. provide a crucial window before a potential dis- aster occurs in which local communities and civil Furthermore, the German Federal Foreign Office is society organizations such as National Red Cross also seeking to improve the utilization of existing and Red Crescent Societies helping them can take short, medium and long-term extreme weather action. This is becoming even more important in a forecasts in order to take action towards effective more uncertain and variable climate. preparedness in threatened communities, regions and countries before a disaster and to strengthen Making scientific information of temporarily the humanitarian system to improve its prepared- increasing extreme weather risks available and ness for response mechanisms. operational in the right way offers the opportu- nity for more efficient and effective humanitarian Therefore the Federal Foreign Office developed an preparedness for response by taking additional action plan to face the humanitarian challenges of measures of risk reduction and preparing coun- climate change. The GRC has been coordinating tries, regions and communities on time. this action plan since the end of 2014 and is work- ing together with a multitude of actors at different But very often in the humanitarian system there levels, including the International Federation are generally no funding mechanisms that facil- of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), 24
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