RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero

Page created by Betty Morales
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
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               R E C R E AT I O N G U I D E
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
202 2

                                                    Presented by:

29 Annual!
      th         FRIDAY, AUGUST 19TH 6:30-8:30 PM
Hot El Camino Cruise Nite
                      SATURDAY, AUGUST 20TH
                            10 AM - 3 PM
  Mid-State Cruisers
6 Annual!
          Car Show
                             5 - 9 PM
Dancing in the Streets
      Steppin’ Out and Burning James All Stars
Presented by:

RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
Public Directory of Services
     Accounts Payable (City).................................. 805-470-3450             *Library (Atascadero Branch)......................... 805-461-6161
     Animal Control (County)............................... 805-781-4400                *Marriage License............................................. 805-461-6041
     *Assessor/Real Property Info                                                       Mayor................................................................. 805-470-3400
         (North County Office)............................... 805-461-6143              *Megan’s
     Atascadero Recreation Guide......................... 805-470-3426                  Parking Tickets................................................. 805-461-5051
     BBQ Area Reservations................................... 805-470-3360              Parks & Recreation Commission................... 805-470-3478
     *Birth Certificates............................................. 805-461-6041      *Passports.......................................................... 805-461-6041
     Building/Planning Issues................................. 805-461-5035             Pavilion on the Lake......................................... 805-461-5005
     Burn Day........................................................... 805-461-5070   Permits (Building & Planning)....................... 805-461-5035
     Bus Schedules/Passes....................................... 805-461-5000           Permits (Encroachment)................................. 805-470-3456
     Business License                                                                   Building/Planning Issues................................. 805-461-5035
         (Existing & Renewals)................................ 805-470-3474             Planning Commission..................................... 805-470-3402
     Business License                                                                   Police Department (Non-Emergency).......... 805-461-5051
         (New Applicant)......................................... 805-461-5035          *Post Office (Atascadero)................................ 805-466-7917
     *Chamber of Commerce................................. 805-466-2044                 Potholes.............................................................. 805-470-3148
     *Cable (Charter)..............................................(800)640-6959        Public Records Request................................... 805-461-5000
     City Construction Projects.............................. 805-470-3456              Recreation Registration................................... 805-470-3360
     City Council...................................................... 805-470-3400    Road/Street Repairs.......................................... 805-470-3148
     City Hall Information...................................... 805-461-5000           Sewer.................................................................. 805-470-3456
     Code Enforcement........................................... 805-470-3191           *School District (AUSD)................................. 805-462-4200
     Community Center/Rec Center..................... 805-470-3360                      *Senior Citizens Center................................... 805-466-4674
     *Community Link & Family Resource Center..... 466-5404                             Skate Park.......................................................... 805-461-7606
     *County Clerk Recorder                                                             Signs (Commercial)......................................... 805-461-5035
           (North County Office)............................ 805-461-6041               Signs (Street)..................................................... 805-470-3456
     *County Government (General Info)............ 805-461-6041                         Special Events.................................................... 805-470-3472
     Creek Clean Up................................................. 805-470-3148       Sports Registration........................................... 805-470-3360
     Dead Wildlife (in City Right-of-Way)........... 805-470-3148                       Street Closure.................................................... 805-470-3456
     Dial-a-Ride........................................................ 805-466-7433   Traffic Citations................................................ 805-461-5051
     *Election/Voting Info....................................... 805-461-6041          Traffic Signals.................................................... 805-470-3456
     *Electric Service (PG&E)...............................(800)743-5000               Trails................................................................... 805-461-5000
     Employment Opportunities (City)................. 805-470-3400                      *Train/Railroad
     Engineering....................................................... 805-470-3456         (Union Pacific Railroad).........................(888)870-8777
     *Ficticious Business Name.............................. 805-461-6041               *Trash Services (Waste Alternatives)............. 805-466-3636
     Field Reservations............................................ 805-470-3472        Tree Removal.................................................... 805-461-5035
     Fire Department (Emergencies Only).......................... 9.1.1.                *Water Service (Atascadero Mutual
     Fire Department (Non-Emergency).............. 805-470-3300                                Water Company).................................... 805-466-2428
     Fire Marshall..................................................... 805-470-3326    Weed Abatement.............................................. 805-470-3300
     *Gas Service (Gas Company).........................(800)427-2200                   Zoning................................................................ 805-461-5035
     Inspections (Building)..................................... 805-466-8099           Zoo..................................................................... 805-461-5080
     Inspections (Encroachment)........................... 805-470-3456
     Inspections (Fire Sprinkler)............................ 805-470-3300              *Non-City
     Atascadero Lake Park....................................... 805-470-3360

     City Meetings
 City Council                                         Planning                                                    City Council
The City Council                                     Commission                                 Mayor.......................... Heather Moreno
meets on the 2nd and                           The Planning Commis-                             Mayor Pro-Tem....... Heather Newsom
4th Tuesday of each                            sion meets on the 1st                            Council Member................. Susan Funk
month at 6:00 pm.                              and 3rd Tuesday of each                          Council Member...... Charles Bourbeau
Meetings are current-                          month. Meetings are cur-                         Council Member................. Mark Dariz
ly held virtual and in-                        rently held virtually.
person at City Hall.
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
                                          A Publication of
                                       The City of Atascadero
                                           Summer 2022
                                                      IN THIS ISSUE
                         06   Special Events
           IN PERSON                                 16   Parks & Facilities
           Colony Park Community Center
           5599 Traffic Way, Atascadero              25   Arts & Crafts
                                                     26   Summer Camps
                                                     30   Certification & Training
     GET CONNECTED                                   32   Dance

                                                     34   Adult Sports
          /atascaderocs                              35   Youth Sports
                                                     38   Boomers & Seniors
                                                     40   Yoga
Atascadero Recreation Guide is published three
                                                     42   Charles Paddock Zoo
times a year by the City of Atascadero. Funding      47   Registration Information
for this publication is made possible by the sup-
port of our advertisers. The City of Atascadero
does not necessarily endorse or support the ad-                     Cover photo taken by
vertisements, products or services displayed in                     Terrie Banish, City of
this publication. Make editorial inquiries to 805-                  Atascadero’s        Deputy
                                                                    City Manager Outreach,
470-3426. Editorial submissions should be sent
                                                                    Promotions & Events.
to Atascadero Recreation Guide, 5599 Traffic                        Our upcoming Concert
Way, Atascadero, CA 93422. Email: jfanning@                         Series will be the best yet To place an advertisement please                    with an amazing line-up!
call 805-470-3426 or email jfanning@atascadero.                     Check it out at www.visi-
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
A t
    City of o’s
    a s c a
  Lake Fest &
              e r                     Special
                                 Saturday in the Park
                                Summer Concert Series
                                                                              Summer Concert Series
                                                                                   June 18th
                                                                                Counterfeit Kings
 Children’s Day
  in the Park
     May 21st
 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Atascadero Lake Park

                            Come visit the Atascadero Lake Park
                            Bandstand Saturdays on June 18th, July
                            2nd, July 9th, July 23rd, July 30th, August
                            6th, August 27th, September 3rd & Sep-
                            tember 10th. Concerts are 6:30 – 8:30 pm.       The Counterfeit Kings is one
Enjoy cardboard & duct                                                      of SLO’s favorite contemporary
                            Enjoy music and beautiful summer eve-
tape boat races, 2-for-1                                                    rock bands, taking on songs from
                            nings at the Lake Park! Each Saturday
Zoo admission tickets,                                                      artists such as The Killers, Red
                            concert will have a Food Truck vendor
music, kids activities,                                                     Hot Chili Peppers, Tom Petty,
                            for you to purchase delicious grub!
food vendors, vendor                                                        Counting Crows, and Weezer.
                                       FREE TO ATTEND!
booths, fishing derby                                                       Their music catalog focuses on
                            June 18th     Counterfeit Kings
and more! All proceeds                                                      best-loved alternative tunes from
                            July 2nd      Rockin’ Bs Band
benefit special projects                                                    the 90’s up to today. The band
                            July 9th      Jump Jax
for the Lake. Presented                                                     is made up of four professional
                            July 23rd     ghost/monster
by Friends of Atascadero                                                    musicians who have played the
                            July 30th     Cinders Blues Band
Lake and The Link Fam-                                                      Central Coast music scene for
                            August 6th SoundHouse
ily Resource Center.                                                        many years. Ty Christensen (vo-
                            August 27th JD Project
For more information:                                                       cals) and Scott Robertson (gui-
                            Sept. 3rd     Stellar
Friendsofatascaderolake.                                                    tar) formed the band in the early
                            Sept. 10th Truth About Seafood
com                                                                         2000’s and were immediately
                              Thank you to all our sponsors!                welcomed by venues and special
                            Presenting Sponsors: Golden 1 Credit Union,     event organizers because of their
                            Alice & Grigger Jones, Perry’s Parcel & Gift,   unique and eclectic choice of
                            ReMax Success, Stove & Spa Shop, Waste          songs that they covered. To round
                            Management.                                     out Tickets
                                                                                 the band’s rhythm section,
                            Supporting Sponsors: CCPN, Union & Vine         John$70   - General
                                                                                  Spalding  (bass) andAdmiss
                            Restaurant, Starna Cells.                       Chock (drums) are the newest
                            In-Kind Sponsors: All Signs & Graphics &            $80 who
                                                                            members    - Atadd
                                                                                             The    Gate
                                                                                                plenty of per-
                            Annie Wilson Graphic Design.                    cussive drive behind the songs.

 6   CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE | SUMMER 2022                                                    El
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
   Atascadero Lakeside
      Wine Festival
                                             Summer Concert Series
                                                   July 2nd
                                                                                   Summer Concert Series
                                                                                             July 9th
         June 25th                            The Rockin’ Bs Band                           Jump Jax
    Atascadero Lake Park                    Presented by Stove & Spa Center
  The 25th Annual Atascadero Lake-
  side Wine Festival, June 25th, will
  take place from 4 to 8 pm to take ad-
  vantage of Atascadero’s warm, sum-
  mer evenings. Dance to live music
  by a glistening lake. Sip incredible
  drinks that embody the spirit of the
  Central Coast. Peruse the crafts from
  talented local artisans as you follow                                           The Jump Jax are an electrifying
  the path down into our zoo where                                                quartet bringing their own fresh
  the festivities continue with more                                              take on good-time tunes to the
                                           Four seasoned pros come togeth-
  music, drinks, and food. All pro-
                                           er to create a musical experience      Central Coast music scene. Con-
  ceeds benefit the Charles Paddock
                                           that is authentic and FUN. The         sisting of 4 seasoned, profession-
  Zoo and other projects support-
  ing the community of Atascadero.         sum of it’s parts, the Rockin’ Bs      al musicians, this group brings
  Food sold separately. For tickets        Band, has a diverse repertoire         an energetic and danceable mix
  and more info: www.atascaderow-          that is great for listening and        of classic jump blues, swing, soul or at the Atascadero     dancing. Julie Beaver is a pow-        and rockabilly along with tasty
  Chamber of Commerce Office 805-          erful country/blues violinist and      originals that are guaranteed to
  466-2044.                                vocalist who turns on the after-       get feet moving. Songwriter Ted
                                           burners when it’s time to rock.        Waterhouse leads the band on
                                           Kenny Blackwell is every bit as        fluid electric arch-top and slide
                                           versatile as a musician and sing-      guitars and vocals. Reed man Ron
                                           er and demonstrates his tasteful       McCarley lays down swinging
                                           guitar prowess anytime he is on        jazz and soul riffs on tenor, alto
                    YEA                    the bandstand. Americana man           and baritone saxes and clarinet.
                          RS                                                      Ace drummer Michael Smoth-
                                           Wally Barnick brings strong vo-
                                           cals and solid electric bass while     ers provides the cookin’ beat and
       25 JUN 2 0 2 2                      drummer Art Dougall provides           adds superb lead and backing
       ATASCADERO                          just the right amount of thump,        vocals. Bassist Dave Block locks
       LAKESIDE                            having played with many promi-
                                           nent Central Coast bands for the
                                                                                  into the grooves while providing
                                                                                  more great vocals. All together
                                          Voted     “Best
                                           past several       North
                                                           decades.    County
                                                                     Music  lov-  these 4 exceptional musicians
sion                                       ers ofOutdoor
                                                  all ages willExperience”
                                                                 enjoy the wide   bring a sound that is sharp and
                                           range of styles, quality musi-         focused with dynamics suitable
                                                       - Atascadero News Magazine
                                           cianship and good vibes that the       for any size venue.
                                           Rockin’ Bs Band members bring
levate Your Experience                     to the stage.
                                                           SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE     7
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
A t
    City of o’s
    a s c a d e r
    Tuesdays in the Park
          June 14th-
                                        Summer Concert Series
                                              July 23rd
                                                                               Ice Cream Zoofari
                                                                                    July 16th
         August 2nd                         Ghost/Monster                        5:30-8:00 pm
         5:00-8:00 pm                                                         Charles Paddock Zoo
     Atascadero Lake Park                                                     Sponsored by Pure Pediatric
                                                                            Cool down on a warm summer
                                                                            evening at the Charles Paddock
                                                                            Zoo’s ice cream-filled event.
                                                                            Your entry includes all you can
Tuesday in the Park Community                                               eat ice cream, sundaes, root beer
BBQ has been a successful Fun-                                              floats, sugar-free treats and so
draiser for many non-profits in                                             much more.      Enjoy an evening
Atascadero for over 25 years. It’ll                                         with exotic animals and exotic
kick off on June 14th and our last    Ghost\Monster is a California
                                      “feel good rock ’n’ roll” band that   ice cream!
BBQ Fundraiser will be on August
2nd. Dinner and DJ is from 5-7pm      enjoys considerable popularity
and the Atascadero Community          performing regularly at a large
Band plays from 7-8pm. You can        number of prestigious venues and
buy your tickets at the Atascadero    events on the Central Coast. Lead
Chamber of Commerce website           singer, Nataly Lola has performed Call       with grammy award winning
the Chamber office at 805.466.2044    band “Portugal-The Man” and
for more information.                 has also shared the bill with Tom
                                      Higgenson of the “Plain White
                                      T’s”. Ghost\Monster prides them-      Join the fun from 5:30-8:00 pm!
                                      selves in being able to adapt from    Ticket Prices:
                                      the tasting room to the tap room,     Children 2 yrs and under - FREE,
                                      covering all genres and era’s. You    Children 3-11 yrs - $11, Adults
                                      can also hear their original music    (ages 12 and over) - $15, CZ Zoo
                                      on the KRUSH 92.5. In 2021 they       Society Members receive a $2 dis-
                                      released their new album “New         count on each ticket. Call (805)
                                      Stars, New Skies” and their song      461-5080 for more information.
                                      “Nice Guys” won 2nd place for
                                      best rock song at the New Times
                                      Music Awards.

RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
  Summer Concert Series
         July 30th
                                     Summer Concert Series
                                           August 6th
                                                                          Summer Concert Series
                                                                                August 27th
        The Cinders                      SOUNDHOUSE                            The JD Project
 Presented by Starna Cells, Inc.     Presented by ReMax Success

                                                                        Music can mean many different
                                                                        things to many different people.
The Cinders Blues Band formed      Since their conception in 2008,      For some, music provides the un-
a couple decades ago to play       this band has quickly built a huge   derscore to their lives, always in
real blues. Blues you can dance    and loyal fan base (close to 6,600   the background, accompanying
to, blues that can make you        likes and followers on Facebook      their day-to-day activities, but
feel good, but real blues none-    alone)! SOUNDHOUSE plays             rarely in the forefront. For oth-
the-less. Drummer Dean Giles,      your favorite songs and music        ers, music is the sound track of
bassist Ken Hustad and guitar-     genres from the late 70’s, 80’s, &   their lives, often out in front of
ist Dorian Michael back up the     90’s. Their set list ranges from     everything, matching the pulse
fine vocalist Brett Hoover who     Fleetwood Mac, Guns & Roses,         and mood of their current state.
sings a wide variety of blues      The Cars, Brett Young, and Sub-      For others still, music is an art,
repertoire from the classic Chi-   lime to Lynard Skynard, Queen,       a science, something to be ana-
cago blues to the contemporary     Prince, David Bowie, AC/DC           lyzed. San Luis Obispo’s own,
Bay Area blues. Whether you        and more. You will see the au-       The JD Project, provides the kind
like the slow and soulful or the   dience dancing, shaking and          of music that works very well for
uptempo and rocking, whether       singing along with every song,       all three instances. Their driv-
you come to listen or to dance,    making it fun and festive for all!   ing blend of rock, blues, soul, and
The Cinders have got a blues       SOUNDHOUSE is comprised              country provides a pulse that is
tune for you.                      of four gifted musicians, some       great for a party atmosphere. It
                                   who have worked, toured and/         moves you to tap your feet, dance,
                                   or recorded with, such artists as/   sing along…basically have a great
                                   from: GUNS & ROSES, MOT-             time. Their lyrics and musician-
                                   LEY CRUE, STONE TEMPLE               ship will impress even the most
                                   PILOTS, RONNIE MONTROSE,             discerning of listeners. Their live
                                   ACE FREHLEY, COLLECTIVE              performances are exciting, amus-
                                   SOUL, producers Stevo Bruno,         ing, and enjoyable while still leav-
                                   Mikey Dread, Eric Kretz (STP),       ing the opportunity for people to
                                   FUEL, and more.                      hold a conversation with each
                                                   SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE     9
RECREATION GUIDE - ECRWSS Atascadero, CA 93422 - City of Atascadero
A t
     City of o’s
     a s c a d e r             Special
                          Cruisin’ Weekend
 Hot El Camino Cruise Night                             Mid-State Cruizer’s                    Dancing in the
               August 19th                                   Car Show                             Streets
              6:30-8:30 pm                                  August 20th                              Presented by
                                                                                               Waste Management &
         Presented by H&R Block &                           Atascadero                     Street Side Ale House & Eatery
      Street Side Ale House & Eatery                         Lake Park                        August 20th
                                                         10:00 am-3:00 pm                     5:00-9:00 pm
                                                        The Mid-State Cruizer 31st         Downtown Atascadero
                                                        Annual Car Show is held at
                                                        the Atascadero Lake Park Sat-      Enjoy an evening with per-
                                                        urday, August 20th from 10:00      formances and a variety of
                                                        am to 3:00 pm. This show is a      different bands performing
                                                        family oriented event where        throughout our downtown
                                                        everyone can enjoy classic cars    area. There will be all kinds of
The City of Atascadero and “H & R Block” pres-          and visit the nearby local zoo.    dancing from Disco to Coun-
ent the 29th Annual Hot El Camino Cruise Nite on        Lunch is prepared by local         try to Rock N Roll. Continue
Friday, August 16 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Hot El        vendors, or you can bring your
Camino Cruise Nite is a closed, controlled cruise
                                                                                           your experience with a bevy
                                                        own picnic lunch. You can          of eats from our restaurants
route on El Camino Real from Curbaril to Traffic
                                                        sit back and enjoy oldies mu-
Way in Atascadero. Come out and watch this fun,                                            to food trucks! A fun way to
                                                        sic by a local DJ. A variety of
entertaining, and family-oriented show. From old                                           enjoy downtown! For more
fashioned favorites, to new and flashy hot rods, this   vendors offer jewelry, memo-
                                                        rabilia, car products and much     information: (805) 470-3360,
event brings out the best cars from all over the county
                                                        more. All children under 15 are
and surrounding areas.
Do you want to Cruise the Nite Away?!                   encouraged to pick up a “Chil-
Pre-registration begins Monday, June 6th at the Col-    dren’s Ballot” to pick the “Kids
ony Park Community Center, located at 5599 Traffic      Award Car.” We will also
Way. Mail in pre-registration will be taken through     have a prize raffle every half
Friday August 5th and walk-in pre-registration will     hour and a cash raffle at the
continue through Friday, August 19th at 4pm at the      end of the show. If you would
Colony Park Community Center. The cost is $30 per
                                                        like to enter your vintage car
car by August 19th at 4pm. All other registrations
                                                        in our show it’s $45 per car,
will be handled on-site beginning at 5:30pm at the
intersection of San Luis Avenue and Pueblo streets.     which includes a t-shirt, dash
The fee the night of the cruise is $40 per car. For     plaque and photo of your car.
more information please call 470-3360.                  Entry forms must be received
                                                        by August 5th or late registra-
Fee: $30 per car pre-registered by 8/19 at 4:00 pm      tion fee is $50 and no t-shirt.
      $40 per car registering the night of the Cruise   Entry forms and more infor-
      at 5:30 pm                                        mation can be found at www.
                                               All net
                                                        profit is donated back into our
Events   Movies in the Gardens
   Presented by Waste Management & Tenet Health
Join us Saturdays this Summer to watch movies
in the Gardens! Bring the whole family out to                   Association Charity
enjoy FREE movies outdoors on the BIG screen!!!                        Golf
          Bring blankets and low back chairs                       Tournament
 Show times are approximately 8:15 pm                             September 3rd
                   August 6th
                      August 13th
                              Dog                              The 11th Annual Atascadero
                                                               Police Association’s Char-
                   Saturday,                                   ity Golf Tournament will
                   August 27th                                 be held Saturday Septem-
                   Sing 2                                      ber 3rd at the Hunter Ranch
                                                               Golf Course. All proceeds
                       Saturday,                               from the tournament support
                                                               youth sports and activities.
                  September 3rd
                                                               The format will be a four per-
                   Eternals (PG-13)                            son scramble with a “shotgun
                                                               start” at 9:00 AM. The cost
                                                               is $175.00, which includes,
                                                               green fees, cart,catered lunch
                                                               and a gift bag. To register call
                                                               470-3292 or go to www.atas-

Shows are held in the Sunken Gardens, located at 6505 El
Camino Real. For questions, please call 805-470-3360 or
     visit us online at

                                             SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE    11
Special Events
  Summer Concert Series                Summer Concert Series
       September 3rd                      September 10th
        Stellar Band                    Truth About Seafood                                        FALL FIRST
 Presented by Coastal Communities
        Physicians Network
                                                                                                  Concert Series
                                                                                                          The Plaza at
                                                                                                           La Plaza
                                   Truth About Seafood is a long-                                 5:00-7:00 pm
                                   time favorite of the Central Coast.
                                   With a mix of modern and clas-
                                   sic rock cover tunes and original
Stellar is a multi talented group music, TAS draws a wide range of                                        October 7th
of musicians who have been fans, making them a perfect fit for                                             Dv8 Band
rocking festivals, local venues & events, festivals and rock shows.
private parties for over 15 years. Influenced by a variety of groups
They will keep you dancing and from the Foo Fighters to the Bea-                                    November 4th
singing to incredible renditions tles and Red Hot Chili Peppers to
of Classic Rock Hits and Fleet- Led Zeppelin, Seafood has a vast                                     Unfinished
wood Mac Covers that span the set list that spans decades of rock                                     Business
decades. Their music appeals in a high energy show. In the past
to multigenerational audiences few years, the band has played                                           Fall Concert Series
which is why Stellar remains a a number of reputable concert
Central Coast favorite.
                                                                                            FALL FIRST
                                   events including Concerts in the
                                   Plaza (SLO), Concerts in the                              FRIDAYS                 DOWNTOWN
                                   Park (Paso Robles), CA Festival                                              THE PLAZA AT LA PLAZA
                                                                                                                        5-7PM (across
                                   of Beers, Templeton and Visalia                                                                El Camino Real
                                                                                                                                   from Sunken
                                                                          October 7th
                                   Beer Festivals, Taste of SLO, Live      Dv8 Band
                                                                                                                                                       November 4th
                                   on the Rocks (The Cliffs, Shell                                                                                       Business

                                   Beach), and wineries and brew-
                                   eries all across Central California.
                                   TAS has had the honor of sharing
                                   the stage with Stone Temple Pi-
                                   lots, Toad the Wet Sprocket, the
                                   Mother Hips and the Young Dub-
                                   liners. Seafood recently won “Best
                                                                             Concerts are FREE and open to the public!
                                   Rock Song” in the New Times’ for       PRESENTING                                                          SUPPORTING SPONSORS:       IN-KIND SPONSORS:
                                                                          SPONSORS:                                       SPONSORS TBD
                                   their| original
12 CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE             song, “Butcher and
                                          SUMMER 2022
                                                                                                  GRIGGER & ALICE JONES                                                     ANNIE GALLAGHER WILSON

                                   the Bride.”
Faces of Freedom

  31st Annual Lake Park Car Show
  10:00 A.M. — 3:00 P.M.
                                                Prize              Food, J
   50’s, 60’s            C ASH               Give-a-w
                                                                   & Car P elry
    & 70’s              RAFFLE                 every                      rodu
                                                                     Vendo ct
     Music                                     ½ hr.                        rs

                 Registration applications available at:
Pre-register to receive a free T-shirt. Purchase additional shirts at show
       Roy Barba 805.238.3177 /SUMMER   Larry2022
                                               Wilson     805.423.5218
                                                  | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE
2022                                PRESENT

           Movies in the
     are approx.
     8:15 pm                                                     at Sunken
                                                                Gardens Park
                                                                     6500 Palma Ave

Bring blankets
  & lowback                                                                Shaved Ice
    chairs                                                                   selling

           August 6th        August 13th        August 27th          Sept 3rd

      PG                PG                 PG                 PG13

14                      805.470.3360                                    Supporting Sponsor
weeks                                                                                hours
  June 13-17                                                                          Mon - Fri
                          SUMMER CLUB
  June 20-24
June 27-July 1                                                                        5:00 pm
  July 11-15
  July 18-22
                           @teen center                                                  Teen
  July 25-29                                                                         Center Hours
    Aug 1-5                                                                           12:00-6:00
Sign up for one or all!                                                                   pm

          Open to all youth entering 6th - 9th grades!
         Only $100/week & includes access to all regular
         Teen Center games and facility for the summer
                                    (Scholarships Available)
    Mondays: Movie Marathons!                  Tuesdays: Tournament Tuesdays!
            Free popcorn & treats!                    Ping pong, Hoop Shoots & More!
            Different marathon each week!             Learn to play chess, Risk & other strategy games
            Staff & Teen Picks!                       Game Tournaments with prizes!
            Movie Trivia with prizes!                 Video Game Tournaments
            Giant Screen Set Up!                      Engineering-based Building

 Wednesdays:We’re Hungry!
  We’re cooking @ the                       Thursdays: Cray, Cray            Fridays: Fitness,
 		Teen Center!                             Creative                              Sports & More
  Learn to make your favorite                   Try classic painting with     Learn a new sport each
 		dishes                                       Bob Ross                           week!
  Eat your creations!                           Tye-dye shirts or socks       Practice the sport, then
  Vote on each week’s menu                      Experiments that get               games!
  Making pizzas the first week!                 messy!                        Scootering, biking &
                                                All supplies provided!             boarding
                                                                              Dodgeball & floor hockey
                                                                              Trip to A-Town Park
    Pre-Registration is Required
 Need more info? Call 805.470.3360
PARKS & FACILITIES     Colony Park Community Center
                                                5599 Traffic Way ~ 805-470-3360

                           Arts & Crafts Room                                                       Conference Room

                         Dance/Exercise Room


                        Rooms in the Community Center are available for rent.
                        For more information please visit
                                          or call 470-3426.

                           Are you 50+ years and
                              looking for Fun?                            Orange Dog Cafe
                                                                                 NOW OPEN!
                                                                            SNACK AND COFFEE BAR SERVING:
                                                                           MEAL DEALS, TASTY FOOD, FOUNTAIN
                                                                              DRINKS, SNACKS AND MUCH MORE!

                                                                               COMMUNITY CENTER CAFÉ IS OPERATED BY

                               Check out the
                           Atascadero Fun Club!
                          Classes, Events & more!
                         Go to the “Seniors & Boomers” pages

                       Send us your email address and we’ll add you to our mailing list of upcoming activities
                                 and events! Call 805-470-3426 or email

 Colony Park Community Center
                entotaller6th-12th Graders
         Teen COpen
        Hours of Operation                 The Teen Center is open to all teens in 6th through 12th grade.
                                           There is a $10 yearly membership fee (scholarships available).
SCHOOL IN SESSION                          Each teen will receive a Teen Center Membership Card to be
                                           scanned each time he/she enters the Teen Center. Each mem-
Monday-Friday Afterschool to 6:00 pm       ber must have a signed waiver to participate and must follow
Saturday		 CLOSED                          all Teen Center Rules. Please bring waivers to the Colony Park
Sunday		 CLOSED                            Community Center, 5599 Traffic Way to sign-up! Anyone un-
*closed some holidays-check our website    der the age of 12 must be accompanied in the Community Cen-
                                           ter by a parent or guardian. For more information please call
SCHOOL BREAKS & HOLIDAYS                   805-470-3360.
Monday-Friday 12:00-6:00 pm
Saturday		 CLOSED
Sunday		 CLOSED
                                                            a bl           e
                                                        l T
               b a l            l
         ske t

    XBOX                                             Dodgeball
 Air Ho

         s                                WiiU
   v i e
         t Jen

         a          ll
  Foos B

                                                         SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE       17
PARKS & FACILITIES           Pavilion on the Lake

                      Pavilion Features
                     *Hardwood Floors in Great Room
                       *Balcony and Covered Patio
                         *Easy Access and Parking
                            * Ceremony Gazebo
                       *5’ Round Tables, 8’ Banquet
                          Tables included in rental
                        *On site Rental Equipment
                              *Portable staging                          All Photos Courtesy of Christine Sedley Photography
                        *10’ Wall Mounted Screen
                                                                                  9315 Pismo Ave
                                                                   Phone: (805) 470-3178    Fax: (805) 470-3179

                                                                    The Pavilion on the Lake is the ideal venue
                                                                    for your next meeting, luncheon or special
                                                                    event. From weddings to conferences, the
                                                                    Pavilion will provide an exceptional atmo-
                                                                    sphere for your guests.

                             For more information visit or
Presents the 19th Annual

ZO   Sat. July 16th • 5:30 - 8 pm

           Under 2 yrs ~ FREE
             3-11 yrs. ~ $11
             12+ yrs. ~ $15

             Zoo Members

               receive $2
              discount on
               all tickets!

F C          ool down on a warm summer evening as the Charles
             Paddock Zoo brings you an ice cream-filled event! Your

             entry includes all you can eat ice cream sundaes,
     root beer floats, sugar-free treats and so much
     more. Enjoy an evening with exotic

     animals and exotic ice cream!

     For more info: 461-5080

     Supporting Sponsors
PARKS & FACILITIES                                              A-Town Park
                                                                 In Honor of George C. Beatie
                                                      5493 Traffic Way | 805-461-7606

                       Summer Hours
                                                                   Certified Helmets are Required!
                     12:00-5:00 pm             $5
                                                                The City of Atascadero has the only Central Coast Indoor Skate/
                                                                Scooter Park Facility, located at 5493 Traffic Way. The park is
                     SUN                                        staffed and open to the public. The inside 8,000 sq ft. wood con-
                                                                struction consists of a 4 ft bowl with a spine, multi tiered staging
                     12:00-4:00 pm $5                           over the stairs and banks, double mini ramp with spine and a
                                                                pyramid area. The kids can hang out in the lounge area and there
                     $30 PUNCH PASS FOR 10                      are concessions for sale. The outdoor park consists of Skatewave
                     VISITS AVAILABLE                           modular equipment: quarter pipes, a pyramid, grind boxes and
                     *Please call to confirm hours of operation ledges, banks and benches. All participants must be 6 years
                     and holiday hours.                         old and have a signed waiver form prior to park entry and
                                                                certified helmets with straps are required. 6 & 7 year olds
                                                                must have an adult present. Recommended to bring your
                     own helmet or you can rent a helmet for $2, a skateboard for $3 or a scooter for $5. No folding
                     A-Town Park is available for supervised private parties Fridays, 6:00-8:00 pm, Saturdays, 10am-12pm or
                     6:00-8:00 pm & Sundays, 10am-12pm, for $150.

                                                                                Photos by Bob Canepa
                                                                                                         oter Pro Shop!
                                                                                      We have a full Sco
                                                                                                          irs & a FREE
                                                                                       Free Scooter repa
                                                                                                       you purchase a
                                                                                      RIDE PASS when
                                                                                                              n Park!
                                                                                         scooter from A-Tow
 “Faces of Freedom”

                                                                                                                     ARKS & F
 Veterans Memorial
                                                               Nestled next to the Charles Paddock Zoo, in the beautiful
                                                               Atascadero Lake Park, the Zoo Garden Event Center provides the
                                                               perfect setting for a variety of events. Whatever the special
                                                               occasion, from a wedding or rehearsal dinner to a monthly
                                                               meeting or special birthday celebration, this event location
                                                               provides a fantastic option!
                                                                    ZOO GARDEN RENTAL INFORMATION
                                                                  Resident:            $45/hour Weekdays
                                                                                       $55/hour Weekends/Evenings*

                                                                  Non-Resident:        $50/hour Weekdays

                                                                                       $65/hour Weekend/Evenings*
                                                                  Nonprofit:            $40/hour

                                                                  Additional Fees (Per Rental):
                                                                                       $116 Sound System Rental
                                                                                       $29 Wi-Fi
                                                                                      *Evenings start at 5 p.m.
                                                               Security Guards: At the discretion of the Director, events
                                                               require one guard per 100 people ($22 per guard + actual cost
Located near the Atascadero Lake Park, the construc-
                                                               of security service).
tion of the beautiful “Faces of Freedom” Veterans Me-
morial was initiated by the Atascadero Veterans Memo-          Additional Staff Time: An additional hourly rental
rial Foundation. A 501C3 Non Profit Organization, the          charge of $22 per hour will apply if the City is required to
AVMF was founded specifically to design and to build           schedule additional personnel in order to accommodate
a World Class Veterans Memorial here on the Cali-              the event.
fornia Central Coast with a completed value of nearly
                                                               Cleaning Fee: Up to $308 when food and beverages are
$1,000,000. Built to honor all of America’s Veterans, the
Memorial has three unique components: Hero’s Wall,             served, for all day weekend rentals and other large events
the “Faces of Freedom” Statue, and “The Pathway to             where a cleaning crew is required.
Freedom.” The Hero’s Wall specifically honors over 231         Tables, chairs and bathrooms are not included. Electricity is
San Luis Obispo County Veterans who have paid the              included. Depending on the event requirements, minimum
ultimate price with their selfless service and sacrifice to    rental is two hours. General Liability Certificate of Insurance
our nation. The “Faces of Freedom” Statue represents           of $1k may apply. ABC regulations apply if serving alcohol.
an artistic time line that honors our nations’ military        All bookings require payment in advance to secure the space.
heroes from WWI to the present. The final component            Pavilion deposit requirements apply to wedding and meeting
is “The Pathway to Freedom” a 20,000+ engraved brick
                                                               reservations and cancellation of bookings will forfeit the
pathway that leads to and embraces the Veterans Me-
                                                               deposit. Event deposits follow Outdoor Facility Use
morial. The Pathway’s purpose is to provide a place to
honor both Veterans and Active Military in two ways:           Guidelines.
First of all, bricks may be engraved with the name of          In case of inclement weather, the applicant may request a
someone who currently serves or has served this great          refund   of usage fees (subject to an administrative fee) or
Nation; Second, it gives those who have not served an          reschedule the reservation date.
opportunity to show their support for our Veterans
through a family or business brick. These engraved                             MAKE A RESERVATION
brick pavers are still available and can be reserved and       For wedding related events and meetings, contact Patti
installed for a $125 donation to the Memorial Founda-          Diermenjian at the Pavilion on the Lake, (805) 470-3178 or
tion. Anyone interested in reserving an engraved paver
is invited to use the order form below or to go to our
                                                               For special and private events, contact Bonnie Williams at the
website at:             For
more information call 805-461-0639.
                                                               Colony Park Community Center, (805) 470-3478             17 or
                                                            SUMMER  2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE
Colony Park
PARKS & FACILITIES     5599 Traffic Way
                                                                                   To reserve a
                       Inclusive Playground                                     park space please
                       (Open 8:30 am-sunset)
                       2 Softball Fields
                       Outdoor Basketball Courts                                     470-3360
                       Bocce Ball
                       Pickleball Courts
                       Group BBQ Area

                                                                                Atascadero Lake Park
                                                                                   9305 Pismo Avenue
                                                                                                BBQ areas
                                                                                          Exercise Stations
                                                                                            Horseshoe Pits
                       Apple Valley Park                                                            Tables
                       1980 San Ramon Road                                                  Lakeside Trail
                       Open Green Space
                       BBQ Areas
                       Walking Path

                                                        Stadium Park
                                                           Capistrano Ave @
                                                             Hwy 41 Bridge       Heilmann Park
                                                            Oak Woodland       (County Operated)
                                                         Hiking/Bike Trails
                                                              Sitting Areas
                                                                              10000 El Bordo Road
                                                                                     Dog Park
                                                                                Water Spray Ground
                           Alvord Baseball Field                                Group Picnic Areas
                           8056 Portola Rd.                                      Disc Golf Course
                           Babe Ruth Field
                           Snack Bar

                                  Paloma Creek Park
                                  11665 Viejo Camino
                                  2 Softball Fields
                                  Equestrian Arena
                                  Little League Field
                                  2 Multi-purpose Fields
                                  Horseshoe Courts
                                  Group BBQ Area

                 City of Atascadero Facility &
                       Park Rental Fees
Parks					                                          A-Non-Profit* B-Private
Paloma Creek Park
     All Fields (softball, soccer, or baseball)		      $28/hr		               $28/hr
     BBQ Area					                                     $61/day		              $61/day
Atascadero Lake Park**
      Gazebo					                                      $180/day		             $180/day
      BBQ Areas (1, 2, 3 & 4)			                       $61/day		              $61/day
      Bandstand					                                   $57/day		              $91/day
*$13 additional fee for electricity
Colony Park
      Softball Fields				                              $28/hr		               $28/hr
      BBQ Area					                                    $83/day		              $83/day
      Bocce Ball Court				                             $13/hr		               $13/hr
      Pickleball Courts				                            $15/hour (per court)   $15/hour (per court)
*$13 additional fee for electricity
Sunken Gardens				                                     $186/day		             $413/day
Pavilion on the Lake			                                Varies		               Varies for rates
Ranger House					                       $29/hr		                              $35/hr
Colony Park Community Center**
     Dance/Exercise Room			                            $45/hr		               $50/hr
     Arts & Crafts Room			                             $33/hr		               $38/hr
     Conference Room				                               $28/hr		               $33/hr
     Gymnasium					                                    $61/hr		               $66/hr
City Hall
      Public Meeting Room (Mon-Thurs, 8:30am-5pm)       $29/hr $46/hr
Vet’s Memorial					Please call for rates (Free for Vets)
*Must provide Non-Profit Tax ID# to receive Non-Profit rate
**Rates vary according to rental times and may be higher for
non-Atascadero residents. Please call 805.470.3426 for exact rate quote.

                                                       SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE       23
A RT S & C R A F T S
Upcycling Creative Arts
Instructor: Hasna Jones, 301-346-1823
Ages: 4-15 yrs.
Let’s make our community more beautiful by taking recycled and donated items
and upcycling them into beautiful and functional art! All supplies provided by the

4-7 yrs.   3661.771             T       6/14-7/5         10:00-11:30 am    $82/$90*
CPCC-Art Room
8-15 yrs.  3660.771             M       6/13-7/11**      3:00-5:00 pm      $82/$90*
CPCC-Art Room
*$20 material fee due to instructor at 1st class
**No class 7/4

Henna Body Art Workshop
Instructor: Hasna Jones, 301-346-1823
Ages: 12+ yrs.
Learn the ancient art of body adornment with henna in this creative-
ly inspiring class. Learn the history of this fascinating plant, how to
prepare organic henna paste and application technique.

3662.771        W           6/15-7/6          4:00-6:00 pm          $101/$110.90*      CPCC-Art Room
*$70 material fee due to instructor at 1st class

                                              Books to Brushes
                                              Instructor: Hasna Jones, 301-346-1823
                                              Ages:       4-15 yrs.
                                              Combine two of the favorite elementary activities! Let’s read books
                                              and make art! Children will have a story time, then have an instruc-
                                              tor-led painting class about the story! Kids will leave with their art!
                                              All supplies provided.

  4-7 yrs.        3663.771          T      6/14-7/5        12:00-1:30 pm     $90/$98.80* CPCC-Art Room
  8-15 yrs.       3664.771          M      6/13-7/11**     1:00-3:00 pm      $90/$98.80* CPCC-Art Room
  *$30 material fee due to instructor at 1st class
  **No class 7/4

                                HOW TO READ ACTIVITY INFO
   ACTIVITY DAY OF  DATES TIME                                     RESIDENT FEE/                  LOCATION
      #    THE WEEK				                                           NON-RESIDENT FEE

 3655.521            W          1/8-2/26       6:00-7:15pm         $97.50/$107.10            CPCC-Conf. Room
 3655.524            W          4/2-5/28*      6:00-7:15pm         $97.50/$107.10            CPCC-Conf. Room

                                                               SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE

               Creative Brain® Roblox Studio Lab
               Ages: 7-12 yrs.
               Roblox’s mission is to bring the world together through play. Join us for Roblox Studio Lab for fun and new
               discoveries. Roblox Lab is for participants of all levels from beginner to advance. This is an online class.
               Windows or Apple device is required. No Chromebook or Android devices. Please contact instructor with any

               3687.771      M-TH      6/20-6/23       9:00-10:15 am     $101/$110.90*      Online
               3687.772      M-TH      7/11-7/14       9:00-10:15 am     $101/$110.90*      Online
               *$5 discount to addt’l family members

           Creative Brain® Edison Robotics Camp
           Ages: 8-15 yrs.
           Code, invent, create! Program your very own Edison bot to avoid obstacles,
           follow lines, respond to commands, make sounds and much more! This
           is an online class. Robot kit will be sent a week prior to class in the mail
           to each student, and is included in camp price. Great camp for those inter-
           ested in learning coding!

           3600.771         M-F     6/20-6/24          10:30-11:45 am   $181/$198.90*		        Online
           3600.772         M-F     7/18-7/22          10:30-11:45 am   $181/$198.90*          Online
           *$5 discount to addt’l family members

           Creative Brain® Computer Animation Camp
           Ages: 9-15 yrs.
           Learn about the techniques of animation and create your very own animated short movies in this fun visual arts
           camp. This is an online class.

           3700.772         M-TH      7/11-7/14        12:30-1:45 pm    $101/$110.90*
           *$5 discount to addt’l family members

           Creative Brain® Fun Robotics with Robo X1
           Ages: 6-12 yrs.
           Build and program your own Robo X1 robot, discover a world of engineering,
           coding and creativity! No computer or prior coding knowledge required. This is
           an online class. Robot kit will be sent a week prior to class in the mail to each
           student, and is included in camp price. Great camp for those new to robotics!

           3699.771         M-F      6/13-6/17         2:00-3:15 pm     $151/$165.90
           3694.772         M-F      7/11-7/15         10:30-11:45 am   $151/$165.90
           *$5 discount to addt’l family members

Creative Brain® Artist Workshop

                                                                                                               SUMMER CAMPS
Ages: 8+ yrs.
Explore the techniques of famous painters and learn how to recreate
some of their most famous paintings and create your very own art in
the style of these painters. Please contact instructor for a material sup-
ply list. This is an online class.

3693.772       M-F      7/18-7/22       2:00-3:15 pm    $101/$110.90*
*$5 discount to addt’l family members

Pokemon Engineering using Lego® Materials
Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies, 818-825-7510
Ages: 5-9 yrs.
Calling all Pokemon trainers! With the Pokemon Championship approaching, join our enthusiastic Play-Well
Instructors as we build and catch our favorite Pokemon, rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket, take a ride on the
S.S. Anne to uncover rare and mystic Pokemon, and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokemon Master.
Come along on our journey to catch ‘em all!

3270.771        M-F       6/20-6/24       9:00am-12:00pm       $177/$194.50    CPCC-Conf. Rm.
*$5 discount to addt’l family members

Minecraft Engineering using Lego® Materials
Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies, 805-210-0362
Ages: 5-7 yrs.
Venture into the world of Minecraft in our unique Lego experience. Get
ready to build your base, craft your tools, use your Minecart to harvest
raw resources, and battle to stop the Ender Dragon from ending the
world. Come explore the endless possibilities of Lego with a trained
Play-Well Instructor.

3270.773        M-F       7/18-7/22       9:00am-12:00pm        $177/$194.50    CPCC-Conf. Rm.
*$5 discount to addt’l family members

           50% & 100% Youth Activity Scholarships are available for qualifying
           families. Youth must be 2-17 years of age and LIVE in the Atascadero
           School District. Scholarships are available as long as funds allow. Proof
           of eligibility required. Please call 805-470-3360 for more information.

                                                           SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE
Youth Volleyball Camp
SUMMER CAMPS   Instructor: Kelli Downs, 805-975-5665
               Ages: 11-14 yrs.
               Improve your volleyball skills! This coed camp is designed to in-
               crease skill levels in passing, serving, hitting, and setting. Camp
               will also work on offensive and defensive volleyball strategies. Get
               ready for your school team!!! Designed for incoming 6th, 7th & 8th

               6102.771 M-F            6/20-6/24       9:30am-12:00 pm      $87/$95.50
               *$5 discount to addt’l family members

               Youth Evolution Soccer Camp
               Ages: 5-7 & 7-11 yrs.
               Using our progressive curriculum and focusing on the whole player, this one-week
               soccer camp will teach your child the skills they need both on and off the field. Our
               coaches will focus on respect, teamwork, and responsibility. We will start each day
               with a “skill of the day” and progress to drills and games, making this an unforgettable
               camp experience for your young athlete. After a week of passing, shooting, and dribbling, your player will enjoy
               improved confidence in their soccer skills. Soccer jersey included!!

               Level 2 (5-7 yrs)    6205.772       M-F      7/11-7/15    9:00 am-12:00 pm      $142/$156       Colony Park
               Level 2 (5-7 yrs)    6205.773       M-F      8/1-8/5      9:00 am-12:00 pm      $142/$156       Colony Park
               Level 3 (7-11 yrs)   6206.772       M-F      7/11-7/15    9:00 am-12:00 pm      $142/$156       Colony Park
               Level 3 (7-11 yrs)   6206.773       M-F      8/1-8/5      9:00 am-12:00 pm      $142/$156       Colony Park
               *$5 discount to addt’l family members

                                     Youth Evolution Basketball Camp
                                     Ages: 5-7 & 7-11 yrs.
                                   Using our progressive curriculum and focusing on the whole player,
                                   this one-week basketball camp will teach your child the skills they
                                   need both on and off the court. Our coaches will focus on respect,
                                   teamwork, and responsibility. We will start each day with a “skill of the
                                   day” and progress to drills and games, making this an unforgettable
               camp experience for your young athlete. After a week of passing, shooting, and dribbling, your player will enjoy
               improved confidence in their basketball skills. Basketball jersey included!!

               Level 2 (5-7 yrs)    6207.772       M-F      7/11-7/15    9:00 am-12:00 pm   $151/$165.90       CPCC-Gym
               Level 2 (5-7 yrs)    6207.773       M-F      8/1-8/5      9:00 am-12:00 pm   $151/$165.90       CPCC-Gym
               Level 3 (7-11 yrs)   6208.772       M-F      7/11-7/15    9:00 am-12:00 pm   $151/$165.90       CPCC-Gym
               Level 3 (7-11 yrs)   6208.773       M-F      8/1-8/5      9:00 am-12:00 pm   $151/$165.90       CPCC-Gym
               *$5 discount to addt’l family members

                         50% & 100% Youth Activity Scholarships are available for qualifying
                         families. Youth must be 2-17 years of age and LIVE in the Atascadero
                         School District. Scholarships are available as long as funds allow. Proof
                         of eligibility required. Please call 805-470-3360 for more information.
Youth Tech Inc.

                                                                                                               SUMMER CAMPS
iCode and iGame Creators Camps
Instructor: Kevin Suhr, 931-940-3155
Ages: 6-12 yrs.
Youth Tech Inc. is an interactive computer camp that focuses
on providing enrichment opportunities to students in the world
of computers. With a caring environment at the core of camp
values, Youth Tech Inc. strives to create a positive learning community that
encourages creativity, fun and academic excellence. These courses combine two unbelievable experiences
for students; gaming and coding. Students spend the morning taking an interactive look at coding and build-
ing virtual apps to share with friends. In the afternoon, students build simple video games combining the art
of video game design and animation to create interactive characters that fly around the screen. You are able
to register for just the morning, or just the afternoon...or register for both and spend the day enjoying seeing
it all come together!

iCode Camp will offer younger students a fun, interactive look at coding. Students will create virtual apps and
write their own programs that they can share with friends and family. This course makes learning to code fun
and explores problem solving and programming logic.

iGame Camp is an introductory course for younger students who want to learn to build simple video games.
This course combines the art of video game design and animation to create interactive characters that fly
around the screen. Amaze your friends and family with your fun interactive games.

iCode              3698.772      T-F    7/5-7/8 9:30am-12:00 pm         $142/$156      CPCC-Conf Room
iGame              3699.772      T-F    7/5-7/8 1:00-3:30 pm            $142/$156      CPCC-Conf Room
iCode & iGame      3697.772      T-F    7/5-7/8 9:30 am-3:30 pm         $282/$310      CPCC-Conf Room
*$5 discount to addt’l family members

Youth Tech Inc.
Graphic Design Camp
Instructor: Kevin Suhr, 931-940-3155
Ages: 9-17 yrs.
This camp will cover the basics of digital imaging as well as key concepts in
the world of graphic design. Students enrolled in this course will work with
photos, and learn how to manipulate images using powerful image editing software to create the image that
they envision.

3696.772          M-TH         7/25-7/28      9:00am-12:00 pm           $157/$172.50      CPCC-Conf Room
*$5 discount to addt’l family members

Youth Tech Inc.
Animation Camp
Instructor: Kevin Suhr, 931-940-3155
Ages: 9-17 yrs.
In this camp students will learn the basics of animation and digital
design. Students who enjoy going to various sites to see fun inter-
active animation will love this camp. This camp will utilize award
winning animation software. Students will create fun interactive ani-
mations that they can share with the world.

3695.772          M-TH         7/25-7/28      1:00-4:00 pm              $157/$172.50      CPCC-Conf Room
*$5 discount to addt’l family members

                                                          SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE
Online Driver’s Education
C E RT I F I C AT I O N & T R A I N I N G    Instructor: Erika Vieyra, or 510-537-2755
                                             Ages: 15 & up
                                             Are you tired of asking your parents for a ride? Are you at least 15 years old? If so, this class is for you. This is
                                             an interactive, online course with videos, animated driv-
                                             ing scenarios and sample test questions. Learn the rules
                                             of the road, DMV procedures and much more. Receive
                                             DMV-approved Certificate of Completion. This class is a
                                             requirement for teens under 17 1/2 years old to obtain a
                                             learner’s permit and driver’s license. A licensed instructor
                                             is available to answer any questions. Sign up any time.
                                             Registration is on-going.

                                             3281.771       June            Anytime      $51/$56
                                             3281.772       July		          Anytime      $51/$56
                                             3281.773       August          Anytime      $51/$56
                                             *Special $5 discount to addt’l family members

                                            Virtual Driver’s Ed
                                            Instructor: Erika Vieyra, or 510-886-1016
                                            Ages: 15+ yrs.
                                            This is a virtual Driver’s Education with a live instructor. Students will enjoy a series of Driver’s Education
                                            lectures including understanding the responsibilities of having a driver’s license, learning the rules of the road
                                            and accident avoidance procedures. Independent assignments will also be completed during the week.
                                            Course also includes practice questions, defensive driving movies and written test prep. Upon successful
                                            completion, students will receive a certificate of completion.

                                            3282.771        M-F     6/6-6/10        9:00 am-12:00 pm         $197/$216.50
                                            3283.771        M-F     6/20-6/24       9:00 am-12:00 pm         $197/$216.50
                                            3282.772        M-F     7/11-7/15       9:00 am-12:00 pm         $197/$216.50
                                            3283.773        M-F     8/1-8/5         9:00 am-12:00 pm         $197/$216.50

                                            Dog Obedience Instructor: Karen Clanin,
                                            466-3775 or
                                            Ages: 12 & up
                                            Karen Clanin has been instructing classes at all levels since 1969. The Be-
                                            ginning Dog Obedience class will cover sit-stand-down, walking on a leash
                                            without pulling, come when called, sit & down stay. Karen’s methods are
                                            mostly positive reinforcement, making the learning fun for the owner as well
                                            as the dog. For the 1st class, bring your dog on the collar you have and the
                                            leash you have (no harnesses please). Proper equipment will be discussed
                                            the first class. Also, bring a smelly, tasty, easy to swallow training treat. Kar-
                                            en suggests keeping the treats in a fanny pack so they are easy to get to.
                                            A copy of your dog’s immunization record, available from your vet, must be
                                            brought to the first class for Karen to keep. Class is scheduled for 1 hour,
                                            but may run over slightly so please allow the time. Children under 13 must
                                            be accompanied by an adult as they may require assistance. This class is
                                            not for aggressive dogs, if you have a question about this contact Karen and
                                            she may meet you privately for evaluation. Please no wolf or wolf-hybrids
                                            in class. NOTE: Class will be held at Karen’s indoor facility. You must
                                            contact Karen prior to the 1st class for directions at

                                            3621.772 SAT 7/9-8/13            10:00-11:30 am         $97/$106.50
                                            *Special $5 discount to addt’l family members
               30                           CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE | SUMMER 2022
F.U.E.L. Professional Development

                                                                                                              C E RT I F I C AT I O N & T R A I N I N G
Instructor: Sherry Mosher, 805-703-1525
Ages: 16+ yrs.
All the money you’ve been receiving from Unemployment is about
to go away, but the instructor will help you find a career that will
stay! Fuel your professional spirit with this dynamic 8-part work-
shop series, which will offer fresh and innovative teaching styles
designed to empower you by turning up your decision-making
skills, to motivate your career path, and to get you where you want
to be in life.

8200.771      M         6/6-6/29        6:30-8:30 pm          $47/$51.50*        CPCC-Conf Room
8200.772      M         7/11-8/1        6:30-8:30 pm          $47/$51.50*        CPCC-Conf Room
8200.773      M         8/8-8/29        6:30-8:30 pm          $47/$51.50*        CPCC-Conf Room
*Special $5 discount to addt’l family members

                              HOW TO READ ACTIVITY INFO
    ACTIVITY DAY OF  DATES TIME                                RESIDENT FEE/              LOCATION
       #    THE WEEK				                                      NON-RESIDENT FEE

  3655.521          W         1/8-2/26     6:00-7:15pm          $97.50/$107.10        CPCC-Conf. Room
  3655.524          W         4/2-5/28*    6:00-7:15pm          $97.50/$107.10        CPCC-Conf. Room

                                                          SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE
Line Dancing
DANCE   Instructor: Hyrum Del Castillo, 805-704-6671
        Ages: All Ages
        Line Dancing is fun for everyone! Doesn’t require a part-
        ner, it’s great exercise and helps improve your mental and
        emotional health by reducing stress and boosting self-

        3185.771      W      6/8-6/29            6:00-7:00 pm        $52/$57          CPCC-Dance Rm
        3185.772      W      7/6-7/27            6:00-7:00 pm        $52/$57          CPCC-Dance Rm
        3185.773      W      8/3-8/24            6:00-7:00 pm        $52/$57          CPCC-Dance Rm

         Creative Combo Dance Class
         Instructor: Kellie Hart, 805-471-4001
         Ages: 3-5 yrs.
         Dancers will learn their basics in dance. They will learn terminology,
         placement and correct execution of movement. Dancers will learn body
         awareness, as well as how to move in a group setting. Dancers will
         enjoy learning how to perform as well as making new friends along the

         3100.771         W    6/8-6/22          3:30-4:30 pm        $62/$68*      Motions Academy of Dance**
                          SA 		                  9:00-10:00 am
         3100.773         W    8/3-8/31          3:30-4:30 pm        $62/$68*      Motions Academy of Dance**
                          SA 		                  9:00-10:00 am
         *$5 discount to addt’l family members
         **4100 El Camino Real

        Beginning Dance Combo
        Instructor: Kellie Hart, 805-471-4001
        Ages: 5-7 yrs.
        Dancers will learn to perform and memorize choreography. They will learn proper placement and execution of
        steps. They will build confidence and have fun while learning how to dance.

        3101.771          W    6/8-6/22          3:30-4:30 pm      $62/$68*        Motions Academy of Dance**
                          SA 		                  11:30 am-12:30 pm
        3101.773          W    8/3-8/31          3:30-4:30 pm      $62/$68*        Motions Academy of Dance**
                          SA 		                  11:30 am-12:30 pm
        *$5 discount to addt’l family members
        **4100 El Camino Real

         Dance Basics
         Instructor: Kellie Hart, 805-471-4001
         Ages: 7-12 yrs.
         Dancers will learn how to create and perform dances. They will learn confidence that comes from accomplish-
         ing their desired movement. They will perform with a group and learn teamwork.

         3102.771         T    6/7-6/21          3:30-5:00 pm        $77/$84.50*     Motions Academy of Dance**
                          SA 		                  10:00-11:30 am
         3102.773         T    8/2-8/30          3:30-5:00 pm        $77/$84.50*     Motions Academy of Dance**
                          SA 		                  10:00-11:30 am
         *$5 discount to addt’l family members
         **4100 El Camino Real

   E S 1 6+
AG          AU G  31
        3 -
   E D N IG           PA R K
 W           C R EE K

       R AT IO N E N D S J U N E 30TH
REGIST                           (1 5 P LAY E R S M AX)
                      NO   N L Y
           AT C P C C , 5 5 9 9 T R AFFIC WAY
        F O ? C A L L 8 0 5 .4 7 0.3360

A D U LT S P O RT S   Doomsday Skate School-Adult Sk8 Night
                      Ages: 18+ yrs.
                      This is a class with a free skate rink vibe for adults 18 and over to prac-
                      tice their skating. Sk8 Night offers basic skate/dance skills instruction for
                      all participants needing it. Sk8 Night is meant to encourage physical ac-
                      tivity, community and networking for North County rollers. Price includes
                      four sessions, lights, music, instruction and skate maintenance if needed.
                      Blades or quads okay. REQUIRED: Helmet, wrist/elbow/knee pads and
                      own skates.

                      5722.771        T        6/7-6/28     6:45-8:00 pm           $62/$68              CPCC-Outdoor Courts
                      5722.772        T        7/5-7/26     6:45-8:00 pm           $62/$68              CPCC-Outdoor Courts
                      5722.773        T        8/2-8/23     6:45-8:00 pm           $62/$68              CPCC-Outdoor Courts

                      Summer Adult Kickball League
                      Ages: 16 & up
                      The City of Atascadero is excited to offer a new Adult Kickball League this sum-
                      mer! Channel your inner 4th grader and sign your team up to play! Games will
                      be held on Wednesday evenings at the Paloma Creek Park Softball fields, July
                      13th through August 31st. The season will include 8 regular season games with
                      an end of season tournament ran single elimination style the week of August 31st. Games will last 7 innings or 1 hour,
                      whichever comes first. All teams will be coed and applications are accepted on a team basis only with a minimum of 8
                      players and a maximum of 15 players. A Team Manager’s Meeting will be held on Thursday July 7th at 5:30pm at the
                      Colony Park Community Center, 5599 Traffic Way. Please call 805-470-3360 for more information or email llopez@
                      REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS JUNE 30th!

                      1400.772       W         7/13-8/31          $421/$463.10        Paloma Creek Park

                                                                             ADULT VOLLEYBALL
                                                                            FRIDAYS, 5:00-7:00 PM

                                                                                                             Y O U T H S P O RT S
                BASKETBALL LEAGUE
                          Open to Boys & Girls
                          Kinder-12th Grades
Check out our summer basketball league for boys and girls! Open to Kinder through 12th grades and for
any skill level. Our program stresses the importance of individual skill development, teamwork, positive
attitudes and most of all FUN!

The League will start Monday June 13th with two
weeks of Skills/Practices in the evenings. After the
Skills/Practice weeks, the players will have games
twice a week in the evenings. Times will be based
on the availability of our volunteer coaches and prac-
tice space. Schedules will be set for either Monday &
Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday with the possibil-
ity of a game on Fridays. Your summer weekends will
be kept free!

The structure of the league will give the inexperienced players the opportunity to learn about game play
while the more experienced players get to continue improving their skills in actual game play.
 Games will be held Monday through Thursday evenings, June 27th through July 28th, with each
                                   team having two games per week.

Practice & Game Location:
Colony Park Community Center                                          Questions?
5599 Traffic Way
Fee:      $95/residents                                             805-470-3360
          $104.50/non-Atascadero residents                             or email
Special: $5 discount to addt’l family members                          llopez@
 QUALIFYING FAMILIES. CALL 805-470-3360.                  

          Deadline to Register is June 3rd!
                 Register Online!

                                                         SUMMER 2022 | CITY OF ATASCADERO RECREATION GUIDE
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