Page created by Diane Burke
YO U R C I T Y O F M E L B O U R N E M A G A Z I N E   S E P T E M B E R - N OV E M B E R 2 01 8


                                                             THE SECRET
HEALTH TECH                                               LIFE OF URBAN
WITH HEART                                                  BUTTERFLIES
MARVEL AT FUTURISTIC,                                      MEET SOME OF OUR CITY’S
HUMAN-CENTRED DESIGN                                       MOST VIBRANT RESIDENTS

CONTENTS                                                        LORD MAYOR’S MESSAGE

          FOR GROWTH
          Read highlights of our new
          Annual Plan and Budget

          Find out the results of our
          homelessness survey

          Meet some of our city’s smallest,
          most vibrant residents

          Discover some surprising ways
          Melburnians keep fit in our parks

          Be inspired by Melbourne’s top
          human-centred design                                    Lord Mayor Sally Capp at her swearing-in ceremony

 REGULARS                                                        Spring has arrived in the City of                     Looking to the future, we have much to
                                                                 Melbourne and with it a renewed                       be optimistic about. Our city has a proud
                                                                 sense of optimism about our                           history of bold visions and we need that
                                                                                                                       kind of thinking now, because Melbourne
  04      YOUR SAY                                               city’s future.
                                                                                                                       is growing so quickly. Among our plans,
          Browse social media highlights and                     It has been a little over three months since          I am committed to bringing the community,
          a little love from our friends                         I had the honour of being sworn in as Lord            business and other key stakeholders
                                                                 Mayor and I have launched myself into the             together to help make Melbourne the first
  07      CITY NEWS                                              role with enthusiasm.                                 5G city in Australia, and creating the Green
          Celebrate the national heritage listing                                                                      Line – 2.5 kilometres of elevated green
          of Queen Victoria Market                               I grew up amid the bustle of Flinders
                                                                                                                       space above the rail yards with paths for
                                                                 Lane and my grandfather’s millinery
                                                                                                                       walking and biking.
  10      EVENTS CALENDAR                                        business. Ever since, Melbourne has been
                                                                 the epicentre of my passions – as CEO of              As you can tell, I feel very passionate about
          Find out what’s going on near you
                                                                 the Committee for Melbourne, a director               our city’s future. Just as our forebears did,
  17      YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD                                     of Collingwood Football Club, Victorian               I want to grab hold of bold visions and help
                                                                 Agent-General in London and, of course,               make them a reality.
          Get your hands dirty at Kensington’s                   as mother to my sons.
          Stockyard Food Garden                                                                                        Importantly, I will not lose sight of our
                                                                 My approach to making our city better                 essential functions – to provide services,
  18      MELBOURNE LOVE                                         and better is simply listening – really               deliver excellent outcomes and advocate
          Join the war on waste with Viva la Cup                 listening – to the interests of residents and         for the people of Melbourne. This is how,
                                                                 businesses and then taking action. We are             together, we will shape the future for our city.
  19      YOUR COUNCIL                                           already working hard on areas we need to
                                                                 manage better, including homelessness,                This spring, I encourage you to get out and
  20      LORD MAYOR’S COMMENDATIONS                             waste management, safety and the                      enjoy our City of Wellbeing – walk, cycle,
                                                                 Queen Victoria Market renewal.                        play, eat good food and connect with your
          Meet James Murphy from Fitzroy
          Gardens cafe KereKere Green                                                                                  community. And don’t forget to share your
                                                                 It is also exciting to see Melbourne
                                                                                                                       adventures with #melbmoment
Information and events in this publication are current
                                                                 blossoming as a global centre of excellence
at the time of printing. Subsequent changes may occur.           for many emerging industry sectors, with
City of Melbourne does not guarantee that this publication       strong capabilities in biotechnology, medical
is without flaw or wholly appropriate for your purposes.
It and its employees expressly disclaim any liability, for any   and scientific research, higher education,
loss or damage, whether direct or consequential, suffered        and sustainable and industrial design.
by any person as the result of or arising from reliance on any
information contained in the publication.
                                                                 Meanwhile, our vibrant public realm                   Lord Mayor Sally Capp
© All applicable copyrights reserved for City of Melbourne.      continues to delight locals and visitors
Except for any uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968       alike; we can take pride in our green
(Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced in any
                                                                                                                       To learn more about the Lord Mayor,
manner or in any medium (whether electronic or otherwise)        spaces, arts, dining, retail, major festivals         visit melbourne.vic.gov.au
without the express permission of City of Melbourne.             and sporting events.

                      Cover: Ecologist Dr Holly Kirk             The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land, the Boon Wurrung
                      in the Butterfly House at                  and Woiwurrung (Wurundjeri) peoples of the Kulin Nation and pays respect to their Elders, past and
                      Melbourne Zoo. Location                    present. For the Kulin Nation, Melbourne has always been an important meeting place for events of social,
                      courtesy of Zoos Victoria.                 educational, sporting and cultural significance. Today we are proud to say that Melbourne is a significant
                      Photo by Rodney Dekker.                    gathering place for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

    2         MELBOURNE.VIC.GOV.AU

Melburnians have shared stories
of Aboriginal heritage, favourite
laneways, activism, family and first
kisses on our community engagement
platform, Participate Melbourne.

The Hoddle Grid Heritage Review invited
locals to share treasured memories about
central Melbourne to help us understand
what people value about our city and what
qualities we need to retain as it grows.
‘The lawn of the State Library is significant
for me as it’s where I went to my first ever
rally in the early 2000s,’ said equal rights
activist Ali Hogg, who led a walking tour
during the review.

‘Stories help us decide our
principles and values and
help shape us.’

                                                                                                                                       Photo: Andy McMaster
‘It is where we started all of our rallies for
marriage equality right up until the day
we won.
‘If I hadn’t read and been told stories about
civil rights struggles, I would probably
never have been inspired to be the activist
I am today. Stories help us decide our
principles and values and help shape us.’
Here are just a few of the other memories         Melburnians celebrate marriage equality
captured on Participate Melbourne:
• ‘My husband worked at Flinders Street          • ‘I love visiting the steps of Parliament
  Station for many years and loved it.             on a warm summer night. They retain          Participate Melbourne gives everyone
  He was thrilled to have climbed the              the heat from the day as you watch the       the opportunity to help shape
  clock tower to help wind the clock.’             sunset down Bourke Street (with an ice       Melbourne’s future. We’ve engaged the
                                                   cream in hand from across the road).’        community in more than 50 projects in
• ‘I remember AC/DC performing on the                                                           the last year. Get involved online.
  back of a truck on Swanston Street for         Read more stories from your neighbours
  the filming of the legendary clip for          at participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/
  It’s a Long Way to the Top in 1976.’           hoddlegridheritage                                 FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT

Melbourne Magazine is moving to a
new quarterly print cycle. Look out
for it in your letterbox or local library
at the beginning of December, March,
June and September.

To keep you informed all year round, we are
now publishing extra stories to Melbourne
Magazine online.


                                                                                            MELBOURNE    SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER                                 3

     ‘Your new Transport Strategy is certainly a nice change from more roads, more
     cars, and more lanes. Thank you for such a bold and refreshing change in mindset,
     and I would just like you to know that there is support for your plans. The loudest
     does not always represent what is right, or needed, and the benefits are not evident
     until completion. It takes once-in-a-lifetime courage to make the change that is
     necessary for the future.’ Lawrence

      Share your thoughts with us at melbournemag@melbourne.vic.gov.au

        This morning we officially launched            As an #MREP foundation               How can I get fit in the
        the ‘Be Brave, Speak Up’ campaign.             partner with @cityofmelbourne        City of Melbourne?
        A national campaign to promote                 we’re proud to be part of the
        awareness of the issue of racism.              #RenewableEnergy effort to drive     Regular exercise is great for your
        Thanks to everyone who supported               the #windsofchange w- @bankaust      physical and mental wellbeing.
        the campaign! @cityofmelbourne                 @YarraCouncil @cityportphillip       Whether you prefer getting active at
        @VicHealth @Scanlon_Fdn                        @ZoosVictoria @RMIT                  one of our recreation centres, in our
        @multiculturevic @NMFCOfficial                 @morelandcouncil                     gorgeous parks, or just on the way
        @mooneevalleycc @fya_org                                                            to work – we have a whole host of
                                                       @CITYWIDEAUS                         activities, programs and classes to help
        @HUDDLENMFC                                                                         you get out and move your own way.
        More than 400 trained volunteers               Hey @cityofmelbourne, you’ve
        visited streets, parks and laneways            got a brand new art gallery!
        to collect information on people               @BuxtonContemp has officially
                                                                                            CONNECT WITH US
        sleeping rough in StreetCount 2018.            launched and it houses one
        #YarraLife @cityofmelbourne                    of Australia’s most significant          facebook.com/cityofmelbourne
        @cityportphillip @StonningtonNews              contemporary art collections.
        @MaribyrnongCC                                 The best part? Entry is free             twitter.com/cityofmelbourne
        @YARRACOUNCIL                                  @UNIMELB                                 instagram.com/cityofmelbourne

@aussie.sh                           @boudathefrenchie                 @flamonr                      @scott_abercrombie_photography

@giant_evertonian                    @spir1t_0f_life                   @reemas_1988                  @tien.chi.nguyen

    Share your Melbourne moments on Instagram with the hashtag #melbmoment


Want to tell us about dumped rubbish, an illegally parked car
or unwanted graffiti? It’s now easier to report issues from your
mobile device. Head to our website to find out more:


Our new Annual Plan and Budget aims to help our city thrive during a period of rapid growth

Explore our bold vision for                          ‘The state and federal budgets have talked        ‘This Budget maintains our focus on that
Melbourne’s future in our                            about the unprecedented population growth         long-term thinking and paves the way for
new Annual Plan and Budget.                          and infrastructure investment, but City of        the largest investment in council’s history:
                                                     Melbourne is where the rubber hits the road.      the renewal of Queen Victoria Market.’
The Budget outlines how more than
$576 million will be invested in community           ‘That’s why this budget delivers record           This is the second Annual Plan and Budget
services, programs and initiatives in                investment on programs and services to            of our four-year Council Plan.
2018–19, with a major focus on capital               keep Melburnians safe, ensure they have
works designed to help the city cope with            access to the best parks and gardens, clean              FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
rapid growth.                                        streets, new community infrastructure and                melbourne.vic.gov.au/budget
                                                     maintains our investment on our events,
To help us support this growth with                  visitor and business services that are so vital
important new infrastructure, rates have             for our economic growth and prosperity.
increased by 2.25 per cent and parking fees
in the central city have increased by $1.50
per hour. This is the first time parking fees           BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS
have been increased since 2013.                         Open space and keeping Melbourne clean         Arts and culture
Deputy Lord Mayor Arron Wood, Chair of                  • $133.7 million on recycling, waste           • $16.3 million to support Melbourne’s
the Finance and Governance portfolio, said                collection, street cleaning and public         arts, including more than $753,000
the Budget delivers on our vision for our                 lighting                                       on our Indigenous Arts Program
city’s growth, prosperity and liveability.              • More than $7.1 million of investment         Events, city promotion and tourism
‘The Budget secures our competitive                       in the renewal of Melbourne’s
                                                                                                       • $36.4 million to promote the city,
advantage as a top global city: as a premier              480 hectares of parks and gardens
                                                                                                         including major events such as
location for business and knowledge                     • $22.7 million towards creating two             Moomba, New Year’s Eve and
sectors to expand and thrive. It increases                hectares of open space on Southbank            Christmas
expenditure on our core services and                      Boulevard
                                                                                                       Health, safety and wellbeing
creates opportunities for our community,’
the Deputy Lord Mayor said.                             Families, youth and children                   • $36 million in state-funded initiatives,
                                                        • $18.6 million, including maternal and          including bollards and CCTV
                                                          child health services, immunisations,
                                                                                                       Libraries and community strengthening
‘The Budget secures our                                   parenting services, youth and student
                                                                                                       • $12.5 million to operate our six libraries
competitive advantage                                                                                    and community hubs
                                                        Disability, aged care and homelessness
as a top global city.’                                  • $6.1 million on home and personal
                                                          care, delivered meals, respite and
                                                          community transport

                                                                                                 MELBOURNE          SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER              5
The first joint survey of homelessness               ‘Homelessness is a complex issue and            ‘Launch Housing is proud to collaborate
conducted by five Melbourne councils                 good data like the StreetCount helps us         with the five councils, police and other
has recorded 392 people sleeping                     continually evolve our approach. Ultimately,    support services in Melbourne for this first
rough across inner Melbourne.                        the solution is to get people into housing      multi-council StreetCount.
                                                     but pathways out of homelessness require
On a single night in June, more than 400                                                             ‘The numbers give us something to work
                                                     a case by case solution.’
trained volunteers visited streets, parks                                                            with as we plan for the future. Some efforts
and laneways in the cities of Melbourne,                                                             are already starting to pay off, but we need
                                                                                                     more housing.’
Port Phillip, Yarra, Stonnington and                 ‘One person sleeping rough
Maribyrnong to collect information on
people sleeping rough.                               on the streets of Melbourne                       KEY RESULTS
The results of StreetCount will help us              is one too many.’                                 • 78 per cent of those surveyed were
understand rough sleeping, so we can                                                                     male, and 22 per cent were female
better plan our support services and work            This is not the first StreetCount for the
together towards long-term solutions to                                                                • 54 per cent were aged 26 to 40,
                                                     City of Melbourne. We have undertaken               with 34 per cent aged 41 to 60
address homelessness.                                a biennial count since 2008 and, since
                                                                                                       • 79 per cent were Australian-born
Deputy Lord Mayor Arron Wood said we                 2014, with support from housing and
                                                     homelessness agency Launch Housing.               • 14 per cent identified as Aboriginal
have significantly increased coordination
                                                                                                         or Torres Strait Islander
of homelessness agencies and support                 In 2016, we recorded 247 rough
services in the central city, working with                                                             • 35 per cent were sleeping on
                                                     sleepers in areas totalling 20 per cent
the Victorian State Government.                                                                          the street, 13 per cent in parks
                                                     of our municipality. This year, 210 rough
                                                                                                         and 48 per cent in various other
‘These are our city’s most vulnerable                sleepers were counted in the same area,
                                                                                                         locations including river banks
people. One person sleeping rough on                 representing a 15 per cent decrease.
                                                                                                       • 42 per cent were on the public
the streets of Melbourne is one too many,’           Heather Holst, Acting CEO of Launch Housing,        housing waiting list
the Deputy Lord Mayor said.                          said the StreetCount results demonstrate the
                                                                                                       • 14 per cent had been transient for
‘We know that homelessness has no                    dire need for more affordable housing both in
                                                                                                         more than five years.
boundaries and this joint count means we             Victoria and Australia-wide.
now have a picture of homelessness across            ‘Rough sleeping is the most visible and
inner Melbourne like never before.                   confronting type of homelessness, but only             FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
                                                     represents a small percentage of all those             melbourne.vic.gov.au/streetcount
                                                     experiencing homelessness,’ Heather said.

    Ben Rimmer, CEO of the City of Melbourne, with a fellow StreetCount volunteer


A concept image of the new Anzac Station

Five new train stations will transform          of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital       ‘By enabling more workers to access a
how we make our way around the                  – for the first time.                           highly productive and employment-dense
central city when the Metro Tunnel                                                              area, the benefits will flow to the city’s
                                                And, strategically placed to ease pressure
opens in 2025.                                                                                  businesses, employees, and the economy at
                                                on the busiest tram corridor in the world,
                                                                                                large, creating a sustainable population and
On Swanston Street, the new State Library       Anzac Station on St Kilda Road will feature
                                                                                                more jobs.
and Town Hall stations will improve access      a convenient train to tram interchange and
to city landmarks and make life easier for      help people access our vibrant arts precinct    ‘Improved rail services will also encourage
the street’s 50,000 daily pedestrians –         and Shrine of Remembrance.                      travellers to leave their cars at home,
a figure that has quadrupled since 1992.                                                        reducing traffic congestion by more than
                                                Evan Tattersall, CEO of Rail Projects
                                                                                                18,000 cars at peak hour.’
The new North Melbourne Station will            Victoria, said the Metro Tunnel Project
trigger significant urban renewal in the        will not only cater for population growth       The Metro Tunnel is the biggest public
Arden precinct: an area that will become        but also create unique opportunities for        transport project in Victoria’s history.
home to 15,000 residents and more than          residents and businesses.
34,000 jobs in the next 30 years.                                                                       FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
                                                ‘The project will make our city more
                                                inclusive by helping more people access                 metrotunnel.vic.gov.au
Parkville Station will enable train access to
our world-renowned education, health and        employment, health, education, sporting,
research precinct – including the University    entertainment and cultural opportunities
                                                in the central city,’ Evan said.

HERITAGE HONOUR                                 ‘We are committed to protecting the
                                                heritage of the market and the respectful
                                                                                                The National Heritage List puts the market
                                                                                                alongside 113 other Australian icons from
FOR MARKET                                      acknowledgment of the former cemetery,
                                                so that’s why we nominated the market for
                                                                                                the Melbourne Cricket Ground to the
                                                                                                Sydney Opera House.
Our beloved Queen Victoria Market               the National Heritage List.’
has been added to the National                  The Lord Mayor said the heritage listing
                                                                                                        FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
Heritage List, a move that recognises           and renewal can exist side-by-side and
the significant place it holds in                                                                       queenvictoriamarket
                                                both are incredibly important.
Australian history and provides
                                                ‘It is about getting the balance right and
further impetus for its renewal.
                                                investing in safe, efficient and sustainable
Lord Mayor Sally Capp said the significant      trader and customer facilities so we can
$250 million investment in the renewal          secure the market’s viability, while ensuring
of the market will help protect its historic    the market continues to always remain
value, restore its heritage buildings           authentic,’ the Lord Mayor said.
and secure its place as a traditional
                                                ‘We hope the announcement provides
open-air market.
                                                certainty to people, once and for all, that
‘The Queen Victoria Market is the largest       the renewal will stay true to what people
intact 19th century market in Australia and     love about the Queen Victoria Market, but
also the site of our city’s first cemetery,’    we need to make significant investment
the Lord Mayor said.                            now to secure its future.’                       A fabric seller at the market in the 1970s

                                                                                            MELBOURNE         SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER            7
Discover the secret world of                          While butterflies are iconic animals we can       ‘If we don’t have healthy and thriving
butterflies through our latest urban                  encounter in our everyday lives, their multi-     insect populations, we won’t have healthy
biodiversity research.                                stage lifecycle means some aspects of their       ecosystems filled with other species that
                                                      biology remain mysterious.                        many people love, like birds,’ Cr Reece said.
Our City’s Little Gems saw a team of local
and international experts turn their attention        Our City’s Little Gems revealed where             ‘This research shows that our city is full of vital
to some of Melbourne’s smallest and most              butterflies live in Melbourne and what            insect life. Understanding this encourages
vibrant residents, with big-picture goals.            flowers they might feed on. Some species          us to appreciate our natural environment,
                                                      were found to enjoy nectar from both              make more sustainable choices and protect
You can view the results on our new,                  native and non-native plants.                     biodiversity for future generations.’
interactive Biodiversity Visual website
and on our Open Data platform.                        ‘The best place in the City of Melbourne to
                                                      find lots of butterflies is Royal Park, but the
Dr Holly Kirk, one of the researchers,                southern end of the Carlton Gardens and           ‘If we don’t have healthy
said that studying insects can help us                Kensington’s Women’s Peace Garden are             and thriving insect
understand how human behaviour fits into              also good places to look,’ Holly said.
the nature ‘puzzle’ and, ultimately, protect                                                            populations, we won’t
                                                      ‘Lots of people are familiar with the
our planet.
                                                      cabbage white butterfly, which is a very
                                                                                                        have healthy ecosystems.’
‘The natural world is full of incredible things       common pest species in Australia.
and when you look closely, everything –                                                                 Holly said that protecting urban
from tiny spiders to gigantic whales – has            ‘However, the most abundant species
                                                                                                        biodiversity results in numerous positive
a fascinating story to tell,’ Holly said.             detected by our field researcher,
                                                                                                        impacts – from inspiring local conservation
                                                      Tessa Smith, was the little blue butterfly,
                                                                                                        volunteers to shaving a couple of degrees
                                                      a group of six species of delicate
                                                                                                        off the air temperature on hot days.
                                                      butterflies that were often observed
‘The natural world is full                            with white clover flowers.’                       ‘Having diverse and abundant wildlife in
of incredible things when                             Councillor Nicholas Reece, Deputy Chair of
                                                                                                        cities provides people with vegetative
you look closely.’                                    the Environment portfolio, said that insects
                                                                                                        cooling, water management and pollination,
                                                                                                        and also improves physical and mental
                                                      form an integral part of our ecosystem,
                                                                                                        wellbeing,’ Holly said.
                                                      as both great decomposers of plant and
‘Ecology is the study of how all the pieces
                                                      animal matter, and a major food source            ‘For me, urban biodiversity is without equal
of nature fit together, how those tiny spiders
                                                      for other insects, frogs, reptiles, birds         in fostering excitement, curiosity and love
help to control pest insects and how whales
                                                      and mammals.                                      for the world around you.
fertilise the ocean with their poo.’

    Dr Holly Kirk is passionate about ecology and sharing her knowledge with future generations


‘After all, it’s much easier for a child to see
honeyeater birds and butterflies feeding on
a flowering shrub in their local garden than
it is to watch herds of zebra and rhinoceros
grazing on an African savannah.’
Our City’s Little Gems is supported by
the Australian Government’s National
Environmental Science Program through
the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub.

  • Visit the butterflies section of our
    Biodiversity Visual website to learn more.
  • Share knowledge about urban                    A caper white butterfly on a native pigface flower       A little blue butterfly on a cut-leaf daisy flower
    biodiversity with children using
    The Little Things that Run the City,
    a picture book we created following
    a previous insect research project.
  • Build a butterfly garden in your backyard
    or on your balcony. Native grasses and
    daisies make good homes for caterpillars
    before they transform, and native plants
    like Goodenia ovata can provide nectar
    for adult butterflies. The Zoos Victoria
    website offers more great tips.
  • Join our Citizen Forester program to
    help us create resilient, healthy and
    diverse urban landscapes.

                                                                                                                                                                 Butterfly photos: Dr Luis Mata

  Holly Kirk appears on the cover
  of Melbourne Magazine in the
  Butterfly House at Melbourne Zoo.
  Location courtesy of Zoos Victoria.

       biodiversity.melbourne.vic.gov.au           An Australian painted lady butterfly on an Asteraceae flower

Spring is here and it’s time to enjoy             • Find fresh, affordable produce at
tasty seasonal produce like berries,                places like Queen Victoria Market, the
peas, asparagus, cucumbers, chillies,               Community Grocer in Carlton and the
globe artichokes and zucchinis.                     Melbourne Farmers Markets in Carlton
                                                    and at the University of Melbourne.
We know it’s best for our health to avoid
processed foods that are high in fat,             • Avoid the middle aisles when you shop
sodium and sugar, and to eat only when              at supermarkets. Whole foods and
we are hungry. But did you know the                 fresh produce are usually found around
health benefits of ‘eating a rainbow’?              the outside.

Plant-based whole foods of bright and             • Get involved with your local community
varied colours offer the highest amounts            garden to get hands on growing fresh
of nutrients and antioxidants, so they’re           food and make new friends.
great for you and the environment.                To find out more about community
Here are four top tips to help you make           gardens, see page 17.
healthy choices while you enjoy Melbourne’s
attractions and foodie hotspots:                         FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
• Spot nutritious food options at our events,            healthychoices
  festivals and recreation centres by looking
  out for our Healthy Choices options, marked                                                           Find fresh, seasonal produce at local markets
  with a green traffic light or apple icon.

                                                                                                 MELBOURNE           SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER                 9


      Find more great events like this at
      whatson.melbourne.vic.gov.au                Melbourne Cup Carnival and Parade

1 SEPTEMBER AND 6 OCTOBER                        16 SEPTEMBER                                      OCT
SCULPTURE STUDIO                                 EXTASE
Create striking sculptures with clay, card,      Hear a live soundtrack performed on                2-3
paper and textiles at Signal. This series        Melbourne Town Hall’s Grand Organ to 1933
features local artists and each session will     film Extase starring actress Hedy Lamarr. It’s
focus on a different approach to making.         sure to be an epic, world premiere experience.
This is a free event for young people aged
13 to 25. Bookings are essential.                16 SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                   New Kids on The Block Street Art
                                                 SOFRA FESTIVAL
AND 10 NOVEMBER                                  Share stories, food, music, dance and cultural   2 TO 3 OCTOBER
                                                 displays to celebrate the anniversary of the
ILLUSTRATION NATION                                                                               NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK STREET ART
                                                 arrival of Melbourne’s first Turkish migrants.
Collaborate with Melbourne’s best and            This free event offers entertainment for the     Explore the world of paste-ups, stencil
brightest illustrators to create your own        whole family at the Immigration Museum.          lettering and spray paint to create your
works on paper at Signal. Young people                                                            own street art canvas at Signal. This free
aged 13 to 25, you’re invited to illustrate      22 SEPTEMBER                                     event for young people aged 11 to 13
what you see, imagine and feel through                                                            features artists Baby Guerrilla and Mishap.
                                                 MID AUTUMN MOON FESTIVAL
drawing, watercolour and gouache. This is                                                         Bookings are essential.
a free event, but bookings are essential.        This festival is China’s second biggest after
                                                 Chinese New Year. Also known as the Moon         3 TO 5 OCTOBER
                                                 Festival, it celebrates the end of the autumn
 SEPT                                                                                             SONIC LABYRINTH
                                                 harvest in the northern hemisphere when the
                                                 moon is at its roundest and brightest. Enjoy
     15                                          mooncake, a lantern parade, entertainment
                                                                                                  Create and explore an interactive sonic
                                                                                                  labyrinth in this series of workshops with
                                                 and more in Chinatown Square.                    sound artists at ArtPlay. Find unusual ways
                                                                                                  to create sound with kinetic sculptures,
                                                 26 TO 28 SEPTEMBER                               interactive instruments and special listening
                                                                                                  devices. For children aged 7 to 12.
                                                 SHH, WE’RE PODCASTING
                                                 Bring a story you’ve been itching to tell        6 TO 11 OCTOBER
                                                 to this three-day podcasting workshop at
                                                                                                  ART FOR THE HEART
                                                 Signal for young people aged 13 to 25. Write,
                                                 record and edit in a quiet and reflective        Grief can be an isolating experience and its
                                                 space where you can safely share your story.     expression can be unintentionally silenced by
                                                 This is a free event. Bookings are essential.    well-meaning people. On at Meat Market, this
 This Mob Collective Studio Workshops
                                                                                                  Tobin Brothers Grief and Hope Exhibition is
                                                  SEPT                                            a way to creatively express what grief is all
15 SEPTEMBER AND 20 OCTOBER                                                                       about through art, craft and writing.
                                                   26-28                                          7 TO 14 OCTOBER
                                                                                                  VICTORIAN SENIORS FESTIVAL
Work alongside deadly artists to explore
visual art techniques at Signal. ‘this mob’ is                                                    Celebrate with music, dancing, a festival
a collective of Aboriginal and Torres Strait                                                      of choirs, roving troubadours, active living
Islander artists who build strength between                                                       demonstrations, stalls, University of the Third
First Nations peoples and celebrate                                                               Age activities and much more on Celebration
blakness. This is a free event for young          Shh, we’re Podcasting                           Day. Find the fun at Melbourne Town Hall,
people aged 13 to 25. Don’t forget to book.                                                       Federation Square and Deakin Edge.


                  Photo: Vicki Jones Photography

                                                   NOV                                                                     NOV

                                                   8-25                                                                     18
                                                   Night Noodle Markets                                                    Polish Festival

14 OCTOBER                                                                8 TO 25 NOVEMBER                                25 NOVEMBER
WORLD VEGAN DAY                                                           NIGHT NOODLE MARKETS                            THAI WATER FESTIVAL
Enjoy a family-friendly vegan extravaganza                                This popular Asian hawker market under          Loi Krathong, Thailand’s oldest festival,
of fashion, cosmetics, multicultural food,                                the stars is back at Birrarung Marr. Feast      invites people to float a special sculpture
footwear, accessories, pet food, talks,                                   your senses on more than 20 sizzling food       on the water and make a wish. At this
music, art and more. Don’t miss the speed-                                stalls including Hoy Pinoy, Waffleland,         event, see the symbolic placing of
dating. At Royal Melbourne Showgrounds.                                   Teppanyaki Noodles, Donburi Station             flowers in water, followed by thai cultural
                                                                          and Black Star Pastry. Entry is free.           ceremonies and authentic cuisine.
21 OCTOBER                                                                                                                At Argyle Square on Lygon Street.
CARLTON ITALIAN FESTA                                                     10 TO 11 NOVEMBER
                                                                          KOREA WEEK FESTIVAL
Now in its seventh year, this party is a
celebration of all things Italian. Bring the                              Discover traditional and contemporary             SPORTS
whole family to enjoy free entertainment all                              aspects of Korean culture, including
day on the main stage, plus cooking demos,                                taekwondo and taekkyeon performances,             26 TO 29 SEPTEMBER
sporting activities, vehicle displays and                                 a Korean hanbok fashion show, a K-pop
                                                                                                                            AFL FOOTY FESTIVAL AND
of course lots of luscious Italian food and                               competition and cooking shows. At
drinks. At Argyle Square in Carlton.                                      Federation Square.
                                                                                                                            GRAND FINAL PARADE
                                                                                                                            Enjoy footy, food and entertainment
27 TO 28 OCTOBER                                                          16 TO 18 NOVEMBER                                 during four days of fun for all ages this
JUNIPALOOZA                                                               OOMPAH!                                           AFL Grand Final Week. On the day
                                                                                                                            before the match, cheer for the two
On at Meat Market, Junipalooza showcases                                  Immerse yourself in a sensory space of            competing teams as they parade from
dozens of gin makers in one room sharing                                  calm and connection with your baby at             the Old Treasury Building to Yarra Park.
their love for the spirit and serving up                                  ArtPlay. Explore the fluffy, interactive play
samples and stories for all to enjoy.                                     mat that lights up and makes sounds as             SEPT
                                                                          you move, discover soft toy surprises, or
                                                                          wander through cubby tents. For babies
                                                                          aged up to 14 months.
Take a magical journey through India.                                     18 NOVEMBER
The vibrant program features cinema,
                                                                          POLISH FESTIVAL
Bollywood dance, drumming, workshops,
henna painting, a wish pavilion, bustling                                 Celebrate the 100th anniversary of
bazaar, delectable cuisine and fireworks.                                 Polish independence with this huge                 AFL Footy Festival and Grand Final Parade
Find the fun at Federation Square.                                        party at Federation Square. Indulge
                                                                          in mouth-watering pierogi (stuffed
8, 15 AND 22 NOVEMBER                                                     dumplings) and bigos (hunter’s stew),             3 TO 10 NOVEMBER
                                                                          and relax with a Polish beer in the               MELBOURNE CUP CARNIVAL
                                                                          karczma (beer garden). Enjoy live music,          AND PARADE
VIRTUAL REALITY                                                           children’s activities, and the swirling
LGBTQIA+ people aged 13 to 25, channel                                    colours of traditional dancers.                   See this year’s Melbourne Cup jockeys
your uniquely queer voice into a virtual                                                                                    and trainers parade down Swanston
reality landscape of your own making                                                                                        Street in this free public event.
at Signal. This event is free, but bookings                                                                                 The festivities continue at Federation
                                                                                   Subscribe to our weekly
are essential.                                                                                                              Square, including live interviews with
                                                                                   What’s On newsletter at
                                                                                                                            the jockeys before they take their
                                                                                                                            place in the race that stops a nation.

                                                                                                                      MELBOURNE         SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER             11
Bike polo photos: Wren Steiner
Move your own way this spring to                 Here are three surprising ways your neighbours get their exercise:
boost your wellbeing, connect
with your community and meet
new friends.
                                                   LAUGHTER CLUBS
                                                   Fawkner Park, Buluk Park, Boyd
Councillor Beverley Pinder, Chair of the           Community Hub and Federation Square
People City portfolio, said there’s always         ‘Melbourne is the laughter capital of
something going on in our parks and public         Australia. Nowhere else has so many clubs
spaces, from birdwatching to an earth-             in one place. Half an hour of laughter can
bound version of quidditch.                        make so much difference if you are feeling
‘As a City of Wellbeing, we’re fortunate to        tired from work, isolated, or a bit blue. You
have an abundance of green spaces where            go along, you have a laugh and you think:
we can nurture mind, body and spirit, even         this is a wonderful world. Everyone is          There are 41 fun and free laughter clubs
if it’s just a short walk on our lunch break,’     welcome.’ Mahes Karuppian-Quillen               across Victoria
Cr Pinder said.
‘There are also lots of passionate people
out there coordinating joyful and creative         BIKE POLO
ways for us to get fit and engage with our         Flagstaff Gardens
fellow Melburnians, so I encourage you to          ‘Having a space right in the middle of
get outdoors and try something new.’               the city and in a beautiful park attracts
                                                   a huge amount of spectators. It’s a great
                                                   space for getting more people involved
‘We’re fortunate to have                           and it’s more fun to play when people are
                                                   watching and cheering. No matter how old
an abundance of green                              you are, or how well you know bicycles,         Bike polo welcomes people of all ages
spaces where we can                                there is a team for you.’ Alice Lewis           and experience
nurture mind, body
and spirit.’
                                                                                                                                              The Professional Hobbyist

                                                   MEDIEVAL SWORDCRAFT
                                                   Western Oval, Royal Park
Explore our world-class recreation facilities,     ‘I enjoy swordcraft because I get to escape
wellness programs for city workers, local          reality for a couple of hours and run
sporting groups and sporting permit                around in armour with some of my closest
information online.                                friends. There’s nothing quite like stepping
                                                   onto an oval with 200 to 300 like-minded
       FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT                 people dressed in their amazing costumes.
       melbourne.vic.gov.au/                       Everyone is always welcoming to new             Swordcraft forges strong friendships between
       activemelbourne                             people.’ Andrew Davidson                        cosplay enthusiasts


A Kensington apartment complex is                  ‘I am also excited to give the main                 ‘By far, the biggest reward will come when
about to be transformed from a vast,               entranceway of the property a whole new             we see the greening works complete –
gloomy expanse of concrete into a                  facade. The bamboo forest, colourful trees          when we can fully enjoy and appreciate
lush, green, community space thanks                and new vegetation in the top garden                our new green spaces,’ Milla said.
                                                   beds will remove that feeling of stepping
to our Urban Forest Fund.                                                                              ‘I think it will dramatically improve the
                                                   into yet another urbanised concrete jungle
                                                                                                       community feel of the area and encourage
Milla Mihailova saw great potential in the         apartment block and instead into a luscious
                                                                                                       neighbours to go outside and get to know
communal area of her Howlett Street home           and green oasis.’
                                                                                                       each other.’
and – with more than a little creativity and       A keen gardener, Milla initially raised the
enthusiasm – rallied her neighbours to             simple idea of starting up community
agree to a bold plan.                                                                                    Got an idea for a greening project on
                                                   veggie gardens. But, thanks to the Urban
                                                                                                         private property? Applications for the
‘I am most looking forward to the                  Forest Fund, bigger plans soon took shape.
                                                                                                         next round of the Urban Forest Fund
Australian native garden in the sunken             ‘The Urban Forest Fund gave us the                    are open now and close on 22 October.
courtyard, which will highlight the existing       ambition and push to plan out what we                 For successful projects, the Urban
beautiful old Eucalyptus tree,’ Milla said.        would like to do with our communal spaces.            Forest Fund will match the applicant’s
                                                   Before the fund, no one had stopped to                investment dollar for dollar.
‘I’m hoping it will bring in wildlife and
create a tranquil bushland feel where              think that we could do more with our
people can sit and relax, and disguise the         shared spaces than simply using them as
                                                   pathways,’ Milla said.                                      FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
fact that we live off a very busy main road.
                                                   ‘Secondly, and most importantly, the Urban                  urbanforestfund
                                                   Forest Fund gave us the financial ability
‘I am most looking                                 to actually complete our plans. Without
forward to the Australian                          the fund, it would have taken probably
                                                   several years to raise the required funds
native garden in the                               and people most likely would have lost the
sunken courtyard,                                  drive to continue.’

which will highlight the                           The greening project has many benefits for
                                                   wildlife, water management and cooling,
existing beautiful old                             but Milla believes it will also make a real
Eucalyptus tree.’                                  difference to the lives of people who live in
                                                   the 45 apartments at the complex.                    Milla Mihailova at the complex

Plans for the communal space include a native wildflower garden, green wall, bamboo forest and a stormwater harvesting and irrigation system

                                                                                                  MELBOURNE          SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER         13
Some of the world’s brightest minds
are working together in Melbourne
to make human-centred design ideas
a reality.

Leah Heiss – a designer with a passion
for health and nanotechnology – shared
some of her work with the community at
Melbourne Knowledge Week 2018.
She has created an array of health
technology innovations including jewellery
to administer insulin through the skin for
diabetics, biosignal-sensing emergency
jewellery, and swallowable devices to
detect disease.
Recently, Leah worked with Blamey
Saunders Hears to design Facett, the

                                                                                                                                       Photos: Matt Harvey, courtesy Blamey Saunders hears
world’s first self-fit modular hearing aid.
The acclaimed design features an intuitive
magnetic charger, and its form is inspired
by the mineralogy collection at Museums
‘My goal is to humanise wearable health
technology through engaging with users to
really understand their experiences of using
these devices,’ Leah said.

‘Real empathy and deep
engagement takes a lot
of time and effort.’

‘Many people who wear hearing aids
feel shame, stigma, embarrassment and           Leah Heiss with the Facett hearing aid
isolation. We wanted to bring those
emotions to the foreground of our design-
thinking rather than simply focussing          Museums Victoria has since acquired 130 of      ‘Melbourne’s start-up and innovation
on function.                                   the prototype models – alongside drawings       ecosystem is producing world-class solutions
                                               and the final product – for their heritage      to human-centred problems,’ Dr Watts said.
‘In short, we wanted to move hearing aids
                                               collection, recognising Facett as a great
from disability to desirability.’                                                              ‘Throughout Melbourne Knowledge Week,
                                               example of Victorian innovation.
                                                                                               we showcase the work of our most exciting
Leah and the Blamey Saunders Hears
                                               ‘It is critical that human-centred design       innovative thinkers and thought leaders
team showcased Facett’s design process
                                               doesn’t just become a buzz word. Real           in a diverse range of industries or areas
at Melbourne Knowledge Week’s Future
                                               empathy and deep engagement take                through mind-expanding discussions and
Hospital event, offering the community a
                                               a lot of time and effort,’ Leah said.           workshops.
unique insight into the extensive, iterative
design process.                                ‘We need to evolve products that actually       ‘Knowledge Week events aim to encourage
                                               resonate with people’s lives. For this,         everyone in the community to engage,
                                               designers need to be at the table for longer    participate, and potentially collaborate
                                               than just six weeks at the beginning of the     with those who share cutting-edge
                                               technology development.                         expertise and skills.’
                                               ‘Melbourne is a great place for this work
                                               because art and design is so fundamental          GET INVOLVED
                                               to our city. This mindset is the perfect
                                               foundation for our biotechnology industry,        What knowledge can you share with
                                               business incubators and start-ups.’               the community? Applications to
                                                                                                 speak or run an event at Melbourne
                                               Councillor Dr Jackie Watts, Chair of the          Knowledge Week 2019 are open until
                                               Knowledge City portfolio, said Melbourne’s        20 September.
                                               extraordinary number of knowledge-
                                               sector organisations – so rich in creativity,
                                               innovation, design and technological                   FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
 The Facett hearing aid
                                               capabilities – is a key strength in the                mkw.melbourne.vic.gov.au
                                               global knowledge economy.


We awarded the laser and electronics experts at MOG Laboratories a grant to expand their business

Are you brewing a great business
idea? Every year, we help some of                      SUCCESS STORIES
our city’s brightest minds realise their
                                                       Allume, a business that helps apartment         HealthKit, a healthcare industry
dreams through our Small Business
                                                       dwellers split solar power bills, has been      software management platform, now
Grants program.                                        accepted into the world-renowned                has a network of more than 150,000
                                                       Elemental Excelerator based in Honolulu         practitioners across 40 countries.
In fact, we’ve supported 378 small businesses
                                                       and San Francisco.
with more than $8 million in funding since we                                                          KeepCup has sold more than three
launched the program in 1996.                          Beetbox – a portable, sustainable               million cups, currently supplies to more
                                                       lunchbox made from premium glass                than 60 countries and has turnover of
Councillor Susan Riley, Chair of the Small
                                                       and aluminium – has been named the              more than $6 million a year.
Business, Retail and Hospitality portfolio,
                                                       Good Design Award Gold Winner by the
said the many success stories showcase our                                                             NexVet, a biotechnology company, was
                                                       Design Institute of Australia.
city as a global leader in innovation, design,                                                         sold to United States-based Zoetis,
science and technology.                                Code Like a Girl has reached more than          the world’s largest animal healthcare
                                                       2000 women and girls through their              company, for $111 million.
‘Our Small Business Grants program helped
                                                       events, workshops and coding camps
local businesses generate $71 million of gross                                                         Reground has expanded its customer base
                                                       this year, and placed seven women into
turnover, $58 million of equity investment,                                                            to 73 cafes, roasteries and offices, diverting
                                                       technology internships.
$3 million of export earnings and 939 jobs                                                             154 tonnes of coffee grounds from landfill.
from 2006 to 2016,’ Cr Riley said.                     Gewurzhaus, a herb and spice merchant,
                                                                                                       UbiPark, an app that shows on-street
                                                       opened its first store in Lygon Street in
                                                                                                       parking availability using our live data feed,
                                                       2010 and now has seven stores across
                                                                                                       secured additional investment to rollout
We’ve supported 378                                    Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra.
                                                                                                       new technologies, bringing the company’s
small businesses with                                                                                  total funding to more than $1 million.
more than $8 million
in funding.

‘The funding is just one of the ways we are
helping build and maintain sustainable and
diverse small business, retail and hospitality
sectors as Melbourne embarks on a period
of unprecedented transformation.’

        smallbusinessgrants                            Code Like a Girl

                                                                                                    MELBOURNE       SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER                15
We are using the results of a six-             a broad range of toys and equipment,                 ‘My hope is that all early learning
month study into gender stereotypes            and having conversations about gender                environments in Melbourne have access
and respectful relationships at one of         stereotypes and fairness at story time.              to training, resources and mentoring to
our children’s centres to shape our                                                                 implement gender equity teaching that
                                               You can find links to more resources on
                                                                                                    prevents gender bias and violence.’
approach to early learning.                    our website.

Dr Kylie Smith from the University of          ‘It takes time for adults and children to                    FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
Melbourne led the research, which aimed        identify their own biases, develop skills,                   melbourne.vic.gov.au/
to positively influence knowledge, skills,     relationships and confidence to challenge bias               respectandequity
attitudes and behaviours to promote gender     and create different possibilities,’ Kylie said.
equity and prevent violence against women.
‘I was excited that educators and families
were interested and wanted to explore
opportunities to support gender equity
and could see how young children were
beginning to develop bias,’ Kylie said.
‘When educators have access to knowledge
and time and space to reflect and talk
with each other they can create exciting
possibilities for gender equality.’
The project team worked with parents, carers
and educators to create resources that will
help them challenge gender stereotypes and
create a more equitable world for children.
Practical tips for the home include
modelling equal distribution of household       We are promoting respectful relationships and gender equity in our children’s centres
chores, encouraging children to play with

The atmosphere is buzzing at the Jean          Marjia Maljianek, who has been the                   ‘The group helps people who might be
McKendry Neighbourhood Centre,                 president of the group for 18 years, seeks           lonely. It’s also a place for them to get
where the Slavic Women’s Group is              out cheap, fresh produce every week and              information about services and what’s
having its weekly get-together.                arrives early on Thursdays with a car load           going on in the community.’
                                               of ingredients.
                                                                                                    If a member of the Slavic Women’s Group is
Today, women from 14 nations are enjoying      Then, a team of up to 20 volunteers get              sick, a volunteer will visit them at home or
a lecture on holistic wellbeing, followed by   to work in the kitchen to cook a nutritious          in hospital. Marjia even arranges affordable
lunch – delicious chicken paprikash and        feast for up to 100 people.                          holidays for the group – 48 of them went to
donuts – supported by our Community                                                                 Phuket last year.
Meals program.
                                                                                                    ‘Many of the girls came to Australia as
                                               ‘The group helps people                              refugees from former Yugoslavia. Now,
                                               who might be lonely. It’s                            many of them are widows and don’t speak
                                                                                                    English,’ Marjia said.
                                               also a place for them to
                                                                                                    ‘So they enjoy being able to speak their
                                               get information about                                own language here and there is friendship
                                               services and what’s going                            and the opportunity to socialise.’
                                               on in the community.’
                                                                                                      Last year, our Community Meals
                                                                                                      program provided more than 30,000
                                               ‘We like “home food”: slow-cooked chicken              meals through 43 community groups,
                                               soup, “sarma” or homemade cabbage rolls,               thanks to more than 300 volunteers.
                                               schnitzel – all sorts. For celebrations, we
                                               might do roast lamb or a spit,’ said Marjia.
Marjia Maljianek (centre) with some of her                                                                  FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
fellow Slavic Women’s Group volunteers                                                                      melbourne.vic.gov.au/


Laura Hitchman and Nikhil Joseph Naidoo enjoy the Stockyard Food Garden

Urban farmers are getting their hands                                                              ‘With the support of City of Melbourne,
dirty across Melbourne to cultivate               ‘We want to create a                             the stockyard site can become an amazing
nutritious food and community spirit.                                                              place, fully-utilised and buzzing with local
                                                  colourful and peaceful                           activities.
Nina Ceddia is the passionate Chairperson         environment that is                              ‘My personal aim is to see the entire
of Kensington’s Stockyard Food Garden,
set amid the rustic timber stock pens of
                                                  welcoming of all ages                            stockyard site filled with fresh growing
                                                                                                   food and lots of community activities,
the old Newmarket saleyards.                      and backgrounds.’                                including a combined men’s and women’s
When she retired, Nina wanted to use                                                               work shed, within the next five to six years.
her farming and business skills – not to
                                                  So far, Stockyard Food Garden has 26
mention her green thumb – to give back
                                                  self-watering wicking beds – created from
to the community. She championed the
                                                  recycled material and filled with organic
                                                                                                   ‘My personal aim is to
food garden from the first community
consultation event.
                                                  worm matter by Melbourne Award-winning           see the entire stockyard
                                                  company Wormlovers.
‘I want residents to better balance their
                                                                                                   site filled with fresh
                                                  The garden is so popular that it has a
food intake through active participation
                                                  long waiting list of enthusiastic locals who
                                                                                                   growing food and lots
in growing food and to promote freshly-
grown foods to those who may not be able
                                                  want to get involved, so Nina is seeking to      of community activities.’
                                                  increase its capacity and ensure that the
to tend to a garden day-to-day,’ Nina said.
                                                  project becomes viable and self-sustaining.
‘Stockyard Food Garden is very young as                                                            ‘I know it will take effort but I also believe
                                                  This work includes planting out extra
it was only planted in June with a variety                                                         the Kensington residents will achieve it.’
                                                  garden beds at the neighbouring
of winter veggies such as broad beans,
                                                  Kensington Community School, applying
peas, kale, lettuce, coriander, onions, garlic,                                                      Stockyard Food Garden, an initiative
                                                  for funding to create 40 new wicking beds,
herbs, a few fruit trees and edible flowers.                                                         of the City of Melbourne’s Food Policy,
                                                  and sourcing donated seedlings from local
                                                                                                     will be formally launched with a special
‘We want to create a colourful and peaceful       nurseries.
                                                                                                     event on Saturday 20 October at 2pm.
environment that is welcoming of all ages
                                                  ‘We don’t want to turn anyone away, so
and backgrounds.                                                                                     If you are interested in joining Friends
                                                  we want to set up an arm called Friends of
                                                                                                     of Stockyard Food Garden, email
‘We have a few young children that join           Stockyard Food Garden, which will offer
in the working bees alongside their               workshops, events, food swaps, cultural
parents and one can see that they are in          cooking and the occasional working bee,’
their element wanting to help and learn.          Nina said.                                       To find out more about healthy food
It’s so great to see such enthusiasm in                                                            choices, see page nine.
                                                  ‘I have lived in Kensington for over 24 years
the little ones.’
                                                  and it was not until I retired that I began to           FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
                                                  really appreciate the wonderful Kensington               melbourne.vic.gov.au/foodpolicy
                                                  community spirit.

                                                                                             MELBOURNE          SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER                17
MELBOURNE LOVE                                                                                    IN BRIEF

VIVA LA CUP                                                                                       HERITAGE GRANTS
                                                                                                  Restore your community, commercial
                                                                                                  or residential heritage building with
                                                                                                  help from our Melbourne Heritage
                                                                                                  Restoration Fund. The fund will offer
                                                                                                  $600,000 over the next three years
                                                                                                  to help make our city a place where
                                                                                                  people love to live, work and visit.
                                                                                                  Businesses, non-profits and residents
                                                                                                  are encouraged to apply.

                                                                                                  THOUGHT LEADERS WANTED
                                                                                                  Apply now to share your big ideas
                                                                                                  for a smart and innovative city at the
                                                                                                  next Melbourne Knowledge Week.
                                                                                                  We are seeking submissions for a range
                                                                                                  of special events, workshops, dinners,
                                                                                                  performances and speakers. The
                                                                                                  festival will be held from 20 to 26 May
                                                                                                  2019. Applications close 20 September.

                                                                                                  SPRING CLEAN
                                                                                                  Take advantage of our free garden
                                                                                                  waste and hard waste collections for
                                                                                                  residents and bin clean vouchers for
                                                                                                  businesses this spring. We’re also
Lily Yap with Noah Symons, Manager of Jungle Juice Bar
                                                                                                  offering extra hard waste collections
                                                                                                  for residents in October and an
                                                                                                  e-waste recycling day in November.
Zero waste champion Lily Yap is                   network grows, and we invite everyone to
                                                                                                  Visit us online for details.
making it easier for cafe-loving                  tell their favourite cafe about Viva la Cup.
Melburnians to access reusable cups               3. What has been your favourite part of
through her social enterprise, Viva               the journey so far?
la Cup. We helped five central-city               Starting a social enterprise is a wonderful     PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS
cafes with set-up costs to join the               ride. One of my favourite parts is building
movement through our Single-use                   relationships with the cafes. We share          Get free promotion for your
Waste Reduction Fund.                             stories and ideas about how to encourage        business or event as part of our
                                                  more people to choose reusables. The            Christmas marketing campaign.
1. What inspired you to create Viva la Cup?                                                       This project showcases Melbourne’s
                                                  cafes are passionate about reducing waste,
I started to reduce my personal waste by          so we are working together to build a           most interesting, fun and unique
doing simple things like bringing my own          sustainable network that works for both         experiences to attract visitors into
water bottle, carrying produce bags and           their customers and their businesses.           the city. So apply now if you run
food containers, and shopping at bulk and                                                         a business or event within
op-shops. Consciously saying ‘no’ to waste,       4. What is your vision for the future of
                                                                                                  our municipality.
I found that there were limited and often         cafe sustainability?
inconvenient or expensive solutions for                                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au/
                                                  Melbourne has a great cafe culture
anyone trying to reduce waste. I started                                                          marketingcampaigns
                                                  and I don’t want that to ever change.
Viva la Cup because I want to make                But I envision a future without single-use
reusable alternatives as convenient and           disposable items. By working together
                                                                                                  DISABILITY SUPPORT
easy to use as single-use disposables.            across the hospitality sector, there is a lot
                                                  we can do to replace disposable coffee          Do you access our Home and
2. How can people get involved?
                                                  cups, cutlery, straws, plates, take-away        Community Care Program for Younger
Simply visit a participating cafe and order       containers, and food packaging.
a coffee or hot drink in a Viva la Cup for a                                                      People? If so, the National Disability
                                                  I also have high hopes that we will find        Insurance Agency will contact you to
$10 deposit. Viva la Cup is a stainless steel
                                                  ways to minimise food waste and reduce          determine your eligibility for the new
cup, double-walled to keep your drinks
                                                  the carbon footprint of cafes, contributing     National Disability Insurance Scheme,
warmer for longer. People can take away
                                                  to a waste-free, truly sustainable and          or NDIS. This scheme is the federal
and return the cup at any participating cafe
                                                  beautiful city.                                 government’s new way of providing
for a full refund of the deposit.
With support from the City of Melbourne,                                                          support for Australians with disability,
                                                         FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT              their families and carers. It will roll out
five cafes have joined us for our launch:
                                                         melbourne.vic.gov.au/                    in Melbourne from 1 October.
Kings and Knaves Espresso, La Kuaizi,
Basement Cafe, Jungle Juice Bar and Kape.                                                         melbourne.vic.gov.au/ndis
We’ll list more on our website as our

You can also read