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REALISING THE POTENTIAL OF MELBOURNE’S SOUTH-EASTERN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR Melbourne CBD Chadstone Monash Caulfield Clayton Springvale Noble Park Dandenong Rowville
CAULFIELD-ROWVILLE TRACKLESS RAPID TRANSIT – KEY THEMES AND OBJECTIVES THEME 1: THEME 2: THEME 3: THEME 4: IMPROVE ACCESS TO JOBS SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT REDUCE ROAD CONGESTION QUICKER AND MORE RELIABLE AND SERVICES IN MIDDLE MELBOURNE, JOURNEY TIMES FOR PUBLIC CONSISTENT WITH PLAN TRANSPORT USERS MELBOURNE AND THE 20-MINUTE CITY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES: OBJECTIVES: OBJECTIVES: OBJECTIVES: • Improve access to jobs, education and • Unlock private sector investment in • Alleviate traffic congestion along • Implement a mass rapid transit solution other services throughout the SEEC jobs and housing through improved SEEC major arterial roads via a mass for the SEEC that offers seven day a accessibility within and along the SEEC rapid transport solution, encouraging week turn up and go frequency • Enhance and create connections mode shift from private vehicles whilst between key economic precincts • Generate value creation and capture maintaining road network capacity. • Provide a mass rapid transit option for including Monash University’s Caulfield opportunities through strategic Rowville that improves access to the and Clayton campuses, Chadstone, and planning at key nodes along the • Deliver a scalable mass rapid transport SEEC and connects to the suburban the Monash NEIC corridor solution within the SEEC rail system. • Amplify the benefits of the Suburban • Deliver strong productivity benefits by Rail Link to the SEEC providing a cost-effective mass rapid transit solution that best matches with current and forecast demand
THE ROUTE THE ROUTE Areas within the circles provide opportunity for development uplift Monash University - a mpus Caulfield C Chadstone/Holmesglen Areas in red have significant potential to absorb population Monash University – Clayton & employment Campus Rowville THE RECOMMENDED ROUTE: Key KEY • Services the northern part of the Monash NEIC HIGH DENSITY EMPLOYMENT AND The recommended route: High density employment MIXED AREA • Provides an additional 3 potential stops compared and mixed area ■ Services the northern part of the Monash NEIC MID DENSITY EMPLOYMENT AND to a Princes Highway alignment, increasing Mid density employment ■ Provides an additional 3 potential stops compared to a MIXEDand AREA mixed area accessibility for residents and employees Princes Highway alignment, increasing accessibility for EXISTING ACTIVITY Existing CENTRE activity centre residents and employees • Integrates service need with community, social and EXISTING ACTIVITY CATCHMENT Existing activity catchment ■ Integrates service need with community, social and economic opportunities economic opportunities FUTURE ACTIVITY CATCHMENT Future activity catchment • Offers greater value ■ uplift along Offers greater Ferntree value uplift along Gully Ferntree Road Gully Road N • Can interchange with SRL ■ Can superhub interchange station with SRL superhub near station near 0 1.5 3KKm Monash Clayton Monash Clayton
PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACCESSIBILITY PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACCESSIBILITY WITHIN 30 MINUTES POST SRL WITHIN 30 MINUTES POST SRL Public Transport PublicAccessibility within 30 minutes Transport Accessibility post within 30 SRL post SRL minutes Public Transport transit transit AND EAST-WEST RAPID TRANSIT PublicAccessibility within 30 minutes Transport Accessibility post within 30 SRL and minutes east-west post SRL andrapid east-west rapid Monash University – Monash University – Monash University – Monash University – Caulfield Campus Caulfield Campus Caulfield Campus Caulfield Campus Holmesglen Institute - Chadstone Holmesglen Institute - Chadstone Holmesglen Institute - Chadstone Holmesglen Institute - Chadstone Campus Campus Campus Campus Chadstone Chadstone Chadstone Chadstone Monash University – Monash University – Monash University – Monash University – Clayton Campus Clayton Campus Clayton Campus Clayton Campus Rowville Rowville Rowville Rowville ■ SRL helps widen ■ SRL accessibility helps widen to accessibility the Corridor, to but does the not significantly Corridor, enhance but does not accessibility significantly enhance accessibility ■ Travel times■across thetimes Travel SEECacross are significantly the SEEC arereduced significantly reduced • SRLwithin helps widen the Corridor accessibility within the Corridor to the Corridor, but does not ■ • Travel Key activity■centres times and across employment Key activity the nodes centres and are SEEC are significantly connected employment nodes are connected reduced significantly ■ enhance ■ Rowville residents see no Rowville accessibility improvement residents within see noinimprovement public transport the Corridor accessibility in public compared transport to current accessibility compared to current Rowville•undergoes levels levels ■ Key activity ■ Rowville centres transformational undergoes and employment change transformational change nodes are connected • Rowville residents see no improvement in public transport ■ Benefits of ■ SRLBenefits are amplified of SRLacross a wider catchment are amplified across a wider catchment • Rowville undergoes transformational change accessibility compared to current levels • Benefits of SRL are amplified across a wider catchment 30-minute public transport 30-minute public transport 30-minute catchments: public transport catchments: catchments: Chadstone ChadstoneChadstone Monash University –Monash University – Monash Clayton Campus Clayton University Campus – Clayton Campus Rowville Rowville Rowville
OPTION COMPARISON: CAULFIELD TO OPTION COMPARISON: CAULFIELD TO MONASH CLAYTON (WESTERN SECTION) MONASH CLAYTON (WESTERN SECTION) Trackless Rapid Transit with exclusive right- 2020 2025 2036 Route Demand Trac of-way and lane priority is the best match (People per hour, per direction, by year) 650 800-1,000 1,000-1,400 to service the route demand now and into with Route Specific the future - with flexibility and technology B and Capacity 900 B BRT TT LRT options. (People per hour, per direction) 500 1,000 TRT 3,000 5,000 7,500 10,000+ mat dem Route Specific Average TRT Operating speed (km/h) B B futu 2031 B LRT BRT TT 900 17 20 22 32 32 33 tech 15 km/h 20 km/h 30 km/h 40 km/h 60km/h 100km/h TRT Time saved B B LRT TT BRT 2031 +10 mins (40min trip time) Base case: 30min trip -10 mins (20min trip time) TRT Cost (M$/km) BRT TT LRT $25M $75M $125M $175M $400M+ TRT Time to deliver (yrs) BRT TT LRT 4y 6y 8y 10y+ LRT – Light Rail | BRT – Bus Rapid Transit | TT – Trackless Trams | B – Bus (potential upgrade) | B 2031 – Bus (congestion impacted) | B 900 – Current service ■ While there is some upgrade potential, there is limited opportunity to improve ■ LRT, BRT and TT can deliver a 20 minute trip time and meet capacity demands • W hile there existing is some bus services to meetupgrade demand potential, there is limited • LRT, BRT and TT can deliver a 20 minute trip time ■ BRT and TT are considerably cheaper than LRT and can be delivered two years ■ opportunity Bus trips would beto10improve existing minutes longer by 2031bus services to meet and meet capacity demands sooner. demand • BRT and TT are considerably cheaper than LRT and • Bus trips would be 10 minutes longer by 2031 can be delivered two years sooner.
4. POTENTIAL POTENTIAL CROSS SECTIONS CROSS SECTIONS FERNTREE GULLY RD - EXISTING FERNTREE GULLY RD - TRT Potential to add cycling route in service road to supplement SCC TRT TRT TRT Maintain Capacity & Separation Treatments and widening to enable two separated priority TRT lanes & maintain existing traffic capacity.
FASTER AND MORE RELIABLE JOURNEY TIMES TO KEY DESTINATIONS WITH DEDICATED TRT PUBLIC TRANSPORT •T RT improves Rowville accessibilty to the CBD with travel time savings of 10 to 20 mins compared to PREDICTED TRAVEL TIMES F R O M W H E E LE R S H I LL A ND O A KLE I GH E A ST I N TH E A M P E A K (I N MI NU TE S) I N 2 0 3 1 existing modes TRT FROM WHEELERS HILL B US FR O M WH E E LE R S H ILL C AR FR O M WH E E LE R S H ILL WHEELERS HILL TO CITY VIA TRAIN MO N A S H C L A Y T O N 8 M O NAS H C L AY TO N 11-15 M O NAS H C L AY TO N 16 GL EN WAVERL EY + 55 •T RT will link Rowville to Monash Uni Clayton in 11 mins CHADSTONE 22 C HAD S TO NE 31-34 C HAD S TO NE 20 C L AY TO N + 48 and Chadstone in 26 mins, quicker and more reliably C A U L F IE L D 28 C AUL FIEL D + 41-48 C AUL FIEL D 35 CBD + 45 CBD + + 59 CBD 45 than other travel options BOX HILL TRT FROM OAKLEIGH EAST B US FR O M O AKLE IGH E AS T C AR FR O M O AKLE IGH E AS T OAKLEIGH EAST TO CITY VIA TRAIN •D aily TRT patronage in 2036 is forecast to be up to FLINDE RS MO N A S H STREET CLAYTON 7 M O NAS H C L AY TO N 6-9 M O NAS H C L AY TO N 7 HO L M ES GL EN + 43 4,500 passengers between Rowville and Clayton, CHADSTONE 8 C HAD S TO NE 12-20 C HAD S TO NE 15 O AK L EIGH + 37 and up to 12,000 between Clayton and Caulfield, C A U L F IE L D 14 C AUL FIEL D + 22 C AUL FIEL D 22 CBD + 31 CBD + + 37 CBD 40 significantly higher than the existing bus service. SUBURBAN R AIL LOOP (SRL) TO MELBOURNE CBD HOLMESGLEN CAULFIELD GLE N WAVERLEY CHADSTONE OAKLEIGH EAST OAKLEIGH 400M / 800M MONASH 10 KM HUNTINGDALE WHEELERS HILL ROWVILLE CLAYTON TR ACKLESS R APID TR ANSIT (TRT ) 400M / 800M CR ANBOURNE PAKENHAM LINE
Caulfield to Rowville TRT Public Transport Timeline Subject to Government business case, Q1 2022 is the target date for a ‘high vis & hard hat’ project lau THE SOLUTION FED & STATE ELECTIONS MAR-NOV 2022 •T rackless Rapid Transit (TRT) is the most flexible and cost- TRT effective technology option and best matches with current and FED•& Victorian STATE TRT and TRT Federal Governments COMMITTED& canTRT partner CONTRACTto deliver TRT TRT CONSTRUCTION PPA SIGNED ANNOUNCED LAUNCHED AWARD COMMENCES forecast demand. • Significantly lower budget impact than light rail or heavy rail solutions •T RT connecting Caulfield to Rowville can be delivered at a cost TRT BUSINESS • Opportunity to leverage private sector investment of approximately $1.4 billion, and be operational by 2025. CASE (~6MNTH) • Can more quickly stimulate economic recovery post the •A comparable light rail solution would cost approximately $2.9 COVID-19 crisis MAY JUN Q1 Q3 Q1 billion and require an additional two years to complete. Caulfield to Rowville TRT Public Transport 2021Timeline 2021 2022 2022 2023 • Caulfield – Rowville TRT will expand the reach ofSubject SRL to byGovernment business case, Q1 2022 is the target date for a ‘high vis & hard hat’ project launch of TRT providing an east-west connection to complement the SRL’s north-south connection. FED & STATE ELECTIONS MAR-NOV 2022 • It will create 2,244 direct and indirect jobs and contribute $427.4 million to the Victorian economy each year during FED & STATE TRT TRT TRT COMMITTED& TRT CONTRACT TRT CONSTRUCTION TRT STAGED OPERATION TRT FULLY construction1. PPA SIGNED ANNOUNCED LAUNCHED AWARD COMMENCES COMMENCE OPERATIONAL 1 Urbis, June 2020 TRT BUSINESS CASE (~6MNTH) TRT CONSTRUCTION (~4YR) MAY JUN Q1 Q3 Q1 Q4 Q4 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2025 2026 A TRT solution can be delivered with Bus Rapid Transit or Trackless Trams. Both are electrically powered and don’t require overhead lines. TRT requires exclusive right of way along most of the route, with the costings allowing for road widening to enable two priority TRT lanes and maintaining existing traffic lanes.
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