PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 1 - 3 April 2020 Orchard Hotel, Singapore - Precision Public Health Asia 2020 ...

Page created by Florence Ortiz
PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 1 - 3 April 2020 Orchard Hotel, Singapore - Precision Public Health Asia 2020 ...
1 - 3 April 2020
Orchard Hotel, Singapore

PPH Asia 2020

    Invitation to Partner
    On behalf of the local organising committee, we would like to invite you to be part of
    the Precision Public Health Asia 2020 (PPH Asia 2020) conference to be held on 1 to 3
    April 2020, in Singapore.

    What is Precision Public Health?

    Precision public health enables us to improve the overall health of the population by
    providing the right health intervention to the right people at the right time.

    Technological advances have led to the development of new approaches for treating and/
    or preventing disease that are tailored to the individual, also known as precision
    medicine. These same technologies are ushering in the dawn of precision public health,
    which complements the field of precision medicine by expanding the focus on individuals
    to the population level.

    Precision public health involves the collection of more accurate individual- and
    population-level data on genes, environment, behaviour and other social and economic
    determinants of health. These data hold the potential to enhance public health actions
    for improving health in sub-populations most in need of recommended prevention
    measures, and addressing and reducing health disparities in the population by utilising
    more precise data for action.

    About PPH Asia 2020

    Following the successful inaugural conference held in Fremantle, Australia, in 2018, PPH
    Asia 2020 is relocating its host country to Singapore. Organised by NUS Saw Swee Hock
    School of Public Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and
    Government of Western Australia, Department of Health, the biennial conference aims to
    bring together a core group of industry stakeholders and professionals to explore the
    concept of precision public health and consider the impact of recent technological
    advancements on health outcomes.
Sponsor Benefits

               Promote                      PPH Asia           Network
               & Showcase                     2020
                                                               & Connect

                      300                                                30
                      Delegates                                        Speakers
 Academic faculty and researchers                Including some of the most influential
 Policy makers                                    public health thought leaders

 Programme directors                             Prominent public health leaders and
                                                   decision makers
 Hospital CEOs, COOs, administrators and
  managers                                        PPH Asia 2020 keynote speaker:
                                                        Dr Harvey Fineberg, President,
 Professional working in public health,
                                                           Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  hospitals and health systems, human
  services and managed care                                and former Provost of Harvard
 Public Health (PH) and (OM) Physicians,
  and aviation Medicine Physicians

 Non-physician PH and OM practitioners
 Public health and medical students
 Media and healthcare communicators
 Anyone interested in improving health
  and wellbeing of the population
PPH Asia 2020

       At a Glance
       General Sponsorships
                                                         Platinum                Gold          Silver       Bronze
       Entitlements                                       Sponsor               Sponsor       Sponsor      Sponsor
                                                        (S$25,000)*           (S$20,000)*   (S$10,000)*   (S$5,000)*


         Logo inclusion in all promotional materials
                                                                √                  √             √            √

         and invitations

         Logo display in conference website with
                                                                √                  √             √            √


        Feature in conference social media page                √                  √


         Acknowledgement in the opening and
                                                                √                  √             √            √

         closing sessions

        A 30-minute presentation slot                          √                  √

         Exhibition space (size to be advised)                  √                  √             √            √
                                                       (priority selection)

        Complimentary delegate registration(s)                 4                 3             2             1

         Logo inclusion in main conference back-
                                                                √                  √


         Corporate pull-up banner display during
                                                                √                  √

         opening plenary session

         Full-page advertisement in programme
                                                                √                  √             √


        Logo inclusion in programme handbook                   √                  √             √            √

        Profile write up in programme handbook                 √                  √            √

         Logo inclusion in all electronic signage
                                                                √                  √             √            √

         displays throughout sessions

         Logo inclusion in official signages
                                                                √                  √             √            √

         throughout the venue

        Logo printed on delegate tote bags                     √

        Insert(s) into delegate tote bags                      2                 1             1             1


        Special mention in post-event publicity                √                  √             √

   * exclusive of GST
PPH Asia 2020

    Sponsorship Packages
    Platinum Sponsor                                             Gold Sponsor
    S$25,000 excl. GST                                           S$20,000 excl. GST

       Acknowledgement as Platinum Sponsor of the               Acknowledgement as Gold Sponsor of the
        conference in the opening and closing sessions            conference in the opening and closing sessions
       A 30-minute presentation slot at the                     A 30-minute presentation slot at the
        conference (must adhere to session content and            conference (must adhere to session content and
        subject to committee approval)                            subject to committee approval)
       Priority selection of exhibition space (size to be       Choice of exhibition space (size to be advised
        advised) for showcase and interaction with the            for showcase and interaction with the
        conference delegates                                      conference delegates
       Four (4) complimentary delegate registrations            Three (3) complimentary delegate registrations
        inclusive of pre-conference workshop                      inclusive of pre-conference workshop
       Logo inclusion in the main conference                    Logo inclusion in the main conference
        backdrop                                                  backdrop
       Logo inclusion in all conference promotional             Logo inclusion in all conference promotional
        materials and invitations                                 materials and invitations
       Recognition in programme handbook including              Recognition in programme handbook including
        logo and 200-word profile                                 logo and 100-word profile
       Full-page advertisement in the programme                 Full-page advertisement in the programme
        handbook (artwork to be provided by the                   handbook (artwork to be provided by the
        sponsor)                                                  sponsor)
       Recognition in the conference website with               Recognition in conference website with
        company logo hyperlinked to your website                  company logo hyperlinked to your website
       Recognition in conference social media page              Recognition in conference social media page
        linked to your company social media page (2               linked to your company social media page (1
        posts)                                                    post)
       Corporate logo as Platinum Sponsor in all                Corporate logo as Gold Sponsor in all electronic
        electronic signage displays shown at various              signage displays shown at various time to
        time to delegates throughout the sessions                 delegates throughout the sessions
       Corporate logo as Platinum Sponsor in all                Corporate logo as Gold Sponsor in all official
        official signages throughout the venue                    signages throughout the venue
       Corporate pull-up banner display in the                  One insert or product in all delegate tote bags
        opening plenary (banner to be provided by the             (excluding note pads and pens)
                                                                 Special mention in relevant post-event follow-
       Two inserts or products in all delegate tote              up materials including, thank-you emails,
        bags (excluding note pads and pens)                       articles, online reports, social media mentions,
                                                                  and videos
       Logo printed on delegate tote bag
       Special mention in relevant post-event follow-
        up materials including, thank-you emails,
        articles, online reports, social media mentions,
        and videos
PPH Asia 2020

    Sponsorship Packages
    Silver Sponsor                                             Bronze Sponsor
    S$10,000 excl. GST                                         S$5,000 excl. GST

       Acknowledgement as Silver Sponsor of the               Acknowledgement as Bronze Sponsor of the
        conference in the opening and closing sessions          conference in the opening and closing sessions
       Choice of exhibition space (size to be advised)        Choice of exhibition space (size to be advised)
        for showcase and interaction with the                   for showcase and interaction with the
        conference delegates                                    conference delegates
       Two (2) complimentary delegate registrations           One (1) complimentary delegate registration
        inclusive of pre-conference workshop                    inclusive of pre-conference workshop
       Logo inclusion in main conference backdrop             Logo inclusion in the main conference
       Logo inclusion in all conference promotional
        materials and invitations                              Logo inclusion in all conference promotional
                                                                materials and invitations
       Recognition in programme handbook including
        logo and 50-word profile                               Recognition in programme handbook by way
                                                                of logo
       Full-page advertisement (inside page) in the
        programme handbook                                     Recognition in the conference website with
                                                                company logo hyperlinked to your website
       Recognition in the conference website with
        company logo hyperlinked to your website               Corporate logo as Bronze Sponsor in all
                                                                electronic displays shown at various time to
       Corporate logo as Silver Sponsor in all
                                                                delegates throughout the sessions
        electronic displays shown at various time to
        delegates throughout the sessions                      Corporate logo as Bronze Sponsor in all official
                                                                signages throughout the venue
       Corporate logo as Silver Sponsor in all official
        signages throughout the venue                          One insert or product in all delegate tote bags
                                                                (excluding note pads and pens)
       One insert or product in all delegate tote bags
        (excluding note pads and pens)
       Special mention in relevant post-event follow-
        up materials including, thank-you emails,
        articles, online reports, social media mentions,
        and videos
PPH Asia 2020

       At a Glance
       Special Sponsorships
                                                                        Lunch      Tea Break    Exhibition
       Entitlements                                                    Sponsor      Sponsor      Sponsor
                                                                     (S$10,000)*   (S$8,000)*   (S$3,000)*


        Co-branded email invitation                        √

         Logo display in conference website with
                                                            √             √            √            √


         Logo inclusion in all promotional materials
                                                            √            √             √

         and invitations


        Acknowledgment at the conference                  √             √             √

         Exhibition space/table top (size to be
                                                            √             √            √            √


        Complimentary delegate registration(s)             2             2            1

        Exhibitor Pass                                                                             2

        Greeting address or presentation                   √             √

         Option to provide additional features or
                                                           √             √

         customisation at the meal

        Logo projections during the meal                  √             √

         Corporate banners or logo displays in the
                                                            √            √             √

         dining/break area

         Distribution of marketing collateral or
                                                            √            √             √

         literature during the meal/break

        Logo inclusion in programme handbook               √            √             √            √

        Insert into delegate tote bags                    1              1            1

   * exclusive of GST
PPH Asia 2020

    Special Sponsorship Packages
    Welcome Reception Sponsor                                  Lunch Sponsor
                                                               (Two available, one per day)
    S$15,000 excl. GST
                                                               S$10,000 excl. GST
       Recognition in PPH Asia 2020 co-branded
        welcome reception invitation EDM to all                Acknowledgement as Lunch Sponsor prior to
        conference delegates                                    the lunch with logo display
       Two (2) complimentary delegate registrations           Two (2) complimentary delegate registrations
        inclusive of pre-conference workshop                    inclusive of pre-conference workshop
       Acknowledgement as Welcome Reception                   Choice of exhibition space (size to be advised)
        Sponsor prior to the end of the first day               for showcase and interaction with the
        conference                                              conference delegates
       Choice of exhibition space (size to be advised)        Logo projections during lunch
        for showcase and interaction with the
        conference delegates                                   Corporate banners or logo displays on the
                                                                dining tables during lunch
       Logo projections during welcome dinner
                                                               Distribution of corporate marketing collateral
       Corporate banners or logo displays on the               or literature throughout the lunch
        cocktail tables during the reception
                                                               Recognition in the conference website with
       Distribution of corporate marketing collateral          company logo hyperlinked to your company
        or literature throughout the reception                  website
       Recognition in the conference website with             Recognition in all pre-event marketing
        company logo hyperlinked to your company                communications and invitations
                                                               Recognition in programme handbook by way
       Recognition in all pre-event marketing                  of logo
        communications and invitations
                                                               One insert or product in all delegate tote bags
       Recognition in programme handbook by way                (excluding note pads and pens)
        of logo
       One insert or product in all delegate tote bags

    Optional:                                                  To deliver greeting address or presentation
                                                                before the lunch (5 minutes)
       To deliver a greeting address or presentation at
                                                               To provide (at own cost) additional features for
        the welcome reception (10 minutes)
                                                                the lunch such as custom beverages,
       To provide (at own cost) additional features for        decorations, etc.
        the welcome reception such as custom
        beverages, decorations, photo booth, musical
        entertainment etc.
PPH Asia 2020

    Special Sponsorship Packages
    Tea Break Sponsor                                     Exhibition Package
    (Two available, one per day)
                                                          S$3,000 excl. GST
    S$8,000 excl. GST
                                                             Choice of table top space at exhibition area for
                                                              showcase and interaction with the conference
       Acknowledgement as Tea Break Sponsor with
        logo display prior to the break
                                                             Two (2) complimentary exhibitor passes
       One (1) complimentary delegate registration
        inclusive of pre-conference workshop                 Recognition in the conference website with
                                                              company logo hyperlinked to your company
       Choice of exhibition space (size to be advised)
        for showcase and interaction with the
        conference                                           Recognition in programme handbook by way
                                                              of logo
       Corporate banners and logo display in the
        coffee break area during breaks
       Distribution of corporate marketing collateral
        or literature throughout the coffee breaks
       Recognition in the conference website with
        company logo hyperlinked to your company
       Recognition in all pre-event marketing
        materials and invitations
       Recognition in programme handbook by way
        of logo
       One insert or product in all delegate tote bag
        (excluding note pads and pens)
PPH Asia 2020

    Contact Information
     For more information, please contact:
     Mr FOO Meng
         (65) 6516 1074

     Mr William LEONG

         (65) 6779 1489
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