New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network

Page created by Ben Carrillo
New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
Knowledge Nuggets: March 2021                                   View as PDF | View in browser

  In this issue:
  New eBooks for 2021
  Using Technology Enabled Care in Practice
  NIHR Patient Experience
  Alan Turing Institute Report on Vulnerability to Online Misinformation
  Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Research Repository
  Knowledge Network Impact Survey

  New eBooks for 2021
We have recently purchased a number of ebooks to add to our national
collection available from Library Search

Titles Include:

      Dementia in nursing homes by Sandra Schüssler and Christa Lohrmann
      Operative techniques in pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery by
      Arun K. Gosain and Kevin C. Chung
      Psychiatry of pandemics: a mental health response to infection outbreak,
      edited by Damir Huremović

Access the list of ebooks covering a wide-range of health and care-related
topics along with non-clinical titles in areas such as management, data analysis
and artificial intelligence. There are over 170 titles in total.

Note: we are still waiting on access to two Oxford Textbooks, Oxford Textbook
of Geriatric Medicine and Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery so will
provide an update once they become available. Please also note that the new
edition of Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation (12th ed) by Briggs has also been
New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
purchased but we do not expect this to become available until around April or

  Using Technology Enabled Care in Practice

  NHS Education for Scotland have developed a new eLearning resource 'Using
  Technology Enabled Care in Practice'. This online learning programme will help staff
  increase their knowledge and understanding of the use of technology in the health
  and care sectors.

  This eLearning follows on from the ‘Introduction to Technology Enabled Care’ module
  and will show how to use Technology Enabled Care in practice . Both resources are
  available on Turas Learn, the learning platform for health and social care staff.

  A Turas account is required to access the eLearning.

  NIHR Patient experience
New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
From the moment of diagnosis to the provision of support, understanding patient
experience is a key step to improving quality of care. An evidence-based approach to
patient experience can help ensure health and care services listen to and work with
patients to improve the experience of care.

This Collection brings together NIHR research relating to patient experience. The
Alerts explore personalised rehabilitation, mental health, decision aids and health
inequalities and cover a range of health conditions such as stroke, anorexia, multiple
sclerosis and type 2 diabetes. We asked a number of health and social care
professionals, patients and carers to comment on selected Alerts that are relevant
and important to them. Their commentary provides an interesting insight and
highlights what we can learn from the research summarised in the Alerts.

Read     more       at:

Education Policy Institute Report on young people's mental and emotional

The Alan Turing Institute have published this 'Understanding vulnerability to online
misinformation' report. Health-related misinformation risks exacerbating the COVID-
19 public health crisis if it leads the public to refuse treatment when needed, not
follow official guidance, such as policies on social distancing and mask-wearing, or
even to use harmful ‘miracle’ cures.
New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
Several large-scale research projects have started during the crisis with the aim of
understanding the nature, prevalence and spread of health-related misinformation
online. However, relatively little is known about who is vulnerable to believing false
information and why. This is crucial for developing more targeted and effective
interventions which tackle the root causes of misinformation rather than just its

To address this gap, researchers from The Alan Turing Institute’s public policy
programme have conducted original research using a survey and assessments to
understand (1) which individuals are most vulnerable to believing health-related
falsities and (2) the role played by the content that individuals are exposed to.

Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Research Repository

Public Health Scotland have created a COVID-19 Research Repository which
contains a comprehensive collection of Scottish COVID-19 research. This includes
research about COVID-19 in Scotland as well as research on COVID-19 undertaken
by Scottish researchers..
New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
The Knowledge Network Impact Survey

The short survey is still open for comments and feedback.

Your feedback will provide important evidence on how the resources are valued
and used. It is also crucial providing evidence to support the provision of future

To have your say, please complete the survey.

Please pass this link onto colleagues who may also be interested in completing
this survey.

For more information, please contact

  Resource of the month

                                 Our resource of the month is the British Journal of
                                 Nursing and this article is taken from Volume 2(1),
                                                  February 2021:

                               The role of the school nurse in tackling serious youth
                                   violence: an analysis of healthcare provision

                                   To access this resource outwith NHSScotland
                                 premises you will need an OpenAthens username.

                               Discover the Knowledge Network eBook
                               collection. This month's eBook spotlight is
                               Psychiatry of Pandemics: A Mental Health Response
                               to Infection Outbreak. This book focuses on how to
                               formulate a mental health response with respect to
                               the unique elements of pandemic outbreaks. To
                               access this resource outwith NHSScotland premises
                               you will need an OpenAthens username.

New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
New 1-2-1 Knowledge Network Training
                               Our 1-2-1 webinars will help you make the most of
                               our resources to support your practice or research
                               Find research articles, journals and e-books
                               Access evidence summaries for clinical decision-
                               Use tools to keep up-to-date with developments in
                               your field

                               Request a webinar


Spotlight on... Child Health

The Mark Allen Group has produced a summary
of articles from healthcare journals, featuring key
research and information on Child Health.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome want to be
taken seriously and to receive personalised,
empathetic care

This NIHR alert discusses the experiences of
people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME and
a new study which explored patients' views on
the care they would like to receive. Researchers
pooled data from 47 studies on patients'
experiences of CFS/ME and their relationships
with healthcare professionals. They found that
people with CFS/ME wanted a personalised
approach, and for doctors to provide a sense of
safety to allow them to work through complex
issues. But they often felt invisible and
dismissed by doctors.

Keep up to date
New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
Follow us for links to up to date research, new
           resources, training and upcoming health campaigns:
           World Haemophilia Day (17th April)
           Parkinson's Awareness Week (11-17th April)
           Stress Awareness Month (April)
           Bowel Cancer Awareness Month (April)

           Knowledge and library services electronic bulletins,
           bringing you the latest news and evidence for a range of
           health and care topics.


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New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network New eBooks for 2021 - The Knowledge Network
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