Medical Nutrition Therapy Options for Adults Living with Diabetes - Jane Eyre Schuster, RD, LD, CDE Legacy Health Diabetes and Nutrition Services ...

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Medical Nutrition Therapy Options for Adults Living with Diabetes - Jane Eyre Schuster, RD, LD, CDE Legacy Health Diabetes and Nutrition Services ...
Medical Nutrition Therapy Options
   for Adults Living with Diabetes
     Jane Eyre Schuster, RD, LD, CDE
Legacy Health Diabetes and Nutrition Services
Medical Nutrition Therapy Options for Adults Living with Diabetes - Jane Eyre Schuster, RD, LD, CDE Legacy Health Diabetes and Nutrition Services ...
• Discuss Medical Nutrition Therapy considerations in the treatment
  of adults living with type 2 diabetes
• Compare and contrast various eating patterns used in the
  treatment for diabetes

       I, Jane Eyre Schuster, RD, LD, CDE have no relevant financial or
       nonfinancial relationships in the products or services described,
       reviewed, evaluated or compared in this presentation.

October 26, 2018                                                      LEGACY HEALTH   3
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Services
  ▪ Patient centered care
  ▪ Evidence-based
  ▪ Individualized to meet the needs of the person, including language
    and culture
  ▪ Delivered by trained and competent individuals (educators) who
    are quality assured
  ▪ Delivered in group or individual settings
  ▪ Supports the person and their family in developing attitudes,
    beliefs, knowledge, and skills to self-manage diabetes
  ▪ Available to patients at critical times (i.e., at diagnosis, annually,
    when complications arise, and when transitions occur)
  ▪ Includes monitoring of patient progress, including health status,
    quality of life

10/26/2018                                                         LEGACY HEALTH   4
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
     ▪ To help people adopt heathy eating patterns
     ▪ To help manage good blood glucose and cardiovascular risk to
       reduce common diabetes related complications
     ▪ To help preserve quality of life and the pleasure of food
     ▪ No “one” right way optimize carbohydrates, proteins or fats
     ▪ Focus on individualized eating plans with foods shown to have
       health benefits
     ▪ Avoid foods that have established harm
     ▪ Involves comprehensive nutrition assessment with consideration
       of comorbidities
     ▪ Assesses and aids in designing individualized meal patterns that
       include food preferences, food allergies, eating habits and
       cultural background

10/26/2018                                                         LEGACY HEALTH   5
Diabetes Dietitian Intervention
  ▪ Effects of food on blood glucose levels
  ▪ Carbohydrate, protein and fat sources
  ▪ Individualized meal planning
  ▪ Resources for making healthy food choices
  ▪ Understand portion sizes
  ▪ Navigate food label reading
  ▪ Plan and prepare meals
  ▪ Best times to eat to match their diabetes medications
  ▪ Able to address additional nutritionally related issues – Renal,
    CVD, HTN, Lipids, Cancer, GI issues, etc
  ▪ Ongoing nutrition requirements over the lifetime

10/26/2018                                                      LEGACY HEALTH   6
Eating Patterns – Which is best?
  ▪ Mediterranean
  ▪ Dash (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension )
  ▪ Low Carbohydrate
  ▪ Low Glycemic Index
  ▪ High Protein
  ▪ Carbohydrate Controlled
  ▪ Low Fat
  ▪ Nonsurgical Energy restriction for weight loss – Meal
  ▪ Surgical Weight loss intervention
  ▪ ???

10/26/2018                                                  LEGACY HEALTH   7
Mediterranean Diet
                    Pros                                        Cons
    includes fruits, vegetables, whole      Does not state exact servings
    grains, beans, moderate intake of       amounts/day, rather the macronutrient
    wine and lean meats and low intake      distribution
    of processed foods
    Promotes heart health                   Uses terms like: “low to moderate intake”,
                                            “abundance” and “often” which can be
    High in Monounsaturated fats -          Moderate wine intake vs use of certain
    olives, olive oil, avocados, nuts and   medications, high triglycerides or
    seeds,                                  pancreatitis

    High in cancer-fighting antioxidants    Physical activity and calorie totals not
                                            addressed specifically
    Promotes regular physical activity
    Less processed foods = less

10/26/2018                                                                     LEGACY HEALTH   8
DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)
                   Pros                                      Cons
   includes fruits, vegetables, whole     Not specifically for weight loss
   grains, beans, lean meats and plant
   based fats, low-fat free dairy
   Free and available access – no         No pre-package foods
   expensive or hard-to-find foods
   Provided specific calorie levels for   Can provide up to 55% of calories from
   weight loss and maintenance            carbohydrates – too high?
   Proven health benefits in heart        Limited research on it’s effects on
   health                                 diabetes
   Promotes regular physical activity
   Less processed foods = less sodium
   Is designed to be an “eating
   program for life” by including
   cooking and shopping

10/26/2018                                                                   LEGACY HEALTH   9
Low Carbohydrate
                   Pros                                       Cons
   Weight loss in a short time             % carbohydrate recommendation varies
Low Glycemic Index Diet
                   Pros                                     Cons
   Quick and easy references             The rating is only for individual foods. As
                                         the food ripens or if it is paired with
                                         protein or fat it can affect the GI ranking.
   Good way to ID how individual foods   Misleading if you consider the GI rank to
   effect blood glucose                  mean that a food is healthy if it is low.

   Can decrease blood glucose, insulin   GI number is only really valid if the food
   response and maybe inflammation       is eaten alone.

   Helps you feel full longer = more
   weight loss

10/26/2018                                                                   LEGACY HEALTH   11
High Protein Diets
                   Pros                                      Cons
   Targets metabolic targets of satiety   Initial weight loss is temporary due to
   – may be more important than low       water loss
   Immediate weight loss                  Can effect mood, energy

   Improves cholesterol                   Often the fat choices are mostly
                                          saturated fats which may lead to higher
                                          LDL levels
   Improved satiety                       Sustainability?

   Improved blood glucose                 Inflexible rules
   Easy to find foods to eat
   Have to pay attention to food

10/26/2018                                                                  LEGACY HEALTH   12
Carbohydrate Controlled Diet
                   Pros                                   Cons
   Consistent intake over the day       Portions matter

   Provides plenty of fiber, vitamins   For some, can be more confusing
   and minerals
   Provides structure to the day.       Takes practice and discipline

   Helps with insulin administration

   No “I can’t have” rules
   Stabilizes blood glucose
   Addresses heart health

10/26/2018                                                              LEGACY HEALTH   13
What is the right answer?
    ▪ What is the goal of the patient?
    ▪ Any eating pattern is most effective when starting where the patient’s
      eating patterns are
    ▪ Eating pattern that is sustainable
    ▪ Family support is critical
    ▪ Meets the nutrition status and comorbidity issues, such as renal disease
    ▪ Has physical and emotional support along the way

10/26/2018                                                            LEGACY HEALTH   14
Consensus recommendation*
             ▪ All people with type 2 diabetes should be offered access to
               ongoing DSMES programs
             ▪ An individualized program of Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
               should be offered to all patients.
             ▪ All overweight/obese patients should be advised of the health
               benefits of weight loss and encouraged to engage in a program of
               intensive lifestyle management, which may include food

             Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2018. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and
             the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

10/26/2018                                                                                                           LEGACY HEALTH     15
Thank you!
 o American Diabetes Association (2018) 4. Lifestyle management:
   standards of medical care in diabetes—2018. Diabetes Care
 o Beck J, Greenwood DA, Blanton L et al (2017) 2017 national
   standards for diabetes self-management education and support.
   Diabetes Educ 43:449–464
 o Shai I, Schwarzfuchs D, Henkin Y et al (2008) Weight loss with a
   low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat diet. N Engl J Med
 o Esposito K, Maiorino MI, Ciotola M et al (2009) Effects of a
   Mediterranean-style diet on the need for antihyperglycemic drug
   therapy in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a
   randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 151:306–314

10/26/2018                                                   LEGACY HEALTH   17
  o Esposito K, Maiorino MI, Petrizzo M et al (2014) The effects of a
    Mediterranean diet on the need for diabetes drugs and remission of
    newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: follow-up of a randomized trial.
    Diabetes Care 37:1824–1830.
  o American Association of Diabetes Educators (2018) Addressing Obesity
    in Diabetes – an AADE practice paper, August 2018

10/26/2018                                                        LEGACY HEALTH   18
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