Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS

Page created by Regina Taylor
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
& Series 22|23
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                         CONTENTS         Drama      Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

 & SERIES 22 I 23
                          Welcome to our MIPCOM 2022 slate.        This autumn, we are excited to see         certainly delivers. Rainbow Warrior
                          This market is set to be one of our      This England from acclaimed director       charts how the bombing of a
                          industry’s biggest events of the year,   Michael Winterbottom and starring          Greenpeace boat in atomic testing
                          and with it comes the chance to          award-winning Kenneth Branagh, and         waters off New Zealand in 1985 led to
                          reconnect, to celebrate and to forge     Crossfire from our partners at             an international diplomatic scandal.
                          new opportunities.                       Dancing Ledge Productions and              Kingdom of Dreams features fashion’s
                                                                   starring BAFTA-nominated Keely             biggest names and chronicles three
                          In the last few months alone,            Hawes, come to screens. These are          explosive decades when elite rival
                          Fremantle has welcomed many more         both unmissable dramas in their own        kingdoms battled for global
                          members into our family. We are so       right, and the rest of our scripted        dominance. Examining the moments
                          proud that Element Pictures (Normal      slate is no different. From up-and-        that have defined his journey so far in
                          People, Conversations With Friends,      coming writer Ryan J. Brown we have        becoming one of the richest men in
                          The Eternal Daughter), Dancing Ledge     Wreck – a mystery thriller on the high     history – The Elon Musk Show from
                          Productions (The Salisbury Poisonings,   seas that mixes classic cult horror,       72 Films is one not to be missed.
                          The Responder), Lux Vide (Medici,        jet-black comedy and a biting social
                          Devils) and Eureka (Holey Moley, The     commentary. Sullivan’s Crossing,           Thank you for your continued support,
                          Real Loveboat) have joined our           currently being filmed in Nova Scotia,     as ever. We hope to see many of you
                          incredibly talented network. These       will explore themes of family,             over the course of the market
                          labels represent some of the world’s     community and love in a thoughtful         and look forward to sharing
                          best creative talent, and we are         series based on the book by New            this year’s line-up of exceptional
                          delighted that they have chosen          York Times best-selling author Robyn       programming with you.
                          Fremantle as their home.                 Carr and produced by the creator of
                                                                   the Netflix hit Virgin River, Roma Roth.   JENS RICHTER
                          Fremantle has always strived to be       Another highlight for us, from Abot        CEO, Fremantle
                          the place that creatives call home.      Hameiri in Israel, is the authentic

                          Working closely with our off-screen      thriller East Side which is set against
                          and on-screen talent, we give them       the bitter rivalries and explosive
                          the structure and support of our         tension of East Jerusalem.
                          global network, and ensure they have
                          the freedom and independence to do       Our ambition for our
                          their best work.                         documentaries, is to share
                                                                   high-profile, timely and
                          Because of this, and thanks to           eye-opening stories
                          these incredible people, we have         and this slate
                          a slate packed full of critically
                          acclaimed dramas, thought-provoking
                          documentaries, world-class
                          entertainment shows and our
                          much-loved lifestyle programmes.
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                 CONTENTS   Drama   Factual    Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

                                        Hot picks for 2022


                                                           The Elon                      The Lincoln                     Jamie’s One-
This England                  Pray for Blood               Musk Show                     Project                         Pan Wonders

                                               East Side

                                                                                                                         Brian Cox:
                              Significant      Kingdom     Planet Sex with                                               That’s the Way
Crossfire                     Others           of Dreams   Cara Delevingne               American Idol                   the Money Goes
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS    INDEX


                                                                                              You can view more
                                                                                              information on the shows
                                                                                              in this catalogue, plus watch
                                                                                              trailers and features, by
                                                                                              using the link on each page
                                                                                              to access our screening site.
                                                                                              If you’re not yet registered
                                                                                              on the site, click below
                                                                                              to sign up for a world of
                                                                                              Irresistible Entertainment.

Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                CONTENTS           Drama          Factual    Entertainment          Lifestyle        CONTACTS            INDEX

  Drama                        Drama                        Factual                                    Factual                                          Entertainment                               Lifestyle
This England               Exit                           The Elon Musk Show                         Great Coastal Railway Journeys                American Idol                                  Jamie’s One Pan Wonders

Crossfire                  Lost: Those Who Kill           Kingdom of Dreams                          Great British Railway Journeys                America’s Got Talent                           The Great Cookbook Challenge
                                                                                                                                                                                                  with Jamie Oliver
Wreck                      Cell 8                         Planet Sex with Cara Delevingne            Walking the Pyrenees with Michael Portillo    America’s Got Talent: All Stars
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Taste of the Country
East Side                  Face to Face                   The Lincoln Project                        Dead Asleep                                   Britain’s Got Talent
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mark Moriarty: Off Duty Chef
Exterior Night             The PM’s Daughter              Rainbow Warrior                            National Security: The Treholt Story          Britain’s Got Talent: The Ultimate Magician
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nico Reynolds: All Fired Up
Significant Others         Wellington Paranormal          Women Who Rock                             Fear Thy Neighbour                            Bidding Wars
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Donal’s Irish Adventure
Sisters                    Alarm Für Cobra                Brian Cox: That’s the Way the Money Goes   Fear Thy Roommate                             Celebrity Family Feud
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Donal’s Family Kitchen
Riptide                    Love Accidentally              Sisters Interrupted                        Murder Nation                                 Eating with my Ex
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Donal’s Family Christmas
Barons                     The Wrong Prince Charming      The V-11                                   Seven Days on Mars                            Secret Crush
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Clean It, Fix It
Suspect                    The Wrong Valentine            The Lost Sons                              Oops I Changed the World!                     Farmer Wants a Wife Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                                  World’s Most Secret Hotels
Pray for Blood             The Killer in My Backyard      The Baby Daddy                             60 Days with the Gypsies                      Five Dates a Week
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grand Designs
Survivors                  Deceived by My Mother in Law   Stuff the British Stole                    Nurses on the Ward                            Blankety Blank
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grand Designs: House of the Year
Señorita 89                Mommy’s Deadly Con Artist      Patagonia: Life on the Edge of the World   The Crown Jewels                              QI
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grand Designs: The Streets
KaDeWe                     The Dog Who Saved Halloween    Ghislaine: Partner in Crime                Worlds Collide: The Manchester Bomb
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grand Designs New Zealand
The Shelter                The Holiday Fix Up             Klarsfeld: A Love Story                    Dr Ruja: Visionary, Victim or Villain?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grand Designs Australia
Spirit of Winter           Picture Perfect Holiday        Last Women On the Planet                   Islands – Nature’s Wild Laboratories
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Escape to the Country
Sihame                     Blending Christmas             Living Wild: How to Change Your Life       Melissa Caddick: The Missing Millionairess
                                                                                                                                                                                                  I Escaped to the Country
Follow de SOA              The Dog Who Saved Christmas    Last of the Giants

Balko                      Christmas Town

Deep Shit                  Sullivan’s Crossing

The Cruise Doctor          Totally Completely Fine

The Responder              Ouija

My Brilliant Friend        Bay of Fires

Reyka                      Little Bird

The King
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23   CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

 & SERIES 22 I 23
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

                              Starring Oscar, BAFTA
                              and Emmy Award-winning
                              actor Kenneth Branagh.

                              Co-written and directed
                              by Michael Winterbottom
                              (The Trip, Greed, Welcome
                              To Sarajevo) and from
                              award-winning executive
                              producer Richard Brown
                              (True Detective, Catch 22).

                              This England, based on Boris Johnson’s
                              tumultuous first months as Prime Minister,
                              traces the impact on the country of
                              the first wave of the coronavirus
                              pandemic. The drama takes us inside                                               6 x 1 hour
                              the halls of power, as Johnson
                              (Branagh) grapples with Covid-19,
                              Brexit, and a controversial personal and
                              political life. The events in government
                              are interwoven with stories from around
View Now
                              the country: the experts and scientists
                              racing against time to understand the
Language                      virus; the doctors, nurses and care
English                       home workers on the frontline working
Starring                      tirelessly and heroically to contain and
Sir Kenneth Branagh           overcome it; and the ordinary people
Ophelia Lovibond
Simon Paisley Day
                              whose lives were thrown into turmoil.
Greta Bellamacina
Revolution Films
SKY UK, Italy
and Germany
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                             CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

  Sunbathing on her hotel room balcony     Through flashbacks and flash-forwards,      Language
  while on a dream holiday with family     the impacts of Jo’s traumatic past as a     English

  and friends, Jo Cross’ world is turned   police officer and explosive personal       Starring
                                                                                       Keeley Hawes
  into a terrifying, heartbreaking hell    secrets are revealed. With special
  when gunshots ring out across the        forces still an hour away, Jo teams up      Producer(s)
                                                                                       Dancing Ledge
  complex. With innocent holidaymakers     with hotel security guard Matteo, calling   Buddy Club
  and hotel staff forced to make           on her inner strength, police training      Sur Films
  split-second, life-or-death decisions,   and maternal instincts to overcome the      Broadcaster(s)
  the consequences will linger long        attackers and rescue her loved ones.        BBC One, UK
  after the final shots are fired.         Harsh lessons of responsibility and         TVE, Spain
                                           blame are faced as she confronts the
  As the siege unfolds in real time, the   bitter consequences of her past.
  families are scattered across the
  resort. The four youngest kids are in    An intricately woven story of trauma
  the care of adults, but Jo’s teenage     and resilience, guilt and betrayal,
  daughter Amara is in hiding alone by     Crossfire is an edge-of-your-seat,
  the pool as the gunmen strike.           sophisticated thriller with an
                                           emotional, intimate and relatable core.

  View Now

  4 x 1 hour

  A primetime action thriller starring
  BAFTA-nominated Keeley Hawes (Bodyguard,
  It’s A Sin), from Dancing Ledge Productions
  (The Responder, The Salisbury Poisonings).
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                    CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle       CONTACTS           INDEX

“Wreck’s humour, queer representation,                                                 From up-and-coming writer Ryan
 fast pace and colourful cinematography                                                J. Brown, winner of the BAFTA Rocliffe
 create a modern slasher horror that is                                                New Writing Competition.
 addictive and smart. Wreck is going to
 be your next big autumn TV binge”                                                     Welcome aboard the Sacramentum,
                                                                                       a luxury cruise liner on which a diverse
 Cinerama Film                                                                         group of disillusioned, nihilistic Gen Z      Starring
                                                                                                                                     Oscar Kennedy
                                                                                       cruise line workers embark on an
                                                                                                                                     Thaddea Graham
                                                                                       odyssey of hedonistic partying as they        Jack Rowan
                                                                                       try to escape their slave-like routine. As    Producer(s)
                                                                                       they fall in and out of love, and find – or   Euston Films
                                                                                       lose – themselves, they are always at         Broadcaster(s)
                                                                                       the beck and call of the ship’s officers      BBC Three, UK
                                                                                       and the super-rich passengers upstairs.

                                                                                       Twenty-year-old Jamie has joined the          View Now
                                                                                       crew under an assumed identity to
                                                                                       uncover the truth about his sister’s
                                                                                       reported suicide on the ship’s last
                                                                                       voyage. Initiated into the subversive
                                                                                       allegiances within the team, Jamie
                                                                                       uncovers a gruesome game is being
                                                                                       played on board, run by a shadowy, elite
                                                                                       organisation driven by greed and
 A mystery thriller on the high seas that                                              bloodlust. Just how did this dark force
 mixes classic cult horror, jet-black comedy                                           come to take control of the ship? And
                                                                                       why is sinister mascot Quacky prowling
 and biting social commentary.                                                         the decks under cover of night?

                                                                                       Propelled into uncharted waters of
 6 x 1 hour                                                                            escalating paranoia and self-discovery,
                                                                                       Jamie and his new-found friends turn
                                                                                       detective to uncover the sinister truth
                                                                                       that runs as wide and deep as the ocean
                                                                                       on which they’re trapped.

                                                                                       Evoking the feel of the slasher genre,
                                                                                       the series distils generational trauma
                                                                                       and social commentary into savvy, sharp
                                                                                       entertainment that captures the zeitgeist
                                                                                       – tackling sexual identity and social
                                                                                       inequality and the exploitation of
                                                                                       unbridled capitalism.
Programmes & Series 22|23 - AWS
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23   CONTENTS   Drama      Factual        Entertainment         Lifestyle       CONTACTS           INDEX

                                          Fearless drama from the producers of Shtisel.

                                          Set against the bitter rivalries and explosive tension of
                                          East Jerusalem, East Side is a highly authentic thriller with
                                          poignant, intimate human stories at its heart.

                                          Starring Yehuda Levi, winner of the Best Actor award
                                          at Series Mania 2022 (Fire Dance).

                                         10 x 1 hour

                                         East Side
                                          View Now

                                          Meet Momi, an ex-Secret Service             At the centre of Momi’s world is Maya,      Language
                                                                                                                                  Hebrew /Arabic
                                          agent-turned-fixer, who plays by his        his 18-year-old, autistic daughter. A
                                          own rules as he brokers shady property      single parent, Momi is determined to        Starring
                                                                                                                                  Yehuda Levi
                                          deals between the Arab residents of         give Maya the kind of security that is      Neta Riskin
                                          East Jerusalem, and the powerful Israeli    rare on the East Side.                      Panos Koronis
                                          groups trying to take control of the area                                               Producer(s)
                                          by whatever means possible.                 With one last job offering the promise      Abot Hameiri Barkai
                                                                                      of a payout big enough to secure his        Broadcaster(s)
                                          Brooding and well-connected, Momi           family’s future and get him out of the      Kan, Israel
                                          slips between communities with ease.        game for good, the stakes have never
                                          But behind his cool facade, the deadly      been higher for Momi, and as power
                                          consequences of his double-dealing          and politics clash, loyalties – and lives
                                          are taking their toll.                      – are at risk.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                               CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

“With a riveting pace, it’s a                                                                                                                                     Italian

 compelling interpretation                                                                                                                                        Starring
                                                                                                                                                                  Fabrizio Gifuni
 of real history”                                                                                                                                                 Margherita Buy
                                                                                                                                                                  Toni Servillo
 Film Stage                                                                                                                                                       Producer(s)
                                                                                                                                                                  The Apartment
                                                                                                 Cannes Film Festival 2022                                        Fremantle

 From award-winning writer-director
                                                                                                                                                                  in co-production
                                                                                                                                                                  with Kavac Film

 Marco Bellocchio (The Wedding                                                                   Selected to be screened at                                       and Arte France

 Director, Good Morning, Night) and                                                              The New York and London                                          Broadcaster(s)
                                                                                                                                                                  Rai, Italy

 writers Stefano Bises (Gomorrah                                                                        Film Festival                                             Arte, France and

 – the series, The King), Ludovica
 Rampoldi and Davide Serino.

 6 x 1 hour

 An intricate dramatisation of the shocking real-life
 kidnap and assassination of Italy’s former Prime
 Minister, Aldo Moro.

 Produced by The Apartment (My Brilliant Friend).

 1978, Italy is torn apart by acts of         dead. Moro’s imprisonment will last 55
 sabotage, bank robberies, shootouts,         days – until finally his corpse is found
 murders and bomb attacks directed by         abandoned in the trunk of a car in the
 far-left guerrilla group the Red Brigades.   centre of Rome.

 Amid the discontent and mayhem, Prime        Writer-director Marco Bellocchio weaves
 Minister Aldo Moro leads the nation’s        together news archives, Moro’s letters
 popular conservative party, the Christian    from captivity and testimonies from all
 Democrats, into a radical, unprecedented     sides – including security agents of Pope                       View Now
 alliance with the Italian Communist Party.   Paul VI, who counted Moro a friend and
 But his ‘Historic Compromise’ only serves    tried in vain to intervene.
 to deepen divisions between rival
 left- and right-wing factions.               Each episode will view the case from a
                                              different angle, building a mesmerising
 On the day of the swearing-in ceremony,      multifaceted drama about irreconcilable
 Moro is kidnapped by Red Brigade             ideals, acts of terror, moral duty,
 extremists en route to parliament in an      political expediency, family anguish
 ambush that leaves his five bodyguards       – and bitter betrayal.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                               CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

     6 x 1 hour

     A suspenseful psychological drama created by award-winning
     playwright and screenwriter Tommy Murphy (Holding The Man,
     Devil’s Playground) about a fractured family attempting to piece
     their lives together after a devastating disappearance.

     View Now

     When their single mum Sarah fails to return      The whole family is trapped in purgatory as   Language
                                                      they try to hunt down the answers.            English
     from her morning swim, teenagers Hanna
     and Ciaran have no choice but to reach out                                                     Starring
                                                                                                    Fayssal Bazzi
     to Sarah’s estranged siblings Ursula, Den        A sophisticated, character-led drama with
                                                                                                    Rachael Blake
     and Claire. Their aunts and uncle fell out       an undertow of intrigue, Significant Others   Zoë Steiner
     with Sarah when their mum inherited the          follows a broken family tearing each          Producer(s)
     crumbling childhood home where Hanna             other apart over a missing loved one,         Fremantle Australia
     and Ciaran now live alone.                       providing captivating and unexpected          Screen Australia
                                                      insights into grief and loss, bloodlines      Screen NSW
     Sarah had only just begun to renovate the        and emotional bonds.                          Broadcaster(s)
     house as she sought to build a new future                                                      ABC Australia

     and erase a troubled past. So why did she        Set along the dramatic coastline of New
     vanish? If she is dead, was she murdered,        South Wales, the series keeps viewers
     was it suicide or just an unfortunate            guessing as the mystery of Sarah’s
     accident? Could her disappearance be an          disappearance unravels and secrets are
     elaborate hoax or an unsettling act of           exposed. Can the family pull together
     retribution? Surely she couldn’t have wanted     to right past wrongs and build a roadmap
     to leave her kids in such desperate isolation.   to recovery?
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                         CONTENTS          Drama        Factual     Entertainment            Lifestyle           CONTACTS       INDEX

                                                                                                                                                                 Sarah Goldberg
                                                                                                                                                                 Susan Stanley
                                                                                                                                                                 Peer Pressure
                                                                                                                                                                 Gaze Pictures
 6 x 30 mins                                                                                                                                                     RTÉ, Ireland
                                                                                                                                                                 IFC/Sundance Now, USA
                                                                                                                                                                 Crave, Canada

 An exhilarating, character-driven comedy drama    Two women, raised continents              In Dublin, Suze’s life is unravelling.          In their joint writing debut, real-life
                                                   apart, are stunned to discover they       She’s lost her boyfriend, her flat, is          best friends Sarah Goldberg and
 written by and co-starring Emmy-nominated         are half-sisters.                         about to lose her job... and her last           Susan Stanley gleefully mine their
 Sarah Goldberg (Barry) and Susan Stanley.                                                   scrap of dignity. On her 37th birthday,         off-screen relationship to deliver an
                                                   In the aftermath of her mother’s death,   life takes an unexpected turn when              examination of cultural baggage and
 From Emmy-nominated executive producer and        Sare discovers that her father was        Sare shows up looking for their dad.            the challenges of coping as a thirty-
                                                   not her actual father, he was in fact,                                                    something single woman. Above all,
 director Declan Lowney (Ted Lasso, Father Ted).   an Irish busker her mother met while      After a faltering start, Sare and Suze          Sisters is a joyful celebration of female
                                                   backpacking 30 years ago, and she         embark on an eventful road trip across          companionship and compassion.
                                                   travels to Ireland to find him.           Ireland in search of their long-lost father,    Sometimes it’s not the family you have
 View Now                                                                                    Jimmy – a man who wears both the Jekyll         but the family you need that finds you.
                                                                                             and the Hyde of a lifelong alcoholic.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23      CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS            INDEX

                                                                                           Newlyweds Alison and Sean start a
                                                                                           new life in a gorgeous home by the
                                                                                           ocean, along with Alison’s daughter
                                                                                           Hannah. But one morning, Sean goes
                                                                                           for a surf and vanishes. Suddenly,
 4 x 1 hour                                                                                Alison is plunged into a world of grief
                                                                                           and confusion.

                                                                                           Police assume Sean drowned in the
                                                                                           treacherous rip, but Alison suspects
                                                                                           foul play. Her ex-husband Michael and
                                                                                           Sean’s son Ethan both had reasons to
                                                                                           want him gone. Hannah’s boyfriend
                                                                                           Logan is another person of interest.

                                                                                           As time passes, Alison feels the only
 A riveting suburban noir                                                                  person she can trust is her affable
                                                                                           neighbour, widower Dan. But when
 thriller from the producers                                                               the sinister truth is revealed, she will
 of Lie With Me.                                                                           realise she’s placed her faith in the
                                                                                           wrong person…
 A wealthy man goes missing
 in a dangerous rip, plunging                                                              Language
                                                                                                                  Channel 5, UK
 his new bride into a world of                                                             Starring               Network 10, Australia
                                                                                           Jo Joyner
 deceit and danger.                                                                        David Berry
                                                                                           Ciarán Griffiths
                                                                                           Peter O’Brien
 View Now                                                                                  Fremantle Australia
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                      CONTENTS   Drama   Factual      Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS         INDEX

                                                                              “An upscale approachable         Set at a time of sexual liberation,
                                                                                                               protest, war and social change
Starring                                                                       series examining when           disruption, Barons captures a unique
                                                                               money gets muddled
Sean Keenan
                                                                                                               moment of upheaval and opportunity
Sophia Forrest
                                                                                                               as a new surfing counterculture and
                                                                               with friendship”
Ben O’Toole
Jillian Nguyen                                                                                                 the spirit of enterprise collide.
Hunter Page-Lochard
Producer(s)                                                                                                    In 1971, a band of outsiders are
Fremantle Australia                                                                                            searching for their own patch of beach
Micanical Media
2 Jons
                                                                                                               paradise. A desire for escape and the
                                                                                                               perfect wave holds the promise of
ABC, Australia                                                                                                 adrenaline-fuelled freedom.

                                                                                                               Two best friends, inspired by their
                                                                                                               love for the Australian beach, create
                                                                                                               what will become rival iconic surf
                                                                                                               brands. Little do they know that their
                                                                                                               success will tear them – and their
                                                                                                               world – apart.

                                                                                                               When their businesses go
8 x 1 hour                                                                                                      mainstream, the young rebels and
                                                                                                                    their friends find themselves
                                                                                                                       pulled deep into a world of
                                                                                                                           corporate politics,
                                                                                                                             confronted by jealousy,
                                                                                                                            homophobia and racial
                                                                                                                         tension. In selling their
                                                                                                                      dream to the world, they
                                                                                                                   create bitter, lasting rivalries.

                                                                                                               As the surfing and their business
                                                                                                               success takes them across the
                                                                                                               globe, from Australia to Bali, California
View Now                                                                                                       and beyond – they are forced to
                                                                                                               make decisions that will change their
                                                                                                               lives forever.
In collaboration with Emmy Award-winning surf                                                                  Whilst the waves swell and crash, so
director Taylor Steele (Momentum Generation,                                                                   do their passions, their relationships
                                                                                                               and their morality. What does having
Proximity) and Emmy-nominated writer Liz Doran                                                                 all the money and success in the
                                                                                                               world really mean when it has cost
(Please Like Me).                                                                                              you love, friendship and ultimately
                                                                                                               destroys your dreams?
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                CONTENTS   Drama      Factual       Entertainment        Lifestyle        CONTACTS           INDEX

“Will hold you captive                                                                                                           Channel 4’s highest
 at every turn”                                                                                                                  rated Sunday prime
 The Mail on Sunday                                                                                                              time drama since 2016

“A dark and intense
 The Daily Telegraph

“Tense and compelling”
 Daily Mail

8 x 30 mins

                                                       When veteran detective Danny               godfather, her mentor and her mother        Language
                                                       Naylor (James Nesbitt) turns up at a       (Danny’s ex-wife) – Danny pieces            English

                                                       hospital mortuary for a routine ID         together Christina’s relentless             Starring
                                                                                                                                              James Nesbitt
                                                       check, he’s devastated to discover         descent into criminality. At the same
                                                                                                                                              Joely Richardson
                                                       the corpse of his estranged daughter       time, he’s forced to come to terms          Richard E. Grant
                                                       Christina. Danny refuses to accept the     with his own failings as a father and       Anne-Marie Duff
                                                       coroner’s report that points to suicide,   the part he himself may have played         Antonia Thomas
                                                                                                                                              Sacha Dhawan
                                                       and sets out on a dangerous,               in her downfall.
                                                       agonising mission to uncover the                                                       Producer(s)
                                                                                                                                              Eagle Eye Drama
                                                       events that led to her death.              As he struggles to make sense of a          Miso Film
                                                                                                  mass of opposing testimonies and
                                                       Taking its cue from Christoffer Boe        circumstantial evidence, Danny must
View Now                                                                                                                                      Channel 4, UK
                                                       and Miso Film’s acclaimed series           decide who is responsible for
                                                       Face To Face, each episode sees            Christina’s death – and what he can do
                                                       Danny conduct a separate cross-            within the limits of the law to get even.
                                                       examination with a different suspect
The all-star cast includes James Nesbitt               or witness, keeping viewers in             Exquisite cinematography captures all
(The Missing), Joely Richardson (Nip/                  suspense as they engage with the           the iconic and conflicting facets of
                                                       investigation in real time.                contemporary London, where beauty,
Tuck), Richard E. Grant (Withnail & I),                                                           wealth and excess collide with
Sacha Dhawan (Line Of Duty), Anne-Marie                Through each of these vigorous             ugliness, violence and corruption: a
                                                       exchanges between Danny and those          challenging backdrop that mirrors the
Duff (The Salisbury Poisonings) and                    closest to Christina – her partner, her    moral maze at the heart of Danny’s
Antonia Thomas (The Good Doctor).                      best friend, her business partner, her     journey to uncover the truth.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                       CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

 10 x 1 hour

Pray for Blood
 From International Emmy Award-winning showrunner Zasha Robles
 (Falco), internationally acclaimed directors Luis Prieto
 (White Lines, Snatch) and Hari Sama (This Is Not Berlin), and
 based on the bestselling novels of Bernardo Esquinca.

 A genre-defining murder mystery where ancient worlds and the
 present day collide to devastating effect.

 View Now

 The first of the murders takes place       Archaeological researcher Elisa Matos          Language
 under cover of the fireworks and           tells Casasola the murders replicate           Spanish

 festivities of Independence Day, where     historical ‘dire warnings’ that foretold the   Starring
                                                                                           Aaron Diaz
 the victims are mutilated beyond           arrival of the Spanish, and his newspaper
                                                                                           Ana Brenda Contreras
 recognition. Their hearts and other        breaks the story. When the investigation
 body parts are laid out on an altar in a   leads them to a healer known as ‘La            Fremantle Mexico
 city museum in a chilling echo of Aztec    Bruja’ (The Witch), it falls to Edith and      Spiral International
 rituals of human sacrifice.                Casasola to avert a final sacrifice that       Broadcaster(s)
                                            aims to turn the world upside down and         STARZPLAY
 Embittered but principled crime            restore an ancient order.                      Pantaya
 reporter Eugenio Casasola joins forces
 with scrupulous police inspector Edith
 Mondragón in a quest to find the killer.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23   CONTENTS    Drama        Factual        Entertainment        Lifestyle       CONTACTS         INDEX

                                     12 x 1 hour

                                     A thrilling mystery drama in which survivors of a
                                     shipwreck return to their old lives harbouring a dark
                                     secret they refuse to share.

                                     An international co-production between the European
                                     Alliance: Rai Fiction, France Télévisions and ZDF.

                                     View Now

                                     The luxury yacht Arianna, carrying          like a cover-up. It becomes clear there    Language
                                     12 friends and colleagues on a leisure      were tensions, rivalries and passionate    Italian, French, German

                                     cruise, is lost at sea. A year later, the   affairs among the passengers, and at       Starring
                                                                                                                            Lino Guanciale
                                     wrecked boat is discovered with only        some point, a gun was fired.
                                                                                                                            Stéfi Celma
                                     half the passengers on board, along                                                    Florian Fitz
                                     with a mysterious woman called Alex.        A complex and captivating examination      Director
                                                                                 of fear, despair, loss and endurance,      Carmine Elia
                                     The survivors tell of a violent storm in    Survivors explores the labyrinths of the   Producer(s)
                                     which they took refuge below deck           human psyche – and the extremes some       Rodeo Drive
                                     after the Arianna’s mast was broken         will go to in order to save themselves.    Cinétévé
                                     and the boat immobilised – but their                                                   Broadcaster(s)
                                     carefully matching accounts sound                                                      Rai, Italy
                                                                                                                            France Télévisions, France
                                                                                                                            ZDF, Germany
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23   CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment     Lifestyle      CONTACTS          INDEX

                                                                                                 Highest number of streamers
                                                                                                 ever, STARZPLAY Mexico

                                                                                                “Fearlessly gives a voice
    BFI London Film                                                                              to women who faced
     Festival 2022                                                                               unimaginable challenges”

      Coming soon
                                                                                                “One of the most anticipated
        to BBC
                                                                                                 of series from Latin
                                                                                                 America in 2022”

                                                                           Hopeful contestants from all over        Language
8 x 1 hour                                From Oscar-winning               Mexico descend on a country ranch        Spanish

                                          producers Pablo and Juan         deep in the forest, where they are       Starring
                                                                                                                    Ilse Salas
                                                                           subjected to a punishing regime of
                                          de Dios Larraín (A Fantastic     body-shaping. When one of the girls is
                                                                                                                    Ximena Romo
                                                                                                                    Bárbara López
                                          Woman, La Jauría) and            found dead, the police investigation     Producer(s)
                                                                           uncovers a relentless culture of
                                          writer-director Lucía            manipulation and mistreatment.
                                                                                                                    Fabula TV
                                          Puenzo (La Jauría, XXY).         Fast-paced and visceral, and populated   Broadcaster(s)
                                                                           with passionate young female             STARZPLAY
                                                                           protagonists, Señorita 89 is a candid    Pantaya
                                          A multi-layered and stylish      feast for the senses with sinister
                                          thriller that pulls back the     undertones – revealing the corruption,
                                                                           exploitation and unrealistic beauty
                                          curtain on beauty pageant        standards that are still seen today as
View Now                                  culture in the 1980s.            the price to pay for fleeting fame.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                        CONTENTS               Drama   Factual     Entertainment         Lifestyle        CONTACTS       INDEX

6 x 1 hour                                                                                                                                                                           “The Shelter grabs the

                                                                                                                                                                                      viewer in early then
                                                                                                                                                                                      grows in sophistication”

View Now

A captivating exploration
of identity, ambition and
sexual awakening at a time
of tumultuous change in                                                                                                                     6 x 1 hour

                                                                                                                                        The Shelter
pre-WWII Berlin.
This enthralling drama focuses on four
progressive and ambitious young friends
in search of self-fulfilment in 1920s Berlin
– a time of upheaval, reinvention,
dog-eat-dog survival and liberating new
opportunities for women. Salesgirl Hedi        “An epic story of a time full                                                                A gripping sci-fi thriller from Oscar-winning
and KaDeWe founder’s daughter Fritzi
cross paths at the KaDeWe department            of crises – it couldn’t be                                                                  producers Pablo and Juan de Dios Larraín
store, and embark on an intoxicating affair     more topical”                                                                               (A Fantastic Woman, La Jauría).
at the legendary Edorado nightclub at the
epicentre of the city’s underground gay         Harper’s Bazaar
and lesbian scene. Meanwhile, Fritzi’s                                                                                                      View Now
brother Harry, long groomed to take over
the running of the business, cuts a deal                                                           Language
with self-made manager Georg to                 Language                Supported by               Spanish
                                                                                                                                            As mother-of-three Victoria arrives at     escalates quickly, dominating all news
become his accomplice. But when the             German                  FFF                        Starring                                 ex-husband Damián’s farm to pick up        reports. When communication links
                                                                        MBB                        Ana Claudia Talancón
Nazis sweep to power, the Jewish-owned          Starring                                                                                    her children and return to the city,       abruptly fail, the eerie silence brings
                                                                        GMPF                       Alberto Guerra
store’s very existence is threatened,           Valerie Stoll
                                                                        Hungarian Film Incentive                                            wild claims explode about a strange        more panic and fear. As scores of
along with budding friendships and              Lia von Blarer                                     Producer(s)
                                                Joel Basman             Broadcaster(s)             Fabula TV
                                                                                                                                            phenomenon known as ‘The Hum’.             people descend on the farm
hopes for the future.                           Damian Thüne            ARD Germany                Fremantle                                Paranormal sightings, bizarre sounds       desperate for shelter, the family must
                                                Producer(s)                                        Broadcaster(s)                           and rumours of a possible alien            make brutal choices to protect the
Created by Julia von Heinz (Hannah’s            Constantin Television                              STARZPLAY                                invasion take over the internet. What      ones they love.
Journey, And Tomorrow the Entire World).        UFA Fiction                                        Pantaya                                  seems at first like a hoax or joke
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                     CONTENTS       Drama       Factual     Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

  A dark and chilling psychological
  thriller starring Audrey Fleurot
  (The Untouchables, Spiral) as a mother
  caught in a web of denial and guilt.

 3 x 1 hour or 1 x 2 hour

 Spirit of Winter
  View Now

  Novelist Nathalie Weber and her             There are sounds of a break-in in her         Language
  teenage daughter Alice are stranded in      double-locked study – and still Alice         French
  a remote mountain villa in a ferocious      won’t emerge from her room to help            Starring
  blizzard. As the storm rages, Alice         investigate the ghostly happenings.           Audrey Fleurot
                                                                                            Cédric Kahn
  grows moody and elusive, taunting her                                                     Lily Taieb
  mother and hiding away in her room,         Paranoid imagination blends with
  further straining Nathalie’s relationship   alarming reality as Nathalie struggles to     Kwai, in
  with her adopted daughter.                  eliminate her greatest fears and dispel       coproduction with
                                              a host of sinister apparitions. For if it’s   ARTE France
  The tension deepens as Nathalie             not her mind playing tricks, what terrible    Broadcaster(s)
  launches herself into her writing,          truth is she about to discover?               ARTE France
                                                                                            and Germany
  but is plagued by anxiety and terrifying
  visions from the past. When she             Based on Laura Kasischke bestselling
  answers her phone to a mystery caller,      novel Mind of Winter, adapted and
  there is no voice at the other end of the   directed by César award-winners
  line. A strange shadow lurks in the thick   Florence Vignon and Cyril Mennegun.                                 Premiering at La Rochelle Festival
  fog now swallowing the house.                                                                                           September 2022
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                 CONTENTS         Drama        Factual        Entertainment        Lifestyle           CONTACTS       INDEX

                                                                                            8 x 30 mins

                              8 x 30 mins
                                                                                            de SOA
                                                                                            View Now
                              A fearless young heroine crosses
                              the line as she furiously confronts
                              her aggressors.

                                                                                            A feisty coming-of-age series
                                                                                            about intimacy, friendship
                                                                                            and sexual exploration,
                                                                                            where everything is up for
                                                                                            discussion and no subject
                                                                                            is taboo.

                              View Now                                                      Eighteen-year-old maths nerd Esmée                 Language                 Producer(s)
                                                                                            is distraught when she catches an STD              Dutch                    Fiction Valley
                                                                                            the first time she has sex, and discovers          Starring                 Broadcaster(s)
                              Eighteen-year-old Sihame’s hopes         Language             it’s spreading like wildfire through her           Damaris de Jong          Videoland, Netherlands
                                                                                                                                               Reiky de Valk
                              for a normal life are shattered when a   Dutch                class. As she investigates its origin, her         Hanneke van der Paardt
                              sex video posted by her ex-boyfriend     Starring             research study becomes an obsessive                Jacob Derwig
                              goes viral and she is subjected to       Ahlaam Teghadouini   quest to understand the similarities and           Susan Visser
                                                                       Hamza Othman
                              hateful text messages, malicious         Selin Akkulak        differences between lust, sex and love –
                              innuendos and vicious threats.                                and she realises there’s no simple
                              Refusing to accept the role of victim,   Fiction Valley       formula for dealing with teenage
                              she takes it on herself to track down                         hormones. Disturbing, funny, intelligent
                              her tormentors – but her fight for       NPO 1, Netherlands   and explicit, Follow de SOA is a perfect
                              justice soon descends into frenzied                           fit for the current zeitgeist, celebrating
                              revenge. A devastating exposé of                              diversity by tackling issues of intimacy,
                              21st-century sexual harassment, and a                         depression, autism, gender, sexual
                              provocative portrayal of female power,                        orientation and identity with a light,
                              self-determination and retribution.                           comedic and memorable touch.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                   CONTENTS           Drama         Factual        Entertainment         Lifestyle       CONTACTS   INDEX

                                                                                              A riotous escapist
                                                                                              comedy about two
                                                                                              suburban women
                                                                                              who band together
                                                 This double-feature reboot of the
                                                                                              to embark on a
                                                 classic comedy drama sees odd-               chaotic life
                                                 couple ex-detectives Balko and Krapp         of crime.
                                                 reunite in the Canary Islands for a final
                                                 crack at crime-solving. Balko moved to
                                                 Tenerife after leaving the force and
                                                 met the love of his life, Lucia. But since
                                                 her death in a car crash, he’s become
                                                 a hard-drinking cynic, reduced to living                                                                                                              8 x 30 mins
                                                 in a run-down basement. Lucia’s
                                                 daughter Alicia, by contrast, had the
                                                 strength and resolve to move forward                                                                                            Conceived by and starring Dutch
                                                 and out of Balko’s life, forging her own                                                                                            comedy favourites Jennifer
                                                 career in the local police and rising to
  2 x 2 hours                                    the rank of Commissioner.                                                                                                        Hoffman (Family Weekend) and
                                                                                                                                                                                  Fockeline Ouwerkerk (Speech).
                                                 Balko’s former partner Krapp went into
                                                 government service and now works in
                                                 procurement at the Ministry of
                                                 Defence. He arrives on the island for
                                                 a lavish party hosted by a German
                                                 arms manufacturer. But the festivities
                                                 end abruptly when a waitress at the
                                                 party is found dead and Krapp is             When bored housewife Veerle and                  is bungling his own hold-up. After showing
                                                 accused of her murder. In spite of his                                                                                                            View Now
                                                                                              rookie journalist Sara find themselves in        him how it’s done, they flee with his
                                                 track record in problem-solving,             an undignified squabble in the bargain           meagre loot, shelter him in Veerle’s
                                                 there’s a big gap in his recollection of     booze section of their local supermarket,        holiday caravan, hide the ‘getaway car’ in
  The return of the iconic crime comedy with a   the night’s events.                          it dawns on them that their lives are in a       some bushes and report it stolen.
  new fish-out-of-water element as the now ex-   When Balko and Krapp reconnect,
                                                                                              rut. Over cheap wine on a park bench in
                                                                                              the middle of the afternoon, they resolve        As their escapade takes one disastrous
  cops swap the grey streets of Dortmund for     they leap into investigative action          to refocus their pent-up anger and take          turn after another, husbands Martijn and
  Spanish sea and sun.                           – stepping on the toes of the local
                                                 police, and falling back into dubious
                                                                                              back control of their destinies.                 Bert are alarmed by Veerle and Sara’s
                                                                                                                                               desperate attempts to keep up                       Language
                                                 methods in an attempt to clear               But things start to unravel when they            appearances at home, and form their own             Dutch
                                                 Krapp’s name.                                happen upon a discarded pistol and               pact to find out what’s going on.                   Starring
  View Now                                                                                    continue with their errands. The sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jennifer Hoffman
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fockeline Ouwerkerk
                                                 Language               Producer(s)           assistant in a pet shop, panicked by their       A frantic criminal caper that skews every
                                                 German                 UFA Fiction                                                                                                                Producer(s)
                                                                                              aggressive attitude and the glint of the         convention of settled family life, and keeps        Fiction Valley
                                                 Starring               Broadcaster(s)        gun, alerts the police to an attempted           viewers curled up in laughter as each
                                                 Jochen Horst           RTL, Germany                                                                                                               Broadcaster(s)
                                                 Ludger Pistor                                armed robbery. Next they pause at a              hilarious twist unfurls.                            NPO/BNNVARA,
                                                 Tamara Romera Ginés                          petrol station – just as petty criminal Tarik                                                        Netherlands
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23             CONTENTS   Drama   Factual     Entertainment         Lifestyle        CONTACTS       INDEX

An engrossing, escapist medical
procedural drama and mystery thriller
set aboard a luxury cruise liner.

 6 x 1 hour

The Cruise
 View Now

                                                                     Dr Eric Leonhard’s wife Sarah went        as reserved and aloof. His antipathy to
                                                                     missing when she was six months           authority is apparent in his repeated
                                                                     pregnant. When a photo emerges of         clashes with the ship’s captain
                                                                     her on a cruise, followed by a video      Henriette Mosbach. But as they circle
                                                                     message in which she declares she’s       each other, and the captain appoints
                                                                     found a new love, Eric gives up his       bartender Pablo to spy on Eric, we
                                                                     job in ER to become the ship’s doctor     come to realise that Eric and Henriette
Language                                                             in the desperate hope of reuniting        have more in common than they think
                                                                     with his wife and their newborn child.    – both adrift at sea and lacking the
Starring                                                             But the clues represent a false trail.    security and bonds of family. While
Moritz Otto
Anna Puck                                                            Although popular with the passengers      Eric immerses himself wholeheartedly
                                                                     for his competence and care, he sees      in his medical duties, he never loses
UFA Fiction                                                          everyone working on the ship as a         sight of his main goal – to solve the
Broadcaster(s)                                                       potential perpetrator and trusts no       riddle of Sarah’s disappearance and
RTL, Germany                                                         one. In turn he is viewed by the crew     win her back.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23       CONTENTS   Drama   Factual   Entertainment     Lifestyle   CONTACTS            INDEX

                                                                                                 “Freeman absolutely
Returning Series
                   S2: Coming soon
                   S1: 6 x 1 hour                                                                 bosses this role”
                                                                                                  The Telegraph

                                                                                                  The Evening Standard

                                                                                                  Radio Times

                                                                                                  The Telegraph

                                                                                                  Sold into over 170 territories.

                                                                                                  This highly acclaimed drama, inspired
                                                                                                  by the real-life experiences of former
                                                                                                  police officer and writer Tony
                                                                                                  Schumacher, offers a rare glimpse into
                                                                                                  the heart of contemporary society’s
                                                                                                  gritty underbelly. Chris (Martin Freeman)

                                                                                                  drives a frontline response vehicle in his
                                                                                                  fragmented hometown of Liverpool.
                                                                                                  Night after night he confronts crime,
                                                                                                  violence and addiction on the streets,
                                                                                                  whilst battling against personal demons
                                                                                                  that threaten to destabilise his work, his
                                                                                                  marriage and his mental health. When
                                                                                                  he’s forced to take on rookie partner
                                                                                                  Rachel (Adelayo Adedayo), over one

                                                                                                  week of increasingly tense,
                                                                                                  life-changing night shifts they both
                                                                    Winner                        discover that survival in this relentless
                                                                    Best Drama                    twilight world depends on them either
                                                                    Edinburgh TV Awards           helping or destroying each other.

                                                                                                  Language               Producer(s)
                                                                    BBC1’s highest                English                Dancing Ledge
                                                                    Monday night                  Starring               Broadcaster(s)
                                                                                                  Martin Freeman         BBC One, UK
                                                                    drama launch                  Ian Hart

                   View Now                                         since 2018                    Adelayo Adedayo
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                          CONTENTS           Drama         Factual     Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

Returning Series                                                                                                     Returning Series

My Brilliant
                                                                                                                                                                                                          “A drama that sears
                                                                                           The Guardian              S2: Coming soon                                                                       itself into your

                                                                                                                     S1: 8 x 1 hour
                                                                                          HHHHH                                                                                                            The Independent

                                                                                           The Financial Times

                                                                                           The Telegraph

 View Now                                                                                 “Seductive, cinematic
                                                                                           and weaves a spell
                                                                                           unlike anything else”     View Now
                                                                                           The Guardian

                                                                                          “A masterpiece of          Starring Kim Englebrecht
                                                                                           writing and directing”    (The Flash, Eye in the Sky)
                                                                                           Vanity Fair
                                                                                                                     and Iain Glen (Game of Thrones).

                                                                                                                     Expert criminal profiler Reyka Gama
                                                                                                                     returns to her hometown in KwaZulu-
                                                                                                                     Natal to help local police solve a spate
                                                                                                                     of murders. As the investigation unfolds,
                                                                                                                     secrets and lies are uncovered that
                                                                                                                     take her back to her childhood trauma
                                                                                                                     of being kidnapped from the voting line
                                                                                                                     during South Africa’s historic first
                                                                                                                     post-Apartheid elections. With justice
 S4: Coming soon                                                                                                     within reach, Reyka finds that the idyllic
                                                                                                                     landscape and tight-knit community still
 S3: Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: 8 x 1 hour                                                                  hide deep-rooted conspiracy and
 S2: The Story of a New Name: 8 x 1 hour                                                                             suspicion, exposing her and those
                                                                                           Language                  around her to chilling dangers.
 S1: My Brilliant Friend: 8 x 1 hour                                                       Italian (Neapolitan

                                             Lila has left her affluent but abusive        Starring                  Language               Producer(s)
 This internationally adored prestige                                                      Margherita Mazzucco       English                Serena Cullen
 drama brings the immersive storytelling     husband and is struggling to hold her         Gaia Girace                                      Productions
 and charm of Elena Ferrante’s               life together as a single mother with a                                 Starring
                                                                                           Producer(s)                                      Quizzical Pictures
                                                                                                                     Kim Englebrecht
 Neapolitan novels gloriously to life. For   punishing job in a food-processing            The Apartment             Iain Glen              Broadcaster(s)
 all their complex differences, Elena        factory. Elena is a successful author,        Fremantle                                        M-Net, South Africa
 Greco and Lila Cerullo were                 enjoying all the trappings of wealth and      Wildside
                                                                                           Fandango in association
 inseparable from the moment they met        culture. As they drift in and out of each     with HBO Rai Fiction
 at school in 1950s Naples – in an era of    other’s lives, their fates are intertwined
 great turmoil and change across             in a web of past passions and                 HBO, US
 Europe. Series 3 opens in the 1970s,        unresolved rivalries.                         Rai, Italy                                                                                                       Multi-Award Winner
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                CONTENTS         Drama        Factual        Entertainment            Lifestyle   CONTACTS   INDEX

 Returning Series                                                                                           Returning Series
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The most-streamed
 S2: Coming soon                                                                                                                                                                                     series ever on NRK

 S1: 8 x 1 hour
                                                                                                              S3: 8 x 30 mins or 6 x 1 hour
                                                                                                              S2: 8 x 30 mins or 6 x 1 hour

                                                                                                              S1: 8 x 30 mins or 6 x 1 hour

 View Now
                                                                                                              View Now

                                                                                                             “With its drug-fuelled orgies, brutality
                                                                                                              and multimillion-pound tax fraud, Exit
                                                                                                              makes The Wolf of Wall Street look
                                                                                                              like Shaun the Sheep” The Times

                                                                                                              Norway’s playboy billionaires return for a      Language
                                                                                                              third season of toxic extravagance,
                                                                                                              egotistical excess and high-stakes              Starring

 Produced by Lorenzo Mieli (The Hand        Prison director Bruno Testori (Luca         Language
                                                                                                              deceit. As the fossil-fuel crisis extends its
                                                                                                                                                              Simon J. Berger
                                                                                                                                                              Agnes Kittelsen
                                            Zingaretti) governs according to his                              grip on the global economy, money is
 of God, My Brilliant Friend), written by   own personal sense of justice:              Starring              flowing like never before into green
                                                                                                                                                              Tobias Santelmann
                                                                                        Luca Zingaretti
 Stefano Bises (Gomorrah – the series)      ruthless when required, merciful when
                                            least expected, with a lack of respect
                                                                                        Isabella Ragonese
                                                                                                              energy – only to be siphoned off by the         Fremantle Norway
                                                                                        Anna Bonaiuto         super-rich into mysterious hedge funds
 and Peppe Fiore (The Young Pope).          for formality and rules. When an            Barbora Bobulova      from Luxembourg to the Cayman
                                                                                                                                                              NRK 1, Norway
                                            inmate and one of Bruno’s trusted           Producer(s)           Islands. The bonanza feeds a new
                                            guards are found dead, investigating        Wildside              frenzy of hedonism and risk-taking
“Depth and complexity that will             state prosecutor Laura Lombardo             The Apartment
                                                                                        Sky Studios
                                                                                                              among a familiar band of financial
                                            (Anna Bonaiuto) is outraged by                                    high-fliers – but this time the women in
 keep you glued to your seat”               Bruno’s renegade methods. Set               Broadcaster(s)
                                                                                                              their lives are circling to beat them at
                                                                                        Sky Italy, UK and
 Rolling Stone                              against a backdrop of personal              Germany               their own game. A worldwide sensation,
                                            conflict and international terror, this                           NRK’s No.1 ratings winner is an addictive,
                                            searing drama interrogates the                                    dark-edged drama about the dog-eat-
 Sky’s highest-rated original drama         authority of power and justice, and the                           dog world of high finance, limitless
                                            perils of accepting small acts of evil in                         corruption and outlandish profit.
 series launch of 2022                      the name of a higher cause.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                             CONTENTS           Drama   Factual   Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS       INDEX

Returning Series                                                                        Returning Series

 Lost: 8 x 1 hour                                                                       Language
                                                                                        Swedish, English
 Blinded: 8 x 1 hour                                                                    Starring
                                                                                        Mimosa Willamo
 Darkness: 8 x 1 hour                                                                   Leonard Terfelt

Lost: Those
                                                                                        Freddie Wise
                                                                                        Richard Lintern
                                                                                        Miso Film

Who Kill
View Now

“A breathtaking Scandi
 noir to binge”
 The Guardian                                                                           From the producers of Face to Face
                                                                                        and The Investigation. A dark, twisting
 From the producers of Face to Face         Criminal profiler Louise Bergstein is       sequel to Box 21 based on Roslund and
                                            on edge after her most recent case,
 and The Investigation, the intricate and   battling debilitating insomnia when         Hellström’s international bestseller.
 visually stunning examination of the       a Copenhagen couple is brutally
                                            murdered outside their home.
 psychology and motivations of murder.      Determined to track down the killer,
                                                                                        Cell 8: 6 x 1 hour
                                                                                                                                                           Senior police officer Ewert Grens and

                                                                                        Cell 8
                                            she teams up with police investigator       Box 21: 6 x 1 hour
                                            Frederik Havgaard. All evidence points                                                                         his junior partner Mariana Hermansson
 The highly anticipated third instalment    to a young man called Bjørn with a                                                                             investigate the case against rock
                                                                                                                                                           singer John Swartz, who is on the run
 of the most-watched series on Viaplay.     dark and desperate past, and when
                                            Bjørn’s sister’s baby is abducted and                                                                          after violently assaulting a drunken
                                            Bjørn is found dead, the case is closed                                                                        man seen harassing a woman at his
 Language               Producer(s)         and Louise leaves the city for a fresh                                                                         concert. ‘Swartz’ has been living in
 Danish                 Miso Film           start in Jutland. Three years later she’s                                                                      Sweden under a false identity, having
 Starring               Broadcaster(s)      dragged back onto the case, when a                                                                             escaped Death Row in Ohio ten years
 Natalie Madueño        Viaplay             new suspect is linked to the killings,                                                                         earlier on a charge of murder. He also
 Simon Sears
                                            reawakening the dreadful truth and                                                                             turns out to be the man Mariana has
 Alex Høgh Andersen
                                            traumas of the past.                        View Now                                                           been dating...
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                    CONTENTS           Drama      Factual        Entertainment   Lifestyle   CONTACTS          INDEX

Returning Series                                                                                               Returning Series

                   “A Danish crime series that
                    stands out from the crowd”

                    S3: 8 x 30 mins
                    S2: 8 x 30 mins
                    S1: 8 x 30 mins
                                                                                                               S2: 10 x 30 mins
                                                                                                               S1: 10 x 30 mins

                                                                                                               The PM’s
                                                                                                                                                                                        “A smart twist on the
                                                                                                                                                                                         tween thriller”
                                                                                                                                                                                         The Sydney Morning Herald
                    The success of Face To Face continues with

S3: Danish and
Swedish             its exceptional all-star cast including Lars
                                                                                                                                                                                         Catalina Parkes Pérez is like any other
Lars Mikkelsen      Mikkelsen (The Witcher, The Killing) and Pilou                                                                                                                       teenager who wants to fight the powers
Pilou Asbæk
Evin Ahmad
                    Asbæk (Game of Thrones, The Investigation).                                                                                                                          that be. There’s just one complication: her
Sverrir Gudnason                                                                                                                                                                         mother Isabel is Prime Minister of Australia.
                                                                                                                                                                                         How can she make her voice heard when
Producer(s)         View Now
Miso Film                                                                                                      View Now                                                                  there’s so much pressure to support the
Broadcaster(s)                                                                                                                                                                           government and be seen as ‘the perfect
Viaplay             The third and final season of Christoffer   revealing she was killed by a contract                                                                                   daughter’? As if that weren’t enough, a
                                                                                                               Language               Producer(s)
                    Boe’s intense thriller follows the          assassin. Over a taut 24 hours, he             English                Fremantle Australia                                series of stunts is playing out across the
                    investigation into the murder of high-      furiously confronts colleagues, friends                                                                                  national capital aimed at sabotaging
                                                                                                               Starring               Broadcaster(s)
                    flying business protégé Christina           and enemies, but when the truth comes          Cassandra Helmot       ABC, Australia                                     Isabel’s term of office. When blame is laid
                    Rasmussen. Ruthless CEO Holger              out, he’s left with an impossible choice:      Natalie English                                                           at the door of Cat’s activist heroes Action
                    Lang, who had named Christina as            to save himself, or to save everything         Jaga Yap                                                                  Uprising, she resolves to uncover and
                                                                                                               Claire Fearon
                    designated successor at his billion-        he’s built and fought for all his life, even                                                                             expose the unseen agitators who are
                                                                                                               Anthony Brandon Wong
                    dollar corporation, is sent a video         though it might destroy him.                   Renee Lim                                                                 really behind the campaign.
PROGRAMMES & SERIES 22 I 23                                                                                       CONTENTS     Drama      Factual      Entertainment        Lifestyle      CONTACTS         INDEX

Returning Series                                                                                                  Returning Series
                                     “Wellington Paranormal is quietly
                                      my favourite thing on television”
                                                      Neil Gaiman

                                    “An oddball feast for bloodstarved
                                             Shadows fans”
                                                     Rolling Stone

                                               “A must-watch”

Sold into over 120 territories

Series 4 quadrupled Sky
Comedy’s primetime average
audience for total viewers                                                                                                       S27: 3 x 2 hours TV movies
                                                                                                                                 S26: 8 x 1 hour
S4: 6 x 30 mins                                                                                                                  S1–25: over 400 hours
S1–3: 19 x 30 mins

Wellington Paranormal
From Emmy Award-nominated Jemaine Clement (What We                                                                               Alarm Für Cobra 11: The Highway Police,
Do In The Shadows, Flight of the Conchords) and Oscar-                                                                           three feature-length instalments coming soon.
winning Taika Waititi (Thor: Love and Thunder, Jojo Rabbit).
                                                                                                                                 View Now
View Now
                                                                                                                                 The highway cops make a triumphant        go face-to-face with a notorious         Language
Hapless Officers Minogue and O’Leary     Series four cranks up the craziness with    Language                                    return in the latest instalments of the   narcotics gang – and a vigilante pack    German

are assigned by erratic Sergeant         an uproarious riff on classic horror The    English                                     action-packed hit series. Perplexing      hell-bent on justice – and hunt down     Starring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Erdoğan Atalay
Maaka to the new Paranormal Unit of      Shining, while Satan himself makes an       Producer(s)                                 crimes and sensational car chases are     the leader of a secretive group of
                                                                                     New Zealand Documentary                                                                                                        Pia Stutzenstein
Wellington’s police force, tasked with   appearance at a dubstep club,                                                           guaranteed across three pulsating         misogynists intent on live-streaming
                                                                                     Board for TVNZ, Piki Films                                                                                                     Producer(s)
tackling a wacky wave of delinquents,    featuring favourites of Clement and                                                     feature-length episodes. Semir and        their malicious kidnappings.             Action Concept
from werewolves and ghouls to            Waititi’s outlandish characters including   Broadcaster(s)                              Vicky investigate a dead body inside a
                                                                                     TVNZ 2, New Zealand                                                                                                            Broadcaster(s)
monsters, zombies and aliens.            Rhys Darby’s hilarious ‘Swearwolf’.                                                     crashed lorry on the Belgian border,                                               RTL, Germany
Films                                                                                                                              CONTENTS             Drama      Factual        Entertainment          Lifestyle      CONTACTS         INDEX

        1 x 2 hours                             1 x 2 hours                          1 x 2 hours                             1 x 2 hours                               1 x 2 hours                                   1 x 2 hours
         Brenda Song (The Social                High-flying entrepreneur Bridget     After her father’s death, Emily is      After investing a chunk of her            With the help of her therapist                In this sequel to Deceived By My
         Network, Secret Obsession) and         scores a meeting with the famed      distant and withdrawn, causing her      trust fund in a large property,           Denise, Kristin is recovering from            Mother-In-Law, loved-up couple
         Aaron O’Connell (The Haves and         Prince of Devonshire about a         mother fresh worries. When a            Allyson and her fiancé Eric decide        a terrifying attack by a stalker.             Landon and Stephanie are
         Have Nots) star in this sparky         multimillion-dollar investment in    well-meaning teacher urges Emily        to rent out the guesthouse to             After meeting and marrying                    planning to meet each other’s
         romcom in which opposites              one of her properties. She and       to befriend new student David,          cover some expenses.                      James, life seems to be going just            parents for the first time. The
         attract and rivalries are cast aside   lawyer Anna are living the dream     they bond over the recent loss of       Handsome Josh turns up willing            fine until her mother-in-law                  problem is, Stephanie is a
         in their quest to find love.           with a handsome prince who           their fathers. Then Emily learns that   to put up a hefty rent for a short        Maggie moves in. Friction turns to            scammer working in tandem with
                                                seems the perfect business           David’s mother is also dead – and       stay, and appears to be the               fighting as Kristin tries to keep it          Maggie – now calling herself
         Language            Producer(s)        partner for Bridget and life         he may have killed them. Now, as        perfect tenant. But soon after,           all together – and then she                   Christine. With therapist Denise
         English             Hybrid             partner for Anna – until they        Valentine’s Day approaches, he’s        Josh’s erratic behaviour makes            uncovers Maggie and James’                    and Maggie’s son and reformed
         Starring            Broadcaster(s)     discover he’s not what he seems.     making a move to hook up with           the couple uneasy – and his               dastardly ulterior motives.                   crook James on their trail, can
         Brenda Song         IMDb TV, US, UK                                         her best friend Michelle.               twisted plan begins to unfurl.                                                          they get away with Landon’s
         Aaron O’Connell                        Language            Producer(s)                                                                                        Language           Producer(s)                family’s riches?
         Denise Richards                        English             Hybrid           Language           Producer(s)          Language             Producer(s)          English            Hybrid
         Maxwell Caulfield                                                           English            Hybrid               English              Hybrid                                                             Language         Andrew Rogers
                                                Starring            Broadcaster(s)                                                                                     Starring           Broadcaster(s)             English          Sophia Katarina
                                                Vivica A. Fox       Lifetime, US     Starring           Broadcaster(s)       Starring             Broadcaster(s)       Dey Young          Lifetime, US
                                                Cristine Prosperi                    Vivica A. Fox      Lifetime, US         Brittany Underwood   Lifetime, US         Alison McAtee                                 Starring         Producer(s)
                                                Tracy Nelson                         Mariah Robinson                         Kristos Andrews                           Jackée Harry                                  Dey Young        Hybrid
                                                James Nitti                          Michael Bergin                          Jacob Taylor                              Rib Hillis                                    Chelsea Gilson
                                                                                                                                                                       Michael Pare                                  Eric Roberts     Broadcaster(s)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jackée Harry     Lifetime, US

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Films                                                                                                                                  CONTENTS         Drama       Factual        Entertainment             Lifestyle     CONTACTS           INDEX

        1 x 2 hours                           1 x 2 hours                            1 x 2 hours                             1 x 2 hours                                1 x 2 hours                                      1 x 2 hours
         George Bannister and dog Zeus        Starring TV and award-winning          Photographer Gaby Jones is up           Liam is planning to propose to his          The Bannister family’s new                      Disgruntled Liz McCann and her
         take a walk in their new             country music star Jana Kramer         for a promotion at a popular            girlfriend Emma, and wants to               addition, Zeus, a former K-9                    son Mason, lost on their way to
         neighbourhood, and notice            (Entourage) and her new original       fashion magazine, but the boss          make it extra special by booking a          police hero, appears to be less                 visit Liz’s estranged father Jack
         strange sounds and lights coming     music. When celebrity designer         thinks her work lacks warmth and        winter break at her favourite               than the dependable guard dog                   for Christmas, follow a reindeer
         from the house next door. Under      Sam, the presenter of a popular        emotion, and sends her to an            childhood resort and inviting both          the family needs. However, when                 through the forest to the festive
         cover of a Halloween party,          makeover show, is sent to her          artists’ retreat. Up in the             their families along. Emma is               two burglars set out to break into              town of Hollyville. Ex-banker
         George enlists petty felons Ted      home town to film a holiday            mountains, she meets fellow             delighted to see everyone gather            the Bannister’s home while                      Jack now works at the Egg Nog
         and Stewey to help investigate       special to renovate a beloved          photographer Sean and the               to celebrate – until the stress of          they’re away for Christmas, Zeus                cafe, where his customers
         the spooky house, and when the       B&B, she’s unexpectedly paired         close-knit residents of the quaint      blending them all together takes            seizes the chance to be a hero,                 include a certain Santa Claus
         trio and George’s wife Belinda get   with local contractor Coop – the       town of Pine Falls. Will they inspire   its toll, and the constant bickering        proving every dog, even this                    and the busy team at North Pole
         trapped inside, only Zeus can        very guy she left behind and           Gaby’s work, and infuse it with that    threatens to derail the festivities.        one, has his day. Stars Dean Cain               Enterprises – and Liz’s
         save the day!                        never got over. Coop also regrets      all-important heart?                                                                and Elisa Donovan.                              worldview will be upended by
                                              letting Sam go to follow her                                                   Language          Susan Olsen                                                               her unexpected discoveries.
         Language          Joey Diaz
                                              dreams – but can a Christmas           Language          Producer(s)           English           Christopher Knight        Language           Gary Valentine
         English           Kayley Stallings                                          English           Hybrid                                  Mike Lookinland           English            Mindy Sterling               Language          Producer(s)
                                              miracle fix the mistakes of the past                                           Starring          Robbie Rist                                  Joey Diaz                    English           Hybrid
         Starring          Producer(s)        and build new beginnings?              Starring          Broadcaster(s)        Haylie Duff                                 Starring
         Dean Cain         Hybrid                                                    Tatyana Ali       Lifetime, US          Aaron O’Connell   Producer(s)               Mario Lopez        Producer(s)                  Starring          Broadcaster(s)
         Elisa Donovan                        Language          Producer(s)          Henderson Wade                          Greg Evigan       Hybrid                    Dean Cain          Hybrid                       Nicole de Boer    ION TV, US
         Gary Valentine    Broadcaster(s)     English           Off Camera           Dina Meyer                              Beth Broderick                              Elisa Donovan                                   Patrick Muldoon
         Lance Henriksen   ABC Family, US                       Entertainment                                                Telma Hopkins     Broadcaster(s)            Sierra McCormick   Broadcaster(s)               Gig Morton
         Mayim Bialik                         Starring                                                                       Barry Williams    Lifetime, US              Adrienne Barbeau   ABC Family, US
                                              Jana Kramer       Broadcaster(s)
                                              Ryan McPartlin    Lifetime, US
                                              Maria Menounos

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