The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...

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The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
The Financial
ISSUE 2 .. 2021

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                            business                                     Featuring
                    ■ The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders
■ Our biggest DEI Section to date! ■ The return of our most extensive Salary Survey ever!
The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
The Financial Technologist | Issue 2 | 2021

04   Introduction by Toby Babb, CEO of the                     28   Focus on people and manage what you measure        46   Eventus embraces global expansion,                   64   Vortexa and Covid-19: Navigating
     Harrington Starr Group                                         - the keys to building a FinTech unicorn                digital assets to fuel rapid growth                       mental health awareness in the grip
                                                                    Waseem Daher Pilot                                      Eric Einfalt Eventus                                      of a global pandemic
08   The seven habits of highly effective                                                                                                                                             Jessica Irvin Vortexa
     financial technology leaders                              30   Turning tough times into opportunity               48   Resolving data trauma through optimisation
     Colin Slight Realization Group                                 Anders Liu-Lindberg BPI                                 and innovation                                       66   Taking a punt: using tactical action to
                                                                                                                            Philip Miller Solidatus                                   achieve your goals
16   Lessons learned over the last twelve months               32   Digital transformation and its cloud-based                                                                        Michelle Johnson Fexco FX & Payments
     James Done Tail                                                operation helped Euromoney TRADEDATA               50   Growing a company in a Pandemic
                                                                    survive - and even thrive - under 2020’s                Alicia Ariffin SteelEye                              68   Company growth during a pandemic
17   Volopa - Turning the negatives of the                          volatile market conditions                                                                                        Nicola Breyer OptioPay
     past year into positives                                       Mark Woolfenden Euromoney                          53   D I V E R S I T Y,
     Graham Smith Volopa                                                                                                    EQUITY AND                                           70   DEI: Is it really that important?
                                                               34   The post pandemic market infrastructure                 INCLUSION                                                 Dilyana Valcheva Fnality International
18   The three principles of High-Growth FinTechs                   growth opportunity
     Carrie Osman Cruxy & Co.                                       Hirander Misra GMEX Group                          55   An Encompass view of the last 18 months              72   Progress despite the Pandemic
                                                                                                                            Wayne Johnson Encompass                                   Jeni Trice Get with the Program
21   Fixed income automation- adoption not                     36   Payments 2030: building the industry’s core
     derailed by Covid                                              market infrastructure                              56   A new approach to Company Culture in the             75   SALARY GUIDE
     Steve Toland TransFICC                                         Alex Knight Baton Systems                               crypto space
                                                                                                                            Dagmara Aldridge Zumo                                87   About Harrington Starr
22   The keys behind the growth of the company                 38   The pandemic push
     James Maxfield Ascendant Strategy                              Remonda Kirketerp-Møller Muinmos ApS               58   Pursuing balance in a brave new world                89   Contact Us
                                                                                                                            Dr. Leda Glyptis 10x Future Technologies
24   Productivity in Financial institutions: releasing         40   Customer experience in retail banking:
     value and the keys behind the growth of                        it’s not just finance any more                     60   Designing for women: the story of the female
     AccessFinTech over the past twelve months                      Andrew Lawson Zendesk                                   finance research series
     Roy Saadon AccessFinTech                                                                                               Dr Anette Broløs and Dr. Erin B. Taylor EWPN
                                                               42   Why aligning innovation and creativity with
                                                                    principles and purpose delivers rapid growth and   62   Outsourced sales deliver higher returns
25   Virtual velocity: how Baymarkets                               the chance to build back better                         for clients
     powered ahead despite a pandemic                               Chris Murphy Ediphy                                     Jon Carp, Kenzy Goodwin, David Sayers
     Tore Klevenberg Baymarkets                                                                                             and Carl Rogers Finceler8
                                                               44   FINBOURNE:Market conditions
27   Why innovation doesn’t stop after 40 years                     facilitating growth                                63   Adaption in the face of uncertainty
     Peer Joost DIGITEC                                             Thomas McHugh FINBOURNE Technology                      Liza Russell iNBOTiQA

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The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
             T H E H A R R I N GT O N STA R R G R O U P
                                                                                                                “So, will the City thrive again?
                                                                                                                Will we see a return to packed
Welcome to the                                                                                                  commuter trains and a thriving

Financial Technologist!
                                                                                                                metropolis? How will the split of
                                                                                                                work from home and the office gel?”
                                                                                                                life never the same again and a strong lean          These companies listened to their customers.
Harrington Starr’s financial technology

                                                                                                                to hybrid or fully remote working, particularly     They spent time looking at the issues that the
news, commentary, insight and features.                                                                         for developers.                                     market faced. They adapted, innovated,
                                                                                                                                                                    pivoted, or did all three and came out stronger.
                                                                                                                So, will the City thrive again? Will we see a       They invested in headcount, pulled in more
                                                 from “freedom day” where the UK once again                     return to packed commuter trains and a              investment and funding, attacked new
                                                 starts to unlock its doors.                                    thriving metropolis? How will the split of          territories and played offence. They looked at
                                                                                                                work from home and the office gel? Perhaps,         their employee value proposition and attracted
                                                 Back to Business? It’s going to be interesting.                just as was the case when everyone was              the best talent. They communicated, thought
                                                                                                                sent home last year, we face a time with even       about culture, and invested in their people.
                                                 Firstly, it could be argued that the financial                 more questions and even fewer answers …             They committed to their strategy, invested in
                                                 technology sector has never been busier. Right                 yet! What the last 18 months has taught us is       marketing and added value to their customers.
                                                 from March 2020, there have been market                        that with every difficulty comes an
                                                 conditions that have favoured many. Despite                    opportunity. Behind every negative lies a           The key ingredients shone through again and
                                                 lockdowns, work from home orders and market                    positive. As we head back to business, the          again, both in the leaders interviewed by The
                                                 carnage in early 2020, we have seen an                         office or whatever the new normal looks like,       Realization Group in their blog series that
                                                 incredibly robust performance from many.                       we will see the best in the industry listen         follows this intro, but also in the many fast
                                                 Whilst companies are once again set to                         to their customers and find world class             growth companies who share their thoughts
                                                 open their doors and welcome staff back, it                    solutions.                                          and insights in the pages that followed. All of it
elcome to the Financial Technologist. In the     has not been a case of batten down the                                                                             is common sense but rarely is it executed as
second issue of 2021 we bring you a magazine     hatches but instead, the ships have been                       There lies the key ingredient of the pages that     common practice. I have picked up so much in
packed with content from some of the fastest     sailing with real purpose.                                     follow. This issue shines a light on the fast       the pages that follow and trust that you enjoy
growing names in FinTech, an insight into the                                                                   growth icons of FinTech. This year has seen         the insight shared as much as I have.
habits of outstanding FinTech leaders, our       Alongside that, despite easing of restrictions, it             companies double and triple revenue,
biggest ever DEI section and the 2021 salary     seems many are playing a cautious game with                    headcount, investment, logos, and every bit of      Diversity, equity and inclusion also form an ever
survey presenting to you some fascinating data   September a date that companies are set to                     data that points in the right direction. We speak   stronger part of the jigsaw of success for
on where packages currently lie in the sector.   see their staff return to a new office normal.                 to some of those companies who have risen to        companies looking to grow, build and sustain
                                                 That said, we also see many who have                           the challenges the market threw and knocked         great futures. This magazine also features a
At the time of writing, we are just hours away   completely re-shaped their policies with office                them straight out of the park.                      host of trailblazers in the space sharing what it

                                                                                                      GLOBAL LEADERS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND COMMODITIES TECHNOLOGY RECRUITMENT

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The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
“A great workplace is more than
                    TOBY BABB, CEO,
                    T H E H A R R I N GT O N STA R R G R O U P
                                                                                                                 just cash in the bank and it has
                                                                                                                 been good to see sense prevail in
                                                                                                                 how companies have reacted to
                                                                                                                 the talent arms race.”
        takes to create truly inclusive environments      and, in many ways, created a far more                  better balance, perks, flexibility, training and    growth section.
        with a diversity of thought that allows           exciting future.                                       career opportunities.
        companies to shine. I am incredibly proud of                                                                                                                 So, as we pass the turn of the year and lurch
        the work that Nadia Edwards-Dashti has done       Financial technology companies have hired at           Our next magazine will focus on the best            towards 2022, we face another exciting period
        in this space and she continues to be a           levels well above pre-pandemic levels in a foot        workplaces in the sector. Without question          for the financial technology sector. Fast growth
        powerhouse, lighthouse and so much more to        race for the best talent. In some instances, this      we will see strong, fair salaries as an important   will be a feature, but sustainable growth even
        drive real change in the industry.                has created a bidding war, in others, companies        factor, but so too will be the culture, mission,    more important. I am confident that anybody
                                                          have looked at innovative ways to stand out as         values, perks and environment that is created.      reading the pages that follow will be able to
        As mentioned, the market has reacted              employers to compete for the best. What is             A great workplace is more than just cash in         take away a host of golden nuggets that will
        incredibly well to the challenges thrown up by    perhaps surprising, is that we have not seen a         the bank and it has been good to see sense          help their business or career thrive. If I can
        Covid-19 and one of the most fascinating and      wholesale change in the salaries being paid in         prevail in how companies have reacted to the        connect you to anyone who you thought was
        unexpected of those has been the incredible       the market.                                            talent arms race. The salary survey that follows    particularly interesting or whose story could
        competition around hiring in the space. As the                                                           looks at data collected from several thousand       help you in your career, this is what we love to
        owner of a recruitment business, if I had been    In development, devops, data, security, change         hiring companies and job seekers in the sector.     do. Please reach out to me.
        told in March 2020, as the team left the office   and transformation, infrastructure, support,           There remains great money to be made for
        to work from home, that none of our customers     testing and sales, we have seen outliers and           people entering the FinTech space but, equally      Thank you for reading and enjoy the issue.
        or candidates would be in offices again for the   companies who have attempted to outbid the             as importantly, there are also some great

        best part of 18 months, I would have had          competition by over-paying. Overwhelmingly,            companies who are truly standing out as
        serious concerns over the viability of the        however, companies have held their ground,             exceptional workplaces. Those that get both
        business. What has happened has shocked me        paying fair packages but also providing far            parts right are heavily featured in our fast

                                                                                                              POWERED BY
                                                                                                              HARRINGTON STARR

FinTech’s Most Innovative
Leaders Speak to Toby Babb
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The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
The seven habits
                                                                                                               Founder, Cassini Systems), Philip     as a connector of the financial        And these financial technology
                                                                                                               Miller (Co-CEO & Co-Founder,          markets community. In many             firms also have their own
                                                                                                               Solidatus), and Thomas McHugh         cases, the pandemic highlighted        employees, who have been

of highly effective
                                                                                                               (CEO & Co-Founder at Finbourne        the importance of financial            carrying on the development of
                                                                                                               Technology). We learn how they        technology. Technology, of             products and services, sales to
                                                                                                               used these habits to face 2020’s      course, underpinned successful         new customers and support for
                                                                                                               challenges - and to find the new      remote working and collaboration       existing ones, all whilst dealing
                                                                                                               opportunities that lie ahead.         across a number of industries. For     with the same challenges

financial technology
                                                                                                                                                     financial institutions, however, a     around home working and family
                                                                                                               The Covid-19 pandemic has             key differentiator of resilience and   commitments. Their leaders,
                                                                                                               created challenges at all levels      success arose from the extent to       pioneers and entrepreneurs with
                                                                                                               of society and the economy. The       which they had adopted best-           visionary aspirations, have had

                                                                                                               financial services community          of-breed financial technology          to motivate – and sometimes
                                                                                                               has faced a particular pressure,      solutions; whether these were          build – teams and share their
                                                                                                               in continuing to perform and          AI / ML based chatbots and             visions, goals and company
                                                                                                               to support and underpin               other tools augmenting their           culture in a remote working
                                                                                                               economic activity, whilst             sales and trading or compliance        environment. For many, it’s been
                                                                                                               individual employees cope             functions, cloud-based market          an extremely challenging time,
                                                                                                               with the demands of working           data solutions, trading platforms      under circumstances they had
                                                                                                               from home; including home-            and connectivity suites, or            previously never considered or
                                                                                                               schooling and caring for children,    operational and process-driven         planned for. However, the nature
                                                                                                               social isolation and uncertainty      automation solutions. For the          of financial technology firms has
                                                                                                                                                                                            also given them advantages over
                                                                                                                                                                                            other firms in the past year, some
                                                                                                               “Financial technology now                                                    of which are readily apparent,
                                                                                                                                                                                            others slightly more unexpected.

                        Colin Slight                                                                           underpins all aspects of our financial                                       Organisations are defined by
                        Joint MD and Co-Founder                                                                ecosystem, front to back within                                              their leadership. Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                            sets the culture, tone and values
                        The Realization Group                                                                  organisations, and as a connector of                                         which then permeate down and
                                                                                                                                                                                            through the wider organisation.
                                                                                                               the financial markets community.”                                            The strongest organisations are

                                                                                                                                                                                            those with leaders who actively
                                                                                                                                                                                            define the culture and values
              ver the past year,      of the common characteristics of     4. They reduce friction and         about the future. For financial       general public as well, the            that they want to espouse to both
              the advent of the       leaders who have thrived through     create efficiency in complicated    institutions, the importance of all   availability of consumer-focussed      employees and clients and take
              global pandemic         the pandemic, setting their teams    processes                           employees – not just sales and        financial technology in the form       steps to ensure that these are
              has challenged us       up for lasting success in the        5. They are masters of engaging     traders, but also middle and back     of mobile banking and payment          instilled across the organisation.
              all to demonstrate      new era. We speak to a group of      teams and driving purpose           office, technology and support        apps, and other innovative             These leaders also typically
our resilience, to call upon our      financial technology pioneers        6. They are investing in growth     staff, and legal and compliance       financial products and services,       demonstrate the seven key traits
unique strengths and to show          about how they have survived         and playing offence rather than     teams – was vital in ensuring their   eased the rapid transition during      we’ve identified. Whilst they
leadership as we struggle to face     and thrived in the Covid era.        defence                             smooth continued operation.           lockdown, towards a more digital       don’t always consciously strive
up to the enormous upheaval in        While they come from a variety       7. They are constantly innovating   And, often unrecognised and           and online-based economy. A            for these traits, they do become
our personal and professional         of different businesses, financial   and challenging the norm            overlooked, behind the scenes         common thread across financial         apparent when we look at the
lives brought about by Covid-19.      technology leaders tend to share                                         these institutions and teams          technology firms is their constant     drivers behind their success. And
Entrepreneurs and innovators          the following key traits:            We talk to six leading              are supported and enabled by          pursuit of innovation and their        many of these traits have served
have been no exception to the                                              entrepreneurs in the field:         an array of financial technology      desire to apply technology to          them well through the turmoil
rule but arguably these individuals   1. They capitalise on market         Jennifer Nayar (CEO, Vela           providers.                            the challenges, operational            and uncertainty of the pandemic
have been better equipped to          opportunity                          Trading Systems), Leda Glyptis                                            inefficiencies and barriers to         – although, for some, there have
adapt to change, due to the           2. They listen to customers and      (Chief Client Officer, 10x Future   Financial technology now              market access and to optimal           been unexpected changes in the
inherent nature of what they do.      look to solve their problems         Technologies), Remonda Z.           underpins all aspects of our          performance facing their               extent to which they’ve utilised
                                      3. They look to add value            Kirketerp-Møller (Founder & CEO,    financial ecosystem, front to         customers - be they individual         certain traits for success during
In this article, we examine some      throughout the customer journey      Muinmos), Liam Huxley (CEO &        back within organisations, and        consumers or large institutions.       this time!

                                                                                                               GLOBAL LEADERS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND COMMODITIES TECHNOLOGY RECRUITMENT

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The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
Let’s now take a look at each         for the firm, it’s been a hugely                       their customer base, and spot         risk management. As that sort of       them. That trust creates a                             financial technology leader to
of the seven traits, and the          successful year.                                       the opportunities to address          stress in the market came to the       bedrock on which to grow the                           have. However, it’s also one that
ways in which our interviewees                                                               these. The pandemic didn’t only       fore, it emphasised, for Cassini       business over time.”                                   has evolved and developed in
have exhibited them – and             The pandemic created a perfect                         create new market opportunities;      and its clients, the role that their                                                          new directions during the
been served by them – over            storm around demand for the                            it also highlighted certain client    product could play in addressing       4. They reduce friction                                pandemic. “My immediate
the past year.                        services that Solidatus offers.                        needs that had been there all         these challenges and solving           and create efficiency in                               reaction was that this is all you’ve
                                      How did they capitalise on it? And                     along but were exacerbated by         clients’ problems.                     complicated processes                                  got to do as a leader, distilled
1. They capitalise on market          how have they continued to                             market conditions, and gave                                                  The ability to identify and                            down to its essence. Everything
opportunity                           develop sales relationships and                        financial technologists the           Liam Huxley, CEO and Founder           effectively analyse the root                           else stems from it. But when I
In more prosaic times,                new client relationships under                         opportunity to respond to these       of Cassini Systems, describes the      cause of complex problems,                             thought about it in the context of
“capitalising on market               pandemic working conditions,                           and to strengthen their client        importance of listening and            in order to reduce friction                            the pandemic, the world has
opportunity” typically involves       whilst still capitalising on the                       relationships.                        adding value to customers: “I          and to create efficiency, is          Liam Huxley      completely changed. As a
identifying a potential gap or                                                                                                     think that listening to customers                                           CEO & Founder,
                                      opportunity? Phillip Miller,                                                                                                        fundamentally important in the                         financial technology leader, your
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cassini Systems
opportunity to be filled in the       Co-CEO and Co-Founder of                               The phased introduction of            is in our DNA. We position             financial technology space. It’s                       main job is to think about how
market, and then taking steps         Solidatus, comments that “For the                      new regulatory requirements           ourselves to our customers as          a key leadership attribute when                        your customers are served
to research it and to develop an      first six or seven months, we let                      around margin and collateral for      partners, rather than as a vendor      assessing client and market                            efficiently, how people can get
offering around it. In pandemic       the opportunities come to us. We                       uncleared trades has created          – we want to create a long-term        challenges and opportunities, as                       what they need from your
times, however, “market               were almost bewildered by the                          a need, amongst financial             engagement with them, and to           well as when turned internally,                        organisation efficiently, how your
opportunity” became a rather          number of incoming leads we had                        institutions that are subject to                                                                                                    employees can efficiently get the
more unexpected target, involving     not deliberately built. We were                        those Uncleared Margin Rules                                                                                                        answers and resources they need
rapid mobilisation and movement
towards capitalising on it.
                                      stunned. Our natural growth led
                                      us to bring on more sales
                                                                                             (UMR), for a better understanding
                                                                                             of margin and collateral data         “In order to fully understand                                                                 to solve the problems that they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 want to solve, how your teams are

Solidatus is a firm whose product
                                      personnel, but demand still
                                      outstripped our capacity. We then
                                                                                             and exposures. In order to fully
                                                                                             understand the cost of trading,
                                                                                                                                   the cost of trading, firms need                                                               operating efficiently, and all the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 metrics and KPIs we have around
empowers organisations to
effectively map, manage and
                                      actively invested in building out
                                      our team, and at the beginning of
                                                                                             firms need to be able to assess,
                                                                                             on a pre-trade basis, comparative
                                                                                                                                   to be able to assess, on a pre-trade                                                          those kinds of efficiency. Now,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 however, it’s become much more
monetise their key asset: data. At
the beginning of 2020, Solidatus
                                      this year, we started making a
                                      conscious effort to reach past
                                                                                             trading routes on different
                                                                                             exchanges or with different
                                                                                                                                   basis, comparative trading routes                                                             about making sure that people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 are on the same side and on the
entered the pandemic in rude
health. It was already capitalising
                                      those incoming leads and to start
                                      generating leads for ourselves.
                                                                             Philip Miller
                                                                                             counterparties, and the costs
                                                                                             of collateralising each of those
                                                                                                                                   on different exchanges or with                                                                same team, so that we can build
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 relationships both amongst our
                                                                                                                                   different counterparties, and
                                                                              Co-CEO &
on a huge market opportunity          We’ve also adapted our strategy,       Co-Founder,     options.                                                                                                                            own team and with our clients
– the ability for firms to            reaching out beyond financial           Solidatus                                                                                                                                          that are strong, even if we’re only
understand their data estate and
associated intellectual property,
                                      services to the insurance sector,
                                      and to the Treasury operations
                                                                                             Cassini Systems provides a
                                                                                             margin analytics platform that
                                                                                                                                   the costs of collateralising each                                                             able to interact over Zoom. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 through those improved
in a disparate, fragmented
environment of systems,
                                      within large multinationals as well.
                                      We’ve moved into a bigger pond
                                                                                             addresses precisely this need,
                                                                                             having identified it as a growing
                                                                                                                                   of those options.”                                                                            relationships that we can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 maintain a focus on efficiency.”
applications, processes and           now, by seeing the opportunity                         problem for clients, as the rollout
people that is subject to a high      and making investment to                               of the UMR progressed. In the         have an ongoing understanding of       to focus on the organisation’s                         The link between relationships
degree of change. The pandemic        capitalise on it.”                                     early stages of the pandemic,         their needs and how we can             own areas for improvement. The                         and efficiency, particularly during
served to further reinforce these                                                            markets became extremely              evolve to address them. We have        transition to remote teams and to                      the pandemic, is taken to the
sorts of intellectual property        2. (and 3) They listen to                              volatile, all over the world. This    quarterly review sessions with our     working from home, maintaining                         extreme for those who are trying
problems amongst Solidatus’           customers and look to solve                            created huge spikes in demand         clients, and actively respond to       a collaborative and effective                          to establish a new regulated
client base; workforces became        their problems, and they look                          for margin and collateral and         them in terms of the types of data     work environment whilst also                           business, new partnerships and
even more spread out, it became       to add value throughout the                            made collateral liquidity a front     and analytics that they                recognising and dealing with the                       relationships, and build a new
even more difficult to speak to       customer journey                                       and centre issue for market           need. That’s not just about Covid,     logistical challenges, was called                      team, in the midst of a series of
the subject matter experts and to     A business of any kind would                           participants. Firms were being        it’s our general business              out by all of our participants.                        lockdowns. Many entrepreneurs
understand what was happening         not have a market, if it didn’t                        called for hundreds of millions of    approach – but as a principle it                                                Thomas        have found themselves in exactly
with data across an organisation.     understand customer needs and                          dollars in collateral and having      has served us and our clients very     For Thomas McHugh, CEO and               McHugh        this position of recruiting and
The firm found itself with a huge     wants, and how to add value to                         to unwind huge portions of            well during this time and enabled      Co-Founder at Finbourne                CEO & Co-       hiring people they have never
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Founder at
volume of inbound leads, at the       the customer throughout their                          their book just to free up cash       us to better respond to their          Technology, a firm specialising in      Finbourne
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 met in person. It has created
exact time it was also having to      journey. In financial technology,                      to meet their margin calls. This      needs. Customers need to know          portfolio management systems           Technology      many challenges in terms of
adapt to new working conditions.      leaders need to keep their                             helped to emphasise Cassini’s         that they're going to get a great      and investment data                                    building relationships but also
With 50% planned growth and           ear close to the ground to                             key message, around visibility        level of support, and that they can    management solutions, this is the                      some positives in terms of
another 50% demand-led growth         understand the challenges facing                       of data, cost management and          trust us to deliver and to help        single most important habit for a                      employees’ efficiency and focus.

                                                                                                                                   GLOBAL LEADERS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND COMMODITIES TECHNOLOGY RECRUITMENT

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The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
With no water cooler
conversations at the office and
                                       necessary, and the transition was
                                       fairly seamless. What they weren’t
                                                                                               and to maintain a sense of
                                                                                               common purpose and
                                                                                                                                     with other people in meetings and
                                                                                                                                     on screen, you lose your lateral       “We have not been surprised by
the need to juggle multiple
competing priorities at home, it
                                       accustomed to was doing it for
                                       long, indefinite periods, amidst
                                                                                               membership of a wider team.
                                                                                               They acted swiftly to reassure
                                                                                                                                     vision. When I was in the office, I
                                                                                                                                     could sense a ‘disturbance in the      any regulatory frameworks, or
can mean that everyone is more
focused on the task at hand.
                                       the personal stress and
                                       uncertainty of a global pandemic.
                                                                                               staff that there would be no
                                                                                               pressure to return to the office.
                                                                                                                                     Force’, even if I wasn’t in a
                                                                                                                                     meeting with anyone affected by        commercial drivers. The pandemic,
5. They are masters of                 “In terms of the mechanics of
                                                                                               Nayar adds “Dealing with a
                                                                                               different type of anxiety across
                                                                                                                                     said disturbance, just from
                                                                                                                                     noticing what was going on             yes, that’s come as a surprise to
engaging teams and driving
                                       moving to remote, that was pretty
                                       straightforward. And certainly, I
                                                                                               the organisation was a new
                                                                                               challenge for me. People were
                                                                                                                                     around me, who was talking to
                                                                                                                                     whom, who wasn’t interacting,
                                                                                                                                                                            the market. But for us, actually, the
Whilst financial technology
leaders are entrepreneurs and
                                       think our clients appreciated that
                                       because there was no impact on         Jennifer Nayar
                                                                                               dealing with family members
                                                                                               getting sick, and in some cases
                                                                                                                                     who was looking upset, and who
                                                                                                                                     was having a birthday. There’s no
                                                                                                                                                                            entire foundation of the company
visionaries, none of that can be
translated to success in the real
                                       service. It was a very different
                                       situation from a hurricane or
                                                                                CEO, Vela
                                                                             Trading Systems
                                                                                               losing those family members.
                                                                                               That was a real challenge, I think,
                                                                                                                                     science to this, but it’s really
                                                                                                                                     important to understand how the
                                                                                                                                                                            was simply an understanding that
world without the ability to
mobilise, inspire and guide teams
                                       some other natural disaster – that
                                       gets cleaned up and you head
                                                                                               for everyone around the globe,
                                                                                               but also being a head of an
                                                                                                                                     team is engaging with each other
                                                                                                                                     and emphatically not via you as
                                                                                                                                                                            the financial sector could not survive
of people. It’s not a habit that
comes naturally to everyone, but
                                       back into the office. The real
                                       challenge was all the uncertainty
                                                                                               organisation in which some of
                                                                                               these things are happening. You
                                                                                                                                     their leader.”                         in the state it was in at that time.”
successful leaders who are less                                                                                                      Glyptis tries to address this lack
naturally talented in this area will                                                                                                 of information by making a lot of      happy to be in other people's                           RegTech space, the firm had to
identify those within their
organisation to whom they can          “The business will get done, the                                                              personal time for her team
                                                                                                                                     members. It’s time consuming,
                                                                                                                                                                            company.”                                               invest heavily in R&D in order to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    grow their product and bring it to
delegate and drive this important
form of internal engagement. The       contracts will get signed, the deal will                                                      and exhausting, but pays
                                                                                                                                     dividends in the long run. Miller
                                                                                                                                                                            6. They are investing in growth
                                                                                                                                                                            and playing offence rather than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a market that largely did not even
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    yet see the need for it. Kirketerp-
pandemic has required all of our
financial technology leaders to
                                       be closed – especially as your clients                                                        has put in place similar strategies
                                                                                                                                     to manage the same challenges,
                                                                                                                                                                            Financial technology is not always
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Møller, however, had a clear vision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the future. “Everything we
lean in more when engaging with
their staff and teams. Without the
                                       and your suppliers are all in the same                                                        in the context of a growing
                                                                                                                                     organisation. “For me, it’s been a
                                                                                                                                                                            an easy sell. It’s often about
                                                                                                                                                                            solving problems that not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    predicted back in 2012 has come
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    into play. We have not been
nuances of day-to-day
interactions, driving teams
                                       situation as you are, and keen to                                                             matter of keeping people in touch
                                                                                                                                     with other people, becoming
                                                                                                                                                                            everyone has yet fully
                                                                                                                                                                            acknowledged and recognised,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    surprised by any regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    frameworks, or commercial
towards a single purpose
becomes impossible without
                                       keep things moving. The far more                                                              much more of a servant-leader, a
                                                                                                                                     kind of facilitator, than perhaps I
                                                                                                                                                                            or introducing efficiencies to
                                                                                                                                                                            processes and organisations that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    drivers. The pandemic, yes, that’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    come as a surprise to the market.
taking the time to make sure
that everyone is engaged, clear
                                       difficult aspect was maintaining a                                                            would have been otherwise.
                                                                                                                                     Trying to create a mesh of
                                                                                                                                                                            aren’t always wanted and
                                                                                                                                                                            accepted by all stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    But for us, actually, the entire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    foundation of the company was
on the mission, and has the
support they need.
                                       connection to our people.”                                                                    communication, and instilling that
                                                                                                                                     kind of tight knit community, I
                                                                                                                                                                            within the organisation. Some of
                                                                                                                                                                            our most successful visionaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    simply an understanding that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    financial sector could not survive
                                                                                                                                     think, has been the real challenge     have been truly ahead of their                          in the state it was in at that time.
Vela Trading Systems is                that the situation created for                          have to dig deep to get through       over the last year. For me, it's       time, recognising the wider trends                      And neither can it survive in the
headquartered in New York but          people, the concern and anxiety                         some of these times.”                 been about presenting a human          in the market landscape, seeing         Remonda Z.      state we are in now. There is more
has offices in London, Belfast,        that people had around this                                                                   face by trying to give people an       how they are evolving, and acting    Kirketerp-Møller   change, and more pressure –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Founder & CEO,
Chicago and Manila. The firm           pandemic, and in many cases, the                        For Leda Glyptis, Chief Client        esprit de corps, you know, sort of     to secure their place in the world       Muinmos        both regulatory and commercial
therefore experienced the onset        fear that they would be asked to                        Officer at 10x Technologies,          a real sense of family, while nearly   of the future. This has meant that                      – to come. And we’re looking into
of lockdown as a wave, slowly          return to the office when they                          leading a business in lockdown        no one had met each other. It’s        investment has been for the long                        that crystal ball, we’re prepared,
breaking across their offices          weren’t actually ready. I certainly                     has been both easier than and         often the small things, like making    term, and their strategies are                          we’re ready for this.”
around the world. Remote               took the approach that the first                        different to leading a team. “The     sure a new joiner has met              proactive rather than reactive.
working was already fully enabled      thing we had to step up very                            business will get done, the           someone before their first day,                                                                For Muinmos, the uphill battle has
via their business continuity          quickly was our communication”,                         contracts will get signed, the deal   even if it was three minutes on a      Back in 2021, when Remonda                              really been around human
                                                                              Leda Glyptis
plans, and given its global            says Jennifer Nayar, Vela’s CEO.        Chief Client    will be closed – especially as your   driveway, passing them                 Kirketerp-Møller founded                                behaviour, and the pandemic has
footprint, the firm had already        Instead of holding town halls              Officer,     clients and your suppliers are all    equipment across the fence, or,        Muinmos - a RegTech company                             actually driven market demand for
experienced and learned from           every quarter, these became              10x Future     in the same situation as you are,     when we've been able to get            that developed an AI-driven                             the firm’s product. “There were
events such as 9/11, Hurricane         monthly. Nayar sent out notes to       Technologies     and keen to keep things moving.       together in groups - sometimes         compliance engine for client                            still huge barriers to adoption of
Sandy, monsoons in Manila and          the entire organisation, every                          The far more difficult aspect was     larger groups, sometimes smaller       on-boarding - RegTech wasn’t yet                        RegTech solutions before the
others. Staff were accustomed to       week on a Friday, even if there                         maintaining a connection to our       depending on the regulations at        an articulated concept in the                           pandemic. Lawyers didn’t want it,
switching to remote working when       was no news, to reassure them                           people. Because you only interact     the time - that people have felt       marketplace. A true pioneer of the                      because they saw it as a threat to

                                                                                                                                     GLOBAL LEADERS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND COMMODITIES TECHNOLOGY RECRUITMENT

                                                                1 2                                                                                                                                  1 3
The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
their jobs. Neither did compliance     resilience. Successful FinTech          of communication, and to actively
officers, for the same reason. But     leaders are aware that you can’t        lead the charge in ensuring good
when we’d demo the solution to         just introduce something new            communication, teamwork,
executives, they were amazed,          without considering the context         morale and support frameworks in
and keen to bring it into their        into which it fits, and how you’re      their organisations.
organisations. And of course,          going to ensure that it fits into the
there are still jobs for lawyers and   organisational culture.                 “In order to manage a team, at the
compliance officers. RegTech just                                              best of times, there are two things
frees them up to focus on the          McHugh broadly agrees with this         you need to be able to do well,
high-value and interesting work.       sentiment. “I describe it slightly      and those two things become
Regulators are now embracing           differently; I really don’t like the    both much more important, and
and encouraging it, having seen        term ‘challenging the norm’             significantly harder, during a
the benefits. And it enables           because that indicates disruption,      pandemic. You’ve got to drive
organisations to be more resilient,    and what most people don’t want         results, and you’ve got to still be
during, for example, an                in their life is disruption. And so I   human. And that puts a burden on
unexpected pandemic.”                  look at it in the context of Habit      you as a leader. But having that
                                       #4, which was about creating            human connection with your
7. They are constantly                 efficiency, rather than challenging     teams, particularly in times of
innovating and challenging             norms and bringing disruption to        stress, is extremely important.
the norm                               people. I look at it differently. As    And it's extremely important that
Innovation is in the nature of         the leader of an organisation,          you maintain that humanity while
financial technology. It’s all about   you’ve got to set the tone from the     driving results.”, says Glyptis.
finding new and better ways of         top, and come up with a strategy
doing things, of challenging           and lay out the plan. The most          Miller agrees: “We’ve had to
existing conceptions of what is        important quality of leadership is      re-learn to trust the human
possible and feasible. It’s an         recognising that you can always         condition a little bit. And that’s
exciting space to be in, and an        be wrong, that you will always be       probably one of the best things to
inquisitive mind and spirit of         getting new information and that        come out of this. We’ve had to
challenge are vital traits for its     you have to figure out how you          recognise that we’re all in this
leaders. However, it’s all too easy    bring that information into the         together, that everyone’s got the
to innovate in a vacuum, without       journey to make sure you don’t          same worries and we’ve all been
thinking of how change can             deviate too far off the path.”          at home and locked away from
realistically be adopted and                                                   our colleagues. So that's one of
embedded within organisations          Conclusion                              the biggest positives, that we will
and across the industry.               All of our financial technology         be more empathic as a group of
                                       leaders emphasised the impact           people when this is all over. I
Human beings fundamentally             that the pandemic has had on            don’t think that will disappear
don’t like change. A leader can        their leadership of people – how        too quickly. I think people will
come in and question, can              they’ve had to adapt and evolve         respect other people a little bit
challenge and innovate but this        their people management skills,         more. And I think that's going to
has to be done with sensitivity and    to become more aware of the role        be a good thing.”

“In order to manage a team, at the best of times,
there are two things you need to be able to do
well, and those two things become both much
more important, and significantly harder, during
a pandemic. You’ve got to drive results, and
you’ve got to still be human.”


                                                                  1 5
The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
Lessons learned over
                                                                                               The Tail platform can offer                           olopa is a one-stop                                                            which means we now have the
                                                                                               relevance and customer value                          shop for business     The pandemic has provided us                             right support to focus on our
                                                                                               for all our sister company brands.                    expense               with a brilliant opportunity to                          next phase of growth. Pooling

the last twelve months
                                                                                               With Volopa, for example, we have                     management and        learn lessons about customer                             resources and sharing knowledge
                                                                                               already created a partnership                         international         behaviour and what it is that                            across the business has been
                                                                                               where cashback can be earned at        payments. It's a solution for SMEs   customers want from us. We have                          especially important in the past

                                                                                               a range of restaurants in London.      that need to issue company cards     been able to take a step back,        Graham             12 months, faced as we were by
                                                                                                                                      to their employees, track their      look at the data and base our         Smith,             a completely unprecedented
            ail is a mobile           However, there were some missed                          For merchants and brands               spending and pay international       decisions on these learnings. As                         change in market conditions. We
            cashback app that         opportunities as well. Those pubs                        alike, providing added value to        suppliers in up to 38 different      a result, we will be introducing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Managing           very much feel that as a business
            enables banks and         that were adaptable enough                               their customers is essential in        currencies covering 180              several new products and              Director,          we have come out of this period
            merchants to provide      to pivot their business model                            building loyalty and engagement        territories around the world. It     features in the near future such      Volopa             far stronger than before.
            cashback, rewards, and    and offer growlers of beer or a                          for the long-term and Tail is now      was founded in 2011.                 as virtual cards and cashback
loyalty programmes to customers       limited food menu on a click-                            emerging as a key solution for                                              rewards, as well as a custom
in a seamless, automated manner       and-collect basis could have          James              businesses wanting to strengthen       The key to Volopa’s success has      API integration so customers
- eliminating the need for loyalty    boosted trade and loyalty through     Done,              their customer acquisition and         always revolved around keeping       can link our platform with their
cards or vouchers. As a loyalty-      offering incentives targeting local                      loyalty strategy.                      a very close eye on what our         preferred accounting package in
focused solution, we have been        customers, but we didn't see this
                                                                            CEO, Tail                                                 customers are doing and how          a completely seamless way.
able to learn a number of lessons     happening often enough.                                                                         they use our platform. The last 12                                         Graham Smith is Managing Director at Volopa, where
about the nature of the                                                                                                               months and beyond, going back        This is something we have been        his responsibilities include to oversee the company's
relationship between businesses       There have been other lessons                                                                   to the beginning of the Covid-19     doing continuously since the          business operations, drive company growth, and
and their customers over the last     we have learned over the past                                                                   pandemic, have obviously             company was founded – remain          provide strategic guidance and direction to the board
12 months, as the full extent of      year. We realised that whatever       James Done, is CEO at TAIL, responsible for the           provided some significant            agile and customer centric in all     to ensure that company achieves its mission and
the impact of the Covid-19            life throws at us, everyone does      success of the business and leading the development,      challenges for Volopa and its        we do while ensuring we always        objectives.
pandemic on all kinds of              appreciate money working harder       expansion opportunities, strategic partnerships, and      customers. With international        answer to the needs of the
industries becomes apparent.          for them either through relevant      the company’s short and long-term strategies whilst       business travel coming to a          highest quality market segments.      Volopa is a one-stop shop for business expense
                                      discounts or higher interest          maintaining awareness of the competitive market           complete standstill, card spend      In B2B financial services, building   management and international payments supporting
We’ve seen a number of                levels. We offer a solution for one   landscape, industry developments - with the goal of       took a hit. However, some spend      strong relationships and long-        SMEs that need to issue company expense cards to
businesses, especially in the         of these problems, as Tail offers     increasing overall shareholder value.                     also shifted to other categories.    term customer loyalty is key to our   their employees, track their spending and pay
hospitality industry, have to         users the ability to earn up to 20%                                                             SMEs needed to make sure their       growth as a business.                 international suppliers in up to 38 different currencies
completely readjust their focus in    cashback simply by spending           TAIL, is a mobile cashback app that partners with         staff had the ability to work from                                         covering 180 territories around the world.
order to keep serving customers.      at any of our partners, which is      Banks to enable their customers to earn cashback at       home, for example, so purchases      Volopa, part of the Quantum
Many pubs and restaurants that        paid into their Tail Wallet seven     merchants through our platform in a seamless,             of office equipment, monitors and    Group, has been able to utilise the   Previously, Graham was an international client facing
had previously catered only for on-   days after purchase. We want to       automated manner - eliminating the need for loyalty       laptops became more frequent.        group’s expertise and resources,      Programme Director with a strong track record of
premises punters transitioned to      continue to offer customers the       cards or vouchers.                                                                                                                   successful client management, delivering strategic
takeaway. Others have had to shut     opportunity to make more of                                                                                                                                                programmes that enable companies to realise a
their doors entirely, and this has    their money at a wider range          James is a respected business leader, an inspirational                                                                               healthy return on investment in the financial services,
caused massive problems when it       of outlets, and to this end we        corporate executive who excels in marketing,                                                                                         retail and card payments sector.
                                                                            business development, product management, as well

                                                                                                                                      Volopa -
comes to covering wages and rent      have brought in new people to
payments. It was very heartening,     the business to both focus on         as in defining the business vision and ensuring                                                                                      Extensive knowledge of multi-channel B2B and B2C
then, to see a huge number of         our growth and boost customer         strategies are bought to life through collaboration and                                                                              card payment solutions and regulatory requirements,
outlets undertake successful          satisfaction.                         innovation.                                                                                                                          specialises in guiding boards, clients and suppliers to

                                                                                                                                      Turning the
crowdfunding campaigns in order                                                                                                                                                                                  solutions that deliver business requirements and
to pay their bills, and it goes to    The past 12 months has certainly      With a strong knowledge and experience working in                                                                                    opens up sales opportunities.
show just how deep the bond of        been a very active time for Tail,     Retail, Financial Services, Travel and Entertainment

                                                                                                                                      negatives of
loyalty between customer and          as we were acquired by Quantum        sectors, prior to joining TAIL James held key strategic                                                                              Combines excellent programme director skills with
businesses can be. The learning       Group in August 2020. One of the      positions at Cornercard UK, Thomas Cook Money,                                                                                       strong bid management, sales and financial controls.
here is that there’s so much more     other benefits of the acquisition     American Express, Commonwealth Bank of Australia,                                                                                    A calm leader and coach, excels in building trusting

                                                                                                                                      the past year
to loyalty than simply offering       has been that we can tap into the     Carnival Cruises and HMV.                                                                                                            relationships at all levels that overcome traditional
one-size-fits all discounts, and      vast experience and knowledge of                                                                                                                                           barriers to change.
businesses that get their loyalty     Quantum Group’s leadership team       Considered an industry thought leader, he is often

                                                                                                                                      into positives
programmes right will be able         as well as the management of          invited to speak at events such as Emerging                                                                                          Committed to succeeding through customer focus,
to depend on the goodwill of          other Quantum Group companies:        Payments Association, Loyalty 360, PayExpo just to                                                                                   staff development, and to maximise profitability
customers when times are tough.       Volopa, Valkyrie, and Vantage.        name a few.)                                                                                                                         across all areas of business.)

                                                                                                                                      GLOBAL LEADERS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND COMMODITIES TECHNOLOGY RECRUITMENT

                                                               1 6                                                                                                                                  1 7
The Financial Technologist - businessFeaturing The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Financial Technology Leaders Our biggest DEI Section to ...
The three
                                                                            “I’ll price how Bloomberg price
                                                                            because that is what everyone                                 40k
                                                                            knows. It will speed up our

principles of

                                                                            When did anything disruptive run                              30k                                                                 High             Low
                                                                            on principles which existed
                                                                            before?                                                                                                                            Propensity to churn


                                                                                                                             AUM (£000)
                                                                            One of our clients was aiming for                             20k
                                                                            that 8% conversion. When we
                                                                            helped them take a step back and

                                                                            transform their product and
                                                                            pricing, this jumped by c. 30%.
                                                                            For FinTechs, too often growth
                                                                            stagnates due to principles                                    5k
                                                                            viewed as necessary in large,
                                                                            regulated and complex enterprise                               0k
                                                                            deals. But a disruptive approach
                                                                            to your commercials, not just your                                  0   2   4   6   8   10   12   14   16     18   20   22   24   26     28   30   32    34   36
                                                                            tech, is proven to overcome this.                                                                 Number of data sources

                                                                            2. They are uncomfortably
                        Carrie Osman, Founder                               narrow
                                                                            The lure of choice is most true in   product for all the required data                            different contract cycles, often        beliefs’ you have as a company
                        & CEO, Cruxy & Co.                                  financial markets. Opportunities     sources, or are we doing too                                 remains a pipedream.                    based on the FinTech status-
                                                                            to drive upside and cost savings     many/not enough?                                                                                     quo. Are they true?

                                                                            are everywhere - from the                                                                         Those who win walk the line             ■ Plot every single choice you
                                                                            stringent regulatory requirements    3. The vision is water-tight,                                between selling what is on the          have on growth, from a new
              2x year-on-year         When growth works, it is not at       to the fragmented data bedrock.      but they still sell what is on                               truck today and the long-term           feature to a market, based on:
              growth rate means       any cost. Growth at any cost                                               the truck today                                              vision.
              there are significant   creates a desire to try everything,   FinTechs start to dance from         There are two ends to the                                                                                 ● How much can I make
              choices for             not think about the one or two        market to market, use-case to        spectrum:                                                    SteelEye were born from MiFID II             from this?
              FinTechs.               things that will work. This slows     use-case. But this is dangerous.                                                                  with specific solutions to solve for
                                      down time to revenue.                 What seems to be a simple flip                                                                    this. But their vision of                    ● How long will it take to
It brings a pull towards multiple                                           from buy-side to sell-side, or CRO      Selling a                                Selling an       compliance data driving                      yield this?
sub-segments as you move from         Unprofitable growth is a              to CTO, results in months of          niche point-                              end-to-end        competitive advantage remains
(e.g.) brokers to the buy-side. It    benefit you receive when you          configuration, new product              end tool                                 platform         the driving force behind their               ● What effort and cost is
creates a desire for new products     prove you can grow profitably.        developments, and new sales                                                                       success.                                     required for us to do this?
in a market laced with complexity.    Proving that your choices yield       collateral.
It demands choices on where to        results must come before                                                   It’s the middle ground which wins                            Equally, PrimaryBid initially enable    ■ Of every product feature
go when the lure of financial         dipping into your bottom-line         In this example, one of our          maximum value.                                               retail involvement in IPOs and          you have today, rank them on a
markets such as New York or           to guarantee fast growth.             FinTech clients was focusing on                                                                   ABBs. But with rising ESG               scale of 1 – 3. 1: this will achieve
Shanghai is so strong.                                                      funds of all sizes. What became      On the left of this scale, value is                          requirements looming, the               our three-year vision. 3: this is
                                      So what are the fast growth           clear is they only won where the     limited, headroom is low,                                    long-term strategic demand from         far removed from our three-
But with over 60,000 FCA              principles that can ensure            intersection of data-sources and     stakeholders are technical and it                            investment banks to deploy is           year vision. What should you
registered firms in the UK, and       FinTechs thrive?                      AUM was middling.                    becomes difficult to claw your way                           imminent. PrimaryBid is well            stop doing?
over one million Financial                                                                                       up as the product develops.                                  positioned to take advantage
Services and Insurance                1. They reject the commercial         This drives where you go next.                                                                    of this shift.
companies in the US, each with        status-quo                            Which new market has most            But at the other end, the demand
nuanced demands and                   Things we hear all the time:          funds like this? How many in our     for a bank to rip and replace 26                             So what can you do to uphold
expectations, this becomes            “A good SaaS conversion rate is       home market have we not even         different systems, all with                                  these principles?
difficult to navigate.                8%. That’s what we will aim for.”     spoken to yet? Have we built a       different stakeholders and                                   ■ Identify the top 3 ‘limiting

                                                                                                                 GLOBAL LEADERS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND COMMODITIES TECHNOLOGY RECRUITMENT

                                                                1 8                                                                                                                 1 9
Fixed income
                                                                                       regarded as very difficult to

automation -
                                                                                       The good news is that the two
                                                                                       services complement each
                                                                                       other, offering a cross-sell

adoption not
                                                                           Steve       opportunity for new prospects
                                                                           Toland,     and our existing clients - which
                                                                                       includes six investment banks,

derailed by Covid
                                                                                       a global exchange and a market
                                                                           Founder,    data vendor.

                                                                                       Managing Growth
                                                                                       To manage this growth we had to
          ive years ago, TransFICC   to reduce costs, scale businesses                 increase headcount, and are still
          was founded by two         and manage risk. Additionally,                    doing so.
          Engineers and a            trading firms want applications
          Salesperson, with plans    deployed faster, with more                        We also had to change our
          to create an API as a      flexibility to work as part of a                  operational processes, making
service, for banks and asset         modular solution. This is often                   them more robust, with better
managers to connect with the         driven by clear legacy vendor                     forward planning and faster
hundreds of Fixed Income             migration deadlines.                              onboarding of clients and
trading and data APIs offered                                                          venues. Using this new process,
by different venues.                 Perceptions of technology are                     combined with automated testing
                                     also changing. Previously when                    and in some cases auto code
Since then, our firm has grown       we mentioned that firms could                     generation, we haven’t missed a
quickly. But perhaps the greatest    use The Cloud in workflows like                   deadline and are able to connect
period of growth was in 2020/21      RFQ, Axes, post-trade or manual                   clients with venue APIs in weeks
when we doubled the number of        intervention, the usual response                  as opposed to the market norm of
employees to 30. Most of the new     was, “trading businesses use co-                  six months.
hires are Engineers and Business     location.” Now, TransFICC clients
Analysts, brought in to automate     are split between those that host                 Clients are also getting faster,
workflows and reduce the time it     trading infrastructure in the Cloud               with one bank going live on a
takes to connect to a long list of   and those that are hosted in co-                  venue with TransFICC within two
venue APIs.                          location data centres.                            weeks of starting work.

Fast Forward                         Evolving our Business                             The Key to Our Success
While initially, Covid lockdowns     When we launched TransFICC                        It’s a cliché but it’s true – our
caused banks to focus on             our focus was on our “One API”                    success comes from our people.
supporting traders working from      service.
home, the need to adjust to the                                                        We have a very detailed hiring
fixed income changing market         However, over the past two                        process, but once people have
structure was unaltered. More        years we have increasingly been                   joined, we want them to stay.
than ever, firms need technology     asked to also automate complex                    We give them autonomy, the
to navigate highly fragmented        trading workflows. Because Fixed                  opportunity to learn, to see ideas
pools of liquidity, to manage        Income has different asset types                  valued, to be involved in new
exploding market data rates          with different workflows, much                    enhancements and to see the
and to comply with regulatory        of the market (apart from Rates)                  end results deployed with clients.
reporting requirements.              has been highly manual, which                     These values help to drive our
                                     increases the cost of the trade, is               continued growth.
Fast forward to today, and the       slow, and introduces an increased
pace of change has accelerated,      risk of human error. Now we are
as banks and the buy-side also       deploying solutions for complex
focus on automating workflows,       workflows that previously were


                                                               2 1
                      hen we
                                       up taking hands-on leadership
                                       roles to drive change forward.       “Like many                          to the delivery of successful
                                                                                                                outcomes we provide for them.         “We produce a large amount of
                      Strategy back
                                       This was the genesis of the
                                       consulting model we wanted to        entrepreneurs                       So, as I reflect on the journey       thought leadership and white
focus was very much on
                      in 2017, the     build.
                                                                            who take the                        we have been on over the last 4
                                                                                                                years, here are some of the keys      papers as well as being quite
developing a niche gap in the
market that we had identified
                                       Our early experience (or naivety)
                                       was that whilst our product          step outside                        to our success:
                                                                                                                                                      visible in the market where we
when working in investment
banks. Namely, that driving
                                       was seen as an attractive
                                       proposition, changing buyer          the corporate                       1. Brand Credibility
                                                                                                                We have worked hard to de-
                                                                                                                                                      are often invited to sit on panels or
innovation and transformational
change across the post-trade
                                       behaviour was extremely difficult.
                                       And even though prospective          world, we                           personalise the brand, making it
                                                                                                                less around finding people that
                                                                                                                                                      write articles for trade publications.
environment was extremely
challenging, that industry-wide
                                       clients were interested in how
                                       we could help, translating that      found that                          we know and more around clients
                                                                                                                finding our brand. We produce
                                                                                                                                                      Clients appreciate our insights
cost cutting from the prior
decades had significantly
                                       interest into revenue was a
                                       lot more challenging than we         building your                       a large amount of thought
                                                                                                                leadership and white papers
                                                                                                                                                      and thought leadership, which
reduced leadership capability
within banks and the emergence
                                       had anticipated. Like many
                                       entrepreneurs who take the step      own business                        as well as being quite visible in
                                                                                                                the market where we are often
                                                                                                                                                      builds trust and credibility when
of FinTech was going to drive
wholesale transformation across
                                       outside the corporate world,
                                       we found that building your          is very                             invited to sit on panels or write
                                                                                                                articles for trade publications.
                                                                                                                                                      developing relationships.”
the industry. As historical buyers
of consultancy, we found these
                                       own business is very different
                                       from operating within a mature,      different from                      Clients appreciate our insights
                                                                                                                and thought leadership, which
skills hard to find and often ended    established brand; where things
                                                                            operating                           builds trust and credibility when
                                                                                                                developing relationships.

                                                                            within a                            2. Consistent Messaging
                                                                                                                                                      ask for help (not just googling
                                                                                                                                                      a problem) and being open to
                                                                                                                                                                                            us a new sense of this, but this is
                                                                                                                                                                                            the most important factor I think

                                                                            mature,                             Dedicating time and effort to
                                                                                                                ensuring your message is out
                                                                                                                                                      constructive feedback has been
                                                                                                                                                      important as it has helped us
                                                                                                                                                                                            in running a business. It can be
                                                                                                                                                                                            very easy to get drawn into a cycle

                                                                            established                         there in the marketplace was
                                                                                                                something we missed out on at
                                                                                                                                                      learn as an organisation. And as
                                                                                                                                                      importantly, change our approach
                                                                                                                                                                                            of frustration – things not working
                                                                                                                                                                                            out as you hoped, LinkedIn awash

                        James Maxfield,                                     brand.”                             inception. Being busy generating
                                                                                                                revenue took priority, but we have
                                                                                                                                                      along the way.                        with everyone else’s success
                                                                                                                                                                                            stories, no-one returning your
                                                                                                                learnt that your communication to     4. Think Like A CFO                   emails – but figuring out how to
                        Managing Director,                                                                      the market has to be consistent       It can be easy to get distracted      take a step back is important.
                        Ascendant Strategy                                  such as cash flow, business
                                                                            development and sales are things
                                                                                                                to support your brand growth and
                                                                                                                ensure people know you are still
                                                                                                                                                      by potential collaborations or
                                                                                                                                                      exciting concepts, but these
                                                                                                                                                                                            How you do this – exercise,
                                                                                                                                                                                            fresh air, seeking out positive
                                                                            that are taken for granted, as      out there. We have a marketing        can be a distraction that do          people to talk to – is normally a

The keys
                                                                            opposed to things you have to       organisation that helps us with       not actually help your business       personal choice, but reminding
                                                                            fight for.                          this, and it has been a wise          progress. We wasted a lot of time     yourself of your successes (you
                                                                                                                investment. We as founders had        in the early days on discussions      have had them), what you are
                                                                            But as we near our 4th year of      very little experience in marketing   and ideas that never actually         good at (you are good at this) and

behind the
                                                                            operation, I take great pride       and it has played a critical role     generated any revenue. Being          when you have bounced back
                                                                            and a sense of achievement          in our growth, through helping        honest around where you are           from adversity (you have been
                                                                            in our resilience and how the       build our brand and maintaining       spending your time is critical        here before) are all important
                                                                            organisation has grown over         a consistent presence in the          for a small organisation – and        considerations.

growth of the
                                                                            time. We added two significant      market.                               not being afraid to ask ‘how do
                                                                            investment banks as clients over                                          we get paid from this’ is also an
                                                                            the course of the last 12 months,   3. ‘Know What You Don’t Know’         OK question to ask. Time is a
                                                                            which was no mean feat given        A lot of great people have given      precious commodity and how you
                                                                            how lockdown limited business       us some really valuable advice        allocate your resources is key to

                                                                            development and access to           along the way, around things          driving your success.
                                                                            people. And we continue to win      such as branding, financial
                                                                            repeat business with our clients    management and business               5. Keep A Perspective
                                                                            as well, which is a testament       development. Knowing when to          The last 18 months has given all of

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