To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021

Page created by Rick Kramer
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
Vol. 14 | Issue 2 | June 2021

Is it worth trying
to be the BEST?        The Issues with
                             Boys and

Mood Food
Nutrition for
Mental Health            Boarding Staff
                      Can they be
                     Required to be
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
2   Let’s all Celebrate Boarding           32 Strategic Thinking is a Critical
4   Mandatory Reporting                       Part of Leadership
    and Imprisonment for                   33 The Issue with Boys and
    Non-Compliance                            Literacy
6   Want to Obliterate Distractions        34 Planning to fill the gap - what’s
    and get more done?                        the future for Gap Years?
8   Back Track Youth Works - It            35 The Student Housing Company:
    Takes a Village to raise a Child          Leading the charge in student
10 Ballarat Grammar - Pivoting to             wellbeing
   a new campus!                           36 Mood Food - Nutrition for
12 Sleep Better as a Student -                Mental Health
                                           38 The Assessment Bubble -

                                                                                  Let’s all
   Everything you need to know.
14 Do I know you?                             Somerville House
16 What’s so Good about Feeling            40 More than Just Boarding…

   Good?                                      Success for Life
17 Boarders Showing Resilience             42 Boarding Staff - Can they be
                                              Required to be Vaccinated?
18 Is it worth trying to be the Best?

                                           45 Join Bunnings at the ABSA
20 The ACTIVE Approach
22 Boarding students and
                                           46 Why Law Schools must Teach
   their engagement living and
                                              Climate Change Law
   learning at school - a review of
   the literature                          48 Why ‘Expecting the Unexpected’
                                              will remain a constant theme                                                                  ABSA proudly produced the first of a series
25 St Gregory’s College
   - Chartwells
                                              in 2021                             I am writing this at the end                              of videos. Entitled ‘Why Boarding?’, this
                                           50 The Future of Field Days                                                                      video, which is available for all member
26 The Sleep Connection:                                                          of National Boarding Week, a
   Improve the health, resilience          52 A Magnificent Gift to Boarding                                                                schools to use, is aimed toward parents
   and performance of your                 54 Nudgee Boarders Thinking
                                                                                  week which saw so many of our                             and those interested in what boarding
   boarding house                             Business                            boarding schools celebrate the                            schools are all about.
29 Past Boarders, Trusted Mentors          55 Welcome New Principals              fact that they have boarders.
30 Boarding Prep Time Reinvented:          57 Welcome New Heads of                                                                          However, there is an underlying theme in
   The Transformer Prep Program               Boarding                                                                                      the video which is important to remem-
   at the King’s School                                                           AUTHOR:                                                   ber. It highlights how important it is for
                                                                                  Richard Stokes                                            all schools to be at the highest standard.
ON THE COVER                                                                      Chief Executive Officer                                   It is easy for those leading our boarding
This photo was taken at Stuartholme on Anzac morning at our own                   ABSA                                                      schools, and staff working in them, to be
Light Up The Dawn service.                                                                                                                  satisfied with what they are doing, and
The Stuartholme Boarders watched the sun rise over Brisbane.                                                                                have been doing for a number of years. It
                                                                                                                                            is easy to be satisfied that they meet the

Interestingly, Stuartholme became the 42nd General Hospital of the
United States Army during WWII. The Stuartholme Boarders were moved to                    oo often in the busy-ness of life at school       minimum standard required by different
Canungra and then Southport.                                                              the little things get missed - the girls enjoy-   State Governments, even though these
                                                                                          ing the chance to cook together on a Sunday       are not at the same level as the National
Australian Boarding Schools Association.                                                  afternoon, the boys helping each other with       Minimum Standard. It is easy to be sat-
Postal: PO Box 3241, HENDRA, QLD, 4011                                            their assignment work, the boarders getting in and        isfied with staff who are undertrained, or
Office: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place,                                              assisting with school events - the list is endless.       haven’t undergone any specific boarding
        HENDRA, QLD, 4011                                                         But this week has given us the chance to highlight        training for some time, or at all. These       Management software or improve their         bullying, and why it is important for them
P + 61 7 3205 4940                                                                those things which make our boarding communities          are the boarding houses which put us all       staff by encouraging them to undertake       to develop a balanced, well-rounded view
F + 61 7 3205 6567                                                                special. Special assemblies which mentioned the           at risk. I still hear stories of where young   the free online training offered and         on this rather than just leaving it for the
E                                                            challenges many of our rural and remote boarders          staff let the older boys bully the younger     where those who are teachers and work        day school to handle. We can make our
                                                                                  face at home, videos produced which have allowed          boys and turn a blind eye (yes, this was       in boarding believe they don’t need to       boarders feel special by actually listen-
EDITOR                                                                            our boarders to talk about what boarding means to         reported to me this year!), where staff are    undertake any boarding training as they      ing to what they are saying and reading
Richard Stokes, Chief Executive Officer,                                          them, photos of the community having fun together         content that their Duty of Care training       already do enough Professional Learning.     their body language. We can ensure all
Australian Boarding Schools Association                                           and above all the chance to remind all students in        completed in 2011 means they know what                                                      our boarding staff understand that they
GRAPHIC DESIGN                                                                    our schools that there is a boarding house (or more       is expected of them in 2021, where staff       So what can schools do to really celebrate   hold an incredibly important position,                                                    than one) on campus, and that it’s a fun place to live.   are rostered on long duties covering the       boarding? We can ensure our boarders get     one which is professional in its own right.
+61 403 471 903                                                                   It was great to watch boarding schools celebrate the      whole weekend without any breaks or            the best support from their well-trained
PRINTING                                                                          work of their boarding staff - special cupcakes, flow-     support, where schools will not spend          staff. We can spend time talking with our    Thanks for all that you are doing to make
Professional Print Services                                                       ers, cards of thanks from the boarders and special        money to help improve their boarding           boarders about current issues such as        events such as National Boarding Week                                            words from the Principals to name a few.                  school by introducing Boarding School          consent, pornography, social media and       so special - keep up the good work! ■

2 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3|
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
Mandatory Reporting and
Imprisonment for Non-Compliance
                                                                                                                                                  (b) operates a facility for, or en-
                                                                                                                                                      gages in activities with, chil-
                                                                                                                                                      dren under the entity’s care,
                                                                                                                                                      supervision or control.
                                                                                                                                              Examples of institutions-
                                                                                                                                              schools, government agencies, religious or-
Obligations on boarding management and staff to report in various circumstances                                                               ganisations, hospitals, child care centres, li-
relating to known, suspected or likely abuse have been increasing in recent years.                                                            censed residential facilities, sporting clubs,
                                                                                                                                              youth organisations

                                                                                                (e) the person has the power or            FAILURE TO REPORT BELIEF
AUTHOR                                       FAILURE TO PROTECT A CHILD
                                                                                                    responsibility to reduce or re-

Andrew Knott                                 FROM A CHILD SEXUAL OFFENCE                                                                   OF CHILD SEXUAL OFFENCE
                                                                                                    move the risk; and
Special Counsel                                                                                                                            COMMITTED IN RELATION TO
Holding Redlich
                                             The key provisions are:
                                                (1) An accountable person commits
                                                                                                (f) the person wilfully or negli-
                                                                                                    gently fails to reduce or re-          CHILD
                                                                                                                                                                                                      EDIeT  I ritten
                                                                                                    move the risk.                                                                                        ly re-w
                                                    a crime if-                                                                               The essence of this offence is:                          Comple    dated
                                                    (a) the person knows there is                                                                                                                         and up

                                                                                                Maximum penalty - 5 years im-                 (1) This section applies to an adult if-
          developing trend is of consid-                significant risk that another           prisonment.                                       (a) the adult gains information
          erable importance. As there                   adult (the alleged offender)                                                                  that causes the adult to be-
                                                        will commit a child sexual           (2) For subsection (1), it does not
          are eight jurisdictions in Aus-                                                                                                             lieve on reasonable grounds,
                                                        offence in relation to a child;          matter that the knowledge was
          tralia, we can, in this article,                                                                                                            or ought reasonably to cause
                                                        and                                      gained by the accountable person
only draw attention to the trend, and                                                                                                                 the adult to believe, that a
                                                    (b) the alleged offender-                    during, or in connection with, a
strongly recommend that appropriate                                                                                                                   child sexual offence is be-
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Premier
                                                        (i) is associated with an insti-         religious confession.
advice is sought.                                                                                                                                     ing or has been committed
                                                             tution; or                      (3) For this section, an adult is associat-              against a child by another
The two key features are:

                                                                                                                                                                                                Training Course for
                                                        (ii) is a regulated volunteer; and       ed with an institution if the adult-                 adult; and
   1. the width of the obligations; and
                                                    (c) the child is under the care,             (a) owns, or is involved in the                  (b) at the relevant time, the child
   2. provision for imprisonment for
                                                        supervision or control of an                 management or control of, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                Boarding Staff in Australia
      non-compliance.                                                                                                                                 is or was-
                                                        institution; and                             institution; or                                  (i) under 16 years; or
   We will illustrate by quoting from               (d) the child is either-                     (b) is employed or engaged by the                    (ii) a person with an impair-
   Queensland provisions.       These                   (i) under 16 years; or                       institution; or                                       ment of the mind.
   have been enacted, and will soon                     (ii) a person with an impair-            (c) works as a volunteer for the                                                               Dr Tim Hawkes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Why choose Duty of Care?
   be in force.                                              ment of the mind; and                   institution; or                          (2) If, without reasonable excuse, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         An important resource for Principals of Boarding
                                                                                                 (d) engages in an activity in re-                adult fails to disclose the infor-                                                                     Schools, Directors of Staff, Boarding Co-
                                                                                                     lation to the institution for                mation to a police officer as soon                                                                     ordinators, House Parents and Boarding Staff.
                                                                                                     which a working with chil-                   as reasonably practicable after                                                                           • Two books which give vital knowledge on
                                                                                                     dren authority under the                     the belief is, or ought reasonably            A Certificate Course in Student Residential Care              how to meet the needs of boarders who are
                                                                                                     Working with Children (Risk                  to have been, formed, the adult                                                                             of school age.
                                                                                                     Management and Screening)                    commits a misdemeanour.                                                                                   • An invaluable resource for any wishing to
                                                                                                     Act 2000 is required; or                     Maximum penalty - 3 years im-                                                                               up-date their training in boarding and an
                                                                                                 (e) engages in the delivery of a                 prisonment.                                                                                                 essential resource for those wishing to be
                                                                                                     service to a child who is under                                                                                                                          trained for the first time in the obligations
                                                                                                     the carte, supervision or con-        There are a number of “reasonable ex-                                                                              of boarding staff.
                                                                                                     trol of the institution.              cuses”, but we do not have space to dis-
                                                                                                                                           cuss them here.
                                                                                             (4) In this section-                                                                                                                           Order Online at
                                                                                                 accountable person means an               CONCLUSION                                     
                                                                                                 adult who is associated with an                                                                               duty-of-care-books-order-form
                                                                                                 institution, other than a regulated       These (and similar) obligations reflect an
                                                                                                 volunteer.                                increased determination to ensure au-                                                                   For more information contact:
                                                                                                 institution means an entity, other        thorities are enabled to protect children.                                                              Australian Boarding Schools Association Ltd.
                                                                                                 than an individual, that-                                                                                                                PO Box 3241, HENDRA, QLD, 4011
                                                                                                                                           Awareness of the law (wherever in Aus-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   P + 61 7 3205 4940 F + 61 7 3205 6567 E
                                                                                                 (a) provides services to children;        tralia you are) is an imperative for all
                                                                                                     or                                    with boarding school responsibilities. ■

4 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5|
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
THE BIGGEST DISTRACTOR IS                     coined this term “attention residue” in      Who is Hayley Hall?
                                                                                                                                     PROBABLY IN YOUR POCKET!                      2009 after she ran a number of studies       Hayley Hall is the creator of the Time Mas-
                                                                                                                                                                                   that found that poor performance was         tery Method. Hayley’s mission is to help 1
                                                                                                                                     Although the mobile phone has rev-            demonstrated on subsequent tasks after       million people beat overwhelm and stress
                                                                                                                                     olutionized how we live and work, it          switching tasks.

                                                     Want to Obliterate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                so that they can spend their precious time
                                                                                                                                     is not without its drawbacks. You see,                                                     with the people they love and do the things
                                                                                                                                     every year billions of dollars are spent      So, if you want to get more done, in less    that set their heart on fire. If you want to
                                                                                                                                     by phone companies to ensure our mo-          time, without working any harder, sim-       learn more strategies for getting more

                                                                                                                                     bile phones become more and more ad-          ply trial moving your mobile phone           done, in less time, without working any
                                                                                                                                     dictive and distracting. And therefore,       away from you when you are working.          harder, join 1.1K other members in Hayley’s
                                                                                                                                     when it comes to focusing on getting a        This will mean you won’t be distracted       Time Mastery Inner Circle private com-

                                                     and get more done?                                                              piece of work done, we need to first deal
                                                                                                                                     with our mobile phones.

                                                                                                                                     So, when you next sit down to do a piece
                                                                                                                                                                                   by it, you’ll have laser-like focus on the
                                                                                                                                                                                   task at hand and as a result your pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                   ductivity will soar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                munity now:

                                                                                                                                     of work that you need to focus on, I’d like   I’d love to hear if you have implemented
                                                                                                                                     you to follow these three simple steps ...    this one simple strategy and how this is
                                                                                                                                                                                   positively impacting your results. Feel
                                                                                                                                     Step 1: Take your mobile phone and put        free to get in touch with me and let me
                                                                                                                                     it on “Do Not Disturb”                        know: ■

                                                                                                                                     Step 2: Turn it face down (this is so you
                                                                                                                                     don’t see it flashing at you)

                                                                                                                                     Step 3: Put your mobile phone the other
                                                                                                                                     side of the room

                                                                                                                                     Now, I know this seems really simple but
                                                                                                                                     who said it has to be complicated, right?
                                                                                                                                     If you do the steps above now, this alone
                                                                                                                                     will save you hours!! Yes hours!! Right
                                                                                                                                     now, you probably have no idea how
                                                                                                                                     many times your phone pings and you
                                                                                                                                     react by picking it up. You are allowing
                                                                                                                                     your phone to dictate where your atten-
                                                                                                                                     tion goes and when it goes there. But it
                                                                                                                                     gets worse. Because it’s not just picking
                                                                                                                                     up the phone that is the problem. No, it’s
                                                                                                                                     what happens to your brain when your
                                                                                                                                     attention goes to your phone and you al-
                                                                                                                                     low yourself to be distracted (even for a
                                                                                                                                     few seconds). You see, when those notifi-
                                                                                                                                     cations flash up on your phone and you
Boarding schools are probably one of the most demanding places to work                                                               take a glance at them, even if you are not
in. From the moment you walk into the boarding house, there are a myriad                                                             interested in them, they leave an atten-
                                                                                                                                     tion residue on your brain which actu-
of demands placed on you and a million things you need to do.                                                                        ally makes you less productive.

AUTHOR                                     pal. And whether you are a Director of                                                    “...even a glance can leave an attention
Hayley Hall                                Boarding or a member of the Boarding        SO HOW DO YOU DO THIS?                        residue on your brain which can actual-
Time Mastery                               House team, the demands placed upon                                                       ly slow down your performance for 10,
                                           you are intense. This means that when it    Well, one of the strategies that I teach my   20, [or] 30 minutes to follow.” (Cal New-
                                           comes to getting important work done,       clients is to apply what I call laser-like    port, Associate Professor at Georgetown
                                           or even a task that requires your focused   focus. By applying laser-like focus, you      University).

       rom the students needing your       attention for more than 15 minutes, the     get more done, in less time, without
       immediate attention, to your col-   odds of you achieving this are stacked      working any harder. But in order to do        So when we switch from task to task at
       leagues needing to speak with       against you. Therefore it is imperative     this, you need to remove some of the          work, or get distracted by our phones,
       you, to parents either in person    that you have strategies in place to en-    distractions that get in the way. There       what we know is that some of our atten-
or ringing on the phone who need your      sure you can get what you need to get       are lots of distractions, but to address      tion remains ‘stuck’ on the distraction.
time and that isn’t to mention the pos-    done in the very limited time that you      just one of them, let’s look at your mo-      Sophie Leroy, a business professor from
sible day school staff and the Princi-     have available.                             bile phone.                                   the University of Minnesota originally

6 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7|
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
BackTrack, a hugely successful and well
                                                                                                                                      recognised program, founded in Ar-
                                                                                                                                      midale NSW, works with young people
                                                                                                                                      who have lost their way, to help them
                                                                                                                                      reconnect with education and training,
                                                                                                                                      become work-ready and secure mean-
                                                                                                                                      ingful employment.

                                                                                                                                      The approach and its team, whose suc-
                                                                                                                                      cess has been recognised across Aus-
                                                                                                                                      tralia, helps get young people ‘back on
                                                                                                                                      track’ by developing strong, happy and
                                                                                                                                      healthy foundations that result in posi-
                                                                                                                                      tive life pathways and full participation
                                                                                                                                      in their communities.

                                                                                                                                      Bernie Shakeshaft, awarded as Australia’s

Back Track Youth Works
                                                                                                                                      Local Hero for 2020, and his extraordi-
                                                                                                                                      nary team have helped more than 1,000
                                                                                                                                      young people reconnect with their educa-

It Takes a Village to raise a Child                                                                                                   tion, training, families and the communi-
                                                                                                                                      ty, offering them love and support to live
                                                                                                                                      out their hopes and dreams. 87% percent
                                                                                                                                      of these kids have gone into employment,
                                                                                                                                      or back into education and training.
“Children are the most honest barometer of how we are going as a society, When                                                                                                      BLAKE LOU AND GIRL
I look at what’s going on with our young people today in Australia where: one in                                                      With a mission to “to help as many young
                                                                                                                                      people having a hard time as possible”
five don’t go to school or have any formal education, one in four suffer with mental                                                  and recognising that expanding in Armi-       their own communities such as Down         ways feel equipped to take on the world
health issues and 28,000 are sleeping homeless, I say that’s not good enough” - Bernie                                                dale was not the answer, BackTrack Every-     the Track inLake Cargelligo, Leader life   of work. He struggled in a mainstream
                                                                                                                                      where was born to support the hundreds        in Dubbo, FlatTrack in Moree, Ruff-        school environment and his disen-
Shakeshaft CEO/ Founder of BackTrack Youth Works and Australia’s 2020 Local Hero.                                                     of individual community enquiries to set      TRACK in the Hawksbury, ShoreTrack         gagement in the classroom often led
                                                                                                                                      up their own youth support programs.          in Macksville, Making Tracks in Broken     to disruptive behaviour. Since joining
AUTHOR                                      like youth suicide rate, obesity and ear-    In Australia, an estimated 1,000 young                                                     Hill and other communities across Vic-     our crew full-time, we have witnessed
Penny Kaleta                                ly childhood learning, Australia ranks       people are in detention with 80% like-       The philosophy behind BackTrack               toria, NSW and Qld who are preparing       a transformation in Blake’s resilience,
Head of Partnerships                        poorly compared to its peers. There are      ly to reoffend in the first 12 months of     Everywhere is it takes a village to raise a   to launch.                                 as he tackles challenges with maturity.                            already indications of COVID’s impact in     being released, 5,000 are in communi-        child, and it’s our communities’ respon-                                                 (Picture of Blake above)
                                            heightening these issues.                    ty supervision, all at staggering cost of    sibility to give every child the opportu-     Without these organisations young
                                                                                         $920M annually.                              nity they deserve. The key to our success     people like:                               Not only does BackTrack have a powerful
                                            Regional young people are particularly                                                    is our flexible and long-term approach         Blake                                      impact on the young people and commu-

        he 2020 UNICEF report on child      vulnerable due to the relative challenges                                                 to youth work that builds resilience in       Since 15-year-old Blake came to Back-      nities it supports but the economic ben-
                                                                                         Across Australia, vulnerable young
        well-being showed that despite      in accessing quality education and care.                                                  vulnerable young people and the com-          Track in March 2018, we’ve seen him        efits are astounding, surely investing in
                                                                                         people are falling through the cracks
        Australia being a high-income       In areas where there is high unemploy-                                                    munities that support them.                   go from strength to strength. He has       programs like BackTrack that have a solid
        country with good national con-     ment, drug abuse and a lack of positive      of a system that does not meet their                                                       taken up every opportunity offered to      track record working with the tough end
ditions for child wellbeing, Australia is   role models, it is easy to understand that   complex needs. That’s where BackTrack        BackTrack’s unique approach is expand-        him, making significant strides in the     of town is part of the solution.
falling short in delivering consistently    young people in those situations can         comes in. Our purpose is keeping kids        ing across the country, and is currently      welding workshop, building his em-
good health, education and social out-      struggle to find meaning and purpose,        alive, out of jail and chasing their hopes   walking alongside sensational youth or-       ployability and now transitioning into     To learn more, go to:
comes for children. On many issues          and quickly get off track.                   and dreams.                                  ganisations having a powerful impact in       a traineeship. However, Blake didn’t al- ■

8 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9|
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
Ballarat Grammar                                                                                           hardly knew each other. Others, just due to the composition
                                                                                                           of our boarding houses with junior girls being housed in dif-
                                                                                                           ferent houses to the senior girls, had only glimpsed each other

Pivoting to a New Campus!                                                                                  over the expansive Dining Hall back in Term One. There was
                                                                                                           a long-established friendly rivalry and competition between
                                                                                                           the different houses, which in normal times played out on the
                                                                                                           football ground or netball court, but caused a few headaches
                                                                                                           in accommodation that threw our house affiliated boarders in
With a return to school from our first COVID19 Lockdown in Term Two, bringing all of                       together for the very first time.
our 230 boarders back to our Ballarat Grammar campus created some headaches. There                         Our staff, while young and enthusiastic, were mostly new to
were too many students to accommodate within our five boarding houses due to the                           boarding. And I, while well experienced as a retired Head of
                                                                                                           House leaving the school back in 2015, knew very few of the
AHPPC guidelines for residential community, and while the senior and junior students                       students as well. And of course, while the Sovereign Hill cam-       YEAR TENS IN THE COMM IN CANADIAN
could fit, our 83 Year Nines and Tens were either still learning at home, being billeted                   pus provided us with quite luxurious accommodation with
                                                                                                           ensuites, the layout of the site meant that there was a lot of
with Ballarat families or catching daily buses from regional towns in outlying regions.                    ground to cover to get from one building to the next, and pas-
                                                                                                           sageways and roads were not undercover. Picture Ballarat with
                                                                                                           its finest winter – wind, rain and snow – and long dark nights
                                                             AUTHOR                                        with bitter temperatures, and you will see the difficulties of us
                                                             Jill Coote-                                   all taking up residence at Sovereign Hill.
                                                             Head of House
                                                             Sovereign Hill Campus                         But persevere we all did. The routine commenced early morn-
                                                             Ballarat Grammar                              ing, with a wake up at 7am, to be ready for our buses to collect
                                                                                                           us at 7.30am. Our students were dropped off at school and into
                                                                                                           the Dining Hall to take the second breakfast shift at 7.50am,
                                                                                                           staff in tow. The school day followed as per normal, and after

                                                                        search of accommodation op-        school our boarders enjoyed free time until 5pm. Supervised
                                                                        tions revealed that Sovereign      ‘Prep’ then followed and again, our Sovereign Hill boarders got
                                                                        Hill’s Hotel complex was a         second dinner shift in the Dining Hall. With a House Roll call,
                                                                        suitable choice. It was a great    and an escort to the buses at 7pm, our young people arrived
                                                             partnership; both organisations are not       out at Sovereign Hill at 7.20pm.
                                                             for profit and community organisations,
                                                             and both of us needed solutions: Bal-         It was tricky to negotiate to have the correct number of stu-
                                                             larat Grammar needed accommodation            dents in the same space, and as we couldn’t congregate out-
                                                             space for both boys and girls and Sov-        side, we did feel a bit like we were in four silos. The facilities
                                                             ereign Hill required income as the ac-        in the Courthouse Common area, had a fireplace and a beau-           ITS SNOWING
                                                             commodation sector was hit hard with          tiful couch and chairs, so I organised a succession of “dessert
                                                             restrictions in Victoria. A deal was done,    meetings’ there, and students from different houses and from
                                                             and we collected the keycards!                different year levels enjoyed chocolate brownies around the
                                                                                                           fire over a series of nights. Barriers started to break down. But
                                                             So on Sunday, July 13, our Year Nines and     after 3 and a half weeks, the second lockdown occurred, and
                                                             Tens were dropped off to Ballarat Gram-       sadly our young people were sent home for another Learning
                                                             mar, had dinner and then caught the bus       at Home period.
                                                             to Sovereign Hill where we had comman-
                                                             deered four areas: Canadian Gully and         With Term Four then the next opportunity to have everyone
                                                             Esmond Terrace for the boys, and Gov-         back to school, we had Sovereign Hill ‘Take Two’. This time the
                                                             ernors (made up of three buildings) and       weather was kinder, the days warmer and we had light longer
                                                             Steinfeld’s which was across the fence        into the evenings. And we knew each other, knew the routine,
                                                             and was located within the tourist park       and knew what to do to maintain our selves and our stamina.
                                                             itself. This was the beginning of 66 nights   Dessert Meetings were still on the agenda, with a mix up of our
                                                             spent at the facility over two terms.         young people bringing stories to share. Football matches, scare-
                                                                                                           crow tiggy, games and movie nights added to the mix, and when
                                                             It was so hard at first! Many of our stu-     we packed up from the diggings on Thursday, December three,
                                                             dents were new to boarding in 2020 and        we were sad but happy to return to our school campus. ■              WAITING FOR THE BUS!

10 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                         11 |
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
Motor memory and cognitive function:          So making sure you’re giving your body      •   Take some time to calm down (or even
                                                                                                                                               having ten hours of continuous sleep          enough rest time can be helpful when            do meditation) before going to sleep.
                                                                                                                                               helps with muscle memory, results in          you are aiming high on the “Student tri-
                                                                                                                                               better reaction time, coordination and        angle” to achieve a better grade and ex-

                                                          Sleep Better                                                                         split-second decision making.

                                                                                                                                               Injury risk and recovery: The human
                                                                                                                                                                                             pand your social life.

                                                                                                                                                                                             HOW TO GET YOUR GOOD NIGHT
                                                          as a Student
                                                                                                                                               growth hormone, important for tissue
                                                                                                                                               repair and muscle and bone develop-           SLEEP BACK
                                                                                                                                               ment, is only secreted during deep sleep.

                                                          Everything you
                                                                                                                                                                                             To answer this question, it seems easy
                                                                                                                                               Overall performance: A study measured         enough in theory: get more sleep. In
                                                                                                                                               athlete players’ sleepiness and found         practice, it may require an overhaul of

                                                          need to know.
                                                                                                                                               that, while 72% of well-rested players        your living habits, here are some ways to
                                                                                                                                               tested were still playing professionally      ease into your new sleep routine:
                                                                                                                                               three years later, only 14% of sleep-de-
                                                                                                                                               prived players were still in the league.      Don’t overload your schedule
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SLEEPING BETTER IS POSSIBLE!
                                                                                                                                               Weight gain and sleep deprivation             I know it is hard to miss out on all the
                                                                                                                                                                                             fun activities or skip hanging out with     So, you finally get yourself into bed on
AUTHOR                                          So as a student, does having a good sleep      Not to mention, the freedom of not having       Gaining weight recently? Do you also not      friends, but if you find yourself already   time, what else can you do to make it more
Susan He                                        even matter? If so, can I have enough          an enforced curfew after leaving home has       sleep well? There is a physiological cor-     overwhelmed with different tasks and        comfortable and easier to drift into deep
Avante                                          sleep while maintaining an active social       a major appeal for many young students to       relation between sleep and body weight,       commitments, maybe it is time to revis-     sleep? In some cases, it could be your mat-
                                                life and progressing with study? After         stay up late, just because they can.            but how?                                      it what you have on your plate and find     tress, the bedding, and your pillow.
                                                surviving years of school, I believe the                                                                                                     a way to scale back. Reschedule some
                                                answer is yes, accomplishing the goal of                                                       Firstly, get to know Leptin, the hormone      non-urgent plans and have some time         Get a supporting mattress: choose the
                                                having “all three good things” from the        WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT                         produced by you to control the feeling of     for rest.                                   mattress that has comfortable foam layers
                                                student triangle is possible. The main         SLEEP?                                          hunger. Leptin also has its counterpart                                                   to support your body and spine, it will pro-
                                                key is to build a better mentality to-                                                         Ghrelin; which is produced in the stom-       Too much noise? Try some noise-             vide the pressure relief needed for good
                                                wards a balanced lifestyle and get your        You probably heard “my body is a tem-           ach and stimulates hunger. When we are        cancelling gear                             night sleep. While getting a new mattress
                                                sleep schedule back on track.                  ple” way too many times, before raising         not having enough sleep, our body pro-                                                    may not always be an option, then you
                                                                                               your eyebrows to guru talks, there is           duces less Leptin but increasing the lev-     Noise is the most irritating thing that     can consider adding a mattress topper for
                                                You are probably thinking I will say “get      some underlying truth beneath this state-       el of Ghrelin, the hunger is often driving    could happen to someone who has             some additional comfort. Lastly, be aware
                                                a good mattress, then the sleep problem        ment. Taking care of yourself and forming       us to convenient and high-calorie foods       trouble sleeping. Even when everyone        of the age of your mattress, if it is well over
                                                is solved”. It is worth taking a closer look   healthy habits is crucial to one’s wellbeing.   such as fast food and sugary snacks.          in the house is on board to keep things     ten years, it is time to replace it.
                                                at the long-ignored sleeping problem.          Getting enough sleep is proven beneficial       Moreover, our metabolism rate plunges         quiet at bedtime, it is hard to eliminate
                                                                                               to your health, such as; strengthening the      when we are staying up late, making it        noise. There is some simple gear you        Use breathable bedsheets: Be sure the
                                                                                               immune system, reducing the risk of heart       harder to lose excessive weight.              can get to help:                            covers you sleep under are the right
GOOD SOCIAL LIFE, GOOD                                                                         disease, etc. For students, here are some                                                     • Earplugs and eye mask                     thickness to keep you comfortable and
GRADES AND GOOD SLEEP?                                                                         specific reasons why you should consider                                                      • Apps are available for playing white      not too warm and use bed sheets made
                                                                                               having enough shut-eye.                                                                           noise or sleeping music.                from breathable fabrics to ensure body
I first heard about this joke in my college                                                                                                                                                  • Let your roommate/neighbour dorm          heat won’t be trapped inside.
years: “The Student Triangle” which con-                                                       Sleep influences athletic                                                                         students know when their activities
sists of a good social life, good grades, and                                                  performance                                                                                       are too noisy for you to sleep.         Finding the right pillow: the choices you
adequate sleep. But, you can only have                                                                                                                                                                                                   can have for pillow nowadays are daunt-
two out of those three points. I remem-                                                        Research shows sleep deprivation can neg-                                                     If you do not feel comfortable talking to   ingly large,. but the key is still finding the
ber laughing as it resonated so much with       WHY I AM NOT SLEEPING WELL                     atively affect people’s physical and physio-                                                  other students or if talking to them has    one that supports your neck and head,
my student life then, but hardly thought                                                       logical function. For teenagers and young                                                     not improved the situation, ask your        so you don’t wake up the next day with
about whether it is even possible to have       There are so many reasons why you may          athletes, Dr. Provance from Sports Medi-
                                                                                                                                               Sleep can affect your grade                   dorm’s resident adviser for help.           a stiff neck. One way is to find a pillow
all three aspects together.                     not get enough sleep: the crazy study          cine Centre at Children’s Hospital Colorado     You are not yourself when you are sleep                                                   that allows the head, neck, spine to be in
                                                schedule, engaging in too many social          summarized the following five aspects that      deprived: Tired, cranky and even forget-      Look into your sleep hygiene                a straight line. Also, look into the differ-
For many students, no matter what year,         events with friends: the FOMO (the fear        sleep impacts on athletic performance:          ful. It is harder to concentrate and people                                               ent type of pillow fillings such as memo-
sleep is tossed to the back when it comes       of missing out) is very real, or you just                                                      who have sleep loss are especially more       I am not talking about taking a bath be-    ry foams that will have a soft cushioning
to priorities. Pulling an all-nighter stud-     have noisy roommates.                          Accuracy and reaction time: adequate            likely to react negatively when there is a    fore going to bed (it could help though).   feel and offer pressure relief.
ying for final exams, fill yourself with                                                       sleep improves better body reaction in          problem. If you have a deadline to catch,     Sleep hygiene is a series of healthy
energy drinks before the test, getting up       Maybe you decide to have some me-              sports and help young athletes hit their        that is not good news. Additionally, be-      sleeping habits that can improve your       Finally, it’s really important to sleep well
at 9am with three hours of sleep. Then,         time to yourself, but the social media         goals more accurately.                          cause sleep plays a key role in helping       ability to sleep. Try some of the follow-   as a student. And you CAN do it without
scramble into some clothes to get ready         and Netflix are so internalizing that we                                                        student memorizing what they have             ing tips:                                   losing your social life or grade. It takes
for a good time with friends again on the       never consider the time wasted and the         Endurance: Good sleep improves glu-             learnt, without sleep, student may seem       • Try sticking to a regular bedtime.        a bit of planning and dedication, but
weekend. Having “a balanced life” seems         emotional impact that certain content          cose metabolism which leads to better           to work harder but not achieving as well      • Do your homework at the desk rath-        sleeping better can be done! ■
like a foreign concept.                         can have on us.                                energy and keeps you motivated.                 as expected.                                     er than in your bed.

12 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13 |
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
Do I know you?
The importance of familiarity and place in assisting in
the transition to a boarding community

AUTHOR                                        Board program is designed to assist in-         southernmost tips of the state in pictur-
Todd Harnwell                                 coming boarders transition to residen-          esque Hopetoun. It was a sight to behold
Year 7 & 8 Year Group Coordinator             tial life by familiarising themselves with      as we arrived in our enormous caravan,
Christ Church Grammar School                  the processes of boarding and school, as        with families often needing a moment
                                              well as getting to know their peers and         to compose themselves before coming to
                                              key residential staff.                          greet us. However, we were not just wel-
                                                                                              comed but whole-heartedly embraced by

              e all know the sense of nerv-   It was quickly recognised that interacting      these families, who were overwhelmed
              ous excitement and trep-        with the boys through a digital platform        with gratitude that we would take the
              idation that a new intake       was a great way for them to get to know         time and place such emphasis on a visit
              of boarders to the school       about their school and each other but           to their son in his hometown. We were af-
brings. Those first few potentially awk-      was not the most effective tool in gaining      forded sights not ordinarily seen by city     When Orientation Day arrived at the
ward moments as formal introductions          reciprocal insights about the boys them-        folk; tours of farms and dams, secluded       beginning of February, it was like old
are made and the realisation that slowly      selves, their families and their unique sto-    beaches, town secrets and local wonders.      friends coming to visit. Siblings of new
dawns on parents that they are passing        ries. Thus, the decision was made to em-        We shared a meal and conversation with        families played with boarding children,
the long-held responsibility of their child   bark on a road trip to visit the On Board       the families about their son and his life,    allowing parents time to acclimatise and
into the hands of another. Understanda-       families during the January holidays to get     whilst the kids and dogs played together      focus on their son. Parents would readi-
bly, for many parents this is a huge un-      a sense of not only who the boys are, but       in paddocks, beaches and backyards.           ly approach me with queries, questions
dertaking that can lead to teary goodbyes,    how they live, their values and their ‘place’                                                 or tales of the ill-fated preparation for
apprehension and uncertainty about the        in our school community.                        Parents were comforted by the common          their son’s impending journey to inde-
decision made, which for the child can                                                        values shared between our families and        pendence. And what of the boys? Home-
in turn result in heightened anxieties        It was imperative for me to travel on           the knowledge their son would be in a         sickness was dramatically reduced, and
and that dreaded feeling of homesick-         such a momentous journey with my                safe and supportive environment. They         when it did arise, the boys were more
ness. However, at Christ Church Gram-         family, consisting of my wife and three         could ask questions all too easily forgot-    confident in approaching me to discuss
mar School in 2021, this was not the case.    children, as this reflects the fundamen-         ten in the rush of transition or arrival      what they were missing most, as I knew
Awkward handshakes, lengthy silences          tals values of what it means to enter the       and thoughtful responses could be re-         firsthand what it would be – a pet, their
and an underlying sense of trepidation        Christ Church boarding community.               turned in a relaxed environment. The          motorbike or just home. There was a
was replaced with warm embraces and           Boys are never just cared for by one,           boys had a chance to interrogate me on        calm to the boarding house not often
meaningful conversations about family         two or even a handful of people. They           their home turf and test out my skills        associated with new arrivals and the
and holiday experiences. So, what made        have strong ties to all the families and        in bowling a ‘leggie’ or kicking a footy      beginnings of friendships formed dur-
this year so different?                       staff that reside within our own unique         straight and true.                            ing our online sessions were quickly
                                              residential ‘village’. So, with the support                                                   cemented in a matter of days. Through-
Many schools undertake various meas-          and blessing of the School, we loaded up        Despite the high praise for our efforts to    out the year, parents have continued to
ures to tackle the challenge of transition    a six-berth caravan and set off to meet         visit these families, I couldn’t help feel-   visit regularly, dropping by our door
for new boarding students and CCGS is         our new families from all over the state.       ing a tinge of selfishness upon reflection     to say hello, showing us a new puppy
no different. In 2020, the School launched                                                    as the benefits gained were invaluable. I     or providing the chance for our kids to
an initiative called ‘On Board’ that began    Given the sheer size of Western Australia       could witness firsthand the connection        catch up and play. It still amazes me now
as an online transition program but cul-      and the diverse nature of our boarding          each boy had with his family and noticed      that such strong bonds could have been
minated in much more. Through the ‘On         intake, the undertaking was never go-           small but telling habits they would only      formed in one afternoon of conversation
Board’ program the School recognised          ing to be easy. We visited 10 families in       demonstrate in an environment in which        and play. What seemed to me at the time
the opportunity for an enhanced tran-         11 days, travelling well over 2800 kilo-        they were comfortable. Most of all, was       to be a small gesture has had far-reach-
sition process to make the challenging        metres in that short space of time. From        the great insight gained into what every-     ing impact and benefits for the residen-
move for young boys away from their           the stunning beaches of Jurien Bay to the       day life is like for these young boys and     tial community and has undoubtedly
home and local community much less            startling heat and iconic golden fields         how this could be used to assist their        shaped the approach of boarding transi-
daunting and stressful for all. The On        of the wheat belt, finishing in one of the      transition into our boarding community.       tion at the School for the future. ■

14 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                             15 |
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021

                                                                                                                                           •   Proactively plan for positivity – You can’t get genuine
                                                                                                                                               heartfelt positive emotions by just trying to think hap-
                                                                                                                                               py thoughts. Willpower and mental effort alone are not
                                                                                                                                               enough to make the difference, instead the most reliable

What’s so Good                                                                                                                                 and effective ways to alter our emotional states is to try
                                                                                                                                               and better select or modify our situations. For example, if
                                                                                                                                               you enjoy having dinner parties with friends, this can be

about Feeling Good?                                                                                                                            a great way to set the stage for more heartfelt positivity.
                                                                                                                                               But hosting a dinner party can be a lot of work so as the
                                                                                                                                               experience unfolds you made need to modify the situation
                                                                                                                                               in small ways – like spending more time interacting with
                                                                                                                                               your guests rather than just being in the kitchen – and see
In our most recent article, we outlined the PERMAH Wellbeing Framework,                                                                        how this impacts what you’re feeling.
comprised of six pillars that, when cultivated, can lead to improved life
                                                                                                                                           •   Accept positivity rises and falls – It’s important to be re-
satisfaction and happiness. These pillars are positive emotion, engagement                                                                     alistic about your expectations of positivity. Positive emo-
relationships, meaning and purpose, achievement and health.                                                                                    tions are fleeting. They’re going to arise and they’re going
                                                                                                                                               to dissipate and we need to accept that rather than try to

Michelle McQuaid
                                            schools and lives and the impact this
                                            can have on our wellbeing and academic
                                                                                           Savouring can help to prolong the feel-
                                                                                           ing without grasping onto it. It is a tool
                                                                                                                                               cling or hang on to them. For example, rather than con-
                                                                                                                                               stantly evaluating how much fun you might be having at
                                                                                                                                               your dinner party, the key is to not over-analyze what and
The Education Lab

                                            In this space we turn much of attention
                                                                                           that can be used, and once the feelings
                                                                                           have passed, acceptance can help you to
                                                                                                                                               how intense you’re feeling, but instead to gracefully accept
                                                                                                                                               that you’re going to feel what you’re going to feel. You need
                                                                                                                                               to recognize that positive emotions are fleeting, they come
                                                                                           stay grounded in the authentic moment.
                                            to the work of Barbra Fredrickson and                                                              and go. It is very worthwhile to cultivate more frequent ex-
                                            the well-established scientific evidence                                                           periences of positive emotions but it’s completely unreal-

                                                                                           Earlier studies demonstrated that peo-
        oday, let’s take a closer look at   from the field of positive psychology sug-                                                         istic for you to think that our positive emotions will last all
                                                                                           ple who are experiencing flourishing
        the pillar of Positive Emotion.     gests positive emotions – like joy, hope,                                                          afternoon or all day.
        Last time we briefly outlined        love, interest, pride, amusement, sereni-      mental health have ratios of positive to
                                                                                           negative that are slightly higher than the
        this pillar as “the experience of   ty, gratitude, inspiration and awe – help                                                      •   Practice directing attention to emotional states – Introduce      They say that resilience is born of struggle,
feeling good”. Let’s elaborate on this by   you to see more possibilities, think more      average, for example, 3:1, 4:1, or 5:1. These       a dinner time ritual to your dinning hall such as “Rose,
exploring the benefits that cultivating     quickly and creatively and connect bet-        studies demonstrated that because neg-              Thorn, Banana” that brings attention to something that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and if that is true, then we as School
these states can bring to our boarding      ter with others. And as positive emo-          ative emotions affect us more strongly              has gone well in the day (Rose), something that has been a        Community have much to learn from our
                                            tions accrue over time, they also appear       than positive emotions, we need a larger            challenge (Thorn) and something that made you laugh (Ba-          boarders; those who travel far from home
                                            to build your physical, psychological,         frequency of positive emotions to bal-              nana). As well as brining mindful attention to the emotion-
                                            intellectual and social resources helping      ance out those potent negative emotions.            al ebbs and flow of the day this activity is also a great way to   each year to reside on our campuses.
                                            you to bounce back from setbacks and           However, recent findings suggest that               build connection and relationships between our boarders.
                                            making it more likely you’ll reach your        there is no longer a desired ‘tipping                                                                                 AUTHOR:
                                            potential, in essence when you feel good,                                                                                                                            Stuart Johnston
                                                                                           point’ for people to strive for, as flour-
                                            you actually become a little smarter!                                                          WHERE MIGHT YOU START?                                                Principal
                                                                                           ishing is possible with a higher ratio,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Peninsula Grammar
                                            However, if you have ever tried to think       provided the emotions are authentic and         What can you plan for today to set up a positive emotional
                                            yourself happy with wishful thinking           grounded in the moment. This means              experience in the future?
                                            you will attest to the fact that this is not   accepting moments of heart-wrenching

                                            so easy. Positive emotions are more            negativity when they arise.                                                                                                     espite the challenges of 2020, there remains a deter-
                                            likely to be found through intentionally                                                       WANT TO LEARN MORE?                                                             mination amongst our boarders to continue to reach
                                            selecting or creating certain situations       It is important to note that you can be                                                                                         for the dreams and summit the mountains before
                                            to generate those feelings, rather than        in danger of having too much positiv-           Listen to one of Barb’s earlier podcasts with us here: www.mi-                  them, despite the uncertainty of the uneven terrain
                                            trying to try and turn those feelings          ity, as you can’t really be connected and                that is higher education at the moment.
                                            from negative to positive in the moment.       grounded to life without experiencing
                                                                                           negative emotions at times. Emotions            Measure your positivity ratio here:           From the remote communities of Western Australia to distant
                                            Another key to understanding how pos-                                                                                                                                provinces of China and small villages of Vietnam, the richness
                                                                                           are supposed to fit our situations and if
                                            itive emotions affect our wellbeing is                                                         Go to Amazon and download one of Barbra Fredricksons’                 of diversity that our young people bring to our schools is
                                                                                           you’re seeking only positive emotions we
                                            to understand their fleeting and short-                                                         many books                                                            worthy of great celebration this year and always.
                                            lived nature, and leverage tools availa-       disconnect from the harder realities of
                                            ble to us to notice and savour these emo-      day- to-day life and the difficulties and       Listen to Associate Professor Mandy O’Neil’s interview about          We look forward to all that 2021 promises and will use the
                                            tions when you can. Being mindful helps        the suffering that we all face from time-       creating positive emotional climate in your workplace here:           lessons that the struggle of last year has taught us to not
                                            you to notice the positive emotions            to-time. People who flourish certainly ex-              only reach the peak but ascend with renewed gratitude
                                            when they arise, so you don’t miss them.       perience negative emotions as well.             egy-podcast-mandy-oneill/ ■                                           and confidence. ■

16 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17 |
To be the BEST? Is it worth trying - Boys and Literacy - June 2021
to maximise both our achievement and            riding mountain bikes and playing tennis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             our happiness from our lives somehow,           as well as occasionally playing the sax. To
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             but what if we have to choose between           maximise any one of them would squeeze

                                      Be the BEST!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the two?                                        out all of the others and that would be a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             big loss.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Maybe there are three levels of skill and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              achievement in the case of drumming –          So I think if you want to maximise your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and indeed in learning any skill, any sport    happiness the best strategy is to dabble
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or any ability at work or in one’s personal    in quite a few things rather than trying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              life. To be a great salesperson or a great     to be really good at one thing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              negotiator, or a great graphic designer,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              how single-minded should we be? Let’s          Only if there is a chance that you can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              imagine there are three outcomes from          world-class, as good as John Coltrane (who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              this process of working hard to be as good     I love) or Charlie Parker (who I don’t really
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              as we can be. and they result in us being ….   get, sorry folks!), only THEN should you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Being quite good                              give up your whole life to pursue some-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Being very good                               thing, …and luckily for most of us that’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Being world class                             not an option! I’m happy to dabble in the

                                                                                                                                                                                   BACKGROUND PHOTO CREATED BY PRESSFOTO - WWW.FREEPIK.COM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sax and then enjoy the works of John Col-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I think for most of us the third option         trane on spotify and sonos, …so I can get
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             is not really a feasible outcome, let’s be      maximum happiness from both!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             honest - but of course we don’t KNOW if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             we’ve been born with that talent - and          Are you focusing too much on one part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in the film the young lad may or may not        of your life?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             have the ability to be world-class rather
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             than just very good. And almost certainly       Are you letting other people push you,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to become world-class at something you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             have to give up everything else - you have      …or are you letting the pressure of friends

Is it worth trying to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to give up pretty much the rest of your life    or advertising make you feel that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to get there. And if you’re not completely      ought to be better at something?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             certain that you can get there that is a big

be the BEST?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 commitment, a big risk to take!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             For us mere mortals, for example me and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the saxophone, the choice is between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Maybe it’s okay to be reasonably good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             at lots of things, and to get maximum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             happiness from that.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             being quite good and being very good,           By the way I’m not against training,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and I would have to give up almost              heaven forbid! Certainly it’s worth doing
I finally got around to watching the film Whiplash last night. It’s about a young drummer                                                                                                                                                    everything in my life to go from quite          a bit of training to improve your sax play-
and his music teacher, and how the music teacher drives the young lad really hard to                                                                                                                                                         good to very good at the saxophone, ...and      ing or your tennis or your skiing skills. (I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I’ve decided not to do that! I’m quite good,    have a marketing coach at the moment
be as great as he possibly can be. In fact he pushes him too far and it all gets a bit out                                                                                                                                                   and that’s as far as I will ever get. But       and I’m loving that). In fact you would be
of hand (I won’t spoil the ending!). Very good film, well written and well acted, and it                                                                                                                                                     I’m fine with that because being quite          mad to go skiing without any lessons at all,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             good allows me to get probably 90% as           or to become a manager or a salesperson
made me think about a couple of things to do with management and life and happiness                                                                                                                                                          much enjoyment as I would get if I was          without any training at all. Imagine going
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             very good.                                      into a negotiation without any training -
AUTHOR                                        the process - "it’s for their own good".      I think you should do what’s best for         the young lad gave up everything to be                                                                                                             lamb to the slaughter! Just do the training
Chris Croft                                   Clearly in the film the teacher drives        other people even if they don’t always        the best drummer he could possibly be.                                                             And you could perhaps argue that I get          until you get to a point where you can
Chris Croft Training                          his protégé too hard – but where is the       appreciate it. I think in the end if you      Clearly he was born with talent and it                                                             MORE enjoyment from being quite good            enjoy the activity, but don’t let it become
                                              line? Do people always know what’s good       add value to your customers you will          would be a waste if he didn’t maximise                                                             than I get from that being very good,           an obsession to try to beat other people or
                                              for them? When I’m running a training         do better commercially, even if at the        his potential, but what if he has to give                                                          because I can play in a local band in a         become the best, trying to totally master it,
                                              course is it okay for it to be less fun but   time it means taking some difficult or        up his social life and his friends, his girl-                                                      pub and just relax and enjoy it. It’s not       to the point where it makes you unhappy

      think the obvious thing that the        the people learn more from it? Is it okay     unpopular choices.                            friend, going to the cinema with his Dad,                                                          competitive, I’m not beating myself up          or squeeze out other activities. Do a bit of
      film is about is whether it’s okay to   to give them feedback they don’t want to                                                    in fact all his other activities, and has to                                                       trying to be better, and I have loads of        training on everything rather than loads
      push someone really hard in order       hear? What if they rate the course lower      But what really what interested me about      drive himself almost mad, in order to be                                                           time to get enjoyment from all the other        of training on one thing only.
      to help them to achieve their poten-    but I know I’ve done a good job for them?     the film was something completely dif-        the best drummer he can be? Is that a                                                              things in life. I can have friends and a wife
tial, even if they’re not very happy about    These are tricky questions – in general       ferent, and it was to do with the fact that   good idea? It seems to me that we want                                                             and a social life and do other things like      Onwards and upwards! ■

18 | Lights Out - June 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  19 |
Students can spot a phoney in five          •   That Housemasters and House Staff        APPRAISAL PROCESS
                                                   WHAT MAKES A GOOD HOUSEMASTER?                                                                   minutes.                                        are regularly seen.                      The Appraisal Process for Housemasters
                                                   It is a simple question, but can lead to a complicated answer. Trying to articulate                                                          •   That House Staff get to know their       can be a little bit ‘scattered gun’. Using
                                                   such a demanding job in a few words is difficult bordering on impossible. It is                   Housemasters need to be honest and             students and students get to know        the ACTIVE approach, questions around
                                                   often mirrored in how to also appraise our Housemasters or boarding staff as                      willing to admit to their mistakes. I          House Staff.                             Housemasters Appraisal can be orientated
                                                   well. It is a job as complex as spinning plates where once one area is managed,                   have made a number in my ten years. •          That Housemasters are willingly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to the seven specific standards outlined in
                                                   another can start to wobble.                                                                      However, students are more than                available regardless if they are on      ACTIVE. From there a Goal/’work on’ can
                                                   After being involved in boarding for ten years, both as a Housemaster and Head                    willing to accept my apology and in            duty or not to support House Staff       be orientated around one or two of these
                                                                                                                                                     fact this has enhanced relationships.          or students if there are significant

                                                   of Boarding, I have had time to think about the qualities of a good Housemaster.                                                                                                          specific standards.
                                                   I have always thought a good starting point is someone who is actively engaged                    Strangely I have found parents less            issues. If not, then they will deal
                                                                                                                                                     forgiving. It is also important that the       with them as promptly as they can.       For example, a sample of Student Voice
                                                   with the life of the House and takes an interest in the students. It seems obvious.
                                                                                                                                                     House community know where you                                                          Questions could look like:
                                                   but in the last ten years I have also seen Housemasters who don’t know their
                                                   students and see their role as being no more than just being present. They don’t                  stand on things. They may not always ENABLER                                            (students asked to rate on a 1-4 scale -
                                                   go the extra mile and more often than not are just ”too busy” to deal with the                    agree with you on everything, but the “If you want someone to be for you, never         1=Strongly Agree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree,
                                                   small stuff. They have not been successful Housemasters.                                          difficulties occur when your goalposts let him feel he is dependent upon you;           4=Strongly Agree)
AUTHOR:                                                                                                                                              change or there is a lack of consistency. rather, in some way, make him feel that
Grant Muirhead                                     With the idea of being active in the life of a House this led me to the acronym ACTIVE                                                      you are dependent upon him.” - George         ABLE
Deputy Headmaster                                                                                                                                    In Summary                                C. Marshal                                    1. Does your Housemaster clearly
Whanganui Collegiate School
                                                                     (Able, Caring, Integrity, Visible, Enabler)                                     House Staff are people of principle and                                                     communicate the arrangements of
                                                                                                                                                     are honest. This includes:                The boarding environment is a great               the week/day?
                                                                                                                                                     • Are accurate and are not quick to environment to foster student leader-               2. Are the routines and duties of the
WHAT IS BEING ACTIVE?                           and the reputation of the House and School.     goals and responsibilities and the ability to             judge..                              ship. With parameters, students can               House running efficiently and fairly?
                                                Students will respond to this. They can         make their own decisions as long as they             • Being accountable to mistakes.          learn to lead and be led. It is great to      CARING
ABLE                                            forgive a lot of chinks in your armour as       know you are there to guide and facilitate.          • Are willing to deal with awkward have students lead projects. Often you               1. Do you know who to approach when
“The most effective way to do it, is to do      long as they know you are there for them.                                                                 issues.                              can see them doing things not as well             you have a concern?
 it.” - Amelia Earhart                          This is not about always being on their side.   This is also true of House staff. No one             • Are willing to move forward with        as they could be, but sometimes it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2. Do you find your Housemaster
                                                Young men and women make mistakes, but          likes a micro-manager, but it is important                students, parents and/or staff better to grimace and let it happen as
Let’s start off with the boring stuff.          as long as they know you won’t let their        that they know their responsibilities. They               despite the outcome.                 there are some great learnings here.
                                                mistakes define them and the door is open.      also need to be that team mate that will             • Are effective custodians of the val- More often than not students will sur-           3. Does the Housemaster provide and
A Housemaster does have to be an effec-                                                         be willing to step up when things don’t go                ues of the House and School.         prise us by what they can do with their           encourage a safe environment in
tive administrator. The paperwork has           In Summary                                      to plan as they inevitably will not.                 • Can keep a confidence as required opportunities.                                          the House?
to be completed, rolls marked, parents          • Being approachable so as students can                                                                   or appropriate.                                                                    4. Does the Housemaster deal with situa-
kept in the loop, records completed and             discuss issues with confidence.             In Summary                                           • Are consistent.                         Enabling students helps develop their             tions fairly, promptly and consistently?
archived. Students need routines, in fact       • Being aware of issues facing students.        • Working alongside student leaders                                                            individual strengths and sets the tone        TEAMWORK
they like routines. Parents also like to        • Having systems in place to ensure that            and ensuring that their voice is heard           VISIBLE                                   of the House. It certainly makes your         1. Are you aware of the House Values?
know what is going on in a timely man-              students feel safe and have a sense of          and implemented. This could include             “The little things? The little moments? job easier and can also be the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2. Do you have a sense of belonging/
ner. And the front office yardstick of how          belonging. (Open Door, Duty system,             facilitating regular meetings with sen-          They aren’t little.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn     rewarding part of being a Housemaster
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pride in your House?
good you are is often based around how              Peer support.)                                  iors, establishing committees etc.                                                         seeing students step up.
efficiently you have completed that form.       • Having systems in place to ensure that        • Establishing a sense of belonging in               The value of just ‘being there’ regard-                                                 INTEGRITY
                                                    students are tracked.                           the House. This could include regular            less of whether you are officially on In Summary                                        1. Do you feel confident in talking with
In Summary                                      • Being calm.                                       activities, instilling and explaining the        duty or not cannot be underestimated. • Ensuring that students are heard.                   someone from the House staff even
• Fulfilling administrative tasks as            • Get to know your students. (Where                 House Values.                                    Just about every night, regardless as to • Ensuring that students feel emo-                 over sensitive issues?
    required.                                       they are from, their family, their inter-   • Working alongside House staff. This                whether I was on duty or not, I would          tionally and physically safe.            2. What is the most important quality
• Establishing the routines of the House.           ests, etc.)                                     could include encouraging their pro-             spend some part of the evening wan- • Ensuring that students can manage                     you want from a Housemaster?
• Establishing a roster to provide ade-                                                             fessional development, being open                dering around with a coffee cup and            themselves and take responsibility       VISIBILITY
    quate duty of care.                        TEAMWORK                                             to hear their views, being approach-             just catching up or I would start my day       for their actions.                       1. Do you feel that someone from the
• Providing effective levels of communi- “Teamwork is the ability to work together                  able and providing clear duties and              walking around the dorms to say good • Ensuring that students are given                     House Team is readily available?
    cation to all stakeholders. (e.g. Notices, toward a common vision.”                             responsibilities.                                morning and make sure everyone was             responsibilities and are able to learn   2. Do you regularly have contact and
    School Box).                                                                                • Working alongside other Housemas-                  getting up and well. This did not take         from their mistakes and actions.             talk to your Housemaster?
• Dealing with issues in a timely manner. I have often said that, “You can be the                   ters and Senior Exec. by sharing good            a large amount of time but I think it
• Calling on support and advice as worst Housemaster and still have a great                         practices, being open to advice, and to          had a bigger impact.                      It is important to reflect on what we          3. Do you regularly have contact and
    required.                                  House if you have the students on board.”            ensure there is school-wide consistency.                                                   can do and what we should be.                     talk to a member of the House Staff ?
                                                                                                • Facilitating House events and ensuring             It is important that House Staff have a                                                 ENABLER
 CARING                                         It is probably not totally accurate, but it         that the House is represented in these           sense of presence and availability and I need to point out, I never achieved            1. Do you feel that student opinion is
“People don’t care how much you know until      highlights how you must have the students           events both and to the best of their ability.    that students always have access to a     all these things. At times, I was just            valued in the House?
 they know how much you care.” - Theodore       with you around the culture and values of       • There is a sense of fun in the House.              member of the House Team.                 far too busy getting through the day.         2. Do you feel that you are learning to
 Roosevelt                                      the House. The best way for this to happen is                                                                                                  If I had reflected more on what a good             become resilient and independent?
                                                let the students set the tone and culture. This INTEGRITY                                            In Summary                                Housemaster should be, then I am sure         GENERAL COMMENT
A Housemaster must be a kind person. They       may need a bit of massaging and ‘the plant- “If you have integrity, nothing else matters.            • Setting up an effective duty roster I would have done a better job as a               As a key stakeholder what would be a
need to show empathy and have a genuine         ing of seeds’ but it is important that there If you don’t have integrity, nothing else                    so that there is adequate supervi- Housemaster.                                    piece of advice you would give to your
sense of care for their students, their staff   is sense of ownership. Students respond to matters.” – Alan Simpson                                       sion for students at all times.                                                    Housemaster?

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