PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living

Page created by Gregory Thompson
PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living

                     PROGRAM GUIDE
                               A Community of Friends and a World of Opportunities
                               for Teens and Adults with Developmental Disabilities.

       MONDAY NIGHT BINGO                                        DISNEY MANIA
                 PAGE 8                                                PAGE 31

                 PAGE 16                               DAY PROGRAM WITH REACH!
                                                                      PAGE 37
 Early Bird Registration Deadline March 27       WANT TO FIND A JOB? LET US HELP.
               PAGES 19-23                                            PAGE 39
PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living
For more than 50 years, the Center for
    Enriched Living has provided life-changing
    opportunities for teens and adults with
    intellectual and developmental disabilities
    throughout the Chicago-area.
    CEL’s programs provide social, recreational, employment
    and educational opportunities for our members in our
    renovated Universally Designed building in Riverwoods
    as well as throughout the community. CEL has been
    accredited by the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)
    and designated as a 4-star charity by Charity Navigator.

                                         OUR MISSION
                                         The Center for Enriched Living exists so
                                         that people with developmental disabilities
                                         can be fully included in the community,
                                         achieve personal success, and enjoy a
                                         good quality of life.

                                         OUR VISION
                                         We see a future where every person with
                                         a developmental disability is an equal,
                                         valued and contributing member of the

                                         THE CENTER
                                         FOR ENRICHED LIVING
                                         280 Saunders Road,
                                         Riverwoods, Illinois 60015
                                         Phone: 847.948.7001
                                         Fax: 847.948.7621

PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living
WELCOME                                                       ICONS
Dear Friends,                                                      available

Here at CEL, we are all about YOU!
Your choices are honored. Your voice is respected.            B    bridge

And we’re excited for everything that awaits this season!
                                                                   bring extra
The warmer months bring many opportunities to be outside           money
in the community and learn more about ourselves. We offer
the programs you know and love, as well as new programs –
based on your feedback! New programs like Monday Night
Bingo and new events like the Garden Party, Disney Mania
                                                              S    scholarship

and Taste of Wisconsin will provide fun all season long!
Are you out of school and looking for a job? CEL can help
you find something that meets your skills and interests!
We now have DRS funding to help you find community-                new
based, supported employment! Our dedicated team is ready
to assist you along your employment journey. Call Outreach
for more information!                                              some

Teens and young adults can look forward to another fun
summer camp experience! Details are on pages 19 – 23. We           moderate
will keep your mind and body engaged through stimulating
activities in the community, kitchen, art room, and gym!
                                                                   lots of
We want to hear from you! Our catalog of programs is always
being updated because of your feedback. What do you like?
What don’t you like? Always let us know so we can provide
programs YOU want in the future.                              T    Teen
                                                                   (Ages 13-17)

Here’s to another season of fun!                              YA   Young Adult
                                                                   (Ages 18-22)

Sincerely,                                                    A    (Ages 23 & above)
Melissa Juarez-Ehlers
Director of Program Services                                  E    (Ages 13+)

Happy Spring! Happy Summer!

PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living
CEL TEAM                                   Email addresses: (full email below)
                                           Main Line: 847.948.7001 | Direct lines are 847.315.(extensions below)

Program                                                           Employment                             Administrative

      Amanda             Anna Longo           Anna O'Dwyer          Jess Bonnot          Nick Baird       Cindy Genteman            Guillermo
     Kolakowski        Program Manager       Program Supervisor      Employment         Employment        Director of Finance       Arellano
 Support Services          E: Anna@              E: AnnaO@             Specialist       Opportunities       and Operations            Building
     Manager               P: X9911               P: X9904             E: Jess@           Manager             E: Cindy@           Superintendent
   E: Amanda@                                                      P: 847.405.3015        E: Nick@             P: X9902            E: Guillermo@
     P: X9921                                                                             P: X9912                                   Main Line

                                                                                       Mike Dal Porto
                                                                                           E: Mike@
                                                                                       P: 847.405.3003

      Carli Silva      Heather Wirth         Melissa Juarez-                                               Kathy Parrish        Nancy Anderson
Assistant Program     Program Supervisor          Ehlers                                                    Administrative        Administrative
   Supervisor            E: Heather@        Director of Program   REACH                                       Assistant         Operations Manager
     E: Carli@             P: X9906               Services                                                    E: Kathy@             E: Nancy@
    P: X9958                                    E: Melissa@                                                   Main Line              P: X9901
                                                 P: X9913

                       Melissa Tellock
                      Program Supervisor
                         E: MelissaT@
                           P: X9908
                                                                     Dora Ishac        Elise de Roulet
                                                                   REACH Assistant     REACH Program
                                                                  Program Supervisor     Supervisor
                                                                       E: Dora@           E: Elise@
                                                                   P: 847.405.3019        P: X9907
Development                                                                                              Outreach

      Ellary Neil        Karen Fay            Niki Bartosiak       Liz Hernandez        Jean Morrelli       Megan Cross          Michael Welsh
      Development       Grants Manager        Sponsorship and      REACH Northwest     REACH Program          Outreach              Outreach
        Assistant         E: Karen@           Events Manager      Program Supervisor      Manager            Coordinator           Supervisor
       E: Ellary@          P: X9918              E: Niki@               E: Liz@           E: Jean@           E: Megan@             E: Michael@
    P: 847.405.3016                              P: X9916           P: 224.813.2516      P: X9909             P: x9917              P: X9920

                                                                                                         Marketing              CEO

    Peter Mattson     Rachael Krulewich        Randi Frank        Madeline Moser                            April Booze           Harriet Levy
     Development        Annual Giving           Director of       REACH Assistant                           Marketing and              CEO
      Assistant            Manager             Development        Program Manager                          Communications          E: Harriet@
      E: Peter@          E: Rachael@            E: Randi@           E: Madeline@                              Manager               P: X9914
       P: x9915           P: X9903               P: X9919             P: X9910                                E: April@
                                                                                                              P: X9926

     In addition to those listed here, our CEL team includes more than 30 part-time and seasonal employees!

PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living

Spring Programs                     Summer Programs
Teens (ages 13 - 17)                Teens (ages 13 - 17)
7 Afternoon Social Club (M-F)       19 Summer Camp (M-F)
14 Teen Night                       23 Summer Fun Week
                                    29 Community Day
Young Adults (ages 18 - 22)
7 Afternoon Social Club (M-F)       Young Adults (ages 18 - 22)
8 Monday Night Bowling              19 Summer Camp (M-F)
8 Monday Night Bingo                23 Summer Fun Week
9 Tuesday Arts Night                24 Monday Night Bowling
10 Wednesday Night Program          24 Monday Night Bingo
11 Thursday Ladies Night            25 Tuesday Arts Night
11 Thursday Guys Night              26 Wednesday Night Program
12 Friday Night Program             27 Thursday Ladies Night
13 Saturday Program                 27 Thursday Guys Night
14 Open Mic Night                   28 Friday Night Program
15 Sunday Program                   29 Community Day
16 Events & Excursions              30 Events & Excursions

Adults (ages 22+)                   Adults (ages 22+)
7 Afternoon Social Club (M-F)       8 ELA Day Program (M-F)
8 ELA Day Program (M-F)             24 Monday Night Bowling
8 Monday Night Bowling              24 Monday Night Bingo
8 Monday Night Bingo                25 Tuesday Arts Night
9 Tuesday Arts Night                26 Wednesday Night Program
10 Wednesday Night Program          27 Thursday Ladies Night
11 Thursday Ladies Night            27 Thursday Guys Night
11 Thursday Guys Night              28 Friday Night Program
12 Friday Night Program             29 Community Day
13 Saturday Program                 30 Events & Excursions
14 Open Mic Night                   35 Overnight Vacations
15 Sunday Program                   37 REACH Adult Day Program (M-F)
16 Events & Excursions              39 Employment Program
17 Spring Getaway
37 REACH Adult Day Program (M-F)
39 Employment Program

                                                                  table of contents   5
PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living
PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living
Are you up for an afternoon of fun with
friends at CEL? Then join us and enjoy
all that CEL has to offer. We will have
games, movies, computer time, arts &
crafts, healthy snack preparation, gym
activities, and more! It’s up to you how
you spend your afternoon and we hope
you decide to spend it with us!
Light snack provided

Who: E    Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.			      Days: Monday - Friday                    Min: 4    Max: 10

              MONDAY              TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                   FRIDAY
DATES         3/30-5/18           3/31-5/12        4/1-5/13                  4/2-5/14                   4/3-5/15
              (7 weeks)           7 weeks          7 weeks                   7 weeks                    7 weeks
              No program 5/4
              Chefs’ Night

FEE           $105                $105             $105                      $105                       $105

Enriched Lifestyles for Adults (ELA) is a year-round day program for individuals with
disabilities who are 22 years and older and is provided in collaboration with NSSRA and
CEL. ELA was created to enhance the quality of life and offer well-rounded daytime
program options for adults with disabilities while providing a flexible schedule for families.

                                                  ELA PROGRAM SCHEDULE
                                                  Participants may choose to attend two, three or
                                                  five days with both half and full day options.

ELA PROGRAM CORE AREAS                            Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
• Independent Living & Continuing Education       Location: The Center for Enriched Living
• Communication & Socialization
• Recreation & Leisure                        For additional information about the ELA Program, please contact the
                                              Recreation Manager of ELA, Becca Zajler at 847-509-9400, ext. 6823
• Community Integration                       or e-mail

                                                                                       spring weekdays at CEL            7
PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living
                           ‘Strike’ up conversations with friends
                           and enjoy a fun night of bowling
                           to start your week! Cheer on your
                           fellow bowlers at Lakeside Lanes in
                           Mundelein. We will end our session with
                           a pizza party and bowling certificate!

                            MONDAY NIGHT BOWLING
                            PROGRAM DETAILS
                            SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A

                            Dates: 3/30 – 5/18 (7 weeks; no program 5/4 Chefs' Night)
                            Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
                            Program Fee: $105
                            Transportation: FREE from CEL
                            (Leaves from and returns to CEL)
                            Leaves: 6:15 p.m., Returns: 9:00 p.m.
                            MIN: 20 MAX: 25

            S              Kick start your week with everyone’s
                           favorite activity – BINGO! Join your
                           friends for a night of fun with
                           conversations, laughter and of course,
                           exciting prizes. Bring your lucky charm
                           and may the Bingo numbers be in your
                           favor. Light refreshments will be served.

                            MONDAY NIGHT BINGO!
                            PROGRAM DETAILS
                            SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A

                            Dates: Every other Monday: 3/30, 4/13, 4/27, 5/11
                            (4 weeks)
                            Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
                            Program Fee: $60
                            Transportation: CEL may establish a route for
                            4 or more riders at an additional cost

PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living

                                                                                 This program is
                                                                              partially supported
                                                                             by a grant from the
                                                                              Illinois Arts Council
                                                                           Agency through federal
                                                                            funds provided by the
                                                                             National Endowment
                                                                                   for the Arts.

                                                     Artists of all abilities and skill levels are
TUESDAY ARTS NIGHT                                   welcome in this arts program, dedicated
                                                     to supporting creativity and new artistic
                                                     skills. Instructors offer hands-on guidance
Dates: 3/31 – 5/12 (7 weeks)                         for our beginner artists, and feedback and
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.                          support for our experienced, self-guided
Program Fee: $105
Transportation Fee: $70                              artists. Members will have the opportunity
MIN: 12 MAX: 18                                      to display or sell finished artwork around
Pick Up Locations          Drop Off Locations
                                                     CEL and at community art exhibits.
Skokie Swift: 6:30 p.m.    Skokie Swift: 9:30 p.m.

                featuring works from our talented CEL members!
        Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - Stay tuned for more details!

                                                                                  spring weekdays at CEL       9
PROGRAM GUIDE - Center For Enriched Living

     Mix it up for some mid-week fun at CEL! Get ready for more fun each and every
     week as you experience everything Wednesday night offers! Members love our new
     rotating format for sampling activities so everyone gets to enjoy all the activities
     listed below with friends!
     GARDEN GROWERS Polish off your green thumb                  SPRING GATHERINGS Celebrate the season
     and join your friends on our back patio for some            by enjoying spring-themed activities, in and around
     gardening! Build the raised beds with flowers and           CEL. Paint flower pots, create wreaths, enjoy
     vegetables and learn more about how to help them            colorful beading, water colors, and more! Let spring
     grow! Enjoy garden-themed activities while soaking in       and nature inspire you as you gather with friends!
     the fresh spring air with your friends.

     SPRING INTO ACTION What better way to brush
     off winter than moving to all kinds of exciting physical
                                                                    WEDNESDAY NIGHT
     activities? Start the session by picking what you might
                                                                    PROGRAM DETAILS
     like to do – dance, basketball, yoga or all of the above?
                                                                    SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A
     The choice is yours!
                                                                    Dates: 4/1 – 5/13 (7 weeks)
     CEL CHEFS TABLE Some of the best stories are                   Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
     shared while preparing meals and this class is no              Program Fee: $140
     exception! Create a lovely dish and talk about your            Transportation Fee: $70
     week with your friends – prepare a personal book of            Transportation times and locations will be communicated to
                                                                    you one week prior to the start of program.
     your experience to enjoy for years to come!

            transportation             bridge                    bring extra                scholarship                    bring
10          provided                   available                 money                      available                      lunch
                                                      Girlfriends being girlfriends – that’s what
                                                      Ladies Night is all about! Meet up and talk
                                                      about what’s going on in your life. Enjoy
                                                      a spa night, head to a coffee shop, make
                                                      a creative craft, or whip up a delicious
                                                      healthy snack - the choice is yours! At the
                                                      end of the session, join the guys in what’s
                                                      become a very popular mixer!

                                                        LADIES NIGHT PROGRAM DETAILS
                                                        SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A

                                                        Dates: Every other Thursday 4/9, 4/23, 5/7, 5/14
                                                        (5/14 mixer with Guys Night)
                                                        Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                                        Program Fee: $80
                                                        Transportation Fee: $40
                                                        Transportation times and locations will be communicated to
                                                        you one week prior to the start of program.

                                                  THURSDAY GUYS NIGHT
Guys Night is all about hanging with
your buddies at CEL! Cheer on your
favorite sports team, chow down on your
favorite snack, challenge your friends
with some board games and trivia. At
the end of session, join the ladies for
what has become the highlight of the
season with our mixer!


  Dates: Every other Thursday 4/2, 4/16, 4/30, 5/14
  (5/14 mixer with Ladies Night)
  Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  Program Fee: $80
  Transportation Fee: $40

  some                  moderate      lots of
  walking               walking       walking                                               spring weekdays at CEL       11

     Friday night members are always up for
     an adventure! Members will be introduced       FRIDAY NIGHT PROGRAM DETAILS
                                                    SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A
     to NEW and exciting opportunities– come
     prepared to check out some great ideas,        Dates: 4/3 – 5/15 (7 weeks)
     brainstorm, and then vote for your             Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                                    Program Fee: $140
     favorite. From there, you will plan your       Transportation Fee: $70
     calendar for a fun-filled spring experience!
                                                    Pick Up Locations         Drop Off Locations
                                                    Skokie Swift: 6:30 p.m.   Skokie Swift: 9:30 p.m.


Choose your adventure on Saturday mornings! Have fun with friends while
improving your bowling game or stay at CEL with Friendship Club and take part
in your choice of fun activities and social time; including gardening, art, games,
cooking, dancing and more! After eating lunch with friends, spend the remainder of
the afternoon choosing from the options below.
in an afternoon adventure while experiencing all          SATURDAY PROGRAM DETAILS
that our local communities have to offer. From our        SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A
beautiful forest preserves to local fairs and venues,
                                                          Dates: 4/4 - 5/16 (7 weeks)
there are activities for everyone to enjoy!               Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
                                                          Program Fee: $280 for bowlers,
SHOW YOUR COLORS Explore your hidden                      $210 for non-bowlers
talents and participate in a variety of activities that   Transportation Fee: $70 (Min 4 riders)
you help to create. Bring ideas to share on the first
                                                          Bowling members: Due to times and lanes reserved at the
date of session and help to plan activities that you      bowling alley, the bowling group must leave CEL no later than
create!                                                   10:10 a.m. We are unable to wait for late arrivals. Please register
                                                          early to guarantee your spot as the bowling alley has lane
HEALTHY SNACKING Join your friends in
the kitchen where anything is possible. Discover          Pick Up Locations                  Drop Off Locations
                                                          Park Ridge: 9:30 a.m.              Park Ridge: 3:30 p.m.
healthy foods to boost your body and mind.
                                                          Skokie Swift: 9:30 a.m.            Skokie Swift: 3:30 p.m.
Learn and practice new cooking techniques while           Lambs Farm: 9:40 a.m.              Lambs Farm: 3:20 p.m.
enjoying an assortment of flavors through the
recipes you prepare.

                                                                                                  spring weekends at CEL        13
     Showcase your talents during CEL’s Open
                                                        OPEN MIC NIGHT
     Mic Nights! Grab the mic and belt out your
                                                        PROGRAM DETAILS
     favorite song, tell jokes or a great story.        SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A
     Join your friends for a group sing-a-long
     and start up a conga line if the rhythm hits       Dates: Saturdays, 4/18 & 5/16
                                                        Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
     you! Refreshments and karaoke options              Program Fee: $10 each Saturday
     are provided. Sign up for one or both Open
     Mic Nights!

                                                    Join in the fun for CEL’s monthly Teen
                                                    Nights, where Teens run the show! Each
                                                    month we’ll celebrate a different theme,
                                                    featuring arts & crafts projects, cooking
                                                    activities, games, movement and
                                                    sensory activities. Finish off the night
                                                    in the lounge with dancing and karaoke
                                                    performances. Join your friends for a
                                                    wild Saturday night!

                                                        TEEN NIGHT
                                                        PROGRAM DETAILS
                                                        SPRING SESSION - Who: T and YA

                                                        Dates: Saturdays 4/11 & 5/9
                                                        Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                                        Program Fee: $25 per night
                                                        MIN: 6 MAX: 12


          transportation       bridge               bring extra            scholarship   bring
14        provided             available            money                  available     lunch

CULTURAL ARTS                                          CENTER STAGE: CHARLOTTE’S WEB
Weave a wall hanging inspired by African textiles.     Center Stage participants will work to create their own
Journey to the Irish Isles and learn to bake your      unique interpretation of this well-loved classic, based
own soda bread. Listen to the sounds of the            on E.B. White's memorable tale of friendship between a
Brazilian rainforest and create a handmade rain        pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte.
stick. We’ll explore the sights, sounds and flavors
from around the globe in this class dedicated to
learning about new cultures and customs.                 SUNDAY PROGRAM DETAILS
                                                         SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A
                                                         Dates: 4/5 - 5/17 (6 weeks - no program 4/12)
We’ll have a groovy time in this low-impact music
                                                         Time: 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
and movement class for members of all abilities.         Program Fee: $120
From chair Salsa dancing to a Beatles sing-along,        Transportation Fee: $60
this class will really have you movin’ and groovin’!

   some            moderate             lots of
   walking         walking              walking                                             spring weekends at CEL   15

     ST. PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATION                                    Who: E                    MIN: 12   MAX: 25
        ‘There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the
      sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be!’   Dates: Sunday, March 15   Time: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
                                                                      Program Fee: $40          Transportation Fee: $10
                               (Irish toast)
     Celebrate friendships with a toast at CEL! Find your
     leprechaun name and search for the pot o’ gold before
     enjoying some traditional Irish pub food. Join us to
     experience all things Irish! Rain Plans: Same

     CHICAGOLAND FAMILY PET EXPO                                      Who: YA and A             MIN: 10   MAX: 12
     Explore the sights and sounds of Arlington Racecourse
     as we head to this very popular pet expo, where we               Dates: Sunday, March 22   Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
                                                                      Program Fee: $55          Transportation Fee: $10
     will see, and touch, many pets! Enjoy a fun afternoon
     of entertainment, hands-on attractions and booths
     featuring pet-related products for you and your pet.
     Admission is included, but please bring extra money for
     any purchases. Rain Plans: Same

     WRESTLEMANIA 36 VIEWING PARTY                                    Who: E                    MIN: 15   MAX: 30
     It’s the most talked about night in sports
     entertainment…Wrestlemania! Join your best buds at               Dates: Sunday, April 5    Time: 4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                      Program Fee: $25          Transportation Fee: $10
     CEL for all the pile-driving’, body slammin’, and elbow
     droppin’ action you can handle! Dinner and snacks will
     be served. Always a great time - don’t miss it!

MILWAUKEE ZOO                                             Who: YA and A             MIN: 8    MAX: 10
What’s more fun than visiting our animal friends at
the zoo? Checking out the newborn arrivals! Spend         Dates: Sunday, April 19   Time: 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                          Program Fee: $75          Transportation Fee: $10
an afternoon meeting Ziggy - the baby giraffe, Kiki
– the red fox, and Jethro, the newborn camel! Enjoy
lunch with pink feathery friends at the Flamingo
Café and then explore all that this beautiful zoo has
to offer! Lunch is included but please bring extra
money for souvenirs or extra treats!

MEXICAN FIESTA!                                           Who: E                    MIN: 12   MAX: 24
HOLA to your friends! Join our fiesta by enjoying
a taste of Mexico – traditional food, music and           Dates: Sunday, May 3      Time: 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
                                                          Program Fee: $40          Transportation Fee: $10
dancing! Make a delicious burrito bowl with fillings
and toppings of your choice, learn the rich history
of the country and play ‘loteria’ (bingo with a
twist!) or enjoy a traditional hat dance!
Diviértete con tus amigos! (have fun with
your friends!)

                                                           WEEKEND GETAWAY -
                                                          BARABOO, WISCONSIN
A trip to Baraboo begins with the charm of a small
town that features beautiful views, colorful history
and of course the exciting Circus World Museum!
It's no wonder that Smithsonian Magazine named
Baraboo the 4th Best Small Town to Visit! We will
visit local attractions and take a few short side trips
to Madison and New Glarus to complete your fun
weekend with friends! Join us to discover all that
Baraboo and the surrounding area have to offer.


  Dates: Friday 5/15 through Sunday 5/17
  Time: 9:00 a.m., Friday – Sunday 5:00 p.m.
  Program Fee: $600
  MIN: 10 MAX: 10

                                                                                         spring weekends at CEL    17
CAMP 2020
The Ultimate Camp Experience!
                      Summer Fun for Teens at CEL!
WANTED: Teens and Young Adults ages 13-22 who are looking for a summer
of fun with friends! Get ready for CEL’s Summer Camp where campers can
      look forward to days filled with fun, adventure, exploration and
                    of course your friends, old and new!

             FULL SESSION: June 8 - July 31     (no camp July 3rd)

        Session I: June 8 - July 2   | Session II: July 6 – July 31

   Extend your summer at CEL with Summer Fun Week: August 3 – 7
          A week of summer fun in our community and beyond!

                        S            T YA
                                                              summer weekdays at CEL   19
     FULL DAY CAMP - 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
     Explore the outdoors, learn new skills, take trips into the community, and most
     importantly, make friends and wonderful summertime memories! Campers can
     look forward to a daily schedule filled with activities that will encourage you
     to build confidence and try new things, while providing a sense of routine and

     Campers who attend full days will enjoy a fun mix of learning & creating, while
     having fun at CEL and beyond. Each afternoon, a new adventure awaits!

     HALF-DAY CAMP - 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
     Mondays and Wednesdays: Splashtastic Pool Days
     Each afternoon, we will laze, splash, and play at one of         SIGN UP
     the local pools. Rainy day? No problem!                           EARLY
     We’ll make our own fun indoors!
                                                                      & SAVE!
           • Monday mornings will ease you into the week
              with Sensory and Relaxation
           • Wednesday mornings will be an experience in
              Health and Wellness - yoga, dance and more!

     Terrific Tuesdays!
     Experience Music and Movement in the mornings in and around CEL and get ready
     for Anything Goes every afternoon, where YOU pick your activities – will it be the
     kitchen, lounge or art room? You tell us and we will make it happen!

     Thursday Theme Day
     Will you explore the Wild West, experience a Safari, or have a pajama party? You
     just never know on theme day at CEL! Fun in the kitchen during the morning with
     Snack Attack and some creative (and maybe messy) afternoon fun during Play
     with Art. Bring your suggestions – we would love to hear them!

     Friday: Nature and Exploration
     Summer brings so many wonderful things in nature – grow to love and understand
     the plants, animals and even insects in our own backyard! Every Friday morning,
     we will learn that Nature is Awesome! Then we head out in the afternoons to
     explore parks, forest preserves, nature museums and more!

            FULL CAMP (8 WEEKS)            SESSION I & II (4 WEEKS)
Days          Half            Full             Half                   Full
 2            $880          $1200             $460                $620
 3            $1200         $1680             $630                $870
 4            $1440         $2080             $760               $1080
 5            $1600         $2400             $850               $1250

                 Full and half days available.
            Campers may choose between 2-5 days.

             REGISTER AFTER MARCH 27
                          SUMMER CAMP FEES
                  Registration received on or after March 27
              FULL CAMP (8 WEEKS)          SESSION I & II (4 WEEKS)
     Days        Half          Full           Half             Full
       2        $980         $1320           $510              $680
       3        $1350        $1860           $705              $960
       4        $1640        $2320           $860              $1200
       5        $1850        $2700            $975             $1400

                        FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020
     Early Bird Registration Deadline. 50% deposit is required at sign-up

WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2020 Registration & Transportation Deadline

           FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2020 Full payment must be received


                                                               summer weekdays at CEL   21

     CAMP MEMBERSHIP                                            DIETARY RESTRICTIONS
     CEL's Summer Camp is for members ages 13-22.               We strive to accommodate the needs of campers
     In order to sign up for summer camp, all returning         and will do our best to accommodate requests. In
     campers MUST complete an updated Member                    some cases, especially planned group activities in
     Information Form before they are considered                the community, it may be difficult to ensure specific
     registered. See pages 41-44 to complete the form.          menu options. You will be directed to a member of
     Members are defined as those individuals who have a        our program team to discuss options.
     full registration on file within the past two (2) years.
     All NEW members must complete the new member               ADDITIONAL SUPPORT
     enrollment process before registering for camp.            Additional 1:1 support may be recommended by
                                                                the CEL team at an additional cost in order to
     The camp supervisor will contact each camper and           ensure a more enjoyable and safe experience for
     their family member to further establish support           all CEL members. Additional support may also
     guidelines to ensure a successful camp experience.         be recommended specifically during swim days to
                                                                ensure the safety of our campers.
     CEL's swim program is recreational, not instructional.     REFUND POLICY
     Written guardian permission is required before any         If a cancellation occurs prior to the start of camp,
     camper will be allowed to enter the deep-water area        a $50 service fee will be deducted.
     of the pool. In order for campers who are seizure-         NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER
     prone to participate in swimming, the seizures must be     JUNE 1, 2020.
     controlled by medication and/or the camper must not
     have had a seizure in the past year.                       Prorated refunds will only be given in the
                                                                event of a prolonged illness or a move out of
     CAMP FEES                                                  the area that forces withdrawal from program.
     Fees include swimming passes, entrance fees, staffing,     FEES WILL NOT BE PRORATED TO
     program materials, supplies and transportation to          ACCOMMODATE VACATION SCHEDULES.
     and from off-site activities (i.e., swimming pool,
     excursions, etc.), and camp t-shirt. Snacks are also       We are unable to prorate ANY fees.
     provided throughout the day. Any outstanding fees
     owed to CEL must be paid in full in order to process
     your Summer Camp registration. Scholarships are
     available; please contact the Outreach Department for
     more information.

     Camp operates between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and
     5:00 p.m. We ask that campers are dropped off no
     earlier than 10 minutes prior to camp start and picked
     up no later than 10 minutes after end time. If you
     are running late, you may call the camp supervisor’s
     number at 847-315-9908 to report your expected
     arrival time.

     Please discuss transportation options with the
     Outreach Department. Transportation information
     will be based on demand and will be communicated to
     you two weeks prior to start of camp. A minimum of 4
     riders is needed at transportation sites.

SUMMER FUN WEEK      August 3rd – 7th 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                 S                    T YA

Visit the baby giraffes, explore the hippo habitat or experience   MIN: 6 MAX: 9
Africa Adventure, the Zoo is a place where everyone can laugh      Dates: Monday, August 3
and learn with friends! It’s a place to be amazed and inspired —   Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                                   Program Fee: $80
a place where nature and wonder meet! Rain Plan: Same              Transportation Fee: $10

Experience an adventure with safari-themed rides, bowling, and     MIN: 6 MAX: 9
over 100 arcade games in nearby Villa Park. There is something     Dates: Tuesday, August 4
for everyone from a Merry Go Round to the MaxFlight Simulator      Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                                   Program Fee: $85
or Tiger Terror Roller Coaster for our thrill seekers!             Transportation Fee: $10
Rain Plan: Same

Board the ‘Grand Belle’ and take in the sights of the beautiful    MIN: 6 MAX: 9
Lake Geneva coastline with your friends. You’ll enjoy the          Dates: Wednesday, August 5
narrated tour and as a bonus, an ice cream sundae just the way     Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                                   Program Fee: $100
you like it – what better way to spend a warm summer day!          Transportation Fee: $10
Rain Plans: Same

Join your friends for a fun day of mini golf in Orland Park        MIN: 6 MAX: 9
featuring alien planets, giant robots, flying saucers and space    Dates: Thursday, August 6
creatures that all glow in fluorescent bursts of color. Putt to    Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                                   Program Fee: $85
rockin’ music as lasers, motion projectors, hologram illusions     Transportation Fee: $10
and other awesome high-tech special effects create a one-of-a-
kind experience! Rain Plans: Same

Take in the sights, sounds, and smells on the grounds of your      MIN: 6 MAX: 9
Chicago Cubs! Tour the clubhouse, press box, and bleachers, as     Dates: Friday, August 7
well as the dugout and field! All areas are handicap accessible    Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                                   Program Fee: $85
with the exception of inside the dugout. Rain Plan: Same           Transportation Fee: $10

                                                                        summer weekdays at CEL   23
                                      Take a break from the summer heat to
                                      meet up with friends and bowl the night
                                      away at Lakeside Lanes in Mundelein.
                                      If you would like to ‘strike’ up
                                      conversations with old friends and new,
                                      ‘roll’ on in because this is the place to
                                      be! The session ends with a pizza party
                                      and a personalized bowling certificate!

                                          MONDAY NIGHT BOWLING
                                          PROGRAM DETAILS
                                         SUMMER SESSION - Who: YA and A

                                         Dates: 6/8 – 8/10 (10 weeks)
                                         Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
                                         Program Fee: $175
                                         Transportation Fee: FREE from CEL
                                         Round trip from CEL to Lakeside Lanes
                                         MIN: 20 MAX: 30

           S                          Take a break from the summer heat –
                                      join your friends for a night of fun with
                                      conversations, laughter and some exciting
                                      prizes! Bring your lucky charm and take
                                      your chances with your Bingo numbers.
                                      Light refreshments will be served.

                                         MONDAY NIGHT BINGO!
                                         PROGRAM DETAILS
                                        SPRING SESSION - Who: YA and A

                                        Dates: Every other Monday: 6/15, 6/29, 7/13, 7/27,
                                        8/10 (5 weeks)
                                        Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
                                        Program Fee: $75
                                        Transportation: CEL may establish a route for
                                        4 or more riders at an additional cost

         transportation   bridge      bring extra            scholarship               bring
24       provided         available   money                  available                 lunch

Artists of all abilities and skill levels   TUESDAY ART NIGHT
are welcome in this arts program,           PROGRAM DETAILS
dedicated to supporting creativity and      SUMMER SESSION - Who: YA & A
new artistic skills. Instructors offer
                                            Dates: 6/9 – 8/11 (10 weeks)
hands-on guidance for our beginner          Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
artists, and feedback and support for       Program Fee: $150
our experienced, self-guided artists.       Transportation Fee: $100
                                            MIN: 15 MAX: 25
Members will have the opportunity to
display or sell finished artwork around
CEL and at community art exhibits.

                                                                                 This program is
                                                                              partially supported
                                                                             by a grant from the
                                                                              Illinois Arts Council
                                                                           Agency through federal
                                                                            funds provided by the
                                                                             National Endowment
                                                                                   for the Arts.

  some          moderate        lots of
  walking       walking         walking                                    summer weekdays at CEL     25

     Summer Fun every Wednesday at CEL!                         SUMMER SING-A-LONG
     Meet up with your friends and enjoy some                   If you enjoy singing and music, this is the place
                                                                to be! We will head out to our beautiful patio and
     outdoor and indoor adventures, including
                                                                share the sounds of summer with some karaoke,
     our popular Summer Concert Series and                      dancing, and maybe even some group sing-a-longs.
     exploring our beautiful communities.                       Choose your style of music and share your talents
     Explore the wonders of summer – there’s                    with Wednesday friends.
     something for everyone!
                                                                SUMMER CONCERT SERIES
                                                                It is that time for another summer of music in and
                                                                around our community – the Summer concert series
                                                                is back! Bring your lawn chair and enjoy listening
     Share the excitement of the Summer Olympics 2020
                                                                to a variety of music at local venues with your
     live from Tokyo - learn all about the athletes and
                                                                WNP friends.
     participate in activities representing their country’s
     culture. Members may join viewing parties during the
     Olympics run, on July 29th and August 5th. Cheer on          WEDNESDAY NIGHT
     Team USA and our world-wide friends!                         PROGRAM DETAILS
                                                                  SUMMER SESSION - Who: YA and A
     Summer brings a variety of gardening delights,               Dates: 6/10 - 8/12 (10 weeks)
     including those that will spice up dishes and your           Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                                                  Program Fee: $200
     health & wellness! Learn all about the benefits of herbs
                                                                  Transportation Fee: $100
     and prepare dishes using plants grown in our very own
                                                                  Pick Up Locations           Drop Off Locations
     CEL garden. Break out your green thumb and build an
                                                                  Skokie Swift: 6:30 p.m.     Skokie Swift: 9:30 p.m.
     herb garden with your CEL friends!

                                             All the ladies, put your hands up!
                                             Summer is a great time to share stories,
                                             great conversations and a lot of laughter
                                             with girlfriends! Enjoy a spa night, pajama
                                             party or an evening out for coffee and chit
                                             chat, CEL Ladies Night is the place to be!
                                             End of session includes a mixer with the
                                             gentlemen from Guys Night!

                                               THURSDAY LADIES NIGHT
                                               PROGRAM DETAILS
                                               SUMMER SESSION - Who: YA and A

                                               Dates: 6/11, 6/25, 7/9, 7/23, 8/6
                                               (5 weeks; 8/6 mixer with Guys Night)
                                               Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                               Program Fee: $100
                                               Transportation Fee: $50

                                            THURSDAY GUYS NIGHT
The boys are back in town….for another
summer session! Enjoy board and video
games, talk about your favorite sports
teams, or whip up a delicious snack with
friends – the choice is yours to make it a
summer of fun! The last night of session
includes a mixer with the Ladies!


  Dates: 6/18, 7/2, 7/16, 7/30, 8/6
  (5 weeks; 8/6 mixer with Ladies Night)
  Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  Program Fee: $100
  Transportation Fee: $50

                                                                                      summer weekdays at CEL   27

     Friday night is up for grabs and YOU are
                                                     FRIDAY NIGHT PROGRAM DETAILS
     in charge! Members come to the first day        SUMMER SESSION - Who: YA and A
     of session loaded with fun ideas to share
     and discuss with their friends. Brainstorm      Dates: 6/12 – 8/14 (9 weeks; NO program 7/3)
                                                     Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
     about the ideas and then vote on which          Program Fee: $180
     activity you will participate in this           Transportation Fee: $90
     summer. What a perfect way to kick off
     the weekend!

          transportation       bridge             bring extra               scholarship             bring
28        provided             available          money                     available               lunch
Featuring the Deerfield/Bannockburn Fire Department Firefighter Challenge

Join us for one of the most anticipated
events of the year! Wrap up your summer
with a day of fun for friends, family and our
community. Look forward to the Firefighter
Challenge with our friends at the Deerfield-
Bannockburn Fire department – experience
a day in the life of a firefighter.
                                                   7TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY DAY
And if that’s not enough excitement,               PROGRAM DETAILS
                                                  SUMMER SESSION - Who: EVERYONE
there’s SO much more! Enjoy face-painting,
carnival games and prizes, the very               Dates: Saturday, August 15
                                                  Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
popular dunk tank, and of course some
                                                  Program Fee: FREE
delicious cookout food!                           Rain plans: Same

The day is FREE for all of our                  Please note: Members must be accompanied by a family
                                                member or staff. CEL will not be providing staff support
CEL friends!                                    for this event.

  some         moderate        lots of
  walking      walking         walking                                       summer weekends at CEL        29

     GARDEN PARTY                                                Who: YA and A             MIN: 10   MAX: 15
     Let’s kick off summer with a party on our very own
                                                                 Date: Saturday, June 13   Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
     CEL garden patio! Sip mocktails and enjoy refreshing
                                                                 Program Fee: $35          Transportation Fee: $10
     summertime snacks, listen to music and play party
     games with friends. Rain Plans: Same

     LIBERTYVILLE DAYS                                           Who: YA and A             MIN: 10   MAX: 15
     Celebrate summer in Libertyville! The annual festival
     is filled with live music, novelty stands, demonstrations   Date: Saturday, June 20   Time: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                                                 Program Fee: $50          Transportation Fee: $10
     and plenty of new and exciting carnival rides for all
     ages. Afternoon refreshments are included. Bring extra
     money for rides or souvenirs.
     Rain Plans: Mellody Farms, Vernon Hills

                                              SAVE THE DATES
              Sunday, June 14 Viewing party for the Cubs v. Cardinals LIVE from London
                             Sunday, June 21 Father's Day Celebration
                                         Details to come...

             Please Note: For all events, CEL reserves the right to suggest extra support.

DISNEY MANIA!                                            Who: E                       MIN: 10    MAX: 30
The happiest place on earth will be right here at
CEL! Enjoy a Disney-themed lunch, create an              Date: Saturday, June 27      Time: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
                                                         Program Fee: $35             Transportation Fee: $10
original art project and enjoy Disney face painting –
wear your favorite Disney apparel and celebrate all
things Disney! Rain Plans: Same

SUMMERFEST                                               Who: YA and A                MIN: 10    MAX: 10
The world’s largest music festival can be found
just north of the border on Milwaukee’s beautiful        Date: Sunday, June 28        Time: 10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
                                                         Program Fee: $115            Transportation Fee: $10
lakefront! Experience the sights and sounds of this
popular event and enjoy delicious lunch fare with
friends! Soak in the sun as you visit the vendors        Please note that this event involves a lot of walking and may
and the various music stages. Lunch is included but      also include riding/standing on the shuttle to the venue. Take
bring extra money for souvenirs or extra treats.         into account when registering.
Rain Plans: Same

RIVERS CASINO                                            Who: A                       MIN: 8     MAX: 10
Join your friends for an afternoon of fun as we
travel to Chicagoland’s popular casino. Enjoy a          Date: Saturday, July 11      Time: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
                                                         Program Fee: $70             Transportation Fee: $10
casual lunch and then try your luck on the gaming
floor – will YOU hit the jackpot? Must be 21 or
over and have a valid Illinois State ID to attend
Rain Plans: Same

Are you ready to cool off on a warm summer day?
Enjoy an afternoon of splashing or lounging at
a local pool with your CEL friends. Afternoon
refreshments are included but you may bring extra
money to use at the pool concession stands.
Rain Plans: Indoor swim

Who: YA and A              MIN: 12   MAX: 18

Dates: Sunday, July 12     Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Program Fee: $35           Transportation Fee: $10

                                                                                           summer weekends at CEL         31

     MINI GOLF AND ICE CREAM                                     Who: YA and A                  MIN: 10   MAX: 15
     Join your friends for a round of mini-golf at Lighthouse
     Golf and then enjoy a tasty ice cream treat at Shirl’s      Date: Saturday, July 18        Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                 Program Fee: $40               Transportation Fee: $10
     to cap off your day! This event fills up very quickly
     so register early to secure your ‘tee’ time! Rain Plans:
     Indoor Mini Golf & Ice Cream

     ‘INTO THE WOODS’ AT THE CLC THEATRE                         Who: YA and A                  MIN: 10   MAX: 10
     Once upon a time… A baker and his wife attempt to
     lift a witch’s curse by journeying into the woods, where    Date: Sunday, July 19          Time: 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.*
                                                                 Program Fee: $55               Transportation Fee: $10
     they meet Rapunzel, Cinderella, Jack, Little Red Riding
     Hood and other classic fairy tale characters. Witty and     *end time is approximate
     enchanting, this Tony Award-winning musical teaches
     that responsibility comes with getting what you want!
     Rain Plans: Same

     TASTE OF WISCONSIN                                          Who: YA and A                  MIN: 10   MAX: 12
     Visit Kenosha’s beautiful lakefront for this annual
     one-stop-shop for tasty Wisconsin specialties this side     Date: Saturday, July 25        Time: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
                                                                 Program Fee: $60               Transportation Fee: $10
     of Lake Michigan! Enjoy the sound of local musical
     artists. The first food purchase is included with the fee
     but bring extra money if you want to sample additional      Please note: Portions of the grounds may not be
     food choices.                                               accessible for people in wheelchairs or for those with
     Rain Plans: Same                                            mobility issues.There will also be periods of walking
                                                                 and standing for most of this event; please take that into
                                                                 consideration when registering.

            transportation              bridge                   bring extra                scholarship               bring
32          provided                    available                money                      available                 lunch
PAINT PARTY                                           Who: E                          MIN: 10   MAX: 15
Celebrate summer by creating your own masterpiece
showcasing not only the sights of summer, but your    Date: Sunday, July 26           Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                      Program Fee: $35                Transportation Fee: $10
unique artistic talents! Share an afternoon with
friends with guided instruction on a custom picture –
apply your brush to canvas and the possibilities are
yours to create! Light refreshments will be served.
Rain Plans: Same

THE BREAKFAST CLUB                                         Who: E                     MIN: 12   MAX: 20
Join your friends and whip up a delicious brunch to
share! Enjoy a relaxing morning of coffee talk, great      Date: Saturday, August 1   Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                                                           Program Fee: $30           Transportation Fee: $10
food and even better conversation! What better
way to wrap up a busy month then chilling with
friends at CEL! Rain Plans: Same

The annual Lake County Fair in Grayslake is a
member favorite! Entertainment includes animal
exhibits, shows, monster trucks, carnival games,
rides, bands and everyone’s favorite – fair food!
Lunch is provided but bring extra money for rides,
games and souvenirs. Please note: Portions of the
grounds may not be accessible for people in wheelchairs
or for those with mobility issues. There will also be
periods of walking and standing for most of this event;
please take that into consideration when registering.
Rain Plans: Same

Who: YA and A               MIN: 10    MAX: 15

Date: Sunday, August 2      Time: 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Program Fee: $75            Transportation Fee: $10

   some              moderate             lots of
   walking           walking              walking                                         summer weekends at CEL      33

     SIX FLAGS GREAT AMERICA                                     Who: YA and A                MIN: 8 MAX: 8
     Thrill seekers will love the roller coasters while others
     may prefer Bumpers Cars and the Big Easy Balloons.          Date: Saturday, August 8 Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
                                                                 Program Fee: $125        Transportation Fee: $10
     Catch a live show and meet your favorite Looney Tunes
     character! Cool off on a water ride if you dare – the
     choice is yours! Admission to the park and attractions      There will also be periods of walking and standing for
     are included – you should bring extra money for lunch,      most of this event; please take that into consideration
     treats or souvenirs. Rain Plans: Same                       when registering.

     SUMMER OLYMPICS                                             Who: YA and A                MIN: 12 MAX: 30
     Experience the wonder of the Summer 2020 Olympics           Date: Sunday, August 9       Time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                 Program Fee: $35             Transportation Fee: $10
     closing ceremony as athletes around the world celebrate
     their achievements. Settle into our lounge and watch
     a showcase highlighting the culture and history of the
     current host (Japan) and next host nation (France) for
     the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. A themed dinner
     will be served to share with your CEL friends.
     Rain Plans: Same

                                                       CHICAGO BEARS TRAINING CAMP!
                                                       Calling all Chicago Bears fans! Break out
                                                       your Bears gear and join your football-
                                                       loving friends to visit training camp. Visit
                                                       with players to receive an autograph, and
                                                       watch on the sidelines as the Bears give
                                                       a preview of their lineup and plays. Are
                                                       you ready to kick-off the season with your
                                                       Chicago Bears?

                                                       Dates for Bears camp have yet to be
                                                       announced, but camp will run in late
                                                       July/ early August.

           FILL UP FAST,
             so sign up
           soon to join in
              the fun!                                 OVERNIGHT VACATION
As seasons change, we look forward                      Stay tuned for more details in our Fall Guide.
to the beauty of the many colors and
the sights and smells of autumn. Lake
Geneva offers events, colors, tastes and
wonders to experience with your friends!
View the sights along the shores of
Lake Geneva while aboard the turn-of-
the-century replica steamer Belle of the
Lake, visit Oktoberfest and the pumpkin
drop, or enjoy the local Apple Farm –
what a better way to experience the
season with your CEL friends!
MIN: 8 MAX: 10
Date: Saturday October 10 – Sunday, October 11, 2020
Time: 10:00 a.m., October 10 - 5:00 p.m., October 11

The REACH Adult Day Program is a year-round              Catholic Charities Food Pantry, Bernie’s Book Bank,
day program for adults who want something                Sunrise of Highland Park, Whitehall of Deerfield, Feed My
different from the traditional workshop                  Starving Children and Wagner Farms.
environment. Members must have graduated from
high school or be at least 22 years of age to enroll.    CEL is committed to working with each individual to find
                                                         the program that best meets his/her needs. The process is as
REACH gives members opportunities to continue            follows:
to learn, make new friends and succeed while             • CEL Staff and the prospective REACH member meet and
having meaningful experiences throughout the day.           get to know each other during an initial orientation
The program is offered five days a week, Monday          • Staff and/or veteran REACH members host a tour
through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.             of CEL
Members choose the number of days they wish to           • We observe all school-aged individuals in their classroom
attend, as well as having the option to come in at          or community settings. This allows us to meet with
9:00 AM for an extended day.                                teachers and TAs to understand their needs and
                                                            necessary supports.
REACH members partner with staff in planning             • The free trial day at CEL allows the individual to get
activities and classes for each month. Some                 further acquainted with the structure of the REACH
member’s choices have included fitness activities,          Adult Day Program, the staff and other members. The
social groups, pet therapy, swimming, fishing,              prospective member can participate in a full day to truly
horticulture, drama and art.                                get a feel of the program.
                                                         • A 30-day assessment period at the start of the program
REACH members can also choose from other                    enables the individual and the REACH staff to gather
classes that they express interest in such as Yoga,         the tools they need to develop his/her personal REACH
Janitorial Training, Tennis and Creative Writing.           for Success Plan.
REACH offers a Relationship Class where members          • The plan incorporates the individual’s dreams, desires and
are able to discuss issues such as friendships, dating      interests to establish a course of action to achieve his/her
and learning to advocate for themselves.                    individual goals. Progress toward the goals will be tracked
                                                            by the REACH member, with assistance from staff. A
REACH collaborates with community organizations             quarterly progress report will be shared with key people in
where members engage in a variety of activities,            the member’s life.
including exploring the community, making new            • We require that members make a minimum six month
friends and reconnecting with old friends.                  commitment to the program.

REACH offers activities that focus on vocational         If you are interested in learning more about the REACH
skills for those individuals who are interested in       Adult Day Program contact Outreach Department at
pursuing employment. The purpose is to provide           847.315.9920 or 847.315.9917, or complete the interest
training and support in an area of interest which,       form on page 38.
in the future, may enable the individual to pursue
community employment in this field. Members may
collaborate with the Employment Opportunities
Program to create an individualized experience.

REACH works with more than 20 community                     HALF-DAY OPTIONS AVAILABLE!
partners. REACH members are currently involved
in projects at: Advocate Hospice, Horsefeathers                     9 a.m. - 12 p.m. or 12 p.m - 3 p.m.
Therapeutic Riding Stables, Lincoln Park Zoo,
Chicago Botanic Garden, Home Delivered Meals,


     Prospective Member Name:								D.O.B:


     Guardian(s):								Relationship(s):

     Phone (Home):								Phone (cell):

     Email Address:

     _____ Riverwoods    _____ Northwest Suburbs

     I AM INTERESTED IN THE FOLLOWING DAYS: (Check all that apply)
     __Monday __Tuesday __Wednesday __Thursday __Friday

     I AM INTERESTED IN HALF DAYS:         ___ 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.		         ___ 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


     I AM MOST INTERESTED IN: (Check all that apply)                      I AM CURRENTLY:
     ___Pre-Employment      ___Horticulture                               ___Unemployed ___Volunteering
        Training            ___Leisure/Hobbies                            ___Attending a Workshop
     ___Job Placement       ___Independent                                ___Working in the Community
     ___Volunteer Work          Living Skills                                (Part-Time or Full Time, circle one)
     ___Social Groups       ___Continuing Education                       ___In School     Location________________
     ___Community           ___Healthy Living Skills
        Experiences         ___Creative Arts                              I COMMUNICATE: (Check all that apply)
     MY LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE                                             ___Using Pictures
     IN PERSONAL CARE IS:                                                 ___Using an Adaptive Device
     ___Independent        ___Minimal Assistance                          ___Using Sign Language
     ___Verbal Prompts     ___Complete Assistance                         ___Using Gestures
                                                                          ___Can Read and Write ___Other



     Name of Person Completing Form:							Relationship:
     The Center for Enriched Living, 280 Saunders Road, Riverwoods, Illinois
     Phone: 847.948.7001 Fax: 847.948.7621 

  The Center for Enriched Living's Employment Opportunities Program
  provides individuals with developmental disabilities with the tools and
     resources to help you throughout the entire job search process.

  ork with CEL staff to help you identify potential
 employers within your community that fit your         EMPLOYMENT CLASSES
 individual interests and needs.
                                                        Weekly employment classes to
  EL's staff works with you in designing goals                      include:
 and plans based on your individual preferences,                 - Setting goals
 strengths, abilities and experiences.                         - Resume writing
                                                                - Job searching
  arn a competitive wage as well as an increased      - Importance of first impressions
 social network and a sense of accomplishment.                 - Interview skills
                                                              - Maintaining a job
  EL's staff provides support throughout the               - Intern opportunities
 entire job search process, including on-the-job
 support as needed.

 Let CEL's experienced staff help you on your journey to employment.
    Contact Michael Welsh to get started today at 847.315.9920

     Fees and Registration                                                          Wellness Policy
     1. Complete the registration form in full. You must provide all requested      In order to maintain a healthy environment for all of our members
     information. Please print clearly. A signature on the waiver and the           and staff, and to minimize the spread of contagious diseases, we ask
     photo release is required.                                                     that members refrain from attending programs if any of the following
     2. Full payment is required at time of registration. You may pay by cash,      conditions exist:
     check, money order, Discover, VISA, Mastercard, or American Express.           1. Strep throat and flu symptoms that might include fever, vomiting,
     If paying by credit card, complete that section of the registration form.      diarrhea, stomachache and headache.
     Payment arrangements may be available by contacting Nancy Anderson             2. Active cold symptoms such as, cough and runny nose.
     at 847.315.9901 or                          3. Contagious skin rashes, questionable rashes, lice, mites, impetigo.
     3. Any outstanding fees owed to CEL must be paid in full prior to              4. Eye infections (pink eye).
     Spring & Summer registration.                                                  5. A general report of feeling unwell. When members are not feeling
     4. Special Events and trips have a limited enrollment. Full payment must       well, they are unable to participate and enjoy programming.
     accompany the registration form. Waiting lists will be developed if interest
     exceeds available space.                                                       Please inform CEL if a member contracts any contagious diseases that
     5. If you are requesting a scholarship, please check the box on the            will affect attendance. Members can return to CEL after the symptoms
     registration form. Any outstanding fees owed to CEL must be paid in            have passed or with a doctor’s recommendation.
     full prior to requesting a scholarship. See below for specific scholarship
     information.                                                                   Transportation
     6. New members must complete the new member orientation process                CEL strives to provide convenient accessible transportation for its
     prior to taking part in program(s). Please contact our Outreach                members. Transportation between CEL and central pick-up/drop-off
     Coordinator Megan Cross (847.315.9917) or Outreach Supervisor Michael          points is available for a fee and is now available for scholarship. The
     Welsh (847.315.9920) to arrange an appointment.                                central locations we currently have are: Skokie Swift, Park Ridge and
     7. Additional 1:1 support may be recommended at an extra cost in order to      Lambs Farm. Other routes may be added dependent on need and/or
     ensure a more enjoyable and safe experience for everyone.                      interest.
     8. CEL does not provide wheelchairs for members.
                                                                                    As the need presents itself, additional routes may be added, as long
     Membership                                                                     as they are within a 15 mile radius from CEL. We reserve the right to
     Members are individuals who were registered for program(s) in                  limit the amount of time that a member spends on our vehicles to and
     the last program year or are past members with a current Member                from program. We can establish a location where there are 4 or more
     Information Form (within 2 years). All others must set an appointment          persons who can travel together. You must make arrangements for
     to enroll as a new or lapsed member prior to coming to programs. For           this transportation when you register for program. The availability of
     more information, contact our Outreach Coordinator Megan Cross                 transportation will be discussed when registering.
     (847.315.9917) or Outreach Supervisor Michael Welsh (847.315.9920).
                                                                                    For activities in the community, members are required to (1) meet at
     Scholarship                                                                    CEL and (2) use our transportation. Members should not meet the
     CEL is proud to offer financial assistance for various programs.               group at special events locations. We expect families, caregivers and
     Scholarship awards may be limited and are based on financial needs             agency staff to be on time for both pick-up and drop-off. CEL vehicles
     and availability of funds. Scholarship applies to full fees only and cannot    will only wait an additional 10 minutes at a pick-up location prior to
     be combined with any other discount; are not available for dances; and         the program. In the event that a family member, caregiver or agency
     will not be considered for applicants with a past due balance. Awards do       staff is late in picking up a member after program, late fees will be
     not guarantee future assistance. Please return completed scholarship           charged and families or agencies will be billed accordingly. CEL cannot
     forms before the start of program to be considered for scholarship             assume the costs incurred when families, caregivers or agency staff
     assistance. Contact Nancy Anderson at 847.315.9901 for further                 are late picking up members. We reserve the right to suspend the
     information.                                                                   membership of a member whose family member/caregiver/agency staff
                                                                                    is late three (3) times or more during a program session.
     Refund Policy
     If you need to cancel prior to the start of any program, a $50 service fee     In order to be fiscally responsible, CEL reserves the right to change
     will be deducted. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER THE START OF A                fees when necessary to cover our expenses. Fees quoted in this guide
     SESSION. Pro-rated refunds will only be given in the event of a prolonged      will be in effect through August 2020.
     illness (physician’s statement required) or a move out of the area that
     forces withdrawal from the program.                                            Not responsible for lost or stolen property you bring to CEL programs.

     EVENTS/EXCURSIONS: Cancellations less than two weeks to the date               Early Arrival
     of an event or excursion are not refundable or available for a credit.         We ask that members arrive to CEL no earlier than 10 minutes prior
     If the event includes tickets or guaranteed reservations, we cannot            to any program, unless early arrival has been previously arranged.
     refund/credit that amount. Vacations require 30 days cancellation.             Ongoing early arrivals may result in restricted access to building.

     CEL Participation Policy                                                       Mail, Fax or Drop-Off Your Registration
     For the safety and benefit of each member, the Center for Enriched Living      Mail your registration to the Center for Enriched Living
     has the right to determine the program participation for each person.          280 Saunders Road, Riverwoods, Illinois 60015, fax to 847.948.7621,
                                                                                    or drop-off your registration at CEL. Business hours are Monday
                                                                                    through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

     Inclement Weather Information
     If inclement weather occurs, CEL may determine to cancel programs. (Inclement weather can be defined as heat index over 100˚ or higher,
     vehicles/sites without air conditioning, tornado warnings, icy road conditions, snow storms, extreme wind chill, etc.) If this does occur,
     CEL will call members prior to the start of a program to cancel the program. Members can also check the Emergency Closing Center website at for updated information.
     Program Guide Errors Our staff have made every effort to prepare this program guide as accurately as possible; however, errors can occur.
     Circumstances may require that adjustments be made to programs, fees, schedules, etc. The Center for Enriched Living reserves the right to make
     any such adjustments. We apologize for any inconvenience these errors or adjustments may cause. CEL has no control over venues cancelling or
     rescheduling events. Should this occur, CEL will attempt to offer a comparable activity.

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