DOCTOR WHO

  JEREMIAH                       DOCTOR

We make great full-cast audio dramas and audiobooks
that are available to buy on CD and/or download

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Our audio productions are based
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   W W W. B I G F I N I S H .C O M       @BIGFINISH              THEBIGFINISH

EDITORIAL                                           ISSUE 112 • JUNE 2018

                                                     ACK IN the mists of time      very quickly taken by how
                                                     (OK, it was December          down-to-earth he was, and
                                                     2014!), through my then       before too long the conversation
                                           day job, I was invited down to          turned to Big Finish.
                                           London for the press screening             And my word, Frank is a
                                           of the Doctor Who television            real and proper fan! He knows
                                           special Last Christmas.                 his stuff. This isn’t someone
                                             Various people connected to           who’s heard a couple of plays
                                           the show were invited along,            and half-remembered them.
                                           and I was able to have a long           He is a real enthusiast.
Managing Editor: Jason Haigh-Ellery        chat with Andrew Cartmel –                 So, for this issue, it was a
Executive Producer: Nicholas Briggs        mainly about our cats rather            pleasure to speak with Frank
Senior Producer: David Richardson          than Doctor Who. Steven                 once again, discussing his
Editor: Kenny Smith                        Moffat, Peter Capaldi and Jenna         new Big Finish starring role in
Design: Mark Plastow                       Coleman were there too… along           Callan, playing Lonely. I’ve only
Copy Editor: Stephanie Hornett             with a guest star of note from          ever seen a couple of episodes
The Big Finish Team:                       Peter’s first series. And there         on video, but it was a series my
Ian Atkins, Sue Cowley, Emily de Fraine,   was Frank Skinner, standing             parents always loved (mainly
Hannah Peel, Paul Spragg
                                           on his own. So, ever the bold           because of Russell Hunter, the
Marketing: Kris Griffin and
                                           journalist, I went up and said          original Lonely, I reckon).
Paddy Freeland
                                           hello to him, and we started               Frank’s also a big fan of
BFP Administration: Cheryl Bly,
                                           chatting (about football, I             Vortex, which was lovely to
Brenda Smith, Alison Taylor
                                           will be honest, discussing              hear – I’m relieved to know
Publisher: Big Finish Productions Ltd.
                                           West Bromwich Albion and                it won’t be heading to Room
                                           Aberdeen in particular). I was          101 anytime soon!


          IG FINISH is going on            from Saturday, 16 June.
          the record again – and             HMV will be stocking a strictly
          this time it’s with the          limited pressing of Infamy of
Tenth Doctor. Following on                 the Zaross on yellow 180GM
from the recent news that                  heavyweight vinyl. This will be
Energy of the Daleks is being              available in participating stores
released as a vinyl edition for            only, limited to 750 units.
Sainsburys, Big Finish has                   A spokesperson from HMV                 Writer John Dorney adds: “I’m
teamed up for another exclusive            says: “We’re delighted to               delighted to see Infamy of the
deal, this time with high street           welcome Doctor Who back on              Zaross on vinyl, especially in
retailer HMV.                              vinyl in time for Father’s Day. It’s    HMV. I’ve still got my Gran’s old
  Doctor Who: Infamy of the                just what the Doctor ordered!”          His Master’s Voice record player
Zaross, starring David Tennant               As well as David and Billie,          in my house. Quite a prized bit of
and Billie Piper, will be available        Camille Coduri also features in         furniture, which has such a store
for the first time on vinyl record         Infamy of the Zaross as Jackie Tyler.   of memories for me…”

                                                                                               VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 3
Kenny Smith
prepares for
the return of a
British TV classic
on audio…

         HRILLERS AND spy               Originally created by James       James Mitchell, and we got
          stories have been hugely    Mitchell, Callan is now back on     talking. And what enjoyable
          popular fare with book      audio with Big Finish. Adapted      conversations they were! We just
readers, TV viewers and cinema        from James’s Sunday Express         clicked, I think, in our shared
goers for well over half a century.   short stories by his son Peter      passion for his father’s work.
  James Bond’s quips and the          Mitchell, four new adventures         “Nicholas Briggs, myself and
lighter side of international         will expand the themes explored     Peter met for lunch next to
crime fighting in The Man from        in the television show.             London Waterloo one day, and
U.N.C.L.E. became a staple of the       Succeeding Woodward as            Peter kindly agreed to the idea
1960s, but in 1967 the darker         the title character is Ben Miles,   of us doing audio adaptations of
side of the genre took centre         who starred in Steven Moffat’s      his father’s Callan short stories. I
stage in ITV’s Callan which           Coupling, while his sidekick        thought they’d be perfect – they
starred Edward Woodward.              Lonely, originally played by        were just the right length to
  Having similar responsibilities     Russell Hunter, is brought          expand into 50 minute episodes.
to an MI5 operative, David            to life by Frank Skinner.             “We agreed that Peter would
Callan took a darker approach           Producer David Richardson         write the adaptations himself
to espionage using the most           explains: “Actually the idea of     – after warning him that being
ruthless and lethal techniques        doing Callan was brought to         a first time writer at Big Finish
to get the job done. Four series      us by Robert Fairclough, who        can involve lots of painful
were produced on television           had written a guide to the          notes, rewrites, more notes,
between 1967 and 1972, plus           TV series. He put us in touch       more rewrites – and yet the
a cinema film released in 1974        with Peter Mitchell, who was        scripts came in and were very
and a return to TV in 1981.           the son of the series’ creator      polished. I think a couple of


                                                                                     know that he had an apartment
                                                                                     in Spain and most of the short
                                                                                     stories were written while he was
                                                                                     on holiday there. So I imagined
                                                                                     him sitting on his balcony soaking
                                                                                     up the sun – pen in hand. I felt
                                                                                     extraordinarily close to him
                                                                                     during the entire process.”
                                                                                       Developing short stories into full
                                                                                     dramas was something that Peter
                                                                                     found tough to do, and explains:
                                                                                     “It was a bit of a challenge. Each
                                                                                     drama had to be 60 minutes but
                                                                                     some of the stories were much
                                                                                     shorter than that. I tried to keep
                                                                                     any additional material totally
                                                                                     in keeping with the twists and
                                                                                     turns of a typical Callan plot.
                                                                                       “What made life much easier
                                                                                     was the fact that my dad had a
                                                                                     range of regular, well-defined
Above (l–r): Ben Miles and Frank Skinner
                                                                                     characters that were always
                                                                                     waiting in the wings to add
                                               of the Callan TV series – The         texture as well as sub-plots. This
                                               Callan File. Rob suggested that       gave me plenty of options. I shared
                                               Big Finish might be interested        them with David and John and
                                               in looking at a Callan project.       we agreed a way forward. I was
                                               Producer David Richardson             very pleased with the result and
                                               and I got in touch and we had         I hope Callan fans will agree.
                                               lunch with executive producer           “I was thrilled that Big Finish
                                               Nick Briggs. We had a good old        wanted to develop Callan for
                                               chat about the possibilities and      audio, but I was over the moon

                                               “I was keen to do it and
                                               thought if I said no, I
                                               would never hear from Big
                                               Finish again!” FRANK SKINNER
         them needed fleshing out a little     agreed to examine the short           to be invited to write them. I
         to hit the right length, but they     stories for potential adaptation.     had absolutely no hesitation
         were stunning pieces of work.            “I wasn’t really familiar with     in agreeing to do them – it
         Peter hit the ground running,         the work of Big Finish so David       was a total pleasure and it
         and then did a marathon!”             sent me some existing dramas –        was a new experience for me.
           Peter has adapted File on a         Doctor Who and The Avengers.          I had a ball doing them.”
         Deadly Shot, File on a Classy Club,   I’d never written for audio before

         File on an Awesome Amateur            – my experience is in television               HE CHARACTER of Lonely
         and File on a Harassed Hunter,        and print – but David and script               became as well-known as
         and says: “I encountered Big          editor John Dorney were very                   the show’s leading man,
         Finish through a good mate of         patient and supportive with me.       with the small-time thief with
         mine. Rob Fairclough is a big            “It was a wonderful experience.    body odour problems making
         Doctor Who fan who also (along        I read and re-read the stories and    Russell Hunter into a TV star. Now,
         with Mike Kenwood) wrote the          found myself listening to my          the character is being portrayed by
         definitive tome on the making         dad’s voice while I was doing it. I   Frank Skinner.

                                                                                                 VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 5

                                                                                      “I watched Callan when I
                                                                                    was a kid, but I haven’t gone
                                                                                    back and re-watched it again.
                                                                                    I went by what I remembered,
                                                                                    I didn’t swot up on it. I
                                                                                    remembered Lonely, but we
                                                                                    hadn’t decided if I would do it
                                                                                    in my normal accent or do a
                                                                                    specific 1960s Cockney, which
                                                                                    is very different from 21st
                                                                                    century Cockney. I felt it had
                                                                                    to be done in the 60s Cockney.
                                                                                      “The original Lonely, Russell
                                                                                    Hunter, was Glaswegian,
                                                                                    and when he played him, I

                                                                                    “He did
                                                                                    sound like
                                                                                    he could
                                                                                    kill someone
                                                                                    when he
                                                                                    was on the
   Above (l–r): Ben Miles and Frank Skinner
                                                                                    FRANK SKINNER

                                                 David says: “I can’t remember      remember his accent going a bit
                                              who suggested Ben Miles, but          north of the border at times!
                                              I was very keen to work with             “The other thing I really
                                              Ben again as we’d loved working       remember about Callan was that
                                              with him on our adaptation of         it was massive. It was one of those
                                              HG Wells’s The Time Machine.          TV series that everybody would
                                              He’s just so brilliant, and so easy   be talking about the next day.
                                              to work with. We suggested               “I’m sure there will be a lot of
                                              Ben and Frank to Peter and he         people who haven’t heard of it
                                              gave the thumbs up, so we then        nowadays, but it had one of the
                                              approached both actors – and          best opening sequences, with a
                                              thankfully they both said yes!”       swinging lightbulb which then
                                                 Speaking to Vortex, Frank          explodes. It’s got a very lo-fi
                                              says: “Nick Briggs called me          60s feel to it, but it’s so good.
                                              up about six months before               “We’re doing these short stories,
                                              it was confirmed, saying,             which is something Big Finish
                                              ‘We might have the rights             has always been very good at –
                                              to do Callan, would you be            finding things that have been
                                              interested in playing Lonely?’        forgotten about and then taking
                                                 “I was keen to do it and           them and doing something
                                              thought if I said no, I               new and full with them, giving
                                              would never hear from Big             them the star treatment. This
                                              Finish again! I was really            is recycling at its best!
                                              chuffed about it, to play a              “These are Callan stories that
   Above (l–r): Ben Miles
                                              character called Lonely.              appeared in the Daily Express


 Extras Interviews
 Director Ken Bentley
 Cast Ben Miles, Frank Skinner,
Nicholas Briggs, Jane Slavin

David Callan works for The
Section, a top-secret counter-    Above (l–r): Ben Miles and Nicholas Briggs
espionage organisation. He’s
a killer, a trained assassin,
and the best at what he
does. But that doesn’t            “it’s so rewarding
mean he has to like it.
                                  chatting to Frank about
With the aid of the burglar
Lonely; fellow operative          Big Finish. He loves our
Meres; and Section secretary
Liz, Callan fulfils the orders    audios…” DAVID RICHARDSON
of departmental head
Hunter and finds himself
in very murky waters.             and I suppose most people                    Callan/Lonely relationship
                                  would think they had been                    is special and the casting is
Murder, betrayal and model        lost forever, but then suddenly              absolutely crucial. Brilliant call.”
soldiers. It’s all in a day’s     we’ve got people turning up and                 Joining Ben and Frank in
work for Callan.                  showing an interest in them.”                studio are Jane Slavin, who
                                     Peter adds: “I thought the                plays Section Secretary Liz,
                                  casting was inspired. I knew                 and Nicholas Briggs who plays
                                  that Ben was a Callan fan and I              the Head of the Section.
                                  had great respect for him as an                 Frank adds: “Working with
                                  actor – a tremendous choice. The             Ben was great. He’s really good
 Four series of the original      idea of casting Frank as Lonely              as Callan – he’s got that coldness
television series were produced   took me completely by surprise               from the original but he’s found
between 1967 and 1972, plus a     but the more I thought about                 a way of making it work, and
cinema film released in 1974      it, the more I was convinced                 can occasionally be quite nice
and a TV comeback in 1981.        he was absolutely right. That                to Lonely – but not too nice!

                                                                                            VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 7

                                                                                    “When I’m
                                                                                    around, I’ve
                                                                                    usually got a
                                                                                    Colin Baker
                                                                                    or Peter
                                                                                    Davison CD
                                                                                    with me,”
                                                                                    FRANK SKINNER

                                                                                    being brought to life. He sighs:
                                                                                    “David invited me down to
                                                                                    London for the last day of the
                                                                                    recordings. So I set off early one
   Above (l–r): Jane Slavin and Ben Miles                                           morning from my home in
                                                                                    Northumberland only to have the
                                                                                    power steering fail on the car just
                                            going to get a beautiful production     as I pulled into the car park at
                                            and spend the day laughing. And         Newcastle Central Station. I
                                            it’s so rewarding chatting to Frank     couldn’t physically park the
                                            about Big Finish. He loves our          vehicle, so I missed the train. I
                                            audios – I remember he came along       was so disappointed to have
                                            praising Doctor Who: Time in            missed out.
                                            Office, which he’d just listened to!”     “But I’m really looking forward
                                               Frank laughs: “I’ve done a Tom       to listening to the finished
                                            Baker, and I did Dark Eyes 2 with       product. I’ve heard some clips
                                            Paul McGann, and I subscribe to         and they are absolutely first
                                            the Big Finish Doctor Who stories.      class. I worked in TV for many
                                            When I did my one with Tom,             years and can be a fairly tough
                                            I was delighted to meet writer          judge but so far, I’m incredibly
                                            Andrew Smith and got to talk to         impressed and can’t wait to
                                            him about Full Circle. I remember       hear the completed episodes.”
                                            at the end, I was a bit embarrassed       Could more Callan follow?
                                            asking Tom to sign my script for          Peter says: “I sincerely hope
                                            me, but he was really nice about it!    so. I think this has the potential
                                               “When I’m driving around, I’ve       to be a really strong team and
   Above (l–r): Jane Slavin, Ben            usually got a Colin Baker or Peter      for me, the experience has been
   Miles and Nicholas Briggs
                                            Davison CD with me, and I still get     nothing but positive. We all work
                                            a real buzz from listening to them.     to the same goal which is to create
  “He did sound like he could kill             “As a Doctor Who fan, Big            the best product we possibly
someone when he was on the                  Finish has been the centre of           can. We collaborate in a spirit of
microphone – he was great!                  the universe for me, for so many        openness with utter respect for the
  “I have to say, I loved doing it. I       years. When people find Big             originals. I couldn’t ask for a better
would love to do more – it would be         Finish, they tend to stick with it      production company to be involved
brilliant if this could run and run.”       like I have. I’m a total fan boy!”      with. The Callan brand is in safe
  David agrees: “The studio                                                         hands with Big Finish. I know

sessions were a blast. Working with                  NFORTUNATELY FOR               my father would be delighted to
Ben, Frank, Nick and Jane, and with                  Peter, he was unable to        know that, even after all this time,
Ken directing, you know you’re                       hear his adaptations           David Callan lives on.”

SEVENTH HEAVEN                             next big Big Finish meeting, and am        His incarnation of the Master
Just overdosed on all three box            happy to report we’re now doing this.      was perfectly portrayed. Dreyfus
sets of Blake’s 7: Crossfire over the      Sue Cowley in the production office        has the absolute best voice for
last week. Awesome stuff! Felt as          tells me she’s added the archive logo      the Master. But I have a question
if you managed to insert an entire         covers to the download zips dating         about his incarnation. Was the
extra season into the TV canon.            back to January this year. Nice one!       Dreyfus Master intended to be
For me, the standouts were the                                                        the First Master? Are we hearing
stories by Paul Darrow and Una             A FIFTH ELEMENT                            him as he originally was before
McCormack but overall it was never         I just wanted to ask if Big Finish         he ever regenerated? Or is that
less than fantastic. Hope that there       had plans for any Fifth Doctor and         intentionally left unanswered
will be more B7 in the future.             Peri stories in the near future? They      and open for interpretation?
  Michael Evans                            worked fantastically well together           Tate Henvey
Nick: Ooooh, there will,                   on a number of the earlier monthly         Nick: The latter, Tate, the latter.
Michael, there will!                       releases, and could make a good            I like unanswered questions!
                                           contrast to some of the more recent
                                           (still brilliant!) Fifth Doctor stories.
                                           I also wonder if the universe could
                                           handle Benny versus River Song?
                                             Richard Perrin
                                           Nick: Richard, there are no plans for
                                           this because I feel that we previously
                                           mined the virtually non-existent
                                           narrative gap between Planet of
                                           Fire and The Caves of Androzani
                                           beyond all credibility. Peri clearly
                                           arrives on Androzani wearing the
                                           same clothes she wore in Planet of
                                           Fire… It was a fun thing to do, but        FIRST DEGREE
                                           I think we’ve stretched the point          Any chance of the First Doctor
CLASSIC CONUNDRUM                          enough now. Peri will be back with         meeting the Cybermen? After all,
I love your audiobooks and am              the Sixth Doctor and she’s also            he seemed at least aware of them
a huge fan of your Doctor Who,             featured in the Short Trips range.         in The Tenth Planet. Speaking of
Blake’s 7 and Avengers ranges. I                                                      Cybermen, I’ve often wondered
live in America and am strictly a          MASTER PLANS                               what would happen if they
download only customer. I love             I want to start by thanking you            met up with Davros. Always
the new Chibnall Who logo on               all for the fantastic work you             thought it’d be interesting…
your forthcoming DW releases,              do. I recently purchased (among             Monty
but was wondering if you could             other things) The First Doctor             Nick: I wouldn’t rule it out. I’m
include the alternate covers with          Adventures Volume One and have             not aware that the First Doctor
the classic TV logos as part of the        already finished listening to The          expressed any prior knowledge
download release package? Thanks           Destination Wars. While I still            of the Cybermen in The Tenth
for Ravenous, Crossfire Part 3 and         think the voices of the First Doctor,      Planet. I’m not sure of what kind
the upcoming Too Many Targets!             Susan, Barbara and Ian sound very          of story would emerge if Davros
  Joseph Coker                             different from the original actors,        were to meet the Cybermen. Not
Nick: After I read your email, Joseph, I   I absolutely loved the story. James        part of our current plans. But… just
added this point to the agenda of our      Dreyfus was especially wonderful.          imagine… Mwahahaaaa!

                                                                                                   VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 9
Kenny Smith steps back in time
as comedy hero Nigel Planer’s
new series is finally realised…

          OR SEVERAL years Nigel       been through various shapes and       it. Jeremiah Bourne is funny
          Planer has had an idea       forms. I wrote it originally as a     and exciting and warm and…
          sitting in the back of his   book, but later felt it would be      I kept coming back to the word
mind. The actor, known for playing     best suited to an audio drama.        ‘delightful’. I found it absolutely
Neil in The Young Ones, Nicholas         “I’ve worked for Big Finish a       delightful. I suggested the project
Craig: The Naked Actor and             few times as an actor and always      to Nicholas Briggs and Jason
Vorgenson in Doctor Who Live!,         enjoyed it. I was working on The      Haigh-Ellery (this was before
had created a character who can        First Men in the Moon for them,       we had an official Big Finish
travel through time using only the     and I mentioned it to David           Originals range) and they liked
power of his mind.                     Richardson, the producer, who         the idea and gave the thumbs up.”
  And now, this fantasy                picked up on it immediately.”            Nigel continues: “I’m interested
comedy-drama has taken form              David confirms: “We were            in the idea of genetic memory, the
in Jeremiah Bourne in Time,            recording our audio adaptation        possibility that things might have
which is being released next           of The First Men in the Moon last     a sort of ‘morphic resonance’. The
month as one of the new Big            year, and had a quick break. Over     freaky idea that it might be possible
Finish Originals range launched        a cuppa in the green room, Nigel      to have unconscious memories
earlier this year to celebrate the     told me about this audio series       of things you’ve never actually
company’s 20th anniversary.            he was writing, and asked if I’d      experienced. You know what it’s
  Nigel tells Vortex: “I’ve had        be interested in reading it.          like when you smell something
Jeremiah Bourne in Time in my            “I asked him to email the scripts   and it sets you off, and brings back
head for a few years now. It’s         to me, which he did… and I loved      memories from your childhood? Or

                                                                                                 JEREMIAH BOURNE

                                                                                           with big memories would find
                                                                                           themselves at a distinct advantage
                                                                                           and might end up in control.
                                                                                              “People like black cab drivers
                                                                                           before satnav who had to take
                                                                                           years to learn every single road in
                                                                                           the town [London]. They called it
                                                                                           ‘The Knowledge’. Well after a Digi
                                                                                           meltdown, people like that might
                                                                                           form an elite class that survives
                                                                                           through its super-memory.”
                                                                                              And now the series has taken
                                                                                           shape. Jeremiah Bourne is a boy with
                                                                                           a remarkable gift. He can travel in
                                                                                           time. Not by using a time machine,
Above: Sebastian Armesto                                                                   or stepping through a dimensional
                                                                                           portal. It just happens to him, as
                                                                                           though by accident. One minute
                                                                                           he’s in the present day, the next,
                                                                                           he’s a hundred years in the past,
                                                                                           standing in the London of 1910.
                                                                                              Jeremiah has two questions; how
                                                                                           did he get there – and how can he get
                                                                                           back? On his quest for the answers,
                                                                                           he enlists the help of Phyllis Stokes
                                                                                           of The Society for Theosophical
                                                                                           Research and her equally eccentric
                                                                                           brother, Roger Allcot Standish,
                                                                                           magistrate, spiritualist and dedicated
                                                                                           nudist. He encounters the sadistic
                                                                                           Mr and Mrs Grout and the ruthless
                                                                                           Ed Viney, thief, gang member and
                                                                                           slitter of throats. And he arouses
            Above (l–r): Sophie Thompson, Nigel Planer,
            Sebastian Armesto, Tim Bentinck and Annette Badland                            the disapproval of Clementina
                                                                                           Quentinbloom, the head of a home
                                                                                           for ‘Fallen Girls’, by befriending Daisy
         sometimes you see someone and                I IMAGINED A                         Wallace, a girl ahead of her time.
         you think you remember their face?
                                                      TIME IN THE
           “Well, in Jeremiah Bourne in Time                                                          LTHOUGH BEST known
         we’ve taken that idea a bit further,         FUTURE WHEN                                     for his acting work, Nigel
         so Jeremiah accidentally transports                                                          has several previous
         himself back in time as he starts            THERE’S BEEN                         writing credits. David says: “Nigel
         to have memories that aren’t his.
         There’s no time machine involved.
                                                      A DIGITAL                            asked if we had a script editor who
                                                                                           was especially good at plotting, as
         And he doesn’t travel in space – just        MELTDOWN                             he wanted some steering on that
         in time. He stays in exactly the same
         place, but finds himself… then!
                                                      AND ALL DATA                         front. I thought of Jonathan Morris,
                                                                                           who was very keen to become
           “When I was younger, I used to be          HAS BEEN LOST.                       involved, and then pretty much left
         really good at remembering a lot of          NIGEL PLANER                         Nigel and Jonny together to shape
         long numbers, like bank accounts                                                  the series into what it is now (which
         and passports etc, but now, with                                                  is delightful!).” Nigel adds: “I have
         the advent of iTechnology, I don’t                                                written a couple of radio plays
         even think I know either of my               future when there’s been a digital   before so I’d had a bit of practice
         sons’ mobile phone numbers                   meltdown and all data has been       with audio drama, but I was very
         because all I have to do is tap a            lost. Or even two or three digital   lucky with Big Finish to be working
         screen. Well, for Jeremiah Bourne            meltdowns, Digi 1, Digi 2 and Digi   with script editor Jonny Morris.
         in Time, I imagined a time in the            3. In those circumstances, people    Jonny really knows how this kind of

                                                                                                        VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 11

adventure story works,
structurally. He’s done a lot of
Doctor Who and other sci-fi
things. I listened and learned.
   “He also helped in terms of the
stage directions. For example,
you might write something like,
‘Jeremiah’s in the room with
Phyllis Stokes’, so Jonny would           Above (l–r): Sophie Thompson, Nigel Planer,
ask me, ‘How do we know that?’            Sebastian Armesto, Tim McInnerny and Helen Goldwyn
It gets you thinking about how
you would convey the story only
through what people hear.”                                                         about Y at this point? Can we have
   Jonny says: “I was very thrilled,                                               a reason why they don’t just do Z?’”
because – obviously – I am a                                                         Jeremiah Bourne in Time has a
massive fan of Nigel’s work, not                                                   cast that any radio play, theatre
just The Young Ones and the                                                        production or TV show would be
alternative comedy stuff, but his                                                  envious of. It features a host of
Nicholas Craig shows. I even saw                                                   British acting greats, including
him in We Will Rock You. But once                                                  Celia Imrie, Tim McInnerny,
the process began that was all put                                                 Christopher Ryan, Siobhan
aside, because working with Nigel                                                  Redmond and Sophie Thompson.
was just like working with any                                                       Nigel says: “Casting was really
other writer. He was extremely                                                     good fun. I was lucky to get a lot
receptive to suggestions, even                                                     of mates interested in it. Sophie
when they meant more work,                                                         Thompson, Chris Ryan, Tim
                                          Above (l–r): Annette Badland
and not at all precious. Nigel had        and Tim Bentinck                         McInnerny, Celia Imrie. I’ve heard
already spent some time developing                                                 the first edits and they are just
                                                                                   phenomenal. They bring it off
                                       EVERYBODY                                   the page in a way that I could

                                       JUST JOINED                                 never have imagined. And some
                                                                                   are playing multiple roles.
                                       IN. AND                                       “Celia, for instance, who you

                                                                                   would expect to be playing someone
                                                                                   posh like Clementina Quentinbloom
                                       WANTED TO                                   (which she does brilliantly), is also
                                                                                   playing old Mrs Tandy. Everybody
                                       BE THE VOICE                                just joined in. And everyone wanted

                                       OF DRYDEN                                   to be the voice of Dryden the parrot.
                                                                                   We had a ‘best parrot’ competition,
                                       THE PARROT.                                 but, you know, listening to the
                                       NIGEL PLANER                                edit, I can’t tell who won!”
                                                                                     The titular character is played by
                                                                                   Sebastian Armesto, and director
                                                                                   Barnaby Edwards says: “There’s
                                       the idea, he already had all the            a special thrill to a new project.
                                       characters worked out and so on.            You’re creating everything from
                                       My role was to use my extensive             scratch – the feel of the story, its
                                       audio-based sci-fi storytelling             pacing, its tone, its characters, its
                                       experience to pull it all together          humour. You’re the one setting
                                       into a strong, logical story. So I          the precedents, determining the
                                       helped develop the plot and how             rights and wrongs of this brave
                                       it approached the ‘rules’ of time           new world. That’s simultaneously
                                       travel stories. After that, as Nigel        exciting and daunting.
                                       delivered the drafts, it was a normal         “I’m delighted to say that Nigel
                                       script-editing process of checking,         was a huge help all along the
   Above: Nigel Planer
                                       ‘Wouldn’t character X be worried            way. From the outset, he told me

                                                                                             JEREMIAH BOURNE

                                         in combination with each other                “It was great fun, and I think the
                                         that’s the tricky part of casting.            end result is rather special. It’s very
                                            “Anyway, that’s why there are lots         colourful, vivid and funny, and a
                                         of other actors who, regardless of            little bit outrageous. There’s also
                                         their long and successful careers in          a magical The Box of Delights
                                         TV, film and theatre, also happened           quality to it. It’s such a strong idea
                                         to have starred in hit 1980s                  it has the potential to go even
                                         ‘alternative comedy’ TV shows: Tim            further. It could be a TV series or
                                         McInnerny, Celia Imrie, Siobhan               a film! There is certainly scope
                                         Redmond, Christopher Ryan,                    for a second series. So I hope this
                                         Annette Badland and so on. For the            is just the beginning, and having
                                         younger cast members, I sought                developed such a good working
                                         out similarly fresh and quick-                relationship with Nigel, it would
                                         witted minds with immaculate                  be nice to keep going!” Nigel

 Extras Interviews
 Director Barnaby Edwards
 Cast Sebastian Armesto,
Nigel Planer, Sophie Thompson,
Tim McInnerny

                                            Above (l–r): Nigel Planer, Sophie Thompson, and Tim McInnerny

   ‘You’re the boss’ and he let me       comic timing, foremost among                  concludes: “I’m really hoping
   cast and direct and sound design      them the gloriously mercurial                 people will like it – I’ve already
   everything as I wanted to – but he    Sebastian Armesto who turns in a              worked out a storyline for series
   was a wonderful sounding board        superb central performance as our             two. It won’t necessarily be set in
   and always happy to offer an          reluctant time-traveller. I’ve known          1910 like the first series; there are
   insightful suggestion when I was      Seb for nearly two decades – before           lots of other areas to explore. I’m
   hovering between possibilities.       we worked together on Doctor                  walking through Blackfriars right
      “In terms of casting I wanted      Who TV episode Bad Wolf in 2005               now, which is where Jeremiah lives.
   actors who would ‘get’ the            – and it was his voice I heard in my            “The history comes up at you
   brilliance of Nigel’s scripts:        head as I first read the scripts.             from everywhere. Some of these
   their humour, their pathos,             “I know one shouldn’t have                  roads have been here for hundreds
   their period quirkiness. I            favourites, but this cast were really         of years. There are bits of the city,
   knew I wanted Nigel as the icy        special. I can rarely remember                still visible now, that are over a
   Henry Davenant Hythe and he           enjoying a recording more. And                thousand years old – a wall here,
   suggested Sophie Thompson             I’m delighted to say that this                a stone there. Blackfriars Bridge,
   (with whom I’d always wanted          spirit of fun has translated into             for instance, is over 250 years
   to work) for the eccentric            the finished drama – the comedy               old. The traffic I’m hearing today,
   Phyllis, so I based the rest of       and inventiveness of the cast                 would disappear, as I drift to,
   the casting on those two roles.       effortlessly carry us through                 say, 400 years ago, and I can hear
   I often do this as it helps give      this extraordinary time-hopping               horses and carriages and street
   an audio drama a unified – and        rollercoaster of an adventure.                vendors’ calls. We could go to the
   unique – tone. There are plenty       Here’s hoping we do a sequel!”                18th century, the 16th, the 15th…
   of great actors out there, but it’s     Jeremiah Bourne in Time is a                back to Roman times. There are
   working out how they’ll operate       four-hour release, and Jonny adds:            so many opportunities.”

                                                                                                    VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 13
Kenny Smith finds the Eighth
Doctor and Bliss are…

         OF TIME
          S THE universe burns
          around him, the Eighth
          Doctor is back for another
box set of adventures, set in the
early days of the Time War.
  Paul McGann’s incarnation,
accompanied by his new
companion Bliss (Rakhee
Thakrar), will face four more
adventures with high stakes,
                                       so well. It was a joy to work
                                       on, and we found during the
                                       writing and production that
                                       there was much more potential
                                       there, so many stories to tell.
                                         “This second release sees us
                                       opening up the world, exploring
                                       the character of Bliss more,
                                       delving into her background.”          are steps on the way towards
                                                                              the Doctor we saw in the TV

as the Daleks and Time Lords                     HE LORDS of Terror by        episode, The Night of the Doctor
battle for eternity in The Eighth                Jonathan Morris opens        where, of course, he decides he
Doctor: The Time War 2.                          the set.                     must finally join the Time War
  Jacqueline Pearce ensures              Jonny says his initial outline       and become the War Doctor.”
that Gallifrey stands once more        was: “Just to write a dramatic,           How did Jonny find writing
when she returns as Cardinal           character-led story. I was very        about the Time War, given what
Ollistra, with Nicholas Briggs         keen to build a story around           was previously mentioned about
again voicing the Daleks.              a series of escalating moral           it in the television story?
  Producer David Richardson            dilemmas and to put the Doctor in         He explains: “Well, it’s not based
says: “I was thrilled that the first   a situation where he is pushed to      on any of the references to it on
Time War box set went down             the brink. I think all these stories   television. I felt it was important

                                                                                                      THE TIME WAR 2

                                                                                            happened to change the course of
                                                                                            its history, turning it into a world
                                                                                            deliberately resembling Airstrip
                                                                                            One from Nineteen Eighty-Four
                                                                                            (I took inspiration from the
                                                                                            works of George Orwell, using it
                                                                                            as a theme to tie it all together).
                                                                                            And, of course, the question is,
                                                                                            who has done this – and why?”
                                                                                               Jonny previously wrote for
                                                                                            the Eighth Doctor, always full
                                                                                            of life and energy, during his
                                                                                            adventures with Lucie Miller.
                                                                                               He continues: “I think Paul
                                                                                            McGann is great at playing the
                                                                                            Doctor when he is forced to
                                                                                            make tough – impossible – moral
                                                                                            choices. Where he is forced to
                                                                                            question his own principles.
                                                                                            Many years ago I wrote an audio
                                                                                            story for the Eighth Doctor
                                                                                            called Deimos/The Resurrection of
    Above (l–r): Jon Culshaw and Rakhee Thakrar                                             Mars where I built a plot around
                                                                                            creating those situations, and
                                                                                            with The Lords of Terror I’ve

                                                     ALL DRAMA IS                           taken it another step further.
                                                                                               “All drama is essentially about
                                                     ESSENTIALLY ABOUT                      putting your characters in
                                                                                            situations where they have to
                                                     PUTTING YOUR                           make heartbreaking, life-changing

                                                     CHARACTERS IN                          choices, where the characters
                                                                                            are defined by which way they

                                                     SITUATIONS WHERE                       jump. So what I have tried to do
                                                                                            with this is create a situation

                                                     THEY HAVE TO MAKE                      where you don’t know which
                                                                                            way the Doctor will go…”
                                                     HEARTBREAKING, LIFE-
                                                                                                      S THE Time Lord becomes
                                                     CHANGING CHOICES.                                more embroiled and
                                                     JONATHAN MORRIS                                  desperate in the temporal
                                                                                            conflict, they look to use all of the
                                                                                            potential assets at their disposal
                                                                                            including the Twelve. Previously
                                                     mission in the TV episode, Genesis     the Eleven played by Mark Bonnar
                                                     of the Daleks; that his mission to     in Doom Coalition and Ravenous,
                                                     avert the creation of the Daleks       this next incarnation is played by
                                                     was because the Time Lords had         Julia McKenzie.
    Above: Julia McKenzie
                                                     foreseen the Time War and were           David explains: “We’ve brought
                                                     trying to prevent it. Of course, the   in the Twelve, a very different
             to keep it grounded within a            Doctor didn’t avert the creation of    successor to the Eleven, who is
             realistic situation, rather than        the Daleks, so it could be argued      a significant presence in the last
             make it about a war played out          that the Time War is all his fault…    three stories. And we find the
             in multiple dimensions. We can            “The story begins with the           Doctor being dragged, against
             do that further down the line!          Doctor taking Bliss back home          his will, into the turmoil of
               “But what I have done, and have       only to find that her home planet      the war that will ultimately
             had great fun doing, is to explicitly   has changed almost beyond              define his future. And there are
             tie the Time War to the Doctor’s        recognition. Something has             Daleks. Lots and lots of them!”

                                                                                                        VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 15

  In the second story of this set,
the Daleks are reunited with
their old servants in Planet of the
Ogrons, written by Guy Adams,
who has also penned the third
story, In the Garden of Death.
  Guy says: “There are very few
times in my life when while
looking at ways to improve
something, I haven’t thought, ‘It
needs more Margaret Rutherford.’
Naturally, the Dame is immortal
and yet inconveniently impossible
to hire, so while I approached the
character of the Twelve with her
in mind I was painfully aware
we were unlikely to get her…
                                        Above (l–r): Nikki Amuka-Bird, Christopher Naylor, Amanda Root,
  “No matter! Look who we got           Simon Slater, Rahkee Thakrar, Jonathan Morris and Rakie Ayola
instead! I mean, there are very

                                                                                             HE TIME War 2
                                                                                             concludes with Jonah
TIMES IN MY LIFE                                                                             by Timothy X Atack.
                                                                                   He explains: “Jonah is set in the
WHEN, WHILE LOOKING                                                                aftermath of a terrible Dalek

AT WAYS TO IMPROVE                                                                 invasion where no-one quite
                                                                                   understands why they’ve

SOMETHING, I HAVEN’T                                                               invaded. The action takes place
                                                                                   on a submarine. As the story

THOUGHT, IT NEEDS                                                                  opens we discover that the
                                                                                   Daleks are searching the
MORE JULIA McKENZIE!                                                               peculiar oceans of this
                                                                                   backwater world for something
                                                                                   mysterious and dangerous, and
                                                                                   our heroes think they’re tailing
                                                                                   them, spying on them – only
few times in my life when, while                                                   for the tables to quickly turn.
looking at ways to improve                                                         It’s got depth charges, tense
something, I haven’t thought,                                                      moments of near-silence, all
‘It needs more Julia McKenzie!’                                                    the things you’d expect from a
Everything needs more Julia                                                        submariner’s story, and it also
McKenzie, one of our finest,                                                       asks the urgent question: do
most charismatic actors. I am                                                      Time Lords have sea shanties?”
                                        Above: Nikki Amuka-Bird
already stood outside the studio                                                     Tim admits that he took some
waiting to offer her cups of                                                       inspiration from a favourite
tea and eternal servitude.”           them evil. Irresistible. And then            film of his, 1981’s Das Boot, set
   David adds: “We knew we            when Ken Bentley suggested Julia             on a WWII German U-boat.
wanted to look to the future of       McKenzie, it all came together                 He says: “One of my favourite
the Eleven in these Time War          brilliantly. Julia is magnificent.”          war movies is Das Boot, so
stories, and bring in the next          Ken grins: “Julia McKenzie                 I thought it was a great idea
incarnation. It was the brilliant     was the first actress that                   to have Paul’s Eighth Doctor
minds of Matt Fitton and Guy          sprang to mind when I saw                    as an extremely reluctant
who devised this new, Margaret        the character breakdown for                  commander, trapped in a
Rutherford-esque take on the          the Twelve. She’s such an                    tin can, facing the kind of
character. A sweet old lady with      accomplished actress, loves                  decisions that eventually
a dozen personalities inside her      audio, and I knew she’d relish the           make him the warrior his
head, and most (but not all) of       opportunity to play a villain.”              future persona becomes.

                                                                                       THE TIME WAR 2

                             FOR THE DOCTOR,                                somehow speaks of relatable
                                                                            decisions on a personal scale.”

                             THE WORST IS YET                                  Tim also enjoyed having
                                                                            the chance to write for the
                             TO COME.           TIMOTHY X ATACK             Doctor in a tense situation.
                                                                               He adds: “One of the common
                                                                            maxims for drama writers is
                                                                            to make life difficult for your
                               “I think the Time War                        protagonists, then make it
                             probably has as many detours,                  worse, then make it impossible.
                             phoney wars, tragedies and                     I think us Time War storytellers
                             minor victories as any major                   are pacing ourselves at the
                             conflict and most likely,                      moment – the conflict is already
                             we’re just getting started                     cataclysmic but for the Doctor,
                             telling those stories.                         the worst is yet to come.
                               “The difficulty is always in                    “While he’s still very definitely
DOCTOR WHO                   finding ideas that are redolent                the Eighth incarnation we know
                             of a reality-rending bloodbath                 and love, the pre-echoes are
 Extras Bonus Disc
 Director Ken Bentley
  Cast Paul McGann, Rakhee
Thakrar, Nicholas Briggs,
Jacqueline Pearce, Julia
McKenzie, Nikki Amuka-Bird

by Jonathan Morris

by Guy Adams

by Guy Adams

JONAH by Timothy X Atack     Above (l–r): Tania Rodrigues, Surinder Duhra and Anya Chalotra

                                      between two equally                   present, the clues are there as to
                                       matched enemies,                     what he will become that night
                                        while also keeping it a)            on Karn. There are moments in
                                       intelligible and b) fun,             Jonah where I hope you see it…
                                       because this is Doctor               where the Doctor’s future is laid
                                       Who after all. The way               bare, and he faces a soul-shaking
                                        I’m focussed on doing               premonition of the terrors
                                        it is in making sure                ahead…” Director Ken concludes:
                                        that in the end you’re              “The Time War is always an
                                        writing about people                entertaining range to record. The
                                          and their problems.               Daleks are the only character we
                                              “Even if those                record with a live voice effect,
                                          problems happen                   and I never get tired of seeing
                                        to be terrifying and                all the faces light up when the
                                      cosmos-changing,                      actors get to work alongside the
                                     you make sure it                       Daleks for the first time!”

                                                                                          VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 17
Kenny Smith discovers that David Bradley’s second
                                                          box set as the Doctor features stories of…

         RESH from the success of    two stories which feel totally        they know the kind of things
         his return to the role as   at home in that first season of       that Nick and I are looking
         the First Doctor on         Doctor Who, one being scientific      for, and I knew they’d deliver
television and audio, David          and the other a historical, with      excellent work to schedule.
Bradley is back in the TARDIS        The Invention of Death by John          “Which, of course they all did.
again next month.                    Dorney, and The Barbarians and        Like the first box set, Volume
  His acclaimed portrayal of         the Samurai by Andrew Smith.          Two offers two stories that are
the original incarnation of            Producer David Richardson tells     very authentic to the period.
our favourite Time Lord led to       Vortex: “We knew we were going        One futuristic sci-fi, the other
widespread praise, especially for    to be recording the first two First   an adventure-filled historical.”
his Big Finish debut in The First    Doctor box sets back to back, and       The Invention of Death by John
Doctor Adventures Volume One.        (though it actually turned out        Dorney opens the set, and it’s not
  Now, he will return for two        not to be the case) we initially      the kind of story that you would
more stories, alongside Jamie        thought we might be short of          expect. Vortex doesn’t want to
Glover as Ian Chesterton, Jemma      time to get the scripts together.     spoil the surprise of what the
Powell as Barbara Wright and           “So I went for writers who had      actual story is about, but it’s one
Claudia Grant as Susan Foreman,      a huge amount of experience at        that fans of harder sci-fi will enjoy.
his co-stars from the 2013           Big Finish – Matt Fitton and Guy        John was delighted to be writing
William Hartnell biopic, An          Adams on Volume One, John and         for the First Doctor, and reveals: “I
Adventure in Space and Time.         Andrew on Volume Two. We all          know there’s often quite a clamour
  This new release will feature      know each other so well that          for the full-cast plays from the

                                                                                                   THE FIRST DOCTOR

                                                                                                “This isn’t a full-on adventure
                                                                                              story – it’s a slightly more slow
                                                                                              burner of a story than we would
                                                                                              do for the more recent Doctors.”

                                                                                                       s tended to happen in
                                                                                                       those first couple of
                                                                                                       seasons of Doctor Who, if
                                                                                              the TARDIS materialised
                                                                                              somewhere futuristic in one story,
                                                                                              then the chances were that it
                                                                                              would go back in time – and back
                                                                                              to Earth – for the next adventure.
                                                                                                And that’s exactly what we
                                                                                              have with The Barbarians and the
                                                                                              Samurai by Andrew Smith, which
Above (l–r): John Dorney, Michelle Morris, Jemma Powell, David Bradley,
                                                                                              takes the TARDIS to a country
Nicholas Briggs, Claudia Grant, Christopher Naylor and Tracy Wiles
                                                                                              that it has rarely visited in any of

                                                                                              I WANTED TO
                                                                                              DO SOMETHING
                                                                                              REALLY EXTREME,
                                                                                              SOMETHING A
                                                                                              BIT MORE HARD
                                                                                              SCI-FI…            JOHN DORNEY

                                                                                              Doctor Who’s various forms of
                                                                                              audios, novels and comic strips.
                                                                                                 Andrew explains: “It was a
Above: David Bradley                                                                          labour of love, really. It’s an
                                                                                              area of history I’ve had a keen
                                                                                              interest in since the early 1980s
         fanbase, but from my point of                   a lot of ambition there. Look at     after reading James Clavell’s
         view as a writer, it doesn’t feel               The Sensorites and The Web Planet    novel, Shogun. I even learned a
         much different from doing The                   – they’re trying to bring an alien   bit of the Japanese language.
         Companion Chronicles. You’re                    civilisation to life, doing whole       “I’ve a book on the history
         still trying to craft lines, it’s just          alien worlds in a small studio.      of modern Japan going back
         a different way of writing.                     There are so many alien worlds       to the 18th century that I
           “It’s an exciting thing to be asked           in those early stories, with some    used as research, and I read
         to work on, as it’s something new.              of them not connected to Earth       some others as well.
           “I’ve loved David Bradley for                 at all – and no Earth colonies.         “This is a story I’ve always
         20 years! I remember seeing                       “So rather than setting it on      wanted to tell. Back around
         him in The Alchemist in the                     Earth or a colony, I felt it would   1982/83, I wrote a storyline
         1990s, so it’s a bit of a dream                 be more interesting to take it       called The Dark Samurai which
         come true to write for him in                   somewhere else which would           I submitted to Eric Saward, the
         a full-cast First Doctor story.                 be more exciting. I wanted to        script editor of Doctor Who,
           “I’ve been watching the first                 do something really extreme,         which wasn’t taken up (Eric
         couple of seasons of Doctor Who                 something a bit more hard sci-fi     said it would have been too
         quite a lot, and you can see there’s            than what we would usually do.       expensive). I’ve taken some

                                                                                                          VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 19

elements from that – a few                                                        He reveals: “The amount of
characters and the setting, with                                                research I had to do was much
British sailors supplying guns                                                  more than I’d had to do for
– but The Barbarians is a very                                                  any other story. It seemed that
different story. For one thing, The                                             on almost every page I had to
Dark Samurai was a sci-fi story,                                                research something, such as
and this is a ‘pure’ historical.                                                what the environment would
  “When David asked me to                                                       be like at that time, and even
write it, along with Matt, John                                                 things like what would be
and Guy for the other stories                                                   on the floor. I actually spent
in this range, it was suggested                                                 four hours reading up on floor
there could be a historical for                                                 coverings in feudal Japan! So
the First Doctor. Guy came back                  Above: David Bradley           you know, for most places

                                                                                YOU LEARN SO
                                                                                MUCH FROM DOING
                                                                                THE RESEARCH
                                                                                – I THINK IT’S
                                                                                REALLY GOOD FUN.
                                                                                ANDREW SMITH

                                                                                they used (and still use) tatami
                                                                                mats, which are even laid out
                                                                                in special configurations for
                                                                                certain auspicious occasions.
                                                                                  “Simple everyday things like
                                                                                doors are different too – sliding
                                                                                doors rather than hinged,
                                                                                for the most part. And what
                                                                                implements would you find
                                                                                in a Japanese feudal kitchen? I
                                                                                looked into all of this, not just
                                                                                for realism in the dialogue, but
   Above (l–r): Jozef Aoki, Sadao Ueda, Christopher
   Naylor, Susan Hingley, Andrew Wincott and Dan Li                             to help the sound designer.
                                                                                  “It’s a great thing, with Doctor
                                                                                Who having an educational
with his idea for The Great White             fiction trappings, I think it     side. You learn so much
Hurricane, and I suggested this               makes the jeopardy and the        from doing the research – I
18th century Japanese story.                  characters feel more real.”       think it’s really good fun.”
  “Later on at a social event                   By having a historical, its       To make sure he captured the
with Matt, the script editor on               very nature meant that Andrew     authentic feel of the era, Andrew
these, I told him I was toying                had to research the time period   got a proper insight into the
with the idea of making it part-              in which the story was set –      regular cast and the way in which
historical, part-science fiction,             and it turned out to be more      historicals were handled by
and he said I could – but then                extensive than he’d planned.      watching Doctor Who episodes
on the journey home I decided                 After all, who thinks about the   from 1964. Although he knew he
to make it a ‘pure historical’                interior decoration of Japanese   was writing for the An Adventure
as I love the realism of them.                buildings in the 18th century?    in Space and Time cast, Andrew
  “Since there are no science                 Well, Andrew did for a start…!    was conscious of capturing the

                                                                                 THE FIRST DOCTOR

                            voices of the original TARDIS                 the Doctor and Susan, with their
                            crew. Andrew says: “I did have                family connection – it’s such a
                            the original crew in mind when                diverse range of characters.
                            I wrote The Barbarians. I went                   “People talk about the crowded
                            back to view The Aztecs for                   TARDIS in the 80s, but this team
                            research but ended up doing a                 of the 60s was just fantastic.
                            William Hartnell Doctor Who                   They were all such distinct,
                            watch and carried on with the                 well-defined characters.”
                            rest of the series! It’s really                  Back as Susan is Claudia Grant,
                            interesting to see it in sequence             who tells Vortex: “After I did An
                            for the very first time (although             Adventure in Time and Space,
                            I was around back then, my                    I didn’t actually think too much
                            first Doctor Who memories                     about it again so I was delighted
                            are of Patrick Troughton).                    when Big Finish asked me to


 Extras Bonus Disc
 Director Nicholas Briggs
 Cast David Bradley,
Claudia Grant, Jemma
Powell, Jamie Glover

                            Above (l–r): Jamie Glover, Claudia Grant, David Bradley and Jemma Powell
by John Dorney

THE SAMURAI                   “I steeped myself in that era,              come back with the others.
by Andrew Smith
                              particularly with that initial                 “We had such a good time
                               four in the TARDIS and the                 in 2013 so it was great to see
                                  dynamics between them.                  David, Jamie and Jemma again.
                                   With Ian, you have a man                  “It was great fun in studio
                                    of action, and Barbara is             and they were all really good
                                    the font of knowledge who             stories, but my favourite was
                                     knows they have arrived              definitely the Japanese one.
                                     during the 200 years of              It was so well written and
                                    seclusion for Japan, when             really interesting to do.”
                                   foreigners were immediately               David Richardson adds: “We
                                  put under the death penalty.            had such a happy time on this.
                                You could expect to be                    Everyone really bonded – David
                               killed if you were caught.                 was just so lovely and easy and
                                  “Barbara susses it out early            excellent, and he adores Jemma,
                               on, that they are in the period            Claudia and Jamie. And they are
                               of ‘sakoku’, when Japan was                just fantastic, there was a real
                                 in isolation – and they                  feeling of friendship forged on
                                   need to get out of there.              this and I’m really looking forward
                                       “They have all got their           to doing more – which I very
                                      roles to play. You’ve got           much hope we will…!”

                                                                                       VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 21
pre-Davros Daleks, up to their         bringing the words to life. Wendy
                                      old tricks. The scourge of the         Padbury revisiting Zoe – brilliant.
                                      universe, turning up like a virus      And Nicholas Briggs doing the
                                      that can never really be eradicated,   Daleks – I got to see the ring
                                      and causing major havoc.               modulator in action, up close!”
                                        “So I went for old-school              As a new range, the series one
                                      Daleks hatching an evil plan,          writers were still testing the
                                      just like it was in the 1960s. As      water with the format of The
                                      for doing something new with           Companion Chronicles, with
                                      them, it’s all about good writing.     an actor and a second voice.

                                      THE SCOURGE OF THE UNIVERSE,
                                      TURNING UP LIKE A VIRUS THAT CAN
                                      NEVER REALLY BE ERADICATED…
                                      PATRICK CHAPMAN

                                      Rob Shearman reinvented them              Patrick explained: “These
                                      brilliantly when he brought            plays are set up as a hybrid form.
                                      them back for the TV series. And       They’re half way between a
                                      the Moffat/Gatiss Daleks are           talking book and a full-cast play,
                                      old-school again, re-established       and that made it fun to write.
                                                                                “You have to be careful about
                                                                             how you write exposition so that
FEAR OF THE DALEKS                                                           it doesn’t come across as stagy
                                                                             or artificial. It’s got to be visual
                                                                             writing in a narrative format
                                                                             while having the character sound

          AUNCHING A new Big          as a universal threat, not having      natural. There’s a mixture of both
          Finish range has always     to explain themselves, or their        ‘show’ and ‘tell’ that has to be
          been exciting. And if       escape from the last time the          balanced properly. The second
you’ve got Daleks and Cybermen        Doctor wiped them out.                 voice did add to the texture of
in there, it really grabs the fans’     “It was fantastic to get to write    the play, and as that second voice
attention. Turn back the clock to     dialogue for the Daleks, and to try    was Nick doing the Daleks, it
2007 and we had Fear of the Daleks    and devise a plot intended to be       ended up being several characters
as the debut Second Doctor story      very much of the Second Doctor’s       – individual Daleks – rather
in The Companion Chronicles.          era but with a few modern              than just Zoe and one other.”
  Written by Patrick Chapman,         twists. I particularly enjoyed            Producer and director Mark J
he said: “I’ve always loved           subverting a well-known Dalek          Thompson added: “Patrick wrote
Doctor Who and grew up with           saying. Instead of, ‘My vision is      for the Doctor and Zoe really,
the Daleks, as everyone has,          impaired, I cannot see’, I wrote,      really well. And Nick Briggs, I
so it was a labour of love.           ‘My consciousness is impaired, I       have to say, did an absolutely
  “It’s always difficult to try       cannot think.’ That was a hoot!        fantastic job of providing the three
and do something new with the           “However the most enjoyable          Dalek voices in this.”
Daleks. With Fear of the Daleks,      part of the experience was
I was trying to do something          being allowed to sit in on the         Fear of the Daleks is available
old with them as well. These are      recording and hear the actors          now on CD and download.

JUNE 2018                                     ■■ DW • THE EARLY ADVENTURES:                ■■ DW • SHORT TRIPS: FLIGHT INTO HULL!
                                                   THE DALEK OCCUPATION OF WINTER              DLO (8.11,META-CRISIS DOCTOR, JACKIE TYLER)
                                                  (5.1, FIRST DOCTOR)
   IRON BRIGHT (239, SIXTH DOCTOR)                                                           ■■ BERNICE SUMMERFIELD: IN TIME
                                                ■■ DW • SHORT TRIPS:                           (NOVEL, EBOOK AND AUDIOBOOK)
                                                   THE MISTPUDDLE MURDERS          DLO
   THE SECOND DOCTOR: VOLUME TWO                                                             ■■ STAR COPS: MOTHER EARTH
                                                  (8.9, FIFTH DOCTOR, NYSSA AND TEGAN)
  (BOX SET)                                                                                     PART 2 (BOX SET)
                                                ■■DW • LADY CHRISTINA (BOX SET)
                                                ■■ BERNICE SUMMERFIELD:
  (BOX SET)                                                                                    JANUARY 2019
                                                   THE STORY SO FAR VOLUME 1 (BOX SET)
■■ DW • SHORT TRIPS:                                                                         ■■ DW • THE MONTHLY ADVENTURES:
   THE DARKENED EARTH        DLO                ■■ BERNICE SUMMERFIELD:                         TBA (247)
                                                   THE STORY SO FAR VOLUME 2 (BOX SET)
                                                                                             ■■ DW • THE FOURTH DOCTOR
                                                   SHILLING & SIXPENCE INVESTIGATE             (8.A, FOURTH DOCTOR AND ANN KELSO)
■■ DARK SHADOWS:                                   DLO
   MAGGIE & QUENTIN – THE                                                                    ■■ DW • THE FOURTH DOCTOR
   LOVERS’ REFRAIN                                                                              ADVENTURES: THE SINESTRAN KILL        DLO

                                                  OCTOBER 2018                                 (8.1, FOURTH DOCTOR AND ANN KELSO)

                                                ■■ DW • THE MONTHLY ADVENTURES:              ■■ DW • THE FOURTH DOCTOR
  JULY 2018                                                                                     ADVENTURES: THE ENCHANTRESS OF
                                                   THE QUANTUM POSSIBILITY ENGINE
   HOUR OF THE CYBERMEN                                                                        (8.2, FOURTH DOCTOR AND ANN KELSO)
                                                ■■ DW • THE EARLY ADVENTURES:
                                                   AN IDEAL WORLD (5.2, FIRST DOCTOR)        ■■ DW • THE FOURTH DOCTOR
■■ DW • THE FIRST DOCTOR ADVENTURES:                                                            ADVENTURES: PLANET OF THE DRASHIGS
                                                ■■ DW • THE EIGHTH DOCTOR
   VOLUME TWO (BOX SET)                                                                        DLO
                                                   ADVENTURES: RAVENOUS 2 (BOX SET)
                                                                                               (8.3, FOURTH DOCTOR AND ANN KELSO)
                                                ■■ DW • ELEVENTH DOCTOR
   THE TIME WAR: SERIES TWO (BOX SET)                                                        ■■ DW • THE FOURTH DOCTOR
                                                   CHRONICLES (BOX SET)
                                                                                                ADVENTURES: THE FALSE GUARDIAN          DLO
                                                ■■ DW • SHORT TRIPS:                           (8.4, FOURTH DOCTOR AND ANN KELSO)
                                                   THE DEVIL'S FOOTPRINTS      DLO
  (8.7, FIRST DOCTOR, IAN, BARBARA AND SUSAN)                                                ■■ THE DIARY OF RIVER SONG: SERIES 5
                                                  (8.10, SEVENTH DOCTOR AND MEL)
                                                                                               (BOX SET)
                                                                                             ■■ CALLAN: VOLUME TWO
  (BOX SET)                                        DLO
                                                                                             DLO = DOWNLOAD ONLY
                                                                                             DW = DOCTOR WHO
■■ BIG FINISH ORIGINALS:                          NOVEMBER 2018
                                                   WARLOCK'S CROSS
                                                  (244, SEVENTH DOCTOR, ACE AND MEL)
  AUGUST 2018                                                                                   ORDER INFORMATION
                                                ■■ DW • THE EARLY ADVENTURES:
                                                ■■ DW • SHORT TRIPS:                            Tel: 01628 824102
                                                   THE SIEGE OF BIG BEN     DLO
■■ DW • THE DIARY OF RIVER SONG:                  (8.10,META-CRISIS DOCTOR, JACKIE TYLER)       Email:
                                                ■■ UNIT – THE NEW SERIES: TBA (7)
                                                ■■ SURVIVORS: SERIES 8 (BOX SET)                Secure online ordering
                                                                                                and details of all our
                                                  DECEMBER 2018                                 products can be found
                                                ■■ DW • THE MONTHLY ADVENTURES:                 at
                                                   MUSE OF FIRE
                                                  (245, SEVENTH DOCTOR, MEL, ACE AND IRIS)

  SEPTEMBER 2018                                ■■ DW • THE MONTHLY ADVENTURES:
                                                   TBA (246)
  DOCTOR, ACE AND MEL)                             CRASH OF THE UK-201 (5.4, FIRST DOCTOR)

                                                                                                           VORTEX MAGAZINE • PAGE 23
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