2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District

2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District


                     December 7


                     December 21

2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
                                                                            Classes & Programs Subject to Change
                                                                            The River Forest Park District may cancel, reschedule, or
                                                                            re-imagine programs and events based on the latest Illinois
                                                                            Department of Public Health, Center for Disease Control,
                                                                            Restore Illinois COVID-19 directives. We will keep you
Face Masks & Health Restrictions                                            informed of changes in programming through our website,
• All staff will wear face masks at all times.                              social media, and email. Thank you for your patience and
• Participants will wear face masks when                                    understanding.
    within 6-feet of others or indoors.
•   Participants/staff will not be permitted
    into the facility if exhibiting COVID-19
                                                 Facility Space & Cleaning                    FAQ
                                                 • All programs will be assigned to a         Will you take patron’s temperature before
                                                     designated space each day to mitigate    the start of the program each day?
COVID-19 Exposure or Diagnosis                       any interaction with other groups. Any   No, but prior to participating, we will ask
Participants/Staff who are exposed to                spaces that are shared throughout the    each participant if they or anyone in their
COVID-19 may not return until:                       day will be disinfected between each     household is experiencing any signs or
They have had no fever for 72 hours (without         group using the space.                   symptoms of COVID-19. STAY HOME IF
medicine)                                        •   A deep cleaning will be done daily.      FEELING ILL.
AND                                              •   Sanitizing will occur for high touch
other symptoms have improved.                        surface areas (bathrooms, elevator       How will we be cleaning equipment?
AND                                                  buttons, etc.) throughout the day.       All equipment will be sanitized before they
At least 10 days have passed since their         •   All equipment and materials that are     are shared with the next participant or
symptoms first appeared.                             shared or used throughout the day will   group.
OR                                                   be sanitized after each group use.
Have had two negative COVID-19 test in                                                        Will programs be going outside?
a row, with testing done at least 24 hours                                                    Yes, as long as weather permits.
apart.                                           Restrooms
                                                 • Patrons should use hand sanitizer
                                                     prior to using the restroom whenever     Are sports allowed?
Signs of Illness                                                                              All sports leagues and programs will follow
• If a participant shows illness symptoms,                                                    Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
    they will be escorted to a dedicated
                                                 •   All patrons should wash their hands 20
                                                     seconds before leaving the restroom.     mandated protocols and guidelines.
    room until they can be picked up safely
    by a parent/guardian.
                                                 •   Restrooms are disinfected throughout
                                                     the day.
•   If a participant/Staff has a confirmed
    case of COVID-19
•   Staff and families will be notified          Group Size and Staffing
    immediately of any possible case             • Participants will remain with the same
    of COVID-19 while maintaining                    group throughout the program.
    confidentiality.                             •   Ratios are subject to change based
•   Program participants will be moved to            upon CDC guidelines and depending on
    an alternative room in the building. The         which stage of RESTORE IL we are in.
    contaminated room will be quarantined
    and cleaned 24 hours after initial

Drop-Off and Pick-Up
• Participants will be dropped off and                                           CARRY IN/CARRY OUT PARKS
    picked up via curbside whenever                                              The Park District has designated the Forest &
    possible. Some programs may require                                          Iowa Triangle, Keystone & Augusta Triangle,
    a parent/guardian to enter the building                                      Memorial Parkway, and Washington Triangle as
    with a participant.                                                          Carry In/Carry Out Parks. The aim of the
•   Once the participant has been dropped                                        program is to reduce labor costs and increase
    off, they will be escorted to their                                          environmental awareness and stewardship. We
    program area by staff.                                                       simply ask our park users to take out whatever
•   All programs will be limited to parents/                                     trash they bring into the park. Please do your
    guardians and one person to drop-off &                                       part to keep our parks clean.
    pick-up program participants.

01                 Winter & Spring 2021
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
Contact Us                                                        Table of Contents
The Depot                                                         Adult & Tot ......................................................................................... 11-12
401 Thatcher Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305                       Adult Fitness ............................................................................................. 9
Office Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:30-4:30 pm*                    Adult Sports .............................................................................................. 9
*Note: The Park District in person registration counter will be   Adult Variety .......................................................................................... 20
closed until further notice.                                      Cultural Arts ............................................................................................. 16
Phone: (708) 366-6660
                                                                  Dance ...................................................................................................... 15
Website: www.rfparks.com
                                                                  Early Childhood ....................................................................................... 14

Board of Commissioners
                                                                  General Information ............................................................................ 1-2
                                                                  Platform Tennis ...................................................................................... 3-4
                                                                  Parks & Facilities ................................................................................... 22
Ross Roloff, President
Lynn Libera, Vice President                                       Registration Info .................................................................................... 21
Mark Brown, Treasurer                                             Special Interest ................................................................................ 18-19
Cheryl Cargie, Commissioner                                       STEAM ................................................................................................ 17-18
Dennis Healy, Commissioner                                        Winter Fun ............................................................................................... 20
Michael Sletten, Secretary                                        Yoga .......................................................................................................... 10
                                                                  Youth Sports .......................................................................................... 5-8
Park District Board Meetings
The Board of Commissioners meet on the second Monday of
every month at The Depot, 401 Thatcher Avenue. The meetings       River Forest Park District Mission Statement
commence at 6:00 pm and are open to the public. If you have       To enrich the community through acquisition, development,
recommendations as to how we may improve our operations, we       management, and preservation of parks and open space, while
welcome your suggestions. Please contact us at 708-366-6660.      providing fun, meaningful, and safe recreation opportunities for
                                                                  the residents of River Forest.
Administrative Staff                                              Our Vision Statement
Executive Director                Business Services               The River Forest Park District is our residents’ place for fun and
Michael J. Sletten, CPRP                                          community.
msletten@rfparks.com              Mary J. Dominguez, CPRP
708-366-6660 ext. 101             mdominguez@rfparks.com          The Parks Foundation
                                  708-366-6660 ext. 102           The River Forest Parks Foundation is a non-profit 501c3
                                                                  organization for charitable, educational, and
Superintendent                                                    scientific purposes. The River Forest Park
of Parks                          Finance Supervisor              District Board of Commissioners serve a
John Beto                         Rhonda Brewer
                                                                  dual role as unpaid Parks Foundation Board
jbeto@rfparks.com                 rbrewer@rfparks.com
                                                                  Members. The River Forest Parks Foundation
708-366-6660 ext. 103             708-366-6660 ext. 102           is accepting business and individual
                                                                  charitable donations to support program
Superintendent of                 Administrative Assistant        scholarships and park development
Recreation                        Jennifer Snow                   projects. Any donation inquiries should be
Karen Stille, CPRP                jsnow@rfparks.com               sent to Michael Sletten at msletten@rfparks.
kstille@rfparks.com               708-366-6660 ext. 100           com.
708-366-6660 ext. 10
                                                                                    Special Events and other programming opportunites
Communications                                                                    may come up during the season. Join our e-newsletter
& Marketing Supervisor
                                                                                 (sign-up on rfparks.com) or follow along on Facebook –
Jill Wejman
jwejman@rfparks.com                                                                                            @RiverForestParkDistrict.
708-366-6660 ext. 106

                                                                                           www.rfparks.com • (708) 366-6660                                           02
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
Annual Passes                                          Annual Passes are from September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2021
Platform Tennis Annual Passes are available
for purchase for the 2020-2021 Platform                Annual Passes				 Fee		Code
Tennis Season. Passes can be purchased                 New Annual Passholder				                           $238/$281        3432.2110
online at rfparks.com. New passholders will            New Passholder (Oak Park/Forest Park Resident)      $256		           3434.2120
be notified of fob key pickup days. Annual             Returning Passholder				                            $228/$271        3432.2130
Passes include: access to the Platform Tennis          Returning Passholder (Oak Park/Forest Park Res.)    $246		           3434.2140
Court; the opportunity to schedule court               Junior Passholder (Ages 7-20) - No Key Fob given    $99/$124         3425.2150
time via the online reservations system,
the opportunity to register for the Platform
Tennis House Leagues, Travel Leagues, and              *Due to COVID-19 and the Global Pandemic, the Paddle Hut will be restricted to
Platform Tennis social opportunities.                  restroom use only.

Men's Winter Platform Tennis House League                              Women's Winter Platform Tennis
Ages 21 +                                                              MONDAY House League
There will be 8 teams of up to 14 men per team. Teams will play a      Ages 21 +
10-week schedule followed by a seeded single elimination playoff.      The Monday House League will be round robin. Teams will play a
Each team will have an assigned Captain. Players do not need to        12-week schedule. The determination of flight or round robin play
be available each week. Captains will schedule weekly matches          will be based on registration numbers.
based on player availability. Balls will be provided for each game.    Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts
Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts                              Bring: Face mask
Bring: Face mask                                                       Fee: $40

Day     Date        Time                 Fee           Code            Day     Date       Time		                            Code
Su      1/10-4/4    4:30-11:00 pm        $40           3230.3120       M       1/11-4/5   6:00 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:00 pm         3231.3210

Men's Spring Platform Tennis House League                              Women's Winter Platform Tennis
Ages 21 +                                                              WEDNESDAY House League
Participants will be divided up into teams. Each team will be          Ages 21 +
assigned a team captain. Men's teams will play a 6-week schedule,      The Wednesday House League will be flight play. Teams will play a
and there will be a seeded, single-elimination playoff at the end of   12-week schedule. The number of flights and women per flight will
the 6-week schedule.                                                   be based on registration.
Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts                              Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts
Bring: Face mask                                                       Bring: Face mask
                                                                       Fee: $40
Day     Date        Time                 Fee           Code
M       4/19-6/7    6:00-11:00 pm        $30           3230.4120       Day     Date       Time		                            Code
                                                                       W       1/13-4/7   4:30pm, 6:00pm, 7:30pm, 9:00pm 3231.3211

                                                                       Women's Spring Platform Tennis House League
                                                                       Ages 21 +
You must be a River Forest Platform Tennis                             The Wednesday House League will be flight play. Teams will play
Annual Pass Holder to participate in Leagues & Drills.                 an 8-week schedule. The number of flights and women per flight
                                                                       will be based on registration.
                                                                       Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts
                                                                       Bring: Face mask
                                                                       Fee: $30

                                                                       Day     Date       Time		                            Code
                                                                       W       4/21-6/9   6:00pm, 7:30pm, 9:00pm            3231.4210

03                 Winter & Spring 2021
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
                                                                         Co-ed Platform Tennis Lessons
                                                                         Ages 21 +
Follow us on Facebook for Platform                                       We will review backhand, volleys, lobs,drives, serves, overhands,
Tennis updates, events, and programs:                                    and screens. Focus will be on having FUN while working to find
@riverforestplatformtennis                                               "more time" to hit the ball. Also there will be practicing balancing
                                                                         the court, consistency, technique, shot selection and strategy.
                                                                         Court play will be divided by ability level. Paddle racquet and balls
                                                                         Instructor: Laura Berendt
                                                                         Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts
Women's Platform Tennis Drills                                           Bring: Face mask
Ages 21 +
This will be a 6 week drill program with resident pro, Laura Ber-        Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
endt. This program is available to players of all levels from those      Tu      1/19-3/9    5:00-6:00 pm         $213/$266      3338.3701
just learning the game to those trying to fine tune their skills.
Players of similar skill levels will be paired together. You must be a
River Forest Platform Tennis Annual Pass Holder to participate           Co-ed Platform Tennis Lessons
in Drills Classes.                                                       Ages 21 +
Instructor: Laura Berendt                                                We will review backhand, volleys, lobs,drives, serves, overhands,
Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts                                and screens. Focus will be on having FUN while working to find
Bring: Face mask                                                         "more time" to hit the ball. Also there will be practicing balancing
                                                                         the court, consistency, technique, shot selection and strategy.
Day     Date        Time                  Fee           Code             Court play will be divided by ability level. Paddle racquet and balls
F       1/22-2/26 9:00-10:30 am           $240          3334.3551        provided.
                                                                         Instructor: Laura Berendt
                                                                         Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts
High School Platform Tennis Drills                                       Bring: Face mask
Ages 14-18
Players don't have to be an annual pass holder for high school           Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
drills. Male and female high school students will work with our          Sa      1/23-3/6    12:00-1:00 pm        $187/$233      3338.3702
resident paddle pro, Laura Berendt, in this 6 week program to
develop a basic understanding of the game through instruction,
drills, and weekly matches. Players will be matched on a weekly
basis based on grade and skill level.
Instructor: Laura Berendt
Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts
Bring: Face mask

Day     Date        Time                  Fee           Code
M 2/1-3/8 3:30-4:30 pm                    $160          3320.3101

Junior Platform Tennis Drills
Ages 7-13
This will be a 6 week drill program with resident pro, Laura Ber-
endt. This program is available to players of all levels from those
just learning the game to those trying to fine tune their skills.
Players of similar skill levels will be paired together. You must be
a River Forest Platfrom Tennis Junior Annual Pass Holder to
participate in Drills Classes.
Instructor: Laura Berendt
Location: Keystone Platform Tennis Courts
Bring: Face mask

Day     Date        Time                  Fee           Code
Tu      1/19-2/23 4:15-5:00 pm            $120          3336.3601
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
Basketball Gametime                                                   Jr. T-Ball
Ages: 3-4; 5-6                                                        Ages: 3-4, 5-6
Come out and play as we have fun learning the fundamentals of         T-ball can be a boring game if taught the wrong way! The All-
the game with inventive drills, games, & contests that will help      Star approach to baseball is one that will engage all players no
keep your child active. 3Point Athletics’ team of engaging and        matter their skill level. Our coaching technique will provide basic
knowledgeable instructors will blend the perfect amount of skill      building blocks in a fun, safe environment. We have created a
instruction with organized games & fun activities to create a         system that keeps the players moving and learning even when in
program that is productive, positive, & fun!                          the dugout. Mechanics and hand-eye coordination are the keys
Instructor: 3Point Athletics                                          to early success. Players in this program will be more confident in
Location: The Depot                                                   this active class as we work on the proper mechanics of catching,
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                             throwing, fielding, base running, and batting. This fun and exciting
                                                                      program will prepare each player for the level II t-ball or coach
                                                                      pitch leagues. All programs are based on learning teamwork and
Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code            sportsmanship.
Ages: 3-4                                                             Instructor: All Star Sports Instruction
W       1/6-2/10    4:00-4:45 pm        $100/$125     1321.3101       Location: Washington Commons Park
W       2/17-3/24   4:00-4:45 pm        $100/$125     1321.3103       Bring: T-ball glove, labeled water bottle and face mask
Ages: 5-6
W       1/6-2/10    5:00-5:45 pm        $100/$125     1321.3102       Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code
W       2/17-3/24   5:00-5:45 pm        $100/$125     1321.3104       Ages: 3-4
                                                                      Th      4/8-5/27 4:00-4:45 pm $79/$99 1320.3091
Basketball Gametime                                                   Ages: 5-6
Ages: 5-7; 8-11                                                       Th      4/8-5/27 5:00-5:45 pm $79/$99 1320.3092
Come out and play as we have fun learning the fundamentals of
the game with inventive drills, games, & contests that will help
keep your child active. 3Point Athletics’ team of engaging and
knowledgeable instructors will blend the perfect amount of skill      Jr. Adult-Tot Sports
instruction with organized games & fun activities to create a         Ages: 2-3 with adult
program that is productive, positive, & fun!                          This program gives you and your child an opportunity to bond
Instructor: 3Point Athletics                                          and have fun together while learning a variety of sports. This
Location: Keystone Park Tennis Court Hoops                            class is great for simple motor skills such as catching, throwing,
                                                                      batting, shooting, passing, and anything that involves hand-eye
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                             coordination. Parents participate with the child as we play soccer,
                                                                      basketball, hockey, t-ball, and many other sports.
Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code            Instructor: All Star Sports Instruction
Ages: 5-7                                                             Location: Washington Commons Park
W       4/14-5/19 4:00-4:45 pm          $100/$125     1321.4105       Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
Ages: 8-11
W       4/14-5/19 5:00-5:45 pm          $100/$125     1321.4106       Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code
                                                                      Th 4/8-5/27 6:00-6:45 pm $79/$99 1312.4801
Sports & Games
Ages: 5-7; 8-11
This multi-sport program is designed to provide kids of all ages      Adult-Tot Movement & Tumbling
and skill levels the opportunity to experience and participate in a
variety of team sports and classic gym/playground games. A great      Ages: 2-4 with adult
outlet for kids to be active and social, our team of engaging and     Children are introduced to age-appropriate exercises specifically
knowledgeable instructors work to ensure that every participant       designed for balance and coordination of their large muscle
                                                                      groups. Through basic gymnastics and movement, participants
has a productive, positive and fun experience!                        experience their world in a whole new way and begin to
Instructor: 3Point Athletics                                          understand how their bodies work. Wear loose fitting clothing,
Location: Washington Commons Park                                     gym shoes and be prepared to have tons of fun! Parent or
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                             caregiver participation is required.
                                                                      Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code            Location: The Depot
Ages: 5-7                                                             Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
F       4/16-5/21 4:00-4:45 pm $100/$125 1323.3501
Ages: 8-11                                         Day                        Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code
F       4/16-5/21 5:00-5:45 pm $100/$125 1323.3502 Tu                         1/12-3/16 9:30-10:15 am         $115/$144     1313.3231
						 Tu                                                                     4/6-5/25 9:30-10:15 am          $90/$113      1313.4232

05                  Winter & Spring 2021
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
Adult-Tot Sports                                                         Supplemental Baseball Training
Ages: 2-4 with adult                                                     Ages: 6-9
Parents are an integral part of helping their tots develop basic         This training program is designed for the player who is currently
sports movement and motor skills. Motor skill activities focus           in, will begin, or have just completed a baseball league (house or
on hand/eye and hand/foot coordination. Sports equipment                 travel). Each 90-minute class will be devoted to getting players
and instruction are provided to help guide your child through            more repetitions (groundballs, flyballs, etc.) that they maybe
an introduction to organized sports. Parents or caregiver                missing in practice with their own team. The program’s goal is
participation is required.                                               to comprehensively create a solid base of fundamentals and
Instructor: Hot Shots Sports                                             muscle memory that each player retains moving into their current
Location: The Depot                                                      or upcoming season. Our focus will be on Infield, Outfield and
                                                                         Hitting. Pitching and Base Running will be touched upon at the
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
                                                                         coach’s discretion but is not the primary focus of the program.
                                                                         Attaining these fundamentals will allow each player to start
Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code             building on the more advanced technical aspects of the game
Tu 1/12-3/16 10:30-11:15 am $115/$144 1314.3021                          down the road. Please Note: No gloves will be provided. Some
Tu 4/6-5/25 10:30-11:15 am  $90/$113  1314.4021                          bats will be provided, but players are highly encouraged to bring
					                                                                    their own bat they have been/will use in upcoming leagues. Girls
                                                                         are absolutely welcome to train in the program, but they will
                                                                         focus on baseball not softball.
Sports & More                                                            Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
Ages: 3-5
                                                                         Location: Constitution Park Softball Field
Children are introduced to the fundamentals of sports including
basketball, floor hockey, football, kickball, soccer, t-ball and other   Bring: Glove, baseball cleats, protective gear (cup), hat/visor, base-
sports and group games. The program provides an opportunity              ball pants, a bat, labeled water bottle, and face mask
for each child to develop motor skills and nurture his/her
growth socially and emotionally through teamwork and good                Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
sportsmanship.                                                           Tu      4/6-5/25     5:00-6:30 pm         $125/$156      1326.4321
Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
Location: Washington Commons Park
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
                                                                         Youth Tennis Lessons
                                                                         Ages: 5-7; 8-13
                                                                         Participants will be taught the basic and fundamental skills for
Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
                                                                         playing the game of tennis. They will focus on the different strokes,
M       4/12-5/17 4:00-4:45 pm            $90/$113      1325.4001
                                                                         rallies, and positioning on the court. They will also continue to
                                                                         develop their coordination and athletic abilities. Throughout the
Double Play                                                              lessons, the participants will play fun drills and games that will test
Ages: 4-6                                                                out their newly learned skills.
In this program, participants alternate each week between
two sports. Players develop skills and fundamentals while                Instructor: Laura Berendt
experiencing game play in an instructional and exciting setting.         Location: Keystone Park Tennis Courts
(The two sports can change each session depending on                     Bring: Tennis racket, water bottle, face mask
Instructor: Hot Shots Sports                                             Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
Location: Washington Commons Park                                        Ages: 5-7
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                                Tu/Th 4/20-5/27 4:00-5:00 pm              $240/$300      1626.4401
                                                                         Ages: 8-13
Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code             Tu/Th 4/20-5/27 5:00-6:00 pm              $240/$300      1626.4402
M 4/12-5/17 4:45-5:30 pm $90/$113 1325.4011

Ages: 7-10
The youth dodgeball class gives participants an opportunity to
play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment. The                       Classes & Programs Subject to Change
program uses super soft balls with the safety of game play being                      The River Forest Park District may cancel, reschedule,
an important factor. Each week, different teams are formed, and a                     or re-imagine programs and events based on the
different style of dodgeball are played.                                              latest Illinois Department of Public Health, Center
Instructor: Hot Shots Sports                                                          for Disease Control, Restore Illinois COVID-19
Location: Washington Commons Park                                                     directives. We will keep you informed of changes
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                                             in programming through our website, social
                                                                                      media, and email. Thank you for your patience and
Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code                          understanding.
M       4/12-5/17 5:30-6:30 pm            $90/$113      1325.4012
                                                                                        www.rfparks.com • (708) 366-6660                 06
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
                                                                       Co-ed Spring Soccer
                                                                       Ages: 3-8
                                                                       The Chicago Edge Juniors program is a fun soccer program
                                                                       for young players aged 3-5 and 6-8 years old and is aimed
                                                                       at developing both basic cognitive and motor skills all while
                                                                       learning the fundamental skills of soccer in a fun and dynamic
                                                                       environment. This program is great for both newcomers and
                                                                       those that have already participated in any of our previous soccer
                                                                       activities. Have your child join us for some soccer fun and don’t
                                                                       forget, every participant receives a t-shirt.
                                                                       Instructor: Chicago Edge Soccer Club
                                                                       Location: Keystone Park West
                                                                       Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask

                                                                       Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
                                                                       Ages: 3-5
                                                                       Tu/Th 4/6-5/6 4:00-5:00 pm $145/$182 1310.4011
Evening PE                                                             Tu/Th 4/6-5/6 5:00-6:00 pm $145/$182 1310.4012
Ages: 6-8; 9-11
                                                                       Ages: 6-8
Evening P.E. will rotate through a variety of sports activities and
games to provide sport fundamentals, strength, and mobility            Tu/Th 4/6-5/6 4:00-5:00 pm $145/$182 1320.4013
training, as well as social growth and team participation. Students    Tu/Th 4/6-5/6 5:00-6:00 pm $145/$182 1320.4014
will participate in age appropriate activities that include fitness,
team building games, and sport specific skills. This class is a
great way to get your child up and moving, learning new skills,        Mini Ninja Warriors
trying new activities, and making friends! Safety measures will be
followed to ensure social distancing. Note: If below freezing with     Ages: 5-7
precipitation, class will be cancelled.                                Leap, hop, skip, run your way through obstacles and put your
                                                                       Ninja skills to the test. This fun movement-based class will
Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
                                                                       challenge your Ninja to maneuver over and under objects.
Location: Keystone Park West
                                                                       Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
Bring: This class is outdoors so dress for the weather. Labeled
                                                                       Location: Washington Commons Park
water bottle and face mask.
                                                                       Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code
                                                                       Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
Ages: 6-8
                                                                       W 4/7-5/26 4:00-5:00 pm $90/$113 1325.4151
Tu/Th 1/26-3/25 4:00-4:45 pm            $169/$211     1327.3451

Ages: 9-11
Tu/Th 1/26-3/25 5:00-5:45 pm            $169/$211     1327.3452
                                                                       Jr. Ninja Warriors
				                                                                   Ages: 8-10
                                                                       Take everything you learned from Mini Ninja Warriors and test
Co-Ed Preschool Soccer                                                 your ninja skills with even more difficult obstacles to leap, hop,
Ages: 3-5                                                              skip and run your way through. Put your Ninja skills to the test in
The Chicago Edge Juniors program is a fun soccer program for           this fun movement-based class.
young players aged 3-5 years old and is aimed at developing            Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
both basic cognitive and motor skills all while learning the
                                                                       Location: Washington Commons Park
fundamental skills of soccer in a fun and dynamic environment.
This program is great for both newcomers and those that have           Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
already participated in any of our previous soccer activities. Have
your child join us for some soccer fun and don’t forget, every         Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
participant receives a t-shirt.		                                      W 4/7-5/26 5:00-6:00 pm $90/$113 1325.4152
Instructor: Chicago Edge Soccer Club
Location: Keystone Park West
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask

Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code
Tu/Th 4/6-5/6       10:30-11:30 am      $145/$182     1320.4021
Tu/Th 4/6-5/6       12:00-1:00 pm       $145/$182     1320.4022

07                 Winter & Spring 2021
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
East Ave Lacrosse                                                       Boys Lacrosse | 1st-2nd Grade
East Ave Lacrosse (nicknamed “Beast Ave” by our players) is the         Our fun and fast-paced 1st-2nd grade programs are open to players
only Oak Park and River Forest-based lacrosse community. East           of all skill-levels, and will meet once a week for training and once a
Ave is run by dozens of the best high school and college coaches        week for a house league scrimmage.
in the state, and is focused on training the next generation of
Friars, Huskies, Blazers, and many more through camps, clinics,         Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse
in-school gym class takeovers, house leagues, and elite travel          Location: Keystone West
teams.                                                                  Bring: Mouth guard, athletic footwear, labeled water bottle, face
Note: East Ave will provide lacrosse equipment for Co-Ed Pre-K/
Kindergarten only.                                                      Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
			                                                                     M 4/5-5/24 5:00-6:00 pm $245 1326.3311
Co-Ed Pre-K/Kindergarten Lacrosse
Pre-K–Kindergarten (Ages: 4-6)
Have fun, make friends, and learn the basics of the “fastest game       Boys Lacrosse | 3rd-4th Grade
on two feet” at our co-ed beginners clinic. Our experienced staff       Our fun and fast-paced 3rd-4th grade programs are open to players
of boys and girls varsity coaches and players will share their love
                                                                        of all skill-levels, and will meet twice a week for training and once a
of the game with your child in a safe and positive environment.
No experience necessary! The Pre-K and Kindergarten group will          week for a house league scrimmage.
meet one time per week.                                                 Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse
Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse                                           Location: Keystone West
Location: Park District of Oak Park                                     Bring: Mouth guard, athletic footwear, labeled water bottle, face
Bring: Mouth guard, athletic footwear, labeled water bottle, face       mask
                                                                        Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
Day      Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code           M       4/5-5/24     6:00-7:00 pm         $285           1326.3312
TBD      TBD         TBD                  R/NR$140       1316.3210

                                                                        Boys Lacrosse | 5th-6th; 7th-8th Grade
Girls Lacrosse | 1st-4th Grade                                          Our fun and fast-paced programs are open to players of all skill-
Our fun and fast-paced 1st-4th grade programs are open to               levels, and will meet twice a week for training and once a week for
players of all skill-levels, and will meet twice a week for training.   a house league scrimmage.
Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse                                           Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse
Location: Centennial Park                                               Location: Keystone West
Bring: Mouth guard, athletic footwear, labeled water bottle, face       Bring: Mouth guard, athletic footwear, labeled water bottle, face
mask                                                                    mask
No Class: 4/4
                                                                        Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
Day      Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code           5th-6th Grade
Su       3/28-5/23 4:00-5:00 pm           $205           1326.3211      M       4/5-5/24 7:00-8:30 pm             $325           1326.3314
                                                                        7th-8th Grade
                                                                        M       4/5-5/24 7:00-8:30 pm             $325           1326.3316
Girls Lacrosse | 5th-6th; 7th-8th Grade
Our fun and fast-paced programs are open to players of all skill-
levels, and will meet twice a week for training.
Instructor: East Ave Lacrosse
Location: Centennial Park
Bring: Mouth guard, athletic footwear, labeled water bottle, face
No Class: 4/4

Day      Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
5th-6th Grade
Su      3/28-5/23 5:00-6:00 pm            $245           1326.3213
7th-8th Grade
Su      3/28-5/23 6:00-7:00 pm            $245           1326.3215

                                                                                       www.rfparks.com • (708) 366-6660
2021 WINTER/SPRING - rfparks.com - River Forest Park District
Adult Coed Bocce Ball League                                             BUTTS Bootcamp
Ages: 18 & up                                                            Ages: 18 & up
Bocce is an ancient game of skill, accuracy, and strategy. It's fun to   BUTTs Bootcamp is a 50-minute outdoor cross training fitness
play, simple to learn, good game to socialize with friends, and no       class modifiable for all fitness levels! No two workouts are ever
training or gear is needed. Coed teams are made up of 4 players          the same. Each class is held at a local park utilizing the physical
per team. The season will consist of a 7-week schedule and a             environment and encompasses all aspects of fitness: agility,
single-elimination tournament. Must sign up as a team of 4.              cardio, power, strength, and core. It is requested that each boot
Instructor: RFPD Staff                                                   camper brings a set of dumbbells. The instructor will provide all
Location: Memorial Parkway Bocce Ball Courts                             additional fitness equipment. Skip the crowded gyms and take
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                                your workout outside to enjoy the beautiful parks of the River
                                                                         Forest Park District with BUTTs Bootcamp!
R/NR Fee: $50/$63 per team
                                                                         Instructor: Kate BUTTerly, ACE Certified Personal Trainer and
                                                                         Group Fitness Instructor
Day     Date        Time		                              Code
                                                                         Location: Priory Park, Washington Commons, and Keystone Parks
Sa      4/10-5/22 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:00 pm          1230.4331        (location varies daily and will be communicated prior to each
Adult Tennis                                                             Bring: A set of dumbells (between 5-10 lbs), clean face mask, water
Ages: 18 & up                                                            bottle
Beginner Tennis lessons will focus on the fundamentals of the
game and provide quality instruction and repetitions to improve          Day     Date       Time
your game. We will focus on footwork, strokes, serving and               M       1/4-5/24   6:15 am, 7:15 am, 9:15 am
receiving the ball, and hand-eye coordination.                           Tu      1/5-5/25   6:15 am, 7:15 am, 9:15 am
Instructor: Laura Berendt                                                W       1/6-5/26   7:00 am, 9:15 am
Location: Keystone Park Tennis Courts                                    Th      1/7-5/27   7:00 am, 9:15 am
Bring: Tennis racket, water bottle, face mask
                                                                         To register, contact Kate Butterly at buttsbootcamp@gmail.com.
Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
Tu/Th 4/20-5/27 7:00-8:00 pm             $240/$300      1636.4401

Adult Cardio Tennis
Ages: 18 & up
Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness activity that combines the
best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise,
delivering the ultimate, full body, calorie burning aerobic workout.
This upbeat class with music will not only improve your tennis
game, but other sports like Platform Tennis and Pickleball!

Instructor: Laura Berendt
Location: Keystone Park Tennis Courts
Bring: Tennis racket, water bottle, face mask

Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
Tu/Th 4/20-5/27 6:00-7:00 pm             $240/$300      1636.4601

  Classes & Programs Subject to Change
  The River Forest Park District may cancel, reschedule, or
  re-imagine programs and events based on the latest Illinois
  Department of Public Health, Center for Disease Control, Restore
  Illinois COVID-19 directives. We will keep you informed of changes
  in programming through our website, social media, and email.
  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

09                  Winter & Spring 2021
Beginning Hatha Vinyasa Yoga                                          Yoga Self-Care with Julia:
Ages: 14 & up                                                         Mindfulness Meditation
Traditional asanas (poses), breathing, and mindfulness are woven      Ages: 14 & up
together with instruction on the core engagement and good             Open to awareness of your life with gratitude and wonder. Learn
posture. Vinyasa, or poses that flow from one to the next, will be    techniques to calm the mind, so that you can dive beneath
taught and practiced. This class is great for both those who are      the narrative of your thoughts and emotions to experience the
new to yoga as well as more experienced practitioners who are         unconditional love and positivity at your essence.
interested in refining their yoga practice.		                         Instructor: Julia Robling Griest, Certified Yoga and Meditation
Instructor: Julia Robling Griest, Certified Yoga and Meditation       Instructor
Instructor                                                            Location: The Depot
Location: The Depot                                                   Bring: Yoga mat, yoga strap (preferably cinch style). two yoga
Bring: Yoga mat, yoga strap (preferably cinch style). two yoga        blocks (9" x 6" x 4"); Clean face mask
blocks (9" x 6" x 4"); Clean face mask
No Class: 3/29                                                        Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
                                                                      F     1/29      6:30-8:30 pm $25/$31 2423.3081
Day     Date       Time                 R/NR Fee      Code            STUDENT RATE with ID
M     1/4-2/8   8:45-10:15 am           $96/$120      2424.3441       F     1/29      6:30-8:30 pm $16     2423.2082
M     1/4-2/8   6:30-8:00 pm            $96/$120      2424.3551
M     2/22-4/5 8:45-10:15 am            $96/$120      2424.3442
                                                                      Yoga Self-Care with Julia:
M     2/22-4/5 6:30-8:00 pm             $96/$120      2424.3552
M     4/12-5/24 8:45-10:15 am           $112/$140     2424.4443       Deep Breathing for Clarity, Calm, and Vitality
M     4/12-5/24 6:30-8:00 pm            $112/$140     2424.4553       Ages: 14 & up
STUDENT RATE with ID                                                  If you are breathing shallowly, your body is fatigued and starving
M     1/4-2/8   8:45-10:15 am           $72           2420.3401       for oxygen. Learn what deep breathing is, how to do it, and yogic
M     1/4-2/8   6:30-8:00 pm            $72           2420.3501       breathing exercises to access more energy and live a life of clarity,
M     2/22-4/5 8:45-10:15 am            $72           2420.3402       calm, and vitality.
M     2/22-4/5 6:30-8:00 pm             $72           2420.3502       Instructor: Julia Robling Griest, Certified Yoga and Meditation
M     4/12-5/24 8:45-10:15 am           $84           2420.4403       Instructor
M     4/12-5/24 6:30-8:00 pm            $84           2420.4503       Location: The Depot
                                                                      Bring: Yoga mat, yoga strap (preferably cinch style). two yoga
                                                                      blocks (9" x 6" x 4"); Clean face mask

Yoga Self-Care with Julia: Friday Evening Retreat                     Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
Ages: 14 & up                                                         F     3/12      6:30-8:30 pm $25/$31 2423.3071
Step away from the to-do list, exhale the past, and join us as we     STUDENT RATE with ID
practice yoga, breathing, and mindfulness meditation to reconnect     F     3/12      6:30-8:30 pm $16     2423.3072
with the inner fountain of calm, clarity, and wisdom. Rest in the
opportunity to simplify and remember what’s really important.         Yoga Self-Care with Julia:
Leave and return to life with wonder, positivity, and the awareness
                                                                      Strengthening the Pelvic Floor
of boundless possibility.
                                                                      Ages: 14 & up
Instructor: Julia Robling Griest, Certified Yoga and Meditation
                                                                      Having a strong pelvic floor prevents incontinence, contributes
                                                                      to core strength, and greatly increases the benefits of your yoga
Location: The Depot
                                                                      practice when coordinated with the breath. Detailed instruction
Bring: Yoga mat, yoga strap (preferably cinch style). two yoga
                                                                      of pelvic floor exercises will be taught along with tips on how to
blocks (9" x 6" x 4"); Clean face mask
                                                                      design a personal practice.
                                                                      Instructor: Julia Robling Griest, Certified Yoga and Meditation
Day     Date       Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
F     1/8       6:30-8:30 pm            $25/$31       2423.3091
                                                                      Location: The Depot
F     2/19      6:30-8:30 pm            $25/$31       2423.3093
                                                                      Bring: Yoga mat, yoga strap (preferably cinch style). two yoga
F     4/9       6:30-8:30 pm            $25/$31       2423.4095
                                                                      blocks (9" x 6" x 4"); Clean face mask
F     5/21      6:30-8:30 pm            $25/$31       2423.4097
                                                                      Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
F     1/8       6:30-8:30 pm            $16           2423.3092
                                                                      F     4/30      6:30-8:30 pm              $25/$31       2423.4061
F     2/19      6:30-8:30 pm            $16           2423.3094
                                                                      STUDENT RATE with ID
F     4/9       6:30-8:30 pm            $16           2423.4096
                                                                      F     4/30      6:30-8:30 pm              $16           2423.4062
F     5/21      6:30-8:30 pm            $16           2423.4098

                                                                                     www.rfparks.com • (708) 366-6660                  10
Kindermusik® Family Class:                                             Kindermusik® Family Class:
Welcome to Colors & Shapes on the Farm                                 Welcome to Rhyme Around Town
Multi-Age Family Class – Ages: newborn-6 years                         Multi-Age Family Class – Ages: newborn-6 years
Get on your tractor and drive down to the barn – it’s time to          It is time to take the bus and visit all around town! In this fun-
encounter a farmyard of fun! In this class, we will explore some of    filled class, we will go down to the baker’s shop, see the cobbler
the colors, shapes, and sounds found on the farm as we walk in the     down the street, and stop at the corner grocery store as we move
green grass, go 'round and 'round a haystack, and listen to roosters   through our busy day. All along the way, we will sing, dance, play
crowing and pigs oinking. Colors & Shapes on the Farm is loaded        instruments, and listen to the sounds of traffic and tolling bells.
with songs, dances, instrument play-along, as well as listening        Get ready to see what the city has to offer as we Rhyme Around
activities that provide lots of play and lots of learning. So, come    Town! Home Materials include: Home CD, Elephant shaker, Family
on down to the farm! Home Materials include: Home CD, Shape            Magazine Guide including our class story
Shakers, Family Magazine guide including our story from class          Instructor: Leah Egan
Instructor: Leah Egan                                                  Location: The Depot
Location: The Depot                                                    Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask for ages 2 & up
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask for ages 2 & up              No Class: 3/29

Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code             Day     Date       Time                R/NR Fee      Code
M       1/18-2/22 10:30-11:15 am        $104/$130     2510.3891        M       3/1-4/12* 10:30-11:15 am        $104/$130    2510.3893
               each additional child is $60/$75       2510.3892                       each additional child is $60/$75      2510.2894

Kindermusik® Village:                                                  Kindermusik® Village:
Welcome to Hickory, Dickory, Tickle & Bounce                           Welcome to The Rhythm of My Day
Ages: Newborn to 15 months                                             Ages: Newborn to 15 months
Welcome to Hickory, Dickory, Tickle & Bounce! Nursery rhymes,          Welcome to The Rhythm of My Day! This class is designed to help
whether spoken or paired with tunes, are indeed musical and            parents and caregivers incorporate music into many of the regular
rhythmic. In this class, your child will be exposed to the sounds      routines found throughout their daily life. We have taken great
of language and modeling while being exposed to familiar verses        care to capture the intimate daily rituals and routines parents
and rhymes. You will explore the fundamental music concepts of         share with their babies – everything from bath time to Mommy
Steady Beat; Up and Down; and Major, Minor, and More – all by          or Daddy’s arrival home from work - through a variety of songs
means of songs, chants, dances, object and instrument play, and        and instrumental selections. Caregivers will learn how music can
intentional touch and exercise activities. Home Materials include:     help their little one sooth themselves and helps to build a strong
Fish Shaker, Home CD, Art Banner, and board book 		                    network for learning in their body and mind. Simple sign language
Instructor: Leah Egan                                                  will be introduced to help integrate signing into daily routines.
Location: The Depot                                                    Classes will highlight musical concepts like diversity of sound,
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask for ages 2 & up              stop and go, syncopation, and of course singing. Home Materials
                                                                       include: Young Maestro Tambourine, Art Banner, Home CD, Board
Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code             book
M       1/18-3/8    11:30 am-12:15 pm $153/$191       2510.3897        Instructor: Leah Egan
                                                                       Location: The Depot
                                                                       Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask for ages 2 & up
                                                                       No Class: 3/29

                                                                       Day     Date       Time                R/NR Fee      Code
                                                                       M       3/15-5/10* 11:30 am-12:15 pm $153/$191       2510.3898

11                 Winter & Spring 2021
Kindermusik® Family Class:
Welcome to Down on the Ground
                                                                                       ADULT & TOT
Multi-Age Family Class – Ages: Newborn-6 years
Look down and get grounded! Just in time for spring, we will          Adult-Tot Movement & Tumbling
explore the world of creatures found at our feet. We will engage      Ages: 2-4 with adult
a child’s natural curiosity as we hop like bunnies, crawl like        Children are introduced to age-appropriate exercises specifically
caterpillars, and move high and low like squirrels. We will hear      designed for balance and coordination of their large muscle
and imitate crickets chirping and dogs barking, perform a familiar    groups. Through basic gymnastics and movement, participants
                                                                      experience their world in a whole new way and begin to
spider fingerplay, and have fun with nonsense words, too. Through
                                                                      understand how their bodies work. Wear loose fitting clothing,
songs, listening activities, and vocal and instrument play, we will   gym shoes and be prepared to have tons of fun! Parent or
deepen the sense of wonder that children have about the world.        caregiver participation is required.
With all the great music and learning, there is no end to the fun     Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
found Down on the Ground! Home Materials include: Double egg          Location: The Depot
shaker, Home CD, Family Magazine guide including our class story      Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
Instructor: Leah Egan
Location: The Depot                                                   Day      Date       Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask for ages 2 & up             Tu       1/12-3/16 9:30-10:15 am         $115/$144     1313.3231
                                                                      Tu       4/6-5/25 9:30-10:15 am          $90/$113      1313.4232
Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code
M       4/19-5/10 10:30-11:15 am        $75/$94       2510.4895
               each additional child is $45/$56       2510.4896       Adult-Tot Sports
                                                                      Ages: 2-4 with adult
                                                                      Parents are an integral part of helping their tots develop basic
                                                                      sports movement and motor skills. Motor skill activities focus
Zumbini®                                                              on hand/eye and hand/foot coordination. Sports equipment
                                                                      and instruction are provided to help guide your child through
Created by Zumba® and BabyFirst, the Zumbini® program                 an introduction to organized sports. Parents or caregiver
combines music, dance, and educational tools for 45 minutes of        participation is required.
can’t-stop, won’t-stop bonding, learning, and fun!                    Instructor: Hot Shots Sports
                                                                      Location: The Depot
Zumbini®: TJ & His PJS                                                Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
Multi-Age Family Class – Ages: Newborn-4 years
TJ is always happy and loves exploring the world around him! He       Day      Date       Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
delights in nature and loves to sing and dance. TJ loves the world    Tu       1/12-3/16 10:30-11:15 am        $115/$144     1314.3021
so much, that he does NOT want to go to bed! Through friendship,      Tu       4/6-5/25 10:30-11:15 am         $90/$113      1314.4021
song, and dance, he learns that going to bed can be as fun as going
to Pajama Party!                                                      Jr. Adult-Tot Sports
Instructor: Toccara Daniel, Licensed Zumbini® Instructor              Ages: 2-3 with adult
Location: The Depot                                                   This program gives you and your child an opportunity to bond
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask for ages 2 & up             and have fun together while learning a variety of sports. This
R/NR Fee: $90; each additional child is $20                           class is great for simple motor skills such as catching, throwing,
                                                                      batting, shooting, passing, and anything that involves hand-eye
Day     Date        Time                Code                          coordination. Parents participate with the child as we play soccer,
Sa      1/9-2/13 10:30-11:15 am         2512.3981                     basketball, hockey, t-ball, and many other sports.
             each additional child      2512.3982                     Instructor: All Star Sports Instruction
Sa      3/13-4/17 10:30-11:15 am        2512.4985                     Location: Washington Commons Park
             each additional child      2512.4986                     Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask

                                                                      Day      Date       Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
Zumbini®: Kalino Finds The Music                                      Th       4/8-5/27   6:00-6:45 pm         $79/$99       1312.4801
Multi-Age Family Class – Ages: Newborn-6 years
Kalino Finds the Music-Kalino™ is a sweet and whimsical small-
town boy who goes in search of his rhythm, but by the end it’s the
reader who finds theirs!
Instructor: Toccara Daniel, Licensed Zumbini® Instructor                   Try My First Dance on page 15 for
Location: The Depot                                                        an Adult/Tot Dance Class!
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask for ages 2 & up

Day     Date        Time                R/NR Fee      Code
W       1/13-2/10 1:00-1:45 pm         $75            2512.3983
                 each additional child $20            2512.3984
                                                                                      www.rfparks.com • (708) 366-6660              12
River Forest Youth Baseball & Softball
     January 1st – February 1st
     *Guaranteed placement if registered by February 1*
     *Pending space availability, late fees apply after February 1*

                                                 Register Online:

                                     Questions? Email: registration@rfybs.com
                  Interested in learning about volunteer opportunities?
                                                            Contact: rebecca@rfybs.com

13              Winter & Spring 2021
                                                                       Musical Theater
                                                                       Ages: 3-7 (Drop-Off Class)
                                                                       Children will have fun singing, performing, and dancing to a new
                                                                       story each week! Kids will earn about theater, stage directions,
                                                                       and scene introduction. This class will ignite their love for theater
                                                                       as they explore and dance to the story around them. Children will
                                                                       also help make stage props and background scenery.
                                                                       Instructor: RFPD Staff
                                                                       Location: The Depot
                                                                       Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask

                                                                       Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
                                                                       Tu      3/9-3/30    9:00-10:30 am         $75/$94       2728.3110
                                                                       Th      3/11-4/ 1   1:30-3:00 pm          $75/$94       2728.3111

                                                                       Nature Nuts
Hands On As We Grow                                                    Ages: 3-7 (Drop-Off Class)
Ages: 3-7 (Drop-Off Class)                                             Does your child want to become a Nature Detective? Children will
Hands off germs, hands on fun in this class! This class provides a     enjoy outdoor nature hikes, while using their senses to explore
safe and clean environment that allows kids to be kids! Kids learn     their surroundings. Nature Detectives will use special nature tools
and grow through sensory experiences and activities. All supplies      to explore living things on land, water, and in the sky. Nature
are safe and allow for exploration and creativity. Let's get messy     Detectives will spend time exploring outside in the woods and
and have fun!                                                          inside our nature classroom. We will create crafts, go hiking, play
Instructor: RFPD Staff                                                 games and become the best Nature Detectives we can be!
Location: The Depot                                                    Instructor: RFPD Staff
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                              Location: The Depot
                                                                       Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask; apply bug spray/sun-
Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee      Code            screen, wear weather appropriate clothing and footwear for our
Tu      1/12-2/2    1:30-3:00 pm         $75/$94       2723.3001       nature hikes
F       1/15-2/5    9:00-10:30 am        $75/$94       2723.3002
                                                                       Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
STEAM Fun!                                                             Tu      4/6-4/27    1:30-3:00 pm          $75/$94       2726.4451
Ages: 3-7 (Drop-Off Class)                                             F       4/9-4/30    9:00-10:30 am         $75/$94       2726.4452
This program is full STEAM ahead...Science, Technology,
Engineering, Art, and Math! Each week, kids will explore a new
STEAM concept that will spark excitement and inspire future
Instructor: RFPD Staff
Location: The Depot
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask

Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
Tu      2/9-3/2     1:30-3:00 pm         $75/$94       2624.3320
F       2/12-3/5    9:00-10:30 am        $75/$94       2624.3321

Mixed Media Art
Ages: 3-7 (Drop-Off Class)
Mixed Media is the perfect class to learn drawing, painting,
watercolor work, clay, pastel and much more. We will be working
with a little bit of everything, making new masterpieces every
week. Whether your child is a veteran artist or a newbie, this class
will open up more artistic avenues.
Instructor: Easel Art Studio
Location: The Depot
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask

Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee      Code
Tu      3/9-3/30    1:30-3:00 pm         $96/$120      2225.3551
                                                                                      www.rfparks.com • (708) 366-6660                  14
             Check out
           My First Dance
       for an Adult/Tot Class!                                                                        Meet
My First Dance
Ages: 2-4 (Child with Adult)
                                                                                                      Ellie Olayo
Music, movement, balance, and the basic dance steps are
introduced in a fun, friendly and positive manner. This class
includes mom or dad, or another loved one participating in the                Ellie has been dancing before she could walk. She started
class along with the little dancer. Our instructor will keep the music        teaching dance at 15 years old and has taught kids from
and curriculum moving along, while parents take an active role in             1-18 years old – all styles of dance for all occasions. She
encouraging, supporting, and keeping the little dancer on track.              really enjoys teaching kids and fostering their love of
You both will get to dance on stage together in a recital on April            dance.
Instructor: Ellie Olayo
Location: The Depot
Bring: Wear tights and leotards or solid color fitted pants and fitted
shirt that permits movement and comfort; Ballet slippers; Long           Ballet & Tap With Ribbons
hair will need to be properly secured before class; clean face mask.     Ages: 3-5 (drop-off class)
No class: 3/30                                                           In this combination class, enjoy ballet and tap! Ballet: The ballet
                                                                         program focuses on classical instruction, technical skills, and
Day     Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code             terminology with upbeat, modern music. Tap: Terminology and
Tu      1/12-4/20 5:15-6:00 pm           $275/$343      2310.3441        techniques will be taught. Dancers will also have the opportunity
                                                                         to perform with ribbons! Perform in a recital on April 24.
                                                                         Instructor: Ellie Olayo
                                                                         Location: The Depot
                                                                         Bring: Wear tights and leotards or solid color fitted pants and fitted
                                                                         shirt that permits movement and comfort; Ballet slippers & tap
                                                                         shoes; Long hair will need to be properly secured before class; face
                                                                         No class: 3/30

                                                                         Day       Date       Time                R/NR Fee       Code
                                                                         Tu        1/12-4/20 3:45-4:45 pm         $275/$343      2320.3442

                                                                         Jazz & Hip Hop
                                                                         Ages: 5-8 (Drop-off Class)
                                                                         Using popular and current music the students start learning

Spring Recital
                                                                         dances and choreography quickly as well as learning various
                                                                         dance elements. Our version of hip hop/jazz dance is extremely
                                                                         tasteful and clean, and our priority is offering age-appropriate
                                                                         material. Perform in a recital on April 24.
                                                                         Instructor: Ellie Olayo
             Saturday, April 24                                          Location: The Depot
                                                                         Bring: Wear tights and leotards or solid color fitted pants and fitted
                        3:00 pm                                          shirt that permits movement and comfort; Ballet slippers or Jazz
                                                                         shoes; Long hair will need to be properly secured before class; face
       The recital is scheduled to be held on                            mask.
                                                                         No class: 4/1
      stage outdoors at Keystone Park West.
             The class fee includes the                                  Day       Date       Time                R/NR Fee       Code
         14-week class instruction, recital,                             Th 1/14-4/22 3:45-4:45 pm $275/$343 2320.3443

           recital tickets, and costume.

15                  Winter & Spring 2021
Stage Stars                                                              Music Start
Ages: 6-10                                                               Ages: 5-9
Your time to shine, it's acting time! In Stage Stars children will       Learn to read music and play tunes! Brought to you by AES and
learn theater terms, play games, and act in short skits. During          The Music Path Company, this amazing program teaches young
theater games, students will use their creativity to communicate         students the beginnings of music! Using specialized, proprietary
and improvise. The carefully selected skits are based on folk tales      MusicStart keyboards, students learn to play familiar tunes in
that teach cooperation and positive moral values. Every student          a group setting by color, letter, and note matching while using
will have the opportunity to play at least one lead role per session.    problem-solving strategies - without sacrificing any important
Also, Stage Stars participants can earn prizes for identifying and       musical knowledge - we are not taking shortcuts to playing and
explaining parts of a skit and goals of the characters.		                reading music. Prepare your student to take any instrument by
Instructor: AES                                                          giving them a solid musical foundation with this exciting program!
Location: The Depot                                                      Instructor: AES
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                                Location: The Depot
                                                                         Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
W       4/7-5/26    4:00-5:00 pm          $141/$176     2725.4910        Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
                                                                         Th      4/1-5/20     4:00-5:00 pm         $170/$213      2525.4552

Smart Start Art
Ages: 5-8                                                                Guitar Stars
"Every child is an artist,"- Pablo Picasso. Explore your artistic side   Ages: 6-13
with the Smart Start Art Program from Afterschool Enrichment             Learning to play the guitar is fun! In Guitar Stars, the children will
Solutions. Discover your creativity and imagination as an artist,        learn the fundamentals of guitar playing, including holding the
developing fine-motor skills, style, and vision as we explore            guitar and pick, proper fret-hand finger position, sight reading,
different artistic techniques through a variety of inspiring projects    playing by ear, and playing basic songs. Also, as the children
and play fun, exciting games. Sketch and draw, shade and color,          progress, they will have the opportunity to test for "Guitar Belts", a
cut, glue, fold... create! See your imagination come to life! Learn      fun motivational system patterned after martial arts.
about great artists, past and present, with the featured Artist of the   Instructor: AES
Week. Earn ArtBeltsTM as you learn and progress. No experience           Location: The Depot
necessary, open to all students grades K-3! 		                           Bring: Guitar, labeled water bottle and face mask
Instructor: AES
Location: The Depot                                                      Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                                W       1/13-3/3     4:00-5:00 pm         $152/$190      2526.3531

Day     Date        Time                  R/NR Fee      Code
M       1/18-3/8    6:00-7:00 pm          $141/$176     2221.3220        Mixed Media Art
                                                                         Ages: 7-10
                                                                         Mixed Media is the perfect class to learn drawing, painting,
                                                                         watercolor work, clay, pastel and much more. We will be working
                                                                         with a little bit of everything, making new masterpieces every
                                                                         week. Whether your child is a veteran artist or a newbie, this class
                                                                         will open up more artistic avenues.
 Classes & Programs Subject to Change                                    Instructor: Easel Art Studio
 The River Forest Park District may cancel, reschedule, or
                                                                         Location: The Depot
 re-imagine programs and events based on the latest Illinois
                                                                         Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
 Department of Public Health, Center for Disease Control,
 Restore Illinois COVID-19 directives. We will keep you                  Day     Date         Time                 R/NR Fee       Code
 informed of changes in programming through our website,                 Tu      3/9-4/13     3:30-4:45 pm         $144/$180      2223.3223
 social media, and email. Thank you for your patience and

                                                                                        www.rfparks.com • (708) 366-6660                   16
Let's Build It – Snap Circuits: Wacky Waves!                               Magnet Makers!©
Ages: 5-10                                                                 Ages: 3-5, 6-12
Wacky Waves is an exhilarating, cutting-edge area of engineering.          Time to get polarized! Get all the attractive and repelling facts
In this unit, students will design, build, and test various circuits and   around magnetic mystery forces. Have fun making magnetic
electronic projects. Instructors will guide students through core          slime, a compass from scratch, and exploring extreme pushing
concepts of electrical engineering, introducing them to circuits           and pulling forces. Take home your very own magnetic rock pulled
and electrical components. Students will use hands-on projects             right from our Earth’s crust!
and experiments to explore how electricity is part of our daily            Instructor: High Touch High Tech
lives. No previous experience is necessary, just a desire to learn         Location: The Depot
and build. Projects will include various sound producing circuits,         Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
musical instruments, a simulated telephone, and even both their
own radio...and radio station! Each student will receive an award          Day     Date       Time                R/NR Fee     Code
on the last day of the session, as well as the opportunity to earn         Ages: 3-5:
Energy Belts to demonstrate their learned skills!                          Sa      3/13       3:00-4:30 pm        $30/$38      2620.3331
Instructor: AES                                                            Ages: 6-12:
Location: The Depot                                                        Sa      3/13       1:00-2:30 pm        $30/$38      2620.3332
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
                                                                           Deep Down, Sea Ya Later!©
Day      Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code              Ages: 3-5, 6-12
Sa       1/16-3/6    10:00-11:00 am       $160/$200      2620.3631         Have some Marine Biological fun with us as we take a closer look
                                                                           as to what keeps our oceans alive! Touch and observe real squids
                                                                           and ocean specimens. Make a mini coral reef to take home. And
Fools Rush, Digging for Gold!©                                             experiment with bioluminescent adaptations from the creatures
Ages: 3-5, 6-12                                                            found deep inside the midnight zones!
Join us for an interactive STEAM Workshop geared all around the            Instructor: High Touch High Tech
magnificent rocks found inside our Earth. Learn more about how             Location: The Depot
Geologist studied these hidden treasures and try Panning for Real          Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
Gemstone, keep what you find!
Instructor: High Touch High Tech                                           Day     Date       Time                R/NR Fee     Code
Location: The Depot                                                        Ages: 3-5:
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                                  Sa      4/10       3:00-4:30 pm        $30/$38      2620.4231
                                                                           Ages: 6-12:
Day      Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code              Sa      4/10       1:00-2:30 pm        $30/$38      2620.4232
Ages: 3-5
Sa      1/9          3:00-4:30 pm         $30/$38        2620.3530
Ages: 6-12                                                                 Science Made Fun STEAM Club
Sa      1/9          1:00-2:30 pm         $30/$38        2620.3531         Ages: 6-12
                                                                           Explore the magic of STEAM with High Touch HighTech
                                                                           Chicagoland. Join our Science Made Fun STEAM Club and be a
Inventors Closet!©                                                         Scientist with us! Each day we meet we will cover new STEAM
Ages: 3-5, 6-12                                                            topics. We will have you do the experiments yourself and each
Models, Prototypes, and Inventions, oh my! This STEAM workshop             participant will use their own supplies and materials. Safety
will truly inspire a creative bug for our future Engineers. We will        Goggles will be given to each Scientist and take-home experiments
have fun working with the Science of Engineering by creating               will be at the end of each club day!
something from nothing, testing it out, and exploring new ways to          Instructor: High Touch High Tech
develop it. Participants will take home the Invention they create!         Location: The Depot
Instructor: High Touch High Tech                                           Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask
Location: The Depot
Bring: Labeled water bottle and face mask                                  Day     Date       Time                R/NR Fee     Code
                                                                           W       1/20-2/10 3:30-5:00 pm         $107/$134    2620.3130
Day      Date        Time                 R/NR Fee       Code              W       3/3-3/24 3:30-5:00 pm          $107/$134    2620.3131
Ages: 3-5:
Sa      2/20         3:00-4:30 pm         $30/$38        2620.3431
Ages: 6-12:
Sa      2/20         1:00-2:30 pm         $30/$38        2620.3432

17                    Winter & Spring 2021
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