Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

Page created by Richard Duncan
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Programs Brochure
Spring 2018

For more information on special interest classes
and other Parks and Recreation events, visit, or call 480-358-3700.

21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

   - 5)

Faith Mather Sossaman         High school #2
      Elementary              Coming July 2019
(Grades Preschool—5)
22801 E. Via Del Jardin
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

                Table of Contents
                Registration Information................................ 4
                Arts and Hobbies......................................... 5
                Dance, Tumbling, Cheer and Music.............6-10
                Sample Dance Classes............................... 11
                Equestrian Classes..................................... 12
                Fitness...................................................... 14
                Preschool.................................................. 15
                Sports and Martial Arts.......................... 16-19
                Specialty Programs............................... 19, 22
                Special Events and Festivals........................ 22

                                               The Town of Queen Creek wants to provide you and your family with the highest
                Special Interest Classes/      quality recreational activities by promoting social interactions through a variety
                                               of safe, fun and affordable special interest classes. Please join us at the Library
                Spring Session 2018            Recreation Annex at 21802 S. Ellsworth Rd., to participate in any of our one-
                                               day workshops and weekly programs.

                                                            Where Character
                                                              Leads to Success
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                                                            + Character Education
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                                                                                                       LOCATED AT:                                             TO ENROLL:
                                                                                                       4815 W. Hunt Highway                                    480.655.6787
                                                                                                       Queen Creek, AZ 85142                                   Or Visit Us Online:

                                                In accordance with Federal Law, Leading Edge Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability.
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

Registration Information
Registration Methods                                   •     Registration must be completed two business                  Refund Policy
Registrations are accepted via options listed below:         days prior to the first class meeting.                       •     Refunds will be given for cancellations
                                                       •     Class fees must be submitted in full at the time                   received prior to the first day of class. Refunds
•    Online (credit card): Registration accepted             of registration. Supply fees must be paid in                       requested after class will be on a case by
     online at Please             cash and submitted to the instructor on the first                  case basis. Refunds by check will take 4-6
     note an ActiveNet account needs to be estab-            day of class.                                                      weeks for processing. Refunds by credit card
     lished and approved before registration can       •     If a class you registered for is full, you may                     will be returned to the card used for initial
     be completed online.                                    choose to be placed on a waiting list in the                       payment. Requests for refunds must be given
                                                                                                                                in writing.
•    Walk-In (cash, check, credit card, money                order you registered. There is no guarantee
                                                                                                                          •     Failure to attend a program or “no shows”
     order, travelers check) Bring registration form         of placement. If a class you registered for
                                                                                                                                will not be granted a refund.
     and full payment to the Recreation Services             has low enrollment, you will be contacted to
     office, 21802 S. Ellsworth Rd. 8 a.m.-7 p.m.,           discuss alternate options.
                                                                                                                          Americans with Disabilities Act
     Monday through Thursday; 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                                                          In compliance with the ADA, the Town of Queen
     Fridays                                                                                                              Creek Recreation Division encourages those with
•    Mail (checks only, payable to Town of Queen
                                                       Residency Requirements
                                                       Registration fees are based on Town of Queen                       disabilities to participate in our programs. If you
     Creek) Send completed form and full payment                                                                          have special needs, please call us at 480-358-
                                                       Creek residency. Proof of residency is required by
     to: Town of Queen Creek 22350 S. Ellsworth                                                                           3700.
                                                       providing two of the following five documents: utility
     Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142                       bill, water bill, property tax statement, IRS federal
                                                       income tax filing statement or bank check with cur-                Photo Disclaimer
Registration and Enrollment Policy                     rent address.                                                      The Town of Queen Creek Recreation Division may
•    Registration for Town of Queen Creek resi-                                                                           from time to time photograph or videotape program
     dents begins February 5, 2018. Non-resident       Class Cancellation Policy                                          participants and recreational users of facilities
     registration begins February 12, 2018.            Town of Queen Creek reserves the right to cancel,                  for publication and use as the Division deems
•    Early registration is recommended. Every class    combine, or divide classes; to change time, date,                  necessary. Unless informed otherwise at the time a
     has a minimum and maximum enrollment to           or place of meeting; to change the instructor assign-              participant registers for a recreation program, the
     ensure a quality experience.                      ments and to make other revisions that may become                  Division will presume that consent to be photo-
                                                       necessary. If class is cancelled by the Town, partici-             graphed or videotaped has been given by facility
•    Faxed registration forms and telephone
                                                       pant will be notified and a full refund or credit will             and program users.
     registration will not be accepted.
                                                       be processed.

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                                                                                       Package                                          $50 OFF               Any repair or
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                                                                                     Valid at the Queen Creek location only.              Valid at the Queen Creek location only.
                                                                                          Not valid with any other offer.                      Not valid with any other offer.

    21143 E Rittenhouse Rd • Queen Creek, AZ 85142                                                  (480) 382-7050
    Mon - Fri: 7am - 6pm • Sat & Sun: Closed                                              
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142
 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                                                   Spring2018
ARTS AND HOBBIES                                                                             Jewelry Redesign & Repair (6-16 yrs)
                                                                                             Do you have necklaces or bracelets that are old-fashion or outdated? Let’s redesign
Ceramics for Adults (16+)                                                                    them for modern times. We can shorten, lengthen, or even add new stones. Come
Let’s get creative and hand-build coffee cups, salad bowls, or vases. Let’s throw on         join the fun!
the potter’s wheel and have some fun! Supply fee due to the instructor on the first          Instructor: Hatjey Cossonay
day of class.                                                                                Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room
Instructor: Jed Cossonay                                                                     Fees: Resident $45; Non-Resident $55; Supplies $20
Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room                                                 Day          Time		Date(s)
Fees: Resident $75; Non-Resident $85; Supplies $25                                           S            Noon-2 p.m.          Session A: 3/17-4/21
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                S            Noon-2 p.m.          Session B: 4/28-6/2
Th           6-8:30 p.m.            Session A: 3/15-4/19
Th           6-8:30 p.m.            Session B: 4/26-5/31                                     PMC Jewelry Making in Copper, Bronze & Silver (16+)
S            12:30-2:30 p.m.        Session A: 3/17-4/21                                     We will be working with copper, bronze, & silver PMC (Precious Metal Clay). With
S            12:30-2:30 p.m.        Session B: 4/28-6/2                                      this metal clay you will be able to form small sculptures or jewelry designs. Come
                                                                                             join the fun!
                                                                                             Instructor: Hatjey Cossonay
                                                                                             Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room
                                                                                             Fees: Residents $75; Non-Resident $85; Supplies $40
                                                                                             Day          Time		Date(s)
                                                                                             S            2:30-4:30 p.m.           Session A: 3/17-4/21
                                                                                             S            2:30-4:30 p.m.           Session B: 4/28-6/2

                                                                                             Printmaking - Silk Screen (16+)
                                                                                             Use your photographs or paintings as inspiration for beautiful framed prints using
                                                                                             silk screen process. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
                                                                                             Instructor: Jed Cossonay
                                                                                             Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room
                                                                                             Fees: Residents $75; Non-Residents $85; Supplies $45
                                                                                             Day          Time		Date(s)
                                                                                             S            2:30-4 p.m.            Session A: 3/17-4/21
                                                                                             S            2:30-4 p.m.            Session B: 4/28-6/2

                                                                                             Preschool Painting (2-5 yrs)
                                                                                             A fun place for your child to learn about color, design, and being free to create!
                                                                                             We draw simple objects and talk about how all things have a design. There are no
                                                                                             wrong answers here. Each class is different and designed to a personal fit.
                                                                                             Instructor: Miri Weible
                                                                                             Fees: Resident $59; Non-Resident $69; Supplies $15
                                                                                             Day          Time		Date(s)
                                                                                             T            3:30-4 p.m.             3/27-5/8

                                                                                             Creative Kids (5-10 yrs)
                                                                                             Our creative kids classes are always fun and inventive. We learn to draw simple
Ceramic Drum Making & Percussions (16+)                                                      objects and then more complicated ones using a simple system. We use pencils,
You will learn to build your drum from stoneware clay. Then decorate the drum and            markers, watercolor, acrylic, crayons, and mixed media. We encourage creativity
glaze it with colorful glazes. It will be fired to 2185 degrees (stoneware).                 and innovation. Come join the fun!
Instructor: Rainy Safer & Jed Cossonay                                                       Instructor: Miri Weible
Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room                                                 Fees: Resident $89; Non-Resident $99; Supplies $15
Fees: Residents $75; Non-Residents $85; Supplies $45                                         Day          Time		Date(s)
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                T            5-6 p.m.		             3/27-5/8
Th           6-8 p.m.		                Session A: 3/15-4/19
Th           6-8 p.m.		                Session B: 4/26-6/2                                   Drawing & Painting for Teens (11-17 yrs)
                                                                                             If you like to doodle and make designs, come put your talents to work. From
Making Ceramic Fairy Houses (7+ yrs)                                                         animals to robots to tractors, each can be broken down into a pattern and design.
Have you ever wondered where fairies lived? Adults and children are invited to               We’ll explore this world and put interesting objects together. Bring your imagination
create a fanciful and decorative fairy land. This conversation piece will be great for       to class!
your living room or outside landscaping.                                                     Instructor: Miri Weible
Instructor: Hatjey Cossonay                                                                  Fees: Resident $89; Non-Resident $99; Supplies $15
Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room                                                 Day           Time		Date(s)
Fees: Resident $75; Non-Resident $85; Supplies $20                                           T             4-5 p.m.		             3/27-5/8
Day          Time		Date(s)
S            9-10:30 a.m.            Session A: 3/17-4/21                                    Beginning Painting for Seniors & Adults (18+ yrs)
S            9-10:30 a.m.            Session B: 4/28-6/2                                     No matter what your experience level, we provide a fun and safe place to begin
                                                                                             and grow! We’ll use pencils, acrylics, and watercolors. You can bring your favorite
Jewelry Making for Kids (6-16 yrs)                                                           photos and work on portraits or landscapes. I’ll show you how to use value and
Kids will have a great time using polymer clay to make pendants, bracelets, ear-             color to make your paintings come alive!
rings and pins that sparkle, shine and become conversation pieces. There will be             Instructor: Miri Weible
something to take home after each class. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first       Fees: Resident $89; Non-Resident $99; Supplies $15
day of class.                                                                                Day          Time		Date(s)
Instructor: Hatjey Cossonay                                                                  T            6-7:30 p.m.            3/27-5/8
Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room
Fees: Resident $45; Non-Resident $55; Supplies $20
Day          Time		Date(s)
S            10:30 a.m.-Noon        Session A: 3/17-4/21
S            10:30 a.m.-Noon        Session B: 4/28-6/2
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142
 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                                                    Spring2018
DANCE, TUMBLING,                                                                          Sprouting Melodies - Family Sprouts (6 months - 3 yrs)
                                                                                          All young children can learn and grow in music. Family Sprouts gathers kids and
CHEER AND MUSIC                                                                           families together and provides opportunities for children of different ages to learn
                                                                                          and interact together.
ActivStars Cheerleading (4-15 yrs)                                                        Instructor: Christine Heaps
Cheerleading classes feature fun and safety as students build skills preparing them       Fees: Resident $55; Non-Resident $65; $15 Drop-In. 2nd sibling $25, 3rd sibling
for school tryouts! Students learn cheers, chants, jumps, pom-dance routines and          free!
age-appropriate stunts. Classes meet Tuesdays at the Recreation Annex from 5-9            Day          Time		Date(s)
p.m. Class times depend on age and skill level. Visit for more          F            10-10:45 a.m.         Session A: 3/16-4/6
information.                                                                              F            10-10:45 a.m.         Session B: 4/27-5/18

Keyboard / Piano (Youth & Adult) (8+ yrs)                                                 Parent / Tot Twinkle Babies (2-3 yrs)
Introducing piano lessons with Julie Briggs. Learn the basics, or strengthen your         This class is perfect for the little student who is not ready to leave their parent’s side.
skills. Classes are available for youth and adults. Spring dates are to be deter-         The class is the same structure as the Twinkle Babies Dance Class. Students experi-
mined. Visit for updates.                                       ence tap and creative movement. Tap and ballet shoes are recommended for the
Instructor: Julie Briggs                                                                  little dancer. Parents are encouraged to participate. Supply fee due to the instructor
Fees: Residents $80; Non-Residents $90; Supplies $10                                      on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance classes are open NOW for registration.
Age          Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                Instructor: 8*Count Dance
8-12 yrs: T               5-5:50 p.m.            3/20-4/27                                Fees: Residents $35, Non-Residents $45, Supply fee $5.
13+ yrs: T                6-6:50 p.m.            3/20-4/27                                Day           Time		Date(s)
                                                                                          M             9:15-9:45 a.m.             3/26-4/23
                                                                                          Th            4:15-4:45 p.m.             4/5-5/3

                                                                                          Parent/Tot Tumbling & Play (2-3 yrs)
                                                                                          This class is for the child with no tumbling experience and perfect for the child who
                                                                                          is not ready to leave their parent’s side. Goals in class are front rolls, bear walks,
                                                                                          balance beam, and building large motor skills. Parents need to come ready to assist
                                                                                          child. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance
                                                                                          classes are open NOW for registration.
                                                                                          Instructor: 8*Count Dance
                                                                                          Fees: Residents $35, Non-Residents $45, Supply fee $5.
                                                                                          Day          Time		Date(s)
                                                                                          M            6-6:30 p.m.               3/26-4/23

                Queen Creek
                 News 24/7
                    Keep up to date on all the latest
                    news of Queen Creek -- city gov-
                    ernment, crime, education, events                                                 1572 W Ocotillo, San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
                    and more -- by visiting the Queen                                          Located on the North East corner of Meridian and Ocotillo
                    Creek Independent website, the
                    ONLY website dedicated fully to
                    covering the daily news of Queen
                    Creek. Join the community discus-
                    sion on topics important to Queen
                    Creek citizens and share your news
                    of upcoming events and activities.
                    Stay up to date on daily posts by
                    signing up for our free e-news-
                    letter sent directly to your inbox.
                    To sign up, go to
                                                                                                           February 16, 17 & 18 2018
                            Queen Creek/San Tan Valley                                                       March 16, 17, 18 2018
                                                                                                       Our NEW hours are:                          Want to be a
                                                                     Friday & Saturday                           VENDOR?
                                                                                                            9:30 - 5:00                             Contact Pam for
                                                                                                              Sunday                                more information.
                    Sign up for a free e-newsletter at                                                                                 
                                                                     9:30 - 3:00
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

Twinkle Babies (2-3 yrs)
A 30-minute introductory dance class containing ballet, tap, and creative move-
ment. Young dancers will learn basic steps while learning how to follow direction
and imitate movement in a positive environment. Engaging music is used to inspire
little ones to dance. The use of props such as twinkle bears and hula hoops helps
the young dancers use their imagination and creativity to have fun! Tap and ballet
                                                                                                75                Eyelash
                                                                                                       FULL SET - CLASSIC STYLE
                                                                                                     With this ad. Expires March 15, 2018
shoes recommended. In Spring, we will end with a recital at Desert Ridge High
School. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance
classes are open NOW for registration.
Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Day           Time		Date(s)
M             5-5:30 p.m.            3/26-5/14
Fees: Residents $52, Non-Residents $62, Supply fee $50 (includes costume and

                                                                                              10 Haircut
T             9:15-9:45 a.m.         3/27-5/15

Fees: Residents $52, Non-Residents $62, Supply fee $50 (includes costume and
S             9:15-9:45 a.m.         3/31-5/12
Fees: Residents $47, Non-Residents $57, Supply fees $50 (includes costume and

Preschool Twinkle Stars (3-4 yrs)                                                           New Clients, With this coupon • Expires March 31, 2018
An age specific, 45-minute class containing ballet, tap, and jazz/creative move-

                                                                                                  15 OFF
ment. The purpose of the class is to introduce young dancers to the three styles of
dance and inspire movement and creativity within a positive environment. Dancers
will learn basic steps and terminology in all styles. The use of fun, age appropriate
music engages the young dancers’ minds and bodies. The use of props such as
hula hoops for the “freeze dance” makes the end of class the most fun! Tap and
ballet shoes recommended. In Spring, we will end with a recital at Desert Ridge
High School. Supply fee due to the instructor the first day of class. 8*Count Dance
classes are open NOW for registration.
                                                                                             any Chemical Service Including:
Instructor: 8*Count Dance                                                                         Color • Highlights • Balayage
Day          Time		Date(s)
M            11-11:45 a.m.           3/26-5/14                                                   Ombre • Brazilian Blowout • Perms
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply Fee $50 (includes costume and
M            6-6:45 p.m.             3/26-5/14
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply Fee $50 (includes costume and
T            10-10:45 a.m.           3/27-5/15
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply Fee $50 (includes costume and
S            10-10:45 a.m.           3/31-5/12
Fees: Residents $57, Non-Residents $67, Supply Fee $50 (includes costume and

Twinkle Stars-Tab / Ballet (4-5 yrs)
An age specific 45-minute class containing ballet & tap movement. The purpose
of the class is to introduce young dancers to the two styles of dance and inspire
movement and creativity within a positive environment. Dancers will also learn
basic steps and terminology in both styles. For example, all dancers will learn what
a “plie” is and how to demonstrate one. The use of fun, age appropriate music en-
gages the young dancers’ minds and bodies. The use of props such as hula hoops              We Now Offer
                                                                                            Manicures &
for the “freeze dance” makes the end of class the most fun! Tap & ballet shoes
recommended. In Spring, we will end with a recital at Desert Ridge High School.
Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance classes are
open NOW for registration.
Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Day          Time		Date(s)
M            10-10:45 a.m.           3/26-5/14
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supplies $50 (Includes costume & tights)
M            7-7:45 p.m.             3/26-5/14
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supplies $50 (Includes costume & tights)
T            11-11:45 a.m.           3/27-5/15
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supplies $50 (Includes costume & tights)
S            11-11:45 a.m.           3/31-5/12
Fees: Residents $57, Non-Residents $67, Supplies $50 (Includes costume & tights)

Ballet / Lyrical - ShowSTARS (6-7 yrs)
Time in class will be spent learning ballet/lyrical terms and technique. Ballet shoes
are recommended. In Spring, we will end with a recital at Desert Ridge High
School. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance
classes are open NOW for registration.
Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply fee $50 (includes costume and
tights)                                                                                                      480.988.1970
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                                19011 E. San Tan Blvd #106, Queen Creek
M            3/26-5/14               Session B: 4-4:45 p.m.
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142
 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                                                        Spring2018
Ballet (8+ yrs)                                                                                 Hip-Hop ShowSTARS (8+ yrs)
Time in class will be spent learning ballet terms and technique. Ballet shoes are rec-          In this fun, high-energy class, students learn basic to intermediate hip-hop dance
ommended. In Spring, we will end with a May recital at Desert Ridge High School.                moves. Tennis shoes are recommended. In session B, students participate in a
Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance classes are           recital at Desert Ridge High School. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day
open NOW for registration.                                                                      of class. 8*Count Dance classes open now for registration.
Instructor: 8*Count Dance                                                                       Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply fee $50 (includes costumes &                     Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply fee $30
tights)                                                                                         Day           Time		Date(s)
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                   T             5-5:45 p.m.             3/27-5/15
T            7-7:45 p.m.             3/27-5/15
                                                                                                Boys Only Hip-Hop (6+ yrs)
Tap / Ballet ShowSTARS (6-7 yrs)                                                                Learn basic to intermediate hip-hop moves in this high energy class just for the
This class is perfect for the dancer who has taken at least a year or less of con-              boys! Tennis shoes are recommended. In Spring, students participate in a recital at
sistent dance. Students continue to master ShowSTARS tap and ballet programs.                   Desert Ridge High School. 8*Count Dance classes are open NOW for registration.
Tap and jazz shoes recommended. In Spring, students participate in the recital at               Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Desert Ridge High School. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.           Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply fee $30
8*Count Dance classes are open NOW for registration.                                            Day          Time		Date(s)
Instructor: 8*Count Dance                                                                       T            6-6:45 p.m.            3/27-5/15
Fees: Residents $59, Non-Residents $69, Supply fee $50 (includes costume and
tights)                                                                                         Adult / Teen Tap (14+)
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                   In this fun, high-energy class, students learn basic to intermediate tap rhythmic steps
S            12-1 p.m.		              3/31-5/12                                                 while getting a great workout! All levels are welcome, tap shoes recommended.
                                                                                                Optional for students to participate in the May recital at Desert Ridge High School.
Hip-Hop ShowSTARS (5-7 yrs)                                                                     Purchase of costume will be the student’s responsibility. 8*Count Dance classes are
In this fun, high-energy class, students learn basic to intermediate hip-hop dance              open NOW for registration.
moves. Tennis shoes are recommended. In Spring, students participate in a recital at            Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72
Desert Ridge High School. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.           Day           Time		Date(s)
8*Count Dance classes are open NOW for registration.                                            W             7:45-8:30 p.m.          3/28-5/16
Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply fee $30 (includes costume and                    Acrobatic Arts / Tumbling (4-5 yrs)
tights)                                                                                         Students will learn the basics of acrobatic arts and tumbling while focusing on bal-
Day           Time		Date(s)			                                                                  ance, developing limber bodies, and improving tumbling skills. Classes are divided
T             4-4:45 p.m.             3/27-5/15                                                 by age. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance
                                                                                                classes are open NOW for registration.
Ballet Folklorico Jovenes (4-8 yrs)                                                             Instructor: 8*Count Dance
This class is offered for students at the beginning level of folklorico with little or no       Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply fee $5
experience. Students are taught the primary steps and technique of ballet folklorico,           Day          Time		Date(s)
in relation to different regions of Mexico. Movements are repetitive to allow proper            M            5-5:45 p.m.             3/26-5/1
form and advancement.
Instructor: Gloria Wells
Fees: Residents: $40, Non-Residents $50
Day          Time		Date(s)
M            5:40-6:40 p.m.            Session A: 3/5-3/26
			Session B: 4/2-4/23
			Session C: 4/30-5/21

Ballet Folklorico Intermediate (8-12 yrs)
This class is offered to the more experienced dancer in folklorico or dance. Students
will improve folklorico technique and strength. Dancers will build on learning
dances and different dance styles from regions of Mexico. This class is part of a
program that runs from August to June with additional classes and performances
requirements. Ballet folklorico shoes required.
Instructor: Gloria Wells
Fees: Residents $40, Non-Residents $50                                                                        A Family-Friendly Experience
Day          Time		Date(s)
M            6:45-8:15 p.m.          Session A: 3/5-3/26                                                  Experience the History and Legend of the
			Session B: 4/2-4/23                                                                              Superstition Mountains and the Lost Dutchman’s Mine.
			Session C: 4/30-5/21
                                                                                                       Roam the 15-acre Grounds full of free exhibits!
                                                                                                              UPCOMING EVENTS
                                                                                                  Heritage Days
            Advertise in the                                                                      – Jan. 13 & 14, 2018
             Next Edition of                                                                      of the Superstitions
                                                                                                  – Feb. 10, 2018
       “Experience Queen Creek”                                                                   Magic of Mexican Artistry
                                                                                                  – Mar. 9, 10 & 11, 2018

          For rates and information,                                                              Free Thursday Afternoon
                                                                                                  Lectures at 2 p.m.
              call 480-982-7799                                                                   (Jan. 4 through April 5, 2018)
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

  VOTE 2018
  Vote by May 15 | Mail-In Ballot
                                            Whatever style of yoga
                                            your body and soul needs,
                                            our robust weekly schedule
                                            has you covered. Join us for
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                                            Find your calm
                                            in the chaos of life.
    Home or Business
     Income Taxes
Queen Creek Recreation Center
              Contact                       480.717.8221
        Henry Jenkins, MBA          ®       21820 S. Ellsworth Road, Ste 103
        For More Information                Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Programs Brochure Spring 2018 - LIBRARY RECREATION ANNEX 21802 South Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Acrobatic Arts / Tumbling (6-7 yrs)
Students will learn the basics of acrobatic arts and tumbling while focusing on bal-
ance, developing limber bodies, and improving tumbling skills. Classes are divided
by age. Supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. 8*Count Dance
classes are open NOW for registration.

Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Day          Time		Date(s)
T            4-4:45 p.m.             3/27-5/15
Fees: Residents $62, Non-Residents $72, Supply fee $5

Acrobatic Arts / Tumbling (8+ yrs)
Students will learn the basics of acrobatic arts and tumbling while focusing on bal-
ance, developing limber bodies, and improving tumbling skills. Classes are divided
by age. 8*Count Dance classes are open NOW for registration.
Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Day          Time		Date(s)
T            5-6 p.m.		              3/27-5/15
Fees: Residents $64, Non-Residents $74, Supply fee $5

Ruby Dance Company
A year-long, twice-weekly class for the student who is serious about dance and has
previous experience. Students will improve dance technique and strength. Styles of
dance taught are jazz and tap. Students will be required to take a ballet and tum-
bling class to be in company. (Tuition for ballet and tumbling included in RDC class
fee.) Students will participate in the Holiday Performance N’ Picnic, dance competi-
tion in Jan/Feb 2018, and May 2018 recital. During Spring 2018, dances will be
submitted for an opportunity to perform in Disneyland during Fall 2018 or Spring
2019. Ages are a guideline; students will be placed based on level as determined
by the instructor. Registration must be done in person at the Recreation Annex.
Class        Age          Day          Time		                Date(s)		                        Olympic Style Training
Mini RDC      5-8 yrs     W            6-7:30 p.m.           1/24-5/16
Jr/Teen RDC 9+            T            8-9 p.m.		            1/23-5/17
		Th                                   6-7:30 p.m.
*No class 3/13, 3/15, 3/20, 3/22

Beginning Swing for Couples (18+)
Learn the basics of East Coast Swing in this five-week couples class. Fees are per
Instructor: Sandy Popovich
Fees: Residents $55, Non-Residents $65
             Time		Date(s)
             7-8 p.m.		            3/30-4/27
                                                                                                  is known for its dynamic
                                                                                             and powerful kicks for self-defense

      Grow Your Business
                                                                                              while teaching self-confidence
                                                                                               and developing self-esteem.
             With Local Advertising                                                                            TAEKWONDO CLASS
                                                                                                               Monday, Wednesday
                                                                                                               & Thursday Evenings

                                                                                                               Classes available
                                                                                                               for all ages:
                                                                                                               • BEGINNER-
                                                                                                               • ADVANCED
       To speak with an ad consultant today, call 480-257-8292.
                                                                                                               • ADULTS & SENIORS
                                                                                            Bring this ad
    Creating customer awareness is key to nurturing your business
    success. With distribution to 35,000 homes and businesses in
                                                                                             to class for          Henry Jenkins,

    Queen Creek and San Tan Valley, the Independent is an                                                       4th Degree Master Black
    advertising vehicle that delivers results. Put our reach and                                                 Belt, World Taekwondo
    reputation to work for your business with a strategic advertising
    plan that will help build your brand and bring more customers to                                                    Federation
    your door.
                                                                                            registration fee         Call
                                   Queen Creek
                                                                                            (1st class only)     480-988-2503
 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                                                  Spring2018
SAMPLE DANCE CLASSES                                                                       Hip-Hop ShowSTARS (6+ yrs)
                                                                                           In this fun, high-energy sample class, students learn basic to intermediate hip-hop
Parent / Tot Twinkle Babies (2-3 yrs)                                                      moves. Tennis shoes recommended.
This is a great way to try a new class for the little student who is not yet ready         Instructor: 8*Count Dance
to leave their parent’s side. The class is the same structure as the Twinkle Babies        Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5
Dance Class. Students experience tap and creative movement. Tap and ballet shoes           Day           Time                   Date(s)
recommended for the little dancer, but not required for sample day. Parents are            Th            6:15-6:45 p.m.         3/22
encouraged to participate.
Instructor: 8*Count Dance                                                                  Jump Rope (7-13 yrs)
Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5                                                         This sample class for boys and girls is for the student with three years or more of
Day          Time                     Date(s)                                              jump rope, partner and long rope. Jumpers need to come with a water bottle and
Th           4-4:30 p.m.              3/22                                                 wear tennis shoes. If you have a jump rope, please bring it to sample day.
                                                                                           Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Twinkle Babies (2-3 yrs)                                                                   Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5
A 30-minute introductory dance class containing ballet, tap and creative movement.         Day          Time                   Date(s)
Young dancers will learn the basic steps while learning how to follow direction and        Th           5:30-6 p.m.            3/22
imitate movement in a positive environment. Tap and ballet shoes recommended,
but not required for sample day.                                                           Acrobatic Arts / Tumbling (4-7 yrs)
Instructor: 8*Count Dance                                                                  This sample class is perfect for children with little or no acro and/or tumbling
Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5                                                         experience. Goals in class are improving balance, developing limber bodies, and
Day          Time                   Date(s)                                                improving tumbling technique.
Th           4:45-5:15 p.m.         3/22                                                   Instructor: 8*Count Dance
                                                                                           Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5
Twinkle Stars (3-5 yrs)                                                                    Day          Time                     Date(s)
This class introduces young dancers to the three styles of dance and inspire move-         Th           4-4:30 p.m.              3/22
ment and creativity within a positive environment. Dancers learn basic steps and
terminology in all three styles. Tap and ballet shoes recommended, but not required        Acrobatic Arts / Tumbling (8-13 yrs)
for sample day.                                                                            This sample class is perfect for children with little or no acro and/or tumbling
Instructor: 8*Count Dance                                                                  experience. Goals in class are improving balance, developing limber bodies, and
Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5                                                         improving tumbling technique.
Day          Time                     Date(s)                                              Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Th           5:30-6 p.m.              3/22                                                 Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5
                                                                                           Day          Time                     Date(s)
Ballet / Tap / Jazz ShowSTARS (6+ yrs)                                                     Th           4:45-5:15 p.m.           3/22
This sample class offers students a chance to try out ballet/tap/jazz terms and
techniques. Ballet & tap shoes recommended, but not required for sample day.
Instructor: 8*Count Dance
Fees: Residents & Non-Residents $5
Day          Time                    Date(s)

                                                                                             Saturday, March 24
Th           6:15-6:45 p.m.          3/22

                                                                                             9 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                                                                             Desert Mountain Park
                                                                                             22201 S. Hawes Rd.
 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                                                                       Spring2018
EQUESTRIAN                                                                                           Intermediate Horsemanship (6+ yrs)
                                                                                                     Prerequisite: Must have taken “Beginning Horsemanship” or “Introduction to Horse-
Beginning Horsemanship (6+ yrs)                                                                      manship” in the past year. This class focuses on more specific control and Western
This class is designed to teach students the basics of Western riding horsemanship.                  riding techniques such as getting the horse to respond to certain cues and learning
Starting with grooming, general care and saddling safely, we also cover mounting                     how to post while in a trot. We cover different gaits, as well as identifying the gaits
and dismounting, proper posture and balance when riding. We work with each                           and correct leads while mounted. Students under 18 must have parent/guardian
student on simple control techniques such as asking the horses to walk and stop.                     sign a liability waiver at first class.
Students under 18 must have a parent/guardian sign a liability waiver at first class.                Instructor: Swingin’ C Ranch
Instructor: Swingin’ C Ranch                                                                         Location: Swingin’ C Ranch, 43757 N. Coyote Rd., San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
Location: Swingin’ C Ranch, 43757 N. Coyote Rd., San Tan Valley, AZ 85140                            Fees: Resident $136; Non-Resident $146
Fees: Resident $136; Non-Resident $146                                                               Day          Time		Date(s)
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                        T            7-8 p.m.		                 Session A: 4/3-4/24
T            6-7 p.m.		              Session A: 3/6-3/27                                             T            7-8 p.m.		                 Session B: 5/1-5/22
T            6-7 p.m.		              Session B: 4/3-4/24
                                                                                                     Advanced Horsemanship (6+ yrs)
                                                                                                     Prerequisite: Must have taken “Intermediate Horsemanship” in the past year. This
                                                                                                     fast-paced class is designed to work with those who want training techniques for
                                                                                                     both horse and rider. We work more intensively on each student’s abilities and
                                                                                                     areas where they wish to progress, including trail riding, western pleasure, barrel
                                                                                                     racing, roping and team penning. Students under 18 must have parent/guardian
                                                                                                     sign a liability waiver at first class.
                                                                                                     Instructor: Swingin’ C Ranch
                                                                                                     Location: Swingin’ C Ranch, 43757 N. Coyote Rd., San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
                                                                                                     Fees: Resident $136; Non-Resident $146
                                                                                                     Day          Time		Date(s)
                                                                                                     T            7-8 p.m. 		                Session A: 3/6-3/27
                                                                                                     T            7-8 p.m.		                 Session B: 5/1-5/22

                                                                                                          up-to-date, 24/7 breaking news, headlines
                                                                                                                    and upcoming events

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                                                                   *Maricopa county residents                            Queen Creek                    Ad deadline for December issue: Dec. 8
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 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                                                      Spring2018
FITNESS                                                                                       ABC/123 - Kinder Prep (4½-5½ yrs)
                                                                                              Kinder Prep is designed to prepare your child for kindergarten. This class is
PALINDABA-Women Drumming for Health (18+ yrs)                                                 structured to challenge your child’s independence, accountability and recognition of
Discover fun, fitness, and therapeutic health benefits by attending this group em-            the importance of following a routine. Children focus common sight words, simple
powerment drumming class. This class is very welcoming, accepting, and beginner               math skills, handwriting, and learn social development to assist with a successful
friendly; it is all about expression! With no experience necessary and all African            transition into kindergarten. Child must be entering kindergarten in the 2018-19
hand drums and percussion provided, you will be able to allow yourself laughter,              school year or have instructor’s approval. Child must be potty trained (no pull ups).
creativity, movement, and relaxation. Don’t be shy - give it a try! This class will be        ABC/123 Session 6 classes are open NOW for registration.
held on the library side in the Zane Grey Meeting Room.                                       Instructor: ABC/123 Staff
Instructor: SusyJeanne Manning                                                                Fees: Resident: $198; Non-Resident: $208; Supplies: $45
Fees: $10 cash (pay at door)                                                                  Day          Time		Date(s)
Day            Time		Date(s)			                                                               M/W/F        8-11 a.m.		              Session 6: 4/9-5/16
W              6:30-8 p.m.            3/21, 4/18, 5/16                                        *No class 4/23
*Pre Register for a drum by texting SusyJeanne Manning at 480-862-3306                        M/W/F        11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Session 6: 4/9-5/16
or emailing                                                              *No class 4/23
Walk-ins welcome!
                                                                                              ABC/123 - Moving to Kinder Prep Summer Camp (3-4 yrs)
Silver Sneakers Cardio Sculpt and Yoga (55+ yrs)                                              Moving to Kinder Prep will introduce letters (sights and sounds), numbers, colors,
Silver Sneaker classes are designed to provide seniors a safe environment to                  crafts, learning to hold a pencil, social skills and much more. This is a structured
exercise. Senior Stretch introduces range of motion, balance and stretch. Cardio              classroom environment designed to prepare the child for ABC/123 Kinder Prep.
increases heart rate through low impact motion. Sculpt and tone builds muscles                Child must be three years old or have instructor’s approval. Child must be potty
while strengthening the bones. Silver Sneakers classes are held all season long on            trained (no pull ups).
Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, except on holidays.                                           Instructor: ABC/123 Staff
Instructor: Kristina Sherman                                                                  Fees: Residents $178; Non-Residents $188; Supplies: $20
Fees: $5 (drop-in) $35 for 10 class punch card, or $50 for a 20 class punch card.             Day          Time		Date(s)
Participants enrolled in Silver Sneakers through their insurance are free.                    T/W/Th 8-10:30 a.m.                   6/5-7/12
Day		Time		Date(s)			                                                                         *No class 7/4
M (Cardio)		             10:30-11:30 a.m.
W (Yoga)		               8:15-9:15 a.m.                                                       ABC/123 - Kinder Prep Summer Camp (4.5-5.5 yrs)
F (Sculpt and Tone)      10:30-11:30 a.m.                                                     Kinder Prep Summer Camp is designed to prepare your child for kindergarten. This
                                                                                              camp is structured to challenge your child’s independence, accountability and rec-
Zumba (16+ yrs)                                                                               ognition of the importance of following a routine. Children will focus on preschool
The best hour you will spend doing something great for your mind, body and soul!              skills like common sight words, simple math skills, handwriting and much more.
A dance party that’s guaranteed to give you a workout without feeling like a work-            Children learn social development to assist them with a successful transition into
out! Classes are offered all season except on holidays and Annex closures.                    kindergarten. Child must be entering kindergarten in the 2018-2019 school year,
Instructor: Bridget Diem (M/W/F, a.m.) Christie Duffey (T/Th p.m., S a.m.)                    or have instructor’s approval. Child must be potty trained (no pull ups).
Fees: $5 (drop-in). Punch cards determined by instructors.                                    Instructor: ABC/123 Staff
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                 Fees: Residents $198; Non-Residents $208; Supplies $20
M/F          9-10 a.m.                                                                        Day           Time		Date(s)
*No class 3/12, 3/16, & 5/28                                                                  T/W/Th 11-2 p.m.		                   6/5-7/12
W            9:15-10:15 a.m.                                                                  *No class 7/4
*No class 3/14
T/Th         7-8 p.m.
S            9-10 a.m.

Stroller Strides (18+ yrs)
Stroller Strides is a functional, total body conditioning workout designed for moms
with kids in tow. Each 60 minute workout is comprised of strength training, cardio,
and core restoration, all while entertaining little ones with songs, activities, and fun!
Registration is on site at the Desert Mountain Park basketball courts.
Instructor: Jamie Breaux
Fees: $55 per month (cash only)
Day           Time		Date(s)
M/W/F         9-10 a.m.		               All season long except on holidays.

ABC/123 - Lil’ Apples (3-4 yrs)
Lil’ Apples will introduce letters, sights and sounds, numbers, colors, crafts, learning
to hold a pencil, social skills and much more. This is a structured classroom environ-
ment designed to prepare the child for “ABC/123 Kinder Prep” class. Child must
be three years old or have instructor’s approval. Child must be potty trained (no pull
ups). ABC/123 Session 6 classes are open NOW for registration.
Instructor: ABC/123 Staff
Day          Time		Date(s)
M/W/F        8:30-11 a.m.              Session 6: 4/9-5/16
*No class 4/23
Fees: Resident: $178; Non-Resident: $188; Supplies: $20
T/Th         8:30-11 a.m.              Session 6: 4/10-5/15
*No class 4/24
Fees: Resident: $148; Non-Resident: $158; Supplies: $20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  When it comes to
                                                                                                                                                                                         Co nn eC ti g
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                                                  /San Tan V
                                                            alley                                                                                                                                   un
                                                                                                                                                                                       ou r Co m m
                                       Queen Creek                                                                                                                                     Dec. 20-Jan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    16, 2018

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Published by                                                                                                          Would yo             for

                   en discuss
                                                                                                                               ing signs
                                                                                                                      the warn
                                                                                                                                 at risk?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of Queen Creek ...
                                                                                                                      someone                                       deter-
                                                                                                                                                     may help
                                                                                                                                   ning signs              for suicide,

                          re experts
                                                                                                                     Some war            on is at risk                 has
                                                                                                                      mine if a pers behavior is new,

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                                                                                                                      especially                     rela ted to a pain

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                                                                                                                       Not everyon r, here are some thin

  share thou                 g teens
                                                                                                                                  How   eve

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                                                                                                                                                          wanting to

    further su
                                                                                                                                         ting about
                                                                                                        said.            •Talking/wri
                                                                                      and parents,what ap-               kill themselv
                                                                        therapists                                                                                 a way to
                                                          educators, the numbers reflect both the                                                 looking for
                                                               Locally,                     tren d  in                   •Ha    ving access/
                    Miller                                                  a growing                                     kill themselv
  By Wendyt Newspapers                                     pears to be and nation.                     ing cause                                           feeling hop
                                               suicidal, county, statewas the second lead een the                                          ting about
  Independen                  Estrada was                                                                                 •Talking/wri                      to live
                hen Tanya ted to do was talk -
                                                      to        Suicide                     ricans betw                                    no reason

                                                                           young Ame 5, with an increase                  less/having
                all she wan ut what was hap                 of death for            in 201                       for                        ting about
                             abo                                      10 and 24                   since 1981               •Talking/wri
                her mom didn’t for fear of get- ages of than 150 percent                                                                   unb   eara   ble   pain
                    ead, she                                 of more                                                       trapped/in                         being a burd
                                                                                                                                                                               en                                    Town
                                                                                                                  ide                                                                                   Taste of the
                                                                                                                                                                                               18 biscuits Cafe
   pening. Inst                                       nts, ages 10-14.                         rded 683 suic re-                             ting about
   ting in trou
                   ble.             100 or so pare                            County reco                    ide            •Talking/wri
                       one of the                   onals         Maricopa 6. The youngest suic a 60
         Tanya was health care professiention                              201                             ng
                                                                                              ona is seei com-              to others                          alcohol/drug
                   and                                        deaths in       age 9. Ariz                                                      the use of
    teenagers                       Suicide PrevNov. 30                                                  rate                •Increasing
                     ated in the                m             corded was ease in its suicide                                                                     r
    who particip ss Community Foru Council.                   percent    incr
                                                                                         the country
                                                                                                       .                                      isky    beh  avio
     and Awarene Queen Creek Tow meeting, pared to the rest of calls Queen Creek
                                                                                                                   Fire      •Reckless/r                        o little
     hosted by their Oct. 4 regular approved                                         of                     received                         too much/to
                                                                   The numberDepartment has                           e       •Sleeping                          them    selves
          Dur  ing                      ous  ly                                                            up    sinc                           g/isolat   ing
                         bers unanim              commu-       and Medical                 is trending                         •Withdrawin
      council mem 00 for a series of six wellness regarding suicides to QCFMD Chief Ron                                                                         feelings of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Got You
                                                                                   rding                                                        ting about
      spending $3,0                 health and
                      ons about prevention.                     last year, acco                                                •Talking/wri revenge
      nity discussi               ide              of an ef- Knight.                                     ical depart-           rage/seeking
                     uding suic
       issues, incl the discussions is part ress the                                   fire and med           suicides                        mood swin
                                            to add                  In 2016, the56 calls regarding berate                       •Extreme
           Creating              ity-w ide                st            rece ived                     and   deli                                           orde   r
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        growing num                  thei                                                                     ected to                              dbye
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         Valley who , a total of 14 stud en Creek                                                                                                                                                          Business Pro
                                                                     This year                          ht said                                      se of calm
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                                                                                                                                                                                                           big tin Cott
                                                                            that ,                    his                        •Su                                Queen Cre
                      Mes                                         surpass                  ng that                                                  ner Health
         Chandler, icts killed themselves. the ages an interview, noti 51 calls between Jan-                                      Source: Ban
         school distr ents were between executive                                     received
                                                                      had already
             The stud Katey McPherson,
                                         an organi-                                                             — Page 4
         of 13 and The Gurian Institute,                                                 e Prevention
                                        training for                   See Suicid
          director of provides advanced
          zation that

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                  parking lots scene.                                 ommon to                                                                    Independent
                                                                                                                                                              Newspape               Fry’s
                                                                                                                                                                       kettle at the Red
                                                         it’s not unc            our-                                                                      ation Army
                  other familiarand exit many stores, le, ringing a bell, enc                                                              staffs the Salv y. One-hour ringing
                                                                                                                                                                                  at a
                 As you ente
                              r                       kett
                                      front of a redSalvation Army.                                                            Tan Valley              Valle                   y officials.
                                   in                                          Maj or                            pster of San              in San Tan           Salvation Arm
              a person stan rs to donate to The the organization,
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                he Queen Creek Independent is having a                                                                                                                                                                                ad appear in the Queen Creek Independent classi-
                birthday party of its own: This year marks                                                                                                                                                                            fieds!).
                our 14th year of publishing the only local                                                                                                                                                                               Community service – and providing citizens with
        newspaper devoted to serving Queen Creek and its                                                                                                                                                                              an outlet to exercise their First Amendment rights – is
        citizens.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the driving force behind what we do. Thomas Jef-
            Each month residents of Queen Creek can                                                                                                                                                                                   ferson once said, “ A good community newspaper is
        count on the Independent to bring them the best                                                                                                                                                                               a community talking to itself.” This is YOUR news-
        coverage of their hometown news: from govern-                                                                                                                                                                                 paper, Queen Creek, and we would like to hear from
        ment and schools to upcoming events, neighbor-                                                                                                                                                                                you.
        hood happenings and people.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Feel free to contact News Editor Wendy Miller
            For advertisers looking to reach Queen Creek,                                                                                                                                                                             with your suggestions on how we can improve your
        our mailed delivery and affordable advertising                                                                                                                                                                                hometown newspaper.
        rates combine to pack a one-two punch in terms
        of reach and results. As part of a larger suburban
        group of community newspapers, our advertis-
        ing consultants can even help your business reach
        other areas of the Valley.
            And if you’re looking for added news, visit for up-to-date, 24/7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For news                 For advertising
        breaking news, headlines and upcoming events.                                                                                                                                                                                       & information:                Information:
            Our digital site is also where you’ll find the                                                                                                                                                                              News Editor Wendy Miller       Debbie Richardson
        Valley’s most popular FREE classifieds site where                                                                                                                                                                      
        you can receive up to 400 words and 4 photos for
        4 weeks (and for a nominal fee, you can have your

                                                                                                                    Ser ving Queen Creek since 2004
 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                                                                    Spring2018
SPORTS AND MARTIAL ARTS                                                                          Kids / Youth Karate - Lim Family Martial Arts (6-12 yrs)
                                                                                                 Curriculum is designed around the principles of discipline, manners, etiquette, and
ActivStars Karate (4-15 yrs)                                                                     respect. Students will learn life skills in listening/following directions, self defense,
A unique curriculum taught by certified black belt instructors in an exciting format             awareness and prevention, and anti-bullying. Benefits include improvement in
for youth! Self-defense and safety awareness include release techniques, abduc-                  self-confidence, self-esteem, and more. Instructed by 10th Degree Sr. Grandmaster
tion prevention, respect, and discipline. Classes meet Mondays and Fridays from                  George Lim and 9th Degree Grandmaster Patrice Lim. Ongoing monthly program
5-9 p.m. at the Recreation Annex. Class times vary by age and belt degree. Visit                 with opportunities to advance in belt rank. for more information.                                                          Instructors: George & Patrice Lim
                                                                                                 Fees: Residents $55; Non-Residents $65; One time $55 fee for uniform and belt.
                                                                                                 Day          Time		Date(s)
Amazing Athletes (2-5 yrs)
                                                                                                 T/W/Th 5:30-6:30 p.m.                   Session A: 3/1-3/31
Amazing Athletes is an action packed sports and fitness class that will introduce
                                                                                                 T/W/Th 5:30-6:30 p.m.                   Session B: 4/1-4/30
your child to the basics and fundamentals of nine (9) different sports (soccer, bas-
                                                                                                 T/W/Th 5:30-6:30 p.m.                   Session C: 5/1-5/31
ketball, football, volleyball, golf, tennis, hockey, lacrosse, and baseball) as well as
fun exercises and challenging obstacle courses, to enhance your child’s gross motor
development. Parents have the option to purchase a t-shirt for $10.                              Teen / Adult Karate - Lim Family Martial Arts (13+ yrs)
Instructor: Amazing Athletes Staff                                                               Curriculum is designed around the principles of honor, integrity, and building self
Fees: Residents $105, Non-Residents $115                                                         confidence and esteem. Continued life skills training in self defense, awareness and
Day          Time		Date(s)			                                                                    prevention, personal safety, and health and fitness. Benefits include improvement
Th           9-9:40 a.m.                3/1-5/10                                                 in self-confidence, self-esteem, weight loss, stress relief, and more. Get the whole
*No class 3/15, 3/22                                                                             family involved! Instructed by 10th Degree Sr. Grandmaster George Lim and 9th
                                                                                                 Degree Grandmaster Patrice Lim. Ongoing monthly program with opportunities to
                                                                                                 advance in belt rank.
Kinder Karate - Lim Family Martial Arts (3-5 yrs)
                                                                                                 Instructors: George & Patrice Lim
Curriculum is designed around the principles of discipline, manners, etiquette, and
                                                                                                 Fees: Residents $55; Non-Residents $65; One time $55 fee for uniform and belt.
respect. Students will learn life skills in listening/following directions, self defense,
                                                                                                 Day           Time		Date(s)
awareness and prevention, and anti-bullying. Benefits include improvement in
                                                                                                 T/W/Th 6:30-7:30 p.m.                Session A: 3/1-3/31
self-confidence, self-esteem, and more. Instructed by 10th Degree Sr. Grandmaster
                                                                                                 T/W/Th 6:30-7:30 p.m.                Session B: 4/1-4/30
George Lim and 9th Degree Grandmaster Patrice Lim. Ongoing monthly program
                                                                                                 T/W/Th 6:30-7:30 p.m.                Session C: 5/1-5/31
with opportunities to advance in belt rank.
Instructors: George & Patrice Lim
Fees: Residents $55; Non-Residents $65; One time $55 fee for uniform and belt.
Day          Time		Date(s)
T/W/Th 5-5:30 p.m.                      Session A: 3/1-3/31
T/W/Th 5-5:30 p.m.                      Session B: 4/1-4/30
T/W/Th 5-5:30 p.m.                      Session C: 5/1-5/31

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 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                 Spring2018
Mighty Kicks Soccer (2.5-5 yrs)
Mighty Kicks Soccer for 2½-5 year olds is an introductory program with eight
weeks of individualized soccer skills training -every player has at least one ball to
play with the entire time. We develop motor skills while also building confidence
with the soccer ball. No lines, no laps, no lectures! We go after the 3-C’s of youth
development - character, confidence, and coordination. Franchise GM Wayne
Pirmann does the Queen Creek training sessions, combining his 45 years of soccer
coaching, his professional credentials, and his passion for introducing children to
the greatest game into a fun weekly activity. Classes located at Founders’ Park. For
more information and to register for classes, visit
Instructor: Wayne Pirmann
Fees: $109
Age          Day         Time		                   Date(s)
3-5 yrs      S           9-9:40 a.m.              3/31-5/19

Mighty Kicks Soccer (6-9 yrs)
Mighty Kicks Soccer for 6-9 year olds is for new-to-game players and will provide
both solid individual technical instruction and introduce players to small-group
tactics each week via a game. Each player will spend the first 40 minutes with a
soccer ball and learn to feel very comfortable with the soccer ball. The last 30 min-
utes of each session will be 2 v 2 and/or 3 v 3 games with only the head coach
providing instruction, Our 3-C’s - character, confidence, and coordination - are
developed weekly. Franchise GM Wayne Pirmann does the Queen Creek training
sessions, combining his 45 years of soccer coaching, his professional credentials,
and his passion for introducing children to the greatest game into a fun weekly
activity. Classes located at Founders’ Park. For more information and to register for
classes, visit
Instructor: Wayne Pirmann
Fees: $59
Age           Day        Time		                   Date(s)
3-5 yrs       M          5:30-6:30 a.m.           3/31-5/19

Mighty Kicks Soccer: Player / Parent Program (4-8 yrs)
Mighty Kicks Soccer: Player / Parent Program (one adult per child) will be eight (8)
sessions of soccer skills and tactics where players are introduced to the “how” and
“when” to perform certain skills. Each session will conclude with a very short game
in which the head coach will instruct parent-coaches how to behave as a coach.
One parent per child will come dressed appropriately to be on the field and learn
how to coach individuals and small groups. Franchise GM Wayne Pirmann does
the Queen Creek training sessions, combining his 45 years of soccer coaching,
his professional credentials, and his passion for introducing children to the greatest
game into a fun weekly activity. Classes located at Founders’ Park. For more infor-
mation and to register for classes, visit
Instructor: Wayne Pirmann
Fees: $114
Age          Day          Time		                  Date(s)
3-5 yrs      S            10-11:20 a.m.           3/31-5/19

Self Defense - Combat Hapkido (Youth) (6-12 yrs)
Combat Hapkido is an extremely realistic and versatile discipline of self-protection

                                                                                                   Advertise in the
that includes an extensive variety of joint locks, strikes, kicks, pressure points,
ground survival and weapon disarming techniques. It is not “play” karate, nor sport

                                                                                                    Next Edition of
Instructor: David Rivas
Fees: Resident $55; Non-Resident $65; Supplies: $50.
Day          Time		Date(s)

                                                                                              “Experience Queen Creek”
T & Th       6-6:40 p.m.             Session A: 3/1-3/29
T & Th       6-6:40 p.m.             Session B: 4/3-4/26
T & Th       6-6:40 p.m.             Session C: 5/1-5/31

Self Defense - Combat Hapkido (Teen/Adult) (13+ yrs)
Combat Hapkido is an extremely realistic and versatile discipline of self-protection
that includes an extensive variety of joint locks, strikes, kicks, pressure points,            For rates and information,
                                                                                                   call 480-982-7799
ground survival and weapon disarming techniques. It is not “play” karate, nor sport
Instructor: David Rivas
Fees: Resident $110; Non-Resident $120; discounts for additional family members.
Day          Time		Date(s)
T & Th       6:45-8 p.m.             Session A: 3/1-3/29
T & Th       6:45-8 p.m.             Session B: 4/3-4/26
T & Th       6:45-8 p.m.             Session C: 5/1-5/31

 EXPERIENCETHEQC                                                                                                          Spring2018
Stretch-n-Grow: FUNtastic Fitness (5 & Under)
This preparatory fitness class brings non-stop action and engaging fun to your kids.
Every class experience is an adventure in fitness, motor skills development, brain
training and EXERcitement! Classes concentrate on large-muscle groups, motor
skills, coordination, balance, resistance, flexibility, and aerobic movement.
Instructor: Denise Trujillo
Fees: Residents $36; Non-Residents $46
Day          Time		Date(s)
W            11:15-11:45 a.m.         Session A: 3/7-4/11
W            11:15-11:45 a.m.         Session B: 4/18-5/23

Stretch-n-Grow: Yoga Stars (5 & Under)
Kids will learn the basics of yoga in this fun, story filled class. We take a unique ap-
proach to teaching skills like considered breathing that encourages relaxation. The
class also helps to train flexibility and reinforces healthy habits in a safe environ-
Instructor: Denise Trujillo
Fees: Residents $36; Non-Residents $46
Day          Time		Date(s)
Th           11:15-11:45 a.m.           Session A: 3/8-4/12
Th           11:15-11:45 a.m.           Session B: 4/19-5/24

Taekwondo Olympic Style: Beginning / Intermediate (Family)
Taekwondo for youth encourages students to discover and develop skills of body,
coordination, confidence, self-defense, and more through classroom participation.
Students learn color belt forms, martial arts courtesy, and self-discipline. Students
practice strength and agility exercises, sparring, and power board breaking.
Students will discover their power potential and application of blocking, kicking,
striking, and punching techniques.
Instructor: Henry W. Jenkins
Fees: Resident $60; Non-Resident $70; Supplies $40 (uniform); $15 (belt promo-
tion test fee)
Day           Time		Date(s)
M/W/Th 4:30-5:30 p.m.                Session A: 3/5-3/28
M/W/Th 4:30-5:30 p.m.                Session B: 4/2-4/26
M/W/Th 4:30-5:30 p.m.                Session C: 5/2-5/30
*No class 5/28

Taekwondo Olympic Style: Advanced (Family)
Taekwondo Advanced improves upon skills learned to date. Students focus on up-
grading skills of body strength, coordination, confidence, and self-defense. Students
begin learning advanced forms for promotion. Students are expected to learn how
to lead class warm-ups, exercises, and Taekwondo terminology. Students demon-
strate martial arts courtesy and self-discipline. Students will be invited to participate
in local tournaments and local Taekwondo club for enhanced level up training.
Instructor: Henry W. Jenkins
Fees: Resident $60; Non-Resident $70; Supplies $40 (uniform); $15 (belt promo-
tion test fee)
Day           Time		Date(s)
M/W/Th 5:30-6:30 p.m.                 Session A: 3/5-3/28
M/W/Th 5:30-6:30 p.m.                 Session B: 4/2-4/26
M/W/Th 5:30-6:30 p.m.                 Session C: 5/2-5/30
*No class 5/28
                                                                                                         (555) 555-5555
Taekwondo Olympic Style for Adults / Seniors (18+)
Taekwondo for adults / seniors includes exercises to improve endurance, strength,
balance, and flexibility. Physical conditioning includes stretching, breathing while
learning Taekwondo self-defense, striking, kicking, and blocking techniques. Light
sparring to encourage agility and speed. Taekwondo forms, like Tai Chi, improves
balance for physical coordination and mental focus. Students will learn color belt
forms, and martial arts courtesy.
Instructor: Henry W. Jenkins
Fees: Residents $60; Non-Residents $70; Supplies $40 (uniform); $15 (belt promo-
tion test fee)
Day           Time		Date(s)
M/W/TH 6:30-7:30 p.m.
M/W/Th 6:30-7:30 p.m.
M/W/Th 6:30-7:30 p.m.
                                     Session A: 3/5-3/28
                                     Session B: 4/2-4/26
                                     Session C: 5/2-5/30
*No class 5/28
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