Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park

Page created by Marvin Lewis
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
Classic Series
                                              PAS O PA R K

Experience Boutique Show Service at a World Class Facility on the California Central Coast

          November 3–7 • Classic Series                November 10–14 • Classic Series
          USEF National (A) Hunter, Jumper Rating 4    USEF National (A) Hunter, Jumper Rating 4

                                                                                                   Alden Corrigan Media
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
                          E N T E R O N L I N E at or on Equestrian Connect!

E N T E R V I A E M A I L by attaching a scanned entry form and                 M A I L E N T R I E S TO
emailing it to                                  Paso Robles Horse Park
                                                                                3801 Hughes Parkway, Paso Robles, CA 93446
All entries must be accompanied with check payment for at                       Note: Must be postmarked by closing date and received
least cost of stalls reserved or with a credit card to hold entries.            within seven (7) days.

                             HO R SE SH OW A PPROVA L S
                               United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Lexington, KY
                           United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA) Lexington, KY
                              Pacific Coast Horse Shows Association (PCHA) Glendale, CA
                          Northern California Hunter Jumper Association (NorCal) Davis, CA
                         California Professional Horsemen’s Association (CPHA) Burbank, CA
                                         Other recognition by NHS and Ryegate

                                                                       FAC I L I T Y LO C AT I O N
                                                                       Paso Robles Horse Park
                                                                       3801 Hughes Parkway, Paso Robles, CA 93446
                                                                       (805) 369-1338 |

                                                                       FROM HWY 101
                                                                       Take Hwy 46 East
                                                                       Left on Airport Road
                                                                       Left on Dry Creek Road (Drive approx. 0.25 mile)
                                                                       Left on Hughes Parkway

                                                                       FROM HWY 46 EAST              (Coming from I-5)
                                                                       Continue West on Hwy 46
                                                                       Right on Airport Road
                                                                       Left on Dry Creek Road (Drive approx. 0.25 mile)
                                                                       Left on Hughes Parkway

                                                                                                 PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 2
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
                         Show Manager                                                Licensee
                A M A N DA S . D I E F E N D E R F E R                        L I N DA S TA R K M A N
                                                                      Paso Robles Horse Park Foundation
                         Show Chair man
                      L I N DA S TA R K M A N                                         Farrier
                                                                                 TO N Y K N U S T
                         Show Secretary
                    L AU R E N WA S S E R M A N                                Foundation Board
                                      L I N DA S TA R K M A N
                       (805) 369-1338                                           DAV E C O L M A R
                                                                                 C AT H Y DAV I D
                                                                           D R . C L AU D I A S O N D E R
                   D R . DAV I D B O G E N R I E F
                                                                           D R . DAV I D B O G E N R I E F
                         (805) 467-3650

        PA S O PA R K FA L L C L A S S I C                       PA S O PA R K OA K T R E E C L A S S I C
       Judge G E O F F C A S E (Hunter/Equitation)                Judge M A R K J U N G H E R R (Hunter/Equitation)
      Judge S A N DY A S TO N (Hunter/Equitation)                 Judge JA M E S WA L D M A N (Hunter/Equitation)
     Judge W I L L I A M S PA R K S (Hunter/Equitation)            Judge A N D R E A W E L L S (Hunter/Equitation)
          Judge A N D R E A W E L L S (Jumper)                         Judge W I L L I A M S PA R K S (Jumper)
    Judge & Announcer A D R I A N WA R D (Jumper)                 Judge & Announcer A D R I A N WA R D (Jumper)
Grand Prix Arena Course Designer M A N U E L E S PA R Z A   G.P. Arena Course Designer B E R N A R D O C O S TA C A B R A L
         Course Designer J O H N M A N N I N G                         Course Designer J O H N M A N N I N G
      Course Designer M I C H A E L R OY C U R T I S                Course Designer M I C H A E L R OY C U R T I S
             USEF Steward C I N DY R E I D                                USEF Steward C I N DY R E I D
            USEF Steward J I L E D WA R D S                              USEF Steward J I L E DWA R D S

                                                                                     PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 3
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
2022 D ates
                          K I C K- O F F S C H O O L I N G S H OW         H ARVEST SPEC IAL SC H OOLIN G SH OW
                          April 2 - 3, 2022 • Schooling Series            September 17 - 18, 2022 • Schooling Series

                          PASO PA R K W E LC O M E C L AS S I C           PASO PUMPK IN S & PON IES
                          April 13 - 17, 2022 • Classic Series            October 13 - 16, 2022 • B Series

                          PASO PA R K S P R I N G C L AS S I C            PASO PARK FALL C LASSIC
                          April 20 - 24, 2022 • Classic Series            November 2 - 6, 2022 • Classic Series

                          SP R I N G F L I N G S C H O O L I N G S H OW   PASO PARK OAK T REE C LASSIC
                          May 7 - 8, 2022 • Schooling Series              November 9 -13, 2022 • Classic Series

                          R OSÉ I N M AY                                  T URK EY T ROT & JUMP
                          May 26 - 29, 2022 • B Series                    November 17 - 20, 2022 • B Series

                          B AC K TO S C H O O L B AS H                    W IN T ER WON D ERLAN D SC H OOLIN G S HOW
                          August 6 - 7, 2022 • Paso Community Event       December 3 - 4, 2022 • Schooling Series

Lauren Hope Photography

                                                                                                       PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 4
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
                                                                     N O CLAS S F E E S
                                    For horses entered in the Rated Young Hunter & Young Jumper Sections

USEF HORSE F EE:           $8                                               O N S I T E STA LL F E E :  $350 *
USEF EQU INE D RU G & ME DICAT I ON FEE:               $15                  T E M P O R A RY STA LL F E E : $300 ($550 for 2 consecutive weeks)

USEF SHOW PAS S FEE:            $45                                         RV S PACE : $400 plus 13.5% in City T.O.T. & assessments

USEF MEM BERSHIP             FEE: $80                                       H U N T E R N O M I N AT I O N F E E : $50

USH JA F EE:      $7                                                        LOW J U M P E R N O M I N AT I O N F E E (U N D E R 1. 2 0 M ): $75

USH JA SHOW PASS FE E :              $30                                    H I G H J U M P E R N O M I N AT I O N F E E (1. 2 0 M & OV E R ): $100

N O RCAL F EE:       $3                                                     WA R M - U P C LAS S : $40

P CH A F EE:    $3                                                          V I P PA R KI N G : $100

CA DRUG F EE:         $8                                                  * Please see Rules & Regulations for how on site stalls are assigned.

                                            CLO SI N G DAY D E A D L I N E S
                              EN TR IE S R E C EIVED A FT E R C LO S I N G DAY W I LL BE CH A R G E D A $ 7 5 O F F I CE F E E .

                                                    Paso Park Fall Classic        O CTO BE R 12 , 2 0 2 1

                                                 Paso Park Oak Tree Classic           O CTO BE R 19, 2 0 2 1

H O R SE SHOW SERVIC ES                                                             ONSI TE RV POLI CY
Show Office Hours                                                                   Onsite RV/travel trailer sites are available for reservation on a first come,
                                                                                    first served basis. Please email or call
MO N.12 — 5 pm
                                                                                    805-369-1338 to make your reservations. No reservations are final
TUES. 8 am — 5 pm
                                                                                    until you receive written confirmation from a Park show staff member.
WED. — S UN. 7 am1 — 5 pm2
                                                                                    Reservations are final and cannot be cancelled; you will be responsible
  or 30 minutes before start of first class
                                                                                    for the full cost of the reservation. Hookups include 30 amp and 50
  or 30 minutes after completion of last class
                                                                                    amp power, and potable water. Pump out services can be requested

Concessions Provided By                                                             in the office only on the dates they indicate are available. Your space

CAHOOTS CATERIN G                                                                   reservation includes two pump outs per week, additional pump outs
                                                                                    will cost $25 each. Each site is assigned, you can find your assignment
Golf Carts
                                                                                    posted on the Stall Chart board at your arrival.
RO B B-A-CART         (805) 440-9623

                                                                                                                   PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 5
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
                   In the case that you will no longer be able to attend the horse show, please refer to the chart
                           below to determine if you owe outstanding fees or will be receiving refunds.

                   We appreciate your efforts to help us be organized in preparing for the shows allowing us to
                   accommodate as many competitors as possible. Should an unforeseen circumstance arise,
                   please do not hesitate to reach out to management to discuss the details and determine if
                                                   an exception can be made.

                  What is my                                                                            O U TSTA N D I N G BA LA N CE I F. . .
                                                                                                        Request was submitted in writing
                  outstanding balance?                                                                  on or before the published entry         O U TSTA N D ING B AL ANCE IF...
                                                                                                        closing date or 24 hours after a         Request was submitted after entry
                  SCR ATCH OR
                                                                                                        show has been announced sold out,        closing or 24 hours after a show
                  EN TRY CHANGE              DETAIL S                                                   whichever comes first.                   has been published as sold out.

                                             Scratching a horse with no intent to fill the stall with                                                     $300 Stall fee
                  Scratching a Horse         another horse with the same trainer or to use the                        $0
Horse Stalls

                                                                                                                                                         + $50 office fee
& Entries

                                             stall as an additional tack/grooming stall.

                  Swapping a horse,          Scratching a horse, but filling the originally reserved                                                Stall fee applied to new
                  but filling the stall      stall with a new horse entry or using the stall as an                    $0                               horse/trainer split
                                             additional tack/grooming stall.                                                                            + $50 office fee

                  Reducing the count of      Reducing the stalls reserved for tack/grooming

  Stall Changes

                  tack/grooming stalls       stalls, resulting in a reduction of total stall counts                                                    $300 per stall fee
                                             for that trainer.

                  Exchanging tack/           Utilizing stalls originally reserved for tack/grooming                                                 Stall fee applied to new
                  grooming stalls for        stalls to bring an additional horse to the show,                         $0                                    horse stall
                  horse stalls               resulting in no change to the total stall count for                                                        + $50 office fee
                                             that trainer

                  FULL DETAILS: Up until the published closing entry date or 24 hours after the announcement that a show has sold out, whichever
                  comes first, you may make changes to or cancel your entries and related stall reservations. After that point you are fully responsible
                  for the stall fee related to each specific horse’s entry and a $50 office fee. Until the Monday of the show you may change which horse
                  is entered if you still plan utilize the originally reserved stall(s); this will only incur the $50 office fee for processing the change. All
                  tack/grooming stalls reserved are final at the point of entry closing or 24 hours after a sold out show is announced. You may choose to
                  fill a tack/grooming stall with a new horse entry after that point with the related late entry fees; however, any “cancelled” tack/grooming
                  stalls after that point will still be billed to the trainer or to the designated competitor account.

                  For competing entries there is no fee to scratch a competition/class as long as notification has been made in the show office the day
                  prior to the scratched competition/class. Should management have to cancel competitions/classes/sections that cannot be rescheduled
                  due to inclement weather and/or any other emergency or unforeseen situation there are no refunds on entry and stall fees or of any
                  other fees.

                                                                                                                                      PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 6
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
Class #   Class                                                               Height                    Entry Fee          Prize Money

   1      $40,000 Jill Weaver Memorial Grand Prix II; 2a                      Regional Standard           $650               $40,000

   2      $26,000 Spring Classic Grand Prix II; 2a                            Regional Standard           $250               $26,000

   3      $40,0000 Fall Classic Grand Prix II; 2a                             Regional Standard           $650               $40,000

   4      $40,000 Oak Tree Classic Grand Prix II; 2a                          Regional Standard           $650               $40,000

   5      $7,500 USHJA National Hunter Derby                                  3'0" - 3'5"                 $250                $7,500

   6      $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby                            3'6" - 4'3"                 $350               $10,000

   7      Leadline                                                            N/A                         Free

   8      $2,500 USHJA National Hunter Derby                                  3'0" - 3'5"                 $175                $2,500

  17      Junior/Amateur Hunter Derby                                         3'0" -3'5"                  $250                $2,500

                                               HU N TE R C L A SSI C S
Class #   Class                                              Height                    Entry Fee                      Prize Money

   8      $1,000 CPHA Green Hunter Incentive 3'0"/3'3"       3'0"/3'3"                      $100                         $1,000

   9      $1,000 CPHA Green Hunter Incentive 3'6"/3'9"       3'6"/3'9"                      $100                         $1,000

  10      Junior Hunter Classic 3'3"/3'6"                    3'3"/3'6"                      $125                         $1,500

   11     A/O Hunter Classic 3'3"/3'6"                       3'3"/3'6"                      $125                         $1,500

  12      Green Pony Hunter Classic 2'3"/2'6"/2'9"           2'3"/2'6"/2'9"                 $50                          $500

   13     Pony Hunter Classic 2'3"/2'6"/2'9"                 2'3"/2'6"/2'9"                 $50                          $500

   14     Children’s/AA Hunter Classic 3'0"                  3'0"                           $75                          $1,000

  16      Children’s Pony Hunter Classic 2'0"/2'6"           2'0"/2'6"                      $50                          $250

  30      Short/Long Hunter Classic                          2'0"                           $50                          $250

   31     Pre Child/Adult Hunter Classic                     2'3"                           $50                          $250

  32      Low Child/Adult Hunter Classic                     2'6"                           $50                          $250

  33      Mod Child/Adult Hunter Classic                     2'9"                           $50                          $250

                                               J U MPE R C L A SSI C S
Class #   Class                                                               Height                    Entry Fee          Prize Money

   18     $250 0.70m Low Pre-Child/Adult Classic II; 2b                       2'3"                         $60                 $250

   19     $500 0.80m Pre-Child/Adult Classic II; 2b                           2'7"                         $75                 $500

  20      $500 0.90m Mod Child/Adult Classic II; 2b                           2'11"                        $75                 $500

   21     $750 1.00m Low Child/Adult Classic II; 2b                           3'3"                         $85                  $750

  22      $1,000 1.10m Child/Adult Jumper Classic II; 2b                      3'7"                        $125                $1,000

  23      $1,000 1.15m Mod Jr/Am Jumper Classic II; 2b                        3'9"                        $125                $1,000

  24      $2,000 1.20m Low Jr/AO/Am Jumper Classic II; 2b                     3'11"                        $175               $2,000

  25      $2,500 1.30m Medium Jr/AO/Am Jumper Classic II; 2b                  4'3"                        $225                $2,500

  26      $2,500 1.40m High Jr/AO/Am Jumper Classic II; 2b                    4'7"                        $225                $2,500

  27      $3,000 1.20m Open Speed Stake III                                   3'11"                       $250                $3,000

  28      $5,000 1.40m Open Welcome Stake II; 2b                              4'7"                        $275                $5,000

                                                                                                   PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 7
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
 Class #                      Class                                             Entry Fee                   Prize Money                Per Entry

 300, 301, 302, 303, 304*     Green Hunter 3'0" ^                             $275/Section                      $150                      $18

 305, 306, 307, 308, 309*     Green Hunter 3'3" ^                             $275/Section                      $150                      $18

 310, 311, 312, 313, 314*     Green Hunter 3'6" ^ †                           $275/Section                      $150                      $18

 315, 316, 317, 318, 319*     Green Hunter 3'9" ^ †                           $275/Section                      $150                      $18

 320, 321, 322, 323, 324*     Performance Hunter 3'3" ^ †               $275/Section or $60/Class               $150                      $18

 325, 326, 327, 328, 329*     Performance Hunter 3'6" ^ †               $275/Section or $60/Class               $150                      $18

 330, 331, 332, 333, 334*     High Performance Hunter 3'9" ^ †          $300/Section or $65/Class               $200                      $18

 335, 336, 337, 338, 339*     Young Hunter 5 & Under 2'9" ^                        Free

 340, 341, 342, 343, 344*     Young Hunter 6 & Under 3'0" ^                        Free

 345, 346, 347, 348, 349*     Young Hunter 7 & Under 3'3" ^                        Free

 350, 351, 352, 353, 354*     Small/Large Junior Hunter 3'3" ^ †              $250/Section                      $150

 360, 361, 362, 363, 364*     A/O Hunter 3'3" ^ †                             $275/Section                      $150                      $18

 370, 371, 372, 373, 374*     Small/Large Junior Hunter 3'6" ^ †              $250/Section                      $150

 380, 381, 382, 383, 384*     A/O Hunter 3'6" ^ †                             $275/Section                      $150                      $18

 390, 391, 392, 393, 394*     Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter 2'3"/2'6" ^            $250/Section                      $125

 395, 396, 397, 398, 399*     Large Green Pony Hunter 2'9" ^                  $250/Section                      $125

 400, 401, 402, 403, 404*     Small Pony Hunter 2'3" ^ †                      $250/Section                      $125

 405, 406, 407, 408, 409*     Medium Pony Hunter 2'6" ^ †                     $250/Section                      $125

 410, 411, 412, 413, 414*     Large Pony Hunter 2'9" ^ †                      $250/Section                      $125

 420, 421, 422, 423, 424*     USHJA Hunter 2'3" •                       $225/Section or $50/Class

 425, 426, 427, 428, 429*     USHJA Hunter 2'6" •                       $225/Section or $50/Class

 430, 431, 432, 433, 434*     USHJA Hunter 2'9" •                       $225/Section or $50/Class

 435, 436, 437, 438, 439*     USHJA Hunter 3'0" •                       $225/Section or $50/Class

 440, 441, 442, 443, 444*     Children’s Hunter 13 & Under 3'0" •       $225/Section or $50/Class

 445, 446, 447, 448, 449*     Children’s Hunter 14-17 3'0" •            $225/Section or $50/Class

 450, 451, 452, 453, 454*     A/A Hunter 18-35 3'0" •                   $225/Section or $50/Class

 455, 456, 457, 458, 459*     A/A Hunter 36 & Over 3'0" •               $225/Section or $50/Class

 460, 461, 462, 463, 464*     Children’s Pony Hunter 2'0"-2'6"          $225/Section or $50/Class

 470, 471, 472, 473, 474*     Short Stirrup Hunter 2'0"                 $225/Section or $50/Class

 475, 476, 477, 478, 479*     Long Stirrup Hunter 2'0"                  $225/Section or $50/Class

 480, 481, 482, 483, 484*     Pre-Child/Adult Hunter 2'3"               $225/Section or $50/Class

 485, 486, 487, 488, 489*     Low Children’s Hunter 2'6"                $225/Section or $50/Class

 490, 491, 492, 493, 494*     Low Adult Hunter 2'6"                     $225/Section or $50/Class

 495, 496, 497, 498, 499*     Mod Child/Adult Hunter 2'9"               $225/Section or $50/Class

* Indicates Under Saddle class and no prize money offered
^ Indicates a USEF “B” Rated Class at the Paso Park Spring Classic and a USEF “A” Rated Class at all other Classics
• Indicates a USEF “C” Rated Class
† Indicates Hunter sections that feature a handy round. The course will be the second over fences class in the section.
Note: Judging for classes 400, 405, and 410 will be 25% confirmation.
Note: Horses entered in the Low Children's Hunter and Low Adult Hunter divisions may not cross-enter into any classes over 3'0" at the same show.

                                                                                                             PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 8
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
Class #                                Class                               Height                              Entry Fee Per Class

700, 701, 702*                         Short Stirrup Equitation            2'0"                                       $50
703, 704, 705*                         Long Stirrup Equitation             2'0"                                       $50
706, 707, 708*                         Low Children's Equitation 2'6"      2'6"                                       $50
709, 710, 711*                         Low Adult Equitation 2'6"           2'6"                                       $50
736, 737, 738*                         Equitation 11 & Under 2'9"          2'9"                                       $50
712, 713, 714*                         Equitation 12-17                    3'0"                                       $50
715, 716, 717*                         Adult Equitation                    3'0"                                       $50
718, 719, 720*                         Children’s Pony Equitation          2'0"/2'6"                                  $50
721, 722, 723*                         Pony Equitation                     2'3"/2'6"/2'9"                             $50

* Indicates Equitation flat class

                                                          M E DA L C L A SSE S
 Class #                   Class                                                              Height                     Entry Fee

 800                       M&S/USEF Pony Medal                                                2'3"/2'6"/2'9"                $50
 801                       NorCal Pony Medal                                                  2'3"/2'6"/2'9"                $50
 802                       CPHA Horsemanship Medal 2'6"                                       2'6"                          $50
 803                       PCHA Jr/Am Medal 2'9"                                              2'9"                          $50
 804                       Ariat National Adult Medal 3'0"                                    3'0"                          $50
 805                       CPHA Child/Adult Medal 3'0"                                        3'0"                          $50
 806                       NorCal 3'0" Medal                                                  3'0"                          $50
 807                       Onondarka Medal 12 & Under 3'0"                                    3'0"                          $50
 808                       THIS Children’s Medal 3'0"                                         3'0"                          $50
 809                       CPHA Foundation Eq Medal 3'3"                                      3'3"                          $50
 810                       Foxfield Medal 3'3"                                                3'3"                          $50
 811                       NorCal Junior Medal 3'6"                                           3'6"                          $50
 812                       NorCal Senior Medal 3'6"                                           3'6"                          $50
 813                       PCHA Horsemanship 14 & Under 3'3"                                  3'3"                          $50
 814                       PCHA Horsemanship 18-34 3'3"                                       3'3"                          $50
 815                       PCHA Horsemanship 35 & Over 3'3"                                   3'3"                          $50
 816                       Pickwick Medal 3'3"                                                3'3"                          $50
 817                       US Adult Equitation 3'3"                                           3'3"                          $50
 818                       CPHA Jr/Am Medal 3'6"                                              3'6"                          $50
 819                       Hamel/NHS Medal 3'3"                                               3'3"                          $50
 820                       USHJA Jumping Seat Medal 1.00m                                     1.00m                         $50
 821                       ASPCA Horsemanship 3'6"                                            3'6"                          $50
 822                       Dover/USEF Hunt Seat Medal 3'6"                                    3'6"                          $50
 823a                      Washington Int'l - Hunter Phase 3'6"                               3'6"                          $50
 823b                      Washington Int'l - Jumper Phase 1.10m                              3'7"                          $50
 824                       Platinum Performance USEF Talent Search 1.10m                      3'7"                          $50

                                                                                            PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 9
Classic Series - Paso Robles Horse Park
                                                                                                                                  See Schedule for Jumper Tables
Class #                                Class                                           Height           Entry Fee         Prize Money         Addback Per Entry

100, 101, 102, 103, 105                0.70m Jumper                                    2'3"                 $55
106, 107, 108, 109, 111                0.80m Jumper                                    2'7"                 $55
112, 113, 114, 115, 117                0.90m Jumper                                    2'11"                $55
118, 119, 120, 121, 123                1.00m Jumper                                    3'3"                 $55
124, 125, 126, 127, 129                1.10m Jumper                                    3'7"                 $55
130, 131, 132, 133, 135                1.15m Jumper                                    3'9"                 $55
136, 137, 138, 139                     1.20m Jumper                                    3'11"                $65               $150                    $18
140, 141, 142, 143                     1.30m Jumper                                    4'3"                 $65               $250                    $18
144, 145, 146                          1.40m Jumper                                    4'7"                 $65               $350                    $18
147, 148, 149, 150                     0.70m Low Pre-Child/Adult Jumper                2'3"                 $55
151, 152, 153, 154                     0.80m Pre-Child/Adult Jumper                    2'7"                 $55
155, 156, 157, 158                     0.90m Mod Child/Adult Jumper                    2'11"                $55
159, 160, 161, 162                     1.00m Low Child/Adult Jumper                    3'3"                 $55
163, 164, 165, 166                     1.10m Children’s Jumper                         3'7"                 $55
167, 168, 169, 170                     1.10m Adult Amateur Jumper                      3'7"                 $56
171, 172, 173, 174                     1.15m Mod Jr/Am Jumper                          3'9"                 $55
175, 176, 177                          1.20m Low Jr/AO/Am Jumper                       3'11"                $65               $150                    $18
178, 179, 180                          1.30m Medium Jr/AO/Am Jumper                    4'3"                 $65               $250                    $18
181, 182, 183                          1.40m High Jr/AO/Am Jumper                      4'7"                 $65               $350                    $18
184, 185, 186, 187                     Five-Year-Old Jumpers 1.20m                     3'11"                Free
188, 189, 190, 191                     Six-Year-Old Jumpers 1.30m                      4'3"                 Free
192, 193, 194, 195                     Seven-Year-Old Jumpers 1.35m                    4'5"                 Free
196, 197, 198, 199                     1.05m Pony Jumpers                              3'5"                 $65

                                                    WAR M -U P C L A SSE S
                                                                                                                   You may ride in a warm-up class once per height
Class #                   Class                                       Height                    Entry Fee
                                                                                                                   per day. Once you compete in the next class
1302                      2'0" Warm-Up                                2'0"                        $40              in the schedule, you may not go back and do
1305-1307                 2'3" Warm-Up                                2'3"                        $40              another warm-up. Hunter warm-up cards are
                                                                                                                   held open with corresponding hunter classes.
1310-1312                 2'6" Warm-Up                                2'6"                        $40
                                                                                                                   Warm-up cards will be closed before the start
1315-1317                 2'9" Warm-Up                                2'9"                        $40              of any medal classes. Jumper warm-up cards
1320, 1327                3'0" Warm-Up                                3'0"                        $40              will be closed before the start of any following
                                                                                                                   classes. Warm-up rounds will be judged, thus all
1328, 1329                2'9"/3'0"/3'3" Warm-Up                      2'9"/3'0"/3'3"              $40
                                                                                                                   rules pertaining to rounds (including following the
1330, 1331                3'0"/3'3"/3'6"/3'9" Warm-Up                 3'0"/3'3"/3'6"/3'9"         $40              posted course) will be followed, but no scores or
1336, 1337                3'3"/3'6"/3'9" Warm-Up                      3'3"/3'6"/3'9"              $40              ribbons will be awarded.

1700                      3'0" Equitation Warm-Up                     3'0"                        $40
1100-1102                 1.00m Jumper Warm-Up                        3'3"                        $40
1345-1346                 2'0" Unjudged Schooling Round               2'0"                        $40
1347-1348                 2'3" Unjudged Schooling Round               2'3"                        $40
1349-1350                 2'6" Unjudged Schooling Round               2'6"                        $40
1351-1352                 2'9" Unjudged Schooling Round               2'9"                        $40

                                                                                                                     PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 10
                                           HUNTER SECTION CHAMPIONS

                          *Performance Hunter - 3'3"                                *Children’s Hunter 13 & Under- 3'0"
                          *Performance Hunter - 3'6"                                *Children’s Hunter 14-17- 3'0"
                          *High Performance Hunter - 3'9"                           *Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 - 3'0"
                          *Young Hunter - 5 & Under - 3'0"                          *Adult Amateur Hunter 36 & Older - 3'0"
                          *Young Hunter - 6 & Under - 3'3"                          Pre-Child/Adult Hunter - 2'3"
                          *Young Hunter - 7 & Under - 3'6"                          Long Stirrup Hunter - 2'0"
                          *Green Hunter - 3'0"                                      Short Stirrup Hunter - 2'0"
                          *Green Hunter - 3'3"                                      Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter - 2'3"/2'6"
                          *Green Hunter - 3'6"                                      Large Green Pony Hunter - 2'9"
                          *Green Hunter - 3'9"                                      *Small Pony Hunter - 2'3"
                          *A/O Hunter - 3'3"                                        *Medium Pony Hunter - 2'6"
                          *A/O Hunter - 3'6"                                        *Large Pony Hunter - 2'9"
                          *Small/Large Junior Hunter - 3'3"                         *Children’s Pony Hunter - 2'0"-2'6"
                          *Small/Large Junior Hunter - 3'6"                         *USHJA Hunter - 2'3"
                          Mod Child/Adult Hunter - 2'9"                             *USHJA Hunter - 2'6"
                          Low Adult Hunter - 2'6"                                   *USHJA Hunter - 2'9"
                          Low Children’s Hunter - 2'6"                              *USHJA Hunter - 3'0"

* Indicates USEF Champion
Hunter Championships: Titles shall be awarded to the two horses of the four horses that have acquired the most points over fences. A minimum
of three entries must compete in at least two over fences classes and one under saddle class. In addition to these over fences points, only the top
four horses shall receive full points for ribbons won in under saddle classes and half points for model classes. Ties in hunter championships shall
be broken as specified in the USEF Rule Book (HU 151). All others will remain tied and shall receive equal awards. Points calculated, 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, ½.

                                       E QU I TAT I O N S E C T I O N C H A M P I O N S

                          Short Stirrup Equitation - 2'0"                           Low Adult Equitation - 2'6"
                          Long Stirrup Equitation - 2'0"                            Adult Equitation - 3'0"
                          Low Children's Equitation - 2'6"                          Pony Equitation - 2'3"/2'6"/2'9"
                          Equitation 11 & Under - 2'9"                              Children’s Pony Equitation - 2'0"/2'6"
                          Equitation 12-17 - 3'0"

Equitation Championships: Points for all classes shall be calculated 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, ½. In case of a tie for champion or reserve, the winner shall be the
entry with the most points over fences. If still tied, the entry with the most points in the equitation flat class will win the tie.

                                            JUMPER SECTION CHAMPIONS

                          1.40m High Jr/AO/Am Jumper                                1.10m Jumper
                          1.40m Jumper                                              1.00m Low Child/Adult Jumper
                          1.30m Medium Jr/AO/Am Jumper                              1.00m Jumper
                          1.30m Jumper                                              0.90m Mod. Child/Adult Jumper
                          1.20m Low Jr/AO/Am Jumper                                 0.90m Jumper
                          1.20m Jumper                                              0.80m Pre-Child/Adult Jumper
                          1.15m Modified Jr/Am Jumper                               0.80m Jumper
                          1.15m Jumper                                              0.70m Low Pre-Child/Adult Jumper
                          1.10m Adult/Amateur Jumper                                0.70m Jumper
                          1.10m Children’s Jumper

Jumper Championships: In jumper championships, points for all classes shall be calculated 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, ½. In case of a tie for champion or reserve
the tied entries shall remain tied and each receive a ribbon and trophy/prize.

                                                                                                               PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 11
Paso Robles Horse Park Grand Prix - Classes 1-4
The Grand Prix held at each week of the Paso Robles Horse Park Classic Series will be run as Table II, Sec. 2(a) – Time first with a
jump off; ties to jump off for first place. The class will be held at 1.40m utilizing Regional Standard. Order of go will be drawn by Park
management under supervision of the USEF Steward and posted by Noon the day of the class. Prize money will be distributed as
follows: 1st - 30%, 2nd - 22%, 3rd - 13%, 4th - 8%, 5th - 6%, 6th - 5%, 7th - 4%, 8th - 3%, 9th - 3%, 10th - 2%, 11th - 2%, 12th - 2%. Any
entries made after 5 p.m. the day before the class will be charged a $150 post entry fee; post entries will be required to go first in
the order, regardless of when the order is established. Scratches at any time up until the start of the Grand Prix will be allowed and
will receive a refund of the entry fee less a $150 scratch fee.

USHJA National Hunter Derby - Classes 5 & 8
The USHJA National Hunter Derby features a two-round format with a minimum of two judges utilizing a numerical system to
score competitors in the Classic Hunter Round (first round) on performance, hunter pace, jumping style, quality and substance, and
movement. A second round will feature a Handy Hunter course designed to reflect brilliance of pace and handiness. In each round,
following the judges’ base score, one point will be added for each high-option fence jumped; up to a maximum of four high options
may be included. Fences are set at 3' with four high-option fences set at 3'5". Full specs can be found with the United States Hunter
Jumper Association. There is a same day add/scratch fee of $50 for the Hunter Derby.

USHJA International Hunter Derby - Class 6
The USHJA International Hunter Derby features a two-round format with a minimum of two judges utilizing a numerical system to
score competitors in the Classic Hunter Round (first round) on performance, hunter pace, jumping style, quality and substance, and
movement. A second round will feature a Handy Hunter course designed to reflect brilliance of pace and handiness. In each round,
following the judges’ base score, one point will be added for each high-option fence jumped; up to a maximum of four high options
may be included. Fences are set at 3'6" with at least high-option fences set at 3'9" - 4'3". Full specs can be found with the United
States Hunter Jumper Association. There is a same day add/scratch fee of $50 for the Hunter Derby.

Hunter Classics - Classes 8-16 and 30-33
Horses or ponies must have competed in at least two classes unless specified otherwise, the final round over fences in each section
is to count as the first round of the respective Classic. All hunter rounds will be scored under the open numerical judging system. If a
horse is not present for either the first or second round of a classic, that horse will receive a zero score in that round. Scores will be
totaled from both the first and second round to determine the winners. All overall ties will be broken by using second round scores.
Prize money divided 30%, 22%, 15%, 10%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 5%. Classes 10 and 11 the Junior and A/O Hunter Classics and class 14 the
Children/A/A Hunter Classics will not be eligible for Horse of the Year bonus points. Full list of Hunter Classics listed on page 7.

$2,500 Junior/Amateur Hunter Derby - Class 30
This class consists of a two-round derby. The first round will be judged as a traditional hunter round, scoring riders on performance,
hunter pace, jumping style, quality and substance, and movement. The second round will invite the top ten back to compete over
a handy course offering the opportunity to demonstrate brilliance of pace and handiness. Fences are set at 3' with four high-option
fences set up to 3'5". The Junior/Amateur Hunter Derby is not sanctioned by USHJA and will not count for zone Horse of the Year
bonus points. Prize money will be awarded as follows: 1st - 30%, 2nd - 22%, 3rd - 15%, 4th - 10%, 5th - 7%, 6th - 6%, 7th - 5%, 8th - 5%.
There is a same day add/scratch fee of $50.

                                                                                                   PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 12
Class #   Class                                                                                                                           Height       Entry Fee

          $5,000 1.40m Open Welcome Stake
          Open to any horse/rider combination. No qualifying requirement. Fences 1.40m (4'7"). Table II; Sec. 2(b) (Time First Jump-
  28                                                                                                                                   4'7”              $275
          Off). Prize money divided: $1,250, $800, $650, $600, $500, $450, $400, $350. There is a same day add/scratch fee
          of $50 for this class.

          $3,000 1.20m Open Jumper Speed Stake
          Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class at the same show. No cross entry restrictions. Fences
  27                                                                                                                                   3'11"             $250
          1.20m (3'11"). USEF Table III, faults converted to time. Prize money divided $750, $450, $400, $350, $300, $275, $250,
          $225. There is a same day add/scratch fee of $50 for this class.

          $2,500 1.40m High Junior/AO/Amateur Jumper Classic
          Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class in the 1.40m High Junior/AO/Amateur Jumper section
  26                                                                                                                                   4'7"              $225
          at the same show. Fences 1.40m (4'7"). Table II; Sec. 2(b) (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $625, $375, $325,
          $300, $250, $225, $200, $200. There is a same day add/scratch fee of $50 for this class.

          $2,500 1.30m Medium Junior/AO/Amateur Jumper Classic
          Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class in the 1.30m Medium Junior/AO/Amateur Jumper section at
  25                                                                                                                                           4'3"      $225
          the same show. Fences 1.30m (4'3"). Table II; Sec. 2(b) (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $625, $375, $325, $300,
          $250, $225, $200, $200. There is a same day add/scratch fee of $50 for this class.

          $2,000 1.20m (3'11") Low Junior/AO/Amateur Jumper Classic
          Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class in the 1.20m Low Junior/AO/Amateur Jumper section
  24                                                                                                                                           3'11"     $175
          at the same show. Fences 1.20m (3'11). Table II; Sec. 2(b) (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $500, $300, $240,
          $215, $200, $190, $180, $175. There is a same day add/scratch fee of $50 for this class.

          $1,000 1.15m (3'9") Modified Junior/Amateur Jumper Classic
          $1,000 1.10m Children’s/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic
22 & 23                                                                                                                                 3'7" & 3'9"      $125
          Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class in their respective jumper section at the same show.
          Fences as specified. Table II; Sec. 2(b) (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $300, $200, $150, $130, $120, $100.

          $750 1.00m Low Children’s/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic
  21      Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class in their respective jumper section at the same show.                    3'3"      $85
          Fences 1.00m (3'3"). USEF Table II; Sec 2(b) (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $250, $130, $100, $95, $90, $85.

          $500 0.90m Modified Children’s/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic
          $500 0.80m Pre Child/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic
19 & 20                                                                                                                                2'7" & 2'11"      $75
          Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class in their respective jumper section at the same show.
          Fences as specified. USEF Table II; Sec. 2(b) (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $150, $100, $75, $65, $60, $50.

          $250 0.70m Low Pre Child/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic
  18      Horses must have competed in at least one other jumper class in their respective jumper section at the same show.                    2'3"      $60
          Fences as specified. USEF Table II; Sec. 2(b) (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $75, $50, $45, $35, $25, $20.

                                                                                                                PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 13
L.D. Hayes Grand Prix Arena Schooling Policy
No schooling or riding is permitted in L.D. Hayes Grand Prix Arena during the show week.

JW Arena Schooling Policy
Each morning of the show week pending weather, particularly rain and frost, the arena will be open for hacking, no jumping, from sunrise until one
hour before the scheduled start time of the first class. Following the completion and reset at the end of each show day, schooling over fences after
the course has been reset may be permitted at management’s discretion.

Fairway Grand Hunter Field Schooling Policy
Each morning of the show week the arena will be open for hand-walking from sunrise until 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. If overnight
temperatures drop below 35 degrees, this will not be available in order to preserve the quality of the field. No schooling or riding is allowed in this
arena during the show week.

Oak Grove & Butterfield Arenas Schooling Policy
Each morning during the show the arena will be open from sunrise until 45 minutes before the scheduled start time for hacking only, no jumping.
Following the completion and reset at the end of each show day, schooling over fences after the course has been reset may be permitted at
management’s discretion.

Schooling & Warm-Up Policies
“Ticketed Warm-Ups” are held on Tuesday in all arenas and in Oak Grove arena on Wednesday and Thursday. The intent of these is to allow
introduction to the competition space in advance of the show, it is not to host extensive schooling or teaching of lessons in the show rings; please
plan to utilize the warm-up rings for those activities. Each round may be up to five minutes long and can be utilized for hacking or jumping portions
of the posted course. There is no changing of jump heights or directions allowed. Only one trainer per five minute window at a time, the back gate
will announce a 30-second warning to the conclusion of your time; if you continue to ride past that 30 seconds, an additional ticketed round will
be charged to the entry number worn. Everyone riding a ticketed warm-up must wear a number. All rounds will be billed to the number recorded;
however, trainers may choose to wear a single number throughout the day and have all ticketed warm-up charges included on the trainer split. No
poling or offsets allowed. Once the show week begins on Wednesday of each week the above policies will take effect in each specified arena.

Please note all schooling access is subject to weather, footing and schedule constraints as determined by show management. Absolutely no
schooling will be permitted 30 minutes after sunset each day. Any end-of-day over fences schooling must be confirmed with management through
back gate staff.

                              T E N TAT I V E WA R M - U P SC H E D U L E
                                  LD Hayes Grand Prix Arena                                    Oak Grove Arena
                        10:00 AM               1.00m Jumper Warm-Up                8:30 AM                 2' Hunter Warm-Up

                        11:00 AM               1.10m Jumper Warm-Up                9:30 AM                2'3" Hunter Warm-Up

                        12:00 PM                   Water & Drag                    10:30 AM                  Water & Drag

                        12:30 PM               1.15m Jumper Warm-Up                11:00 AM               2'6" Hunter Warm-Up

                        1:30 PM                1.30m Jumper Warm-Up                1:00 PM                2'9" Hunter Warm-Up

                        2:30 PM                    Water & Drag                    2:00 PM                   Water & Drag

                        3:00 PM                1.20m Jumper Warm-Up                2:30 PM                2'3" Hunter Warm-Up

                        4:00 PM                1.10m Jumper Warm-Up                3:30 PM                2'0" Hunter Warm-Up

                        5:00 PM                    Arena Closed                    4:30 PM                   Arena Closed

                                         JW Arena                                               Butterfield Arena
                        9:00 AM                0.70m Jumper Warm-Up                9:30 AM                2'0" Hunter Warm-Up

                        10:00 AM              0.80m Jumper WWarm-Up                10:30 AM               2'6" Hunter Warm-Up

                        11:00 AM                   Water & Drag                    11:30 AM                  Water & Drag

                        11:30 AM               0.90m Jumper Warm-Up                12:00 PM               2'9" Hunter Warm-Up

                        12:00 PM               1.00m Jumper Warm-Up                1:00 PM                3'0" Hunter Warm-Up

                        1:00 PM                    Water & Drag                    1:30 PM                   Water & Drag

                        1:30 PM                0.90m Jumper Warm-Up                2:00 PM                3'3" Hunter Warm-Up

                        2:30 PM                0.80m Jumper Warm-Up                2:30 PM                3'6" Hunter Warm-Up

                        3:30 PM                0.70m Jumper Warm-Up                3:00 PM                3'0" Hunter Warm-Up

                        4:30 PM                    Arena Closed                    3:45 PM                2'3" Hunter Warm-Up

                                                                                   4:15 PM                2'0" Hunter Warm-Up
                                        Fairway Field
                                                                                   5:00 PM                   Arena Closed
                        12–3 PM                Open for hand-walking

                                                                                                          PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 14
Adds & Scratches Due By 5:00 p.m. Daily
All changes for the next day, including adds and scratches, must be made by 5:00 p.m. each day in the office. This allows the next
day’s schedule to be created with class counts and times, and made available to everyone in a timely manner. These shows will only
allow same-day adds if the schedule in each ring allows. Unless otherwise posted at the office, it should be assumed there are no
same-day adds. Any changes made after 5:00 p.m., if accepted, will be considered SAME DAY and will fall under the policy for same
day adds and scratches. There will be a $5 per transaction fee for late entries and scratches.

Canceling And Combining Of Classes
Classes with less than the entry minimums may be either canceled or combined with other classes, at management’s discretion.
Often this is determined at 5 p.m. the day prior to the class. Please enter in all your desired classes by 5 p.m. the day before.

Scratch Your Classes BEFORE They Start
Be sure to stop by the Horse Show Office to scratch any classes you have entered that you won’t be showing in BEFORE the start of
the class. If you don’t scratch them at all, or try to scratch them after the class has started, you will be charged the full entry fee.

No Same Day Adds
Unless otherwise posted at the Horse Show Office, same day adds are not permitted in any arenas.

Posted Time Schedule
The most accurate estimation of the daily time schedule will be completed after adds and scratches have been entered. We strive to
post this schedule by 7:00 pm the day prior. The schedule can be found at

                                 ME MB E R SH I P STATE M E N T
Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing
Competitions at the Modified Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and
Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach
or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving
Competitions upon payment of a $45 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of
this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot (exception: Friesian performance
FR222) and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF
introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9)
citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10)
USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes.

                     M OTO R I ZE D V E H I C L E STATE M E N T
Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside
will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or
farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate
the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent/legal
guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of
this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will
be cause for penalties against those responsible for the child committing the offense. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance
devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. The unsafe use of personal electronic transport devices, as
determined by the competition officials and management in their sole discretion, that do not require a driver’s license to operate,
including but not limited to segways, hover boards, and single wheeled scooters is prohibited on competition grounds. Operating
such devices in areas where people gather may be deemed “unsafe use” if there is a risk of harm to others. If the operator of the
device is a minor, the parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating the
device in violation of this rule is accountable and may be subject to penalties. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices
for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.

                                                                                                 PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 15
» All entries must be postmarked by Closing Day deadlines noted on                 » Stalls – Stalls on site are 12' x 12' with Dutch doors. Temporary stalls
  page 5 with all required numbers and signatures to receive early                   are 9.5'x9.5' or 10'x10'. Both temporary and permanent stalls have
  entry status.                                                                      decomposed granite flooring. Each stall has access to electricity and
» Late Fee – Entries received after Closing Day will be charged a $75                there are four water spickets in each stall aisle. Due to the unpredictable
  office fee.                                                                        nature of the industry, stall assignments aren’t finalized until 72 hours
                                                                                     before the first day of competition. We do our best to accommodate all
» Payment – All payments should be paid by credit card, cash, or check               requests, but are constrained by various factors. On-site (permanent)
  made payable to Paso Robles Horse Park Foundation. Any checks                      stalls are assigned based on previous attendance at Park-managed
  returned by the bank will be charged a $50 penalty or 10% of the face              shows, barn size, and our ability to maximize the use of these stalls.
  value of the check, whichever is greater.                                          We will notify trainers as soon as possible if a barn can be placed in
» Open Balances – Competitors who do not come into the office to                     the on-site stalls; however, no barn should assume they will be placed
  close out at the end of the show forfeit the right to adjustments on               in the on-site stalls until notified.
  any show charges. Final balances will be automatically charged to the            » Show Scratches – Up until the published closing entry date or 24
  payment method on file.                                                            hours after the announcement that a show has sold out, whichever
» Past Credits/Balances – Competitors may be notified of any previous                comes first, you may make changes to or cancel your entries and
  Park activity at the time of check-in. Outstanding balances must be                related stall reservations. After that point you are fully responsible
  paid prior to picking up show numbers. Outstanding balances may                    for the stall fee related to each specific horse’s entry and a $50
  be deducted from prize money payments.                                             office fee. For more information on refunds and show scratches,
» Trainer Splits – Trainers may choose to add tack/grooming, feed and                refer to page 6 of this prize list.
  bedding orders, RV reservations, competitor show expenses, or any                » Feed, Shavings & Grain – The Paso Robles Horse Park Feed
  other miscellaneous show purchases to their “trainer splits.” Trainers             Office will be open during show dates and will be offering hay,
  have until 5:00 p.m. on Friday of the show to complete the trainer                 shavings, and grain feed. For advance orders please email
  split form indicating which competitor accounts to apply the division     or complete the form found under
  of expenses to and how to apply the division. If they do not complete              the Competitor Resources page on the Park website. Orders can be
  this form by the deadline, the office may charge the full amount to the            made at the show in the office. Competitors may bring their own feed
  trainer’s payment on file. It is fully and solely the trainer’s responsibility     and bedding but they may not receive a feed or bedding delivery from
  to indicate what items are applicable to the split and how it should               an outside company.
  be applied. By completing and submitting your entry form with the                » Statement of Health/Vaccinations – Per GR845 Equine Vaccination
  indicated trainer’s name on it, you accept the responsibility to accept            Rule: At Federation licensed competitions, horses entering the grounds
  any assigned splits from that trainer for all costs related to the show            must be accompanied by documentation of Equine Influenza Virus
  you are entering. The horse show management is not able to intervene               and Equine Herpes Virus (Rhinopneumonitis) vaccinations within six
  in a trainer’s direction of how to assign those expenses.                          months prior to entering the stables. Horses not in compliance with this
» Same Day Entry & Scratch Fees – Any same day adds or scratches                     rule may be required to leave the competition grounds upon request
  will be charged a late entry fee of $5 per transaction. Once the class             by Competition Management. Competitors may be asked to provide
  has begun a competitor cannot add or scratch from that class unless                proof of vaccination upon check-in.
  exception is made by management. Same day adds are only allowed                  » Dogs – All dogs at the Paso Robles Horse Park must be on a leash
  when notice for that specific arena is posted at the Show Office.                  or tied at all times. There will be a $50 penalty for any dogs off-leash
» Refunds – Past the closing dates on page 6, show scratches will                    or owners who do not pick up after their dogs.
  require a note from either a doctor or veterinarian explaining the reason        » Arenas – All arenas at the Paso Robles Horse Park contain premier
  the competitor or horse cannot compete, acceptable at management’s                 GGT Footing. The grass on the main turf field is a hybrid Bermuda
  discretion. A competitor may replace one entry with another horse. If no           called GN-1, specifically used for athletic purposes. The show and
  replacement is made or note is received, competitors are responsible               warm up arenas measure as follows:
  for the full stall fees and a $50 office fee. Stalls are non-refundable. In             > LD Hayes Grand Prix Arena: 190' x 260'
  all cases, a $50 office charge will still be applicable.                                > Fairway Grand Hunter Field: 175' x 300'
» Photo & Video Consent – By competing at or attending competitions                       > Butterfield Arena: 150' x 275'
  or events at the Paso Robles Horse Park, you grant permission to                        > JW Arena: 150' x 275'
  unrestricted rights to use photographs and/or video footage of you,                     > Oak Grove Arena: 140' x 255'
  your horse, your pets, your family, and/or your guests for the purpose                  > Fairway Warm-Up: 150' x 250'
  of promotion of the Park in various mediums.                                            > Warm-Up Arenas #1 & #2: 140' x 230'
» Park Safety and Surveillance – In an effort to protect horses,                          > Warm-Up Arena #3: 100' x 230'
  competitors and the safety of the Park, certain areas of the facility are               > Warm-Up Arena #4: 130' x 220'
  under video/sound/photo surveillance. By competing at or attending               » Judging Criteria – To be judged on performance and soundness
  competitions at the Paso Robles Horse Park you authorize any                       unless otherwise stated.
  surveillance of your activities while on the premises. The Paso Robles           » Handy Hunter – For indicated hunter sections and divisions one class
  Horse Park is responsible for the management of the surveillance                   will feature a handy course. This course will be the second over fences
  system and has exclusive control of the release of video/audio/images.             class in each indicated section.
» The Park is a Non-Smoking Facility – Please refrain from smoking                 » Attire – It is the tradition of the show that riders be correctly attired
  or use of any vape products while on the facility.                                 for the class in question, that attendants be neatly dressed and the
» Cell Phones – Active use of cell phones and all cellular transmission              horses properly presented. Management may, at its discretion, bar
  devices is not permitted in any competition or warm up arena.                      any person from entering the ring if not suitably presented to appear
                                                                                     before an audience.

                                                                                                                  PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 16
RU L E S & R E G U L ATI ON S ( C ON T. )
» Jumping Order – Orders of go will be established by the back gate                » Text Alerts – All trainers will be automatically enrolled in text updates
  personnel. Management and show staff may change the order at any                   utilizing the contact information submitted with entries. At the start of
  time or may choose to post an order. These orders will be established              the show there will be an introductory text that allows the opportunity
  by either computer or manual draw.                                                 to opt-out.
» Ties – In the event of a tie, both will be awarded the placing tied for,         » Non-competing Horses — All horses on the grounds must be
  unless otherwise stated.                                                           entered to compete in classes. If you are not planning to show, a $150
» Championships – Champion and Reserve Champion to be awarded as                     non-competing fee will apply. All horses on the grounds will be assigned
  per current USEF rules. Points for placings to be awarded 1st-10, 2nd-6,           a number.
  3rd-4, 4th-2, 5th-1, 6th-1/2.                                                    » Timer Walks – Competitors may not utilize a “timer walk” for any reason.
» Warm-Up Rounds – The day prior to the start of the competition, ticketed         » Non-Comp/Hor Concours Round – Unjudged rounds may be permitted,
  schooling with assigned times will take place in all competition rings             but only at management’s discretion. In the situation where a round is
  at $40/ticket. A schedule will be posted noting the height changes.                permitted, the cost will be the full price of a related normal competition
  Competitor numbers must be worn during schooling. Additional                       round.
  warm-up classes have been included in the schedule during competition            » Show management reserves to itself the power to prohibit any person
  days. No poling or offsets allowed. Please use pages 10 and 15 for                 from attending or showing a horse in the ring and to remove any trainer,
  additional details.                                                                competitor, groom or horse from the show without being liable for
» Lunging – Lunging is only permitted in the two designated lunging                  compensation.
  arenas. There is no mounted riding or schooling of any sort of jumps             » Medical Waste – In accordance with the 1989 Federal Waste Tracking
  permitted in the lunging arenas.                                                   Act, which restricts the disposal of medical waste, bio-hazardous medical
» Awards – Trophies to first, ribbons through 8th place and, unless                  waste containers will be provided in the stable area. All exhibitors and
  otherwise stated on page 13 and 14, prize money divided as follows:                their agents are responsible for the proper disposal of this waste.
  30%, 22%, 15%, 10%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 5%. Prize money will be awarded at               » No person will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging
  time of check-out and applied to entry fees or mailed within 30 days               except the exhibitor and those having official or requested duties to
  of the show to the contact noted on entries. If an awards ceremony is              perform.
  conducted, all ribbon winners are required to attend and participate. Not
  participating may result in forfeiture of related prizes and monies. A valid     » Ties for other than first place to be broken by time taken in the first round.
  social security or federal tax ID number must be provided to receive any         » Trailer Parking – All trailers must be parked in the designated trailer
  prize money, either credited to your account or in the form of a check.            parking lot near the entrance of the Park. Any trailer not parked in the
  Individuals that do not provide current and accurate information in the            correct location may have its hitch locked and may be applicable to a
  prize money section of the entry form acknowledge that they may not                $50 fee.
  receive winnings in a timely matter. Park staff will make reasonable efforts     » Prize Money – Classes awarding prize money must have at least three
  to contact the payee for information. However, if after 12 months following        entries complete the course to pay, unless otherwise specified by USEF
  the last day of the competition prize money hasn’t been collected, prize           rules. If there are less than three competitors, the management may
  money may be forfeited.                                                            choose to still run the class with or without prize money or combine the
» Schooling – No juniors or amateurs are allowed to school over fences               class with another. In the instance of combined classes, the lower prize
  without their trainer in the arena.                                                money and class entry fee will be utilized unless otherwise specified
» Helmets – All professionals and non-professionals riding on the Park               by management.
  property must wear securely fastened protective headgear, which meets            » Emergency Care – Twin Cities Community Hospital Emergency Room
  ASTM/SEI standards and carries the SEI tag. Any rider violating this rule          is 11 miles away from the Park at 1100 Las Tablas Road, Templeton, CA
  at any time will immediately be prohibited from further riding until such          93465.
  headgear is properly in place.                                                   » Level 1 Trauma Center – Community Regional Medical Center is 109
» EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE                                 miles away from the Park at 2823 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721.
  RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF RULE                                » Safe Sport – All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as
  BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE                                    participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required
  THEREWITH.                                                                         to comply with the U.S. Center for SafeSport training requirement to be
» Every horse entered for competition will comply with the rules of                  eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere
  the horse show management, but management will, in no case, be                     to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the
  responsible for any loss or damage that may occur, and it shall be                 Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these
  condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold this horse show, and             can be found at
  the officials and employees of contractors of the show blameless for             » RDNE Fee – It is the full responsibility of the competitor and trainer to
  any loss or accident to his/her horse, employees, equipment, which may             ensure they have properly entered any and all classes they intend to
  occur from sickness, fire or otherwise.                                            compete in. A “ride-did-not-enter” (RDNE) fee of $25 will be added in
» The management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or              addition to the cost of the class for any rounds competed that cannot
  cancel any entries, disqualify any riders or exhibitors, prohibit entries, and     be supported by office-approved paperwork.
  cancel award prizes without claims for damages; to cancel or combine             » All questions not covered in these rules and regulations shall be decided
  unfilled classes, or to reschedule classes after due notice to exhibitors;         by the show management whose decision shall be final.
  to change rings or rotate judges.
» Exhibitors are notified that any act of discourtesy or disobedience to
  the judges or officials, on the part of the owner, trainer, manager, rider,
  or groom shall disqualify the horse, and the owner shall forfeit his entry
  fee and other fees.

                                                                                                                 PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 17

                       Hunter Derbies
                                      November 5
                         $7,500 USHJA NATIONAL HUNTER DERBY

                                      November 12
                       $10,000 USHJA INTERNATIONAL HUNTER DERBY

Alden Corrigan Media

                                                          PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 18

                              Grand Prix
                                             November 6
                              $40,000 FALL CLASSIC GRAND PRIX

                                            November 13
                           $40,000 OAK TREE CLASSIC GRAND PRIX
                        Presented by Adelaide Inn & Best Western Plus Black Oak

Grand Pix Photography

                                                                        PA S O PA R K C L A S S I C S E R I E S 2 0 2 1 • 19
                                                                                       November 3-7, 2021

                                                                                        W E D N E S DAY

LD Hayes Grand Prix Arena                  JW Arena                              Fairway Hunter Field                          Butterfield Arena                            Oak Grove Arena
1100 1.00m (3'3") Unjudged Jumper          100    0.70m (2'3") Jumper II; 2b     1330       Warm-Up 3'6"/3'9"                  1305         Warm-Up 2'3"/3'0"/3'3"          1345    2'0" Unjudged Schooling Round
                                           101    0.70m (2'3") Jumper II; 1      310, 311   Green Hunter 3'6"                  420, 421     USHJA Hunter 2'3"               1347    2'3" Unjudged Schooling Round
124 1.10m (3'7") Jumper II; 2b
                                           106    0.80m (2'7") Jumper II; 2b     314        Green Hunter 3'6" U/S              424          USHJA Hunter 2'3" U/S           1349    2'6" Unjudged Schooling Round
125 1.10m (3'7") Jumper II; 1
                                           107    0.80m (2'7") Jumper II; 1      315, 316   Green Hunter 3'9"                  1310         Warm-Up 2'6"                    1351    2'9" Unjudged Schooling Round
130 1.15m (3'9") Jumper II; 2b
                                           112    0.90m (2'11") Jumper II; 2b    319        Green Hunter 3'9" U/S              425, 426     USHJA Hunter 2'6"
131 1.15m (3'9") Jumper II; 1
                                           113    0.90m (2'11") Jumper II; 1     1336       Warm-Up 3'3"/3'6"/3'9"             429          USHJA Hunter 2'6" U/S
136 1.20m (3'11") Jumper II; 2b
                                           118    1.00m (3'3") Jumper II; 2b     320, 321   Performance Hunter 3'3"            1315         Warm-Up 2'9"
184 Five-Year-Old Jumper 1.20m II; 2b
                                           119    1.00m (3'3") Jumper II; 1      324        Performance Hunter 3'3" U/S        430, 431     USHJA Hunter 2'9"
140 1.30m (4'3") Jumper II; 2b
                                                                                 325, 326   Performance Hunter 3'6"            434          USHJA Hunter 2'9" U/S
188 Six-Year-Old Jumper 1.30m II; 2b
                                                                                 329        Performance Hunter 3'6" U/S        1328         Warm-Up 2'9"/3'0"/3'3"
192 Seven-Year-Old Jumper 1.35m II; 2b
                                                                                 330, 331   High Performance Hunter 3'9"       335, 336     Young Hunter 5 & Under 2'9"
144 1.40m (4'7") Jumper II; 2b
                                                                                 334        High Performance Hunter 3'9" U/S   339          Young Hunter 5 & Under U/S
                                                                                 1321       Warm-Up 3'0"                       340, 341     Young Hunter 6 & Under 3'0"
                                                                                 435, 436   USHJA Hunter 3'0"                  344          Young Hunter 6 & Under U/S
                                                                                 439        USHJA Hunter U/S 3'0"              345, 346     Young Hunter 7 & Under 3'3"
                                                                                                                               349          Young Hunter 7 & Under U/S
                                                                                                                               305, 306     Green Hunter 3'3"
                                                                                                                               309          Green Hunter 3'3" U/S
                                                                                                                               300, 301     Green Hunter 3'0"
                                                                                                                               304          Green Hunter 3'0" U/S

                                                                                            T H U R S DAY

LD Hayes Grand Prix Arena                  JW Arena                              Fairway Hunter Field                          Butterfield Arena                            Oak Grove Arena
126   1.10m (3'7") Jumper II; 2b           102   0.70m (2'3") Jumper II; 2b      1331       Warm-Up 3'6"/3'9"                  1306       Warm-Up 2'3"/3'0"/3'3"            1346   2'0" Unjudged Schooling Round
127   1.10m (3'7") Jumper II; 1            103   0.70m (2'3") Jumper II; 1       312, 313   Green Hunter 3'6"                  422        USHJA Hunter 2'3"                 1348   2'3" Unjudged Schooling Round
132   1.15m (3'9") Jumper II; 2b           108   0.80m (2'7") Jumper II; 2b      317, 318   Green Hunter 3'9"                  1311       Warm-Up 2'6"                      1350   2'6" Unjudged Schooling Round
133   1.15m (3'9") Jumper II; 1            109   0.80m (2'7") Jumper II; 1       9          $1,000 CPHA Green Hunter           427        USHJA Hunter 2'6"                 1352   2'9" Unjudged Schooling Round
137   1.20m (3'11") Jumper II; 2b          114   0.90m (2'11") Jumper II; 2b                Incentive 3'6"/3'9"                1316       Warm-Up 2'9"
185   Five-Year-Old Jumper 1.20m II; 2b    115   0.90m (2'11") Jumper II; 1      1337       Warm-Up 3'3"/3'6"/3'9"             432        USHJA Hunter 2'9"
175   1.20m (3'11") Low Jr/AO/Am           120   1.00m (3'3") Jumper II; 2b      322, 323   Performance Hunter 3'3"            1329       Warm-Up 2'9"/3'0"/3'3"
      Jumper II; 2b                        121   1.00m (3'3") Jumper II; 1       327, 328   Performance Hunter 3'6"            337, 338   Young Hunter 5 & Under 2'9"
141   1.30m (4'3") Jumper II; 2b                                                 332, 333   High Performance Hunter 3'9"       342, 343   Young Hunter 6 & Under 3'0"
189   Six-Year-Old Jumper 1.30m II; 2b                                           1322       Warm-Up 3'0"                       347, 348   Young Hunter 7 & Under 3'3"
178   1.30m (4'3") Medium Jr/AO/Am                                               437        USHJA Hunter 3'0"                  307, 308   Green Hunter 3'3"
      Jumper II; 2b
                                                                                                                               302, 303   Green Hunter 3'0"
181   1.40m (4'7") High Jr/AO/Am
      Jumper II; 2b                                                                                                            8          $1,000 CPHA Green Hunter
                                                                                                                                          Incentive 3'0"/3'3"
193   Seven-Year-Old Jumper 1.35m II; 2b
28    $5,000 1.40m (4'7") Open
      Welcome Stake II; 2b

                                                                                               F R I DAY

LD Hayes Grand Prix Arena                  JW Arena                              Fairway Hunter Field                          Butterfield Arena                            Oak Grove Arena
138  1.20m (3'11") Jumper II; 2b
                                           105   0.70m (2'3") Jumper II; 2b      5     $7,500 USHJA National Hunter Derby      1700       Equitation Warm-Up 3'0"           1302     Warm-Up 2'0"
186  Five-Year-Old Jumper 1.20m II; 2b
                                           147   0.70m (2'3") Low Pre-Child/     818   CPHA Jr/Am Medal 3'6"                   714        Equitation Flat 12-17 3'0"        700      Short Stirrup Equitation O/F 2'0"
187  Five-Year-Old Jumper 1.20m II;1             Adult Jumper II; 1              438   USHJA Hunter 3'0"                       717        Equitation Flat Adult 3'0"        703      Long Stirrup Equitation O/F 2'0"
176  1.20m (3'11") Low Jr/AO/Am            111   0.80m (2'7") Jumper II; 2b
     Jumper II; 2b                                                               17    $2,500 Junior/Amateur Hunter Derby      712        Equitation O/F 12-17 3'0"         720      Children’s Pony Equitation Flat
                                           151   0.80m (2'7") Pre-Child/Adult                                                  715        Equitation O/F Adult 3'0"         718, 719 Children’s Pony Equitation O/F
142 1.30m (4'3") Jumper II; 2b                   Jumper II; 1
190 Six-Year-Old Jumper 1.30m II; 2b                                                                                           808        THIS Children’s Medal 3'0"                 2'0"/2'6"
                                           117   0.90m (2'11") Jumper II; 2b                                                                                                723      Pony Equitation Flat
191 Six-Year-Old Jumper 1.30m II; 1                                                                                            804        Ariat National Adult Medal 3'0"
                                           155   0.90m (2'11") Mod Child/Adult                                                                                              721, 722 Pony Equitation O/F 2'3"/2'6"/2'9"
179 1.30m (4'3") Medium Jr/AO/Am                 Jumper II; 1                                                                  813        PCHA Horsemanship 14 &
     Jumper II; 2b                                                                                                                        Under 3'3"                        801      NorCal Pony Medal 2'3"/2'6"/2'9"
                                           123   1.00m (3'3") Jumper II; 2b
145 1.40m (4'7") Jumper II; 2b                                                                                                 814        PCHA Horsemanship 18-34 3'3"      800      M&S / USEF Pony Medal
                                           159   1.00m (3'3") Low Child/Adult                                                                                                        2'3"/2'6"/2'9"
194 Seven-Year-Old Jumper 1.35m II; 2b           Jumper II; 1                                                                  815        PCHA Horsemanship 35 & Over
195 Seven-Year-Old Jumper 1.35m II; 1      816   Pickwick Medal 3'3"
                                                                                                                               809        CPHA Foundation Eq Medal 3'3"
182 1.40m (4'7") High Jr/AO/Am
     Jumper II; 2b                                                                                                             1307       Warm-Up 2'3"
1102 1.00m (3'3") Unjudged Jumper                                                                                              423        USHJA Hunter 2'3"
     Warm-Up                                                                                                                   1312       Warm-Up 2'6"
129 1.10m (3'7") Jumper II; 2b                                                                                                 428        USHJA Hunter 2'6"
163 1.10m (3'7") Children’s Jumper II; 1                                                                                       706        Low Children’s Equitation O/F
167 1.10m (3'7") Adult Amateur                                                                                                 708        Low Children’s Equitation Flat
     Jumper II; 1                                                                                                              709        Low Adult Equitation O/F 2'6"
135 1.15m (3'9") Jumper II; 2b                                                                                                 711        Low Adult Equitation Flat
171 1.15m (3'9") Mod Jr/Am Jumper II; 1                                                                                        1317       Warm-Up 2'9"
27   $3,000 1.20m (3'11") Open Speed                                                                                           433        USHJA Hunter 2'9"
     Stake III                                                                                                                 736        Equitation O/F 11 & Under 2'9"
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