Visit the
courts at                                           ACTIVITY GUIDE
Finch Park                                         May–August 2021

       A P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E C I T Y O F M c K I N N E Y
                      w w k inneypar ks.or g
Table of
Summer Camps .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                    4
Summer Jobs . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                5
Aquatics.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   12
Apex Centre .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .           19
Recreation Center at Towne Lake.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                              20
Old Settler’s Recreation Center.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                        21
General Interest.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                22
Health & Fitness.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                26
Senior Recreation Center.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                37
Oak Hollow Golf Course.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                               47
Registration & Policies .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                          48
Children’s Health StarCenter.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                     50
The Courts Tennis Center. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                 50
Contact Information.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                      51
McKinney Hike & Bike Trails. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                    52
Parks & Centers Map.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                         52

OUR MISSION: To enrich the quality of lives for all
McKinney citizens by providing diverse social, educational
and recreational opportunities through responsible individual
attention at an affordable price for users of all ages and
abilities in a safe and appealing environment.

   Our facilities are following
  all state and local guidelines
       for COVID-19. Please
  visit our website for updates
      and more information:

Calendar of Events8             DivaDance in the Park (p. 28)

  MAY             15            Fitness Party in the Park (p. 46)

                                Social Dance Nights: Summer Bash (p. 33)
                  4             Parks Bingo begins (p. 36)

                  5             Dive-In Movie Night (p. 15)

                                DivaDance in the Park (p. 28)
  JUNE            12            Top Gun 4x4 Sand Volleyball Tournament (p. 35)

                  19            Fitness Party in the Park (p. 46)

                  30            Patriotic Bracelet Making Class (p. 44)

                  3             Red, White and Boom (p. 25)

                  10            DivaDance in the Park (p. 28)
  JULY                          Fitness Party in the Park (p. 46)
                  17            Art in the the Park (p. 39)

                  21            Wind Chime Making Class (p. 43)

                  7             Dive-In Movie Night (p. 15)

  AUGUST          14            DivaDance in the Park (p. 28)

                  21            Fitness Party in the Park (p. 46)

               To see all of our Summer events, please visit the website:

972-547-7480               May-August 2021                         McKinney Parks & Recreation   3
Half Day
             y Camps
                                       ARTS & CREATIVE EXPRESSION CAMPS

Arts & Crafts Camp                                                        Theater Camp
Use your creativity to create a variety of art projects.                  Professional actors and actresses teach theater arts basics while
Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center                              focusing on a creative process that promotes oral communication,
Fees:        $75                                                          creativity, literacy, critical thinking, and movement. Artistic
Info:        972-562-8310                                                 instructors will facilitate the students’ creation of an original
                                                                          performance. Students may only register for one camp during the
AGE          DAY      TIME               DATE(S)           CODE           summer and will receive a Junior Players t-shirt and certificate of
6-12yr.      M-F      9:00am-12:00pm Jun 14-Jun 18         782200-1A      accomplishment.

6-12yr.      M-F      1:00pm-4:00pm      Jun 14-Jun 18     782200-2A      Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
                                                                          Fees:       Free
Cooking Camp                                                              AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
Learn the basic fundamentals of culinary technique in a fun kid-          6-12yr.     M-F      1:00pm-3:00pm     Jun 7-Jun 18     782110-1C
friendly environment.
Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center
Fees:        $75                                                          Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Info:        972-562-8310                                                 Fees:       Free

AGE          DAY      TIME               DATE(S)           CODE           AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
6-12yr.      M-F      9:00am-12:00pm Jun 28-Jul 2          782200-1B      7-14yr.     M-F      10:00am-12:00pm Jul 12-Jul 23      132541-3A
6-12yr.      M-F      1:00pm-4:00pm      Jun 28-Jul 2      782200-2B      7-14yr.     M-F      2:00pm-4:00pm     Jul 12-Jul 23    132541-3B

Crafts and Cooking Youth Camp
Awaken your creativity and appetite. Join the Recreation Center
at Towne Lake staff as we take a theme from nature each day and
turn it into a beautiful piece of artwork as well as a yummy snack!
Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake

Fees:        $75 Resident/$80 Non-Resident                                                        If a class does not have sufficient
AGE          DAY      TIME               DATE(S)           CODE                                   registration five working days prior

7-12yr.      M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jul 19-Jul 22         132503-3A        EARLY                 to its start date, it could be cancelled.

 4        McKinney Parks & Recreation                                  May-August 2021                           
Want to spend an
         incredible summer
                                                                                     Let’s try this again…

            in McKinney?                                                              Nope.
                                                  You had
                                                   me at
                                                INCREDIBLE!                          i t el   y      Passionate
        Love                  Y ES
                                          !                                De f i nn o t !              about
       water?                                        Want to                                           fitness?
                         No                         work with
                                   om                 KIDS?                            Thatʻs

                                                                                                             Iʻm gaos s .
     SO FAR

    SO GOOD!                              h.

                                                                                                                    nn a
                                                                                Your Perfect Job:

          Enjoy crafts,                              Love to                       Athletic Your Perfect Job:
                                                   plan parties                        or
           field trips                             and events?                      Fitness Customer
          and games?                                                               Assistant Service

                                                                        t fo
        Y ES


                                          Your Perfect Job:


                                               Party Host
                         nk s

    Your Perfect Job:                                                               babies and Are you

    Day Camp                                                                       toddlers your kidding?

    Counselor             Your Perfect Job:                                          favorite?

                         Lifeguard or
                        Swim Instructor                       Your Perfect Job:                   Your Perfect Job:
                                                               Playroom                            Recreation
                                                              Attendant                               Aide
         TODAY!                                        McKINNEYPARKS.ORG/JOBS

972-547-7480                                   May-August 2021                           McKinney Parks & Recreation        5
Half Day
       y Camps
 SURVIVAL SKILLS CAMPS                                                     YOUTH TECH CAMPS: ICODE MCKINNEY

Glamp Camp                                                                Construct 3: Game Design
Learn social and survival skills to build courage, confidence and         Campers go beyond playing games, and walk in the shoes of
character. Camp includes a tea party and etiquette tips as well as a      a game developer in a behind-the-scenes experience, learning the art
spa and pajama day, motivational and team-building activities and a       and science behind game development . In this project-based camp,
fashion show.                                                             you will be exposed to 1-3 complex game design applications in order
Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center                              to design and program unique games utilizing a variety of digital tools .
Fees:        $75
Info:        972-562-8310                                                 Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
AGE          DAY      TIME             DATE(S)         CODE               Fees:       $249 Resident/$254 Non-Resident

6-12yr.      M-F      9:00am-12:00pm Jul 12-Jul 16     782200-1C          AGE         DAY      TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
6-12yr.      M-F      1:00pm-4:00pm    Jul 12-Jul 16   782200-2C          7-11yr.     M-F      1:00pm-4:00pm      May 24-May 28    132490-1A
                                                                          7-11yr.     M-F      9:00am-12:00pm Jul 5-Jul 9          132490-3A
Dude Camps
Learn social and survival skills to build courage, confidence and         Youtube Production:
character. Camp includes sports, outdoor time and motivational &
team building activities.                                                 Learn the Secrets of Content Creation
Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center                              Every minute, 500 hours of Youtube videos are watched. The
Fees:        $75                                                          Youtube Production camp at iCode is the premier place for future
Info:        972-562-8310                                                 content creators to come and learn the skills that will move their
                                                                          videos to the top. Campers will get a working knowledge of digital
AGE          DAY      TIME             DATE(S)         CODE
                                                                          cameras, editing audio, video, and producing unique and desirable
6-12yr.      M-F      9:00am-12:00pm Jul 26-Jul 30     782200-1D          content.
                                                                          Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Wildlife Explorers Camp                                                   Fees:       $249 Resident/$254 Non-Resident
A fun hands-on program of the National Recreation and Park                AGE         DAY      TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
Association that connects children to nature by encouraging
exploration and increasing kids’ comfort with the great outdoors.         10-14yr.    M-F      9:00am-12:00pm May 24-May 28        132491-1A
Topics will include animal habitats, weather observation, bird            10-14yr.    M-F      9:00am-12:00pm Aug 2-Aug 6          132491-4A
watching and more!
Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Fees:        $75 Resident/$80 Non-Resident
AGE          DAY      TIME/THEME       DATE(S)         CODE
7-12yr.      M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 7-Jun 10      132500-2A

Superhero Training Academy
Welcome to the superhero training academy where everyone will
become a superhero. You will need skill, strength and listening
powers to complete all of the challenges. Do you have what it takes
to become a superhero? Please dress in athletic clothes and bring
a water bottle.
Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Fees:        $75 Resident/$80 Non-Resident                                Design & 3D Print Your Own Creation
AGE          DAY      TIME/THEME       DATE(S)         CODE               This camp is dedicated to explaining the ins and outs of one of the
                                                                          most interesting areas in tech: 3D printing. Campers will be working
7-12yr.      M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 21-Jun 24     132501-2A          throughout the week to design their own creative product. This
                                                                          camp is the perfect blend of creativity and production.
                                                                          Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake

  REGISTER               If a class does not have sufficient
                         registration five working days prior
                                                                                      $249 Resident/$254 Non-Resident
                                                                                      DAY      TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
  EARLY                  to its start date, it could be cancelled.
                               10-14yr.    M-F      1:00pm-4:00pm      Jul 5-Jul 9      132492-3A

 6        McKinney Parks & Recreation                                  May-August 2021                            
Half Day
                                                             y Camps
                                                                        YOUTH TECH CAMPS: CODE ARMADILLO

                                                                       Video Game Design
                                                                       Campers will learn the basics of video game design, acquiring the
                                                                       necessary skills to create their own video games while having fun.
                                                                       Students will have the opportunity to experience the creation of
                                                                       video games that they can share with everyone!
                                                                       Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
                                                                       Fees:       $150 Resident/ Non-Resident
                                                                       AGE         DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
                                                                       10-15yr.     M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 7-Jun 11       782115-1A
                                                                       6-10yr.      M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jul 5-Jul 9      782115-2A

                                                                       Minecraft Mod
                                                                       Create your adventure with Minecraft, modify your characters and
                                                                       your worlds. Experience game design in a fun and engaging way!
                                                                       You won’t be just playing the game anymore; you will be planning
                                                                       and designing one of the most popular games ever created!
                                                                       Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
                                                                       Fees:       $150 Resident/ Non-Resident
                                                                       AGE         DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
                                                                       10-15yr.     M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jun 7-Jun 11     782115-1B
                                                                       10-15yr.     M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jul 12-Jul 16      782115-2B

                                                                       Roblox Studio —
                                                                       Create Your Own Roblox Game
                                                                       Campers will create their first game with Roblox, learn to
                                                                       manipulate 3D parts, and create scripts using variables and loops.
                                                                       You will create worlds and avatars within the Roblox environment
Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
                                                                       using Lua programming and their imagination.
Fees:       $249 Resident/$254 Non-Resident
                                                                       Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
AGE         DAY     TIME              DATE(S)          CODE            Fees:       $150 Resident/ Non-Resident
7-11yr.     M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm     Jun 7-Jun 11     132493-3A       AGE         DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
7-11yr.     M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm     Aug 2-Aug 6      132493-4A       8-15yr.      M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 14-Jun 18      782115-1C
                                                                       8-15yr.      M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jul 12-Jul 16    782115-2C
Build Your Own App Using Thunkable
Have you ever wondered how mobile applications like TikTok,            10-17yr.     M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Aug 2-Aug 6      782115-3C
Facebook, or Clash of Clans are made? That is exactly what this
camp is all about. Using the online tool Thunkable, campers will be
able to create beautiful mobile applications for both Android and
IOS with just a few clicks and some code.
Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Fees:       $249 Resident/$254 Non-Resident
AGE         DAY     TIME              DATE(S)          CODE               REGISTER              If a class does not have sufficient
                                                                                                registration five working days prior
10-14yr.    M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 7-Jun 11        132494-3A          EARLY                 to its start date, it could be cancelled.

972-547-7480                                         May-August 2021                               McKinney Parks & Recreation            7
Half Day
       y Camps
                                    YOUTH TECH CAMPS: CODE ARMADILLO

Unity Game Design                                                          Esports 2.0
Students will learn about Unity’s fantastic world, one of the leading      Campers will learn esports key concepts such as graphic creation,
game designing platforms. Campers will have the opportunity                website design and more. These components are the base to
to gain the skills they need to create 3D games to share with              create a successful esports team, along with game strategy and
everyone.                                                                  game playing.
Location:     Old Settler’s Recreation Center                              Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
Fees:         $160 Resident/ Non-Resident                                  Fees:       $160 Resident/ Non-Resident
AGE           DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE              AGE         DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
10-17yr.       M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jun 14-Jun18     782115-1D         10-17yr.     M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 28-Jul 2       782115-G
8-15yr.        M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jul 12-Jul 16    782115-2D         10-17yr.     M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jul 26-Jul 30      782115-G

Esports The Basics
Welcome to the exciting world of esports! Campers will immerse             Coding with Scratch
themselves in every component of this extraordinary discipline. We         Learn the basics of coding using Scratch, created by the Lifelong
built our curriculum around the most innovative concepts available;        Kindergarten group at MIT Media Lab. Scratch is a great tool to
campers will learn about the basics of esports like creating a             create animations and games. This is an excellent class for young
charter, roadmap to video gameplay, tournament planning, and               ones who want to make and play their games while having a great
much more!                                                                 time!
Location:     Old Settler’s Recreation Center                              Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
Fees:         $160 Resident/ Non-Resident                                  Fees:       $150 Resident/ Non-Resident

AGE           DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE              AGE         DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
10-17yr.       M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 21-Jun 25      782115-1E         10-17yr.     M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jul 5-Jul 9        782115-H
10-17yr.       M-F     9:00am-12:00pm Jul 19-Jul 23      782115-2E

Minecraft in Esports
Minecraft is one of the most popular games out there, and recently
played a lot in esports in different modalities. One of the most
popular is the “Rube Goldberg” competition. In this class, campers
will learn the various ways in which Minecraft is played in esports
while creating more effective playing strategies.
Location:     Old Settler’s Recreation Center
Fees:         $160 Resident/ Non-Resident
AGE           DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
10-17yr.       M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jun 21-Jun 25    782115-1F
10-17yr.       M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jun 28-Jul 2     782115-2F
10-17yr.       M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jul 19-Jul 23    782115-3F
10-17yr.       M-F     1:00pm-4:00pm    Jul 26-Jul 30    782115-4F

  REGISTER                If a class does not have sufficient
                          registration five working days prior
  EARLY                   to its start date, it could be cancelled.

 8         McKinney Parks & Recreation                                  May-August 2021                          
Half Day
                                                                 y Camps
                                                             SPORTS CAMPS

Archery Camp                                                               Minihawk Multi-Sport (Soccer, Flag
This camp will teach the basics of Archery in a fun and safe               Football, Track & Field, & T-Ball)
environment. Students will have a friendly competition to see who
                                                                           Our Multi-Sport class is designed to introduce young athletes to
is top shot of McKinney.
                                                                           a variety of different sports in one setting. For this program we
Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake                                combine 2-3 sports into one fun-filled week. Athletes will learn the
Fees:       $75 Resident/$80 Non-Resident                                  rules and essentials of each sport through skill-based games and
AGE         DAY       TIME               DATE(S)           CODE            scrimmages. By the end of the week, your child will walk away with
                                                                           knowledge of (2 or 3) new sports along with vital life lessons such
10-17yr.    M-Th      9:00am-12:00pm Jul 5-Jul 8           132502-3A       as respect, teamwork, and self-discipline.
                                                                           Location:   Old Settler’s Indoor/Outdoor Basketball Court
Bowmen Sports Basketball Tech                                              Fees:       $129 Resident/Non-Resident
A super-fun clinic designed for players of all skills and abilities.       AGE         DAY       TIME              DATE(S)           CODE
Program time will focus on dribbling, passing, shooting, and
rebounding. This is a skill-based program, which utilizes drills and       4-6yr.       M-Th    10:00am-12:00pm Jun 14-Jun 17        782111-1B
games to reinforce skills being taught. Part of each class time will
be used for game scrimmages.                                               Skyhawks Track & Field
Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake                                Developed to introduce young athletes to this sport rich in tradition
Fees:       $90 Resident/$95 Non-Resident                                  and history, these programs combine technical development and
                                                                           fundamental techniques with safety and a major focus on fun!
AGE         DAY       TIME               DATE(S)           CODE
                                                                           Using special equipment, our exercises and drills will prepare
6-12yr.     M-Th      11:00am-11:45am Jun 14-Jun 17         132791-2A      athletes for a future in cross-country, track and field events,
                                                                           distance running, while inspiring a love for running and being
6-12yr.     M-Th      11:00am-11:45am Jul 19-Jul 22         132791-3A      active. Participants will put it all together for one fun-filled day at
                                                                           the end of the week at the Skyhawks track meet!
Bowmen Sports Dodgeball                                                    Location:   Old Settler’s Park
Our ultra-popular program that includes several versions of                Fees:       $139 Resident/Non-Resident
Dodgeball. The emphasis is on fun, teamwork, and exercise. We
will play many different versions of the classic game using the            AGE         DAY       TIME              DATE(S)           CODE
new coated foam balls that are perfect for safe, but fun play.             7-12yr.      M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 21-Jun 24        782111-1C

Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake                                Flag Football Camp
Fees:       $90 Resident/$95 Non-Resident                                  Flag Football is the perfect introduction to “America’s Game.”
AGE         DAY       TIME               DATE(S)           CODE            Campers learn skills on both sides of the football, including
                                                                           the core components of passing, catching, and defense – all
6-12yr.     M-Th      1:00pm-4:00pm      Jun 21-Jun 24     132790-2A       presented in a fun and positive environment. The week ends
                                                                           with the Skyhawks Super Bowl, giving participants a chance to
Skyhawks Basketball                                                        showcase their skills on the gridiron!
This fun, skill-intensive program is designed with the beginning           Location:   Old Settler’s Park
to intermediate player in mind. Using our progression curriculum,          Fees:       $139 Resident/Non-Resident
our basketball staff focus on the whole player, teaching your child
                                                                           AGE         DAY       TIME              DATE(S)           CODE
the skills needed both on and off the court to be a better athlete.
Each day will start with a “skill of the day” and progress into drills     7-12yr.      M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 28-Jul 1         782111- 1D
and games. After a week of passing, shooting, dribbling, and
rebounding, your child will show you why this is one of our most
popular programs.
Location:   Old Settler’s Indoor/Outdoor Basketball Court
Fees:       $139 Resident/Non-Resident
AGE         DAY       TIME               DATE(S)           CODE
7-12yr.      M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jun 7-Jun 10        782111-1A
                                                                             REGISTER                If a class does not have sufficient
                                                                                                     registration five working days prior
                                                                             EARLY                   to its start date, it could be cancelled.

972-547-7480                                             May-August 2021                                McKinney Parks & Recreation               9
Half Day
       y Camps
 SPORTS CAMPS                                                               Soccer Camp
                                                                            Developed over 30 years, this camp introduces your children to
                                                                            the fundamentals of the world’s most popular sport. Using our
Baseball Camp                                                               progression curriculum, your young athlete will gain the technical
Skyhawks baseball staff teach the fundamentals of fielding,                 skills and sport knowledge required for that next step into soccer.
catching, throwing, hitting and base running, all in a fun, positive        Location:   Old Settler’s Rec Center Outdoor Futsal Court
environment. Specifically designed for beginning and intermediate           Fees:       $139 Resident/Non-Resident
players, this program teaches athletes new baseball skills along
with vital life lessons such as respect, teamwork, and responsibility.      AGE         DAY      TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
Location:    Mouzon Fields                                                  7-12yr.     M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jul 12-Jul 15        782111-1F
Fees:        $139 Resident/Non-Resident
AGE          DAY     TIME               DATE(S)           CODE              Volleyball Camp
7-12yr.       Tu-F   9:00am-12:00pm Jul 6-Jul 9           782111-1E         All aspects of volleyball are taught through drills and exercises that
                                                                            focus on passing, setting, hitting, and serving. This co-ed program
                                                                            is designed for the beginning and intermediate player. Our staff will
                                                                            assist campers in developing fundamental skills through game-
                                                                            speed drills and daily scrimmages aimed at developing the whole
                                                                            Location:   Old Settler’s Indoor/Outdoor Basketball Court
  REGISTER               If a class does not have sufficient
                         registration five working days prior               Fees:       $139 Resident/Non-Resident

  EARLY                  to its start date, it could be cancelled.
                                                                            AGE         DAY      TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
                                                                            7-12yr.     M-Th     9:00am-12:00pm Jul 19-Jul 22        782111-1G

                                                                                                  OPEN DAILY
                                                                                                                     8 AM-10 PM

                                                                                               AT G A B E N E S B I T T
                                                                                               C O M M U N I T Y PA R K

                                                                                               7 0 0 1 E L D O R A D O P K W Y.
                                                                                               M c K I N N E Y, T E X A S


 10       McKinney Parks & Recreation                                    May-August 2021                            
at the Apex Centre

        PLAYING                   LEARNING                   SWIMMING

 Weekly Summer Camps May 31 - August 6
      MON-FRI * 8AM-5PM * $200 MEMBER & NON-MEMBER
  Single-Day Camps before the 2021 school year starts too!
               August 9, 10, 11 * $50 Member & Non-member
   Limited Capacity - Based on State Operating Guidelines:
   Maximum of 60 campers / week ; 15 campers and 2 staff
                        in each group.
                     AGES 5-I2 YEARS OLD
      Register and learn more at

972-547-7480                   May-August 2021            McKinney Parks & Recreation   11
 MCKINNEY SWIM SCHOOL                                                    PARENT & CHILD 100
The McKinney Swim School offers programs for all ages to build          An introduction for you and your child to fundamental water skills
confidence and learn water safety skills in an environment that is      and pool safety through educational songs and games. Each
safe for you and your child.                                            session has 8 classes.
                                                                        Fees:       See Location & Fees on page 12

 REGISTRATION DATES                                                     Parent & Child Outdoor
                                                                        AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
Resident Online Registration		            April 5
                                                                        6mo.-4yr. M-Th       10:30am-11:00am Jun 7-Jun 17       302100-1C
Non-Resident Online Registration          April 19
                                                                        		                   5:45pm-6:15pm		                    302100-1K
                                                                        6mo.-4yr.   M-Th     10:30am-11:00am Jun 21-Jul 1       302100-2C
 LOCATION & FEES                                                                             5:45pm-6:15pm		                    302100-2K

Outdoor: Juanita Maxfield Aquatic Center • 1701 N. McDonald St.
                                                                        6mo.-4yr. M-Th       10:30am-11:00am Jul 5-Jul 15       302100-3C
                                                                        		                   5:45pm-6:15pm		                    302100-3K
Indoor: Senior Pool • 1400 S. College St.
                                                                        6mo.-4yr. M-Th       10:30am-11:00am Jul 19-Jul 29      302100-4C
                 8 Class Sessions:     4 Class Sessions:                		                   5:45pm-6:15pm		                    302100-4K
Resident         $50                   $25                              6mo.-4yr. M-Th       10:30am-11:00am Aug 2-Aug 12       302100-5C
Non-Resident     $66                   $33                              		                   5:45pm-6:15pm		                    302100-5K

Due to limited pool space, make-up lessons for missed classes           Parent & Child Indoor
are not provided. Refunds or transfers requested after 5 p.m. the
Thursday before the session starts will not be approved.                AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
                                                                        6mo.-4yr.   M-Th     6:00pm-6:30pm     Jun 7-Jun 17     302101-1L
                                                                        6mo.-4yr.   M-Th     6:00pm-6:30pm     Jun 21-Jul 1     302101-2L
  REGISTER              If a class does not have sufficient
                        registration five working days prior            6mo.-4yr.   M-Th     6:00pm-6:30pm     Jul 5-Jul 15     302101-3L
  EARLY                 to its start date, it could be cancelled.
                             6mo.-4yr.   M-Th     6:00pm-6:30pm     Jul 19-Jul 29    302101-4L

 12    McKinney Parks & Recreation                                   May-August 2021                          
                                                              SWIM 101
Learn the fundamentals of floating, breath control, and swimming      3-5yr. M-Th   9:00am-9:35am Aug 2-Aug 12    302110-5A
on the front and back, along with proper water entries and exits.
Each session has 8 classes.                                           		            9:45am-10:20am		              302110-5B
                                                                      		            10:30am-11:05am		             302110-5C
Fees:      See Location & Fees on page 12                             		            11:15am-11:50am		             302110-5D
                                                                      		            12:00pm-12:35pm		             302110-5E
Swim 101 Outdoor                                                      		            5:00pm-5:35pm		               302110-5J
AGE        DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE                   		            5:45pm-6:20pm		               302110-5K
3-5yr. M-Th         9:00am-9:35am Jun 7-Jun 17         302110-1A      		            6:30pm-7:05pm		               301110-5L
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302110-1B
		                  10:30am-11:05am		                  302110-1C
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302110-1D      Swim 101 Indoor
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302110-1E      AGE     DAY   TIME            DATE(S)		CODE
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    301110-1J      3-5yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 7-Jun 17    302111-1J
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    301110-1K      		            5:15pm-5:50pm		               302111-1K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    301110-1L      		            6:45pm-7:20pm		               302111-1M
3-5yr. M-Th         9:00am-9:35am Jun 21-Jul 1         302110-2A      3-5yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 21-Jul 1    302111-2J
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302110-2B      		            5:15pm-5:50pm		               302111-2K
		                  10:30am-11:05am		                  302110-2C      		            6:45pm-7:20pm		               302111-2M
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302110-2D
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302110-2E      3-5yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 5-Jul 15    302111-3J
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302110-2J      		            5:15pm-5:50pm		               302111-3K
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302110-2K      		            6:45pm-7:20pm		               302111-3M
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    301110-2L      3-5yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 19-Jul 29   302111-4J
3-5yr. M-Th          9:00am-9:35am Jul 5-Jul 15        302110-3A      		            5:15pm-5:50pm		               302111-4K
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302110-3B      		            6:45pm-7:20pm		               302111-4M
		                  10:30am-11:05am		                  302110-3C
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302110-3D
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302110-3E
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302110-3J
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302110-3K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    301110-3L
3-5yr. M-Th          9:00am-9:35am Jul 19-Jul 29       302110-4A
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302110-4B
		                  10:30am-11:05am		                  302110-4C
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302110-4D
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302110-4E
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302110-4J
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302110-4K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    301110-4L

  REGISTER              If a class does not have sufficient
                        registration five working days prior
  EARLY                 to its start date, it could be cancelled.

972-547-7480                                        May-August 2021                        McKinney Parks & Recreation    13
                                                             SWIM 102
                                                                     Swim 102 Outdoor (continued)
                                                                     AGE      DAY   TIME             DATE(S)		CODE
                                                                     5-12yr. M-Th    9:00am-9:35am Jul 19-Jul 29     302120-4A
                                                                     		             9:45am-10:20am		                 302120-4B
                                                                     		             10:30am-11:05am		                302120-4C
                                                                     		             11:15am-11:50am		                302120-4D
                                                                     		             12:00pm-12:35pm		                302120-4E
                                                                     		             5:00pm-5:35pm		                  302120-4J
                                                                     		             5:45pm-6:20pm		                  302120-4K
                                                                     		             6:30pm-7:05pm		                  302120-4L
Build independence swimming backstroke and front crawl while         		             7:15pm-7:50pm		                  302120-4M
emphasizing basic rotary breathing. Each session has 8 classes.      		             8:00pm-8:35pm		                  302120-4N
Fees:      See Location & Fees on page 12
                                                                     5-12yr. M-Th    9:00am-9:35am Aug 2-Aug 12      302120-5A
Swim 102 Outdoor                                                     		              9:45am-10:20am		                302120-5B
AGE        DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE                  		             10:30am-11:05am		                302120-5C
                                                                     		             11:15am-11:50am		                302120-5D
35-12yr. M-Th        9:00am-9:35am Jun 7-Jun 17       302120-1A
                                                                     		             12:00pm-12:35pm		                302120-5E
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                  302120-1B
                                                                     		              5:00pm-5:35pm		                 302120-5J
		                  10:30am-11:05am		                 302120-1C
                                                                     		             5:45pm-6:20pm		                  302120-5K
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                 302120-1D
                                                                     		             6:30pm-7:05pm		                  302120-5L
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                 302120-1E
                                                                     		              7:15pm-7:50pm		                 302120-5M
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                   302120-1J
                                                                     		             8:00pm-8:35pm		                  302120-5N
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                   302120-1K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                   302120-1L      Swim 102 Indoor
		                  7:15pm-7:50pm		                   302120-1M      AGE      DAY   TIME             DATE(S)		CODE
		                  8:00pm-8:35pm		                   302120-1N
                                                                     5-12yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 7-Jun 17       302121-1J
5-12yr. M-Th         9:00am-9:35am Jun 21-Jul 1       302120-2A      		             5:15pm-5:50pm		                  302121-1K
		                   9:45am-10:20am		                 302120-2B      		             6:00pm-6:35pm		                  302121-1
		                  10:30am-11:05am		                 302120-2C      		             6:45pm-7:20pm		                  302121-1M
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                 302120-2D
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                 302120-2E      5-12yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 21-Jul 1       302121-2J
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                   302120-2J      		             5:15pm-5:50pm		                  302121-2K
		                  6:15pm-6:50pm		                   302120-2K      		             6:00pm-6:35pm		                  302121-2L
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                   302120-2L      		             6:45pm-7:20pm		                  302121-2M
		                  7:15pm-7:50pm		                   302120-2M      5-12yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 5-Jul 15       302121-3J
		                  8:00pm-8:35pm		                   302120-2N      		             5:15pm-5:50pm		                  302121-3K
5-12yr. M-Th        9:00am-9:35am Jul 5-Jul 15        302120-3A      		             6:00pm-6:35pm		                  302121-3L
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                  302120-3B      		             6:45pm-7:20pm		                  302121-3M
		                  10:30am-11:05am		                 302120-3C      5-12yr. M-Th   4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 19-Jul 29      302121-4J
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                 302120-3D      		             5:15pm-5:50pm		                  302121-4K
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                 302120-3E      		             6:00pm-6:35pm		                  302121-4L
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                   302120-3J      		             6:45pm-7:20pm		                  302121-4M
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                   302120-3K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                   302120-3L
		                  7:15pm-7:50pm		                   302120-3M        REGISTER        If a class does not have sufficient
                                                                                       registration five working days prior
		                  8:00pm-8:35pm		                   302120-3N        EARLY           to its start date, it could be cancelled.

 14     McKinney Parks & Recreation                               May-August 2021                 
                                                               SWIM 103
Improve rotary breathing, build endurance, and learn elementary
backstroke. This class is for students who can swim backstroke and     Swim 103 Outdoor (continued)
front crawl with basic rotary breathing a distance of 15 yards. Each   AGE       DAY     TIME            DATE(S)		CODE
session has 8 classes.
                                                                       6-12yr. M-Th      9:00am-9:35am Aug 2-Aug 12     302130-5A
Fees:      See Location & Fees on page 12                              		                9:45am-10:20am		               302130-5B
                                                                       		                11:15am-11:50am		              302130-5D
Swim 103 Outdoor                                                       		                12:00pm-12:35pm		              302130-5E
AGE         DAY     TIME               DATE(S)		CODE                   		                5:00pm-5:35pm		                302130-5J
6-12yr. M-Th        9:00am-9:35am Jun 7-Jun 17         302130-1A       		                5:45pm-6:20pm		                302130-5K
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302130-1B       		                6:30pm-7:05pm		                302130-5L
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302130-1D       		                7:15pm-7:50pm		                302130-5M
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302130-1E
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302130-1J       Swim 103 Indoor
                                                                       AGE       DAY     TIME            DATE(S)		CODE
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302130-1K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    302130-1L       6-12yr. M-Th      4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 7-Jun 17     302131-1J
		                  7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302130-1M       		                5:15pm-5:50pm		                302131-1K
6-12yr. M-Th        9:00am-9:35am Jun 21-Jul 1         302130-2A       6-12yr. M-Th      4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 21-Jul 1     302131-2J
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302130-2B       		                5:15pm-5:50pm		                302131-2K
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302130-2D       6-12yr. M-Th      4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 5-Jul 15     302131-3J
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302130-2E       		                5:15pm-5:50pm		                302131-3K
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302130-2J
                                                                       6-12yr. M-Th      4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 19-Jul 29    302131-4J
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302130-2K
                                                                       		                5:15pm-5:50pm		                302131-4K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    302130-2L
		                  7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302130-2M
6-12yr. M-Th        9:00am-9:35am Jul 5-Jul 15         302130-3A
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302130-3B
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302130-3D
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302130-3E
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302130-3J
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302130-3K
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    302130-3L
		                  7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302130-3M
6-12yr. M-Th        9:00am-9:35am Jul 19-Jul 29        302130-4A
		                  9:45am-10:20am		                   302130-4B
		                  11:15am-11:50am		                  302130-4D
		                  12:00pm-12:35pm		                  302130-4E
		                  5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302130-4J
		                  5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302130-4K

                                                                                       June 5 • August 7
		                  6:30pm-7:05pm		                    302130-4L
		                  7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302130-4M

                                                                                         September 4
  REGISTER              If a class does not have sufficient
                        registration five working days prior
  EARLY                 to its start date, it could be cancelled.
                                                                             Space is limited • Register at

972-547-7480                                        May-August 2021                             McKinney Parks & Recreation      15
 SWIM 104                                                               SWIM 105
Increase endurance, refine stroke technique, and receive an            Build endurance, increase stroke proficiency, and learn butterfly and
introduction to breaststroke and basic turns. This class is for        flip turns. Students must be able to swim backstroke, front crawl and
students who can swim backstroke and front crawl a distance of 25      breaststroke a minimum of 50 yards. Each session has 8 classes.
yards. Each session has 8 classes.                                     Fees:       See Location & Fees on page 12
Fees:        See Location & Fees on page 12
                                                                       Swim 105 Outdoor
Swim 104 Outdoor                                                       AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
AGE          DAY     TIME             DATE(S)		CODE                    6-12yr. M-Th         9:00am-9:35am Jun 7-Jun 17         302150-1A
6-12yr. M-Th         9:45am-10:20am Jun 7-Jun 17     302140-1B         		                   10:30am-11:05am		                  302150-1C
		                   10:30am-11:05am		               302140-1C         		                   11:15am-11:50am		                  302150-1D
		                   11:15am-11:50am		               302140-1D         		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302150-1J
		                   12:00pm-12:35pm		               302140-1E         		                   5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302150-1K
		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                 302140-1J         		                   7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302150-1M
		                   6:30pm-7:05pm		                 302140-1L         6-12yr. M-Th         9:00am-9:35am Jun 21-Jul 1         302150-2A
6-12yr. M-Th         9:45am-10:20am Jun 21-Jul 1     302140-2B         		                   10:30am-11:05am		                  302150-2C
		                   10:30am-11:05am		               302140-2C         		                   11:15am-11:50am		                  302150-2D
		                   11:15am-11:50am		               302140-2D         		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302150-2J
		                   12:00pm-12:35pm		               302140-2E         		                   5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302150-2K
		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                 302140-2J         		                   7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302150-2M
		                   6:30pm-7:05pm		                 302140-2L         6-12yr. M-Th         9:00am-9:35am Jul 5-Jul 15         302150-3A
                                                                       		                   10:30am-11:05am		                  302150-3C
6-12yr. M-Th         9:45am-10:20am Jul 5-Jul 15     302140-3B
                                                                       		                   11:15am-11:50am		                  302150-3D
		                   10:30am-11:05am		               302140-3C
                                                                       		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302150-3J
		                   11:15am-11:50am		               302140-3D
                                                                       		                   5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302150-3K
		                   12:00pm-12:35pm		               302140-3E
                                                                       		                   7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302150-3M
		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                 302140-3J
		                   6:30pm-7:05pm		                 302140-3L         6-12yr. M-Th          9:00am-9:35am Jul 19-Jul 29       302150-4A
                                                                       		                   10:30am-11:05am		                  302150-4C
6-12yr. M-Th         9:45am-10:20am Jul 19-Jul 29    302140-4B         		                   11:15am-11:50am		                  302150-4D
		                   10:30am-11:05am		               302140-4C         		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302150-4J
		                   11:15am-11:50am		               302140-4D         		                   5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302150-4K
		                   12:00pm-12:35pm		               302140-4E         		                   7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302150-4M
		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                 302140-4J
                                                                       6-12yr. M-Th          9:00am-9:35am Aug 2-Aug 12        302150-5A
		                   6:30pm-7:05pm		                 302140-4L
                                                                       		                   10:30am-11:05am		                  302150-5C
6-12yr. M-Th         9:45am-10:20am Aug 2-Aug 12     302140-5B         		                   11:15am-11:50am		                  302150-5D
		                   10:30am-11:05am		               302140-5C         		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                    302150-5J
		                   11:15am-11:50am		               302140-5D         		                   5:45pm-6:20pm		                    302150-5K
		                   12:00pm-12:35pm		               302140-5E         		                   7:15pm-7:50pm		                    302150-5M
		                   5:00pm-5:35pm		                 302140-5J
		                   6:30pm-7:05pm		                 302140-5L         Swim 105 Indoor
                                                                       AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
Swim 104 Indoor                                                        6-12yr. M-Th         5:15pm-5:50pm Jun 7-Jun 17         302151-1K
AGE          DAY     TIME             DATE(S)		CODE                    		                   6:45pm-7:20pm		                    302151-1M
6-12yr.      M-Th    4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 7-Jun 17      302141-1J         6-12yr. M-Th         5:15pm-5:50pm Jun 21-Jul 1         302151-2K
                                                                       		                   6:45pm-7:20pm		                    302151-2M
6-12yr.      M-Th    4:30pm-5:05pm Jun 21-Jul 1      302141-2J
                                                                       6-12yr. M-Th         5:15pm-5:50pm Jul 5-Jul 15         302151-3K
6-12yr.      M-Th    4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 5-Jul 15      302141-3J         		                   6:45pm-7:20pm		                    302151-3M
6-12yr.      M-Th    4:30pm-5:05pm Jul 19-Jul 29     302141-4J         6-12yr. M-Th         5:15pm-5:50pm Jul 19-Jul 29        302151-4K
                                                                       		                   6:45pm-7:20pm		                    302151-4M

 16       McKinney Parks & Recreation                               May-August 2021                         
Learn basic water rescues and elements of CPR while continuing
stroke refinement to develop speed and increase endurance.
Students must be able to swim 50 yards front crawl, 50 yards back
crawl and 25 yards breaststroke. Students will be tested on the first
day of class. Each session has 8 classes.
Location:    Outdoor
Fees:        See Location & Fees on page 12
AGE           DAY    TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
10-15yr.      M-Th   12:00pm-12:35pm Jun 7-Jun 17       302170-1E
10-15yr.      M-Th   12:00pm-12:35pm Jun 21-Jul 1       302170-2E
10-15yr.      M-Th   12:00pm-12:35pm Jul 5-Jul 15       302170-3E
10-15yr.      M-Th   12:00pm-12:35pm Jul 19-Jul 29      302170-4E
10-15yr.      M-Th   12:00pm-12:35pm Aug 2-Aug 12       302170-5E

An adaptable course that teaches skills at the level of each student.
Students will be evaluated on the first day of the class and divided
into groups according to skill level. Each session has 8 classes.
Fees:        See Location & Fees on page 12
Adult Swim Outdoor
AGE           DAY    TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
13yr. & up    M-Th   8:00pm-8:35pm     Jun 7-Jun 17     302180-1N
13yr. & up    M-Th   8:00pm-8:35pm     Jun 21-Jul 1     302180-2N
13yr. & up    M-Th   8:00pm-8:35pm     Jul 5-Jul 15     302180-3N
13yr. & up    M-Th   8:00pm-8:35pm     Jul 19-Jul 29    302180-4N
13yr. & up    M-Th   8:00pm-8:35pm     Aug 2-Aug 12     302180-5N

Adult Swim Indoor
AGE           DAY    TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
13yr. & up    M-Th   7:30pm-8:05pm     Jun 7-Jun 17     302181-1N
13yr. & up    M-Th   7:30pm-8:05pm     Jun 21-Jul 1     302181-2N
13yr. & up    M-Th   7:30pm-8:05pm     Jul 5-Jul 15     302181-3N
13yr. & up    M-Th   7:30pm-8:05pm     Jul 19-Jul 29    302181-4N

             REGISTER           If a class does not have sufficient
                                registration five working days prior
             EARLY              to its start date, it could be cancelled.

           972-547-7480                                      May-August 2021    McKinney Parks & Recreation   17
 ADULT 50+ SWIM                                                             WATER EXERCISE
An adaptable course that teaches skills at the level of each student.
Adults 50 and over are welcome to participate in any Adult Swim            Aqua H.U.G.S (Helping U Get Started)
classes; however, Adult 50+ Swim classes are reserved and                  Develop basic water walking exercise skills while improving
designed specifically for adults ages 50 and older. Students will          balance, muscle strength and endurance. This class is a great start
be evaluated on the first day of the class and divided into groups         for new water exercisers, including those with arthritis, fibromyalgia,
according to skill level. Each session has 4 classes.                      multiple sclerosis and other conditions that impact activities of daily
Location:    Indoor                                                        living.
Fees:        See Location & Fees on page 12                                Fees:        Visit Card or Daily Drop-in Fee
AGE          DAY     TIME              DATE(S)		CODE                       Aqua H.U.G.S Outdoor
50yr. & up   Tu,Th   3:40pm-4:15pm     Jun 8-Jun 17     302190-1I          AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
50yr. & up   Tu,Th   3:40pm-4:15pm     Jun 22-Jul 1     302190-2I          16yr. & up   Sa       9:15am-10:15am    Jun 12-Sep 4
50yr. & up   Tu,Th   3:40pm-4:15pm     Jul 6-Jul 15     302190-3I
50yr. & up   Tu,Th   3:40pm-4:15pm     Jul 20-Jul 29    302190-4I          Aqua H.U.G.S Indoor
                                                                           AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
                                                                           16yr. & up   Sa       9:00am-10:00am Year-round
Learn skills for swimming, water safety, and interacting with peers
through adapted and individualized teaching methods designed for           Hydrotraining
individuals with varying abilities and needs. There is an emphasis
                                                                           Learn a balanced workout with all the components of aerobic
on communication between parent and instructor in order to make
                                                                           training. Concentrating on endurance, aerobics, and flexibility using
the most of each lesson. Once you have registered for the class,
                                                                           water resistance, these classes provide a safe atmosphere
call the Aquatics Coordinator to schedule an assessment for class
                                                                           of resistance for cardio conditioning.
placement. Each session has 4 classes.
                                                                           Location:    Indoor
Location:    Indoor
                                                                           Fees:        Visit Card or Daily Drop-in Fee
Fees:        See Location & Fees on page 12
                                                                           AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
AGE          DAY     TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
                                                                           16yr. & up   M,W      6:30pm-7:30pm     Year-round
3-12yr. M            3:15pm-3:45pm Jun 7-Jun 28         302171-1A
		                   3:45pm-4:15pm		                    302171-1B          16yr. & up   Sa       8:00am-9:00am     Year-round

3-12yr. M            3:15pm-3:45pm Jul 5-Jul 26         302171-2A
		                   3:45pm-4:15pm		                    302171-2B          Deep Water Exercise
                                                                           Moving freely in three planes of motion creates a total body
                                                                           workout without impact stress to joints. This class requires use
                                                                           of a buoy belt; participants must be comfortable in deep water.
                                                                           Location:    Outdoor
                                                                           Fees:        Visit Card or Daily Drop-in Fee
                                                                           AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)		CODE
                                                                           16yr. & up   M-Th     6:00pm-7:00pm     Jun 7-Sep 2
                                                                           16yr. & up   Sa       8:15am-9:15am     Jun 12-Sep 4

                                                                             REGISTER                If a class does not have sufficient
                                                                                                     registration five working days prior
                                                                             EARLY                   to its start date, it could be cancelled.

 18     McKinney Parks & Recreation                                     May-August 2021                          

                             Play. Swim. Learn. Celebrate.
               Offering a variety of classes, special events, facility rentals and party packages,
                       the Apex Centre is sure to be the peak of fun for the whole family.

                             Check out our activity guide online at
                                  3 0 0 3 A LMA RD. • Mc KIN N EY

972-547-7480                              May-August 2021                        McKinney Parks & Recreation   19
                                                       Center at
                                                       Towne Lake
                                                       2001 S. Central Expwy.

                                                       Operational Hours:
                                                       Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
                                                       Friday-Saturday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
                                                       Sunday: Closed

             • Kitchen
             • Gymnasium
             • Fitness center
             • Showers/lockers
             • Two racquetball courts
               (reservations required)
             • Nature trail/bike trail
             • Outdoor playground
             • Lobby/game room with
               billiards, foosball, air hockey,
               shuffleboard and ping pong

                 SPECIAL EVENTS                   CLASSES FOR ALL AGES:
             • Daddy-Daughter Dance                •   Dance
             • Book Sales                          •   Juggling
             • Party on the Patio Open Air         •   Kindermusik
               Concerts                            •   CPR & first aid
             • Adaptive Recreation Social          •   Tae Kwon Do
               Dance Nights                        •   Youth tech & science
             • Trick or Treat Trail                •   Art & crafts
             • Mother-Son Superhero Night          •   Fitness                                   *Formerly known as
             • Breakfast with Santa                •   Homeschool activities              McKinney Community Center


20   McKinney Parks & Recreation                  May-August 2021                   
Old Settler’s
               1201 E. Louisiana St.

               Operational Hours:
               Monday-Thurs.: 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
               Friday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
               Saturday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
               Sunday: Reservations only

               • 23,000 square foot facility
               • Indoor and outdoor basketball
               • Outdoor sports pavilion
               • Fitness center
               • Meeting and party rooms with
                 kitchen amenities
               • Adjacent to Old Settler’s
                 Aquatic Center, park, pavilion
                 and Mouzon Ballfields

                SPECIAL EVENTS
               • Cultural Music Series
               • Summer Camps
                                                                CLASSES FOR ALL AGES:
                FACILITY RENTALS                                •
                                                                    Open Rec and after-school programs
               • Meeting/party rooms with kitchen               •   Early and higher learning
                 amenities                                      •   Work skills training
               • Indoor gymnasiums                              •   Youth tech & science
               • Old Settler’s park pavilion                    •   Art & crafts
               • Outdoor sports pavilion                        •   Fitness
                                                                •   Variety of sports


972-547-7480                                  May-August 2021                         McKinney Parks & Recreation   21
General Interest
  JUGGLING CLUB                                                             FAMILY GAME SHOW
Informal juggling class and practice time. Juggling is a great way to      Tired of watching Drew Carey hand out prizes? Join us for family
have fun and learn a new skill. No registration required                   game show night for trivia, prizes and some laughs!
Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake                               Location:   Virtual
Fees:        FREE                                                          Fees:       FREE
AGE          DAY     TIME              DATE(S)           CODE              AGE         DAY       TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
10yr. & up   W       6:00pm-8:00pm     Year-round                          All Ages    Tu        6:00pm-7:00pm     Jun 29           132441-2A
                                                                           All Ages    Tu        6:00pm-7:00pm     Jul 27           132441-3A

Learn how to make new and delicious cookies, treats and snacks.             SATURDAY NATURE WALKS
Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake                               Join the Parks and Recreation staff on a guided nature trail walk. (10
Fees:        $15 Resident/$17 Non-Resident                                 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult.)
AGE          DAY     TIME              DATE(S)           CODE              Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
                                                                           Fees:       FREE
7-11yr.      Sa      10:30am-12:00pm Jul 10              132971-3A
                     Sunshine Smoothies                                    AGE         DAY       TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
7-11yr.      Sa      10:30am-12:00pm Aug 7               132971-4A         All Ages    Sa        10:30am-11:30am May 1              132035-1A
                     Shark Quesadillas                                     All Ages    Sa        10:30am-11:30am Jun 12             132035-2A

 22       McKinney Parks & Recreation                                   May-August 2021                            
General Interest
 KINDERMUSIK                                                             ERWIN PARK NIGHT HIKES
                                                                        Join our Parks and Recreation staff at Erwin Park to explore the
LEVEL 1                                                                 outdoor trail underneath the McKinney night sky. We will search for
Discover new ways baby benefits from the classics as you develop        nocturnal critters through sights and sounds. Make sure to bring
an appreciation for the world’s most respected music. Each lesson       your flashlights! This hike is almost 2 miles through some difficult
features new activities and songs that the parent can sing for all      terrain; plan accordingly.
the places baby and parent go together.                                 Location:    Erwin Park
Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake                             Fees:        $3 Resident/$5 Non-Resident
Fees:       $80 Resident/$85 Non-Resident
            +$40 Home Materials Fee                                     AGE          DAY     TIME              DATE(S)          CODE

AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)           CODE           All Ages     Sa      7:00pm-9:00pm     May 1            132030-1A
0-18mo.     Th       11:00am-11:45am May 27-Jun 24       132452-1A      All Ages     Sa      7:00pm-9:00pm     Jun 12           132030-2A
                     Busy Days

Toddlers and trains make a natural match—always on the move.
Tag along this summer with a traveling zoo train, petting zoo, and
learn about real animals in the zoo. Sing songs for clapping time,
and use music to help toddlers regulate emotions.
Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Fees:       $80 Resident/$85 Non-Resident
            +$40 Home Materials Fee
AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)           CODE
18mo-3.5yr. W        10:30am-11:15am May 26-Jun 23       132453-1A
                     Zoo Train
18mo-3.5yr. Th       10:00am-10:45am May 27-Jun 24       132453-1B
                     Zoo Train

In this unit, sidewalks, elevators, skyscrapers and world-traveling
toddlers and trains make a natural match—always on the move.
Tag along this summer with a traveling zoo train, petting zoo, and
learn about real animals in the zoo. Sing songs for clapping time,
and use music to help toddlers regulate emotions.
Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Fees:       $80 Resident/$85 Non-Resident
            +$40 Home Materials Fee
                                                                         TUESDAY NIGHT TRIVIA
AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)           CODE           Do you think you have more random knowledge and facts than
                                                                        anyone in McKinney? Put your skills to the test during Tuesday
3.5-5yr.    W        11:30am-12:15pm May 26-Jun 23       132454-1A      night Trivia. Sign up your team for this BYOB evening on our patio.
                     Zoo Train                                          Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake
                                                                        Fees:        $10/team
                                                                        AGE          DAY     TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
  REGISTER               If a class does not have sufficient
                         registration five working days prior           21yr. & up   Tu      6:00pm-8:00pm     Jun 22           132042-2A
  EARLY                  to its start date, it could be cancelled.
                                                                        21yr. & up   Tu      6:00pm-8:00pm     Jul 20           132042-3A

972-547-7480                                          May-August 2021                               McKinney Parks & Recreation          23
General Interest
 HOLIDAYS IN THE KITCHEN                                         FLORAL ARRANGEMENT
Learn how to make a Fourth of July treat!                       Learn how to design seasonal floral arrangements. Participants will
Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center                    have the opportunity to discover different types of flowers and also
Fees:        $15 Resident/$17 Non-Resident                      use their creativity to construct beautiful arrangements.
                                                                Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center
AGE          DAY      TIME             DATE(S)   CODE           Fees:        $25 Resident/$27 Non-Resident
6-12yr.      Sa       10:30am-12:00pm Jun 26     782001-1A      AGE           DAY       TIME               DATE(S)            CODE
                      Fourth of July
                                                                All Ages      Sa        10:30am-12:00pm May 1                 782002-1A
                                                                                        Mother’s Day

                                                                 PAINT & SIP CLASSES
                                                                Relax by painting outside while enjoying refreshments.
                                                                Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center
                                                                Fees:        $15 Resident/$17 Non-Resident
                                                                AGE           DAY       TIME               DATE(S)            CODE
                                                                12-17yr.      Sa        1:00pm-2:30pm      May 8              782004-1A
                                                                                        Nature Theme
                                                                18yr. & up    Sa         1:00pm-2:30pm Jun 19                   782004-2A
                                                                                         Summer Theme
                                                                      *Adults 21 and over will be allowed to bring beer and/or wine*
                                                                12yr. & up    Sa        1:00pm-2:30pm Jul 17		                  782004-3A
                                                                                        Summer Theme (Families)

                                                                 CHICK CLIQUE
                                                                Join a teen club for middle and high school girls. In these monthly
                                                                meetups you will have the opportunity to work on different
                                                                DIY projects, make foods, discuss a variety of topics, and
                                                                empowerment in a safe environment.
                                                                Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center
                                                                Fees:        $20 Resident/$22 Non-Resident
                                                                AGE           DAY       TIME               DATE(S)            CODE
                                                                12-17yr.      Sa        1:00pm-2:30pm May 8                  782005-1A
                                                                                        Create Your Own Lip Gloss/Make Cookies
                                                                12-17yr.      Sa        1:00pm-2:30pm Jul 12              782005-2A
                                                                                    Create Your Own Bath & Shower Bombs/Make Cake Pops
                                                                12-17yr.      Sa       1:00pm-2:30pm Jul 10                782005-3A
                                                                              Create Your Own Canvas Makeup Bag/Make Fruit Arrangement

                                                                  REGISTER                  If a class does not have sufficient
                                                                                            registration five working days prior
                                                                  EARLY                     to its start date, it could be cancelled.

24        McKinney Parks & Recreation                        May-August 2021                               
General Interest
 CULINARY BASICS                                                         JUNIOR PLAYERS
                                                                        Junior Players provides after-school & school day workshops
This course will introduce the novice home cook to family portion       at recreation centers, elementary, middle and high schools. All
meal planning and food costing. It will be a mix between fresh and      classes are taught by professionals in their respective fields.
processed items. This course will also give a basic introduction to     Program content will be modified for respective grade levels.
wine pairing. Because of Covid-19 the family dynamic for home
cooking with restaurant flair is on the rise. This course will help     Discover Art
you provide safe and healthy practices for family dining, while also    Students explore the different mediums as well as exposure to
providing restaurant analysis ranging from customer service all         art history and its influences. Mediums include painting, drawing,
the way to entrée and adult beverage critiques. Cooking in Home         sculpture, mural and mixed media.
Settings series!
                                                                        Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
                                                                        Fees:       FREE
Location:    Old Settler’s Rec Center and Virtual on Zoom
Fees:        $15 Resident/$17 Non-Resident                              AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)            CODE
Theme:       Cooking in Home Settings
                                                                        6-12yr.     M        4:00pm-5:00pm     May 17-Jul 26     782110-1A
*Gluten free and vegan options will be presented as well*                                                      *No class on May 31 or July 15

                                                        CODE            Discover Dance
14yr. & up   Tu       5:30pm-7:00pm    Jun 1            782103-1B       Students learn basic steps that are used toward creating dances.
                                                                        Location:   Old Settler’s Recreation Center
14yr. & up   Tu       5:30pm-7:00pm    Jun 15           782103-2B       Fees:       FREE
14yr. & up   Tu       5:30pm-7:00pm    Jun 29           782103-3B       AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)            CODE
14yr. & up   Tu       5:30pm-7:00pm    Jul 13           782103-1C       6-12yr.     W        4:00pm-5:00pm     May 19-Jul 28      782110-1B
14yr. & up   Tu       5:30pm-7:00pm    Jul 27           782103-2C
14yr. & up   Tu       5:30pm-7:00pm    Aug 10           782103-1D
14yr. & up   Tu       5:30pm-7:00pm    Aug 24           782103-2D

Sound Beginnings is a family music class for children and a parent
or caregiver. By providing a solid music and preschool foundation,
Sound Beginnings prepares students for success. Classes include
singing, movement, instrument play, stories and ear training
Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center
Fees:        $30 Resident/Non-Resident or $15 for a drop-in
             $15 Resident/Non-Resident for additional siblings
             or $10 for a drop-in
AGE          DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
0-5yr.       Tu       10:00am-10:45am Jun 15-Jun 29     782116-1A
0-5 yr.      Tu       10:00am-10:45am Jul 27-Aug 10     782116-2A                 Saturday, July 3

REGISTER              If a class does not have sufficient
                      registration five working days prior
                                                                 • 972-547-7480

EARLY                 to its start date, it could be cancelled.

972-547-7480                                          May-August 2021                               McKinney Parks & Recreation            25
Health & Fitness                                                      Ballet & Tumbling
                                                                          AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
Dance Arts Center specializes in tap, ballet, jazz, tumbling and hip
hop for children and adults. Classes meet September-May and
                                                                          5-8yr.      Th       5:00pm-5:45pm     Sep-May          131581
students may begin at any time. Private and semi-private lessons          5-8yr.      Sa       2:30pm-3:15pm     Sep-May          131582
are also available.
Location:     Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Fees:         45-min. class: $50 Resident/$52 Non-Resident per month      Hip Hop
              Add any second class for $30                                AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
              Private Lessons-$85 per month
              Semi Private Lessons-$75 per month                          5-9yr.      Sa       1:00pm-1:45pm     Sep-May          131582
Preschool Ballet & Tap                                                    10-14yr.    Sa        1:45pm-2:30pm    Sep-May          131582
AGE           DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
2-4yr.        Th       3:30pm-4:15pm    Sep-May          131581           Individual Private Dance Instruction
                                                                          Location:   Recreation Center at Towne Lake
2-4yr.        Sa       12:15pm-1:00pm Sep-May            131582           Fees:       Private Lessons-$85 per month
                                                                                      Semi Private Lessons-$75 per month
Ballet                                                                                (Two 1-hour sessions or four 30-minute lessons)
AGE           DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE             AGE         DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
9-11yr.       Th       5:45pm-6:30pm    Sep-May          131581           All Ages    Th       7:15pm-7:45pm     Sep-May          131586
                                                                          All Ages    Sa       3:30pm-4:00pm     Sep-May          131586
Jazz & Tap Combo
AGE           DAY      TIME             DATE(S)          CODE
5-8yr.        Th       4:15pm-5:00pm    Sep-May          131581
13-18yr.      Th       6:30pm-7:15pm    Sep-May          131581
5-8yr.        Sa       11:30am-12:15pm Sep-May           131582             REGISTER               If a class does not have sufficient
                                                                                                   registration five working days prior
9-11yr.       Sa       10:45am-11:30am Sep-May           131582             EARLY                  to its start date, it could be cancelled.

 26        McKinney Parks & Recreation                                 May-August 2021                           
Health & Fitness
 SUMMER DANCE COMBO CLASSES                                               RACQUETBALL LEAGUE
Join Dance Arts Center for a fun summer introduction to dance with       Have you been playing with the same person for years? New to the
combo classes in jazz, ballet and tap. Register in person or over the    area or without a regular partner? This is the league for you! Play
phone (972-547-2690).                                                    and test your skill and growth against similarly skilled players. Court
Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake                             time is included in the cost.
Fees:        45-min. class: $50 Resident/$52 Non-Resident per month      Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake
             Add any second class for $30                                Fees:        $25 Resident/$30 Non-Resident
             Private Lessons-$85 per month (available upon request)
                                                                         AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)           CODE
Preschool Combo Tap & Jazz                                               18yr. & up   M-Sa     Flex              May 31-Aug 2      132815-1A
AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
2-4yr.       Tu       3:30pm-4:15pm     Jun 1-Jun 22     132580-2A

Jazz & Tap Combo                                                         Racquetball Court Rental
AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE            The Recreation Center at Towne Lake has one racquetball court
                                                                         available for hourly rentals. The courts are $8 per hour and may be
5-8yr.       Tu       4:15pm-5:00pm     Jun 1-Jun 22     132580-2B       reserved up to seven days in advance by calling 972-547-2690.

Ballet & Tumbling
AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
5-8yr.       Tu       5:00pm-5:45pm     Jun 1-Jun 22     132580-2C

AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
9-11yr.      Tu       5:45pm-6:30pm     Jun 1-Jun 22     132580-2D

Jazz & Tap Combo
AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
9-11yr.      Tu       6:30pm-7:15pm     Jun 1-Jun 22     132580-2E

Country Western Couples Dance
Learn to two-step, double two-step, country western swing, and
waltz. Paired couples are required for this class. Private lessons and
first dance classes for brides and grooms are also available. Pre-
registration is required.
Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Fees:        $90 Resident/$92 Non-Resident per Couple
             Private Lessons $115 Per Couple
             (Two 1-hour lessons or four 30-minute lessons)
AGE          DAY      TIME              DATE(S)          CODE
14yr. & up   Tu       7:00pm-7:45pm     Jun 1-Jun 22     132589-2A

  REGISTER               If a class does not have sufficient
                         registration five working days prior
  EARLY                  to its start date, it could be cancelled.

972-547-7480                                           May-August 2021                                McKinney Parks & Recreation           27
Health & Fitness
Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Weight & Fitness Club
The Recreation Center at Towne Lake Weight and Fitness Club
is a great place to tone up and get in shape with two Life Fitness
treadmills, two elliptical trainers, two stationary bikes and eight
universal weight machines. Must be 16 years or older to use the
weight room.

MEMBERSHIP FEES		                         INDIVIDUALS     FAMILIES
One day visit			                          $3              ––
12-visit card			                          $25             ––
3-month membership		                      $50             $80
6-month membership		                      $90             $150
1-year membership		                       $144            $225
                                                                            KI IL DO KWAN-TAE KWON DO

   REGISTER                 If a class does not have sufficient
                            registration five working days prior
                                                                           Join 5th degree Black Belt instructor, Lyman Roark, for fitness, fun
                                                                           and protection in this officially recognized system. Kids and adults
   EARLY                    to its start date, it could be cancelled.
                                                                           are welcome. Parents, join your kids in family self-defense. No
                                                                           contracts or registration required. Uniforms are not required until
                                                                           the first belt exam.
                                                                           Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake
                                                                           Fees:        $8 Resident/$10 Non-Resident

                                                                           AGE          DAY     TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
                                                                           6yr. & up    M       6:00pm-7:00pm      Year-round

                                                                           AGE          DAY     TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
                                                                           6yr. & up    M       7:00pm-8:00pm      Year-round

      DIVADANCE                                                             JAZZERCISE

      IN THE PARK                                                          Combines dance-based cardio with strength training and stretching
                                                                           to sculpt, tone and lengthen muscles for maximum fat burn.
                                                                           Choreographed to today’s hottest music, Jazzercise is a fusion of
       These fun, stress-free dance classes are inspired by
                                                                           jazz dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga and kickboxing. For
      your favorite songs and throwbacks! Instructors teach
                                                                           more information, call 972-529-0026 or visit
     the routine, break down the choreography with counts
      and lyrics, and are highly trained to help you achieve               Location:    Recreation Center at Towne Lake
            muscle memory. All ability levels welcome.                     Fees:        $45 Monthly Pass for Resident & Non-Resident
                                                                                        + $29 joining fee for new student
                          Ages 18 yrs. & up
                                                                           AGE          DAY     TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
                   May 8, June 12, July 10, & Aug 14                       16yr. & up   M/W/F   9:00am             Year-round
                          9:30 am-10:30 am                                 16yr. & up   M/W     6:00pm             Year-round
                         Bonnie Wenk Park

 28       McKinney Parks & Recreation                                   May-August 2021                            
Health & Fitness
 DIVADANCE                                                                PING PONG TOURNAMENT
Fun, stress-free dance classes inspired by your favorite songs           Test your ping pong skills against others in this fun and competitive
and throwbacks! Instructors teach the routine, break down the            tournament. Pool play will determine upper and lower level
choreography, and are high trained to help you achieve muscle            brackets. Equipment and light refreshments will be provided.
memory. All abilities welcome.                                           Location:      Recreation Center at Towne Lake
Location:    Old Settler’s Recreation Center                             Fees:          FREE
Fees:        Single Drop-in: $20                                         AGE            DAY        TIME              DATE(S)            CODE
             6-classes per month with 3-month commitment: $74
             10-classes with no commitment: $160                         12yr. & up     Sa         1:00pm-5:00pm     Jul 24             132817-3A
             Unlimited classes per month with 3-month commitment: $99

Old Settler’s Recreation Center                                           HOME SCHOOL PE
AGE          DAY      TIME               DATE(S)          CODE
                                                                         Homeschool PE is a 90-minute class that allows students to explore
18yr. & up   M                                                           many sports in a short time. Each class begins with a dynamic
                                                                         warm-up and stretch, then rotates through agility stations and drills.
18yr. & up   Sa       11:00am-12:00pm Year-round                         Enjoy classic games like kickball, dodgeball, wiffle ball, and capture
                                                                         the flag. Sibling discounts available.
Recreation Center at Towne Lake                                          Location:      Recreation Center at Towne Lake
AGE          DAY      TIME               DATE(S)          CODE           Fees:          Resident $35/Non-Resident $37 (3-week session)

18yr. & up   Tu       6:00pm-7:00pm      Year-round                      AGE            DAY        TIME              DATE(S)            CODE

18yr. & up   Sa       9:00am-10:00am Year-round                          5-11yr.        Th         10:00am-11:30am May 6-May 20         132320-1A
                                                                         12-16yr.       Th         11:30am-1:00pm May 6-May 20          132321-1A

      Make a Splash!                                                                 The splash pads in nine of McKinney’s
                                                                                     parks offer great spring and summer
                                                                                     fun for the whole family!
                                                                                     • Al Ruschhaupt            • Horizon Park
                                                                                       Soccer Complex *            401 Flatrock Dr.
                                                                                       1986 Park View Ave.
                                                                                                                • Inspiration Park
                                                                                     • Ash Woods Park              4212 Shawnee Dr.
                                                                                       10301 John F. Kennedy
                                                                                       Blvd.                    • John M. Whisenant
                                                                                     • Aviator Park                3701 Hudson Crossing
                                                                                       1201 Monticello Dr.
                                                                                                                • Dr. Mack Hill Park
                                                                                     • Dog Park at Bonnie          1849 Reagan Dr.
                                                                                       Wenk Park
                                                                                       2996 W. Virginia Pkwy.      *Locations with restrooms

                                                                                     • Finch Park *
                                                                                       301 West Standifer St.

                                                                                                  For seasonal updates, visit

972-547-7480                                           May-August 2021                                    McKinney Parks & Recreation           29
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