Principal's Address - Stonehenge State School

Principal's Address - Stonehenge State School
STONEHENGE STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER                                                                                 Easter School Holidays Issue

                                                                                                        STATE SCHOOL

 STRONG AND PROUD                                                                                       Easter School Holidays Issue

 Principal’s Address                                                                                    UPCOMING EVENTS

                                                                                                        TERM 2 COMMENCES
 by   Corey Kempthorne
                                                                                                        Monday 20 April 2020

 G’day,                                             COVID-19 Update                                     ANZAC DAY (all events cancelled)
 Thanks for taking the time to read the                                                                 Saturday 25 April 2020
                                                    I hope all families are doing well at home as
 Stonehenge State School Newsletter.                the directions from government around
                                                    social distancing continually increase. As of       LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY
 Firstly, welcome to Term 2 and                                                                         Monday 4 May 2020
                                                    Monday 13 April the government has
 congratulations on a fabulous Term 1! Please
                                                    announced that QLD school students will
 refer to page 3 for a sippet of some of the                                                            HOME-BASED LEARNING ENDS - TBC
                                                    learn from home for the first five weeks of
 many highlights we experienced in Term 1.                                                              Friday 22 May 2020
                                                    Term 2, with schools only open for children
                                                    of essential workers. The move to the home-
 Easter Holidays                                    based learning model starts on Monday, 20           TERM 2 CONCLUDES
 I hope that all our families had a lovely Easter   April and will be in place until at least Friday,   Friday 26 June 2020
 holiday break and were able to enjoy the time      22 May.
 with your family.
                                                    My team and I used the student free days
 Over the holidays Leslie and I were able to        within the last week of Term 1 and time
 spend some quality time together, eating far       throughout the holidays to allow us to plan
 too many Easter eggs, enjoying the                 and prepare for remote learning. This
 wonderful outback                                  collective and exhaustive effort provides
 sunsets and relaxing                               with me confidence in our ability to continue
 in preparation of a                                to facilitate effective learning opportunities
 fabulous Term 2                                    for our students.
 ahead of us!
                                                    More information regarding our remote
                                                    learning strategy will be outlined on page 2.
           I would like to wish Jacob a very        Student specific information will be supplied
           Happy Birthday for April 6th, hope       via direct correspondence to families.
           you had a great day mate.                Thank you to students, parents, families,
                                                    staff and community for your ongoing
 Newsletter Update                                  support in this time of uncertainty.
 We hope that you enjoy the new look to our
 school newsletter. With the need to foster         Anzac Day
 and increase communication methods we              Anzac Day is going to look a little different
 felt it was time for an update. You will also      this year as we adapt to social distancing
 notice an increase in our social media
                                                                                                                  LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
                                                    rules. Please read about how your family can
 presence on Facebook as a means of                 commemorate our fallen heroes this Anzac                      @stonehengestateschool
 communicating across a variety of platforms.       Day on page 4.

The small and remote outback school making a BIG difference!                                                                               Page 1
Principal's Address - Stonehenge State School
STONEHENGE STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER                                                                                           Easter School Holidays Issue

 Home-Based Learning – Term 2
 Timeframe                                               Due to some restrictions placed on the
                                                         Department of Education internet, we are
 You will have no doubt heard this through the           unable to use programs such as Zoom, etc.
 media but I can officially advise that the              however are provided with a free subscription
 Queensland Government has decided that                  to Skype. We will use
 state school students will move to a home-              this platform for online,
 based learning model from 20 April 2020                 ‘face-to-face’ teaching
 until at least 22 May 2020.                             and where this is unavailable,
 During this period, all students who are able           will dial-in via telephone.
 to be supervised and learn from home are to
 stay home, except for vulnerable students,              Learning Feedback & Delivery
 children of essential workers and students in           In each week’s learning package, there is a        Message from Annastacia
 designated Indigenous communities. Schools
 must provide on-site supervision for these
                                                         feedback sheet that allows parents to provide      Palaszczuk MP
                                                         some comments on student performance in
 children while they participate in the learning         each learning area. We do not expect you to        Queensland school students will learn at
 activities that have been set by their regular          make extensive notes however would                 home for the first five weeks of Term 2, with
 classroom teachers.                                     encourage you to let us know if students           schools only open for the children of
                                                         require additional support or extension. This      essential workers.
 Curriculum                                              sheet should stay in the learning package.         The move to the home-based learning
 In week 10 of term 1 and throughout the                                                                    model starts on Monday, 20 April and will be
                                                         Before the end of each week, the following
 holidays, Stonehenge State School staff                                                                    in place until at least Friday, 22 May.
                                                         week’s work will be delivered -
 worked exceptionally hard to plan, develop
                                                         parents/students should not commence the           All students who can learn from home are to
 and print materials in preparation for remote
                                                         following week’s work early. All required          stay at home.
 learning in term 2 – this work will now be
                                                         resources will be delivered with the learning
 implemented. As mandated, the learning                                                                     School staff, unless they are vulnerable due
                                                         packages in a storage container. These will
 materials will include those for English,                                                                  to medical conditions, will continue to teach
                                                         also be updated weekly to ensure that
 Mathematics, Science, HASS, Spelling,                                                                      from the classroom to ensure continuity of
                                                         parents/students will have all of the required
 Handwriting, Reading and Kindergarten and                                                                  learning for students.
 will be delivered on a weekly basis throughout
 the first five weeks of term 2. We understand                                                              Children of essential workers and vulnerable
                                                         Reassurance                                        children can continue to attend school.
 that internet reliability can be troublesome at
 times (we are certainly not immune to                   Like many schools, we are very new to the
                                                         concept of remote learning. While we have          This is another very difficult decision, but it is
 internet problems here at school) and so the
                                                         spent a lot of time thinking about how to          the right one for Queensland while we
 materials are primarily paper-based.
                                                         approach term 2, there are likely to be some       continue to slow the spread of COVID-19.
 Each learning area has a weekly overview that           adaptations to improve our practice. We ask
 provides a brief outline of the learning                that you are patient with us during this time
 journey. Behind each overview is a lesson plan          and understand that despite the
 that outlines the learning objectives and               circumstances, we will continue to consider
 provides a range of activities to achieve these         your child’s learning as our highest priority
 objectives. On occasion, there are some                                                                   Clean Hands Save Lives
 computer based (online) activities that we’d            I would like to reassure parents that there is
                                                                                                           Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20
 like students to complete however these do              no expectation that your home needs to be
                                                                                                           seconds. Use soap and water or an alcohol-
 not require any special app downloads, just an          run as a classroom. Everything that we are
                                                                                                           based hand sanitiser to stop the spread of
 internet browsing platform such as Internet             putting in place is a guide to help you through
                                                                                                           germs that might be lurking on your hands.
 Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, etc.             these different circumstances. What does
                                                         matter is the health and well-being of
 Any requirement of this will be outlined in the         yourself and your children; that you are
 weekly overview. All passwords for online               involved in engaging and fun activities other
 learning platforms will be available at the             than the school curriculum. Make time for
 start of each week’s learning package. We will          cooking, playing games, doing jigsaws,
 also provide a hard-copy and digital-copy of a          reading and lots of imaginative free play as
 ‘URL link’ sheet that outlines all of the links to      well as physical exercise. Ensure that you
 online learning materials for each learning             continue social connections with friends and
 area. This will allow parents and students to           relatives.
 click on the link rather than type it in or try to
 search for the material.                                If you are feeling overwhelmed and would like
                                                         to discuss anything at all, please feel free to
 Timetable & Access                                      contact me.
 To help keep students on track, I will be preparing a
 timetable that provides a guideline for when each       Corey Kempthorne
 subject area should be completed and for how long.      Principal

The small and remote outback school making a BIG difference!                                                                                            Page 2
Principal's Address - Stonehenge State School
STONEHENGE STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER                                                                              Easter School Holidays Issue

 Term 1 Highlights
 Stonehenge Superstars
 What a term it has been. Welcoming 7 new students has no doubt
 been the highlight of the term. We are so thankful to have such
 supportive families within our school community.

 Kindy Commenced                                   School Bus                                     Jundah Swim Camp
 For the first time Stonehenge State School        The school bus has been a fantastic addition   We spent 3 days of week 1 with students
 offers Kindy and we couldn’t be more              to our school by providing 6 of our students   from Jundah and Windorah State schools for
 excited to welcome Summer, Jacob and              with transport to and from school.             swimming and lifesaving lessons. It was an
 Olivia!                                                                                          awesome way to ease everyone into the
                                                                                                  new school year, catch up and get to know
                                                                                                  all the new faces!

 Harry’s Final Year                                Kim Fredericks Visit                           Mr K’s Surprise Birthday
 We recognise this is Harry’s final year with      On Monday 10 February, we had Central          The students planned a heart-warming
 us at Stonehenge State School. We are so          Queensland Regional Director, Kim              surprise birthday party for Mr K on Tuesday
 proud of his growth and achievements and          Fredericks visit. We were very proud to show   17 March 2020. Thank you to the parents for
 endeavour to make this his best year yet!         her our school.                                the yummy party food.

    Barcoo Swimming Carnival
    Stonehenge Superstars showed us their
    amazing sportsmanship cheering on their
    fellow classmates and trying their hardest.
    Well done on the fantastic effect
    Stonehenge! Big congratulations to James
    for receiving age champion!

The small and remote outback school making a BIG difference!                                                                           Page 3
Principal's Address - Stonehenge State School
STONEHENGE STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER                                                                                Easter School Holidays Issue

 Anzac Day 2020
 Anzac Day
 ANZAC Day, 25 April, is one of Australia’s most
 important national occasions. It marks the
 anniversary of the first major military action
 fought by Australian and New Zealand forces
 during the First World War. ANZAC stands for
 Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The
 soldiers in those forces quickly became known
 as 'ANZACs', and the pride they took in that
 name endures to this day.

 Show your Anzac Spirit
 Anzac Day is going to look a little different this
 year as we adapt to social distancing rules.
 Given the significant concerns regarding the
 spread of COVID-19 all commemoration
 services across the state have been cancelled.
 Instead, Australians are asked to unite and
 recognise past and current armed services
 personnel through personal experiences within
 their homes.
 There are a number of ways you can
 commemorate our fallen heroes.
 1.   Light up with a candle at dawn within your
      home to commemorate all those who have               ANZAC DAY ACTIVITIES
      served and scarified for this nation.
                                                               Included within this email newsletter are three ANZAC Day Activities that
 2.   Tune into live services and virtual                      can be used to decorate your home as a way to honour the traditions of
      commemorative services.                                  ANZAC Day.
 3.   Reach out to a mate who might be alone.
      Many people are alone during this time of
      isolation. It is an opportunity to invoke the            1.   Make Your Own Poppy to Wear
      ANZAC value of mateship and check to see
      how a mate is doing.                                     2.   ANZAC Day Wreath
                                                               3.   ANZAC Biscuits Recipe

                                                                          Don’t forget to take a photo of your artwork and how your family
                                                                          commemorated ANZAC Day together to share with us.

 Send us Photos!                                                         Have any Questions?
 We will miss seeing your faces every day at school! So we               If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to
 encourage you to regularly send us photos of you completing             contact the team at Stonehenge State School.
 your school work and enjoying life.
                                                                         (07) 4658 5916
 Please send them through to:                                  
 0436 606 040

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