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PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS IN THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL DE BOLÍVAR (ECUADOR) PJAEE, 17 (7) 2020 PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS IN THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL DE BOLÍVAR (ECUADOR) Verónica Carrasco Sangache1, William López Vásquez2 and Jenny Martínez Moreira3 1 Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Sistema de Posgrado, CP: 090114, Guayaquil-Ecuador, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, CP: 020150, Guaranda- Ecuador 2 Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Sistema de Posgrado, CP: 090114, Guayaquil-Ecuador 3 Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Sistema de Posgrado, CP: 090114, Guayaquil-Ecuador, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, CP: 020150, Guaranda- Ecuador Verónica Carrasco Sangache, William López Vásquez and Jenny Martínez Moreira: Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Dogs in the City of San Miguel De Bolívar (Ecuador) -- Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, ISSN 1567-214x Keywords: Intestinal parasites, dogs, coproparasitic ABSTRACT Living with dogs does not have to pose any risk to your family. However, when adequate deworming is not performed, there could be a risk of zoonoses, directly related to intestinal parasites that affect these pets, in this sense, the objective of the present investigation was: to study the prevalence of intestinal parasites of dogs in the city of San Miguel de Bolívar, Ecuador. For which, coproparasitic analyzes were performed on 500 dogs using the Faust technique and direct observation, where the variables analyzed were: Sex, Age, and Race (31 dog breeds which have been grouped into 4 groups according to size: giants, large, medium, and small). After the analysis, 56.6% were positive for some type of intestinal parasitosis, in relation to the sex of the animal, a total of 131 positive females were found, of which Toxocara the parasite with the highest presence with 67% is; followed by the genus Dipylium. According to age, it was found that dogs less than one year old presented a greater parasitization with 67.35%, where the Toxocara genus presented the highest incidence. Regarding the breed of the dog, the largest number of dogs examined were of medium breed, the same ones that presented 67.84% positive, being the Toxocara genus the one with the highest presence with 60.42%, followed by Dipylidium with 22.26%. It is concluded that the high degree of parasitism may be directly related to the environment or habitat of the dogs analyzed. INTRODUCTION 14487
PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS IN THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL DE BOLÍVAR (ECUADOR) PJAEE, 17 (7) 2020 Dogs are infested with intestinal parasites, the same ones that cause diseases of various kinds, which can also affect children and immunosuppressed people (Gillespie and Bradbury, 2017). With quarterly or monthly preventive deworming in animals at higher risk, zoonoses such as: human giardiosis, larva 'visceral migrans', larva 'cutaneous migrans', human strongyloidosis, hydatidosis and canine dipylidiosis (Acosta et al., 2017). A matter of welfare, animal health, and public health, is to avoid parasitism, therefore, it is necessary to minimize the risks that pets and people run of contracting parasites; With this objective, basic measures must be taken in which the Veterinary Clinic sector and pet owners must be required to carry out an adequate and correct deworming of dogs (Parra Conde et al., 2017). The parasites that live in the animal are known as internal parasites or endoparasites, and can be classified as: Nematodes or Ascaris; Cestodes or tapeworms and protozoa. Nematodes or Ascaris, the word nematodes mean "similar to a thread, commonly called round worms", "filamentous worms", "earthworms" or "eels, these are characterized by being long, cylindrical individuals and sharper at the ends, in the adults varies from a millimeter to more than 15 centimeters. Nematodes form the largest group of roundworms, with some 80,000 species described in the literature. Some researchers estimate that there are actually around a million species. (WSU. Tree fruit, 2018). Ancylostoma Larva migrans, Ancylostoma infestations can be found in dogs, this type of parasite is characterized by its enormous capacity to suck blood through the lesions it produces in the intestinal wall, it develops serpentine tunnels, causing very pruritic pictures in the skin as the larvae move through it (Sarmiento-Rubiano et al., 2018; Moratalla, 2013). Toxocara canis, it is a nematode that parasitizes the small intestine of dogs, playing a role of the definitive host. Strong infections are more common in young animals and less common in adults (Chen et al., 2018). Toxocara canis measures 4 to 10 cm by 2 to 2.5 mm in diameter and the female is 5 to 18 cm long by 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter (Wu and Bowman, 2020; Yánez et al., 2018). In humans, toxocariasis is an accidental parasitic disease caused by ingestion of larvae eggs; when the larvae are released in the intestine, they migrate to the tissues and are located mainly in the liver, eyes, kidneys and lungs, although they can also cross the placenta and thus infect the unborn (Huapaya et al., 2009). Strongyloides, they are parasites of worldwide distribution, especially in tropical areas. Its location is usually in the intestinal tract, especially in the mucosa of the proximal third of the small intestine (Amaya Nieto et al., 2017). There are species of this genus of intestinal nematode, among these is Strongylides canis, which infects dogs. Infections with this helminth are called strongyloidiasis or strongyloidosis (Jaleta et al., 2017). Cestodes or tapeworms, they are flattened organisms, the same ones that have the appearance of a ribbon; are flatworms of the phylum Platyhelminthes, usually living in the host's small intestine. Some species can measure up to several meters in length. The same parasitic individual can have both sexes (hermaphroditism) (Collins, 2017). They are formed by a head or scolex, with suction cups and sometimes armed with hooks with which they are fixed to the walls of the body. They do not have a digestive system and feed by absorption through their skin. Each of the rings has a complete hermaphroditic reproductive system, which once mature are released loaded with eggs (Ecuared, 2016; Collins, 2017) 14488
PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS IN THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL DE BOLÍVAR (ECUADOR) PJAEE, 17 (7) 2020 Dipylidium caninum, It is the dog tapeworm it is a flatworm parasitic of canids, as well as of other animals that host fleas, especially of the species Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis, that is, the common fleas on the dog and the cat, respectively, and more rarely the Pulex irritans, common fleas in humans. This parasite is found in the small intestine of the dog, measures 15-80 cm long and is often reddish-yellow in color when recently removed from the host's intestine (Beugnet et al., 2018). Dipylidium infestation is called dipylidiasis, this pathogen can also infect humans, especially children (Neira et al., 2008). Protozoa, they are microscopic, unicellular eukaryotic organisms; heterotrophs, phagotrophs, predators or detritivores, sometimes mixotrophs (partially autotrophs); Reproduction can be asexual by bipartition and also sexual by iso-gametes or by conjugation exchanging genetic material, which live in humid environments or directly in aquatic environments, whether salt water or fresh water (Sarmiento-Rubiano et al., 2018; Christian, 2012). Coccidia, these parasites cause a disease known as coccidiosis; these are protozoan parasites (unicellular organisms) that multiply in the intestinal tract of dogs and cats, only detectable in the analysis of fecal material. Coccidial infection is especially common in young animals from hatcheries or nurseries, associated with crowded conditions and high stress. Most coccidia in dogs and cats are of the Isospora species (Jitender et al., 2019). Considering everything described, the objective of this work was: to study the Prevalence of intestinal parasites of dogs in the city of San Miguel de Bolívar, Ecuador. METHODOLOGY Population and sample, this research was carried out in the city of San Miguel, province of Bolívar, at Veterinaria Huellitas. The population was 2800 dogs, of which 500 domestic dogs from the city were used. Study Technique and Variables For the present investigation, the coproparasitological method was used by means of the Faust technique and direct observation. The variables analyzed were: Sex, Age, and Race; where the modality and type of research was descriptive, not experimental. Descriptive Statistics Relate concepts or variables by which the results obtained by people were correlated. To establish if there are relationships with the following variables: percentage of positive canines with parasites with respect to sex; the age distribution among positive canines; the frequency of positive cases of intestinal parasites in dogs with respect to the breed. Statistical Tests Because situations are described and independently analyzed with greater precision. Correlational. RESULTS During the investigation, 500 different patients were treated: race, age, sex, weight. Of these, more than 50.0% were positive for some type of intestinal parasites according to the coproparasitic tests carried out. (Table 1). 14489
PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS IN THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL DE BOLÍVAR (ECUADOR) PJAEE, 17 (7) 2020 Table 1. Patients attended Positives 289 56.60% Negatives 217 43.40% These data surpass the data raised, which was 10%, so it can be said that parasitosis in the city of San Miguel is very high. Parasitism According To the Sex of the Dog According to the infestation by sex, it can be determined that the females presented a higher percentage of parasitism, statistically it can be indicated that the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the analyzed dogs is not related to sex (Table 2). Table 2. Parasitism by sex Female Males N % N % Ancylostoma 14 10.69 24 15.79 Coccidias 9 6.87 16 10.53 Dipylidium 29 22.14 34 22.37 Toxocara 89 67.94 82 53.95 Total positive patients 131 57.21 152 56.09 Total negative patients 98 42.79 119 43.91 A total of 131 positive females were found, of which Toxocara is the most present and represents more than 67%; followed by the Dipylium genus with more than 20% and with a lower incidence was Coccidia (more than 6%); On the other hand, of the 152 infested males, the Toxocara genus was the most present parasite with 53.95%, and the Coccidia the lowest number with 10.53% (Table 2). Parasite Infestation According To the Age of the dog After the coproparasitic analysis, according to age, it was found that dogs under one year of age presented greater parasites with 67.35%. While patients older than one year represents 41.68%. Because many of them have not received any antiparasitic treatment. Instead adult patients were once treated. Here it was evidenced that in animals less than one year old, the Toxocara genus had a higher incidence (73.98%) and Coccidia to a lesser extent (9.69%) (Table 3). Table 3. Genus of parasites found according to age. Under one year Older than one year N % N % Ancylostoma 23 11.73 15 17.24 Coccidias 19 9.69 6 6.90 Dipylidium 20 10.2 43 49.43 Toxocara 145 73.98 26 29.89 Total positive patients 196 67.35 87 41.63 Total negative patients 95 32.65 122 58.37 Parasite Infestation According To The Breed Of The Dog It was found 31 breeds of dogs which have been grouped into 4 groups according to size, these being: giant, large, medium, and small. The largest number of dogs examined were of medium breed, the same ones that present 67.84% positivity to intestinal parasite infestation. Giant-sized patients have been found in smaller numbers. The parasite that was found the most was Toxocara in all breeds and coccidia were found less frequently, except in small breed dogs, while Dipylidium was not found in 14490
PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS IN THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL DE BOLÍVAR (ECUADOR) PJAEE, 17 (7) 2020 giant-sized breed dogs, finally Ancylostoma was found in all breeds (Table 4). Statistically it can be indicated that the prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs is not related to breed. Table 4. Parasite infestation according to the breed of the dog Ancylostoma Coccidias Dipylidium Toxocara Races No. of dogs N % N % N % N % Giant 11 1 9.09 8 72.73 0 0 2 18.18 Big 65 7 10.77 4 6.15 6 9.23 50 76.92 Median 192 29 15.1 13 6.77 55 28.65 107 55.73 Little 15 1 6.67 0 0 2 13.33 12 80 Positive 283 Negative 217 In short, according to the type of parasite, Toxocara was the one found the most in coproparasitic studies with 60.42% of cases, followed by Dipylidium with 22.26%. Due to the fact that in the San Miguel canton most dogs have some degree of fleas and that these are an intermediate vector of the aforementioned tapeworm. Ancylostoma was found in 13.43%, whereas Coccidia was reported in 8.83%. DISCUSSION When referring to studies carried out within the country, we can indicate that Rivera, (2005), was able to determine that 53.3% of dogs in the city of Milagro tested positive for intestinal parasites, using the Flotation technique, a result similar to that detected in the present work. , which was 56.6% positive. Regarding Ancylostoma, Alfaro, (2012), in a study carried out in the Republic of Salvador, found a total prevalence of 21% of positive cases, using the floatation method in 270 dogs. According to works carried out in the City of Chimbo Ecuador, it can be mentioned that Iza, (2011), in 200 dogs found 30.5% of positive cases, carrying out its investigation by the flotation technique; in the same way, Guillin, (2003), in studies carried out on this same parasite, in the same with 200 dogs and with the flotation technique, found 21% of patients with Ancylostoma. Regarding protozoa specifically coccidia Chicaiza, (2001), in his work carried out in Guayaquil, he was able to determine that in 120 dogs, 7.5% of cases were positive for the parasite, using the flotation technique. While in the present investigation, 8.4% of this protozoan could be determined, which indicates that they are similar percentage in the two investigations. Regarding cestodes and nematodes Ramón, (2012), in the city of Cuenca determined that there is 1.83% were cestodes and 13.6% were nematodes carried out with 382 dogs, using the spontaneous sedimentation technique and the flotation technique. While in the present investigation it was found that nematodes were 70.4 and cestodes 21.2%, using the direct observation technique and the Faust technique. The prevalence of Ancylostoma in Colombia was 21 to 23% in two morbidity surveys of 1966 and 1980 (Arango, 1998). The first found that the inhabitants of rural areas were 6 times more parasitized than those of the cities. In places with a population of good socioeconomic status, the prevalence was 10% or less. Other Latin American countries have similar prevalences and higher frequencies have been published in El Salvador (50%), Venezuela (40%) and Ecuador (33%). (Alfaro, 2012). CONCLUSIONS Dogs from the City of San Miguel in the Bolívar Province have a high degree of intestinal parasites, this may be directly related to the environment and habitat of the pets. Where the animals less than one year old showed a higher percentage of parasitism, 14491
PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS IN THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL DE BOLÍVAR (ECUADOR) PJAEE, 17 (7) 2020 especially in the medium-sized breed. On the other hand, there are no differences between the sexes in relation to intestinal parasites. Also, the parasite that was most detected was of the Toxocara genus, followed by Dipylidium. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Our full thanks to Dr. Favian Bayas-Morejón, for having collaborated in the review of this work, in the same way to the Universidad Agraria del Ecuador for all the support provided. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Acosta, D.C., Castro, L.I., Pérez, J. (2017). Parásitos gastrointestinales zoonóticos asociados con hábitos de higiene y convivencia en propietarios de caninos. Revista Biosalud; 16(2): 34-43 DOI: 10.17151/biosa.2017.16.2. • Alfaro Ayala, A. (2012). Prevalencia de Ancylostoma en Canis Lupus Familiaris en el área urbana y periurbana de la Colonia Zacamil, del Municipio de Mejicanos, San Salvador. Requisito para optar al título de Licenciada en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad de EL Salvador. 76. • Amaya Nieto, J., Girón Luque, F., & Baez, Y. (2017). Strongyloides stercoralis: Reporte de un caso en el post-trasplante renal. Revista Med, 25(1), 64-69. • Arango J (1998). Strongyloides Stercoralis. Colombia Med., 29: 32-42. http:// • Beugnet, F., Labuschagne, M., Vos, C., Crafford, D., & Fourie, J. (2018). Analysis of Dipylidium caninum tapeworms from dogs and cats, or their respective fleas - Part 2. Distinct canine and feline host association with two different Dipylidium caninum genotypes. Analyse des ténias Dipylidium caninum des chiens et des chats, ou de leurs puces respectives - Partie 2. Association distincte des hôtes canins et félins avec deux génotypes différents de Dipylidium caninum. Parasite (Paris, France), 25, 31. • Chen, J., Liu, Q., Liu, G. H., Zheng, W. B., Hong, S. J., Sugiyama, H., Zhu, X. Q., & Elsheikha, H. M. (2018). Toxocariasis: a silent threat with a progressive public health impact. Infectious diseases of poverty, 7(1), 59., • Chicaiza Victor. 2001. Determinación de Coccidias en caninos de la ciudad de Guayaquil. Tesis de Grado previa a la obtención del Título de Médico Veterinario Zootecnista 4. Berenguer Jaime Gallego. Manual de parasitología pp 259. • Christian 2012. Protozoarios. Disponible en: http://leoprotozoologia. • Ecuared (2016). Cestodos. Disponible en: • Gillespie, S., & Bradbury, R. S. (2017). A Survey of Intestinal Parasites of Domestic Dogs in Central Queensland. Tropical medicine and infectious disease, 2(4), 60. • Guillin Silva, F. (2003). Determinación de Ancylostoma en perros del Cantón Chimbo Provincia Bolívar. Tesis de Grado previa a la obtención del Título de Médico Veterinario Zootecnista. 14492
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