Innovation for life ASEAN cities powered by the cloud

Page created by Rosa Mack
Innovation for life ASEAN cities powered by the cloud
Innovation for life
ASEAN cities powered by the cloud
Innovation for life ASEAN cities powered by the cloud
Cloud innovation:
Helping rapidly growing cities
achieve their vision
    Cities in the ASEAN region tap on cloud technology to improve citizens’ lives.

    The urban population of ASEAN1 is expected to increase from 294.4 million in 2014 to 507.7 million in 2050.
    Such a rapid expansion requires smart technologies to navigate new challenges, including a fast-evolving
    landscape, environmental crises, and even a major pandemic.

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) supports these Southeast Asian cities to become smart, sustainable, and innovative.
    Local governments, education institutions, healthcare organisations, and nonprofits use the AWS Cloud to
    efficiently scale essential and citizen services while enjoying secure and cost-saving infrastructure. These cities
    can act swiftly and decisively while navigating the new normal.

    AWS and Intel share a passion for innovation. Together, we developed a variety of resources and technologies for high
    performance computing, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT).

    This eBook samples how AWS spurs cities to grow and develop even faster. We can achieve even more by
    working with your ideas and vision.

        United Nations, “World Urbanization Prospects”, 2014
Innovation for life ASEAN cities powered by the cloud
Where will you go?
   Connectivity: Driving urban development
   Public safety: Protecting your city and community
   Environment and energy: Living sustainably
   Citizen services: Supporting your citizens
   Navigating the new normal
   Meet the technology trailblazers
   Technology that enables your vision
   Our global infrastructure
Driving urban development                                                                                                                Why do we share open data in
                                                                                                                                       the cloud? It’s an idea that dates
                                                                                                                                         back more than half a century.
   The AWS Cloud can help cities implement smart transportation and
                                                                                                                                                              Find out why
   communication systems that use data, applications, and technology
   to help citizens stay connected with one another.

   Keeping Singapore moving                                     Predicting a city’s
                                                                public transit needs
   AWS provided the Land Transport Authority (LTA),
   Singapore, a secure solution with a fast roll-out time       From 2018 to 2019, Transport for NSW served              Siemens Mobility improving
   to transport 2.2 million users a day. LTA is able to track   424 million train passengers and 349 million bus         rail customer satisfaction
   and respond quickly to customer feedback while not           passengers. The Opal Analytics Platform tracks
   having to worry about disaster recovery.                     and predicts passenger flow across the large city’s      The open ecosystem Siemens Mobility helps rail
                                                                various public transport modes. Commuters can            operators avoid downtime by 30-50 percent and
                                                                check the status and capacity of ferries, motor lines,   unplanned maintenance by more than 30 percent,
                                                                buses, and light rail. Furthermore, passengers can       increasing customer satisfaction. At the same time,
                                                                use the RFID transport card, a credit or debit card,     the system is able to cut maintenance costs and
                         Learn more                             or any linked device to access transport services.       emergency consumption by 10-15 percent.

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Driving urban development
   A smoother                                       Lighting up the world                             A new era of mobile
   parking experience                                                                                 connectivity
                                                    Philips City Touch provides connected lighting
   ParKam has helped to solve the growing           services for cities across the world. More than   Verizon is the first company to provide
   problem of parking in busy metropolitan areas.   600 municipalities and mega cities such as        5G network edge computing with AWS
   The solution detects parking spots in cities     Jakarta, Semarang, and Melaka manage their        Wavelength, which is being piloted with
   with live processing and real-time display of    street lighting with City Touch, which uses the   customers in Chicago. Developers can
   available parking spots. Built on AWS, these     cloud to manage and plan public lighting.         create and deploy ultra low-latency
   are all accomplished on ParKam’s mobile                                                            applications such as gaming and machine
   application with no downtime.                                                                      learning (ML) to mobile devices.

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Public safety:
Protecting your city and community
   AWS and our partner community help public safety and justice agencies modernise
   their systems. From emergency services to public warning systems and solving crime,
   these services protect and keep citizens safe.

   Cambodia's early flood                             Automating and scaling call                         Scaling up accurate detection
   warning system                                     centre services in Los Angeles                      to keep citizens safe
   The nonprofit organisation People in Need is       The Los Angeles County Internal Services            Bigmate’s new system, Thermy, keeps
   using AWS to scale an early warning system in      Department provides services for more than 10       workplaces, malls, and large-scale events safe
   Cambodia. It alerts its 400,000 subscribers when   million residents and 110,000 employees. After      by detecting people with elevated temperatures.
   floods threaten and can scale to reach out to      launching on Amazon Connect, the call centre        During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bigmate was
   more citizens, preventing loss of lives.           has seen a 17 percent reduction in calls with the   able to expedite the system’s development on
                                                      help of automated assistance, with 60% cost         AWS from months to a mere two weeks to meet
                                                      savings.                                            the demand for this technology.

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Environment and energy:
Living sustainably
  Cloud technology solutions can sustainably harness the power of nature and improve quality of life.

  Crowd-sourced flood                        Smart waste                                One-stop database
  information in real time                   management in Newport                      for rice research

  University of Wollongong’s                 With IoT-connected receptacles,            The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
  PetaJakarta is a platform that provides    the City of Newport is now able to         is a nonprofit organisation that develops rice
  communities with real-time, crowd-         provide more cost-effective waste          varieties that can withstand environmental
  sourced flood information through          management for its citizens. With data     events and diseases. IRRI combined important
  its Internet of Things (IoT) water level   on how full the waste receptacles are,     research and rice statistics into a one-stop
  sensors. It uses solar power and power     the city can better plan for when to       accessible database with a displayable
  management to make the sensors             service them, improving quality of life.   dashboard. The research institute has cut
  suitable for long-term, wide-scale                                                    technology infrastructure costs by 30 percent
  deployment in Jakarta and other cities.                                               with AWS.

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Citizen services:
Supporting your citizens
 The cloud helps to efficiently scale government services to your citizens while keeping data safe and secure.

  Reliable, scalable services                   Smart call centre solution                   Unemployment support
  for Selangor citizens                         increasing quality of                        for West Virginia
                                                customer service
 The Smart Selangor Delivery Unit                                                            The West Virginia Office of Technology
 (SSDU)’s Citizens E-Payment Platform           As the world’s largest submarine             unemployment insurance call centre uses
 (CEPat) allows four million Malaysians         sandwich chain with a correspondingly        Amazon Connect to process over 60,000
 to use a single window for accessing           large volume of calls to manage,             phone calls in one day instead of the previous
 paid government services. The platform         Subway uses Amazon Connect for their         70,000 in a week. When the city’s essential
 also caters for inter ewallet transactions     call centre solution. Instead of keeping     services had to be shut down during the
 and a government marketplace that will         customers waiting on the phone, the          COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of residents
 drive the cashless economy in the city.        franchise offers callbacks, realising        were put out of work, which accelerated the
                                                significant time and cost savings.           demand to manage a high volume of calls.

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Navigating the new normal
 Environmental disruption and a pandemic have changed the mindsets of our customers and the way
 they operate. Telehealth services include medical consultation digitally and remotely whereas remote
 learning provides students with an education anytime, anywhere. These digital solutions help local
 governments, education institutions, healthcare organisations, and nonprofits adapt to the new
 landscape, with AWS providing the scalability and security to propel these services.

 Providing Thai citizens                     Bringing telehealth                               Keeping aged care
 with on-demand, mobile-                     accessibility to a                                running in times of need
 based healthcare                            million patients
                                                                                               With AWS remote work and learning
 The healthcare startup, Doctor Raksa,       Doctor Anywhere is a Singapore-based              solutions such as Amazon Connect
 aims to revolutionise the healthcare        telehealth startup that serves patients in        and Amazon Chime, Western-Australia
 industry in Thailand by offering citizens   Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand. They            based Juniper continues to support
 access to affordable, convenient, and       deliver quality, accessible, and affordable       their aged care facilities and help
 on-demand mobile-based healthcare.          healthcare services online and offline,           their residents and employees stay
                                             including teleconsultations and in-home visits.   connected even through a pandemic.

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Navigating the new normal
 Consistency and scalability in                    Unified online learning platform
 delivering education                              for Singapore polytechnics
 As the largest university from the Philippines,   Polymall provides high quality online learning
 AMA Education runs their online curriculum on     content shared across all five polytechnics in
 AWS for 50,000 students. By scaling on AWS,       Singapore. The remote learning resources allow
 AMA can provide remote learning for many          students to access courses on any device beyond
 students, including cross-enrollees from other    the classroom for an engaging online learning
 schools, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)         experience. The one-stop portal supports 100,000
 for continuing education, and Professional        students with 15,000 daily users.
 Regulatory Commission (PRC) for citizens
 reviewing to get professional licensure.          Learn more
Meet the technology trailblazers
These five visionary cities use the cloud to improve life for their citizens. Remember: When it comes to
public sector innovation, there’s no limit to what’s possible, no matter where you are in the world.

Selangor                                       West Java

The Smart Selangor Delivery Unit (SSDU)’s      Kominfo is tasked to digitally transform
Citizens E-Payment Platform (CEPat) allows     the populous West Java province of 50
four million Malaysians to use a single        million residents. With AWS, Kominfo
window for accessing paid government           can serve the needs of the public faster,
services. The platform consolidates multiple   channelling more resources towards
e-payment channels and 46 e-wallets, which     delivering content and services for the
will drive the cashless economy in the city.   community, rather than infrastructure.
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City of Newport                                City of Darwin

Newport deployed IoT-based projects as         With the Open Community Data Exchange
part of its smart city vision to improve       Platform and an ecosystem of organisations, the
quality of life. With IoT-connected sensors,   City of Darwin is able to collaborate with other
the city is able to sample air quality to      public and private organisations to make better
look into pollution levels, monitor water      decisions for the city and foster innovation. AWS
levels and blockage with IoT sensors to        services provide the security, scalability, and
prevent flooding, as well as detect waste      collaborative capabilities to develop a data culture.
management servicing requirements.
Learn more

                   It’s time to transform your city. Visit our innovation hub today.                   Visit now
Technology that enables your vision
       The technology in this space is evolving             Ideas need not be expensive, either. The City
       faster than ever before. This evolution              of Cagliari in Italy built a robust solution
       helps forward-thinking organisations, and            supported by AWS to give citizens real-time
       those within them, deliver breakthrough              and resilient online access to local election
       and cloud-connected ideas. By working in             results. They deployed the program from
       the cloud, organisations are revolutionising         scratch within 20 days of the election,
       cities across the world, improving the lives         supporting over seven million requests (more
       of citizens, and the communities they live           than 200 per second), all for a total cost of
       in. And not just in isolation.                       €125.

       One idea in India, for example, demonstrates         There really has never been a better time to
       the scale of ambition out there. The Ministry of     harness the power of IoT, open data, ML, and
       Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) launched           more, to realise your vision, supported by the
       its Smart Cities Mission (SCM) with the goal         AWS Cloud.
       to develop 100 smart cities, using a central
                                                            Your time is now.
       platform hosted on AWS. The platform helps
       analyse both real-time and archival data to
       deliver actionable insights for cities, from up to
       half a million datasets.
Our global infrastructure
 The AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure is the most secure, extensive, and reliable cloud
 computing environment anywhere, on and off the planet. AWS provides you the
 cloud infrastructure where and when you need it.

 AWS and Intel share a passion for innovation. Together, we developed a variety of
 resources and technologies for high performance computing, big data, AI, ML, and
 IoT. Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor families are the foundation of new services
 being deployed by AWS. AWS instances based on Intel® processors are ready to
 serve unique and innovative new workloads that demand better data protection,
 faster processing of greater data volumes, and service flexibility without a hit to

 These processors feature Intel® Advanced Vector Extension 512 (Intel® AVX-512),
 which offers accelerated application performance 2x better than previous generation
 technologies. These processors also feature Intel® Trusted Execution Technology
 (Intel® TXT), which is Intel’s technology for establishing more secure platforms.

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cloud?                                  self-guided checklist to gauge
Explore more stories in ASEAN           your level of preparedness for a
                                        smooth transition to the cloud.

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    for more resources                        Public Sector Blog                         Fix This podcast

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                   Governments worldwide are transforming their missions every day using AWS.
                        Contact our experts and start your own AWS Cloud journey today.

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