Practicing for an emergency - Trident Newspaper
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Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Volume 54, Issue 18 Practicing for an emergency During the Ship’s Divers Course, FDU(A) instructors led diving emergency exercises called shams to prepare divers in the event of emergency. At FDU(A) on August 31, 2020, divers responded to a simulated emergency, pulled the casualty out of the water to a stretcher and back to the Unit’s recompression chamber for evaluation. MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 2 Op NANOOK: From the perspective of a Bridge Watchkeeper under training By SLt Jillian Surette, HMCS Ville De Québec In late January 2020, I set sail for Africa with our allied counterparts to conduct exercises togeth- ship, anti-warfare operations, conducting exercises HMCS Shawinigan in consort with HMCS Glace er as we proceeded North, to the Arctic Circle and in anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, using Bay for Op PROJECTION 2020. During this sail I to Nuuk, Greenland. weapons fitted on ships, and towed acoustic systems learned seamanship and how to run the bridge of a As this was such a big operation and I was new to to track underwater threats, as well as helicopter minor war vessel, earning my bridge watchkeeping this class of ship, I was very hesitant at first on the evolutions. This was also my first time being in- ticket. The deployment was unfortunately cut short bridge when it came to running the watch. As an volved in major weapons firings in systems, which due to the COVID-19 pandemic which was starting untrained bridge watchkeeper, most of my time on are able to be remotely controlled from an opera- to grow significantly worldwide, and we returned the bridge is spent as an understudy to the ticketed tions room team. The ships took turns firing at the mid-April 2020. watchkeepers, maintaining administration, finding remotely controlled Hammerhead Target using After a few months working from home, I was opportunities to drive the watch, and working to small arms, such as the 57mm gun, in order to sink posted to the frigate HMCS Ville De Québec, tak- refine my reports to the ship’s captain. the target, in accordance with environmental safety ing the next step in my career as a Naval Warfare During this operation, we were involved in multi- precautions. Officer (NWO). I joined the ship for Mission State We conducted multiple helicopter serials with Readiness Training (MSRT) in preparation for Op USS Thomas Hudner’s Sea Hawk, Cutlass. With no NANOOK-TUUGAALIK, which became a crash Air Detachment onboard, this was a great opportu- course of everything to do with life on major war- nity for our Ship Without Air Detachment (SWOAD) ship, starting with where do I sleep, eat, or do team to conduct training. Additionally, this was laundry, and how do I even get there? And that’s my first time being involved in the recovery and not even considering what happens when there’s launching of a helicopter on the deck of a ship, re- an emergency or a drill! I was finally able to see all quiring a steady ship and a watchful eye on the safe- the evolutions I learned about while I was training ty of the whole evolution. To me, this was the coolest in Esquimalt first hand, and learn even more than and most nerve-wracking of all the operations we when I was on course. Thankfully, everything I had conducted. Being under the helicopter in one of the forgotten rushed back into my memory in a hurry, control stations as it hovered over our flight deck on top of all the new things to which I was being really gave me an appreciation of why it’s so import- exposed. ant to maintain safety during the evolution. For Op NANOOK-TUUGAALIK, Ville De Québec I am extremely grateful for my experience on this took position as the Flag Ship, embarking Capt(N) operation, and for being posted to Ville De Québec Martin Fluet and his staff from Canadian Fleet when I did. It is a great crew, made up of many Atlantic. We set sail with our consorts, Canadian people with varying levels of experience. It was an ships HMCS Glace Bay, MV Asterix, USS Thomas incredible experience to be a part of a multinational Hudner, United States Coast Guard Cutter Tahoma, task group and work alongside allied nations. As His Danish Majesty’s Ship Triton, and French Ship the operation drew to an end, my only regret was Fulmar. The purpose of this sail was to show NATO SLt Jillian Sutette not being able to be in more than one place at a time military presence in the Arctic and to work with SUBMITTED to experience all of the serials! Members of HMCS Glace Bay return from a visit to USS Thomas Hudner during Op A Royal Canadian Air Force CP-140 Aurora aircraft flies over His Danish Majesty’s NANOOK 2020 on August 18, 2020. Ship Triton (left), French Ship Fulmar, and Task Group Flagship HMCS Ville de Qué- CPL DAVID VELDMAN, CAF PHOTO bec during a PHOTEX in the Labrador Sea during Op NANOOK 20 on August 9, 2020. MCPL MANUELA BERGER, CAF PHOTO
3 TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 Coming together in a time of separation By Elizabeth Sharpe, CFB Halifax PA Intern / MSVU PR Student The last few months have been an raising awareness around homeless- paign was created to raise awareness ficer, is looking forward to presenting extremely difficult time for many ness in our community through the No around the issue of homelessness in the this new capability to our members. individuals and communities here in Home Campaign. Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) “Having e-pledging as the primary Canada and around the world. While The Atlantic Compassion Fund was and to inspire people to donate to the donation method for this campaign the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple launched on March 17, 2020, managed Atlantic Compassion Fund. During this will mean that our members can access local tragedies have affected us all in by United Way Halifax, on behalf of crisis, people have been encouraged to forms and donations online - making different ways, this period has been all United Way organizations across stay home and have adapted their work it much more accessible,” explains particularly challenging for those Atlantic Canada. The fund was created and personal lives around this new re- Cdr Bye. “This platform will allow our who deal with homelessness, domestic to support charities across Atlantic ality, but what if you don’t have a place Defence community to give through abuse, poverty and mental illness. Canada who were (and are) on the to call home? payroll deduction, credit card or Historically, one of the ways our front lines and looking to expand “With job losses and social distanc- PayPal, and is a secure, convenient Defence community has been able to their services to vulnerable citizens ing requirements due to the ongoing and simple way to give. As some of help our friends, neighbours and fellow during these challenging times, while pandemic, the housing issue in HRM our members continue working from Canadians in their time of need has maintaining a capability to offer their has certainly gotten worse,” explains home due to COVID-19, this giving been through volunteering and fund- standard/core services. Powe. “Shelters are seeing increased option is more crucial than ever.” raising during our annual National In following COVID-19 public health Defence Workplace Charitable Cam- protocols, this year’s NDWCC canvass- paign (NDWCC). The NDWCC provides ers will be trained to safely educate our Defence Team members with a direct members about the campaign and the line to donate to over 86,500 charities, ePledging process both in-person and including numerous organizations virtually, retaining a small quantity of with strong ties to Canada’s military, hard-copy pledge forms for those who so that we can help make a difference prefer that particular method of giving. in the lives of those in need. In 2019, the Our members - both military and NDWCC raised over $3.5 million for civilian - are encouraged to donate to Canadian charities. this cause, but we recognize this isn’t The 2020 national campaign is just always possible for varying reasons, around the corner, kicking off on and that’s okay. Volunteering your September 9, with the Halifax region time and skills (virtually) is another campaign set to run from September 28 impactful way to support your friends to December 4. and neighbours across the Halifax region safely this campaign season. GETTING CREATIVE WITH A Doing your own research and learning PURPOSE about the wonderful charitable organi- The theme for the 2020 campaign is zations that support our communities Apart but together at heart, an ac- is always of value as well; you’d be knowledgement of our collective efforts amazed at what these organizations to continue supporting each other and can do. our communities despite our ongoing CFB Halifax and the greater Defence need for social and physical separation. community in the Halifax region have Captain (Navy) Sean Williams, CFB A team of military and civilian Defence Team members from Canadian Forces Health been strong contributors to the NDW- Halifax Base Commander and local Services Centre (Atlantic) participate in the inaugural National Defence Workplace CC for many years, and every Base and NDWCC Champion, is closely monitor- Charitable Campaign (NDWCCC) Dragon Boat Race at Lake Banook in Dartmouth, Wing across the country supports the ing the planning for this year’s NDW- Nova Scotia on October 24, 2019. The 2020 NDWCC will look quite different than prev- campaign. The NDWCC not only allows CC to ensure we can have both a safe ious campaigns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with many events held virtually and a our Defence Team to pool our resourc- and successful campaign season. switch to ePledging. es for greater impact, it also helps to LS JOHN IGLESIAS, FIS foster a strong connection between our “As with many other events and Base and the greater Halifax region. campaigns, the 2020 NDWCC in our Kate Powe is the Relationship and demand as well as unfamiliar fac- Capt(N) Williams looks forward to local region is going to look a lot differ- Development Officer at United Way es, and currently there are only 116 building this connection virtually as ent due to the realities of the pandemic, Halifax. “For some people, the only shelter beds in HRM (down from 175 we roll out this year’s campaign, as with the majority of our events and food they may get that day is from a pre-COVID-19), which fill to capacity it will be different than anything our engagements conducted virtually,” food bank, the only social connection most nights. Personal-hygiene mea- Defence community has seen before. explains Capt(N) Williams. “This isn’t from the programs they access, only sures, like frequent hand-washing and “Through meaningful canvassing, ju- a bad thing; it just means that Defence housing from a temporary shelter. social-distancing, are hard to practice nior personnel engagement, leveraging Team members are going to have to Charities provide vulnerable people in the city’s crowded shelters. For this the creativity of our members through think outside the box and come up – such as youth, seniors, and people reason, now is the time to bring this virtual events, and exploring the new with new and innovative ways to raise struggling with poverty, addictions, issue to the forefront, as staying home e-pledging capability, I’m confident funds and awareness. I encourage our mental health – with crucial connec- - while critical for personal and public that our local Defence Team can set a members – both military and civilian, tion, nutritious food, and mental health health - is not possible for everyone.” new standard for future campaigns this at all ages and ranks – to bring forth support. All of that is really import- 2020 campaign season,” he explains. their ideas and expertise to help chart ant,” Powe explains. “The needs of vul- E-PLEDGING More information on the 2020 NDW- this new course.” nerable people will continue to change So how can you plan to support CC, including details on the new throughout this pandemic, and - for United Way Halifax, HealthPartners ePledge option, will become available HELPING AT HOME some - their life circumstances have or a charity of your choice this fall, to members as the campaign unfolds. Through the 2020 campaign, Defence permanently changed.” especially if working from home? This Please follow CFB Halifax’s Facebook Team members can choose to support More than $10 million has already year, for the first time, Defence Team (@BaseHalifax), Twitter (@CFBHal- the United Way, HealthPartners, or been raised for the Atlantic Compassion members will have access to ePledg- ifax) and Instagram (@cfbhalifax_bf- any of Canada’s registered charities. Fund across Atlantic Canada, and the ing as the desired method for giving, chalifax) sites; the Trident Newspaper; Here at home, United Way Halifax, money has been able to support over 397 making it possible to donate anywhere, the MARLANT intranet splash page one of our key partners in executing charities. These funds were being dis- anytime. and more for updates. the NDWCC each year, has been focus- tributed very quickly into the commu- Cdr Ian Bye, this year’s local NDW- ing its efforts on raising funds for the nity as the funds were coming in. CC Coordinator and the CFB Halifax Atlantic Compassion Fund, as well as United Way Halifax’s No Home Cam- Base Administration Commanding Of-
4 TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 NTDC(A) a vital part of Campus Atlantic By Lt(N) Peter Bigelow, NTDC(A) Similar to the well documented and (NPTG), a headquarters located on the for a NWO to learn how to drive ships; historic phoenix, out of the ashes of Pacific coast. Technically, despite the now Bosns can learn to drive a RHIB CFNOS rose Naval Training Develop- A standing for Atlantic, NTDC(A) falls without getting wet! Tools like these ment Centre Atlantic. “NTDC(A)…. under MARPAC, meaning if you’ve not only allow junior members to learn that’s the school right?”, somewhere out always wanted a West Coast posting a dangerous skill in a safe environment there LCdr Lowe, Deputy Commanding but you can’t stand the low taxes, nice but it adds more opportunity as well. It Officer, is pulling her hair out while weather and higher PLD that normally is one more RHIB that can be used in screaming “It’s not a school!!” comes with it, there is a unit for you! order to develop driving skills except NTDC(A) was established in 2016, af- All joking aside, NTDC(A) essentially it is not at the mercy of bad weather or ter CFNOS ceased to exist and Campus focuses on one thing; training. We de- mechanical issues. Atlantic was stood up. Campus Atlantic velop training not only in form of Qual- Finally, the future is here with 3D became comprised of NTDC(A) and ification Standard and Plans (QSPs) printing! Inside the confines of S15 lies Naval Fleet School (Atlantic) (NFS(A)). but also training aides such as videos, a wide range of technological relics In addition, Pacific counterparts were virtual reality (VR) simulation and the and advancements. Need an engine also created, appropriately known as magic of 3D printing. We are constantly piece printed out to demonstrate all the NTDC(P) and NFS(P), as well the Naval striving to improve today’s training. components? We can do it! Need some Reserve school became the NFS(Q). The military tradition of creating realistic models of ships created to ex- This was all outlined in the RCN’s fine, educational videos dates back to plain ROR scenarios? No problem! Future Naval Training System Strate- classics such as In Through the Out So what does this mean for everyone? gy, which is a document that describes Door and it continues here at NTD- It means that now there is an organi- the coordinated approach to the devel- C(A) within the Learning Support zation, independent from the schools, opment and support of a future tech- Centre (LSC). Now at our fingertips is aka NFSs, which focuses on developing nologically enabled, integrated Naval an entire lab filled with professionals and improving training. Constantly Training System. The organizations dedicated to making new, high quality modernizing training through creating have a strong relationship with each videos and graphics to help demon- 3D printed models, VR simulations other but remain independent. strate various lessons. Think of it like and demonstrative videos are all in a So what is NTDC(A) exactly and we are building a YouTube tutorial vid- day’s work to make sure that training what does it actually do? It is a ques- eo library. Hollywood would come and has the best tools to ensure the RCN tion that everyone seems to have these pillage the squad in LSC if they knew generates the superior sailors that our days, especially those who see it on the caliber of work they are capable of! Navy needs. their posting message. NTDC(A) falls We also now have several VR simu- In the words of national icon, Ryan under Naval Personnel Training Group lators. No longer is the simulator just Reynolds, “You’re welcome, Canada!” NTDC(A) has several virtual reality simulators that are valuable Lt(N) Oleg Lyubenko works on the construction of a 3D model. in delivering training. SUBMITTED SUBMITTED Stadacona Band musicians play for L’Arche residents Throwback: On July 30, the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy’s brass quintet, led by PO2 Tim Elson, treated the staff and residents at L’Arche Halifax to a physically-distant outdoor performance. L’Arche Halifax is a home for adults living with intellectual disabilities, and is located just down the road from CFB Halifax’s Stadacona property. The entire CFB Halifax community recognizes the difficulties faced by our neighbours at L’Arche over the past number of months due to COVID-19, and we hope that the beautiful music of the Stadacona Band helped to brighten up their day! Many thanks to the brass quintet for lending its talents to this important opportunity. SUBMITTED
TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 5 RCN Rank Change Initiative poll results and Rank Designation change decision By VAdm Art McDonald, Commander Royal Canadian Navy Shipmates, thank you for partici- prides itself on striving to continuous- for not only WHAT amazing things we this process unfolds. pating so enthusiastically in our poll ly evolve in-step with the nation and accomplish but equally so for HOW we Before I conclude, shipmates, I’d be seeking your advice with regards to which merits our recent recognition do so – for HOW we conduct ourselves remiss if I didn’t also take this opportu- more gender inclusive rank designa- as one of Canada’s top employers – the … for WHO we are. nity to share that the poll and accom- tions for the English rank titles of our Service you would encourage your Shipmates, having shared with you panying dialogue has revealed that we most junior sailors. Having launched family and friends to join, knowing it these important thoughts about the continue to have prejudices and hate in the initiative, it was incredibly import- to be striving to be diverse, inclusive dialogue we’ve been having as a result our ranks – as heartbreaking as that is ant to me, as your Admiral, to hear and welcoming! Certainly, as it has of the initiative, let me now share with for the vast majority of you and for me. from you – currently serving as well been discussed, this is essential if you some results. Despite the fact that the overwhelming as retired members – and interested we are to attract our reliefs, the next Having contemplated all of this majority of polling votes and discus- Canadians from across the country be- Watch. Do not, however, misconstrue advice, I share that I welcome and sion applauded or criticized the initia- fore I direct adoption of a way forward. our intent. This initiative – just one celebrate the strong endorsement for tive in a constructive and respectful Your participation via almost 18,000 element in our evergreen efforts to this change (>75%) expressed. This way, as you heard via a compelling 24 responses, of which some 30% included address the inevitable organizational demonstrates that ours is indeed a July response statement from Deputy write-in/commentary, delivered exact- and behavioural inconsistencies that modern Service that prides itself on Commander RCN so too were there in- ly what was needed. I was especially we’ll experience as we adapt our cul- continuously evolving in-step with the appropriate, hurtful views and harmful appreciative of the overwhelming ture in response to the ever-evolving nation and which is living-up to its expressions amongst the results. In participation by the junior ranks who international and domestic contexts in recent recognition as one of Canada’s response, let me be clear: such negative will be most impacted by the change. which we live and operate – is about far top employers. Additionally, I share and in some cases illegal sentiments I appreciate as well that the initiative more than attraction and recruiting. that my decision as to the selected and expressions are unequivocally prompted us to have a frank and pas- As we’ve been discussing, at its essence option was profoundly shaped by the unacceptable. Further, those embrac- sionate discussion about not only the this initiative is about nothing less clear preference of our junior ranks ing them are not welcome in the RCN/ choices, but also the reasons behind than ensuring that our Navy strives for sailor classes. Further, it’s conve- CAF where we have zero tolerance this undertaking. Beyond the polling to keep pace with the society we serve nient that such an approach aligns for racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic there has been an impressive deck- so as to remain exactly the Service with extant designations in French. and discriminatory behaviours of any plate conversation in cubicles, offices, that Canadians want to represent As a result, I am incredibly pleased kind in our ranks. So, for those who shops, flats and messes – everywhere, them in the world’s darkest corners and excited to announce that the En- contributed such – and you know who including virtually! What we have been when principles and values matter. glish designation of our junior ranks you are – do the right thing and iden- discussing is our culture. We’ve been And, WHY now? Obviously this initia- will shortly be known as Sailor Third tify yourself to your superiors so that discussing who we are. Obviously, I tive, as significant as it is given the im- Class (formerly Ordinary Seaman), we can get you the help you need to encourage this reflection to continue portance we assign to the titles and ves- Sailor Second Class (formerly Able identify and overcome your biases and – the introspection and dialogue being tiges that define us, is but an element of Seaman), Sailor First Class (formerly prejudices or help you leave the Navy foundational to a vibrant, appropriate an enduring effort to remain a proud, Leading Seaman) and Master Sailor whose modern culture you obviously and ever-evolving naval/force cul- capable and modern Service. Yet, argu- (formerly Master Seaman). All will be do not share. Remember: We aspire ture... to getting it right! Meanwhile, in ably, there is no room for deferral. An simply referred to as “sailor” (except to be a Navy in which all are treated closing this chapter of the discussion, enduring effort, especially one involv- Master Sailor, which always merits with dignity and respect as well as a I’m so proud to share with you that ing culture, can be stalled by the failure the use of the full rank title “Mas- Service that cultivates an inclusive and we have confirmed by a wide majority to incrementally effect change. This ter Sailor”) in routine conversation respectful work environment for all. In that we are broadly likeminded (>75%) is to say that, as we know, we cannot unless formality or need for speci- choosing to serve, you accept these as that this rank change initiative is long burden the next watch with what we ficity drives the more fulsome title. your aspirations for us as well! overdue, necessary, and welcomed. can and must do today. Progress needs These new rank designations will Shipmates, we have profited im- be realized on the current Watch… be effective upon the issuance of a mensely from our dialogue regarding WHY? As the dialogue has established, now … on our Watch. Through this CANFORGEN on Friday 4 September. the rank change initiative this sum- while ours is proudly a Service steeped initiative, our resultant dialogue, and At that point, as we begin referring to mer. We emerge from it with a greater in tradition – a Service which was its follow-through, we’ll make the next shipmates using the new rank desig- insight into who we are including the historically dominated by straight, cis, contribution to our broad efforts. This nations, we will have taken another in sobering reality that we all need do white males – it’s equally, necessarily, action is appropriate and timely for our incremental steps to build a more more – individually and collectively and proudly a modern service that our RCN, a Navy that is equally known inclusive workplace that appropriate- – to be diverse, inclusive and welcom- ly represents our values as a Navy, ing. More positively, we can now take Force and Nation. Meanwhile, there satisfaction in knowing that through Table 1: RCN Renaming Positions Opinion Poll (17,950) will of course be a formal process this initiative we have taken anoth- running in the background to codify er important and far from symbolic Rank Responses the change in our orders, regulations, incremental step in ensuring that the publications and forms. This process RCN remains the modern Service that OS-MS 8,260 is expected to take several years. Am- all shipmates deserve – indeed, that our plifying information will roll-out as nation deserves. Civilian 3,173 PO2-CPO1 2,209 Junior Officer 1,748 Table 2: RCN Renaming Positions Opinion Poll Results (17,950) Senior Officer 1,060 Choice Responses Other 871 Sailor Classes 7,564 Veteran 468 Sailor 4,966 RCAF / CA 154 Status Quo 2,771 Canadian Coast Guard 7 Other 2,649
6 TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 Base Commander Letter of Introduction By Capt(N) Sean Williams CFB Halifax Base Commander Hello, CFB Halifax. It’s good to be home. cesses to design, new realities to build—all of which informed and empowered with important Base in- we can do together as a united front. The enormity formation, and engage with you in a larger conver- I am incredibly humbled to have assumed com- of the tasks that lie ahead cannot be overstated, but sation around how we can make positive changes to mand of Canada’s largest military base and to be we will tackle today’s and tomorrow’s challenges our workplace and community. part of a vibrant community at the heart of my home with empathy, innovation and utmost respect for While my mandate has only just begun, the province. I grew up in Bedford, and while I have our greatest resource: our people. To this day, I am local Defence Team has gone above and beyond lived in different provinces throughout my career, continuously inspired by the people who make the to make me feel welcome here. I want to thank nothing quite compares to the kind, compassionate Defence community so rich, vibrant and dynamic. both military and civilian members for being so people and majestic natural beauty that make this I look forward to working with the diverse group of welcoming and kind from the very first moment part of the country so special. Like any military fam- military and civilian personnel who make up our I arrived. Taking command of a military base ily, I am thrilled to be back among familiar faces— CFB Halifax team; our colleagues in Defence locally; during this strange time is nothing short of a steep family, friends and colleagues—and look forward to as well as our community partners to ensure that we learning curve but your guidance, dedication and making new connections and rediscovering Nova remain steadfast in our collective goals and pre- support have made it a much easier transition. Scotia along with you. pared for whatever comes next. In the near future, I will be sharing updates So far, 2020 has been a tremendously trying year My main priority as Base Commander is to ensure regarding the next phase of our Base Business shaped by a historic global pandemic, public health a safe, welcoming and inclusive workplace where Resumption Plan; flexible work arrangements in challenges and deep economic struggles; heart- people want to work, where they feel valued and a time of back-to-school plans and the continuing breaking local tragedies that forever transformed understood, and where they continue making mean- pandemic; as well as plans for this year’s (mostly our communities; and urgent calls for justice and ingful contributions to Canadian Armed Forces virtual) National Defence Workplace Charitable institutional reform with regard to climate change (CAF) and Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) missions at Campaign (NDWCC). Moving forward, knowing that and systemic racism. We are living in an unprece- home and abroad. Ours is hard work, but it is also our present-day reality can evolve rapidly given dented time, and Defence Team members have dealt incredibly rewarding work that allows for unique the lifecycle of the pandemic and other unforeseen with much adversity and uncertainty admirably. experiences, skill building, learning opportunities events, please know that we are all in this together. In speaking with my predecessor, Captain (Navy) and relationships that will last a lifetime. Today more than ever, we are stronger together and David Mazur, and learning more about the complex In a context of pandemic uncertainties, another I look forward to embarking on this journey with set of challenges you’ve faced this year as a Defence goal of mine is to ensure that we are ready for the you all. community, as individuals and as members of this future: it is crucial to have the proper support sys- great province, I am impressed at how you have tem in place to ensure the safety and success of the It is an honour and a privilege to serve as your adapted to complex circumstances, shifting to a future fleet, the future workforce and the future en- Base Commander. “new normal” that is anything but. vironment. Additionally, as your Base Commander, While this has been a difficult period, this is also I hope to be as accessible as possible and to maintain Stay safe, stay well. a time filled with opportunities for meaningful open lines of communication. I want to hear from change. There’s new energy to harness, new pro- you and your families, knowing that you are fully
7 TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 Lettre de présentation du commandant de la base Par le Capitaine de vaisseau Sean Williams Commandant de BFC Halifax Bonjour BFC Halifax. Je suis heureux de défis auxquels vous avez fait face er un lieu de travail sûr, accueillant sente le bienvenu ici. Je tiens à remer- d’être ici, chez moi. cette année en tant que communauté de et inclusif où les personnes veulent cier les membres militaires et civils la Défense, en tant que personnes et en travailler, où elles se sentent valorisées d’avoir été si accueillants et aimables Je suis extrêmement honoré d’assum- tant que membres de cette remarquable et comprises et où elles continuent dès mon arrivée. Prendre le comman- er le commandement de la plus grande province, je suis impressionné par la d’apporter d’importantes contributions dement d’une base militaire pendant base militaire du Canada et de faire façon dont vous vous êtes adaptés à des aux missions des Forces armées cana- cette période étrange comprend sans partie d’une communauté dynamique circonstances complexes, en passant à diennes (FAC) et de la Marine royale ca- aucun doute une courbe d’apprentis- au cœur de ma province natale. J’ai une « nouvelle réalité » qui est tout sauf nadienne (MRC) au pays et à l’étranger. sage abrupte, mais vos conseils, votre grandi à Bedford, et même si j’ai vécu normale. Notre travail est dur, mais il est aussi dévouement et votre soutien ont rendu dans différentes provinces tout au long Bien que cette période ait été difficile, incroyablement gratifiant et permet de la transition beaucoup plus facile. de ma carrière, rien ne se compare réel- elle est également remplie d’occasions vivre des expériences uniques, d’ac- Dans un avenir proche, je vous ferai lement à la gentillesse, à la compassion de changer les choses de façon impor- quérir des compétences, de profiter de part des mises à jour concernant la pro- et à la beauté naturelle majestueuse qui tante. Il y a une nouvelle énergie à possibilités d’apprentissage et de nouer chaine phase de notre plan de reprise rendent cette partie du pays si spéciale. exploiter, de nouveaux processus à con- des relations qui dureront toute la vie. des activités de la base, les modalités Comme toute famille de militaires, je cevoir, de nouvelles réalités à constru- Dans le contexte d’incertitudes liées de travail flexibles en cette période de suis ravi de retrouver des visages fam- ire — tout cela, nous pouvons le faire à la pandémie, je souhaite également retour à l’école et de pandémie qui se iliers — famille, amis et collègues — et ensemble, en tant que front uni. On ne m’assurer que nous sommes prêts pour poursuit, ainsi que les plans de la Cam- j’ai hâte d’établir de nouvelles relations saurait trop insister sur l’énormité des l’avenir : il est crucial d’avoir en place pagne de charité en milieu de travail de et de redécouvrir la Nouvelle-Écosse tâches qui nous attendent, mais nous un système de soutien adéquat pour la Défense nationale (CCMTDN) (princi- avec vous. relèverons les défis d’aujourd’hui et de garantir la sécurité et le succès de la palement virtuelle) de cette année. Dans Jusqu’à présent, 2020 a été une année demain avec empathie, innovation et future flotte, de la future main-d’œuvre l’avenir, sachant que notre réalité ac- extrêmement éprouvante, marquée par le plus grand respect pour notre plus et du futur environnement. De plus, tuelle peut évoluer rapidement compte une pandémie mondiale historique, des grande ressource : notre personnel. en tant que commandant de votre tenu du cycle de vie de la pandémie et défis de santé publique et de grandes Jusqu’à présent, je suis continuelle- base, j’espère être aussi accessible d’autres événements imprévus, sachez difficultés économiques; des tragédies ment inspiré par les personnes qui font que possible et maintenir des voies de que nous sommes tous solidaires. Aujo- locales déchirantes qui ont trans- que la communauté de la Défense est si communication ouvertes. Je veux avoir urd’hui plus que jamais, nous sommes formé pour toujours nos collectivités; riche, dynamique et remplie de vie. J’ai des nouvelles de vous et de vos familles, plus forts ensemble et je me réjouis à et des appels urgents à la justice et à hâte de travailler avec le groupe diver- en sachant que vous êtes pleinement l’idée d’entreprendre cette aventure la réforme institutionnelle en ce qui sifié de militaires et de civils qui com- informés et que vous disposez de ren- avec vous tous. concerne le changement climatique et posent l’équipe de la BFC Halifax, avec seignements importants concernant la le racisme systémique. Nous vivons nos collègues de la Défense à l’échelle base, et engager avec vous une conver- C’est un honneur et un privilège de une époque sans précédent, et les locale, ainsi qu’avec nos partenaires sation plus large sur la manière dont servir en tant que votre commandant membres de l’Équipe de la Défense ont communautaires, pour veiller à ce que nous pouvons apporter des change- de la base. admirablement bien géré beaucoup nous demeurions résolus à atteindre ments positifs à notre lieu de travail et d’adversité et d’incertitude. En parlant nos objectifs collectifs et préparés pour dans notre communauté. Restez en sécurité, restez en bonne avec mon prédécesseur, le capitaine l’avenir, quel qu’il soit. Bien que mon mandat ne fasse que santé. de vaisseau David Mazur, et en décou- Ma principale priorité en tant que commencer, l’Équipe de la Défense vrant davantage l’ensemble complexe commandant de la base est d’assur- locale s’est surpassée pour que je me Face of the Face of Base: Devin the Base: Munro Jennifer Meet our newest Face of Base: Devin Munro. Devin has worked as the Unit Training Officer for Base Executive Denty Services since 2017. Supporting a num- Today’s Face of Base is Jennifer ber of training initiatives for our work- Denty, Museum Director at the Naval force, Devin most enjoys connecting Museum of Halifax. Jennifer has with others in the Defence community been involved with the museum as to organize special events, such as pro- both a volunteer and staff member fessional development days. Last fall, since 2010, and assumed the Director Devin took a leave of absence to volun- role in November 2018. In her current teer with the Canadian Conservation role, she is responsible for the daily Corps volunteer service program that operations of the museum, long-term provides training, field learning and planning, fund generation and com- service project experience for Canadi- munity outreach within the CAF and an youth. This experience reinforced larger Halifax community. She hopes his belief that community-based to grow people’s awareness of the organizations can cultivate change and Naval Museum to make it one of the strengthen relationships. Back at CFB premier destinations for CAF mem- Halifax, Devin is helping to coordinate foster community engagement. bers, veterans and the public to learn our local National Defence Workplace Devin is excited and up to the and reflect on the RCN’s unique Hal- Charitable Campaign (NDWCC). Devin challenge! Thank you, Devin, for ifax history. While we love having assume her newest role - mom - in the is enthusiastic about the challenge supporting our workforce and Jennifer as part of the Base team, next month or so. Be sure to wish her ahead as NDWCC 2020 will innovate our community. we are both sad and thrilled to see well if you see her around CFB Halifax! and create new ways to raise funds and SUBMITTED her (temporarily) go, as she looks to SUBMITTED
TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 8 HMCS Winnipeg at RIMPAC By Capt Chelsea Dubeau HMCS Winnipeg PAO HMCS Winnipeg did something that if there is a positive COVID patient it er unprecedented event. Hundreds target –a remote-controlled device used many ships have done before, and can rapidly spread,” said MCpl Junkyu of Greater Victoria residents lined for target practice – the ship simulated many will do again: depart on deploy- Lee, a laboratory technician on board. viewpoints at Dallas Road and Esqui- a reaction to a surface threat, in this ment. But something was new and “The sooner we can detect the virus, malt Lagoon to watch both ships and case, a vessel closing rapidly on the different with the Aug. 1 deployment. the sooner we can confine and control their helicopters sail past with sailors ship. This unique training opportuni- For one, Winnipeg is the first ship on the situation more efficiently.” formed up and waving goodbye as they ty had operators engaging the Naval the west coast to deploy on an interna- The Biofire setup on Winnipeg is the left for Hawaii. Remote Weapons System, Close-in tional operation since the pandemic first instrument of its kind on a Hali- On the starboard bridge wing of Weapons System, and .57 calibre Bofors was declared in March, and, due to fax-class ship. Winnipeg, bagpipers played a tune to gun. COVID-19 precautions, its sailors won’t Another new piece of kit is the Naval mark the moment. It was poignant and The hammerhead didn’t stand a be able to explore the many foreign Remote Weapons System (NRWS), an emotional for some; Winnipeg sailors chance. ports of call that are usually such a big upgraded version of the traditional .50 won’t see home until December. Winnipeg and Regina are now fully part of the deployment experience. calibre machine guns on the bridge Sea Training Pacific staff are em- engaged in RIMPAC. A few days prior to leaving, all wings. barked in Winnipeg until September members of the ship’s company were “Traditionally, the .50 calibre ma- 4 to conduct Intermediate Multi-Ship tested for COVID-19 in anticipation of chine guns were crewed by a sailor Readiness Training (IMSRT). Warships their participation in RIMPAC 2020 off who was physically standing at the typically don’t go immediately from Hawaiian waters, and the follow-on de- mount and firing rounds at a target,” IMSRT into deployment, but with RIM- ployment on Op PROJECTION/NEON. said Lt(N) Adam Thomson, Deputy Op- PAC and the enhanced COVID-19 pre- The crew of HMCS Regina was tested erations Officer. “The accuracy of the cautions built into the beginning of the as well, as they are also participating weapon was heavily dependent on the program and throughout, adjustments in RIMPAC. proficiency of the operator. The NRWS were made to ensure the ship achieves Mass tests for COVID-19 is a first for has taken our traditional machine guns high readiness. Despite the rigorous the Royal Canadian Navy, but are now and mounted them on a remote-con- flex and the much beloved bong bongs, part of a new standard implemented trolled and stabilized mount that is the crew is leaning into the training, before putting ships to sea. both highly accurate, even in increased helped greatly by the mentorship of Sea Winnipeg also has a new weapon in sea states, and also eliminates the need Training staff. its arsenal: a Biofire. It’s an instrument to put a sailor outside at the mounts if Finally, on Aug. 12 Winnipeg got to do that can test for and detect bacteria and the ship comes under attack.” something not done before by a Canadi- Capt Ben Thisdel, Physician’s Assistant viruses – including COVID-19 – from Winnipeg is the first ship in the Pacif- an warship: engage a simulated surface in HMCS Winnipeg, demonstrates the samples taken on a ship. ic Fleet to be fitted with this system. threat using three weapons systems Biofire on August 7. “The ship is a confined space and New tech aside, there was anoth- simultaneously. Using a hammerhead SUBMITTED One of HMCS Winnipeg’s hammerhead targets is lowered in the water for target practice on August 10. SUBMITTED Lt(N) Tony Boston, Deck Officer in HMCS Winnipeg, simulates a boarding exercise on August 9 while wearing a non-medical mask. In a boarding, members of the ship’s company would come into contact with individuals who may put them at risk PO2 Robert Morris and SLt Phil Hopkins play the bagpipes in HMCS Winnipeg for COVID-19, thus, precautions are now built into many of the IMSRT training during the departure sail past on August 6, 2020. exercises. SUBMITTED SUBMITTED
TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 9 20 20 CA N A D I A N N AVA L Naval Captain M EM O R I A L T RUST Bill Wilson Essay Competition Scholarship The Naval Association of Canada - Calgary Branch is Canadian Naval Review will be holding its annual pleased to announce the Naval Captain Bill Wilson essay competition again in 2020. There will be a Scholarship. The scholarship is designed to encour- prize of $1,000 for the best essay, provided by the age academic study of matters relating to maritime Canadian Naval Memorial Trust. The winning es- say will be published in CNR. (Other non-winning Increased access for DND security and defence. It will be awarded for the first time in 2020. essays will also be considered for publication, sub- ject to editorial review.) civilians atis available The $5,000 scholarship military to a Canadianfitness Essays submitted to the contest should relate to the fol- centres student who is applying to, or is enrolled in, a Mas- ters program in military and strategic studies for the academic As yeara 2020-2021. we enter into new month this week, our PSP Halifax team has some great lowing topics: news for local Defence Team members, especially our civilian fitness enthusiasts! For information Beginning in September,onthehow Fleetto andapply, contact Shearwater Jeffcentres fitness Gilm-will be expanding • Canadian maritime security; services to allow for 75% capacity within each designated fitness area/room. This our at • Canadian naval policy; change in delivery will allow additional personnel to utilize the centres’ services while maintaining critical public health measures such as physical distancing during • Canadian naval issues; workouts. • Canadian naval operations; In addition to this expansion in capacity, our civilian (DND) members will now be permitted access to the Fleet and Shearwater fitness facilities effective Wednesday, • History/historical operations September 2. Appointments at both fitness centres are required for all members – both • of the Canadian Navy; Global maritime issues (such as piracy, Battle of the Atlantic military and civilian – and can be made through an online platform. Please visit the following link below for complete instructions on activating your account and booking Gala your time slot: smuggling, fishing, environment); 4f5bfee28090/ONLINE-BOOKING-GUIDE.aspx • Canadian oceans policy and issues; Shower facilities at both fitness centres remain closed at this time, so please prepare accordingly to ensure we can all remain safe while staying active! And for those who • Arctic maritime issues; remain in a work-from-home posture or prefer to work out in the comfort of their own • Maritime transport and shipping. Every home, PSPspring wetoremember continues theworkouts offer its online Battle of onthe Atlantic, the PSP Halifax Facebook page the longest continuous military campaign in the Sec- and YouTube channel. If you have any questions about a particular topic, con- Thank you for your continued understanding as our amazing PSP Halifax team ond World War. works to ensure you are provided with safe and effective health and wellness services. tact ARIANE GUAY-JADAH, BASE PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER. Save the date. On Thursday, 30 April 2020, the Na- val Association of Canada will host the Battle of the Contest Guidelines and Judging Atlantic Gala Dinner. It will be held in Ottawa at the • Submissions for the 2020 CNR essay competi- Canadian War Museum. On Friday, 1 May, NAC will tion must be received at cnrcoord@icloud. hold a national conference. com by Wednesday, 30 September 2020. • Submissions are not to exceed 3,000 words For information about the gala and the conference, (excluding references). Longer submissions see the NAC website ( will be penalized in the adjudication process. • Submissions cannot have been published elsewhere. • All submissions must be in electronic for- So you don't miss mat and any accompanying photographs, any of the action, images, or other graphics and tables must make sure you follow also be included as a separate file. us on Twitter, @ The essays will be assessed by a panel of judges on the basis of a number of criteria including readability, New Commanding Officer CdnNavalReview breadth, importance, accessibility and relevance. The decision of the judges is final. All authors will be noti- for Base Logistics And check out Broadsides, our online discussion forum On July 29, 2020, Cdr Christopher Chalmers handed over command of CFB Halifax’s fied of the judges’ decision within two months of the Base Logistics (BLog) branch to Cdr Selena Aral during a formal Change of Command submission deadline. ceremony. Capt(N) David Mazur, former CFB Halifax Base Commander, presided over the virtual ceremony. Thank you, Cdr Chalmers, for your leadership and commitment, and welcome once again, Cdr Aral. LS BRYAN UNDERWOOD, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES
10 TRIDENT NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 Back to school in the age How are you really doing? of COVID-19 By Joy Geizer, BScHP, Health Promotion Specialist By Padre Lt(N) Graeme Carruth, “And now let us welcome the New each situation. Take a moment when CLC(P) Year, full of things that never were.” - feelings of becoming overwhelmed Rainer Maria Rilke start to permeate your mind and look So here it is! The first week of tract COVID-19 than to run afoul of for something you are thankful for. school. And for better or worse the the many other hazards already out The fall was always the start of a Stretch out that thought and write it kids are back in class. It means par- there. And let’s face it, ever since we new year for me. Much more than 1 down. Then read it. Again. Tuck it in ents are a little freer to be at work if first took our child to kindergarten January. It was new clothes for school, a jar. Read others that you maybe al- they have a place to go to. It means we have been finding ways to deal school supplies, the excitement of new ready wrote. Focusing on the positives our kids can connect again with the with our anxiety for their wellbeing. friends, new teachers, new experi- releases neurotransmitters to encour- friends and classmates they haven’t So maybe we can allow ourselves ences, which all carried on with me age a feeling of wellbeing. Each day I seen since March - something we some confidence that we’ve got this. to adulthood. And then with my own find I am able to write more and more know they’ve been craving for ages. Just like we have trained our chil- children. In the CAF it is very similar. things down. Just like I can run a little Of course it’s hardly back to school dren to watch out for very deadly ve- New postings, new leadership, new further each day. as usual. There are social distancing hicles and to avoid very deadly drugs courses. Reframing experiences to ask directives to observe. People are all and to steer clear of creepy-people But, WOW! Toss in a pandemic, on- yourself what am I getting out of this, masked up. Everything has to be situations so we have also trained going state of emergency, new ways of how is this improving me, what am I sanitised many times over. Though our children to follow the social doing business, and that new append- learning here, can stem the negative speaking of sanitising - our children practices to protect themselves from age, The Mask. Suddenly September thoughts, turning it into positives. probably have the cleanest ‘kid- COVID-19. is a whole new way of life, which we This is another technique that is used hands’ in the history of the human If you are a spiritual person, you really did not have much opportunity during a challenging time early in our race! In short, while we’re enjoying a have likely encountered the prov- to prepare for. CAF life. You may have done it during measure of normal, life no doubt still erb, “Start your children off on the Developing skills in resiliency basic training, and you can do it again. feels weird. Add to that the highly way they should go, and even when seems very much like getting an It is a skill to be practiced. concerned news coverage this return they are old they will not turn from immunization. You need to be exposed If an anxious feeling won’t allow you to class has received. So let me ask it.” (Proverbs 22 vs 6). We have been to little bits of stressors, or the virus, to do any of the above, a commonly you Dr. Phil’s famous question: training them since they came into in a safe, controlled way to learn how used coping technique is the 5-4-3-2-1 “How’s it workin’ out for ya?” our world; surely we can trust that to manage the feelings and overcome technique for grounding. Stop and Perhaps you are among the fortu- some of it has sunk in. that experience, making you more pause, then acknowledge five things nate of us who have made your peace Admittedly our educators feel a resilient for the next challenge. you see around you, acknowledge four with the presence of COVID-19 and need for more and clearer measures Some folks have been able to think things you can touch around you, ac- don’t feel much bothered by your to be in place before things actually of this time as a blessing. More knowledge three things you hear, ac- children braving the uncertainties begin. But their concern reveals time for family, personal goals, knowledge two things you can smell, of school in an age of pandemic. If their commitment to making sure getting outside, working on projects and acknowledge one thing you can that’s true, then go you! But if you our children and themselves will be around the home, or enjoying long taste. You might have already thought are like many of the rest of us who safe in the classroom environment. forgotten hobbies and interests. of with something you are grateful for. feel anxious about the prospect of And while more work on this needs Others have had struggles. Feeling If your feelings are preventing your child(ren) getting too close and to be done, we can have confidence of being confined and restricted, you from finding joy and impact- personal with classmates who may that each school will be working stress over health concerns related ing your life on a regular basis, not share your level of compliance hard to minimize any risks. to potential Covid infection, de- Health Promotion can help you with today’s Corona practices then Our 2020 reality is we do live in a pressive and anxious thoughts, and navigate services that can help. you might be struggling to cope. Af- COVID-19 world. It’s not going away lack of motivation to do anything. These techniques require practice ter all, aren’t there enough dangers so we need to find ways to live well The capacity to cope is different for and intention. If you are interested for our kids without an international amid its presence. The good news is, everyone, just like our physical fitness in learning more coping techniques, disease? Certainly! But ironically we are well-practised at looking after status. One of the tenets of health pro- check out our Stress.calm and Manag- that may be the very ticket to gain- our children and preparing them for motion is small changes over time, so ing Angry Moments programs. ing a leg-up on our anxiety. the hazards of life. COVID-19, while tell me, what does that look like? Consider this: as dangerous as dangerous, is just the newest fac- One of the simplest ways is to in- “The beginning is always today.” COVID-19 is, the likelihood of any tor in our child-training routine of crease resilience is to practice grat- - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley one of our children getting it is actu- readying them for life. itude and looking for the positive in ally pretty low. In other words, our child(ren) are far less likely to con- September - Embrace Life Day/World Suicide Prevention Day By Health Promotion staff On September 10, World Suicide commitment to life, so why not employ and offer support if needed. Even the stigma surrounding suicide Prevention Day is recognized around this positive framework, no matter just sending a text or an email can and not to avoid conversations the globe, to raise awareness of those where you are? Here are just a few make a difference. about suicide prevention. who have died by suicide and provide important actions that you can take on • Get involved. Attend a community support for those in need. In Nunavut, this day, as well as the other 364 days event to connect with the people brace-life-day-activities-septem- September 10 goes by another name, this year: around you and space that you ber-8-9-10-2018/ Embrace Life Day. This Northern live in. territory has the highest rates of sui- • Make plans. Go out and do some- • Volunteer or donate. Seek out a cide in Canada, and if it were its own thing fun with your friends or fam- local cause that helps vulnerable Suicide_in_Canada country, would rank second world- ily to strengthen your relationship. populations and find out how you wide. Embrace Life Day is focused on • Check in. Let your loved ones can make a contribution celebrating our bonds and making a know that you’re thinking of them, • Raise awareness. Vow to challenge
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