HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa

Page created by Dan Lawson
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com              June 2020

        A new club making a big difference
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
Editor                    Sarah van Heerden
Administration            Sharon Robertson

Chairman  Gerald Sieberhagen
Directors Greg Cryer
		Andy Gray
		Peter Hugo
		Natty Moodley
		Annemarie Mostert
		Lee-Ann Shearing

  Rotary in Africa
  Reg. No. 71/04840/08
  (incorp. association not for
  PBO No: 18/13/13/3091
  Registered at the GPO as a

Design & Layout           Rotary in Africa

Printers                  Roc Media

  Sharon Robertson
  Sarah van Heerden
  Tariff card on request at

Subscriptions Sharon Robertson

Contributions             rotaryafrica@mweb.co.za

Distribution Rotary Districts 9210,
		           9211, 9212, 9220, 9350,
		           9370 and 9400
		           (Southern and Eastern

Contact		 Rotary Africa
		        PO Box 563
		South Africa

Telephone                 0027 (31) 267 1848
Fax		                     0027 (31) 267 1849
Email		                   rotaryafrica@mweb.co.za
Website		                 www.rotaryafrica.com

The Rotary Emblem, Rotary International, Rotary,
Rotary Club and Rotarian are trademarks of Rotary
International and are used under licence. The views
expressed herein are not necessarily those of Rotary
Africa, Rotary International or The Rotary Foundation.
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa

How is your club remaining connected during lockdown? Share the fun and innovation with us. Email

FOR YOUR INFORMATION                                  23 | Friend Power
  5 | President’s message                             24 | Exchange student to president
  6 | Trustee Chair’s message
  7 | More of a good thing                         ROTARIANS AT WORK
  8 | Convention Countdown                          26 | Hit the ground running
  9 | Public Image                                  27 | Community effort
  10 | Connecting through...                        28 | 5 000 and counting
  12 | Funding changes                              30 | From Ireland, with love
                                                    31 | Feeding learners and their families
IN DETAIL                                           32 | Equipping the frontline
  13 | New Foundation                               33 | When water returns
  14 | District Governors                           34 | Get quizzy with it
  15 | Zones explained                              35 | News ways in a new world
  16 | Up for a challenge
  17 | Golden opportunity                          AROUND AFRICA
  18 | Stay connected                               36 | Club and district news
  20 | Coping in lockdown
  22 | A century of awesomeness!
                                                                             June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 3
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
ON MY MIND                                                                                                 Sarah van Heerden, editor
                              During the last week of                people are truly valued for what they contribute and
                              May, I went around the                 not judged for how they appear. Rotarians know this;
                              world many times, all                  it is part of our organisational culture. We work with
                              while wearing my comfy                 incredibly diverse partner organisations and inspiring
                              slippers       and    never            people. We have learned so many lessons that can be
                              physically moving.                     shared for the benefit of others.
                                   I was fortunate enough                When I see the rabid thoughts shared on social
                              to be asked to speak at                media from people hiding behind devices, I am
                              two Rotary meetings,                   revolted. However, without fail, a post from a Rotarian
                              as well as to join a daily             or club pops up. It’s then that I realise that as long as
                              ‘confined chat’ group.                 there are people like us, we can pull through this. It
                                   Here I met people from            will be okay.
                              almost every continent,                    In these times, people can choose to sit back
laughed, shared and learned. We did not sit next to                  and let someone else deal with it or they can be the
each other, but we still met each other - and it was                 someone else. Yes, it gets scary, but we have ways to
great. Sure, things are different now and there is                   break through the fear, to reach people peacefully and
still a long road ahead of us, but it will be okay. We               heal the cracks that exist.
adjust and adapt and if the pages of this magazine are                   Today. This week. This month. This year. This time,
anything to go by, we will still find ways to support and            right now, is our chance to rise above the upheaval and
help our communities.                                                lead and to make sense of the chaos that surrounds
     This is an incredible organisation and what makes               us. Now, more than ever, it is time for us to stand up
us stand apart from the other community groups                       and do what we do best. Bring sustainable, lasting
around us, is that we are connected to more than 1.2                 change to our communities and the world.
million other like-minded people… and together we                        Together, we can create peace and tolerance.
hold the power of change.                                            Together, we can make sure that people are happy,
     The world is rumbling and shuddering. I don’t think             healthy, fed and educated. Together, we can set an
that by the time we reach the end of this road that                  example of friendship and acceptance that bridge the
much will remain the same as it was. But that’s alright.             boundaries of age, race, religion, gender, nationality
     Change is never easy or comfortable. We have big                and politics.
problems which need to be taken care of. We need to
start moving forward properly and foster environments                    We are Rotary and together, we will make it better!
where ethics trump populism and materialism. Where
    Thank you to the South African National Department of Health for providing information and resources to share with our readers.

4 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa

            President’s message
Dear fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends              Honolulu, we learned about the aloha spirit. Our Rotary
                                                            friends in Hawaii showed us that “aloha” means mutual
    My Rotary journey began 40 years ago when I             regard and affection. It extends warmth and caring with
joined the Rotary Club of Decatur at                                               no expectation of anything in
the age of 25 and it has brought my
family and me many unforgettable
                                         As COVID-19 reached                       return. The spirit of aloha applies
                                                                                   wherever in the world we may
moments. But nothing could have
prepared me for connecting with
                                        around the globe, we                       live. As Rotarians, Rotaractors
                                                                                   and members of the family of
the world as president of Rotary
International. My individual Rotary
                                         found ourselves in a                      Rotary, we are connected and as
                                                                                   aloha has been defined to me:
journey has become a shared
Rotary journey with each of you.
                                         world transformed.                        Our connection to one another
                                                                                   is based upon mutual respect
    All of the incredible people Gay
and I met this year — Rotarians,
                                        We have been forced                        for our differences as well as our
                                                                                   appreciation for what we have in
Rotaractors and the extended family
of Rotary — will be an inspiration
                                          to connect in ways                       common. Community is the sum
                                                                                   of individuals — individuals who
for the rest of our lives. We visited
clubs and projects from Uruguay
                                         we could never have                       have concern for one another,
                                                                                   who care, share and take
to Ukraine, from Nigeria to New
Zealand and beyond. We were
                                        imagined, testing our                      responsibility.
                                                                                       As     I    have     witnessed
privileged to criss-cross the globe,
circumnavigating it twice and moving
                                           ability to adapt.                       the members of the Rotary
                                                                                   community act to care for
back and forth between the Northern                                                humanity amid the coronavirus
and Southern hemispheres. Each                                                     pandemic, I have seen the
country and each stop held its own Rotary magic.            aloha of Rotary. We are indeed people of action. Every
While in Zimbabwe in March, we participated in a            day, but particularly during this pandemic, the Rotary
medical vocational training team mission with Rotarians     community has demonstrated its aloha spirit. It is a gift
from India, providing health, hope and life itself to the   to be shared and we are each a steward of this gift of
thousands who came for treatment. We also felt the          Rotary. Gay and I have been amazed, inspired and
energy of more than 300 young people at a Rotary            humbled by all of you within the family of Rotary.
Youth Symposium in Harare. What a thrill it was to be           Indeed, I would say that the last part of our shared
with these young people!                                    Rotary year was transformational. We found new ways
    This year Rotary launched our new Action Plan           to make the lives of others better, new ways to move
and I trust each club is putting that plan to use. I have   forward together. And together, we will continue to grow
been energised by the efforts to embrace the priorities     Rotary so that we may increase our gift of Rotary to our
I set for this Rotary year: engaging families, providing    local and global communities.
leadership opportunities for all ages, celebrating our          Gay and I will always remember and treasure our
history with the United Nations in its 75th year and,       year with you, our shared journey, as Rotary Connects
most significantly, growing Rotary.                         the World!
    As COVID-19 reached around the globe, we found
ourselves in a world transformed. We have been forced
to connect in ways we could never have imagined,
testing our ability to adapt. We have made tough
decisions, including cancelling club meetings, district
conferences, presidential conferences and, much to
our regret, the 2020 Rotary International Convention in
Honolulu. Together everyone is placing the public good
and welfare first, despite the loss of meetings, events
and experiences that had been planned for years.            MARK DANIEL MALONEY
    As we looked forward to the Rotary Convention in        President, Rotary International

            Visit riconvention.org for information about virtual 2020 Rotary
                          Convention events to be held in June.

                                                                                          June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 5
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
A message from
                                        The Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair
                                        Gary CK Huang
Ni hao, Rotarians!                                                  or reimburse COVID-19 activities dating back to 15
    As I write this message, the world is in the grip of            March in your district’s 2020-21 district grant.
the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to dedicate this column                   Due to your generosity to our Foundation, the
to the ways that Rotary members, as people of action,               Trustees were able to quickly approve millions of dollars
have helped and can help, and share what we are doing               for the Disaster Response Fund to make a multitude of
at the Foundation to support you.                                   disaster relief grants immediately available for club and
    Rotary has long been a leader in fighting disease               district projects related to COVID-19 relief efforts.
and advancing health. The polio infrastructure that                     As this Rotary year ends, our fight for the cause of
Rotarians have helped build is being used to counter                public health is at a critical point. We must overcome
the new coronavirus, in addition to serving countless               COVID-19 and continue to build on the many decades
other health needs. In many countries, polio volunteers             of programmes and projects of our Foundation.
have been deployed to address COVID-19.                                 If you have not already done so, please do whatever
    Rotary clubs and districts have mobilised quickly to            you can to help by making a year-end contribution to
curb the spread of the virus. In Italy, clubs in District 2080      our Foundation. Your gift has never been so important.
are raising funds to purchase ventilators and protective                When I think of Rotary members truly making a
gear for overcrowded hospitals. In Hong Kong, Rotary                difference in their communities, I remember what the
clubs have packed medical supplies, raised funds and                great Laozi once taught us about leadership: “A leader
visited public housing buildings to distribute masks                is best when people barely know he exists. … When the
and hand sanitiser. Rotary clubs in Akwa Ibom state,                work is done … they will say: We did it ourselves.” The
Nigeria, conducted a COVID-19 awareness campaign.                   world depends on us to lead and for your leadership, I
    At the Foundation, the Trustees took swift action to            will be forever grateful. Thank you for your past, present
support your work. You can use district grant funds to              and future leadership and support of our Foundation.
support local activities, such as purchasing protective
medical gear for health workers. You can repurpose
previously planned activities as a COVID-19 response

   ROTARY                         ROTARY                ROTARACT                    INTERACT                    RCCs
      AT A                         Members:                 Members:                  Members:                   Corps:
                                  1 217 072                  174 030                   336 421                  10 996
   GLANCE                            Clubs:
                                    36 118
                                                             10 996
                                                                                        14 627
                                                                                                            • Increase
                                                                                                            • Decrease

service above self
       As at 17 April 2020

The Object of Rotary                                                      Fourth. The advancement of international
                                                                          understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the                       fellowship of business and professional persons
ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and,                     united in the ideal of service.
in particular, to encourage and foster:
                                                                    The Four-Way Test
    First. The development of acquaintance as an
    opportunity for service;                                              Of the things we think, say or do:

    Second. High ethical standards in business and                        1) Is it the TRUTH?
    professions; the recognition of the worthiness of                     2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
    all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each
    Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve                      3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER
    society;                                                                 FRIENDSHIPS?

    Third. The application of the ideal of service in each                4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
    Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;                    Learn more about Rotary at: www.rotary.org
6 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
Arch Klumph Society:
     More of a good thing
The Arch Klumph Society, named for the man                welcomed 95 new members — which is a 25 percent
considered the father of The Rotary Foundation,           increase over the same period of the previous Rotary
honours Rotary’s highest tier of donors — those           year and more than the total for all of 2018/19.
who have given $250 000 or more to the Foundation.           Gifts to the Arch Klumph Society, like all donations to
   Gary CK Huang sees the Arch Klumph Society as so       the Foundation, help fight diseases such as COVID-19.
important that he has made adding to its ranks a major    They also provide clean water, save the lives of
focus of his tenure as 2019/20 chair of the Trustees of   mothers and children, support education and help
The Rotary Foundation.                                    local economies grow. To learn more about The Rotary
   From July 2019 to March 2020, the society              Foundation, visit rotary.org/foundation.

  The Arch Klumph Society honoured 30 donor couples at One Rotary Centre in Evanston last October.

  TOP 10 MEMBER AREAS*                                                                                    *As of 31 March

United States   Taiwan    India      Korea      Japan      Canada    Philippines   Australia     Brazil        Nigeria
    509          111      106         95         47         40           23          20           14             13

                                                                                          June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 7
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
Convention Countdown

           20 TO 26 JUNE 2020, FREE ONLINE CONVENTION
Now More Than Ever, Rotary Connects the World:               1am - Greening Rotary Events: Be Plastic-free,
The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention will join you             Offset Carbon, and More!
with Rotary participants around the world during a         TUESDAY, 23 JUNE
time of unprecedented challenges.                           3pm - Grow Rotary Through New Club Types
   Together, we’ll still experience the spirit of           7pm - President-Nominee Session
Rotary, be inspired by innovation, celebrate our            1am - How to Start and Manage RAGM Microfinance
resilience and explore how clubs are addressing             Projects/Cómo iniciar y administrar proyectos de
COVID-19. Experience Rotary in action during our Flag       micro finanzas RAGM (presented in Spanish)
Ceremony, witness the power of connection during
                                                           WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE
our general sessions, learn new ways to engage with
                                                            3pm - Adopt-a-River Initiative: A Rotary & UNEP
Rotary during our breakout sessions, find inspiration
                                                            Partnership Model
from our global speakers and much more.
                                                            7pm - Rotaract Elevated, Now What?
   We have never needed Rotary — and we have
                                                            1am - Disruptive Innovation in Rotary Clubs/
never needed each other — more than we do now. We
                                                            La innovación disruptiva en los clubes
hope to see you online, because Now More Than Ever,
                                                            rotaries (presented in Spanish)
Rotary Connects the World.
                                                           THURSDAY, 25 JUNE
GENERAL SESSIONS                                            3pm - How to Submit a Great Global Grant
 SATURDAY, 20 JUNE                                          Application
  General Session 1: Together, We Connect                   7pm - President-Elect Session
   3pm – 4.15pm Johannesburg/Harare                         1am - Digital Trends of 2021: Using Tech to Engage
  General Session 2: Together, We Learn                    FRIDAY, 26 JUNE
   3pm – 4.15pm Johannesburg/Harare                         3pm - Engage Young Families with Service and
                                                            Alternative Meetings
FEATURED BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                  7pm - The Rotary Brand
   All sessions presented in English unless otherwise       1am - Personal Growth Opportunities: Rotary’s
noted and simultaneous interpretation will be available     Alliance with Toastmasters
in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean,
                                                           PLEASE NOTE:
Japanese, and Chinese. The below times are all
                                                              These Live Sessions will be recorded and made
                                                          available for On Demand viewing. These were correct
 MONDAY, 22 JUNE                                          at the time of going to print but may change. For regular
  3pm - Using Virtual Tools to Engage Members             updates see: www.riconvention.org/en/honolulu
  7pm - Engaging Rotary Alumni
8 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
Public Image

ADAPT TO MOVE FORWARD                                  By Lee-Ann Shearing, Regional Public Image Coordinator
It’s hard to believe that we are in the final month        has a newly licensed vendor – Barry Hewstone located
of this Rotary year. Leadership transition events          in District 9400. Please feel free to contact him on
will take on a significantly different structure for       baza@icon.co.za for all your Rotary branded regalia.
clubs and districts this year due to the COVID-19              With most business meetings now taking place
pandemic and it will be interesting to see how             virtually through various online meeting platforms, I
innovative the investitures will be. Do share them         encourage you all to wear your Rotary pins or Rotary
with Rotary Africa (your favourite magazine), won’t        branded apparel even if the meeting has nothing to do
you!                                                       with Rotary. Be a brand Ambassador in every situation.
    June also marks the deadline for districts to be       You will also find Rotary backgrounds that you can use
compliant with Rotary’s visual standards. This means       on some of the online platforms – good to hide a messy
that every district must use the correct branding and      office or home desk if you have taken a day off from
logos as found in the Brand Centre’s Voice and Visual      housework or if your filing is piling.
Identity Guidelines. It stands to reason therefore that        As we all prepare for the new Rotary year, let us
every club should also comply and if you have not yet      celebrate our victories, learn from the challenges we
read the guidelines found in the Brand Centre on the       faced in the year past and be purposeful about what we
Rotary website, then I urge you to do so at the earliest   want to achieve in the year ahead. We need to make
opportunity. OUR BRAND MATTERS!                            a decision to be adaptable, innovative and serve our
    Consistent and clear branding should be the aim        communities in whichever way we can to build a new
of every club in every district throughout the world       and better version of the world. We can’t go back to the
regardless of language or culture. Together, we are        way things were, so it is up to us to adapt and make it
stronger. And please remember that if you wish to          the best we can. Choose to make compassion, love and
sell any items that are Rotary branded you must use        sharing the order of the day and include environmental
a licensed Rotary vendor. You will find a list of these    issues in every project we undertake. Thank you to
under Manage – Products and Services on the Rotary         all Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors and the greater
website.                                                   family of Rotary for your service this Rotary year. I
    It may also be of interest to note that South Africa   salute you all.

                                                           Our first
                                                 History was made in May when PDG Lee-Ann Shearing
                                                 became the first D9210 representative to officially join the
                                                 Rotary in Africa Board of Directors. Rotary in Africa, the
                                                 company that publishes Rotary Africa (South), had invited
                                                 Lee-Ann to join the board in an advisory capacity last year.
                                                     This year after the Rotary in Africa constitution was amended
                                                 to allow up to seven directors to serve on the board, Lee-Ann was
                                                 elected as a director. Greg Cryer, Natty Moodley and Andy Gray
                                                 were re-elected and joined Annemarie Mostert, Peter Hugo and
                                                 Gerald Sieberhagen on the board. During the board meeting that
                                                 followed, Gerald Sieberhagen was re-elected as chairman for
                                                 another term.
                                                     Rotary in Africa now has seven directors and this year,
                                                 celebrates the 93rd anniversary of this magazine.
                                                                                        June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 9
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING - A new club making a big difference - AFRICA south | rotaryafrica.com - Rotary Africa
Connecting through...

         By Patrick Coleman - Rotary Club of Luanshya (D9210)
 Rotary Governors’ Council of Southern Africa Secretary: 2019/21

Human beings are social animals. Our lives depend
on other humans. Human infants are born unable
to care for themselves. Their survival depends on
another human’s efforts.
    Remember nature videos of the miracle of birth as
the gangly giraffe or horse or hippo rises to its feet and
takes the first, tenuous steps of its young life, minutes
or hours after birth.
    Now remember the scene of human labour and
delivery rooms. The pink newborn lies still in the
foetal position and makes no attempt to do anything.
They require constant attention for the first months of
life. Even when they become somewhat more self-
sufficient, they require much more care than the puppy
who generally leaves the mother at eight weeks.
    Our youngest granddaughter is six months old.
She is beautiful! (Okay, all grandfathers say that their
                                                               Erica Coleman,
granddaughters are beautiful, but Erica really is!) In
                                                               the apple of her
spite of her angelic good looks, she is essentially
useless. She doesn’t have a job, doesn’t cook, doesn’t
                                                               eye, who will
wash dishes, she doesn’t even clean up after herself!
                                                               connect with
Her primary purpose in life at this time is to bring great
                                                               the world as
joy to parents and grandparents!
                                                               she grows and
    The good news is that, over time, she will develop
                                                               learns. Ed - We
and learn about the world around her through the filter
                                                               agree, she is
of other people. These connections to others are key
to not only her survival, but also to her happiness and
the success of her life. The people in her life will help to
determine the young lady she becomes.
                                                               connecting with
    Charles Tremendous Jones said, “You will be the
                                                               a student.
same person in five years as you are today except for
the people you meet and the books you read.”
    The fact is… We NEED people! Then we see
    These are not words that we want to hear – especially
during a month when tens of thousands of Rotarians
planned to travel from all over the world to Honolulu,
Hawaii, for our Rotary International Convention.
    Just look at the list of cancelled events:
    Rotary Peace Symposium, Rotaract Preconvention,
Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention, World Water
Summit, Rotary and the United Nations: Celebrating a
75-Year Legacy of Humanitarian Cooperation, Rotary
International Convention.
    The House of Friendship (a popular meeting place
for Rotarians) may be one of the most missed activities
of the convention. Rotary Fellowships and Action

10 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
Groups concentrate all year to present their various           When Paul Harris first invited his friends to meet,
goals, projects and activities. Fellowships that meet      they were trying something “new” for 1905. That first
during the convention will not be conducted in person.     meeting evolved into weekly, face-to-face meetings that
“Virtual” meetings are the new normal. Rotary vendors      have become normal for 115 years.
will not be able to display and market their Rotary-           Today we are communicating with friends, family and
branded merchandise – another disappointing aspect         colleagues electronically by social media platforms like
of cancelling a convention.                                WhatsApp, Facebook, Signal and ZOOM. If someone
    I wanted a new pair of Rotary socks!                   had told me in early 2020 that walking into a bank with
    Rotary District Conferences that were scheduled late   a mask covering my face was “acceptable” I would
in the Rotary Year were either cancelled or postponed      have laughed out loud. Yet, here I am walking through
(for the positive-thinking DGs). Yep! This is a very       Luanshya with my face covered.
disappointing time.                                            Sherry has weekly discipleship class with one
    Rotary International President Mark Maloney            of her students who was transferred just over 650
    Your enhanced online Rotary experience is beginning to unfold. Enjoy a
announced the Rotary Virtual Convention on 20-26           kilometres from Luanshya (an 11-hour drive in Zambia).
June. It won’t be the same, but, like so many other        Technology is wonderful!
        modern design and search functionality that’s fast and easy-to-use. Easily
experiences of the times, different is the “new normal!”
I have been invited to speak at three Rotary clubs
                                                               Rotary is not closed… Just different! We NEED each
                                                           other. We Connect By Connecting.
thousands of kilometres from home.
            manage your club’s administration functions. Gain access from
            your mobile
    Your enhanced   onlinedevice. Search
                             Rotary      for Rotarians
                                     experience          or clubs to
                                                 is beginning      to connect
                                                                      unfold. Enjoy a
      modern design    andUpdate
                            searchyour personalthat’s
                                   functionality profilefast
                                                          to and
                                                              control what Easily
            manage information
                    your club’s isadministration
                                    shared with whom.  Coming
                                                  functions.      this fall,
                                                                Gain   access from
                      all ofdevice.
              your mobile    these improvements  will begin
                                    Search for Rotarians or toclubs
                                                                     to connect
                    instantly. into oneyour
                                Update    clearpersonal
                                                 and simple
                                                                   to control what
                       informationWelcome    to the
                                     is shared  withstart
                                                     whom.of the  new this fall,
                             all of theseMY    ROTARY.
                                         improvements will begin to funnel
                                 into one clear and simple platform.
                                     Welcome to the start of the new

                                          MY ROTARY.


                                                                                       June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 11
and 36-Across’          54 End of the theme       22 Where 36-Down
                                                                                                                        home, for short         56 36-Across or                studied after
                                                                                                                                 12 Cuban years                 32-Down                     62-Across, initially

                      FUNDING CHANGES
                                                                                                                         14 Recording artist         57 Mötley ___             24 Puffiness
                                                                                                                                     Janelle                 58 Jazz singer Adams      28 Tattoo artist’s supplies
                                                                                                                                 15 Contacted via            60 Start to meter?        30 Outward bearing
                                                                                                                                     WhatsApp                61 Party giver             31 Almost infinite
                                                                                                                                 16 Exam                     62 Where 36-Across and 32 36-Across’ spouse
                                                                                                                           17 Mexican friend              32-Down met and        33 Scare
                                                                                                                                 18 ___ fire under              studied, familiarly    34 Easy victory
                                                                                                                                     (made hustle)           63 Pinto, for one         36 Health spa staffer
             At the end of May, Rotary International announced                                                                     but   not yet approved         on 1 July will still    receive the World
                                                                                                                                 19 Start of 36-Across’      64 Citrus coolers         37 Site of a Herculean battle
             that animportant change  
                                               being implemented
                                                                       to                                                          Fund
                                                                                                                                     theme  match      for  cash   contributions.
                                                                                                                                                             65 Superlative endings 38 “Understood!”
                   Grant funding for 2020-21.                                                                                21 PartContributions
                                                                                                                                          2 of the theme     to Bilko
                                                                                                                                                             66  theorAnnual
                                                                                                                                                                         Snorkel Fund       arein invested
                                                                                                                                                                                       39 Item       an overhead to
                The programme has been very successful and has                                                                   23produce
                                                                                                                                     Cat-___-tailsDDF and the         World Fund. Cash
                                                                                                                                                                (abbr.)                     valvecontributions
             grown at an incredible    pace since its launch in 2013.                                                            24inVery
                                                                                                                                          small of a grant do not. By supporting       42 Bolivianthe bear Annual
           This growth, however, means   that Rotary 
                                                                                                                                     Key below  X
                                                                                                                                              members        Down
                                                                                                                                                             can ensure a steady       44 Hair   arrangements
                                                                                                                                                                                              supply       of both
                                                                                                                                 26 Book end?                 1 On ___ (policing)      45 Quincy identifier
             demand forGlobal    Grants  to dramatically  exceed    the                                                          DDF
                                                                                                                                 27 Help
                                                                                                                                            and     World    Fund      resources      for  the
                                                                                                                                                                                       46 Fast run
                                                                                                                                                                                                  global       grant
                                                                                                                                                  2 Low-scoring tie
             capacity of the World Fund.                                                                                         29projects      that change
                                                                                                                                     Dark reddish-brown           people’s
                                                                                                                                                              3 Sticky  note lives. 49 Treasure ___
                          of this, the Trustees
                                                     of The Rotary                                                                    In addition,
                                                                                                                                 31 Salad   dressing      due4toEmail
                                                                                                                                                                          incredible   efforts
                                                                                                                                                                                ender 50          of Rotarians
                                                                                                                                                                                            Fitzgerald  and Logan
             Foundation decided
                                    that World
                                                Fund resources
                                                                  will be                                                          toingredient
                                                                                                                                         address the 5COVID-19  In the bag        pandemic,
                                                                                                                                                                                        51 Make ___ thisin (progress)
             used to match only District Designated Fund (DDF)                                                                   35Global
                                                                                                                                     CasablancaGrant     budget
                                                                                                                                                   character        has been fully53expended.
                                                                                                                                                              6 Taunt                       Q-tip, for one When
                                                                                                                                 36 2019-20 RI president 7 Colorful-sounding           55 Moistens
             contributions. This
                                   match will remain at 100 percent.                                                             the pandemic hit, Global Grant submissions                             rose 33
                                                                                                                                 38 Hoppy brews, briefly        Dodges                 56 Clapton’s “___
           The match oncash contributions to grants       will be                                                          40percent      as Rotarians
                                                                                                                                     Finish a prayer               moved
                                                                                                                                                              8 Ill temper
                                                                                                                                                                               into action. Down Sally”
             eliminated, effective 1 July 2020.                                                                                         Clubs
                                                                                                                                 41 Great           or members
                                                                                                                                           enthusiasm                   with questions
                                                                                                                                                              9 With smiles            59 6-pt.mayscores write to
                Global Grant applications that have been submitted                                                                    rotarysupportcenter@rotary.org.
     Solution on page 23

           CREATE.                                                 VOYAGE.

           SHARE.                                                  FORMATION.        DIVERSÃO.
                                                                                      LEARN.            FUN.
                                                                                                        LEARN.            FUN.
                                                                            SERVICE.            SERVICE.          SERVICE.
                                                                   DÉCOUVERTE.TRAVEL.GROW.       TRAVEL.GROW.
                                                                            LEADERSHIP.         LEADERSHIP.       LEADERSHIP.
                                                               学び。            LEARN.             LEARN.
                                                                                           TRAVEL.           TRAVEL.           TRAVEL.
                                                                            ACTION.             ACTION.           ACTION.

                                                               奉仕。 VIAJES.    SERVE. SERVICE.    SERVE.
                                                                                           DISCOVERY.    SERVICE.
                                                                                                             DISCOVERY.        DISCOVERY.
                                                                   AVENTURAS.          FRIENDSHIP.
                                                                                           FUN.          FRIENDSHIP.
                                                                                                             FUN.              FUN.
                                                                   DIVERSIÓN.          FUN.              FUN.

                                                                                                                                          Descubra um mundo novo fora da sala de aula.                            Discover a world outside the classroom through                         Discover a world outside the classroom through
                                                                                                                                          Participe de um programa intensivo de liderança que                     an intensive leadership experience that builds                         an intensive leadership experience that builds
                                                                                                                                          se baseia em técnicas de comunicação, solução de                        communication skills, teaches creative problem-                        communication skills, teaches creative problem-
                                                                                     ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE                                  ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE                                                  ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE
                                                                                                                                          problemas e maneiras de transformar o mundo num                         solving, and challenges you to change not only                         solving, and challenges you to change not only
                                                                                     LONG-TERM                                              LONG-TERM                                                              LONG-TERM
                                                                                                                                          lugar melhor.                                                           yourself but the world.                                                yourself but the world.
                                                                         Long-term exchanges build peace one young person                   Long-term exchanges build peace one young person                       Long-term exchanges build peace one young person
                                                                         at a time. Students learn a new language, discover                 at a time. Students learn a new language, discover                     at a time. Students learn a new language, discover
                                                                                                             Join the global movement of young leaders taking                      Join the global movement of young leaders taking                         Join the global movement of young leaders taking
                                                                         another culture, and live with host families for a full            another culture, and live with host families for a full                another culture, and live with host families for a full
                                                             新世代交換                                              NEWtoGENERATIONS
                                                                                                             action      build a better world. Exchange ideas with                    NEWtoGENERATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                   action       build a better world. Exchange ideas with                   action to build a better world. Exchange ideas with
                                                                         academic year. Become a global citizen. Start in one               academic year. Become a global citizen. Start in one                   academic year. Become a global citizen. Start in one
                                                                                                                SERVICE      EXCHANGE
                                                                                                             leaders in your community and mobilize your friends                      SERVICE      EXCHANGE
                                                                                                                                                                                   leaders in your community and mobilize your friends                      leaders in your community and mobilize your friends
                                                                         of more than 100 countries.                                        of more than 100 countries.                                            of more than 100 countries.
                                                             目標をもって海を渡り、異国での奉仕活動に参加し、短                       to develop    innovative
                                                                                                                Professional          solutions
                                                                                                                               development       toathe
                                                                                                                                              with      world’sUniversity
                                                                                                                                                     purpose:    most              to Professional
                                                                                                                                                                                       develop innovative    solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                                     development    withtoa the world’sUniversity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             purpose:    most               to develop innovative solutions to the world’s most
                                                             期間の滞在で新しいスキルを学びたいと思う大学生やフ                       pressing
                                                                                                                studentscommon     challenges.
                                                                                                                            and young   professionals learn new                    pressing
                                                                                                                                                                                      students common     challenges.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and young   professionals learn new                       pressing common challenges.
                                                                                                                                                             ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE
                                                                                                                skills, learn a language, and take action through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE
                                                                                                                                                                                      skills, learn a language, and take action through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE
                                                                                                                humanitarian service during short-term, customizable
                                                                                                                                                                                      humanitarian service during short-term, customizable
                                                                          Toma acción, promueve la comprensión        internacional
                                                                                                                exchanges.                                   Short-term
                                                                                                                                              Take action, build         exchanges
                                                                                                                                                                  international         immerse young people in Take action, build
                                                                                                                                                                                      exchanges.                                    Short-term     exchanges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            international       immerse young people in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           understanding,                                 Short-term exchanges immerse young
                                                                          y forja nuevas amistades alrededor del mundo.                       and make newanother
                                                                                                                                                                       around Some       live with
                                                                                                                                                                                the world.          host families for and
                                                                                                                                                                                                Develop               up make new   another
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 aroundSome      live with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the world.       host families for up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Develop                           another culture. Some live with host f
                                                                          Desarrolla tus aptitudes de liderazgo mientras                      your leadershiptoskills
                                                                                                                                                                            you while
                                                                                                                                                                                 discover others
                                                                                                                                                                                              the embark
                                                                                                                                                                                                  power on a tour or                to skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      your leadership    threewhile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      youwhile    others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           discover   the embark
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          power on a tour or              to three months, while others embark
                                                                          descubres el poder de Dar de Sí antes de Pensar en Sí                              go  to camp  for a  few   weeks.
                                                                                                                                              of Service Above Self and find out how serious     Go  on an  adventure   in          go    to  camp  for a few  weeks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of Service Above Self and find out how serious     Go on an adventure    in         go to camp for a few weeks. Go on a
                                                                          y cuan divertido es el verdadero liderazgo.                         leadership canone    of more than
                                                                                                                                                              be seriously  fun! 100 countries.                       leadership canonebe of   more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            seriously fun!100 countries.                                  one of more than 100 countries.

           Create your own promotional
           cards to showcase your youth

                 CREATE. SHARE. CONNECT.
           activities. Available now in
           Rotary’s Brand Center.

          YouthProgramsCard_RotarianAD_halfpage.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2/6/17 2:32 PM
0   | The Rotarian July 2019
                      Create your own promotional
                      materials to showcase your
_combos_v1.indd 60
                      club and its activities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5/22/19 4:10 PM

                      Available now in Rotary’s
                      Brand Center.
                      See www.rotary.org

             12 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020

                                                            Anne Botha is the CEO of The Foundation of
                                                            Southern African Rotary Clubs NPC. She is
                                                            supported by a board of directors.
The Foundation of Southern African Rotary Clubs             Rehmeyer and Grant Daly
has been registered as a non-profit company. The                The first board meeting was held on 13 February in
foundation was formed to secure the financial               Cape Town and the next step is to develop a business
support of corporate South Africa for Rotary                plan for the foundation.
projects.                                                       Most of the funding generated by the Foundation
   Last year, according to Trialogue, a consultancy         of Southern African Rotary Clubs will come from CSI
in South Africa that focus exclusively on corporate         contributions and to a lesser extent, from BBBEE Social-
responsibility issues, the total estimated CSI              economic Development and Section 18A Donations.
expenditure was R 10.2 billion which represented a five         These funds will be distributed to qualifying districts
percent increase from the R9.7 billion estimated spend      and clubs in exactly the same way as the distribution
the year before. Rotary projects and beneficiaries          from the The Rotary Foundation, through District and
harnessed very little of this.                              Global Grants. Clubs will be able to use this funding
   The Memorandum of Incorporation and name                 as their club contribution towards a Global Grant.
have been approved by the legal team of The Rotary          Administrative costs will be calculated and charged
Foundation with the stipulation that the current district   according to The Rotary Foundation guidelines.
governors of Districts 9350, 9370 and 9400 (the only            The main objective of The Foundation of Southern
executive officers of Rotary International) must be         African Rotary Clubs is to channel the vast benefits
executive directors of the company. The new foundation      of CSI spending in South Africa to Rotary projects
has nine directors - three from each district.              and beneficiaries with no negative impact on funding
   Anne Botha is the CEO of the foundation and the          intended for The Rotary Foundation.
current board members are: District 9350: DG David              Rotarians who contribute to this Foundation will
Holtzhausen, Carl-Heinz Duisberg and Ian Robertson.         not be eligible for any of The Rotary Foundation
District 9370: DG Jaco Stander, Wally Jacobs and            recognitions.
Anne Botha. District 9400: DG Maurice Stander, Daran

                                                                                          June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 13
MEET OUR 2020/21


D9210: Lucie Kasanga                                 D9211: Rosetti Nabbumba Nayenga

D9212: Patrick Obath and his spouse Theresa
Ngonyo Obath (Terry).                                D9370: Maud Boikanyo

D9350: Carl-Heinz Duisberg with his wife Caroline.   D9400: Annemarie Mostert with her spouse Hans.
14 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
By Regional Public Image Coordinator Lee-Ann Shearing
Rotary is divided into zones. Zones are further           Region 28 (District 9210, 9211, 9212, 9350, 9370 and
divided into regions. Regions are assigned districts,     9400), Region 27 and Region 26.
and districts are comprised of clubs.                        Each region has regional coordinators appointed by
    Until recently we were part of Zone 21 encompassing   Rotary International who work with the zone director,
Africa, Middle East and parts of Europe, distinguished    district and club leadership. These regional appointees
by 21A (Africa) and 21B (Middle East and Europe). As of   are there as resources to assist districts and clubs in
April 1st 2019 Africa finally became its own zone, Zone   their various areas of expertise.
22. Each zone has a director who serves on the board         The regional coordinator roles are: Regional
of Rotary International for a two-year period. Zoning     Coordinator (all membership matters), Regional
is reviewed from time to time and largely depends on      Rotary Foundation Coordinator, Regional Public Image
numbers of Rotarians.                                     Coordinator, Endowments/Major Gift and End Polio
    Until July 1st, 2019, there were 3 regions in Zone    Coordinators.
21A. Region 22, 23 (encompassing District 9400, 9370,        Each coordinator has a team of assistants to help
9350 and 9210) and Region 21. The new regions are         them.

                                                                                      June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 15
The COVID-19 lockdown has resulted in Rotary
Family Health Days (RFHD) being postponed until
                                                           contact RFHA NPC Chairperson, PDG Grant Daly on
                                                           072 071 8111 or email dalyg@hillary.co.za.
February 2021. However, this does not mean the                 This additional funding “has the potential to raise
programme is losing momentum as a Global Grant             R260,000 for RFHD 2021 which will be part of our
has been registered to support its future funding          commitment for the Global Grant application. This has
says Martin Scholtz, the southern Africa programme         the added potential to translate into an over R1m return
director.                                                  from the Global Grant application (1:4),” explained
    To help maximise grant’s funding potential and         Scholtz. “This will go a long way to securing the financial
invest in the fight against the spread of communicable     resources needed for the successful hosting of the
(including COVID-19) and non-communicable diseases,        Rotary Family Health Days in South Africa and Lesotho,
Scholtz and his team have issued two challenges to         as well as provide RFHA training to the broader COSA
Rotary Districts and clubs in Southern Africa.             community, as part of RFHA Inc’s Strategic Alliance
    The first is the 2021 Inter-District Challenge where   Country initiative.”
clubs can pledge R1 000 and districts can allocate             This is not the only grant that is being applied as
$5 000 from their DDF commitment to the Rotary             Scholtz confirmed that the RFHA Inc had “received
Family Health Day DG Challenge by 30 June 2020.            confirmation that the application for a Programme of
This additional investment will contribute to the Global   Scale grant has been received.” The outcome of the
Grant funding and help in ensuring that each Rotary        application is not known and apparently more than
club that hosts a RFHD site will be able to claim up to    60 applications have been lodged with The Rotary
R7 500 for costs.                                          Foundation.
    The second challenge is the RFHD Paul Harris               Each year, this new grant structure will provide one
Fellowship recognition. The RFHA NPC Board has             project with $2 million from The Rotary Foundation’s
secured five of these recognitions from RFHA Inc           World Fund. These competitive grants are designed
director and chairperson, Sandra McKersey, who             to respond to a need that a community has identified
donated them in the interest of raising funds for RFHA     and benefit a large number of people in a significant
NPC. These will be awarded on a first come first served    geographic area using a sustainable, evidence-based
basis in recognition of a donation of R7 500 each.         intervention with measurable outcomes and impact.
Rotary clubs or their members who are interested may
16 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020

        Clubs can nominate people for mediation training by
                    Mediators Beyond Borders
Rotary club presidents in Districts 9350, 9370 and         Mediation Steering Committee at ljmorison@gmail.
9400 are invited to nominate members of their clubs        com.
to attend specialised community mediation training.           Once the committee has received the nominations
This is part of a project that is being launched by        it will, “engage with the nominees to offer them an
the Inter-District Mediation Steering Committee. As        opportunity to obtain an internationally accredited
a steering committee in order to establish a panel         qualification in community mediation under the banner
of community mediators as part of a peace project          of Mediators Beyond Borders International, which is
to celebrate Rotary’s centennial on the continent.         supported by Rotary International,” said Mostert.
   “We look forward to creating a legacy. Our Rotary          These mediators will obtain mediation certification
legacy will be an African Mediators in Africa for Africa   by attending a multi-day online course (in English)
Vocational Training Team project. This will help in        specifically customised by the international body for
bringing peace to our continent for the next 100 years!”   Southern Africa’s community dispute resolution needs.
explained centennial chair, Annemarie Mostert. The            Rotary clubs and their members may also nominate
theme of the April 2021 celebration will be “Mediation”.   any experienced mediators, who are not Rotarians,
   The establishment of such a specialised panel           from their communities for this mediation training
dovetails with the Rotary Foundation focus area of         opportunity. Due to the social distancing restrictions
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution.                  imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic that prohibit large
   The committee is particularly interested in Rotarians   gatherings, the training will be done via virtual platforms
with close ties to the community and who have              and for logistical reasons, the initial phase is being
experience in mediation. Clubs may submit the names,       limited to Rotarians of Districts 9350, 9370 and 9400.
contact details and the number of years experience in      As soon as it is feasible, this training opportunity will be
mediation that their nominees have to the Inter District   extended further into the continent.

                                                                                           0                                     0
                                                                                    On 21 April 1921, the Rotary Club of
                                                                                    Johannesburg, the first Rotary club in Africa,
                                                                                    was chartered and so began and era of people
                                                                                    exchanging ideas and creating lasting change.
                                                                                    We call these friends, neighbours and leaders
                                                                                    Rotarians... And in 2021, we will celebrate them!

                                                                                           June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 17
Stay connected through
Rotary’s online Learning Centre
ROTARY CONNECTS THE WORLD - that is                      Kimberly Kouame, learning resources manager at
Rotary President Mark Daniel Maloney’s theme and         Rotary International.
despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19             Often, the first time Rotarians use the Learning
pandemic, Rotarians are continuing to connect with       Centre is when they are elected to a club office. But
one another and the world. Rotary’s new Action           with more than 600 courses in over a dozen languages
Plan calls on us to increase our ability to adapt -      (including more than 80 in English), the Learning Centre
and members are coming up with innovative ways           has something to interest every Rotarian.
to serve their communities and create opportunities          Here are a few to pique your interest; find them all at
for fellowship. Many clubs are meeting online for        rotary.org/learn.
the first time, re-imagining fundraisers and other
events and reinventing planned service projects.
    Rotary’s online Learning Centre has resources
that can help you stay connected to the organisation
and to one another. Instead of meeting one week, for
instance, everyone in your club might choose a topic
                                                         ¶ Is Your Club Healthy?
                                                         When your club isn’t able to meet in person, it can be a
to learn more about and then report back to the other
members. You might even decide to develop a webinar      challenge to keep members engaged. Now might be an
using Rotary tips and resources. “The Learning Centre    ideal time to assess the state of your club and ask
courses could be used for general knowledge and for      members what is working for them and what isn’t.
brainstorming, action planning and idea sharing,” says

                                                                                         ¶ Your Membership
                                                                                         Perhaps you’ve been
                                                                                         thinking about creating
                                                                                         a long-term plan for
                                                                                         membership. This is a
                                                                                         course that offers a
                                                                                         helpful worksheet and
                                                                                         step-by-step guidelines
                                                                                         for crafting a strong
                                                                                         future for your club.

                                                                                         ¶ Building a Diverse
                                                                                         In line with Rotary’s
                                                                                         focus on diversity,
                                                                                         equity and inclusion,
                                                                                         this course can help you
                                                                                         expand your club’s
                                                                                         membership to include
                                                                                         people from different
                                                                                         walks of life.

18 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
¶ Committing to
Diversity, Equity, and
This course offers a
closer look at our DEI
statement and how you
can put those values into

¶ Practicing Flexibility
and Innovation
This course guides you
through some of the ways
your club can be
innovative, with advice                                       in the world. This course will walk you through the
on subjects such as setting up satellite clubs.               century-long history of the Foundation and its role
                                                              in grant-making, supporting polio eradication efforts,
¶ Kick-Start Your New Member Orientation                      and funding the Rotary Peace Centres.
If your club has had trouble retaining new members, with
people joining only to leave a few years later, this course   ¶ Becoming an Effective Facilitator
can help. Get tips on how to make sure your new members       Develop your leadership skills for Rotary and beyond
feel welcome and engaged.                                     through this course, which guides you on how to
                                                              effectively work with a team to define and achieve
¶ All About Rotary Peace Fellowships                          objectives.
Perhaps you know someone who might be a good
candidate for a Rotary Peace Fellowship and you want          ¶ Mentoring Basics
to be able to talk knowledgeably about the programme.         Mentoring has always been one of the cornerstones of
Or maybe you would like your club to be more                  Rotary. This course identifies the traits of a good
involved. This course will give you information on            mentor and suggests some best practices to make sure
Rotary’s Peace Centres and the requirements and               your mentoring relationship is beneficial to all
deadlines for applicants.                                     concerned.

¶ Building Rotary’s Public Image                              ¶ Essentials of Understanding Conflict
Rotarians are people of action, and we want the               We’ve all had to deal with interpersonal conflict,
world to know what we are accomplishing. But how              whether the issues are small (who sits at which table
can you get the message out? This course will teach           at the meeting?) or large (what are our club’s
you how to build awareness of Rotary and its work.            priorities?). This course gives you tools to understand
                                                              different types of conflict and describes conflict
¶ Planning Your Projects: Service Projects                    management styles.
This course is designed for people serving on a club          ¶ Leading Change
service projects committee, but anyone can benefit            Change is hard, especially in a collaborative
from the ideas about how to carry out effective projects      organization. This course offers ideas on how to lead
— with tips on doing a community needs assessment             a group of people through organisational change, how
and executing the project.                                    to assess people’s readiness for change, and how to
                                                              deal with resistance to change.
¶ Rotary Foundation Basics
The Rotary Foundation is central to Rotary’s work
                                                                                          June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 19
By Regional Public Image Coordinator Lee-Ann Shearing

 The whole world has had to deal with sudden change thanks to
Covid-19 and daily routines have been interrupted and disrupted
   in ways we could not have imagined at the start of 2020.
As Rotarians, we are aware of those less fortunate who are struggling to survive and in need of food,
clothing and warmth as their income streams have dried up through no fault of their own. I applaud all
those people who are addressing these needs.
   However, there is another need which is not so obvious and that is mental health. Even the strongest can
succumb to this invisible foe and I felt that this is a subject that we need to discuss and tackle.
   Having done some research, the findings throughout seem to all agree on steps we can take and steps we can
encourage others to take, to help us through these difficult days. Here are some recommendations I have found
1.         Plan your day.                                      2.        Move more every day
    If you have been used to going to the office every            With more connections now being made online for
day, it can be a huge adjustment to work from home.            meetings we tend to be stuck behind our computer
It is essential for our identity, our self-confidence and      screens for much of the day. It is vital that we get up and
our purpose to establish regular routines. Get up at           move between meetings; schedule “activity” if it helps.
the same time each day. Believe that you are travelling        Being active reduces stress, increases energy levels,
to the office (walk around the house or the garden,            can make us more alert and can help us to sleep better.
believing that this is the route to your office). It is also   Find fun ways to increase your daily exercise – dance to
important to set aside times for movement, relaxation,         the bathroom, leopard crawl to the kitchen for a cuppa
connection, reflection and meals.                              - have some fun!

20 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
3.        Try a relaxation technique
   Meditation, deep breathing exercises, focusing on the present, painting, drawing. Find something that works for
you and practice every day.

4.        Connect with others                                are grateful for. Keep a gratitude journal or gratitude jar.
   Social distancing can make you feel isolated and          Do something just for you every day.
alone so it is important to make time to connect with
                                                             6.        Improve your sleep.
others. Staying at home, especially if you live on your
                                                                 So many people have told me that their sleep patterns
own, can feel lonely. Find creative ways to keep in touch
                                                             have changed since lockdown. Feelings of uncertainty
with colleagues, friends, family, and others to help you
                                                             and changes to daily life may mean you have more
(and them) feel more connected and supported. Explore
                                                             difficulty sleeping. There is a lot you can do to improve
ways of connecting that work for you, whether that is by
                                                             your sleep. Aim to go to bed and get up at the same
post, over the phone, social media or video-chat. This
                                                             time each day, even at the weekend if you can and try
could be anything, from sharing a cup of tea over video,
                                                             to get some natural sunlight (by opening your curtains
playing an online game together or simply sending a
                                                             and windows) where possible. This helps to regulate
supportive text-message.
                                                             your body clock which can help you sleep better. Wind
5.        Reflect and practise self-care.                    down before bed by avoiding using your phone, tablet,
   One of my mantras is be kind to everyone you meet         computer or TV for an hour before bedtime. Whatever
but also be kind to yourself. It can be beneficial to look   works for you is what you need to do.
at your successes each day and think about what you
                                                                                  7.         Talk about it
                                                                                      A problem shared is a problem
                                                                                  halved. Find someone you can talk
                                                                                  to about how you are feeling. We
                                                                                  all have times where we are scared
                                                                                  about what the future may hold,
                                                                                  worried about how we are coping
                                                                                  (or not coping) and struggling with
                                                                                  not being able to be with family or
                                                                                  people we love. Everyone is dealing
                                                                                  with something so do not be afraid
                                                                                  to talk to your friends and your
                                                                                  nearest and dearest. Some people
                                                                                  may experience intense anxiety
                                                                                  that can affect their day-to-day
                                                                                  life. Try to focus on the things you
                                                                                  can control, such as how you act,
                                                                                  whom you speak to and where you
                                                                                  are getting your information from.
                                                                                  Check on your neighbours, your
                                                                                  friends and your family. Together
                                                                                  we can get through this!

                                                                                           June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 21
Doug and his family celebrating his birthday last year.

Monday 8 June is a special day in District 9350 as        day, quite a few of these students keep contact with
Rotarians will take a moment to celebrate the 100th       Doug. Only a few months ago a couple was visiting
birthday of Past District Governor Doug Withey.           Cape Town and I believe, paid him a visit. I know that
   A Rotarian since 1969, he was president of the         while José was still alive, they visited some of these ex-
Rotary Club of Roggebaai in 1977/8 and again in the       students during their travels overseas.
mid 80s. In 1978/9 he chaired the Youth Exchange             I can honestly say that I regard Doug as one of the
committee and served as District Governor in the year     Rotarians that I’ve known to be the very embodiment
1980/1981. The RI theme for his year in office was Take   of what Rotary is all about: Service and Fellowship.
Time to Serve.                                            José was also the perfect Rotary wife, who not only
   As Doug’s 100th birthday approached, PDG June          supported Doug, but also in her own right was active as
Webber asked some Rotary friends and his family to        a Rotary Ann doing their own projects.
share their favourite Gentleman Doug anecdotes.
                                                          Rain Morgan:
District Governor David Holtzhausen:                          Doug embodies the values of Rotary in everything he
   “It is an honour to have Doug as a member of our       does – whether this was his corporate ‘life’ as Manager
District. His many years of service to Rotary are an      of Norwich Union in South Africa (he retired in 1980 after
example to all Rotarians. We in District 9350 will join   42 years of service), his service in WWII, his interest
him virtually in celebrating his 100th Birthday.”         in sport - particularly rugby, where he was actively
                                                          involved with refereeing in East Africa and South Africa.
Pieter van Niekerk:                                       He was also committed to his church and willingly took
   Doug joined the Rotary Club of Roggebaai much          up effective leadership roles in numerous committees
about the same time that I transferred from the           and organisations. However, his greatest role remains
Goodwood club in early 1970s. His enthusiasm for          that of a family man; Doug and José had four sons,
Rotary was immediately evident. The whole Withey          nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren – which
family often got involved in the various club projects.   makes for an impressive family get-together!
   As district governor he and José made a valuable           I have been fortunate to have known Doug and
contribution to our district and Doug remained involved   José since the early 1970s and observed first-hand the
on various district committees for many years. They       quiet, determined way Doug lives his values. Around
were involved in almost everything our club did, right    Doug’s 65th birthday, I asked his eldest grandson (who
down to acting in Roggebaai’s annual Christmas party      was about nine years old) what he had learnt from
plays, which used to be an annual fun event.              Granddad. He thought for a bit, then replied: “If you said
   One of Doug and José’s favourite projects was the      you’ll do something, you’d better do it well.” And this
Rotary Youth Exchange programme. Doug chaired             sums up the man: Honesty, compassion and integrity
the committee that co-ordinated this portfolio and they   in all things at all times. He also has a wonderfully dry,
hosted many Exchange students in their home. To this      clever sense of humour that goes a long way.

22 | Rotary Africa ∙ June 2020
This month PDG Lynette Stassen (D9350)
   shares her story about friendships -
 Rotary friendships. It is a story about
 how Rotary friends connected through
 opportunities provided by Rotary and
how the power of this made a difference.
    It started in January 2017. The first connection was
arranged by the Rotary Club of Vero Beach Sunrise
(D6930, USA). It was the 10th anniversary of home-
hosting district governors-elect from all over the world by
this club in Florida. During the week, the governors-elect
had the privilege of bonding during the week before the
International Assembly in San Diego began. It was there
that I met incoming Governor Prafull Sharma from Mumbai
India, whose charming wife set up a Facebook group             PDG Lynette Stassen with PDG Prafull and
for the incoming governors which we all still use to stay      Rosie Sharma. Below: One of the sites visited
connected.                                                     during the friendship exchange.
    The second connection was made in February 2020
when Rotarians from District 9350 went on a 10-day
Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) to Mumbai. Not only
did the hosts become firm friends, but they connected with
many wonderful Rotarians at their DISCON20. The pure
enjoyment of the trip included Indian cuisine and exploring
the beauty of Mumbai all while learning about and
participating in some of the cultural events. A WhatsApp
group was formed so that we could stay in contact and
continue to learn from each other.
    In April, a third connection was made through giving
in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The clubs in the
Mumbai district worked to ensure that protective clothing
was provided to the frontline helpers as early as possible.
    From the start of this pandemic, The Rotary Foundation
(TRF) put processes in place to support and expedite Global
Grants requested by districts. The Foundation waived the
compulsory 30 percent contribution from an international
partner so that the grants could be processed in the fastest
possible time. With 19 clubs in D3141 prepared to give,
the only requirement left was for an international partner
and thanks to the friendships formed, D9350 was asked
to be that partner. The grant was submitted and approved
within a week.
    The common denominator in all these connections is
lasting friendship, underpinned by respect and love for
fellow Rotarians in other parts of our world. Without Rotary
these unforgettable memories would never have been
made and we would not have been able to make as great
a difference.

                                                                                      June 2020 ∙ Rotary Africa | 23
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