Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National

Page created by Bradley Russell
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National
Festive Feasts
       at The Nest

Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips • Club Championship

            October to December 2019
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National


L A G U N A N AT I O N A L . C O M
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National
Eligible Members may have already received the official club mailing and the follow up email. The club has
curated 7 unique options described below. They are being offered at special preferred pricing reflecting
Laguna National’s recognition of your past support of the club. This special preferred pricing is only
available until October 31, 2019, after which time a market launch will occur for these membership
categories and significant price increases will be applicable.

EARLY Q2 – 2020

  Golfing privileges at both golf courses, 7 days of the week, for 5 years after your existing Membership
  Term concludes (June 2021). Social & Recreation privileges 7 days of the week.

  Golfing privileges on weekdays with the option to select Masters or Classic Course, or both courses.
  Additional golfing privileges on Sundays and Public Holidays after 1.30 pm for a fee of $100, subject to
  availability. Social & Recreation privileges on weekdays.

  Golfing privileges at single course of your choosing 7 days of the week. You may also play the other golf
  course (the one you did not select) at the prevailing Member Guest Fee. Social & Recreation privileges
  7 days of the week.

  Golfing privileges at both courses, 7 days of the week, until lease expires in December, 2040.
  Social & Recreation privileges 7 days of the week.
  (Only applicable to Members who joined before June 2012)

For your personalised consultation, and to obtain the specific pricing applicable to
your current category of Membership, please contact Senior Membership Manager
Maggie Tuya at +65 6248 1706 or maggie.tuya@lagunanational.com


    Progress viewing tours of the Hotel and Clubhouse sites will be held on
    October 20, 27 and 28 at 11.00 am and 2.00 pm.
    To confirm your participation, please contact Membership at +65 6248 1712
    or membership@lagunanational.com. Limited slots available.
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National

DR JAY-LEE NAIR                            JACK WONG                                MARK BATES
Based in Singapore, Jay-Lee is a           From caddie to coach and rules           A PGA of Canada professional, Mark
sports psychologist with Mental            guru to tournament director, there       has over 20 years’ experience in the
Notes Consulting. During her               are few areas in golf which Jack has     golf industry and is a self-proclaimed
college days in the United States          not experienced during more than a       ‘Golf Nut’ who lives, eats and
she played NCAA Division I golf with       decade in the industry. A graduate       breathes golf. Mark has dedicated
academic All-American honours.             of the University of Arkansas, Jack      his career to growing the game of
A Laguna National member, Jay-Lee          joined Laguna National as Golf           golf. His passion for teaching the
is passionate about helping young          Operations and Member Services           game and enhancing enjoyment of
golfers to achieve their full potential    Manager in 2019 after two years at       the ‘golf experience’ can only be
in both golf and studies.                  Keppel Club and a four-year stint at     described as infectious.
                                           Warren Golf & Country Club.

MARK ISLEY                                 SPENCER ROBINSON                         STEPHEN MORIARTY
Mark started his career in Florida and     Having cut his journalistic teeth        An experienced British PGA-qualified
now boasts 35 years of experience          in England, Spencer arrived in           Professional and Leadbetter Senior
in maintaining and managing high-          Hong Kong in 1984 to assume an           Certified Instructor with a proven track
profile golf courses, private golf clubs   editorial position at the South China    record of establishing, developing
and major golf tournaments. For the        Morning Post. In 2002 he moved to        and growing the Leadbetter brand in
past 27 years, Mark has made Asia          Singapore. During the course of the      new locations, Englishman Stephen
his home with extended stints in Bali      past three decades he has been a         enjoyed spells in Korea and Indonesia
and Bintan before joining Laguna           close observer of Asian sport, writing   before assuming responsibility for
National as Director of Agronomy           and commentating for leading media       the setting up and running of the
and Project Manager.                       including ESPN and Fox Sports.           Leadbetter Golf Academy at Laguna
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National
Welcome to the Family
We would like to extend a warm Lagunian welcome to the
 following new Members who have recently joined us.

            Solmaz Altin          Tomotaka Ota
             Peter Baik        Lawrence HA Pang
           James Beedle           Sean TC Peng
           Richard Broad         James Rothwell
           Chen Zhihong             Kunal Shah
        Masashi Chikahisa        Matthew Shoult
            Dev Dhiman              Uday Sinha
         Kosuke Kobatake            Daniel Tan
         Leon Koh Weijin          Masaya Ueda
        Alvin Lim Yew Huey          Jason Um
            Sharon Lim           Steven Watson
          Lim Tiong Wee         Titus Wu Songren
              Eric Low                Xu Li
          Yasuhiro Manita           Akira Yaku
             Kei Murata       Yoshifumi Yanagisawa
            Atsuo Ogaki            Sean Yokota
          Oh Kuang Eng
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National
                                   October to December 2019

10                                                                 36

                                                                   Manila Treats in Store
                                                                   Ahead of a Club trip to the Philippines, we report on
                                                                   what the Laguna National contingent can look forward to
                                                                   encountering at The Manila Southwoods Golf and Country
                                                                   Club, Sherwood Hills Golf Club and Splendido Taal Golf &
                                                                   Country Club.

Taking Care of Our Courses
In the first article of a new series, we turn the spotlight on a
Laguna National Member who is instilling in his young son
a sense of responsibility about maintaining the condition of
the Club’s award-winning courses.


Club Champions Crowned
Desmond Kim (pictured) and Edina Szalkai wrote their               What’s New in Food and Beverage
names into Laguna National’s history books with eye-               With the end of another year rapidly approaching,
catching performances to win the 2019 Club Championships           it’s time to ease into the festive spirit – with the help of
for men and women respectively.                                    Laguna National Golf & Country Club.
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National
                                    October to December 2019

 Edina Szalkai proved too strong for her rivals
 in the Ladies Club Championship.

CLUB                                              PRIVILEGE               DINING

10       Taking Care of
         Our Courses                              34   The Global Game
                                                                          50   What's New
                                                                               In F&B

12       Academy Anniversary
                                                  36   Manila’s Prime
                                                       Golfing Retreats   51   Festive Takeaways

14       On the Ball
         at Laguna
                                                  38   Bouncing Back
                                                       from Adversity     52   Signature Specials
                                                                               from our Chefs

16       Sim Shows the Way
         for Laguna Staff
                                                  40   Expanding Your
                                                       Shot Options       54   Glenfiddich Takes
                                                                               Centre Stage

PEOPLE                                            42   United Nations
                                                       Support for Open   55   Bottle Promotions

                                                       Water Initiative
20       Sweet Taste of
                                                                          REGUL ARS

24       Schoolboy Scorches                                               03   Welcome to
                                                                               New Members
         Masters Course

28       Thai Teen Trumps                                                 07   Editor's Message:
                                                                               Spencer Robinson
         Singapore Rivals

30       More Than a Feeling                                              56   Calendar of Events
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National

Executive Management Team
PATRICK BOWERS                           MARK ISLEY                         ELIZABETH TAN
Strategic Advisor to Chairman            Director of Agronomy               Director of Sales
                                         mark.isley@lagunanational.com      elizabeth.tan@dusit.com
Hotel General Manager                    SUE GAN                            MAGGIE TUYA
(Dusit Thani Laguna Singapore)           Director of Sales & Marketing      Senior Membership Manager
                                         sue.gan@dusit.com                  maggie.tuya@lagunanational.com
Club Manager                             VICTORIA OON                       STEPHEN MORIARTY
lionel.roberts@lagunanational.com        Director of Rooms                  Leadbetter Golf Academy Director
                                         victoria.oon@dusit.com             stephen.moriarty@leadbetter.com
Finance Director                         TIFFANY ONG
jintong.ng@lagunanational.com            Director of Events
Director of Golf Operations

HOTEL MAINLINE                           CORPORATE EVENTS &                 LAGUNA PRACTICE
T 6542 6888                              BANQUETS (SOCIAL / HOTEL)          T 6741 1111 (Main Line)
                                         T 6248 1782                        T 6542 2204 (Management Office)
GOLF BOOKING                             tiffany.ong@dusit.com              T 6542 2200 (Bunker Lounge)
T 6248 1777 | 778 | 779                                                     T 6542 2201 (Academy Office)
clubconcierge@lagunanational.com         CORPORATE &                        T 6542 2202 (Flightpath Café)
                                         TOURNAMENT GOLF                    T 6542 2203 (Golf Shop)
MEMBERSHIP SALES                         T 6248 1780                        practiceinfo@lagunanational.com
T 6248 1706                              regine.ubusan@lagunanational.com
                                         FOOD & BEVERAGE
MEMBERSHIP SERVICES                      T 6248 1674
T 6248 1670                              kevin.ling@lagunanational.com
                                         THE NEST
MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNTS                      T 6248 1711
T 6248 1723                              7.00 am to 9.00 pm
finance@lagunanational.com               thenest@lagunanational.com

11 Laguna Golf Green, Singapore 488047   T 6542 6888    F 6542 1132                       www.lagunanational.com
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National

       hroughout its history, Laguna
       National Golf & Country Club
       has had a rich and proud                   For the first time, Laguna National Members
tradition of staging major national and
international tournaments.
                                                  have the chance to head to Augusta National
                                                  to watch the climax to the 2020 Masters
From the Singapore Open, Caltex
Masters and The Championship at                   Tournament and see the next champion
Laguna National to the World Cup
Qualifying Tournament, Causeway
                                                  fitted for his Green Jacket.
Trophy and the Samsung Ladies
Masters and Korean LPGA Tour
Championship, the fairways of Laguna      win of his fledgeling career. He’ll also   That should whet the appetite for
National’s Masters and Classic courses    take heart from the fact that among        April, 2020, when, for the first time,
have frequently been graced by the        the many famous names inscribed            Laguna National Members have the
world’s elite professional golfers.       on the Singapore Open Amateur              chance to head to Augusta National
                                          Championship trophy are Thaworn            to watch the climax to the Masters
In 2019, the Club’s two championship      Wiratchant (1987) and Thongchai            Tournament and see the next
layouts have once more played host        Jaidee (1998), both of whom have           champion fitted for his Green Jacket.
to significant events – this time high-   gone on to enjoy illustrious careers
profile amateur tournaments at which      among those who play-for-pay.              This exclusive golf experience is
we may well have witnessed some of                                                   complemented by seven rounds of
the initial, tentative steps of young     As you’ll also read within this latest     golf – three days at championship-
hopefuls setting out on exciting paths    issue of Laguna Lifestyle, Laguna          calibre courses in the Atlanta area,
that they hope will lead to fairway       National’s 2019 male and female Club       three days at Pinehurst Resort (site of
fame and fortune.                         Championship winners have been             the 2024 US Open) and a final game
                                          crowned. Adding to the excitement          at Tobacco Road.
In May, the Masters Course was the        this year was the introduction of a
venue for the inaugural Asia-Pacific      36-hole Senior Club Championship,          As spaces are limited, those that are
Junior Amateur at which Malaysian         another first for Laguna National.         interested are encouraged to sign up
Zubair Mohd Firdaus and Korean                                                       as soon as possible. Truly, it promises
Jeong Ji-roo emerged as the Boys’         We also celebrate the first anniversary    to be the trip of a lifetime.
and Girls’ winners respectively.          of the Leadbetter Golf Academy (LGA).
                                          Located at Laguna Practice, under the
Two months later it was the Classic       stewardship of Stephen Moriarty                   Festive Greetings
Course that was in the spotlight          the LGA has quickly established itself         from Management and Staff
when it staged the 72nd edition           as one of the most popular learning                at Laguna National
of the Singapore Open Amateur             centres in Singapore.
Championship, the first occasion this
grand old, history-laden tournament       Not only do many Laguna National
had come to Laguna National.              Members like to work on improving
                                          their games, but also they enjoy
Presented perfectly by Director           experiencing new golfing challenges
of Agronomy Mark Isley and his            around the region, and sometimes a
team, the Classic Course received         little further afield.
widespread praise … as did 15-year-
old Denwit ‘David’ Boriboonsub.           In mid-November, a trip has been
                                          arranged to the Philippines where
Making up for the disappointment          a six-day, five-night visit includes
of finishing runner-up in the Asia-       rounds at Splendido Taal Golf Club,
Pacific Junior Amateur, the Thai          Sherwood Hills Golf Club and Manila
marked himself down as a star-in-         Southwoods Golf & Country Club
the-making by landing the biggest         (Legends and Masters courses).
Festive Feasts at The Nest - Leadbetter Golf Academy Tips Club Championship - Laguna National

Chastening challenges: The par-four 10th hole on the Classic Course (left)
and the par-three eighth hole on the Masters Course (right) require accurate
shots to avoid the plentiful hazards that lie in wait.
Nothing is more endangered in the modern
world than the powerful combination of hard
work toward meaningful goals joined with an
 exuberant embrace of the present moment.
                 – Old Tom Morris, a 19th-century pioneer of golf,
                 a figure of great importance in the development of
                 the game and a multiple British Open champion.
10   Club

     Taking Care of
     Our Courses

                             Yeo Teck Seng and son Nigel take pride in maintaining
               Laguna National’s courses in pristine condition. Picture by Jack Wong.
Club     11

In the first article in a new series focusing on ‘care of our courses’,
we turn the spotlight on a Laguna National Member who is instilling
in his young son a sense of responsibility about maintaining the
condition of the Club’s award-winning courses.

        ow many times have you cursed your misfortune
        when your ball has come to rest in a divot on the
        fairway or in footprints in the bunker? Or when an
unrepaired pitch mark on the green interferes with the line
of your putt?

Finding yourself in such a situation is one of the greatest
frustrations of playing golf. Yet it need not be that way.

If Members and guests took greater pride in caring for our
courses then we’d all be a whole lot happier.

Indeed, Laguna National’s Director of Agnomoy Mark
                                                                                                              Nigel Yeo repairing a
Isley and his dedicated team of greenkeepers and course                                                   pitch mark on the green.
managers are forever pulling out their hair at the lack of
respect shown to the Masters and Classic courses by a
considerable proportion of the people who get to play them.

Of course there are Members who go out of their way to
contribute to the cause and consider it their duty to ensure
that the course is in a better condition when they finish
their round than it was when they started.
                                                                              I always say to my son
Yeo Teck Seng is one such person.
                                                                              that if you take care
“I always say that if you take care of the course, then the
                                                                              of the course, then the
course will take care of you,” said Yeo, who plays regularly
at the Club with wife, Eesan Ng, and their 11-year-old son,
                                                                              course will take care
Nigel.                                                                        of you.
Ever since Nigel began playing golf, Teck Seng has tried to                   – Yeo Teck Seng
instill a sense of pride in him about maintaining the Laguna
National courses.

“I have tried to impress on him that everyone has a
responsibility to look after our courses. It’s really the very   He said: “If one of them is in a bunker and is preparing to
least we should be doing. I think the message I have tried       hit their shot, then I’ll try and get a rake ready for the sand
to pass onto Nigel is that you must lead by example.             to be smoothed over after the shot has been played.

“We are blessed at Laguna National to have two courses           “It’s not a tedious or time-consuming process ... and it
that are presented in pristine condition. It’s up to us to       helps to speed up play.” It also helps to make the game
keep them that way.”                                             more enjoyable for everyone else on the course.

According to Yeo, showing such common courtesies as              Isley said: “Thanks to Teck Seng, Nigel and all of our
replacing divots, repairing pitch marks and raking bunkers       Members who contribute to making sure that the Masters
should not slow down the pace of play.                           and Classic courses at Laguna are always in the best
                                                                 condition possible.
Whether playing alongside family or friends, Yeo is
conscious of helping out his flight-mates.                       “We greatly appreciate their efforts.”
12   Club

     Shinji Fukushima    David Bradshaw    Stephen Moriarty                           Nigel Bark

     Academy                                                  T
                                                                   he month of September marked
                                                                   the one-year anniversary since
                                                                   David Leadbetter unveiled

                                                              his unique brand of teaching at
                                                              Singapore’s Laguna National Golf &
                                                              Country Club.

     Celebrations                                             Housed at Laguna National’s state-
                                                              of-the-art Laguna Practice, the
                                                              Leadbetter Golf Academy (LGA),
                                                              a joint venture between Laguna
     Stephen Moriarty has been associated                     National and the famed instructor, has
                                                              proved an overwhelming success.
     with the Leadbetter brand for more than
     21 years, firstly as a student and then,                 Indeed, from the moment we opened
     for the last 14 years, as a coach. For the               our doors for business we have felt
                                                              overwhelming support from Laguna
     past year he has been based in Singapore                 National and its Members.
     as Academy Director at the Leadbetter
                                                              Each and every day since we
     Golf Academy at Laguna National Golf
                                                              launched, we’ve been doing our best
     & Country Club. On the occasion of the                   to assist our customers to become
     first anniversary of the Academy, Moriarty               more accomplished players, fix those
                                                              pesky slices, hooks, topped shots and
     reflects on the instant success of the                   duffs, and lose considerably fewer
     acclaimed teaching facility.                             balls at the island green 17th hole of
                                                              the Classic Course and the equally
                                                              intimidating par-three 17th at the
                                                              Masters Course!
Club    13

             Each and every day since we launched, we’ve been
             doing our best to assist our customers to become
             more accomplished players, fix those pesky slices,
             hooks, topped shots and duffs.

I’m delighted to say that we’ve            If you are yet to meet any of our team      We believe that nurturing golfers
assembled a top-quality line-up            here in Singapore, please take the          from a young age is an important
of instructors at the Academy.             opportunity to sign up for Play with        part of our job here. So much so
Currently, our team is made up of          a Pro, the Club’s monthly initiative        that in 2020 we’re planning to
Shinji Fukushima, Nigel Bark, David        that allows you to play alongside a         launch the Academy’s full-time
Bradshaw and myself.                       professional of your choice. Doing so       programme to work with student-
                                           is free for Laguna National Members         athletes by providing them with the
During the course of our first year, for   and has provided a great opportunity        most comprehensive programme in
me it’s been a pleasure to watch the       for us to meet and play with so many        the region so that they can become
team develop their coaching skills and     Members already.                            tomorrow’s superstars.
establish themselves as LGA coaches.
                                           As has always been the case, the            As we go forth into our second year, I’m
All members of the Leadbetter              over-riding mission of our Academy          excited for the further enhancements
coaching team progress through an          is to help students along their golfing     to our coaching team, to see the
extensive certification programme.         journey and assist them to find greater     continued progress of our existing
In September, we launched a new            enjoyment in this sport that we love.       students, and to meet new students
global platform called Leadbetter                                                      looking to take up or improve their
University to keep our coaches at the      We’re proud to say that we’ve already       game. We’re also hopeful that during
very forefront of the industry.            enjoyed many success stories with           the year ahead we’ll receive a visit
                                           LGA students winning competitions,          from David Leadbetter and be able to
This will be delivered by David            improving their handicaps, and              tie that in with an event for Members.
Leadbetter personally, as well as          dramatically lowering personal best
leading industry experts.                  scores along the way.                       Prior to that, I’d like to take this
                                                                                       opportunity to say a big thank you
Furthermore, to help cater to the          One of the other key areas of our           to everyone who has supported the
growing number of new golfers at           Academy is the junior programme which       Leadbetter Golf Academy at Laguna
the practice facility and offer greater    we've seen grow rapidly in these first 12   National. We very much look forward
access to students wanting to take on-     months. The LGA Kids Programme, the         to helping you enjoy the beautiful
course tuition, we’re in the process of    Advanced Junior Programme and the           game in 2020 … and for many more
looking to recruit a fifth coach before    Junior Term Programme now cater to          years to come.
the year-end.                              nearly 100 juniors.
14   Club


                                                                                               Paul Walsh (left) and Lee Sharpe (right)
                                                                                               during their visit to Laguna National.
                                                                                               Picture by Mave Liau.

     Two English football legends found time for a golf
     game at Laguna National during a recent stopover
     in Singapore.

     M                                                                                     We’re fortunate to
               ore than two decades may         “We’re fortunate to have the chance
               have elapsed since they          to play golf when we travel … and
               graced the hallowed turf         play gorgeous courses like this,”          have the chance to
     of Old Trafford and Anfield, but the       said Walsh, who plays to a handicap
     names and deeds of Lee Sharpe              of 12. “I’ve always enjoyed coming         play golf when we
     and Paul Walsh remain etched in            to Laguna National,” he added,
     the memory of followers of English         recalling an appearance at the club in     travel … and play
     football.                                  the Caltex Masters Pro-Am alongside
                                                Spanish pro Ignacio Garrido.
                                                                                           gorgeous courses
     While Sharpe was a gifted member                                                      like this.
     of Sir Alex Ferguson’s all-conquering      As a father of two young children,
                                                                                           – Ex-Liverpool star
     Manchester United squad of the mid-        48-year-old Sharpe’s golf-playing
                                                                                           Paul Walsh
     1990s, Walsh’s reputation as a goal        opportunities when at home are
     poacher soared during a productive         limited. “I played more golf when
     spell at Liverpool.                        I was still playing football,” said
                                                Sharpe, admitting that he was among
     These days, the duo are still delivering   a group of Manchester United players      “City and Liverpool will again be
     the goods – not only as pundits of the     who used to defy Sir Alex and head        fighting it out for the title,” said
     English Premier League, but also as        to the course after training, alongside   Sharpe, whose prediction was
     keen golfers.                              Paul Ince, Gary Pallister and Paul        endorsed by Walsh.
                                                Scholes, among others.
     “It’s great for us to be able to                                                     “At the moment, City and Liverpool
     come and play at clubs like Laguna         Although he remains a United              are ahead of the rest. They both have
     National,” said four-handicapper           follower and fan, Sharpe, who won         exceptional managers and so much
     Sharpe, during a recent visit to           eight caps for England, does not          strength in depth in their squads,”
     Singapore with Masters Football            believe his former team can challenge     said 56-year-old Walsh, a key player
     Asia, an organisation for high-profile     Manchester City and Liverpool for         in Liverpool’s league and FA Cup-
     ex-footballers that aims to connect        Premier League honours this season.       double winning team of 1985-86.
     passionate fans with football greats.
                   MADE SOCIAL

Take your driving range practice sessions to new heights with a tech-driven
experience through Toptracer technology. Utilising the same technology
used on televised golf tournaments to track the shots of the game’s best
players, guests can set personal objectives and improve your game through
6 different modes of Toptracer games or use it to analyse your shots on
interactive game screens and make instant adjustments on your golf
swing. Golfers and non-golfers can also set up team challenges of up to
4 players per bay whilst socialising in the comfort of each other’s company.

Toptracer Practice (Level 1) : $32 (Peak), $25 (Non Peak)
Toptracer Lounge (Level 2) : $60 (Peak), $45 (Non Peak)

Email: practiceinfo@lagunanational.com or call 6741 1111
610A Upper East Coast Road Singapore 465404    www.lagunanational.com
16   Club

     Sim Shows
     the Way
     for Laguna
                                              Benjamin Sim shows the style that took him
                                              to victory in the Staff Handicap Division.

            Some 30 members of staff were among a
            65-strong field that participated in Laguna
            National’s 2019 Member-Staff Golf Day.

               t did not take long for new staff member Benjamin Sim to stamp his
               mark at the Club.

            Sim, who took up his position as Golf Relations Officer at Laguna
            National this year, displayed his golfing prowess with an impressive
            39-point Stableford haul to top the standings in the Staff Handicap

            A low single-figure handicapper, Sim proved too strong for his rivals
            over the Classic Course, finishing two points in front of past winner
            Mamat (Muhammad Khalifah).

            As well as a Handicap Division, there was a PC Division for Staff who
            are new to the game with pride of place going to Rajasekaran, who
            finished ahead of Sivanesan Venkatraman (Raman) and Lim Shi Wen
            over nine holes.

            Using a System 36 format, David Rae took top spot among the
            Members with 39 points, edging out Mohd Majeed on a countback.
            Third place went to Chong Sek Sing with 38 points.
Club   17

                                                                                     Leading Scores
                                                                                     Member Handicap Division

                                                                                     1. David Rae, 39 points (OCB)
                                                                                     2. Mohd Majeed, 39 points
                                                                                     3. Chong Sek Sing, 38 points
                                                                                     4. Sean Peng, 37 points (OCB)
                                                                                     5. Steve Eastman 37 points

                                                                                     Staff Handicap Division
Sam Dovey powers a drive.                Mayumi Ito, Nguyen Thi Kim Hoa, Lynn Chia
                                                    and Katherine Kemp.              1. Benjamin Sim, 39 points
                                                                                     2. Muhammad Khalifah (Mamat),
                                                                                        37 points
                                                                                     3. Abdullah, 36 points (OCB)
                                                                                     4. Jono Pardi, 36 points
                                                                                     5. Evan Huang, 35 points (OCB)
                                                                                     6. Kasim Bin Ahmad, 35 points (OCB)
                                                                                     7. Dwayne Mason, 35 points

                                                                                     Staff PC Division

                                                                                     1. Rajasekaran,13 points
                                                                                     2. Sivanesan Venkatraman (Raman),
                                                                                        10 points
     Peter Lim, Vincent Cheang You Kong, George Lee and Jack Wong.
                                                                                     3. Lim Shi Wen, 9 points

     Members of staff from a variety of departments at Laguna National
     Golf & Country Club took part in the event.

     “The Member-Staff Golf Day is a highlight on the calendar for many
     of our staff,” said Lionel Roberts, Laguna National’s Club Manager.

     “Not only was it an opportunity for them to play on the Classic Course,
     but also a chance to mix with Members.

     “Our thanks go to all the Members who supported this event, by taking
     part and by providing generous donations and prizes for the staff.”

     Following the tournament, a prize-giving dinner was held at The Nest
     with a total of 60 staff in attendance. More than 50 lucky draw prizes          Evan Huang receives his prize from Mark Bates.
     were handed out.

                        The Member-Staff Golf Day is
                        a highlight on the calendar for
                        many of our staff.
                        – Lionel Roberts,
                        Laguna National’s Club Manager
Obstacles don’t have to
stop you. If you run into a
wall, don’t turn around and
give up. Figure out how to
 climb it, go through it, or
       work around it.
    - American basketball great Michael Jordan.

              Poh Yee Tiong, Desmond Kim, Sue Yap, Edina Szalkai and
     Jay Jhaveri celebrate their respective Club Championship victories.
20   People

     Sweet Taste
     of Success!

     Edina Szalkai and Desmond Kim were all smiles after
     claiming notable victories in the Club Championship.

     Edina Szalkai and Desmond Kim
                                                                                heir triumphs may have come in contrasting
                                                                                fashion, but the sense of accomplishment for
     etched their names into Laguna                                             both Desmond Kim and Edina Szalkai was
     National’s history books with eye-
                                                                          In a nail-biting finale, Kim held his nerve to deny
     catching performances to win the                                     Bryan Lim a fifth Men’s Club Championship title
                                                                          with a brilliant birdie at the third hole of a topsy-
     2019 Club Championships for men                                      turvy sudden-death play-off.
     and women respectively.                                              For her part, Szalkai was a model of consistency as
                                                                          she enjoyed a rather less stressful final-day passage
                                                                          en route to her first Ladies Club Championship

                                                                          Also in celebratory mood were Poh Yee Tiong
                                                                          (Men’s Intermediate Division winner) and Thomas
                                                                          Lim (Men’s Novice Division winner).

                                                                          To cap a memorable event that attracted a record
                                                                          field of 67 Members, Jay Jhaveri and Sue Yap
                                                                          Soh Mooi created a notable slice of history by
                                                                          topping the standings in the Senior Championship
                                                                          categories. It was the first time Senior Divisions had
                                                                          been included, adding a new dimension to what is
                                                                          the highlight on the Club’s annual calendar.

     Bryan Lim (left), Jayaditya Saluja (centre) and Desmond Kim before
     teeing-off in the final round.
People       21

                                                                                                    01. Rhee Sang-bo (left),
                                  01.                                                      02.          Jay Jhaveri (centre) and
                                                                                                        Declan Byrne were the
                                                                                                        three leading players
                                                                                                        in the Men’s Senior

                                                                                                    02. Leading Ladies:
                                                                                                        Edina Szalkai (far left),
                                                                                                        Loh Wai Fun (second
                                                                                                        left), Wendy Lim (centre),
                                                                                                        Cindy Yap (second right)
                                                                                                        and Chung Yu Young.

03. Vivek Nath strikes an
    approach shot.                                                           03.                                                      04.

04. Sue Yap extricates her
    ball from a bunker.

Mark Bates, Laguna National’s Director of Golf           Especially he struggled over the closing stretch in
Operations, said: “Our thanks to all Members             the opening two rounds, dropping four strokes over
who participated and special congratulations to          the last four holes to sign for an 80 in round one
Desmond and Edina. Both are worthy and deserving         on the Masters Course. Similar late lapses meant he
Club champions.                                          had to settle for a 76 over the Classic Course in the
                                                         second round.
“Two years ago we had less than 30 entries. We
said then that it was our aim to build the prestige      Heading into the final round over the Masters
of the Club Championship. The fact that we had           Course, Kim was tied at the top with Lim on 156 –
almost 70 entries this year is an encouraging sign –     three strokes in front of 2007 Club Championship
as was the response to the decision to add a Senior      winner Dustin Wilburn and promising youngster
Championship Division for the men and ladies.”           Jayaditya Saluja.

Five years after claiming the Club Championship          At the turn, Kim and Lim could still not be separated,
when aged 15, Kim made a welcome return to the           both covering the front nine in two-over 38. Then
winner’s circle.                                         the real drama began to unfold.

Older and wiser he may be than when he lifted the        Lim ran-up a double-bogey six at
trophy in 2014, but this success was all the more        10 to hand the initiative to Kim.
satisfying given that he’s spent the past two years      At the par-five 11th, though,
in National Service, severely restricting his golfing.   Kim handed it back when he
                                                         hooked his drive out of
“Golf has had to take a back seat,” said Kim, a          bounds en route to a
former member of the National Development                triple-bogey eight.
                                                         Clearly rattled, Kim had
Despite still striking the ball prodigious distances,    further bogeys at 12
Kim’s game, by his own admission, is somewhat            and 13 to trail Lim
rusty.                                                   by three shots                                             Desmond Kim
                                                         with five holes                                           lines up a putt.
22   People

                Special congratulations
                to Desmond and Edina.
                Both are worthy
                and deserving Club
                – Mark Bates

                                                                       Wendy Lim (foreground) congratulates Edina Szalkai.

              Now, Saluja was Lim’s closest pursuer, just one          With 108 metres to the flag, Kim launched his
              adrift.                                                  58-degree wedge high into the hazy sky. His ball
                                                                       landed 15 feet beyond the pin and spun back to
              It was the point of no return for Kim. “I had trouble    within tap-in distance. When Lim’s 25-foot birdie
              finishing off my rounds on the first two days so I       attempt failed to drop, the contest was over.
              just told myself to keep my focus,” said Kim, who
              regained momentum with a testing 12-foot downhill        “I didn’t make a single birdie in the last round
              birdie putt at 14.                                       while Desmond holed everything on those last few
                                                                       holes,” reflected a rueful Lim, who also lost out to
              The next twist came at the 15th, where Saluja’s          Kim in the Club’s 36-hole Match Play Championship
              birdie-four saw him rise to the top of the leaderboard   final in 2016.
              alongside Lim while Kim trailed by two.
                                                                       While golf will remain an important part of Kim’s
              It was then Saluja’s turn to run into trouble, pulling   life, his primary focus for now is the lecture rooms
              his drive into the trees on 16. After reaching the       at NUS where he will be studying accounting and
              green in three, he three-putted while his playing        business.
              partners both made gutsy up-and-downs for par.
                                                                       And what of his golfing future? “For now I’m going
              Despite salvaging a bogey at 17 after hitting his        to be a social golfer. But I still want to play some
              tee-shot into the hazard, Saluja’s bold bid for          competitive golf. You never quite know what the
              glory following an uncharacteristically error-strewn     future holds.”
              opening 86 was over.
                                                                       As was the case with the men, the final round of the
              But Kim was refusing to throw in the towel, holing a     Ladies Championship teed-off with two players in a
              clutch 10-footer for an unlikely par save at 17 where    share of the lead – Szalkai and Wendy Lim, both of
              Lim was unable to make a three after missing the         whom were seeking their first title after finishing as
              green left.                                              runners-up in 2017 and 2018 respectively.

              A monster drive at 18 raised Kim’s hopes of erasing      Setting out from the 10th, it was Szalkai who drew
              the one-stroke deficit, which he duly achieved           first blood with a birdie-two at the short 12th.
              courtesy of a sweetly-struck 15-foot right-to-left       Turning in 38, she extended her advantage to four
              birdie putt on the home green.                           shots with nine holes to play.

              That meant he matched Lim’s closing 77 and left the      Szalkai then stuttered briefly as Lim cut the deficit
              duo locked together on 233 after 54 holes.               to just one after 11 holes. From there, though,
                                                                       Szalkai reasserted her authority, covering the final
              Returning to the 18th for the play-off, the hole was     seven holes in even-par to bound clear and add the
              twice halved in pars. At the third time of asking,       Club Championship crown to the Ladies Match Play
              it was Kim who prevailed after producing a timely        Championship title she won for the first time late
              masterstroke.                                            last year.
People   23

Men’s Club                                      Men’s Intermediate                    Ladies Club
Championship Division                           Division                              Championship Division
233 – Desmond Kim* (80-76-77)                   261 – Poh Yee Tiong (86-91-84)        236 – Edina Szalkai (78-80-78)
233 – Bryan Lim (74-82-77)                      268 – Shahid Sen (85-87-96)           247 – Wendy Lim (79-79-89)
235 – Jayaditya Saluja (86-73-76)               271 – Olivier Magaud (85-94-92)       269 – Loh Wai Fun (87-93-89)
237 – Dustin Wilburn (81-78-78)                 273 – Hafeez A. Choudhry (88-93-92)   272 – Chung Yu Young (86-93-93)
245 – David Rae (85-81-79)                      280 – Graham Bibby (90-101-89)
                                                                                      275 – Cindy SP Yap (83-97-95)
246 – Jonathan Woodward (82-82-82)              280 – Wong Cheng Ho (87-100-93)
                                                                                      LEADING NETT SCORES
251 – Vivek Nath (82-82-87)
                                                LEADING NETT SCORES
                                                                                      212 – Edina Szalkai (70-72-70)
252 – Matthew Pollard (82-84-86)
                                                217 – Wang Wensheng (67-72-78)
                                                                                      212 – Loh Wai Fun (68-74-70)
253 – Aaditya Alok (83-86-84)
                                                220 – Poh Yee Tiong (72-78-70)
260 – Sumit Mahendra (86-88-86)                                                       217 – Wendy Lim (69-69-79)
                                                222 – Wong Cheng Ho (67-82-73)
* Kim beat Lim at the third hole of a sudden-                                         233 – Cindy SP Yap (69-83-81)
death play-off                                  227 – Shahid Sen (71-74-82)
                                                                                      242 – Chung Yu Young (76-83-83)
                                                229 – Clinton Ang (76-75-78)
222 – Jonathan Woodward (74-74-74)
227 – Desmond Kim (78-74-75)
                                                                                      Ladies Senior
227 – Vivek Nath (74-74-79)
                                                Men’s Senior
                                                                                      Championship Division
228 – Dustin Wilburn (78-75-75)
                                                Championship Division
                                                                                      LEADING GROSS SCORES
228 – David Rae (79-76-73)                      LEADING GROSS SCORES
230 – Sumit Mahendra (76-78-76)                                                       189 – Sue Yap Soh Mooi (95-94)
                                                164 – Jay Jhaveri (82-82)
230 – Bryan Lim (73-81-76)                                                            191 – See Siew Kheng (97-94)
                                                166 – Rhee Sang-bo (80-86)
235 – Jayaditya Saluja (86-73-76)               168 – Declan Byrne (84-84)            LEADING NETT SCORES
235 – Sandip Talukar (83-74-78)                 170 – Arjun Dosaj (89-81)             152 – Sue Yap Soh Mooi (77-75)
238 – Aaditya Alok (78-81-79)                                                         157 – See Siew Kheng (80-77)
                                                LEADING NETT SCORES
                                                146 – Rhee Sang-bo (70-76)            161 – Fernland Ooi (83-78)

                                                147 – Arjun Dosaj (78-69)             167 – Margaret Soh (89-78)
Men’s Novice Division                           150 – Jay Jhaveri (75-75)
                                                152 – Chong Sek Sing (75-77)
                                                153 – Nilesh Navlakha (79-74)
271 – Thomas Lim (93-90-88)
272 – Law Khim Huat (88-97-87)
286 – Francis Lee (90-102-94)

207 – Law Khim Huat (66-76-65)
208 – Thomas Lim (72-69-67)
220 – Francis Lee (68-80-72)
24   People

     Schoolboy Scorches
     Masters Course

     Top Left and Right
     Davian Tan and Matthew Pollard are congratulated on their winning
     performances by Golf Operations Manager Jack Wong.

     Bottom Right
     Ivy Song receives her prize from Director of Golf Mark Bates.

     A promising teenager and a handful                                  For Davian, who was playing off a handicap index of 22.3,
                                                                         that translated into a formidable nett score of 59 that none
     of new members made their mark on                                   of his rivals came close to matching.
     Laguna National’s Monthly Medals
                                                                         It was a fine effort from the teenager who had posted a
     during the third quarter of 2019.                                   gross 98 in the June Medal over the Masters Course and
     Pictures by Dwayne Mason.                                           whose exceptional performance has seen his handicap
                                                                         index adjusted to 15.6 for a three-month period.

                                                                         Davian, who took up the game when aged seven, is the

           roducing the round of his young life, Davian Tan              brother of 16-year-old Darryl Tan, a two-handicapper who
           captured his first Laguna National Golf & Country             has represented Laguna National in league play and who
           Club victory.                                                 won Best Nett in the Men’s Division ‘A’ in the June Medal.

     Competing in the Men’s Division ‘C’ category in the July            As players are only eligible to win one prize, the award for
     Monthly Medal, the 13-year-old schoolboy surprised even             the Best Gross in Men’s Division ‘C’ in July went to new
     himself as he carded a gross 87 from the White Tees on the          member Gareth Phillips, who marked his maiden Laguna
     Masters Course.                                                     National Medal appearance with a round of 89.
People    25

                                              M            NTHLY MEDALs
                                              July Medal                                  August Medal
                                              MASTERS COURSE                             CLASSIC COURSE
                                              (STROKE PLAY)                              (STABLEFORD)

                                              Men’s Division ‘A’                         Men’s Division ‘A’

                                              Best Gross: 78 – David Rae                 1. Steve Eastman – 39 points

                                              Best Nett: 70 – Matthew Pollard            2. Aaron Warnke – 37 points

 Steve Eastman is congratulated by            Men’s Division ‘B’                         Men’s Division ‘B’
 Cheng Xiangang.
                                              Best Gross: 85 – Brian Cook                1. Steve Burton – 40 points

                                              Best Nett: 69 – Shahid Sen                 2. Thomas Khoo – 34 points

                                              Men’s Division ‘C’                         Men’s Division ‘C’

                                              Best Gross: 89 – Gareth Phillips           1. Duncan Martin – 47 points

                                              Best Nett: 59 – Davian Tan                 2. Justin Ng – 43 points

                                              Ladies Division                            Ladies Division

                                              Best Gross: 87 – Mayumi Ito                1. Ivy Song – 42 points
 Michelle Cher celebrates after holing out.
                                              Best Nett: 69 – Sharon Kong                2. Wendy Lim – 41 points

In Men’s Division ‘A’, familiar names were to the fore in the      Song underlined the steady improvement to her game
stroke play format.                                                since joining the club this year by amassing 42 Stableford
                                                                   points to edge out the ever-consistent Wendy Lim in the
While former Laguna National Match Play champion David             Ladies Division.
Rae fired a 78 (Best Gross), Matthew Pollard continued his
excellent run of results by topping the Best Nett standings        For good measure, Song also walked off with the prize for
with a 70. He also won the prize for the Longest Drive with        the Ladies’ Longest Drive thanks to a booming 233-yard
a 270-yard tee shot at the 15th hole.                              strike on the 14th hole.

As well as winning the February Medal, Pollard was runner-         In the three Men’s Divisions, all of the winners bettered
up in March, when he also won the Mercedes Trophy                  their handicaps.
Qualifying Round.
                                                                   With 39 points, Eastman finished two ahead of Aaron
In the Men’s Division ‘B’ section, top honours went to             Warnke, who was also runner-up in Division ‘A’ in the May
Brian Cook (Best Gross) and Shahid Sen (Best Nett),                Medal.
while Mayumi Ito (Best Gross) and Sharon Kong (Best
Nett) became the seventh different winners in the Ladies           In Division ‘B’, Burton’s 40-point haul gave him a
Division this year.                                                commanding success from Thomas Khoo, while Martin’s
                                                                   tally of 47 points was four in front of second-placed Justin
Moving to the Classic Course for the August Monthly                Ng in Division ‘C’.
Medal, Ivy Song, Steve Eastman, Steve Burton and
Duncan Martin were the outstanding performers.
26   People

      01.                                               02.

     01. Nasir Kausar, Vipul Aggarwal,
         Rajeev Ahuja and Sangeet Bedi.     03.

     02. Sumit Mahendra tees-off.

     03. Andrew Lee, Gregory Gelhaus,
         Andrew McGrath and Brian Cook.

     04. Majeed Hassan lines up a putt as
         Mike Kerr looks on.

     05. See Siew Keng and Michelle Cher.

      04.                                         05.
People   27

                  06. Suzie Seow, Wendy Lim, Ivy Song and
06.                   Mayumi Ito.

                  07. Steve Eastman stayed on the right track
                      in the August Medal.

                  08. Peter Song, Harsh Saluja,
                      Sumit Mahendra and Declan Byrne.

                  09. Kavya Keshaw waits her turn as
                      Stephanie Peh prepares to putt.

                  10. Watched by Ivy Song, Wendy Lim putts
                      out on the final green.

07.   08.

09.         10.
28   People

                                                           Low Wee Jin (left) and Nicklaus Chiam (right) in relaxed
                                                           mood with Denwit Boriboonsub before teeing-off in the
                                                               final round. Picture by Singapore Golf Association.

     Thai Teen                               T
                                                    hai teenager Denwit ‘David’ Boriboonsub had
                                                    no hesitation in labelling Laguna National Golf &
                                                    Country Club’s Classic Course as the toughest test

                                             of golf he’s ever faced.

                                             “I’ve never seen a course quite like this,” said the 15-year-
                                             old student, who underlined his rapidly rising reputation

     Singapore                               with a wonderfully mature performance to emerge
                                             triumphant in the 72nd edition of the Singapore Open

                                             Amateur Championship.

                                             On a tense final day, Denwit maintained his composure
                                             to repel the twin Singapore challenges of Nicklaus Chiam
                                             and Low Wee Jin.

     A slice of golfing history was made     With a closing one-under-par 71, Denwit posted a winning
     when Laguna National hosted the 2019    four-round aggregate of five-under 283. “What a course!
                                             It’s tough, long … and windy,” said the champion, who did
     Singapore Open Amateur Championship,    not even enjoy the luxury of a full practice round, being
     the first time since the event’s        restricted to 16 holes before darkness set in.
     inauguration in 1948 that it had been   “Before the first round, I didn’t think I’d have a chance
     held at the East Coast venue.           of winning. I was thinking a top-five would be good,”
                                             admitted the teenager, who attends a Pattaya-based
                                             international school and who’s a member at Siam Country
People     29

                                                                               I’ve never seen a
                                                                               course quite like this.
                                                                               It’s tough, long …
                                                                               and windy.
                                                                               -Denwit ‘David’ Boriboonsub

Denwit Boriboonsub celebrates his success in the
72nd Singapore Open Amateur Championship.
Picture by Singapore Golf Association.

However, sticking rigidly to a safety-first gameplan,        It led to an eighth successive par and meant he could
Denwit, who will not turn 16 until February, 2020, quickly   afford to bogey the 18th and still finish three strokes ahead
worked his way to the top of the leaderboard thanks to       of Low.
an opening 68. A 74 on day two saw him drop back, but
a two-under 70 in the third round was enough for him to      Completing a good week for local players, former
regain his place at the summit.                              Southeast Asian Games team gold medallist Joshua Ho
                                                             finished fourth individually.
His plan was to try and drive the ball in the fairway and
avoid trouble. He executed perfectly, grinding out pars      With his triumph, Denwit follows in the large footsteps of
and looking to the par-fives to pick up shots.               fellow-Thais Thaworn Wiratchant (1987) and Thongchai
                                                             Jaidee (1998), whose Singapore Open Amateur
“This is my first win in a big tournament,” said Denwit,     Championship successes proved to be a springboard to
for whom success was especially sweet given that he had      decorated professional careers.
narrowly missed out on winning the inaugural Asia-Pacific
Junior Amateur over Laguna National’s Masters Course in      On the back of his win, Denit rose to 805th in The R&A
May.                                                         World Amateur Golf Ranking – a position he will have a
                                                             chance to further improve upon when he returns to the
On that occasion he had to settle for second place after     Island Republic to line-up in the SMBC Singapore Open
bogeys on 16 and 17 allowed Malaysian Zubair Mohd            at Sentosa in January, one of the rewards for winning at
Firdaus to overhaul him.                                     Laguna National.

Learning from that experience, Denwit remained calm          Speaking at the prize-giving ceremony, Jerome Ng, the
down the stretch in the Singapore Open Amateur               Singapore Golf Association’s General Manager, praised
Championship in spite of the pressure being exerted by       the host venue.
Chiam and Low.
                                                             “Our thanks go to Laguna National for staging the
Holding a slender advantage, he kept his pursuers at bay     tournament and to Mark Isley (Director of Agronomy)
with a solid par at 16 followed by a sweetly-struck eight-   and his team for presenting the Classic Course in such
iron at 17 that came to rest safely on the island green.     magnificent condition, great fairways and great greens,”
                                                             said Ng.
30   People

     How can you judge the strength of the grip you should have on a golf club?
     In the latest exclusive instructional article for Laguna Lifestyle,
     Shinji Fukshima, an Instructor at the Leadbetter Golf Academy at Laguna
     National Golf & Country Club, explains.

           here’s nothing better than a natural, free-flowing       With my students, I recommend for them to concentrate
           golf swing. It sounds so simple, yet in reality it’s     on the feeling of the index finger of their right hand (for
           difficult for many of us to achieve.                     right-handed players), from the beginning of the swing all
                                                                    the way through until the finish position.
     So, how should you ‘feel’ a golf club when you swing?
     Think about it.                                                You don’t have to use any power with this finger. But with a
                                                                    good, light grip, you should be able to feel it all the time.
     When you swing, which hand or which part of your body
     are you using to control the golf club? Is it your left arm    Once you can feel your index finger lightly on the club
     or your right arm? Perhaps it’s your shoulder. Or maybe,       shaft, you’ll find that you can control the swing. Especially
     you’re relying on your upper body. Or is it your lower body?   this applies to young children and ladies who don’t have
                                                                    enough power to swing fast.
People   31

                            With my students, I recommend for them to
                            concentrate on the feeling of the index finger
                            of their right hand (for right-handed players),
                            from the beginning of the swing all the
                            way through until the finish position.

Over the past 18 years, Shinji Fukushima has been steadily growing a
highly-successful client base in Singapore. Shinji had his first experience
of the Leadbetter Academies in 1996, working with several of David
Leadbetter’s senior coaches in Florida prior to turning professional.
After competing in mini Tour events in America, he also had success on
the Asian, Thai, Indian and Malaysian Tours. Through years of experience
as a player, Shinji’s main concepts for his students are to keep the golf
swing simple and natural, focusing on sound fundamentals and good
basic movements. Now his career has completed a full circle as a member
of the LGA coaching team at Laguna National.


         Hold a ballpoint pen in           Side view                           Top view
  1.     the index finger on your
         right hand.

         Concentrating on the
  2.     feeling of your index
         finger, take your arm back
         in a swinging motion.

         Complete the swing, all
  3.     the time noting the feeling
         of your index finger.

Having done that exercise with a ballpoint pen, now switch
to a golf club, using both your hands. You’ll be amazed at
the different feeling you’ll experience.

You’ll find also that your club position will be better
and you’ll be able to develop a more natural swing.

The Leadbetter Golf Academy (LGA) is housed at Laguna National’s state-of-the-art Laguna Practice, located at
610A Upper East Coast Road, 465404.
Strength does not come from physical capacity.
      It comes from an indomitable will.
                     - Mahatma Gandhi, Indian lawyer, politician,
                     social activist and writer who is considered to
                     be the father of his country.

                                         The sun rises at Manila Southwoods Golf & Country Club.


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Privilege   35

Be invited into a world of privileged access with your Laguna National
golfing membership.

        s an esteemed Member of Laguna National Golf & Country Club, not only do you
        and your family have privileged access to our award-winning championship courses
        and Club facilities, but also you are privy to an exclusive collection of more than 250
prestigious golf properties around the world.

This quarter, we have added a number of new reciprocal and affiliate clubs, including a quintet
of venues in the United States – the famed Walt Disney World Golf at Lake Buena Vista, Bear
Creek Country Club (Henderson), Canyon Oaks Country Club (Chico), Falls Village Golf Club
(Durham) and Gettysvue Polo Golf & Country Club (Knoxville).

Elsewhere, there have also been other notable additions to the list including Bearwood Lakes
Golf Club (England), Royal Golf La Bagnaia in the Tuscan countryside and Address Montgomerie
and Arabian Ranches Golf Club in the Middle East.

                                      HOW TO MAKE A BOOKING

      Please contact Club Concierge at 6248 1779 or email clubconcierge@lagunanational.com with your date
       of visit, preferred tee-time, choice of golf course, name of players, membership number(s) and any other
                    special requests. Club Concierge will connect you to the destination club via email.

       Club Concierge will contact the destination club, make the booking and furnish you with the appropriate
           Letter of Introduction. As many of the reciprocal/special access clubs are booked up in advance,
                            please note that reservation of tee-time is subject to availability.

         You are highly recommended, therefore, to contact Club Concierge well ahead of your travel dates so
                   they can assist in booking the club of your choice or help to suggest alternatives.

      Please do not contact overseas clubs directly as a Letter of Introduction from your home club is compulsory.

       LAGUNA AFFILIATE AND                      IMG PRESTIGE AND                            PACIFIC LINKS
         RECIPROCAL CLUBS                      SPECIAL ACCESS CLUBS

        Scan here for Affiliate and            Scan here for IMG Prestige.             Scan here for IMG Prestige.
            Reciprocal Clubs.

        We thank you for your co-operation and hope to continue making your golf journey a memorable one.
36   Privilege

                                                               Manila Southwoods boasts two award-winning Jack Nicklaus-designed courses.

     Manila’s Prime
     Golfing Retreats
     A group of Laguna National Members and guests will experience the delights
     of three of the Philippines’ best-known golfing venues when they embark on
     a ‘Manila Golf Retreat’ from November 12 –17. Ahead of their trip, Laguna
     Lifestyle reports on what the Singapore contingent can look forward to
     encountering at The Manila Southwoods Golf and Country Club, Sherwood
     Hills Golf Club and Splendido Taal Golf & Country Club.

          or more than a quarter-of-a-century, The Manila            The main clubhouse overlooks the 18th green, the 10th
          Southwoods Golf and Country Club has been at the           tee and the ninth island green of The Masters, while there
          forefront of the golf club industry in the Philippines.    is a separate clubhouse for The Legends that is generally
                                                                     used for corporate tournaments.
     Located to the south of Manila, in the city of Carmona
     and lush province of Cavite, a 30-minute drive from the         While the surrounding property includes a 2,300-lot gated
     business district of Makati, the club features two Jack         community with a Sports Club, shared by the club members
     Nicklaus-designed ‘Signature Golf Courses’ – The Masters        and residents, both The Masters and The Legends were
     and The Legends.                                                designed especially for championship tournament play.

     Spread over 140 hectares of former cane fields, they were       Indeed, throughout its history, Manila Southwoods has had
     the first golf courses in the Philippines to be sculpted by     a proud record of staging major national and international
     the Golden Bear.                                                golfing events.

     Opened in the early-1990s, the golf courses were the first      As well as hosting the Philippines Open on four occasions,
     of many constructed by the leader of golf course with           the club was the venue for the Men’s World Amateur Team
     gated community developments in the country – Fil-Estate        Championships for the Eisenhower Trophy in 1996 when
     Golf and Development Incorporated. The courses were             an Australian quartet including David Gleeson and Jarrod
     scientifically designed with the environment in mind and        Moseley claimed top honours ahead of Sweden and
     have an extensive water capture conservation system.            a Spanish team featuring a teenager by the name of
                                                                     Sergio Garcia. Singapore was represented by Douglas
                                                                     Tay Len Po, Jimmy Aw Eng Heow, Eugene Oei and
                                                                     Lam Chih Bing.
Privilege   37


Manila Southwoods Golf &                  Sherwood Hills Golf Club                   Splendido Taal Golf & Country Club
Country Club
Congressional Road, Carmona,              Governor’s Drive, Brgy, Cabezas,           Taal Rudge Road, Laurel Batangas,
Cavite, Philippines                       Philippines                                Philippines
Number of holes: 36                       Number of holes: 18                        Number of holes: 18
Designer: Jack Nicklaus                   Designer: Jack Nicklaus                    Designer: Greg Norman
T: +63-46 430-0266                        T: +63-46 419-0671                         T: +63-02 519-4131
E: frontdesk.manilasouthwoods@            E: sherwoodhills.golf@gmail.com            E: inquiry@splendidotaalgolfclub.com
gmail.com                                 W: www.sherwoodhills.ph                    W: www.splendidotaalgolfclub.com
W: www.manilasouthwoods.com

As professional and amateur visitors have discovered,           Surrounding the golf course is the 87-hectare fairway lots
both courses at Manila Southwoods have the distinctive          and residential enclaves of the Splendido Taal Residential
Nicklaus angled greens and copious bunkers. Accuracy            Estates, owned by JAKA Tagaytay Holdings Corporation.
and distance control with approach shots are crucial.
                                                                Leading architectural firm RR Payumo and Partners, in
Arguably the premier championship course in the                 collaboration with Steven Leach and Associates for the
Philippines, The Masters is punctuated by multiple              interiors, designed the Spanish-Mediterranean-inspired
creek crossings and lakes. For its part, The Legends is         Splendido Taal Golf Clubhouse.
accentuated by undulating mounds and dog-leg holes.
                                                                Sherwood Hills Golf Club
Long-standing Chairman Bob Sobrepeña is especially
proud of the club’s environmental stewardship efforts,
dating back to 1999 when it became the first fully certified
Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary in Asia.

He said: “Through the success of the Audubon programme
at Southwoods, we have shown that prop­erly-managed
golf courses provide numerous benefits to the environment
and the local communities. All golfers are encouraged to
embrace the Manila Southwoods’ com­       mitment to the

Splendido Taal Golf & Country Club                              Another Nicklaus Signature Course, Sherwood Hills is
                                                                located in Trece Martires City in the heart of Cavite.

                                                                Construction of the golf course started in early 1997 and
                                                                was opened to members in August, 1998. The California
                                                                mission-inspired clubhouse was inaugurated in October,
                                                                2000 and features a belfry and watch tower from where
                                                                there’s a splendid panoramic view of the vast expanse
                                                                of the nature-contoured golf course and residential

                                                                The veranda offers the best viewpoint of golfers starting as
                                                                well as finishing their round.
Sprawled on a 152-hectare man-made valley nestled amid
the mountain ridges of the Grand Taal, with a dramatic
view of the Taal Volcano and lake, this Greg Norman-
designed course was opened in 2002.
38   Privilege

                                                                          Altering your body language or walk can be a highly effective way
                                                                                                   to reverse negative emotional reactions.

     Bouncing Back
     from Adversity
                                                                            reat golfers have a seemingly uncanny ability
     Developing and maintaining a positive                                  to bounce back from making mistakes during a
     approach to dealing with errors can                                    round, or from disappointing rounds in important
     play a major role in how you perform                            tournaments. Coincidence? Absolutely not.

     on the golf course. So says sports                              As Tiger Woods, Brooks Koepka, Lexi Thompson and
     psychologist Dr Jay-Lee Nair in her                             Ko Jin-young will all attest, being able to develop and
                                                                     maintain a positive approach to dealing with errors has
     latest contribution to Laguna Lifestyle.                        played a large part in many of their respective successes.

                                                                     A Negative Approach to Mistakes
                                                                     Coaches and caddies alike talk to me about the frustration
                                                                     they experience when watching their players make
                                                                     errors on the course, and then go on to psychologically
                                                                     beat themselves up. These players focus on the mistake,
                                                                     continue to talk about it on the 12th tee when the error
                                                                     occurred on the ninth green. These players become
     Visit Dr Jay-Lee Nair at the Singapore Sports Medicine Centre   unfocused on what is important: the next shot. Negative
     to learn how to shape your performance process.
                                                                     and unproductive thoughts allow doubt to creep in,
     Location:                                                       confidence can plummet, and performance deteriorates.
     10 Sinaran Drive, Novena Medical Centre,                        As a result, players who respond to mistakes in negative
     #08-07 to 11, #08-32 to 33, Singapore 307506.                   ways seldom reach their full potential.
     Tel: 6737-1000
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