THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...

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THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...
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      Summer 2019
THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...

        t is an odd country where the hustings for Head Boy at a prep            been great fun and stimulating.
        school turn out to be of a higher quality and display more               We asked the leaving Year 8 to
        integrity than that for the leader of the Conservative Party and         write a strategic plan and suggest
    de facto Prime Minister. It was wonderful to see the seriousness             ways we could improve the school.
    of the potential Head Boys and Niyazi was a very convincing Emily            Embedded within their wise,
    Maitlis / David Dimbleby / Fiona Bruce like chair, though less               generous and gracious document
    sartorially compelling. The quality of the questions asked and the           were sentences which touched
    thoughtful and considered answers bode well for next year.                   and reassured all of us who have
                                                                                 been tasked with shaping these
    Equally impressive were the           which made them such a special         boys from Year 1.
    demeanour and wit evident at the      year to teach.
    Year 8 Leavers’ Celebration. Their                                           ‘Our time at this school has been
                                          Chatting to parents at the two         enjoyable and highly educational. The
    films were full of the imagination,
                                          idyllic Sports Days, I remarked that   purpose of this document is to ensure
    irony, affection and eccentricity
                                          the last few weeks of the Summer       that others cherish their years at this
                                          Term reminded me of the film           school as we have. We will not only
                                          The Truman Show. At some point,
                                                                                 discuss the strengths of St. Anthony’s
                                          I expect to find out that all the
                                                                                 but also the potential improvements
                                          joyfulness and fun might turn out to
                                                                                 which will help the school to continue
                                          be fictional and I will be awakened
                                                                                 to thrive and excel. We will deal with
                                          and find that, beneath the surface,
                                                                                 specific areas in turn.’
                                          all is much darker and dreary.
                                          Luckily for me, it has not been a      ‘We think that the biggest strength
                                          dream and the school really has        about St. Anthony’s is the jovial

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...
The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                    News

                                        I list them because the range
                                        itself tells you something about
                                        the breadth of vision and stamina
                                        of the boys and the teaching
                                        staff; they have to be aware of
                                        the niceties of each school’s
                                        interview expectations and the
                                        testing which a boy may face even
                                        having passed the initial hurdle. I
                                        love the fact that we are sending
                                        impressive ambassadors to these
                                        schools and am again deeply
atmosphere in our school due to
                                        proud of the feedback from the
the good relationship between the
                                        admissions’ teams about our boys’
boys and the staff.’
                                        creativity, talents and excellent
I relish the word ‘jovial’ and if the   manners. I also have an excuse to
leavers in Year 8 share the Head’s      visit some of the most beautiful
delusions about how it is possible      schools in England. The tradition
to combine a rigorous education         of scholarships continues with
with a childhood which is fun, then     boys picking up Paulatim Award
something must be going right.          offers, Academic scholarship offers
                                        including from Habs, City, MTS
The plethora of activities, inside      and Forest. Delightful too were the
and outside the classroom and           Sports scholarships to Aldenham
another year of superb results,         and Harrow; the Art scholarship       I only wish I could play my trumpet
are celebrated here. Our boys           to MTS and the pupils who were        as well as Eli can paint.
have impressed so many schools          made Music scholarship offers         I am proud to announce that
including: Harrow, MTS, JFS,            by King’s Canterbury, Tonbridge,      Anthony awarded Jonathan Bunney
Highgate, Westminster, Aldenham,        Shrewsbury, Dulwich, UCS, The         and me our Tennis colours this year
Rugby, Mill Hill, City, Sherborne,      Cardinal Vaughan and MTS. (We         in the final assembly. We were once
St Benedict’s Ealing, The Cardinal      are confident that, in the next two   again challenged by the two top
Vaughan, Sevenoaks, Shrewsbury,         years, our pupils will be offered     seeds in Year 7 and 8. Jonathan’s
Haileybury, St Albans, UCS, King’s      musical awards at St. Paul’s,         technical analysis prevailed and
Wimbledon, Winchester, Stowe,           Westminster and Eton.) Staff give     we were lucky to scrape another
Wetherby, St. Paul’s, Radley,           so generously of their time to run    unexpected victory.
Brighton College, Eton, Habs,           enrichment sessions and we are
                                                                              There is a tradition now established
Latymer and Forest.                     deeply indebted to Trausti and
                                                                              that we say farewell to Year 8 with
                                        his team for the proactive Maths
                                                                              a Rap. MC Oliver delivered the
                                        clinics which have given boys that
                                                                              farewell with great verve.
                                        extra fine-tuning which deepens
                                        their confidence in dealing with      We wish them, our delightful Year 6
                                        the Mathematical challenges.          and all other leavers ‘Best of Luck’
                                                                              for their new schools.
                                        My office in the Senior House,
                                        has been blessed by a beautiful       We wish you a splendid summer.
                                        picture from one of our most          Do enjoy this St. Anthony’s
                                        gifted artists, Eli.                  Jamboree bag of school delights.

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...
Farewell Rap to Year 8 2019                              Impressive too is the mighty Palmer,
                                                             In table tennis fights, who is calmer?
    A tradition has evolved with Year 8                      He has a very sharp and subtle mind,
    To say farewell with a Rappin’ template;                 I look forward to seeing it refined.
    We rapped The Sacraments in our RE
    Inevitable question in C.E.!                             Tom Rowe is a boy with amazing skills,
                                                             On a rugby field, he ducks, he fights, he thrills.
    ‘An outward visible sign of an inward spiritual grace;   Tom’s wry asides and thoughts ‘outside the box’,
    these are seven things which save the human race.’       Made him a kind of cheeky, charming fox.
    My favourite wordsmith is EMINEM;                        Erik could outstare even Medusa,
    The man’s a linguistic phenomenon.                       His wit could also really confuse her.
    I cannot claim to have his verbal flair,                 He inspires and cheers all those who meet him.
    And towards these boys, I have a duty of care.           I bet on him in a fight with Putin.
    What follows is meant as compliment;
    The Year 8 talent self-evident.                          How can we capture Darian in verse?
    In the theatre, in class and swimming pool.              His humour can border on the perverse.
    These boys proved they were massively cool.              At St. George’s Park, he scored the key goal.
    Annoying? Delightful? Equal measure!                     Darian is a pupil with fascinating soul.
    Each turned out to be a treasure.                        Aidan is famous for his sense of fun.
    Where do you begin the roll call of fame?                He’s not quite sure when lesson’s begun.
    Let’s start with the boys who may be insane.             His strokes in tennis are efficacious,
    Nicholas Wright has a wit like no other,                 And when he lost he was truly gracious.
    Nik K in the GAW, his acting brother.                    Dillon Lowe is not easy to sum up,
    From Year 5, they have been the best of the GAW;         Sometimes Alsatian, sometimes little pup.
    Each crazy sketch evoked my sense of awe.                An artist within, footballer without,
    Monty Python – you need to retire.                       He also has a strong distinctive shout.
    These guys took absurdity one step higher.
                                                             Hussain’s a boy who impressed us all,
    Another performer you all will know                      And not because he’s almost six foot tall.
    Is Luke who appeared at the ENO.                         He grew in confidence every single day,
    At any school Mass, he could deliver                     What a great performance in the Year 8 play.
    A solo which would make everyone shiver.
    Tolerant of my jokes about Purcell                       Tom Foottit is a man of many parts,
    I think he understood I wished him well.                 He runs, he swims; he delights in Arts.
                                                             If you love your food, then make a booking,
    Sebastiano Ratti, our Head Boy,                          The Foottit boys are really cooking!
    Paradoxically, could be a little coy.
    We thank him for his kindness and his tact.              Alex Foottit, too, is swift on his feet,
    He could also stun us when he acts.                      Diver, runner, holistically complete.
                                                             His marshmallow tower a legend still,
    Sandy and Henry: what a doubles team.                    Under his gentleness quite a strong will.
    Their performance of Shakespeare, what a dream.
    I will treasure the way they spoke their lines,          My farewell Rapping has come to an end.
    Both gave us an evening that was sublime.                It’s time for us to say, ‘Farwell’ and Send
    Sandy’s cello, a wonder to behold,                       You out to a number of different schools,
    Henry’s wit, so wry, such fun, so bold.                  Hopefully, where you won’t be silly fools.
                                                             Every teacher here holds you in their hearts
    Dylan Ardill joined the school in Year 8.                United, you became greater than your parts.
    And loved to give me things to contemplate.              Friendship is ultimately the great key
    The dinner ladies think that he’s a star.                And that’s the word that sums up St. Anthony’s!
    His charm and wit we know will take him far.
    James Bolland is a pupil who for me
    Embodies St. Anthony’s civility.
    Unfailingly polite and always fun,
    James was often the rising sun.
    I remember Ben in the Lion King,
    We were all moved when he began to sing.
    Ben Prior’s St. Anthony’s heart and soul,
    And boy can he defend a shot on goal.
    KITAN AKINDELE: what a great name
    Sure to enter the hall of future fame.
    Joined us in Year 7: we were so blessed,                   Saying Goodbye to Year 8
    In every school area he has impressed.

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...
The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                    News

Catholic Life
The Leavers’ Mass was especially       The Summer Fayre was very              who I quote frequently. The
moving. Mgr. Phelim delivered          successful and next term we            Parish of St. Mary’s is organising
a touching homily on this Rite         look forward to another Charity        a pilgrimage to coincide with the
of Passage. We thank him for           Dinner in the Hall. In the school      Canonisation. Newman’s beautiful
his spiritual solicitude. He has       hustings, it was very impressive       words appeared in the Leavers’
overseen our School Masses             to see how many candidates
                                                                              farewell service booklet.
with such graciousness and his         referred to initiatives to deepen
suggestion of introducing Form         the pupils’ sense of public service.   God has created me to do him
Masses proved to be providential.      I am delighted to announce the         some definite service:
The Masses were held in the school     appointment of Richard (our Maths      I have a part in this great work;
Hall. At each Mass, Mgr. Phelim        teacher), to the post of the Head      I am a link in a chain, a bond of
was able to introduce aspects of       of Catholic Life. This post has been   connection between persons.
the liturgy to small groups. This      created to enrich the boys and
                                                                              He has not created me for naught.
enriched the boys’ understanding       staff appreciation of our ‘Catholic
and we all relished the intimacy of    Identity’. Richard will work with      Blessed John Henry Newman.
                                       the Senior Team, Mgr. Phelim and
these gatherings.                                                             ‘In a higher world it is otherwise,
                                       the Pastoral Board. Next October,
Once again, a good number of boys      Mgr. Phelim and I will be in Rome      but here below, to live is to change,
have donated their pocket money        for the Canonisation of Blessed        and to be perfect is to have
to Mary’s Meals and used great         John Henry Newman. Parents will        changed often.’
imagination in their fundraising.      know of my fondness for Newman,

First Communion
Our First Holy Communion Mass
was a wonderful celebration.
Seventeen Year 3 boys, and their
families and friends, gathered
together at St. Mary’s Church for
a beautiful service, accompanied
by the Senior House Choir and
Jonathan Bunney on the organ.
One of their classmates treated the
congregation to lovely rendition
of the prelude from Bach’s Suite
1 in G. After the service, the
boys and their families returned
to school, where they enjoyed
a delicious reception, prepared
by Adrian and the catering team.
The boys had spent all year
preparing for this special day,
enriching their learning through
a variety of activities, including
through Art, to help them to
understand and to share their faith.

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...

     The school is indebted to Louise and Francesco and Emily for all their
     work to prepare the boys for this sacred moment in their lives.

    125th Anniversary Gala Dinner
    On the evening of Wednesday,            particular interest, was the old       throughout the school over
    12th June, we were delighted to be      school log book, which has details     the past few years and is keen
    joined by our Alumni to celebrate       of all pupils who were at the school   to expand the support that we
    the school's 125th Anniversary.         between its opening in Hampstead       are able to offer.
    Our guests ranged from students         in 1952 up to the early 1970s.         The dinner was brought to a close
    who joined St. Anthony's in the         We were treated to a delicious         by a wonderful recital from one of
    1960s right up to boys who left         meal by our catering team and          our most recent leavers, Shutian,
    us last year. We were also joined       our alumni were delighted to           a music scholar at Westminster.
    by a number of former staff and         see that the food has improved         Thanks to all our alumni and
    it was lovely to welcome them           from their school days. The            staff for supporting this event.
    back to the school.                     food at St. Anthony's was
    Everyone enjoyed meeting up             not one of the highlights of           Sarah Anderson
    with old friends and reminiscing        the 1960s, 70s or 80s!
    about their school days. Many of        Our Headmaster, Paul Keyte,
    our alumni have particularly fond       spoke to our guests at the end
    memories of their Headmaster,           of the evening and explained the
    Tim Patton, who ran the school for      purpose of the bursary fund that
    over 30 years, from 1963 to 1994.       we have recently launched. The
    There were old school photos and        school is proud to have supported,
    other artefacts on display and of       financially, a number of students

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...
The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                Termly Round-up

Junior House
                                                                          around the school with signs
                                                                          reminding us to ‘Turn the lights
                                                                          off’, when they are not needed.
                                                                          We are very well-connected
                                                                          transport-wise in Hampstead and,
                                                                          during Green Transport Week, we
                                                                          discussed how the children could
                                                                          do their bit by walking, scooting
                                                                          or using established transport
                                                                          networks to get to school, rather
                                                                          than being driven every morning.
                                                                          The boys entered a competition
                                                                          to design posters promoting the
                                                                          cause, and came up with some
                                                                          very interesting ideas.

        here are so many things in the pages that follow from the
        Junior House teachers which allow you to share, not for
        the first time I know, the joys that have emanated from
the classrooms throughout this term. They cover the range of
activities that the boys have been taking part in over the last few
months and leave me with little to add. However, this last week,
we have all been treated to some wonderful performances in
which the boys’ sheer enjoyment in all that they have learned
came through. More of these in Jonathan’s Music summary.
Some of you may have noticed on     practices around the school.
your visits to the Junior House     Inspired by an assembly early on
that we have been working hard      in the year delivered by one of our
to develop more Eco-Friendly        Year 3 parents, we have striven
                                    to become as ‘single-use plastic
                                    free’ as possible. In fact, not one
                                    single bottle needed to be picked
                                                                          We have had a wonderful year
                                    up after Sports’ Day this year
                                                                          with your children – thank you
                                    – a real achievement!
                                                                          for entrusting us with their care.
                                    We have introduced more               We wish all of our staff and pupils
                                    recycling bins into the classrooms,   who are off to pastures new, the
                                    composting bins in the staffroom      very best for the future: we have
                                    and on the playground and our         loved sharing your St. Anthony’s
                                    memories are jogged as we go          journey with you.

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...

           his term, our topic has been ‘Growing’. Along with growing
           their own beans and cress, the boys had the opportunity
           to watch the life cycle of a butterfly in real life. The boys
    carefully monitored the changes and Rabbits class had great fun
    releasing their newly hatched butterflies in the playground! As
    part of our work on the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’,
    the Freshwater Theatre Company came in to run a workshop
    with the boys. They had great fun participating in some role play
    and story-telling activities and learning more about lifecycles.
    The boys have really enjoyed their   The boys demonstrated their skills
    swimming lessons this term with      with the space hoppers, egg and
    Anthony and Ali at the Senior        spoons, balancing bean bags, sack
    House. We have been so impressed     racing, javelin and they even ran all
    by their independence and all the    the way around Brondesbury track.
    progress they have made. Sports      Thank you to all the parents who
    Day was a great success and lots     came to support us.
    of fun was had by all!

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...
The Antonian | Summer Term 2019         Termly Round-up

To celebrate Father’s Day, all the
Dads were treated to a special
‘Father’s Day Spa’. The Dads were
given hand scrubs, back massages
and even a lolly pop stick shave!
Thank you for being such good
sports, we hope this will be a
memory to last a life time.
Our Summer term ‘Stay and Play’
session made for a wonderful
morning. The boys loved showing
their parents all the activities they
get up to at school. We hope you are
as proud of them as we are with the
progress they have made this year!
As an end of year treat, we took
the boys to the Everyman Cinema
where they watched the Pixar film
‘Coco’. We then went to Hampstead
Heath where we had a picnic and
played in the playground; a great
day was had by all!

THE Summer 2019 - St. Anthony's School for ...
Year 1

            his term, we have read, written and performed lots of
            poems in English. The boys made up some lovely rhyming
            poems about the summer and worked on their use of
    repetition in our Sports’ Day poems. They have also learnt about
    fantasy stories and created their own wonderful fantasy worlds
    in story writing. At the end of the term, the boys wrote a non-
    fiction book based on our Humanities topic, Ancient Egyptians.
    The boys should be very proud of their accomplishments.                      could change the motion of a
                                                                                 moving object.
    It has been a busy term in Maths.     human clock to help them with this!
                                                                                 This term in Humanities, we
    The boys have been learning about
                                          The boys have enjoyed being            have learnt all about the Ancient
    measurement, particularly weight,
                                          scientists in and around the school    Egyptians. Boys have loved using
    length and capacity.
                                          garden this term. We have learnt       fact books to find out about this
    They have also learnt more about      about how plants grow and what         time and are now experts on
    data and looked at Venn Diagrams      they need to survive. The boys         pyramids and Pharaohs. They
    and bar charts. Boys have continued   enjoyed planting their own beans       had a fun lesson about bartering
    to develop their numeracy skills,     and cress and watching them grow       in which they traded goods like
    focusing on place value, rounding     during the term. We have some          a real life Ancient Egyptian.
    numbers and estimations. We have      budding gardeners in Year 1! Earlier   They have also made a variety of
    also worked on time-telling skills,   in the term, we learnt about forces    lovely crafts on this theme – from
    focusing on o’clock and half past.    and the boys enjoyed experimenting     fabulous pyramids to Canopic
    The boys enjoyed making a giant       with different ways in which they      jars to hand- woven mummies!

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                    Termly Round-up

The boys have been very creative          excitement when we spotted a
this term and have enjoyed studying       police car and a builder!
a range of famous artists. They have
                                          Nothing gets the boys more excited
made beautiful Picasso portraits,
                                          than baking and this Father’s Day
Pissarro prints and Matisse
prints to name a few. They have           was no exception. The boys loved
enjoyed learning techniques such          baking chocolate cookies for their
as Still Life painting, Pointillism and   ‘smart cookie’ dads and they made
collaging and experimented with           lovely cards to go with them as well.
a variety of media such as model          The boys should feel very proud
magic and watercolours.                   of their efforts on Sports Day this
In PSHEE this term, we have learnt        year. They practised hard in their PE
all about our local area, namely          lessons and did well in their running
what we can find and who keeps us         and throwing events. It was lovely
safe. The boys had the chance to          to see the team spirit of Year 1, with
see all of this in real life when we      all boys cheering each other and
took them on a walk around the            celebrating each other’s success.
neighbourhood. There was great            Well done, boys!

Year 2
     Seurat and Paul Signac developed
     the Pointillism technique in
     1886 and 2V spent an afternoon
     (or two!) working on their own
     pictures. They learned that adding
     many colours in each area helps
     the picture not to appear ‘flat’.

     2S also learned about ‘layering’
     and created these beautiful
     sailing boat scenes. They also had
     a go at making some wonderful
     butterflies as part of an Art
     lesson on ‘paper sculpture’.

     Lion, in 2S, used all his knowledge
     about design and technology to
     create this amazing Theme Park.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019     Termly Round-up

In Maths, we explored symmetry by
creating some wonderful designs
using shapes.

2V also discovered that finding
lines of symmetry can be much
more difficult when you have to
create them using your own body.
They spent a Maths lesson outside
and in groups and had to create a
symmetrical figure between them.
Learning – and laughter – were
shared by all!

This term, 2S studied volcanoes
in Geography and made their
own erupting models.

Year 3

                                                                      Alexander T’s wonderful rainforest collage
     Science                               Sports Day
     In Science this term, Year 3 have     In PSHEE, Games, PE and
     been learning about living things     Swimming lessons, Year                Art
     with a focus on plants. The boys      3 have been developing stronger
                                                                                 In our Art lessons, we have been
     spent time learning the names         teamwork skills. Our Sports Day
                                                                                 applying our understanding of
     of different parts of a plant and     was a wonderful reflection of the
                                                                                 pattern work with our Geography
     dissected and labelled parts of       dedication the boys commit to
                                                                                 topic, rainforests. The students
     a tulip. We used our electronic       their sporting endeavours but even
                                                                                 have explored various media to
     microscope to look at the filaments   more so, the great sportsmanship
                                                                                 create colourful artwork. Our
     and stigma closely and examined       they are developing.
                                                                                 Toucan drawings used oil pastels
     the cross-section of the tulip-                                             to show rainforest plants in the
     stems. We prepared various plants                                           canopy layer with the toucan. We
     and seedlings, including potatoes,                                          used watercolour paints to create
     tomatoes, peas and sunflowers                                               frogs. The boys prepared scratch
     in class, which our Gardening                                               art canvases to show a rainforest
     Club were able to transfer into                                             theme with pattern work on the
     our garden. At the end of the                                               leaves. We culminated both our
     term, Gardening Club presented                                              Geography and Art learning at
     our vegetables to Adrian and we                                             the end of the term with our
     enjoyed them in salads at lunch.                                            rainforest collages.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019          Termly Round-up

London Zoo
Year 3 enjoyed two trips this term
that both related to our Science
and Geography understanding. Our
first trip was a rainy day at the ZSL
London Zoo. They boys enjoyed
watching animal feeding times and
staying dry in the Aquarium and
Reptile House. We had a Rainforest
Education Experience where the
boys measured and compared
the humidity and temperature of
the replicated rainforest to the
conditions in London. We also
managed to spot a baby sloth as well
as a plethora of rainforest animals in
their habitat. Later in the term, we
also visited Kew Gardens. The boys
enjoyed looking at rainforest plants
in the greenhouses, experiencing
the height of the canopy layer and
seeing other beautiful areas of the
gardens, including their sculpture
installation. We even had time to
enjoy some delicious ice-cream!

Senior House
            his term, for me, has been characterised by a myriad                    Our School Council has also been
            of impressive performances, memorable excursions                        extremely active, with several
            and the hard work of our wonderful Year 8 boys at                       events having been organised, the
     Common Entrance, but, to limit the highlights to these, would                  role of democracy being exercised
     do disservice to the multitude of other creative, academic                     on a regular basis in meetings,
     and extra-curricular wonders we have had the pleasure to                       where Council Reps put forward
     experience over the last few months.                                           their classes’ ideas for changes and
                                                                                    improvements to school life. We
     At the beginning of May, Year 5        Our inaugural trip to the land of       have also involved St. Anthony’s
     welcomed back Dr Martijn Van Der       Fire and Ice is certainly one I will    Girls’ School in meetings this year
     Spoel from Glia Learning. He is a      never forget. The boys on this trip     and aim to enhance this important
     psychologist and has been running      and others did us proud with their      relationship next year. The Council
     bespoke study sessions with the        maturity and courteous behaviour,       were also instrumental in helping
     boys at St. Anthony’s for the past     even eliciting a very positive review   to deliver such a wonderful
     three years. He taught the boys        from one of the Easyjet flight          Summer Fayre, where we raised
     the importance of study habits in      attendants on the way to Iceland!       an impressive £1,700 for charity;
     a fun, practical and engaging way;
     an invaluable experience for the
     boys and their parents whom he
     addressed in the evening.
     A number of assemblies led both by
     the boys and visitors to the school,
     included a fascinating nutrition
     assembly where the boys learnt
     about heathy eating and food. We
     also introduced Firefly for parents
     and pupils, which I hope will go
     from strength to strength and has
     certainly helped the boys access
     online learning and resources in
     new ways.
     Our off-site program has
     significantly expanded this year
     with experiences such as The
     Year 7 Geography trip to Surrey,
     the French trip to Normandy,
     PGL, Musical theatre trips, Radio
     Chelsea and Westminster, Kew
     Gardens, Hampton Court, Mill-
     on-the-Brue and last but most
     certainly not least, Iceland.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                    Termly Round-up

                                                                              Niyazi after their Leavers’ Mass.
                                                                              Year 4 will also entertain with
                                                                              their end of year performance and
                                                                              I would like to commend each and
                                                                              every one of them for how well
                                                                              they have settled in to the Senior
                                                                              House and how quickly they have
                                                                              gained the respect and affection
                                                                              of their teachers.
                                                                              We have also just had the Head
                                                                              Boy hustings and Head Boy
                                                                              leadership debate with the
                                                                              debate being more orderly,
                                                                              professional and meaningful than
                                                                              any I have seen on television,
                                                                              and the vote being conducted
                                                                              in true democratic style with
                                                                              voting slips, ballot box and official
                                                                              counters. This was officially the
                                                                              largest and most professional
                                                                              democratic process in the history
yet another example of your            sunshine and in glory, as boys         of St. Anthony’s and gave the
generosity and support for our         competed so respectfully and           boys a real flavour of what ‘one
school charities; thank you!           parents cheered on from their          person, one vote’ really means.
                                       picnic sidelines! A fun day was        It leaves me now to simply wish
The latter half of the term has
                                       had by all and Jonny and the PE        parents, staff, governors, the
been characterised by the toil
                                       team deserve our heartfelt thanks      peripatetic, kitchen and cleaning
of our Year 8 boys who have
                                       for making this day so special and
worked so hard and so admirably                                               staff and our extended school
                                       so very well organised.
to generate such well-deserved                                                community a very restful break,
results, which they should all be      Our theatrical and musical             which I hope will be filled with
rightly proud of. Saying farewell at   offerings this term have also been     sunny anecdotes, memorable
the Leavers’ Mass and celebration      special and have showcased the         experiences and perhaps just
evening will be a tough pill to        kind of talent that has genuinely      a little bit of work!
swallow, given the calibre and         astounded me. The summer
decency of these young men. They       concert, led by Jonathan B, was a
will be missed and I salute them all   marvel, particularly in the range of
for the legacy they leave behind       talent across all the year groups.
for the younger boys.                  Sandy’s cello recital was one I
                                       will treasure in my memory. All
We are also saying goodbye
                                       year groups and all boys have
to boys in other year groups,
                                       been involved in a production
particularly Year 6. They have
                                       this term, with Year 5 performing
an equally impressive attitude,
                                       Les Misérables, Year 6 their
excellent results and striven
                                       Greek Myth performance and
for success. They were given
                                       Year 7 producing one of the most
a memorable send off after
                                       expertly timed comedy sets I have
their compelling Greek Myth
                                       had the pleasure to watch. Year 8
                                       presented the films they tirelessly      Trausti ‘Counting’
The SH Sports Day basked in            perfected under the genius of

     French Day
     May 1st was French Labour Day.
     We participated in many activities
     related to France – in lessons and
     in form-time. We wore the colours
     of the French flag and had a French
     lunch – thank you Adrian – it was
     great! The cheeses were delicious
     as were the sausages, crêpes and
     the soupe à l’oignon! The whole
     school was decorated in French
     colours and flags. We learnt about
     key French facts, the French
     National Anthem and important
     dates in History like the French
     Revolution. We look forward to
     similar celebrations next year.
     Yvan and Tina

                                           Eating a crepe the French way!

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019   Subjects

  French Show to Junior House

  Yr 1 French Day


              ur Computing Department has spent much of the last term             allowed them to test themselves
              getting FireFly up and running; we are so happy to see our          on their programming capabilities.
              boys growing in confidence using it! They are now using             Their favourite project was without
     the system with increasing ease. Equally, many parents have shown            a doubt ‘Dodge Ball’, where they had
     a great deal of enthusiasm for the system, engaging with it during           to overcome a number of challenges
                                                                                  and use all the skills that they have
     the launching process: thank you. Thanks to all the pupils and the
                                                                                  learnt throughout the year.
     parents for being patient whilst we introduced this new platform
     for the school.                                                              Meanwhile, in Year 6, boys have
                                                                                  continued to polish up on their
     In other news, our Year 4 students    imaginative work. They are all very    Python programming skills, with
     have created some exceptional         much looking forward to taking         projects such as ‘Modern Art’ and
     work on KODU GameLab.                 programming to the next level in the   ‘Popular Pets’.
     This block coding software has        next academic year.
                                                                                  Our Year 7s swapped groups this
     helped our boys to develop their      Our Year 5 students have               term and they have been working
     programming skills. From ‘The Floor   completed a number of Module 2         on their Itty Bitty Buggy projects
     is Lava’ game to ‘Catch the Rover’,   projects using Scratch. This was a     and Sam Labs, a new hands-on
     they have created some really         welcome challenge for many, as it      STEM project platform.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019        Subjects

                                  This helps our pupils to think
                                  outside the box, completing
                                  a number of cross-curricular
                                  projects. The Itty Bitty Buggy was a
                                  great introduction to building small
                                  robots, in preparation for next
                                  year’s VEX Robotic Competition.
                                  Last but not least, it has been a
                                  pleasure working with our Year
                                  8s this year; we have completed a
                                  number of coding tasks, with the
                                  introduction of text coding. They
                                  were impressive in the VEX IQ
                                  Competition at the beginning of
                                  this year and continued working
                                  with characteristic diligence
                                  throughout the year. Year 8s
                                  - thank you for being such an
                                  amazing group of pupils; you
                                  will be missed at St. Anthony’s.
                                  Paul Saliba

             his has certainly been the busiest end to a term in recent              when, we began to write the script.
             memory. Fortunately, my time has been filled with                       Every boy contributed and I was
             the sheer joy of witnessing our Year 5 and 6 boys take                  hugely impressed with the standard
     to the stage whilst our Year 8 boys have been busy creating                     of writing. The monologues were
     their very own films for our annual (and much anticipated!)                     cleverly structured and full of
                                                                                     emotive, colourful language.
     Film Week project.
                                                                                     This has always been a joint project
     Drama Club                             many memorable moments were              with Art, with Oliver managing
     Romeo & Juliet                         realised, with the ensemble creating     to yield a remarkable number of
                                            beautiful imagery on stage, as           masks, shields and weapons from
     The Summer term started with
                                            well as individual performances          this cohort. These helped to create
     the Drama Club’s performance
                                            throughout. It has been the best         the beautiful aesthetics of the play
     of Romeo & Juliet; I have come to
                                            Drama Club I have taken part in          and made the moments on stage
     expect much from our Senior House
                                            since arriving at the school.            even more memorable.
     Drama Club: they were impressively
     professional throughout the entire     Year 6                                   The final performances were
     process. The cast assembled for        The Year 6 Greek mythology               exceptional. Tina expressed her
     auditions back in October 2018; it     project has always been one of           admiration for the boys saying
     was then that I knew that this would   my favourites and this year was          “Their performances were
     be a special performance. We had       no different. At the beginning of        energetic, confident and outside
     a number of standout auditionees       the academic year, we started to         of their usual comfort zone.
     across Years 6, 7 and 8, many of       explore the fantasy genre, through
     whom were auditioning for the          Lord of the Rings. This genre and
     first time. Meeting every Tuesday      narrative served as the perfect
     after school for two hours, the cast   grounding for their performance
     and I took the script and began        project on Greek mythology. After
     creating the concept for the play.     some discussion, the group and I
     After much discussion, we decided      settled on the tale of “The Spartan
     to modernise the play, setting it in   300” (or as it’s known historically,
     Verona Park! We decided that the       The Battle of Thermopylae). Initially,
     play would focus primarily on the      we researched the events and
     gang culture in London, and more       the social, historical and political
     specifically knife crime.              contexts. The next step was to
     Over the next few months, we           decide on the main events within
     blocked the play and developed         the narrative and the key characters
     the costume concepts. During           who would appear. Once this was
     this time, Oliver’s weekly Art Club    done, we divided the narrative
     was commissioned with creating         into three separate acts, with
     the staging for our performance.       each teaching group responsible
     Its end product included two           for telling their part of the story.
     giant gang murals and two giant        Soon after this, the play was cast
     symbols that lit up the stage.         and production began.
     The final performances were            This performance has always been
     truly exceptional and exhibited        one that is written by the boys; this
     the remarkable pool of talent          year was no different. Once we had
     at St Anthony’s right now. So          organised who was doing what and

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                      Subjects

They showed a real maturity in           started. Working across Music and      Year 8
their portrayals of the story. There     Drama, the boys learnt the songs
                                                                                The annual Film Week took place in
were some mesmerising individual         and blocked the scenes. Each group
                                                                                June with the Year 8s producing a
performances, but I was most             was responsible for learning two
impressed with their cooperation on      songs and creating one act from        whopping six films! The boys began
stage. Their individual presentations,   the script. This is the first time     the Summer Term having to pitch
through monologues, were both            that I have taught Year 5 and I was    their ideas for a new film. Once
sensitively delivered but had            genuinely impressed with their         these were approved, the boys
volume and clarity that I hadn’t         focus, dedication, professionalism     wrote the script and organised
expected from such young actors”.        and confidence in performance. The     themselves for the project. They
                                         performances provided so many          spent a week in June off timetable,
This was an outstanding
                                         beautiful moments on stage and         collecting ‘rushes’ and editing
performance and it was a great
                                         these serve as a reminder that there   their films together. These will
joy to work with these boys
                                         is a huge amount of talent coming
throughout the project.                                                         be showcased to parents at the
                                         through the ranks. The future
                                                                                end of term. It will be an excellent
Year 5                                   promises to be filled with more
                                                                                way to say goodbye to this cohort,
                                         exceptional performances.
At the start of the Spring term,                                                who have been exceptional in
we began studying Victor Hugo’s          I have really enjoyed teaching         their Drama work over the past
“Les Misérables”. Based on their         this cohort and I look forward to
                                                                                three years.
Musketeers’ Project”, the boys           working with them again in their
were cast into roles and production      Year 6 Greek mythology project.        Niyazi Unugur

           ach year, over 600,000 students from across the UK take         ● 15 boys were awarded bronze

           part in the UKMT individual challenges run by the UK            certificates (putting them in the
           Mathematics Trust. These are designed to complement and         top 21% nationally).
     extend the Mathematics taught in school and give the most able        Of the 10 boys sitting the
     mathematicians an opportunity to shine, training gifted British       Kangaroo round, two achieved
     mathematicians who might, one day, be chosen to represent their       a Merit Award: Erik Estienne
     country in the International Mathematical Olympiad.                   and Alejandro Gomez De
                                                                           Membrillera Daly.
     Over 270,000 pupils sat the          ● 14 boys were awarded
                                                                           The St. Anthony’s Maths
     Junior Maths Challenge in April,     gold certificates, including
                                                                           department believes in imaginative
     aimed at those in Year 7 and         one boy in Year 5, of whom       problem solving, with investigative
     8, encouraging mathematical          10 were invited to sit the       maths at the heart of the
     reasoning, precision of thought,     challenging Junior Maths         curriculum, nurturing flexibility
     and fluency in using basic           Challenge Kangaroo Round         and persistence in our young
     mathematical techniques to solve     (putting them in around          mathematicians. This challenge
     interesting problems. Seventy nine   the top 3% nationally of those   tested our boys’ logical, algebraic,
     St. Anthony’s students, 9 from                                        numeric and geometrical reasoning
                                          taking part in the challenge)
     Year 8, 22 from Year 7, 35 from                                       skills and their success is a
     Year 6 and 13 from Year 5 took       ● 19 boys were awarded silver    testament to their determination
     part in the Junior Mathematical      certificates (putting them in    and appreciation of creative
     Challenge with pleasing results:     the top 13% nationally),         Mathematics.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                         Subjects

        nother fun term has passed in Science at St. Anthony’s.                    Year 8
        Our Year 8 boys finally finished their exams, whilst the                   Preparing for examinations!
        Year 7s have been starting the preparation for theirs - no
                                                                                   Congratulations to all the boys
rest for the wicked! Meanwhile, the Year 4s, 5s and 6s have been
                                                                                   for completing a successful year
happily chipping away at the 11+ curriculum. Here are some                         at St. Anthony’s, and a special
of the highlights of what the different year groups have been                      congratulations to the Year 8
working on this term:                                                              boys for all their hard work and
                                                                                   success in their exams!
                                       Year 6
                                       Learning about acids and alkalis and
                                       using indicators, studying reflection
                                       and refraction, and investigating
                                       different types of hazards.
                                       Year 7
                                       Investigating current and resistance
                                       in series and parallel circuits, learning
                                       about the effects of balanced and
                                       unbalanced forces, and testing for
                                       nutrients present in different foods.

Year 4
Making classification keys, sorting
organisms, and exploring the effects
of the environment on living things.
Year 5
Growing beans to investigate
the life cycle of a flowering plant,
watching butterflies develop to
study complete metamorphosis in
insects, and learning more about
changes of state.

                                           Year 7                                 Year 8
                                           Half of Year 7 have begun their        It has been a pleasure to work
                                           VEX IQ Robotics challenge and          with Year 8 on the mounting of
                                           the rest have begun their option of    their work for display at their
                                           creating a Justice-inspired comic      imminent leavers’ celebration.
                                           using their drawing, photography       It will be a delight to see it
                                           and Photoshop skills. Lots of lovely   come together. I wish the boys
                                           work is being prepared and we          all the best with their future
                                           hope to make a decent amount           creative endeavours.
                                           of money for charity when we
                                           publish it next year.

     Year 6
     This term, Year 6 have been busy
     creating masks, helmets, shields
     and weapons for their Drama
     production of “The Spartan
     300”. The core theme of the
     project was the outer version
     of ourselves that we show and
     the inner version that is hidden.
     Using the two-faced Roman God
     Janus as an inspiration, albeit
     an anachronistic one, students
     created and wore both masks
     simultaneously: a symmetrical,
     precise mask over their face to
     represent their military façade and
     a more emotionally complex mask,
     representing their inner feelings,
     at the back of their head.
     Both myself, Niyazi and Amanda
     Kipling, Head of Drama PGCE
     at Goldsmiths, are developing
     this project for an essay to
     appear in the Drama education
     periodical, ‘London Drama’,
     exploring collaborations
     between Arts’ educators.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019   Subjects

     New beginnings                                     The End is Near.
     I wake up in the morning and                       The end is near.
     I lie in bed awhile                                After weeks of the year drawing to a close,
     Gazing at the starless ceiling                     The end has become clear.
     Waiting.                                           But is it the end?
     Seven years spent forging friendships.             Is this just the end of the beginning,
     Seven whole years spent at my school’s doorstep    A pathway to your future.
     Seven years of learning                            But one that leaves you spinning
     Seven years that my back would not turn on.        In confusion.
     The second step in my life;                        For in these last moments,
     Moving forward to something new,                   Teachers keep telling you one thing,
     And my conscience is afraid.                       A phrase now among your greatest fears:
     What should I expect?                              The end is near.
     I smile at the thought of my school;               A year ago, going to your next school
     A place where I learnt a place                     Was a light year away.
     Where I made                                       Back then you were but a fool,
     Friendships.                                       Thinking that the end was far.
     But if I moved on                                  Teachers pushing you to be your best self,
     I would move on to something bigger,               Pushing us to go further, think bigger,
     Maybe better, and I would make                     You think your bill is due,
     New friendships and I would learn new things.      For the end is near.
     But now I know what I must do and I smile again.   Like an annoying itch,
     My mind is set and it won’t budge.                 This phrase never leaves you.
     I will wave at the dove of peace wave at the sun   It has bewitched you like a witch,
     And sail to the lands beyond.                      Holding you in its deadly grasp.
     I jump out of bed with a renewed vigour            Still you must not give up,
     And I dress myself and                             You must not surrender.
     I look in the distance at my school                Do not drink the poison in this cup
     With no second thoughts.                           Of the end is near.
     Giacomo Yr 6                                       Instead like a phoenix
                                                        You will be reborn.
                                                        Do not give in to the cynics
                                                        Your teachers know that you can.
                                                        It is wrong that the end is near,
                                                        But merely the end of the beginning.
                                                        Erik Yr 8

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                       Subjects

Goodbye St. Anthony’s

    have been at St. Anthony’s for longer than most of the teachers. I arrived in Year 1 aged 5 and
    am just about to leave aged 13. It has been a long and eventful journey. I remember vividly
    arriving in the Junior House playground holding my father’s hand and looking up with awe
at the enormous Year 4s charging around (Year 4s were still in the Junior House in those days).
Now, in Year 8, I look down at the Year 4s running around in the Senior House playground and
I cannot believe how small they look.
Size is not the only thing that has changed since Year      of boys for almost a decade, some have joined, and some
1. Back then, the Green Book was something that we          have left along the way, but we have had a wonderful
all feared, and I still see that fear in the eyes of the    time and made some strong friendships. The years
younger years as they clutch the dreaded Green Book         have gone by so fast that we can hardly believe that the
with shaking hands. This might be an explanation why        moment has arrived for us to leave. Whatever lies ahead,
the Year 8s can be a little challenging for the teachers!   we all feel that St Anthony’s has prepared us well. If you
Even though our teachers may have despaired of us,          have survived Paul’s philosophical debates, Kyla’s history
we have always enjoyed being taught by them with            revision notes and Law’s geography’s trips, then the
their different styles and eccentricities.                  world can hold no fears for you! Goodbye St Anthony’s,
                                                            it has been great fun. We will miss you.
For me, St Anthony’s has been a great place to spend
most of my childhood. I have been with the same group       Henry Smith


        ‘For when its light has hit the ground
        There’s lots of treasures to be found
        Underneath the lovely London sky.’
        (extract from Mary Poppins Returns
        ‘Underneath the Lovely London Sky’)

           ondon has been the inspiration for             The Year 8 visit to Radio Chelsea and Westminster
           numerous creative endeavours over              was inspiring for all those taking part. The journey
           the centuries; the beauty of the London        to the studio included a trip through the very heart
     skyline evokes inspiration for artists, actors and   of London. Once at the studio, the pupils of St.
     musicians alike. The magic of ‘Mary Poppins          Anthony’s impressed with their ability to operate
                                                          the studio equipment and to present their songs
     Returns’ has been alive at St. Anthony’s over
                                                          with convincing flair.
     the Summer Term. Together, with her friend
     Jack the lamplighter, fun is brought back to         Year 6 and 7 have continued to shine with several
     the streets of London in celebration that            memorable concert performances and informative
     everything is possible…even the impossible.          presentations on composers, weird and wonderful
                                                          instruments and music genres. Many congratulations
     The Summer Term has certainly proven that            to Sandy Brownsmith, Max Charles, Hugues Danis,
     the impossible is possible with numerous             Dominic O’Sullivan and Giacomo Filippi for their
     productions, visits and projects.                    music scholarship success. It is always a pleasure to

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                     Subjects

welcome back Old Antonians to perform in school           has had a close connection with the school for several
concerts and I do hope we will have the opportunity to    years. Alice’s calm and collected manner has inspired
hear the assured musicality of these pupils resonate      several aspiring cellists at St. Anthony’s; we wish Alice
throughout the school at a future time. The Senior        every success in her future career. Many thanks to
House Concert this term was another opportunity for       all the peripatetic teachers for their hard work this
the boys to display their skills and love of music in a   year in preparing pupils for examinations. It is always
range of styles, instruments and historical periods.      a pleasure to hear exam success stories and special
                                                          congratulations to Daniel Ang for achieving a first
The Year 5 performance of ‘Les Misérables’ was
                                                          distinction in his Grade 5 Recorder examination.
both moving and profound. The boys tackled the
challenging songs with admirable aplomb, from             I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a
‘At the End of the Day’ to ‘Master of the House’.         well-earned, relaxing summer break. Many of you will
Congratulations to the soloists and all involved          be underneath other skies over the next two months
for a truly stunning show.                                and, as ‘Mary Poppins’ Returns’ reminds us, there
                                                          are lots of treasures to be found, musical treasures
Year 4 has been exploring numerous songs from the
                                                          in every city, country and continent. I hope you
shows over the course of the year and as part of their
                                                          enjoy exploring them.
celebration they treated us to a fine medley of tunes
from ‘Mary Poppins’, ‘The Jungle Book’ and ‘Mary          Jonathan Bunney
Poppins Returns’. Year 3 had to ‘reach for the stars’
as part of their celebration on friendship, Romans,
rainforests and syllables; they certainly made it a
memorable one in a fabulous display of dance, colour
and energy including the hit songs ‘Just like a Roman’
and ‘We’re better together.’ Congratulations to the
First Holy Communion boys for singing so beautifully
at Mass, supported by the Chamber Choir. The choir
visit to the West End to see ‘Matilda’ was exciting
and introduced the boys to a variety of songs from
this popular production.
The onset of Wimbledon appears to have heralded
the start of summer and the Year 2 boys pre-empted
this with some impressive singing in their celebration
of ‘Lovely Summer’s Day’, including ‘Happy Sun
High’ and ‘We Like Joyful Music.’ Year 1 reminded
us of the importance of looking after our world and
recycling in their hit production of ‘Percy the Penguin
Saves the World.’ The catchy tunes really caught the
imaginations of the Year 1 boys and those who were
privileged to see this polished production. Well done,
Reception for putting on a delightful end of year show
of ‘There’s a Sunflower in my Supper.’ The costumes,
acting and singing all came together to create a             Three Old Antonians: Schola Cantorum of Cardinal
memorable performance.                                       Vaughan Memorial School at fundraising concert
This term, the Music Department will be saying a             for The Cardinal Hume Centre.
fond farewell to our cello teacher, Alice Jones, who

              t the very start of
              the term, I had the
              pleasure, with Adam, of
     accompanying Year 8 to a trip
     to The Museum of London and
     the City Centre to help them
     prepare for their Common
     Entrance Depth Study: 1666
     Fire and Plague. They handled
     artefacts from the 17th
     century, theorised about the
     reasons for the start of The
     Fire using those artefacts and
     finally examined a 3D model
     of modern London to visualise
     the extent of the damage
     that The Fire would make
     to the city today.
     This term, the fun discussions and
     considerable hard work of the
     members of Historical Fiction Club
     came to their conclusion and the          code-breaking machine (that Alan
     winning three entries chosen to           called Christopher) self-aware
     send off for the national Historical      and conscious!
     Association’s Historical Fiction
                                               The Historian of the Year Award
     writing club were: Giacomo for
                                               goes to Hussain in Year 8 for the
     Year 6, Frank Briggs for Year 7
                                               rapid and sustained progress he
     and Ben Prior for Year 8. We look
                                               has made this year at Common
     forward to finding out the results;
                                               Entrance: his A Grade was hard
     a special mention to Ben Prior for
                                               won and well deserved! Also,
     researching and producing a story
                                               congratulations to the boys in
     on such an original and fascinating
                                               Year 8 who all did very well in the
     topic: Henry Stuart, heir to the
                                               examination; a particular shout out
     throne of England and James I’s
                                               to Thomas Palmer, Tom Rowe and
     son; his last days, told from the
                                               Henry Smith for their A* grades.
     point of view of his best friend. Also,
     a special thank you to Giacomo            Finally, a great trip to Hampton
     Filippi for reading out his story         Court was the culmination of a
     in assembly; he really made the           focused and diligent year for Year
     story of Alan Turing and Enigma           7. Vibrant sessions on ‘Religous
     come alive for the younger year           Change in the Tudor Era, and,
     groups in the Senior House. I loved       Politics in the reign of Elizabeth I’:
     how he told the story from such a         were had to support the learning
     unique perspective, by making the         of the 1485-1750 History course.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                        Subjects

Geography prepares our boys for their role as                 environments interact; what consequences arise
global citizens. The boys live in a world of amazing          from our everyday decisions, and what a diverse
beauty, infinite complexity and rigorous challenge.           range of cultures and societies exist and interconnect.
Through studying this, boys appreciate how places             Here are some examples of St. Anthony’s Boys
and landscapes are formed; how people and                     studying our magnificent world:

Yr 2 volcano model                      Yr 3 Rainforests

Islands around the world

Field Trip to Kew Botanical gardens
On 19th June, the Year 5 boys made       They studied different types
a trip to Kew Botanical Gardens.         of plants and even spent
The day started and finished             time hanging out with geese,
with heavy downpours. Boys               colourful fish and bees!
experienced the tropical heat of the     The trip allowed the boys’
Palm House and learned about what        imaginations to flow; it will have a
an ecosystem is.                         great impact in their project writing.

              obbies, clubs and musical activities offered by both teachers            on Monday afternoons was well
              and visiting specialists have enhanced and complemented the              attended and this, together with
              learning that has gone on within our classrooms this term.               the hobbies led by the St. Anthony’s
                                                                                       staff, has resulted in a large number
     In the Junior House, singing, led by     advantage of the wide range of music     of children staying on after the
     Milly, has continued every Thursday      lessons on offer from our visiting       end of the regular school day
     morning with the words of George         peripatetic teachers and Chess,          to enjoy the range of different
     Ezra’s ‘Shotgun’, amongst many other     with John Fleetwood.                     activities on offer with their friends:
     lyrics, sounding out from the Hall. In                                            these included Gardening, Dance,
     the Junior House, we have also taken     Our regular Table Tennis club            Sport and History.

     Ancient Greek                            Special congratulations go to our        Lego Expert Creator Club
                                              Year 8 Classicists, who all secured      This year Lego Creator Expert
                                              top grades in their Ancient Greek        Club was a wild success, with
                                              and Latin exams this summer: Luke,       pupils completing a 2464-piece
                                              Sebastiano, Henry, Nikolaos and          motorised Lego ferris wheel
                                              Tom secured As, A*, Distinctions         and making serious strides
                                              and Merits. They have set a              in completing a 4124-piece
                                              marvellous example to the younger        motorised Lego roller coaster
                                              boys studying the subject, and will      and a 2670-piece motorised
                                              certainly have impressed their           Lego carousel. Lego Club is a
                                              senior schools in the process. I hope    fun way for the boys to engage
                                              to see plenty more enthusiastic          with their creative side, while
                                              linguistics at Ancient Greek club        promoting fine-motor skills,
                                              when we resume in September.             encouraging teamwork and
                                                                                       developing problem-solving,
                                                                                       planning and mathematical skills.
                                              Rock Band
                                              Rock Band has gone from strength
     This year has seen a significant rise    to strength this year, with several
     in the number of boys opting to          memorable performances including
     learn Ancient Greek. Whether it's        two GAWs where the boys wowed
     the excitement of learning a new         us with their collaborative takes on
     alphabet, a hunger for another           modern classics. We hope to invite
     challenge, or simply a hunger            new boys to join the Rock Band to
     for chocolate chip digestives,           build on their successes.
     Ancient Greek club has attracted
     an eclectic mix of boys from
     Years 6, 7 & 8. Studying Ancient         Philosophy
     Greek alongside Latin is a brilliant     Year 5 have had an exciting year
     way of reinforcing grammatical           of Philosophy classes provided by,
     concepts, strengthening linguistic       Children as Philosophers. Not only
     understanding and, at the very least,    is the course fun, but it is excellent
     being able to write secret messages      preparation for the challenges the
     which few people can read!               boys face in Year 6.

The Antonian | Summer Term 2019                                                    Extra Curricular

This year, the PE department
has put on a number of extra-
curricular clubs. These include
Swimming Club twice a week
during the Christmas and Easter
term, Basketball Club, Charity
Football, Rugby Skills, Cricket
Skills, Cricket nets at Lords, table
tennis tournament, Boxing Club
and Hockey Club. There has also
been a Multi Skills Sports Club in
the Junior House with Francesco.
All of these clubs have been well
attended throughout the year and
have complemented the extensive
PE and Games programme.
                                       clubs at school, there are countless   tour, coming up in October,
Examples of this are the U13s
                                       fixtures and tournaments that take     Bedford School Cricket Sixes, York
Basketball team reaching the
                                       place outside of normal school         House Cricket Sixes, Westminster
semi-final of the national IAPS
                                       time including late evenings and       U10s Football, Merchant Taylors’
competition and Thomas Palmer
                                       weekends. Examples of these            Scrummers Cup Rugby, IAPS
reaching the final of the IAPS
                                       fixtures are: the Division 10          Football, Hockey, Basketball,
Table Tennis tournament.
                                       Swimming league , St. George’s         Swimming, Athletics, Table
As well as the extra-curricular        Park Football tour, Madrid Football    Tennis and the ISFA Football.

LAMDA                                  in his Grade 1 Acting exam, but in     Ultimate Frisbee. Throughout
                   Enthusiasm          the Spring 2019 term, 24 boys of       the sessions, the Sport Club boys
                   is growing,         all ages took exams in a variety of    learned the values of Sport and
                   term-on-term,       grades up to grade 5 and all were      developed their appreciation of
                   for LAMDA           awarded passes with Distinction!       teamwork and sportsmanship. The
                   coaching and        However, it’s not just a question      club focused on cooperative games
                   it has become       of results. Certainly, the abilities   designed to develop skills such
                   a valued part       developed by boys taking LAMDA         as communication, trust, critical
                   of the school’s     exams are often evident in their       thinking and problem solving.
                   extensive and       performances in school drama
                                       productions, but Bernard would
                   ambitious drama
                                       stress that the most important         Hackers’ Club
                   programme. Our                                             One of our most popular clubs
LAMDA coach, former TV drama           outcome of LAMDA coaching is
                                       the confidence in communication        continued this term with further
producer Bernard Krichefski,                                                  development of their coding
prepares an average of 20 boys         and self-expression that boys
                                       acquire – skills that will stand       skills. Boys were also given the
per term for the exams set by                                                 opportunity to develop and print
the London Academy of Music            them in good stead not just on
                                       stage, but in life.                    using a brand new 3D printer. An
and Dramatic Art in Solo Acting;                                              excellent companion to the ICT
Speaking Verse and Prose; or           At Sports Club, the boys learn         Department, boys are able to access
Speaking in Public. Recently,          how to enjoy different sports and      a wide range of coding programmes
there have been some spectacular       activities, from basic throwing and    and cutting-edge technology in
results. Not only was Aidan Siow,      catching to Hockey, Touch Rugby        order to further their passion
a boy in Year 5, awarded 100/100       and, their personal favourite,         for computing systems.

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