Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council

Page created by Donald Ball
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
How to apply

a guide to                Admissions


         Apply now

Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council

Your application
How places were offered 2021

How to apply
How the application process works
Hints and tips on choosing a school

Late applications

Admissions arrangements
Schools information

Applying for schools in other boroughs

Children with Special Educational Needs
University technical colleges and studio schools


Sixth form education
LGBT pupils
Schools map
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council

                      Your application must be received by
                                31 October 2020
                    To avoid any last-minute problems, we strongly recommend you submit your
        Home        application by 23 October 2020. This is the Friday before the half-term holiday
                    If your child does not live in Harrow, but you wish to apply for a Harrow school,
                    please contact your child’s local authority to make an application.
                    If your child lives in Harrow, and was born between 1 September 2009 and 31
                    August 2010, and is due to start secondary school in September 2021, the full
                    timetable for applications is:
                    Open Days/Evenings
                    All high schools expect that these events are likely to be held online or via
                    resources available from the school website. Please check individual school
                    websites for information.
                     1 September 2020            Website opens, and you can apply online at

                     September / October 2020    Parents applying for a Voluntary Aided school must complete
                                                 and return a supplementary information form direct to the
                                                 school. These forms are available from the school or
       Apply now                                 www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions

                     23 October 2020             Last Friday before the half-term holiday.
                                                 We strongly recommend that you submit your application by
                                                 this date to avoid any delay.

                     31 October 2020             Closing date for applications.
                                                 Parents applying for a Voluntary Aided school must complete
                                                 and return a supplementary information form direct to the

                     1 March 2021                Emails sent to parents with the outcome of their application.
                                                 Please wait until you have received the email before logging on
                                                 to the e-Admissions website.
                                                 In some cases, letters will be sent through the post

                     15 March 2021               Deadline for acceptance or decline of offer.

                     30 March 2021               Closing date for receipt of appeals.


                    If your child lives in Harrow, and is due to start secondary school in September
                    2021, but was not born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010, please do
                    not fill out an application form. Instead, email schooladmissions@harrow.gov.uk
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
How places were
                                                                    offered in 2020

                    This table shows how places were allocated to                                                                                                                           in the table below change from year to year.
                    children starting at Harrow’s secondary schools                                                                                                                         Please do not assume that because children in
                    in September 2020.                                                                                                                                                      your area attend a particular school that your
                    It shows how many places were available, how                                                                                                                            child will also be offered a place.
                    many people applied for those places and how                                                                                                                            Harrow schools do not have catchment areas as
                    those places were then allocated.                                                                                                                                       part of their admission arrangements1. Schools
                    These are the statistics for last year, and while                                                                                                                       in Harrow use distance as part of their admission
                    this year’s statistics may be similar, the level                                                                                                                        arrangements. All schools in Harrow measure
        Home        and pattern of demand for schools changes                                                                                                                               distances from home to school in a straight line
                    every year. This means that the distances cited                                                                                                                         from the home address to the school.
                                                                        Number of places available

                                                                                                                                                           Medical/Social needs child
                                                                                                     Special Educational Needs -

                                                                                                                                   Looked-after children
                                               Number of applications

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Random allocation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Furthest distance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               offered in miles*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Distance criteria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Children of staff
                                                                                                                                                                                        Medical parent

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Feeder school
                                                                                                     EHC Plans


       Admissions       School name
                        Avanti House            778                     180                           3                            1                       0                            0                77        1                   74              n/a                 24                  0.339
                        Bentley Wood            679                     224                           0                            1                       0                            0                60        1                   20              82                  60                  1.495
                        Canons High             471                     210                           4                            0                       0                            0                57        0                   n/a             n/a                 127                 N/A
                        Harrow High             533                     180                           0                            0                       0                            0                34        0                   n/a             n/a                 114                    n/a
       Apply now        Hatch End               481                     210                           2                            0                       0                            0                52        1                   n/a             n/a                 144                    n/a
                        Nower Hill              1604                    324                           2                            3                       0                            0                104       1                   n/a             n/a                 214                 1.027
                        Park High               806                     270                           6                            1                       0                            0                84        0                   n/a             n/a                 179                 1.083
                        Pinner High             1177                    180                           7                            1                       0                            0                71        3                   n/a             n/a                 98                      0.7
                        Rooks Heath             397                     210                           1                            0                       0                            0                57        1                   n/a             n/a                 124                 n/a
                        Salvatorian             175                     150                               Information for Salvatorian College and The Sacred Heart
                        Sacred Heart            373                     180                               Language College can be obtained directly from the school

                        Whitefriars             232                     90                            1                            0                       0                            0                17        0                   n/a             n/a                 68                  N/A
                        Whitmore                1569                    270                           7                            0                       2                            0                103       1                   n/a             n/a                 157                 0.66

                    * Distance is measured in a straight line from the home address to the centre point of the school

                        Catchment area for the purposes of admissions is a defined geographical area set out in the admission arrangements.

                    Total places available: This is the “PAN” or Published Admissions Number.
                    SEN: These are children with a statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational, Health and Care Plan.
                    Random Allocation: These are places allocated by random computer selection from the applications received.
                    All applications inside this distance were accepted. Distance is measured in a straight line from the home address to the centre point of the school
                    site as defined by the school using a computerised mapping system based on ordnance survey data.
                    Tables for previous years are available on our website
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
How to

                                  Apply using our online form

        Home        We ask everyone to apply using              secondary school in September
                    the online form with the following          2021 but was not born between 1
                    exceptions:                                 September 2009 and 31 August
                                                                2010, please do not complete an
                    1. If your child has a statement            application form. Please email
         Map        of Special Educational Needs                schooladmissions@harrow.gov.uk to
                    or Educational, Health and Care             apply.
                    Plan, please do not complete an             3. You cannot apply for private or
                    application form.                           independent schools through this
                    2. If your child wishes to begin            process.


                    Frequently Asked Questions
                    Do I need to register?                      considered. You will then have to enter
       Apply now                                                the late application process.
                    Yes, you will first need to register your
                    details with the website and will be sent   Do I have to complete the
                    a user name and password.                   form all at once?

                    What is the deadline?                       No – if you wish, you can complete part
                                                                of the form, save your position and return
                    Your application must be complete and       later to review, complete or change it.
                    submitted by 31 October 2020. You can       Every time you change your application
                    make changes to your application right      you will receive a confirmation email.
                    up to the closing date.
                                                                Are there any tools online to
                    What happens if I do not                    help me choose schools?
                    submit my application in time?
                                                                The online application system has a


                    At the end of the process, you will be      search facility to help you find schools
                    invited to “submit” the form. Failure to    in the local area and offers links to more
                    “submit” will mean that your application    information about the schools.
                    has not been sent to us, and will not be
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
Can I apply for a Harrow school           I don’t have the internet at
                    if I live outside the borough?            home. Where can I apply?

                    If you live outside Harrow and want       Computers with internet access are
                    to apply to a Harrow school you can       available to use free of charge at any
                    list the school on the application you    Harrow library.
                    submit to your local authority.
                                                              I don’t like using computers.
                      Can I apply to schools in               Can I get a paper form
                      other boroughs?                         instead?
        Home          Yes – if you are a Harrow               No – paper forms will only be issued
                      resident you can use the same           under exceptional circumstances, due
                      online form to apply to schools         to the extra administrative cost and
                      in Harrow and also to schools           complexity of processing them.
                      maintained by other local
         Map          authorities. You can apply for          I need help! Can you help?
                      six schools; however, you may
                      only apply to a maximum of              Yes – if you need help with
                      four schools in Hertfordshire.          your application please email
                      Otherwise there is no restriction       schooladmissions@harrow.gov.uk
                      to the mix of schools on your
       Admissions     application.

       Apply now
                    What to do if your details                Deciding which address to put
                    change                                    on your application

                    Tell us straight away if any of your      The only acceptable address to put
                    details change after you have             on your application is your child’s
                    submitted your application.               permanent address and they must
                                                              be living there at the closing date for
                    If you move house and change your         receipt of applications.
                    address; if your child changes primary
                    school; or if any other factual details   Please do not list an address of
                    regarding your application change,        someone who provides a temporary
                    please email us immediately at            care arrangement for your child, a
                    schooladmissions@harrow.gov.uk.           business address, childminder’s
                                                              address, a relative’s address or any
                    Failure to let us know about changes      other address other than the child’s


                    could invalidate your application or      permanent home address.
                    even lead to an offer being withdrawn.
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
Where families have recently moved          Harrow Council reserves the right
                    into an address prior to completing         at any time to investigate and verify
                    an application, we may require further      any address, information and/or
                    information to ensure that the property     documentation in order to ensure that
                    has not been obtained solely for the        it is allocating places appropriately and
                    purposes of obtaining a school place.       fairly. These investigations may extend
                    If a family moves into a property           to Council databases, home visits and
                    temporarily to increase the chances of      background checks. We may also ask
                    gaining a school place, the council will    you for further proofs.
                    use the permanent residence for the
                    purpose of the application.                 If we offer a place at a school and then
        Home                                                    discover that the offer was made on
                                                                fraudulent or misleading information
                      All applications that are received        (for example, a false claim to living at
                                will be verified.               an address) we will withdraw the place
                                                                offered. This has happened in previous
         Map                                                    years. This will cause considerable
                                                                distress, particularly for the child
                    For example, if the family own a            involved.
                    property but are living at and apply
                    from a different address, the council
                    will assume that the second address           Where a place has been offered
       Admissions   is temporary and that the property that        based on false information, we
                    you own is where the child ordinarily         can withdraw the offer even after
                    lives. Where the owned property               your child has started at school.
                    is being renovated, this will still be
                    considered the family’s permanent
                    address.                                    In some cases, a child may live
       Apply now
                                                                permanently with parents with officially
                    Evidence will otherwise be required         shared responsibility at more than one
                    that the property is disposed of. If a      home address. Please note, this only
                    family own more than one property, the      applies to parents, not other carers
                    council will request further evidence       or relatives. In these cases, the only
                    to demonstrate where the family             acceptable address is the residence
                    normally live to determine the address      where the child spends the majority
                    the council will use for the child’s        of the school week (Monday-Friday).
                    application.                                On the rare occasions when a child’s
                                                                residence during the school week is
                    If a school place is offered on the basis   split equally between parents, then
                    of an incorrect address, the place will     parents will be asked to determine
                    be withdrawn.                               which residential address should be
                                                                used for the purpose of admission to
                    Providing false information or              school.

                    fraudulent documentation could lead

                    also to legal action being brought          In all such cases, we require a joint
                    against you, including a criminal           declaration from the parents with
                    prosecution.                                officially shared responsibility stating
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
the pattern of residence. If no joint        cases where parents are not eligible for
                    declaration is received by the closing       child benefit the address will be that of
                    date for applications, the home address      the parent where the child is registered
                    will be taken as the address of the          with the doctor.
                    parent who receives child benefit. In

                    Important information about applying
                    for a place at a selective (grammar,
                    aptitude or selective places) school
                    In response to a range of Covid-19           become available.
                    related issues which make early autumn
                    admissions testing undesirable and           Despite these changes, parents
                    impractical, many schools which test for     should still register their child for tests
                    a child’s ability or aptitude have decided   by published deadlines and submit
         Map        to postpone admission tests until later      their common application form by the
                    in the autumn term, which may mean           national closing date, 31 October 2020.
                    that the applicants may not receive the      Failure to submit our application on
                    outcome of the tests before the closing      time may mean that your application is
                    date for secondary school applications       considered after places are offered on
       Admissions   which is 31 October 2020.                    the 1 March 2021 and your chances of
                                                                 gaining a place at one of your preferred
                    Once you receive the results of the          schools will be greatly reduced.
                    test, you may make changes to your
                    application preferences (such as to          Please ensure you have read the
                    add or remove a selective school)            oversubscription criteria of the schools
       Apply now    by emailing school admissions,               that your applying for and understand
                    and quoting your child’s application         the likelihood of your child being offered
                    reference number by 10 December              a place.
                    2020. You will receive confirmation
                    of these changes via email. You will         In Harrow, you can apply for up to six
                    not be required to complete another          preferences and we would recommend
                    application.                                 that at least one of these preferences
                                                                 is used to apply for a place at a local
                    We do not have any selective schools in      school.
                    Harrow. However, families may choose
                    to apply for selective schools in other      Please ensure you rank your application
                    local authorities. If you are applying       in the correct order of preference.
                    for a place at selective school, please      We advise parents to read the
                    check the school’s website for the most      school admissions guide for further
                    up to date information about the date        information on how to complete your
                    of the test and when the outcomes will       application form.

Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
How the application
                                  process works

                    On your application form you will be asked to list six schools, ranked in order
                    of preference. You must name the schools that you wish to apply for, in the
                    order you prefer them. You do not need to use all six preferences, however,
                    we strongly advise that you do use all six preferences. There is no advantage
                    in naming only one school. Once the closing date has passed on 31 October
                    2020, the admissions process will begin.

                    How the preference                            Harrow school to their home address
                                                                  that still has vacancies once the above
                    system works                                  admissions process is complete.
                                                                  Councils will not pass on details of
         Map        All the applications we receive will be
                                                                  where the school was ranked on your
                    considered individually against the
                                                                  application to schools. No school will be
                    criteria published in this guide. Each
                                                                  told about other schools listed on your
                    school will then allocate its places to the
                    children with highest priority under its
                    own admissions criteria.
       Admissions                                                 Extremely important advice
                    Each school you name on your                  about the preference system
                    application is considered separately.
                    That means that if you have entered           Harrow has many oversubscribed
                    six preferences, your child could be          schools. Every year there are children
                    allocated as many as six places.              in Harrow who are not allocated a place
       Apply now
                                                                  at any of their schools of preference.
                    When children are allocated a place at        These children will receive an offer for
                    more than one school, the system refers       a place, but it will be at a school which
                    to the order of preference that you have      they did not choose. These places may
                    listed on your application form.              be at a considerable distance from their
                    It will then keep the offer at the school
                    you have ranked highest, and take             If you wish to have the best chance
                    your child’s name off the list for their      of avoiding this, and avoiding other
                    lower-ranked preferences. These places        common mistakes in the applications
                    will then be allocated to the children        process, please consider the following
                    with next-highest priority under those        advice when making your application:
                    schools’ admissions criteria.
                                                                  • Use all six preferences available to you.
                    Children will only be offered one school      • Use one or more of your preferences


                                                                    on the school or schools nearest
                    When children are not allocated a place         your home. The most common
                    at any of their schools of preference,          admissions tie-breaker for an
                    they will be offered a place at the closest     oversubscribed school is distance
Harrow a guide to secondary schools - How to apply - Harrow Council
from home to school.                       child, with a higher priority under the
                    • To find out which are your local           admission arrangements, is added (for
                      Harrow schools, you can use the            instance, through a late application).
                      online distance tool.
                    • Remember to list the school you            Places are offered from the waiting list
                      like the most as first preference,         throughout the year. If a place is offered
                      the school you like the second-            from the waiting list, this new offer will
                      most as second preference and so           supersede any previous offer, which
                      on, regardless of its popularity or        will then be withdrawn. Waiting lists
                      historical oversubscription.               can be viewed online via MyHarrow.
                    • Remember to fill out and submit a          Children’s names will remain on the
                      Supplementary Information Form             waiting lists for Harrow Schools until the
        Home          if you are applying to a Catholic          end of the 21/22 academic year.
                      school (The Sacred Heart Language
                      College or the Salvatorian College).
                                                                 Why do some children get
                                                                 places at schools they
                    Reasons for preference
         Map                                                     haven’t applied for?
                    When you complete the application,
                    there is a space for each preference         If, at the end of the application process,
                    where you can note why you have              your child cannot be offered a place at
                    selected a school. This information will     any of the schools on their application,
                    be passed to the school. The box is          your child will be allocated a place at
                    optional and will only have an effect on     the closest Harrow school to their home
                    your application if it relates directly to   which still has a vacancy.
                    the school’s admissions criteria.
                                                                 In nearly every case where this type of
                                                                 allocation occurs, parents are happy with
                    Waiting lists                                the alternative offered. It is always a good
       Apply now
                                                                 idea to contact the school where you
                    After the admissions process is complete,
                                                                 have been offered a place. This gives
                    we strongly advise that you accept the
                                                                 you a chance to see the school, rather
                    place your child has been offered.
                                                                 than rely on what you might have heard
                    If you have not been allocated a place
                                                                 about it, and you are also able to discuss
                    at your first preference school, your
                                                                 any worries that you might have with
                    child’s name will be placed on a waiting
                                                                 the school staff. However, if you are still
                    list for all the schools which you ranked
                    as a higher preference than the school       unhappy about the school offered you
                    where you received an offer. Your child      may decide to use the appeals process.
                    will remain on these waiting lists even
                    after you accept your offered place.         Accepting a place
                    Waiting lists are not a ‘first come, first
                    served’ list and so time on the list does    Every parent who has applied online
                    NOT give any priority.                       for a Secondary place for their child will

                    Waiting lists remain in the priority order   receive an email on 1 March 2021 to

                    as determined during the admissions          offer their child a place. You will need
                    process. This means that your child may      to log back into the e-admissions
                    move down the waiting list if another        website and accept the offered place.
Hints and tips on
                                    choosing a school

                    „ Think what kind of school your child   „ Not all schools give priority to
                      is best suited to: You may want to       siblings, or there may be restrictions
                      think about if you want a same sex       for siblings in Sixth Form.
                      school or, a faith based school does
                      the school have a specialism in the    „ Distance from home to school is
                      arts, sports, science etc., uniform      often used as tie breaker. Distance
        Home          vs. non uniform school, are there        is usually measured in a straight line
                      breakfast clubs / afterschool clubs,
                                                               from your house to the centre point
                      travel to and from school.
                                                               of the school (but it can be different
                                                               in some cases).
                    „ Familiarise yourself with the
         Map          admissions criteria for schools.
                                                             „ Some schools use random
                    „ Look at the information on how           allocation (lottery).
                      places were allocated in previous
                      year.                                  „ Some schools will have medical and
                                                               social criteria but only if you meet
       Admissions   „ Look at the school Ofsted report /       certain conditions – see page 16.
                      school website – schools do change
                      over time so it is important to get    „ Some schools will give priority to
                      your information from a variety of       staff who work for the school for a
                      sources and remember that not            certain number of years or in hard to
       Apply now      everything you hear about a school       recruit subjects.
                      may still be true.
                                                             „ Some schools outside of Harrow
                    „ During your research, you will need
                                                               may have additional criteria’s that
                      to read the admissions criteria for
                                                               are to do with streaming, testing,
                      the school(s) you want to apply to.
                                                               banding, musical or sporting ability,
                    To give you some samples of what to        catchment or priority areas.
                    check for:
                                                             „ Make sure you submit your
                    „ Church / Faith schools will give         application on time – if you miss the
                      priority to applicants that can          deadline your application won’t be
                      demonstrate practice of their faith.     considered until after the National
                                                               Offer Day.


                    If you do not submit your application to Harrow Council by 31 October 2020
                    then your child will not take part in the normal admissions process. Instead,
                    they will need to go through a late application process.

                    You will still need to complete an application form online as normal. However,
                    your preferences will not be assessed or considered until the normal admissions
        Home        process is complete and offers are made on 1 March 2021. Late applications will
                    then be allocated places out of the pool of places that are remaining.

                    There are a small number of exceptions to this rule. The following are examples
                    of exceptions that will allow late applications to be considered for the normal
         Map        admissions process:

                     1 If your family moved house after
                    the closing date, but before 10                  Late changes to your
                    December 2020.                                        application
                    You will be asked to provide a letter from
       Admissions   your solicitor confirming the completion     You must tell us straight away
                    date and confirming you have taken up        if any of your details change
                    residency. If you are renting, you will be   after you have submitted your
                    asked for a formal tenancy agreement         application.
                    from a letting agent or estate agent.
                                                                 If you move house and change
       Apply now
                     2 If your family returned home from         your address; if your child
                    abroad after the closing date, but           changes primary school; or if any
                    before 10 December.                          other factual details regarding
                    You will be asked to provide a council       your application change, please
                    tax bill confirming re-occupation of your    contact us immediately at
                    property and cease of any tenancy on         schooladmissions@harrow.gov.uk.
                    the property; you will also be asked for
                    confirmation for your move from your         Failure to let us know about
                    employer.                                    changes could invalidate your
                                                                 application or even lead to an
                     3 If a single parent has been ill for       offer being withdrawn.
                    some time, or there has been a recent
                    death of an immediate family member.
                    You will be asked to provide evidence of
                    the above.


                    Please note if you move after the 31 October your application will be
                    considered from the address that you were living at prior to moving. We will
                    only be able to update the address after the 1 March 2021.

                   The pages that follow contain             •   Park High School
                   admissions arrangements for               •   Pinner High School
                   Harrow’s secondary schools,               •   Rooks Heath School
                   including Academies, Free Schools         •   Whitefriars School (Secondary
                   and Voluntary Aided Schools.                  Phase)
                   For each school, a list of criteria
        Home       will be outlined which explain which      Separate Admissions Arrangements are
                   children have priority for admission,     included for:
                   should the school be oversubscribed.
                   Tie-breakers are also explained, in the   •   Avanti House
                   case of a tie for priority.               •   Bentley Wood High School
         Map                                                 •   The Sacred Heart Language College
                   The arrangements in this guide have       •   Salvatorian College
                   been abbreviated for your convenience.    •   Whitmore High School
                   Complete versions of each school’s
                   Admissions Arrangements are available     We strongly recommend you read these
                   to download on the Harrow Council         arrangements in full before applying
       Schools     website.                                  to the schools of your choice. Many
                                                             arrangements differ substantially from
                   The Admissions Arrangements listed        each other.
                   first apply to:
                                                             The admissions arrangements that
                   •   Canons High School                    follow are binding, and no exceptions
       Apply now
                   •   Harrow High School                    will be made during the admissions
                   •   Hatch End High School                 process.
                   •   Nower Hill High School

Admissions arrangements

                   Admissions arrangements for:
                   Canons High School                          Pinner High School
                   Harrow High School                          Rooks Heath School
                   Hatch End High School                       & Whitefriars School
                   Nower Hill High School                      (Secondary Phase)
                   Park High School
                   If there are fewer applicants than there    4. Siblings Children with a brother or
                   are places available for Year 7 entry       sister attending the academy in years
                   in September 2021, everyone who             7 to 11 at the time of application. The
                   applies will be offered a place.            sibling link does not apply to students
        Home                                                   who are attending the sixth form in
                   Children who have an Education,             September 2020;
                   Health and Care Plan or statement           5. Children of staff of the school
                   of special educational needs which          Children where their parent(s) has
                   names the Academy will be allocated         been employed by the academy trust
         Map       a place at the Academy in accordance        at the academy for at least two years
                   with their statutory entitlement.           at the date of admission or where the
                                                               member of staff has been recruited
                   Oversubscription criteria                   to a vacant post where there is a
                                                               demonstrable skills shortage; and
                   If there are more applicants than           6. Distance from home to school
       Schools                                                 Places are allocated to applicants who
                   there are places available after
                   the admission of students with an           live closest to the school. This must
                   Education, Health and Care Plan or          be the address where parent and child
                   statement of special educational needs      normally live and they must be living
                   naming the academy, the following           there on the closing date for receipt of
       Apply now   criteria will be considered, in order, to   applications.
                   determine who will be offered a place:
                                                               See following pages for definitions.
                   1. Children who are looked after
                   or were previously looked after A           Tie-breaker: If more applications are
                   ‘looked after child’ or a child who was     received in any one criterion than
                   previously looked after but immediately     there are places available
                   after being looked after became
                   subject to an adoption, residence,          The tiebreaker of distance from the
                   child arrangements;                         address point for the home address
                   2. Medical or social needs of the child     to the centre point for the school site,
                   Children for whom it is essential to be     measured in a straight line, will be
                   admitted to a specific school because       applied. The school centre point is
                   of special circumstances to do with         computer generated and is the centre
                   significant medical needs and or social     point of a bounded polygon of the
                   needs.                                      school site that includes elements


                   3. Medical reasons relevant to              such as buildings, playgrounds
                   parent(s) Parent(s) where there are         and car parks but excludes playing
                   special medical reasons for seeking a       fields. In cases where applicants live
                   place for their child at the school;        equidistant from the preferred school
and places cannot be offered to all of      joint declaration is received by the
                   the applicants affected, the available      closing date for applications, the home
                   place(s) will be allocated using a          address will be taken as the address of
                   random computer selection.                  the parent who receives child benefit;
                                                               in cases where parents are not eligible
                   Children of multiple births: In cases       for child benefit the address will be
                   where there is only one place available     that of the parent where the child is
                   at the school and the next child on the     registered with the doctor.
                   waiting list is one of a twin, triplet or
                   other multiple birth group, both twins      Children who are looked after or
                   (or all the siblings in the case of other   were previously looked after A
                   multiple births) would be admitted,         looked after child is a child who is (a)
        Home       even if this meant that the school          in the care of a local authority, or (b)
                   would admit in excess of the admission      being provided with accommodation
                   number.                                     by a local authority in the exercise of
                                                               their social services functions (see
                                                               the definition in Section 22(1) of the
                   Definitions                                 Children Act 1989) at the time of
                                                               making an application to the school.
                   Distance The home address is where
                                                               Previously looked after children are
                   a child normally lives. The distance
                                                               children who were looked after, but
                   will be measured in a straight light
                                                               ceased to be so because they were
                   from the address point for the home
                                                               adopted or became subject to a
                   address to the centre point for the
       Schools     school site. Each centre point factors
                                                               child arrangements order or special
                                                               guardianship order. An adoption
                   in on-site buildings only and is agreed
                                                               order is an order under Section 46
                   by the school. Distance is calculated
                                                               of the Adoption and Children Act
                   using a computerised mapping system
                                                               2002. A ‘residence order’ or a ‘child
                   based on Ordinance Survey data. To
                                                               arrangement order’ is an order settling
       Apply now   find distances to schools in Harrow go
                                                               the arrangements to be made as to
                   to www.harrow.gov.uk/distancetool. In
                                                               the person with whom the child is to
                   cases where applicants live equidistant
                                                               live under Section 8 of the Children Act
                   from the preferred school and places
                                                               1989. Section 14A of the Children Act
                   cannot be offered to both children, the
                                                               1989 defines a ‘special guardianship
                   available place will be allocated using
                                                               order’ as an order appointing one or
                   a random computer selection.
                                                               more individuals to be a child’s special
                                                               guardian (or special guardians).
                   Home address This must be the
                   address where parent and child
                                                               Medical or social needs of the
                   normally live and they must be living
                                                               child Except in wholly exceptional
                   there on the closing date for receipt of
                                                               circumstances such requests will only
                   applications. Confirmation of address
                                                               be considered for the school closest
                   will be required. Where a child lives
                                                               to the home address. The application
                   with parents with shared responsibility,
                                                               must be supported by written evidence.
                   each for a part of a week, then the
                                                               The supporting evidence should set out


                   address used will be the address
                                                               the particular reasons why the academy
                   where the child spends the majority
                                                               is the most suitable school and the
                   of the school week. Where residence
                                                               difficulties that would be caused if the
                   is split equally between parents, if no
child had to attend another school.         or social need) to one school in
                   The recommendation for this specific        Harrow.
                   school should demonstrate knowledge
                   of the school in terms of resources and     Medical reasons relevant to
                   organisation which deems it essential       parent(s) Except in wholly exceptional
                   that the named pupil be admitted to         circumstances such requests will only
                   the academy. The academy can only           be considered for the school closest
                   consider entry under this criterion if      to the home address. Applications will
                   the required documents have been            only be considered for the parent(s)
                   produced.                                   with whom the child lives and must be
                                                               accompanied by compelling medical
                   Applications made on medical grounds        evidence from a hospital Consultant at
        Home       must be accompanied by compelling           the time of application. The letter from
                   medical evidence from a hospital            the hospital consultant must provide
                   Consultant at the time of application.      information about the parent’s medical
                   The letter from the hospital consultant     condition, the effects of this condition
                   must provide information about the          and why, in view of this, the child
         Map       child’s medical condition, the effects      needs to attend the academy. If the
                   of this condition and why, in view of       academy is not the closest school to
                   this, the child needs to attend the         the home address, the consultant must
                   academy. If the academy is not the          set out in detail the wholly exceptional
                   school closest to the home of the child,    circumstances for attending the
                   the consultant must set out in detail       academy and the difficulties if the
       Schools     the wholly exceptional circumstances        child had to attend another school.
                   for attending the academy and the           In assessing these applications
                   difficulties if the child had to attend     independent advice will be sought as
                   another school. In assessing these          appropriate (e.g. Harrow Association
                   applications advice may be sought           of Disabled People or Harrow’s Mental
       Apply now   from Harrow’s Special Education             Health Service).
                   Needs Service.
                                                               Medical claims relevant to parent(s)
                   Applications made on social grounds         will only be considered for one school
                   must be accompanied by compelling           and this should be named by the
                   evidence at the time of application.        consultant.
                   Social needs claims will only be
                   considered where there is involvement       Parent(s) making a medical claim solely
                   from a social worker. The application       on the grounds of the young person’s
                   will need to be supported with a letter     need to be accompanied on the journey
                   from a Divisional Director from Children    to school will not be allowed.
                   and Families or a person holding a
                   similar role in another local authority.    Sibling Where children live as brother
                   The director must set out in detail the     and sister in the same household they
                   wholly exceptional circumstances that       are treated in the same way as siblings
                   in their view require attendance at the     for admissions purposes. This includes


                   academy and the difficulties if the child   a child’s brother or sister, half brother
                   had to attend another school.               or sister, adopted/foster brother or
                   Parents can only make an application        sister, step brother or sister living in the
                   under this criteria (whether for medical    same family unit at the same address.
It does not include cousins or other        have not accepted or declined an
                   extended family members who live in         offer giving them a further 7 days. If no
                   the same household. In the case of          response is received a further letter will
                   twins, triplets and other multiple-birth    be sent to advise that the place has
                   children, if one child can be offered a     been withdrawn. Unaccepted places
                   place in the school, other multiple-birth   will be allocated to other applicants.
                   children will be allocated a place in the
                   school. Where twins are concerned           Appeals procedure
                   and one twin has a Statement                Parents can choose to appeal against
                   of Special Educational Needs or             the decision of the academy trust
                   Education, Health and Care Plan that        not to offer their child a place at the
                   names the school the other twin will be     academy. Harrow Council administer
        Home       treated as having a sibling link for that   any admissions appeals on behalf of
                   academic year.                              the academy trust. To appeal against
                                                               the decision not to offer their child
                   Parent this means the parent who has        a place, parents must complete the
                   parental responsibility as defined in the   appeal forms that are available on the
         Map       Children Act 1989, or the person in the     Harrow Council website
                   household who is defined as a parent        (www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions)
                   for the purposes of Section 576 of the      or from the Harrow Council
                   Education Act 1996. This could include      Admissions Team (schooladmissions@
                   a person who is not a biological parent     harrow.gov.uk). To be considered in
                   but who has responsibility for her or       the first round of appeals, the notice
       Schools     him (such as a child’s guardians) but       of appeal must be received by the
                   will not usually include other relatives    Council by their specified date.
                   such as grandparents, aunts, uncles
                   etc unless they have all the rights,        The appeal will be heard by an
                   duties, powers and responsibilities and     independent appeals panel constituted
       Apply now   authority, which by law a parent of a       and operated in accordance with the
                   child has in relation to the child and      School Admissions Appeals Code.
                   their property.                             Parents will receive written notification
                                                               of the date and time of their appeal
                   Notification and acceptance of              hearing, which they can attend to
                   places                                      explain their case. If they wish, parents
                   In accordance with the co-ordinated         may be accompanied by an adviser
                   admissions policy, on 1 March 2021          or friend. Following the appeal, the
                   the Local Authority will make the formal    Clerk to the appeals panel will write to
                   offer of a place to parents or carers on    parents with the decision.
                   behalf of the Academy Trust.
                                                               Waiting list for the incoming Year 7
                   The onus is on parents to contact the       Parents / carers can ask for their
                   Local Authority by their specified date     child’s name to be put on a waiting
                   (expected to be around 16 March             list for the academy. The waiting list
                   2021) to either accept or decline the       will be maintained by Harrow Council


                   offer of a place. This will in no way       Admissions Team on behalf of the
                   affect parents’ right to appeal for         academy trust from the offer date
                   a place at another school. Harrow           (1 March 2021) until the end of the
                   Council will write to all parents who       academic year.
The waiting list will give priority in       time in accordance with the In-Year Fair
                   accordance with the admissions               Access agreement.
                   criteria. Any places that become
                   available will be filled in priority order   Admission of a child out
                   from the waiting list or late applicants.
                   Whenever an applicant is removed             of the normal age group
                   from or added to the waiting list, the
                   list will be reordered in accordance         In exceptional circumstances, parents
                   with the oversubscription criteria.          or carers may wish to seek admission
                                                                to a year group that is not the normal
                                                                group for a child of that age. If a parent
                   In-Year applications                         or carer is considering this they must
        Home                                                    contact the school for a discussion
                   If a parent wants to make an in-year
                                                                prior to making an application.
                   application for a child to join the
                   academy they should complete the
                                                                The Headteacher will consider a
                   Common Application Form for In-Year
                                                                request and make a decision on the
                   Admissions that is available on the
         Map                                                    basis of the circumstances of the
                   Harrow Council admissions website or
                                                                case and the best interests of the
                   from the Harrow Council Admissions
                                                                child concerned. This will include
                   Team (schooladmissions@harrow.
                                                                consideration of the parent’s or carer’s
                   gov.uk). There is no Supplementary
                                                                views, the academic, social and
                   Information Form for the academy;
                                                                emotional development of the child,
       Schools     parents only need to complete the
                                                                any relevant information provided by
                   Common Application Form. The
                                                                medical professionals, and whether
                   Common Application Form should
                                                                they have previously been educated
                   be returned to the Harrow Council
                                                                outside of their normal age group. If
                   Admissions Team who will then liaise
                                                                the Headteacher refuses a request to
                   with the schools who are listed on the
       Apply now                                                consider an application for outside of
                   form and write to the applicants with
                                                                the child’s normal age range, they will
                   the result of their application.
                                                                set out the reasons for this refusal.
                   In-Year admissions will be considered
                                                                If the Headteacher agrees to the
                   in accordance with the number of
                                                                request, if the application would then
                   places available at the school in
                                                                seek entry into Year 7, the application
                   the 2021/22 school year and over-
                                                                would be processed as part of the
                   subscription criteria outlined above
                                                                main admissions process and using
                   and any places that become available
                                                                the oversubscription criteria outlined
                   will be filled in priority order from the
                                                                above (if the request was received after
                   existing waiting list and any current
                                                                the closing date for Year 7 entry then
                                                                the application would be considered
                                                                alongside other late applications).
                   Fair access protocol
                                                                While parents have a right of appeal


                   As part of the co-ordinated admissions       against a decision to refuse admission
                   arrangements with Harrow Council             to their child, there is no right of appeal
                   the school may accept hard-to-place          if they have been offered a place but
                   pupils onto the school roll from time to     not in their preferred year group.
Admission to the Harrow                   sixth form and some students from the
                                                             school may join sixth form courses in
                   Collegiate for Sixth Form                 other schools and/or colleges.
                                                             Applications should be made to the
                   All students may continue to study        school by the first Friday in February
                   in the sixth form of their current        in the academic year preceding
                   school, providing they meet the entry     the year of entry. Any applications
                   requirements of their selected courses.   from students who are not currently
                   A collegiate system operates at           students at the academy will be
                   sixth form level within Harrow and        judged according to the same entry
                   some courses are offered through          requirements of the school and their
                   this arrangement. As a result some        selected subjects and will be offered
        Home       students from other schools and/or        places if there are spaces available in
                   colleges join courses at a particular     those subjects.



       Apply now

             Hatch   House
             High School
             Secondary School
             Excellence Virtue Devotion
          High Performing Specialist Arts
Avanti House     status
             Secondary      School
             Headstone Lane, Harrow, Middlesex
Wembrough HA3Road,
                6NR Stanmore HA7 2EX
& 0208 249Tel:
               020 8428 4330
          Fax:  020 8428 9286
* avantihouse@avanti.org.uk
          Email: admin@hatchend.harrow.sch.
8 www.avanti.org.uk/avantihouse
             Website: www.hatchend.harrow.sch.
Principal:ukMr Simon Arnell

                                                             PLACES AGES GENDER    TYPE                       Travel
                             DfE NO: 310 4000                  180  11-18 Mixed Free school

                 Avanti House is a free school for boys         Avanti House School offers a broad,
                 and girls aged 11-18, set up in response       balanced and challenging curriculum
                 to parental demand.                            centred on the academic rigour of the
                 The school has moved to its new                English Baccalaureate with specialisms in
                 £25-million-pound building located in          mathematics and performing arts. Targets
                 Stanmore, Wemborough Road, HA7                 are set for the very highest achievement
  Home           2EQ. There are a full range of facilities      across the curriculum and current
                 including; state of the art sports grounds     students are already on target to exceed
                 and hall, performing arts suite and            them.
                 fantastic teaching rooms.
                                                                In Year Seven, pupils have the chance to
   Map           Ethos                                          study French and Spanish and Sanskrit.
                                                                Yoga and meditation are taught within
                 Avanti House is founded on three               drama lessons. The school, via its
                 pillars – Educational Excellence,              bespoke philosophy, religion and ethics
                 Character Formation and Spiritual              programme (PRE), encourages students
                 Insight.                                       to understand and appreciate the value
 Schools         We ensure that Avanti House is a truly         of self, of others, of family and community
                 inclusive school where the values,             and of the environment.
                 enshrined in our vision statement are
                 evident not just in our policies but also      The PRE programme also looks to
                 in our daily practice; that they can be        nurture critical thinking and reflection
                 witnessed in the curriculum we offer and       around meaning in life, their own
 Apply now       in the relationships which we develop          understanding of and relationship with
                 with one another.                              God and how they might live an ethically
                                                                and morally sound life.
                 The 2018 Ofsted report stated that             The curriculum as a whole is designed
                 “Through working as a team and                 to nurture highly aspirational, confident,
                 developing a shared culture of high            independent, expert learners who both
                 expectations, you and your leadership          realise fully their academic potential
                 team have created a learning community         whilst also developing the attributes

                 that pupils say ‘feels like a family’”.        of social responsibility and enterprise
                                                                alongside other skills. This all ensures
                 Curriculum                                     that our students will go on to thrive as
                                                                young adults with all the challenges that
they will face in a fast-changing 21st         can learn from the older and vice-versa.
                   century global economy and community.          This also provides a structure for inter-
                   The entire curriculum is also underpinned      house competitions and leadership
                   by the development of six key values:          opportunities where pupils can take on
                   Respect, Courage, Empathy, Integrity,          additional responsibilities, regardless of
                   Self-discipline and Gratitude. Behaviour       their age. The school has a well-staffed
                   at Avanti House School is outstanding;         and experienced inclusion department to
                   our existing students are fiercely proud of    cater for the needs of all and also a very
                   their school.                                  active Student Council which feeds back
                   The school currently operates a six period     regularly to staff and actively influences
                   day (each of one hour) with an hour after      school-policy on such matters as
                   school most evenings for enrichment            behaviour, homework and catering.
                   Our early start at 8 a.m. (Breakfast Club      Beyond the formal
                   from 7.30am) and vegetarian cuisine
                   ensures we get the best out of our             Curriculum
                   pupils while still leaving time at the end
                   of the day for our varied extra-curricular     Avanti House offers a wide variety of
                   programme.                                     after-school clubs on mid-week evenings,
         Map                                                      including:
                                                                  chess, choir, dance, art, drama, netball,
                   Staffing                                       cricket, football, ultimate frisbee, gifted
                                                                  and talented, magazine, and science
                   Avanti House benefits from a highly            clubs to name a few.
                   dedicated and professional staff who           Music tuition is available across a range
       Schools     are entirely committed to the academic,        of instruments and amongst the many
                   spiritual and emotional needs of the           extra-curricular events this year have
                   children. Their approach to teaching is        been the following:• All You Need is
                   characterised by:                              Love performance on the Southbank,
                                                                  Arts Week, museum trip, “Stomp” visit,
                   • High expectations which encourage            “Winter’s Tale”, “Phantom”, Gothic
       Apply now
                     achievement                                  Tales, mask-making, tap dancing, Lord’s
                   • An understanding of the individual           Cricket, drumming workshop, “Avanti’s
                     needs of each child be they gifted           Got Talent” and an in-house production of
                     and talented or having a special             “Oliver!”.
                     educational need.
                   • An appreciation of the benefits of
                     collaborative learning, supported            In conclusion
                     by high quality ICT and bespoke
                     resources, and of learning beyond the        Avanti House offers a well-rounded
                     classroom – including trips and visits.      education to all its pupils, identifying
                                                                  strengths and talents and developing
                                                                  that potential to the full, with academic
                   Quality Assurance, Student                     achievement and character development
                   Support and Student Voice                      side-by-side. Young people will leave
                                                                  Avanti House well qualified, confident,
                   Every parent wants to know that their          creative and characterful.
                   child is well-known and well-looked
                   after at school and at Avanti House our        More details are available on our
                   OFSTED-endorsed systems ensure just            website and parents are encouraged
                   that. Each child is allocated a tutor and is   to visit the school in session to meet


                   placed in one of our four Houses. While        our very happy community, sample the
                   taught in year groups, each student            unique family atmosphere and witness
                   belongs to a House which contains pupils       for themselves the excellent teaching
                   of mixed age groups so that the younger        and strong work ethic.
Admissions arrangements

                   Avanti House Secondary School
                   Avanti House Secondary School (“the                                                                   recent utility bills.
                   School”) is part of the Avanti Schools
                   Trust and is an inclusive Hindu faith-                                                                Year 12 (Sixth Form)
                   designated school which welcomes                                                                      The PAN for external candidates meeting
                   children of all faiths and none. More                                                                 the minimum academic entry criteria for
                   information about the School can be                                                                   entry into Year 12 (sixth form) is 40.
                   found by visiting the website at www.                                                                 Internal students already on the roll in
                   avanti.org.uk/avantihouse-secondary.                                                                  Year 11 do not need to formally apply
                   The Trust Board of Avanti Schools Trust                                                               for admission, they will simply transfer
        Home       (“the Trust Board”) is the “admission                                                                 from Year 11 to Year 12 if they meet the
                   authority” for all schools within the                                                                 minimum academic entry criteria.
                   trust, and is responsible for determining                                                             Where a lower number of Year 11 students
                   and implementing the admission                                                                        transfer to Year 12 than anticipated, it may
                   arrangements for those schools.                                                                       be possible to admit external candidates
                                                                                                                         to Year 12 over the PAN.
         Map       Definition of “Parent”                                                                                The minimum academic entry criteria for
                   In this policy, a “parent” is defined as                                                              admission/transfer to Year 12 is set out
                   including a natural or adoptive parent of a                                                           further below.
                   child (irrespective of with whom the child
                   lives, or whether the parent has contact                                                              Children with an Education, Health and
                   with or parental responsibility for the                                                               Care Plan
       Schools     child), as well as non-parents who have                                                               Children with an education health and
                   care of, or parental responsibility for, the                                                          care plan (“EHC plan”) which names
                   child.                                                                                                Avanti House Secondary School will be
                                                                                                                         admitted to the School under separate
                                                                                                                         statutory procedures, rather than under
                   Published Admission                                                                                   this policy. Where they will be admitted
       Apply now   Number (“PAN”)                                                                                        in the normal admission round (i.e. Year
                                                                                                                         7 admission), the number of places
                   Year 7                                                                                                available within the PAN stated above
                   The published admission number (“PAN”)                                                                will be reduced, otherwise they will be
                   for entry to Year 7 is 180.                                                                           admitted over the PAN where necessary.
                   Where fewer applicants than the
                   published admission number for the                                                                    Oversubscription Criteria
                   relevant year group are received, offers                                                              Where the School is oversubscribed,
                   will be made to all those who have                                                                    the available places will be allocated to
                   applied.                                                                                              children in the following order of priority:
                   Following the offer of a place at the
                   School, parents/carers can be asked to                                                                1. Looked after children1 and previously
                   provide proof of their child’s birth date and                                                         looked after children who became subject
                   main residence. The forms of identification                                                           to adoption, a child arrangements order
                   may include the child’s birth certificate,                                                            or special guardianship order immediately
                   NHS registration card, council tax bill and                                                           after being looked after.


                   A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a Local Authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the

                   definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
Avanti House Secondary School (continued)

                   2. Children with a sibling2 attending                       A looked after child is a child who is (a) in
                   Avanti House Secondary School at the                        the care of a Local Authority, or (b) being
                   time of application. Details of sibling to                  provided with accommodation by a Local
                   be included in the Common Application                       Authority in the exercise of their social
                   Form submitted to the Local Authority.                      services functions (see the definition in
                                                                               Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
                   3. Children who attend Avanti House
                   Primary School or Krishna Avanti Primary                    To be included in this category, a
                   School (Harrow) at the time of application.                 completed supplementary information
                                                                               form (“SIF”) certified by a representative
                   4. Children of a member of the School’s                     of the ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor
                   staff who:                                                  temple must be submitted to the School
        Home       a. Has been employed at the School                          by the closing date for applications, in
                   for two or more years at the time of                        addition to the Common Application Form
                   application; and/or                                         submitted to the Local Authority. Children
                   b. Was recruited to fill a vacant post for                  for whom a certified SIF is not received
                   which there was a demonstrable skill                        by the closing date for applications, and
                   shortage.                                                   children falling into this category who do
         Map       For the avoidance of doubt, “a” and “b”                     not achieve a place, will be included in the
                   above do not denote an order of priority –                  next category that applies.
                   all children falling within this category will
                   be treated equally.                                         6. All other children.

                   5. Up to 10 places to Hindu children with
       Schools     a practising Hindu3 parent who worships
                                                                               Supplementary Information
                   at the ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor                           Form (“SIF”)
                   temple (located at Hilfield lane, Aldenham,
                   Near Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 8EZ)                      For children falling within categories 5
                   in the following order of priority:                         and 6 above, parents must submit a
                   5.1 Hindu children with a practising Hindu                  supplementary information form (“SIF”)
       Apply now   parent who has taken initiation (diksha)4                   certified by the practising Hindu parent’s
                   and attends Sanga5;                                         temple to the School by the closing date
                   5.2 Hindu children with a practising Hindu                  for applications, in addition to submitting
                   parent who attends Sanga6;                                  a completed Common Application Form

                   2 A “sibling” will include full or half brother or sister, an adopted brother or sister, a step-brother or sister or a
                   foster brother or sister, provided that in all cases the sibling and the applicant child live permanently at the same
                   home address (as defined by this policy) and are being brought up as siblings. For the avoidance of doubt,
                   a child of a friend or extended family member (for example, a cousin) living at the same address will not be a
                   sibling for the purpose of this policy. Parents must ensure that they have included full details of the sibling in the
                   Admissions Application Form to be included in this category. Failure to do so will result in the child being placed
                   into the next category that applies.
                   3 For the purpose of this policy, “practicing Hindu” means worship at a Hindu temple at least monthly for at least
                   one year at the closing date for applications. An adjustment to this requirement may be made by the temple’s
                   representative to take into account difficulties caused by disability or other unavoidable cause which has
                   prevented this level of worship.

                   4 “Initiation” is acceptance of the shelter of a bona fide ISKCON guru and commitment to follow the principles

                   laid down by the authorities within ISKCON.
                   5 “Sanga” is a registered congregational programme which involves regular congregational spiritual
                   development meetings (usually held at least once every month) led by an experienced practising devotee
                   recognised by the temple.
                   6 See footnote 5.
Avanti House Secondary School (continued)

                   to the Local Authority. Failure to do so will          application where it is accompanied by an
                   result in the child being placed into the              official letter confirming the relocation date
                   next category that applies.                            and a unit postal address or quartering
                   The SIF is available for download from the             address. This is an exception to the rule
                   School’s website or in hard copy from the              that the child must be living at the address
                   School’s office.                                       at the time of application.

                   Order of Allocation                                    Minimum Academic Entry Criteria for
                                                                          Year 12 (Sixth Form)
                   School places will be allocated on the                 The minimum academic criteria for
                   basis of our determined admissions                     transfer/admission to Year 12 (sixth form)
                   arrangements. The order in which places                are the same for current Year 11 students
        Home       will be allocated the categories above                 and external candidates. Only students
                   will be by reference to the distance the               who meet the minimum application criteria
                   child lives from the School, with those                will be permitted to transfer/admitted.
                   living closest to the School receiving
                   highest priority. Distance will be measured            The minimum academic entry criteria are:
                   from the centre point of the child’s                   • Six GCSE’s at Grade 6.
         Map                                                              • Each subject has individual
                   home address to the centre point of the
                   School’s site in a straight line using the                 requirements, published on the
                   Local Authority’s specialist software and in               school’s website annually.
                   accordance to the Child’s Home Address                 •
                   paragraph section in the policy.                       Admission of Children Outside their
                                                                          Normal Age Group
                   Tie Breaker                                            Parents have a right to ask for their child
                   Where two or more children live an                     to be admitted to a school to a year group
                   equal distance from the School, random                 other than their child’s year group, either
                   allocation supervised by someone                       above or below. It is, however, for the
                   independent of the School will be used                 Trust Board to determine whether to agree
       Apply now   as a tie-breaker to determine the order in             or refuse the application.
                   which places are allocated.                            The procedure for asking for admission
                                                                          of a child to a year group other than the
                   Child’s Home Address                                   child’s normal year group is by letter to
                   For the purpose of this policy, the child’s            the School giving details of all relevant
                   home address is determined as defined                  circumstances and attaching any relevant
                   in Harrow Local Authority’s Admission’s                supporting evidence. The Trust Board will
                   arrangements.7                                         consider the request and make a decision
                                                                          on the basis of the circumstances of
                   Children of UK Service Personnel and                   the case and in the best interests of the
                   Crown Servants                                         child concerned, taking into account
                   The children of UK service personnel (UK               the parent’s views, the Principal’s view,
                   armed forces) with a confirmed posting to              information about the child’s academic,
                   the area of the School, and the children               social and emotional development, the
                   Crown servants returning from overseas                 child’s medical history and the view
                   to live in the area of the School, will be             of their medical professionals (where

                   regarded as living at the address stated in            relevant), whether the child has previously

                   the application for admission at the time of           been education outside their normal age

                   7 Please see Harrow Council’s guide to admissions for Secondary Schools on their website.
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