FALL 2021 & TRIPS - PLUS TRIPS ARE BACK! - Cheltenham Adult School

Page created by Christina Jacobs
FALL 2021
                               & TRIPS

                            Get Creative!
                             Cooking, Mixology,
                               Calligraphy and More...
                                   See pages 8-11


215-887-1720 • cheltenhamadultschool.org •
Welcome to the Cheltenham Township Adult School                                                                         COURSES
  Our our mission is to foster a community of lifelong learners. Since 1939 CTAS has                                    Dance                                                       Languages
  provided educational, cultural and recreational opportunities for adults in Cheltenham and                            Tap Dance I: Beginner & Advanced Beginner...12              French I...............................................21
  neighboring communities. We hope you find the offerings in this Fall 2021 catalog as varied                                                                                       Spanish I.............................................21
                                                                                                                        Tap Dance II: Intermediate & Advanced I.......12
  and stimulating as those that have preceded it.
                                                                                                                        NEW! Latin and Ballroom Dance.................12            Spanish II............................................21
  Since many courses fill quickly, we urge students to register early by mail, by phone or at
  our website. Don’t be disappointed!                                                                                                                                               Italian I...............................................22
                                                                                                                        Effective Living
  Your early registration may make the difference in whether a course runs since course                                                                                             Basic Italian Conversation II......................22
                                                                                                                        Downsizing; What To Keep,
  cancellation is determined by the number of people signed up before the first class.                                  Sell and Do With the Rest.........................13
                                                                                                                                                                                    Music, Film & Theater
  See back cover for registration information.                                                                          NEW! I Want A Fun Funeral.......................13
                                                                                                                                                                                    20th Century Entertainment:
                                                                                                                                                                                    A Look at Television and Film....................23
                                              PHONE:                                                                    Exercise, Fitness & Health
                                              215-887-1720                                                                                                                          NEW! A Little Enlightenment Music:
                                                                                                                        Core Fusion..........................................14     Music (around) 1750-1800........................23
                                                                                                                        Full Body Workout..................................14
                                              cheltenhamadultschool@gmail.com                                                                                                       NEW! 33 Revolutions Per Minute:
                                                                                                                        Full Body Workout / Core Fusion Combo........14             Music & Social Issues (Profile Series)..........24
                                              www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                             NEW! Mindfulness Meditation                                 Orchestra: Playing for Enjoyment!...............24

                                              MAILING ADDRESS:                                                          for Beginners........................................14     Beginning Guitar....................................25
                                              500 Rices Mill Road, Wyncote, PA 19095                                    Bone Health Workshop............................15          5-String Clawhammer Banjo......................25
                                                                                                                        NEW! Posture: Why It’s More                                 Harmonica for Beginners .........................25
                                                                                                                        Than An Aesthetic Ideal...........................15        Piano/Keyboard Level I............................26
  COURSES                                                                                                               Qigong................................................15    Piano/Keyboard Level II...........................26
                                                                                                                        T’ai Chi Ch’uan......................................15
Arts, History & WRITING                                    Cooking & TASTING                                                                                                        Personal Finance & Investments
                                                                                                                        Chair Yoga...........................................16
                                                                                                                                                                                    Medicare 101........................................27
NEW! Historic Preservation........................ 4       Pickling................................................ 8   Yoga..................................................16
                                                                                                                                                                                    ABC’s of Estate Planning..........................27
NEW! The Art of Storytelling....................... 4      NEW! Intro To Mixology............................ 8         Intersession Yoga Courses........................16
                                                                                                                                                                                    Advanced Directives
NEW! The French Influence                                  NEW! Mixology Trends 2021....................... 8           Dance-It-Out®.......................................17      And Living Wills....................................27
in Philadelphia:
                                                           NEW! Italian Cooking............................... 8        Personal Defense...................................17       The Stock Market Game...........................27
A Talk, A Walk, A Taste............................. 4
                                                                                                                        EZ Zumba®...........................................17
NEW! Growing Up Victorian........................ 5        Creative Arts                                                                                                            Sports
Discovering Your Roots and Family Tree........ 5                                                                        Swimming...........................................18
                                                           Fundamentals of Drawing.......................... 9                                                                      Beginners Pickleball...............................28
Writing That Book:                                                                                                      Swim For Fun.......................................18
                                                           Foundations of Painting ............................ 9                                                                   Intermediate Pickleball............................28
An Introduction And Overview..................... 5                                                                     Aquacise.............................................18
                                                           Intro To Machine Sewing........................... 9                                                                     Beginning Fencing..................................29
Computers & Technology                                     Basic Jewelry Making............................... 9        GAMES                                                       Men’s Basketball...................................29

Making Sense of Windows 10..................... 6          Learn To Knit........................................10      NEW! Chess For Beginners.......................19
Microsoft Excel: Level I............................. 6    Intro To Crochet:                                            Bridge I...............................................19     TRIPS
Are You Blog Ready?................................ 6      Beginners Level.....................................10       Bridge: Play ’N Learn..............................19
                                                           Crochet Camp:                                                                                                            NEW! New York Botanical Gardens..............31
Cyber Security........................................ 7
                                                           Experienced.........................................10       House, Garden & Nature                                      NEW! The Battle of Gettysburg...................31
NEW! Solving the WiFi Mystery................... 7
                                                           NEW! Knit a Small Sweater.......................10           NEW! Is Beekeeping For You?....................20           NEW! Around Lancaster:
Getting To Know                                                                                                                                                                     Tales of the Past, Taste of the Present..........32
Your iPhone........................................... 7   Woodworking and                                              A Walk in the Wissahickon........................20
                                                           Cabinetmaking......................................11                                                                    NEW! Brooklyn II....................................33
Getting To Know                                                                                                         Fall and Winter Birding
Your iPhone…Better................................ 7       NEW! Calligraphy—Italics .......................11           In the Delaware Valley.............................20       NEW! Philadelphia Jewish Experience.........33

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FALL 2021 1
IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                                                                                   COURSE CALENDAR
AGE REQUIREMENTS                                                                              SUNDAY CLASSES....................................................... Sep. 26 through Dec. 5
Any CTAS student younger than 18 years of age must be in high school to be
registered for classes or trips and, with rare exceptions, must be accompanied by             WEDNESDAY CLASSES................................................ Sep. 29 through Dec. 8
a parent or guardian who is enrolled in the same course or trip. No children are
permitted on trips or in the buildings during Adult School classes.                           THURSDAY CLASSES................................................... Sep. 30 through Dec. 9

REFUND AND CREDIT VOUCHER POLICY                                                              FRIDAY CLASSES.......................................................... Oct. 1 through Dec. 10
Full refunds will be issued ONLY for a course that has been cancelled by CTAS.
                                                                                              SATURDAY CLASSES.................................................... Oct. 2 through Dec. 11
Students may request a credit voucher, good for one year, if they do the following:
• C
   ontact the CTAS Office (215-887-1720) at least two (2) working days before the            MONDAY CLASSES........................................................ Oct. 4 through Dec. 6
  first class meeting for any course that meets fewer than 3 times.
                                                                                              TUESDAY CLASSES........................................................ Oct. 5 through Dec. 7
• C
   ontact the CTAS Office (215-887-1720) within 48 hours after the first class
  meeting for any course that meets 3 or more times.                                                                             NO CLASSES:
PLEASE NOTE: A $10 processing fee will be applied to all credit voucher requests.                                      Election Day: Tuesday, Nov. 2 and
Unfortunately, CTAS cannot issue vouchers or refunds because of changes in a                            Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, Nov. 24 through Sunday, Nov. 29
student’s personal affairs or health beyond the time limits stated above.
                                                                                                   MAKE-UP CLASSES, if needed, will be held one week after the final dates.
• A $10 processing fee will be applied to all transfers.
• Please be aware that many courses have a policy of no entry after the first or           SCHOLARSHIPS
   second class meeting.                                                                    A limited number of scholarships for CTAS courses are granted to adults who need
• Contact the CTAS Office (215-887-1720) for further information about transfers.           financial aid. The Dr. Herman M. Wessel Scholarship is dedicated to the memory of
                                                                                            one of the founders of the School and a longtime Board member. Please telephone
CREDIT VOUCHERS                                                                             the CTAS office (215-887-1720) for further details and to request a scholarship
Our office has a record of your credit voucher. If you would like to use your credit        application. All scholarship requests must be received by Friday, September 17, 2021.
voucher, you will have to register by mail or phone. You will not be able to register
on the website. If the credit voucher does not cover your tuition fee, please remit the     NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY
difference via check or credit card. If the tuition is less than your credit voucher, you   The Cheltenham Township Adult School welcomes students of any race, color, gender
can either donate the difference to CTAS or keep the difference for future use. If you      identity, national and ethnic origin to partake of all rights, privileges, programs and
have questions, please email us at cheltenhamadultschool@gmail.com.                         activities, and does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies,
                                                                                            scholarships or other school programs.

    While many of our classes have returned to in-person, some of our instructors are            WE NEED YOUR CONTACT                                        Please bring
    continuing to teach via Zoom, so you can take your class from the comfort of your                INFORMATION:                                          a mask to class.
    home! For many Zoom classes, all you need is a Smartphone. When you sign up for
                                                                                             Your current address, e-mail and phone                    masks may be required
    a Zoom class your teacher will contact you before class with login information.
                                                                                                numbers are extremely important.                      in order to comply with
    If you’ve never Zoomed before, we can walk you through using Zoom.                                                                              your course’s venue policy.
                                                                                               Should your class be postponed or
                                                                                                   changed to another location,
                                                                                                       we want you to know.
                            OR                        OR               OR                      If you provide your e-mail address,
                                                                                                   please check your e-mail and
                                                                                                      spam folder frequently.

2   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                                 FALL 2021 3
ARTS, HISTORY & WRITING                                                                 ARTS, HISTORY & WRITING
In our community, we’re surrounded            IN PHILADELPHIA: A TALK,                    Don’t believe what your TV tells you       INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW
by history that makes us who we are.          A WALK, A TASTE                             about Victorian England. Children of       If you’ve always wanted to write a
Learn what is involved in preserving          Philadelphia                                all classes grew up exposed to the         book but haven’t known where to
historic resources that provide               has been                                    Bad, the Ugly, and the Dangerous.          start, or if you’ve started but don’t
important lessons of our cultural and         the home                                    Join us to learn how filth and disease     know what to do next, this course is
political evolution. In conserving,           of settlers                                 threatened the entire society.             for you. We’ll discuss all aspects of
repairing, restoring and reusing these        from France                                 RICHARD HARTMAN: Retired Educator;         writing your book: how to get started,
resources, we follow preservation             from the                                    Producer, Director and Media Specialist    continue and finish a manuscript;
guidelines. We’ll examine these and           time of William Penn in 1682. The                                                      revising and troubleshooting; what
other key drivers behind the approach         French influence in Philadelphia            10 - $38                                   agents and editors do; and getting it
to preservation work in this class,           and the colonies, critical in the           Saturday, 10/23                            published. There will be time for Q&A.
                                              American Revolutionary War, has             10 a.m. to 12 noon
taught by a restoration architect.                                                                                                   JENNIFER HUBBARD: Author of Short
CLIVE COPPING: Director, Strategic
                                              continued through the years and can                                                    Stories, Articles, Essays, Three Novels,
                                                                                          High School
Collaborations/Historic Preservation, CVM;    be witnessed in this city’s historic,                                                  the Nonfiction Book, Loner in the Garret:
Chair, The Cheltenham Historic Preservation   cultural and culinary development.                                                     A Writer’s Companion and Other Works
Committee                                     We will meet for a talk at a table                                                     32 - $53
5 - $36                                       outside the Sister Cities Cafe on                                                      2 Saturdays, 10/9 and 10/16
Thursday, 11/11
                                              Logan Square (18th Street on the                                                       10 to 11:30 a.m.
7 to 8:30 p.m.                                Ben Franklin Parkway; walk around           DISCOVERING YOUR ROOTS                     Cheltenham High School
Cheltenham High School                        the Circle stopping at points of clear      AND FAMILY TREE
                                              French influence; and then walk to          Knowing your roots and coming to
NEW! THE ART OF STORYTELLING                  Café Cret for an informal “cafe et          know better who you are provides
This class provides a history of              croissant” (not included in tour fee),      personal rewards as ancestors
storytelling and guidelines and               about a six minute walk from our            become real. In this course,
examples that teach you how to                starting point. Throughout the tour, we     participants will develop a solid
craft and present entertaining stories.       will wear masks and keep safe social        skill set in genealogy, finding even
Come to class with your favorite              distancing. At Sister Cities we may         their most elusive ancestors. Basic
stories in hand.                              need to look around for a safe table        computer skills and access to a
                                              to gather. Please register early, as this   computer and the internet are
RICHARD HARTMAN: Retired Educator;            tour is limited to 5 participants.
Producer, Director and Media Specialist                                                   required. The first class will be an
                                                                                          optional pre-course overview of
                                              ELISE BROMBERG: Docent/Tour Guide: The
7 - $38                                       Penn Museum, The Mural Arts Program,        FamilySearch for those who need an                   Certificates
Saturday, 10/9                                Philly Touch Tours                          introduction to how it works.                       Certificates for CTAS
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Cheltenham High School
                                              13 - $36                                    GIDEON HILL: Certified in Professional               courses and trips
                                              Thursday, 10/14                             Genealogical Research, Boston University            make excellent gifts!
                                              (Rain Date, Thursday, 10/21)                15 - $84                                              Call the office at
                                              1 to 2:30 p.m.                                                                                   215-887-1720 for
                                                                                          7 Mondays, 10/4 to 11/15
                                                                                          6:30 to 8:30 p.m.                                   further information.
                                                                                          Cheltenham High School
                                                                                          (Please note the first class is
                                                                                          approximately 60 to 90 minutes.)

4   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                     FALL 2021 5
COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY                                                          COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY
MAKING SENSE OF WINDOWS 10                 ARE YOU BLOG READY?                     CYBER SECURITY                               GETTING TO
Master the features of Windows 10.         Since its introduction in 2003,         Learn how to protect your computer           KNOW YOUR
Learn how to organize files and photos     WordPress has brought blogging          systems from theft or damage to your         IPHONE
in folders, organize the desktop, and      and website development to the          hardware, software or electronic data.       Have your kids—or
print. Please bring to class a PC laptop   masses. With it you can get your blog   Familiarize yourself with the tricks         grandkids—talked
using the Windows 10 operating             or website up and running quickly.      scammers may use to gain access to           to you into buying
system.                                    This course offers an introduction to   your electronic devices. Suggestions         an iPhone, or have
DAVID GRAUEL: Computer Consultant          this amazing open-source website        will be offered about virus protection       you been advised
                                           platform, which is powerful, easy to    plans.                                       that it would help
114 - $87                                  use and requires a minimal investment   SEDERIA BROWN: CEO and Founder of            you organize your
3 Saturdays, 10/9 to 10/23                 of time and money. Please bring a       MadamTechKnow, Providing Computer            professional life?
10 a.m. to 12 noon                         laptop, PC or Mac, to class.            Training to Adults and Children              Want to find out if it’s for you before
Cheltenham High School                                                                                                          making the investment? Discover
                                           DAVID GRAUEL: Computer Consultant       126 - $38                                    some of the great features of the
MICROSOFT EXCEL: LEVEL I                   116 - $87                               Saturday, 10/2
                                                                                                                                iPhone and learn how to become more
                                                                                   10 a.m. to 12 noon
Microsoft Excel is an essential            3 Thursdays, 10/7 to 10/21
                                                                                   Cheltenham High School
                                                                                                                                productive in this hands-on, two-part
business tool that you want on your        6 to 8 p.m.                                                                          course. Students who already have
resume. We will learn how to create        Cheltenham High School                                                               an iPhone should bring it to class.
                                                                                   NEW! SOLVING THE WiFi MYSTERY
basic formulas, work with columns                                                                                               Class size is limited to 10.
                                                                                   What is WiFi? How does it work?
and rows and utilize AutoSum and                                                                                                NINA EPSTEIN: IT Instructor and Consultant
                                                                                   How can the speed be improved?
AutoFill. By the end of class, you’ll
                                                                                   What is a Hotspot? This class,               120 - $48
know how to create spreadsheets,
                                                                                   designed for non-techies, will answer        2 Saturdays, 10/9 and 10/16
budgets and charts. Please bring
                                                                                   these and other questions to help you        10 a.m. to 12 noon
to class a laptop, PC or Mac, with
                                                                                   understand WiFi and improve Internet         Cheltenham High School
Microsoft Excel installed.
                                                                                   access in your home. Bring your
DAVID GRAUEL: Computer Consultant                                                  mobile devices and we will connect           GETTING TO KNOW
125 - $87                                                                          them to WiFi as we demystify this            YOUR IPHONE…BETTER
3 Thursdays, 10/28 to 11/11                                                        system.                                      This course is designed for anyone
6 to 8 p.m.                                                                        NINA EPSTEIN: IT Instructor and Consultant   who has a basic understanding of the
Cheltenham High School                                                                                                          iPhone and wants to learn more. This
                                                                                   127 - $38                                    interactive, fun class will cover tips,
                                                                                   Saturday, 11/13                              tricks, music, photography, apps and
                                                                                   10 a.m. to 12 noon                           more! Designed for all iPhone models in
                                                                                   Cheltenham High School
                                                                                                                                current use. Class size is limited to 10.
                                                                                                                                NINA EPSTEIN: IT Instructor and Consultant

                                                                                                                                128 - $48
                                                                                                                                2 Saturdays, 10/30 and 11/6
                                                                                                                                10 a.m. to 12 noon
                                                                                                                                Cheltenham High School
                 PREFER A DAYTIME COURSE?
           Look for course numbers printed in coloR.

6   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                              FALL 2021 7
COOKING & TASTING                                                                     Creative Arts
PICKLING                                     NEW! MIXOLOGY TRENDS 2021                   FUNDAMENTALS OF DRAWING
Nothing brings a burst                       What’s trending in the mixology world?      Covering all the basics—shape,                   Please register early FOR
                                                                                                                                          CREATIVE ARTS CLASSES so
of summer sunshine                           What are people ordering today?             form, light and shadow, as well as
                                                                                                                                         the instructor has time to
to a winter meal like                        What are bartenders using today?            an introduction to perspective—this             contact you regarding the
a jar of homemade                            This lesson includes trending products,     course provides a good foundation for           supplies needed for class.
pickles. In this hands-                      cocktails, garnishes, and more.             the beginner. More experienced artists
on workshop, you will                        JUNG PARK: Founder, Cocktail Culture Co.;   are also welcome to come to hone
learn about the various                      B.A., Business Administration,              their skills. Please bring a pencil and      INTRO TO MACHINE SEWING
types of pickles, the                        Temple University                           drawing pad to the first class.              And sew it begins!
basics of pickling and the steps to the      337 - $40                                   WAYNE HIBSCHMAN: B.F.A., Tyler School        You will complete three
water bath canning procedure. We’ll                                                      of Art of Temple University; Portrait and    projects, including a
                                             Tuesday, 11/9
cover equipment, the basic ingredients       7 to 9 p.m.
                                                                                         Illustration Artist                          great tote bag, while
and utensils needed to pickle at home.       ZOOM                                        50 - $104                                    learning the basics of
Please bring $5 for supplies.                                                                                                         machine sewing, cutting
                                                                                         10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6
MANDEL SMITH: Food Safety and Nutrition      NEW! ITALIAN                                7 to 9 p.m.                                  and construction. Bring a machine if
Educator, Penn State Extension, Montgomery   COOKING                                     Room 254, Cheltenham High School             you have one, or you may use ours.
County                                                                                                                                Expect to spend $40 on supplies.
                                             Join instructor
326 - $36                                    Vivianna Calabria                           FOUNDATIONS                                  Class size is limited so please
Tuesday, 10/5                                for this one-night-only demonstration       OF PAINTING                                  register early.
6 to 8:30 p.m.                               class. We’ll make marinara sauce, a         Beginners, learn step by step about          CHELSEA SPERGER: Experienced Sewing
Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote       simple and versatile staple of Italian      painting materials, color theory             Teacher; Owner of The Sewing Room
217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote                cooking, as well as two uniquely            and mixing, using oil pants, basic           56 - $104
                                             delicious specialties that bring a little   techniques, and selecting images and
NEW! INTRO TO MIXOLOGY                       zing to the table: caponata, a sweet-       developing them as paintings. More
                                                                                                                                      4 Tuesdays, 10/19 to 11/9
                                                                                                                                      6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
At-home mixology enthusiasts—take            and-sour Sicilian appetizer that features   advanced artists are also welcome            The Sewing Room
your cocktail game to the next level!        the flavors of eggplant and capers,         to advance their understanding of            703 West Avenue
This crash course to the mixology            and pesto, a basil-heavy paste we’ll        materials and techniques. Request a          Jenkintown
world includes the following topics:         make with and without pine nuts, that       materials list from the instructor prior
types of liquor, popular liqueurs,           accompanies more than just pasta.           to the start of class, or receive the list   BASIC JEWELRY MAKING
mixers, bar tools, recipes, and more.        Our class will cover ingredients,           at the first class. Some prior drawing       Learn hands-on the basics of jewelry
JUNG PARK: Founder, Cocktail Culture Co.;    preparation, and cooking; cultural          experience needed.                           construction, focusing on design,
B.A., Business Administration,               background of the dishes; and of            WAYNE HIBSCHMAN: B.F.A.,                     closures, findings and materials, and
Temple University                            course the best part: serving it up and     Tyler School of Art of Temple University;    make impressive jewelry pieces! Supply
336 - $40                                    enjoying some together. Please bring        Portrait and Illustration Artist
                                                                                                                                      fee of $25 to be paid to instructor for
Tuesday, 10/12                               $10 for ingredients.                        54 - $104                                    basic kit. Extra materials/tool list will
7 to 9 p.m.                                  VIVIANNA CALABRIA: First Generation         10 Thursdays,                                be provided after sign-up. Class size is
ZOOM                                         Italian American; Authentic Italian Cook    9/30 to 12/9                                 limited so please register early.
                                             327 - $40                                   7 to 9 p.m.                                  REENA BROOKS: Mixed Media Artist
                                                                                         Room 254,
                                             Tuesday, 12/7
                                             6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                         Cheltenham                                   57 - $71
                                                                                         High School                                  4 Tuesdays, 10/19 to 11/9
                                             Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote
                                             217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote                                                            7 to 8:30 p.m.

8   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                  FALL 2021 9
Creative Arts                                                                                     Creative Arts
LEARN TO KNIT                                    CROCHET CAMP: EXPERIENCED                        WOODWORKING AND                              NEW! CALLIGRAPHY - ITALICS
In this beginner’s class, we will learn          Expand your crochet skills as you create         CABINETMAKING                                The Italic style of Calligraphy is basic
to cast on, knit and purl, and bind off          two fun projects working in the round.           Learn the essentials of woodworking          and easy to learn. All other styles of
and basic increasing and decreasing.             You’ll learn how to read stitch diagrams         from a master craftsman and teacher,         calligraphy come from understanding
When you are done, you will be able to           and work patterns in the round using             using machinery and hand tools               the principles of the Italic hand.
tackle a basic knitting project—even             new and familiar crochet stitches.               while constructing your own personal         The class will start with lower-case
a sweater! You will need a smooth,               We will cover setup and method and               project. Come with a project in mind.        alphabet, move on to capitals and
solid color, worsted weight or heavier           put our skills to use by making a beanie         Plans for beginners and more advanced        continue with numbers, flourishes
yarn and appropriate needles. The                and a cowl. Please register early as the         woodworkers are available online. In         and fancy stuff as time allows. There
instructor can advise you on yarn                instructor will contact students prior           the first class we will go over your         will be homework—as practice is
brand and needle size or can supply              to the first class with a supplies list—         project, determine the materials and         necessary to perfect your skills!
you with a ball of bulky yarn and a set          expect to spend $10.                             tools that you will need and if it is        Please bring $20.00 to first class for
of size 10 needles for $12. Class size           YOLANDA BOOKER: Experienced Crocheter            achievable within ten classes. We            ink, pen, nibs and layout pad.
is limited so please register early.             and Teacher                                      provide the machines; you provide the        KAREN SCHLOSS: Professional Calligrapher,
LISA STOCKEBRAND: Taught Hand Knitting,                                                           lumber and the project. If you do not        Graphic Artist and Teacher
Moore College of Design; Technician in Textile
                                                 63 - $102                                        own tools, expect to spend about $100.
Conservation, Philadelphia Museum of Art         10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6, 7 to 8 p.m.            Students must be 18 years or older.          70 - $93
                                                 Faculty Lounge, Cheltenham High School                                                        8 Mondays, 10/4 to 11/22
60 - $64                                                                                          Register early since class size is limited
                                                                                                                                               7:30 to 9 p.m.
                                                                                                  to 12. There is a $5 shop fee to be paid
4 Mondays, 10/4 to 10/25                         NEW! KNIT A SMALL SWEATER                                                                     Room 255, Cheltenham High School
7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                                  to the instructor the first night of class
                                                 In this advanced                                 for maintenance of equipment.
Cheltenham High School                           beginner class we will
                                                                                                  MEL SHAWL: Professional Cabinetmaker
                                                 knit a small sweater
                                                 (baby or toddler sized)                          65 - $162
                                                 from the top down. This                          10 Mondays,
Learn the stitches, tools, and techniques        project will teach you                           10/4 to 12/6
you need to get started with crochet.            all the skills needed to tackle a grown-         7:15 to 9:45 p.m.
We will cover all aspects of crochet             up sized sweater but with much less              Room 280,
projects from choosing tools and yarn            knitting, so it can be completed faster…         Cheltenham
to stitch technique and troubleshooting          The instructor will send you a PDF of            High School
while making a cowl, dishcloth, or               the knitting pattern. Bring one ball of
washcloth. Please register early as the                                                           66 - $162
                                                 worsted weight yarn (200 yards) and a            10 Thursdays,
instructor will contact students prior           set of US size 8- 24" circular needles, or
to the first class with a supplies list—                                                          9/30 to 12/9
                                                 the instructor can supply a complete kit         7:15 to 9:45 p.m.
expect to spend $15.                             for $20, if you wish. MUST BE ABLE TO            Room 280,
YOLANDA BOOKER: Experienced Crocheter            CAST-ON, KNIT AND PURL! Class size is            Cheltenham
and Teacher                                      limited so please register early.                High School
61 - $102                                        LISA STOCKEBRAND: Taught Hand Knitting,
10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6, 6 to 7 p.m.            Moore College of Design; Technician in Textile
Faculty Lounge, Cheltenham High School           Conservation, Philadelphia Museum of Art
                                                 67 – $90
                                                 6 Mondays, 11/1 to 12/6, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                 Cheltenham High School

10   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                          FALL 2021 11
DANCE                                                                                 EFFECTIVE LIVING
TAP DANCE I - BEGINNER &                    NEW! LATIN AND                            DOWNSIZING;                                NEW! I WANT A FUN FUNERAL
ADVANCED BEGINNER                           BALLROOM DANCE                            WHAT TO KEEP, SELL AND                     Just as you only live once, you only
Learn basic tap steps from Shim Sham        Want to have fun while getting some       DO WITH THE REST                           die once! Contemplating your own
to soft shoe, and have fun with your        exercise? Social Dance gives you          Do you find the whole concept of           funeral is not for the faint of heart, but
feet while putting a smile on your face!    physical activity, social interaction     moving overwhelming? Try including         getting some thoughts down on paper
Tap shoes with flat heels will add to       and mental stimulation. This class        a “neutral third party” in the process.    and into the hands of a trusted love
your enjoyment. Due to distancing,          is perfect for beginners or for more      Learn to plow through a lifetime’s worth   one can be the best move you never
class size is limited.                      experienced dancers who want to           of possessions with a clear head and a     considered making before. In this
ANN MULKERN: Lifelong Student, Teacher,     sharpen their moves. Dances will          real plan. Together, we’ll set concrete    fun and lively workshop, you’ll get an
Choreographer and Performer of Tap          include merengue, cha cha, salsa,         goals and discuss the options: sell,       easy-to-complete packet that includes
                                            foxtrot, waltz and swing. Partners        consign, eBay®, yard sale and donate.      everything that needs to be decided.
260 - $121                                  are recommended but not required.         You’ll learn to make the most of what      With humor, support, and discussion,
10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6                                                              you decide to keep and how to store        a dreaded task becomes not only easy,
7 to 8:30 p.m.                              DONNA BOYLE: Founder Disco American
                                            Dance Championships, Regional Winner      those things safely. You’ll make peace     but creative and meaningful. It’s a
Little Theater
                                            on TV’s Dance Fever, Experienced Social   with the fact that the entire process is   huge gift for your family, and there are
Cheltenham High School                      Dance Instructor                          NOT erasing history—it’s preparing for     so many more and interesting options
TAP DANCE II - INTERMEDIATE &               277 - $85                                 a great future!                            for funerals than ever before. Come
ADVANCED I                                  8 Tuesdays, 9/28 to 11/16                 CAROL SEELAUS: Owner, Private Cleaning     learn about them and plan yourself an
                                            7 to 8 p.m.                               Service; Lecturer; Consultant              awesome farewell, and have fun in the
Students progress to jazz routines
                                            Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote                                               process. Please bring $5 to the first
while exploring music of Ellington,                                                   352 - $43                                  class for materials.
                                            217 Fernbrook Avenue
Brubeck and Hancock. Fun with                                                         Saturday, 12/4
                                            Wyncote                                                                              KYLE TEVLIN: Owner, I Want a Fun Funeral
improvisation and rhythmic games will                                                 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
be included. Tap shoes are required.                                                  Cheltenham High School                     356 - $38
Due to distancing, class size is limited.                                                                                        Saturday, 10/30
ANN MULKERN: Lifelong Student, Teacher,                                                                                          10 a.m. to 12 noon
Choreographer and Performer of Tap                                                                                               Cheltenham High School
261 - $121
10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Little Theater
Cheltenham High School                                                                          HOW DID YOU LIKE YOUR COURSE?

                                                                                                           Feedback is vital to us as
                                                                                                       we continue to develop programs
                                                                                                       to meet your needs and interests.
         Love to DANCE?                                                                               Please call or write; your comments
          Check out our                                                                                  will receive our full attention.
        DANCE-IT-OUT® Class
           on page 17.                                                                                        Contact us at 215-887-1720 or
                                                                                                          at cheltenhamadultschool@gmail.com.

12   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                            FALL 2021 13
Exercise, Fitness & Health                                                                      Exercise, Fitness & Health
CORE FUSION                                           FULL BODY WORKOUT                         BONE HEALTH WORKSHOP                       QIGONG
This course for                                       Have fun while toning and shaping         If you have been diagnosed with            The Chinese believe Qigong brings
all fitness levels                                    your body. This weekly hour-long          osteopenia or osteoporosis, you            people in touch with Earth’s energy
will strengthen                                       workout will include a warm-up, full      have probably heard that exercise          and, in turn, the energy inside each
the entire body                                       body conditioning, core strength          is important, but do you know what         of us. Enjoy a gentle yet vigorous
and improve                                           exercises, plus a cool-down stretch.      exercises to do? In this course you        program working with our life source
flexibility and core conditioning. You'll             Students of all ages and fitness levels   will learn the exercises and lifestyle     through breathing and relaxation
learn proper form and technique to                    are welcome. This is a judgment-free      changes that can help build bone and       movements. Perfect for anyone of any
get maximum results and prevent                       zone! Please bring a mat and water.       prevent injury. We will also examine       age who wants improved health and
injuries, personalized to your physical               Bring light weights if you have them.     the crucial role that posture, balance     vitality. Release the stress, boost the
needs and limitations, and provide                    If you do not have weights, you can       and specific exercises have on your        energy and lift the spirit.
options for both the beginning and                    use your own body resistance.             bone health. All exercises will be         PAUL TADDEI: T’ai Chi Instructor
experienced weight trainer. Bring                     KAREN TAYLOR-YOUNG: Retired               done sitting or standing. Please wear
water, a mat, and handheld weights                    Professional Dancer with Philadanco,      comfortable clothes.                       424 - $72
(beginner: 1-2 lbs., intermediate:                    Opera Ebony, Opera Company of             JOANNE FAGERSTROM: Practicing Physical
                                                                                                                                           5 Saturdays, 9/25 to 10/23
3-5 lbs., advanced: 6-8 lbs.) to each                 Philadelphia; Choreographer; Teacher      Therapist; Proprietor, Mindful Physical    Please note the early start date
class. We'll introduce resistance bands                                                         Therapy, LLC,                              9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
                                                      401 - $108                                                                           Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote
as an option as the semester goes on.                 10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6, 6 to 7 p.m.     409 - $36                                  217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote
KAREN TAYLOR-YOUNG: Retired                           ZOOM                                      Tuesday, 10/5
Professional Dancer with Philadanco, Opera                                                      7 to 8:30 p.m.                             T’AI CHI CH’UAN
Ebony, Opera Company of Philadelphia;                 FULL BODY WORKOUT /                       Zoom
Choreographer; Teacher                                                                                                                     You’ve seen it practiced in a park or
                                                      CORE FUSION COMBO
                                                                                                                                           on TV. Now experience it for yourself.
400 - $108                                            402 - $183                                NEW! POSTURE: WHY IT'S MORE                T’ai Chi is a powerful slow-moving
10 Wednesdays, 9/29 to 12/8                           10 Mondays and 10 Wednesdays,             THAN AN AESTHETIC IDEAL                    martial art with health benefits when
6 to 7 p.m.                                           9/29 to 12/8, 6 to 7 p.m.                 When our posture is aligned as it          practiced over time. This course will
ZOOM                                                  ZOOM                                      is intended to be, everything works        teach the Yang family style short-form
                                                                                                better—from our musculoskeletal            T’ai Chi warm-up Qigong exercises
                                                                                                system to our breathing to our digestion   to warm the lower body. Discover
     NEW! MINDFULNESS MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS                                                  to our mood. Come to this informative      your internal life energy (chi). Wear
     Learn the fundamentals of mindfulness practice and how to                                  and engaging workshop and learn            comfortable clothes and sneakers or
     use them in your daily life. Each class will feature a guided                              immediate ways you can improve your        flat shoes.
     meditation on topics such as mindful eating, breathing, and                                posture and keep it that way.
                                                                                                                                           PAUL TADDEI: T’ai Chi Instructor
     movement; body scan; expanding awareness; and loving-                                      JOANNE FAGERSTROM: Practicing Physical
     kindness. We recommend daily meditation at home, with                                      Therapist; Proprietor, Mindful Physical    427 - $72
     provided audio, to reinforce class instruction. This course is                             Therapy, LLC,                              5 Saturdays, 11/6 to 12/11
     designed for those with little to no meditation experience, but all are welcome.                                                      9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                410 - $36
     A few raisins are needed for the first class for a mindful eating exercise.                                                           Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote
                                                                                                Monday, 10/4                               217 Fernbrook Avenue
     JANET MEYERS: Advanced Training in Meditation, Center for Mindfulness, Thomas              7 to 8 p.m.
     Jefferson University and The Awareness Training Institute, University of California,                                                  Wyncote
     Berkeley; Occupational Therapist
     407 - $90
     8 Tuesdays, 10/5 to 11/23, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Zoom

14     www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                      FALL 2021 15
Exercise, Fitness & Health                                                             Exercise, Fitness & Health
CHAIR YOGA                                    YOGA                                     DANCE-IT-OUT®                               PERSONAL DEFENSE
This adaptation of classical yoga is          Yoga promotes physical and emotional     Stressed? Dance-It-Out®!                    Feel more confident and learn
for those who want the benefits of            well-being through postures, breathing   Overwhelmed? Dance-It-Out®! Need a          techniques to protect yourself and
yoga but prefer not to practice on the        and relaxation techniques. Gentle        fun workout? Dance-It-Out®! We’ll do        others. Basic martial arts techniques
floor. The practice includes stretching,      stretching postures and relaxation       Zumba®, Retro, a little Hip-Hop and         can keep you safe in the event of an
breathing, balance, relaxation, and           practices help strengthen, tone          Line—four dance styles in one fun-          attack. We will explore the basics of
meditation techniques, done while             and relax tired muscles. Breathing       filled hour for six weeks. Burn calories,   punching, kicking and blocking along
sitting or standing next to a chair.          practices calm the nerves and increase   tone muscles, reduce stress and feel        with other martial arts skills. We will
Wear comfortable clothing and bring           vitality. Come to class with a light     energized. You’ll have a blast while        discuss how to find a way out of a
a yoga mat.                                   stomach, wear loose, comfortable         blasting away those stubborn pounds         dangerous situation. If you are willing
MARYANN GREEN: Yoga Teacher for 25            clothing and bring a yoga mat.           and stress. No dance experience             to learn and think, you’ll feel safer,
Years; Extensive Study in Dance,              MARYANN GREEN: Yoga Teacher; Extensive   is necessary in this supportive             have some fun and work up a sweat.
Martial Arts and Yoga                         Study in Dance, Martial Arts and Yoga    environment. Wear sneakers and              Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
418 - DAYTIME - $120                                                                   comfortable clothing so you can “Get        A yoga mat for stretching is optional.
                                              420 - DAYTIME - $144                     Down Tonight.” Bring a bottle of water
11 Wednesdays, 9/22 to 12/8                   11 Wednesdays, 9/22 to 12/8                                                          KEVIN DERR: Personal Self-Defense and
11 a.m. to 12 noon                                                                     and a towel. WARNING: This class will       Martial Arts Teacher; Third Degree Black Belt
                                              9:30 to 10:45 a.m.
Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote                                                 create lots of smiles and laughter!         in Kempo Tradition of Karate
                                              Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote
217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote                 217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote            GAYLE HERBERT ROBINSON: ACE Certified       437 - $126
                                                                                       Group Fitness Instructor; Licensed Zumba®
MERIMA SULLLIVAN:                             MERIMA SULLLIVAN: Sky Foundation                                                     10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                       Instructor; Cardio Dance
Sky Foundation Instructor                     Instructor                                                                           Room 282, Cheltenham High School
417 - EVENINGS - $110                                                                  423 - $87
                                              422 - EVENINGS - $120                                                                EZ ZUMBA®
10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6                                                               6 Saturdays, 10/2 to 11/6
                                              10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6                 10 to 11 a.m.
6 to 7 p.m.                                   7:15 to 8:15 p.m.                                                                    Join the fitness party! EZ Zumba® is a
Senior Center, Cheltenham High School                                                  Cheltenham                                  slower paced Zumba® fitness course
                                              Room 274, Cheltenham High School         High School                                 designed for beginning students and
                                                                                                                                   active older adults. It emphasizes lower
                                                                                                                                   intensity Zumba® moves, focusing
 Intersession YOGA courses                                                                                                         on balance and range of motion.
 Chair Yoga Intersession                                                                                                           Combining Latin and international
                                                                                                                                   music and dance moves, this course
 419 - $82                                                                                                                         offers a dynamic, fun workout for the
 6 Wednesdays, 1/5 to 2/9                                                                                                          entire body. Wear comfortable active
 11 a.m. to 12 noon                                                                                                                wear and sneakers or aerobics shoes.
                                                                                                                                   Bring a water bottle and a small towel.
 Yoga Intersession
                                                                                                                                   ELLEN ROMANO: Certified Group Fitness
 421 - $85                                                                                                                         Instructor
 6 Wednesdays, 1/5 to 2/9
 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.                                                                                                                443 - $108
                                                                                                                                   10 Tuesdays, 10/5 to 12/7,
 Both Intersession Yoga Classes will be                                                                                            11 a.m. to 12 noon,
 taught by Maryann Green and be held at the                                                                                        Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote
 Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote,                                                                                           217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote
 217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote

16   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                 FALL 2021 17
Exercise, Fitness & Health                                                                   GAMES
All students must supply their own towels, bathing suits and combination locks                 NEW! CHESS FOR BEGINNERS
for lockers. Students are advised to check with their physicians before starting any           This beginner’s chess class on Zoom will include
exercise course. The Cheltenham High School pool water temperature is set at a                 basic chess instruction, covering opening principles,
level to facilitate interscholastic competition. It is not set at a therapeutic level.         middlegame strategy, tactics, endgame strategy and
                                                                                               checkmates. Students will practice the principles they
BEGINNER courses are specifically                 EVE MARCOLINA: Coordinator,                  learn though friendly competition and will emerge with
designed for the adult who cannot                 Red Cross WSI Certified Teacher
                                                                                               a mastery of basic concepts.
swim. Progress is made through                    JANET LECH-PICADO:
                                                                                               MATHEW MARTELLO: Experienced Chess Teacher; 3-Time First
the Standard American Red Cross                   Red Cross WSI Certified Teacher
                                                                                               Place Finisher in Chess Competitions; 2019 9th Place Finisher,
Beginner Program of instruction.                                                               World Open U2000 Tournament
                                                  470 - BEGINNER - $104
ADVANCED BEGINNER courses                                                                      235 - $88
are for adults who have had limited
                                                  472 - ADV. BEG. - $104
                                                                                               8 Tuesdays, 10/5 to 11/23
experience in swimming and its                    474 - INTERMEDIATE - $104                    7 to 8 p.m.
associated skills and who desire                  10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6, 8 to 9 p.m.        ZOOM
further expert instruction before
venturing into deep water.                        471 - BEGINNER - $104
INTERMEDIATE courses are for adults               473 - ADV. BEG. - $104                     BRIDGE I                                         BRIDGE: PLAY 'N LEARN
who are able to maintain themselves               475 - INTERMEDIATE - $104                  Don’t miss hours of pleasure because             This course is for bridge players who
in deep water.                                    10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9, 9 to 10 p.m.   you think bridge is too difficult to             want to improve their game. Each
                                                                                             learn. This course is an introduction            class will begin with a brief lesson,
                                                                                             for novices to this challenging game,            at a beginner or intermediate level,
     SWIM FOR FUN                                                                            although it’s best if you’ve played              on some aspect of bidding or play.
     Swim for fun is zoned only in the deep end of the pool under the watchful care          other card games. We’ll start at the             Then we’ll spend the rest of the
     of our staff and lifeguards. Go home feeling toned but relaxed.                         very beginning and work up through               class playing bridge, both to practice
                                                                                             the basics. Class instruction combined           the week’s topic and for general
     476 - $81                                                                               with lots of actual playing of hands             enjoyment. During this play the
     10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6, 9 to 9:45 p.m.                                                makes the game easy and pleasant to              teacher will be available to help and
     477 - $81                                                                               learn. No partner is necessary.                  to answer questions. Each class will
     10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9, 8 to 8:45 p.m.                                              WES POWERS: American Contract Bridge             have lots of play with the right amount
                                                                                             League Accredited Teacher; Life Master           of instruction to help students on the
     AQUACISE                                                                                Player                                           road to mastery.
     Enjoy feeling weightless as you exercise in
     the shallow end. These aquatic routines are
                                                                                             230 - $118                                       WES POWERS: American Contract Bridge
                                                                                                                                              League Accredited Teacher; Life Master Player
     low-impact aerobic exercises. Everyone is                                               10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9
     expected to get wet. Please bring two empty                                             7 to 9 p.m.                                      231 - $118
                                                                                             Cheltenham High School                           8 Wednesdays, 9/29 to 11/17
     16-ounce or larger water bottles with caps.
                                                                                                                                              1 to 3:30 p.m.
     478 - $87                                                                                                                                Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote
     10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6, 9 to 9:45 p.m.                                                                                                 217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote
     479 - $87
     10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9, 8 to 8:45 p.m.

18     www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                          FALL 2021 19
House, Garden and Nature                                                                     Languages
Have you ever wanted to help bee                                                               FRENCH I
populations but worried about the                                                              If you’ve never studied French before or
complexity of keeping bees—not to                                                              have forgotten the French you learned in
mention the stings! Don’t let these                                                            school, you can quickly pick up the language
concerns keep you from trying this                                                             in this active, supportive and entertaining
important and rewarding activity.                                                              course. Start building vocabulary and
Find out if you have what it takes to                                                          grasping grammar through illustrations
be a beekeeper, and get the chance to                                                          and dialogue about favorite activities, food,
dive into an actual hive. We’ll discuss                                                        culture and travel plans. Please purchase the following textbook:
the costs of keeping bees, strategies,                                                         Barron’s French Now, Level 1 by Christopher Kendris, 5th edition.
time commitment, best practices, and                                                           DAVID BALOSA: Ph.D., Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Maryland
safety precautions. Our last class is a                                                        Baltimore County (UMBC); French Teacher and English as a Second Language Specialist,
visit to local bee hives.                                                                      School District of Philadelphia
NICHOLAS LODISE, III: Experienced Bee                                                          129 - $126
Keeper; Owner/Operator: Bee Happy Honey,                                                       10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Hives & Supplies                            FALL AND                                           Cheltenham High School
207 - $66                                   WINTER BIRDING
3 Thursdays, 10/7 to 10/21                  IN THE DELAWARE VALLEY
6 to 7:30 p.m. and                          Despite the weather, fall and winter             SPANISH I                                      SPANISH II
Saturday, 10/23, 8 a.m.                     can be some of the best seasons                  Are you taking a trip to a Spanish-            This continuation of Spanish I will
Cheltenham High School                      for bird watching in the Delaware                speaking country? Have you always              cover the vocabulary of various topics;
                                            Valley, as many species of raptors               wanted to learn Spanish but haven’t            idiomatic expressions; more advanced
A Walk in the Wissahickon                   and passerines fly south through                 had time? This is the perfect course           weather expressions; prepositions;
If you love the Wissahickon and have        the area on their way to winter                  for you, a student with no previous            some negative expressions;
always wanted to learn the identity of      quarters. Eagles, falcons, sparrows              knowledge of Spanish or wishing to             comparative expressions; irregular
various plants that grow there, here        and waterfowl stay in the area for               review basic skills. Study the basics of       and reflexive verbs; and imperfect
is your opportunity. Spend a beautiful      the winter or continue on to South               the Spanish language and culture with          and preterite tenses. We will have
day with plant enthusiast, Ken LeRoy,       and Central America. This class will             special emphasis on conversation.              readings on cultural customs, recipes
studying the different species of plants    teach where and when to observe                  Short cultural and literary readings           and Spanish art and proverbs. Please
and trees found there. Bring water, a       this natural phenomenon and how                  may be included. Please bring to the           register early as the instructor will
snack and wear hiking shoes. Meet at        to identify these species using field            first class Spanish Now, Level I by            contact students prior to the first
Valley Green Inn in Fairmount Park.         marks, song and behavior. We will                Ruth Silverstein, available at Barnes          class with a materials list—expect to
KENNETH LEROY: Certified Arborist, Temple   take field trips to local hotspots.              & Noble and www.amazon.com.                    spend $15.
University and Morris Arboretum; Member,    CLIFF HENCE: Graduate, Pennsylvania Master       CYNTHIA ROGAN DE RAMIREZ: Translator;          STACEY LUDRICK: B.A., Temple University;
International Society of Arboriculture;     Naturalist Program; Volunteer, Fish and          Tutor and Interpreter in Spanish and           M.A., Gwynedd Mercy College; Recipient of
Co-Owner, Green Earth Enterprises, LLC      Wildlife Service; Leader of Bird and Butterfly   Italian; Institute for Foreign Languages of    the 2008 Lindback Distinguished Teaching
                                            Walks at Tinicum Wildlife Refuge                 Doylestown                                     Award
223 – $42
Saturday, 10/16 (Rain date 10/23)           224 - $66                                        134 - $126                                     136 - $126
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.                           4 Thursdays, 9/30 to 10/21                       10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9                     10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6
Valley Green Inn                            7 to 8:30 p.m.                                   6 to 7:30 p.m.                                 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Valley Green Road and                       Cheltenham High School                           Zoom                                           Cheltenham High School
Wissahickon Creek

20   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                         FALL 2021 21
Languages                                                                                 Music, Film & Theater
ITALIAN I                                     NEW! BASIC ITALIAN                          20TH CENTURY ENTERTAINMENT:               NEW! A LITTLE ENLIGHTENMENT
If you’re planning a trip to Italy and        CONVERSATION II                             A LOOK AT TELEVISION AND FILM             MUSIC: MUSIC (around) 1750-1800
want a basic grasp of the language,           Learn to speak Italian proficiently and     A spirited look at the roots of the       An exploration
this course is for you! You’ll learn          with ease when interacting with native      American entertainment industry           of the period
vocabulary, basic grammar and                 speakers. In this course that uses the      focused on film and television.           known as the
useful phrases for shopping, dining           communicative approach to language          In our first session, Century of Movie    “Classical” era
and getting around. We will use a             learning, students will continue            Memories, we’ll pay tribute to classic    of Western
communicative approach for language           practicing with il futuro semplice          movies from the streets of Philly to      European
instruction. Please bring Barron’s            (future tense), learn the l'imperfetto      Hollywood Boulevard, to those behind      concert music,
Learn Italian the Fast and Fun Way,           (imperfect), il condizionale and il         the camera and up front, and discuss      including a
ISBN: 978-1-4380-7496-2 to the first          condizionale passato (present and           what they mean to you, the film buff.     sampling of
class.                                        past conditional tenses), il congiuntivo    In our second session, Through the        works by C.P.E.
CYNTHIA ROGAN DE RAMIREZ: Translator;         (the subjunctive), and learn to make        TV Lens: The Fabulous 50’s, we’ll ride    Bach, J.C. Bach,
Tutor and Interpreter in Spanish and          comparisons using il comparativo            a magic time machine back to January      Gluck, Haydn,
Italian; Institute for Foreign Languages of   (comparative degree). Students will         28, 1956 to watch News and Reviews,       Mozart, early Beethoven and others.
Doylestown                                    also be introduced to numerous              an “on air” magazine, built around        We will look at the important forms
146 - $126                                    idiomatic, everyday expressions,            a hilarious Honeymooners episode          and musical elements of the era, as
10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9                    and falsi amici (false cognates), and       of the same date. Join us to relive       well as the historical and cultural
7:45 to 9:15 p.m.                             will use those as well as the other         highlights from the worlds of news,       context, and composer biographies.
Zoom                                          material acquired in this course in         music, movies, television, sports,        DAVID HEITLER-KLEVANS: B.M.,
                                              role plays, storytelling, dialogues,        commercials and more                      Composition, Oberlin Conservatory; Full-time
                                              and debates. We will also continue          RICHARD SPECTOR: Educator; Entertainer;   Musician/Teaching Artist, TWO OF A KIND
                                              exploring the art, music, cuisine,          Owner, MOVIEHOUSE PRODUCTIONS             21 - $112
                                              and other cultural aspects of Italian
                                              civilization and society. Students who
                                                                                          20 - $53                                  8 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9
                                                                                          2 Wednesdays, 11/3 and 11/10              (No class 10/7 and 10/14.)
                                              have taken two to three semesters of                                                  7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                          7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                              college level Italian or the equivalent                                               Cheltenham High School
                                              are welcome to join us for this course.
                                              Please have Practice Makes Perfect:
                                              Italian Conversation, Premium Second
                                              Edition, ISBN: 978-1-2600-2620-7 for
                                              the first class in either book, e-book or
                                              Kindle format.
                                              JONATHAN NEEDHAM: Ph.D., Middlebury
                                              College; Associate Teaching Professor
                                              of French and Italian Studies, Penn State
                                              147 - $126
                                              10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9
                                              6:30 to 8 p.m.
                                              Cheltenham High School

22   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                 FALL 2021 23
Music, Film & Theater                                                                     Music, Film & Theater
MINUTE: MUSIC & SOCIAL ISSUES                  FOR ENJOYMENT!                               BEGINNING GUITAR
(Profile Series)                               Experience the joy of reviving past          It’s been on your bucket list, or you have a guitar hanging around waiting to
We will explore connections between            skills on a musical instrument. What         be played...come join us! You will learn enough basic chords, various strums
music and political issues and                 better inspiration than performing           and easy finger picking to get you started in accompanying all kinds of songs.
movements for social change, and we            in an orchestra!? Join your fellow           Everyone welcome!
will think critically about the varying        musicians who may have played                JAY KLALES: Guitar Instructor, Musician
effectiveness of political music. This         earlier in life, and now would like to
is a new class with the focus on               experience again the joy of playing.         24 - $98
individual artists (and groups) who            Participants will be helped with             10 Saturdays, 10/2 to 12/11, 10 to 11 a.m.
have created a significant body of             the fundamentals of orchestral               Zoom
work related to social justice and             playing through weekly rehearsals.
political protest, such as Phil Ochs,          All standard orchestral or band
Buffy Sainte-Marie, Gil Scott-Heron,           instruments are welcome. And all           5-STRING CLAWHAMMER BANJO                      HARMONICA FOR BEGINNERS
Victor Jara, Holly Near, Sweet Honey           levels are welcome, from middle            The origins of the clawhammer-style            Learn to play simple traditional folk
in the Rock, Emma's Revolution, The            school to professional. You must           banjo extend as far back as at least           songs and elementary blues on one
Prince Myshkins, Roy Zimmerman,                provide your own instrument and have       the 1800’s. It came to the New World           of America's most popular, portable
and Randy Rainbow. The class will              a reasonable technical level, as well as   with enslaved Africans and their gourd         instruments - the harmonica. We’ll
include a PowerPoint, and in addition          the ability to read music. Invite your     instruments. The banjo style evolved           cover basic techniques such as
to recorded examples, the instructor           family and friends to a concert at the     and merged with other instruments,             bending, trilling, tongue-blocking,
will also play his guitar and sing some        last class to enjoy the fruits of your     including the fiddle. The Civil War            vibrato, and wah-wah, giving
of the songs in class.                         labor. It is strongly recommended that     provided an opportunity to merge the           individual attention to each student.
DAVID HEITLER-KLEVANS: B.M.,                   students register early.                   easily portable fiddle and banjo in a          No musical background is required.
Composition, Oberlin Conservatory; Full-time                                              musical marriage that remains alive            Bring a 10-hole diatonic key of C
                                               JACK MOORE: Conductor, Old York Road
Musician/Teaching Artist, TWO OF A KIND        and Ambler Symphonies; Former Program      to this day. After learning the basic          major harmonica (such as the Hohner
                                               Director at WRTI                           clawhammer bum-ditty strum, we                 Special 20, the Hohner Marine Band
22 - $112                                                                                 will build as you are able by adding           model 1896, or equivalent) to the first
8 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6                        23 - $121                                  hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, double          class. Required text may be purchased
(No class 10/11 and 10/18)                     10 Mondays, 10/4 to 12/6
7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                          thumbing, and more. We will get the            for $10.00. (Optional: You may record
                                               7 to 8:30 p.m.
Cheltenham High School                                                                    beginners going with the basic bum-            classes). Class size is limited so
                                               Room 178
                                               Cheltenham High School
                                                                                          ditty strum that gives the clawhammer          please register early.
                                                                                          style its drive. Those who have some           SETH HOLZMAN: B.A., Music, Syracuse
                                                                                          clawhammer experience can expand               University; Performed with Muddy Waters,
                                                                                          their repertoires and share their skills       Koko Taylor and Ronnie Earl; Currently
                                                                                          with the others in the class. This             Performs with Stevie & The Bluescasters
                                                                                          course is appropriate for beginner and         27 - $103
                                                                                          intermediate players. 5-string banjo           8 Thursdays, 9/30 to 11/18
                                                                                          required.                                      6 to 7:15 p.m.
                                                                                          LARRY TOTO: Banjo Player; Teacher              Zoom

                                                                                          26 - $98
                                                                                          10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9
                                                                                          7 to 8 p.m.
                                                                                          Cheltenham High School

24   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                     FALL 2021 25
Music, Film & Theater                                                                          Personal Finance & Investments
PIANO/KEYBOARD LEVEL I                          PIANO/KEYBOARD LEVEL II                         MEDICARE 101                             ADVANCED DIRECTIVES
This course for students who have               This course is for pianists who have            Choosing the right Medicare plan         AND LIVING WILLS
never played the piano will incorporate         basic piano skills and knowledge and            doesn’t have to be daunting. For those   What if you could no longer speak for
theory, repertoire, technique (scales/          are ready to learn more diverse piano           turning 65 in the next six months, we    yourself? How do you want to spend
chords), and general performance                repertoire. Please bring to the first           discuss how Medicare works, consider     the last weeks, days or hours of your
skills, while encouraging a love of             class, Group Piano for Adults:                  all options, and review a real life      life? We will review a standard Living
playing piano. Please bring to the              Book 1, Second Edition, by E.L.                 example of the Rx “donut hole.”          Will/Advanced Directive form and go
first class Group Piano for Adults:             Lancaster and Kenon Renfrow. It is              For those currently on a Medicare        over terminology and explanations.
Book 1, Second Edition, by E.L.                 available on Amazon and at Alfred.              plan, we discuss how to save on your     By the end of class you should be able
Lancaster and Kenon Renfrow. It is              com. (A used copy, missing the CD,              Medicare insurance using real life       to have a conversation with your loved
available on Amazon and at Alfred.              would be fine.) Be ready to share with          examples.                                ones about end of life and quality
com. (A used copy, missing the CD,              the class a piece you would like to             ALLEN HEFFLER: ChFC; CLU; President,     of life concerns, and complete your
would be fine.) Students should have a          learn. Students should have a piano or          MyMedicareAdvisor, Helping People with   own living will. Please bring $5 for
piano or keyboard (88 weighted keys)            keyboard (88 weighted keys) available           Their Medicare Decisions                 materials.
available to practice at home. Class            to practice at home. Class size is              150 - $38                                MARTHA FROM: Palliative Care
size is limited so please register early.       limited so please register early.                                                        Nurse Practitioner, Abington Hospital-
                                                                                                Monday, 11/1                             Jefferson Health
IAN SADOCK: Master of Music Degree,             IAN SADOCK: Master of Music Degree,             6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
University of the Arts; Award-winning Pianist   University of the Arts; Award-winning Pianist   Cheltenham High School                   155 - $38
and Composer                                    and Composer
                                                                                                                                         Saturday, 10/2
28 - $131                                       29 - $136                                       ABC'S OF ESTATE PLANNING                 10 a.m. to 12 noon
10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9                      10 Thursdays, 9/30 to 12/9                      Learn how you can protect your           Cheltenham High School
9:30 to 11 a.m.                                 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                           family and assets by using wills,
Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote          Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wyncote          trusts, powers of attorney and living    THE STOCK MARKET GAME
217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote                   217 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote                   wills. Examine how federal estate and    Learn to “play” the stock market by
                                                                                                Pennsylvania inheritance taxes affect    investing imaginary money in real
                                                                                                your estate, and review how recent tax   stocks. We’ll learn about the various
                                                                                                changes may affect your estate plan.     indices, how to buy and sell different
                                                                                                Explore estate planning techniques to    types of orders, how to read the Wall
                                                                                                reduce your tax liability and minimize   Street Journal and annual reports,
                                                                                                probate costs. Find out how to title     and the pros and cons of various
                                                                                                real estate and other assets. Bring      investment vehicles. No one loses a
                                                                                                your estate planning questions.          cent in this fun game, and everyone
                                                                                                BONNIE OSTROFSKY: Columbia Law School;   gains understanding!
                                                                                                Attorney; Seminar Leader                 GLORIA LEIBIG: First Vice-President,
                                                                                                                                         Wells Fargo Advisors
                                                                                                154 - $40
                                                                                                Thursday, 10/28                          162 - $90
                                                                                                6:45 to 9 p.m.                           8 Mondays, 10/4 to 11/22
                                                                                                Cheltenham High School                   7:30 to 9 p.m.
                                                                                                                                         Cheltenham High School

26   www.cheltenhamadultschool.org                                                                                                                                       FALL 2021 27
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