La Française LUX A Luxembourg SICAV Prospectus May 2021 - La Française Group

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La Française LUX A Luxembourg SICAV Prospectus May 2021 - La Française Group
VISA 2021/165209-2377-0-PC
                                                            L'apposition du visa ne peut en aucun cas servir
                                                            d'argument de publicité
                                                            Luxembourg, le 2021-06-04
                                                            Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier

                                         La Française LUX
                                         A Luxembourg SICAV

                                         Prospectus • May 2021

May 2021 Prospectus   La Française LUX
A Word to Potential Investors                        3

Sub-Fund Descriptions                                4
  Inflection Point Carbon Impact Euro                5
  Inflection Point Carbon Impact Global              6
  Sustainable Real Estate Securities                 7

  Euro Inflation                                     9
  JKC Asia Bond                                     10
  JKC Asia Bond 2023                                11
  Multistrategies Obligataires                      12
  Protectaux                                        14

  GTS Réactif                                       15
  Multi-Asset Income                                16

 NOTES ON SUB-FUND COSTS                            17

 RISK DESCRIP TIONS                                 18





Investing in the Sub-Funds                          30

The SICAV                                           37

The Management Company                              42

List of Available Share Classes                     44

May 2021 Prospectus      La Française LUX                2
A Word to Potential Investors

With these sub-funds, as with most investments, future       Distributing this prospectus, offering these shares for
performance may differ from past performance. There is       sale, or investing in these shares is legal only where the
no guarantee that any sub-fund will meet its objectives or   shares are registered for public sale or where sale is not
achieve any particular level of performance.                 prohibited by local law or regulation. This prospectus is
Sub-fund investments are not bank deposits. The value of     not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction, or to any
your investment can go up and down, and you could lose       investor, where such a solicitation is not legally permitted.
some or all of your invested money. No sub-fund in this      Neither these shares nor the SICAV are registered with
prospectus is intended as a complete investment plan,        the US Securities and Exchange Commission or any other
nor are all sub-funds appropriate for all investors.         US entity, federal or otherwise. Therefore, unless the
Before investing in any sub-fund, you should understand      SICAV is satisfied that it would not constitute a violation
its risks, costs and terms of investment, and how well       of US securities laws, these shares are not available to, or
these characteristics align with your own financial          for the benefit of, US persons.
circumstances and risk tolerance.                            For more information on restrictions on share ownership,
As a potential investor, it is your responsibility to know   or to request board approval to invest in a restricted
and follow the laws and regulations that apply to you,       class, contact us (see “The SICAV”).
including any foreign exchange restrictions, and to be       WHICH INFORMATION TO RELY ON
aware of potential tax consequences. We recommend
that you consult an investment adviser, legal adviser and    In deciding whether or not to invest in a sub-fund, you
tax adviser before investing.                                should look at the most recent prospectus, relevant
Any difference among portfolio security currencies, share    Key Investor Information Document (KIID), and recent
class currencies, and your home currency may expose          annual and semi-annual report (all available online at
you to currency risk. If your home currency is different By buying shares in any of these sub-
from your share class currency, the performance you          funds, you are considered to accept the terms described
experience as an investor could be very different from       in these documents.
the published performance of the share class.                Together, all these documents contain the only approved
                                                             information about the sub-funds and the SICAV. The
                                                             board is not liable for any statements or information
                                                             about the sub-funds or the SICAV that is not contained
                                                             in these documents. Information in this prospectus,
                                                             or any document about the SICAV or sub-funds, may
                                                             have changed since the publication date. In case of any
                                                             inconsistency in translations of this prospectus, the
                                                             English version will prevail.

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                  3
Sub-Fund Descriptions
                                                      Terms with specific meanings
All of these sub-funds are part of La Française
                                                      The terms in this box have the following meanings within this
LUX, a SICAV that functions as an umbrella            prospectus. Words and expressions that are defined in the 2010
                                                      Law but not here have the same meaning as in the 2010 Law.
structure. The SICAV exists to offer investors        2010 Law The Luxembourg law of December 17, 2010 on
                                                      Undertakings for Collective Investment, as amended.
access to professional investment management          articles of incorporation The Articles of Incorporation of the
                                                      SICAV, as amended.
through a range of sub-funds, each aiming             base currency The currency in which a sub-fund does the
                                                      accounting for its portfolio and maintains its primary NAV.
to achieve as high a degree of performance            below investment grade See “credit quality”.
                                                      board The Board of Directors of the SICAV.
as is reasonably consistent with the risks the
                                                      business day Any day that the sub-fund calculates a NAV and
                                                      processes transactions in shares, as defined for each sub-
investment manager considers appropriate.             fund in “Sub-Fund Descriptions”.
                                                      credit quality Investment grade debt securities are those
Descriptions of the specific investment objectives,   rated at least BBB-/Baa3. Below investment grade securities,
                                                      which are considered more speculative, are rated BB+/Ba1 or
                                                      lower. Unrated securities may be assigned to either category
main investments and other key characteristics of     based on credit analysis by the investment manager at the
                                                      time of purchase.
each sub-fund begin on the next page. In addition,
                                                      distressed debt Debt instruments issued by a company
                                                      that has failed in the past 12 months to remedy a default in
all sub-funds follow the regulatory policies          coupon or principal payment within the 60-day grace period
                                                      typically built in the indenture of any of its outstanding debt
and restrictions found in “General Investment         instruments.
                                                      eligible state Any state that the board considers to be
Powers and Restrictions”. Share class and             consistent with a given sub-fund’s investment portfolio.
                                                      institutional investors Investors who qualify as institutional
dealing information appears in both "Sub-Fund         investors under article 175 of the 2010 Law or under the
                                                      guidelines or recommendations of the CSSF.
Descriptions" and "Investing in the Sub-Funds".       investment grade See “credit quality”.
                                                      KIID Key Investor Information Document.
The board of the SICAV has overall responsibility     member state A member state of the EU or of the European
                                                      Economic Area.
for the SICAV’s business operations and its           MiFID Directive 2014/65/EU and Regulation EU 600/2014 on
                                                      markets in financial instruments and any EU or Luxembourg
investment activities, including the investment       implementing laws and regulations.
                                                      NAV Net asset value per share; the value of one share of a
activities of all of the sub-funds. The board has     sub-fund.
                                                      prospectus This document, as amended from time to time.
delegated the day-to-day management of the            SICAV La Française LUX.

sub-funds to the management company, which in         shareholder reports The annual and semi-annual reports of
                                                      the SICAV.

turn has delegated some of its responsibilities to    US person Any of the following:
                                                      • an individual who is a US       •    an individual or entity
investment managers and service providers. The             resident                         that meets the substantial
                                                      •   a partnership, company           presence test or that is not
board retains supervisory approval and control             or other entity that is          a foreign person
                                                           organised or incorporated    •   an individual or entity
over the management company.                               under the laws of the            considered to be a US person
                                                           United States                    by the board
                                                      we, us The SICAV, acting through the board or through any
More information about the SICAV, the board, the      service providers described in this prospectus except for the
                                                      auditor and any distributors.
management company and the service providers          you Any past, current or prospective shareholder, or an agent
                                                      for the same.
appears in the final sections of this prospectus,
                                                      Currency abbreviations
“The SICAV” and “The Management Company”.             AUD     Australian dollar         GBP      British pound sterling

                                                      CAD     Canadian dollar           JPY      Japanese yen

                                                      CHF     Swiss franc               SEK      Swedish krona

                                                      EUR     Euro                      USD      United States dollar

May 2021 Prospectus   La Française LUX                                                                                     4
Inflection Point Carbon Impact Euro
Investment Objective and Policy                                  Main Risks
Objective To contribute to the transition to a low carbon        See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
economy while achieving long-term capital growth.                Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in equities        • Credit                             • Investment fund
issued by Eurozone companies that have committed to              • Currency                           • Management
reducing their carbon emissions, expanding their low             • Equity                             • Market
carbon strategy and replacing fossil energy sources with         • ESG investment risk
low-carbon emission alternatives.                                Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
Specifically, the sub-fund invests at least 85% of net           • Liquidity                          • Operational
assets in equities and equity-related securities issued by       Risk management method Commitment.
companies of any sector and market capitalisation that are
registered in the Eurozone.
                                                                 Planning your Investment
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:        Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
• equities (including exposure from derivatives): 85% to         of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 5 years.
                                                                 The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
• equities from anywhere in the world, including emerging        • are looking for a responsible investment with exposure to
 markets: 10%                                                      Eurozone equities
• investment grade bonds: 10%                                    • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%                                          Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an            received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs         any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset       and France are ordinarily processed the same business day.
frequency does not exceed 12 months.
                                                                 Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
The sub-fund’s net exposure to non-EUR currencies does
                                                                                                R                           I
not exceed 10% of net assets.
                                                                  Minimum initial investment
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use
                                                                  Currency                     EUR                        EUR
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for hedging
and for efficient portfolio management.                           Amount                       None                     100,000

Strategy In selecting securities, the investment manager          One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)

uses a 3-step investment process:                                 Subscription                 3.00                      3.00
• exclusion of companies that are exposed to controversial        Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)
  weapons or are from blacklisted countries, or those with
                                                                  Management                   1.65                      1.00
  lowest environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings
  (bottom 20% of the investment universe)                         Operation                    0.30                      0.30

• fundamental analysis of companies including                     Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)
 environmental, strategic and financial criteria                  Performance                  None                      None
• rigorous portfolio construction aiming to calibrate overall
 carbon footprint while ensuring geographic and sector           See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
                                                                 fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
                                                                 performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
See "Environmental, Social and Governance Indicators" on         classes, go to

page 28 for more information on company exclusion and
carbon emission measurement.
Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management,
Base currency EUR.

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                                   5
Inflection Point Carbon Impact Global
Investment Objective and Policy                                  Main Risks
Objective To contribute to the transition to a low carbon        See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
economy while achieving long-term capital growth.                Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in equities        • Currency                           • Investment fund
of global companies, including those in emerging markets,        • Emerging markets                   • Management
that have committed to reducing their carbon emissions,          • Equity                             • Market
expanding their low carbon strategy and replacing fossil         • ESG investment risk
energy sources with low-carbon emission alternatives.            Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
Specifically, the sub-fund invests in equities and equity-       • Liquidity                          • Operational
related securities issued by large capitalisation companies      Risk management method Commitment.
in any sector. Investments may include American and global
depositary receipts (ADRs and GDRs).
                                                                 Planning your Investment
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:        Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
• equities (including exposure from derivatives): 90% to         of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 5 years.
                                                                 The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
• investment grade bonds: 10%                                    • are looking for a responsible investment with exposure to
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%                                            global equities
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an            • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs         Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset       received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
frequency does not exceed 12 months.                             any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg
The sub-fund’s net exposure to non-EUR currencies may be         and France are ordinarily processed the same business day.
up to 100% of net assets.                                        Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use
                                                                                                R                           I
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for hedging
                                                                  Minimum initial investment
and for efficient portfolio management.
                                                                  Currency                     EUR                     EUR, USD
Strategy In selecting securities, the investment manager
                                                                  Amount                       None                     100,000
uses a 3-step investment process:
• exclusion of companies that are exposed to controversial        One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)
  weapons or are from blacklisted countries, or those with        Subscription                 3.00                      3.00
  lowest environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings
                                                                  Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)
  (bottom 20% of the investment universe)
                                                                  Management                   1.65                      1.00
• fundamental analysis of companies including
 environmental, strategic and financial criteria                  Operation                    0.30                      0.30

• rigorous portfolio construction aiming to calibrate overall     Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)
 carbon footprint while ensuring geographic and sector            Performance                  None                      None
                                                                 See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
See "Environmental, Social and Governance Indicators" on         fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
page 28 for more information on company exclusion and            performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
carbon emission measurement.                                     classes, go to

Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management,
Base currency EUR.

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                                   6
Sustainable Real Estate Securities
Investment Objective and Policy                                   • third, from the reduced investment universe, the
                                                                   investment manager selects the most attractive
Objective To achieve income and long-term capital growth           companies using its proprietary multi-factor model
(total return) by investing in global real estate with high ESG
                                                                  See "Environmental, Social and Governance Indicators" on
(Environmental, Social & Governance) characteristics.
                                                                  page 28 for more information on company exclusion.
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in equities
                                                                  Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management GmbH.
of real estate companies from OECD countries.
                                                                  Investment advisor(s) La Française Forum Securities (UK)
Specifically, the sub-fund invests at least 80% of net
                                                                  Limited, London.
assets in equities and equity-related securities issued by
companies, including real estate investment trusts (REITs)        Base currency USD.
that qualify as transferable securities under the 2010 Law
and related regulations and generate at least 50% of gross        Main Risks
revenues or net profits from, or have 50% of their assets in,
real estate or related activities. Examples of these activities   See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
include owning, developing, building, financing, managing         Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
and marketing real estate, including commercial, industrial,
                                                                  • Concentration                 • Illiquid securities
residential or niche real estate sectors. The sub-fund may        • Currency                      • Investment fund
invest up to 15% of net assets in non-OECD countries.             • Derivatives                   • Management
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following       • Emerging markets              • Market
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:         • Equity                        • Real estate investments
• preferred stocks: 10%                                           • ESG investment risk
• bonds from issuers in the real estate sector: 10%               Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
• money market instruments: 10%                                   • Counterparty                  • Operational
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%                                           • Liquidity
The sub-fund may also invest in credit notes.                     Risk management method Commitment.
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs          Planning your Investment
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset
frequency does not exceed 12 months.                              Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
                                                                  of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 5 years.
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use
derivatives for hedging and for efficient portfolio               The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
management.                                                       • are looking for an investment with a social/environmental
In addition to core derivatives (defined in “How the Sub-
Funds Use Derivatives and Techniques”), the sub-fund may          • are looking for exposure to a sector that may have a
                                                                   relatively low correlation to equities or bonds
use contracts for difference (CFDs) on real estate stocks.
                                                                  • are looking for exposure to the real estate sector that is
The sub-fund may also use repurchase and reverse                   comparatively liquid
repurchase agreements for efficient portfolio management.
                                                                  • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
Strategy The investment manager combines a financial
                                                                  Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
and a proprietary extra-financial analysis to select, within a
                                                                  received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
universe of approximately 350 real estate companies, in a
                                                                  any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg are
three step analysis:
                                                                  ordinarily processed the following business day.
• first, the best 50% of companies are selected from
  the investment universe based on an ESG score; the              Settlement of subscription and redemption transactions
  investment manager uses the ESG scoring established by          occurs 3 business days after a request is received and
  La Française Sustainable Investment Research                    accepted.

• second, companies that do not have sufficient
 trading volume on the stock exchanges and are not                Continued on next page.
 headquartered in developed markets are excluded from
 the investable universe

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                          7
Sustainable Real Estate Securities (continued)

Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
                       R           R             I              I
 Minimum initial investment

 Currency           EUR H         USD          EUR H         USD

 Amount              None         None       50,000        50,000

 One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)

 Subscription        5.00         5.00         None         None

 Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)

 Management          1.50         1.50         1.00          1.00

 Operation           0.40         0.35         0.36          0.31

 Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)

 Performance         None         None         None         None

See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
classes, go to

May 2021 Prospectus         La Française LUX                             8
Euro Inflation
Investment Objective and Policy                                   Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management,
Objective To outperform (net of fees) the Barclays Capital        Base currency EUR.
Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index, over any
given 3-year period.
                                                                  Main Risks
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in
investment grade government bonds issued in the Eurozone.         See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
Specifically, the sub-fund invests in fixed rate, floating rate   Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
or inflation-indexed debt securities and negotiable debt          • Credit                             • Investment fund
instruments that are issued or guaranteed by a Eurozone           • Derivatives                        • Leverage
member state. At the time of investment, these securities         • Inflation                          • Management
are rated investment grade or judged equivalent by the            • Interest rate                      • Market
investment manager; however, if they subsequently decline         Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
in quality, the sub-fund may continue to hold them.
                                                                  • Counterparty                       • Operational
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following       • Liquidity
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:         Risk management method Absolute VaR.
• corporate bonds issued in the Eurozone: 50%
                                                                  Expected maximum gross level of leverage 500%.
• bonds issued in OECD countries outside the Eurozone: 10%        To understand what the leverage metrics do and do not
• below investment grade bonds: 10%                               mean, see “Management and monitoring of derivatives risk”.
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%
The sub-fund may invest in credit notes.
                                                                  Planning your Investment
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs          Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset        of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 3 years.
frequency does not exceed 12 months.                              The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
Non-EUR investments may be up to 10% of net assets and            • are looking to protect the value of an investment against
are hedged to EUR.                                                  inflation

The sub-fund’s modified duration may vary from 0 to 10.           • are interested in a core investment
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use                   Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for            received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
hedging, for efficient portfolio management and to create         any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg
leverage.                                                         and France are ordinarily processed the same business day.

The sub-fund may also use repurchase and reverse                  Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
repurchase agreements for efficient portfolio management                                         R                           I
and to create arbitrage positions designed to profit from          Minimum initial investment
changes in interest rate spreads.                                  Currency                     EUR                        EUR
Strategy The investment manager uses a combination of              Amount                       None                     100,000
various derivative-based strategies.
                                                                   One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)
Specifically, these strategies include:
                                                                   Subscription                 3.00                      3.00
• a directional strategy aiming to optimise the performance
                                                                   Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)
  of the portfolio based on interest rate and inflation
  expectations                                                     Management                   1.34                      0.68

• an interest rate curve strategy aiming to exploit the            Operation                    0.21                       0.21
 variations of the spreads between long-term rates and             Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)
 short-term rates
                                                                   Performance                   20                        20
• an arbitrage strategy between fixed-rate and inflation-
 linked bonds                                                     Reference for performance fee Barclays Capital Euro Government
                                                                  Inflation-Linked Bond Index.
• an international diversification strategy aiming to take
                                                                  See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
 advantage of the opportunities offered by the OECD bond
                                                                  fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
 markets                                                          performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
• a credit diversification strategy founded on the use of         classes, go to
 bonds issued by the private sector

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                                    9
JKC Asia Bond
Investment Objective and Policy                                   Main Risks
Objective To achieve income and capital growth (total             See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
return).                                                          Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
Reference benchmark (for context purposes only) Markit            • Coco bonds                         • Inflation
iBoxx Asian Dollar Bond Index.                                    • Country risk – China               • Interest rate
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in                  • Credit                             • Investment fund
government and corporate bonds of any credit quality from
                                                                  • Currency                           • Leverage
                                                                  • Derivatives                        • Management
Asian Pacific countries, excluding Japan.
                                                                  • Emerging markets                   • Market
Specifically, the sub-fund invests up to 100% net assets in       Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
fixed and floating rate debt securities as well as in inflation
                                                                  • Counterparty                       • Liquidity
rate and money market instruments that are issued in those
                                                                  • Default                            • Operational
countries. The sub-fund may also invest in debt securities
issued in any other countries.                                    Risk management method Absolute VaR.

The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following       Expected maximum gross level of leverage 400%.
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:         To understand what the leverage metrics do and do not
                                                                  mean, see “Management and monitoring of derivatives risk”.
• convertible bonds: 30%
• contingent convertible bonds (coco bonds): 20%
• equities (through exposure from convertible bonds): 10%         Planning your Investment
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%                                           Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an             of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 3 years.
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs
                                                                  The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset
frequency does not exceed 12 months.                              • are looking for exposure to Asia-Pacific economies
                                                                  • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
Net exposure to local currencies may be up to 20% of
net assets, and to G7 currencies up to 100%. Non-USD              Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
investments may be hedged to USD.                                 received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
                                                                  any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg and
The sub-fund’s modified duration may vary from 0 to 10.           Hong Kong are ordinarily processed the following business
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use                   day.
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for            Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
hedging, for efficient portfolio management and to create
                                                                                                R                            I
                                                                   Currency and minimum initial investment
In addition to core derivatives (defined in “How the Sub-
                                                                   Currency                 EUR, USD                 EUR, EUR H, USD
Funds Use Derivatives and Techniques”), the sub-fund may
use credit default swaps (including those based on indices).       Amount                     None                       100,000

Strategy The investment manager uses a long-only                   One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)

approach that is based on global economic and financial            Subscription                3.00                       3.00
analysis as well as analysis of companies’ balance sheets and      Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)
insights into sovereign debt fundamentals.
                                                                   Management                  1.50                       1.00
Investment manager(s) JK Capital Management Limited,
                                                                   Operation                  0.40                        0.40
Hong Kong.
                                                                   Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)
Base currency USD.
                                                                   Performance                None                        None

                                                                  See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
                                                                  fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
                                                                  performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
                                                                  classes, go to

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                                10
JKC Asia Bond 2023
Investment Objective and Policy                                    Main Risks
Objective To achieve high income, over an investment               See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
period of 7 years from the launch date of the sub-fund.            Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in                   • Country risk – China                • Interest rate
government and corporate bonds of any credit quality from          • Credit                              • Investment fund
Asian Pacific countries, excluding Japan, that mature on or        • Currency                            • Management
before 31 December 2023.                                           • Derivatives                         • Market
                                                                   • Emerging markets
Specifically, the sub-fund invests up to 100% of net assets
in fixed and floating rate debt securities as well as in money     Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
market instruments that are issued in those countries. The         • Counterparty                        • Liquidity
sub-fund may also invest in debt securities issued in other        • Default                             • Operational
countries. The sub-fund does not invest in securities that         Risk management method Commitment.
are distressed or defaulted at the time of investment. The
sub-fund may hold securities that become distressed or
                                                                   Planning your Investment
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following        Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:          of the sub-fund and plan to invest until the maturity of the
• convertible bonds: 30%                                           sub-fund (31 December 2023).
• equities (through exposure from convertible bonds): 10%          The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
• distressed or defaulted securities: 10%                          • are looking for exposure to Asia-Pacific economies
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%                                            • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an              Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs           received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset         any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg and
frequency does not exceed 12 months.                               Hong Kong are ordinarily processed the following business day.
The sub-fund’s exposure to local or G7 currencies may be           Subscriptions will be closed on 31 December 2021 at 11:00
up to 100%. Non-USD investments are hedged to USD.                 PM CET. From then on, only a subscription preceded by a
The sub-fund’s modified duration may vary from 0 to 6 and          redemption by the same shareholder on the same day and
decreases over time.                                               for the same number of shares may be executed.

Note: In the interest of shareholders, until 31 December 2021      Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
(when the subscription period ends), portfolio securities                                        R                            I
that are listed or traded on an official stock market or            Currency and minimum initial investment
other regulated market will be valued using the ask price;
                                                                    Currency                EUR H, USD                  EUR H, USD
thereafter, these securities will be valued using the bid price.
                                                                    Amount                     1,000                     100,000
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use
                                                                    One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for hedging
and for efficient portfolio management.                             Subscription                3.00                       3.00

In addition to core derivatives (defined in “How the Sub-           Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)

Funds Use Derivatives and Techniques”), the sub-fund may            Management                  1.10                       0.60
use credit default swaps (single name only).                        Operation                  0.365                       0.325
For efficient portfolio management, the sub-fund may also           Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)
use repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements.
                                                                    Performance                None                        None
Strategy The investment manager uses a long only approach
that is based on global economic and financial analysis as         See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
                                                                   fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
well as analysis of companies’ balance sheets and insights         performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
into sovereign debt fundamentals. The investment manager           classes, go to
may also use arbitrage strategies in the event of market
opportunities or changes in companies’ risk profile.
Investment manager(s) JK Capital Management Limited,
Hong Kong.
Base currency USD.

May 2021 Prospectus     La Française LUX                                                                                                    11
Multistrategies Obligataires
Investment Objective and Policy                                   • a short-or-long directional strategy aiming to optimise the
                                                                   performance of the portfolio based on interest rate and
Objective To achieve income and capital growth (total              inflation expectations
return). Specifically, the sub-fund seeks to outperform (net      • an arbitrage strategy aiming to seek the relative value on
of fees) the reference benchmark by at least 3.5%, over any        various bond asset classes
given 3-year period.                                              • an interest rate curve strategy aiming to exploit the
Reference benchmark                                                variations of the spreads between long-term rates and
• CHF-denominated shares: 3-month Libor Index in CHF               short-term rates
• EUR-denominated shares: 3-month Euribor Index                   • a credit diversification strategy founded on the use of
• GBP-denominated shares: 3-month Libor Index in GBP               bonds issued by the private sector

• USD-denominated shares: 3-month Libor Index in USD              Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management,
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in bonds of any     Paris.
credit quality, including below investment grade bonds, and in    Base currency EUR.
any currency from OECD issuers.
Specifically, the sub-fund invests in fixed rate, floating rate   Main Risks
or inflation-indexed debt securities and negotiable debt
instruments.                                                      See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.

The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following       Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:         • ABS/MBS/TBA                   • Inflation
• convertible bonds: 100%                                         • Coco bonds                    • Interest rate
• contingent convertible bonds (coco bonds): 20%                  • Convertible securities        • Investment fund
                                                                  • Credit                        • Leverage
• mortgage- or asset-backed securities: 20%                       • Currency                      • Management
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%                                           • Derivatives                   • Market
• equities (through exposure from convertible bonds): 5%          • Illiquid securities
The sub-fund may invest in credit notes. It does not invest in    Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
distressed/defaulted securities.
                                                                  • Counterparty                  • Liquidity
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an             • Default                       • Operational
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset        Risk management method Absolute VaR.
frequency does not exceed 12 months.                              Expected maximum gross level of leverage 500%.
The sub-fund’s net exposure (after hedging) to non-EUR            To understand what the leverage metrics do and do not
currencies may be up to 10% of net assets.                        mean, see “Management and monitoring of derivatives risk”.

The sub-fund’s modified duration may vary from -3 to 5.
                                                                  Planning your Investment
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for hedging,   Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
for efficient portfolio management and to create leverage.        of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 3 years.
In addition to core derivatives (defined in “How the Sub-         The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
Funds Use Derivatives and Techniques”), the sub-fund may          • are looking for exposure to international bonds
use credit default swaps and total return swaps based on          • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
developed and emerging market government debt and
                                                                  Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
corporate bonds.
                                                                  received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
The sub-fund may also use repurchase and reverse                  any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg
repurchase agreements for efficient portfolio management          and France are ordinarily processed the same business day.
and to create arbitrage positions designed to profit from
changes in interest rate spreads.
Strategy The investment manager uses a combination of             Continued on next page.
various derivative-based strategies.
Specifically, these strategies include:

May 2021 Prospectus     La Française LUX                                                                                      12
Multistrategies Obligataires (continued)

Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
                               R                           I
 Currency and minimum initial investment

 Currency                  EUR, USD                   CHF H, EUR

 Amount                      None                       100,000

 One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)

 Subscription                3.00                        3.00

 Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)

 Management                  1.04                        0.48

 Operation                   0.25                        0.25

 Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)

 Performance                  25                          25

Reference for performance fee 3-month Libor Index in CHF + 3.5% for
class CHF; 3-month Euribor Index + 3.5% for class EUR; 3-month Libor
Index in GBP + 3.5% for class GBP; 3-month Libor Index in USD + 3.5% for
class USD.

See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
classes, go to

May 2021 Prospectus        La Française LUX                                13
Investment Objective and Policy                                   Main Risks
Objective To achieve a positive performance over a 2-year         See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
period, in an environment of rising 10-year interest rates        Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
within the Eurozone. Specifically, the sub-fund seeks to
                                                                  • Credit                                • Investment fund
correlate its return with long-term interest rates.
                                                                  • Derivatives                           • Management
Reference benchmark (for context purposes only) Lyxor             • Interest rate                         • Market
Bund Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF – Acc (Bloomberg BUNS FP).     Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in top-rated        • Counterparty                          • Operational
government bonds that are denominated in EUR and are issued       • Liquidity
either in France or in other OECD countries.                      Risk management method Commitment.
Specifically, the sub-fund invests in fixed debt securities and
negotiable debt instruments that are issued or guaranteed
                                                                  Planning your Investment
by the French state or an OECD member state. At the time
of investment, these securities are rated AAA by Standard         Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
& Poor’s or judged equivalent by the investment manager;          of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 2 years.
however, if they subsequently decline in quality, the sub-
                                                                  The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
fund may continue to hold them. However, the sub-fund
                                                                  • are interested in a bond investment that offers potential
will not allow more than 10% of net assets to be invested
                                                                    protection against interest rate risk
in securities that have declined to below investment grade
                                                                  • are interested in a core investment portfolio
                                                                  Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following
                                                                  received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:
                                                                  any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg
• corporate bonds: 20%                                            and France are ordinarily processed the same business day.
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%
                                                                  Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs                                           I                         -

whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset         Minimum initial investment

frequency does not exceed 12 months.                               Currency                      EUR                        —

The sub-fund’s modified duration may vary from -10 to 2.           Amount                       100,000                     —

Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use                    One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for hedging     Subscription                  3.00                       —
and for efficient portfolio management.
                                                                   Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)
The sub-fund may also use repurchase and reverse                   Management                    0,39                       —
repurchase agreements for efficient portfolio management
                                                                   Operation                     0.20                       —
and to create arbitrage positions designed to profit from
changes in interest rate spreads.                                  Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)

Strategy The investment manager actively manages                   Performance                   None                       —

short positions on futures and forward contracts to take
                                                                  See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
advantage of potential interest rate rises.                       fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
                                                                  performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management,              classes, go to
Base currency EUR.

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                                14
GTS Réactif
Investment Objective and Policy                                  Main Risks
Objective To achieve long-term capital growth.                   See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in equities        Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
and bonds from anywhere in the world, including emerging         • Coco bonds                         • Interest rate
markets, directly or indirectly through investments in other     • Credit                             • Investment fund
funds.                                                           • Emerging markets                   • Management
Specifically, the sub-fund invests in equities and in floating
                                                                 • Equity                             • Market
rate, fixed rate or inflation-indexed debt securities and        Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
negotiable debt instruments. Although the fund has no            • Default                            • Operational
minimum or maximum requirements as to sectors, countries         • Liquidity
or regions, at any given time it may have heavy exposure to
                                                                 Risk management method Commitment.
specific types of investments.
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:        Planning your Investment
• UCITS/UCIs: 60%                                                Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
• equities: 50%                                                  of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 5 years.
• contingent convertible bonds (coco bonds): 10%                 The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an            • are looking for exposure to a global asset mix
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs
                                                                 • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset
frequency does not exceed 12 months.                             Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
                                                                 received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use                  any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg and
derivatives as a substitute for direct investment, for hedging   France are ordinarily processed the following business day.
and for efficient portfolio management.
                                                                 Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
Strategy The investment uses an active management
                                                                                                R                           I
approach (stock picking), selecting from a universe of listed
equities and funds while limiting equity risk exposure. The       Minimum initial investment

investment manager also uses a short-or-long directional          Currency                     EUR                        EUR
strategy.                                                         Amount                       None                     50,000
Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management,              One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)
                                                                  Subscription                 3.00                      3.00

Base currency EUR.                                                Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)

                                                                  Management                   2.00                      0.60

                                                                  Operation                    0.50                      0.50

                                                                  Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)

                                                                  Performance                  None                      None

                                                                 The maximum management charge applied by the targeted UCITS/UCIs
                                                                 is 1.80%.

                                                                 See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
                                                                 fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
                                                                 performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
                                                                 classes, go to

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                                   15
Multi-Asset Income
Investment Objective and Policy                                     Main Risks
Objective To achieve regular income and capital growth              See “Risk Descriptions” for more information.
(total return) over the medium to long term.                        Risks typically associated with ordinary market conditions
Investment policy The sub-fund invests mainly in equities,          • Coco bonds                         • lnterest rate
government and corporate bonds, and real estate                     • Credit                             • Investment fund
securities, from anywhere in the world, including emerging          • Currency                           • Leverage
markets.                                                            • Derivatives                        • Management
                                                                    • Emerging markets                   • Market
Specifically, the sub-fund invests up to 100% of net assets
                                                                    • Equity                             • Real estate investments
in equities and/or floating rate, fixed rate or inflation-          • Illiquid securities
indexed debt securities and negotiable debt instruments of
any credit quality. The sub-fund may invest substantially in        Risks typically associated with unusual market conditions
issuers that are rated lower than BBB- by Standard & Poor’s         • Counterparty                       • Liquidity
or judged equivalent by the investment manager at the time          • Default                            • Operational
of the purchase. Although the fund has no minimum or                Risk management method Absolute VaR.
maximum requirements as to sectors, countries or regions,
                                                                    Expected maximum gross level of leverage 500%.
at any given time it may have heavy exposure to specific
                                                                    To understand what the leverage metrics do and do not
types of investments.
                                                                    mean, see “Management and monitoring of derivatives risk”.
The sub-fund may invest in, or be exposed to, the following
investments up to the percentage of net assets indicated:
• equities: 100% (including exposure from contingent                Planning your Investment
  convertible bonds up to 10%)
                                                                    Suitability Designed for investors who understand the risks
• real estate investment trusts (REITs) that qualify as             of the sub-fund and plan to invest for at least 3 years.
 transferable securities under the 2010 Law and related
 regulations, publicly traded real estate preferred equities        The sub-fund may appeal to investors who:
 and debt securities, and equity-related securities of real         • are looking for exposure to a global asset mix
 estate operating companies: 40%                                    • are interested in diversifying a core investment portfolio
• contingent convertible bonds (coco bonds): 10%                    Subscription, redemption and switch orders Requests
• other UCITS/UCIs: 10%                                             received and accepted by the transfer agent by 11:00 AM CET
                                                                    any day on which banks are normally open in Luxembourg
The sub-fund may hold cash and cash equivalents on an
                                                                    and France are ordinarily processed the same business day.
ancillary basis. These may include monetary UCIs or UCIs
whose investments’ overall weighted maturity or rate reset          Costs and minimum investments for major share classes
frequency does not exceed 12 months. Net exposure to                                              R                            I
non-EUR currencies may be up to 100% of net assets.                  Currency and minimum initial investment
The sub-fund’s modified duration may vary from 0 to 15.              Currency                 EUR, USD                    EUR, USD
Distribution shares The sub-fund intends to distribute               Amount                     None                       100,000
income of at least 3% each year (rate defined at the
                                                                     One-off charges taken before or after you invest (maximum %)
beginning of each calendar year). These payments may
reduce the sub-fund’s capital.                                       Subscription                3.00                       3.00

Derivatives and techniques The sub-fund may use derivatives          Charges taken from the sub-fund over a year (maximum %)

as a substitute for direct investment, for hedging, for efficient    Management                  1.60                       0.80
portfolio management and to create leverage.                         Operation                  0.30                        0.30
In addition to core derivatives (defined in “How the Sub-Funds       Performance fee (maximum; charged as a % of outperformance)
Use Derivatives and Techniques”), the sub-fund may use credit
                                                                     Performance                None                        None
default swaps and total return swaps based on emerging
market government debt, corporate bonds and equities.               See “Notes on Sub-Fund Costs” immediately following the last sub-
                                                                    fund description for a fuller explanation of these fees, including the
Strategy The investment manager uses a dynamic and                  performance fee. For a current and complete listing of available share
flexible allocation process across selected asset classes.          classes, go to

Investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management, Paris.
Sub-investment manager(s) La Française Asset Management
GmbH (real estate investments only).

Base currency EUR.

May 2021 Prospectus     La Française LUX                                                                                                 16
Notes on Sub-Fund Costs
These notes apply only to the share class tables in “Sub-     When this number is positive, the share class has
Fund Descriptions”.                                           outperformed its performance standard, and the amount
                                                              of this outperformance is the basis for any performance
GENERAL                                                       fees accrued that day. When this number is zero or
The charges you pay as an investor in the sub-fund go to      negative, the share class has failed to outperform its
cover sub-fund operating costs, including marketing and       performance standard, and no performance fee is payable.
distribution costs. These ongoing charges reduce the          The performance fee amount per share is the
performance of your investment.                               performance fee percentage (as stated in “Sub-
                                                              Fund Descriptions”) multiplied by the amount of
CHARGES TAKEN FROM THE SUB-FUND OVER A YEAR                   outperformance.
These charges are the same for all shareholders of a given    Fee caps Regardless of results of any performance fee
share class.                                                  calculations, no sub-fund is permitted to pay out more
The management fee is payable to the management               than 2.50% of its assets in aggregate performance fees,
company to cover the charges from the investment              with the following exceptions:
manager(s) and any sub-investment managers and                • Multistrategies Obligataires: no fee cap
investment advisors.                                          High water mark Regardless of results of any
The operation fee includes, among others, the fees            performance fee calculations, the following will pay
payable to the depositary bank, administrator and             no performance fee if the NAV as of the time of fee
transfer agent.                                               crystallisation is no higher than the highest NAV ever
                                                              previously achieved: n/a.
                                                              Crystallisation A performance fee crystallises (becomes
General description A performance fee is charged only         payable) under any of the following circumstances:
on certain sub-funds and share classes, and only when a       • on the last business day of a cycle
share class of a sub-fund outperforms its performance         • when any shares are switched or redeemed (for those
standard (a measure of relevant market performance) as         shares only)
stated in “Sub-Fund Descriptions”.                            • when any sub-fund is merged or liquidated
Measurement period The cycle for performance                  Once crystallised, a performance fee becomes non-
fee measurement periods is the calendar year. The             refundable and is paid out to the management company.
measurement period resets yearly, whether any                 Performance fees are paid out of sub-fund assets (or, in
performance fee has been paid or not.                         the case of fees on redemptions or switches, deducted
                                                              from the shares in question before the transaction is
If a sub-fund or share class that carries a performance
fee is launched during the course of a cycle, its first
measurement period will extend from the launch date           Because different share classes of a given sub-fund may
until the end of the calendar year. The same is true for      have different NAVs, the actual performance fees paid
any sub-fund or share class to which a performance fee        may vary by share class. For distributing shares, any
is added.                                                     distributions paid out are counted as part of performance
                                                              for purposes of performance fee calculation. Swing
Performance standard For each applicable sub-fund and
                                                              pricing or other adjustments intended to mitigate the
share class, the performance standard is a hypothetical
                                                              effects of transaction volumes or costs are not counted in
sub-fund that has all the same daily subscriptions and
                                                              performance fee calculations.
redemptions as the real sub-fund and class, but whose
investment performance is that of a stated benchmark          FEES FOR OTHER AVAILABLE CLASSES
(such as an index, blend of indexes, or a rate).
                                                              See complete list of available share classes and fees on
How the fee is calculated At the beginning of each
                                                              page 44.
performance period, the fee is zero. On every day that is a
business day for a sub-fund, we subtract the performance
of the applicable performance standard from the
performance of the actual sub-fund and share class.

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                  17
Risk Descriptions
All investments involve risk. The risks of some of these        is either into equity (at a price ostensibly fixed at issue)
sub-funds may be comparatively high.                            or via a writedown mechanism (again, depending on
The risk descriptions below correspond to the main              structure or the jurisdiction of the issuer). Additional Tier
risk factors listed for each sub-fund. A sub-fund could         1 securities were first issued in the second quarter of
potentially be affected by risks beyond those listed for        2013 and there are currently c80 liquid issues outstanding
it or described here, nor are these risk descriptions           from c40 (largely European bank) issuers. To date no
themselves intended as exhaustive. Each risk is described       security has been triggered and all notes remain current.
as if for an individual sub-fund.                               Issuers of such securities may tend to be those that are
                                                                vulnerable to weakness in the financial markets. Because
Any of these risks could cause a sub-fund or a share            conversion occurs after a specified event, conversion
class to lose money, to perform less well than similar          may occur when the share price of the underlying equity
investments or a benchmark, to experience high volatility       is less than when the security was issued or purchased,
(ups and downs in NAV), or to fail to meet its objective over   resulting in greater potential compared to conventional
any period of time.                                             convertible securities for capital loss.
RISKS TYPICALLY ASSOCIATED WITH ORDINARY MARKET                 The investments in contingent convertible securities may
CONDITIONS                                                      also entail the following risks (non-exhaustive list):
                                                                • Coupon cancellation: for some contingent convertible
Risks included in this section are generally present to a         securities, coupon payments are entirely discretionary
material degree in ordinary market conditions, but also           and may be cancelled by the issuer at any point, for any
tend to be present — and more potent — in unusual market          reason and for any length of time.
                                                                • Yield: investors have been drawn to the instruments as a
ABS/MBS/TBA risk Mortgage-backed and asset-backed                result of the coco’s often attractive yield which may be
securities (MBSs and ABSs) typically carry prepayment and        viewed as a complexity premium.
extension risk and can carry above-average liquidity risk.      • Valuation and write-down risks: the value of contingent
MBSs (a category that includes collateralised mortgage           convertible securities may need to be reduced due to
obligations, or CMOs) and ABSs represent an interest in a        a higher risk of overvaluation of such asset class on the
pool of debt, such as credit card receivables, auto loans,       relevant eligible markets. Therefore, a sub-fund may
student loans, equipment leases, home mortgages and              lose its entire investment or may be required to accept
home equity loans.                                               cash or securities with a value less than its original
MBSs and ABSs also tend to be of lower credit quality than
many other types of debt securities. To the extent that the     • Call extension risk: some contingent convertible
                                                                 securities are issued as perpetual instruments, callable
debts underlying an MBS or ABS go into default or become
                                                                 at pre-determined levels only with the approval of the
noncollectable, the securities based on those debts will
                                                                 competent authority.
lose some or all of their value.
                                                                • Capital structure inversion risk: contrary to classical
To-be-announced (TBA) securities, which are MBSs or              capital hierarchy, contingent convertible securities'
ABSs that are purchased sight unseen 48 hours before             investors may suffer a loss of capital when equity
they are issued, can fall in value between the time the          holders do not.
sub-fund commits to the purchase and the time of
                                                                • Conversion risk: it might be difficult for the investment
                                                                 manager of the relevant sub-fund to assess how the
Coco bonds risk Contingent convertible securities (coco          securities will behave upon conversion. In case of
bonds) are comparatively untested, their income payments         conversion into equity, the investment manager might
may be cancelled or suspended, they are more vulnerable          be forced to sell these new equity shares since the
to losses than equities and they can become highly volatile      investment policy of the relevant sub-fund does not
and less liquid.                                                 allow equity in its portfolio. This forced sale may itself
Additional Tier 1 securities - often referred to                 lead to liquidity issue for these shares.
as contingent convertible notes - are perpetual                 • Unknown risk: the structure of contingent convertible
subordinated instruments issued by banks globally,               securities is innovative yet untested
notably in Europe, to meet specific post-financial crisis       • Industry concentration risk: investment in contingent
regulatory requirements. They are structured such that           convertible securities may lead to an increased industry
they absorb losses at a time of stress. A stress event is        concentration risk as such securities are issued by a
defined as either a) a breach of a pre-determined core           limited number of banks.
regulatory capital ratio (ie common equity Tier 1 capital-      • Trigger level risk: trigger levels differ and determine
to-risk weighted assets falling below either 5.125%, 7% or       exposure to conversion risk depending on the distance
in a few cases higher levels, depending on the domicile          of the capital ratio to the trigger level. It might be
of the issuer) or b) at the bequest of the regulator             difficult for the investment manager of the relevant
should (higher) required capital levels no longer be met         sub-fund to anticipate the triggering events that would
(a so-called "point of non-viability" event). Conversion         require the debt to convert into equity.

May 2021 Prospectus    La Française LUX                                                                                     18
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