Page created by Gladys Armstrong
                                                                                            PROSPECTUS 2020

                                                           POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2020
Carlow Campus
Kilkenny Road
T: 059 917 5000

Wexford Campus
Summerhill Road
T: 053 918 5800
E:      ITCarlow

Wicklow County Campus
Clermont House, Rathnew
County Wicklow            ITCarlow
T: 0404 67125
E:           Institute of Technology Carlow
                                                                                                              and WICKLOW

       and WICKLOW

           and WICKLOW 1

    Your Success Is Our Success

Welcome from the President                                    4
Graduate Attributes                                           5
Athena SWAN Bronze Award                                      6
Celebrating Fifty Years                                       7
The Institute by Numbers                                      8
Institute Innovation Programmes 2017-2021                    10
Postgraduate Opportunities                                   12
How to Apply                                                 14
Postgraduate Programmes – Taught Masters: Carlow Campus      16
Postgraduate Programmes – Taught Masters: Wexford Campus     44
Postgraduate Programmes – Taught Masters: Wicklow Campus     58
Graduate Profiles                                            68
Postgraduate Research Masters and Doctoral Degrees           70
Life at Institute of Technology Carlow                       82
Institute of Technology Carlow facilities                    84
International office                                         86
Carlow town                                                  88
Wexford campus & town                                        89
Wicklow campus & town                                        90
Dates for your diary                                         91
Key contact details                                          92
Postgraduate programmes, codes and fees 2020               93-95


    Institute of Technology Carlow Postgraduate Prospectus 2020-2021

    Choosing the right higher education institution and   research opportunities across our Centres of
    postgraduate programme are amongst the most           Research and Enterprise (CORES). Many of
    important decisions you will make. I am delighted     our programmes bring our learners into direct
    that you are considering Institute of Technology      contact with professional practice through
    Carlow.                                               various means, including work placements,
                                                          industry-based projects and clinical placements.
    We are a learner-centred higher education provider
                                                          This translates into programmes of study and
    dedicated to the creation of an environment where
                                                          internationally recognised qualifications across
    our learners can achieve their full potential and
                                                          a range of discipline areas that are very relevant
    where our graduates are fully equipped to achieve
                                                          to real career opportunities in the employment
    the highest personal and professional standards.
                                                          marketplace, present and future.
    This is supported by exceptional people, high-
    quality programmes, excellent infrastructure and      You will find out more by reading our postgraduate
    international partnerships and networks.              prospectus, visiting our campuses in Carlow,
                                                          Wexford and Wicklow and by visiting our website
    Currently home to almost 8,500 learners, we
                                                          and social media platforms where you will discover
    have more than 55,000 graduates to date
                                                          what our learners and graduates have to say about
    achieving their career and personal goals across
    the globe. Our alumni are working with the most
    prestigious companies in the world, including         By selecting Institute of Technology Carlow, you
    the top computing, pharmaceutical and financial       are choosing to be amongst the most sought after
    organisations. With the second-highest                graduates by employers. I wish you well with your
    percentage of postgraduate learners in the            choice and application and hope that I will soon be
    Irish technological higher education sector,          welcoming you to our Institute.
    we have a broad range of taught advanced
    postgraduate programmes and postgraduate              Dr Patricia Mulcahy


                                                                              K N OW
                                        E                                                         LE
                                   ATIV                                                                  DG
                                 E                                                                              EA
                          CR                                                                                           B
                                         • I think imaginatively and
                                                                           • I can demonstrate a
                                                                             comprehensive knowledge                        L
                                                                             of a particular discipline area
                                         • I find innovative

                                           solutions to problems           • I am a knowledge creator
                                         • I am a co-creator of the        • I can conduct research
                                           future                            independently
                                         • I understand that the           • I have an appreciation of
                                           future is creative                knowledge beyond my own

                                         • I am flexible and

                                           adaptable to different          • I can analyse critically

            • I am ethically aware

                                                                                                          • I am a team player
            • I am committed to equality
              and fairness                                                                                • I feel part of community

            • I uphold professional                                                                       • I am civically and

              standards                                                                                     environmentally aware

            • I am socially aware and                                                                     • I can communicate
              responsible                                                                                   confidently

            • I understand that it is                                                                     • I think about my impact
              my responsibility to be                                                                       on others

                       • I am outward looking                                                 • I can work autonomously
                       • I embrace diversity and                                              • I welcome challenge
                                                                                              • I am confident adapting
                       • I see the world as my home                                             to the work environment
                       • I am interested in and                                               • I am self-motivated
                         sensitive to different

                         cultures                         • I learn from what I do            • I am professionally ready

                       • I am open to new                 • I seek learning

                         experience                         opportunities
                                                          • I am curious

                                                          • I continue to learn


                                                          • I am a reflective




Graduate attributes are descriptors                                         Graduate attributes are learner-owned
of what it means to be an Institute of                                      and each student will have their own
Technology Carlow graduate. They                                            interpretation of what the attributes
represent the qualities, skills and values                                  mean to them. Institute of Technology
that make our graduates unique. These                                       Carlow is committed to providing the
attributes extend beyond academic                                           opportunities for all students to develop
disciplines and reflect the graduate’s                                      these attributes so that they can become
overall learning journey in the Institute.                                  empowered citizens of tomorrow.

Institute of Technology Carlow Awarded Athena
    SWAN Bronze Award for Advancing Gender Equality
    In May 2019, Institute of Technology Carlow               work
    was awarded the Bronze Athena SWAN Award by               undertaken

    Advance HE in recognition of our work in advancing        in arts,

    gender equality in academia, and in promoting             humanities,
    diversity and inclusion for staff and students in         social sciences,        R
                                                                                         C HA R T E

    higher education. It is one of only two Institutes of     business and
    Technology to be recognised in this way.                  law (AHSSBL),
                                                              and in professional and support roles, and for trans
    Welcoming the announcement, Dr Patricia
                                                              staff and students. The charter now recognises
    Mulcahy, President, said, “This is a highly significant
                                                              work undertaken to address gender equality more
    achievement, placing the Institute amongst
                                                              broadly, and not just barriers to progression that
    the first in the Technological Sector to achieve
                                                              affect women.
    this award, and amongst the first in the higher
    education sector to achieve the award under the           In a major national initiative supported by the HEA,
    expanded Athena SWAN Charter. Achieving this              the Athena SWAN Charter was launched in Ireland
    award under the expanded charter is particularly          in early 2015.
    noteworthy as it recognises a commitment
                                                              The Bronze Athena SWAN award serves as the
    across the Institute to addressing gender equality
                                                              initial level of award, certifying an institution’s
    challenges in higher education more broadly,
                                                              commitment to the 10 key principles of the Athena
    including, but not limited to, those experienced by
                                                              SWAN Charter. Institutions are required to perform
                                                              a critical self-analysis to identify problem areas and
    The Athena SWAN Charter is a flagship                     indicate that a plan has been developed to address
    accreditation scheme which recognises action              these areas.
    to address gender equality within our higher
                                                              The Institutional Bronze Award for Institute of
    education institutions. Advance HEs Athena
                                                              Technology Carlow recognises that our Institute
    SWAN Charter was initially established in 2005
                                                              has a solid foundation for eliminating gender bias
    to encourage and recognise commitment to
                                                              and developing an inclusive culture that values all.
    advancing the careers of women in science,
                                                              We will now build further upon this in the coming
    technology, engineering, maths and medicine
                                                              months and years through the implementation and
    (STEMM) in higher education and research. The
                                                              further development of our gender equality action
    charter was subsequently expanded to recognise
                                                              plan and related initiatives.


We will celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2020       current and future generations. It was within
and to mark this milestone year in our history,      this tradition that Institute of Technology
we will host a series of activities; reflecting on   Carlow was established in 1970. Over the
50 years of changing the country and world,          following years, Institute of Technology Carlow’s
acknowledging the people who have made               learner population has grown in numbers
it possible and looking to the future as we          and nationalities, surpassing the original
continue to evolve and lead.                         expectations of its founders. With a current
                                                     student and staff cohort of almost 10,000
For the past fifty years, we have made it our
                                                     across centres in Carlow, Wexford and Wicklow,
mission to open up education for all. As one
                                                     the Institute, together with partners in industry,
of the largest technological higher education
                                                     government and community, continues to play
institutions in the country, we have already
                                                     a key role in driving economic growth and social
empowered over 55,000 graduates to transform
                                                     development in the regions and country it was
their lives through learning, while helping
                                                     established to serve.
to build stronger communities and drive the
creation of a vibrant economy. Our success is        With the signing of the country’s Technological
founded on our long-standing commitment              Universities Act into law in 2018, Institute
and responsiveness to providing essential            of Technology Carlow is on the cusp of
higher education and research opportunities          Technological University designation, a
that underpin the economic, social, and cultural     development which will see the Institute further
growth of Ireland, and our capacity to change,       evolve and lead once again.
innovate and lead in a constantly changing
                                                     Institute of Technology Carlow is grateful to
                                                     the educators and learners, the thinkers and
Carlow has always been a centre of knowledge,        collaborators who have joined us on our journey
scholarship and innovation. The region boasts        to reach this milestone year. We look forward to
a rich heritage of education, imagination            celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2020 and,
and technological discovery. Tyndall, Dargan,        in reflecting on how far we have come, look to
Haughton, Lonsdale, Shackleton and Berkeley          the next 50 years of knowledge and innovation,
are just some of the thinkers and educators          of openness and engagement, of ambition and
from this part of Ireland who continue to inspire    success.


                                             highest %
                                             of FULL-TIME
                                             in the

    W   €15m

             NEW CENTRE FOR

                                     65 sport clubs and societies
                                     70 % participation rate

    Major Award                       8,448 Learners
                                             851 Staff

                                         3 Campuses

27 Million
                                           15%                Funding
                                           OF THE             Assisting
                                           STUDENT            750+ SMEs
                            on campus      BODY          R&D Solutions
                                                         Knowledge Transfer
                                                         and Commercialisation
                                                         Enterprise Development
                                                         Cross-border Innovation

20 - 18


                   of SOUTH EAST IRELAND

                                                           2nd largest
                       highest % of
                                                           IOT 2018
                       LEARNERS                            Total Enrolments
                       in the
                                                 OVER 55,000
                                                 GRADUATES TO DATE

                   Intel | IBM                              AIB | State Street
                  UNUM | SAP                                   BNY Mellon
                                                             Bank of Ireland
                  LotusWorks                                    Citibank


R&D                                    ENTERPRISE
                   SOLUTIONS                               DEVELOPMENT
               Solving close-to-market                    Assisting entrepreneurs
                  commercial needs                             and start-ups

                   €1.0M Funding                             €5.3M Funding
             250 Projects (€3M value)                  270 Entrepreneurs Assisted
             15 Managed Consultancy                50 Phase 2 Client Enterprises
                                                                5 HPSUs
                 230 SMEs Assisted

                                           750 SMEs

            €3.9M Funding (Consortia)
                                                            €16.8M Funding
              35 Invention Disclosures
                                                           250 SMEs Assisted
              11 Licences/Assignments
                                                            80 New Products
                      9 Patents
                                                            25 Jobs Created
                  2 HPSU Spinouts

               Maximising the impact of                   Delivering inter-regional
           research-led intellectual property          sustainable economic benefits

           KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER                             CROSS-BORDER
           & COMMERCIALISATION                             INNOVATION


     Institute of Technology Carlow

     Institute of Technology Carlow has a range of         students in that stream until they complete their
     high quality programmes that offer suitably           Diploma. Postgraduate Diplomas are also offered
     qualified primary degree holders (NFQ level           as an exit award, should a student leave their
     8) exciting opportunities to progress to higher       Masters programme prior to completion.
     awards (Higher Diploma, Masters and Doctoral
                                                           Masters Degree (NFQ Level 9)
     degrees). These opportunities may be undertaken
                                                           Institute of Technology Carlow offers two types
     by research and thesis, or through taught
                                                           of Masters degree programme: taught Masters
     programmes. Programmes are available in full-
                                                           programmes and research Masters programmes.
     time and/or part-time modes across our three
                                                           The taught Masters degree is awarded following
     main campuses in Carlow, Wexford and Wicklow.
                                                           the completion of a programme of one to two
     Higher Diplomas (NFQ Level 8-60 credits)              years duration (typically 90 ECTS credits). Entry
     and Postgraduate Diplomas (NFQ Level 9-60             to a taught programme leading to a Masters
     credits)                                              award is typically for holders of Honours
     The Higher Diploma is normally awarded                Bachelor degrees. In certain circumstances,
     following completion of a programme of one year       entry to such programmes may be considered
     duration (60 ECTS credits). Entry requirements        for holders of Ordinary Bachelor Degrees
     to a programme leading to a Higher Diploma            or equivalent. Research Masters Degree
     differ across programmes so please refer to entry     programmes are typically of two years duration
     requirements for each individual programme. A         where learners undertake a substantial piece of
     Higher Diploma is typically in a different field of   research. The project is carried out under the
     learning than the initial award.                      guidance of an experienced supervisor.
     Entry requirements for Postgraduate Diplomas          Learning outcomes at this level relate to the
     are typically the same as for the Masters             demonstration of knowledge and understanding
     programme but are completed at NFQ Level              at the forefront of a field of learning. Outcomes
     9 and require completion of just 60 credits.          relate to the application of knowledge,
     Students undertake the same subjects as Masters       understanding and problem solving abilities

in new or unfamiliar contexts related to the             Postgraduate students may have to pass a series
field of study. The outcomes are associated              of examinations and/or assessments in order to
with an ability to integrate knowledge, handle           progress through their course and may be required
complexity and formulate judgements. Outcomes            to attend for interview as part of the application
associated with Level 9 link with employment at          process. As all courses have their own entry
a senior professional or management level with           requirements, please refer to the relevant course
responsibility for the work outputs of teams.            page for detailed entry requirements.
An Irish Masters Degree is compatible with               Institute of Technology Carlow is constantly
completion of the Bologna Second Cycle.                  reviewing its postgraduate programme offering
PhD or Doctoral Degree (NFQ Level 10)                    with new programmes under development
                                                         annually. While all of our current postgraduate
A PhD (NFQ Level 10) or doctoral programme
                                                         offerings are described in the forthcoming
should take from three to four years (full-time)
                                                         sections, keep up to date and find further details
to complete. ECTS credits are used in doctoral
                                                         on all postgraduate offerings on our Institute of
programmes for taught elements only. The Irish
                                                         Technology Carlow website: or
Doctoral Degree is compatible with completion of
                                                         apply via the online postgraduate application
the Bologna Third Cycle. Learning outcomes at this
                                                         system on
level relate to the discovery and development of
new knowledge and skills and delivering findings at
the frontiers of knowledge and application. Further
outcomes at this level relate to specialist skills and
transferable skills required for managing, such as
the abilities to critique and develop organisational
structure and initiate change.

      Source: QQI


     Please note that all Non-EU international student applicants must apply through our International Office. Please refer
     to the International section of the prospectus or our website:
     or alternatively email:

                                                                      Application process steps
                                                                      1. Choose your programme(s) from our prospectus
                 Please note that all                                    or online postgraduate programme listing on the
           postgraduate applications for                                 Institute website.
          taught programmes at Institute                                 It is very important that you review all of the following
                                                                         before applying:
           of Technology Carlow should
                                                                         • Entry requirements
            be completed online via PAC                                  • Supporting documentation requirements for your
             (Postgraduate Application                                     application
                System)                                       • Course modules and information
                                                                         • Schedule and location (i.e. part-time or full time, and
          Please check the full detailed                                   which campus you would like to attend)

           listing of our postgraduate                                   • Fees
                                                                         • Relevant PAC code (see page 93-95 of the prospectus
         programmes and PAC codes on                                       for a full detailed listing of all postgraduate
                   pages 93-95.                                            programmes)
                                                                         • Closing dates for applications.
            It is important to note that
                                                                         Should you have any queries, or need further information
         each programme has a different
                                                                         on a particular programme of study, please contact the
         PAC code based on award level,                                  relevant programme director or head of department
          schedule and campus location.                                  listed on the individual programme pages.

          Timetabled hours may include                                2. Register with PAC online at and gather
                                                                         all supporting documentation required for your
          daytime, evening and Saturday                                  application (e.g. references, CV, personal statement
            classes. Refer to individual                                 etc.).
             course pages for further                                    Scanned copies of your supporting documentation must
                   information.                                          be uploaded to Alternatively, supporting
                                                                         documentation can be posted to the Postgraduate
                                                                         Applications Centre, 1 Courthouse Square, Galway. Please

                                                                                             4               If successful in your
                                                                  3               LOGIN TO PAC TO VIEW
                                                                                                             application, ACCEPT
                                                                                                             YOUR OFFER and pay
                                          2             Check your programme
                                                                                  THE STATUS OF YOUR         your deposit online via
                                                                                  APPLICATION. Check         PAC within 14 days and
                 1              Gather all supporting
                                                        code, campus, closing
                                                                                  your email for alerts      get started with Institute
                                                        date information and
                                documentation to scan                             on application status      of Technology Carlow!
      RESEARCH AND                                      APPLY ONLINE at
                                or send by post and                               change.
      CHOOSE YOUR                             
                                REGISTER ONLINE at
      PROGRAMME from our
      prospectus or on the
      Institute of Technology
      Carlow website.

note that supplementary documentation should be sent               Institute of Technology Carlow reserves the right to request
   within 7 days of your online application. Documents must be        that some applicants attend for interview to determine
   in a clear format, of good quality and a readable size.            their suitability for individual programmes.

   Poor quality/unreadable documents may affect the                4. Review application status via the My Account section
   assessment of your application.                                    on the PAC website.
                                                                      All applicants will be notified by email of changes to the
3. Apply online at
                                                                      status of their application. Alternatively, applicants may login
   The PAC online application system is now open for new
                                                                      online any time to the PAC system under the My Account
   postgraduate applications for the academic year 2020/2021.
                                                                      section to view their application. Applicants who receive an
   This is an online application system that allows applicants,
                                                                      offer have 14 days to accept or decline that offer. Applicants
   for a non-refundable fee of €50 paid directly to PAC, to
                                                                      who accept must also pay a deposit of €500 within 14 days
   apply for multiple postgraduate programmes at Institute
                                                                      which may be paid online via the PAC system. This deposit is
   of Technology Carlow. Applications will be considered in
                                                                      then offset against the full tuition fee.
   order of preference. If you are successful in receiving an
   offer on your first preference or first choice of programme,    5. Getting started
   all other preferences will be excluded. Similarly, if you are      Applicants who accept their offer should keep up-to-date
   unsuccessful in your first preference, then your second            by logging onto the Institute website. Our academic year
   preference will be considered and so on.                           starts in September and academic timetables and other
                                                                      news and events will be posted on the website and on
   Course selection may be from any of our Masters, Higher
                                                                      other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and
   Diploma and Postgraduate Diplomas.
   PAC may be contacted for support via email: pachelp@ or through the website. Applicants may contact           APPLICATION PROCESS - RESEARCH
   Admissions via email:              PROGRAMMES
   To ensure a place on your chosen course we advise               For more information and to apply for research opportunities,
   registering as soon as possible. Certain programmes are         scholarships and funding, please email:
   restricted to a limited number of applicants and places on      Dr Brian Jackson
   these courses are assigned on a first-come-first-served         Head of Postgraduate Studies
   basis. Late applications will be considered on a case-by-
   case basis.




     Dr Brian Jackson
     BA, PhD

     Development Office
     T: 059 9175000

Master of Business in Business                                                18
Master of Business Administration (MBA)                                       19
Master of Science in Supply Chain Management                                  20
Master of Science in Digital Marketing                                        21
Master of Arts in Interaction Design                                          22
Higher Diploma in Business in Supply Chain Management                         23
Higher Diploma in Business Marketing                                          24
Higher Diploma in Business in Business Management                             25
Higher Diploma in Business in International Business                          26
Higher Diploma in Business in International Financial Services                27
Higher Diploma in Business in Tourism Marketing                               28
Higher Diploma in Arts in Digital Media Design                                29

Master of Arts in Child, Youth and Family Studies                             30
Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning                                         31
Master of Arts in Leadership in Early Years Education and Care                32
Higher Diploma in Arts in Early Childhood Education and Care                  33
Higher Diploma in Arts in Applied Social Studies (Professional Social Care)   34

Master of Science in Information Technology Management                        35
Master of Science in Data Science                                             36
Higher Diploma in Science in Computing                                        37

Master of Science in Strength & Conditioning                                  38
Master of Science in Sports Performance Analysis                              39

Master of Science in Medical Device Regulatory Affairs                        40
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs                        41

Master of Science in Applied Research and Innovation                          42

Refer to pages               Master of Business
 93-95 for full
 course listings              Business
                              DURATION                                 LOCATION                                   HEAD OF DEPARTMENT - BUSINESS

                              1 YEAR – FULL-TIME                       CARLOW                                     Dr Martin Meagher
                              2 YEARS – PART-TIME                                                                 BComm, MBA, MA, FCA, PhD

                              What is the Master of                    generally deemed an integral element       What subjects will I study?
                              Business about?                          of enquiry-based learning, this module
                                                                                                                   Leadership & Strategy
                                                                       will prepare graduates for executive
                              This postgraduate programme                                                          Corporate Governance, Ethics & Social
                                                                       and leadership scenarios which require      Responsibility
                              brings theory to life through its
                                                                       negotiation and persuasive expertise        Research Methods
                              exciting work placement element
                                                                       and ability with the written word.          Financial Analysis & Investment
                              and applied learning focus, enabling
                              participants to apply acquired
                                                                       What will I be able to                      Dissertation
                              knowledge and competencies in a
                                                                       do when I finish the                        Strategic Marketing Management
                              real-world workplace environment.
                                                                       programme?                                  Strategic Human Resource Management
                              The programme equips graduates with
                                                                                                                   Entrepreneurship & Innovation
                              the attributes required by business      In a job market increasingly                Management
                              to make an immediate contribution        featuring primary honours degree            Communications for Professional Life
                              to the organisation through its work     holders, this Masters Programme,            Work Placement
                              placement experience element.            with its work experience element,
                              The industrial placement is of four      significantly increases graduates’
                              months duration, from May to             chances of recruitment by highly
                              August, and affords the student a        attractive employers. The Master
                              unique opportunity to implement and      of Business programme is aimed
                              reflect on the theories learned on the   at producing creative, flexible and
                              programme. It will complement the        dynamic individuals, who can take
                              student’s education and broaden his/     up or enhance roles as business
                              her skill set. A number of progressive   practitioners, in Ireland or overseas. A
                              local enterprises partner with us in     Master of Business is an internationally
                              this initiative. Work placement is       recognised qualification and opens the
                              recognised by prospective employers      door to many careers.
                              and students alike as being a very
                              sought after aspect of an academic       What follow-on study
                              programme. Another new aspect            opportunities are available?
                              of this programme is the module          Graduates may pursue Level 10 (PhD)
                              ‘Communication for Professional          study opportunities upon successful
                              Life’. As communication skills are       completion of this programme.

        Entry requirements

        Graduates of programmes in engineering,
        science, design and other disciplines are
        required to have completed the Higher
        Diploma in Business in Management (Level
        8) or equivalent to be eligible for admission
        to the Master of Business programme.
        All applicants will be considered on a case-
        by-case basis. Criteria to be considered
        will include academic qualifications,
        recognition of prior learning and/or the
        applicant’s performance in GMAT or
        Institute of Technology Carlow reserves
        the right to require applicants to attend for
        interview to determine their suitability for
        the programme.

MBA                   Refer to pages
                                                                                                                                       93-95 for full
                              Master of Business Administration (MBA)                                                                  course listings
                                                                                                                                        NFQ LEVEL 9
LIFELONG LEARNING MANAGER               DURATION                                LOCATION

Eoin O’Brien                            2 YEARS – PART-TIME                     CARLOW
BA, DBS, CBS, Cert Mgmt, MBA

What subjects will I study?             What is the Master of                   It also builds on the participant’s

 Strategic HR Management                Business Administration                 professional and personal skills

 Global Business, Leadership & Ethics   about?                                  including confidence building with
                                                                                presentations and team projects,
 Advanced Strategic Management          This programme provides an
                                                                                networking amongst students from
 Strategic Business Finance             opportunity for students to study for
                                                                                different industries and backgrounds
 Strategic Marketing Analysis &         a Masters in Business Administration,
 Implementation                                                                 and provides a challenging but open
                                        corresponding to a Level 9
 Corporate Governance                                                           and reflective environment to discuss
                                        Qualification (90 ECTS credits).
 Advanced Research Methods                                                      and research current issues affecting
 Commercial Dispute, Negotiation and    This comprehensive MBA programme        the business world on a global scale.
                                        provides a structured, evidenced-
                                        based environment to experienced        What follow-on study
                                        management professionals to expand      opportunities are available?
                                        on and develop their knowledge of the   Graduates may pursue Level 10 (PhD)
                                        current global business environment     study opportunities upon successful
                                        and management systems. It provides     completion of this programme.
                                        students with the tools, techniques
                                        and skills to enhance their business    Exit award
                                        knowledge and provide them with         Students who successfully complete
                                        a competitive edge in industry and      60 credits of the MBA programme
                                        the jobs market. This programme not     will be eligible for the Postgraduate
                                        only builds knowledge in key areas      Diploma in Business Administration
                                        such as current business technologies   (Level 9) should they opt to leave the
                                        and systems, business models and        programme (Embedded Exit Award).
                                        strategies and people management.

                                                                                Entry requirements

                                                                                The MBA and Postgraduate Diploma (Embedded Exit Award)
                                                                                programmes are designed for graduates of Bachelor of
                                                                                Business Honours Degrees (Level 8) or equivalent. Graduates
                                                                                of programmes in Engineering, Science, Design and other
                                                                                disciplines are generally required to have completed the Higher
                                                                                Diploma in Business in Management (Level 8) or equivalent to
                                                                                be eligible for admission to the MBA programme.
                                                                                Applicants applying for entry to the programme through
                                                                                progression routes, other than those listed, will be considered
                                                                                on a case-by-case basis. Criteria to be considered include
                                                                                academic qualifications, recognition of prior learning and/or
                                                                                the applicant’s performance in GMAT or equivalent.
                                                                                Applicants for the MBA programmes who hold a Postgraduate
                                                                                Diploma in Business (Level 9) programmes will be considered
                                                                                for entry on a case-by-case basis. All applicants must have
                                                                                three years relevant business management experience.
                                                                                Evidence must be provided of the nature and extent of this
                                                                                experience by at least one referee capable of assessing the
                                                                                applicant’s managerial abilities.
                                                                                Institute of Technology Carlow reserves the right to require
                                                                                applicants to attend for interview to determine their suitability
                                                                                for the programme.

Refer to pages              Master of Science
 93-95 for full
 course listings             Supply Chain Management
                             DURATION                                    LOCATION                                    LIFELONG LEARNING MANAGER

                             1 YEAR – FULL-TIME                          CARLOW                                      Eoin O’Brien
                             2 YEARS – PART-TIME                                                                     BA, DBS, CBS, Cert Mgmt, MBA

                             What is the programme                       • Communicate effectively with teams        What subjects will I study?
                             about?                                        at all levels internally and build more
                                                                           sustainable, beneficial relationships      Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma
                             This Masters programme offers a               along all stages of the supply chain       Communications for Supply Chain
                             robust understanding of the concepts          from supplier to customer.                 Professionals
                             and best practices in Supply Chain                                                       Research Project SCM
                             Management for application in               What follow-on study                         Performance Management
                             today’s global economy. Supply chain        opportunities are available?                 Supply Chain Financial Management
                             management and sourcing have                Graduates may pursue Level 10 (PhD)          Sustainable Supply Chains
                             become a central focus for companies        study opportunities upon successful          Research Methods
                             due to the rapid changes in demand          completion of this programme.                Strategic Supply Management
                             for products and services, globalisation                                                 Global Logistics and Technology
                             and technology. With operations             Potential employment
                             becoming more complex, companies            opportunities
                             in the manufacturing, retail and            In light of current skills shortages in
                             technological sectors are searching for     industry in the area of Supply Chain        The Expert Group on
                             individuals with supply chain expertise.    Management, this Masters programme          Future Skills Needs
                             This programme has been designed in         will provide participants seeking jobs      Statement of Activity 2014
                             collaboration with industry to address      in this sector with a competitive
                             those needs.                                edge. For those participants currently      ‘The EGFSN forecasts that, due
                                                                                                                     to an anticipated expansion in
                                                                         working in the area, the programme
                             What will I be able to                      will enhance existing roles both on
                                                                                                                     the sector, and the replacement
                             do when I finish the                        a professional and personal level by
                                                                                                                     demand arising from the
                             programme?                                                                              retirement/exiting of those
                                                                         building on the practical skills and        employed in core Freight,
                             On completion, graduates of the             techniques required to succeed. It          Transport, Distribution and
                             programme will be able to:                  will also develop critical skills in        Logistics occupations, some 13,500
                             • Apply comprehensive knowledge of          areas such as process improvement,          to 15,500 job vacancies could
                               theory and practice of Supply Chain       resource management, analytical and         become available over the period
                               Management to a variety of industry                                                   2015-2020.
                                                                         critical thinking, communication and
                                                                         sourcing and managing quality-led
                             • Build and develop multi-disciplinary                                                  There is a need for a consistent
                                                                         sustainable supply chains from supplier
                               teams across all functions to bring                                                   supply of suitably trained staff, as
                               about radical improvements in             to customer.
                                                                                                                     well as a need to retain and upskill
                               supply chain capability;                                                              those currently working in the
                                                                         This Masters programme will prepare
                             • Effectively plan and manage                                                           sector. As staff progress through
                               resources at each stage of the supply     graduates to work in a number of job
                                                                                                                     their careers, there is a requirement
                               chain;                                    roles:                                      for training in additional skills for
                             • Use critical thinking and research        • Supply Chain Analyst or Manager           both operations and management
                               skills to design/redesign, implement      • Project Managers                          roles.’
                               and improve more sustainable,
                                                                         • Logistics Managers
                               competitive and quality led supply
                               chains from supplier to customer;         • Operations consultants/
                                                                           Manufacturing or Service Operations
                                                                         • Warehouse/Inventory Manager
        Entry requirements
                                                                         • Purchasing Manager/Buyer/Planner.

        Entry requirements are a Level 8 degree with a minimum           Exit award
        of Second Class Honours, Grade 2 in a related discipline
        or equivalent. IT Carlow operates a Recognition of Prior         Postgraduate Diploma in Science
        Experiential Learning (RPL) scheme whereby applicants may        in Supply Chain Management is an
        be considered, based on relevant work and other experience,
        for exemptions from programme modules and advanced entry.
                                                                         Embedded Exit Award.
        All applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
        The Department reserves the right to require applicants to
        attend for an interview to determine their suitability for the

Master of Science                                 Refer to pages
                                                                                                                                               93-95 for full
                                                                                     Digital Marketing                                         course listings
                                                                                                                                               NFQ LEVEL 9
HEAD OF DEPARTMENT – SPORT,               DURATION                                    LOCATION
Myles Kelly                               1 YEAR – FULL-TIME                          CARLOW
BComm, DipCompSc, FCA, MA

What subjects will I study?               What is the MSc in Digital                  the strategic implications of digital

 Digital Marketing Landscape & Strategy   Marketing about?                            era marketing and to create and
                                                                                      implement effective digital marketing
 Marketing Communications in a Digital    The digital era has dramatically
 Era                                                                                  strategies. Successful completion of
                                          changed the marketing landscape
 Data Analytics & Consumer Insights                                                   the programme will help participants
                                          and the way that businesses identify,
 Strategic Design                                                                     grow their career opportunities in this
                                          communicate and engage with
 Digital Marketing Technologies                                                       dynamic sector.
                                          consumers. Marketing professionals
 Strategic Marketing Management
                                          must navigate and embrace this
 Law and the Digital Environment                                                      What follow-on study
                                          new and dynamic landscape. The
 Digital Marketing Research Project                                                   opportunities are available?
                                          MSc in Digital Marketing at Institute
                                          of Technology Carlow is aimed at            Graduates may pursue Level 10 (PhD)
                                          graduates and professionals seeking         study opportunities upon successful
                                          to explore the strategic implications       completion of this programme.
                                          of the digital era and to develop their
                                          career path in digital marketing.           Potential employment
                                          This innovative and exciting                Graduates of this programme can
                                          programme will provide potential            expect career opportunities in areas
                                          learners with an opportunity to             such as: Digital Marketing Consulting,
                                          study for a MSc in Digital Marketing        eCRM, Social Media Management,
                                          corresponding to a Level 9 qualification    User Experience Management, Data
                                          (90 credits) or a Postgraduate Diploma      Analytics and Brand Management.
                                          (60 credits).                               Digital Marketing opportunities exist
                                                                                      in all industries from SMEs to global
                                          The MSc combines academic study
                                                                                      multinationals and financial services
                                          and industry exposure to deliver a
                                                                                      to the arts.
                                          programme that has a strong focus
                                          on current and emerging research and
                                                                                      Special features of this
                                          practice. Application may also be made
                                          to the Level 9 Postgraduate Diploma in
                                          Digital Marketing (60 credits).             Learners will have an opportunity to
                                                                                      work on live business projects.
                                          What will I be able to
                                          do when I finish the
                                          The MSc in Digital Marketing is
                                          designed to help learners identify

                                                                                       Entry requirements

                                                                                       Although applications are welcome from a broad range of
                                                                                       disciplines, ideal candidates will come from a marketing
                                                                                       background and/or demonstrate an interest in and aptitude for
                                                                                       digital marketing. Candidates should hold a recognised third level
                                                                                       Honours Degree (Level 8 – minimum 2nd class Honours) in:
                                                                                       • Marketing or a business discipline
                                                                                       • Computer Science or
                                                                                       • Cognate programmes.
                                                                                       Applicants applying for entry through progression routes other
                                                                                       than those listed above will be considered through IT Carlow’s
                                                                                       Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy.
                                                                                       Shortlisted applicants may be called for interview.

Refer to pages               Master of Arts
 93-95 for full
 course listings              Interaction Design
                              DURATION                                      LOCATION                                   HEAD OF DEPARTMENT –
                              1 YEAR – FULL-TIME                            CARLOW                                     Dr Eileen Doyle-Walsh
                                                                                                                       BA, MLitt, PhD

                              What is the MA in                             competitive edge prior to embarking        What subjects will I study?
                              Interaction Design about?                     on a career in design or related fields.
                                                                                                                        Framing User Experience
                              Interaction design focuses on shaping         Graduates may also adopt research           Principles of Interaction Design
                              things for people’s use and behaviour         and advisory roles in relation to           Prototyping Interactions
                              and includes designing interactive            new product development and                 Design Entrepreneurship
                              digital products, environments, visual        development of the provision of             Strategic Design
                              communication systems, and services.          creative services in practice.              Communication Design
                              Interaction design is the synthesis and                                                   Design Research Methods
                              imagining of things as they might be,         Potential employment opportunities          Design Project Dissertation
                              rather than focusing on how things            include:
                              actually are, with a focus on satisfying      • Interaction Designer
                              the needs and desires of the end user.        • User Experience Designer/Consultant/
                              This programme is specifically designed         Engineer
                              for honours graduates in product and          • User Interface Designer
                              industrial design, multimedia and game        • Mobile App Designer/Developer
                              design, visual communication design,          • Design Entrepreneur
                              architecture, engineering and other           • Web Designer
                              design related fields. This Masters
                                                                            • Front End/Content Developer
                              programme has been developed by
                                                                            • Digital Media Designer
                              Institute of Technology Carlow in
                                                                            • Visual Designer
                              consultation with industry and is
                                                                            • Communications Designer
                              delivered though the combination of
                                                                            • Multi-disciplinary Design Studios
                              self-directed learning and graduate
                              research within the structured                • Strategic Design Thinkers
                              environment of a taught programme.            • Design Manager
                                                                            • Product /Industrial/Service Designer
                              The aim is to nurture and support a           • Design Thinking
                              unique interdisciplinary approach to          • Product Designer
                              research and learning in this area. The       • Industrial Designer
                              programme is centred around the
                                                                            • Service Designer.
                              development and delivery of a major
                              project which can be either practice or
                                                                            What follow-on study
                              theory based.
                                                                            opportunities are available?
                                                                            Graduates may pursue Level 10 (PhD)
                              What will I be able to
                                                                            study opportunities upon successful
                              do when I finish the
                                                                            completion of this programme.
                                                                            Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in
                              This programme will provide graduates
                                                                            Interaction Design is an Embedded Exit
                              with a unique opportunity to gain a

        Entry requirements                                                  Special features of this
                                                                            This Masters programme sits within the
        A Level 8 Honours Degree in Product or Industrial Design,
        Games Design, Visual Communication Design, or other                 Department of Humanities at Institute
        related design disciplines such as Architecture or Engineering      of Technology Carlow which facilitates
        (minimum 2nd class Honours). Candidates with significant
                                                                            the culture of design lead research and
        experience in the design services sector (as determined by the
        Institute’s recognition of prior learning policy), in addition to   learning. Our programme facilitates
        an Honours primary degree in another discipline area may also       a culture of interdisciplinary learning
        be considered for entry on a case-by-case basis through IT
                                                                            embedded within the ethos of a studio
        Carlow’s RPL system. Applicants applying for entry via routes
        other than that listed above will be considered on a case-by-       based educational environment.
        case basis through IT Carlow’s RPL system.

Higher Diploma                               Refer to pages
                                                                                                                                               93-95 for full
                                     Business in Supply Chain Management                                                                       course listings
                                                                                                                                                NFQ LEVEL 8
LIFELONG LEARNING MANAGER                DURATION                                      LOCATION

Eoin O’Brien                             1 YEAR – PART-TIME                            CARLOW
BA, DBS, CBS, Cert Mgmt, MBA             1 YEAR – FULL-TIME

                                         What is the programme                         What will I be able to
Dr Martin Meagher                        about?                                        do when I finish this
BComm, MBA, MA, FCA, PhD                 This one-year graduate diploma                programme?
E:            programme has been designed for               Graduates of this programme will
                                         graduates of business and non-                find employment opportunities in
What subjects will I study?              business disciplines in order to equip        all manufacturing sectors including:
                                         them with the necessary knowledge             electronics; pharmaceuticals and food
 Purchasing and Supplier Management
                                         and competencies in Supply Chain              processing - as buyers and material
 Strategic Management
                                         Management and business. Supply               planners. Many opportunities also
 Supply Chain Planning and Control
                                         Chain Management is concerned with            exist in logistics and distribution. This
 Global Logistics and Supply Chain
 Management                              the management of the flow of goods           work involves using sophisticated
 Strategic Procurement                   and information through the value             computerised planning tools such as
 Elective Subjects                       chain, from materials acquisition to          MRP/ERP, interacting and negotiating
   Work Based Research Project           final consumption. Put more simply,           with external suppliers and internal
   Dissertation                          SCM is about being right: it is about         customers and contributing to project
                                         getting the right product, in the right       management as members of cross-
                                         quantity, at the right quality, in the        functional teams.
                                         right place at the right time, for the
                                         right consumer at the right cost. In          What follow-on study
                                         achieving all of this, supply chain           opportunities are available?
                                         management takes on many of the               This qualification will allow the
                                         functions of a business including:            participant to apply for the MBA or
                                         forecasting, inventory management,            MB, depending on his/her business
                                         purchasing management, warehouse              experience, and continue to develop
                                         management, information technology            and extend his/her skills base and
                                         and transport management.                     knowledge at NFQ Level 9.
                                         Management professionals in logistics
                                         and supply chain management                   Potential employment
                                         functions also work closely with other        opportunities
                                         areas of the business including human
                                                                                       • Supply Chain/Warehouse/Inventory
                                         resource management, manufacturing,             Control Manager
                                         marketing and finance.
                                                                                       • Purchasing Manager
                                                                                       • Operations Manager
                                                                                       • Production Manager
                                                                                       • Procurement Manager
                                                                                       • Business Development Manager
                                                                                       • Supply Chain/Logistics Consultant.

                                                                                   Entry requirements

                                                                                   Applicants require an NFQ Level 8 Award or equivalent, for
                                                                                   entry to this programme. Other applicants will be considered
                                                                                   on an individual basis in accordance with the Institute policy on
                                                                                   Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The department reserves the
                                                                                   right to require applicants to attend for interview to determine their
                                                                                   suitability for the programme.

Refer to pages              Higher Diploma
 93-95 for full
 course listings             Business Marketing
                             DURATION                                        LOCATION                                     HEAD OF DEPARTMENT – SPORT,
                                                                                                                          MEDIA AND MARKETING
                             1 YEAR – FULL-TIME                              CARLOW                                       Myles Kelly
                                                                                                                          BComm, DipCompSc, FCA, MA

                             What is the programme                           What will I be able to                       What subjects will I study?
                             about?                                          do when I finish this
                                                                                                                           New Product Innovation
                             This programme provides students                programme?
                                                                                                                           Marketing Management
                             with an advanced knowledge of the               Marketing is a fundamental element            International Marketing
                             principles of marketing. The modules            of all organisations and as a result, this    Consumer Psychology & Insights
                             have been designed to equip successful          programme will help prepare you for           Market Research Theory & Practice
                             graduates with the up-to-date skills            job opportunities across all industry         Selling
                             and competencies to enable them to:             sectors - private, public and voluntary.      Elective Subjects
                             • Pursue a career in any marketing                                                              Integrated Marketing Communications
                               oriented environment, in a large              Depending on your undergraduate
                                                                                                                             Digital Marketing Communications
                               multinational corporation or a small-         degree, some examples of potential
                               to-medium sized business in Ireland           roles include:
                               and abroad;
                                                                             • New Business Development, Client
                             • Participate in and manage                       Manager, Customer Service Manager,
                               cross-functional teams with an                  Customer Insights;
                               appreciation and understanding
                                                                             • New Product Development Manager/
                               of relationship management,
                               changing consumer behaviour
                               and communication across any                  • Brand Executive, Product Executive,
                               organisation;                                   Trade Marketing Executive;
                             • Identify, analyse and propose                 • Compliance Manager, Business
                               innovative solutions to key marketing           Analyst, Business solutions
                               issues;                                         consultant;
                             • Use and develop their critical                • Sales and Marketing Executive,
                               analytical skills , providing a                 Digital Marketing Executive,
                               competitive edge in a rapidly                   Technical Sales Manager.
                               changing marketing sector;
                                                                             What follow-on study
                             • Develop, contribute to and lead out
                                                                             opportunities are available?
                               marketing strategies and campaigns
                               for new product innovation;                   This qualification will allow the
                             • Apply and develop their digital               participant to apply for the MBA, MB
                               marketing skills to real world                or MSc in Digital Marketing, depending
                               practise.                                     on his/her business experience and
                                                                             continue to develop and extend his/her
                                                                             skills base and knowledge at Level 9.

        Entry requirements

        • Applicants from a non-business discipline require an NFQ Level 8
          Award or equivalent, for entry to this programme.
        • Applicants from a business discipline require an NFQ Level 7
          Award or equivalent, for entry to this programme.
        • Other applicants will be considered on an individual basis in
          accordance with the Institute policy on Recognition of Prior
          Learning (RPL).

Higher Diploma                             Refer to pages
                                                                                                                                   93-95 for full
                                       Business in Business Management                                                             course listings
                                                                                                                                   NFQ LEVEL 8
LIFELONG LEARNING MANAGER              DURATION                                LOCATION

Eoin O’Brien                           1 YEAR – PART-TIME                      CARLOW
BA, DBS, CBS, Cert Mgmt, MBA

What subjects will I study?            What is this programme                  What follow-on study
 Management Accounting                 about?                                  opportunities are available?
 Corporate Governance & Business       This one-year graduate Higher Diploma   This programme will give graduates
                                       programme is designed for graduates     the basis and maturity to proceed
 Strategic Human Resource Management
                                       of non-business disciplines in order    to the MBA or MB taught part-time
 Work based research project
                                       to equip them with the necessary        programmes depending on their
 International Business
                                       knowledge and competencies for          general business experience.
 Strategic Management
                                       management in business. It will
                                       provide graduates with an in-depth      Exam information
                                       understanding of the contemporary       Modules completed in Term 1 will,
                                       business environment.                   where applicable be examined in early
                                                                               December 2019. Modules completed
                                       The programme will enable graduates
                                                                               in Term 2 will, where applicable, be
                                       to further develop, consolidate and
                                                                               examined in May 2020.
                                       synthesize their knowledge and skills
                                       through experience, professional and/
                                       or academic education and improve
                                       their overall employment prospects.

                                       What will I be able to
                                       do when I finish the
                                       This programme will provide
                                       candidates with extensive knowledge
                                       of the many business disciplines
                                       that influence business and strategic
                                       decisions, thus enabling them to
                                       pursue management roles in their
                                       chosen discipline and across an

                                                                                                Entry requirements

                                                                                                Graduates with Level 8 qualifications.
                                                                                                Other applicants will be considered on a
                                                                                                case-by-case basis through completion
                                                                                                of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
                                                                                                IT Carlow reserves the right to require
                                                                                                applicants to attend for an interview
                                                                                                to determine their suitability for the

Refer to pages               Higher Diploma
 93-95 for full
 course listings              Business in International Business
                              DURATION                                    LOCATION                                   HEAD OF DEPARTMENT - BUSINESS

                              1 YEAR – FULL-TIME                          CARLOW                                     Dr Martin Meagher
                                                                                                                     BComm, MBA, MA, FCA, PhD

                              What is this programme                      What will I be able to                     What subjects will I study?
                              about?                                      do when I finish the
                                                                                                                      Strategic Management
                              This one-year graduate diploma              programme?
                                                                                                                      International Business
                              programme has been designed for             Graduates will be equipped to manage        Applied Business Solutions
                              graduates of business and non-              and lead teams in multinational             International Marketing
                              business disciplines in order to            organisations. They will also be able to    Business Finance
                              equip them with the necessary               contribute to and develop the strategy      Elective Subjects
                              knowledge and competencies                  of that organisation.                         International Economics
                              required in international business.                                                       Organisational Behaviour
                              International business is concerned         Graduates of this programme will
                                                                                                                        Corporate Governance and Business
                              with contemporary issues in business        find employment in a variety of               Practice

                              from both a national and international      settings that promise a wide choice of        Business Information Systems

                              perspective. Learners will have leading     flexibility and variety. Many graduates
                              knowledge of contemporary theories,         of this programme may start their
                              concepts and issues concerning              career in the domestic operations of
                              international business in today’s           an organisation and then progress to
                              society. In addition, the modules           managing and coordinating global
                              blend both theory, practice and             operations.
                              policy to ensure that the learner
                                                                          Some examples of potential job
                              will be able to manage, develop and
                                                                          opportunities include:
                              lead organisations in the sector. The
                                                                          • Banking
                              programme will also provide learners
                                                                          • International marketing and sales
                              with critical thinking tools to enable
                                                                          • Customer service
                              them to succeed in the field of
                              business. It will provide learners with a   • Importing and exporting enterprises.
                              critical understanding of concepts and
                              approaches to enable individuals and
                                                                          What follow-on study
                              groups to realise their potential.
                                                                          opportunities are available?
                                                                          This qualification will allow the
                                                                          participant to apply for the MBA or
                                                                          MB, depending on his/her business
                                                                          experience, and continue to develop
                                                                          and extend his/her skills base and
                                                                          knowledge at Level 9.

        Entry requirements

        Applicants require an NFQ 8 or equivalent
        for entry to this programme.
        Other applicants will be considered on
        an individual basis in accordance with the
        IT Carlow policy on Recognition of Prior
        Learning (RPL).

Higher Diploma                             Refer to pages
                                                                                                                                   93-95 for full
                          Business in International Financial Services                                                             course listings
                                                                                                                                   NFQ LEVEL 8
LIFELONG LEARNING MANAGER          DURATION                                   LOCATION

Eoin O’Brien                       1 YEAR – PART-TIME                         CARLOW
BA, DBS, CBS, Cert Mgmt, MBA

What subjects will I study?        What is this programme                     What will I be able to
 Mutual Fund Accounting            about?                                     do when I finish the
 Hedge Fund Accounting             This Higher Diploma in International       programme?
 Legal and Regulatory Aspects of   Financial Services is designed to          On completion of this programme,
 Financial Services
                                   provide participants with specific         students will have knowledge and
 Project Management and
 Communications                    knowledge of fund administration,          understanding of the international
 Data Analysis and Risk            project management, data analysis          financial services industry. The
 Work-based Research Project       and reporting within the financial         programme will also develop their
                                   sector. It will give participants the      intellectual and practical skills via
                                   tools they need to understand the          the analysis and evaluation of funds
                                   fundamentals of this international         administration, project management,
                                   industry and the various roles that        data analytics and compliance.
                                   offer employment within it. This
                                   programme is designed to appeal to         What follow-on study
                                   those who are looking to re-skill or       opportunities are available?
                                   up-skill to gain employment in the         This programme will give graduates
                                   International Financial Services Sector.   the basis and maturity to proceed
                                   The applied nature of this programme       to the Master of Business or other
                                   is reflected in the combination            masters programmes related to the
                                   of project management and data             Financial Services Sector, depending on
                                   analysis alongside accounting and          their general business experience.
                                   administration modules which focus
                                   on developing the student’s knowledge      Exam information
                                   of the International Financial Services
                                                                              Modules completed in Term 1 will,
                                   Sector, fund management and all the
                                                                              where applicable, be examined in early
                                   regulatory requirements nationally,
                                                                              December 2019. Modules completed
                                   at EU level and at international levels.
                                                                              in Term 2 will, where applicable, be
                                   All participants will improve their
                                                                              examined in May 2020.
                                   knowledge, numeracy skills, IT skills
                                   and commercial awareness of the

                                                                                                Entry requirements

                                                                                                Applicants require an NFQ Level 7 or
                                                                                                8 Award, or equivalent, for entry to
                                                                                                this programme. Other applicants will
                                                                                                be considered on an individual basis in
                                                                                                accordance with the Institute policy
                                                                                                on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
                                                                                                IT Carlow reserve the right to require
                                                                                                applicants to attend for interview
                                                                                                to determine their suitability for the

Refer to pages              Higher Diploma
 93-95 for full
 course listings             Business in Tourism Marketing
                             DURATION                                  LOCATION                                 LIFELONG LEARNING MANAGER

                             1 YEAR – PART-TIME                        CARLOW                                   Eoin O’Brien
                                                                                                                BA, DBS, CBS, Cert Mgmt, MBA

                             What is this programme                    • Analyse frameworks to provide          What subjects will I study?
                             about?                                      both theory and practical tools of
                                                                         information in Business and Tourism     Marketing and Brand Communications
                             This is a one-year Higher Diploma           Marketing.                              Online Marketing Strategy and Practice
                             designed for those who would like to      • Understand the linkage between          Management and Financial Planning
                             change career, or who may already           competitive dynamics, macro and         Work Based Research Project
                             be employed in the tourism industry.        micro economics and the economic
                                                                                                                 Tourism Operations
                             As the economy continues to recover,        benefit to the tourism industry.
                                                                                                                 Strategic Tourism Marketing
                             more graduates will be required           What follow-on study
                             to work in the tourism sector. This       opportunities are available?
                             programme addresses the need for
                                                                       This programme will give graduates
                             graduates with knowledge in the
                                                                       the basis and maturity to proceed to
                             area of culture, tourism operations,
                                                                       the Master of Business or, the MSc in
                             marketing (including e-marketing) and
                                                                       Digital Marketing taught part-time
                             general business.
                                                                       programmes, depending on their
                                                                       general business experience.
                             What will I be able to
                             do when I finish the                      Potential employment
                             programme?                                opportunities
                             On completion of the programme,           • Travel Agent
                             students should be able to:               • Customer Service Assistant/Manager
                             • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge,         • Supervisor/Team manager
                               skills and competencies in
                               strategic planning and sustainable      • Tour Manager
                               development of tourism                  • Tourist Guide
                               management (business and services)      • Tourist Information Centre Assistant
                               in the context of location, resources
                                                                       • Other tourism related commercial
                               and markets.

        Entry requirements

        Applicants require an NFQ Level 7 or 8
        Major Award in business or a level 8 Major
        Award in a non-business area for entry
        to this programme. Other applicants
        will be considered on an individual basis
        in accordance with the Institute policy
        on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
        IT Carlow reserve the right to require
        applicants to attend for interview
        to determine their suitability for the

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