Measuring Instruments - Catalogue 2019 - MMM tech support
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Measuring Instruments Catalogue 2019 Prices valid after January 15th 2019 All prices of earlier catalogues are no longer valid EN
Catalogue 2019 Contents Page Basics - Irrigation Scheduling 1 Tensiometer 3 T1 Standard, T2 Heavy Duty , TX fast and robust, TXSU substrate, TX- E loggable, T2 Digital , IR Irrometer®, IR-P Irrometer® , IR-MLT, IR-LT, IR-E Spare Parts IR Watermark 6 WM Sensor, as profile probe, WM-S-6-VA Volt Adapter for 6 sensors, new WM-HH handmeter - WM-M data logger - IRROmesh wireless data acquisition via radio nodes Irrigation Automation 8 Irrigation controller Node, X-Core, I-Core - Electro valves PGV / 9V DC, 24V AC - Switching units TXS, IRS - IRS-LT substrates - WS Water Switch - WEM Watermark Electronic Module - iMetos® ICA Volumetry TDR / FDR 11 TDR150 - TDR 350 - FDR Sensors: EC-5 substrate - HS-10 soil - MAS-1 OEM - EC-TM (+ C°), EC-TMEC (+ C°+ EC ) - GS-3 substrate (+ C°+ EC) - EC-HH-Pro handmeter - data logger: EM5-LOG - EM50-LOG (+ rain) Scholander Chamber 14 PMS manual - M 600, M 615 < 40 bar - M 1000 < 70 bar - M1505D digital, M1515D < 100 bar - M 1505D-EXP (+ Cavitation Chamber) Dendrometer 17 DD-S shoot and stem - DF fruit - DC-2 stem - DL-18 data logger Measurement of Light and Radiation 18 LS-PAR - LS-UV - LS-All hand meter for sensors: UV, Global, PAR - LS-DLI (Daily Light Integral) Mini data logger 19 LOG-T cold chain monitoring - Watch Dog: WD-RT Precipitation and temperature via SigFox, A160 - C°, rel. humidity new and CO2 in greenhouses - WD data logger - Watch Dog preconfigured - base unit, sensors Now_SMS - warning system 21 Preconfigured: NOS-Frost - NOS-VT for early Potatoes , NOS-KLT Air C°- NOS-Rain - NOS-H2O irrigation // modular: NOS-GG base unit - NOS-sen- sors : BT soil C° - DB watering time - HS-10 Vol%/m3 - LT air C° - NTTT Frost - RG rain - RHLT air C°, rel. hum., - TXS switch tensiometer - VT C° under fleece - WMS hPa soil iMetos - weather station with alert function and more 24 PPM - Pessl Prognosis Models - iMeteo site specific weather forecast - iMetos hardware: iMetos ECO D3, iMetos3, Radio Node, CropView picture transmission Suction Lysimeter 28 Lys - Option Luer connection - IR-Lys - Option low tension ceramic tip Nutrient Analysis 29 Quick tests - Nitrachek - RQFlex - LA pocket meters - LA-Set complete case for NO3, K, Ca, Na, pH, EC, NIT-K2 Case - PH-130K - NN/K-K2 (+Ammonium + Potassium) - ML-1900 mobile Mini-Lab - SSPRES Press for Petioles - DSP Adjustable Dosing Pipettes new pH Measurement 32 Quick test - pocket meters: PH-TM2, PH-22, SoilStik, IQ PH712 / PH 922 dry storage - hand meters: PH-MM1, PH-K12, accessories: PH-KL Standards - PHP instant powder for colored pH-standards EC Measurement 34 Pocket meters: EC-TM1 - EC-TM2 (+TDS, C°) - EC-22 Hand meters: FSEC in liquids and soil, EC-MM1, EC-K12, PH-EC-MM1, PHEC-K12 (+pH) - ECAK-K12 ( + soil conductivity) Accessories 36 MiniMax C° - FWS radio weather station- WM-HT soil C° -WG Cable Protection Hose - IR-FL Colorant for Tensiometers - BS-100 Soil Probe - AG-BS- 70 Penetrometer - installation tools: soil sampler: IW-60, PKH - VSH Simplex sledge hammer Installation of Sensors 38 GTC 41 Imprint Registered office & adress: Weigandufer 18, 12059 Berlin, GERMANY Phone +49 (0)30 627 368 66 © 2019 MMM tech support GmbH & Co. KG Personally liable partner: Mosler Verwaltungs GmbH Fax +49 (0)30 627 368 67 Managing director: Dr. Christoph Mosler-Teichmann eMail: Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRA 47522 B // HRB 145663 B web: www.
Basics - Irrigation Scheduling General The exact scheduling of irrigation is very important because: • Both, too high and too small water applications result in negative effects on yield, plant health and environment. • Nutrient availability and uptake are influenced strongly by soil moisture conditions. • Each irrigation event is causing cost. Benefits of exact irrigation scheduling are therefore Example: yield-effect of soil water potential in raspberries • increased yield • improved quality • savings in money and natural resources Necessary for appropriate irrigation scheduling is: • exact determination of irrigation frequency • exact determination of irrigation water amount To collect this information, various approaches are common. Following some background information, these approaches will be discussed briefly. Soil consists of soil particles (mineral or organic) and the soil pores, which are either filled with water or air. Depending Soil and Soilwater on the average size of soil particles (soil type), structure, compaction and organic matter content, total pore volume greatly varies from soil to soil. Total pore volume is key factor for water storage capacity of any soil. The narrower the diameter of water filled pores, the stronger the force with which water is bound by soil, and plants have to apply more energy to extract it. This force is called soil water potential or soil water suction. The term fieldcapacity refers to the amount of water a soil can hold back against gravity (the soil water content at a soil water potential of approx. 60 hPa or pF 1,8). Plant usable fieldcapacity is the amount of water, bound in soil with a soil water potential between 60 (pF 1,8) and 15 000 hPa (pF 4,2), i.e. Plant usable field capacity equals field capacity minus the water, which is bound so strongly in soil, that it can not be taken up by plants any more. (non plant available water). Due to above described circumstances the amount of plant available soil water is varying strongly between soils. Example: Plant available water of a typical sand ranges between approx. 5 and 15% absolute water content, while plant available water of a typical clay soil ranges between approx. 30 and 50% water content. Irrigation scheduling Approaches This approach measures the soil water potential as indicator of water availability for plant uptake in soils. Measuring soil water potential provides in- A - Measurement of Soil Water Potential formation on the force with which water is bound by soil (= energy plants have to apply to extract it), but it gives no information on the amount of water contained in this soil. Common measurement units for soil water potential are hPa (1 hPa = 1 mbar) and kPa (1 kPa= 1 Centibar = 10 hPa / mbar). web eMail 1
Basics Measuring soil water potential is the classical approach of irrigation scheduling. It is possible to transfer values of soil water potential from soil type to soil type, i.e. it is of minor importance in which soil a measurement is taken. For example a measured soil water potential of 150 hPa results in the same information weather this measurement has been taken in a sand or in a clay soil. Clearly defined optimum ranges do exist for all major crops, and crop development stages, which are valid for all soil types. For best results three measurement sites, each in two depth are recommended per irrigation unit.. Tensiometer and Watermark Sensor are instruments to measure soil water potential. Tensiometers yield very accurate results in the moist end of the range (0 to approx. 800 hPa), and are successfully used in almost all growing systems and crops, grown in mineral soil and substrates. Tensio- meters show best results in drip irrigation systems. Good irrigation scheduling results in optimal moisture conditions and nutrient availability in the whole main root-zone, without losses due to deep percolation. Pictures: blue: - too wet; green - optimal moisture; orange / red - too dry This approach uses instruments to measure the volumetric water content of soil. It yields information on the total water content, including the not B - Measurement of Volumetric Soil Water Content plant available part of it in a given unit of soil. This approach provides no information on the energy which is necessary to extract water from this soil. Common units in volumetric measurement are mm, Vol. % or liter of water per liter or m³ of soil Volumetric measurement values can not be transferred between different soil types. Example: The measurement result of 30% water content would mean for a sand saturation (soil water potential approx. 10 hPa or pF 1,0), while a silty soil would show a soil water potential of approx. 300 hPa or pF 2,5. A clay soil at 30% water content would be close to the permanent wilting point (soil water potential approx. 15000 hPa or pF 4,2). TDR Fieldscout and FDR ECH2O Sensor are instruments to measure the volumetric soil water content. Volumetric probes and measurement in- struments are the ideal tool to answer the question how much water to apply per gift. This approach measures directly the leaf- or stem water potential, the tension of the xylem water C - Measurement of Leaf- and Stem Water Potential in a plant, with a Scholander pressure chamber. It provides direct information on the water status of a plant, and thus on water availability in the whole rooted zone of this plant. Common measure- ment units are MPa and bar. (1 MPa = 10 bar) Values from measurements with a Scholander chamber can be transferred between sites. Clearly defined optimum ranges do exist mainly for trees and vines. The measuring process itself however is labour intensive and can not be automated. Scholander chambers are most commonly used in grape production and research. 1. Xylem water column in a plant is always under tension 2. When cut, water column retreats into leaf The climatic water balance (also Geisenheimer Methode) is an indirect approach. Based on environmental data, the potential evapotranspiration (= D - Climatic Water Balance transpiration of plants + evaporation from soil) is calculated for a specific area and time period (most common formula: Penman-Monteith). In a second step, this value is corrected with an empirical factor Kc (Kc determined by crop and development stage) to the actual evapotranspiration. Finally eventual rainfall is subtracted. The climatic water balance yields information on the water loss in mm over a given period of time. The calculation must be performed for every in- dividual field and crop. For most crops and crop development stages various Kc correction factors do exist. Some of the iMetos automatic weather station models offer an automated climatic water balance. Example: © Copyright Text and Pictures: Dr. C. Tino Mosler 2 Phone +49 (0)30 627 368 66 Fax +49 (0)30 627 368 67
Tensiometer Tensiometers are ideal for irrigation scheduling of drip irrigation systems, and are field approved since many decades. General A tensiometer offers many advantages for irrigation scheduling: • Easy interpretation of values Advantages • Low cost • Result is valid for all soil types • Very accurate measurement value, even at low soil water potentials • Result not influenced by EC value of soil solution strawberry and softfruit, vegetables, asparagus, hops and fruit trees in open field, tunnels and glasshouses. tree- and grape-nurseries, scientific applications Typical Applications T1 Standard Video Manometer with self-explanatory colour coding for fast and easy interpretation of measurement value also by unskilled la- ideal for protected cultivation bour. The silicone seal guarantees an air-tight connection and enables easy re-filling in field. Typical Applications Technical Data Strawberry Asparagus in tunnels Unit mbar (= hPa) Softfruit glasshouses Range 0 - 600 mbar /hPa soil water potential Vegetables also in open fields Accuracy Class 1,6 (±1,6 % max.) Spare parts Seal Always airtight silicone seal Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Shaft: OD 16 mm, ID 12 mm, Wall 2 mm T1-S-20 T1 Shaft 20 cm 13,50 Ceramic tip. 5 cm T1-S-30 T1 Shaft 30 cm 14,60 T1-S-50 T1 Shaft 50 cm 15,60 T1- read from side T1 - read from top T1-S-60 T1 Shaft 60 cm 16,60 Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Art.-No. Article Price EUR* T1-S-90 T1 Shaft 90 cm 18,70 T1-v-20 T1 20 cm shaft length 31,20 T1-q-20 T1 20 cm shaft length 33,30 T1-M-v Manometer read from side 22,90 T1-v-30 T1 30 cm shaft length 32,25 T1-q-30 T1 30 cm shaft length 34,30 T1-M-q Manometer read from top 25,00 T1-v-50 T1 50 cm shaft length 33,30 T1-q-50 T1 50 cm shaft length 35,40 T-MCAP-v protection cap T1-v, T2-v, TX 4,10 T1-v-60 T1 60 cm shaft length 34,30 T1-q-60 T1 60 cm shaft length 36,40 T-MCAP-q protection cap T1-q, T2-q 4,10 T1-v-90 T1 90 cm shaft length 36,40 T1-q-90 T1 90 cm shaft length 39,50 T2 Heavy Duty Video Easy maintenance due to heavy duty shaft with high water volume and always airtight silicone cap. Manometer with self- ideal for open fields explanatory colour coding for fast and easy interpretation is protected by a cap against moisture and shocks. Typical Applications in tunnels Technical Data Strawberry glasshouses Unit mbar (= hPa) Softfruit tree- and grape nurseries Range 0 - 600 mbar /hPa soil water potential. Vegetables hops Accuracy Class 1,6 (±1,6 % max.) Asparagus in open fields fruit trees Seal always airtight silicone cap Spare parts Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 16 mm, Wall 3 mm Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Ceramic tip 5 cm T2-S-20 T2 Shaft 20 cm 22,90 T2-S-30 T2 Shaft 30 cm 23,90 T2-S-50 T2 Shaft 50 cm 25,00 T2 - read from side T2 - read from top T2-S-60 T2 Shaft 60 cm 26,00 Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Art.-No. Article Price EUR* T2-S-90 T2 Shaft 90 cm 28,10 T2-v-20 T2 20 cm shaft length 43,70 T2-q-20 T2 20 cm shaft length 45,80 T2-M-v Manometer read from side 26,00 T2-v-30 T2 30 cm shaft length 44,70 T2-q-30 T2 30 cm shaft length 46,80 T2-M-q Manometer read from top 28,10 T2-v-50 T2 50 cm shaft length 45,80 T2-q-50 T2 50 cm shaft length 47,80 T-MCAP-v protection cap T1-v, T2-v, TX 4,10 T2-v-60 T2 60 cm shaft length 46,80 T2-q-60 T2 60 cm shaft length 48,90 T-MCAP-q protection cap T1-q, T2-q 4,10 T2-v-90 T2 90 cm shaft length 48,90 T2-q-90 T2 90 cm shaft length 51,00 TX fast and robust Tensiometer TX is an innovative, almost maintenance free Tensiometer with unmatched fast reaction to changing soli water potentials. The Manometer is read from top, has a self-explanatory High class Tensiometer color coding is protected from water and external shock. Two versions available: TX6 with the measurement range 0-600 hPa and TX10 with the measurement range 0-1000 hPa. Typical Applications TX10: Overhead Irrigation Technical Data Manometer Class 1,6 (±1,6% max.) TX6: Drip Irrigation systems, and Drip Systems: Aspara- Unit mbar (=hPa) Seal Thread Cap Strawberries, Softfruit, Veget- gus, Potatoes, Fruittrees, Range TX6 0-600 hPa Shaft OD 22mm, ID 16mm, Wall 3mm ables, in Tunnels and Glas- Tree and Grape Nurseries, TX10 0-1000 hPa Soil water potential Ceramic Tip 5cm houses also in Substrates Hops Spare Parts Art.-No. Article Price (EUR) TX-SP Service Pump for TX 7,50 TS-S-20 TX-S-20 TX Shaft 20cm 36,40 TS-S-30 TX-S-30 TX Shaft 30cm 37,40 TS-S-50 TX-S-50 TX Shaft 50cm 38,50 TS-S-60 TX-S-60 TX Shaft 60cm 39,50 TX6 – 0-600 hPa TX10 – 0-1000 hPa TS-S-90 TX-S-90 TX Shaft 90cm 41,60 Art.-No. Article Price (EUR) Art.-No. Article Price (EUR) TX6-M TX Manometer 0-600 hPa 26,00 TX6-20 TX6 - 20cm shaft length 56,10 TX10-20 TX10 – 20cm shaft length 56,10 TX10-M TX Manometer 0-1000 hPa 26,00 TX6-30 TX6 – 30cm shaft length 57,20 TX10-30 TX10 – 30cm shaft length 57,20 TX-CAP thread cap with o-ring 1,95 TX6-50 TX6 – 50cm shaft length 58,20 TX10-50 TX10 – 50cm shaft length 58,20 T-MCAP-v protection cap T1-v, T2-v, TX 4,10 TX6-60 TX6 – 60cm shaft length 59,30 TX10-60 TX10 – 60cm shaft length 59,30 TX10-MCAP TX10 Gauge protection cap 4,10 TX6-90 TX6 – 90cm shaft length 62,40 TX10-90 TX10 – 90cm shaft length 62,40 web eMail 3
Tensiometer *all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport TXSU The TXSU is an adjustable, extra sensitive, high resolution Tensiometer, which has been developed specifically for the Tensiometer for Substrates use in Substrate culture. The measurement range is between 0 and 250 hPa water potential, the Manometer shows MMM’s well approved self-explanatory color coding which has been specifically adapted to Substrates. Standard measurement depths (shaft length) are 15 and 20cm (other length available on request). The specialty of the TX Substrate Tensiometer is the front side zero correction of its gauge, eliminating issues with damaged manometers. Typical Applications Technical Data All Crops grown in Substrates, Pots, Growbags, Substrate Unit mbar (=hPa) troughs Range 0 – 250 hPa Art.-No. Article Price (EUR) Manometer: Capsule gauge with zero correction (front) TXSU-15 Substrate Tensiometer 15 cm 95,00 Accuracy Class 1,6 (±1,6 % max.) TXSU-20 Substrate Tensiometer 20 cm 95,50 Seal Thread Cap Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 16 mm, wall 3 mm Spare Parts Ceramic tip. 5 cm TXSU-M TXSU capsule gauge 0-250 hPa 63,00 TX-E TX-E is an electronic TX Tensiometer for data-logging, offering a linear Voltage Signal . Therefore TX-E can be used with Tensiometer with linear Voltage Signal every Data logger, which can read a Voltage Signal. Typical Applications: Datalogging in Fruit, Vegetables, Ornamental Plants, Potatoes and other Crops Technical Data Unit mbar (=hPa) 5mV = 1 hPa) Measurement: Relative Pressure (low Pressure against Power: 9 to 25 VDC, Atmosphere) with option TX-EL: 2,5 to 9 VDC Range 0 – 1000 hPa Cable: 3m Accuracy ±0,5 % over full range Seal Thread Cap Resolution: 1 hPa / mbar Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 16 mm, wall 3 mm Signal: 0 to 5 VDC (0 V = 0 hPa; 5 V = 1000 hPa; Ceramic tip. 5 cm TX-E without analogue gauge TX-E with analogue gauge Art.-No. Article Price (EUR) Art.-No. Article Price (EUR) TX-E-20 20 cm length, w/o manometer 155,00 TX-EM-20 20 cm length, w/ manometer 176,00 Spare parts TX-E-30 30 cm length, w/o manomete 156,00 TX-EM-30 30 cm length, w/ manometer 177,00 Art.-No. Article Price (EUR) TX-E-50 50 cm length, w/o manometer 157,00 TX-EM-50 50 cm length, w/ manometer 178,00 TX-ES electron. press. transducer 0-5 V 125,00 TX-E-60 60 cm length, w/o manometer 158,00 TX-EM-60 60 cm length, w/ manometer 179,00 TX-EL 2,5 – 9 VDC supply (surcharge) 22,50 TX-E-90 90 cm length, w/o manometer 160,00 TX-EM-90 90 cm length, w/ manometer 181,00 T2 Digital Tensiometer with digital manometer. Press button to activate display. Read from top. Button press 1x displays measurement Robust Solution with Digital Readout value (3-digit number), press 2x change measurement unit, press 3x displays battery status. Auto-off after 10 seconds of inactivity. Technical Data Temperature compensation 0 - 40 °C, Unit mbar (=hPa) / kPa (=centibar) / psi working temperature 5 - 50 °C Range 0 - 750 mbar in 1 mbar steps Battery Lithium 3V CR 2032, Lifetime min. 30.000 Accuracy 10 mbar /hPa. Cycles Safety CE approved, IP 55 T2 Digital- read from top Spare parts Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Art.-No. Article Price EUR* T-BL Blumat digital 18 cm shaft length 31,20 T2-dS-20 T2 digital Shaft 20 cm 25,00 Typical Applications in tunnels T2-d-20 T2 digital 20 cm shaft length 54,10 T2-dS-30 T2 digital Shaft 30 cm 26,00 Strawberry in glasshouses T2-d-30 T2 digital 30 cm shaft length 55,10 T2-dS-50 T2 digital Shaft 50 cm 27,00 Softfruit tree- and grape nurseries T2-d-50 T2 digital 50 cm shaft length 56,10 T2-dS-60 T2 digital Shaft 60 cm 28,00 Vegetables hops T2-d-60 T2 digital 60 cm shaft length 57,20 T2-dS-90 T2 digital Shaft 90 cm 30,10 Asparagus in open fields fruit trees T2-d-90 T2 digital 90 cm shaft length 59,30 T2-M-d T2 digital manometer 30,20 Irrometer® IR Irrometer® IR Irrometer® Video Tensiometers manufactured by Irrometer® meet highest expectations and have been continously optimized for more than Tensiometer of highest standards 50 years. The manometer is shock- and waterproof encapsuled, and read conveniently from top. The shaft offers an inte- grated water reservoir for easy replacement of lost water in field. The ceramic tip is exchangeable.Irrometer Service pump, respectively Service & Test pump, is a highly recommended accesory. If the Tensiometer is filled air-free with water for use, it reacts to changes in soil water potential extrafast. Technical Data Typical Applications Unit Centibar (= kPa) Strawberry in tunnels Range 0 to 100 Centibar / kPa soil water potential Softfruit in glasshouses Seal Threaded cap with Reservoir Vegetables hops Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 12 mm, Wall 5 mm Asparagus in open fields fruit trees Ceramic tip 7 cm tree- and grape nurseries. Accessories & Spare parts Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Art.-No. Article Price EUR* IR-SP IR-TP IR-15 Irrometer 15 cm shaft length 90,00 IR-SP Service Pump without manometer 65,00 IR-30 Irrometer 30 cm shaft length 93,00 IR-TP Service & Test Pump with m. 98,00 IR-45 Irrometer 45 cm shaft length 97,00 Spare Parts IR-60 Irrometer 60 cm shaft length 100,00 IR-KS Irrometer ceramic tip 13,50 IR-90 Irrometer 90 cm shaft length 105,00 IR-M Irrometer manometer 36,40 4 Phone+49 (0)30 627 368 66 Fax +49 (0)30 627 368 67
*all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport Tensiometer IR-P Irrometer® Unlike other models by Irrometer which are intended for permanent installation, the Model “P” is designed to be installed in a temporary situation so that the user mobile tensiometer for maximal flexibility can make a “spot check” of soil water tension and then relocate the instrument to other locations. A reading takes under normal conditions only 5 minutes appro- ximately. Apart from this, model LT shows identical advantages like the standard model, and is made to meet highest standards. Typical Applications Consultants, Measurement at numerous different locations Video Technical Data Seal Threaded cap with reservoir Unit Centibar (= kPa) Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 12 mm, Wall 5 mm Range 0 to 100 Centibar / kPa soil water potential Ceramic tip 7 cm Art.-No. Article Price EUR* IR-P-30 mobile Irrometer 30 cm measurement depth, service pump, soil auger 319,00 IR-P-EXT extension tube for Modell P for measurements in 60cm depth 39,00 IR-MLT - Miniature Tensiometer Video Irrometer Tensiometer Modell MLT are built with a special „Low Tension“ Ceramic, which is especially sensitive and fast Optimal for Substrates & Growbags reacting under low tension conditions. Further the instrument has a Manometer with fine resolution (0 to 40 kPa). The Ten- siometer offers minimal dimensions and is light-weight therefore it is optimal for measuring in small pots and growbags. Technical Data Unit Centibar (= kPa) Ceramic tip length 3,5 cm, reacts sensitive and fast Range 0 to 40 Centibar / kPa soil water potential under low tension conditions Shaft Length / measurement depth 12cm, OD 10 mm Spare parts Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Typical Applications Art.-No. Article Price EUR* IR-MLT-S MLT Shaft 26,00 Substrates IR-MLT Mini-Tensiometer 12 cm 72,00 IR-MLT-M MLT manometer 0 to 40 kPa 48,00 Growbags and Pots IR-LT Irrometer® Irrometer Tensiometers Model LT feature a special „Low Tension“ Ceramic tip and a high resolution Manometer. Due to tensiometer for substrates and low tension measurements the ceramic, which is reacting extra sensible also under low soil water tension, is this model especially suitable for Sub- strates. Apart from this, model LT shows identical advantages like the standard model, and is made to meet highest stan- dards. Recommended accessory: Irrometer Service Pump Typical Applications Strawberry, Softfruit, Vegetables, Asparagus in open fields, in tunnels, in glasshouses. fruit trees, hops, tree- and grape nurseries. Technical Data Seal Threaded cap with reservoir Unit Centibar (= kPa) Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 12 mm, Wall 5 mm Range 0 to 40 Centibar / kPa soil water potential Ceramic tip Low Tension - 7 cm Spare parts - other parts please see IR Irrometer Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Art.-No. Article Price EUR* IR-LT-15 Irrometer Tensiometer, low tension 15 cm shaft length 100,00 IR-LT-KS ceramic tip low tension 20,00 IR-LT-30 Irrometer Tensiometer, low tension 30 cm shaft length 103,00 IR-LT-M manometer 0 to 40 kPa 50,00 All Irrometer models (standard, LT and MLT) are now available with an electronic pressure-transducer instead of the ana- IR-E Irrometer with linear Voltage-Signal logue manometer. Every IR-E Tensiometer model can be logged with a Watermark Monitor Datalogger with extension board. Technical Data Measurement Unit cbar (=kPa) Signal: 0,5 to 4,5 VDC, linear (0,5 V = 0 kPa; 4,5 Measurement low pressure against atmosphere V = 94 kPa) Measurement Range 0 – 94 kPa Supply Voltage: 5 VDC Resolution: 1 kPa Cable: 90cm Art.-No. Article Price EUR* IR-E-15 IR-E-15 Irrometer with E-pressure transducer, 15cm 155,00 IR-E-30 IR-E-30 Irrometer with E-pressure transducer, 30cm 158,00 IR-E-45 IR-E-45 Irrometer with E-pressure transducer, 45cm 161,00 IR-E-60 IR-E-60 Irrometer with E-pressure transducer, 60cm 164,00 IR-E-90 IR-E-90 Irrometer with E-pressure transducer, 90cm 169,00 IR-E-LT-15 IR-E-LT-15 Irrometer LT with E-pressure transducer, 15cm 169,00 IR-E-LT-30 IR-E-LT-30 Irrometer LT with E-pressure transducer, 30cm 172,00 IR-E-MLT IR-E-MLT Mini Irrometer with E-pressure transducer, 12cm 130,00 M0-T M0-T Watermark Monitor Datalogger* with extension board for IR-E 679,00 IR-RSU-V IR-RSU-V Spare part: Irrometer E-Sensor / pressure-transducer for IR-E, IR-E-LT 105,00 IR-E-CAB IR-E-CAB Cable extension for IR-E, IR-E-LT Tensiometer, per meter 3,20 * Description of Monitor Datalogger please refer to Chapter Watermark Spare Parts for ALL tensiometer models of Irrometer® Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Art.-No. Article Price EUR* Art.-No. Article Price EUR* IRS-15 Irrometer Shaft 15 cm 57,00 IRS-60 Irrometer Shaft 60 cm 67,00 IR-CAP threaded cap with stopper 11,00 IRS-30 Irrometer Shaft 30 cm 60,00 IRS-90 Irrometer Shaft 90 cm 72,00 IR-STOP stopper for cap, 10 pcs. 13,00 IRS-45 Irrometer Shaft 45 cm 63,00 IR-ORING O-Rings for Irrometer, 10 pcs. 7,00 web eMail 5
Watermark The use of Watermark Granular Matrix Sensors is specifically recommended for situations with longer time lags between water applications, i.e. in General situations with higher fluctuation of soil moisture, for example in cases like irrigation by irrigation machines or in crops which need some degree of dry stress or which are generally cultivated at the drier end. Besides the read-out equipment by Irrometer, Watermark Sensors also can be easily incorporated in complex data collection systems. For details please see chapters Now-SMS and iMetos. Watermark Sensors measure soil water potential between 0 and 200 Centibar (0-200 kPa), are maintenance free and frost proof, and are buffered Advantages against varying salt content (EC value) in soil solution. Interpretation of data is easy, since measurement result is valid for all soil types. Watermark Sensors are durable and low cost, offer an accurate measurement result and have been field approved since decades. Watermark Sensors consist of two electrodes, which are embedded in a special granular matrix. The sensors are protected by a stainless steel Working Principle cover. Surrounding soil and the granular matrix inside a Watermark Sensor come to an equilibrium of soil water potential. The granular matrix has a varying resistance to electrical power (AC), depending on it’s moisture content. This resistance is converted by the readout meter into soil water potential (unit Centibar). Watermark Sensor - by Irrometer® The Watermark Sensor is a robust, user-friendly sensor, maintenance free, frost proof and buffered against varying salt the maintenance free sensor contents of soil solution. The cable can be spliced up to a total length of 100m. However its reaction time to soil moisture variations is somewhat slower than tensiometer or volumetric sensors. Interpre- tation of data is easy, since measurement result is given in Centibar (soil water potential), valid for all soil types. Technical Data Typical Applications Unit Centibar / kPa vegetables, asparagus, arable agriculture, seed Range 0-200 Centibar soil water potential softfruit, vineyards, tree production, golf-, garden- Temp. compensation by read-out devices crops, hops, potatoes, and landscape irrigation, sugar beet, glasshouses Video Art.-No. Article Price EUR* WM-S-0 Watermark Sensor , 5 cm cable 43,30 WM-S-15 Watermark Sensor, 1,5 m cable 44,80 WM-S-30 Watermark Sensor, 3 m cable 46,35 WM-S-45 Watermark Sensor, 4,5 m cable 47,90 Accessory PVC tube for Watermark Sensors WM-S-60 Watermark Sensor, 6 m cable 49,50 WMHR-60 Tube for WM-S, length 60 cm 3,30 WM-S-100 Watermark Sensor, 10 m cable 53,05 WM-HR-XX PVC tube- per 10 cm of length 0,55 Profile Probe Watermark Sensors are now also available as profile probe tor measuring multiple soil layers at only one spot, thus enabling for multiple depths the monitoring of soil water potential over a complete soil profile. Technical Data and Typical Applications please refer to Watermark Sensor above Art.-Nr. Article Price EUR* WM-3S WM-3S 3 Watermarks as profile probe, Measurement 15-30-60cm, 3m Cable 185,00 WM-4S WM-4S 4 Watermarks as profile probe, Measurement 15-30-60-90cm, 3m Cable 235,00 Watermark Sensor voltage adapter - by Irrometer® NEW ideal Watermark-Voltage adapters are available in a version for one sensor and also for six sensors. The adapter converts the for OEM applications signal of Watermark Sensors into a linear Voltage signal (0 – 3 V), allowing Watermark sensors to be integrated in auto- mation and data logger systems from many other manufacturers very easily. Logger 12V DC Technical Data WM-S-VA WM-S-6-VA Typical Applications Sensor slots 1 WM-S + 1 WM-BT 6 WM-S + 1 WM-BT Use of Watermark Sensors with Unit Centibar / kPa Centibar / kPa Dataloggers and Irrigation con- Range 0-239 kPa 0-239 kPa trollers of non-Irrometer brand. Signal: 0 – 3 Volt linear 0 – 3 Volt linear Temp. compensation automatic, if soil temperature sensor available Supply Voltage 3,3 - 30 VDC (1,5 mA)12 VDC (10 mA) Protection class IP67 none Dimensions/Weight 3 x 3,5 x 2cm, 60g 14 x 8,3 x 4,2cm, 123g Sensors not included in scope of delivery Art.-No. Article Price EUR* WM-S-VA Watermark Volt Adapter for 1 sensor, 40 cm cable 56,50 WM-S-6-VA Watermark Volt Adapter for 6 sensors 249,00 Spare parts / Accessories WM-BT Sensor for Soiltemp. for WM-S-VA, 4,5 m cable 48,00 WM-S Watermark Sensor - see above s. o. Hint: Installation tools for watermark sensor please see chapter Accessories 6 Phone +49 (0)30 627 368 66 Fax +49 (0)30 627 368 67
*all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport Watermark Handmeter by Irrometer® Video for Watermark Sensors Robust solid state alternating current resistance bridge handheld meter to read any amount of Watermark Sensors. Offers a splash proof key-pad operating panel and manually adjustable temperature compensation for varying soil temperatures. Display in Centibar. Technical Data Sensor connection Cable with clips allows readout of unlimited number of sensors Temp. compensation automatic, according to user-set soil temperature Display LCD, Centibar Power battery 9 V Typical Applications extension services, risk of theft & vandalism, vegetables, asparagus, softfruit, vineyards, tree crops, hops, potatoes, sugar beet, arable agriculture, seed production, golf-, garden- and landscape irrigation Art.-No. Article Price EUR* WM-HH Handmeter to read any number of Watermark Sensors 285,00 Spare parts / Accessories WM-HT Soil digital piercing thermometer to use with WM -HH 22,50 WM-HH-K replacement cable for handmeter 29,50 Watermark Monitor Datalogger by Irrometer® Watermark Monitor is a reliable, robust and easy to use datalogger. Can read up to 8 sensors. Either soil moisture, tem- perature, Volt, 4-20 mA, Rainfall or switch closure sensors (irrigation time) can be used. The logger reads automatically Watermark Sensors at user-defined intervals and records measurement data. Includes WaterGraph software for operation and graphical display of readings. Technical Data Typical Applications External Sensors 8 Channels vegetables Temp. compensation automatic, if soil temperature attached asparagus and softfruit Display LCD - current sensor readings vineyards Logging interval user adjustable between 1x per minute and 1x per day tree crops Power 9V battery, lifespan 6 month to 1 year hops Internal memory 170 days @ logging interval 1 hour potatoes, sugar beet Communication USB interface, cable included arable agriculture Software German / English / Polish / Hungarian, Export of data to other seed production software (EXCEL) possible research Art.-No. Article Price EUR* WM-MK Monitor incl. 7 Watermark sensors, 1 sensor for soiltemp., software, serial cable 885,00 Spare parts / Accessories WM-M0 Monitor without sensors, software, serial cable 549,00 WM-BT Sensor for soil temperature to use with Watermark Monitor datalogger, 4,5 m cable 48,00 WM-M-RG Raingauge for WM Monitor, Resolution 0,2mm 175,00 IRROmesh wireless mesh network and data-aquisition system for soil moisture, soil temperature and rainfall, which is able to manage solar powered wireless data-acquisition with intelligent radio communication up to 20 data-nodes, i.e. up to 60 Watermark Sensors and 20 sensors for soil temperature. Data are available either via a data logger, or can be transferred to the Irromesh web portal (web portal is free the first month, after this monthly fee ap- plies). Each data-node (WM-975-N) is working at the same time as data-acquisition device, transmitter and repeater for other data-nodes in the mesh system. Its 6 sensor ports are equipped with 3 Watermarks (WM-S), 1 sensor for soil temperature (WM-BT) as standard. Optionally a rain gauge (WM-975-RG) and a pressure switch for recording irrigation run time (NOS- DB) can be attached to each node. The logged data are received by the Irromesh base (WM-975-B) and can be transferred either to a local data logger (WM- 975-L) or via a GSM gateway (WM-975-G) to the Irromesh web portal. If the base of the Irromesh network is in reach of a computer with internet access, data can also be continuously streamed via PC-link (WM-975-P) to the Irromesh web portal (WM-975-WEB). The portal offers online data storage, data management and data display in real time and additional tools. The use of Irromesh web portal is free during the first month, after this, a monthly fee applies (payment: online by credit-card). Due to intelligent radio communication the system features: SELF-INITIALIZING – Nodes power up with initial sun exposure and associate themselves with the base receiver 200 ha max. SELF-ROUTING – Nodes route communication for maximum efficiency SELF-HEALING – Nodes will re-route themselves in case of network obstruction or interference. AUTOMATICALLY MANAGES POWER – Data transfer frequency reduces under no light conditions and will re-establish itself with sufficient sunlight web eMail 7
Watermark / Automation *all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport (continuation of Irromesh) Technical Data Power No Batteries Required – Solar Panels on two sides Sensors per node: up to 3x Watermark Sensor, 1x Soil temperature, 1x Raingauge, 1x Switch closure for irrigation runtime Data transmission License free radio communication (868 MHz), up to 350m Data output per datal logger (USB Cable) or per GSM gateway / PC Link (fee applies) Data Export to other software (example: EXCEL) possible Typical Applications vegetables in open field, asparagus, softfruit, vineyards, tree crops, hops, potatoes, sugar beet, arable agriculture, seed production, science & research Complete bundles Art.-No. Article Price EUR* WM-975-BL WM-975-BL Base Unit WM-975-B wirth datalogger WM-975-L 1.245,00 WM-975-BG WM-975-BG Base Unit WM-975-B with GSM Gateway ** 2.130,00 WM-975-BP WM-975-BP Base Unit WM-975-B with PC-Link WM-975-P ** 805,00 WM-975-N WM-975-N Radio node complete with 4 sensors (3 x WM-S, 1 x soil temperature, 8m cable each) 515,00 ** Use of IRROmesh Web Service nessesary: 1st month free access, thereafter monthly fee of USD 10,00 per base unit + USD 5,00 per data node payable directly to the Irromesh web portal by credit card. Components and Spare parts Art.-No. Article Price EUR* WM-975-B Base Unit with radio communication and solar power without readout device 495,00 WM-975-L WM-975-L data logger, memory for up to 700 node-days 750,00 WM-975-G WM-975-G GSM gateway streams data continuously to the Irromesh web portal** 1.635,00 WM-975-P PC-link streams data continuously via PC/ internet to the Irromesh web portal** 310,00 WM-975-N-0 WM-975-N-0 Irromesh radio node with 6 sensor ports for 335,00 (3x WM-S, 1 x soil temperature, 1x rain, 1x switch closure ) WM-975-RG WM-975-RG Raingauge for Irromesh system, 3m cable 175,00 Irrigation Automation Time savings and simplified management are the central advantages of Irrigation automation. If an Irrigation controller or an electro-valve is equipped General with an automatic switch unit based on a sensor for soil or substrate, the crop is allways optimally irrigated but unnecessary and potentially costly water applications are not taking place. Depending on the availability or absence of electrical power on site and the type of soil moisture based switch unit the use of an irrigation controller is optional or necessary. A professionally planned irrigation automation based on soil- or substrate moisture consists of the elements Soil moisture based switch unit, electro valve and irrigation controller (in some situations not compulsory). A - Mode of operation - with irrigation B - Mode of operation - direct control The irrigation controller is programmed on a time based schedule, for exaple irrigation 4 The switch Tensiometer permanently controls the water availabilty in soil or substrate, and controller with switch Tensiometer (24V AC only) times per day for 15 minutes. If a soil moisture based switch unit is present, the irrigation is wired to the electro valve. At a certain point of water availabilty or soil moisture potetianl, controller checks every time before a water application is allowed the status of soil moisture. the switch point, an electrical contact is closed, and the electric valve is supplied with power, In case the soil or substrate is still wet enough this individual irrigation event is blocked, and opens the water flow. As soon as the soil moisture potential is again below the switch and does not take place. The system waits in this situation until the next water application point, the valve closes again. A central advantage of this technique are low cost and a is scheduled, when this routine is repeated. straight foreward apporach. Automation WITHOUT electric power on site Without electric power on site, only electro valves with latching solenoid can be used, since this type can be operated by battery power. To operate a latching solenoid an irrigation controller is compulsory, since it creates the electrical impulse, which opens and closes the valve. Many battery operated irrigation controllers are equipped with a sensor port for soil moisture based automation. Irrigation controller Electro valves Node PGV / 9V DC Battery powered, waterproof, up to 12 irrigation start times Plastic, with 9V DC latching solenoid and flow regulation by Hunter by Hunter per day, with Sensor port Art. No. Article Price EUR * Node-100 Node for 1 station, 9V DC 161,00 Art. No. Article Price EUR* Node-200 Node for 2 stations, 9V DC 213,00 PGV-101i electro valve & latch sol., 1‘‘ IG 53,50 Node-400 Node for 4 stations, 9V DC 251,00 PGV-151i electro valve & latch sol., 1½‘‘ IG 113,50 Node-600 Node for 6 stations, 9V DC 290,00 PGV-201i electro valve & latch sol., 2‘‘ IG 135,50 Switch units for Mode of Operatiion A without grid power: Switch units for Mode of Operatiion B without grid power: all types of switch tensiometer, WS-B, WEM-B(9VDC) iMetos ICA controls electro valves with latching solenoid directly 8 Phone +49 (0)30 627 368 66 Fax +49 (0)30 627 368 67
*all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport Automation Automation WITH electric power on site In case electric power (220 V AC) on site is available (i.e. Greenhouse, many lawn & garden applications) an alternative to the use of an irrigation controller does exist, the direct control, because standard electro valves with solenoid can be directly controlled by switch Tensiometers and Now_SMS units. In any case the electric voltage is reduced by a transformer to safe 12 or 24 VAC. Irrigation controller - Electro valves X-Core PGV / 24V AC Up to 4 start times per day, with sensor port, pump start re- Plastic, with 24V AC solenoid and flow regulation by Hunter by Hunter lais, integrated transformer, weather proof housing Art. No. Article Price EUR * Art. No. Article Price EUR * XC-401 X-Core for 4 stations, 24 VAC 168,00 PGV-101 electro valve & solenoid, 1‘‘ IG 29,00 XC-601 X-Core for 6 stations, 24 VAC 193,00 PGV-151 electro valve & solenoid, 1½‘‘IG 89,00 XC-801 X-Core for 8 stations, 24 VAC 232,00 PGV-201 electro valve & solenoid, 2‘‘ IG 105,00 TR24AC Trafo 220VAC to 24VAC, 1000mA 32,50 I-Core Up to 8 start times per day, with sensor port, pump start re- by Hunter lais, integrated transformer, lockable weather proof housing. Can be extended to up to 30 stations Illustrations on this page by courtesy of Art. No. Article Price EUR * IC-601-PL i-Core for 6 stations, 24 VAC 602,00 ICM-600 Extension Module 6 stations 149,00 Switch units for Mode of Operatiion A with grid power: Switch units for Mode of Operatiion B with grid power: all types of switch tensiometer, WS, WEM, WEM-DC-T. all types of switch tensiometer Now_SMS with sensors for soil moisture; e.g. NOS-H2O please see chapter Now_SMS Now_SMS with sensors for soil moisture; e.g. NOS-H2O please see chapter Now_SMS Switch tensiometer Switch tensiometers are used for control of electro-valves or whole irrigation controllers based on soil water potential, and are used for irrigation automation. They be used for direct control of electro-valves (when grid power is available on site), or can be used at the sensor port of any irrigation controller. TXS TXS switch tensiometers are based on Tensiometer model TX and can be used with all types of systems, normally open Automated Irrigation at low cost and normally closed, with AC or with DC power supply. Switching properties max: 2A/24 V. Incl. rubber protective cap IP 54. Technical Data Typical Applications Unit mbar (= hPa) strawberry Range 0 to 600 mbar / hPa soil water potential softfruit Manometer (optional) accuracy class 1,6 (± 1,6 % max.) vegetables Seal always air-tight silicone cap asparagus Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 16 mm, Wall 3 mm in tunnels Ceramic tip 5 cm glasshouses Lifespan up to 1 000 000 switch actions open fields Electric connection AMP-flat connectors 6,3 x 0,8 mm (DIN 46244) Safety Switch-box CE-approved according to EG-Niederspannungs-Richtlinie 73/23/EWG Switch point is factory pre-set. Upper switch point 120 mbar /hPa, lower switch point 80 mbar / hPa. Maintains soil water TXS-F - fixed switch point potential between 80 and 120 mbar / hPa.soil water potential. without Manometer with Manometer Art. No. Article Price EUR * Art. No. Article Price EUR * TXS-F0-20 no manometer, 20 cm shaft 75,90 TXS-F1-20 with manometer, 20 cm shaft 95,70 TXS-F0-30 no manometer, 30 cm shaft 78,00 TXS-F1-30 with manometer, 30 cm shaft 97,80 Switch point is freely adjustable between 100 and 300 mbar / hPa. Upper switch point as set, lower switch point always 30 TXS-E - adjustable switch point mbar / hPa below the upper switch point. without Manometer with Manometer Art. No. Article Price EUR * Art. No. Article Price EUR * TXS-E0-20 no manometer, 20 cm shaft 92,50 TXS-E1-20 with manometer, 20 cm shaft 112,30 TXS-E0-30 no manometer, 30 cm shaft 94,60 TXS-E1-30 with manometer, 30 cm shaft 114,40 Spare parts - Switchbox Spare parts - for TXS without manometer Spare parts - for TXS with manometer Art. No. Article Price EUR* Art. No. Article Price EUR* Art. No. Article Price EUR* TXSB-F fixed (120 hPa) 41,60 TXS0-20 TXS Shaft 20 cm 36,40 TXS1-20 TXS Shaft 20 cm 40,60 TXSB-E adjustable (100-300 hPa) 57,20 TXS0-30 TXS Shaft 30 cm 37,50 TXS1-30 TXS Shaft 30cm 41,60 TX6-M TX Manometer 0-600 hPa 26,00 web eMail 9
Automation *all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport IRS - Irrometer® switch tensiometer Irrometer switch tensiometers are to be used with normally open systems. Two versions AC or DC power supply. The reed switch contact high end automated Irrigation can be set to any switch point between 0 and 100 Centibar and offers highest safety standards. The manometer is shock- and waterproof encapsuled, and read conveniently from top. The shaft offers an integrated water reservoir for easy replacement of lost water in field. The ceramic tip is exchangeable. The Tensiometer is filled with water air-free for use, and reacts to changes in soil water potential extra fast. Recommended accessory: Irrometer Service Pump Typical Applications strawberry, softfruit, vegetables, asparagus, in tunnels, glasshouses, open fields, tree- and grape nurseries, hops, fruit trees Technical Data Unit Centibar (= kPa) Ceramic Tip 7 cm Range 0 to 100 Centibar /kPa soil water potential Lifespan up to 1 000 000 Switch actions Seal threaded cap with reservoir Connection wire leads Shaft OD 22 mm, ID 12 mm, Wall 5mm Safety touchless Reed contact Irrometer Switch Tensiometer (Please specify when ordering wether AC or DC) Art. No. Article Price EUR* IRS-ADC-15 Irrometer Switch Tensiometer, for AC / DC, length 15 cm 140,50 Spare parts - for shafts, please see chapter Tensiometer IRS-ADC-30 Irrometer Switch Tensiometer, for AC / DC, length 30 cm 146,00 Art. No. Article Price EUR* IRS-ADC-45 Irrometer Switch Tensiometer, for AC / DC, length 45 cm 151,50 IR-RK-AC Reed-Contact Switch without Manometer, AC (alternating current) 42,80 IRS-ADC-60 Irrometer Switch Tensiometer, for AC / DC, length 60 cm 157,00 IR-RK-DC Reed-Contact Switch without Manometer, DC (direct current) 42,80 IRS-ADC-90 Irrometer Switch Tensiometer, for AC / DC, length 90 cm 162,50 IRS-M Irrometer Manometer for Reed-Contact Switch 48,20 IRS-LT Irrometer® - Switch tensiometer for substrates and low tension Irrometer switch ensiometers model LT feature a special „Low Tension“ Ceramic tip and a high resolution Manometer. Video Range 0 to 40 Centibar / kPa soil water potentialCeramic tip Low Tension - 7 cm Spare parts - other parts, please see chapter Tensiometer Art. No. Article Price EUR* MLT-S-ADC Mini Irrometer switch tensiometer low tension AC, or rather DC 12 cm 144,90 IRS-LT-ADC-15 Irrometer switch tensiometer low tension AC or rather DC 15 cm 165,80 IRS-LT-ADC-30 Irrometer switch tensiometer low tension AC or rather DC 30 cm 169,10 Watermark Switch Units Watermark Switch Units are designed to control irrigation controllers with sensor-port. Only if the soil is dryer than a threshold set by the user at the Watermark Switch Unit, an irrigation maintenance free Irrigation Automation event is taking place. Prevents unnecessary irrigation events, saves water and energy. The Watermark Switch Units are available in two series: Water Switch and Watermark Electronic Modules. Water Switch offer economic irrigation control based on one Watermark Sensor and are used in golf, lawn and garden applications, the Watermark Electronic Modules offer irrigation control based on the average reading of two Watermark Sensors, and are common in more complex systems. Water Switch Both Water Switch Models are „Dry Contact Switch“ units, and are connected to the Sensor-port of an Irrigation controller. The Waterswitch units check the soil moisture status the economic solution independently every hour (WS) or every 5 minutes (WS-B) and switch the sensor – port according to soil moisture. Waterswitch units can be used with both types of Irrigation controllers, normally open and also normally closed contact models. Typical Applications Technical Data home garden Irrigation decision based on 1 Watermark Sensor golf- and lawn irrigation Moisture thresholds 4 Steps (moist to dry) landscaping public greens Art. No. Article Price EUR* WS Water Switch, 24 V AC, incl. 1 WM Sensor 142,00 WS-B Water Switch, incl. battery 9 V DC, incl. 1 WM Sensor 160,00 Watermark Electronic Module Watermark Electronic Modules are available in three models. Models WEM-B and WEM-DC-T are „Dry Contact Switch“ units, and are connected to the Sensor-port of an Irrigation the professional solution controller. The models WEM-B and WEM-DC-T check the status of soil moisture independently every 5 minutes, and set the sensor – port according to soil moisture. The Watermark Electronic Module model WEM is a „Common Interrupt“ switch unit, and can switch a single valve or group of valves on a dedicated common. The unit reads itself only when powered (start time) and switches according to moisture in relation to switch position. The Watermark Electronic Modules Type WEM and WEM-B can be used with both types of Irrigation controllers, normally open and also normally closed contact models, while type WEM-DC-T needs a normally open contact. Typical Applications Technical Data trees and vines Irrigation decision based on average of 2 Watermark Sensors professional growing Moisture thresholds 9 / 11 Steps (10 to 90 / 110 Centibar soil water potential) golf- and lawn irrigation landscaping public greens Art. No. Article Price EUR* WEM WEM Watermark Electronic Module, 24V AC, incl. 2 WM Sensors 215,00 WEM-DC-T WEM-DC-T Watermark Electronic Module with Timer 24V AC, incl. 2 WM Sensors 215,00 WEM-B WEM-B Watermark Electronic Module, 9V DC, incl. 2 WM Sensors 215,00 10 Phone +49 (0)30 627 368 66 Fax +49 (0)30 627 368 67
*all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport Volumetry TDR / FDR Volumetry - TDR / FDR Volumetric Measuring Instruments determine the Water Content in Soils, and inform the user about the amount of water, which is presently contained General in soil. The shown amount of water in soil includes the non plant available part. These Sensors are ideal to answer the question how much water needs to be applied, to fill the rooted soil-profile from the presently measured state to a defined volumetric percentage of field capacity (for example to 90% field capacity). • information about the amount of water in soil Advantages • very accurate technique • immediate reaction on changing soil moistures • maintenance free and frost proof sensors TDR Fieldscout - highly accurate, fully mobile, integrated Datalogger TDR Fieldscouts are fully mobile measuring instruments for soil water content, EC value and soil surface temperature. No permanent sensor instal- lation necessary, no valuable equipment remains in field. Multiple field points or a multitude of different fields can be measured. One measurement takes only seconds: prick measurement rods fully in ground, push button to take the measurement, go to next measuring point! Working Principle TDR TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) Sensors determine the soil water content by measuring the dielectric properties of the soil along two (or more) measuring rods. The travel time of an electromagnetic impulse emitted by the instrument is determined by the dielectric properties of soil , and thus it’s water content. The measurement shows the average water content of the measured soil profile, which equals the length of the measuring rods presently in use. Calibration Three calibrations already programmed in the firmware of the instrument: Standard (for most soils), sand and high clay (for soils with clay contents of 30% or more). Technical Data Soil Moisture EC value Temperature Range 0 to 60% Vol. 0 - 5 mS/cm -30 – 60 °C Resolution 0,1% Vol. 0,01 mS/cm 0,1°C Accuracy ±3% Vol. ±0,1 mS/cm ±1°C Display with switchable backlight Measuring depth depending on measuring rods 3,8 cm, 7,5 cm, 12 cm or 20 cm Measuring Rods exchangeable, 1 pair Measuring Rods included.(please specify length when ordering) TDR Fieldscout 150 Small handmeter, lightweight, compact and economical, now with integrated Datalogger. Option for built-in GPS and Bluetooth easy to carry Technical Data Datalogger integrated, 50 000 values Video Data Transfer by USB Stick or via Smartphone Typical Applications Fast and easy measurement of many measuring points / multiple fields, extension service, check moisture and EC value for seed emergence, irrigation scheduling in shallow rooted crops, like strawberries, salad or onion. Particularly suitable for golf, lawn and garden applications. Also well suited for substrates. Art.-No. Article Price EUR* TDR-150 TDR Fieldscout 150 incl.1 pair of rods, case 955,00 TDR Fieldscout 350 Model TDR Fieldscout 350 is easy to carry, lightweight, foldable and enables to work without bending down. Additional to Mobile Measurements in Seconds the properties of TDR Fieldscout 150, Model 350 has a built-in GPS unit and Bluetooth connectivity. All measurements are logged with geo-reference. Technical Data Frame foldable Datalogger integrated, 50 000 Values Data Transfer by USB Stick or via Smartphone Typical Applications Particularly suitable for golf, lawn and garden applications. Fast and easy measurement of many measuring points / multiple fields, extension service, check moisture for seed emergence, irrigation scheduling in shallow rooted crops, like strawberries, salad or onion. Can be used in substrates. Art.-No. Article Price EUR* TDR-350 TDR Fieldscout 350 incl. 1 pair of rods, field carrying bag 1.555,00 Spare parts Art.-No. Article Price EUR* TDR-N38 Rods TDR Fieldscout 3,8 cm 59,00 TDR-N75 Rods TDR Fieldscout 7,5 cm 59,00 TDR-N120 Rods TDR Fieldscout 12 cm 59,00 TDR-N200 Rods TDR Fieldscout 20 cm 59,00 web eMail 11
Volumetry TDR / FDR *all prices ex Berlin, plus VAT and transport FDR - ECH2O Measuring System The ECH2O measuring system by Decagon devices for volumetric soil moisture offers maximized flexibility for measuring multiple soil layers. This system is an optimal solution for irrigation Highest Quality Low Price scheduling according to field capacity concepts, studies about deep percolation and similar tasks. ECH2O Sensors are available in various models, offering many fascinating options. Models EC-5 and HS-10 offer measurement of volumetric soil water content with highest accuracy, model EC-TM measures additionally soil temperature and model EC-TMEC measures besides soil moisture and soil temperature, electric conductivity of soil additionally. ECH2O probes installed in various soil layers, provide information on soil water dynamics across the whole profile. For read out of ECH2O probes, one handheld meter and datalogger are available. Decagon Sensors can be attached to iMetos Stations. Datatrac Software offers multiple options for data display and data processing for all major soil types and soilless substrates. One of the options provides necessary water applications in mm, thus enabling the user to solidly base all irrigation decisions. Working Principle FDR / Capacitance FDR (Frequency Domain Reflectometry) Sensors measure the soil water content via the dielectric properties of the soil between two electrodes by capacitance. The read-out device checks the „echo“ of an electro-magnetic impulse sent to the surrounding soil for frequency variations and thus determines the water content of the soil. . Typical Applications: strawberry and softfruit, vegetables, asparagus, fruit trees, hops, vineyards, potatoes, sugar beets, arable agriculture and seed production, scientific applications in open field and protected cultivation. Use in grown soil and soilless substrates EC-5 Sensor Sensor model EC-5 offers properties ideal for use in soilless substrates, growbags and pots: Cable extension up to 50 m ideal for soilless Substrates, Growbags and Pots possible. Technical Data Accuracy with Standard Calibration Unit m³ water / m³ soil, Vol. % Mineral Soil: ±3% at 0 to 8 dS/m Range 0-100 % soil water content Rockwool: ±3% at 0,5 to 8 dS/m Typical Applications Resolution 0,01% in mineral soil Substrates: ±3% at 3 to 14 dS/m Protected cultivation 0,25% in substrates Soil specific Calibration: on grown soil Length of rods 5 cm At least ±2% in all Soils with max. 8 dS/m in substrates (Growbags, Pots) Art.-No. Article Price EUR* auf Rockwool EC-5 Sensor for vol. soil water content. length 5cm, cable 5 m 149,00 Open field strawberry, softfruit, vegetables, science. SC-KAB Cable extension for ECH2O sensors, per meter 3,20 HS-10 Sensor Video Sensor model HS-10 offers properties ideal for use in mineral soil, with an extra large measured soil volume, equalling ap- ideal for mineral soil prox. one liter. Cable extension up to 50 m possible. Typical Applications Technical Data strawberry Hops Unit m³ water / m³ soil, Vol. % softfruit vineyards Range 0-57 % soil water content vegetables potatoes Resolution 0,01% in mineral soil, 0,25% in substrates asparagus sugar beets Length of rods 10 cm fruit trees arable agri- Accuracy with standard calibration culture mineral soils: ±3% @ 0 to 8 dS/m seed production Soil specific calibration: scientific applications At least±2% in all soils with max. 8 dS/m Art.-No. Article Price EUR* HS-10 Sensor for vol. soil water content. length 10 cm, cable 5 m 159,00 SC-KAB Cable extension for ECH2O sensors, per m additionally 3,20 MAS-1 Sensor The MAS-1 4-20 milliamp sensor accurately measures water content with a standard 4-20 milliamp output, and therefore 4-20 mA Signal, ideal for long cable runs can easily be used for OEM applications and dataloggers, which require this type of signal. Factory calibrations are included for mineral soils, potting soils, and rockwool. This sensor can not be used with Dataloggers and Handmeters by Decagon. Technical Data Unit m³ water / m³ soil, Vol. % Length of rods 9 cm Range 0-100 % soil water content Accuracy standard calibration mineral soils: ±4% Typical Applications Resolution depending on read out technique soil specific calibration: ±1 to 2% OEM applications, dataloggers of various brands which require a 4-20 Art.-No. Article Price EUR* mA signal. Other please see HS-10. MAS-1 Sensor for VWC (= Volumetric Water Content). length 9 cm, cable 2 m 169,00 EC-TM and EC-TMEC Both Sensor models are optimised for use in mineral soils, but can also be used in Substrates. The cable of both sensor Sensors for VWC, Temperature and EC models can be up to 50m. Technical Data Unit m³ water / m³ soil, Vol. % temperature °C EC in dS/m Range 0-100 % soil water content temperature - 40 to +50°C EC 0-50 dS/m Resolution 0,01% in mineral soils temperature 0,1 °C EC 0,01 dS/m, 0 - 10 dS/m 0,25% in substrates temperature 0,1 °C EC 0,1 dS/m, 10 - 50 dS/m Length of rods 5 cm Accuracy with standard calibration Mineral Soil ±3% in soils with 0 to 8 dS/m temperature ±1 °C EC ±10% to 6 dS/m Rockwool ±3% with 0,5 to 8 dS/m temperature ±1 °C EC ±10% to 6 dS/m Substrates ±3% with 3 to 14 dS/m temperature ±1 °C EC ±10% to 6 dS/m Soil specific calibration At least ±2% in all soils with max. 8 dS/m 12 Phone +49 (0)30 627 368 66 Fax +49 (0)30 627 368 67
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