Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing

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Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing
Resident brochure cover 2018__.eps 1 1/26/2018 4:12:44 PM









         Resident Programs 2018
         TAP works to improve quality of life for residents
         and helps to maintain healthy housing communities.
Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing
                       Supporting Management and Residents in Rental Housing
                       TAP provides hands-on tools to address issues in your affordable rental housing including alcohol
                       and other substance abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, hoarding, aging—in-place, challenges
                       faced by families, and the difficulties of people living with disabilities.

                       Staff and residents of TAP member sites benefit from TAP's many offerings including free trainings
                       and conferences, dispute resolution services and on-site programs for residents.

                       RESIDENT PROGRAMS                                        GENERAL INFORMATION AND POLICIES

                       For TAP Member Sites Only                                • TAP Resident Programs operate on the calendar
                       The allocation of free programs has changed for 2018.      year, January 1 to December 31, 2018.
                       The number of free programs, based on the number of
                                                                                • 15 business days/3-weeks prior approval by
                       apartments at the site, is as follows:
                                                                                  MassHousing/TAP is required for each resident
                       • Up to 75 units: 3 single OR 1 single and 1 series        program.
                       • 76 - 200 units: 4 single OR 1 single and 2 series      • Due to the high demand of some TAP resident
                                                                                  programs, there are selected programs that can be

                       • 201 - 400 units: 5 single and 1 series OR 2 single
                         and 2 series                                             used only once per TAP member site. This will allow
                                                                                  for fair use by all the TAP member sites. Those
                       • Over 400 units: 6 single and 2 series OR 3 single        selected programs state in the program description
                         and 3 series                                             “This program may be used only once per site.”

                                                                                • All TAP programs and activities must be accessible
                                                                                  to individuals with disabilities with reasonable
                                                                                  accommodations being made when necessary. See
                      “ The wide variety of resident programs allow our           next page under ACCOMMODATIONS.
                        largely non-English speaking population to              • TAP encourages its members to book programs
                        engage with each other through music and exer-
                        cise programs that provide health benefits as             early in the year to ensure the widest choice of
                        well as being enjoyable.”                                 programs. Each vendor listed has limited
                                                                                  availability. All Resident Programs must be
                       - CEO                                                      booked by Friday, November 23, 2018.

                       For additional information go to
Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing
• When a selected TAP program is not available due        selected. Document that code on the program
  to regional limitations, TAP member sites may           request form on the line that reads “CODE.”
  request to use non-TAP vendors who are local and
                                                        • Complete the remainder of the program request form
  who offer a similar program. Please contact Denise
                                                          and email to
  Green by email, OR                  • Approval notification will come by email within 5
                                                          business days from MassHousing/TAP staff with a
• All TAP Resident Program business can be
                                                          copy of the approved request.
  addressed to:
                                                        • On program day, site staff prepare space at the site
  Denise Green, MassHousing/TAP
                                                          as needed for specific program, welcome and review
  One Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108-3110
                                                          logistics with program vendor.
  Tel: 617.854.1080, 800.882.1154 ext. 1080
                                                        • Program vendor will bring MassHousing/TAP forms
  Fax: 617.854.1028, OR
                                                          to be processed that day:
                                                          Program Evaluations - Residents and site staff fill
                                                          out individual evaluation forms. Site staff email
                                                          completed evaluation forms directly to TAP at
MassHousing requires that TAP Resident Programs be
submitted 15 business days (3 weeks) prior to the         Site staff are asked not to share completed
scheduled program.                                        evaluations with program vendor.

                                                          Program Attendance - Residents and site staff fill
Resident Program Request Form, as an electronic
                                                          out the attendance form.
fillable PDF at, must be
completed by site staff and sent to the MassHousing       Program Completion Form - Both site staff and
TAP email (          vendor fill out and sign.

                                                          Program vendor will submit attendance and
Staff of TAP member sites are responsible for meeting
                                                          completion forms along with vendor’s invoice to
the approval requirement above, as well as for the
                                                          Denise Green at MassHousing/TAP, (One Beacon
administrative details outlined here:
                                                          Street, Boston, MA 02108-3110) or
• Select program and schedule a date and time   
  directly with program vendor. The vendor will
  provide you with a one-time unique code that
  corresponds with the date and time you have
Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing
CANCELLATION POLICIES                                          ACCOMMODATIONS

• Cancellation of a program by site staff must be at           To request this catalog in an alternative format such
  least five (5) business days in advance. Otherwise,          as large print or audio, please contact MassHousing’s
  the program vendor will be paid for one visit and            Community Services Department at 617.854.1080, VP:
  the site will be recorded as having used a single            857.366.4157, or
  program.                                                     Developments financed by MassHousing must comply
• If a program series is cancelled due to poor                 with State & Federal Laws regarding nondiscrimination
  attendance, the vendor will be paid for two visits           and equal access to housing for people with
  and the site will be recorded as having used a series        disabilities. For more information please see
  program. Note: When programs held as series have             MassHousing’s Policy for Portfolio Compliance
  less than 10 participants after the second session,
  program vendor must seek MassHousing/TAP                     1447/portfolio_compliance_policy_pdf
  approval to continue the series.                             When advertising:
• In the event of cancellation due to bad weather i.e. rain,   • Advertisement must be in large print (14pt or
  snow, etc., site staff and vendor will agree on new date       larger) and with a high contrast of colors;
  and provide
  with necessary information.                                  • Should state that reasonable accommodations for
                                                                 people with disabilities can be requested by
                                                                 contacting (manager name), phone, fax, Mass Relay
                                                                 (#711) or VP number.

                                                               If the need for an alternative format is known, you
                                                               must give that person information in the necessary

                                                               If a person requests a reasonable accommodation and
                                                               the need is not readily apparent or known, the person
                                                               must provide verification that they meet the
                                                               definition of disability and need the accommodation
                                                               for equal access. If a request is made that the site or
                                                               program vendor cannot provide, TAP will provide for
                                                               the accommodation(s) within the limits of the laws.
                                                               Requests should be made to Denise Green,
                                                               617.854.1080, 800.882.1154 x1080, VP 857.366.4157,
                                                               Fax 617.854.1028 or
Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing

                                                                               Topic: Arts & Entertainment
¡Combo Sabroso!                                                                ¡Combo Sabroso!
¡Combo Sabroso! is a four-piece band that plays authentic, well-known          Matt Jenson
covers of Salsa and Reggae music sung both in English and Spanish. Their       Phone: 617.817.2619
repertoire includes dance music from Puerto Rico, Cuba and Jamaica             Email:
performed enthusiastically by some of Boston's finest musicians.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: Spanish, English
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

A Latin Musical Excursion                                                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Enjoy musical performances by the faculty of the Community Music School        Community Music School of
of Springfield. Residents can listen or move to Latin sounds that include      Springfield
Mambo, Cha Cha Cha, Cumbia and Latin Jazz. Some performances are               Ben Rosenthal
interactive; while others are more performance-based, whatever works           Phone: 413.732.8428
for your site. This program may be used only once per TAP member site.         Email: brosenthal@community
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Western, Central, Boston and other areas at discretion of trainer
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

A Musical Excursion                                                            Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Enjoy musical performances by the faculty of the Community Music School of     Community Music School of
Springfield. Choose from African drumming, Blues, Latin music, Jazz, Rap       Springfield
and Hip-Hop, and Classical Chamber Music. Some performances are more           Ben Rosenthal
interactive; some are more performance-oriented—what works for your            Phone: 413.732.8428
                                                                               Email: brosenthal@community
site? This program may be used only once per TAP member site.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing

 A Tribute to Folk Music Legends new                                             Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Get ready to sing along and request music from folk artists favorites. You’ll   Cape & Islands Entertainment
 enjoy the acoustic music and meaningful, poetic lyrics from Simon and           Ron Larrivee
 Garfunkel, Peter, Paul and Mary, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, Carole    Phone: 508.274.0388
 King, Leonard Cohen, Gordon Lightfoot, Judy Collin and contemporary artists.    Email:

    Time: 1 hour
    Audience Size: n/a
    Region: Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
    Language: English Only
    Audience: All Audiences
    Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
 All Aboard the Musical Mystery Tour ne                                          Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 This Zany music concert experience welcomes all audiences to come together      Alpha Music
 as a community for songs, laughter, movement and music exploration.             Greg Cooney
 Participants can play along using one of the many 0-MTR instruments Greg        Phone: 401.309.9390
 brings to this modern Hootenanny. Zero-musical talent required!                 Email:

    Time: 2 hours
    Audience Size: 2 min
    Region: Statewide
    Language: English Only
    Audience: All Audiences, Youth ages 5+
    Season: All Year

 Along Memory Lane                  new!                                         Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 A musical walk down memory lane from the '20's to the '60's. A live musical     Delvena Theatre Company
 program with recorded piano accompaniment, along with a mistress of             Fran Baron
 ceremony. Audience participation with sing-a-longs and fun props, yester        Phone: 781.662.8748
 year trivia with prizes awarded and a whole lot of fun! Perfect for seniors!
    Time: 1 hour
    Audience Size: n/a
    Region: Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
    Language: English Only
    Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
    Season: All Year

Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing

Amazingly, Mae West!                                                             Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Come meet the Amazing Mae West! Famous for her one-liners and double             Delvena Theatre Company
entendre, Mae will wow the audience with her comedy, singing (including          Fran Baron
sing-along with the audience). During the "Ask Mae" segment, audience            Phone: 781.662.8748
members will have the opportunity to directly communicate with Mae.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
   Season: All Year

American Bandstand Tribute                                                       Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Join our entertainer as he pays tribute to Dick Clark's legendary TV show,       David Colucci
the American Bandstand. The show will feature a variety of artists who           Phone: 413.594.0434
performed on the show in the 50's and 60's. You'll hear favorites from           Email:
Frankie Avalon, the Everly Brothers, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley & the
Comets, Sam Cooke, and many more.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Western, Central
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

American Graffiti: Rock’n’Roll Is Here to Stay                                   Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Nostalgic about the music of the 50s and 60s? Enjoy a trip down memory           Mark Stanzler
lane while Mark Croons some of the greatest ballads and beloved songs            Phone: 603.623.6449
from the fifties and sixties. This is an engaging show with interesting trivia   Email:
about the music and entertainers that excited a generation.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 15 min -100 max
   Region: Central, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Families, Elderly/Disabled, Adults
   Season: All Year

Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing

 American Pop                                                                   Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Shake rattle and roll with Elvis, revisit Beatlemania, and sing-a-long         Richard Mayer
 with Buddy Holly, Sam Cooke and others. A trio of musicians on guitar,         Phone: 802.380.3130
 bass, and drums rocks down Memory Lane singing the radio hits of the           Email:
 50's, 60's and more. The music is punchy but never overpowering.This
 program may be used only once per TAP member site.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 10 min - 200 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Amor Flores Flower Design                                                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Residents will learn how to create gorgeous flower arrangements, center        Amor Flores Flower Design
 pieces and gifts for all occasions. In this class, residents can learn about   Releigh
 symmetry and visual flow, create a color palate to enhance any decor,          Phone: 617.868.3635
 learn how to handle and cut flowers as well as professional tips to            Email: RELEIGH0071@GMAIL.COM
 ensure the long life of designs.
     Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
     Audience Size: 5 min - 15 max
     Region: Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth 15+, All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Apartment Living                                                               Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Do you hate housework? Do you have too much stuff and not enough               Bruce’s Fun Company
 space? A professional will share her secrets of home management. Learn         Bruce Lawson
 how to manage mail, bills, and other papers. You may have more leisure         Phone: 978.210.7464
 time, cleaner living quarters, and less stress.                                Email:

     Time: 3 hours
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: Russian, English
     Audience: Youth 15+, All Audiences

Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing

Archie K. Multicultural PowerJazz Extravaganza                                  Topic: Arts & Entertainment
The Kubota POWERJAZZ Unit brings a mix of music from around the                 Passion East Education
world. Jazz, Blues, R&B, Latin, Gospel, Fusion, Motown, Rock'n'Roll, and        Archie Kubota
World Beat. Audience participation can be presented according to each           Phone: 617.974.3387
site's specific request and occasion. Great fun for dance party or just         Email:
music appreciation. This program may be used only once per TAP
member site.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 3 min
   Region: Northeast, Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Around The World        new!                                                    Topic: Arts & Entertainment
A magical trip around the world with multi-cultural puppet tales.               Caravan Puppets
Audiences are treated to a wide diversity of puppets and puppetry styles        Jonathan Keezing
with beautiful staging and original music. Some stories are interactive,        Phone: 413.256.1886
all have positive messages!                                                     Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 5 min - 300 max
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Youth 2 -11 years, Families, Elderly/Disabled
   Season: All Year

Ba Ba Betta                                                                     Topic: Arts & Entertainment
A craft session all audiences can enjoy. This session begins with naming the    Tabba’s Arts & Craft
Beta's and learning how to care for your new pet. Then the fun begins with      Tabitha Jones
creating a low maintenance mini aquarium. Residents will decorate a 6 inch      Phone: 857.244.3080
Ivy glass bowl with paint, stones, marbles, seashell or gravel. Beta and food   Email:
will be provided.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 20 max
   Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Resident Programs 2018 - TAP works to improve quality of life for residents and helps to maintain healthy housing communities - MassHousing

 Basin Street Bash                                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Celebrate Mardi Gras anytime of the year by dancing to Cajun, Creole,          Big Smile Entertainment
 Zydeco, Jazz and Blues Music in the great styles of New Orleans! From          Elaina Vrattos Jacobs
 the Washboard to the Pickle; learn and hear how all these uniquely             Phone: 781.844.7225
 fascinating sounds create lively and diverse music that gets everyone          Email:
 moving and having fun! This program may be used only once per TAP    
 member site.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Big Joe the Storyteller's “A World of Stories” new!                            Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 A collection of multicultural tales from around the world. The tales are       Joseph Pagliuca
 told with props, puppets, and audience participation, as well as Big Joe's     Phone: 617.713.4349
 dynamic storytelling style. The show is made for all ages and has              Email:
 something for everyone!
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 5 min
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Big Kahuna Luau                                                                Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 The Big Kahuna hosts this Musical Interactive Tropical Luau Show that          Big Smile Entertainment
 will turn any venue into an Island Paradise. Professional Vocalists fill the   Elaina Vrattos Jacobs
 air with Hawaiian, Tropical and Beach Music. Learn the Hula, enter the         Phone: 781.844.7225
 Hula and Limbo Contests and become Kahuna for the Day!This program             Email:
 may be used only once per TAP member site.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year


Blue Skies Trio                                                               Topic: Arts & Entertainment
The Blue Skies Trio plays the music you grew up with! Vocalist Maureen        Ric Mauré
Benson sings songs from the 40's to the 60's ably accompanied by              Phone: 617.510.9141
Michal Ball on bass and Ric Mauré at the keyboard. Listen or sing along       Email:
with musicians singing and playing songs from Sinatra to the Drifters.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Bottle Painting with Lights         new!                                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Painting's not just for the canvas! Create custom wine bottles hand-painted   The Traveling Art Party
by YOU! We'll provide the bottle and pre-drill holes for the lights. The      Clare Donoghue
lights are provided as well as all supplies needed. We bring ideas as well    Phone: 617.875.2790
as samples. Use one of our designs or your own! Anything goes!                Email:

   Time: 2 hours
   Audience Size: 5 min - 20 max
   Region: Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences, Youth 15+
   Season: All Year

Broadway Lady                                                                 Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Broadway Lady is a musical program that promotes camaraderie and              Andrea Lyman
participation as the audience members sing-a-long to familiar songs or        Phone: 617.733.5259
sit back and listen to Andrea Lyman sing. Fun with show tunes, novelty        Email:
songs and holiday songs while learning bits of history and stories leading
to laughter and education.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year


 Canvas Painting for All                                                         Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Join us for a few entertaining hours of canvas painting instruction.            The Traveling Art Party
 The best part is going home with a unique painting you can call yours           Clare Donoghue
 and hopefully a new-found talent you'll want to explore. You will be            Phone: 617.875.2790
 painting a selected picture with step by step instructions. Canvas size         Email:
 varies depending on the painting.
     Time: 2 hours
     Audience Size: 5 min - 20 max
     Region: Central, Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences, Youth 6+
     Season: All Year

 Caribbean Party                                                                 Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 The Beautiful Future Band will transport you to the Caribbean Islands           A Beautiful Future
 for a relaxing festive party with new and familiar tropical island songs        Kate O’Connor
 and games, featuring live musicians with fine singing and the delightful        Phone: 413.527.7430
 sounds of the steel drum. This program may be used only once per TAP
 member site.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 2 min - 500 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year
 Chhandika: Kathak Dance of Northern India new                                   Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Kathak dancers use swift and precise footwork, rapid spins and graceful         Young Audiences of
 gestures to tell traditional Indian stories. This classical Indian dance form   Massachusetts (YAMA)
 also includes the recitation of rhymes (taal) and the singing of beautiful      Melissa Bergstorm
 melodies. Audiences learn the dance’s cultural context and count out            Phone: 617.629.9262
 poly-rhythms to help the dancers keep time.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 500 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth Pre-k - 17 years
     Season: All Year


Children’s Songs and Singing Games Family Concert             new!                  Topic: Arts & Entertainment
This interactive program includes a variety of traditional, multicultural,          Roger Tincknell
contemporary and original children's songs geared to stimulate the                  Phone: 413.259.1146
imagination. Children imitate animals, take imaginary journeys, create song         Email:
lyrics and learn words in Spanish and other languages through call and
response singing.
    Time: 1 hour
    Audience Size: n/a
    Region: Statewide
    Language: Spanish, English
    Audience: All Audiences
    Season: All Year

Christmas Variety Show                                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Perfect for the Holiday season! A live, interactive, theatrical Christmas Variety   Delvena Theatre Company
show of yesteryear. Two actresses will bring you back in time with a                Fran Baron
“celebrity" guest or two, along with singing, trivia and lots of audience           Phone: 781.662.8748
participation, with the chance to win a prize!
    Time: 1 hour
    Audience Size: n/a
    Region: Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
    Language: English Only
    Audience: Elderly/ Disabled, Adult
    Season: All Year

Christmas with the Crooner                                                          Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Allow Mark to take your residents along as we go "dashing through the               Mark Stanzler
snow" capturing Holiday nostalgia through music. This musical journey               Phone: 603.623.6449
strings together the best holiday classics made famous by many of our               Email:
most hallowed entertainers from Bing Crosby to Elvis Presley.
    Time: 1 hour
    Audience Size: 15 min- 100 max
    Region: Central, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
    Language: English Only
    Audience: Families, Elderly/ Disabled, Adults
    Season: All Year


 Circle Up! new!                                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Youth Underground Theatre performs original plays that investigates          Central Square Theater's Youth
 social issues relevant to young people. Last year's theme “The Achievement   Underground
 Gap”: Hear the voices of urban high school students and educators, as        Kortney Adams
 they describe how opportunity gaps and implicit bias affect their            Phone: 617.307.4257
 everyday lives.                                                              Email:

      Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
      Audience Size: n/a
      Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
      Language: English Only
      Audience: Youth 13+, Families, Elderly/Disabled, Adults
      Season: Winter, Spring, Fall

 Classic Country                                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 A trio of musicians will relive the golden years of country music with       Richard Mayer
 songs by Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Buck Owens,              Phone: 802.380.3130
 Patsy Cline and more, delivered with a fun and spirited performance.         Email:
 This program may be used only once per TAP member site.
      Time: 1 hour
      Audience Size: 10 min - 200 max
      Region: Statewide
      Language: English Only
      Audience: All Audiences
      Season: All Year

 Comedy with Flair                                                            Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 A live variety show featuring impersonations of comedians from yesteryear.   Delvena Theatre Company
 Comedians may include Sophie Tucker, Mae West, Minnie Pearl, Lucille         Fran Baron
 Ball, Ethel Merman and others—and a mistress of ceremony. Singing,           Phone: 781.662.8748
 comedy and audience participation in the way of trivia—with prizes
 awarded—round out the show.
      Time: 1 hour
      Audience Size: n/a
      Region: Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
      Language: English Only
      Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
      Season: All Year


Country Music Tribute Show                                                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Do your residents love country music? If the answer is yes, this is the         Cape & Islands Entertainment
show for your site! Residents can sit back, relax and enjoy the show as         Ron Larrivee
Ron and Mary sing songs from Alabama, Bonnie Raitt, Willie Nelson,              Phone: 508.274.0388
Brooks & Dunn, Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Allison Kraus and many more.          Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Creatures of our Minds Eye new                                                  Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Families enjoy children's participation in expressive voices and movements.     Gail Herman
Dr. Gail N. Herman will perform folktales from around the world using voices,   Phone: 413.203.5247
mime, audience participation, and sound effects. In one story children          Email:
participate giving Gail bird names and create movements to percussion
sound effects.
   Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
   Audience Size: 6 min - 50 max
   Region: Western, Central, Northeast
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Youth ages 3 - 12, Families
   Season: All Year

Crooners & Rockers                                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Residents will reminisce about the good 'ole days as they take a stroll down    Cape & Islands Entertainment
memory lane with Ron and Mary singing hits by Bennett, Sinatra, Darin           Ron Larrivee
through Billy Joel, Mellencamp, Springsteen, Neil Diamond and more.             Phone: 508.274.0388
Audience requests and participation is encouraged!                              Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: Spring, Summer, Fall


 Dancing with Stories                                                          Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 After a 45-minute performance of dances and danced stories from               Back Pocket Dancers
 around the world, company members teach a movement class geared               Laura Decesare
 toward the age and abilities of audience members.                             Phone: 617.759.1089
     Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Northeast, Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: Winter, Spring, Fall

 Dancing World Stories new!                                                    Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 We make stories come to life with dance, music, and spoken word. Our          Back Pocket Dancers
 stories will introduce audience members to cultures from near and far.        Laura Decesare
                                                                               Phone: 617.759.1089
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Northeast, Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: Winter, Spring, Fall

 Diamond Family Circus new!                                                    Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Diamond Family Circus' professional performer—educator will entertain and     The Actor’s Company
 amaze with demonstrations of skill, then help YOU learn safe, fun skills to   Marci Diamond
 put on your own circus show! Circus arts have something for everyone and      Phone: 781.710.3314
 activities are adaptable to any age, ability, and space!                      Email:

     Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
     Audience Size: 4 min - 25 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: Spanish, English
     Audience: All Audiences, Youth 3 and older
     Season: All Year


DJ CiCi Holiday Party new!                                                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Bring the sounds of the season to your next holiday event! Specially            DJ Cici
selected holiday tunes to bring the warmth, joy and laughter to your            Nancita Alejandro
space. Music is customizable and will include some fun well known               Phone: 774.400.7949
group dance songs that are sure to get everyone out of their seats. DJ
CiCi will provide the sound equipment.
   Time: 2 hours
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Western, Southeast
   Language: Spanish, English
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

DJ CiCi Old School Party new!                                                   Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Let's make it an old school party! Does Motown music move you? Are you          DJ Cici
more of an 80's baby? DJ CiCi will play all the old school classics that will   Nancita Alejandro
bring together generations and create a time capsule atmosphere that            Phone: 774.400.7949
everyone can enjoy.
   Time: 2 hours
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Western, Southeast
   Language: Spanish, English
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Drum Creatively                                                                 Topic: Arts & Entertainment
This interactive Drumming circle encourages participants to experience          Deirdre Davidson
the freedom of self-expression that free creative drumming can create.          Phone: 781.588.7522
All instruments are supplied each person can choose which they would like       Email:
to experience in a guided yet free platform. Drum till your heart’s content.    simplysoothingsanctuary2@mya
   Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
   Season: All Year


 Elvis To the Everly Brothers: 1950’s Pop Classics new!                         Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 This participatory and upbeat program includes a wide variety of pop and       Roger Tincknell
 rock songs from the 1950s. From Rhythm and Blues to Motown, Rockabilly         Phone: 413.259.1146
 to Classic Rock, ”Elvis to the Everly Brothers“ encourages singing and         Email:
 dancing while bringing back many wonderful memories for older adults.
      Time: 1 hour
      Audience Size: n/a
      Region: Statewide
      Language: English Only
      Audience: All Audiences
      Season: All Year

 Emerald Isle                                                                   Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Sing along with Kate from the Beautiful Future Band as she and other           A Beautiful Future
 band members perform favorite Irish songs evoking the beauty, delightful       Kate O'Connor
 people, and a bit of Blarney from the Emerald Isle. This program may be        Phone: 413.527.7430
 used only once per TAP member site.
      Time: 1 hour
      Audience Size: 2 min - 500 max
      Region: Statewide
      Language: English Only
      Audience: All Audiences
      Season: All Year

 Explore Creativity with Beading                                                Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Program will offer residents instruction in creating bracelets and necklaces   Linda Novick
 using colorful beads. Participants will use their creativity and imagination   Phone: 954.295.8511
 to create lovely pieces of beaded jewelry. No previous experience is           Email:
 necessary. Residents will take home what they make. Materials will be
 provided by the instructor.
      Time: 2.5 hours
      Audience Size: 5 min - 15 max
      Region: Western, Central
      Language: Spanish, English
      Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
      Season: All Year


Explore with Collage Adults                                                    Topic: Arts & Entertainment
This collage process promotes personal and interpersonal development using     Soul Creations
pictures only. Finished work nurture inner messages, taking on new             Debra Bunszel
meaning as life itself evolves. This process may facilitate the revelation     Phone: 781.789.1113
of self, establishing renewed commitment and awareness.                        Email:

   Time: 2 hours
   Audience Size: 5 min - 20 max
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Adults
   Season: All Year

Fiddler on Your Roof                                                           Topic: Arts & Entertainment
This fun and engaging program provides Russian, Yiddish, Israeli, Klezmer,     Ethnics Arts Center
and Fiddler on the Roof songs and music and allows residents from all          Dora Tevan
backgrounds and with all skills and mobility to feel comfortable.              Phone: 978.546.3222
   Time: 2 hours
   Audience Size: 10 min - 100 max
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Flamenco Fire: Music of the Roma in Spain            new!                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Singer Lonnie Chu and guitar virtuoso David Chu bring the passionate           Crimson Canary
music of the Roma people in Spain to this interactive presentation.            Lonnie Chu
Lonnie explains flamenco history and structure, discusses the role of dance,   Phone: 315.395.9441
demonstrates castanets, and teaches participants how to do the rhythmic        Email:
hand-clapping (palmas) to accompany the music.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 5 min - 80 max
   Region: Western, Central
   Language: Spanish, English
   Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
   Season: All Year


 Fun with Collage Kids+         new!                                         Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 From 100’s of pre-cut pictures to choose attendees can complete many        Soul Creations
 projects or just one today. Finished collages encourage personal and        Debra Bunszel
 interpersonal development. This process nurtures creative and unexpected    Phone: 781.789.1113
 awareness. Children and/or inter-generational.                              Email:

     Time: 2 hours
     Audience Size: 5 min - 20 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth 5 - 17
     Season: All Year

 Glassware Painting                                                          Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Painting's not just for the canvas! Create your own custom wine glass,      The Traveling Art Party
 hand-painted by YOU! We'll provide the glass and all the art materials.     Clare Donoghue
 We bring ideas as well as samples. Use one of ours or your own designs!     Phone: 617.875.2790
 Anything goes!                                                              Email:

     Time: 2 hours
     Audience Size: 5 min - 20 max
     Region: Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences, Youth 15+
     Season: All Year

 Grand Ole Opry Tribute                                                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Join Dave Colucci as he pays tribute to the greatest country singers such   David Colucci
 as Kenny Rogers, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Glenn Campbell, Conway         Phone: 413.594.0434
 Twitty and many more. So get ready to go on the road again for a fun        Email:
 time of singing, dancing and toe-tapping as we pay tribute to the singers
 of The Grand Ole Opry!
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Western, Central
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year


Great Ladies of Song                                                            Topic: Arts & Entertainment
A tribute to the Great Ladies of Song features music of some of the most        Renee Legendre
remembered female vocalists of the jazz and big band days. Including: Ella      Phone: 774.258.0007
Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Peggy Lee, and Rosemary Clooney.                     Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Hats Off to America                                                             Topic: Arts & Entertainment
I take the Residents through history from the turn-of-the century through       Carol Pedigree
the 1960's. We remember vaudeville, radio and television and how the            Phone: 413.774.4057
Internet has changed our lives. Laugh yourself silly as we dress up in period   Email:
costumes and sing our hearts out through the ages with a collection of
original vintage hats, parasols and more.
   Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
   Audience Size: 5 min - 200 max
   Region: Western, Central, Southeast, Northeast
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Hats Off To Seniors                                                             Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Residents can enjoy this one-hour concert of heartwarming songs and             Folksinger & Storyteller
stories saluting older folks and people with disabilities. Tim's warm,          Tim Van Egmond
high-spirited humor and captivating talent will get residents tapping           Phone: 413.367.9304
their toes and singing along as he plays guitar, mountain and hammered          Email:
dulcimers, and limberjack.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year


 Hip Hip Performance                                                             Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Blest Energy, a conscientious Hip Hop group, creates an original and            Tem Blessed
 organic expression of Hip Hop culture. Blest Energy, always establishes a       Temistocles Ferreira
 positive party atmosphere while dazzling the audience with their                Phone: 508.858.9261
 turntable wizardry and music-playing it as it was intended to be played
 exciting, positive and highly interactive.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 2 min
     Region: Statewide
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Hip Hop Workshop — Who is Hip-Hop? I am Hip Hop!                                Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Blest Energy use Hip Hop as a tool to engage participants in meaningful         Tem Blessed
 discussions about issues of racism, sexism, personal responsibility and         Temistocles Ferreira
 classism. The objective is to break down the stereotypes associated with        Phone: 508.858.9261
 Hip Hop culture and to present the positive side of genre that is seldom
 portrayed in the media.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 2 min
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Holiday Ornament Making                                                         Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Create a unique ornament for your holiday tree this year! Rita Parisi, from     Rita Parisi
 Waterfall Productions, will provide instructions, supplies and assistance, so   Phone: 978.430.1357
 each participant can create their own vintage style ornament to take home.      Email:
 Choose either a Cornucopia Ornament or Victorian Paper Rosette Ornament.

     Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
     Audience Size: 15 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: Winter, Fall


Hope Springs Eternal Through Music new                                        Topic: Arts & Entertainment
When the human spirit overcomes great challenge, tragedy, and heart-          Isabel Stover Jazz Vocalist
break, Jazz ballads are written to celebrate and triumph. Isabel and one      Isabel Stover
of her talented musical accompanists perform songs about Hope, Faith,         Phone: 510.520.3350
and Destiny.                                                                  Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 100 max
   Region: Western, Central, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
   Season: All Year

Howdy Pilgrim                                                                 Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Fully costumed, our professional vocalists perform traditional Thanksgiving   Big Smile Entertainment
songs and present facts and stories about our first Thanksgiving and our      Elaina Vrattos Jacobs
traditions throughout. This performance is interactive and engaging;          Phone: 781.844.7225
ended with a fun quiz with themed prizes. Beautiful, fun and informative.
This program may be used only once per TAP member site.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Intaglio Printmaking new!                                                     Topic: Arts & Entertainment
The program discusses the history and impact of the copper-plate print,       Andy Volpe: Art & History
known as Intaglio, in use since the 1450s. Either the engraving process       Andrew P. Volpe
with pre-printed examples for display, or a portable printing press can be    Phone: 508.344.5764
set up and a working demonstration of printing is offered.                    Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year


 Jack Frost Winter Wonderland Show                                               Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Jack Frost along with Suzy Snow Flake and The Snow Queen pay tribute            Big Smile Entertainment
 to all the wonderful things that make winter special. This fun filled           Elaina Vrattos Jacobs
 interactive, musical variety show celebrates all the winter holidays:           Phone: 781.844.7225
 Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza and New Year's through History, Costumes,           Email:
 Music and Interactive Fun! This program may be used only once per     
 TAP member site.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Joe Sardaro & Trio                                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Singer Joe Sardaro and three great musicians bring you the timeless tunes       RIC MAURÉ
 from the Great American Songbook. Your toes will be tappin’ and your            Phone: 617.510.9141
 spirits liftin' with the songs of the 30's, 40's and 50's! Joe is accompanied   Email:
 by Janusz Kowalski on sax, clarinet & flute, Ric Mauré on piano and Mike
 Ball at the bass.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

 Jurrasic Journey!      new!                                                     Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Jurassic Journey is a fact-filled action-packed fantasy which will have         Caravan Puppets
 audience members dancing, and learning! The program features some of            Jonathan Keezing
 our wildest puppet (dinosaurs) creations and VERY danceable music.              Phone: 413.256.1886
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 5 min - 300 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth 2 - 13, Families
     Season: All Year


Karaoke Party with DJ Cici new!                                           Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Unleash your inner pop star! Show off your performance skills at the DJ   DJ Cici
CiCi's karaoke party! Choose from an array of songs that will instantly   Nancita Alejandro
make you the star of the show.                                            Phone: 774.400.7949

   Time: 2 hours
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Western, Southeast
   Language: Spanish, English
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Learning about Bookmaking (single)      new!                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Participants will learn about book making and will leave the class with   Marina Strauss
several books made by them that can be used for journaling and/or art     Phone: 617.447.8462
making. Some of the books that they will learn are: accordion style,
Japanese stabbing, simply sewn books and folded paper books.
   Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
   Audience Size: 20 max
   Region: Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: Spanish, English
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Lights, Camera - Music! Songs of Film and Stage         new!              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Whether a tear-jerking drama, action packed thriller or side-splitting    Isabel Stover Jazz Vocalist
comedy, the right song at the right moment elevates the impact of the     Isabel Stover
journey. Isabel Stover, and one of her talented musicians, will enchant   Phone: 510.520.3350
with Jazz infused renditions of tunes from musicals and from movies.      Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 100 max
   Region: Western, Central, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
   Season: All Year


 Marcus Santos: Bucket Drumming Workshops new!                                   Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 By learning bucket drumming, a musical form from the streets, students          Youth Audiences of
 will discover that exciting rhythms and beats can be made on any surface.       Massachusetts (YAMA)
 Using drum sticks on plastic buckets, students will learn the fundamentals of   Melissa Bergstorm
 ensemble drumming and will practice performing polyrhythms.                     Phone: 617.629.9262
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 25 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: Portuguese, English
     Audience: Youth 6 -12 grade
     Season: All Year

 Mesa Farm Horsemanship One Day Program                                          Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 A youth program consisting of a visit to Mesa Farm in Rutland, MA to            Mesa Farm
 have horse-related experiences and learn about agriculture and farm             Dale Perkins
 life. Participants will have several hands-on opportunities including           Phone: 508.886.6898
 riding a horse.                                                                 Email:

     Time: 3 hours
     Audience Size: 5 min - 20 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth 6 - 18
     Season: All Year

 Music For Special Needs/ Disabled Kids and Adults ne                            Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 A program geared to special needs kids and adults with participation with       Robin Oherin
 Robin Oherin. Using home-made rhythm instruments (for smaller groups),          Phone: 413.243.2271
 and equipped with a guitar, resonator guitar and ukulele, Robin covers a        Email:
 broad range of songs from blues to pop and folk, all of them very singable.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Western, Central
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth, Elderly/Disabled
     Season: Winter, Fall


Music from The Past 50 Years For Seniors new                                   Topic: Arts & Entertainment
A program geared to senior participation with Robin Oherin. Using              Robin Oherin
homemade rhythm instruments (for smaller groups), and equipped with            Phone: 413.243.2271
a guitar, resonator guitar and ukulele, Robin covers a broad range of          Email:
songs from blues to pop and folk, all of them very singable.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Western, Central
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Elderly/Disabled
   Season: All Year

Music Journey—Songs Around the World                                           Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Let's take a journey with songs from around the world. Departure from          Passion East Education
New York, we'll fly to Mexico, Cuba, Africa, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Poland,    Archie Kubota
ride camels on the Silk Road to Russia, China, take a bullet train in Japan,   Phone: 617.974.3387
and return to Logan Airport. Archie will sing in English, Spanish, Russian,    Email:
and Japanese. This program may be used only once per TAP member site.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 3 min
   Region: Northeast, Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Music Through the Ages                                                         Topic: Arts & Entertainment
A one hour presentation by vocalist Jim Porcella. Featuring Music from         Jim Porcella
the 40's through the 70's including jazz, swing Motown and pop and             Phone: 617.233.4751
songs by Glen Miller, Nat King Cole, Chuck Berry, The Marcels, Five Satin,     Email:
The Beatles, The Temptations, Bobby Darin, Billy Joel, Steve Wonder,
Frank Sinatra, and more.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year


 Name That Tune Game                                                           Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Participants will listen to a great variety of music. They will be asked to   Peter O'Malley
 ”Name That Tune” and ”Who Sang The Song.” The vocals are live and the         Phone: 617.822.2292
 music is exactly the way it was recorded.                                     Email:

     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 7 min - 200 max
     Region: Central, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth 4 -16, Families, Elderly/Disabled
     Season: Winter, Fall

 Old Time Sing-Along new!                                                      Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 ”Old Time Sing-Along" encourages singing by including many familiar           Roger Tincknell
 songs in a variety of styles. From swing to country, cowboy yodeling to       Phone: 413.259.1146
 ”campfire” folk songs, the program brings back many fond memories             Email:
 for older adults. The program is performed on guitar, banjo, mandolin,
 ukulele and harmonica. Lyrics are provided.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year
 Pennies from Heaven new                                                       Topic: Arts & Entertainment
 Melodies of the swing era and American Songbook bring back sweet              Music With Sarah
 memories and let you leave your worries on the doorstep. This classic         Sarah Gardner
 piano and vocal duo will have you singing and tapping your toes. Herb         Phone: 781.254.8574
 is also happy to share the stories from his decades of performing with        Email:
 legendary jazz greats.
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth
     Season: All Year


Peter Magic Show                                                               Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Whether performing at holiday events or special occasions, Peter Magic         Peter O'Malley
is a barrel of laughs. He captures young audiences with multi-talented         Phone: 617.822.2292
splendor of magic, comedy and song. His performance includes mystifying        Email:
magical illusions, lots of audience participation and of course a
million laughs.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 7 min - 200 max
   Region: Central, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Youth, Families
   Season: Winter, Spring, Fall

Popular Music Through the Decades                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Singer-guitarist Ron Goldman performs standards, classic rock, and show        Ron Goldman
tunes with energy, sensitivity, and humor. Ron has played nationally in        Phone: 617.524.5199
nightclubs, residential communities, and expositions.                          Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Northeast, Southeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: Elderly/Disabled, Adults
   Season: All Year

Puff Puff Pillow                                                               Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Residents can create their very own personal pillow. To begin, a 4x6 digital   Tabba's Arts& crafts
picture is taken and printed on site to insert in the front of pillow. The     Tabitha Jones
pillowcase will be decorated with iron-on decals, fabric paints, rhinestones   Phone: 857.244.3080
and so much more. Let your imagination flow.                                   Email:

   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: 20 max
   Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year


Quiet Your Mind with Line Design                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
This is a relaxing doodling and coloring class that can be adjusted for       Christine Southworth
any sized or aged group. Music, markers, colored pencils, gel pens,           Phone: 413.579.1690
doodle samples and card stock will be provided. No artistic ability is        Email:
needed. Come relax, create and connect with others.                 

     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Western
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

Rockin’ Tots/ Tot Music new!                                                  Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Kids get to sing, dance, and play along with instruments as Sarah leads       Music with Sarah
them in an interactive band experience. Rhythm, rhyme, counting, seasonal     Sarah Gardner
and preschool themes are introduced using favorite children's songs.          Phone: 781.254.8574
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Central, Southeast, Northeast, Metro Boston, Boston
     Language: English Only
     Audience: Youth 0 - 5 years
     Season: All Year

Solid Gold                                                                    Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Solid Gold is a vocal performance that brings back the popular contemporary   Renee Legendre
music from the 1960s—1980s. Featuring the music from such artists             Phone: 774.258.0007
as Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin, Bette Midler, among others. This show         Email:
is lively and upbeat—perfect for an event or party!
     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: n/a
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year


Songs and Tales for the Season and the Day                                     Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Residents can celebrate any holiday or season with a heartwarming              Folksinger & Storyteller
program of lively songs and captivating stories, tailor-made for the           Tim Van Egmond
occasion. Through the four seasons, from Valentine's Day to New Year's         Phone: 413.367.9304
Eve, we'll toast the time accompanied by guitar, mountain and                  Email:
hammered dulcimers, and limberjack.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Stained Glass Mosaic Mirrors        new!                                       Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Stained Glass pieces are provided and glued to a surface that has been         Leslie Doherty
prepared so that the completed project is a 5"x7" stained glass mirror!        Phone: 978.944.2248
Instruction in material and tool use is provided as well as a sample           Email:
template so participants of any age will succeed.
   Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
   Audience Size: 15 max
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

Stained Glass Mosaic Planter Pots                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Residents will enjoy making a Stained-Glass Mosaic Planter Pot!! Colored       Leslie Doherty
glass pieces are provided and glued to a 5" terra-cotta planter pot. A         Phone: 978.944.2248
sanded grout is then applied to complete the piece. Great for all audiences,   Email:
no experience is necessary.
   Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
   Audience Size: 15 max
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year


Stained Glass Mosaic Sun-Catchers                                                  Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Participants create a beautiful Stained-Glass Mosaic Sun-Catcher to hang in        Leslie Doherty
a window. Colored glass pieces are provided and glued to a rectangular             Phone: 978.944.2248
plexiglass surface. Great for all audiences, no experience is necessary.           Email:

     Time: 1 hour
     Audience Size: 15 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

Stained Glass Mosaic Tile Trivets                                                  Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Participants create a Stained Glass Mosaic Tile Trivet. Colored glass pieces are   Leslie Doherty
provided and glued to a 4"x4" porcelain tile. A sanded grout is then applied       Phone: 978.944.2248
to complete the piece. Great for all audiences, no experience is necessary.
     Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
     Audience Size: 15 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year

Stained Glass Mosaic Wall Plaques new!                                             Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Participants will glue colored glass pieces onto a 4"x5" wooden panel. A           Leslie Doherty
sanded grout is then applied and the glass surfaces are cleaned. The wall          Phone: 978.944.2248
plaques make a beautiful table accent or can be hung on a wall for all             Email:
to enjoy! This activity is a wonderful inter-generational or parent and
child workshop.
     Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
     Audience Size: 15 max
     Region: Statewide
     Language: English Only
     Audience: All Audiences
     Season: All Year


Steele Your Art                                                               Topic: Arts & Entertainment
The intent of SteeleYourArt is to create a fun learning experience with       Steele Art
in someone’s environment that will teach any individual interested how to     Jeremy Steele
paint a painting on a canvas, step by step. I use the standard acrylic        Phone: 843.446.9876
paint, which is fast drying and easy for correcting mistakes.                 Email:

   Time: 3 hours
   Audience Size: 8 min - 25 max
   Region: Southeast
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences, Youth 11+
   Season: All Year

Stevie Wonder Song and Dancefest                                              Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Celebrate the wonderful spectrum of music of Stevie Wonder—prolific           Ethnic Arts Center
songwriter, singer, musician, and producer. Sing along with lyric sheets,     Dora Tevan
dance to upbeat love songs, and reminisce how his fee-good melodies           Phone: 978.546.3222
influenced our lives. Defying all odds, Stevie's superlative talents and
love have brightened our world.
   Time: 2 hours
   Audience Size: 10 min- 50 max
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences

Teas in Time                                                                  Topic: Arts & Entertainment
Meet Mrs. Gordon, a lady from 1908, as she shares eye-opening and             Rita Parisi
humorous stories during afternoon tea. This program is an interactive         Phone: 978.430.1357
discussion with the audience. Choose from several different holiday           Email:
themes. Please note: the site is not required to serve tea in order to host
this program.
   Time: 1 hour
   Audience Size: n/a
   Region: Statewide
   Language: English Only
   Audience: All Audiences
   Season: All Year

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