Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...

Page created by Tom Schwartz
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department

   Activity Guide Fall 2021

Resident Registration begins August 9th!   New Policy:
                                           Registration will end 1 week prior
Register at        to the start of class so be sure to
                                           register early!
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
          letter fr om the director                                                                                      City Council                           Cristina Rodriguez, Child Care
                                South San Francisco Parks and Recreation | Fall 2021                                     Mark N. Addiego, Mayor
                                                                                                                         Mark Nagales, Vice Mayor
                                                                                                                                                                Marianna Roman, Adult Day Care
                                                                                                                                                                Ercie Santos, Cultural Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                   table of contents
                                                                                                                         James Coleman, Councilmember           Bill Stridbeck, Sports
Dear Friends and Neighbors,                                 Our aquatics program closed Orange Pool in March.            Eddie Flores, Councilmember            Kerry West, Child Care             Child Care (Licensed Preschool & Afterschool)..............02
                                                                                                                         Flor Nicolas, Councilmember
                                                            Following public health guidance, we reopened in the                                                Administrative Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pre-School Classes.......................................................06
First and foremost, THANK YOU for doing your part                                                                                                                                                  (Art, School Readiness, Karate, Enrichment, etc.)
                                                            summer of 2020 for pre-registered swimming. After a          City Manager                           Kari Jung, Catherine Misner,
to get vaccinated. At the time of writing this, South                                                                    Mike Futrell                           Cristina Simmons
                                                            series of temporary closures as we moved                                                                                               Youth Classes................................................................07
San Francisco has reported that 80% of its residents                                                                                                                                               (Art, Dance, Martial Arts, Enrichment, etc.)
                                                            between tiers, the pool has been open for lap swim,          Parks & Recreation Commission          Administrative Offices
received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine,
                                                            private swim lessons, adult rec swim and exercise            Robert Uy, Bill Lock, Steve Firpo,     Municipal Services Building        Music Classes.................................................................11
which is allowing us to return to our in-person services.                                                                Michael Aires, Betty Battaglia,        33 Arroyo Drive
                                                            classes in the spring and summer. During each closure                                                                                  (Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, etc.)
                                                                                                                         Kristy Camacho, Ruth DeNardi           (650) 829-3800
                                                            period, staff had the opportunity to certify new
What this pandemic has revealed to us is                                                                                 Meets the third Tuesday of each
                                                                                                                                                                Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm         Teen/Adult Classes........................................................12
                                                            lifeguards, recertify existing lifeguards, replace both      month at 7:00pm. The public is                                            (Cooking, Exercise and Fitness, Dance,
the inspiring resiliency of our community                   pool filters and deep clean the facility in                  invited to attend. Visit for
                                                                                                                                                                Magnolia Recreation Center         Specialty Classes, etc.)
                                                                                                                                                                601 Grand Ave
to overcome this historic pandemic and                      preparation of reopening.                                    meeting details.
                                                                                                                                                                (650) 829-3820                     Youth & Adult Sports.....................................................22
our Parks and Recreation team’s ability to                                                                               Cultural Arts Commission                                                  Tennis Facilities & Classes..............................................24
                                                            The sports program cancelled all youth and adult             Michael DeNatale,
                                                                                                                                                                Terrabay Gymnasium &
modify programming to continue to serve                     sports programming in March. Open gym badminton              Ryan Campagna,
                                                                                                                                                                Recreation Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Aquatics: Classes & Programs.......................................26
                                                                                                                                                                1121 South San Francisco Drive
the public.                                                 began in November 2020 with limited participation,           Lenita Boldenweck, Risha Bond,
                                                                                                                                                                (650) 829-4680                     Senior Services: Classes & Programs............................33
                                                                                                                         Sarah Bowen, Krystle Cansino,
                                                            however we had to end early due to the rise in positive      Peter Foley,                                                              Parks and Recreation Facilities......................................34
All of our programs came to a halt in March 2020,                                                                                                               Westborough Recreation Building
                                                            cases. We were able to reopen in March and have              PaulaClaudine Hobson-Coard,
                                                                                                                                                                2380 Galway Drive
but the Parks and Recreation staff quickly got to                                                                        Zubin Maharaj, Milena Mardahay,                                           Community Services......................................................35
                                                            remained open since. In addition, SSF Youth Baseball         Raul Ramos
                                                                                                                                                                (650) 875-6981
work brainstorming how to continue offering quality                                                                                                                                                Department Information..............................................36
                                                            began baseball clinics in February 2021, started
programming at a time when the community would                                                                           Meets the third Thursday of each       Joseph A. Fernekes Recreation
                                                            playing games in April and finished its season in June.      month at 6:30pm. The public is         Building                           Facility and Park Guide & Map......................................38
need support the most, while the Parks and Facilities                                                                    invited to attend. Visit for   Orange Memorial Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Registration Form..........................................................40
Maintenance Divisions continued their essential             The facility rentals team hosted several internal,           meeting details.                       781 Tennis Drive
                                                                                                                                                                (650) 875-6900                     Registration Information................................................41
services all along.                                         essential trainings (first responder trainings, blood
                                                                                                                         Professional Staff                     Office Hours: M-F
                                                            drives, and lifeguard trainings) while respecting safety     Sharon Ranals, Assistant City          8:00am - 5:00pm                    Special Events..................................................back cover
The childcare program created virtual programs
                                                            protocols. Our “blanket” permittees (regular weekly          Manager/Director of Parks
and mailed educational activity packets to families                                                                        and Recreation                       Orange Pool
                                                            groups) began returning to their meeting locations in        Greg Mediati, Deputy Director          1 West Orange Avenue (Corner of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Programs September-December 2021                   Brochure Printed July 2021
in April and May. We reopened all three full-day
                                                            July and opened to private rentals in August of 2021.          of Parks and Recreation              Orange Avenue and Tennis Drive)
preschool under strict safety modifications in June,                                                                     Brian Crume, Facility Manager          (650) 875-6973                    After School Recreation Programs           SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO
and summer camp was offered in the summer at three          After Magnolia Senior Center closed, Senior Services         Angela Duldulao, Recreation            Office Hours: M-F                 Monte Verde Elementary School              FRIENDS OF PARKS AND
                                                                                                                           Manager                              8:00am - 5:00pm
locations. Learning hubs opened at six afterschool          staff began conducting wellness calls and creating           Joshua Richardson, Parks
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2551 St. Cloud Drive, San Bruno            RECREATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (650) 742-0613                             Betty Battaglia
sites throughout the school year for full-day care          activity packets for our senior population. Special            Manager                              Community Learning Center         Ponderosa Elementary School                Judy Bush
and learning support, which was especially important        edition newsletters were produced at no cost to any                                                 520 Tamarack Lane                 295 Ponderosa Road                         Eddie Flores
                                                                                                                         Parks and Recreation Supervisors       (650) 877-8540                    (650) 873-1096                             Sean Garrone
for essential workers and socially and economically         older adult or seniors in our community. A produce           Laura Armanino, Child Care                                               Spruce Elementary School                   Jeannette Holt
disadvantaged families. And again, this summer, we          food box delivery program was established with a             Kelli Jo Cullinan, Seniors             Senior Center                     501 Spruce Avenue                          Marie Patea
                                                                                                                         Brandon Cutajar, Parks                 Magnolia 601 Grand Avenue
are grateful to offer camp programs for our young           local produce company, Rocko’s Produce, for older                                                   (650) 829-3820
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (650) 873-0924                             John Sanna
                                                                                                                         Alex Henry, Building Maintenance                                         Buri Buri Elementary School
residents.                                                  adults and seniors in need of food assistance, and staff     Kimberly Morrison, Assistant           Adult Day Care 601 Grand          325 Del Monte Avenue                       Brochure Subscription
                                                            partnered with the Second Harvest Food Bank to also            Supervisor Child Care                Avenue (650) 829-3824             (650) 208-1305                             Would you like to have the
The classes program cancelled all classes that were                                                                      Mike Mulkerrins, Facilities & Sports                                     REAL Program - Los Cerritos                brochure delivered direct to
                                                            assist with establishing distribution sites and organizing   Brian Noce, Acting Aquatics            Preschools
scheduled to begin in the spring. By summer, we had                                                                                                                                               Elementary School                          your home by first-class mail?
                                                            additional food deliveries for those in need. Seniors        Erin O’Brien, Special Project          Siebecker Center                  201 W. Orange Avenue                       Cost is $5.00/per year. Use
ten instructors who were willing to teach free virtual                                                                   Devin Stenhouse, Classes               510 Elm Court
                                                            supported outdoor yoga classes at Orange Park with                                                                                    (650) 875-6906                             registration form, barcode
classes in recognition of Parks and Recreation Month,                                                                                                           (650) 875-6979                    REAL Program - Martin                      #ADBS-901
                                                            our volunteer instructor, Joanne Calvert, and moved          Coordinators                           Westborough Pre-School
none of whom had taught online lessons before. In the                                                                                                                                             Elementary School
                                                            the class back to Magnolia in June as a pilot program        Aleni Capaz, Child Care                (Westborough & Galway)            35 School Street
fall, the virtual class programming more than doubled                                                                    Kasey Jo Cullinan, Child Care          (650) 875-6980 and
                                                            with all COVID protocols in place.                           Elisia Espinoza, Child Care            (650) 875-6998
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (650) 875-6905
and outdoor in-person programming was offered in
                                                                                                                         Alondra Gomez, Child Care              Little Steps                      Parks and Facilities Administration
our parks. By spring, classes slowly began returning        Throughout all this, we are grateful to continue             Diana Gonzalez, Child Care             520 Tamarack Lane                 Corporation Yard
to indoor settings which expanded even further in           serving you.                                                 Austin Navarro, Facilities             (650) 877-8540                    550 North Canal Street
                                                                                                                         Veronica Ortiz, Classes
the summer.                                                                                                                                                                                       (650) 829-3837

                                                                                                                                  					                                                           SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKS & RECREATION | (650) 829-3800                             1
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
Preschool                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          childcare
                                                                      For more information please email Diana Gonzalez,                                                                                         LOCATIONS:
     licensed preschools:                                             Preschool Coordinator, at or call
                                                                      (650) 875-6900. Due to COVID, programs may change to
                                                                                                                                               licensed after school                                            Buri Buri Elementary School (827-8448)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                325 Del Monte Avenue
    Little Steps Preschool,                                           adapt to current guidelines and capacities may be limited.               recreation program:                                              License #414002856
    Siebecker Preschool, and                                          To schedule a tour you may call the school directly for an               Buri Buri School, Monte Verde                                    Monte Verde Elementary School (742-0613)
    Westborough Preschool                                             appointment. A waiting list/brochure is available to print
                                                                      online at Currently there is a 3-4                School, Ponderosa School, and                                    2551 St. Cloud Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                License #410518963
    The South San Francisco Preschool curriculum provides
                                                                      year wait list for our schools. Being on the waiting list does           Spruce School
                                                                      not guarantee a spot in the program.
    a learning environment and experiences that help young                                                                                                                                                      Ponderosa Elementary School (873-1096)
    children develop socially, intellectually, physically and                                                                                 The South San Francisco Licensed After School Recreation          295 Ponderosa Road
                                                                      REGISTRATION FEE:
    emotionally. Our program is play-based and is characterized                                                                               Program is designed for children actively enrolled in             License #410519011
                                                                      A $67.00 non-refundable fee per family is due upon
    by a predictable structure, providing children with a                                                                                     Kindergarten through 5th Grade in the SSFUSD school
                                                                      orientation into the program.
    dependable routine. We believe that children learn through                                                                                site where the licensed program operates. The After               Spruce Elementary School (873-0924)
    play. What may seem like simple child’s play to us is actually                                                                            School Recreation Programs are licensed through the               501 Spruce Avenue
                                                                      WAITING LIST FEE:
    a laboratory of work to a child. Through play, children                                                                                   Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing.          License #410519010
                                                                      There is a $31.00 non-refundable fee to place your child on
    act out life. They experiment with relationships, learn the                                                                               Our Programs operate in accordance with the South San
                                                                      the waiting list. This is not a guarantee of placement into the
    difference between imagination and real life, practice                                                                                    Francisco Unified School District days of operation calendar.     AFTER SCHOOL RECREATION PROGRAM SCHEDULE:
                                                                      program. The current waiting list is approximately 3-4 years.
    communication skills, and begin to build social structures.                                                                               The program is offered Monday through Friday from 7:30am          Days: Monday through Friday
    Play is an integral part of a child’s life. Play based learning                                                                           to 6:00pm.                                                        Time:  7:30am – Morning Bell
                                                                      BILLING POLICIES:
    does not mean that the children just do what they like all                                                                                                                                                         Release Bell – 6:00pm
                                                                      Siblings with a full time schedule receive a 15% discount on            Each program is designed as an expanded learning program
    day. There will be times when the children come together as                                                                                                                                                 Ages: Kindergarten-5th grade
                                                                      combined monthly fees.                                                  to meet the academic, emotional, physical, and social needs
    a group where they will learn to listen to each other, share                                                                              and interests of the children enrolled. The program provides
    information, follow rules and partake in group activities.                                                                                                                                                  REGISTRATION FEE:
                                                                      FULL DAY FEE: (Over 4 hrs. per day)*                                    some academic support, recreation activities, and cultural
    Play based activities don’t replace intentional teaching,                                                                                                                                                   A $67.00 non-refundable fee per family is due upon
                                                                                                                                              enrichment through a play-based curriculum. Many of the
    rather complement and enhance it! Open ended play based           # DAYS PER WEEK         RESIDENT               NON-RESIDENT                                                                               registration/orientation each year.
                                                                                                                                              activities planned for the children enrolled meet the CORE
    learning focuses on the process not the product. It is the        5 DAYS                  $652.00/month          $729.00/month            curriculum standards as we actively partner with the schools
    learning that is taking place that is the all important factor.   3 DAYS                  $404.00/month          $451.00/month                                                                              WAITLIST FEE:
                                                                                                                                              to ensure the children are on a pathway to a successful
                                                                      2 DAYS                  $279.00/month          $313.00/month                                                                              The waitlist for the after school recreation programs is only
    To be eligible for Westborough and Siebecker Preschool,                                                                                   academic career.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                valid for one school year. A non-refundable fee of $31.00 is
    children must be between 2 ½ and 5 years old and be                                                                                       Our goal as site coordinators, after school teachers,             due at the time of registration for the waitlist. This is not a
                                                                      PART-TIME FEE: (Under 4 hrs. per day; half day 8:30am-12:30pm)*
    fully toilet trained. To be eligible for Little Steps Preschool                                                                           and recreation leaders is to provide a safe, nurturing            guarantee of placement into the program.
    children must be between 3 and 5 years old and be fully           # DAYS PER WEEK         RESIDENT               NON-RESIDENT             environment with plenty of academic challenges as children
    toilet trained. Preschool is a year-round licensed program        5 DAYS                  $576.00/month          $642.00/month            explore and learn through play. Our goal is to encourage and      TUITION FEES:
    that runs Monday-Friday 7:30am to 6pm. There are three            3 DAYS                  $357.00/month          $397.00/month            develop each child’s self-esteem, social skills and academic      Tuition is based on days of operation divided into ten tuition
    preschools, Siebecker Preschool is located at 510 Elm Court,      2 DAYS                  $247.00/month          $275.00/month            skills so they can continue to grow and meet the challenges       payments. The first and last tuition payment is due the first
    (650) 875-6979, Facility #410509769 and Westborough                                                                                       of today’s world. The site coordinators, teachers and             month of program each year. The last tuition installment is
                                                                      *Fees subject to change.
    Preschool is located at 2380 Galway, (650)875-6980,                                                                                       recreation leaders are experienced and trained in the areas       non-refundable, nor can it be used for your last month of
                                                                       Little Steps Preschool fees are a sliding scale based on family size
    Facility #410517397. Little Steps is located at 520 Tamarack       and gross monthly income.                                              of recreation, education, child development, supervision,         attendance if you leave the program before the end of the
    Lane, (650) 877-8545, Facilty #414004145. Little Steps is a                                                                               first aid and CPR, as well as meet the State qualifications for   school year.
    Big Lift grant funded preschool. Enrollment is full time only     For more information, please visit our website at                       their positions.
    and based on family size and gross monthly income.                                                                                                                                                          # DAYS       BEFORE SCHOOL&               AFTER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                PER WEEK     AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM         PROGRAM ONLY
                                                                                                                                              Due to COVID, programs may change to adapt to current
    The goal of our teachers is to provide a safe, nurturing                                                                                  guidelines and capacities may be limited.                         5 DAYS       $431.00/month                $372.00/month
    environment with many developmentally appropriate                                                                                                                                                           3 DAYS       $294.00/month                $255.00/month
    activities and opportunities for children to creatively explore                                                                           NEW REGISTRATION PROCESS:                                         2 DAYS       $196.00/month                $170.00/month
    and learn through play. We are experienced and trained in                                                                                 Lottery applications will be accepted in the spring for the
    the areas of Early Childhood Education, First Aid and CPR.                                                                                                                                                  *Before school care only $136/month.
                                                                                                                                              available spaces at the licensed ASRP. For information on the
                                                                                                                                              lottery application process, call Laura Armanino, Recreation      For more information, please visit our website at
                                                                                                                                              and Community Services Supervisor at (650) 875-6951     
                                                                                                                                              or e-mail, or Kimberly Morrison,
                                                                                                                                              Childcare Assistant Supervisor

2   REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! WWW.SSF.NET/REC-CATALOG | FALL 2021                                                                                       					                                                      SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKS & RECREATION | (650) 829-3800           3
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
in memorium                               Dear Past and Present Childcare Families,

                                          It is with a very heavy heart that we inform you that our
                                          good friend, teacher and coworker, Joanne Howell passed
                                          away. She was diagnosed with a rare form of sarcoma cancer
                                          in February that was very aggressive and fast moving, and
                                          Joanne passed away peacefully on March 30, 2021.

                                          Joanne was raised in the Sunset district of San Francisco,
                                          attended St. Anne’s of the Sunset Catholic School,
                                          Presentation High School. Joanne later attended City
                                                                                                          Program, Full of Fun Camp, and Siebecker Preschool, she
                                                                                                          was an incredible advocate for the children in our program
                                                                                                          and always put their needs first.

                                                                                                          She was a huge Oakland A’s fan and her and her coworkers
                                                                                                          and her would always text during any Bay Bridge Rivalry to
                                                                                                          give each other grief when the other’s team won a game.
                                                                                                          Joanne started working for the City of South San Francisco
                                                                                                          in 1998 and has seen many of her kids come back to work
                                                                                                          alongside her.

                                          College of San Francisco and San Francisco State University     We will always remember her with her: Quiet Coyote sign,
                                          while working at Bank of America, and then the City of          “Bon appetit let’s eat” and “Mangia” during snack time,
                                          South San Francisco, Park and Recreation, Child Care            her love of animals, especially her dogs Scruffy, Sofia and
                                          Division in several different positions. She graduated from     Lucy, and the wonderful and thoughtful curriculum she
                                          City College of San Francisco, with an AA degree, and later     planned for whatever age groups she was working with at
                                          from San Francisco State University with a BA in Liberal        the time...and she worked with them all! She will be greatly
                                          Arts, and a BS in Kinesiology. In addition, she earned her      missed by everyone in the Childcare Division and Recreation
                                          multi-subject teaching credential. Joanne played softball       Department and by the thousands of students and families
                                          at short stop and 3rd base for City College of San Francisco    that she has taught over the years.
                                          and San Francisco State University while attending school.

                                          Her family wanted to let us all know how much Joanne loved
                                          working with the South San Francisco Childcare Program,         Laura Armanino
                                          loved all of her kids and how much we all meant to her. In      CHILDCARE PROGRAM SUPERVISOR
                                          looking at the pictures, you can see her love for teaching in
                                          all of the photos. She thought of every child in her program
                                          as “her kid” and she would do anything to help them be
                                          successful. For those of you who knew her in our Real

  4   REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! WWW.SSF.NET/REC-CATALOG | FALL 2021                                          					                                       SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKS & RECREATION | (650) 829-3800   5
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
Preschool Age Classes                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Youth Classes

                        Kinder Tots                                                        Classes: 14   Fee: $64.00(R)/$79.00(N)                            Art Adventures in Nature!                                               Holiday Arts & Crafts
                        Age: 3Y - 4Y                                                       COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME                     Age: 4Y - 6Y                                                            Age: 6Y - 8Y
                        Instructor: Noreen Cronin-Flynn & Joanne Desmond                   FA2-301       Sat       Sep 11-Dec 11    8:30AM-9:15AM            Instructor: Bella Leggero                                               Instructor: Bella Leggero
                                                                                           Level I Beginners: Session A
                        Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room                                                                                                  Location: Terrabay - Iris Room                                          Location: Terrabay - Iris Room
                                                                                           FA2-302       Sat        Sep 11-Dec 11   9:30AM-10:15AM
                        This is a great class for first time preschoolers! Children will   Level I Beginners: Session B                                      In this fun-filled class your little artist will use their creativity   In this seasonal class your little artist will use age appropriate
                        participate in fun and engaging activities including: letters,                                                                       to turn recyclable items into pieces of art! Children will learn        art materials to create their own masterpieces! Children

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YOUTH CLASSES
                        numbers, colors and shape recognition, as well as arts &                                                                             about the beautiful plants and animals we have in our world,            will focus their artistic skills on creating projects inspired by
                        crafts and games & movement. Not a parent participation            Pre-Shinkyu Shotokan Karate –                                     incorporating that into their creations. Masks are required             Halloween, Thanksgiving, the season of fall, and the season
                        class in order to encourage independence. Children must            Level II/Colored Belts                                            and there is a $10.00 cash material fee due on the first day of         of winter. Masks may be required and there is a $10.00 cash
                        be 3 years old and potty trained by start date. A $15.00           Age: 4Y - 7Y                                                      class for each student. Ms. Bella is a student at San Francisco         material fee due on the first day of class for each student.
                        supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class. This   Instructor: Sue Miller                                            State University that is majoring in Design.                            Ms. Bella is a student at San Francisco State University that is
                        is not a parent participation class. Please note: $6.25 per        Location: Westborough – Large Multi-Use Room                      No class: 10/11, 11/11, 11/25                                           majoring in Design.
                        minute late pick-up fee will apply.                                This activity is for Karate students with Advanced White Belts                                                                            No class: 10/11
                                                                                                                                                             Classes: 23   Fee: $298.00(R)/$313.00(N)
                        No class: 10/7, 11/11, 11/25                                       and Colored Belts. Pace of class is much faster than Level I.                                                                             Classes: 12   Fee: $155.00(R)/$170.00(N)
                                                                                                                                                             COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME
                        Classes: 23   Fee: $180.00(R)/$195.00(N)                           Need instructor approval to enroll.                               FA3-201       M/Th     Sep 13-Dec 09     1:30PM-3:00PM                  COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME
                        COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME                      Classes: 27     Fee: $87.00(R)/$102.00(N)                                                                                                 FA3-202       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     3:30PM-5:00PM
                        FA2-102       Tu/Th Sep 14-Dec 09        9:00AM-10:30AM            COURSE #        DAY       DATE            TIME
                        FA2-103       Tu/Th Sep 14-Dec 09        11:00AM-12:30PM           FA2-303         Sa/Tu     Sep 11-Dec 11
                                                                                           Level II: White Belt/Beginners
                                                                                                                                     10:30AM-11:15AM (Sa)
                                                                                                                                     6:00PM-6:45PM (Tu)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Kenpo-Eskrima for Children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Age: 5Y - 12Y
                        Pre-Kinder Learners                                                Classes: 27     Fee: $161.00(R)/$176.00(N)                                                                                                Instructor: Tina Chau
                        Age: 4Y - 5Y                                                       COURSE #        DAY        DATE            TIME                                                                                           Location: Westborough - Multi-Use Room
                        Instructor: Noreen Cronin-Flynn & Joanne Desmond                   FA2-304         Sa/Tu      Sep 11-Dec 11   10:30AM-12:00PM (Sa)                                                                           Created by the class’ instructor, Kenpo-Eskrima is a mixed
                        Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room                                Level II: Color Belt Yellow & Up           6:00PM-7:15PM (Tu)                                                                             martial art from the Chinese and Filipino fighting styles
                        Students enrolled should be attending Kindergarten the                                                                                                                                                       using combat-proven techniques. This complete personal
                        following year. There is the introduction to shapes, colors,       Yoga Fun! Level 1                                                                                                                         defense system uses empty hands, cane, knife or any
                        alphabet, patterns, and numbers. Materials provided                Age: 3Y - 5Y                                                                                                                              available item as an improvised weapon in a simple, effective
                        support the development of fine motor skills with scissors,        Instructor: Noreen Cronin-Flynn                                                                                                           system applicable in today’s situations. The children’s class
                        writing, and art projects. Social and emotional development        Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room                                                                                                       emphasizes meditation, cardio, strengthening warm-ups,
                        are promoted at circle time, free style dance, games, and          Noreen is certified in early childhood education and as a                                                                                 and instruction on forms and techniques. Historical and
                        mindfulness activities. In addition, supportive health care        Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) teacher. This is no ordinary                                                                                    cultural aspects of the art will also be covered. Class uniform
                        measures such as hand washing and self-care. Snack time            class! This yoga class teaches basic poses. Headstands are                                                                                and training supplies are required and may be purchased
                        occurs daily. Please send healthy snack daily in lunchbox.         not instructed. In addition, students learn various breathing                                                                             from the instructor on the first day of class.
                        $20.00 fee required. Please note: $6.25 per minute late            techniques and mindful activities to assist calm in the                                                                                   No class: 10/11
                        pick-up fee will apply.                                            body. How? Through selection of music, stories, games and         Gym Daddy: A Class for Parents,                                         Classes: 26   Fee: $121.00(R)/$136.00(N)
                        No class: 10/11                                                    activities, yoga helps build concentration, confidence, and       Grandparents, Caregivers and Their                                      COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME
                        Classes: 25   Fee: $441.00(R)/$456.00(N)                           improve on gross motor development. Requirements: bring
                        COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME                      a yoga mat and please wear comfy clothes appropriate
                                                                                                                                                             Little Ones                                                             FA3-306       M/W       Sep 08-Dec 08    5:45PM-6:45PM

                                                                                           for movement. Depending on personal comfort and need,             Age: 2.5Y - 6Y
                        FA2-104       M/W      Sep 13-Dec 08     9:00AM-12:00PM
                                                                                           students have option to have bare feet, wear socks or shoes.      Instructor: Monica Ehlers                                               Kenpo-Eskrima Advanced/Intermediate
                                                                                           Bring bottled water. Please go to the bathroom prior to           Location: Terrabay - Gym                                                Age: 10Y and up
                        Pre-Shinkyu Shotokan Karate –                                      class. The class is action packed for 45 minutes. A $3.00         When was the last time you played like you did when you                 Instructor: Tina Chau
                                                                                                                                                             were a kid? When was the last time you actually played with             Location: Westborough - Multi-Use Room
                        Level I/Beginners                                                  supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class.
                                                                                                                                                             your toddler or kindergartner? Remember what it was like to             Created by the class’s instructor, Kenpo-Eskrima is a mixed
                        Age: 4Y - 7Y                                                       No class: 10/11
                                                                                                                                                             move freely and have fun during this p.e.-style class where             martial art from the Chinese and Filipino fighting styles
                        Instructor: Sue Miller                                             Classes: 11   Fee: $45.00(R)/$60.00(N)                            the only serious component is the workout. Run, jump, play              using combat-proven techniques. Class uniform and training
                        Location: Westborough – Large Multi-Use Room                       COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME                     tag, throw balls and be as loud and crazy as you want with              supplies may be purchased from the instructor on the first
                        An introduction to the discipline of karate in a fun and           FA2-110       Mon       Sep 13-Dec 06    3:00PM-3:45PM            your kids or the kids in your life. We encourage all of it! Play        day of class.
                        positive environment. Focus on hand and eye coordination,
                                                                                                                                                             more and live better at Moms’ Gym and Gym Daddy fitness                 No class: 10/11
                        body awareness, following instructions and social interaction.
                                                                                                                                                             classes. Bring a mat and water for you and each of your kids.           Classes: 26   Fee: $121.00(R)/$136.00(N)
                        This training, with enough practice, can build confidence and
                                                                                                                                                             Up to two children allowed per adult.                                   COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME
                        concentration. Karate Gi (uniform) is required but may be
                                                                                                                                                             No class: 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 11/20, 11/27
                        purchased from instructors. Parents are advised to stay for                                                                                                                                                  FA1-217       M/W      Sep 08-Dec 08     7:00PM-8:00PM
                        first and last class only. Sensei Sue Miller has studied Karate                                                                      Classes: 9    Fee: $59.00(R)/$74.00(N)
                        since 1972 and holds the rank of 7th degree black belt.                                                                              COURSE #      DAY      DATE                 TIME
                                                                                                                                                             FA2-300       Sat      Sep 11-Dec 11        10:00AM-10:50AM

        6               REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! WWW.SSF.NET/REC-CATALOG | FALL 2021                                                                                   					                                                           SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKS & RECREATION | (650) 829-3800                  7
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
Youth Classes                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Youth Classes
                Shinkyu Shotokan Karate - Youth                                                                                                          Ballet (Girls and Boys)                                               Level 4A			                                 Instructor: M. Spremich
                Age: 8Y - 12Y                                                     dance Classes                                                          Classical ballet technique from beginning (Intro) to                  Classes: 12 Fee: $114.00(R)/$129.00(N)      Age: 8Y - 14Y
                Instructor: Sue Miller                                                                                                                   advanced (9/10) levels. For Girls: Plain black leotard, (no           COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                Location: Fernekes Building – Multi-Purpose Hall                 South San Francisco Civic Ballet                                        attached skirts) light pink tights and pink canvas ballet             FA2-413     Sat       Sep 18-Dec 11         9:15AM-10:30AM
                Although self-defense may be the primary reason for taking                                                                               slippers (‘Capezio’ or ‘Bloch’ brand) are required for all            MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 11/27
                                                                                 Maria Spremich, Artistic Director, Instructor
                up karate, this training has much more to offer. A young child   Kristen Quok, Instructor                                                classes. Shoulder length hair or longer must be tied back and         Level 4B			                                 Instructor: M. Spremich

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     YOUTH CLASSES
                can develop self-confidence, concentration, perseverance,        Kristen Chan, Instructor                                                up away from face in a ‘ballet bun.’ For Boys: White T-shirt,         Classes: 12 Fee: $114.00(R)/$129.00(N)      Age: 8Y - 14Y
                good sportsmanship, a respectful attitude, good health           Entry level students (new beginners) should register in Pre-Ballet A    black shorts, white socks and white ballet slippers. Please           COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                along with techniques of self-defense. Parents can stay for      (5Y-6.5Y) or Introduction 1 (7Y-12Y). Students enrolling in Levels      note Pre-requisites. New students in Basic thru Level 10,             FA2-414     Fri       Sep 17-Dec 10         3:45PM-5:00PM
                                                                                 Pre-Ballet B/c through Level 10 must have previous ballet training.     please contact instructor for class placement. Parents may            MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 11/26
                first and last classes only. Students will learn commands
                                                                                 Students new to the program, but with previous training, please
                in Japanese, become familiar with exercises, blocks, kicks                                                                               observe first and last class of session only.                         Level 4C			                                 Instructor: K. Quok
                                                                                 contact Maria Spremich: for appropriate level
                and more. Students will be promoted to Level II when ready       placement.                                                              Introduction 1		                            Instructor: K. Chan       Classes: 11 Fee: $104.00(R)/$119.00(N)      Age: 8Y - 14Y
                and promoted by instructor (often it takes 3 - 4 sessions).                                                                              Classes: 12 Fee: $68.00(R)/$83.00(N)        Age: 7Y - 12Y             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                Karate Gi (uniform) is required and may be purchased from        See here for Class attire ( or please contact                                                                          FA2-415     Fri       Sep 17-Dec 10         5:30PM-6:45PM
                                                                                                                                                         COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                instructors. Sensei Sue Miller has studied Karate since 1972     Maria Spremich for class attire list.                                                                                                         MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 10/22, 11/26
                                                                                                                                                         FA2-404       Sat     Sep 18-Dec 11         11:30AM-12:15PM
                and holds the rank of 7th degree black belt.                     Classical ballet technique for continuing students, basic to            MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 11/27                                Level 5A			                                 Instructor: M. Spremich
                No class: 10/11, 10/25                                           advanced (9/10) levels. For Girls: Plain black leotard, light pink      Introduction 2		                            Instructor: K. Quok       Classes: 13 Fee: $123.00(R)/$138.00(N)      Age: 10Y - 16Y
                                                                                 tights, and pink leather ballet slippers (‘Capezio’ or ‘Bloch’ brand)   Classes: 10 Fee: $57.00(R)/$72.00(N)        Age: 7Y - 12Y             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                Classes: 25   Fee: $89.00(R)/$104.00(N)
                                                                                 are required for all classes. Shoulder length hair or longer must                                                                             FA2-416     Wed       Sep 15-Dec 08         4:00PM-5:15PM
                COURSE #      DAY       DATE            TIME                                                                                             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                                                                                 be tied back and up away from the face in a ‘ballet bun.’ For Boys:                                                                           MSB – Butterfly Room
                FA3-307       M/W       Sep 08-Dec 08   5:00PM-6:00PM            White T-shirt, black shorts, white socks, and white ballet slippers.    FA2-405       Thu     Sep 16-Dec 09         3:45PM-4:30PM
                Level I Beginners Yellow & Blue 1                                                                                                        MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 10/21, 11/11, 11/25                  Level 5B			                                 Instructor: K. Quok
                                                                                 Please note Prerequisites.
                Classes: 25   Fee: $89.00(R)/$104.00(N)                                                                                                  Level 1A			                                 Instructor: M. Spremich   Classes: 11 Fee: $104.00(R)/$119.00(N)      Age: 10Y - 16Y

                COURSE #      DAY       DATE            TIME                                                                                             Classes: 12 Fee: $91.00(R)/$106.00(N)       Age: 6½Y - 12Y            COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                FA3-308       M/W       Sep 08-Dec 08   6:00PM-7:00PM            Pre-Ballet (Girls and Boys)                                             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME                      FA2-417     Fri       Sep 17-Dec 10         4:00PM-5:15PM
                                                                                 A basic introduction to classical ballet for the very young                                                                                   MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 10/22, 11/26
                Lev II Blue 2nd & Green 1st                                                                                                              FA2-406     Mon       Sep 13-Dec 06         4:00PM-5:00PM
                                                                                 student with emphasis on the discovery and development of               MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 10/11                                Level 6			                                  Instructor: M. Spremich
                Classes: 25   Fee: $134.00(R)/$149.00(N)
                                                                                 motor coordination, flexibility, expressiveness and musicality.         Level 1B			                                 Instructor: K. Quok       Classes: 13 Fee: $123.00(R)/$138.00(N)      Age: 11Y - 18Y
                COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME
                                                                                 Class attire: Girls: Light pink plain leotard, light pink tights        Classes: 11 Fee: $83.00(R)/$98.00(N)        Age: 7Y - 12Y             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                FA3-309       M/W       Sep 08-Dec 08    6:00PM-7:30PM
                Lev III Green 2nd & Purple & Up                                  and pink canvas ballet slippers are required for all classes.           COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME                      FA2-418     Tue       Sep 14-Dec 07         4:00PM-5:15PM
                                                                                 No tutus, ruffles, or skirts please! Hair must be tied back                                                                                   MSB – Butterfly Room
                                                                                                                                                         FA2-407     Mon       Sep 13-Dec 06         3:45PM-4:45PM
                                                                                 and secured off face and neck. Boys: White T-shirt, black               MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 10/11, 10/18                         Level 6 Pointe 1		                          Instructor: M. Spremich
                Yoga Fun! Level 2                                                shorts, white socks and white or black ballet slippers. Maria           Level 2A			                                 Instructor: M. Spremich   Classes: 11   Fee: $125.00(R)/$140.00(N)    Age: 11Y - 18Y
                Age: 6Y - 10Y                                                    Spremich was a professional dancer with the Lines Ballet and            Classes: 12 Fee: $91.00(R)/$106.00(N)       Age: 7Y - 12Y             COURSE # DAY            DATE                TIME
                Instructor: Noreen Cronin-Flynn                                  formerly a staff instructor for the SF Conservatory of Ballet           COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME                      FA2-419       Thu       Sep 16-Dec 09       4:00PM-5:30PM
                Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room                              and has been teaching ballet classes for the Rec Dept. for                                                                                    MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 11/11, 11/25
                                                                                                                                                         FA2-408     Sat       Sep 18-Dec 11         11:30AM-12:30PM
                Noreen is a certified Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) teacher.         over 30 years. Kristen Quok has a Masters in Dance from                 MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 11/27                                Level 7/8 - Mondays		                       Instructor: M. Spremich
                This is no ordinary class! This yoga class reviews basic and     Stanford Univ. and has been teaching for 20+ years.                                                                                           Classes: 12 Fee: $114.00(R)/$129.00(N)      Age: 11Y - 18Y
                                                                                                                                                         Level 2B			                                 Instructor: K. Quok
                more advanced poses. Headstands are not instructed. In           Pre-Ballet A: New Beginners                   Instructor: K. Chan                                                                             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                                                                                                                                                         Classes: 10 Fee: $76.00(R)/$91.00(N)        Age: 7Y - 12Y
                addition, students learn various breathing techniques and        Classes: 12 Fee: $68.00(R)/$83.00(N)          Age: 5Y - 6½Y                                                                                   FA2-420      Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06         5:15PM-6:30PM
                                                                                                                                                         COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                mindful activities to assist calm in the body. How? Through      COURSE # DAY           DATE                   TIME                                                                                            MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 10/11
                                                                                                                                                         FA2-409     Thu       Sep 16-Dec 09         4:45PM-5:45PM
                the selection of music, stories, games and activities, yoga      FA2-401       Sat      Sep 18-Dec 11          9:30AM-10:15AM            MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 10/21, 11/11, 11/25                  Level 7/8 - Wednesdays		                    Instructor: M. Spremich
                helps build concentration, confidence, and improve on            MSB – Dance Studio       No class: 11/27                                                                                                      Classes: 13 Fee: $123.00(R)/$138.00(N)      Age: 11Y - 18Y
                gross motor development. Requirements: bring yoga mat                                                                                    Level 3A			                                 Instructor: M. Spremich
                                                                                 Pre-Ballet B			                               Instructor: K. Quok       Classes: 12 Fee: $91.00(R)/$106.00(N)       Age: 8Y - 14Y             COURSE # DAY           DATE                 TIME
                and please wear comfy clothes appropriate for movement.          Classes: 12 Fee: $68.00(R)/$83.00(N)          Age: 5Y - 6½Y             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME                      FA2-421       Wed      Sep 15-Dec 08        5:15PM-6:30PM
                Depending on personal comfort and need, students have                                                                                                                                                          MSB – Butterfly Room
                                                                                 COURSE # DAY          DATE                    TIME                      FA2-410     Sat       Sep 18-Dec 11         10:30AM-11:30AM
                option to have bare feet, wear socks or shoes. Bring bottled                                                                             MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 11/27
                                                                                 FA2-402     Wed       Sep 15-Dec 08           3:30PM-4:15PM                                                                                   Level 7/8 Pointe 2		                        Instructor: M. Spremich
                water. Please go to the bathroom prior to class. The class is    MSB – Dance Studio       No class: 10/20
                                                                                                                                                         Level 3B			                                 Instructor: K. Quok       Classes: 12 Fee: $114.00(R)/$129.00(N)      Age: 11Y - 18Y
                action packed for 45 minutes. A $3.00 supply fee is payable
                                                                                 Pre-Ballet B/C		                              Instructor: K. Chan       Classes: 12 Fee: $114.00(R)/$129.00(N)      Age: 8Y - 14Y             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                to the instructor at the first class.
                                                                                 Classes: 12 Fee: $68.00(R)/$83.00(N)          Age: 5Y - 7Y              COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME                      FA2-422       Fri     Sep 17-Dec 10         5:15PM-6:30PM
                No class: 10/6                                                                                                                                                                                                 MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 11/26
                                                                                 COURSE # DAY          DATE                    TIME                      FA2-411     Wed       Sep 15-Dec 08         4:30PM-5:45PM
                Classes: 11   Fee: $45.00(R)/$60.00(N)                           FA2-403      Sat      Sep 18-Dec 11           10:30AM-11:15AM           MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 10/20                                Level 7/8 Combo		                           Instructor: M. Spremich
                COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME                    MSB – Dance Studio       No class: 11/27                                                                                                      Classes: 37 Fee: $281.00(R)/$296.00(N)      Age: 11Y - 18Y
                                                                                                                                                         Level 3C			                                 Instructor: K. Quok
                FA2-111       Wed       Sep 15-Dec 08    3:00PM-3:45PM                                                                                   Classes: 11 Fee: $104.00(R)/$119.00(N)      Age: 8Y - 14Y             COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME
                                                                                                                                                         COURSE # DAY          DATE                  TIME                      FA2-423      M/W/F Sep 13-Dec 10            5:15PM-6:30PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MSB – Butterfly Room   No class: 10/11, 11/26
                                                                                                                                                         FA2-412     Mon       Sep 13-Dec 06         5:00PM-6:15PM
                                                                                                                                                         MSB – Dance Studio     No class: 10/11, 10/18

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Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
Youth Classes                                                                                                                                                                                                                             music Classes
                Ballet (cont.)                                                                                                                             Private Clarinet & Saxophone Lessons                                Private Piano Lessons - Sandra Pobe
                Level 9/10 - Mondays		                       Instructor: M. Spremich                                                                       Age: 10Y and up                                                     Age: 7Y and up
                Classes: 12 Fee: $136.00(R)/$151.00(N)       Age: 12Y - 20Y                                                                                Instructor: Wen-Liang Chung                                         Instructor: Sandra Pobe
                COURSE # DAY          DATE                   TIME                                                                                          Location: MSB - Betty Weber Room                                    Location: (see below)
                FA2-424      Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06          6:45PM-8:15PM                                                                                 Wen-Liang Chung has an M.M. in clarinet performance                 Students must have access to keyboard or a piano for
                MSB – Butterfly Room    No class: 10/11                                                                                                    from San Francisco State University and has been teaching           practice outside of class. A piano lesson book will be

                Level 9/10 - Wednesday                       Instructor: M. Spremich                                                                       clarinet and saxophone in the Bay Area for over 15 years.           required and the instructor will determine the proper level of
                Classes: 13 Fee: $148.00(R)/$163.00(N)       Age: 12Y - 20Y                                                                                His goal is to inspire students so they will enjoy playing and      instruction. Sandra Pobe has a degree in music.
                COURSE # DAY          DATE                   TIME                                                                                          listening to music. Students must have their own instrument.        MSB - Council Chambers*                  No class: 10/11
                FA2-425      Wed      Sep 15-Dec 08          6:45PM-8:15PM                                                                                 Lesson books are required; the instructor will determine            Classes: 10 Fee: $192.00(R)/$207.00(N)
                MSB – Butterfly Room                                                                                                                       the proper level of instruction and recommend appropriate           COURSE # DAY          DATE               TIME
                Level 9/10 Pointe 3 & 4		                    Instructor: M. Spremich                                                                       lesson books at the first lesson.                                   FA5-400       Mon     Sep 13-Nov 22      3:30PM-4:00PM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MUSIC CLASSES
                Classes: 12 Fee: $136.00(R)/$151.00(N)       Age: 12Y - 20Y                                                                                Classes: 14   Fee: $269.00(R)/$284.00(N)                            FA5-401       Mon     Sep 13-Nov 22      4:00PM-4:30PM
                COURSE # DAY            DATE                 TIME                                                                                          COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME                       FA5-402       Mon     Sep 13-Nov 22      4:45PM-5:15PM
                FA2-426      Fri        Sep 17-Dec 10        6:45PM-8:15PM                                                                                 FA5-510       Tue       Sep 07-Dec 07    6:00PM-6:30PM              FA5-403       Mon     Sep 13-Nov 22      5:15PM-5:45PM
                MSB – Butterfly Room    No class: 11/26                                Location: Terrabay - Poppy Room                                     FA5-511       Tue       Sep 07-Dec 07    6:30PM-7:00PM              FA5-404       Mon     Sep 13-Nov 22      6:00PM-6:30PM
                Level 9/10 Combo		                           Instructor: M. Spremich   Classes: -    Fee: $24.00(R)/$39.00(N)                              FA5-512       Tue       Sep 07-Dec 07    7:00PM-7:30PM              FA5-405       Mon     Sep 13-Nov 22      6:30PM-7:00PM
                Classes: 37 Fee: $337.00(R)/$352.00(N)       Age: 12Y - 20Y            COURSE # DAY            DATE              TIME
                                                                                                                                                           Classes: 12   Fee: $230.00(R)/$245.00(N)   No class: 11/11, 11/25   FA5-406       Mon     Sep 13-Nov 22      7:00PM-7:30PM
                COURSE # DAY          DATE                   TIME                      FA3-464       Thu      Sep 09-Dec 09      6:25PM-7:15PM
                                                                                                                                                           COURSE #      DAY       DATE               TIME                     *Staff Conference Room 9/20 & 9/27
                FA2-427      M/W/F Sep 13-Dec 10             6:45PM-8:15PM             Level IV
                MSB – Butterfly Room    No class: 10/11, 11/26                         FA3-465       Tue       Sep 07-Dec 07     5:30PM-6:20PM             FA5-513       Thu       Sep 09-Dec 09      6:00PM-6:30PM            MSB - Council Chambers                   No class: 11/2
                                                                                       Level V                                                             FA5-514       Thu       Sep 09-Dec 09      6:30PM-7:00PM            Classes: 10 Fee: $192.00(R)/$207.00(N)
                                                                                       FA3-466       Mon       Sep 13-Dec 06     5:30PM-6:20PM             FA5-515       Thu       Sep 09-Dec 09      7:00PM-7:30PM            COURSE # DAY          DATE               TIME
                Mexican Folk Dance                                                     Level VI                                                                                                                                FA5-407     Tue       Sep 14-Nov 23      3:30PM-4:00PM
                Age: 3½Y - 17Y                                                         FA3-467       Thu       Sep 09-Dec 09     5:30PM-6:20PM                                                                                 FA5-408     Tue       Sep 14-Nov 23      4:00PM-4:30PM
                Instructors: Martin Cruz & Marianna Roman                              Level VII		                                                         Private Piano Lessons - Theresa Ames                                FA5-409     Tue       Sep 14-Nov 23      4:45PM-5:15PM
                                                                                       FA3-468       Tue       Sep 07-Dec 07     6:25PM-7:15PM             Age: 7Y and up
                Location: (see below)                                                                                                                                                                                          FA5-410     Tue       Sep 14-Nov 23      5:15PM-5:45PM
                                                                                       Level VIII                                                          Instructor: Theresa Ames
                Children of all ethnic backgrounds will enjoy learning                                                                                                                                                         FA5-411     Tue       Sep 14-Nov 23      6:00PM-6:30PM
                                                                                       FA3-469       Mon       Sep 13-Dec 06     6:25PM-7:15PM             Location: Terrabay - Piano Room
                Mexican Folk Dances from Ballet Folklorico of SSF. Students            Level IX                                                                                                                                FA5-412     Tue       Sep 14-Nov 23      6:30PM-7:00PM
                                                                                                                                                           Through the piano, we will work on songs and understanding
                may wear any leather soled shoes. See instructor for                                                                                                                                                           FA5-413     Tue       Sep 14-Nov 23      7:00PM-7:30PM
                                                                                                                                                           the connections with making music. This holistic approach
                costume requirements. Students registering in Level 1B
                must have had at least 2 sessions of prior experience to               Tap Dance for Kids                                                  encompasses: theory, chords, harmony, technique, memory,            MSB - Park & Rec Conference Room
                                                                                                                                                           listening, focus, and making music in a way that works best         Classes: 10 Fee: $192.00(R)/$207.00(N)
                enroll. Students must have permission from instructors                 Age: (see below)
                                                                                       Instructors: Carol Costakis                                         for the student. Students must have access to a keyboard            COURSE # DAY          DATE               TIME
                to advance from Level 1B - Level IX. Martin Cruz is the
                                                                                       Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room                                 or piano to practice with. Please bring any personal piano          FA5-414      Sat      Sep 18-Nov 20      9:00AM-9:30AM
                folklorico dance teacher at South San Francisco High School
                                                                                       Get ready to Tap! Carol Costakis is an experienced and              books and materials you may already own, Theresa will               FA5-415      Sat      Sep 18-Nov 20      9:30AM-10:00AM
                in the Performing Arts Department, is the Co-Founder and
                                                                                       enthusiastic instructor that will have kids of all levels wanting   determine from there if a piano lesson book or other                FA5-416      Sat      Sep 18-Nov 20      10:00AM-10:30AM
                Artistic Director of Ballet Folklorico Alma de Mexico SSFHS
                                                                                       to learn more.                                                      materials will be needed. Theresa has a B.A. in music, and          FA5-417      Sat      Sep 18-Nov 20      10:30AM-11:00AM
                & Community. He has extensive experience in choreography
                                                                                       No class: 10/9                                                      over 35 years of experience playing, teaching, and directing        FA5-418      Sat      Sep 18-Nov 20      11:00AM-11:30AM
                and staging performances. He will be teaching levels IV-
                                                                                                                                                           musical theater in the Bay Area.                                    FA5-419      Sat      Sep 18-Nov 20      11:30AM-12:00PM
                Level IX. Marianna Roman has many years’ experience in                 Classes: 10   Fee: $40.00(R)/$55.00(N)
                                                                                                                                                           No class: 10/11
                multi-cultural dance. She will be teaching Level IA-Level III.         COURSE #      DAY      DATE               TIME
                These classes listed below are provided by the AFFILIATED                                                                                  Classes: 12   Fee: $230.00(R)/$245.00(N)
                                                                                       FA3-565       Sat      Sep 11-Nov 20      12:00PM-12:40PM
                non-profit group, Ballet Folklorico of SSF. Ballet Folklorico of       Intro (Age 5Y - 8Y)                                                 COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME
                SSF is “co-sponsored” by the Recreation Department.                    Classes: 10   Fee: $40.00(R)/$55.00(N)
                                                                                                                                                           FA5-200       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     3:30PM-4:00PM
                No class: 10/11, 11/11, 11/25                                          COURSE #      DAY      DATE               TIME
                                                                                                                                                           FA5-201       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     4:00PM-4:30PM
                Location: Magnolia Senior Center                                                                                                           FA5-202       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     4:30PM-5:00PM
                                                                                       FA3-568       Sat      Sep 11-Nov 20      11:15AM-11:55AM
                Classes: -   Fee: $24.00(R)/$39.00(N)                                  Level I (Age 6Y - 9Y)                                               FA5-203       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     5:00PM-5:30PM
                COURSE # DAY          DATE                   TIME                                                                                          FA5-204       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     5:30PM-6:00PM
                                                                                       Classes: 10   Fee: $60.00(R)/$75.00(N)
                FA3-460      Mon      Sep 13-Nov 15          5:45PM-6:15PM                                                                                 FA5-205       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     6:00PM-6:30PM
                                                                                       COURSE #      DAY      DATE               TIME
                Level IA - New Students Only                                                                                                               FA5-206       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     6:30PM-7:00PM
                                                                                       FA3-567       Sat      Sep 11-Nov 20      12:45PM-1:45PM
                FA3-461       Fri      Sep 17-Nov 19         5:30PM-6:15PM             Intro (Age 9Y - 14Y)                                                FA5-207       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     7:00PM-7:30PM
                Level IB - Returning Students Only
                                                                                                                                                           FA5-208       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     7:30PM-8:00PM
                FA3-462       Fri      Sep 17-Nov 19         6:30PM-7:20PM
                Level II		                                                                                                                                 FA5-209       Mon      Sep 13-Dec 06     8:00PM-8:30PM
                FA3-463       Mon      Sep 13-Nov 15         6:30PM-7:20PM
                Level III

     10         REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! WWW.SSF.NET/REC-CATALOG | FALL 2021                                                                                         					                                                       SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKS & RECREATION | (650) 829-3800          11
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
teen and adult Classes                                                                                                                                                                                                   teen and adult Classes
                                                                                                     Belly Dance - Intermediate/Advanced                                Mexican Folk Dance Advanced Adult/Teen                            Tap Dance for Adults
                          dance Classes                                                              Age: 18Y and up                                                    Age: 16Y and up                                                   Age: 18Y and up
                                                                                                     Instructor: Alisa Greer                                            Instructor: Martin Cruz                                           Instructor: Carol Costakis
                         Ballet for Teens and Adults                                                 Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room                                Location: South San Francisco High School - Cafeteria             Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room
                         Age: 14Y & Up                                                               This class is for students with previous knowledge of the basic    This class is a joint project with the Folklórico Dance Program   Have you always wanted to dance like Fred or Ginger? It’s
                         Instructor: Maria Spremich                                                  steps of belly dance. We will continue refining the basics as      of SSF High School and the SSF Recreation Dept. The class         never too late to start. Come join the fun, from the basic
                         Location: MSB - Butterfly Room                                              we progress onto more complex movements. We will explore           is designed for advanced students having successfully             shuffle and flap to advanced rhythms. Carol Costakis is an
                         No class: 11/11, 11/25                                                      different kinds of music and props (veil, finger cymbals, sword,   completed three years of Mexican Folklórico dance and with        experienced and enthusiastic instructor.
                                                                                                     etc.) and we can work on a group dance too—the world is our        the consent of the instructors. Students enrolled at this level   Classes: 12   Fee: $31.00(R)/$46.00(N)
                         Level I
                         Classical Ballet technique for advanced beginners. This class is not
                                                                                                     oyster in this class! Students can expect a welcoming, fun and     will be able to participate in various school and community       COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME
                         an “absolute beginners” class. Previous experience with elementary          supportive learning environment with other lovers of belly         events of Ballet Folklórico Alma de México. Instructor, Martin    FA1-411       Tue      Sep 07-Nov 23     7:00PM-7:25PM
                         positions and concepts of classical ballet technique equal to one year      dance. Alisa Greer is a lifelong belly dancer who loves passing    Cruz is currently the Folklorico Dance Teacher at South San       Intro
                         of training is helpful as this class is ongoing. This is a good level for   the art on to others. For more information, please contact         Francisco High School in the Performing Arts Department
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Classes: 12   Fee: $50.00(R)/$65.00(N)
                         those returning to ballet after many years as well as for students from     Alisa at Come join the fun!                  and cofounder and Artistic Director of Ballet Folklórico
                         other forms of dance (i.e. jazz, tap, hip-hop) wishing to supplement or                                                                                                                                          COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME
                                                                                                     Classes: 11   Fee: $72.00(R)/$87.00(N)                             Alma de México of S.S.F.H.S. & Community. Mr. Cruz is also
                         enhance their training. Class attire: Ladies - leotard (any style/color)                                                                                                                                         FA1-412       Tue      Sep 07-Nov 23     7:30PM-8:10PM
                                                                                                     COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME                      Artistic Director of various Bay Area folklórico groups and       Level II

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TEEN AND ADULT CLASSES
                         tights or leggings/yoga/jazz pants. Leather or canvas ballet slippers.
                         Men: T-shirt, tights/leggings/jazz pants or sweatpants/basketball           FA1-461       Wed      Sep 08-Nov 17     8:00PM-9:00PM
                                                                                                                                                                        has extensive experience in choreography and in staging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FA1-413       Tue     Sep 07-Nov 23      8:15PM-8:55PM
                         shorts. Canvas or leather ballet slippers may be worn with or w/o crew                                                                         performances.                                                     Level I
                         socks. Leotards, tights and ballet slippers can be purchased online at                                                                         No class: 10/11, 11/11, 11/25
                or at these retailers: Dance Theater Shop in          Hawaiian Hula - Level I & II                                       Classes: 24   Fee: $266.00(R)/$281.00(N)
                         San Mateo; San Francisco Dance Gear.                                        Age: 18Y and up
                                                                                                                                                                        COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME
                         Classes: 11     Fee: $83.00(R)/$98.00(N)                                    Instructor: Mary Ann Narvaez
                                                                                                                                                                        FA3-470       M/Th     Sep 09-Dec 09     8:00PM-10:00PM
                         COURSE # DAY               DATE                    TIME                     Location: MSB - Social Hall
                         FA1-401         Thu        Sep 16-Dec 09           6:00PM-7:00PM            Come and enjoy learning Hawaiian Hula! It’s great fun
                         Level II		                                                                  and exercise! You will learn the basic hula footwork, hand         Mexican Folklorico Dance for Adult and
                         Classical Ballet technique for Intermediate Level students. At least        gestures and a hula to a familiar Hawaiian song. No handout        Teen Beginners
                         3 years previous experience is required. Complex barre and center           materials will be available in this course. Please bring your
                                                                                                                                                                        Age: 18Y and up
                         combinations (pirouettes, adagio, allegros) will be practiced.              own pau skirt (T-Shirt & leggings are ok too).
                         Classes: 13 Fee: $148.00(R)/$163.00(N)
                                                                                                                                                                        Instructor: Patricia Martinelli
                                                                                                     No class: 9/21, 11/11, 11/23, 11/25
                                                                                                                                                                        Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room
                         COURSE # DAY             DATE                TIME
                                                                                                     Classes: 12   Fee: $75.00(R)/$90.00(N)                             It is never too late to participate in a positive and uplifting
                         FA1-402        Tue      Sep 14-Dec 07        7:00PM-8:30PM
                                                                                                     COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME                      experience in dance. Learn basic Mexican Folklorico
                         Level II/III		                                                              FA1-465       Tue      Sep 07-Dec 07     7:30PM-8:30PM             dance steps, sequences, and dances from various states
                         Classical Ballet technique for Intermediate to High Intermediate            Level I                                                            in Mexico. Enjoy a session of fellowship, exercise, and
                         Level students.                                                             FA1-466       Thu     Sep 09-Dec 09      7:30PM-8:30PM             rhythmical movement as you dance to inspirational music
                         Classes: 11    Fee: $125.00(R)/$140.00(N)                                   Level II
                         COURSE # DAY             DATE                TIME
                                                                                                                                                                        with new friends. This course is for the beginning adult
                                                                                                                                                                        and teen student and will focus on low impact steps and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           arts and special interest
                         FA1-403        Thu      Sep 16-Dec 09        7:15PM-8:45PM
                                                                                                                                                                        cultural dances from Mexico, as well as mindful breathing
                                                                                                                                                                        exercises. Former Folklorico dancers who would like to            Dyeing for Crafters with Shibori
                         Belly Dancing - Beginners                                                                                                                      refresh steps are also invited to participate. The class will     Age: 18Y and up
                         Age: 18Y and up                                                                                                                                be instructed by Mrs. Patricia Martinelli who has over 25         Instructor: Joy - Lily
                         Instructor: Alisa Greer                                                                                                                        years of experience in Mexican Folklorico dance and is the        Location: MSB - Belloni Room
                         Location: MSB - Marie Peterson Room                                                                                                            Co-Founder and General Director of Ballet Folklorico Alma         Color up your knitting or crocheting yarn, felting fiber, quilt
                         Have you always wanted to try belly dancing? In this course,                                                                                   de Mexico of SSFHS and Community. Attire: Students will           yardage and perk up your clothes. Using all natural fibers,
                         we will learn some basic belly dance movements that will have                                                                                  need comfortable, lightweight tennis shoes, or jazz shoes.        we’ll experiment with indigo dye, acid dye in hot water,
                         you dancing in no time. The feminine art of belly dance will                                                                                   Students may wear T-shirts, leggings, or tights for maximum       fiber-reactive dyes in cold water and patterns on fabric. Try
                         add fun, fitness and friendship to your life and women of any                                                                                  stretching and mobility. *Information for purchase of             out shibori, Japanese-style tie-dye techniques: wrapping,
                         age or body type can become beautiful dancers. No previous                                                                                     Folklorico shoes and practice skirts will be made available to    stitching, clamping and the ‘rope trick’ for making patterns
                         dance experience is required. We’d love to have you join us.                                                                                   students in the class. Brianna German will assist.                on fabric. Try batik too! Experience dyeing fiber is not
                         Alisa Greer is a lifelong belly dancer who loves passing the art                                                                               No class: 10/5, 10/12                                             necessary for this class. A sense of adventure is a plus. A
                         on to others. For more information, please contact Alisa at                                                                                    Classes: 10   Fee: $64.00(R)/$79.00(N)                            $25.00 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first
                She would love to see you in class.                                                                                      COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          class. Fee includes some white wool fleece or yarn and cotton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          yardage to dye.
                         Classes: 11    Fee: $72.00(R)/$87.00(N)                                                                                                        FA1-464       Tue      Sep 07-Nov 23     5:00PM-6:15PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          No class: 11/11
                         COURSE #       DAY       DATE                  TIME
                         FA1-460        Wed      Sep 08-Nov 17          7:00PM-8:00PM                                                                                                                                                     Classes: 10   Fee: $148.00(R)/$163.00(N)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FA1-501       Thu      Sep 09-Nov 18     10:00AM-2:00PM

         12              REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! WWW.SSF.NET/REC-CATALOG | FALL 2021                                                                                             					                                                     SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKS & RECREATION | (650) 829-3800            13
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
teen and adult Classes                                                                                                                                                                                     teen and adult Classes
                         Japanese Flower Arrangement, Ikebana                              Outdoor Sketching                                                 Sewing - Intermediate                                             Wreath Making Workshop Fundraiser
                         Age: 18Y and up                                                   Age: 18Y and up                                                   Age: 18Y and up                                                   Age: 12Y and up (morning session)
                         Instructor: Lee Okumoto                                           Instructor: Nick Stern                                            Instructor: Judy Barretto                                               18Y and up (afternoon session)
                         Location: MSB - Belloni Room                                      Location: Joseph A. Fernekes Building Patio (initially)           Location: MSB - Belloni Room                                      Location: Joseph Fernekes Recreation Building - Orange Park
                         Enrich your life with the Japanese art of arranging flowers.      Bring your favorite sketching mediums and draw some               It’s time to graduate into the next level of sewing, which is     Create a gorgeous natural holiday wreath with fresh
                         Explore the Ikebana value of discipline, knowledge of rules       of South San Francisco’s most scenic sites. Instructor            “Basic Clothing Modification.” Not only that you have learned     materials. Our workshop leaders will provide all the basic
                         and forms and idealized approach to nature using fresh            Nick Stern will give tips on perspective, composition and         to alter patterns working with various fabrics and mastering      materials needed, along with hands-on instruction. Bring
                         seasonal flowers and greenery. You will learn to create           sketching techniques while students choose their own view         the intricacies of skilled sewing, but you will be remaking       some of your own ornaments and accents to add to the
                         distinctive, elegant designs that exudes a sense of harmony,      to draw. Students can use pencils, pen and ink, washes or         your favorite clothing that you don’t want to part with by        beauty and sentiment. Workshop fee includes one wire wreath
                         balance and well-being from a teacher who was trained of          a combination of techniques. Students will provide their          utilizing more functions available on your sewing machine         ring, a paddle of florist wire, assorted fresh greens harvested
                         Ikenobo school of Ikebana, Kyoto Japan. Items to bring to         own art supplies of choice. It is highly recommended that         with additional presser feet to complete your projects faster.    from local parks, berries, cones, and ribbon. Wear old clothes,
                         classes: Pin frog (minimum 3 inches in diameter), flower vase     students bring a drawing board to support their artwork.          This class is for the student that knows how to read a pattern    dress warmly, and bring work gloves and pruners for snipping.
                         which can hold pin flog, and plant scissors. The teacher will     Locations will include: Orange Memorial Park, Sign Hill Park,     envelope with instructions and select appropriate fabric for      This workshop is a fundraiser for the Improving Public Places
                         supply other materials. A $80.00 materials fee is payable to      Westborough Park and Oyster Point Park. Nick Stern is a           the project. This class will also introduce and perfect the use   group, so not only will you learn the technique and leave with
                         the teach at the first class.                                     retired Disney artist. He has taught Beginner Acrylic Painting    of the Serger machine. Must be proficient in the use of the       a beautiful wreath, but you can feel great about contributing
                         Classes: 6    Fee: $50.00(R)/$65.00(N)                            and Beginner Drawing for the South San Francisco Parks and        sewing machine with all its functions as well as knowing how      to civic beautification. This activity will bring out your

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TEEN AND ADULT CLASSES
                         COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME                     Recreation Dept. since 2019.                                      to alter and complete sewing projects. Judy Barretto has          creativity and put you in the holiday mood! Hot spiced cider
                         FA1-502       Wed      Sep 08-Oct 13     6:30PM-8:30PM            Classes: 14   Fee: $202.00(R)/$217.00(N)                          been teaching sewing for many years and has the knowledge         and holiday music help to set the mood. Fee includes supplies
                                                                                           COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME                     and skills of a wide variety of handicrafts. Instructor           for one wreath; families may work together on one wreath, or
                                                                                           FA1-532       Tue      Sep 07-Dec 07     1:00PM-3:00PM
                                                                                                                                                             approval required for registration in this course. A supply fee   make additional wreaths by enrolling more than one person.
                         Knitting for Intermediates                                                                                                          of $30.00 is payable to the instructor on the first class.        The morning workshop is family-friendly, and aimed at all
                         Age: 18Y and up                                                                                                                     Classes: 14   Fee: $262.00(R)/$277.00(N)                          ages. The afternoon session will include wine, and is targeted
                         Instructor: Victoria Gavidia                                      Sewing for Beginners                                              COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME                     at adults only. Please note that greens will be replenished
                         Location: MSB - Belloni Room                                      Age: 18Y and up                                                                                                                     between sessions! Register early as spaces are limited and
                                                                                                                                                             FA1-507       Sun      Sep 12-Dec 12     9:00AM-12:00PM
                         If you are an intermediate and know how to knit and purl, let     Instructor: Judy Barretto                                                                                                           fees will increase to $35.00/$40.00 the day of the event.
                         me take you to the next level and expand basic skills. With       Location: MSB - Belloni Room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Classes: 1    Fee: $30.00(R)/$35.00(N)
                         this class you will enjoy in-depth instruction, learn a variety   This class is perfect for those interested in learning how to     Working with Sewing Patterns                                      COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME
                         of techniques, connect with fellow knitters, find creativity      sew or want to brush up on their sewing skills to continue        Age: 18Y and up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FA1-610       Sat      Dec 04            9:00AM-12:00PM
                         with new projects, learn to fix your mistakes and so much         developing a broader set of sewing skills while working on        Instructor: Judy Barretto                                         Morning Session (Family-Friendly)
                         more. Why not knit something great?! Make something               more challenging projects. You will learn the fundamentals        Location: MSB - Belloni Room                                      FA1-611       Sat      Dec 04            1:00PM-4:00PM
                         for yourself, family, friends or donate your knitted hat to a     of sewing to include measuring for pattern size, pattern          On the first day of class you will start with body                Afternoon Session
                         charity. I have hundreds of patterns you can choose from          selection, pattern envelope instruction reading, fabric and       measurement before purchasing a pattern, and learn how
                         and I teach different projects each season. Knitting is a         notion selection, pattern layout to alterations for the perfect   to read a pattern envelope will determine what is needed for
                         great way to unwind after a long day, better than watching        fit, cutting, and sewing to complete the garment. Several         your project. Knowing how to read a guide sheet and learn         Fresh Holiday Wreath “Take Home” Kits –
                         useless TV and it’s great for your hands, mind and soul.          shortcuts and tried and true techniques will be shared to         many short cut techniques from class will help in creating        Improving Public Places Fundraiser
                         No class: 10/28, 11/11, 11/25                                     perfect your sewing skills. This is the perfect class for the     professional looking projects faster. This class will focus on    Age: Adults
                         Classes: 11   Fee: $98.00(R)/$113.00(N)                           gentleman tired of paying for alterations. Students must          pattern alterations and fabric layout. It is very important       Location: Joseph Fernekes Recreation Building - Orange Park
                         COURSE #      DAY      DATE             TIME                      bring their own sewing machines to class or be informed of        to know how to work with patterns before you start sewing.        In 2020 the annual Wreath Workshop was reformatted to
                         FA1-480       Thu      Sep 09-Dec 09    7:00PM-9:00PM
                                                                                           the best suitable sewing machine for your needs to purchase.      From here, various types of fabrics will be introduced and        allow participants to pre-order and pick up a “Wreath Kit” to
                                                                                           There will be an emphasis on proper sewing machine                what are the best suitable for. You will also learn how to        take home. This was so popular that we will be offering this
                                                                                           operation and the function of each presser foot along with        determine the face side of fabrics if both sides look the         option again this year, in addition to the traditional in-person
                                                                                           the use of tools and equipment to enhance your sewing skills.     same, nap fabrics woven, knits, and more. Another fun             workshop format listed above. The Parks tree crew will provide
                                                                                           Judy Barretto has been teaching sewing for many years and         project is to redesign a pattern after alteration. Attend this    a beautiful assortment of fresh greens, and participants will
                                                                                           has the knowledge and skills of a wide variety of handicrafts.    class and learn a wealth of working with patterns and short       be able to select the materials that they would like! The fee of
                                                                                           A supply fee of $30.00 is payable to the instructor on the        cut tips. Students must bring their own sewing machines to        $30.00 will include a choice of enough fresh greens to make
                                                                                           first class.                                                      class, or be informed of the best suitable sewing machine for     your wreath, sustainably harvested from city trees; wreath
                                                                                           No class: 10/9, 11/6                                              your needs to purchase. Judy Barretto has been teaching           frame; paddle of floral wire; and your choice of large, hand-
                                                                                           Classes: 12   Fee: $225.00(R)/$240.00(N)                          sewing for many years and has the knowledge and skills            made bows in a variety of colors and patterns. DIY instructions
                                                                                           COURSE #      DAY       DATE             TIME                     of a wide variety of handicrafts. A supply fee of $30.00 is       and video will be available. What better way to get into the
                                                                                           FA1-506       Sat       Sep 11-Dec 11    9:00AM-12:00PM
                                                                                                                                                             payable to the instructor on the first day of class.              holiday spirit than making a fresh green wreath with the family!
                                                                                                                                                             No class: 10/6, 11/24, 12/1                                       Classes: 1    Fee: $30.00(R)/$35.00(N)   (Kit pick-up only)
                                                                                                                                                             Classes: 11   Fee: $206.00(R)/$221.00(N)                          COURSE #      DAY      DATE              TIME
                                                                                                                                                             COURSE #      DAY     DATE               TIME                     WW21-200      Sat      Dec 04            2:00PM-2:15PM
                                                                                                                                                             FA1-508       Wed     Sep 08-Dec 08      9:00AM-12:00PM           WW21-215      Sat      Dec 04            2:15PM-2:30PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WW21-230      Sat      Dec 04            2:30PM-2:45PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WW21-245      Sat      Dec 04            2:45PM-3:00PM

         14              REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! WWW.SSF.NET/REC-CATALOG | FALL 2021                                                                                  					                                                     SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKS & RECREATION | (650) 829-3800             15
Activity Guide Fall 2021 - South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department - Resident Registration begins August 9th! - City of South San ...
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