Statement on Monetary Policy - FEBRUARY 2021 - Reserve Bank of Australia
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Statement on Monetary Policy FEBRUARY 2021 Contents Overview 1 1. The International Environment 5 2. Domestic Economic Conditions 21 3. Domestic Financial Conditions 31 4. Inflation 49 Box A: Consumption Patterns and Consumer Price Index Weights 58 5. Economic Outlook 61
The material in this Statement on Monetary Policy was finalised on 4 February 2021. The next Statement is due for release on 7 May 2021. The Statement is published quarterly in February, May, August and November each year. All the Statements are available at when released. Expected release dates are advised ahead of time on the website. For copyright and disclaimer notices relating to data in the Statement, see the Bank's website. The graphs in this publication were generated using Mathematica. Statement on Monetary Policy enquiries: Secretary's Department Tel: +61 2 9551 8111 Email: ISSN 1448–5133 (Print) ISSN 1448–5141 (Online) © Reserve Bank of Australia 2021 Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, and the permissions explicitly granted below, all other rights are reserved in all materials contained in this publication. All materials contained in this publication, with the exception of any Excluded Material as defined on the RBA website, are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The materials covered by this licence may be used, reproduced, published, communicated to the public and adapted provided that the RBA is properly attributed in the following manner: Source: Reserve Bank of Australia 2021 OR Source: RBA 2021 For the full copyright and disclaimer provisions which apply to this publication, including those provisions which relate to Excluded Material, see the RBA website.
Overview The successful development of COVID-19 each of 2021 and 2022 as the recovery vaccines has improved the medium-term progresses. outlook for global growth. Vaccination programs In line with this recovery in activity, the labour are underway in a number of countries. As these market has also performed better than are rolled out, health-related restrictions can be expected. Employment grew strongly over the eased and many types of activity can return to latter part of 2020, and the unemployment rate something close to their pre-pandemic trends. declined to 6.6 per cent in December. Although In the near term, however, some momentum in underemployment remains high, the sharp the global economy has been lost, as infection increase during the height of the activity rates have surged in a number of economies restrictions has mostly reversed. The and lockdown measures have again become participation rate has already returned to the necessary. The recovery is likely to be bumpy historic highs seen just prior to the pandemic. and uneven, and dependent both on the health But over 900,000 Australians remain situation and ongoing fiscal and monetary unemployed, around 220,000 more than at the policy support. Spare capacity will remain for onset of the pandemic. Employment is likewise some years, dampening inflationary pressures. yet to recover completely – especially full-time The domestic economic recovery has run faster employment – and some workers are still on than previously expected. This has been reduced hours. This shortfall is particularly consistent with the pattern seen globally, of evident in the industries that have been most unexpectedly fast (but partial) recoveries after affected by health-related restrictions on activity lockdown measures were lifted, as well as and travel. Australia’s relatively better health outcomes. The outlook for the labour market has improved Fiscal policy has supported household and as a result of the better starting point and business cashflows, and the Victorian lockdown growth outlook. It now appears that the measures weighed less on economic activity unemployment rate has already peaked. than earlier assumed. Consumption has Although the end of the JobKeeper program in recovered faster, and dwelling and business March creates some uncertainty for the near investment have not been as weak as had been term, over the whole forecast period employ- anticipated. ment growth is expected to remain solid, The Bank’s forecasts have been revised to consistent with the ongoing recovery in activity. incorporate this stronger starting point. GDP is The unemployment rate is expected to continue expected to have contracted by 2 per cent over declining, but will still be around 6 per cent at 2020, a smaller decline than earlier anticipated. the end of this year and 5½ per cent at the end Growth of around 3½ per cent is expected over of next year, reaching around 5¼ per cent by mid 2023. S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 1
Headline inflation has been volatile since the employment relationships and supported the pandemic started. The introduction and incomes of both households and businesses. subsequent reversal of various temporary policy Increased social assistance payments, temporary support measures, such as free child care, have rent relief and loan repayment deferrals have resulted in large price movements. Working in also assisted, as did the lower debt-servicing the opposite direction, prices of some retail costs resulting from the monetary policy items, especially household goods, were initially measures. boosted in response to strong demand and Unusually for a period of rising unemployment, supply disruptions. Most of these effects have both household income and business profits now run their course. Housing-related inflation increased. This supported the sharp recovery in increased a little, as discounting of the prices of household consumption, after many types of newly built homes eased in response to strong spending were constrained by health-related demand, and some temporary rent reductions restrictions in the June quarter. How spending expired. responds to the tapering of some fiscal support Underlying inflation pressures remain subdued measures remains a source of uncertainty for the and are expected to be fairly muted in the outlook. period ahead. Spare capacity in the labour Policy support has also been instrumental in market remains elevated, and wages growth has moderating the declines in housing and eased further from already low rates. Many business investment. Demand for detached employers have responded to the economic houses has been brought forward in response to challenges of the pandemic by delaying wage various government incentives. Tax incentives increases, imposing wage freezes and, in some have also encouraged business investment in cases, applying temporary wage cuts. Forward machinery & equipment, though business indicators suggest wages growth will remain investment has been soft for some time and is soft this year. still expected to lag the broader economic Both underlying price inflation and wages recovery. The outlook for public investment has growth are expected to remain below 2 per cent strengthened, with several states foreshadowing over the forecast period, out to mid 2023. a considerable increase in expenditure in their Trimmed mean inflation is expected to be recent budgets. 1¼ per cent over 2021 and 1½ per cent over Experience overseas has also highlighted the 2022. For inflation to be sustainably within the role of fiscal and monetary policy support, both Bank’s target range of 2–3 per cent, a period of during upsurges in infection rates and once the labour market tightness that leads to faster health situation improves. Governments in wages growth is needed. However, even the several countries have announced additional latest, upgraded, forecasts for economic activity fiscal support packages in recent months, in and employment still imply a degree of spare response to renewed virus outbreaks or to capacity and slow wages growth over coming support the economic recovery. Several central years. banks have recently increased the size and/or The bounce-back in the Australian economy extended the timeframe of their asset purchase would not have been possible without the programs. Some have also introduced or successful public health outcomes. Even so, the enhanced lending facilities to support the flow speed of the recovery has also underlined the of credit to households and businesses. importance of timely and substantial policy support. The JobKeeper program preserved 2 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
The COVID-19 pandemic has induced rate remains just below 7 per cent for most of considerable shifts in the pattern of demand, 2021 and declines only gradually thereafter. most notably away from services, which have The upside scenario assumes a sequence of been most affected by activity restrictions, positive health outcomes that enable a faster towards goods. This has supported a rapid easing of restrictions on activity and boost recovery in global trade and industrial confidence and thus spending. The unemploy- production. The export sectors in China and ment rate would fall more quickly under this some other Asian economies have therefore scenario, falling below 5 per cent by the end of expanded strongly, particularly for producers of next year. Inflation would also rise a little faster, semiconductors and household goods. These but would still be below 2 per cent by end of economies have also benefited from relatively the forecast period in mid 2023. good control over the virus, so their domestic Monetary policy has helped support the economic recoveries are also generally more economy by ensuring that financial conditions advanced than elsewhere. remain highly accommodative. The Bank The strong rebound in industrial demand has announced another package of monetary policy supported an increase in commodity prices in measures in November. This included lower recent months. Strong growth in Chinese steel rates for the cash rate target, bond yield target, production, both for industrial uses and Term Funding Facility and remuneration on domestic construction, has boosted iron ore exchange settlement balances. It also included a prices and thus Australia’s terms of trade. It has program to purchase $100 billion of govern- also put upward pressure on the value of the ment bonds over a period of about 6 months. Australian dollar, which is in the upper end of Last year’s monetary policy package is working the range of recent years. broadly as expected and is supporting the As in previous Statements, the forecasts are economy. The changes have contributed to a presented in the form of 3 scenarios, this time further easing in financial conditions and helped representing different outcomes related to the ensure that the banking system is able to spread of the virus and the rollout of vaccines. provide the credit that is needed for the The degree of uncertainty on this dimension has recovery. Short-term interest rates have declined narrowed as the Australian public health system further to historical lows; together with the has prevented several small outbreaks from reduced interest rate on the Term Funding spreading more widely. The baseline forecast Facility, this has lowered bank funding costs and assumes that no further large outbreaks of flowed through to even lower borrowing rates COVID-19 occur in Australia, though there could for households and businesses, and thus be a few small outbreaks on the scale seen over stronger cash flows. With 3 months’ experience, the past couple of months. Domestic activity the bond purchase program is working as restrictions are assumed to ease over the course intended, and government bond markets of this year. Australia’s international borders are continue to function well. While the brighter assumed to remain closed until at least the end global outlook has lifted long-dated bond yields of the year. globally, Australian long-term government bond In the downside scenario, further large yields are about 30 basis points lower because of outbreaks require broad activity restrictions to the program than they otherwise would have be reimposed, though not the extended been. The exchange rate is also lower than it lockdowns contemplated in previous downside otherwise would have been. scenarios. In this scenario, the unemployment S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 3
Accommodative financial conditions have supported balance sheets and lifted asset prices, including housing prices. New lending to owner-occupiers has picked up noticeably in recent months, and growth in housing credit to owner-occupiers has also increased. Growth in investor credit and business credit is weak. Firms have been raising additional funds in debt and equity markets, and some firms have benefited from higher cash flows and retained earnings. At its February meeting, the Reserve Bank Board decided to maintain the targets of 10 basis points for the cash rate and the yield on 3-year Australian Government bonds, as well as the parameters of the Term Funding Facility. The Board remains committed to do what it can to support the economy through the recovery, by maintaining highly supportive monetary conditions until its goals are achieved, which is still some way off. In light of the outlook and the international context, the Board decided to purchase an additional $100 billion of bonds issued by the Australian Government and states and territories when the current bond purchase program is completed in mid April. These additional purchases will be at the current rate of $5 billion a week. The Board will not increase the cash rate until actual inflation is sustainably within the 2 to 3 per cent target range. For this to occur, wages growth will have to be materially higher than it is currently. This will require significant gains in employment and a return to a tight labour market. The Board does not expect these conditions to be met until 2024 at the earliest. 4 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
1. The International Environment Following a strong rebound in global activity in at historically low levels, although they have the September quarter, the economic recovery risen in a number of countries, reflecting expec- lost a little momentum late last year following a tations of further fiscal stimulus and the resurgence of COVID-19 infections and a improvement in the outlook. significant tightening in activity restrictions in some economies. But in China and a small The resurgence in infections in late number of other economies where infection 2020 has slowed the global recovery, numbers have remained low, economic activity although the rollout of vaccinations is has rebounded strongly to pre-pandemic levels. supporting the outlook The unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy The resurgence in COVID-19 cases since late last response continues to support activity in many year has affected many economies and a economies, including in Australia. number have seen hospitalisations surpass their The approval of a number of effective vaccines earlier peaks (Graph 1.1). Containment measures in recent months raises the prospect of a more have been tightened and extended in many rapid improvement in health outcomes, but it locations. In parts of Western Europe, lockdown will take some time for vaccines to be rolled out measures have become almost as restrictive as on a sufficient scale to contain the virus. While they were during the initial wave of the global growth forecasts for the coming year pandemic and are likely to remain in place for have increased a little relative to the November much of the Northern Hemisphere winter. The Statement on Monetary Policy, the significant rollout of vaccines should start to reduce the disruption to the global economy from the effects of the virus, but just how quickly this pandemic, and consequent substantial spare occurs will depend on the speed of production productive capacity, is likely to keep inflation low and distribution. Access to vaccines is currently for some time. very limited in most emerging market Monetary policy settings remain very economies. accommodative globally and central banks have The resurgence in infections and the tightening indicated that they will remain so for some time. of containment measures dampened economic Broader financial conditions continue to support activity around the turn of the year (Graph 1.2). economic growth. Credit risk premiums have Population mobility has remained well below narrowed, equity prices have rallied and pre-pandemic levels (Graph 1.3). Nevertheless, investment flows to emerging markets have the economic impact of the resurgence of increased. These developments reflect positive infections and associated lockdowns is expected sentiment around the ongoing rollout of to be smaller than during the initial outbreak. vaccines, new fiscal stimulus measures, as well as There are various reasons for this: current expectations of ongoing monetary policy lockdowns are generally more targeted; accommodation. Sovereign bond yields remain businesses and households have adapted to S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 5
carrying on economic activity during lockdown Global trade and production have conditions; and personal protective equipment continued to recover (PPE) is more readily available. Consumer The resilience in goods demand supported the spending will also be supported by ongoing recovery in global goods trade and industrial fiscal and monetary policy measures and the production during the second part of 2020 prospect of the pandemic moving into a less (Graph 1.4). This partly reflects consumers disruptive phase as mass vaccinations roll out. To substituting towards goods as spending on date, reported GDP outcomes for the December consumer services has fallen. Demand for quarter have been stronger than expected in electronics has been especially strong, driven by many economies. remote working. This has boosted exports from China and other east Asian economies, as the region is a significant producer of semi- conductors and other electronics. A shortage of shipping capacity from Asia has lengthened supplier delivery times to other regions and the Graph 1.1 broader recovery in goods consumption has COVID-19 Hospitalisations pushed up producer input prices globally. Per million of population no no Italy Global trade arrangements continue 600 600 to evolve France Some of the political tensions of recent years 400 400 Spain that affected global trade are in a period of United Kingdom United States transition. The European Union and the United 200 200 Canada Kingdom reached a trade agreement in late December, which should limit large-scale 0 0 F M A M J J A S O N D J disruptions to a key trading relationship 2020 2021 Source: Our World in Data following Brexit. Meanwhile, it is yet to be seen how the US–China trade relationship will evolve under the new US Administration following Graph 1.2 GDP in 2020 % % Graph 1.3 5 5 Population Mobility Deviation from January 2020, smoothed 0 0 % % Australia High-income east Asia -5 -5 0 0 -20 -20 -10 -10 Canada Japan -40 -40 -15 -15 Middle-income east Asia -60 -60 New Zealand -20 -20 % % Peak-to-trough Recovery up to the September quarter Germany -25 -25 0 0 Change to the December quarter* United States -20 -20 -30 -30 France Taiwan Vietnam Norway South Korea Hong Kong Australia Indonesia Sweden Japan China Netherlands Germany Thailand New Zealand Canada Singapore Euro area Italy Malaysia France Philippines United States United Kingdom Spain India -40 -40 Spain United Kingdom -60 -60 Italy -80 -80 FMAM J J A SOND J FMAM J J A SOND J 2020 2021 2020 2021 * Forecasts used where December quarter GDP has not yet been Sources: Google LLC (2021), ‘Google COVID-19 Community Mobility reported Reports’, available at Sources: ABS; CEIC Data; Consensus Economics; RBA; Refinitiv viewed on 4 February 2021; RBA 6 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
years of significant trade tensions. China appears ability to avoid large-scale outbreaks of the virus unlikely to have met their purchase since early 2020 and to effectively target commitments under the ‘Phase One’ trade deal economic policy support measures. The early with the United States; as of November, China stages of the recovery were driven by had only met a little over half of the 2020 target. construction-related investment and production, partly because fiscal spending was Demand for manufactured goods has largely directed towards infrastructure projects. supported east Asia’s recovery … Consistent with this, production of construction- The broad-based strength in east Asian goods related products, such as steel, rose notably over exports has supported growth in the region 2020 (Graph 1.7). Fixed asset investment also (Graph 1.5). Demand from China has been continued to recover in the December quarter, resilient and exports to the major advanced albeit moderating from the very high growth economies surpassed pre-pandemic levels by rates seen earlier in the year. November 2020. However, the recovery in Consumption continued to recover in the domestic spending has been slowed by a December quarter and consumption patterns resurgence in COVID-19 infections and tighter containment measures across the region. Population mobility associated with retail and Graph 1.5 entertainment activity has declined in most of East Asia – Exports US$b By type* index By destination these economies since late 2020 (Graph 1.6). 2019 average = 100 Major advanced economies Semi-conductors 60 120 … while domestic activity has China recovered to above pre-pandemic levels 45 100 in China Other Intra-regional After contracting sharply in early 2020, the 30 80 Chinese economy has largely recovered, Other growing by 6.5 per cent in 2020 in year-ended 15 2016 2018 2020 2016 2018 2020 60 terms. Activity is now well above pre-pandemic * Includes South Korea and Taiwan Sources: CEIC Data; RBA; Refinitiv levels in most parts of the economy. This economic resilience has stemmed from China’s Graph 1.6 East Asia – Retail and Recreation Mobility* Graph 1.4 Deviations from January 2020 baseline, smoothed % % Trade, Production and Consumption South Korea 0 0 Year-ended growth % % -25 -25 World Major advanced economies* Hong Kong -50 -50 Thailand Malaysia 15 15 -75 -75 Goods consumption % % Indonesia Taiwan 0 0 0 0 -25 -25 Industrial Singapore production -50 -50 Philippines -15 -15 -75 -75 Vietnam Trade Services consumption -100 -100 FMAM J J A SOND J FMAM J J A SOND J 2020 2021 2020 2021 -30 -30 * Based on GPS readings around retail & recreation locations 2008 2014 2020 2008 2014 2020 Sources: Google LLC (2021), ‘Google COVID-19 Community Mobility * Includes the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan Reports’, available at Sources: CEIC Data; RBA; Refinitiv viewed on 4 February 2021; RBA S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 7
have begun to normalise. Household consump- accommodative monetary policy stance as it tion of essential items, such as food and rental seeks to balance assistance for China’s economic services, remained relatively stable over 2020, recovery with limiting the build-up of risks in the while consumption of discretionary services, financial system. such as eating out and cultural & entertainment Chinese policymakers have overseen some services, only reached pre-pandemic levels in tightening of conditions in financial markets the December quarter. Consumption of these alongside the economic recovery so far, while services could decline again if restrictions are maintaining other stimulatory policies. In tightened materially in response to the small particular, bank lending rates and reserve resurgence of COVID-19 cases in north-east requirement ratios (RRRs) remain low, and a raft China. of other measures aimed at encouraging the Chinese export growth picked up over 2020 and flow of credit to small and private businesses contributed significantly to overall growth remain in place (Graph 1.9). These measures saw (Graph 1.8). Among the drivers of this growth in growth in total social financing (TSF) increase exports has been strong global demand for over 2020, consistent with the stated goal of goods and the swift rebound in industrial authorities to support the recovery with notably production in China. Earlier in 2020 demand was higher credit growth (Graph 1.10). The faster strongest for PPE, medical supplies and pace of TSF growth over 2020 was also partly computers; more recently the growth has been driven by strong issuance of government bonds, more broad based. Imports also picked up in the a high share of which was related to infras- second half of 2020, but by a smaller margin tructure activity. This was partly offset by a than exports. reduction in lending by the more opaque channels of the financial system, following Chinese financial conditions remain actions by regulators. accommodative but authorities are alert Though corporate financing conditions remain to financial risks accommodative in general, there was a Financial conditions in China continue to tightening in the corporate bond market around support growth and employment. The People’s the turn of the year. Corporate bond spreads Bank of China (PBC) is maintaining a moderately rose and issuance became more difficult following defaults in November by several Graph 1.7 China – Activity Indicators* Graph 1.8 December 2019 = 100 index Industrial production Fixed asset investment index China – GDP Growth Year-ended with contributions % % 120 120 Steel Infrastructure products Real estate 5 5 100 100 Crude steel Construction materials 80 80 0 0 Construction equipment Manufacturing 60 60 -5 -5 GDP growth Investment 40 40 Consumption Net exports D M J S D D M J S D 2019 2020 2019 2020 -10 -10 * Seasonally adjusted by the RBA 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Sources: CEIC Data; RBA Sources: CEIC Data; RBA 8 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
enterprises owned by local governments, which in place for some time. TSF growth is expected have historically benefited from substantial to moderate over 2021 as authorities aim to government support (Graph 1.11). Authorities keep overall debt levels in the economy stable have warned that more defaults will occur in the relative to GDP. future to help ensure that markets price risks appropriately. The renminbi has appreciated further Authorities have affirmed that reducing risk in The renminbi has appreciated since mid last year the financial system remains a key policy reflecting the recovery in Chinese economic objective and that it will be necessary to tighten activity and higher interest rates relative to those monetary conditions further at some point of advanced economies, which have during the recovery. However, authorities have encouraged bond and equity inflows. This has also emphasised that any reduction in policy occurred alongside a broad-based depreciation accommodation will be gradual. In particular, in the US dollar, and the renminbi has policymakers have indicated that targeted appreciated by around 11 per cent against the measures supporting certain segments of the US dollar to its highest level since 2018 economy such as smaller firms are likely to stay (Graph 1.12). Capital inflows have also been associated with Graph 1.9 China’s inclusion in some global fixed income China – Financial Conditions benchmarks last year and gradual % % Bond and money markets Lending rates RRRs improvements in foreign access to securities 7-day General bank Large markets. Foreign holdings of renminbi- lending rate institutions repo rate* 4 15 denominated assets have increased further, although foreign participation remains low by Average Medium mortgage rate institutions international standards (Graph 1.13). Since the 2 10 beginning of the year, authorities have eased 5-year government Small bond yield Medium-term institutions restrictions on Chinese cross-border lending and lending facility 0 5 tightened restrictions for cross-border 2017 2021 2017 2021 2017 2021 * 14-day average borrowing, while quotas for portfolio investment Sources: Bloomberg; CEIC data; RBA abroad have been increased. These adjustments Graph 1.10 Graph 1.11 China – Total Social Financing Corporate Bond Spreads* Year-ended growth By ownership of issuer % % bps bps 30 30 300 300 Private 20 20 200 200 Total* Local SOE 10 10 Total excluding 100 100 government bonds Central SOE 0 0 2008 2011 2014 2017 2020 0 0 M J S D M J S D M * Measure targeted by authorities; government bond issuance includes 2019 2020 2021 refinancing of debts previously included elsewhere in TSF; RBA estimates prior to 2016 * Average spread across all maturities longer than 6 months Sources: CEIC Data; RBA Sources: RBA; Wind Information S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 9
have been consistent with the stated goals of Nonetheless, overall economic activity is still promoting a two-way opening of the capital below pre-pandemic levels, particularly in parts account and having a more flexible, market- of the services sector. determined exchange rate. To date, concerns around fiscal space and high inflation have limited the amount of fiscal and India’s economic recovery has gained monetary support provided by the Indian momentum authorities. However, the recent Indian budget In India, the pace of economic recovery has suggests fiscal expenditure will increase this year strengthened alongside a decline in COVID-19 and further declines in headline inflation, as cases and a further relaxation of restrictions. currently forecast, could provide scope for Following severe disruptions during India’s initial further monetary policy easing if required. lockdown, industrial production has continued to recover and steel production is now around The recovery in industrial demand has pre-pandemic levels. Steel demand is led to a sharp increase in supporting an increase in demand for Australian commodity prices coking coal exports to India (Graph 1.14; see The ongoing recovery in industrial production in ‘Domestic Economic Conditions’ chapter). China and parts of Asia is supporting the price of commodities, including some key exports for Australia. Iron ore, coal and oil-related Graph 1.12 commodity prices have all increased sharply Chinese Renminbi and Interest Rate Differential index Yuan per US$ yuan over the past 3 months, and most other (RHS, inverted) 104 6.4 commodity prices are also higher. That said, 100 6.8 momentum in some commodity prices has 96 Trade-weighted index* 7.2 moderated more recently. (LHS) bps bps China-US interest rate differential** The benchmark iron ore price has increased by 300 300 around 30 per cent since the previous Statement 200 200 (Table 1.1). Although the price has eased a little 100 100 since late January, it remains around its highest 0 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 level since 2013 (Graph 1.15). This has reflected * Indexed to 1 January 2018=100 ** 5-year government bond yields Sources: Bloomberg; Chinese Foreign Exchange Trade System Graph 1.14 India – Steel Production Graph 1.13 and Coking Coal Imports* Quarterly Foreign Holdings of RMB Assets Mt Mt CNYtr CNYtr Coking coal imports Equity Bond Loan Deposit from Australia (RHS) 25 11 6 6 20 8 4 4 15 5 2 2 Steel production (LHS) 10 2 0 0 2008 2011 2014 2017 2020 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 * Seasonally adjusted by the RBA Source: CEIC Sources: ABS; CEIC Data; RBA 10 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
(a) Table 1.1: Commodity Price Changes Per cent Since previous Statement Over the past year Bulk commodities 36 58 – Iron ore 31 83 – Coking coal 45 1 – Thermal coal 58 35 Rural 9 10 Base metals 6 18 Gold –7 12 Brent crude oil(b) 46 7 RBA ICP 16 20 – Using spot prices for bulk commodities 23 27 (a) Prices from the RBA Index of Commodity Prices (ICP); bulk commodity prices are spot prices (b) In US dollars Sources: Bloomberg; IHS Markit; RBA ongoing strength in Chinese steel production stronger demand outside China and previous and supply issues, including a weaker outlook disruptions to Australian supply arising from for Brazilian production and, to a lesser extent, weather-related damage to port infrastructure. scheduled maintenance and weather-related Coking coal prices have also increased sharply in disruptions in Australian supply. The surge in recent weeks but remain at a significant prices in December prompted China’s Dalian discount relative to domestic Chinese prices, Commodity Exchange to tighten limits on partly reflecting uncertainty surrounding trading, reportedly to address speculative Chinese demand for Australian coal. Higher activity in the iron ore futures market. demand for coking coal elsewhere, particularly The Newcastle thermal coal spot price has from India, has provided support to prices. increased sharply since late 2020 because of The price of Brent crude oil has increased by around 45 per cent since the previous Statement and is now back around levels observed prior to Graph 1.15 the onset of the pandemic (Graph 1.16). The Bulk Commodity Prices USD, 2015 average = 100 price received by Australian Liquefied Natural index index Gas (LNG) exporters is linked to oil prices with a Coking coal Iron ore lag and will therefore increase over the next 300 300 couple of quarters. The Asian LNG spot price spiked to a record level in mid January following 200 200 strong Northern Hemisphere winter demand and concerns of a global supply shortfall. The 100 100 Thermal coal price has since decreased, amid an easing in peak demand and greater availability of spot 0 0 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 cargoes. Sources: Bloomberg; IHS Markit; RBA S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 11
There is significant spare capacity in Spare capacity in labour markets, evident in advanced economies, keeping broad measures of underutilisation, will weigh inflation low on wages growth and underlying inflation for Economic activity at the end of 2020 remained some time. While inflation in the prices of goods below pre-pandemic levels across advanced has picked up in most advanced economies economies. Significant spare capacity remains in since June, reflecting both supply disruptions labour markets in advanced economies despite and increased demand, this has been offset by the rebound in global activity in the September disinflation in services prices; services inflation quarter. The extent of this shortfall has varied has been volatile due to policy changes to across economies, depending on health support spending in the sector, including outcomes and the stringency of restrictions, the temporary consumption tax reductions. In the size of the services sector (which has faced case of headline inflation, the increase in oil significant headwinds throughout the prices since November will provide a boost, but pandemic) and the scale of fiscal and monetary the effects will be offset in part by the significant support. easing in food inflation as production disruptions have subsided. Wage subsidy programs have operated in many advanced economies throughout the pandemic, Inflation remains low. It is expected to pick up with the United States a key exception. These towards central bank targets, but only very subsidies have supported the retention of gradually as the global recovery gains traction workers and kept many businesses afloat. In line and spare capacity in labour markets is with the intent of these programs, the labour eventually absorbed. Market-based and market adjustment in these economies has economists’ inflation expectations have occurred largely through a reduction in average increased (Graph 1.18). Prospects of significantly hours worked rather than a fall in employment more expansionary US fiscal policy in recent (Graph 1.17). This has resulted in a smaller months and very accommodative monetary increase in unemployment rates than otherwise. policy have also supported the increase in The number of workers supported by wage market-based inflation expectations. subsidies had significantly fallen by mid last year, but reliance on these programs has increased again in some economies that have tightened containment measures. Graph 1.17 Cumulative Change in Hours Worked Contributions since December 2019 Graph 1.16 % United States Canada Australia % 0 0 Oil and LNG Prices US$/b US$/ -10 -10 Brent oil MMBtu (LHS) 125 25 -20 -20 Japan and Korea LNG spot (RHS) % 100 20 Japan Italy United Kingdom* % 0 0 75 15 -10 -10 50 10 -20 -20 -30 -30 25 5 M J S D M J S D M J S D 2020 2020 2020 0 0 Employment Average hours worked Total hours worked 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 * United Kingdom data are derived from the weekly Labour Force Survey Sources: Bloomberg; RBA; Refinitiv Sources: CEIC Data; Office for National Statistics; RBA; Refinitiv 12 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
Fiscal policy support has been extended Central banks in advanced economies Fiscal policy has provided critical support to continue to provide significant household and business incomes throughout monetary policy support the pandemic, particularly in advanced Monetary policy settings in advanced economies. This support is likely to be required economies remain highly accommodative and for some time as a result of the latest upswing in are expected to remain so for some time given COVID-19 infections, the recent period of significant spare capacity and subdued outlooks intensive lockdowns and the significant amount for inflation. Indeed, in recent months, several of spare capacity remaining in many economies. central banks have extended the timeframe for European governments have increased fiscal which existing monetary stimulus will be in support measures, mainly through extended place. The European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of wage subsidies and business transfers. The US England (BoE), Bank of Japan (BoJ) and Swedish authorities approved a further large expansion Riksbank recently expanded the size of their of fiscal policy (4 per cent of GDP) in late 2020, asset purchase programs and extended their which extended unemployment benefits, horizon until the end of 2021 or later (Table 1.2). reintroduced forgivable loans to businesses that The Chair of the US Federal Reserve (Fed) maintain employment levels and provided indicated that, consistent with the Fed’s updated another round of direct transfers to households forward guidance, any tapering of Fed asset (Graph 1.19). The prospects of a further fiscal purchases was unlikely in the near term, and expansion have increased significantly after the would be gradual and signalled well ahead of Democrats secured a majority in both chambers time. of the United States Congress. Many advanced A number of central banks have also made economies have announced substantial funding changes to their lending facilities, or launched for their mass vaccination programs. And some new facilities, to encourage the flow of credit to economies, including Japan, the European the real economy (Graph 1.20). The ECB Union and Canada, have announced very extended by a year the period during which sizeable fiscal policy measures for the recovery banks will receive a discounted interest rate on phase that emphasise ‘green’ and digital borrowings under its term funding scheme and investment. Graph 1.19 Graph 1.18 Direct Fiscal Response* Per cent of 2019 GDP Inflation and Inflation Expectations % % Year-ended Canada % % New Zealand United States* Euro area Japan 15 15 Market expectations** Economists’ United Japan expectations*** States 2 2 10 10 Core High-income Euro area east Asia** 5 5 0 0 United Kingdom 0 0 F M A M J J A S O N D J 2020 2021 -2 -2 2017 2021 2017 2021 2017 2021 * Includes state government stimulus for Canada and Germany; excludes loan guarantees and unallocated funds; based on published * Personal consumption expenditure inflation estimates ** Implied from 5-year, 5-year forward inflation swaps ** GDP-weighted average of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea *** Consensus; average of 4- and 5-years ahead and Taiwan Sources: Bloomberg; Consensus Economics; RBA; Refinitiv Sources: IMF; national sources; RBA; Refinitiv; Reuters S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 13
(a) Table 1.2: Central Bank Government Bond Purchase Programs Programs announced since 3 March 2020 End date Purchase target Purchases to date Nominal Per cent of GDP Fed Open-ended Unlimited US$2.3tn 11 ECB March 2022 €1850bn(b) €982.7bn 8 BoJ Open-ended Unlimited (yield curve control) ¥44.3tn 8 BoE End 2021 £440bn £313.8bn 15 BoC Open-ended Unlimited C$294.2bn 13 RBNZ June 2022 NZ$100bn NZ$45.8bn 13 Riksbank End 2021 SEK700bn(b) SEK123.3bn 3 RBA Open-ended Unlimited (3-year yield target) A$72.3bn 4 April 2021 A$100bn A$55bn 3 September 2021 A$100bn A$0bn 0 (a) Includes state and local government debt. Includes purchases to alleviate market dysfunction and purchases made as part of pre- announced bond purchase programs; RBA purchases to alleviate market dysfunction are included in 3-year yield target purchases (b) Includes private sector asset purchases increased the borrowing limit. The BoE extended reduced its primary market purchases of the duration of its term funding scheme by Treasury Bills. 6 months to October 2021, while the BoJ Central banks continue to signal that policy rates extended the duration of its lending facilities will remain at very low levels until there is and removed the upper limit on loans provided sustained progress towards employment and to each bank for some facilities. Also, the Reserve inflation goals. In the United States, most Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) introduced a members of the Federal Open Market Funding for Lending Programme (FLP). The FLP Committee (FOMC) expect the policy rate to will provide funding for 3-year terms at a floating remain unchanged until at least 2023, consistent interest rate equal to the prevailing policy rate, with forward guidance that the policy rate will with the borrowing limit tied to a bank’s volume of lending to the non-financial private sector. Graph 1.20 While broad-based stimulus is expected to Term Funding Schemes continue for some time, central banks have Per cent of GDP % % continued to scale back measures aimed at Usage Maximum size alleviating dysfunction or supporting the flow of 24 24 credit in particular markets as conditions in 18 18 these markets have improved. A number of Fed emergency lending facilities were closed in 12 12 December (Graph 1.21). The ECB reduced its holdings of commercial paper and has lowered 6 6 the pace of private sector asset purchases. The 0 0 Fed ECB BoJ* BoE Riksbank RBA** RBNZ Bank of Canada (BoC) discontinued its purchases * Total usage and size of two lending facilities introduced in 2020 of provincial money market securities, and ** Total size includes current initial and additional allowances Sources: Central banks; RBA; Refinitiv 14 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
not be increased until the labour market has frameworks and tools in the coming year. An reached maximum employment and inflation independent review of the BoE’s approach to has risen to 2 per cent and is on track to quantitative easing (QE) found that the moderately exceed 2 per cent for some time. In programs had been delivered effectively, but Europe and Japan, rates are expected to remain recommended more work to improve technical at current or lower levels for the foreseeable understanding and build public understanding future. In the United Kingdom market pricing and trust in QE as a monetary policy tool. suggests that the BoE will lower the policy rate Meanwhile, the BoJ is reviewing the by 10 basis points to zero per cent by end 2021 sustainability of its policy measures given that it (Graph 1.22). In New Zealand, market has accumulated a large share of equity participants expect the policy rate to remain exchange traded funds and government bonds unchanged in 2021. on issue. The ECB expects to conclude its Some central banks will undertake or announce monetary policy strategy review in the second the results of reviews of monetary policy half of the year. Government bond yields have Graph 1.21 increased, but remain low US Federal Reserve Emergency Facilities US$bn Facilities expiring Facilities expiring in 2021 US$bn Long-term government bond yields have 31 December 2020 increased in most advanced economies since 750 750 the end of November (Graph 1.23). This is partly Usage Treasury backstop because the economic outlook has improved, Size 500 500 related to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, although this has been tempered by rising 250 250 COVID-19 cases and new containment measures in some economies. Expectations of new fiscal 0 0 stimulus measures, particularly in the United Term asset-backed Municipal debt lending program Corporate debt Primary dealer Money market mutual Commercial paper Paycheck protection program liquidity purchases purchases securities loan Main street States, have also contributed to higher govern- credit* fund liquidity* funding* ment bond yields. The recent rise in government bond yields has * No upper limit mostly been reflected in an increase in inflation Sources: Refinitiv; US Federal Reserve Graph 1.23 Graph 1.22 10-year Government Bond Yields Policy Rate Expectations % % % % 2 2 NZ 2 2 1 US 1 Japan 0 0 Australia 1 1 Euro area % % US UK 2 2 Canada Australia 0 0 1 1 Germany UK 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 M J S D M J S D M 2017 2019 2021 2017 2019 2021 2019 2020 2021 Sources: Bloomberg; RBA Source: Bloomberg S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 15
compensation, whereas real yields have containment measures in a number of major declined or remained stable at low levels economies. (Graph 1.24). This is consistent with expectations Corporate bond yields and credit spreads have that policy rates will not be raised until there is a declined further in recent months (Graph 1.27). substantial and sustained increase in inflation, in Borrowing costs are currently around record line with strong forward guidance from central lows in the United States and Europe, and banks, most notably the Fed. issuance conditions remain favourable for both Sovereign debt issuance is expected to remain investment grade and sub-investment grade elevated to fund ongoing fiscal deficits. Most borrowers. major central banks have purchased (in Equity prices have increased significantly over secondary markets) the equivalent of more than recent months. Bank share prices have half of net government debt issuance since the outperformed other sectors, especially in the start of the pandemic, which has contributed to keeping bond yields low and stable (Graph 1.25; Graph 1.26). In most cases, central banks have Graph 1.25 indicated that they expect to continue Sovereign Debt Issuance and Central Bank Purchases purchasing at around the same pace until at Cumulative since 1 March 2020, per cent of September 2020 GDP % US UK % least the end of 2021, which is likely to comprise 24 24 a significant share of new issuance this year. Sovereign debt 16 16 issuance* 8 8 Central bank 0 0 Corporate funding conditions in purchases* % Euro area Japan % advanced economies are highly 24 24 accommodative 16 Forecast 16 8 8 Corporate funding conditions have been 0 0 supported by expectations that widespread -8 -8 MAM J J A S ON D J FMMAM J J A S ON D J FM vaccination will allow economic activity to 2020 2021 2020 2021 * normalise in the second half of 2021, alongside Net of maturities Sources: BoE; BoJ; ECB; Fed; National Debt Management Entities; Refinitiv; UBS ongoing fiscal and monetary support. Conditions have improved further despite the recent resurgence in infections and Graph 1.26 Sovereign Debt Issuance and Central Bank Purchases Graph 1.24 Cumulative since 1 March 2020, per cent of September 2020 GDP % Australia NZ % 10-year Government Bonds 24 24 % % Forecast Real Inflation compensation Sovereign debt 16 16 issuance* 2 2 8 8 0 0 1 1 % % Canada Sweden 24 24 Japan 0 0 16 16 8 8 US Central bank -1 -1 0 0 purchases* -8 -8 Germany MAM J J A S ON D J FMMAM J J A S ON D J FM -2 -2 2020 2021 2020 2021 J FMAM J J A SOND J FM J FMAM J J A SOND J FM * Net of maturities 2020 2021 2020 2021 Sources: BoC; National Debt Management Entities; RBA; RBNZ; Sources: Bloomberg; RBA Refinitiv; Riksbank 16 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
United States, amid a substantial recovery in Conditions in short-term US dollar funding profits for the December quarter (Graph 1.28). markets remain accommodative. The cost of The improved economic outlook is expected to borrowing US dollars in foreign exchange swap support bank profits via lower loan losses (and markets increased towards the end of 2020, loss provisioning), a steeper yield curve and although year-end funding pressures were less potentially greater lending activity. Bank share acute than in some previous years. These prices have also benefited from an easing in funding pressures can emerge because restrictions on share buybacks in a number of regulatory factors discourage large banks in the countries. In the United States, shares in a United States and Europe from intermediating number of small companies experienced activity over the year-end period. In contrast, sizeable swings in prices in early 2021 alongside unsecured borrowing rates in US onshore heightened retail investor activity. As a result of markets remained low and stable over this this volatility, brokers faced significantly higher period (Graph 1.29). margin requirements to clear equity trades in certain companies; in response, some online The US dollar has depreciated brokers restricted purchases of these shares to significantly reduce their own exposures. The US dollar has depreciated further on a trade- weighted (TWI) basis since early November and is around 11 per cent lower than its peak in Graph 1.27 March 2020 (Graph 1.30). Since early November, Corporate Bond Markets % Yield (US dollar) Yield (Euro) % the depreciation of the US dollar has been 12 12 High yield consistent with expectations of a stronger 9 9 6 6 recovery in global growth and a general 3 3 improvement in risk sentiment. Investment grade bps bps Spread (US dollar)* Spread (Euro)* The euro has been little changed over recent 1,200 1,200 900 900 months, while the UK pound appreciated in the 600 600 lead-up to the post-Brexit trade deal that was 300 300 reached in December; even so the UK pound 0 0 2017 2021 2017 2021 * Spread to equivalent maturity government bond yield Source: ICE Data is used with permission Graph 1.29 US Dollar Money Market Rates Spread to 3 month OIS* bps bps Graph 1.28 Unsecured rates FX swaps*** Financial Equity Prices commercial 1 January 2019 = 100 200 200 paper** index index United States Euro area United Kingdom JPY 150 150 S&P 500 100 100 Euro STOXX 125 125 EUR LIBOR FTSE 100 100 100 0 0 AUD Non-financial commercial paper 75 75 S&P 500 banks -100 -100 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 50 50 Euro STOXX FTSE banks * Overnight indexed swaps banks ** Data unavailable from 27 March to 6 May and 4 June to 12 June 25 25 due to insufficient trading volumes 2019 2021 2019 2021 2019 2021 *** 3 month LIBOR minus 3 month FX swap basis Source: Bloomberg Sources: Bloomberg; RBA; Refinitiv S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 17
remains well below its level prior to the Brexit as having entered the crisis with stronger referendum in 2016. The currencies of most fundamentals than other regions, including other advanced economies, including Australia, stronger economic growth and more fiscal have also appreciated over recent months (see space. ‘Domestic Financial Conditions’ chapter for Some EMEs remain vulnerable to changing recent developments in the Australian dollar). conditions related to the health and economic crisis. While there has been a general Financial conditions in emerging improvement in financial conditions since the markets have improved onset of the pandemic, they remain tighter for Financial conditions in emerging market more vulnerable EMEs, most notably South economies (EMEs) have improved in recent Africa and Turkey. Developments over the past months. Policy rates for most EMEs have been year in these 2 countries have exacerbated pre- little changed at low levels and a number of EME existing vulnerabilities such as weak economic central banks have indicated that the scope for growth, large fiscal deficits and reliance on further policy easing is limited. Yields on bonds external financing. denominated in local currency remain around The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has record lows for most EMEs, despite recent continued to expand its provision of financial increases in Latin America. Equity prices have assistance. In general, IMF lending is beginning risen further, there have been large investment to transition from emergency support to longer- inflows and currencies have generally term, reform-based programs. In recognition of appreciated against the US dollar. Spreads on the particular challenges faced by low-income government and corporate bonds denominated countries, G20 members agreed upon a in US dollars have continued to narrow but common framework to guide the restructuring remain above their pre-pandemic levels. of official sector debt in those countries facing Financial conditions in emerging Asia have debt distress. generally been more favourable than in other regions over the past year (Graph 1.31). That is because the region has benefited from the recovery in global trade and production as well Graph 1.31 Emerging Markets - Financial Conditions Graph 1.30 % Government bond yields* Equity prices** index Trade-weighted Exchange Rates 8 120 Latin America Asia*** 1 January 2018 = 100 7 100 index index 6 80 5 60 115 115 Japanese yen index Exchange rates** Cumulative flows to funds**** % (against the US dollar) 110 110 100 3 Europe, Middle East 90 0 and Africa 105 105 Euro 80 -3 US dollar 70 -6 100 100 J FMAM J J A SOND J F J FMAM J J A SOND J F 2020 2021 2020 2021 * Local currency bonds, weighted by market value 95 95 ** 1 Jan 2020 = 100 M J S D M J S D M J S D M *** Excluding China 2018 2019 2020 2021 **** Per cent of assets under management; includes flows to bond Sources: BIS; Bloomberg; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and equity funds System Sources: Bloomberg; EPFR Global; IMF; JPMorgan; MSCI; RBA 18 R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
Ongoing policy support and mass • Some economies may have to tighten vaccinations should enable a durable containment measures further or keep them economic recovery in place for longer, which raises near-term A successful rollout of mass vaccinations downside risks. Challenges posed by virus globally should allow a durable unwinding of mutations are increasing, as more social distancing measures and an increase in contagious variants of the virus are economic activity over the course of 2021. Even spreading globally and the high level of still, the level of global economic activity is infections increases the possibility that expected to remain below its pre-pandemic further new mutations may emerge. trajectory which will keep inflationary pressures • Further out, the outlook assumes that low and mean that fiscal and monetary policy vulnerability to the virus in advanced support will be required for some time. economies will have fallen significantly by Australia’s major trading partners’ GDP is the second half of 2021 owing to the rollout expected to grow by 7 per cent in 2021 and by of vaccinations. Achieving this time frame 4½ per cent in 2022 in year-average terms will require significant mobilisation of (Graph 1.32). The outlook is a little stronger than resources. at the time of the November Statement. Part of • Fiscal policy could be significantly more this upgrade stems from a better starting point: expansionary than expected, especially in activity was generally stronger than expected in the United States, which should boost the September quarter and recent virus growth but may also put upward pressure outbreaks do not appear to have fully offset this. on bond yields and tighten financial Further out, improved prospects for the mass conditions. Conversely, a premature rollout of vaccines have also contributed to a winding-down of policy support could stronger outlook. precipitate a downturn before the recovery However, the outlook remains highly uncertain was complete. due to near-term pandemic developments, the effectiveness of the rollout of vaccinations and The economic recovery is likely to be uncertainty around the path and traction of faster than typical but still incomplete future policy support: Overall, global economic activity is expected to recover faster than in a typical recession because much of the weakness has been the result of Graph 1.32 Global GDP Outlook mandated constraints rather than weak index March 2019 = 100 index demand. Also, in many advanced economies the Australia’s MTP* Global** scarring effects on the labour market are likely to 110 110 Feb ’20 SMP have been more limited than usual because of 105 105 proactive fiscal and monetary policy responses. Current 100 100 Support for private incomes, constrained consumption opportunities and precautionary 95 95 motives have led to a considerable build-up in 90 90 savings, which could significantly boost 85 85 consumption when the pandemic recedes. 2020 2022 2020 2022 * Australia’s major trading partner GDP; weighted by Australia's Despite the more positive outlook, the sheer export shares ** Weighted by purchasing power parity GDP Sources: ABS; CEIC Data; Consensus Economics; IMF; RBA; Refinitiv scale of the economic contraction in the first S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 1 19
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