FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse

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FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
Corporate Banking

FX Survey 2021.
Assessment of exchange
rate developments.
FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse


    Interview with Thomas Gottstein, CEO of Credit Suisse Group

    Credit Suisse FX Survey 2021

    Rosy outlook for Swiss exports

    Credit Suisse forecasts

    FX market - reflecting on 2020

    Planning and flexibility: Golden rules of currency hedging

    Currency hedging strategies for every market environment

    Interview with Dr. Andréa M. Maechler, member of the Governing
    Board of the Swiss National Bank

    Givaudan SA

    Thermoplan AG

    ArrowMetals and Trading

    1e pension plans

    Successful currency management

FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse

            Dear reader

            In spring of this year, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a global economic
            downturn and the world collectively held its breath. The summer months showed the
            opposite picture: Social life and consumption were up again, and the economy let out a sigh
            of relief. Key to this rapid recovery was the supply of liquidity and capital to companies.
            However, with the advent of the second wave, there was also a new downturn in economic
            output. At the same time, geopolitical risks have increased.

            In combination with the ongoing low-interest rate environment, turbulence from these risks
            has caused uncertainty in the past few months, particularly on the foreign exchange market.
            For Swiss companies that deal with different currencies as part of their business activities,
            hedging currency risks is more important than ever. Only then can long-term planning take
            place, even in a volatile environment. A substantial proportion of Swiss companies already
            rely on targeted currency hedging. In this context, the focus is mainly on the euro, followed
            by the US dollar as the second-most important foreign currency for our corporate clients.
            The euro zone remains the most important trading partner for Swiss companies. This is
            confirmed by the results of our survey for this year regarding the expectations for economic
            and exchange rate developments in 2021.

            However, the coronavirus pandemic has certainly taught us one thing: Unusual situations
            require a high degree of flexibility. This doesn’t just apply to the hedging of currency risks.
            Those companies that were able to rapidly adjust their business models to the new environ-
            ment were thus able to benefit. Being innovative and flexible – that also applies to us as a
            bank. With our my Solutions platform, we offer companies the option of conducting foreign
            exchange business online. And despite increasing digitalization, personal advice remains
            important. With our currency centers in Basel, Geneva, Lugano, St. Gallen, and Zurich, we
            remain regionally present. Thanks to our worldwide network of specialists, we can cover
            every need in the field of foreign exchange trading – from a simple currency exchange to
            the complex hedging of strategic transactions.

            Despite the strains, thanks to a high degree of diversification and innovative entrepreneur-
            ship, the Swiss economy has once again proved itself robust in 2020. We are now asking
            ourselves: What will happen in the new year? Read the assessments of Swiss companies
            and experts on this topic. Find out which strategies are likely to prove themselves in which
            market environment and gain insight into the hedging strategies of Swiss companies
            through exciting client interviews.

            We hope to provide you with interesting insight and inspiration for your business activities
            and wish you a pleasant read.

            Andreas Gerber
            Head of Corporate Banking

            Visit us on the internet at credit-suisse.com/fx.

                                                  FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   3
FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
Interview with Thomas Gottstein, CEO of Credit Suisse Group

Optimistic developments
in the domestic market

Mr. Gottstein, you’ve been Global CEO of                          In its FX Survey, now published for the fifth time,
Credit Suisse since February 2020. How have                       Credit Suisse looks at the expectations and challeng-
you found your first year or so in the role?                      es facing Swiss companies. What advice would you
It has been – and remains – a challenging time for                give companies with regard to foreign exchange
Credit Suisse, our employees, and our clients. Health is our      risks?
number one priority. Supporting the Swiss economy – in            Geopolitical risks have increased in recent years. That’s
particular by providing companies with liquidity and capi-        why we’re also seeing a greater degree of nervousness
tal – is likewise vital during this period. At the same time,     and uncertainty in global foreign exchange trading. Price
as a bank we need to be able to operate profitably in this        fluctuations often arrive unexpectedly in the foreign
challenging environment and have high levels of liquidity         exchange market, and can be severe. To avoid uncertainty,
and capitalization. Despite the crisis, we were able to make      entrepreneurs need to engage in forward planning, and
a number of important decisions for our bank. At a global         that includes the FX side of things. The hedging of foreign
level, we created a new structure for Investment Banking;         exchange risks increases planning certainty and helps
we also brought the risk and compliance functions together        companies focus on their core business.
in a single unit. In Switzerland, we decided to fully integrate
Neue Aargauer Bank, and in digital banking we made huge           The Swiss economy has overcome many crises in
strides with the launch of our innovative CSX offering.           the past, and even in the current environment we’re
Although the situation remains challenging, Credit Suisse         already seeing a return to more optimistic develop-
is very well positioned – so, I’m pleased to be able to look      ments in the domestic market. What, in your view,
back on a very intensive and rewarding time.                      are the reasons for the high degree of resilience
                                                                  shown by Swiss companies?
How has the economy fared since the outbreak                      It’s true that Swiss companies have yet again proven their
of the COVID-19 crisis, and how are things looking                ability to weather crises. However, regardless of the
at the moment?                                                    resilience shown by companies, some sectors have been
All regions of the world took a major economic hit in the         impacted much more severely than others. In general,
spring of 2020. Life temporarily slowed almost every-             it’s impressive to see how quickly the process of adjusting
where, and parts of the economy suffered greatly from the         to difficult conditions has occurred in many areas. It says
restrictions on public life. Although many countries and          a lot about Switzerland’s durability as a business location.
regions experienced a V-shaped economic recovery over             Framework conditions are very good in Switzerland, and
the summer, the slope of the V was very lopsided in a lot         we need to ensure that this remains the case. Our entre-
of instances. That means the economy will be slow to              preneurs are innovative and tenacious – look at how well
recover in those places, given the fresh wave of COVID-19         they coped overall with the Swiss franc shock and the
and associated lockdown measures. Economic output has             financial crisis, for example.
now started to fall again in some countries, particularly in
Europe. By contrast, the situation in Asia – and especially
China – looks much more stable. The Swiss economy
seems to be coping well despite being badly affected by
the second wave. This is partly down to the resilience of
Swiss companies, but the support measures implemented
at an early stage have also played a significant role.

FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
Lastly, on a personal note: What associations do                 land, we are privileged to live in a country that’s so
foreign currencies have for Thomas Gottstein the                 beautiful and diverse – both in terms of scenery and
person?                                                          culture. Our political stability and persistently low rates
I personally associate foreign currencies with vacation          of unemployment compared with other countries are equal-
and travel – just like many people, no doubt. That said,         ly positive aspects. Nor should we forget the Swiss franc
the past months have highlighted the fragility of worldwide      – still one of the world’s most important currencies and
networks, globalization, and international travel. In Switzer-   a “safe haven.”

                                                                      FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   5
FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

Hedging ratios no higher
despite coronavirus pandemic

1,088 respondents                                                 Widely scattered predictions for USD, but more con-
In many respects, 2020 was a roller coaster ride. The             sensus on sterling
coronavirus pandemic posed major challenges, especially for       Responses concerning the USD were also more mixed
companies, and called for a high degree of flexibility in these   than ever before. Roughly 45% of the companies surveyed
uncertain times. So, the fact that over 1,000 companies           predicted a rate of 0.90 to 0.94. Another approximately
took part in our annual FX survey for 2020 appears to             40% saw the USD hitting 0.95 to 1.00 by the end of 2021.
be cause for celebration. Nearly one-quarter of them did          By contrast, there seemed to be a little more agreement
business with imports, and another quarter were involved in       concerning the British pound (GBP) than in previous surveys.
exports. An additional 40% or so do both, and the remain-         The differences between the GBP forecasts were the widest
ing number, just over 10%, focus their business activities        shortly after the vote on Brexit in June 2016, but they grad-
on Switzerland. In other words, the vast majority of survey       ually narrowed again in the years that followed. At almost
respondents do business internationally.                          60%, most respondents expect a GBP/CHF exchange rate
                                                                  between 1.15 and 1.20 by the end of 2021.
Euro clearly the most important foreign currency,
followed by the US dollar                                         44% expect economic growth
A closer examination of the frequency at which purchase           When it comes to the Swiss economy as a whole, opin-
and sales transactions are conducted in different currencies      ions of the companies surveyed also differed more widely
reveals that the euro zone is the main trading partner. Over      than was the case in previous years. Though 44% expect
80% of survey respondents made at least some of their             economic activity to grow in 2021, 30% are anticipating a
purchases in euros (EUR). That made the euro even more            recession. The remaining respondents (approximately 25%)
important for sourcing than the Swiss franc (71%). On the         assumed that economic output would remain stable in 2021.
sales side, however, the latter maintained the upper hand,
with 70% of respondents billing at least a portion of their       Participants believe the SNB’s key interest rate could
sales in Swiss francs (CHF). Over 60% issued invoices in          still be around -0.75% at the end of 2021
euros. The second most important foreign currency was the         On the issue of monetary policy, there was widespread
US dollar (USD), used by 45% of respondents for purchas-          agreement. Nearly 90% predicted the key interest rate of
es and 36% of respondents for sales. Other currencies,            -0.75% set by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) would not
such as the British pound sterling (GBP), played a minor          change as of the end of 2021. Only 6% of respondents felt
role by comparison.                                               it was likely the rate would be lowered into deeper negative
                                                                  territory. Even fewer – namely 4% – expected the SNB to
Companies not expecting the euro to appreciate                    raise its key interest rate.
The extreme uncertainty was also seen in the reported
currency forecasts of the companies surveyed. When the            Currency hedging in uncertain times
survey was conducted in the fall of 2020, the predictions         Considering the high level of macroeconomic uncertainty
for the EUR issued by the respondents exhibited a wider           and the wide range, or divergence, of estimates concerning
range than in any other forex survey conducted until then.        the development of exchange rates for the EUR and USD,
The specific forecasts for the EUR/CHF exchange rate              companies would be well advised to hedge at least some
extended from below 0.85 to 1.20. However, nearly 80%             of their currency risks. That is because this year’s survey
of respondents expected the rate to be between 1.05 and           has revealed that, first and foremost, the EUR and the USD
1.10 as of the end of 2021.                                       are very important both for purchasing inputs and when
                                                                  selling products or services. By hedging their currency risks,
                                                                  companies can effectively safeguard against exchange
                                                                  rate fluctuations, thereby establishing a more reliable basis
                                                                  for planning.

FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
Participants estimate EUR/CHF
rate of 1.07 at end of 2021
Respondents expected, on aver-                 Respondents expect lower euro exchange rate than Credit Suisse
age, a EUR/CHF exchange rate of                Exchange rate forecasts and actual exchange rates for the corresponding year-end
                                               (December averages)
1.07 as of the end of 2021. In oth-
er words, they anticipate a further
slight devaluation of the EUR versus           1.25
the CHF. Credit Suisse analysts, by            1.20
contrast, predict a slight apprecia-           1.15
tion of the euro, forecasting a EUR/
CHF exchange rate of 1.10 by the
end of 2021. For the past four years,          1.05
survey participants have been more             1.00
pessimistic about the EUR than                 0.95
Credit Suisse has been. That expec-




tation proved to be correct in the past
three of those years. However, the dif-
ference between the CS forecast and                                                    EUR/CHF
the survey results was relatively small
                                                 Credit Suisse (forecast)         Clients (forecast)          Actual exchange rate
for 2021.
                                               Sources: Credit Suisse FX surveys for 2017–2021, Credit Suisse

Survey participants forecast an ex-
change rate of 0.93 for the dollar
The companies surveyed believe the             Companies believe the USD will recover somewhat
weakness of the dollar ought to fade           Exchange rate forecasts and actual exchange rates for the corresponding year-end
                                               (December averages)
a little by the end of 2021. Accord-
ingly, respondents predicted a USD/
CHF exchange rate of 0.93. That                1.05
puts them clearly above the estimates
of Credit Suisse, where an exchange            1.00
rate of 0.88 is anticipated by the end
of 2021. While the forecasts made by
clients and Credit Suisse FX strate-
gists in recent years were quite close
to one another, the divergence with            0.85
respect to 2021 is relatively significant.





                                                 Credit Suisse (forecast)         Clients (forecast)          Actual exchange rate
                                               Sources: Credit Suisse FX surveys for 2017–2021, Credit Suisse

                                                                      FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.          7
FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

                                                                                                  Respondents forecast a GBP/
                                                                                                  CHF rate of 1.18
Increased certainty concerning Brexit reflected in forecasts                                      The situation with the British pound
Exchange rate forecasts and actual exchange rates for the corresponding year-end                  sterling is exactly the opposite.
(December averages)                                                                               As mentioned above, there was more
                                                                                                  consensus for 2021 when it comes to
1.50                                                                                              GBP forecasts between the surveyed
1.40                                                                                              participants than in past surveys.
                                                                                                  The predictions made by respondents
1.30                                                                                              and Credit Suisse regarding 2021
1.20                                                                                              match one another more closely.
                                                                                                  The companies surveyed anticipate on
1.10                                                                                              average a GBP/CHF exchange rate
1.00                                                                                              of 1.18 at the end of 2021. Analysts
                                                                                                  at Credit Suisse expect a rate of 1.19.




                                                                                                  In the past four years, the more pessi-
                                                                                                  mistic view held by survey participants
                                         GBP/CHF                                                  concerning the pound sterling versus
                                                                                                  the Swiss franc has paid off.
    Credit Suisse (forecast)        Clients (forecast)          Actual exchange rate
Sources: Credit Suisse FX surveys for 2017–2021, Credit Suisse

                                                                                                  Euro is the number one
                                                                                                  purchasing currency
82% of respondents buy in EUR                                                                     Foreign currencies played an im-
“In which currencies do you source your products or services (in percent)?”;                      portant role in procuring goods and
share of companies                                                                                services from other businesses. The
                                                                                                  EUR emerged as the key currency for
       Currency used for sourcing            Don't know or N/A                                    procurement, with 82% of survey par-
       Currency not used for sourcing        Average share of currency for sourcing
                                                                                                  ticipants buying inputs in EUR. For all
                                                                                                  companies sourcing products and
CHF                             71%                                      26%                47%   services in the euro zone, an average
EUR                                      82%                                   15%          46%
                                                                                                  of 46% of all purchases were made
                                                                                                  in EUR. The percentage was roughly
USD                      45%                                   51%                          36%   the same for the CHF, underscoring
                                                                                                  once more the importance of the EUR
GBP         6%                                89%                                           16%   for procurement.
JPY         2%                                93%                                           19%

Other       8%                                    87%                                       24%

     0%             20%           40%                    60%         80%             100%
Sources: Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
EUR and USD also not to be
underestimated in sales
The currency most frequently used in        CHF remains chief currency for selling
sales billing is the CHF. At the time       “In which currencies do you sell your products or services (in percent)?”;
                                            share of companies
of the survey, 70% of companies had
customers who paid in CHF. However,
                                                  Currency used for sales                 Don't know or N/A
the role of foreign currencies in selling
                                                  Currency not used for sales             Average share of currency for sales
goods and services should not be
underestimated. Of the respondents,
                                            CHF                             70%                                      27%            65%
62% and 36% indicated that they also
made frequent sales in EUR and USD,         EUR                                       62%                                 35%       42%
respectively. The average shares of
total sales that they then received is      USD                    36%                                    59%                       38%
relatively high, at 42% and 38%.
                                            GBP        7%                                  88%                                      14%

                                            JPY        3%                                 93%                                       18%

                                            Other      7%                                     88%                                   23%

                                                 0%             20%           40%                 60%             80%           100%
                                            Sources: Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

60% of foreign exchange risk
was hedged
Of the companies surveyed, 40%              40% hedged part of their foreign exchange risks
indicated that they hedge their foreign     “Do you hedge your foreign exchange risks? If so, what is your hedging ratio?”;
                                            responses from companies
exchange risks. On average, the per-
centage of companies that performed
hedging was roughly 60%. The survey
also showed that companies using
higher proportions of foreign curren-                                                                                      Currency
cies in sourcing more often tended to                                                                                      hedging ratio
hedge their foreign exchange risks.                                                                                        60%
There was a similar trend noticeable                 Currency             Currency
in the area of sales.                                hedging:             hedging:
                                                     No                   Yes
                                                     60%                  40%
                                                                                                                           not hedged

                                            Source: Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

                                                                    FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.              9
FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments - Corporate Banking - Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

                                                                                           Despite appreciation of CHF,
                                                                                           only 35% of exporters engaged
Import companies hedged most frequently                                                    in hedging
“Do you hedge your foreign exchange risks? If so, what is your hedging ratio?”;            Among import companies, 47%
responses from companies by foreign trade activity                                         hedged their foreign exchange risks.
                                                                                           That means this sector had the
                                                                                           highest percentage of companies that
             Export                                                           Percentage   perform hedging. The hedging ratio
                                                                              that hedge
                                                                                           determined for the export sector was
                                                                                           particularly notable. First, only 35%
             Import                                                                        of export enterprises hedged their
                                                                      60%     Percentage
                                                                              hedged       currency risks. Second, the average
                                                                                           of 56% that did hedge was a little
                                                        40%                                lower than in other sectors, where the
                                                                                           percentage of businesses that hedged
                                                                                           their transactions was roughly 60%.
In Switzerland only

                      0%          20%              40%              60%

Source: Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

                                                                                           Flexibility is important during
                                                                                           the coronavirus pandemic
Coronavirus pandemic did not result in higher hedging ratio                                The majority of respondents have
“Have you increased your hedging ratio since the outbreak of the coronavirus?”;            not increased their hedging ratios
responses from companies that hedge their foreign exchange risks                           since the outbreak of the coronavirus
                                                                                           pandemic. Uncertainty surrounding
No, in order to remain flexible and benefit                                                  future cash flows and greater flexibility
from increased volatility                                                                  seem to have played a major role in
No, because of the increased uncertainty                                                   that decision. However, 53% appear
in future cash flows                                                                        to have had different reasons. Some
Yes, because of currency fluctuations                                                       of those companies were probably
or appreciation of the Swiss franc                                                         already hedging 100% of their foreign
                                                                                           exchange risk, thus excluding the
Yes, for other reasons                             3%
                                                                                           possibility of increasing their ratio.
Yes, due to greater uncertainty surrounding
COVID-19                                           2%

No, for other reasons                                                              53%

                                              0%    10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

Exchange rates most frequently
cited as deciding factor
Exchange rate volatility played a role      Many factors influence hedging ratios
for roughly one-fifth of the surveyed       “What factors contribute to how you determine your hedging ratio?”; (multiple answers
                                            possible), share of companies that use hedging
companies that hedged their foreign
exchange risk. In general, however,
there were a number of factors that         Actual exchange rate            Actual exchange            Exchange rate       Political
seemed even more important when             level:                          rate versus                volatility:         environ-
                                            42%                             predetermined,             26%                 ment
determining the hedging ratio. Com-                                         budgeted rate:                                 nationally
panies most frequently based their                                          38%                                            and inter-
decisions on the actual exchange rate                                                                                      nationally:
level. Nevertheless, internal hedging                                                                                      17%
guidelines, deviations in the exchange
rate from the budgeted rate, and            Internal hedging                Your assessment of         Amount of     Cost of hedging
                                            guidelines:                     the exchange rate:         operating     and interest
personal assessment of the exchange
                                            40%                             35%                        margin:       rate spread:
rate also played a significant role.                                                                   16%           14%

                                                                                                                     Central banks'
                                                                                                                     policies: 9%
                                            Source: Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

No adjustments to FX
cash holdings
Companies showed restraint when             Import/export sector sees trend toward shrinking FX cash holdings
changing their foreign currency cash        “Have you changed the amount of foreign currencies you hold in cash since the outbreak of
                                            the coronavirus?”; responses from companies by foreign trade activity
holdings. Of the respondents, 72%
did not make any changes. In the
export sector, the percentage was a                      No change                      Increase              Reduction
little lower, at 65%. While international
companies experienced a reduction in        Total                              72%                                 12%         17%
their holdings of foreign currencies in
cash somewhat more frequently than          Export                             65%                               17%           18%
an increase, the situation was exactly
the opposite for companies that con-        Import                    72%                                          13%         15%
centrated on business in Switzerland.
                                            Both                                 73%                               8%          19%

                                            In Switzerland
                                                                                        81%                               12%     8%

                                                       0%             20%            40%            60%             80%              100%

                                            Source: Credit Suisse FX survey 2021

                                                                   FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.             11
Rosy outlook for Swiss exports

Burkhard Varnholt,
CIO of Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd.

Following the 2020 recession, our most important export           They distinguish themselves with all four characteristic
markets (EU, China, and the US) will likely see above-aver-       features of strong currencies:
age growth in 2021. This is indicated by the pent-up              ȷȷ Lasting current account surplus

consumer demand from 2020, the fiscal stimulus, and               ȷȷ   Highest real interest rates compared internationally
many corporate restructuring plans. The expectation that
society and the economy will find ways to live with the virus     ȷȷ   Rising productivity
also points to this. The economic and epidemiological             ȷȷ   Increasing investment from abroad.
recovery of North Asia is a positive signal for the rest of the
world. This is particularly important for the Swiss economy,
because Swiss products are especially popular in China,           In this context, investments are coming less from the West
where the growing demand for these products already               and much more from other Asian countries. All signs point
signals the economic recovery of the region. This applies to      to North Asia being ahead of the curve next year.
pharmaceutical products, food products, watches and
luxury goods, as well as to Swiss financial services.             Challenges lead to agility
Germany, our main trade partner in Europe, and the US are         The recovery of the world economy will mainly have a
also likely to overcome the recession in 2021. In short,          positive impact on Swiss SMEs that have established
export prospects for Swiss companies all over the world are       themselves in attractive and, in some cases, global market
likely to grow again in 2021.                                     niches. The strong franc, the high Swiss cost structures,
                                                                  and the intense price competition will ensure that small and
Swiss franc remains strong                                        medium-sized enterprises display their traditionally high
Next year, the export business will also be faced with the        level of agility. After all, in contrast to foreign companies,
Swiss franc as one of the strongest currencies in the world.      these challenges force Swiss SMEs to annually optimize
The US dollar seems to have passed its peak and is                their value chains. Together with the sector structure,
weakening. This could lead to the appreciation of gold            competitiveness drives the recovery of the Swiss economy.
being somewhat concealed from Swiss investors. The euro           Additionally, the flexible labor market, short commutes,
can also no longer show any positive real interest rates,         good education standards, and the high quality of life also
with the exception of a few foreign investments and the           contribute to Switzerland’s continued significant popularity
world’s largest current account surplus. The big winners          among talents and companies.
of 2021 will therefore likely be North Asian currencies.

FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   13
Credit Suisse forecasts

Europe                                                                     USA
Economic momentum is likely to be very subdued this                        In the US, the decrease in economic momentum last year
winter; after all, the pandemic is nowhere near being under                was less significant than in Europe. Due to the more
control. Thereafter, the vaccination campaigns will likely                 moderate decrease, in turn, the recovery there this year will
become broader, enabling a gradual easing of government                    likely be less significant than on our side of the Atlantic. In
and self-imposed restrictions that will be reflected in                    the absence of a short-time work system, the US unem-
increased mobility and economic momentum, especially in                    ployment rate is directly coupled with economic changes,
the spring. In this context, the recovery in 2021 will be                  and unemployment support also depends heavily on the
strongest in those countries that suffered most in 2020.                   political situation. Uncertainty is accordingly high. In
Given the extremely low inflation, the European Central                    contrast, the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, will
Bank (ECB) will maintain its low interest rates until further              also continue to supply the markets with ample USD
notice.                                                                    liquidity and will likely not turn the interest rate screw.

Europe has suffered greatly under the coronavirus                          Massive ups and downs in the unemployment rate
pandemic                                                                   US unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted in %
Change in real economic output between the third quarter of 2019 and
the third quarter of 2020 in %                                             16.0

2.0                                                                        12.0


-2.0                                                                       6.0


–6.0                                                                       0.0
       China Switzerland Sweden      US      France   Germany      Italy   01/2000 01/2003 01/2006 01/2009 01/2012 01/2015 01/2018

Sources: Datastream, Credit Suisse                                         Sources: St. Louis Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse

                                                                                  FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   15
Credit Suisse forecasts

China                                                              Switzerland
It seems that China, like many other Asian countries, has          Switzerland has been hit hard by the pandemic; however,
had the pandemic largely under control since mid-2020.             the economic downturn was comparatively less than in
With a global economic output share of 30%, Asia is now            comparable foreign countries. This is, first, due to the high
key to developments in global trade. China’s robustness            share of the pharmaceutical industry, which at times made
is therefore partly responsible for the rapid recovery             up almost half of the entire export volume. Second, the
of the global trade volume. Given the solid economic               measures to combat the spread of the virus were generally
development, the Chinese government and central bank               less strict than abroad. Third, the measures for supporting
are likely to hold back with additional economic stimulus          the economy were extremely quick and targeted. However,
measures. The desire to base the growth on a more                  similar to the rest of Europe, the return to a sustainable
sustainable footing, however, will likely persist and place        growth track will only be realistic in the spring.
limits on the pace of growth.

World trade nearly at pre-crisis levels as of the end of           Pharmaceutical industry as a growth pillar
September                                                          Pharmaceutical exports in CHF mn by country, seasonally adjusted, and
World trade volume index, seasonally adjusted, 2010 = 100          percentage of total exports

130                                                                12,000                                                              60%

125                                                                10,000                                                              50%

120                                                                 8,000                                                              40%

115                                                                 6,000                                                              30%

                                                                    4,000                                                              20%

                                                                    2,000                                                              10%
                                                                        0                                                              0%
100                                                                         Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct.
                                                                            2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020

90                                                                   Others             Germany               China
                                                                     US                 Italy                 Pharma share
     2010     2012         2014        2016         2018    2020

Source: CPB World Trade Monitor. Last data point: September 2020   Sources: Federal Customs Administration, Credit Suisse

USD/CHF exchange rate                                                  EUR/CHF exchange rate
Despite the appreciation of the USD during the spread of               During the first wave of the pandemic, the CHF was under
the pandemic, we expect that the USD will depreciate                   upward pressure against the EUR. However, the Swiss
again in the medium term. The interest rate cuts by the US             National Bank (SNB) could at least limit the appreciation
central bank (Federal Reserve) in the first half of 2020               through targeted interventions. Since then, the CHF has
have reduced the interest rate advantage of the USD                    tended to lose strength and the SNB is intervening much
against other currencies. Additionally, the negative perfor-           less. Positive news on coronavirus vaccines or agreements
mance and fiscal balance sheet of the USA carry long-term              in Europe have reduced the demand for “safe haven”
risks for the USD. We therefore anticipate that, in the                currencies such as the CHF.
coming months, the USD will depreciate against many
currencies, such as the EUR and the CHF.

Dollar will likely depreciate                                          SNB intervened massively during the first half of 2020
US dollar index (changes against main currencies) Jan. 1, 2017 = 100   In CHF (millions)


105                                                                    14,000


95                                                                     8,000


85                                                                     2,000


75                                                                     –4,000
01/01/2017      01/01/2018       01/01/2019      01/01/2020                02/2018 08/2018 02/2019 08/2019 02/2020 08/2020

Sources: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse                                      Sources: Datastream, Credit Suisse

                                                                               FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   17
FX market - reflecting on 2020

A turbulent year
Dr. Günter Grimm
Foreign exchange strategist, Credit Suisse AG

The foreign exchange market experienced a highly eventful        In Q2, the appreciation of the Swiss franc on a
2020. The events were largely driven by the COVID-19             trade-weighted basis reached its highest point thus far.
pandemic and its impact on monetary and fiscal policies in       However, the SNB also intervened in the foreign exchange
the affected countries. Other news included the negotiations     market during that period, purchasing foreign currencies
between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom           with an equivalent value of CHF 51.5 billion. The main event
(UK) on the future relationship between the two trading          was the presentation of a roadmap on April 21 for recovery
blocs as well as the US presidential elections.                  in the euro zone. The presentation established the principles
                                                                 for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic and setting up a
The Swiss franc climbed 4.7% in the first quarter of 2020        recovery fund. On May 18, French President Emmanuel
based on the trade-weighted currency index of the Swiss          Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel then
National Bank (SNB). The decision by the US to put               introduced a joint proposal on a European recovery plan,
Switzerland back on the watch list of countries that allegedly   which was received positively by the markets. The idea of
manipulate their currency was, in our opinion, the cause of      shared liability for newly borrowed funds in particular
the general strength of the Swiss franc. In late December        increased trust in the euro zone’s cohesion. In June, the
2019 and early January 2020, the first cases of COVID-19         ECB expanded its Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program
were reported in Wuhan, China, according to the World            (PEPP), rolled out in March, by EUR 600 billion. The easing
Health Organization (WHO). The COVID-19 crisis escalated         of COVID-19 restrictions led to improvement in the econo-
in late February as the virus spread not only in China but       my. The purchasing manager sentiment indicators in Europe
also around the world. The deteriorating global economic         bottomed out in April. In the US, labor market figures for
outlook heightened analysts’ expectations that the European      June were considerably better than expected, which came
Central Bank (ECB) would lower interest rates, hurting the       as a surprise. However, the Federal Reserve took a very
EUR/CHF rate. The ECB lived up to those expectations by          cautious tone regarding further economic developments. In
announcing an extensive package of monetary policy               Switzerland, the SNB left its policy rate unchanged at
measures on March 12 and expanding it on April 30. The           -0.75%. Its president, Thomas Jordan, emphasized that
US Federal Reserve likewise responded to the COVID-19            expansionary monetary policy continued to be necessary to
pandemic with aggressive rate cuts and further measures          ensure appropriate monetary conditions in Switzerland. He
aimed at easing monetary policy. On March 15 and 20, the         added that, as the Swiss franc is still highly valued, the SNB
SNB announced its participation in a coordinated action to       remained willing to intervene more strongly in the foreign
strengthen the supply of liquidity via the existing US dollar    exchange market. The expansionary measures on a global
swap line. In its monetary policy assessment on March 19,        scale and the improved economic data led to further
the SNB announced that it was intervening more in the            recovery on equity and commodity markets, which had
foreign exchange market to help stabilize the situation.         already begun towards the end of the previous quarter. The
In the US, the S&P 500 equity index fell 20%, hitting its        move benefited cyclical currencies against the Swiss franc in
lowest point on March 23. Cyclical currencies, like the          particular. For example, the AUD/CHF exchange rate made
Australian dollar and Canadian dollar, came under pressure       up nearly all its losses from the previous quarter. The EUR/
against the Swiss franc as a result of the weakness on the       CHF rate stabilized, and the USD/CHF fell, while GBP/
commodity markets. The pound fell significantly amid the         CHF continued to suffer from the effects of the ongoing
uncertainty about the outcome of the Brexit negotiations.        Brexit negotiations.
The strength of the Swiss franc prompted the SNB to
intervene in the foreign exchange market to the tune of
CHF 38.5 billion in the first quarter.

In Q3, the trade-weighted Swiss franc again came under          During the fourth quarter, the equity market in the US came
slight upward pressure, mainly against the US dollar. The       under pressure towards the end of October, since fear of
new version of the Federal Reserve’s updated inflation          the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of fiscal incentives
target policy was interpreted by the market to mean that the    increased ahead of the November 3 elections. At the
Fed would continue to pursue a highly expansionary              beginning of November, the SNB stressed that, due to the
monetary policy for the foreseeable future to allow inflation   low inflationary pressure and the persistent fragility of the
to overshoot its target in the near term. The announcement      economic situation, its expansionary monetary policy – cou-
caused a steep drop in real US interest rates, dragging         pled with negative interest rates and the willingness to
down the US dollar. The EUR/CHF rate benefited from the         intervene – remained necessary. Sight deposits at the SNB
historic decision by the US heads of state and government       increased in October, but they fell again partially the
on July 21 to draw up a recovery plan and financial frame-      following month. The outcome of the US elections and
work covering the years 2021–2027. This was despite the         positive news about the COVID-19 vaccine were the most
ECB’s continued extreme monetary easing and verbal              significant events in November. After Democrat Joe Biden
interventions against the strength of the EUR/USD rate.         won the presidency but the Senate remained in Republican
The SNB left its policy rate unchanged at -0.75% and            hands, the markets turned their attention once more to the
announced its willingness to intervene in the foreign           “COVID-19 cycle.” Following weeks of relatively negative
exchange markets. Based on the trend in sight deposits, we      news in which the market had been concentrating on rising
estimate that the central bank was active on the foreign        rates of infection and new lockdowns in Europe and the US,
exchange market once more during that period but not quite      the markets were relieved to hear positive messages
as much as in the two preceding quarters. The pound saw         concerning a vaccine. During its December meeting, the
modest appreciation after optimism began spreading about        ECB announced further monetary easing measures. Thus,
the likelihood of a positive outcome to the Brexit negotia-     the central bank increased and extended the purchases of
tions.                                                          bonds. In addition, it will also grant more long-term credits at
                                                                favorable conditions for another year.

                                                                     FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   19
Planning and flexibility: Golden rules of currency hedging

Lisa Mahi, FX Sales Corporate & Institutional Clients, aims to provide
her clients with expertise and to add value. In this interview, she
reflects on the events of the last year, their impact on exchange
rates, and on promising strategies for FX management. From
prevention to crisis management – our expert has the answers.

Lisa, the past year has brought plenty of surprises.                the notional amount and coupon at maturity occurs either in
What has 2020 taught us, in your view?                              the investment currency or in the chosen alternative curren-
2020 has reminded us, once again, that unpredictable                cy at a pre-agreed exchange rate. Therefore, it is important
events can – and do – occur. In the past five years, we             that clients also have an intrinsic need in this alternative
have experienced events like this, such as the removal              currency in case they would get converted.
of the EUR/CHF floor by the SNB, the Brexit referendum,
and the outcome of the US presidential election in 2016.            What should companies absolutely avoid when
In the last year, we’ve seen COVID-19 take the whole                it comes to currency management?
world by surprise and turn so many things upside down.              A currency pair trading within a particular range won’t
That’s why it is really important for a company to hedge            remain at that level forever. The question is not if, but when
its exposure.                                                       the price will break out of its current range.

Does this environment have an impact on                             This was confirmed last year in the case of the USD/CHF
interest rates?                                                     currency pair. The dollar/Swiss franc exchange rate
So, we could scarcely have expected the Fed’s key interest          remained within a narrow band of between 0.96 and parity
rates to be close to zero at the end of 2020. But in the            in the second half of 2019. Companies which needed to
early part of the year the Fed was forced to make a rapid           sell the US dollar against the Swiss franc could expect a
cut in key interest rates from the 1.50–1.75% target range          rate of 0.99 or parity in order to protect their financial
to 0–0.25%, in other words back to the 2015 level.                  position; most of them therefore decided to keep their
                                                                    position unhedged. But in fact this was a good time for
Expectations that the European Central Bank would hike              hedging as the volatility was low. We then began 2020 with
the interest rate on its deposit facility in the first quarter of   an exchange rate of 0.98, but over the course of the year,
2021 likewise evaporated quickly. We’re therefore likely            the dollar unexpectedly went to 0.90 in August 2020. Many
to remain in a low interest rate environment in the short to        companies hadn’t anticipated this, and therefore weren’t
medium term. And that’s the situation we’ve got to address          hedged. So, some of our clients had to sell USD against
right now.                                                          CHF at below the benchmark rate and therefore suffered
                                                                    a major loss versus their reference price.
Is there still a solution for companies that are looking
for a positive return on their liquidity?                           And how do you advise companies to deal with
Due to their activities, our clients mainly have cash in            a situation like the COVID-19 pandemic?
CHF and EUR and have to take into account this issue                Past events show that protecting the company’s financial
in conducting their cash management.                                position or profit margin is the key thing. We strongly
                                                                    recommend hedging exchange-rate risk against currency
Many clients make use of a liquidity optimization instru-           fluctuations. Even if a company has less visibility and more
ment called “Dual Currency Deposit.” This allows them to            uncertainty due to the COVID situation, it is important to
make a deposit with a higher return compared to a tradi-            hedge the exposure. The more uncertainty a company has,
tional money market investment. However, as a foreign               the more flexibility it will need.
exchange risk is linked to this solution, the redemption of

During the crisis, what have proved to be the best                 And, as I mentioned before, a degree of flexibility will help
strategies for addressing currency fluctuations?                   you cope with unexpected events such as those we’ve
The forward is still the preferred instrument, although it’s       seen over the past year. If you follow these golden rules,
not always the right solution in a volatile environment.           you’ll be in a better position to handle any crisis. As
The fact is, although a forward transaction means you’re           partners, we at the bank are here to advise and support
hedged it also means you won’t be able to benefit from any         you in this process.
movement in your favor. Nor do you have any flexibility
in terms of the amount. And in an uncertain environment            The growth of digitalization in day-to-day work has
it’s always advisable to retain a certain amount of flexibility.   been one of the main implications of the pandemic
Because you can never be sure whether your projections             for many professions. Working from home is now the
will come true or not. Flexibility is therefore key.               norm for many people around the world. What digital
                                                                   solutions does Credit Suisse offers its clients in the
And how do companies achieve this flexibility when                 FX space?
it comes to currency hedging?                                      Due to the pandemic, most of our clients were forced to
We recommend choosing basic hedging solutions, such                work from home. As face-to-face contact was not possible,
as purchasing options, when volatility is low. Entering into       we used the phone to give the best possible support. With
a participating forward is another attractive alternative          “my Solutions,” we also offer an attractive FX trading
solution. That’s because you don’t need to pay a premium           platform that proved very successful during the lockdown,
and you’re fully hedged for the amount but only liable for         too. This allows clients to enter FX transactions, issue limit
50%. So, if the currency pair moves in your favor you can          orders, view positions, and monitor market trends. More
benefit from an FX move in your favor on 50% of the                than 200 currency pairs, including precious metals, are
nominal hedged.                                                    available on the platform. What’s more, during extended
                                                                   opening hours – from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Swiss time
Is there actually a way companies can prepare                      – clients have direct access to this platform via online
for a possible crisis?                                             banking.
Planning and preparing for a worst-case scenario is
important. Analyzing and hedging your currency exposures
helps you identify and deal with risks. Every company has
its own constraints. That’s why a bespoke strategy that’s
tailored to suit the needs of the firm is also vital.

Lisa Mahi, FX Sales Corporate
& Institutional Clients, is a
key contact when it comes
to currencies for companies
and institutions. She has
advised Credit Suisse clients
in the Suisse Romande region
since 2014.

                                                                        FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   21
Currency hedging strategies for every market environment

The last few months have been turbulent and characterized            less ability to plan ahead, and higher volatility – a difficult
by major uncertainty. With the spread of the COVID-19                situation for many companies. Managing risks is more
pandemic and the introduction of – in some cases – severe            important than ever before. Currency risks are one of the
restrictions, such as border closures and the closing of             biggest challenges facing many companies due to today’s
entire sectors, many companies have lost a reliable basis            high degree of interdependence in the international
for planning their operations. Moreover, market volatility has       economy.
increased on account of the lockdowns. Major uncertainty,

For over 18 years, Irene Bussmann           Table 1
from the FX Sales Desk in Zurich
has been advising corporate clients on      Market               Lower exchange rate       Stable exchange rate          Higher exchange rate
                                            expectation/                                                               
hedging their foreign exchange risks
                                            Product category
– first in the region of Basel and now
in Central Switzerland. Even though         Basic hedging        Buy a call option         Risk reversal                 Forward transaction
the environment has constantly
evolved over the past few years, there      Advanced hedging Leveraged risk reversal       Leveraged risk reversal
are still proven approaches to hedging      Outperformance       Ratio knock-out forward Ratio knock-out forward
against or optimizing foreign exchange      strategy
risks. The choice of hedging and
optimizing solutions is highly depen-
dent on a company’s market expecta-
tions, risk ability, and risk tolerance.
Table 1 shows this using the example
of an importer or the buyer of foreign

Each solution has risks and benefits,       Table 2
as Table 2 shows using the example
of an importer that wishes to cover its     Product Brief description                 Hedging    Advantages                  Disadvantages
need for euros. However, it is perfect-                                               level
ly clear to Irene Bussmann that it          Buy       Call options are suitable for   Fully      ȷȷ    rotection
                                                                                                      P                      ȷȷ    equires payment
always makes sense to hedge risks.          a call    clients who wish to protect     hedged          against higher              of a premium upon
That is because currency hedging can        option    themselves against higher                       exchange rates              concluding the
give companies a more reliable basis                  exchange rates but profit                  ȷȷ   Full potential to          transaction
                                                      completely from any devalu-                      profit from falling
for planning and allow them to focus
                                                      ation in the EUR. They are                       exchange rates
on their core business.                               prepared to pay a premium                  ȷȷ    Losses are limited
                                                      for that right. The premium                       to the premium
                                                      is due two days after each                        paid in advance

                                            Forward Forward transactions safe-      Fully        ȷȷ    rotection
                                                                                                      P                      ȷȷ    o potential for
                                            transac- guard against undesirable      hedged            against higher              participating in
                                            tion     movements in FX rates.                           exchange rates              positive market
                                                     The trade(s) is/are executed                                                 movements
                                                     as arranged on the future                                               ȷȷ   OTC limit is required
                                                     date(s) of your choosing.
                                                     Depending on the inter-
                                                     est rate spread between
                                                     the currencies involved, you
                                                     will be charged extra or given
                                                     a discount on the spot price.

Risk     Risk reversal is suitable for Fully              ȷȷ    rotection
                                                                                                         P                      ȷȷ   If the exchange rate
                                          reversal clients who wish to protect   hedged                  against higher               trades below or at
                                                   themselves against higher ex-                         exchange rates               the lower strike level
                                                   change rates but do not want                     ȷȷ   Potential for               on expiry, the EUR
                                                   to miss out on extra profit                            participation down          will have to be
                                                   potential.                                             to the lower strike         purchased at the
                                                                                                          level                       lower strike level
                                                                                                                                ȷȷ    OTC limit is required

                                          Lever-     Leveraged risk reversal        Partially       ȷȷ    artial protection
                                                                                                         P                      ȷȷ   If the exchange rate
                                          aged       is suitable for clients who    hedged               against higher               trades below or at
                                          risk       wish to protect themselves     up to 50%            exchange rates               the lower strike level
                                          reversal   against higher exchange                        ȷȷ   Potential for               on expiry, the EUR
                                                     rates but do not want to miss                        participation down          will have to be
                                                     out on extra profit potential.                       to the lower strike         purchased at the
                                                     However, protection applies                          level                       lower strike level
                                                     only to a portion of the no-                                               ȷȷ    Protection applies
                                                     tional amount.                                                                    only to a portion of
                                                                                                                                       the notional amount
                                                                                                                                ȷȷ     OTC limit is required

                                          Ratio      The ratio knock-out forward     No protec-     ȷȷ    rofit potential
                                                                                                         P                      ȷȷ   If the barrier is
                                          knock-     is a bespoke OTC solution       tion, only          as long as a                 reached or breached
                                          out        that gives you the opportu-     optimization        knock-out event              at any time during
                                          forward    nity to buy a portion of your                       does not occur               the observation
                                          (RKOF)     foreign currency needs at a                                                      period, the entire
                                                     lower level than the average                                                     transaction is
                                                     forward rate on the trade                                                        terminated
                                                     date, as long as the barrier                                                     immediately
                                                     is not reached or breached.                                                ȷȷ    An RKOF is not a
                                                                                                                                       hedging solution
                                                                                                                                ȷȷ     OTC limit is required

What does all this mean exactly?          Table 3
Using the example below, Irene
Bussmann explains the various sce-        Product                     Price levels
narios a company may face and how
different hedging and optimization        Buy a call option           Strike price: 1.1000
solutions work depending on market                                    Average premium: 0.75% of notional value in EUR
conditions.                                                           Therefore, hedging a total of EUR 1 million, for example, would cost
                                                                      EUR 7,500. The premium is due two days after each transaction.
A Swiss corporate client imports
                                          Forward transaction         Average forward rate: 1.0733
products from all over Europe and
has a regular, monthly need for           Risk reversal               Higher strike price: 1.1000
euros. To ensure it has a good basis                                  Lower strike price: 1.0585
for planning, the company wants to
                                          Leveraged                   Higher strike price: 1.0805
hedge or optimize its need for the next   risk reversal               Lower strike price: 1.0585
12 months. Table 3 illustrates a selec-
tion of various hedging and optimizing    Ratio knock-out             Strike price: 1.0650
solutions for 12 monthly expiration       forward                     Knock-out barrier: 1.1100

                                                                           FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.                      23
Currency hedging strategies for every market environment

Now, what happens if the company          Table 4
decides to purchase a call option
and the EUR/CHF exchange rate on          Cash flows            EUR/CHF = 1.0000           EUR/CHF = 1.0750        EUR/CHF = 1.1500
the expiration date falls to 1.0000,      Buy a call option     Option expires             Option expires        You buy EUR at
or what happens if the EUR/CHF                                  worthless.                 worthless.            1.1000.
rate climbs to 1.15 on the expiration                           You can purchase your      You can purchase your
date in the case of a leveraged risk                            euros on the market.       euros on the market.
reversal?                                 Forward transaction   You buy EUR at             You buy EUR at          You buy EUR at
                                                                an average price           an average price        an average price
Table 4 shows an analysis of the cash                           of 1.0733.                 of 1.0733.              of 1.0733.
flows if the EUR/CHF rate depreci-
ates to 1.0000, experiences sideways      Risk reversal         You buy EUR at             Option expires        You buy EUR at
                                                                1.0585.                    worthless.            1.1000.
movement and remains at 1.0750,                                                            You can purchase your
and if the EUR/CHF rate climbs to                                                          euros on the market.
                                          Leveraged risk        You buy twice the          Option expires        You buy the notional
                                          reversal              notional amount in         worthless.            amount in EUR at
                                                                EUR at 1.0585.             You can purchase your 1.0805.
                                                                                           euros on the market.

                                          Ratio knock-out       You buy twice the          You buy the notional    The knock-out barrier
                                          forward               notional amount in         amount in EUR at        of 1.1100 was
                                                                EUR at 1.0650 as long      1.0650 as long as       breached. The
                                                                as the knock-out barrier   the knock-out barrier   optimizing transaction
                                                                has not been reached       has not been reached    is canceled.
                                                                or breached during         or breached during
                                                                the term.                  the term.

Early analysis of your cash flows is
essential to finding the appropriate
hedging or optimizing strategy that
best meets your needs. However, your
personal market assessment and your
company’s internal hedging regula-
tions can affect your choice as well.

Have we sparked your interest? Our
specialists in the various regions look
forward to receiving your call and will
be glad to assist you in devising a
hedging or optimizing strategy tailored
to your needs.

Irene Bussmann has been working
for Credit Suisse for over 20
years, 18 of those in FX sales.
She manages and advises
corporate clients in Region Central

FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   25
Interview with Dr. Andréa M. Maechler, member of the Governing
Board of the Swiss National Bank

Monetary easing as a pivotal
strategy. Using the right tools
to tackle the coronavirus crisis.
The Swiss National Bank (SNB) has                                Let’s now turn our attention to the economy. The
implemented a variety of measures                                pandemic has caused considerable turbulence on
                                                                 the markets and forced the closure of borders as
during the coronavirus crisis in                                 well as entire sectors of the economy. What mea-
order to counteract the uncertainty                              sures did the SNB implement in response?
                                                                 The pandemic has plunged both Switzerland and the global
plaguing the markets. In this inter-                             economy into a sharp recession. Governments around the
view, Dr. Andréa M. Maechler,                                    world have responded by introducing fiscal packages, and
                                                                 the central banks have worked in tandem with these
member of the Governing Board,                                   packages by introducing measures to generate additional
talks about the strategy employed                                economic stimulus. The SNB has a dual approach to
                                                                 stabilizing the Swiss economy: First, while we were in the
by Switzerland’s central bank and                                depths of the crisis it was vital to react quickly and provide
likely future money market trends.                               financial aid. Within a very short period of time we set up
                                                                 the COVID-19 refinancing facility to help increase liquidity
                                                                 with the banks, which they in turn have used to support
                                                                 businesses. This was only possible thanks to the close
Many people have been working from home since the                collaboration between the federal government and the
coronavirus pandemic began. What is the current                  banks. Second, our established monetary policy instru-
situation at the SNB, Dr. Maechler?                              ments remain central to maintaining adequate monetary
Many things have changed in the wake of the very particu-        conditions. By intervening on the foreign exchange market,
lar circumstances triggered by COVID-19. The SNB is no           we are able to counter additional upward pressure on the
exception. That said, we remain every bit as committed as        Swiss franc. The negative interest rate not only affects the
we have always been to fulfilling our obligations. During the    exchange rate but also creates favorable financing condi-
first wave of the virus, we introduced a strategy of home        tions for business and for the state. In order to further
working for all roles that do not require people to be           underpin the supply of credit, we provided additional relief
physically present. Certain teams that perform critical          to the banks by increasing the threshold factor and deacti-
functions have switched to a split operations mode,              vating the countercyclical capital buffer. However, economic
alternating between home working and being physically            development in both Switzerland and internationally remains
present. Despite all these changes, operations continued         vulnerable to setbacks, making the monetary policy environ-
successfully. We were (and remain) well positioned from          ment incredibly challenging.
both an operational and a technological perspective. For
me, the greatest obstacle presented by working in this way       And has the SNB taken any tangible steps to counter
is actually talking to people. It can be challenging to share    the uncertainty on the financial markets?
information and also to maintain good interpersonal              Alongside the comprehensive fiscal policy and monetary
relationships when working remotely. To succeed, we must         policy measures implemented by the central banks, one
not only use new tools effectively in order to collaborate but   other key factor in bringing stability to the financial markets
we must also be agile and adaptable in our approach. Our         during the peak of the crisis was the SNB’s collaboration
SNB colleagues have really risen to this challenge.              with five other central banks as part of the existing US-dol-
                                                                 lar liquidity swap agreement. The aim of this coordinated
                                                                 action was to consolidate the supply of US-dollar liquidity to
                                                                 the markets. The price of US-dollar liquidity was reduced,
                                                                 meaning that the impact of tensions in the global US dollar
                                                                 financing markets on the supply of credit for households

and businesses was successfully mitigated. And in addition        and generous threshold factors keep the burden on the
to all this there are the instruments that were already in use    banks as low as possible. The SNB’s negative interest rate
prior to the pandemic: During the period of particular            does have knock-on effects, though. It presents a chal-
uncertainty we therefore doubled our efforts to ensure that       lenge for banks, pension funds, insurance companies, and
there would be no excessive revaluation of the Swiss franc        savers. In certain circumstances it can also have adverse
and to stabilize developments by intervening on the foreign       effects on financial stability, if the desire to secure a return
exchange market.                                                  leads to excessive risks being taken. It is not the negative
                                                                  interest rate in Switzerland that is the major challenge,
                                                                  though, but rather primarily the global low interest rate
The Swiss franc is likely to remain a safe haven in the           environment. Why is that the case? Because it is a global
future.                                                           and structural phenomenon. Real interest rates have fallen
                                                                  globally over the long term as a result of changing demo-
Despite everything, there has been a revaluation of               graphics and declining productivity growth. The SNB
the Swiss franc as a result of the coronavirus crisis.            cannot escape these challenges.
What do you think are the main drivers of this trend?
Switzerland enjoys political and economic stability, low          Globally, however, central banks have been less
inflation, and robust state finances, which means the Swiss       focused on interest rate cuts and more on unconven-
franc remains a safe haven for many investors worldwide,          tional measures such as quantitative easing in recent
highly sought after in the face of increased uncertainty on       months. Do you believe that controlling interest rates
the financial markets. In recent years, upward pressure on        is becoming less important?
the Swiss franc has often increased in waves during times         Interest is a monetary policy instrument and remains of
of crisis – as we witnessed just recently during the peak of      central importance. However, interest rates are already at a
the coronavirus crisis. On the markets, we have observed          very low level: Globally, more than 25% of bonds currently
that the increased demand for the Swiss franc during this         generate a negative yield. The key interest rates of many
period was driven in particular by short-term investors who       industrialized nations are close to or below zero. So the
were either banking on further revaluation of the Swiss           margins have narrowed somewhat. This does not mean,
franc or wanted to hedge their portfolio by making a “safe        however, that interest rate control has lost its significance
haven” investment.                                                entirely. In some countries there has been a shift to some
                                                                  extent toward other, more extensive, measures such as
And how would you sum up the current situation with               quantitative easing – an approach used by the ECB and the
the Swiss franc?                                                  Fed, for instance. However, the ultimate goal that unites
The Swiss franc remains highly valued. Its continued status       the application of all monetary policy instruments – both
as a safe haven means that there is an ongoing risk of            conventional and unconventional – is to determine how we
future revaluations. Our expansionary monetary policy is          can create adequate monetary conditions in the current
therefore still important and the combination of interven-        environment in order to safeguard price stability while at the
tions on the foreign exchange market and negative interest        same time underpinning economic activity as effectively as
rates is still necessary.                                         possible.

It is not the negative interest rate in Switzerland that is the   The economy needs support in order to stay on course.
major challenge, but the global low interest rate environment.
                                                                  Many central banks were already trending more
Can the SNB also envisage further reducing the key                toward expansionary monetary policy even before the
interest rate from its current level of minus 0.75% if            crisis. This trend has now been consolidated. Aren’t
the upward pressure on the Swiss franc were to                    you concerned about the risk of high inflation in the
increase significantly again?                                     future?
There is still scope to further lower the key interest rate,      That is not currently a risk for Switzerland, as inflationary
and we are prepared to act if the situation requires it. We       pressure remains low. Our analysis indicates that the
are aware that the negative interest rate presents a major        inflation rate for 2020 is minus 0.7%, i.e. in the negative
challenge. However, we believe that Switzerland would be          range. The main reasons for this are the significantly
facing even greater challenges were it not for the negative       weaker growth prospects and lower oil prices. However,
interest rate. Weighing up the pros and cons is therefore         inflation expectations are firmly embedded with the popula-
always central to our actions. Overall, the negative interest     tion and inflation is likely to return to the positive range in
rate has proved beneficial for Switzerland. It has provided       the medium term, although our forecasts suggest it will
scope for improved monetary conditions in the economy,            remain low – by international comparison also. For this

                                                                       FX Survey 2021. Assessment of exchange rate developments.   27
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