Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH

Page created by Samuel Warner
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH
Power ......................................

                                                   ...... ......
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH


 4   About Deutronic

 6   Charging Technology


18   Logistics

24   Test & Automation

30   + More
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH
Power electronics for                     Deutronic – Manufacturer of your
                                          Power electronics

                                          A very warm welcome to the               family-owned. True to the company
                                          world of Deutronic!                      motto “Power + More”, Deutronic
                                                                                   offers its customers innovative
                  Charging Technology                                              complete solutions with added value.
                                          As a globally established partner
                                          to industry, Deutronic develops and      Other Deutronic locations are in
                                          manufactures intelligent power           the Czech Republic (Cicenice), the
                                          electronics and test systems of the      USA (Spartanburg) and in China
                                          highest quality.                         (Shenzhen).
                                          The particular strength of an owner-     A qualified, worldwide service
                  Transportation          managed family business lies in the      network takes care of maintenance,
                                          realization of application-specific      repair, exchange of products, of the
                                          special devices and customized           delivery of spare parts as well as of
                                          solutions also for smaller quantities.   the commissioning of systems.
                                          Deutronic was founded in 1983 in         Of course, we are available to you at
                                          Adlkofen near Landshut / Lower           any time. Please feel free to contact
                                          Bavaria. Now in its second generation,   us regarding customized individual
                                          the family-run company is 100 %          solutions.

                  Test & Automation

                  + MORE

 The demands on today‘s electronics are
 various. Talk to us about it.
 We master your challenges.
 Your success is our drive.

                                          About Deutronic                                                                 –5–
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH
Charging Technology

                                          We charge you up!                      Hardware and software are optimally
                                                                                 and individually adjusted to the
                                          Modern vehicles include multiple       respective application and guarantee
                                          electrical and electronical compo-     highest security and reliability.
                                          nents. Many onboard networks           Deutronic charging computers have
                                          possess more than 100 control          proven their worth a thousand times
                                          devices that must be powered.          and thus have been in use by leading
                                          These highly complex and sensitive     OEMs worldwide for decades.
                                          onboard networks, combined with        An absolute interconnectivity with
                                          high currents, have a wide range of    our “DC-Connect” offers a multitude
                                          requirements for charging technology   of possibilities: From real time moni-
                                          to meet.                               toring or remote control to the
                                          As technology and market leader in     downstream analysis and processing
                                          automotive charging technology,        of all saved data. This means that the
                                          Deutronic is the manufacturer world-   applications are almost limitless.
                                          wide who masters this demanding
                                          task even under adverse circumstan-
                                          ces, e.g. in vehicle production.

Deutronic Charging Technology
is used by leading OEMs worldwide
in production, workshops and showrooms.

                                          Charging Technology                                                            –7–
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH
Charging Technology

                                                                  Assembly Line
                                                                  Our robust and powerful charging computers are
                                                                  concepted and developed specifically for the
                                                                  needs and processes in automotive assembly.
                                                                  Battery and on-board electronics are optimally

                                                                  Final Assembly
                                                                  In the final assembly our charging computers
                                                                  guarantee fully charged batteries and 100 % safety
                                                                  for employees and on-board electronics.

                                                                  We provide a wide product range, which is
                                                                  ergonomically and technologically specifically
                                                                  designed for the harsh conditions in the work-
                                                                  shop. Our powerful, robust and durable products
                                                                  make us the preferred choice of professionals

                                                                  Our battery charging computers for showrooms
                                                                  are hidden from the customer‘s sight under
                                                                  the vehicle and enable the permanent use of light
                                                                  and entertainment systems for demonstration

                                                                  Trickle Charging
                                                                  The Batteries of cars, boats, campers and motor-
                                                                  cycles often need special attention and care
                                                                  because of long standing times or hibernation. In
Applications:                                                     this area, Deutronic also sets standards for gentle,
Assembly Line, Final Assembly, Workshop,                          adaptive charging processes as well as automatic
Showroom, Trickle Charging                                        detection of different battery chemistries.

                                           Charging Technology                                                    –9–
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH
Charging Technology

                                   SmartCharger                                     DBL

                                 Battery charger for workshop and showroom        Multifunctional battery chargers

                                   DBL HV                                           D-IBM2900

                                 Diagnostic and conditioning system               Energy buffer system for DBL battery chargers
                                 for Electric Mobility applications

                                 More products and further information about Deutronic Charging Technology
                                 can be found on our homepage

                                 Talk to our experts by phone
                                 or make an appointment on site.
                                 We will be happy to help you.

Deutronic Charging Technology    You can reach us at

Extract from our product range   Tel No: +49 8707 920-0
                                 email:   sales@deutronic.com

                                 Charging Technology                                                                    – 11 –
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH

                                              Be excited!                             compact design combined with high
                                                                                      power density. The converters are
                                              With electrified vehicles, electronic   controllable via CAN and individually
                                              components like high-voltage energy     applicable to the communication
                                              storages, electro motors etc. play an   protocol of the customer’s applica-
                                              important role. The use of different    tion.
                                              on-board voltages depending on
                                                                                      All galvanically isolated and non-
                                              the grade of electrification of the
                                                                                      isolated converters are very robust
                                              application and the constantly rising
                                                                                      and perfectly protected against
                                              power requirements increase the
                                                                                      rough environmental influences like
                                              complexity of the application.
                                                                                      vibration, shock, high temperature
                                              As a partner with tens of years of      differences, humidity and aggressive
                                              experience and competence,              atmosphere.
                                              Deutronic offers a wide spectrum
                                                                                      Due to our in-house production,
                                              of DC/DC converters for different
                                                                                      customer-specific changes are
                                                                                      possible even for small series.
                                              Our latest generation of DC/DC
                                              converters features an innovative,

Deutronic Transportation offers a wide
spectrum of DC/DC converters for the use in
harsh environments and electro and hybrid

                                              Transportation                                                                 – 13 –
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH

                                                          Mobile working machines
                                                          Our powerful DC/DC converters are used in
                                                          different construction machines and agricultural
                                                          vehicles of different kinds, also in the e-versions.

                                                          Electro- and Hybrid Vehicles
                                                          For hybrid and electro vehicles electronic compo-
                                                          nents, e.g. HV energy storages, e-machines etc.
                                                          are significant. Our DVCH converters meet the
                                                          requirements occurring in a vehicle and also
                                                          impress with extremely small construction volumes
                                                          and high efficiency.

                                                          In the highly specialized railway sector, we are able
                                                          to meet the high requirements and provide the
                                                          fitting DC/DC converter for our customers.

Mobile working machines, Electro- and
Hybrid Vehicles, Railway .....

                                        Transportation                                                    – 15 –
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH

                                   DVCH                                              DVC

                                 High-voltage DC/DC converter for hybrid and       Converter for vehicles with planar technology
                                 electric vehicles

                                   DVC-Standard                                      DR

                                 Standard converter for vehicles, versatile        DC/DC converter, galvanically non-separated
                                 applicable (different versions)

                                 More products and further information about Deutronic Transportation
                                 can be found on our homepage

                                 Talk to our experts by phone
                                 or make an appointment on site.
                                 We will be happy to help you.

Deutronic Transportation         You can reach us at

Extract from our product range   Tel No: +49 8707 920-0
                                 email:   sales@deutronic.com

                                 Transportation                                                                           – 17 –
Power MORE - Deutronic Elektronik GmbH

                                                We keep you running!                      All converters and industry-grade
                                                                                          power supplies are very robust and
                                                Automated intralogistical system          perfectly protected against rough
                                                cannot afford standing times. Our         environmental influences like
                                                robust industry power supplies            vibration, shock, high temperature
                                                provide highest reliability even under    differences, humidity and aggressive
                                                harshest operating conditions. We         atmosphere.
                                                provide the fitting solution for your     Due to our in-house production,
                                                system.                                   customer-specific changes are
                                                The latest generation of our DC/DC        possible even for small series.
                                                converters for e-mobility – also in       Our controllable power supplies
                                                fuel cell applications – enables a high   for DIN rail or 19‘‘ installation com-
                                                power density and current carrying        plete our product portfolio.
                                                capacity with a very flat design using
                                                planar components.

Deutronic Logistics keeps your conveyor
belts and industrial trucks running.
We also offer exhibits for switch cabinet use
(19‘‘ or DIN rail).

                                                Logistics                                                                         – 19 –

                                                       Industrial vehicles
                                                       For all types of industrial vehicles – including
                                                       electro vehicles – we provide the fitting DC/DC

                                                       Automated intralogistic plants cannot afford
                                                       off-times. Our robust industry power supplies
                                                       provide 100 % reliability even under the harshest
                                                       environmental conditions.

                                                       Switch cabinet and DIN rail
                                                       We provide suitable exhibits for rack mounting
                                                       and DIN rail.

Industrial vehicles, Intralogistics and
Switch cabinet and DIN rail

                                          Logistics                                                 – 21 –

                                   Power supply IP                                    Converter for vehicles

                                 Power supply for use in rough environments         DC/DC converter for hybrid and e-vehicles

                                   Controllable power supply

                                 DIN rail power supply

                                 More products and further information about Deutronic Logistics
                                 can be found on our homepage

                                 Talk to our experts by phone
                                 or make an appointment on site.
                                 We will be happy to help you.

Deutronic Logistics              You can reach us at

Extract from our product range   Tel No: +49 8707 920-0
                                 email:   sales@deutronic.com

                                 Logistics                                                                                – 23 –
Test & Automation

                                         Test us!                               function of the products according to
                                                                                norms and requirements.
                                         Deutronic test systems combine
                                         individual, modular component          Deutronic test systems can be
                                         assembly with the flexibility of our   designed for any possible purpose
                                         software solution DTS which can be     thanks to their individual, modular
                                         used for all purposes. The result      setup.
                                         of this symbiosis are application-     Electric motors, transformers, power
                                         specifically designed test systems.    supplies, batteries, fuses, switch,
                                         The application possibilities do not   plug, sensors, lights and lamps, lines
                                         have any borders. The type of the      and cables, white goods, entertain-
                                         product to be tested as well as the    ment electronics, train couplings,
                                         degree of automation determines        mechanical relays, semi-conductor
                                         the basic frame for the overall        relays, magnetic valves, medical
                                         concept. This process ensures the      devices, etc.
                                         electrical and physical safety and

Deutronic Test & Automation
Customized test and inspection systems
according to your specifications

                                         Test & Automation                                                              – 25 –
Test & Automation

                                                                         Test and Measurement Systems
                                                                         for the Automotive Industry
                                                                         e.g. for electro motors, stators and rotors,

                                                                         Test and Measurement Systems
                                                                         for the Industry Sector
                                                                         e.g. for fuses, switches, connectors, sensors, lights,
                                                                         cables and wires, home electronics, entertainment
                                                                         electronics, medical devices, transformers, power

                                                                         Test and Measurement Systems
                                                                         for Railway Applications
                                                                         e.g. for rail couplings, mechanical relays,
                                                                         semiconductor relays, magnetic valves

Electro motors, transformers, power supplies,
batteries, fuses, switches, connectors,
sensors, lights ...

                                                Test & Automation                                                       – 27 –
Test & Automation

                                   Stator test system                                Laboratory testing station

                                 Fully automated test systems for the electric    Laboratory testing station for stators

                                                   Motor test system

                                                                                   Test software

                                 Drum motor test system                           Highly flexible and easy to use Deutronic
                                                                                  DTS test software

                                 More products and further information about Deutronic Test & Automation
                                 can be found on our homepage

                                 Talk to our experts by phone
                                 or make an appointment on site.
                                 We will be happy to help you.

Deutronic Test & Automation      You can reach us at

Extract from our product range   Tel No: +49 8707 920-0
                                 email:   sales@deutronic.com

                                 Test & Automation                                                                        – 29 –
Edwanz group
                                          Added Value of our company group                                      MORE

                                          As an EDWANZ group company, we offer all the advantages of our company group.
                                           Wide service portfolio
                                           Flexible capacities for development and production
                                           Worldwide service

                                          Specialized in Intelligent Power Electronic Systems
                                          Battery Charging Systems | DC/DC Converter | Power Supplies
                                          Test and Measurement Systems | Motor Controller

                                          Specialized in Electromechanical Systems
                                          Vending Machines & Terminals | Metal Housings & Assemblies
                                          Components for Medical Engineering & Telecommunication
                                          Induktive Components

                                          Specialized in Development and Integration
                                          of Electronic Systems
Flexible capacities for development and   ECU Software | Development Tools for the Automotive Industry
production through the EDWANZ group       Measurement Technologies for ADAS | Mobile Automation
company                                   Embedded Systems

                                          Edwanz group                                                            – 31 –
Service + Support worldwide

                                                        Deutronic Czech R.

                                                         Deutronic Germany

                                                                                                                                         Deutronic China
                                      Electronic Inc.
                                      Deutronic USA

                                                                                               Service Center
                                                                                               Countries with a direct service partner
                                                                                               Supported countries

                                                                                A qualified worldwide service network takes care of maintenance,
Service + Support worldwide guarantee the
                                                                                repair, replacement of products, supply of spare parts and commissioning
best possible and quick service processing
                                                                                of systems.
for customers.

                                                                             Service + Support worldwide                                                    – 33 –
Everything from a single Source


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                                                                              Test &                       Productio                                worldwid
                                                                                                                                      Qualified twork
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                                                    Prototyp n                                             SMD ass                     Fast sup ce, repair
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                            Researc                                                       te                                                  re p la
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Concept                                             Circuit b                  Electrica
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Requirem                    energy s
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  Design t
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Everything from a single Source. In-house
production to series. Added value for the

                                                                             Everything from a single Source                                                  – 35 –
Individual product solutions (examples)

                                 The Motor controllers are state-of-the-art sinusoidal commuted
                                 speed controllers. The engine current is regulated to a sine wave to
                                 guarantee an optimal and highly efficient activation of the engine
                                 with this commutation principle.

              MORE               In the field of building automation we offer compact and high-
                                 performance power supplies with extremely low standby current
                                 consumption. In addition, we offer innovative solutions for energy
                                 storage technology.

                                 Further individual product solutions are possible
                                 Talk to our experts by phone
                                 or make an appointment on site.
                                 We will be happy to help you.
                                 You can reach us at
Individual product solutions –
Everything is possible           Tel No: +49 8707 920-0
                                 email:   sales@deutronic.com

                                 Individual product solutions (examples)                                 – 37 –
                             Represented by: Dipl.-Ing. Eduard
Deutronic Elektronik GmbH                                       e
                             Christian Wanzke, Thomas Wanzk
Deutronicstraße 5
                             USt-IdNr.: DE 128 947 951
D-84166 Adlkofen/Germany
                             WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 13739201
Tel.:  +49 8707 920 -0                                           37
                             Commercial Register: HRB Nr. 18
Fax:   +49 8707 1004                                            Germany
                             Court of jurisdic tion: Landshut /
email: sales@deutronic.com
ww w.deutronic.com

Contact / Imprint
MORE   www.deutronic.com
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