Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector

Page created by Troy Ramirez
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K   -   U K   V E R S I O N

Join one of
the most
companies in the
UK Space Sector
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

What type of company          We are a deep tech company
                              investing over $100M into its
                                                                   That is exactly what we’re

is Isotropic Systems and
                              first product launches. We are
                              pioneering the industrialisation     In commercial and defence,
                              of optical devices from the          we have attracted the best
what’s the mission?           scientific field of transformation   customers in record time, from
                              optics that unlocks several          SES (largest satellite operator
                              benefits the industry needs.         in the world by revenue),
                                                                   Inmarsat (largest mobility
                              The space industry ground            satellite provider), US Navy for
                              segment has always operated          the USS Zumwalt, US Army for
                              with one single antenna,             the advanced/experimental
                              capable of delivering only           programme and more.
                              one connection to a single
                              satellite and relied upon
                              geosynchronous satellites.
                              The emergence of satellites
                              in new orbits has led to the
                              entrance of new players such
                              as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and
                              established players building
      John Finney             massive satellite constellations
      Founder & CEO           with thousands of satellites in
                              view from any position on earth.

   Hello &
                              The industry requires a new
                              breed of antenna/terminal that
                              is capable of offering many
                              simultaneous connections from

                              a single terminal on the move,
                              without ever-increasing the
                              antenna cost to manufacture or
                              compromising on performance.
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
All Satellites. One Terminal.
C A N D I D A T E    P A C K

Using ground-breaking innovation to
empower customers to connect to multiple

satellites through a single Isotropic terminal.

                                                                                        The Future:
                                                                                        Multiple Connections
                                                                                             • Breakthrough optical
                                                                                               technology terminals
 Today:                                                                                        can communicate
                                                                                               with multiple satellites
 Single Connections                                                                            simultaneously
 • Satellites orbit the earth in three                                                       • ‘Multibeam’ terminals
   orbits: LEO, MEO & GEO                                                                      combine the power of
                                                                                               many existing terminals
 • Current terminals/dishes can
                                                                                               into one
   communicate or receive from only
   one orbit of satellites at a time                                                         • Providing limitless
                                                                                               bandwidth for global
 • Terminals are used for global
   communications on land, in the
   air and at sea                                                                            • ‘Multibeam’ terminals
                                                                             Optical lens      ready for future satellites
                                                                                               launching in 2022
                                                                                               and beyond

                                           A next generation
                                           ground terminal for next
                                           generation satellites from
                                           SES, Inmarsat, OneWeb,
                                           SpaceX, Amazon, Telesat
                                           and many, many more.

Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

The Interview Process
To ensure we hire the very best talent, our standard
interview process for a successful candidate is outlined
below. Our process offers several opportunities for a
candidate to promote themselves and their technical
abilities to multiple members of the hiring and Senior
Leadership Team.

            Suitable candidates will have an initial screening call with a
            member of our Talent Acquisition Team or the recruitment
            agency who processed their application.
            15-30 minutes

            A technical interview with the hiring manager will be
            conducted to discuss the candidate›s skills and experience.
            The requirements of this are role-specific and will be
            outlined beforehand.
            30 minutes - 2 hours

            A final interview with members of HR or the Senior
            Leadership Team will occur to ensure the candidate aligns
            with our company values.
            30 minutes - 1 hour
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E    P A C K


Since 2017, Isotropic Systems
has mastered computational
and material science in order to
deliver optical devices (lenses)
that allow the pointing and
repointing of radio waves to
many satellites at once. Those
lenses are then arrayed together
into a single terminal. You can
learn more details about what
performance is derived and
the architecture throughout the
interview process.

Isotropic Systems’
World First
Field Tests
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K


Some of the biggest names in
the world are in the investor
group for Isotropic Systems,
enabling us to achieve $100M
of funding for our first global

We have a robust growth
plan and funding support.
Our major shareholders are:
John Finney – Founder & CEO
of Isotropic Systems, Boeing –
the world’s largest aerospace
company, SES – the largest
satellite operator by revenue,
UK Government – supporting
the new purchase of OneWeb
as the UK national satellite
constellation, US Government,
Promus and Seraphim – space
and satellite investors.

                                  Isotropic Systems
                                  Aero Visualisation
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

Diversity, Equality &
Isotropic Systems is committed         Since 2019, our
to building a fully inclusive          workforce has
organisation. We actively              more than tripled
practice and promote diversity,        and growth
inclusion and equality in the          continues as
workplace by hiring the best           the business
people for the job from across         expands.
the world. We regularly sponsor
international talent into our
business and truly believe that
a culturally diverse workforce
fosters innovation, challenges
the status quo and increases
productivity – not to mention,
it makes for a really interesting
place to work.

Our efforts have been
recognised by Microsoft for Start
Ups as finalists in the Diversity in
Tech Awards 2020 for Cultural
Inclusion. All of our employees
are business critical and we
have a strong track record of                  RIGHT
career development, promoting                  Isotropic Systems
within the organisation and                    UK Head Office
rewarding achievements.
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K


Isotropic Systems has an
outstanding workforce, with
indisputable results to match.

Our technology has already
passed live over the air, bi-
directional data traffic tests
through a sequence of test-
bed platforms with Avanti (UK
operator), SES O3b (large
constellation) and also the US                          X
army tracking moving satellites                      M M XI          T

and completing successful

                                                                     -OR  LT I
                                     IS O T R

Most recently, we have
successfully completed the

world’s first demonstration

of simultaneous multi-orbit                     IC

satellite connectivity to converge
broadband satellite networks for
                                                        M EO-G
game-changing connectivity on
land, in the air and at sea.                         RIGHT
                                                     Isotropic Systems’
                                                     CATR Anechoic
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

for Product
We have passed the European
Space Agency (ESA) Technology
Evaluation Board and
have entered into a formal
programme that ESA view
as realistic to meet its goals
covering productisation of its
technology. The programme is
managed by ESA under a large
undisclosed grant award and
continuously peer-reviewed by a
top technical group at Boeing.

Isotropic Systems has invested
heavily in resources in order to
ensure we can meet demand
once we launch our first product
in 2022. We opened our second
facility in 2021, a world-class
Engineering Campus which
includes three chambers for RF     ABOVE
measurements and extensive         Isotropic Systems
lab facilities including clean     Terminal Prototype
Join one of the most exciting companies in the UK Space Sector
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

Future Prospects for
Isotropic Systems

In the coming years, we
anticipate accelerated
development of follow-on

Defence contractors, satellite
operators, legacy competitors
and satellite service providers
have shown interest in enabling
our expansion so we are looking
forward to what the future holds.

Permanent employees on UK
& US employment contracts
may benefit from a tax-efficient
stock plan, set up under the
UK government Enterprise
Management Incentives (EMI)

                                    Isotropic Systems
                                    Engineering Campus
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

Have Your Say

Isotropic Systems gives
employees a say in what goes
on and the opportunity to
initiate change.

We hold monthly All Hands
meetings, whereby anonymous
questions or topics are
submitted prior, then answered
and discussed by the Senior
Leadership Team (SLT) every

In 2020, 92% of the initiatives
agreed by our Employee
Focus Group and SLT were
fully implemented, showing
this is a unique company that
truly harnesses the views of its

                                   Isotropic Systems
                                   Engineering Campus
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

Perks & Benefits
            Eat Well
            Fruit, snacks &
                                   Career development             Place of work
            drinks provided        & mentoring                    Reading, Berkshire

                                                                  Our UK head office is based in
                                                                  Reading town centre very close to
            Cycle to Work          Referrals
                                                                  the train station. Our Engineering
            Range of bikes &       Influence team
                                                                  Campus is also in Reading,
            accessories            growth & get
                                                                  approximately ten minutes’ drive
                                                                  away from the town centre.

                                                                  Employees are expected to work
                                                                  on-site as opposed to working
            Well-being Centre      Savings
                                                                  from home because face-to-face
            Advice on phsyical,    Discounts platform
                                                                  collaboration is often required.
            mental and financial   across hundreds of
            well-being             retailers

                                                        Engineering Campus                UK Head Office
                                                        Unit 2-6, 64 Portman Rd           40rty Caversham Rd
            Employee               Tusker               Reading, Berkshire                Reading, Berkshire
            Assistance             Salary Sacrifice     RG30 1EA                          RG1 7EB
            Counselling Service    Car Scheme           UK                                UK

            Training               Welcome Gifts                   US Office
            In-house &             Complimentary                   200 Massachusetts Ave NW,
                                                                   Washington, DC 20001,
            professional           branded pack                    USA
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

                                                              Contributing to the creation of
            We value a culture of autonomy and                revolutionary technology and
            accountability as long as we see                  launching it onto the global stage,
            results. This means that much of the              is for many, a once in a lifetime
            work requires spontaneous discussion,             opportunity. By joining Isotropic
            teamworking and physical lab work                 Systems, you’ll be helping shape
            whilst we are developing our first                the satcoms industry whilst sharing
            product. In general, our employees                work objectives and excitement with
            are collaborating in the office or                incredibly talented colleagues.
            engineering facility for the majority of
            the time – and they wouldn’t want to              You can carry forward the skills and
            be anywhere else!                                 experience you acquire at Isotropic
                                                              Systems for the rest of your career.

                                         Isotropic Systems
                                         Terminal Prototype
C A N D I D A T E   P A C K

Where can I
learn more?
Read our latest news
articles for updates and
visit our careers page to
view and apply to our
job openings.

                              Follow us
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