GA TODAY - Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)

Page created by Paul George
GA TODAY - Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)
                                                                                A QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER FOR GENERAL
                                                                                AVIATION WITHIN THE LEHIGH VALLEY
                                                                                AIRPORT SYSTEM.

                                IN THIS ISSUE! PAGE 1 Terminal Takes Shape! PAGE 2 Repaired & Repaved PAGE 3 Approaching
   Issue #8                     Final Design - Eyes on Aviation Careers PAGE 4 Women Fly, Too! Celebrating Black History Month
                                PAGE 5 The Importance of the Magneto Drop Check

Terminal Takes Shape!
Since January, crews have been full throttle in constructing the           Having received a $325,000 matching state grant from the
new Terminal Building at Braden Airpark (N43).                             PennDOT Bureau of Aviation (BOA), the LNAA and lead engineer
                                                                           McFarland Johnson, Inc. officially purchased the pre-engineered
 “We started with a roughly 120-day construction window, which             building through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) in January
started with the initial grading and site work in preparation for the      2021. This purchasing system provided substantial cost savings
foundations,” said Ryan Meyer, Director of Planning & Programming,         that also required additional local and BOA coordination to ensure
Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority (LNAA).                               the building met all applicable requirements, specifications, and
                                                                           building codes.
The finished product will be a 2,300 square foot terminal building
that provides meeting space for local groups / organizations, FBO          “After years of planning and coordination with state and local
offices, and pilot services with a lounge.                                  agencies, this is the best solution for the Airpark from a budget and
                                                                           use perspective. We’re excited to share this community asset at
One major challenge that remains on this project’s radar: mother nature.   Braden Airpark this spring,” said Meyer.

“Any snow or low temperatures can slow construction down.
Temperatures were cooperative to execute the installation of footers
for the foundation,” said Meyer.

Over the next few weeks, construction crews will continue to install
the modular buildings to create the new Terminal Building.

There’s several items on the pre-opening checklist that are weather
dependent which include a new airfield vehicle access roadway with
security gate, new utility connections, ADA access ramps, sidewalks,
and landscaping.

GA TODAY - Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)
GA TODAY             Issue #8

Repaired & Repaved
Proactive pavement infrastructure investment at aviation facilities
improves the longevity and usability of these areas.

In coordination with Barker & Barker Paving, the
Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority (LNAA) completed pavement
rehabilitation in three (3) areas located adjacent to the Main
Terminal and Hangar Apron at Queen City Airport (XLL):

1) Taxilane to the T-hangars: repaired pavement settling around a
   concrete duct bank.

2) Terminal Area: addressed water ponding in pavement between
   the terminal and fuel farm.                                        “The Airport Authority is currently evaluating additional pavement
                                                                      projects including crack sealing, seal coating, and new markings on
3) Lower Hangar Ramp: repaved along the taxilane to eliminate         the main apron, with the intent of starting the phase of rehabilitation
   pavement settling and an associated dip which can be               in Summer 2022,” said Ryan Rockovits, Aviation Project Manager,
   hazardous to taxiing aircraft.                                     Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority (LNAA).

GA TODAY - Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)
GA TODAY              Issue #8

Approaching Final Design                                                    Eyes on Aviation Careers
The Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority (LNAA) has reached final            Queen City Airport (XLL) operations manager Kimi Eisenhart and
design of the multi-phase and multi-million dollar reconstruction of        Airport staff hosted the Aeronautical Science & Aviation Club at
Runway 15-33 at Queen City Airport (XLL).                                   Wallenpaupack Area High School or WASA.

“Reviews and evaluations of the design are reaching completion,
                                                                            Enthusiasts of aviation, these students were given a back-stage tour
which is critical as the Airport Authority intends to submit this project
                                                                            of airport management and learned about daily airport operations.
during the upcoming Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding
cycle in April,” said Thomas R. Stoudt, Executive Director, LNAA.
                                                                            “They were speechless because they never thought they would have
The design includes upgraded LED runway lighting, plus strengthening        a chance to get an up close and personal experience at any airport,”
of the pavement section to meet future demand and weight                    said Eisenhart.
requirements based on the 2019 Airport Master Plan forecasts.
                                                                            “They had questions about anything and everything regarding the
“Due to funding limitations, construction of the Runway 15-33 Project       Airport. One student asked specifically about wildlife management
is scheduled to be phased over two (2) years. Depending upon on the         which sparked a really good conversation.”
amount of funding awarded through the grant submission process,
construction has the potential to begin later in 2022,” said Stoudt.        In 2021, the Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority (LNAA) helped
                                                                            the club grow its fleet of aircraft, by donating a Cessna 150H from
                                                                            Braden Airpark in Easton PA.

GA TODAY - Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)
GA TODAY             Issue #8

Women Fly, Too!
Celebrating Black
History Month
Many people have heard of the Tuskegee Airmen. These                   future aviators. Of the 740,000 licensed pilots in the U.S., only 6%
African-American male pilots flew both fighter and escort missions       are women and less than 1% are black women.
during World War II. They were indeed pioneers, but there were
many African-American female pilots that were also an integral part    Mae Jemison was the first black woman to travel into space. In
of aviation history.                                                   1992, she spent eight days orbiting the earth. A graduate of Stanford
                                                                       and Cornell, she is a physician, a chemical engineer, a professor and a
The first and perhaps best known black pilot in the United States       published author.
was Bessie Coleman.
                                                                       Theresa Claiborne was the first black woman in the United States
Born in 1892 to a family of sharecroppers in Atlanta, Texas, she       Air Force (USAF). While there she flew KC135’s for seven years,
became interested in aviation by listening to stories of WWII          and now is a captain for United Airlines flying 787’s. She is the
European women pilots, who flew actual combat missions. She was         founder of Sisters of the Sky, an organization which helps young
denied entry to any flight programs in the U.S. because she was         black girls obtain their dream of becoming pilots.
black, so she went to France. In 1921 she received her
international pilot’s license from the coveted Federation              Carole Hopson is a United Airlines pilot flying 737’s. After 20 years
Aeronautique Internationale. Upon returning to the U.S., she           in the corporate world and a career in journalism, she left it all behind
became a high-profile stunt pilot earning the title Queen Bess. She     to learn to fly. Fulfilling her dream, she is paying it forward as the
was an inspiration to many, such as Willa Brown.                       founder of the 100 Pairs of Wings Project, an organization designed
                                                                       to help 100 black women become involved in aviation. A published
Willa was the first black woman to obtain both her pilot’s license      author, she also wrote a novel based on the life of Bessie Coleman.
and aircraft mechanics license. She was instrumental in getting
male pilots desegregated. Her most important role may have been in     Closer to home, there are many women pilots in the Lehigh Valley
training over 200 Tuskegee airman and instructors.                     area. They are military, commercial, corporate and recreational
Mildred Carter was one of those black females that wished Willa        pilots. They hold private, commercial, instrument, glider, hot air
could have trained her to be a Tuskegee Airman, but she was denied     balloon, single engine, multiengine, and ATP (Airline Transport Pilot)
into this elite group, as well as the WASP’s (Woman Air Service        ratings. Still others are airplane mechanics, flight instructors,
Pilots). She became the first black woman to obtain her pilot license   dispatchers, and air traffic controllers. Many of them belong to the
through the Civil Air Patrol, and was declared an official member of    local Keystone Chapter of the 99’s, an international organization of
both the Tuskegee Airmen and the WASP’s later in life.                 women pilots.

While there were many pioneers, there are currently just as many       For more information on the Keystone Chapter of the 99’s, please
amazing black female pilots fundamental to boosting interest in        check or email

    Bessie Coleman                Willa Brown                 Mae Jemison                                                Carole Hopson

GA TODAY - Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)
GA TODAY        Issue #8

           The importance of the magneto drop check

    Performing a magneto (mag) check before takeoff can become so automatic that its easy not to pay attention to the results
    and what they mean.

    While running at the recommended power setting, switch the mags from the “Both” position to the “R” and “L” positions.
    Make sure to go back to the “Both” position each time you move the switch. Look for the difference in RPM drop between
    the left and right magnetos. The operating manual will recommend a maximum allowable difference – typically about 50
    RPM. It is possible for the RPM drop on each mag to be within limits but the difference between the mags to be excessive.
    No drop in RPM could be an indication of a broken P-lead.

    Switching a magneto off, grounds the magneto coil and prevents it from working. The wire that provides this ground is
    called a P-Lead. If a magneto’s P-Lead is broken, the magneto will stay operational, and an engine start can occur if the
    propeller is moved.

    You can check the status of the P-Leads yourself by bringing the engine to idle RPM and turning the ignition switch to
    “Off”. If either P-lead is broken, the engine will continue to run. If the P-leads are good, the engine will begin to shut down.

    A rough-running engine or an excessive mag drop could mean many things like, bad rings, bad timing, bad magneto
    points, bad plugs, bad magneto leads, or loose connections. Be sure your magnetos are in good operating condition by
    checking your magneto drop is within specifications and have any problems inspected before flight.

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