Bank Strategy in the World of Fintech - Arnoud Boot
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›› banking Bank Strategy in the World of Fintech Written By Arnoud W.A. Boot, Professor of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets, University of Amsterdam Bank Strategy in the World of Fintech 52 International Banker - WINTER 2019 v6.indd 52 2/18/2019 11:56:16 PM
F intech (financial technology) is widely seen as a disruptive force in the banking industry. New infor- mation-technology (IT)-focused entrants, including large data and platform-orient- ed IT firms such as Google and Apple, are seen as a potential threat to the position of banks. While banks appear to be still in the lead, information technology and fintech are changing the competitive landscape. Customers have easier access to multi- ple providers and potentially more trans- parent product offerings. The traditional bank-customer relationship is more or less gone. The challenges are enormous, from dealing with legacy systems to figuring out viable business models going forward. Agil- ity has become the new buzzword of con- sultants. Institutions need to become agile to deal with the challenges ahead. But can we give some clarity on what lies ahead? Arguably the most profound manifestation of fintech is that it may lead to the disaggre- gation of the value chain. Interfaces—online platforms in particular—may come about that help bundle the product offerings of different providers, thereby becoming the direct point of contact for customers. Online platforms may then become the preferred customer interface. A financial-services platform might also act as a marketplace where people interact directly and finan- cial institutions serve the limited roles of advisor, broker and/or record-keeper. P2P (peer-to-peer) lending could have parties transacting directly without the benefit of a financial intermediary. Technology firms may use payments solutions (such as Apple Pay) as a platform and gain a direct custom- er interface for related products and servic- es; legacy financial institutions then might be relegated to serving as the back office or product provider to the platform. The disruptive forces affecting banking may also lead to new entrants. New specialized lenders have arisen that seek to replace rela- tionship lenders and traditional credit scor- ing with sophisticated algorithms based on big data mining (data analytics). Analyzing data such as buying habits, memberships, 53 winter 2019 International Banker - WINTER 2019 v6.indd 53 2/18/2019 11:56:17 PM
›› banking Bank Strategy in the World of Fintech reading habits and lifestyle choices has shown to lead to credible creditworthiness “ assessments. Similarly, the growing availa- bility of inexpensive information allows for Agility has become the new buzzword of consultants. public certification of creditworthiness sim- Institutions need to become agile to deal with the challenges ” ilar to the trustworthiness scores on eBay or the client-satisfaction scores on TripAdvisor. ahead. But can we give some clarity on what lies ahead? An area that seems most open to fintech is payments, and particularly retail-related payments. This core area of banking is being coveted by technology firms and payments gerated?” At that point, the discussion was necessarily independent of banks but may specialists. China offers arguably the most about the banks’ role in lending. In particu- be in joint ventures or other types of alli- visible manifestation of what new technol- lar, the question was whether securitization ances with traditional banks. In some coun- ogy companies are up to. Alipay provides would undermine the banks’ lending fran- tries, banks themselves have managed to of- payment services for hundreds of millions chise. They concluded that while securitiza- fer the leading online payments solutions. of people. Regulatory developments, such tion would make banks less important for All of this points at a fruitful role of banks in as PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2) in the actual funding of loans, the core func- the fintech space and potential complemen- the European Union (EU), may further el- tions of banks in the lending process—orig- tarities between banks and fintech players. evate competition in this area. PSD2 forces ination (including screening), servicing and banks to share payment information with monitoring—would be preserved, as would One should also not discard the more in- others on the request of their customers. the centrality of banks. What is more, banks direct competitive advantages that banks This is designed to encourage competition would typically play a role in the securitiza- have. Banks may benefit from the anxie- in the payments sphere. tion vehicles by providing back-up lines of ty of people about the safety of their liquid credit and guarantees on the refinancing of wealth. The financial crisis of 2007-09 may Many of the recent fintech-related devel- the commercial paper that funds many of the have created concerns about the stability of opments are highly customer-focused and vehicles. (This is not to say that securitization banks, but the bank is still seen as the place contrast with the traditional product orien- was without problems. The 2007-09 finan- where money is safe. These comments also tation of banks. For example, the platforms cial crisis showed severe shortcomings in the point at potential artificial competitive ad- could give customers easier access to a vari- way securitization had developed.) vantages that banks have. Being a bank with ety of providers and a broader set of servic- a license and an implicit guarantee from the es going beyond financial services. Again, The message of that article undoubtedly has government has value. The implicit guaran- China—where Alipay and WeChat are pro- relevance today. Banks will respond and tees that banks have from their governments viding the core of platforms that blend so- try to be players in the fintech world them- may give them an edge over new entrants, cial media, commerce and banking—offers selves. Indeed, an IDC (International Data including possibly fintech players. Protec- an example. This is what the consultancy Corporation) survey reports that banks are tion may go even further. Governments and McKinsey calls “a customer-centric, unified among the largest investors in big data an- regulators may try to limit competition in value proposition that goes beyond what alytics. They may also set up platforms and the interest of financial stability. Finally, users could previously obtain…” and is “of- in this way hold on to the customer inter- while banks often complain about stringent ten more central in the customer journeys”. face. Moreover, fintech is often facilitating rules and regulations, these rules and reg- This points at empowerment by custom- and thus is a way to improve operations and ulations also offer protection; new players ers and simultaneously could cast doubt on existing processes within banks. Data ana- might not easily satisfy them. Indeed, safe- whether banks will be able to continue to lytics could, for example, help improve the guarding fair opportunities for new players control the customer interface. lending processes of banks. is a challenge when strong and highly po- litically connected incumbents are present. Banks are resilient Underscoring these points further, we see The threat for banks may seem obvious, yet that banks often play a role in P2P lending. Banking strategy this does not mean that banks are doomed. As in securitization, banks may serve essen- Nevertheless, it is fair to say that the future In the past, banking institutions have shown tial functions in that lending process, such of the industry and its structure in particu- remarkable resilience, despite questions as compliance, screening and monitoring. lar is highly uncertain. Developments in about their viability. As far back as 1994, Banks together with institutional investors technology have inherently a level of unpre- economists John Boyd and Mark Gertler can also be important providers of funding dictability. The financial-services industry commented on the predicted demise of banks to P2P platforms. A bank may even have set is in the middle of it. Some banks may play in a well-known study titled, “Are Banks up and arranged the platform. Similarly in a leading role in the new universe, perhaps Dead? Or Are the Reports Greatly Exag- payments—the payments innovators are not by becoming fintechs themselves and pro- 54 International Banker - WINTER 2019 v6.indd 54 2/18/2019 11:56:17 PM
“ industries that are being disrupted are often The real winners will be those players that escape the seen as defensive at best, aimed at delaying ” legacy and become platforms in the new world of finance. the inevitable. As dinosaurs, the mergers may precede extinction. Indeed, size can help protect margins in the short-term via market power. But how do such mergers re- viders of leading platforms. But there are osition”. Agility and flexibility in setting up late to the agility needed to survive in the reasons to envision a decline for the banking and finding value-enhancing partnerships long-term? Mergers of legacy institutions industry at large. New competitors and the are seen as distinct skills. In doing so, banks need to go hand-in-hand with massive re- disaggregation of the value chain will put may face dilemmas. When is partnering with structurings that lower the cost bases and pressure on existing players, and the wider fintechs optimal, and when is it not desira- aim at full digitalization of processes. availability of information will reduce the ble? Such a dilemma could play out, for ex- banks’ edge as brokers of information. ample, in partnering with Apple in payments. Do I advocate for such mergers? As a bank, Will banks continue to be important for such it might put you back in time. The strat- What seems clear is that banks will need to partnerships—or only in the beginning, then egy will be inward-looking, dealing with become agile—yes, the buzzword of consult- redundant subsequently? the massive legacy issues at hand. The real ants—and flexible to deal with the challenges winners will be those players that escape and uncertainties ahead. What types of ac- An equal challenge is how to transform the the legacy and become platforms in the new tion to take in such an environment? Increas- legacy institutions of today into agile play- world of finance. They will have the cus- ingly, partnering is seen as crucial for banks. ers that can succeed in the fintech universe. tomer interface and others delivering ser- In a recent study, the World Economic Forum Substantial mergers might be envisioned in vices to their platforms. Can existing banks (WEF) concluded that “financial institutions the banking industry in the years to come. be among the winners? Banks have shown will need to find ways to partner with large A key question, however, is how to turn this themselves to be resilient in the past; do not techs without losing their core value prop- into a viable long-term strategy. Mergers in count them out.» 55 winter 2019 International Banker - WINTER 2019 v6.indd 55 2/18/2019 11:56:18 PM
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