PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso

Page created by Tyrone Carroll
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
ENDANGERED SPECIES                                  leonoracamusso.it
Riverine rabbit, puffin, African wild dog, dugong   info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
10 IN SCIENZE                                                                                                        leonoracamusso.it
Illustrations for the book “10 in scienze, storia della vita sulla terra”, published by Centro Studi Erickson 2020   info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
ALPHABET: ENDANGERED ANIMALS                                     leonoracamusso.it
Ring-tailed lemur, Okapi, Vaquita, Eastern long-beaked echidna   info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
THE BAYOU BAND   leonoracamusso.it
Portfolio        info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
BIRDS IN FOLKLORE SERIES   leonoracamusso.it
Cuckoo and magpies         info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
THE CHRISTMAS OF THE ANIMALS        leonoracamusso.it
Illustrations for Christmas cards   info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
THE CHRISTMAS OF THE ANIMALS        leonoracamusso.it
Illustration for a Christmas card   info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
“I GIORNI DELLA MERLA”                   leonoracamusso.it
Illustration about an Italian folktale   info@leonoracamusso.it
PORTFOLIO - Leonora Camusso
CHRISTMAS NIGHT                  leonoracamusso.it
Christmas illustrations series   info@leonoracamusso.it
RUDOLPH                          leonoracamusso.it
Christmas illustrations series   info@leonoracamusso.it
PAPER DECORATIONS                                                   leonoracamusso.it
Graphic and paper toy design - magazine “Riforma” - December 2020   info@leonoracamusso.it
PAPER TOYS                                                                leonoracamusso.it
Paper toys design: animals of the Alps - Magazine “Riforma”, April 2020   info@leonoracamusso.it
ECOSYSTEM              leonoracamusso.it
Amazon forest, ocean   info@leonoracamusso.it
Portfolio                       info@leonoracamusso.it
SPORTS!     leonoracamusso.it
Portfolio   info@leonoracamusso.it
IMAGINARY FRIEND   leonoracamusso.it
Portfolio          info@leonoracamusso.it
COUNTRY LIFE   leonoracamusso.it
Portfolio      info@leonoracamusso.it
Leonora Camusso is an illustrator based in Italy.
                         She was born and raised in a small town, deep in the mountains between Italy and France.
                         When she was a little girl, she would spend her day strolling through the meadows and
                         woods with pencils and a sketchbook. It was then that she deeply connected with the
                         natural world and with drawing.
                         Growing up, she studied illustration and animation at IED, European Institute of Design, in
                         Turin, for four years. Later on, she went on to explore a variety of other different creative
                         fields and started working as a graphic designer as well as an illustrator.

                         Now she lives at the foot of the mountains, and she is focusing on her illustration career.

                         Leonora can’t stop drawing and creating even for a minute. She’s always excited to work on
                         new projects that allow her to use different skills, from her beloved watercolour to digital
                         She believes that people’s love and wonder for nature is what can connect us as human
                         She loves animals and knowing all about them.
Portfolio completo su    She likes to discover and pass on tales and legends, and she has also founded a project to
                         gather and document local folklore from the area where she lives.
www.leonoracamusso.it    If you can’t find her at the desk, she’s probably strolling around the fields or up the
                         mountainside with her sketchbook.
Contatti                 Some important things never change!

                         List of clients I enjoyed working with:
                         Centro Studi Erickson, Milan Presse, Glénat Editions, Giunti Scuola, Editrice La Scuola, Castalia
Social media
                         Editrice, SEI Editrice, Redint Studio, Galleria Davico, Meltingmedia, XR Safety Initiative, Forum
                         Internazionale ed Europeo sulle Migrazioni, Mediterranean Hope, Otto per Mille Valdese,
                         Riforma.it, Radio Beckwith Evangelica.
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