Practice/Case Management Software Comparison Chart for Solo/Small Firm

Page created by Clinton Garcia
This document includes two charts: a Practice/Case Management Software Comparison Chart for Solo/Small Firm, and a Time & Billing Software Comparison
                             Chart for Solo/Small Firm. Scroll down to view the Time & Billing chart. Last updated: May 2015.

                                        Practice/Case Management Software Comparison Chart for Solo/Small Firm
                                                       (Note: May include time/billing features. See below for Time & Billing specific chart.)
                                               Technical                                   Back Office
                             Pricing                            Front Office Tasks                             Compatibility                    Mobile Access               Technical Support
                                             Requirements                                     Tasks
                                                                                                           (Import/export, etc.)
                       AbacusLaw from        AbacusLaw:       Fully integrated          Available in       Abacus Private             Access your practice anytime,   Abacus Private Cloud includes
                       just                  Windows 8,       rules-based               AbacusLaw          Cloud™ is software         anywhere and from any           fully managed IT, 24x7
                       $47/month/user        Windows 7,       calendaring, case,        Gold: One-click    agnostic so you can        device.                         monitoring, managed backups,
                                             Windows Vista    contact and               time tracking,     use any applications,                                      inherent disaster recovery,
                       Abacus Private        Business or      document                  billing,           per your firm’s            Abacus offers both In-Office    antivirus and malware
                       Cloud™ (full          Ultimate or      management, email         accounting,        requirements.              or Virtual Practice             protection, firewall & intrusion
                       virtual law           Windows          management,               trust                                         Environments. Not sure which    prevention, unlimited
                       practice) starts at   Server 2003-     document assembly,        accounting,        Abacus Law:                is right for your needs? Let    technical support and more all
                       just $197/month       2012             auto-fill court forms,    general ledger,    Microsoft Word,            our experts help you assess     from the U.S.
                                                              instant messaging,        check writing,     Outlook,                   your options with a no-
                       Custom, no risk       Abacus Private   case notes and more. payroll,                WordPerfect                obligation Technology           AbacusLaw offers U.S. based
                       proposal:             Cloud™: Any      (more info)               integrated                                    Readiness Assessment.           support, M-F from 6am-
                       http://www.abac       modern device                              credit card        Data Migration:                                            5pmPST, by remote desktop,
                   with an          Practice Area Legal       processing and     Abacus Professional        (more info)                     telephone, email and fax.
                       g/                    Internet         Solutions (PALS) are      ACH billing and    Services provides
                                             connection.      pre-configured            more.              expert data                                                (more info)
                                                              products for specific                        migration from
                       ABA members           (more info)      areas of law. These       (more info)        existing Case
  AbacusLaw            save 15% on                            out-of-the-box                               Management
                       AbacusLaw                              solutions come with                          Software systems to
                       through ABA                            the screens, rules,                          the AbacusLaw
                       Member                                 reports, documents,                          platform (or platform
                       Advantage.                             forums and                                   for your choice)
                                                              terminology you
                                                              need.                                        (more info)

                                                               Services: The
                                                               Professional Services
                                                               team offers law
                                                               practice solutions
                                                               that increase firm
                                                               productivity and
                                                               mitigate risks by
                                                               customizing how you
                                                               use the powerful

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
platform to meet
                                                              your firm’s specific
                                                              (more info)

                       Montly               Web-based,        Workflow,                Time tracking,     Microsoft Office       Actionstep is web-based, and     Technical support is included
                       subscription:        requires any      Document                 billing and        Microsoft Outlook      accessible on any mobile         free as a part of Actionstep's
                       $60/month per        internet          Management,              reporting, trust   Google                 device including                 monthly subscription.
                       user per month       browser:          Document Assembly,       accounting         Calendar/Exchange      smartphones, iPad and other
                       (includes Time       Internet          Time Recording,                             Gmail (Google Apps)    tablets.                         Support options include email,
   Actionstep          and Billing)         Explorer          Email, Calendar,                            Calendar sync                                           telephone support and
                                            FireFox           Contacts, Tasks,                            Xero                                                    knowledge center
                                            Chrome            Integrated                                  HotDocs
                                            Safari            Accounting, Website
                                                              Integration, Client
                                            Mac or PC         Portal, Secure                              Data import/export.
                                                              Document Exchange                           Data conversion
                                                                                                          from other
                       Amicus Attorney      Premium           Matter                   Time tracking      Microsoft Exchange*    Amicus Anywhere* provides a      Annual technical support plans
                       Premium Edition      Edition:          management,              and reporting.     Microsoft Outlook      secure live connection           offer unlimited telephone &
                       2014:                SQL Server        contact relationship     Additional back    Google Calendar*       through a web browser.           email support, web-based
                       $999 1st license,    2012/2008         management,              office features    Microsoft                                               remote desktop assistance,
                       $699 additional      R2/2008           knowledge                available in       Word/Excel             (more info)                      access to experts, convenient
                       licenses. Optional   (Standard/Ente    management,              Amicus Small       WordPerfect                                             hours.
                       additional fees      rprise)           calendaring &            Firm               Adobe                  Amicus
                       for annual           Windows           docketing, universal     Accounting (see    Acrobat/Reader         TimeTracker lets you do time     (more info)
                       maintenance          Server 2012       communication            Time & Billing     HotDocs                entries on your smartphone.
                       ($350/$295           R2/               inbox, document          chart below).      CompuLaw
                       respectively),       2012/2008         assembly, document                          Worldox*               (more info)                      Annual maintenance plans
                       annual tech          R2/2008/2003      management,                                 Dropbox*                                                offer access to Amicus
                       support              R2/2003           conflict checking, to-                      SQL Reporting          Contacts and Calendar sync       Anywhere, Amicus
Amicus Attorney        ($195/$95            SBS 2011/2008     do lists, deadline                          Services               with any mobile device via       TimeTracker, automatic
                       respectively).       R2/2008/2003      management.                                 Amicus Premium         Outlook, Exchange* or            software upgrades and
                                            R2/2003                                                       Billing*               Google*.                         updates in addition to
                                            Windows           (more info)                                 Amicus Small Firm                                       technical support.
                                            8.1/8/7/Vista                                                 Accounting°            (more info)
                       Amicus Attorney                                                                    Timeslips                                               (more info)
                       Small Firm                                                                         PCLaw                  * Premium only
                       Edition 2014:                                                                      QuickBooks
                       $499 1st license,    Small Firm                                                    Tabs3
                       $399 additional      Edition:                                                      Juris
                       licenses. Optional   Windows                                                       Plus numerous other
                       additional fees      Server                                                        accounting and
                       for annual           2012/2008                                                     billing applications
                       maintenance          R2/2008/2003
                       ($240/$160           R2/2003                                                       (more info)

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
respectively),       SBS 2011/2008
                       annual tech          R2/2008/2003                                                  * Premium only
                       support              R2/2003                                                       ° Small Firm only
                       ($195/$95            Windows
                       respectively).       8.1/8/7/Vista

                       (more info)          (more info)

                       $45/month per        Web-based –       Matter                  Time tracking       Microsoft Outlook       Amicus Cloud is web based        Unlimited technical support is
                       user when paid       Use with any      management,             and reporting,      Dropbox                 and accessible from any          included with the Amicus
                       annually             modern            contact relationship    billing and trust                 device with a modern web         Cloud subscription. Support
                       $49.95/ month        browser:          management,             accounting          QuickBooks              browser.                         options include toll free
                       per user             Internet          calendaring &                                                                                        phone, email and live chat.
                                            Explorer 9 or     docketing, universal                        Electronic time entry   (more info)
                       (more info)          above, Firefox    communication                               posting to
                                            9 or above,       inbox, document                             accounting systems,     Amicus
                                            Safari 5 or       assembly, document                          with pre-set            TimeTracker lets you do time
                                            above, Chrome     management,                                 templates for           entries on your smartphone.
                                            16 or above       conflict checking,                          QuickBooks,
                                                              task & deadline                             Timeslips and PCLaw.    (more info)
 Amicus Cloud                                                 management.
                                                                                                          (more info)             Completely integrated email,
                                                              (more info)                                                         calendaring, contacts and
                                                                                                                                  tasks on your PC (or in most
                                                                                                                                  apps on your smartphone or
                                                                                                                                  tablet). Everything you see/do
                                                                                                                                  in Outlook, Mail, Calendar,
                                                                                                                                  Reminders & Contact on the
                                                                                                                                  Mac, iPad or iPhone is
                                                                                                                                  instantly in Amicus Cloud, and
                                                                                                                                  vice versa.

                                                                                                                                  (more info)

                       1st Month Free       Web-based,        Workflow, Docket        Time & Expense      CosmoLex is a single    Web-based, accessible from       Live unlimited U.S. based
                       (no obligation)      accessible        Control, Document       Tracking,           login, all inclusive    any mobile device with an        support.
                                            from any          Management,             Billing, Payment    system that             Internet connection.
                       Thereafter,          mobile device     Calendar & Tasks,       Reminders, Low      combines practice
                       $49/month per        with an           Case Notes, Matter      Retainer            management, billing     Mac, PC, Tablets or
                       user when paid       Internet          Management,             Reminders,          & accounting,           Smartphones.
   CosmoLex            annually             connection.       Contacts, Conflict      Legal               including trust
                                                              Checking                Accounting,         accounting. All
                       $59/month per        Mac, PC,                                  General Ledger,     reports can be saved
                       user                 Tablets or                                Trust (IOLTA)       in Excel or PDF
                                            Smartphones.                              Accounting, AR,     formats.
                       Pricing includes                                               Check Printing,
                       unlimited US                                                   Bank                CosmoLex also

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
Based support &                                                Reconciliations,   integrates with:
                       training.                                                      Management &
                                                                                      Financial          DropBox
                       (More Info)                                                    Reporting.         Box
                                                                                                         Google Calender
                                                                                      CosmoLex users
                                                                                      do not need a       (More Info)

                                                                                      (More Info)
                       Monthly               Web-based,       Matter/case             Time tracking,     Microsoft Outlook       Clio has an iPhone and           Technical support is included
                       subscription:         requires         management,             billing and        QuickBooks              Android app.                     free as a part of Clio's monthly
                       $65 dollars per       Google           document                invoice            Xero Accounting                                          subscription. Support options
                       account               Chrome,          management,             generation,        Google Mail with        (more info)                      include phone (800-number),
                                             Firefox,         client/contact          trust              built-in time-                                           chat, social media, and e-
                       ABA Members           Internet         management,             accounting,        tracking, task          Clio can be accessed via         mail. Support agents are
                       save 25% on their     Explorer 10.0+   calendaring, task       accounts           assignment, and         mobile-optimized versions as     available 17 hours a day to
                       first six months of   or Safari        scheduling, practice    receivable,        email archiving         well on tablets, Blackberry      help with any questions.
                       Clio through ABA                       performance             firm-wide and      Google Calendar         phones, and other mobile
                       Member                                 metrics, document       individual         Google Drive and        devices.
                       Advantage.                             assembly and            attorney           Apps for Business
                                                              sharing/collaboratio    reporting,         Apple iCal
                       Additional                             n, secure               receive online     Apple Contacts
                       discounts                              communications and      bill payments      Box
                       available with an                      client portal.          via Paypal and     Dropbox
                       annual                                                         other legal        NetDocuments for
       Clio            subscription.                                                  specific credit    firm-wide knowledge
                                                                                      card               management
                                                                                      processors.        gUnify for automatic
                                                                                                         phone call tracking
                                                                                                         Fujitsu ScanSnap for
                                                                                                         instant document
                                                                                                         scanning and

                                                                                                         All integrations with
                                                                                                         other services are
                                                                                                         provided at no
                                                                                                         additional costs from

                                                                                                         (more info)
   Credenza            Credenza Basic:       Requires         Credenza Basic:         Credenza Basic:    Microsoft Office        Contacts and Calendar sync       Online Help Online Knowledge
                       Free                  Outlook 2013     Matter                  Time tracking,     2013/2010/2007/200      with any mobile device via       Base & Troubleshooter.

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
(32-Bit)/2010      management,             reporting.           3                       Outlook.
                       Credenza Pro:        (32-               contact relationship                                                                                 Unlimited technical support
                       $24.95/month         Bit)/2007/200      management,             Credenza Pro:        Electronic time entry   (more info)                     and all upgrades are included
                       per user             3 running on       calendaring, phone      Billing, payment     posting to                                              with the Credenza Pro monthly
                                            Windows            call recording, task    tracking, time       accounting systems,                                     subscription.
                       (more info)          8/7/Vista/XP       management,             tracking, batch      with pre-set
                                                               document                billing,             templates for
                                            (more info)        management.             collections,         QuickBooks,
                                                                                       trust                Timeslips and PCLaw.
                                                               (more info)             accounting,
                                                                                       reporting,           (more info)
                                                               Credenza Pro:           posting to
                                                               Includes all features   popular
                                                               of Credenza Basic,      accounting
                                                               but adds                systems.
                                                               n, system-wide          (more info)

                                                               (more info)

                       $35/user/month       Web-based          Matter and              Preloaded ABA        Time and Billing (see   Firm Central is web-based
                                            Windows 7 or       document                Billing codes,       Time and Billing        and acessible from any device
                                            Windows 8          management,             hourly, flat-rate    Comparison Chart)       with a web-browser. A
                                            Internet           calendaring, task       and retainer         WestlawNext             smartphone optimized
                                            Explorer 8 or      management,             billing options,     Practical Law           version is also available
                                            later, Firefox     client/contact          trust                Westlaw Doc & Form
                                            7.0 or later,      management, secure      accounting,          Builder                 (more info)
                                            Safari 5.0 or      client portal,          billing by client,   Custom Forms
                                            later, or          indexing documents,     matter, activity     Drafting Assistant
                                            Google             global search,          and firm             Microsoft Outlook &                                     Technical Support is available
                                            Chrome 7 or        document sharing,       member,              Windows Explorer                                        24/7
                                            later              conflict checker,       invoicing, batch
                                                               custom fields for       invoicing,           Data import/export                                      Product how-to videos and
 Firm Central                               Mac OS 10.5 or     contact/clients and     time/expense         is available through                                    webinars are also available
                                            later running      matters                 tracking, trust      Microsoft Excel
                                            Safari 5.0 or                              accounting,                                                                  (more info)
                                            later, Firefox     (more info)             online bill          (more info)
                                            7.0 or later, or                           paying
                                            Chrome 7 or

                                            JavaScript and
                                            Adobe Reader

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
9.4 or Adobe
                                            Flash 10.0
                                            1024 x 768
                                            resolution (or
                       SaaS/Cloud:          Web-based,         Matter, email,           Time tracking     MS Outlook              Included. Supports iPhone,       Included at no additional cost.
                       $64/month per        runs in most       document, contacts,      and reporting;    MS Word                 Android and Blackberry
                       seat                 modern web         and to-do/tasks          trust             MS Excel
                                            browsers (i.e.     management; group        accounting ant    Intuit QuickBooks (no
                       (more info)          Safari, FireFox,   calendaring and          retainers;        export/import
                                            Chrome and         scheduling;              billing; batch    required)
                       5 seat on-premise    Opera)             document                 billing;          PDF plugin
                       license-also web-                       assembly/generation      invoicing;ad-     Calendar Rules
                       based:               On-premise         ; alerts and             hoc reporting;
                       $2240 ($1280 one     install runs on    reminders; web-          staff             All plug-ins are
  HoudiniESQ           time, $960           Windows, OSX       based client access;     performance       included at no
                       annually)            and Linux. (on-    IM and chat; matter      reports; AR       additional cost
                                            premise is also    and GTD dashboards.      reports; call
                       (more info)          web-based)                                  center            (more info)
                                                               (more info)              dashboards;
                       Free for solo        Some router                                 trust
                       practitioners,       configuration                               accounting
                       including support    required.                                   report

                                                                                        (more info)
                       Contact sales        Legal Files is a   Case/contact             Time              Microsoft Office        In addition to accessing Legal   Yearly maintenance and
                       team for quote.      web client that    management, email,       management,       suite                   Files from anywhere through      support agreement available,
                                            utilizes a         document assembly        budgeting,        Numerous popular        your browser, Legal Files        offering unlimited help desk
                       1.800.500.0537       browser on the     and management,          expense           document                Mobile provides an iOS           support, all upgrades to the
                       or                   desktop. Use       relationship             tracking and      management and          application designed for the     application, and online
                       sales@legalfiles.c   the link below     management,              eBilling module   accounting              iPhone and iPad devices.         customer resource center.
   Legal Files         om                   to see more        conflict checking,                         programs.                                                Contact company for
                                            information on     calendaring,                                                                                        additional information.
                       (more info)          the technical      automatic                                  (more info)
                                            environment.       notification system                                                                                 1.800.500.0537 or
                                                               for tasks and to-do's.                                                                    
                                            (more info)

                       Monthly              Web-based,         Legal Practice           Time & billing,   Microsoft Outlook       MyCase is web-based and          Technical Support and Getting
                       subscription:        requires any       Management               time tracking,    Plugin                  accessible on any mobile         Started Help are included free
    MyCase             $39/month per        internet           includes: Client &       trust             Google Calendar         device including                 with the monthly subscription.
                       attorney             browser:           Team                     accounting,       Google Docs             smartphones, iPad, and other
                       $29/month per        IE9 or later       communication in a       receives online   Apple iCal              tablets.                         Support options include email,

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
paralegal/staff       Firefox 3.5 or    secure portal,          payments, firm    Apple Contacts                                           telephone support, and
                                             later             calendar                reporting.        QuickBooks              MyCase has an app built for      knowledge center.
                       ABA members           Safari 4          management, client                        Email integration       Android and iPhones.
                       save 20% on their     Chrome            message, document                                                                                  MyCase customer support is
                       subscriptions to                        management /                                                                                       available 6am-5pm PT
                       MyCase through        Mac or PC         collaboration /                                                                                    Monday-Friday.
                       ABA Member                              storage, matter/case
                       Advantage.                              management,
                                                               management, task &
                                                               to-do scheduling.

                       Licenses 1-10:        Workstation:      Notes, calendar,        Marketing,        Acrobat                 Remote access                    New Needles clients must
                       $1,000 per user.      Windows           document                expense           Corel WordPerfect                                        undergo initial trainng and
                       Annual support,       2000, XP,         management, case        tracking,         Docs Open               (more info)                      implementation with certified
                       Sybase, and           Vista.            status, e-mail, IM,     reporting,        Hot Docs                                                 training consultant.
                       implementation/t                        case files, conflict    import/export     Microsoft Suite
                       raining at            Server:           checking, statute       to other          QuickBooks                                               Annual support provides
    Needles            additional cost.      Windows           tracking.               Needles firms.    Timeslips                                                technical support M-F, 8:30-
                                             2003, 2008.                                                 Worldocs                                                 5:15pm EST.
                       Pricing calculator                      (more info)             (more info)
                       available on          (more info)                                                 (more info)                                              (more info)

                       $600 for first user   Basic/Premier:    Matter & contact        Fee and cost      Tabs3 Billing,          Tabs3 Connect is available for   Free knowledge base, free
                       ($280 per add’l       Windows: 8, 7,    database; firm-wide     entry. Tabs3      Paperport, Outlook,     those who use the Platinum       telephone support for first 60
                       user).                Vista, XP, 2000   calendaring, conflict   products can be   HotDocs, Worldox,       version of both Tabs3 and        days, annual maintenance
                                                               checking, document      purchased for     Microsoft Word,         PracticeMaster.                  plans available which include
                       Platinum version:     Platinum: STI     management,             back office       WordPerfect,            (more info)                      unlimited telephone support
                       $1,320 for first      Server on         common task             billing,          CompuLaw court                                           and free updates (more info)
                       user ($365 per        Windows: 7,       templates,              accounting,       rules.
                       add’l user).          Vista, XP, 2000   document assembly,      A/R, A/P, trust   (more info here and
PracticeMaster                                                 document                accounting and    here)
                       All prices include                      management              check writing.
                       one year of                             integration, area of    (more info)
                       maintenance                             practice
                       (free telephone                         customization, etc.
                       support, software                       (comparison chart)
                       updates and
                       Contact ProLaw        Workstation:      Matter                  Time/expense      Microsoft Suite                                          ProLaw offers support for
                       for pricing.          Windows 2000      management,             tracking,         Lotus Domino/Notes                                       planning & implementation,
                       Information           Pro, XP Pro,      contacts, document      budgeting,        GroupWise                                                training & adoption, and
     ProLaw            request form          Vista             assembly/mgmt,          collections,      Acrobat                                                  technical support.
                       available on web      Business/Ultim    email,                  billing, cost     HotDocs
                       page, or call 1-      ate.              appointments/tasks,     recovery,         DOCS Open                                                (more info)
                       800-977-6529.                           docketing,              contingency       OpenText

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
Server:           calendaring, in-        analysis &          Interwoven
                                            Windows           context Westlaw         disposition,        Worldox
                                            Server 2000,      research, records       integrated          PeachTree
                                            Server 2003       management.             accounting.         QuickPayroll
                                            R2, Server
                                            2008 running      Specialized practice    (more info)         (more info)
                                            Microsoft SQL     area modules
                                            Server            available.
                                            08.               (more info)

                                            (more info)

                       1st User:            Web based,        Individual and firm-    Hourly, flat fee,   Calendar               Any mobile device capable of     Unlimited phone and email
                       $65/Month,           cross-platform.   wide calendaring, to-   and                 subscription can be    running a full browser.          technical support. Support
                       Additional Users:    Runs on any       do and task tracking,   contingency         read by Outlook        Optimized for usage on           hours from 8 AM to 8 PM EST,
                       $55/Month.           operating         matter management,      matter support,     2007, iCal, Sunbird,   tablets, the iPhone, Android,    M-F. Our support
                                            system with a     contact                 time and            Google Calendar, and   Windows Mobile, and              representatives are located in
                       Pricing includes     modern web        management, phone       expense             most other             modern BlackBerry devices.       the U.S. and are native English
                       mobile access,       browser.          messaging, conflict     tracking,           compliant                                               speakers. Support in Spanish is
                       upgrades,            Requires          checking, document      flexible user       calendaring            iPad app.                        also available.
                       backups, security,   Internet          storage, document       rates, online       programs.
                       support, and         Explorer 7 or     assembly using          timer                                      (more info)                      We respond to most issues
                       training.            above, Safar 3    custom fields,          (stopwatch),        Mail merge with                                         within the hour, and
                                            or above,         reporting and           billing,            Microsoft Word for                                      guarantee a 1 business day
Rocket Matter          (more info)          Firefox 2 or      performance             invoicing,          form letter/label                                       response time.
                                            above,            tracking, date          matter-based        generation.
                                            Chrome, or        calculation, tagging,   ledgers and                                                                 Rocket Matter subscriptions
                                            Opera.            mail merge, on-         accounting,         Invoices can be                                         include free training sessions
                                                              demand data             trust               created in                                              and 24-hour access to online
                                            (more info)       downloads, Skype        accounting          WordPerfect, Word,                                      support videos to help with
                                                              integration.            ledgers. AR         or PDF.                                                 most common questions.
                                                                                      reports, batch
                                                              (more info)             invoice             Reports and data can
                                                                                      creation.           be backed up to CSV
                                                                                                          files readable with
                                                                                      (more info)         Excel.
                       One-time fee         Server            Case Management;        Reporting;          eLaw Integration;      Access your practice             Unlimited technical support is
                       starting at $995     Requirements:     Contact Relationship    Document            Microsoft Exchange;    anytime, anywhere and from       included with the
                       per user license.                      Management;             Merging;            Microsoft Outlook ;    any device through browser.      SmartAdvocate Maintenance
                                            Windows           Document                Time Tracking;      Google Calendar;                                        and Support Plan which
                       Software             Server            Management;             Expense             Microsoft Word;        (more info)                      include toll free phone, email
                       updates are          2008/2012         Document Assembly;      Tracking;           Microsoft Excel;                                        and live remote support
                       included in a        MS SQL Server     Critical Deadline       Work Plans          Adobe Acrobat;;                                         provided by in house
                       maintenance          2008 R2/ 2012     Management;             which automate      SQL Reporting                                           technicians.
                       and support          (Standard/Ente    Task Management;        document            Services;
                       contract.            rprise)           Work Plans;             generation,         QuickBooks.                                             Email

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
MS IIS            Barcode Document        note creation,                                                              support@smartadvocate.assist
                       Initial software     7.0/8.0           Scanning;               email creation     (more info)                                              .com
                       training is          MS Office         Email Management;       and case status                                                              or call 1-877-438-7627
                       required and         20010/2013        Note Management;        changes.                                                                    24 hours/7 days a week.
                       will be included                       Case and Firm
                       in the initial       WorkStation       Calendaring that        (more info)                                                       
                       price quote.         Requirements:     integrates with                                                                                     m/support
SMARTADVOCATE                                                 Outlook;
                         (more info)        Windows           Knowledge
                                            7/8               Management;
                                            MS Office         Conflict Check;
                                            2010/2013         Detailed Reporting
                                            Internet          with Subscription;
                                            Explorer          Case Timeline;
                                            11                Productivity and
                                            Chrome            Practice
                                            16 or above.      Management;
                                                              Mail Merge;
                                            (more info)       Task Management;
                                                              Specialized practice

                                                              Professional Services
                                                              to increase law firms
                                                              efficiency and

                                                              (more info)
                       1st user: $950       Workstation:      Contacts, matter        Time capture       PCLaw                                                    Online support center with
                       Additional users:    Windows XP,       management,                                Juris                                                    articles/FAQs.
                       $525                 Vista.            docketing,              (more info)        Timeslips
                       (includes 1st year   Business/Pro      calendaring,                               QuickBooks                                               (more info)
                       maintenance          edition           document                                   Other "billing,
                       plan)                recommended.      management,                                document                                                 Online service center available
                                                              communications,                            management, e-mail                                       for licensed customers.
                       (more info)          Server:           data import/sync                           and other desktop
 Time Matters                               Windows                                                      business                                                 Live-answer telephone support
                                            Server            (more info)                                applications."                                           available M-F, 8am-8pm for
                                            2003/2008                                                                                                             strictly technical issues.
                                            with Microsoft                                               (more info)
                                            SQL                                                                                                                   (more info)

                                            (more info)

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
Time and Billing Software Comparison Chart for Solo/Small Firms
                                                                                            Types of                                     Data
                                             Technical            Accounting                                     Software                                                        Technical
                         Pricing                                                             Billing                                  Conversion          Mobile Access
                                           Requirements           and Billing                                  Compatibility                                                      Support
                                                                                           Supported                                   Available
                    Amicus Premium        Amicus Premium        Amicus Premium          Amicus Premium        Amicus Premium        Amicus Premium        Premium Billing     Annual technical
                    Billing:              Billing:              Billing:                Billing:              Billing:              Billing:              provides secure     support plans offer
                    $199 per license.     SQL Server            Billing, collections,   Hourly, flat fee,     Amicus Attorney       Yes – please call     live connection     unlimited
                    (Works with           2012/2008             trust accounting,       contingency,          Premium Edition       our Services          through a web       telephone & email
                    Amicus Premium        R2/2008               time tracking,          consolidated          2014                  Department at         browser with        support, web-
                    Edition 2014)         (Standard/Enterpri    expenses,               billing, e-billing.   QuickBooks            800-472-2289.         Amicus Anywhere.    based remote
                                          se)                   productivity                                  Adobe                                                           desktop
                    (more info)           Windows Server        reporting                                     Acrobat/Reader                              (more info)         assistance, access
                                          2012 R2/                                                            Microsoft Word                                                  to experts,
                                          2012/2008             (more info)             Amicus Small Firm     SQL Reporting         Amicus Small Firm     Amicus              convenient hours.
                                          R2/2008/2003                                  Accounting:           Services              Accounting: Guide     TimeTracker lets
                    Amicus Small Firm     R2/2003                                       Hourly, split, flat                         to migrating from     you do time         (more info)
  Premium           Accounting:           SBS 2011/2008                                 fee, consolidated,    (more info)           another               entries on your
   Billing          $399 1st license,     R2/2008/2003          Amicus Small Firm       e-billing.                                  accounting system     smartphone.
                    $299 additional       R2/2003               Accounting:                                                         available: see PDF.                       Annual
                    licenses. Optional    Windows               Time tracking,                                                                            (more info)         maintenance plans
                    additional fees for   8.1/8/7/Vista         billing and full                              Amicus Small Firm     (more info)                               offer access to
   Amicus           annual                                      General Ledger                                Accounting:                                                     Amicus Anywhere,
                    maintenance                                 accounting.                                   Amicus Attorney                                                 Amicus
 Small Firm
                    ($70/$70                                    Includes check                                Small Firm Edition                                              TimeTracker,
 Accounting         respectively),        Amicus Small Firm     writing, accounts                             2014                                                            automatic
                    annual tech           Accounting:           payable and                                                                                                   software upgrades
                    support ($100/$50     Windows Server        productivity                                                                                                  and updates in
                    respectively).        2012/2008             reporting.                                                                                                    addition to
                                          R2/2008/2003                                                                                                                        technical support.
                    (more info)           R2/2003               (more info)
                                          SBS 2011/2008                                                                                                                       (more info)

                    Free (1 user, 3       All operating         Mobile time and                               Uploads all formats   Pre-existing          iPhone, Android     All subscribers get
  Bill4Time         active clients, 5     systems - the         expense tracking,                             for file              database              and BlackBerry      free technical
                    open projects).       software is online    customer service,                             management.           conversion easily     mobile app          support. Lite and

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
so isn't subject to    scheduling, time                            Integrates with        possible with                             Pro users get
                    Lite - $19.99 per      specific operating     attendance,                                 Quickbooks.            Bill4Time free       Laptops              priority. Free
                    month for first        systems. For both      project                                     Exports firm data in   technical support.   disconnected from    system updates
                    user, $9.99 per        Mac and PC. All        management,                                 CSV.                                        the internet can     and daily back-ups.
                    month for              browsers –             business                                                                                use a desktop        Free tutorials,
                    additional users       Internet Explorer      productivity                                                                            widget to track      webinars
                    (20 active clients,    7+, Firefox, Safari,   control, reporting,                                                                     time.                scheduled weekly,
                    30 open projects).     Chrome.                accounting,                                                                                                  and group tutorials
                                                                  invoicing, billing,                                                                     (more info)          upon request.
                    Pro - $39.99 per                              firm management.
                    month for first                                                                                                                                            Free access to
                    user, $19.99 per                              (more info)                                                                                                  video tutorials and
                    month for                                                                                                                                                  knowledgebase.
                    additional users
                    (unlimited clients
                    and projects).

                    Students (with
                    .edu email) free
                    while in school.

                    Business start-ups
                    (within 1st year of
                    business) – Free
                    pro account for 9
                    months, new
                    customers only.

                    (more info)

                    Free 30-Day Trial      Available as a          Intuitive Time &     Hourly, Recurring,   QuickBooks              Free Built-in        Access via all web   Unlimited email,
                    Basic edition starts   stand-alone            Expense Tracking      Fixed fee,            Sage50                 Timeslips            browsers             web-based and
                    at                     solution (BillQuick    – Time card in        Retainer, Task-       Microsoft Office       conversion                                phone support
                    $14.95/user/mont       Desktop), hosted       calendar,             based, Automatic      Microsoft Outlook                           Native mobile        included in all
                    h                      on-premise             spreadsheet and                             Crystal Reports        Seamless             apps for iOS,        plans.
                                           solution (BillQuick    stopwatch                                   LEDES Electronic       QuickBooks           Android and
                                           Web Suite) or          formats. Unlimited                          Exchange               Integration          Windows8 Phones      Free access to
                                           SaaS, on the cloud     multiple timers.                                                                                             monthly training
  BillQuick                                (BillQuick Online)     Attach files and                                                   LEDES Electronic     Web access via       webinars
                                                                  links.                                                             Exchange             tablet devices
                                           Stand-alone                                                                                                                         Free access to
                                           version runs on all    Simplified Billing                                                 Excel                                     Knowledgebase
                                           windows                & Accounts                                                         Import/Export
                                           operating systems      Receivable – Over                                                                                            Support hours:
                                           (Win XP, Vista, 7      150 customizable                                                   Custom                                    7:00am – 3:00pm
                                           and 8)                 invoice templates.                                                 Conversion                                Pacific Time
                                           Browser-               Retainer,

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
based/Cloud             recurring, fixed,
                                           version runs in IE 7    hourly, or more.
                                           or later, Chrome 7
                                           or later, Firefox 4     Powerful
                                           or later, Opera 11      Reporting: Over
                                           or later, Safari 5 or   500 templates.
                                           later                   Automatic report
                                                                   Memorize reports.

                                                                   (more info)

                                                                   (more info)

                    Including first year   Workstation:            Time tracking,        Flat fee, task-        LexisNexis Total      Free utilities and    PCLaw Travel         Online support
                    maintenance plan:      Windows 2000,           billing, accounts     based, split,          Practice              paid services         Edition module for   provided via
                    1st User: $950         XP, Vista, 7            receivable,           contingency,           Advantage, Time       offered to ease       Palm OS 3.5+,        LexisNexis Total
                    Add'l users: $455                              integrated credit     retainer, electronic   Matters, Amicus       transition. Data      BlackBerry OS 4.0+   Practice Solutions
                                           Server: Windows         card processing,      billing.               Attorney, PCLaw       has been                                   Support Center.
                    Without first year     2000, Windows           trust accounts,                              Timer, LexisNexis     converted from        (more info)
    PCLaw           maintenance plan:      2003 Server             ledgers,              (more info)            Research Microsoft    QuickBooks,                                (more info)
                    1st User: $600                                 comprehensive                                Small Business        Timeslips,
                    Add'l users: $400      (more info)             reporting,                                   Accounting            Compulaw, Esilaw,
                                                                   integrated payroll                                                 Manac, and Tabs3.
                    (more info)                                                                                 (more info)
                                                                   (more info)                                                        (more info)

                    $675 (two              Tabs3and                Time tracking,        Hourly, flat-fee,      Tabs3 financial       Tabs3 Connect is      Free knowledge
                    attorneys)             PracticeMaster          accounts,             contingency,           software,             available for those   base, free
                    $1340 (five            Software is             receivable, reports   UTMBS/electronic       PracticeMaster,       who use the           telephone support
                    attorneys)             compatible with all     (more info)           billing, split-fee,    QuickBooks (more      Platinum version      for first 60 days,
                    (more info)            supported                                     retainer, task         info here and here)   of both Tabs3 and     annual
                                           versions of             Separate Tabs3        based billing, pro                           PracticeMaster.       maintenance plans
                    Platinum version:      Windows and             software available    bono, billable,                              (more info)           available which
                    $1770 (5 users)        Windows Server.         for trust, general    non-billable                                                       include unlimited
                    $2665 (9 users)                                ledger, accounts                                                                         telephone support
Tabs3 Billing       (more info)            Please click here       payable.              (more info)                                                        and free updates
                                           for full technical                                                                                               (more info)
                    PracticeMaster         requirements
                    Basic is included
                    with purchase of
                    Tabs3. (more info)

                    All prices include
                    one year of
                    maintenance (free

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
                    support, software
                    updates and
                    $25/user/month        All operating         Time/expense          Preloaded ABA          Firm Central         Pre-existing          Native App for
                                          systems               tracking, online      Billing codes,         Microsoft Outlook    database              iPhone/iPad and
                                                                invocing, trust       hourly, flat-rate                           conversion is         Android
                                          Time and Billing is   accounting, online    and retainer billing                        possible in most
                                          web-based and         bill pay              options, trust                              cases. Call 1-888-    Desktop Widget
                                          will work on Mac                            accounting, billing                         287-8537 for more     for Mac and PC to
                                          and PC                (more info)           by client, matter,                          information           track time when
                                                                                      activity and firm                                                 offline
Time and Billing
                                          All browsers are                            member,
                                          supported                                   invoicing, batch                                                  Convert your
                                                                                      invoicing, time                                                   emails and
                                                                                      tracking, trust                                                   calendar events
                                                                                      accounting, online                                                into time entries
                                                                                      bill paying, custom                                               from Microsoft
                                                                                      codes, LEDES                                                      Outlook
                                                                                      1998B Format
                    1 user: $519.99       Windows 8, 7          Time/expense          Industry standard      QuickBooks, Sage     Built-in data         Sage Timeslips        Free technical
                    Additional            Ultimate or           tracking,             electronic billing     50 Accounting,       import feature can    eCenter is a Web-     support for 30
                    workstations:         Professional,         automatic time        formats are            Microsoft Outlook,   import data from      based time and        days.
                    $295.99 each          Windows Vista         capture, calendar     supported,             Excel, Time          delimited text        expense entry
                                          Business or           sync, bill            including LEDES        Matters, Amicus      files.                portal that works     Basic and premium
                    For more than 10      Ultimate,             generation,           98B and Litigation     Attorney and more.                         with any mobile       support plan
                    additional            Windows XP SP3        accounts              Advisor, billing                            (more info)           device with an        options available.
                    workstations, call                          receivable, report    administrators         (more info)                                Internet
                    Sage Timeslips at     (more info)           design &              may choose if a                             Tools offered for     connection,           Knowledgebase
                    877-816-7829.                               customization,        slip requires                               conversion of         including laptops,    and community
                    Includes 30 days of                         scheduled             approval before                             older Timeslips       smartphones,          assistance is
                    support starting                            backups, alerts,      being invoiced to                           databases.            Apple Macs and        available through
                    from date of                                custom fields,        the customer, A/R                           Conversion from       iPads and tablets.    Sage City or the
     Sage           purchase – new                              networking            reports included                            other databases       Available as a        Sage Timeslips
  Timeslips         customers only                              options.              with the invoicing                          may be possible       monthly               LinkedIn user
                                                                                      software and                                via Timeslips         subscription per      group.
                    On-demand test                              (more info)           integrate with 20                           Certified             license.
                    drive is available.                                               software packages                           Consultant.                                 (more info)
                                                                Various add-on        including                                                         (more info)
                    (more info)                                 products available.   QuickBooks, Sage                            (more info)
                                                                                      50 Accounting and                                                 Enter time from
                    ABA members                                                       practice                                                          any web-
                    save 15% on                                                       management                                                        connected
                    Timeslips through                                                 software                                                          computer using
                    ABA Member                                                        packages, define                                                  Timeslips eCenter
                    Advantage.                                                        aging periods,                                                    add on.
                                                                                      allocate payments

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
to timekeepers,                                                  (more info)
                                                                                       set up discount
                                                                                       rules for early

                                                                                       (more info)

                    $35.00 per            Windows XP,           Billing                Hourly by              Quickbooks, MYOB     Quickbooks           Mobile Web            Toll Free
                    timekeeper/per        Vista. Macintosh,     LEDES billing,         timekeeper/task,       AccountEdge, CSV     CSV files from all   Access through        Telephone and
                    month or $29 per      Linux, Unix, etc.     batch bill creation,   flat fee,              Export, PayPal       accounting           TimeSolv Mobile       Email support
                    user/month with                             consolidated           contingency,                                systems including    at no charge.         included in
                    an annual plan.       Software is           billing, multiple      global rates,          WorkTRAKR for        Timeslips.                                 subscription.
                    No charge for non-    browser based and     flexible billing       matter specific        automatically                             Supported devices     Response time of
                    timekeepers.          not subject to        templates, five bill   rates, time entry      capturing time       No charge for data   include               less than 2 hours.
                                          specific operating    delivery options,      specific rates,        from phone calls     conversion and       * iPhone              Support personnel
                    Includes initial      system.               online bill            LEDES billing,         and emails           help with data       * Blackberry          located in the US.
                    setup, support and                          presentment and        outsourced billing,                         upload.              * Windows Mobile
                    one-on-one online     Browsers: Internet    credit card            print and mail         (more info)                               * Palm                Includes free one-
                    Training.             Explorer, Firefox,    payments               service.                                    (more info)                                on-one online
                    Discounts             Safari, Chrome                                                                                                Laptop based          training, initial
                    available for 10+     (more info)           Narrative              Additional                                                       mobile access         setup and
                    users                                       replacement codes      electronic billing                                               through TimeSync,     configuration.
                                                                for quick notes        formats available                                                a desktop
                    (more info)                                 entry, multiple        for insurance                                                    application for       Support hours:
TimeSolv Legal                                                  timers, ABA            companies, such                                                  tracking time and     Email 8 AM to 10
                                                                UTBMS codes            as Chubbs,                                                       expenses.             PM EST Monday-
                                                                                       Litigation Advisors,                                                                   Sunday
                                                                Accounting             etc.                                                             (more info)           Telephone 9 AM
                                                                Accounts                                                                                                      to 8:30 PM
                                                                receivable, trust      (more info)                                                                            Monday-Friday
                                                                financial reports,                                                                                            Online support site
                                                                auto reports,                                                                                                 available for self
                                                                project                                                                                                       help.
                                                                management,                                                                                                   (more info)

                                                                (more info)

  TurboLaw          $29 per month for     Cloud, Mac, or PC     Time keeping,          Custom interval,       Microsoft Outlook,                        The Cloud and         Unlimited support
                    the first license.                          payment entry,         hour, half             TurboLaw                                  Mac version are       including US based
  Time and          $19 per month for     For PC: Windows       stop watch, bill       hour,                  Document                                  web based and         toll
    Billing         each additional       98, ME,               creation, account      quarter                Software                                  can be used           free phone

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
license. Volume         2000, XP, Server      history, financial      hour,               PDF (built in),                           with any mobile       support and email
                    discount available      2003, Vista           reports, LEDES          tenth               HTML, Text, CSV,                          device with an        for active
                    for 5+ licenses.        XP or higher          billing,                hour, exact         MHT, Excel, RTF,                          Internet              subscribers. Free
                    No contract term.       recommended for       client/staff            time, flat fee.     Image (BMP, GIF,                          connection,           training webinars
                                            best results.         information entry                           JPEG,                                     including IPads,      and help center
                    Free trial available.                         (including billing      (more info)         PNG, TIFF,                                laptops,              also available.
                                            Internet              rates), application                         EMF, WMF)                                 smartphones,
                                            connection            of finance charges,                                                                   Macs and tablets.     (more info)
                                            required for setup,   dozens of                                   (more info)
                                            updates, and          customizable                                                                          (more info)
                                            activation            bill/statement
                                                                  multiple matter
                                                                  support, IOLTA

                                                                   (more info)
BillingTracker      1 user: $179.           Windows               Time tracking,          Hourly, flat fee,   Exports statements                        Online backup of      Total Care
Pro                                         XP/Vista/7/8          billing, expenses,      contingency,        and reports to PDF,                       data file can be      subscription
                    3 users: $358                                 accounts                retainer,           RTF (can be opened                        accessed by any       provides technical
                                                                  receivable, detailed    recurring,          by Word), and CSV                         Windows laptop        support, new
                    5 users:                                      reporting, online       billable/non-       (can be opened by                         so user can work      versions of the
                    $448                                          backup, alerts,         billable            Excel)                                    while outside of      software,
                                                                  unpaid bills tracking                                                                 office                replacement
                    Total Care                                    (ageing)                                                                                                    registration codes,
                    Maintenance/Onli                                                                                                                                          and online backup
                    ne Backup                                                                                                                                                 of data file. Online
                    Subscription:                                                                                                                                             backup can be
                    $10/month for 1st                                                                                                                                         encrypted.
                    user, $5/month
                    for each user

                    (more info)

Note: these charts do not provide a comprehensive comparison of all Practice Management/Time & Billing products on the market. Inclusion in the chart should not be construed as an endorsement
        or recommendation. If you have an update to a listing or if you'd like to submit a product for consideration in future chart revisions, please contact the LTRC at
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