ANNUAL INFORMATION - St Catherine's, Bramley
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CONT E NTS GOVERNING BODY 2 STAFF 2 CURRICULUM: PREP & SENIOR 8 A LEVEL & IGCSE/GCSE RESULTS 11 A LEVEL SUBJECT GRADE BREAKDOWN 12 DESTINATION OF LEAVERS 2019 14 DESTINATION OF LEAVERS 2020 15 BOARDING 16 SCHOLARSHIPS & BURSARIES 18 FEES & EXTRAS 20 USEFUL INFORMATION 21 TRAVEL 26 TEAR OFF APPLICATION FORM 27 HOW TO FIND US 29 PRO SPEC TI VE PA REN TS’ EVEN TS S E N I O R S C H O O L - 9. 1 5 a m P R E P S C H O O L - 9 . 45 A M B OA R D I N G I N F O R M AT I O N E V E N I N G S Tuesday 22 September 2020 nd Wednesday 23rd September 2020 To learn more about boarding at Sixth Form Open Event - Wednesday 14th October 2020 St Catherine’s, please contact the Registrar for Friday 2nd October 2020 Friday 13th November 2020 further information. Thursday 15th October 2020 Friday 5th February 2021 ‘Boarding Taster’ opportunities are available Thursday 19th November 2020 Thursday 11th March 2021 for girls who are registered to sit entrance Wednesday 27th January 2021 Wednesday 28th April 2021 examinations. Friday 12th March 2021 Friday 11th June 2021 (Reception entry 4+) Tuesday 27th April 2021 Wednesday 16th June 2021 Please call the registrars or visit our website to book your place. USEF U L C O N TAC TS Full, weekly and flexi-boarding at St Catherine’s 01483 899609 Senior School Registrar/Admissions 01483 899609 Prep School Registrar/Admissions 01483 899665 Senior School Office 01483 893363 Preparatory School Office 01483 899665 Senior Nursing Sister 01483 899630 School Uniform Shop 01483 899709 Business Centre 01483 899701 Foundation Office 01483 899692 FOR MORE DETAILS ABOUT ST CATHERINE’S, PLEASE LOOK AT OUR WEBSITE: 1
GOVERNING BODY The Chairman of the Governing Body is Mr Peter Martin BA FRGS FCCA c/o Clerk to the Governors, St Catherine’s School, Bramley, Guildford GU5 0DF Mr Albert Alonzo Esq BSc, PhD Mrs Clare Johnstone (Dr C.Higgens) MBBS, Mr Jonathan Tippett Esq BSc, FCA,TEP Mr John Blauth Esq BA FRSA, MCMI, MRAeS MRCS LRCP, MD, FRCP Mr Denis Ulyet Esq MRICS BSC Mr Michael Bustard Esq JP, FICPD Dr Michael Jordan MA, MB, BChir, FRCA CLERK TO THE GOVERNORS: Prof Finbarr Cotter MB, BS, FRCP(UK), Brigadier Matthew Lowe MBE MA RCDS Mrs Diane Haeffele FRCPath, FRCP(I), PhD Dr Janet McGowan MBBS, FRCA Mrs Penny Crouch LLB Mr Andrew Pianca Esq FCA Mrs Karen Farrell Mrs Sue Shipway STAFF LIST Headmistress Mrs Alice Phillips, MA Cantab Headmistress of Preparatory School Miss Naomi Bartholomew, BEd Cantab, QTS, MA London, Chaplain Rev’d Dr Benjamin McNair Scott, BA, CELTA, PGCE, MA, PhD London S EN IO R SCH O O L S EN I O R M A N AG EM EN T T E A M Director of Staff Mrs Claire Wyllie, MA Dunelm, PGCE Director of Studies Mrs Jacki Deakin, BSc UCL, PGCE Senior Housemistress Mrs Kirsty Meredith, BA London, AKC, PGCE Head of Sixth Form Mrs Kate Hawtin, BA Dunelm, PGCE (maternity leave) School Administrator Mrs Sheila Kelsall, BSc, MA Open, PGCE Chief Operating Officer Mrs Carol Carloss, MBIFM Head of Boarding Mrs Alice Phillips, MA Cantab Communications/Diversity/Covid 19 Mr Carl Gladwell, BA London, PGCE (History and Politics) Whole School Brief, UCAS PQA PRE P SCH O O L SEN I O R M A N AG EM EN T T E A M Deputy Head – Curriculum Mrs Julie Micklethwaite, BEd Roehampton, OCR Dip SpLD Deputy Head – Pre-Prep Miss Emily Jefford, BA Kingston, QTS Deputy Head – Staff Mrs Wendy Gibbs, BEd Winchester BUS IN E SS CE N T RE M A N AG EM EN T Chief Financial Officer Mr Graham Langford Estate Manager Mrs Emma Clarke Venue Hire and Sports Club Manager Mr Robert Mitchell Management Accountant Mrs Helen Ross W H O LE SCH O O L R E S P O N S I BI L I T I E S Senior Teacher - UCAS PQA and Sixth Form - Mr Carl Gladwell Senior Teacher - NQT Mentor, Marketing (School Magazine) - Mr Philip Friend Senior Teacher - Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Coordinator, Sixth Form Charities and Philanthropy Boards and Head of Psychology - Mrs Jean Arrick Director of Development and Marketing - Ms Pippa Carte Head of Digital Learning - Mrs Angelique Burns Head of Life Matters - Mrs Izzy McLean Thinking Skills Coordinator - Mrs Isabel Cook Website Editor - Mrs Davina Byrne S EN IO R SCH O O L P U BL I C E X A M I N AT I O N S , C A R EER S AND HI GHER ED UC ATI ON Examinations Officer – Miss Elizabeth Bathurst Director of Careers Education - Mrs Sue Weighell UCAS Coordinator - Mr Carl Gladwell, assisted by UCAS advisors - Mrs Jacki Deakin, Mrs Sue Weighell and the Sixth Form Tutor Team Oxbridge Coordinators - Dr Elodie Nevin, Mrs Claerwen Patterson Oxbridge Mentors - Mrs Jessica Ashby, Dr Kathleen Puech, Mrs Hannah Simcock, Dr Jennifer Taylor Local Outreach Coordinator - Mrs Helen Hobourn IC T AN D AN N IVE R SA RY H A L L S Director of Digital Technologies - Mr Daniel Raymond Technical Director, Anniversary Halls - Mr Lewis Logan-Fowler Prep School Director of Digital Learning, ICT and Computing – Mrs Katie Malins Senior School ICT Trainer - Mrs Davina Byrne Technician, ICT and Anniversary Halls - Mr Matthew Coppinger 2 ICT Technician - Mr Matthew Birch
Apprentice ICT Technician - Mr Richard Fear Junior ICT Technician - Mr Sandip Gurung FO UN DAT IO N O F F I C E Development Director Ms Pippa Carte Association Director Mrs Dawn Pilkington Marketing Director Ms Pippa Carte Capital Campaign Officer Mrs Jane Pink Marketing and Publications Design Mrs Hannah Walsh Development Officer Mrs Fiona Haywood Events Officer Mrs Fran Flammiger Photographer in Residence Miss Laura Hirons S EN IO R SCH O O L L I BR A R I A N - Mrs Kathryn Bainbridge, BA, MA Loughborough, CILIP PR E P SCH O O L LIBR A R I A N Mrs Jacqueline Sadler, BA Brunel S EN IO R SCH O O L T EAC H I N G STA F F Mrs Vic Alexander, BEd Brighton (Physical Education) Mr Duncan Appleby, BMus, Birmingham Conservatoire, MPerf RCM (Music) Mrs Jean Arrick, BSc Liverpool, PGCE (Psychology) Mrs Jessica Ashby, MA Cantab, PGCE (Classics) Mrs Nicola Austin, MChem Oxon, QTS (Chemistry) Miss Elizabeth Bathurst, BA, MA Dunelm, PGCE (Music) Mrs Simone Berry, BA Kent, PGCE (French and German) Mrs Annabelle Blake, CCA, SRA Advanced (Tennis/Squash) Dr Mark Bramwell, BSc, PhD Manchester, PGCE, QTS (Chemistry) Mr Guy Brindley, BA, MSt Oxon, ITT (Classics) Miss Katherine Brooke, BA Agnes Scott College, ITT (Economics) Mrs Angelique Burns, BA Leeds, PGCE (History) Mrs Davina Byrne, BSc Farnborough, PGCE (PCET), QTS (ICT) Mr Federico Canales-Navarrete, BSc, BEd Western Ontario, QTS (Biology) Mr James Clarke, MPhys Oxon, PGCE (Physics) Miss Emilie Chandler, BA Leeds Beckett, ITT (Physical Education) Miss Louise Chivers, BA Anglia Ruskin, PGCE (Art) Mrs Gemma Clapham, BSc Reading, PGCE (Biology) Mrs Crystal Collins, BA Auckland, Grad Dip Teaching, QTS (Food & Nutrition) Mrs Isabel Cook, BA, MEd Ed Leadership Buckingham (History) Miss Laura Cox, BA Brighton, QTS (Physical Education) Mrs Jacki Deakin, BSc UCL, PGCE (Physics) Mrs Rebecca Devine, BPharm Bath IPGCE, QTS (Biology) Mrs Lucy Dibsdall, MA St. Andrews, PGCE (Spanish and French) Mrs Vicky Diprose, BA Manchester, PGCE (Spanish and French) Mr David Downman, BEd Edith Cowan Western Australia, QTS (Design & Technology) Mrs Lizi Eringa, RAD RTS, PDTD Royal Academy of Dance, Examiner of the Royal Academy of Dance, PBT Certified (Dance) Mr Thomas Featherstone, BSc UCL, PGCE (Biology) Mr Philip Friend, BSc Lancaster, PGCE (Mathematics) Mrs Andrea Fuller, BSc Southampton, PGCE (Mathematics) Mrs Montse Gil Rivas, BA, MA Surrey, PGDL, PGCE (Spanish and French) Mr Carl Gladwell, BA London, PGCE (History and Politics) Mrs Nabila Gordon, BSc, MSc London, QTS (Mathematics) Miss Emily Gray, BSc Loughborough, QTS (Physical Education) Mr Matthew Greenfield, MEng Oxon, LTCL, QTS (Music) Mrs Laura Grizzelle-Lang, BA London, PGCE (Drama) Miss Jennifer Guiton, BA, Masters Artois, ITT (French) Mrs Helen Harkness, BEd Chichester (Physical Education) Mrs Kate Hawtin, BA Dunelm, PGCE (Spanish and Italian) Mrs Sophie Hay, BA Kent, PGCE (English) Mrs Grace Hermitage, BSc Dublin, PGCE (Chemistry) Mrs Nicola Higgs, BA Manchester, PGCE (History/Politics) Mrs Laura Hill, BSc Bath, PGCE (Mathematics) Mrs Sheila Kelsall, BSc, MA Open, PGCE (Mathematics) Mrs Elizabeth Kermode, BA University of South Africa, QTS (Psychology and English) Mrs Deborah Kitchen, BA Oxon, PGDip, QTS (English) Mrs Lorraine Kowalewska, BA Roehampton, QTS (Physical Education) Dr Natalia Lemanska-Kazemzadeh, MA St Andrews, MPhil Cantab, PhD Manchester (Psychology) 3
Miss Eliza Le Roy-Lewis, BA Cantab, ITT (History and Academic Mentoring) Mr Donald Lloyd, BMus Portsmouth, LRSM, QTS (Music) Mrs Silja Loya, Music Pedagogue, Tampere Conservatoire, Finland; PGDip RCM (Music) Mrs Margaret Maunder, BEd Leeds (Textiles) Mrs Sophie Mackness, BSc London, PGCE (Geography) Mrs Izzy McLean, BA Exeter, PGCE (Religious Studies) Rev’d Dr Benjamin McNair Scott, BA, CELTA, PGCE, MA, PhD London (Religious Studies) Mrs Rosa McQuade, BA Oviedo, PGCE (Spanish) Mrs Emily McWilliam, BA Chichester, QTS (Physical Education) Mrs Kirsty Meredith, BA London, AKC, PGCE (Classics) Miss Sandra Morris, BSc Surrey, PGCE (Computing) Mrs Talei Morris, BA UAL, PGCE (Textiles) Mrs Nancy Moore, BA Wales, PGCE (Physical Education) Dr Elodie Nevin, MA Oxon, PhD, QTS (French and German) Mr Son Nguyen, BSc Nottingham Trent, PGCE (Mathematics) Mrs Alice North, BSc Southampton, PGCE (Psychology) Miss Catherine Olver, BA Cantab, ARCO, ALCM, ITT (Music) Mrs Colleen Owen, MA Lynchburg, MA Dunelm, BSc, QTS (Physical Education) Miss Joanna Paish, BA Brighton, QTS (Physical Education) Miss Tansy Parkinson, BA Warwick, ITT (Drama) Mrs Claerwen Patterson, BA, MA Oxon, PGCE (Biology) Miss Arie Pearson, BSc Loughborough, ITT (Physical Education) Mrs Catherine Peel, MA Oxon, PGCE (French and German) Mr Alexander Perry-Adlam, BA Liverpool John Moores, Cert Ed., PGCE (Art) Dr Kathleen Puech, BSc, PhD Dublin, PGCE (Physics) Mr James Reed, BEng Nottingham, PGCE (Geography) Mrs Jean Reid, BA Oxon, PGCE (Classics) Ms Louise Robson, BA Hull, PGCE (English) Miss Krystyna Sawicki, BA Chichester, ITT (Physical Education) Miss Cecilia Scott, BA, MA London, PGCE (Religious Studies) Miss Jasmin Sharpe, BSc, Birmingham (Biological Sciences) Mrs Hannah Simcock, MA Oxon, PGCE (English) Mrs Sarah Small, BA Liverpool, PGCE, DipSpLD (Study Skills) Mrs Katie Solly, BA London (LAMDA and Drama) Mrs Sarah Strachan, BSc USAF Academy, MA Penn State, PGCE (English) Dr Jennifer Taylor, MA Oxon, PhD London, QTS (Mathematics) Miss Gayle Vickers, BA Warwick, QTS (Physical Education) Mrs Anne-Marie Wakefield, BSc Nottingham, QTS (Physics) Miss Emily Ward, BA, MA Teaching Western Australia (History of Art) Mrs Caroline Warren, BA, MEd OU, PGCE (Study Skills) Mr Nigel Watson, BA Ealing College, PGCE (Economics/Business Studies) Mrs Sue Weighell, BA Birmingham, QTS (Business Studies) Mr Alastair White, BA Winchester, QTS (Design & Technology) Mrs Amanda White, BSc Econ Wales, PGCE (Geography) Miss Tamsyn White, BA Chichester, QTS (Physical Education) Mrs Vanessa Whittingham, BA, MA Reading, PGCE (English) Mrs Caroline Willis, BSc Leicester, PGCE (Mathematics) Mrs Ceri-Anne Wiskin, BSc Exeter, PGCE (Chemistry) Mrs Caroline Worman, BA Surrey, PGCE (Religious Studies) Mr Alasdair Wright, BSc Hertfordshire, PGCE (Mathematics) Mrs Claire Wyllie, MA Dunelm, PGCE (Religious Studies) Mr Ian Young, DipRSL LCGI GRMSM (Music) TECH N ICIA N S Mrs Joanne Barratt (Textiles and Food and Nutrition) Mrs Julia Cringle (Physics) Mrs Parvinder Dhanjal (Biology) Mrs Elaine French (Chemistry) Mr Duncan Palmar (Art) Mrs Victoria Beadle (Art) Mr Geoffrey Woodfine (DT) MODE RN FO RE IG N L A N GUAGE A S S I STA N T S Mlle Marjorie Kerleau (French & EAL) Srta Marian Jimenez (Spanish) 4
The German Assistant role is taken this year by members of the MFL teaching staff ACA DE M IC M E N TO R S Mrs Caroline Warren, Head of Academic Mentoring BA, MEd OU, PGCE (Study Skills) Mrs Sarah Small, BA Liverpool, PGCE, DipSpLD (Study Skills) Miss Eliza Le Roy-Lewis, BA Cantab S CH O O L H O U SE M I ST R E S S E S FOURTH FORM TUTOR S ASHCOMBE Mrs Amanda White ASHCOMBE Mrs Caroline Warren MERRIMAN Mrs Rosa McQuade MERRIMAN Mr Alasdair Wright MIDLETON Mrs Kirsty Meredith MIDLETON Miss Emily Ward MUSGRAVE Mrs Debbie Kitchen MUSGRAVE Miss Tansy Parkinson RUSSELL-BAKER Mrs Izzy McLean RUSSELL-BAKER Miss Louise Chivers STONER Mrs Simone Berry STONER Mr James Reed Assistant Housemistress (Midleton), supporting the Senior Housemistress – Mrs Ceri-Anne Wiskin U3/L4 H O U SE T U TO R S S I X TH FORM TUTOR S ASHCOMBE Mrs Tara Keeble Mrs Jean Arrick Miss Elizabeth Bathurst MERRIMAN Mrs Colleen Owen Dr Mark Bramwell Mr Philip Friend MIDLETON Miss Joanna Paish Mr Carl Gladwell Mr Matthew Greenfield MUSGRAVE Mrs Montse Gil Rivas Mr Son Nguyen Mrs Catherine Peel RUSSELL-BAKER Miss Tamsyn White Dr Kathleen Puech Ms Louise Robson STONER Miss Marjorie Kerleau Mr Nigel Watson Mrs Sue Weighell A S S ISTAN T T U TO R S BOARD I NG HOUS EM I STRE S S E S & A S S I STANTS ASHCOMBE Mrs Rebecca Devine BRONTE Mrs Helen Hobourn MERRIMAN Dr Guy Brindley KELLER Mrs Isabel Cook MIDLETON Miss Krystyna Sawicki SYMES Mrs Helen Harkness MUSGRAVE Mrs Davina Byrne SIXTH FORM Mrs Vic Alexander RUSSELL-BAKER Mrs Nabila Gordon ASST HOUSEMISTRESS - BRONTE Miss Katy Brooke STONER Miss Katy Brooke ASST HOUSEMISTRESS - KELLER Miss Jennifer Guiton ASST HOUSEMISTRESS - SYMES Miss Joanna Paish ASST HOUSEMISTRESS - SIXTH FORM Mrs Lorraine Kowalewska RESIDENT ASST TUTOR - 5.9 BUILDING Miss Natalie McAlister ADMIN IST RAT IO N S E N I O R S C H O O L Senior School Registrar Mrs Clare Woodgates PA to the Headmistress Miss Toppy Wharton Clerk to the Governors and PA to the Business Department Mrs Diane Haeffele Office Manager and PA to the Director of Staff Miss Sally Marshall PA to the Head of Boarding and the Senior Housemistress Ms Janice Clay PA to the Director of Studies and HR Administrator Miss Melissa Hinde PA to the Head of Sixth Form and Office Assistant Ms Petra Hammond HR Administrator Mrs Netty Creswell Music Administrator and PA to Director of Careers Education Mrs Gillian Hannant SIMS Manager/Resources Administrator Mrs Tara Keeble School Assistant (Careers, Forum Café and School Shop) Mrs Kate Bendy Office Administrator Miss Katie Hinde PRE PARATO RY SCH O O L T EAC H I N G STA F F Miss Naomi Bartholomew, BEd, QTS, MA London (English) Mrs Jessica Bennett, BA Kingston, PGCE (Form Teacher and Drama) Mr Matthew Blunt, BMus London, RAM, LRSM (Music) Miss Rachel Churchley, BA Exeter, PGCE (Form Teacher) Mrs Caroline Cooper, BA Kent, LTDSD GSMD (LAMDA) Miss Eleanor Courage, BA Leeds, PGCE (Form Teacher) Mrs Hannah Dwyer, BSc Brighton, QTS (Physical Education) Mrs Sophie Edwards, MA UCL London, PGCE (Form Teacher and CPD) Miss Rebecca Gannon, BSc Exeter, PGCE (Physical Education and Extra Curricular) Mrs Wendy Gibbs, BEd Winchester (Mathematics and Science) Mrs Rebecca Gunther, BEd Kingston (Form Teacher) Mrs Elizabeth Harrison, BA, MA, MSc Huddersfield, PGCE (Art and DT) Mrs Helen Hobourn, BEd Surrey (Music) Mrs Jacquie Hughes, BEd Birmingham (Teacher Assistant) Miss Emily Jefford, BA Kingston, QTS (Form Teacher) Mrs Maren Kelly, BA, CertEd, MA Roehampton, PGCE (Form Teacher and Science) Mrs Tish King-Fretts, BA WSIHE, PGCE, OCR Dip SpLd (Form Teacher) Mrs Christine Lance Jones, BA Kent, QTS (Form Teacher and Thinking Skills) 5
Miss Catherine Luke, BA Chichester, PGCE (Form Teacher and Pre-Prep Music) Mrs Katharine Malins, BA Middletown Connecticut, QTS (Director of Digital Learning, ICT & Computing) Mrs Naomi Maini, BA Bristol, Dip ABRSM, PGCE (Form Teacher and RS) Mrs Julie Micklethwaite, BEd Roehampton, OCR Dip, SpLD (General Subjects) Mrs Nicola Moulton, BEd Sheffield Hallam (Physical Education) Mrs Rebecca Mudde, BA Lancaster, PGCE, OCR Level 5, SpLD (Study Skills) Ms Julie Mullins, BA Bath, PGCE (Teacher) Miss Jessica Murphy, BA Southampton, PGCE (Form Teacher and MFL) Mr Matthew Parry, BSc, MSc Wales, PGCE (Form Teacher and Mathematics) Mrs Linda Reading, Diploma of Teaching Auckland, QTS (Form Teacher, Geography and Eco) Miss Gayle Vickers, BA Warwick, QTS (Physical Education) Mrs Jemma Wilson, BA Exeter, PGCE (Physical Education) • PGCE – Post Graduate Certificate of Education • QTS – Qualified Teacher Status • ITT Initial Teaching Training ACADE M IC M E N TO R S Mrs Rebecca Mudde, BA Lancaster, PGCE, OCR Level 5, SpLD (Head of Academic Mentoring) Mrs Tracey Marmion, BEd, DipSpLD Mr Michael Keane, MA Greenwich Ms Julie Mullins, BA Bath, PGCE Mrs Nichola O’Keefe, LLB, CACHE Diploma Level 3 (Learning Support Assistant) T EACH IN G A SSISTA N T S Mrs Wendy Bacon, Mrs Sarah Benkert, Mrs Claire Blythe, Mrs Sarah Grewal, Mrs Jane Killick, Mrs Suzie O’Donnell, Mrs Louise Silvester ADM IN IST RAT IO N P R E P S C H O O L Prep School Registrar Mrs Sally Manhire PA to the Headmistress, Prep School Ms Lesley McLaren Receptionist and Admissions Assistant Miss Natalie McAlister MEDICAL CE N T RE S I ST ER S Sister Linda Green RGN – Senior Nursing Sister, Sister Dominique Barnett RGN, Sister Katie Downes RN Part 15, Sister Maya Garside RGN, Sister Loretta Pope RGN First Aid Trainer Sister Katie Downes Resident Clinical Psychologist Dr Joanne Taylor, BSc, MSc, Dpsy (Maternity leave from September 2020) Resident Clinical Psychologist Dr Anna Shipton, BA (Hons), DCLINPSY (Maternity cover from September 2020) School Counsellor Mrs Linda Simpson, Dip Couns MBACP (Reg) DHyp MBSCH DipSMgt School Counsellor Mrs Pippa Rashbrook, BA (Hons) Couns MBACP Accred ST CAT H E RIN E ’ S DA N C E S C H O O L Principal - Mrs Lizi Eringa, RAD RTS, PDTD Royal Academy of Dance, Examiner of the Royal Academy of Dance, PBT Certified Visiting Dance Teacher - Mrs Faye Reeve, ISTD, DDE (Maternity leave) Visiting Dance Teacher - Miss Jayne Bennett, BA, LRAD, ARAD, RTS, DDE Visiting Dance Teacher - Mrs Holli Bridger, ISTD CDE Dance Waiting - Mrs Debbie Lucas (Supervisor) AF T E R SCH O O L C A R E Mrs Wendy Bacon (Lead Supervisor), Mrs Sophie Wilson (Deputy Supervisor), Mrs Jessamy Mackenzie, Mrs Janet Keane, Miss Tania Whatley GAP ST U DE N T S Autumn Term: Miss Emma Biggs, Mlle Valentine Bilger, Miss Flora Burdett, Miss Alex Cant, Miss Josie Ireland, Miss Olivia Lacey, Miss Eliza Lawton, Miss Amelia Waters INST RU M E N TAL M U S I C T E AC H ER S PIAN O Mr Duncan Appleby, BMus, Birmingham Conservatoire, MPerf RCM - Head of Keyboard Miss Nadine Andre, BMus, MMus Performance Royal Northern College of Music Mrs Julia Freeman, LRAM (perf) PGDip Miss Elizabeth Hayley, FRSA GRSM LRAM LGSMD LTCL Miss Esther Knight, DipABRSM, BMus Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Miss Tia Kuchmy, Mus.B, GRNCM, ARNCM, LRAM, ARCM Miss Irena Radić, BMus, DipABRSM Miss Jinah Shim, BMus London Mrs Rachael Thomas, BMus RCM, MMus London Mrs Alexandra Tinker, Bmus (Hons) MSc LRSM O RG A N Miss Catherine Olver, BA Cantab, ARCO, ALCM - School Organist and Head of Organ Studies 6
PERCU SSIO N AN D CO N T E M P O R A RY M U S I C Mr Ian Young, DipRSL LCGI GRMSM (Percussion) - Head of Percussion and Contemporary Music Mr Michael Goodman, PGCE Institute of Education (Acoustic, Bass and Electric Guitar) Mr Peter Howe, ARCM (Classical and Acoustic Guitar) ST RIN G S Mrs Silja Loya, Music Pedagogue Tampere Conservatoire, Finland; PGDip RCM (Violin) - Head of Strings Mr Miguel Calvo, MMus Guildhall School of Music and Drama (‘Cello) - Assistant Head of Strings Mrs Luisa Cordell, BMus University of Surrey (Harp) Ms Caroline Harding, GTCL, LTCL, ARCM (Double Bass) Mrs Julia McDonough, MA (Dist.), DipRCM, ARCM, CTABRSM (Violin, Viola) Mrs Debbie Rogers, DipRCM (Double Bass) Miss Jayne Spencer, AGSM, LGSM (‘Cello) Mr Barry Sutton, AGSM (Violin, Viola) WO O DW IN D Mrs Louise Bradbury, BMus, LRAM, ARAM (Recorder) Mrs Denise Burt, FTCL, LTCL (Flute) – Head of Woodwind and Brass Miss Louise Hayter, BMus, PGDip (Oboe) Mrs Fiona Howe, ARCM (Flute) Miss Tia Kuchmy, Mus.B, GRNCM, ARNCM, LRAM, ARCM (Flute, Recorder) Mrs Glynis Langley, GLCM, LLCM(TD) (Clarinet, Saxophone) Mr Donald Lloyd, BMus Portsmouth, LRSM, QTS (Bassoon) Mrs Michelle Nash, BA Canterbury, PGDip (Clarinet, Saxophone) Miss Chloe Potter, BMus Guildhall (Clarinet, Saxophone) BRA SS Mrs Victoria Isfryn, BMus, PGDip RCS (Trumpet) Miss Jessica Ortony, BMus Perf RSAM (French Horn) Mr Paul Sykes, RMSM (Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba) VO I CE Mrs Vanessa Crocker, B.Mus, LRAM, ARCM - Head of Vocal Studies Mrs Jan Barklem, LLB, LGSM (Dist) Mrs Laura Brown, MA, MMus, ARCO, LTCL Mrs Fiona Campbell, LRAM, DipRAM CHE SS Mr Andrew Martin - International Chess Master in Residence, FIDE (Federation Internationale des Echecs) Senior Trainer S CH O O L SH O P Manager - Mrs Katy Karwowska-Margan ST CAT H E RIN E ’ S S P O RT S C LU B Venue Hire and Sports Club Manager - Mr Robert Mitchell BUS IN E SS CE N T RE STA F F Estate and Buildings Administrator - Mrs Nina Hodges Business Department Assistant - Miss Nikki Cozens Management Accountant - Mrs Helen Ross School Fees Administrator - Mrs Vicky Livermore Payroll Administrator - Mrs Maria Titcomb Domestic Services Manager - Mrs Susan Godwin Housekeeping Team - Ms Louise Beswick, Ms Cilla Chedd, Mr Alan Collett, Mrs Maria de Freitas, Mrs Alex Gouveia, Miss Lucy Mintern, Miss Maria Mouzo, Mrs Rachel Simpson Grounds Manager - Mr Kirk Melia Head Gardener - Miss Emma Browne Apprentice Gardener - Miss Annette Tigwell Grounds Team - Mr Leslie Haytree Apprentice Gardener - Miss Annette Tigwell Maintenance Manager - Mr John O’Donnell Maintenance Team - Mr Joseph Bruder, Mr Toni Gouveia, Mr Michael Hamilton, Mr Enrique Mirabent Casado Minibus Driver - Mr Colin Hayward Catering Manager - Mr Daniel Mariner Deputy Catering Manager - Mr Clive Longman Catering Team - Mr Justin Brown, Mr Robert Courtney, Mr Andrew Cross, Mrs Lisa Harris, Mr Sam Kelly, Mrs Marcela Libby, Mrs Meiriele Lopes Silva, Mrs Sirinart Pungtippimancha, Mr Luke Sheriff, Mr Robert Struszynski, Mrs Jirapinya Suwannet, Mr Felix Szabo, Mr Jose Timoteo, Mrs Beverly Webster, Mrs Tracy Wheeler Staffing can change from term to term. To view an up-to-date Staff list please refer to the school website – If you would like a hard copy please email the School office – 7
CURRICULUM OV E RV I E W PREP SCHOOL The Prep School curriculum comprises all formal academic subjects in addition to the broader opportunities of extension activities outside the classroom. PRE-PREP Throughout the Pre-Prep department the girls have specialist teachers for Computing, Music and PE and there are plenty of opportunities during the year for the girls to celebrate their achievements in these subjects, such as school assemblies, Sports Day and the Christmas Nativity. E Y F S ( E a rl y Ye ar s Fo unda t io n St age) PRE-PREP II AND III (Years 1 and 2) Pre-Prep I (Reception), celebrates the start of school life at St Catherine’s. Our main objective during this first year at school These year groups continue to build on the solid foundations laid is for girls to feel secure, happy and settled. The girls follow the down in Pre-Prep I. The girls are encouraged during these years to Foundation Stage Curriculum with activities to promote the Prime become increasingly independent. The happy, secure and inspiring Areas of Learning which are: classrooms in Trinity Court provide the girls with the confidence to tackle new challenges and to develop their emerging skills in • Communication and Language, Physical Development and reading, writing and maths. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. In Pre-Prep III all girls start to learn the violin or cello. Ballet, Tap, • Specific areas include Literacy, Mathematical Development, Modern Dance and Chess are offered as after school activities. Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design Girls are also introduced to a small selection of other optional clubs. (Art, Crafts, Music, Ballet and Drama are developed through the Expressive Arts and Design area of the curriculum.) There is a strong emphasis on having fun whilst learning which gives the girls confidence and encourages independence. PREP Form I - Lower III (Years 3 – 6) Girls from Form I to Lower III remain in form-based teaching groups and from Lower II are in allocated teaching sets or smaller groups for Maths and some English lessons. Specialist teachers deliver Art, Computing, Design Technology, Drama, French, Music, Latin and PE. Girls in Lower III are taught RS by our School Chaplain. The Curriculum includes: English Classics (Lower III) Mathematics Art Science Design & Technology Computing Physical Education (PE) Religious Studies (RS) PSHE (Life Matters) History Music Geography Drama French Thinking Skills We are proud to be a De Bono Thinking School and promote independent thought and creative approaches to teaching and learning. Girls have a weekly Thinking Skills lesson which includes an introduction to De Bono’s Thinking Hats. Through our Thinking Skills programme, other learning strategies are introduced such as motivation, revision and examination technique. Girls in UII and LIII have their own iPads which provide extended learning opportunities. In addition, there is a wide and varied extra-curricular programme, which enables the girls to engage in many different pursuits. Using their creativity/ingenuity, girls often create and lead their own clubs. Our aim is for girls to leave the Prep School as confident, independent thinkers who are ready to take advantage of all of the opportunities available in their next phase of education. Girls typically take up senior school places at a number of excellent schools including St Catherine’s Senior School. We are very proud of their achievements. 8
SENIOR SCHOOL In the first three years at St Catherine’s all girls follow a general academic programme that is designed to give each girl experience of a broad curriculum in advance of selecting her I/GCSE options in U4 (Year 9). I/GCSE Options are chosen in the Spring Term of U4. U5 girls also choose their 6th Form options in the Spring Term. CAREERS I N F O R M AT I O N T EC H N O LO G Y ( I T ) A comprehensive package of Careers advice and guidance is All girls study ICT and Computing from U3-L5. They prepare for the available to the girls both within the curriculum and also outside Microsoft Office Specialist Qualifications (MOS), commencing in normal lessons. The formal Careers programme begins in U4 U4, and taking the various modules at appropriate points in their with a weekly lecture which informs and inspires the girls as they progress by the end of L5. MOS certification is the most recognised consider their career potential. U4 girls are supported in making computing qualification globally for accrediting an individual’s skills their GCSE option choices through a combination of talks and and abilities in Microsoft Office applications which are university personal discussions with heads of academic departments and and workplace staples. tutors. In the Fifth Form girls attend Careers lessons and complete Girls can also opt for Computer Science at GCSE and are well the Morrisby profile, which is designed to assist them in making A prepared for this, having already completed a number of Level choices based on their academic ability, natural aptitudes and Computing modules in U3-U4. career interests. During the Sixth Form the focus shifts to consider university applications and higher education courses together with L A N G UAG E S careers implications. In U3 all girls will study French, German and Spanish, opting for two Girls also benefit from a wide range of external speakers, specific of these languages at the end of the U3 year to carry forward for career-focused events, and the biennial Careers Fair which offers the next 2 years of study. This Is under review for September 2021. girls the opportunity to speak to practitioners representing a wide In addition, all girls study Latin in the first three years and there is range of professions. On occasion we host a University Fair and a short Greek taster session in U4. All these languages are available invite other schools to attend. as GCSE, AS and A Level options and each girl is required to select at least one modern foreign language at IGCSE level taken from C R EAT I V E A RT S French, German and Spanish. There are six Creative Arts subjects: Art, DT, Drama, Food & Nutrition, Music and Textiles, which are taught on a rotation basis PE in the first two years. There are three 10 week rotations, with four All girls take part in PE lessons throughout their time at St of the Creative Arts subjects taught in each. Each girl will have two Catherine’s. In addition, the curriculum option of GCSE, AS and rotations of each of the Creative Arts subjects in years U3 to L4 A Level PE exists for those who wish to pursue PE as an examined inclusive. In U4 all girls take Music and Drama and opt for two from subject. Art, DT, Food & Nutrition and Textiles. L I F E M AT T E R S (as PSHE is known at St Catherine’s) There is no requirement to study a particular Creative Arts A comprehensive curriculum of age appropriate personal, social and subject in U4 if a girl is considering it for GCSE, but it is worth health education is taught by experienced teachers throughout the bearing possible future option choices in mind in order to embed first five years. These lessons embrace a very wide range of issues appropriate skills. All Creative Arts subjects are available as single and are designed to help promote an awareness and understanding GCSE, AS and A Level options. of social, moral, cultural and ethical dimensions. In addition, we host ENGLISH speakers who deliver sessions on matters such as Healthy Nutrition, Relationships etc. All girls study English throughout their first five years at St Catherine’s. At IGCSE level two separate examinations are taken in S C I E N C E S A N D M AT H S English Language and English Literature. In the Sixth Form English All girls study Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics throughout (Literature only) is available at AS (currently under review for their first five years at St Catherine’s. Girls are placed in science September 2021) and A Level. divisions (sets) from the L4 onwards and in Maths divisions from G R E Y M AT T E R S the midpoint of the U3 onwards. Movements between the divisions are possible and this normally happens at the end of an academic During U3 a short course is given entitled Grey Matters. This course year. Maths and Science are compulsory at IGCSE and options at A looks at Thinking Skills and learning styles, how the brain works and Level. Biology is currently available at AS level also but this is under supports all work carried out throughout the curriculum, helping review. The option exists at IGCSE level for either double award or the girls to become independent thinkers and learners. triple award science, a marked difference to many other schools. HUMANITIES Girls selecting double award science are then able to select an All girls study History, Geography and Religious Studies (RS) in the additional GCSE option and broaden their GCSE profile. Any girl who first three years at St Catherine’s. RS, History and Geography are selects double award science is not precluded from taking sciences IGCSE options. Girls are required to choose either the short course at A Level, nor is it a ‘lesser’ qualification. It allows a very bright girl RS, taken in L5, or the full course RS (2 years) as part of their GCSE a broader portfolio of GCSEs. Further Maths GCSE is available to options girls on the advice of the Mathematics department . 9
THINKING SKILLS curriculum (eg all languages, three sciences, all arts ) or whether St Catherine’s is accredited as a De Bono Thinking School. Thinking they wish to mix curriculum areas (eg two sciences, one language Skills, incorporating the six De Bono thinking hats and Cognitive and one humanity). Research Trust (CoRT) skills underpin all we do in the curriculum. All girls in the Sixth Form also attend SCOPE, St Catherine’s Girls are encouraged at all stages to think and learn independently, Programme of Ongoing Enrichment, which includes further work think creatively and take risks. Getting the ‘wrong’ answer is regarded on Careers, preparation for university and other Higher Education as a positive step forwards and helps to raise the bar still higher! courses. They receive talks from visiting speakers on current relevant issues, such as student finance, current affairs and global P U B L I C E X A M I N AT I O N S perspectives, plus the opportunity to take elective options such The breakdown of GCSE and IGCSE subjects is as follows: as cooking on a student budget or brushing up skills in a modern IGCSE: Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, foreign language. Geography, History, Maths, Physics. GCSE: Art, DT, Drama, Food & Nutrition, French, German, Greek, Latin, Music, PE, Religious Studies, Spanish, Textiles. AS and A Level: Girls opt initally for four subjects and have complete flexibility in their choice of nearly 30 subjects. Some girls will sit one AS level only at the end of the Lower Sixth either as A Level examination experience in a new A Level subject or to gain a qualification before focusing on three A Levels in the Upper Sixth. New subjects offered in the Sixth Form include Business, Classics, Economics, Government and Politics, History of Art, Photography and Psychology. The flexibility to continue with four subjects to A Level or to drop one AS subject and pick up another is highly valued by the girls. Unlike other qualifications (where there is less flexibility) the girls can decide whether they wish to pursue a single strand in their C O R E C U R R I C U LU M Y EA R S U 3 - L 4 ( Y EA R S 7 - 8 ) S E N I O R S C H O O L ( G C S E / K S 4) Art, Biology, Careers, Chemistry, Design Technology (DT), Drama, IGCSE - Core Subjects English, French, Geography, German, History, Home Economics Double Award Science, English Language, English Literature, (HE), Latin, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education (PE), Physics, Mathematics. Religious Studies (RS), Spanish, Textiles, Life Matters, ICT and GCSE - Core Subjects Computing One Modern Foreign Language (French, German, Spanish). Non-Examined Subjects, PE, Life Matters Y EA R U 4 ( Y EA R 9) Art, Biology, Careers, Chemistry, ICT and Computing, Design ‘SHORT COURSE’ GCSE 1-YEAR COURSE (Year 10 - L5) Technology (DT), Drama, English, French, Geography, German, RS (equivalent to 1/2 GSCE) History, Home Economics (HE), Latin, Life Matters, Mathematics, OPTIONS Music, Physical Education (PE), Physics, Religious Studies (RS), Art, Biology (IGCSE), Chemistry (IGCSE), Computer Science, DT, Spanish, Textiles Drama, French (GCSE), Geography (IGCSE), German (GCSE), All U4 girls study Music and Drama, and select two from Art, DT, Greek, History (IGCSE), HE, Latin, Music, PE, Physics (IGCSE), RS, Home Economics and Textiles, which will be studied throughout Spanish (GCSE), Textiles the year. SIXTH FORM (AS/A LEVEL ) Art & Design French Mathematics Theatre Studies Biology Further Mathematic Music Textiles Business Geography PE GCSE Italian in L6, subject to Chemistry German Photography timetabling Classics Government and Politics Physics AS Italian in U6 DT History Psychology N O N - E X A M I N E D S U B J EC T S Economics History of Art RS SCOPE English Latin Spanish 10
A LEVEL & GCSE/IGCSE RE SULTS A L E V E L R E S U LT S Percentage of passes Grade A* A*-A A*-B A*-C A*-D A*-E 2020 34 75 94 99 100 100 2019** 29 64 88 97 100 100 2018 27 66 91 99 100 100 2017 28 65 91 98 100 100 2016 23 68 92 98 99 100 2015 25 66 91 97 99 99 2014 28 64 91 98 100 100 2013 32 70 90 97 100 100 2012 32 73 92 98 100 100 2011 32 68 91 99 100 100 2010* 25 75 95 98 100 100 * The A* Grade at A Level was introduced in 2010. ** The first year of reformed linear A Levels in all subjects G C S E / I G C S E R E S U LT S Percentage of passes (reformed GCSE/IGCSE) 9 9 to 8 9 to 7 9 to 6 9 to 5 9 to 4 9 to 3 9 to 2 9 to 1 2020 40 69 91 97 99 100 100 100 100 2019 † 40 64 83 94 97 100 100 100 100 2018* 39 64 83 94 97 100 100 100 100 † All subjects in new grading, 9-1 * Mixed economy of grades A*-G and 9-1 Percentage of passes (legacy GCSE/IGCSE) Grade A* A*-A A*-B A*-C A*-E 2018 62 87 95 97 99 2017 67 91 98 99 100 2016 64 92 99 100 100 2015 63 90 98 100 100 2014 62 89 98 100 100 2013 53 83 97 99 100 2012 56 84 98 100 100 2011 57 86 98 100 100 2010 40 85 99 100 100 11
A LEVEL SUBJECT GRADE BREAKDOWN & ANALYSIS 2019 A Level Grade A Level % Breakdown A* A B C D E U A* A B C D E U Totals Breakdown Biology 9 7 3 2 1 0 0 22 Biology 41 32 14 9 5 0 0 Grade Analysis A* 72 Business Studies 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 Business Studies 25 25 25 25 0 0 0 A 90 Chemistry 6 10 4 3 0 0 0 23 Chemistry 26 44 17 13 0 0 0 B 59 Chinese 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 6 Chinese 17 67 17 0 0 0 0 C 22 D&T 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 D&T 25 50 25 0 0 0 0 D 8 E 0 Drama & Theatre studies 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 5 Drama & Theatre studies 0 20 80 0 0 0 0 U 0 Economics 4 9 4 1 0 0 0 18 Economics 22 50 22 6 0 0 0 Total 251 English Literature 7 6 1 0 0 0 0 14 English Literature 50 43 7 0 0 0 0 % Analysis Fine Art 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 6 Fine Art 17 17 50 17 0 0 0 A* 29% French 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 6 French 33 33 0 33 0 0 0 A 36% Further Mathematics 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 8 Further Mathematics 38 13 38 13 0 0 0 B 24% Geography 5 4 6 0 0 0 0 15 Geography 33 27 40 0 0 0 0 C 9% German 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 German 33 33 0 33 0 0 0 D 3% Greek 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Greek 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 E 0% History 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 10 History 40 30 30 0 0 0 0 U 0% History of Art 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 History of Art 0 0 33 33 33 0 0 Cumulative Latin 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Latin 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 A* 29% Mathematics 17 11 6 3 3 0 0 40 Mathematics 43 28 15 8 8 0 0 A*-A 65% Music 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 4 Music 0 25 75 0 0 0 0 A*-B 88% PE 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 PE 0 50 50 0 0 0 0 A*-C 97% A*-D 100% Photography 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 Photography 25 0 75 0 0 0 0 A*-E 100% Physics 3 2 4 2 3 0 0 14 Physics 21 14 29 14 21 0 0 A*-U 100% Politics 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 7 Politics 29 43 14 14 0 0 0 Psychology 1 9 6 2 0 0 0 18 Psychology 6 50 33 11 0 0 0 Religious Studies 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 Religious Studies 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 Russian 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Russian 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 Spanish 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 7 Spanish 29 57 0 14 0 0 0 Textiles 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 Textiles 0 67 33 0 0 0 0 AS LEVEL SUBJECT GRADE BREAKDOWN & ANALYSIS 2019 In 2019 the linear (two year) A Level courses removed the option to sit four AS Levels. Girls instead took one or two AS qualifications required by some subjects e.g. international A Levels in Biology and English. Or to gain seperate qualifications in the fourth subject before focusing on three A Levels in the Upper Sixth. AS Grade Breakdown A B C D E U Totals AS% Breakdown A B C D E U Biology* 19 3 7 2 1 0 32 Biology 59 9 22 6 3 0 Business Studies 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Business Studies 0 0 100 0 0 0 Chemistry 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 Chemistry 50 0 50 0 0 0 Economics 9 5 3 1 1 0 19 Economics 47 26 16 5 5 0 English Literature* 19 3 2 0 0 0 24 English Literature 79 13 8 0 0 0 French 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 French 50 50 0 0 0 0 Latin 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Latin 100 0 0 0 0 0 Mathematics 5 0 4 0 1 0 10 Mathematics 50 0 40 0 10 0 PE 1 1 2 2 0 0 6 PE 17 17 33 33 0 0 Physics 4 1 0 0 0 1 6 Physics 67 17 0 0 0 17 Psychology 5 1 2 2 0 0 10 Psychology 50 10 20 20 0 0 Russian 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Russian 100 0 0 0 0 0 Spanish 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Spanish 0 100 0 0 0 0 * Biology and English Literature follow the International A Level which requires compulsory AS and A2 exams 12
A LEVEL SUBJECT GRADE BREAKDOWN & ANALYSIS 2020 A Level Grade A Level % Breakdown A* A B C D E U A* A B C D E U Totals Breakdown Biology 11 9 6 1 1 0 0 28 Biology 39 32 21 4 4 0 0 Grade Analysis A* 89 Business Studies 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Business Studies 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 A 109 Chemistry 6 6 4 3 0 0 0 19 Chemistry 32 32 21 16 0 0 0 B 50 D&T 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 D&T 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 C 13 Drama & Theatre Studies 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 Drama & Theatre Studies 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 D 3 E 0 Economics 5 8 4 1 0 0 0 18 Economics 28 44 22 6 0 0 0 U 0 English Literature 14 6 2 1 0 0 0 23 English Literature 61 26 9 4 0 0 0 Total 264 Fine Art 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 8 Fine Art 38 38 25 0 0 0 0 % Analysis French 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 French 33 67 0 0 0 0 0 A* 34% Further Mathematics 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 Further Mathematics 75 25 0 0 0 0 0 A 41% Geography 5 5 3 0 0 0 0 13 Geography 38 38 23 0 0 0 0 B 19% German 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 German 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 C 5% Greek 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Greek 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 D 1% History 6 5 5 0 0 0 0 16 History 38 31 31 0 0 0 0 E 0% History of Art 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 History of Art 0 33 33 33 0 0 0 U 0% Latin 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 Latin 60 40 0 0 0 0 0 Cumulative Mathematics 14 12 8 3 1 0 0 38 Mathematics 37 32 21 8 3 0 0 A* 34% A*-A 75% Music 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Music 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 A*-B 94% PE 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 6 PE 17 17 50 17 0 0 0 A*-C 99% Photography 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 Photography 33 33 33 0 0 0 0 A*-D 100% Physics 2 4 1 1 1 0 0 9 Physics 22 44 11 11 11 0 0 A*-E 100% A*-U 100% Politics 3 10 1 0 0 0 0 14 Politics 21 71 7 0 0 0 0 Psychology 4 7 5 0 0 0 0 16 Psychology 25 44 31 0 0 0 0 Religious Studies 2 5 1 0 0 0 0 8 Religious Studies 25 63 13 0 0 0 0 Russian 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Russian 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 Spanish 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 8 Spanish 25 50 25 0 0 0 0 Textiles 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Textiles 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 AS LEVEL SUBJECT GRADE BREAKDOWN & ANALYSIS 2020 AS Grade Breakdown A B C D E U AS % Grade Breakdown A B C D E U Biology 14 4 5 1 0 0 Biology 58 17 21 4 0 0 Business Studies 1 0 0 0 0 0 Business Studies 100 0 0 0 0 0 Classics 1 0 0 0 0 0 Classics 100 0 0 0 0 0 Economics 15 3 2 0 0 0 Economics 75 15 10 0 0 0 English Literature 85 15 0 0 0 0 English Literature 17 3 0 0 0 0 Music 100 0 0 0 0 0 Music 1 0 0 0 0 0 67 33 0 0 0 0 PE 2 1 0 0 0 0 PE Psychology 67 25 0 8 0 0 Psychology 8 3 0 1 0 0 Spanish 0 100 0 0 0 0 Spanish 0 1 0 0 0 0 13
UNIVERSIT Y DESTINATIONS - 2019 UN I VE R S I T Y C OU R S E U N I V ER SI T Y C OU R SE Bath Biochemistry Kent Computer Science Bath International Management and German Kings College, London Religion, Philosophy & Ethics Bath Psychology Kings College, London Liberal Arts Birmingham Chemical Engineering Kings College, London Medicine Birmingham History Kingston Foundation Diploma in Art and Design Birmingham History Lancaster Mathematics Birmingham Law Leeds Music Birmingham Medicine Leeds Geography Birmingham Modern Languages Leeds Psychology Birmingham Sports and Exercise and Health Sciences Loughborough Politics, History and International Relations Bournemouth Animation Production Loughborough Product Design and Technology Bristol Biochemistry London School of Bristol Computer Science Economics Economics Bristol Medicine London School of Geography Economics Cambridge Economics Manchester Cambridge Modern and Medieval Languages Fashion Promotion Metropolitan Cardiff Dentistry Newcastle Nutrition with Food Marketing with Placement Cardiff Physiotherapy Nottingham Medicine Cardiff Social Science Nottingham Medicine City, London Computer Science Oxford History and Spanish Durham Chemistry Oxford Physics Durham English Literature Oxford Brookes Interior Architecture Durham Law Polimoda Fashion Fashion Art Direction School, Italy Durham Modern Languages and Cultures Edinburgh Economics Queen Mary, London Dentistry Edinburgh History and History of Art Sarajevo Performing Arts Edinburgh Medicine Sheffield Psychology Exeter Accounting and Finance St Andrews Greek and Hebrew Exeter Business Economics St Andrews History Exeter Business Economics St Andrews International Relations Exeter Engineering St Andrews Medicine Exeter English UCL History Exeter English Literature UCL Statistics, Economics and Finance Exeter Geography with European Study University of Arts, Foundation Diploma in Art and Design London Exeter Mathematics with a Year in Industry University of Arts, Exeter Philosophy Foundation Diploma in Art and Design London Exeter Politics and International Relations University of Arts, Bespoke Tailoring Foundation course Exeter Psychology London UWE Real Estate Falmouth Photography Guildhall School of Warwick Philosophy, Politics and Economics Theatre Technology Music and Drama Warwick Law with French Law Hull York Medical Medicine York Economics School York English Literature Imperial College Biochemistry Imperial College Medical Biosciences Imperial College Mathematics and Computer Science The Class of 2019 excludes 6 girls who have deferred their university entry and 2 who will apply to university during a gap year of structured work/internships/travel. Their university choices are shown on the following page. 14
UNIVERSIT Y DESTINATIONS - 2020 UN I VE R S I T Y COURSE U N I V ER SI T Y C OU R SE Amsterdam Liberal Arts Manchester Metropolitan Fashion Art Direction University Bath Modern Languages Newcastle Marine Biology Bath Business Nottingham English Bath Politics with Economics Nottingham Geography Bath Politics and International Relations Nottingham Geography Bath Politics and International Relations Nottingham Geography BPP University Chiropractic Nottingham History Bristol Veterinary Science Nottingham History Cambridge Classics Nottingham History Cambridge Classics Nottingham Psychology Cambridge Classics Nottingham Veterinary Medicine Cambridge Land Economy Oxford Medicine Cardiff Physiotherapy Oxford Brookes Business and Management Durham Biological Sciences Oxford Brookes Sport and Exercise Science Durham Business and Management Queen Mary, London Biology Durham Geography Queen Mary, London Biomedical Sciences Durham History Sheffield Health and Human Sciences Durham International Relations Southampton Physiotherapy Durham International Relations St Andrews Arabic, French and Spanish Durham Natural Sciences St Andrews Chemistry Durham Natural Sciences St Andrews Computer Science and Philosophy Durham Physics and Astronomy St George’s Medicine Durham Politics and Philosophy University College, Edinburgh Biological Science (Zoology) Applied Medical Sciences London Edinburgh German and Portuguese University College, Biomedical Sciences London Edinburgh History University College, Exeter Exercise and Sports Sciences Engineering and Architectural Design London Exeter Geography University College, Natural Sciences Exeter History and Modern Languages London Exeter International Relations University of Columbia, Economics and Political Science New York Exeter Psychology (Applied Clinical) University of East Anglia Physiotherapy Exeter Theology and Religion University of the Arts, Falmouth Illustration Foundation Diploma in Art and Design London King’s College, London Global Health and Social Medicine University of the West of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science King’s College, London History and Modern Languages England Leeds History Warwick Accounting and Finance London School of Warwick Mathematics Management Economics Warwick Mathematics and Philosophy London School of Warwick Politics, Philisophy and Economics Politics and Philosophy Economics Westminster Architecture London School of Politics and Philosophy York Social and Political Studies Economics Manchester Mechanical Engineering Manchester Medicine The Class of 2020 includes 7 girls who have secured places to start their degrees in 2021. It excludes 8 girls who have chosen to apply to university during a gap year of structured work/internships/travel. They continue to be supported by St Catherine’s staff as they make these applications and will be listed next year. 15
BOARDING Head of Boarding: Mrs Alice Phillips, MA Cantab St Catherine’s was founded in 1885 as both a boarding and day school. Boarding is, therefore, an intrinsic part of the School and is fundamental to the ethos of St Catherine’s. Boarding fosters respect and concern for others and a collegiate spirit yet gives the girls the confidence to develop their independence and their own individual character and style. W H Y C H O O S E A B OA R D I N G S C H O O L ? There are almost as many reasons to board as there are girls and their families. It could be that a girl already has a very full and active life before and after school and boarding makes it easier to manage her commitments, be they dramatic, musical, sporting or artistic, all on one campus. Sometimes deciding to board is based on what best suits the whole family; some of our parents live abroad and so for them, full boarding is the obvious choice. Weekly boarding, with the week spent in school and the weekend at home, is equally popular, especially in families where both parents work in the UK. For London families, St. Catherine’s offers all the academic outcomes of a top London day school, a larger space into which girls can breathe out and a far greater likelihood of gaining a coveted place. At weekends there is a busy and exciting programme for our full boarders; weekly boarders are always welcome to stay and join in the fun. Our fee is the same for any type of boarding, reserving a bed and surrounding space for the whole term. T H E F O U R C O R N E R STO N E S O F B OA R D I N G AT ST C AT H E R I N E ’ S : • Expert care by professionals – all, our Boarding House Mistresses and resident tutors are fully qualified teaching professionals with a real understanding of how teenaged girls tick. • Extended access in the evenings and weekends to our first-rate facilities. • Friends and links for life are formed: the result of living in a diverse, lively, caring and cosmopolitan school community. • Value for money. We have the most competitive boarding fee of any boarding school of a similar academic standing by some margin. Our boarders also show particularly enhanced ‘Value Added’ scores in public examinations. W H AT G I R L S SAY T H E Y L I K E A B O U T B OA R D I N G : • Being with friends all the time. • Having time to join in lots of activities. • Having more time at both ends of the school day and no commute. • Flexibility of weekly boarding – girls can go home on Friday or choose to stay in school for a Saturday morning match or weekend activities. • Having resources and facilities close at hand. W H AT PA R E N T S SAY T H E Y L I K E A B O U T B OA R D I N G : • Girls adjust to living in a community, learning about respect and responsibility, compromise and kindness. They learn to care for and support all members of the community and not just their friends. Disagreements have to be resolved and other viewpoints considered. • Living in an international community opens girls’ minds to other cultures, music, food, dress and customs, and helps them to develop a wide perspective, so important for an increasingly global working environment. • Boarding is a natural steppingstone to university life; it leads to greater independence, self-motivation and organisation. • Full boarding allows girls from every corner of the globe to experience a St Catherine’s education. • Weekly boarding allows girls to take part in a wide range of activities and do most of their prep at school during the week, having the weekend free with the family. • There are no exeats except for the early May Bank Holiday. J O I N I N G ST C AT H E R I N E ’ S A S A B OA R D E R Our main intake points into boarding are at 11+, 13+ and 16+. We may also have the occasional boarding place at 12+. New GCSE specifications require some curriculum content to be taught from Year 9/13+. We therefore advise anyone seeking to join us as a boarder other than at 11+ to do so at 13+, which also enables girls to study our wider curriculum for a year, to settle into their favourite activities and then make their GCSE choices fully informed and having got to know their teachers. Girls registered to join us as boarders will be invited to a Taster Evening and sleep-over in the Autumn Term before they join, providing a valuable opportunity to experience boarding for themselves. Prospective boarding parents are always welcome to visit St Catherine’s where they will have the opportunity to tour the boarding accommodation and facilities, meet the boarding house staff and Head of Boarding, talk to some current boarders and tour the wider school during the school day. Parents who visit after 4pm, will also be able to see the wide range of extracurricular activities which take place after lessons have finished. To book a visit to see how boarding would suit your daughter, please contact the Registrar on 16
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